How to install a new compressor on a refrigerator. Refrigerator compressor repair and replacement: features and recommendations

The motor-compressor is the "heart" of the refrigerator, one of its main parts. Unfortunately, engine breakdowns are not uncommon. He suffers from time, and from surges, and from too intense work. A defective motor cannot be repaired (except in the case of jamming), therefore, if it breaks down, it is replaced with a new one. Installing the motor is not an easy task, which, in addition to "removed and set", requires evacuating the system and refueling it with freon. You cannot cope with it on your own. Entrust the replacement of the compressor to the specialists of "RemBytTech", and they will promptly perform the work - within 24 hours after receiving the application!

Refrigerator compressor replacement prices

The cost of replacing the motor is from 1900 rubles depending on the brand and model of the refrigerator. This includes only the work of a specialist, a new motor and filter drier are paid additionally.

Refrigerator brand Replacement cost *
(only work)
Departure of the master Is free
Refrigerator Indesit from 2400 rub.
Refrigerator Stinol from 2400 rub.
Samsung refrigerator from 3400 rub.
Refrigerator Atlant from 2900 rub.
Refrigerator Bosch from 3400 rub.
Refrigerator Ariston from 2900 rub.
Refrigerator LG from 3400 rub.
Refrigerator Vestfrost from 3600 rub.
Refrigerator Liebherr from 3500 rub.
Refrigerator Electrolux from 3400 rub.
Refrigerator BEKO from 3200 rub.
Refrigerator Biryusa from 2900 rub.
Sharp refrigerator from 4400 rub.
Whirlpool refrigerator from 3700 rub.
Refrigerator Siemens from 3700 rub.
Refrigerator AEG from 3800 rub.
Other brand from 1900 rub.

* Prices are approximate. The exact amount can be called by the master after a complete diagnosis of the refrigerator.

Compressor replacement procedure

  • Dismantling the defective motor-compressor. The master will cut and break off the filling tube through which the system is filled with freon. You will need this tube for a new compressor. Then, at a distance of 20-30 mm from the filter-drier, he will cut off the capillary tube so that freon will escape from the system. After the refrigerant has evaporated, the master evaporates from the faulty motor (or cuts off) the suction and suction tubes, they are soldered at a distance of about 10-20 mm from the compressor. Next, it remains to unscrew the motor mounts to the refrigerator body and remove the motor.
  • Installing a new motor... The wizard will fix the motor in the housing and fit all the tubes of the refrigerator (suction, suction and filling) with the corresponding nozzles on the compressor. Then he will solder the joints of the tubes to the motor.
  • Replacing the filter drier. The third stage is changing the zeolite cartridge, it is also a filter drier. The craftsman will either unsolder or cut off the old one and solder the new one. The filter drier is a small but very important detail. It prevents small particles and moisture from entering the capillary tube, which could damage the refrigerator. The filter drier must be changed every time the refrigeration system of the refrigerator is opened. Its cost in relation to the total cost of repairs is low. Keeping an old part in place, however, can significantly reduce the operating time of a new compressor.
  • System evacuation... After sealing all the seams using a special pump, the master will vacuum the refrigerator, during which excess moisture is removed from the system.
  • Filling the refrigerator with refrigerant. When refueling, the master will also check the tightness of the soldering of all joints.

After that, all that remains is to return the refrigerator to its place, turn it on and enjoy the correct operation of your refrigeration unit!

Benefits for you

  • Free visit of the master. If you agree to carry out repairs by the specialists of "RemBytTech" you will not have to pay for the visit of the master to the house.
  • Home repair. In most cases, our specialists will replace the compressor right at your home, and you will not have to take the defective refrigerator to the repair shop.
  • Convenient work schedule. We work for you from 8 am to 10 pm even on holidays and weekends. The master will come at any time convenient for you.
  • Up to 2 years warranty. We give a guarantee for the work done by our craftsmen up to 2 years.

How to determine if the refrigerator motor-compressor is out of order?

A breakdown of a motor-compressor is one of the most serious malfunctions that can occur in a refrigerator. However, do not be upset - after all, perhaps the reason for the failure of the unit lies in a completely different problem. The following are the signs that can signal a compressor failure:

  • Motor does not work because it is burnt out, the refrigerator is warm, but the light is on.
  • The refrigerator turns on and off immediately, the inside of the refrigerator is warm. In this case, there was a break in the compressor winding, an interturn short circuit, or the motor simply "wedges".
  • A rare symptom of a motor breakdown - the refrigerator works without interruption without switching off, while the temperature inside the refrigerator is slightly increased. Typical for compressors with a long service life. Due to wear, the motor cannot create sufficient pressure in the discharge tube, and lower the temperature to the required value, even despite constant operation.

Whatever the symptoms of your refrigerator malfunctioning, don't be guessing. It is better to immediately contact the specialists of "RemBytTech":

7 (495) 215 – 14 – 41

7 (903) 722 – 17 – 03

After a thorough diagnosis of the unit, they will establish the exact cause of its breakdown and quickly and with a guarantee will make repairs.

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Dear Clients! We have a master on duty to answer all your questions. By calling us, you will immediately receive professional advice on a defect in the operation of the refrigerator.

Attention! In our service center, from 10.06.2016, a new, flexible system of discounts is being introduced for both pensioners and low-income citizens, as well as for ordinary customers. The amount of the discount depends on the type of repair and can be up to 10%. Contact us! All specials

Dear Clients! Be careful! Today, the total minimum cost of replacing a motor-compressor cannot be less than 6000-00 rubles. No one will work at a loss. If you are offered to replace the motor-compressor of the refrigerator for a lesser amount, you should think about it.

We all want to get a good result for the minimum money. But think about how often you are lucky to purchase a quality product or service for a paltry price? When choosing a refrigerator repair service, always remember where free cheese is.

Replacing the compressor (motor) of the refrigerator is a complex and time-consuming process. Work on its replacement refers to a complex (overhaul) repair. In order to replace the compressor (motor), it is necessary to first remove the refrigerant from the refrigeration unit, then replace the compressor (motor) and the starting relay itself, while during the repair process, it may be necessary to replace some other components that have become unusable. After carrying out the above operations, the tightness of the system is restored using high-temperature brazing. The system is then released from air and charged with a certain amount of a specific brand of refrigerant.

How much does it cost to replace a refrigerator compressor?

Minimum full the cost of replacing the compressor of the refrigeration unit in our service center - 7500 rbl . The price depends on both the brand and the model of the refrigerator.

Below is the estimated cost of replacing a compressor in freestanding refrigerators of the most common brands.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that it is indicated estimated cost... Only a foreman or a duty engineer (senior foreman) will be able to name the exact cost of replacing a compressor for your refrigerator model when agreeing on an order.

Owners of refrigerators Samsung, Electrolux, Liebherr, LG, Bosch and other high-tech brands should take into account that an inverter compressor can be installed on their refrigeration units. The cost of replacing an inverter compressor is significantly different from the usual one. The minimum purchase price for such a compressor is $ 180.

In the photo below: inverter motor-compressor. As you can see, outwardly, it is no different from the piston crank-connecting rod or crank-rocker motor-compressors installed on the vast majority of refrigerators. As a rule, it is possible to determine the inverter or conventional compressor (motor) installed on your refrigerator only after the diagnostics or by the serial number, product code of the unit.

Replacing a refrigerator compressor is a job for a professional

Having made a step-by-step diagnosis of your Atlanta, have you established that the cause of the breakdown is in the compressor?

Remembering physics

From the school physics course, we know about the structure of the internal combustion engine. The compressor functions in a similar way. The scheme of his work for Indesite or Atlanta is the same. A piston and valve system compresses the freon, sending the heated refrigerant to the condenser. There it turns into a liquid state, enters the capillary expander. The compressor compresses the freon, then cools the gas in the condenser, allowing it to circulate in the refrigeration system. The process is continuous and cyclical. The compressor shuts down, including from time to time to perform the refrigerant compression function.

What kind of refrigerator do you have - a Belarusian Atlant or one assembled according to the Italian patent Indesit, they all have the same motor, a similar arrangement of internal circuits. Reciprocating compressors are used in Atlanta and Indesite. The piston compressor is equipped with a vertical shaft electric motor. The structure is insulated with a sealed casing. The included motor starts the crankshaft, which rotates and moves the piston. The refrigerant is pumped out of the evaporator by the piston and pumped into the condenser.

How to start replacing a refrigerator compressor with your own hands

Repair of refrigerators and replacement of the compressor can be done by yourself, having established the cause of the malfunction. If the compressor heats up after being connected to the network, the thermostat relay is most likely out of order. Replacing the refrigerator compressor relay is carried out even by an amateur. Does the motor suddenly turn off for no reason when the refrigerator is started? It is better to leave the replacement of the refrigerator compressor motor to professionals.

But you can try to replace the entire compressor.

What is needed

Check out the video and photo of the step-by-step process of replacing the refrigerator compressor with your own hands.

Then prepare the necessary tool:

  • oxygen-propane burner;
  • two valves: for piercing and withdrawing refrigerant;
  • leak detector;
  • electronic thermometer;
  • small pipe cutter;
  • filter drier:
  • copper tube 6 mm;
  • solder;
  • flux;
  • pinch pliers;
  • Hansen clutch;
  • charging cylinder;
  • storage tank for freon;
  • new compressor.

Observe safety measures. Do not start work with the device turned on. The repair equipment must be grounded. Work is done with gas - the room must be well ventilated. Free the refrigerator so you can lift and turn it easily.

Work process

When replacing the compressor of the Atlant refrigerator, any other refrigeration device, it is necessary to slightly extend the compressor. Having lifted it, break off the tube filling the freon, having previously cut it with a file.

Then you need to release the gas. Turn on the refrigerator for no more than 5 minutes. The refrigerant will move to the condenser. Attach the piercing valve with a hose connected to it from the cylinder, unscrew it for 30 seconds. The gas will collect in a container.

Solder a copper tube in place of the broken tube. A gas torch is used here, in the absence of a torch, a soldering iron will do. An incision is made on the capillary expander a few centimeters in order to break off the tube and unsolder the filter from the condenser. The compressor is connected to the refrigeration unit with two pipes (one for pressure build-up, the other for removing excess gas).

It must be unsoldered from these tubes or cut off with a pipe cutter. The filter drier is cut off at a distance of 15 mm from the condenser. Remove the starter relay. Dismantle the compressor and remove it from the refrigerator. Strip the piping before brazing the new compressor.

When installing a new compressor, all steps are repeated in reverse order:

  1. place the compressor in the refrigerator, securing it to the traverse;
  2. the plugs on the pipes must be removed;
  3. it is important to depressurize the unit 5 minutes before the start of soldering;
  4. when removing the plugs, check that there is no excess air pressure in the compressor (this will be indicated by the noise of the outgoing air;
  5. connect the discharge, suction and filling pipes to the compressor nozzles in stages, the filling pipe must be 6 mm in diameter and 60 mm long;
  6. start soldering the seams on the pipes, adhering to the following sequence: filling, suction, injection, make sure that the burner flame does not go into the compressor branch pipe;
  7. after removing the plugs from the filter drier, attach it to the condenser, connect the capillary tube to it;
  8. solder the filter along the seams;
  9. and put on the valve coupling half of the filling pipe;
  10. check the quality of the soldering of all seams, they should be smooth, without unsoldered spaces;
  11. fill with freon by connecting a vacuum filling station to the coupling and removing moisture from the system;
  12. fix the start-up relay on the compressor by connecting the electrical wires;
  13. turn on the refrigerator, fill the system with freon, leave for 5 minutes;
  14. check with a leak detector if the tightness of the seams is not broken;
  15. perform a secondary evacuation of the refrigerator, leave to work for 20 minutes;
  16. squeeze the filling pipe, remove the coupling, solder the pipe.


Your refrigerator is ready to go, start the engine. Then you need to check the functioning of the relay. If it starts, then you have completed the task.

Having gained a positive experience with your own hands, you can now give advice if a similar problem arises from someone from your relatives or friends. And in difficult times, you can earn extra money by performing the now not difficult operation for you to repair the refrigerator.

Refrigerating devices differ from other large household appliances in durability, while functioning on a daily basis. However, they are also susceptible to breakdowns.

With frequent power surges, the compressor for the refrigerator is the first to fail. It is this mechanism that is considered the most important element of the system, which drives freon through the pipes, due to which cooling is provided.

In this article, we will consider the existing varieties of the compressor and analyze the causes of typical breakdowns. We will also provide detailed instructions on how to replace it with your own hands.

A broken compressor promises significant expenses not only for the purchase of a new device, but also for the work of a master.

However, you can go the other way and make a replacement yourself. Whichever option is chosen, the first step is to select the right type of compressor.

Manifold air blower

Obtaining information from sources about innovative models of refrigerators, you can find such a thing as a "normal" compressor. However, not everyone knows the meaning of it.

This term means a collector mechanism with a vertically mounted electric motor shaft. It is mounted on a spring mechanism and closed in a sealed box, thereby providing a high degree of sound insulation to the system.

Older models used a horizontal layout, which made the unit more noisy - vibrations were reflected throughout the body.

It uses the standard operating principle and technology developed many decades ago - the supercharger works until the set temperature is reached in the refrigeration unit, and then turns off.

Refrigeration units can be equipped with one or two collector blowers. If there are two of them, then one maintains the temperature in the freezer compartment, and the other in the refrigeration unit. Nowadays, you can find two-compressor equipment less and less.

Survey models are mainly equipped with budget options for refrigerators, and this is their only advantage over other representatives of the species.

Inverter type compressor

The upgraded units are equipped with an inverter type blower. A conventional compressor reaches its peak when it is turned off, while there are a lot of such repetitions per day, and, accordingly, it is subject to rapid wear and a decrease in its operating life.

Whereas inverter devices operate even with sufficient air injection in the chambers, periodically reducing the number of revolutions. At the same time, the wear resistance of the component elements is much lower, and, accordingly, the period of uninterrupted use is higher.

Linear view of the device

Innovative developments in imported equipment have involved a new type of supercharger - linear. The principle of operation is similar to the previous versions of devices, but this type is much quieter and more economical.

Unlike conventional mechanisms, they do not have a crankshaft. By means of the action of electromagnetic forces, the reciprocating movements of the rotor are provided.

New modern models of refrigeration devices are presented in combination with inverter-type compressors. They work measuredly and smoothly, without amplitude differences, which are the main reasons for the wear of the mechanism.

Linear blowers are technically similar to the two previous analogues, but they have a number of significant advantages:

  • less weight;
  • a high degree of reliability during operation;
  • no friction in the compression plane;
  • application at low temperature conditions.

LG is considered to be the main ideologist who started actively introducing linear-type blowers. Most often they are used in refrigerators with a system No frost with individual temperature controllers in different blocks.

Rotary blower with fins

Rotary (rotary) horizontally or vertically positioned blowers are equipped with one or two rotors and are analogous to a twin-screw juicer, however, the helical-type spirals are unequal.

Depending on the principle of operation, they are divided into two main classes: with a rolling shaft and a rotating shaft.

A gap is created between the piston and the compressor casing with moving vanes. Due to the eccentricity of the rotor, its value changes during the reproduction of rotations, thereby blocking the transition of the refrigerant from one zone to another

In the first case, the unit is represented by an engine shaft with a mounted cylindrical piston located eccentrically relative to the center, that is, displaced.

Rotation cycles are performed inside the cylinder body. The gap between the housing and the rotor changes its size during rotation.

In the place of the minimum opening there is a discharge branch pipe, and the maximum one - a suction branch. A plate, in turn, is attached to the revolving piston by means of a spring, which blocks the space between the two nozzles.

In the second version, the principle of operation is similar with one difference - the plates are stationary and placed on the rotor. During operation, the piston rotates relative to the cylinder, and the plates rotate with it.

General algorithm of the refrigerator

The functioning of all refrigerators is based on the effect of freon, which acts as a refrigerant. Moving along a closed circuit, the substance changes its temperature indicators.

Under pressure, the refrigerant is brought to a boil, which is from -30 ° C to -150 ° C. As it evaporates, it captures the warm atmosphere located on the walls of the evaporator. As a result, the temperature in the refrigeration unit drops to a predetermined level.

In addition to the main pumping device, which creates pressure in the refrigerator, there are auxiliary elements that perform the specified options:

  • evaporator collecting heat inside the refrigeration unit;
  • capacitor displacing the coolant outward;
  • throttling device regulating the refrigerant flow by means of a capillary tube and a thermostatic expansion valve.

All of these processes are dynamic. Separately, it is worth considering the algorithm of the motor and the principle of operation in case of its malfunction.

The compressor is responsible for the system regulation of the differential pressure level. The evaporated refrigerant is drawn into it, which is compressed and pushed back into the heat exchanger.

At the same time, the temperature indicators of freon increase due to which it goes into a liquid state. The compressor operates with an electric motor located in a sealed casing.

Having dealt with the device, we proceed to analyze the main factors of compressor breakdown, after which it will be necessary to dismantle it.

The main causes of blower breakdown

All problems in the compression unit are conventionally divided into two main groups: with a working and non-working motor. The first option looks like this: when you turn it on, you hear a sound from the compressor, the light on the refrigerator is on. Accordingly, in another version, the unit does not turn on at all.

Reason # 1 - refrigerant leak or thermostat defect

Here, the main reason may lie in the leakage of freon.

You can carry out an independent check in this way: touch the condenser - its temperature will correspond to room temperature.

Inspection of the degree of heating of the condenser can reveal one of the reasons for the breakdown of the refrigerator - refrigerant leakage. In this case, the device will function, but the temperature in the chambers will not be maintained.

Another reason is possible - failure. In this case, the signal about the wrong temperature regime will simply not be received.

Reason # 2 - Winding problems

If the unit does not turn on, then a possible cause may be an open circuit in the compressor windings.

Such a situation can occur both on the working one and on the launcher, or on two at once. When the refrigerator is connected to the network, the blower does not work, and the temperature of its block is room temperature.

Reason # 3 - turn-to-turn closure

The device starts up, but for no more than a minute. And the body gets too hot.

In this case, the turns of the winding are closed, their resistance is lowered, an increased current strength passes through the relay unit. The relay switches off the blower, a click will be heard. After the starter cools down, it turns on the compressor again and so on in a circle.

Reason # 4 - engine jam

When turned on, the operation of the electric motor is audible, but there is no rotation, the compressor does not compress, the resistance of the windings is at maximum.

Reason # 5 - valve breakage

Loss of cooling capacity is associated with valve defects.

As a result of such a breakdown, the unit works without shutdown and does not create the proper level of compression, respectively, the blocks of the refrigeration device do not gain the required temperature.

Often, in this case, an uncharacteristic ringing of metal parts can be heard during operation. You can find out by determining the degree of air supply.

You can confirm the presence of deformation of the valves by fixing the degree of air supply to the compressor. This requires a special device with a pressure gauge.

To make sure of the "diagnosis", you will need to cut off the filler pipe using a pipe cutter. We do the same with the capacitor filter.

Now, in their place, we connect the gauge manifold, turn on the blower and check the formed air compression level - the norm is 30 atm.

Reason # 6 - thermal sensor or starting relay

It is also necessary to check for defects such elements as the thermostatic sensor and.

With such a failure, the compressor either does not turn on, or turns on for 1-2 minutes. When checking the resistance of the windings, the nominal values ​​will be fixed.

Step-by-step self-replacement process

If the reasons for the malfunction are not determined, the supercharger itself is subject to repair. And first, you need to remove it from the refrigeration unit and check its operability.

Stage # 1 - dismantling the blower

The compressor is located at the back of the refrigerator in its lower part.

During the dismantling process, the following tools will be used:

  • pliers;
  • spanners;
  • plus and minus screwdrivers.

The blower is located between two pipes connected to the cooling system. With the help of pliers, you will need to bite them off.

The branch pipes through which the refrigerant circulates must in no case be sawed off with a hacksaw, because in the process small chips will necessarily form, which, when it enters the condenser, will move through the system, thereby leading to the rapid failure of its elements

The refrigerator is started for 5 minutes, during which the freon turns into a condensation state. After that, a valve with a hose connected to the cylinder is connected to the filling line. In 30 seconds with the valve open, all the refrigerant will be released.

Then we remove the relay block. Visually, it can be compared to an ordinary black box with wires coming out of it.

First of all, the top and bottom are marked on the launcher - this will come in handy during the reinstallation process. Having unscrewed the latches and removed from the traverse, we also bite off the wiring leading to the plug.

We unscrew all fasteners together with the survey device. We clean all the pipes for soldering the new device.

Stage # 2 - measure the resistance with an ohmmeter

In order to make sure that the component is in good working order, we will perform an external examination, as well as test and check its individual components. First of all, we inspect the condition of the motor. This can be done using a multimeter or ohmmeter.

As mentioned earlier, the power cable is checked initially. If he is a worker, we will examine the supercharger itself. To do this, we will use a tester.

The correct functioning of the compressor can also be checked using a handicraft method using charging: we put the minus probes on the body of a 6 V light bulb. Plus, we connect it to the upper leg of the power winding and touch each of them with the bulb base. If they are working properly, all of them should illuminate the lamp.

First of all, we remove the protective block and extract the content, disconnect it from the starting relay. Next, using the multimeter probes, we measure the wires in pairs.

We compare the results obtained with the table, which indicates the optimal indicators for this particular compressor model.

The data of a working device in the standard version will be as follows: between the top and left-side contacts - 20 ohms, top and right-side - 15 ohms, left and right-sided - 30 ohms. Any deviations indicate breakdowns.

The resistance between the feed-through contacts and the housing is checked. Breakage readings (infinity sign) indicate the serviceability of the device. If the tester gives out any indicators, most often it is zero, there are malfunctions.

Stage # 3 - check the amperage

After checking the resistance, you need to measure the current. To do this, we connect the start relay and turn on the electric motor. Using the tester's pliers, we clamp one of the network contacts leading to the device.

When working with a compressor, it is initially inspected for a breakdown of the casing, since there is a possibility of electric shock if the winding gives a voltage to the case

The amperage must be identical to the motor power. For example, a 120 W motor corresponds to a current of 1.1-1.2 A.

Stage # 4 - preparing tools and equipment

To replace a faulty refrigerator compressor, you need to prepare the following set of tools and materials:

  • portable station for regeneration, filling and evacuation;
  • an apparatus for welding or with a MARP gas cylinder;
  • compact;
  • ticks;
  • Hansen coupling for hermetic connection of the compressor with the filler pipe;
  • copper pipe 6 mm;
  • filter-absorber for installation at the entrance to the capillary tube;
  • alloys of copper with phosphorus (4-9%);
  • soldering drill as a flux;
  • a cylinder with freon.

You should also focus on safety measures when working with repair equipment. First of all, you need to equip an insulating platform and disconnect the refrigeration unit from the power supply.

Having dismantled the old compressor, it is imperative to prepare and clean all copper pipes for subsequent soldering with the new device.

After each filling with freon, the room is ventilated for a quarter of an hour before soldering. It is not allowed to turn on heating devices in the room where the repair is being carried out.

Stage # 5 - installing a new compressor

The first step is to attach the new blower to the cross member of the refrigeration unit. Remove all plugs from the pipes coming from the compressor and check the atmosphere pressure in the device.

Depressurize it no earlier than 5 minutes before the soldering process. Then we dock the compressor nozzles with the discharge, suction and filling lines, their length is 60 mm, and the diameter is 6 mm. The pipes are soldered according to the sequence: filling, removing excess refrigerant and discharge.

Now we remove the plugs from the filter drier and install the latter on the heat exchanger by inserting a throttle pipe into it. We seal the seams of the two contour elements. At this stage, we put on the Hansen coupling on the filling hose.

Stage # 6 - we put the refrigerant into the system

To fill the refrigeration system with freon, we connect a vacuum to the filling line with a coupling. For initial start-up, pressurize up to 65 Pa. By installing a protective relay on the compressor, the contacts are switched.

The evacuation process is the creation of a compression level in the cooling unit below atmospheric. By reducing the pressure in this way, all moisture is removed.

Connect the refrigerator to the power supply and fill with refrigerant to 40% of the norm. This value is indicated in the table on the back of the device.

The unit is turned on for 5 minutes and the joints are checked for leaks. Then it must be disconnected from the power supply again.

The refrigerant is charged in a liquid state. The required amount is indicated by the manufacturer in the parameters of the refrigerating device located on the back wall.

Perform a second evacuation to a residual value of 10 Pa. The duration of the procedure is at least 20 minutes.

Switch on the unit and completely fill the circuit with freon. At the final stage, we preserve the tube using the clamping method. We remove the sleeve and seal the pipe.

Soldering of two pipes made of copper, carried out by an alloy of copper with phosphorus (4-9%). The docked elements are placed between the burner and the screen, heating it to a cherry color.

The heated one is dipped into the flux and melted by pressing the rod to the heated docking area.

Control inspection of the solder joints is carried out from all sides using a mirror. They must be complete, without gaps.

Compressor service life declared by manufacturers is 10 years. However, its breakdowns are inevitable.

In the event of a blower malfunction, you can replace the broken compressor yourself, having previously familiarized yourself with all the safety rules and the stages of the upcoming work. Also for these purposes it is necessary to stock up on the necessary equipment.

If you still have questions about self-repairing breakdowns, ask our experts in the comments to this publication.

The main part of every refrigerator after the cabinet is the compressor. Usually they do not break for many years, but sometimes, due to power surges in the network, the refrigerator may fail.

Your refrigerator has stopped working and you want to replace the compressor.

As a rule, the craftsmen have many years of experience in replacing the compressor, however, a yesterday's short-term student often comes, whose qualifications are zero, so you need to know about some important nuances:

  • Selection of a new compressor. It is better to buy a compressor from the same company, then there will be no problems. If you have chosen an analogue, then make sure that the technical characteristics of the new compressor exactly coincide with the indicators of the compressor installed by the manufacturer.
  • Pay attention to the cooling capacities of both compressors. They must match exactly. You can find out by checking the working diagrams of the old and new compressor. Sometimes you can choose a more powerful compressor, but this is provided that all other indicators are identical.
  • Check if your refrigerator has an oil cooling system. If there is, then the new compressor must also have such a system. If you choose a compressor of another model, then the heat exchanger coil will not work in this case.
  • It is important to remember that there are compressors with low and high starting torque. If your refrigerator has a capillary tube, then you need to install an LST (low trigger) compressor. If your refrigerator only has a regulator valve to regulate pressure, then the HST (high trigger) compressor is the right choice.

Sequence of work

  • First, the refrigerator is turned off from the network. Very carefully, so as not to break off the steel tubes, bend these tubes to create a gap. Then carefully lift the compressor and push it forward a little. No more than 5 cm.
  • Next, all refrigerant is removed from the compressor. To do this, it is necessary to have a piercing valve and a special balloon on which there is a vacuum. If your compressor can run even a little more, it will greatly facilitate the task of the wizard. Then this procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. The refrigerant is pumped into the condenser. The master breaks the filling tube, and simply squeezes the capillary tube. Then he turns on the refrigerator, and it works for 4 minutes. Then he carefully pierces the filter drier, takes the valve, secures it and attaches it to the cylinder. Having opened the cylinder, they will easily pump all the refrigerant into it.
  • Now you need a special soldering iron in order to unsolder the filter drier from the condenser and then replace the filling tube. It is recommended to use a copper tube with a diameter of 6 millimeters and a length of 10-15 centimeters. Then the master proceeds to the final dismantling of the compressor. At the last stage, he must unsolder, clean and put plugs on the discharge and suction pipes.
  • Plugs are also on the new compressor. The technician removes them and connect the ends of the refrigerator piping to the ends of the tubes on the compressor. Then he solders the joints. He also needs to solder a new filter drier. When he copes with this, he should cover the places where they were soldered with enamel paint.
  • Then, according to the instructions, the master will fill the compressor with refrigerant. Only the required volume is used. This will be done through the filling tube.