Wallpaper consumption. Counting of roll material and liquid formulations

There is no difficulty in calculating how much wallpaper glue is needed. Professional adhesives such as “ProMASTER” have special designations on the packaging regarding consumption, but if such information is not available, then without the help of a specialist, you can calculate the required amount of glue, spending just a couple of minutes. For this you need:

  • measure the height and length of the walls, and then determine the area for gluing;
  • using these figures, calculate the area that is not subject to gluing - windows, doors and other obstacles;
  • take into account additional processing of walls and priming.

The packaging sometimes indicates the total number of square meters for which the entire amount of glue is enough. Having this information and the total area for gluing, using simple arithmetic calculations, the approximate consumption of wallpaper glue per 1 m2 is calculated.

  • All such calculations begin with the calculation of the perimeter of the room. The easiest way out is to add the length and width and multiply by 2. For example, if the room is of the correct shape 3x4m, then the total perimeter will be 14m².
  • It’s good if everything is geometrically simple for you, and the correct shape. Often, in most apartments, there are necessarily various kinds of niches or ledges. In this case, it is better not to be too lazy and measure with your own hands, on the floor with a tape measure.
  • Regarding whether it is necessary to subtract windows and doors from the total pasted area, the opinions of experts differ.. In theory, of course, it should be subtracted, high-class professionals do just that. But if you do not have the proper experience, then it is better to leave everything together. This tolerance can go to all sorts of bends and undercuts.
  • The question of whether it is necessary to paste over the walls behind the furniture remains on the conscience of the owners. In our opinion, if you are the owner of a good, high-quality headset and it makes no sense for you to change it, then you should not glue wallpaper behind it. In this case, when measuring, the wall closed by furniture does not need to be taken into account.

  • For canvases with a ready-made pattern, such a value as “rapport” must be taken into account. Rapport is the step with which the pattern on the canvas is repeated. Most manufacturers indicate this value directly in the passport. To properly combine the pattern, the size of the rapport must be added to the height of the canvas.
  • The height of the canvas is determined based on the height of the ceilings. The value of rapport is added to this value, plus experts advise leaving a tolerance for trimming, it is in the range of 7-10 cm.
  • When counting strips, you should start from the width of the roll. The market is currently dominated by two standard sizes, these are 1m and 53 cm. The instructions on the package must contain all these data. The total perimeter of the room must be divided by the width of the strip, the resulting value is rounded up to an integer value. For example, the perimeter of a room already known to us is 14m, we divide these 14m by a roll width of 53 cm, and after rounding we get 27 stripes.
  • You can calculate how many stripes will come out of one roll by dividing the ceiling height, plus repeat, plus trimming allowance, by the length of the roll. And in this case, rounding should be in the opposite direction, to a smaller value.

  • After performing all these calculations, experts advise purchasing 1 extra roll in stock. If you do not have the proper experience, then when pasting with your own hands, there is a high probability of spoiling 1 - 2 strips. Plus, this stock can come in handy in the future if the coating gets dirty or damaged.

  • Liquid wallpaper is a top coat that is somewhat reminiscent of plaster. The mass is produced on the basis of glue, cellulose fibers and special additives. It enters the trade network in a dry form and is prepared immediately before use.
  • This coating is applied, maybe manually, using spatula and roller or by machine, using a special sprayer. On average, manufacturers promise that 1 kg of dry mix is ​​​​enough for 4 - 5 m² of wall. But it is not worth starting from this value when calculating.
  • The recommended application thickness for ideal walls ranges from 1.5 - 2.5 mm. But such walls are rare. Plus professionalism matters a lot. If you are doing this for the first time, then 1 kg of dry mix will be enough for you for a maximum of 3 m². But do not be discouraged, as a rule, in 2 - 3 hours you will fill your hand.
  • The best would be to use a sprayer. With a good pistol, even an amateur can work calmly and productively. When applying a solution to the wall, it is elementary to simply control the thickness of the spray, and with this option, the consumption of the same kilogram of dry mix increases to 5 - 7 m².

  • Regardless of your level of professionalism, experts advise when purchasing a dry composition to make a stock of at least 500g. It can go to unplanned expenses during spraying or come in handy for fragmentary repairs later.

The consumption of wallpaper glue per 1 m2 is usually indicated on the packaging of the purchased composition, but practice shows that this consumption is not always accurate and during the work, as a rule, the glue runs out at the most inopportune moment.

It is also not uncommon for cases when, after the wallpapering of the areas planned for repair is completed, a large amount of unclaimed adhesive composition remains, which has to be thrown away.

Dependence of adhesive consumption on the materials used

The heavier the wallpaper, the more glue you will need.

To calculate the adhesive required for wallpapering a room, you first need to decide on the type of wallpaper that will be used during work, and determine the area that needs to be covered with wallpaper. For this, the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. It is necessary to carefully prepare the surface on which it is planned to wallpaper.
  2. A wall covered with plaster must be carefully puttied and primed, since without these operations there will not be enough glue, as it will be absorbed into the porous base. will help to quickly calculate the required amount of material for this type of construction work.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the type of wallpaper, since the consumption of glue for them can be different. So, for example, for, when working with which glue is applied to the material itself, the consumption will be one, and for non-woven wallpaper, when the glue is applied to the base to which the wallpaper is glued, the consumption will be completely different.
  4. When determining the area of ​​the surface to be glued, it is necessary not to forget to subtract the area of ​​window and door openings from it.

For each type of wallpaper, you must use a special glue.

The ability to absorb glue of different materials and the unequal drying rate of the glue contribute to a large spread in the consumption rates of the adhesive composition, the calculation of which is nevertheless advisable to be based on practical experience, and not on the descriptions on the package.

The most profitable option for wallpapering in terms of economical glue consumption is to work on a flat and smooth base.

Calculation of the consumption of adhesive composition for wallpaper

Glue dilution is carried out strictly according to the instructions on the glue package.

After studying the initial data on the technical characteristics and qualities of the materials used in the process of pasting and the walls themselves, you can proceed directly to the calculation itself. To do this, follow the following guidelines:

  • first, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls of the room is calculated. For example, the length of the room is 6 m, the width is 3 m and the height is 2.5 m. We calculate the area of ​​the long wall 6x 2.5 = 15 m2, then we determine the area of ​​the short wall 3 x 2.5 = 7.5 m2. We add the results and multiply by two: (15 + 7.5) x 2 = 45 m2. The area of ​​doors and windows is subtracted from this value. For example, the window area is 1.2 x1.5 \u003d 1.8 m2 and the door is 2.1x1.1 \u003d 2.31 m2, 45- (1.8 + 2.31) \u003d 40.89 m2. We get an area equal to approximately 41 m2;
  • required for gluing on walls with a total area of ​​​​41 m2, with a wallpaper width, for example, equal to 0.53 m and a length equal to 10.5 m. 41 / (0.53 x10.5) \u003d 7.37 rolls;
  • further, using the instructions on the package, we determine the amount of glue needed to stick a given amount of wallpaper. For example, a package of glue weighing 200 grams is usually written that this is enough for a sticker of 6-9 rolls;
  • accordingly, in the case under consideration, one package of glue will be enough to wallpaper the room.

When calculating how much glue is needed for non-woven and vinyl wallpapers, their actual width must be taken into account. When diluting the dry adhesive composition with water, it is necessary to follow the requirements of the instructions indicated on the package. For more information on how to properly prepare wallpaper glue, see this video:

Even an open pack of wallpaper adhesive cannot be stored for a long time, so it is necessary to make the most accurate glue calculations.

In any case, before buying glue, you should agree in the store about the possibility of returning unused adhesive composition after work.

Dependence of glue consumption on its brand and type of wallpaper

Conventional wallpaper paste is made from starch or methylcellulose.

Today on the construction market there is a great variety of adhesive compositions designed for a wide variety of types of wallpaper, taking into account the surfaces on which these wallpapers can be pasted.

Glue consumption depending on its name, types of wallpaper and can also be determined from the table:

NameWeightType of wallpaperSquareWater consumption
Glue for all types of paper wallpaper180 gPaper5 rolls5 liters
Adhesive for vinyl wallpaper180 gVinyl4-5 rolls4 liters
Cleo ultra250 gGlass fiber
special wallpaper
18-25 m2
30-40 m2
30-40 m2
30-40 m2
55 m2
3.5 liters
5 liters
5 liters
5 liters
6.5 liters
Cleo smart200 gLight vinyl wallpaper
Heavy vinyl wallpaper
7-9 rolls
35-35 m2
5-7 rolls
25-35 m2
7.5 liters

6 liters

To stick paper wallpaper, ordinary wallpaper glue is used, in which starch or its substitute methylcellulose is used as the base. All other wallpapers are glued to specialized glue, the consumption of which is determined separately for each specific case. How to choose glue, see this video:

Vinyl, non-woven and fabric wallpapers are glued to glue, which should contain a high content of PVC and PVA emulsions up to 50%. The same glue is used for glass wall stickers.

Also, specialized glue will be needed to stick wallpaper in rooms with a low temperature, high humidity, in the presence of drafts and in other possible difficult conditions. The consumption of glue for these wallpapers per 1 m2 is also determined individually.

In order for the repair in the apartment, even cosmetic, to be successful, you need to know exactly the amount of purchased materials, in particular, the consumption of wallpaper glue per 1 m2. Of course, online calculators can calculate the consumption of different types of materials, but this will be an approximate, enlarged calculation. For example, if a room with a complex configuration is to be finished, even the most advanced program will not help. For example, the program will not be able to advise you whether it is necessary to paste over the walls behind the furniture, how to customize the pattern, whether to take into account the area of ​​window and door openings when calculating. Glue is even more difficult. There are many different compositions on sale, which differ in a variety of parameters. The conclusion suggests itself: it is much better to arm yourself with a notebook, a calculator and calculate everything yourself. Of course, you will have to spend time, but you will more than make up for it in the repair process. At the same time, save money.

Wallpaper glue consumption - what does it depend on?

Most often, manufacturing companies indicate the amount of glue consumption on the package. But, unfortunately, the information provided in most cases, to put it mildly, does not correspond to reality. If you blindly follow the instructions, the result will most likely disappoint you. It is more correct to dilute the dry mixture thicker in order to increase the strength of the connection between the panel and the base.

It is also important to decide on the type of trellis that will be used as a wall covering. The consumption of glue for non-woven wallpaper per 1m2 and the same indicator for paper trellises will differ. If only because the brands of adhesives will be different.

Is it possible to save?

You can, you just have to work hard first. The following points are taken into account:

  1. Before gluing, carefully prepare the surface.
  2. To improve the quality of gluing the walls, you must first coat them with a primer. By the way, this will make it possible to reduce the consumption of the adhesive composition, since it will be less absorbed into the porous base.
  3. When calculating the surface area to be pasted, do not forget to subtract from it the total area of ​​door and window openings.

Important! The nature of the surface to be pasted also affects the cost of glue: different materials have different absorbent abilities. The most economical option is pasting with trellises a flat and smooth surface.

Wallpaper glue calculation - procedure

After studying the properties and characteristics of finishing materials and the walls themselves, you can proceed to the calculations. The algorithm for calculating how much wallpaper glue is needed is as follows:

  • Calculate the area of ​​the walls of the room. From the resulting amount, subtract the total area of ​​window and door openings. For example, as a result of calculations, you get an amount equal to 40.5 squares.
  • Calculate how much wallpaper you need to cover the walls. If the width of the roll is 0.5 m and the length is 10 m, then the total area of ​​one roll is 5 m2. Thus, you will need 40.5 / 10 \u003d 4.1 (for an even score - 5 rolls).
  • Read the instructions written on the package. As a rule, information is presented in the following form: 250 g of dry matter is enough for gluing 7-8 rolls. Therefore, even if you make a sufficiently thick solution, then one package is enough.

Important! Modern adhesive compositions can be stored for a long time, even in the form of a solution. However, this should not be abused, so all calculations must be done with maximum accuracy.

Glue consumption and its brand - is there a relationship?

There are many adhesives available in hardware stores. Depending on the brand, the consumption of the mixture will be different. Consider the most typical examples with popular brands.


Dry adhesive mixture for light paper wallpapers. Glue is diluted with water (pack of 0.4 kg per 2-4 liters of water at room temperature). Ready for use in 3 hours.

One package is enough for 5-6 standard rolls (0.53x10.5 m).

CMC-1 (shavings)

Dry mix for washable wallpaper based on paper. In a pack of 100 g of the mixture (dilute in 2.5-3.0 liters of water).

The mixture is enough for 4-5 rolls sticker

CMC-N (dry)

Economic composition. Equally well suited for gluing light and heavy paper wallpapers, vinyl and acrylic wallpapers based on paper or textiles.

200 g of the composition is sufficient for pasting an area of ​​​​50 m2.

CMC Extra-fast

Wallpaper adhesive with high filling power. It can be used for pasting plastered or concrete surfaces with paper wallpaper - light or with an acrylic coating.

The consumption of the solution (200 g of glue, taking into account the added water) is:

  • Primer - 6 liters per 60-70 m2.
  • Light types of paper wallpaper - 6 liters per 20-25 m2.
  • Washable paper wallpaper - 5 liters per 15-20 m2.


Dry, instant mix for washable wallpaper with synthetic resins. Ready to use in 5 minutes. When sticking does not leave stains on the surface. Due to special additives, it prevents the development of fungus. Environmentally friendly, has a long shelf life.

200 g of glue is enough for:

  • primers - from 100 to 120 m2;
  • pasting walls with washable wallpaper - from 7 to 8 rolls.


Universal mixture that is used for all types of wallpaper. Instant, has good adhesiveness, resistant to temperature extremes. The composition is chemically neutral, has special anti-mold additives.

Consumption of 150 g of dry mix:

  • Primer - 100-120 m2.
  • Acrylic - 50-65 m2.
  • Heavy types of wallpaper - about 50 m2.
  • Vinyl wallpaper - about 40 m2.

Kelid Murale

Universal, ready-to-use composition for paper, non-woven trellis and fiberglass. The composition is applied with a spatula or roller. The composition of the mixture contains bactericidal impregnation.

The value of the length of wallpaper in a roll, which is indicated on the selected wallpaper packaging, is an average value. So the error in the purchase, especially considering the cost of glue, can be significant with large volumes.

We recommend using a differentiated calculation that takes into account the type of coating and the selected brand of glue. It takes into account a number of parameters, how much wallpaper glue is needed per roll. At the same time, there are also requirements for surface preparation, which, if violated, may increase the consumption of glue.

Adhesive grades and consumption data

Despite the fact that the composition of the brands of wallpaper glue that is on sale is plus or minus the same, in practice each product “glues differently”. The adhesive ability depends on the formula, which is affected by the degree of absorption of the adhesive by the contacting surfaces. Depending on the degree of wall preparation and the type of coating, consumption can vary by 20-50%, so it is better to enlist the calculated indicators by purchasing glue with a 10% margin for an additional volume.

For unheated and damp rooms

On sale there are specialized adhesives or universal. The choice must be made depending on a number of parameters and the availability of the product. Adhesive formulations described include typically modified starch and an anti-fungal additive that reduces the likelihood of mold infestation on the wall.

If such a possibility exists, then perform the following work:

  • the original surface is upholstered to the surface of the bearing wall;
  • treated with a strong antifungal compound, in some cases 2-3 times;
  • find out the reason for the increased humidity of the wall and eliminate;
  • plastered with cement-lime plaster, maintaining a flat surface without potholes;
  • cover with a deep penetration primer (wallpaper glue can also be used as a primer, as well as a mixture of water with PVA glue, but in this case the consumption will increase by 20-50% - it is diluted with a large volume of water).

After that, you can freely use even inexpensive and "not so reliable glue" that will successfully glue most types of coatings.

If there is a risk of mold or if a strong temperature difference is implied during the year, a special composition of TYLOS is used. Consumption of this glue (pack of 150 g):

  • soil, 12 l - up to 120 m2 (100 ml per 1m2);
  • acrylic, 10 l - up to 55 m2 (180 ml per 1 m2);
  • vinyl, 8 l - up to 45 m2 (170 ml per 1 m2);
  • heavy and fabric, 10 l - up to 55 m2 (180 ml per 1m2).

For example, it is definitely impossible to answer a frequent question from readers, how much glue is needed per 1 roll, since the parameter depends on the type of coating chosen. But this indicator can be estimated by taking the maximum values ​​based on the area.

TILOSA glue has a special purpose, so replacement and savings are not always advisable. If we calculate the consumption of TYLOS, based on the area, we will obtain the following data (based on the ceiling height of 2.7 m):

  • 9 sq.m (16.2 m2 of walls) - 50 g or 1/3 of the pack;
  • 15 sq.m (21.6 m2 of walls) - 75 g or 1/2 pack;
  • 20 sq.m 3 (28.8 m2 of walls) - 125 g or 2/3 packs;
  • 19 sq.m 3 (27.4 m2 of walls) - 125 g or 2/3 packs.

It takes up to 1 pack for a large room in an apartment, up to ½ for small children, up to 1/2 for a corridor, etc. Calculations are usually not made for 1 roll.

This is a domestic wallpaper paste, which is offered in several versions. It is made from paper fillers. It is offered in the CMC-1 version in dry powder, in the form of chips, suitable for light wallpaper and washable. The consumption indicated on the pack corresponds to 5-6 standard rolls per 400 g of powder and 4-5 rolls per 100 g of chips, respectively.

The Russian manufacturer produces a product with an innovative composition, characterized by low consumption, under the brand name CMC-N. Its declared consumption is 200 g per 50 m2. The product has good adhesive properties and can be used for all types of wallpapers. The price is low. This is one of the best and most economical Russian offers on the market. On sale you can find CMC Extra Fast with the following consumption: primer, 7 l - 70 m2, simple, 6 l - 25 m2, heavy and washable, 5 l - 20 m2.

If you are afraid of making a mistake, choose the flow rate with the maximum concentration of glue. In this case, you do not have to prime the walls, which requires additional costs.

This is one of the best wallpapers on the market. The product has positive reviews. Non-woven is considered the most optimal, it is obvious that it is best suited for non-woven wallpaper. Additional qualities include an elastic structure, which reduces the effect of wall cracking in the old foundation. Please note that the composition for different wallpapers is diluted with different volumes of water and, accordingly, is designed for different pasting areas.

Master Klein consumption (1 roll 53 cm wide, 10.5 m long):

  • preliminary soil (10 l) - 80 m2;
  • light paper (7 l) - up to 50 m2 (7-9 pieces);
  • light vinyl (5 l) - up to 40 m2 (7-8 pieces);
  • heavy (6 l) - up to 35 m2 (6-7 pieces).

It is better to take the composition with a 20% margin, the remains are successfully used as a primer or as a finishing mixture for walls with decorative plaster (1 roll covers an area of ​​5 sq. M).

  • 9 sq.m (16.2 m2 of walls, 3 or 4 rolls) - up to 1/2 of the pack;
  • 15 sq.m (21.6 m2 of walls) - up to 2/3 packs;
  • 20 sq.m 3 (28.8 m2 of walls) - up to 1 pack;
  • 19 sq.m 3 (27.4 m2 of walls) - up to 4/5 packs.

In fact, the average calculation assumes the purchase of 1 pack of glue per standard room. The rest is used for priming work.

KELIDExpress is one of the most popular. Under the KELID brand, products are produced for various types of roll coatings, while Express glues almost everything.

Its adhesive ability depends on the volume of water, because of this, the consumption is also calculated (250 g):

  • primer, 8 l - up to 80 m2;
  • simple, 7 l - 7-8 rolls;
  • dense, 6 l - 6-7 rolls;
  • heavy, 5 l - 5-6 rolls.

Calculation of the volume of wallpaper mixture for gluing on the walls.

  • check the quality of the walls, uneven with severe damage, foam concrete requires a primer;
  • decide on the type of glue (there are ordinary, with synthetic resins, acrylic and others on sale);
  • make an approximate calculation based on the footage of the walls of the room with a ceiling height of up to 2.7 m: 9 sq.m (16.2 m2 of walls), 15 sq.m (21.6 m2 of walls), 20 sq.m 3 (28.8 m2 of walls), 19 sq.m 3 (27.4 m2 of walls).

On average, for one standard room up to 20 m2, 1 pack of adhesive mixture is required, for nurseries and corridors (for example, 9 sq.m), ½ of the standard volume of the mixture is enough. 1 roll can cover 5 square meters. m of wall, that is, for a children's area of ​​​​9-12 m2, 4 rolls of wallpaper will be required.

The photo shows the total consumption per meter of wall, depending on the brand of adhesive mixture, based on this, you can calculate how much glue is needed for 1 roll of wallpaper.

In order for the wallpapering to go quickly, experts calculate many parameters: the size of the wallpaper, the working area and the consumption of wallpaper glue per 1 m2. The consumption rates of the adhesive material depend on what type of wallpaper is used for gluing. Knowing the exact calculations about the consumption of glue, it will be possible to avoid some mistakes:

  • excessive consumption;
  • purchase of material;
  • loss of time;
  • incorrect billing.

Counting principle

There is no difficulty in calculating how much wallpaper glue is needed. Professional adhesives such as "ProMASTER" have special designations on the packaging regarding consumption, but if such information is not available, then without the help of a specialist, you can calculate the required amount of glue, spending just a couple of minutes. For this you need:

  • measure the height and length of the walls, and then determine the area for gluing;
  • using these figures, calculate the area that is not subject to gluing - windows, doors and other obstacles;
  • take into account additional processing of walls and priming.

The packaging sometimes indicates the total number of square meters for which the entire amount of glue is enough. Having this information and the total area for gluing, using simple arithmetic calculations, the approximate consumption of wallpaper glue per 1 m2 is calculated.

Attention! It will not be superfluous to purchase glue with a margin, but not too much, it has a limited shelf life, after which it becomes unusable.

Consumption of wallpaper glue for non-woven wallpaper

It is necessary to calculate the consumption of glue for non-woven wallpaper based not on its density or brand of the manufacturer, but on the structure of the canvas for gluing. The thicker the wallpaper, the thicker the adhesive layer will be required. Interlining has one or more layers.

On average, 0.8 kg of dry glue (10 kg of ready-made adhesive mixture) is enough for 66 m2. Therefore, about 12 grams of dry mixture is consumed per square meter. The adhesive consumption can also be affected by the tools that will be used and the experience in applying the adhesive composition. The use of a roller or brush increases the consumption of glue significantly. Specialists use a wallpaper lubricator.

Wallpaper glue consumption for vinyl wallpaper

For gluing light vinyl wallpaper, the same amount of glue is consumed as for heavy ones. When using a primer, its consumption will be higher. On average, 5 rolls will require 150 grams of dry glue.

Regardless of the type of wallpaper, the preparation of glue remains unchanged and does not involve the use of any special skills:

  • warm water is drawn into the container;
  • dry glue is gradually poured from the package. At the same time, the composition is constantly mixed;
  • glue is added until the composition acquires an average viscosity;
  • after preparing the composition, it settles for 5-7 minutes, after which it is mixed again;
  • time to start gluing.

High-quality glue can be kept open for no more than 2 hours at temperatures above +20 degrees Celsius. Good glue does not smell and does not emit any odors.

Consumption of wallpaper glue for glass