Calculation of heat and fuel. Thermal calculation (on the example of a hospital boiler room)

Forms and issuance
permissions to use
natural gas for gas users
objects located on the territory
Tomsk region

heat and fuel needs
and other information about the fuel consuming facility

1. General questions

Ministry (department)
The company and its location
Object distance to:
railway station
gas pipeline (its name)
bases of petroleum products
nearest source of heat supply (CHP,
boiler room) indicating its capacity,
workload and belongings
Enterprise readiness for use
fuel and energy resources
(operating, reconstructing, under construction,
projected), indicating its category
Approval documents (date, number,
name of company):
- on the use of natural gas, coal
and other types of fuel
- on the construction of an individual or
expansion of the existing boiler house (CHP)
Based on what document
designed, built, expanded,
the enterprise is being reconstructed
Type and quantity (thousand tce)
currently used fuel and
based on what document (date,
number, set flow rate), for solid
fuel, indicate its field and brand
Type of fuel requested, total annual
consumption (thousand toe) and start year
The year the enterprise entered the project
power, total annual consumption (thous.
tce) of fuel this year

2. Boiler plants and CHP

a) The need for heat energy


Attached Quantity
your hours
per year
need in
(thousand Gcal)
Covering the need for
(thousand Gcal/year)
at the expense
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
water supply
sky needs
boiler room
Losses in

Note: 1. In column 4, indicate in brackets the number of hours of operation per year of technological equipment at maximum loads.

In columns and show heat supply to third-party consumers.

b) Composition and characteristics of boiler room equipment, type and annual fuel consumption

A type

Fuel used Requested
kg c.f./
kg c.f./
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
of them

Note: 1. Specify the total annual fuel consumption by groups of boilers.

2. Specify the specific fuel consumption taking into account the own needs of the boiler house (CHP).

3. In columns and indicate the method of fuel combustion (stratified, chamber, fluidized bed).

4. For CHPP, indicate the type and brand of turbine units, their electric power in thousand kW, annual generation and supply of electricity in thousand kWh, annual heat supply in Gcal, specific fuel consumption for the supply of electricity (g / kWh) and heat (kg / Gcal), annual fuel consumption for the production of electricity and heat (thousand tce) in general for CHPPs.

5. At a consumption of more than 100 thousand tons of reference fuel per year, the fuel and energy balance of the enterprise (association) must be submitted.

3. Heat consumers



Maximum thermal loads


heating valve-
water supply
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Urban
2. Industrial enterprises
3. Structures
industrial sites

4. Demand for heat for production needs

5. Technological fuel-consuming installations

a) The capacity of the enterprise for the production of main types of products

b) Composition and characteristics of technological equipment, type and annual fuel consumption

Note: In addition to the requested fuel, indicate other types of fuel on which process units can operate.

6. Use of fuel and heat secondary resources

Fuel secondary resources Thermal secondary resources


here. v
heat, (thousand

a source
here. v
heat, (thousand
Calculation completed Head of the enterprise _________________ /signature/

Attention - some antiviruses have the peculiarity of reacting inadequately to individual programs from this directory, the wine packer, which, like our programmers, is used by hackers and program crackers. We are in close contact with the developers of these programs and assure, with a 100% guarantee, there are no viruses in the programs.

The program for calculating the need for heat and fuel. Version 0.96

Pre-release version (0.96) of the program for calculating the annual need for heat and fuel. The main difference from similar programs that issue calculation results only in the form of tables, from which it is difficult for an uninitiated person to understand where, what is taken from, the program issues calculation results with data substituted into the formulas separately for each type of calculation.

Therefore, it is not difficult to check the correctness of the calculations. Although why check, the program is not mistaken. But for the verifying party, calculations drawn up in this form will be more preferable, especially since they do not differ from manual calculations. Try to print out the calculation results, changing the number of rooms and climatological characteristics, and everything will become clear.

1. At the request of foreign users of the program, climatological characteristics of Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus have been added. In this regard, an additional menu "Country" has been introduced.

2. Changed (improved) algorithm for selecting climatological data for cities.

Selection sequence: Select the country, select the region (territory) and then select the city from the remaining ones.

3. Printing support is included, while in demo mode. When you click on the "Print calculation with output to Word" button, a report is generated, which is then saved in the program folder and Word or another program that supports this format and is installed on your computer automatically starts.

You can download the program for free from our website at (202kb).

Chimney aerodynamic calculation program - ARDP. Version 0.9

This calculation is intended to select the parameters of the designed “chimney” (diameter, length, material, boiler capacity, etc.), as well as to check existing chimneys.

Program for calculating the errors of the gas metering unit in accordance with PR 50.2.019-2006.

With the help of this program, you can select a set of devices (sensors) included in the "gas metering unit" with acceptable error limits. In light of the imminent release of the new Gas Metering Rules with the designation of permissible errors for the gas metering unit, it will be necessary to select devices (sensors) that are part of the metering unit with errors that meet the requirements of the Gas Metering Rules. This program is intended for the prompt selection of a set of metering units and the preparation of a report with the calculation of errors.

You can download the program for free from our website at.

Alternative software package GSK-2MR from NPF "Teplocom".

Calculation of the error of the designed or existing gas metering unit. NPF "Teplocom" has developed a program for its devices, but it is quite obvious that with this method of calculation, only the actual passport errors of any measuring instruments are taken into account. The program is certified for the devices of NPF "Teplocom".

You can download the program for free from our website at.

Program for calculating gas losses for technological needs. VERSION 2.4

Currently, when installing gas meters after hydraulic fracturing (Sh), it is necessary to provide a calculation of gas losses associated with the operation of hydraulic fracturing (Sh), in which unaccounted gas leaks are possible.

Also, the program is intended for settlements between gas companies and gas suppliers in mutual settlements associated with unaccounted for gas losses during the operation of hydraulic fracturing (Sh) located on the balance sheet of gas companies.

The calculation of leaks (Gas losses associated with gas pipeline leaks) is carried out in accordance with RD 153-39.4-079-01 "METHODOLOGY FOR DETERMINING GAS EXPENSES FOR THE TECHNOLOGICAL NEEDS OF GAS SERVICE ENTERPRISES AND LOSSES IN GAS DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS" and the Methodology for calculating the specific indicators of pollutants in emissions ( discharges) into the atmosphere (reservoirs) at gas facilities.

The program prints the calculation results in the form of a report.

You can download the program for free from our website at.

Version 0.21 "Selecting a gas metering unit"

The program allows you to select the necessary components for the gas metering unit in a matter of seconds.

Main changes in the program:

- Added new types of counters

- Pressure Sensors,

– temperature sensors,

— gas correctors,

— the possibility of setting an arbitrary maximum flow rate has been introduced.

You can download the program for free from our website at.

Alternative program from ELSTER Gaselectronics LLC. Unfortunately, it is not possible to download from the developer's site at the moment. It is very convenient to select gas meters knowing the required gas flow and pressure at the input of the metering station.

You can download the program for free from our website at.

The program for determining the pressure drop on gas meters.

The program is designed to determine the allowable pressure drops on gas meters of various types, depending on the gas flow rate.

The program for determining the pressure drop on gas meters. VERSION 1.0.

Designed to determine the allowable pressure drops on gas meters of various types, depending on the gas flow rate.

If the maximum difference on the meter exceeds the result given by the program by more than 50%, it is necessary to remove the meter and find out the reason for the increased difference. In addition, you can use the program to preliminarily determine the pressure drop, in the process of designing a gas supply system with a gas metering unit, in the hydraulic calculation of a gas pipeline.
You can download the program for free from our website at (61 kb).
Download the latest version of the program from the developer's site after registration.

How to determine the amount of fuel to power a thermal power plant? - all this can be found in this article for an example of a GTU-CHP on natural gas.

The following main equipment is installed at CHPP-1:

  • five steam boilers of the BKZ-320-140 type with a capacity of 320 t/h of steam, an operating pressure of 14 MPa and superheat up to 560°C;
  • one turbine unit type PT-60-130/13 with a nominal capacity of 60 MW;
  • one turbine unit type T-50-130 with a nominal capacity of 55 MW;
  • one turbine unit type T-110/120-130-3 with a nominal capacity of 110 MW.

The installed electric capacity of CHPP-1 is 225 MW, and the thermal capacity is 409 Gcal/h.

Currently, steam boilers operate on hard and brown coal with dry ash removal. The scheme of pulverizing is closed with direct blowing and grinding of coal in hammer mills. Fuel oil is used to kindle the boilers and illuminate the pulverized coal torch.

It is planned to convert CHPP-1 to natural gas.

In accordance with the Terms of Reference for the development of project documentation, a project for the construction of the 4th power unit at CHPP-1 is being developed.

The projected 4th power unit is designed to supply electricity to the power system and provide thermal energy to consumers connected to CHPP-1.

Taking into account the isolation of the power system and significant daily unevenness of the connected electrical load, the installation of new equipment will provide an increase in electrical and thermal power to cover their deficit and increase the reliability of power supply when covering peak loads in the power system due to the increased maneuverability of the installed equipment.

Installed capacity of the 4th power unit:

  • electric - 139.1 MW
  • thermal - 133.5 Gcal/h

Heat is supplied for heating, ventilation and hot water supply through an open heat supply system with a temperature schedule of 150/70°C.

Installed equipment:

  1. Turbine units - three PF Sprints with a nominal capacity of 46.369 MW each (according to ISO) manufactured by GE Energy;
  2. Boilers - three hot water waste heat boilers (WHE) with a nominal heat output of 44.5 Gcal/h each (under ISO conditions for gas turbines) produced by OAO Podolsky Machine-Building Plant.

natural gas demand calculation

  1. Hourly gas consumption per boiler:

  1. Hourly gas consumption for five boilers
  1. Hourly gas consumption for GTU:

In accordance with the technical and commercial proposal of GE Energy, the hourly consumption of natural gas per GTU is 8797 kg/h. Thus, for three gas turbines, this flow rate will be 26391 kg/h, or 32700 m 3 /h;

  1. The total hourly gas consumption at Yuzhno-Sakhalinskaya CHPP-1 will be: 1118500+32700=151200 m3/h

Annual gas consumption

  1. In accordance with the technical and commercial proposal of the GE Energy company, the rated power of the gas turbine under ISO conditions is 46.369 MW, the efficiency is 40.9%;

In accordance with the daily load schedule of the Sakhalin energy system, the average electric power of three gas turbines in winter will be 95.59 MW, in summer - 92.08 MW.

Considering the GTU load, which is 68%, the decrease in GTU efficiency is taken from the data of similar gas turbines - 3.1%;

The hourly gas consumption for three gas turbines at a given load will be:

Thus, the maximum gas consumption at the Yuzhno-Sakhalinskaya CHPP for 6500 hours of use is:

(118500+36859)x6500=1010 million m 3 /year;

  1. In accordance with the technical report on the operation of CHPP-1 for 2007, the annual consumption of equivalent fuel at CHPP-1 was 651,058 thousand tce/year.

At the same time, during the commissioning of the 4th power unit, the load will be redistributed between the existing steam-power equipment and the gas turbine unit in terms of removing part of the thermal and electrical load from the existing equipment of CHPP-1.

Date: 07/29/2014

CALCULATION of the annual need for heat and fuel on the example of the boiler house of the Central District Hospital.

LIST of data to be submitted together with an application for establishing the type of fuel for enterprises (associations) and fuel consuming installations.

1.General questions

Questions Answers
Ministry (department)Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Enterprise and its location (republic, region, locality)CFD
Object distance to:
A) railway station
B) gas pipeline (its name)
C) base of petroleum products
D) the nearest source of heat supply (CHP boiler room), indicating its capacity, workload and affiliation
B) 0.950 km
The readiness of the enterprise to use fuel and energy resources (operating, reconstructing, under construction, designing), indicating its categoryCurrent
Documents, approvals, (date, number, name of organization)
A) on the use of natural gas, coal and other fuels
B) on the construction of an individual or expansion of an existing boiler house (CHP)
On the basis of what document is the enterprise designed, built, expanded, reconstructed.

Task of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Type and quantity (thousand toe) of currently used fuel and on the basis of which document (date, number) the consumption is established, (for solid fuel, indicate its deposit and brand)
Type of fuel requested, total annual consumption (thousand toe) and year of start of consumption
The year the enterprise reaches its design capacity, total annual consumption (thousand toe) this year

Natural gas; 0.706; 2011

2011; 0.706

A) the need for heat

For what needsAttached max. heat load(Gcal/h)Number of hours of work per yearAnnual heat demand (thousand Gcal)Coverage of heat demand thousand Gcal/year
ExistingEtc. inclusive nounExistingEtc. inclusive nounBoiler house (CHP)Secondary energy resourcesParties
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1,340 5160 3,367 3,367


0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
0,300 2800 1,080 1,080

Technological needs

0,000 0,000 0,000

Own needs of the boiler house (CHP)

0,000 0,000 0,000

Losses in heat networks

0,000 0,000 0,000
1,640 4,447 4,447

B) Composition and characteristics of boiler equipment, type and annual fuel consumption

Type of boilers by groupsQtyTotal capacity Gcal/hFuel usedRequested fuel
Type of main (backup)Specific consumption kg.c.f./GcalAnnual consumption thousand tceType of main (backup)Specific consumption kg.c.f./GcalAnnual consumption thousand tce
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Installed boilers Vitoplex 100 Viessmann (950kW)

2 1,630 Natural gas (no) 158.667 0,536


  1. The annual fuel consumption should be indicated as total for groups of boilers.
  2. Specify the specific fuel consumption taking into account the own needs of the boiler house (CHP)
  3. In columns 4 and 7, indicate the method of fuel combustion (stratified, chamber, fluidized bed).
  4. For CHPs, indicate the type and brand of turbine units, their electric power in thousand kW, annual generation and supply of electricity in thousand kWh, annual heat supply in Gcal, specific fuel consumption for electricity and heat supply (kg / Gcal), annual fuel costs for the production of electricity and heat in general for CHPPs.
  5. With a consumption of more than 100 thousand tons of standard fuel per year, the fuel and energy balance of the enterprise (association) must be submitted

2. Calculation of the heat demand for heat and fuel.

2.1 General

The calculation of the annual fuel requirement for a modular boiler house (heating and hot heat supply) of a secondary school was carried out according to the Order of the Moscow Region. The maximum winter hourly heat consumption for heating the building is determined by aggregated indicators. Heat consumption for hot water supply is determined in accordance with the instructions of paragraph 3.13 of SNiP 2.04.01-85 "Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings". Climatological data are accepted according to SNiP 23-01-99 "Construction climatology and geophysics". The calculated averaged temperatures of the indoor air were adopted from the "Methodological guidelines for determining the costs of fuel, electricity and water for heat generation by heating boiler houses of communal heat and power enterprises". Moscow 1994

2.2 Heat source

For heat supply (heating, hot water supply) of the school, it is planned to install two Viessmann Vitoplex 100 boilers (Germany) with a capacity of 950 kW each in a specially equipped boiler room. The total capacity of the installed equipment is 1.634 Gcal/h. Natural gas is requested as the main fuel. Backup is not required.

2.3 Initial data and calculation

No. p / pIndicatorsFormula and calculation
1 2 3
1 Estimated outdoor temperature for heating designT(R.O)= -26
2 Estimated outdoor temperature for ventilation designT(R.V)= -26
3 Average outdoor temperature during the heating periodT(SR.O)= -2.4
4 Estimated average indoor air temperature of heated buildingsT(VN.)=20.0
5 The length of the heating periodP(O)=215 days
6 Number of hours of operation of heating systems per yearZ(O)=5160 h
7 Hours of operation of ventilation systems per yearZ(B)=0 h
8 Number of hours of operation of hot water systems per yearZ(H.W)=2800 h
9 Number of operating hours of technological equipment per yearZ(B)=0 h
10 Coeff. simultaneity of action and use. Maksim. technological loadsK(T)=0.0 h
11 Coeff. working daysKRD=5.0
12 Average hourly heat consumption for heatingQ(O.CP)= Q(O)*[T(BH)-T(CP.O)]/ [T(BH)-T(P.O))= 1.340* [(20.0)-( -2.4)]/ [(20.0)-(-26.0)]= 0.653 Gcal/h
13 Average hourly heat consumption for ventilationQ(B.CP)= Q(B)*[T(BH)-T(CP.O)]/ [T(BH)-T(P.B))= 0.000* [(18.0)-( -2.4)]/ [(18.0)-(-26.0)]= 0.000 Gcal/h
14 Average hourly heat consumption for hot water supply for heating. periodQ(G.V.SR)= Q(G.V)/2.2=0.350/2.2=0.159 Gcal/h
15 Average hourly heat consumption for hot water supply in summerQ(G.V.SR.L)= (G.V.SR)*[(55-1 5)/(55-5)]*0.8= 0.159*[(55-15)/(55- 5)]*0.8=0.102 Gcal/h
16 Average hourly heat consumption per technology per yearQ(TECH.SR)= Q(T)* K(T)=0.000*0.0=0.000 Gcal/h
17 Annual heat demand for heatingQ(O.YEAR)=24* P(O)* Q(O.SR)=24*215*0.653=3367.01 Gcal
18 Annual heat demand for ventilationQ(V.YEAR)= ​​Z(V)* Q(V.SR)=0.0*0.0=0.00 Gcal
19 Annual demand for heat for water supplyQ(Y.V.YEAR)(24* P(O)* Q(Y.V.SR)+24* Q(Y.V.SR.L)*)* KRD= (24* 215*0.150 +24 * 0.096 *(350-215))* 7/7=1080.43 Gcal
20 Annual heat demand per technologyQ(T.YEAR)= ​​Q(TECH.CP)* Z(T)=0.000*0=0.000 Gcal
21 Total annual heat demandQ(YEAR)= ​​Q(0.YEAR)+ Q(V.YEAR)+ Q(Y.YEAR)+ Q(T.YEAR)= ​​3367.01 + 0.000+1080.43+0.000=4447.44 Gcal
TOTAL for existing buildings:
Annual heat demand for
Hot water supply
Losses in t/s
Own needs of the boiler room

Q(0.YEAR)= ​​3367.01 Gcal
Q(YEAR)= ​​0.000 Gcal
Q(G.V.YEAR) = 1080.43 Gcal
Q(T.YEAR)= ​​0.000 Gcal
ROTER= 0.000 Gcal
SOVS= 0.000 Gcal
TOTAL:Q(YEAR)=4447.44 Gcal
Specific reference fuel consumptionB= 142.8*100/90=158.667 KG.U.T./Gcal
Annual equivalent fuel consumption for heat supply of existing buildingsB=705.662 T.U.T.

To order the calculation of the annual need for heat and fuel of the enterprise, fill in