Do-it-yourself shower: camping, country options and designs in the apartment. A camping shower will never be superfluous A portable shower for a hike with your own hands

When it comes to making such a structure as a shower, usually craftsmen imagine a booth with a pallet connected to the water supply, or on which a water tank is installed. However, if the finished product cannot be found, then any improvised material or products with a different purpose have to be used. Therefore, the question of how to build a shower with your own hands using the minimum number of elements required for this is interesting even for experienced professionals.

hiking options

Going to rest in nature, a person tries to provide himself with maximum comfort on the spot. At the same time, you should not carry a lot of things with you, and when loading the car there are a lot of necessary items that you need to take with you. Therefore, a typical tourist shower should take up minimal space, be light in weight, or be made from existing items with a different purpose.

Shop designs

Of all the existing models of systems for this purpose, it is worth noting only one. It looks like an ordinary tight package, to which is attached a small valve with a detachable watering can and a hatch with a lid for filling. It should be noted that the price of such a design is quite small, and it takes up minimal space, weighing almost nothing.

Such a product is filled with water and hung on a tree. Then, opening the valve, they begin to use it as a regular shower. It is worth noting that the instruction manual allows you to use even hot water, but each specific model has its own tolerances.

Given the features of this design, it can be attributed to the camp. At the same time, you can create a similarity of this device yourself using a tarpaulin or film.

A similar system can also be used to transport and store potable water.
Therefore, the need for her in campaigns is obvious.

Homemade products

Most tourists make an elementary shower from a canister with their own hands, without damaging the products. It is enough just to have an additional cover with you, in which holes are made in advance. It is put on after filling with water and used in.

You can also use large plastic bottles or other similar containers. However, if there is a strong need, it is easiest to use a teapot, on the spout of which watering cans are put on and hung on a tree. Such a shower in nature with your own hands can be built in a few minutes.

There are many ways to organize the supply of water from a height, but you can only spray a jet from a watering can.
Therefore, it is worth taking with you.

Country designs

Creating a shower on the site with your own hands, you have to face a number of problems that need to be solved taking into account the terrain and the expected level of necessary comfort. Therefore, the manufacturing process should be divided into stages.


  • The easiest way is to make a pillow with gravel and sand, on top of which they install. This is how they usually do a shower in the village with their own hands, assuming that the drain will go straight into the ground.
  • The method of making a concrete base is also quite common.. You can pour it yourself or use a ready-made plate for this. At the same time, a slope must be made in the direction of the intended water drainage. Some masters simply use stones that are tamped into the ground to simplify the work.
  • If you make a shower with your own hands, then you can use any available materials. The main thing is that they can be easily walked on even in the presence of water, and there was an opportunity to organize a drain.

The outflow of water must be done so that the liquid goes into the ground, and not under the foundation of the building.


  • When they make a shower in the yard with their own hands, then you should immediately think about what container you need to use for water. This is especially important if it is not possible to purchase a standard tank.
  • It should be noted right away that barrels that previously contained chemicals or petroleum products are not suitable for these purposes. They may leave a residue, which then dissolves in water and can lead to poisoning of the body.
  • Also, do not use open containers. They can get sick birds or their waste products.
  • The easiest way is to make a do-it-yourself shower from a Eurocube, since this container is excellent in all respects and at the same time has sufficient volume. However, it is necessary to take into account the large weight and use strong supports during installation.
  • A tank for such purposes is selected very carefully, since this is the basis of the whole structure and the appearance of the frame will depend on it.

Installing a faucet with a watering can is quite simple, but it is worth remembering that it is best to use a screw or needle locking mechanism.
These systems allow you to precisely adjust the force of pressure, which significantly increases the level of comfort.


Some masters prefer to create the simplest overlaps using ordinary film. However, if a do-it-yourself solar collector is made for the shower, then it is assumed that the structure will be in the open air and light will penetrate through it. This causes some discomfort for some people as the interior space will be viewed.

Sometimes old building materials are great for such a task.
However, they must be put in order and subjected to protective treatment.
This can be done with regular paint.

Structures in the apartment

Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to equip a shower in an apartment, but it is not possible to install a cabin. Then you can apply specially designed designs or non-standard technical solutions.


The easiest way to install a shower in the apartment with your own hands, if it is located in the bathroom. You can use the bowl itself as a pallet, but at the same time, in the places where it comes into contact with the wall, all joints must be sealed using sealant. It is also assumed that the installed faucet will have a shower head that will be able to be fixed on the wall.

Next, you should purchase a special fence or curtain that will protect the room from splashes. At the same time, it can completely cover the entire perimeter or only the bath, which is located a meter from the mixer.

Such solutions are quite simple, since they have been used for a very long time and some companies develop a lot of products for them.
However, when choosing them, you need to be very careful so that all the elements are perfectly combined with each other into a single system.


Even in our time, there are still apartments in which there is simply no such room as a bathroom. There are also situations when people buy a room in a hostel and want to get their own amenities, saving space. Therefore, in such cases, a shower room is made in the apartment with their own hands, but it is connected to the toilet.

First of all, in such situations it is necessary to drain. At the same time, a branch is cut into the sewer pipe, which is walled into a floor screed with waterproofing, making it look like a storm drain at an angle. Of course, the level of the threshold and the floor will rise greatly, but this is a necessity that cannot be avoided.

Next, just install a mixer with a shower head on the wall. In such a room, you can safely take water procedures. In this case, the closed toilet seat will serve as a kind of chair, which is very convenient for some people.

Such a solution can be called extreme, but under certain technical conditions it is the only one.
However, if it is possible to use the cabin, then it should be used.

In our time, it is not at all necessary to relax in nature or while traveling to deny yourself such pleasure as bathing in the shower. After all, you can find a camping shower on sale - 12 volts from the car will power the water pump, so you can wash yourself. And for backpackers, compact portable devices are offered that are completely non-volatile, and below we will get acquainted with all the most common types of camping showers that will make your stay in nature more comfortable and enjoyable.

Types of camping showers

Depending on the type of construction, all existing types of showers can be divided into several types:

  • Portable cabins with tanks;
  • Portable containers without booths;
  • Shower pumps.

Below we will take a closer look at all of the above types of devices.

Camping cabins

A camping shower cabin is a collapsible structure covered with an awning like a tourist tent. This option is an excellent choice for people who like to relax in nature for a long time "savages". In addition, camping cabins are widespread among summer residents who visit a suburban area in the summer.

As a rule, such booths are equipped with tanks of 20 liters or 40 liters. Some models are equipped with a pump for pumping water into a container from a source, such as a bucket or even a reservoir.

Most often, the heating of water in the tank is carried out in a natural way, i.e. due to the energy of the sun, or the container is filled with preheated water. True, on sale you can find tanks with electric heating. They are more comfortable to use, but their disadvantage is volatility.

Camping showers usually weigh 2.5 - 3 kg, and when assembled, the product takes up little space, which is especially important for travel lovers.

When choosing a camping cabin, you should pay attention to its equipment.
Often, a clothing rug and other accessories are attached to the product.

Portable containers

Portable shower tanks are the simplest devices that consist of only two main elements:

  • A 25 liter tank, usually soft, made of PVC.
  • Hose with sprayer.

To use such a device, you only need to hang it with your own hands on a tree, pole or fix it in a booth. It should be noted that portable containers also come with and without a water heating function.

As for the volume of the tank, as a rule, 20-25 liters is enough for one person to bathe. The advantage of such products is the low price and minimum dimensions.

Shower pumps

A distinctive feature of these products from the above shower systems is that they do not require the installation of a container at a certain height, since water is supplied to the watering can using a pump.

It should be noted that these systems are of two types:

  • Electric, working from 12V- products were originally designed for motorists, so they can work from the cigarette lighter. The design is a small electric pump with a watering can. As a container for water, you can use any bucket, canister or barrel.
  • Mechanical ("toptun")– This hiking shower is a rubber mat with two built-in pumps. In the process of bathing, a person steps from one foot to the other, resulting in water from under a certain pressure. The advantage of such a system is energy independence, however, such a device is less convenient in operation.

The instruction manual for the car shower implies its use from the cigarette lighter with the engine running.
Otherwise, battery discharge may occur.

In the photo - a mechanical shower "toptun"

Homemade design

If you do not have a ready-made portable shower device, then to take water procedures, you can make the simplest do-it-yourself shower in camping conditions.

For this you will need:

  • Plastic bottle with a capacity of 5 liters;
  • Wire;
  • Hose;
  • Curtain.

The design is made as follows.

  • A hole is cut in the bottle cap and a hose is inserted. To fix it, on the inside of the cap in the hose, make a hole perpendicular to the walls of the tube and insert a nail or wire.
  • Then in the bottle you need to cut the bottom and make two holes in the walls.
  • Next, you need to make a handle or hook from the wire and fix it in the holes, which will allow you to hang the bottle on a tree branch.
  • Then, at the tip of the hose, you need to make a hook from the wire, which will allow you to cling to the wall of the container and thereby block the water supply.
  • After making the shower, you just need to hang a curtain, which will allow you to hide from prying eyes.

You can also make a do-it-yourself shower with a pump like a “treadmill”.

For this you will need:

  • Car foot pump;
  • Hermetically sealed container;
  • Hose, preferably with a shower head.

Now let's look at how to make a shower on a hike with a foot pump:

  • First of all, you need to cut two holes in the container lid and insert the hoses. Moreover, the connections must be tight, so rubber gaskets or other seals should be used.
  • Then a car pump is connected to one hose, and a shower head to the other.
  • After that, you need to fill the container with water and you can check the device in action. In order for water to enter the watering can, you need to perform several strokes with the pump.

This design is more complex, however, more convenient to use, especially if you use the shower together. In this case, one person can take a shower, and the other can pump water with a pump.


Portable showers can significantly increase the comfort of outdoor recreation or travel. Moreover, they can be both extremely simple containers with a watering can, and folding showers. True, as we found out, in the absence of a portable shower, you can make a bathing device yourself from improvised means.

From the video in this article you can find some additional information on this topic.

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In field conditions, in nature, in the country, the issue of daily water procedures is very relevant and can create many problems. A good solution in this case would be the Toptun shower, reviews of which are given below. It will help you take care of hygiene in any conditions. It is a safe and compact device. It is durable, it does not provide for the presence of mechanical parts.

About device

Shower "Toptun"─ this is a design that can be used anywhere. Due to its compact size and light weight, it fits easily into a bag. The product is equipped with corrugated hoses that do not bend or lose their shape. It won't take up much space even when disassembled.

In the country, a compact shower can simply be folded and stored until the next season. The product is also available at an affordable price. Shower "Toptun" for giving ─ this is an excellent alternative to the usual stationary shower. You can buy it in online stores, such as "Shower Master", for example. If you want to build a camping shower with your own hands, it will also not be difficult.

Design features

The whole mechanism of the pedal shower consists of several elements:

  • Rubber mat or pedals;
  • Watering can;
  • Two corrugated hoses for water intake and water intake;
  • Valves.

The mat is made of durable rubber used in the manufacture of medical devices and does not slip. It has 2 foot pumps.

Alternatively, the device can be equipped with two rubber pedals. They have a built-in pump with a dispenser that allows the water to flow evenly when pressed. The only thing you need to use it is a container of water.

The principle of operation is simple. A person presses his foot on the pedals or the mat, and the water moves from the tank to the sprayer. The throughput of the device is small due to the compactness of the product. But performance and pressure can be increased by placing a container of water higher on a chair or stool.

Corrugated hoses are durable and do not let water through. If necessary, they can be easily replaced with new ones, or extended to the desired length.

Exists mini-variety of the product "Toptun". This is the best option for a site where there is no connection to the pipeline. The difference from the standard model is that it does not have a rubber mat.

The mini model has a self-contained cylinder. It is made from medical grade rubber. Both devices function almost identically on the principle of a foot pump.


The principle of operation of the structure very simple.

Before use, the hose with the sprayer is placed at the desired height above the head, and the pedals or mat are placed under the feet. The operation of the shower is similar in principle to the operation of a foot pump.

One end of the tube must be lowered into a tank of warm water. Water must first be placed in a sunny place for heating or heated in another way.

Then, with their feet, they start the mechanism for supplying water from the tank through the hose. When you press the pedals or the mat, water enters the watering can.

Besides, country shower "Toptun" use:

  1. When watering the garden and spraying plants;
  2. Washing floors, walkways and other surfaces;
  3. They can wash cars, rugs, windows.

A long hose allows you to take water directly from a well or well. Benefits of such a shower obvious:

  • Cost savings compared to installing a conventional shower in a suburban area;
  • Design mobility;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Compact dimensions.

It is easy to regulate the water supply with the help of the legs, and the hands are free at this time, which is very convenient.

DIY manufacturing

The shower design is quite simple, and easy to make by hand. To do this, you need to purchase:

Hoses are better to take corrugated unlike smooth analogues, creases do not form on them and they will last longer. It is worth considering that they must be designed for warm water.

The reservoir is filled with water. In the cork, 2 holes of about 1 and 2 cm must be made. A tube is inserted into the larger one, which should touch the bottom of the container. Then hoses are put on the tubes.

The foot pump attaches to a smaller tube. It will supply air to the tank. A hermetically sealed tank will increase the water pressure to a normal head. Then a shower head is attached to the hose.

There is another option. For it, you will need sealed tape or electrical tape. 2 holes must be made in the tank lid so that the hoses fit tightly into them. One hose is connected to the pump, and the other end is inserted into the hole on the cover.

The second hose is placed in a smaller hole on the lid of the container, lowering it to the very bottom, a spray gun is connected to the other end.

Then, electrical tape or tape is fixed on the hoses, protecting them from being pushed out of the holes due to pressure. This will also minimize air loss.

Tape is wound on the inside of the lid, so it will be pressed against the hole with pressure. The container must be hermetically sealed, and the hose coming from it must be fixed.

Atomizer if desired can be made by yourself. It will work well with any water pressure.

It is made from an adapter for polypropylene pipes and a plug. Several holes are made in it with a thin drill. All burrs outside and inside are removed with a heated soldering iron.

Additionally, the device can be equipped with various devices. If you put a tap on the watering can, it will record the water pressure in the hose. You just need to turn off the water supply and pump air. In this case, even after the end of the pump, water will be supplied to the atomizer for some time.

A shower holder will also be a convenient fixture. Although the watering can can be fixed anywhere on the wall of the house or fence. You can place the "Toptun" shower in different places:

  • In the cabin of an ordinary country shower;
  • Buy a tent for him and equip a special place;
  • In the shower cubicle;
  • In open space.

Foot shower "Toptun" allows you to carry out aquatic procedures in almost any conditions. It saves water. For a complete hygiene procedure, 10 liters is enough for one person.

And rhythmic movements, in addition to the uniform pressure of water, also give a small load, which allows you to keep yourself in good shape and improves your mood. Such procedures may well replace jogging.

Shower "Toptun"

We use "Toptun" when going out into nature. In the country to fill a barrel over a stationary shower, there is often no time and effort. With "Toptun", everything is simple. We put a container with heated water and you can take a shower. We bought a 20 liter canister. In the sun, it heats up very well in 2 hours. After use, just remove the shower until the next time and all no problems. It can also be used as a pump, simply immersing one end in a well. It is inexpensive and can be used in many places. They sprayed apple trees and greenhouses in the country, washed the car. It is advisable to place the mat on a flat surface so that the shower works better. It is very easy to carry it with you. The build quality is also pleasing.

Country shower "Toptun"

While there is no stationary shower cabin in the country, we use "Toptun". With it, it is convenient to water the garden and wash the car. At a low price, maximum functions. If you purchase a shower pump, it is even easier to use it in the country. The disadvantages include the fact that the pedals in the shower are quite elastic and it can be difficult for children and elderly family members to press them.

Shower "Toptun"

The “Toptun” weighs no more than 1.5 kg, the rubber is durable and does not slip, it can be seen that it is made with high quality. They took it during the shutdown of hot water in the apartment. The watering can is easily mounted in a standard holder, which is very convenient. The only negative is that it is difficult for an elderly mother to press the pedals. But he was very useful in the country. And not only as a shower, it is good for them to wash windows, water the garden, paths. In general, there are many functions, and the price for it is quite affordable.

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How to make a camping shower with your own hands

Sergey Olegovich, Chelyabinsk asks a question:

Good afternoon. Please tell me how to make a camp shower with your own hands. I recently bought a plot of land without buildings, now I am equipping it. A shower is necessary, because after work you need to wash normally. It is desirable that it can be easily assembled and taken away with me or hidden in a shed when I build it. Thanks in advance for your advice.

The expert answers:

Hello. Making a camping shower with your own hands is not difficult. There are several options for a portable design for washing. The simplest of them consists of a plastic canister with a cork, electrical tape, a piece of hose or corrugated pipe, and a coil of wire.

First you need to make a watering can. Cut off the bottom of the canister with a knife or scissors. A piece of hose must be attached to the neck of a plastic container and fixed using electrical tape. A wire hook is attached to the lower edge of the pipe so that it can be hooked onto the watering can support, otherwise all the water will immediately pour out. You can do without a hose, then during washing you need to unscrew the lid a little and the water will flow gradually.

We attach the resulting watering can to a tree, pole or other support. The same coil of wire, electrical tape, adhesive tape, etc. is suitable as a fastener. If not, then attach it to the fence post, if the height allows. If it is too low, then you will need to dig a support for the shower so that it is higher than you and other people who will wash.

The second version of the camping shower consists of a container for water (basin, bucket, barrel, tank), a hose with a watering can, which can be bought at any plumbing store, a foot pump, and adhesive tape. We attach a shower head to a tree or a pole along with a water supply to the height you need. At the bottom we connect the hose to the pump. On the other side of it is another pipe, the other end of which is lowered into a container with water.

For the system to work, you need to press the pump with your feet, then the water will rise up and pour out of the watering can. It turns out both a shower and a simulator. Such camping designs for washing are sold in stores, but it is quite possible to assemble them yourself.

A curtain is not always used for a summer shower. If you need it, then it is easy to attach. Next to the main support for the shower head, place 4 wooden or steel pegs and stretch a regular bathroom curtain or any other canvas between them. To keep it, sew fabric ties to it from the inside and tie the curtain to the pegs on them.

There is also a more extreme version of the camp shower. So you can wash not only in summer, but also in cold seasons, even at very low temperatures. For example, 15°C. It requires a plastic container with a cork, a steel vat, large stones, a tent sheet or plastic wrap. The canvas or film is stretched between several trees. For convenience, they can be attached to wooden pegs in advance, so as not to look for a suitable place, but to put the frame anywhere.

Hygiene procedures should be carried out every day, and not rarely and several times a day.

But some people love to travel, and traveling isn't just about trains, hotel rooms, and resort pools. Some prefer to climb the wilds, where there is no smell of civilization. In this case, a camp shower will be useful.

It will be useful not only for tourists. Surely such a device will come in handy for some other categories of people:

  • lovers of long-distance car rides;
  • admirers of outings with an overnight stay;
  • drivers of heavy trucks specializing in long hauls;
  • other.

Such an adaptation will be useful to everyone who periodically or from time to time finds himself in a place far from the benefits of modern civilization.

Design Options

There are an infinite number of ways to build a camping shower from improvised means with your own hands, the number is limited only by your imagination and the materials available. All designs differ in the way water is injected. It can be supplied due to the height difference (for this, the container must be placed above the person’s head), due to the injected air pressure, or by banal pumping.

The easiest way is to collect warm water in a container, raise it with your own hands to a height of 2-2.5 meters (put it on the roof of the car, attach it to the body, hang it on the bough of a tree), then lower the hose with a divider nozzle into the neck and force it with simple manipulations water flow over your head.

The pressure will be weak, but sufficient to fully wash and at the same time spend a minimum of water.

The method requires a minimum of additional investments, it is not even necessary to buy a watering can divider. But the comfort of the method leaves much to be desired, so it makes sense to consider other options.

A more convenient option is a toptun camping shower. To supply water, a simple mechanical pump is used, driven by the muscular strength of the legs. Here the pressure and productivity are higher, the container does not need to be raised, so the use is more comfortable. However, when washing, you will also have to dance. Such a design can be purchased ready-made or assembled with your own hands, taking a car pump as a basis.

Another way is to create a design based on a small water pump. Small, low-capacity models are available for sale that are powered by 12 V DC. If you could not find it in the pet supply store (in the aquarium accessories department), then you can purchase a suitable pump in the auto parts store - for example, the one that is installed in the washer reservoir .

You will also need a power source capable of delivering a current of 3 A. A car battery or generator is capable of this, as well as some models of outdoor uninterruptible power supplies. For convenience, a simple switch like a doorbell will not hurt: pressed - it works, released - it turned off.

This will not only reduce water consumption, but also increase the resource of the water pump, which is not designed to work for a long time without interruption. It is also important not to forget about the power cable and hose. It is better to take a small watering can, you can seal some of the holes, because the pressure of the pump is small and it cannot provide a large flow of water.

To connect to the battery, you will need a plug or terminals. For convenience, a shower tent or just a screen does not fit, because far from everywhere you can find a secluded place for ablution.

Thus, in total for the construction of such a structure you will need:

The most expensive element is the tent, but it can be easily replaced with a cheaper improvised screen.

The table does not include a power supply, because its price is highly dependent on the initial conditions. Someone can be powered by a car battery and does not need to buy anything at all, and someone may want to purchase a camping kit of solar panels with a battery to wash in a camp in the middle of a wild forest.

To assemble the structure with your own hands, you will also need electrical tape, a screwdriver, a clerical knife, but in general there is nothing complicated:

An additional advantage of using a car pump is low voltage, so you should not be afraid of electric shock. However, just in case, you can protect yourself from surprises by placing the power button in a sealed package.


If you wish, if you have a small share of ingenuity, if you want to work with your own hands and if you are not lazy, you can very quickly build a structure from the materials available to everyone that will allow you to perform ablutions in any conditions, even where there is nothing for this.

You can also use ready-made solutions. A camping shower is easily constructed based on the designs of toptuns and other varieties sold in stores.