Distance between switches. Installation of switches according to European standards

Engaged in construction or renovation, many homeowners are wondering how to install switches or sockets correctly and at what height from the floor. After all, not only the convenience of their use, but also the safety of operation largely depends on this.

In order to deal with this issue, consider the rules for their placement, which existed in the recent past, and the new European standards that came from civilized Europe.

Electrical installation guidelines

To date, there are no strict regulations or rules governing the location and number of outlets and switches. "Eurostandard" is just a convention, because here only ease of use plus safety precautions are of primary importance. The only documents that affect this issue are: a summary of the rules for the design of public and residential premises (SP 31-110-2003) and the rules for the installation of electrical installations (PUE), therefore, the installation of electrical wiring should be carried out based on these recommendations. The following installation rules follow from the first:

  • It is desirable that the installation height of the switch from the floor is up to 1 m, and it is located on the side of the door handle.
  • The sockets can be placed anywhere and at the same distance from the floor.

Extract from the PUE

In the PUE, some safety rules are discussed, which must be observed during placement.

  • It is recommended that the switches are located on the side of the door handle. The height of the switch from the floor is 1 m.
  • It is allowed to place them under the ceiling, with the control of a cord that turns on the light, which slopes to the recommended level.
  • The distance from the switch and the socket to the gas pipes and heating, as well as the battery, is at least 0.5 m.
  • In the kitchen, each power point should be at least 0.5 m from the gas pipeline, at least 0.8 m to the sink, and quite high from the floor.
  • Electrical assemblies in bathrooms can be installed from plumbing equipment and the floor at a distance of 0.6 m.

Installation of electrical units in a residential area

There are 2 ways to locate switches and sockets in apartments and houses. These are old Soviet standards, familiar to many, and the so-called European standards. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Old traditions

In Soviet times, in living quarters, it was customary to install switches at the level of a person's shoulder or under the ceiling. based on convenience and safety. As a rule, they were mounted at a distance of about 90-100 cm from the floor.

Ceiling switches worked as follows. To control the light, a cord was attached to a spring-loaded mechanical lever hidden inside the case. At its first pull, the light came on, and at the other, it went out.

The height of the switch from the floor was 160-180 cm. At that time, this distance was considered the most suitable and optimal for controlling light. And today, especially for the elderly, this is the most convenient option. The switch will not obstruct low furniture, such as cabinets, and will be located at eye level. In addition, small children will not reach him. Many are accustomed to this arrangement of switching devices and consider it the norm.

The specified height of sockets and switches from the floor has its advantages and disadvantages:

  • Plus - the outlet is convenient to use, since you do not need to bend over to it, and the switch does not interfere with the placement of furniture and is at eye level;
  • Minus - power cords from devices hang down, and to turn on the light you need to raise your hand.


The height of the switch from the floor according to the European standard is 90 cm, the outlet is 30 cm. However, as such, standardization has never existed in practice, and this concept came into our life along with the concept of European-quality repair, replacing the "Soviet standard". Of course, it has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  • Plus - the sockets do not "catch the eye" and do not interfere with anything, and the switches are located at the level of the lowered hand - they can be turned on without any effort, and without even looking. The height of the switch from the floor is 90 cm.
  • Minus - in order to insert the plug into the outlet, it will be necessary to bend over, and the switch should not be obstructed by anything.

The height of sockets and switches according to "Soviet" standards, in terms of convenience, is recognized by many as very dubious. The notorious European standard is now given much more preference. And there are many reasons for this. For example, it is not so striking than the many outlets with cords and "tees". The height of the switch from the floor 90 cm (at the level of a lowered human hand) is also very convenient, since it can be quickly found even in the dark.

Sockets and switches that do not have protection against current leakage "to ground" (difavtomats, RCDs) are highly discouraged to install in bathrooms and toilets. The same applies to the outlet for the washing machine.

How do I install?

Before proceeding with the direct installation of the switch or socket, it is necessary to circle their outline on the wall. In concrete, a hole is made using a drill with a diamond crown. The socket can be square or round. Special installation boxes are inserted into the prepared holes. To fix them, use gypsum, plaster or gypsum glue. The box is fastened with sliding legs or screws, then a plastic case is put on it.

Installation in a drywall wall is somewhat different, and the toolkit is different. All holes in the drywall sheets where the cable will be routed are made in advance. To fix switches and sockets, special paws are used. They will keep them on the sheet.

Open wiring is extremely rare and, as a rule, is fixed temporarily (for example, during repairs), because the wires spoil the interior. Agree, looking at the wall, where everything is aesthetically pleasing and neat, is much more pleasant.

When self-installing the wiring and connecting the outlet and switch without the involvement of a specialist, you should adhere to the above recommendations and certain rules that will allow all work to be performed without any problems and, most importantly, safely.

  • First of all, you need to decide on the arrangement of electrical appliances and furniture in the room. To do this, it is recommended to draw up a diagram, and preferably on such a scale that it is possible to mark all the equipment that requires an electrical connection, as well as furniture.
  • Then designate the location of switches and sockets, calculate the required number for each room.
  • Sockets for equipment (computer, refrigerator, etc.) are best located so that they always have free access, but at the same time they were hidden behind these electrical appliances.
  • Sockets above a desk, chest of drawers, etc. are best placed at a height of 15-20 cm from the furniture.
  • Switches or sockets must not be installed above or below a sink.
  • the wiring diagram should be selected in such a way as to eliminate network congestion.


So, there are no clear standards regarding the height of sockets and switches from the floor (euro or Soviet standards). But there are many recommendations that must be followed, primarily for security purposes.

The installation of outlets must be carried out in accordance with existing standards, because not only performance but also safety depend on this. If you do not consider this point, water may enter the device, the risk of damage will increase mechanical nature, etc. In addition, you will have to use extension cords, because the plugs will not reach the sockets. That is why it is extremely important to install these fixtures at a certain height.

For a long time, everyone has been striving to make repairs in accordance with foreign requirements, believing that this particular solution is the most attractive from an aesthetic and practical point of view. Let's say right away: there is no such standard. It usually refers to simply using the latest technology in the work.

Despite this, it is believed that height of the switch from the floor according to the European standard, it is 100 cm, and the sockets are 30 cm. This distance was chosen solely for reasons of practicality, it is not specified in any documents. That is why you can slightly change the distance from the skirting board. Nothing wrong with that.

Rules of the PUE

A completely different matter is the rules for the device of electrical installations ( PUE), enshrined in many documents. Such a standard existed in Soviet times and regulated the installation of sockets 90 cm, and switches 1.6 m from the floor surface.

The explanation for this decision is simple: an electrical device is always in sight, which means that the occurrence of an emergency is much easier to detect or prevent.

Modern requirements are somewhat different. GOST prescribes any such devices to be placed in accordance with the following requirements:

  • no closer than 0.6 m from the shower door;
  • not less than 5 m from gas pipelines;
  • approximately 0.6 m from sinks;
  • in catering and retail establishments, these electrical devices are prescribed to be mounted at a height of 1.3 m, in public places - up to 1 m.

There are no indications on the height of the devices for plugs in apartments and private houses, but any electrician will tell you that it should be at least 10 cm.With regard to the switches, the above 1 m is just the best option for all family members, but he too is not fixed anywhere. In preschool institutions, this indicator is normalized - 180 cm.

From the above, we can conclude that the so-called "Euro" standard and PUE do not violate the general rules for the use of electrical appliances, which means that you yourself decide at what distance the outlet or switch should be located from the floor, but within the limits described earlier.

Criteria for choosing the location and height of electrical appliances

Placement of sockets and switches according to European standards assumes a relatively small distance from the baseboard. But do not put it at the forefront, because safety and comfort of operation are in the first place.

Today, the height at which sockets and switches are installed does not have a clear regulation. The same applies to their number per room. As a result, quite often you come across rooms where they are placed in an archaic order and often in hard-to-reach places. Within the framework of this material, we will try to figure out how to properly install sockets and switches so that they are always available.

Standards for the installation of sockets and switches

As mentioned earlier, there are no regulations or rules for the installation of sockets and switches. Eurostandard is nothing more than convention, because only safety and ease of use are important here. This is confirmed by the Code of Rules for the Design of Residential and Public Buildings (SP 31-110-2003), the last edition of which was published in 2003, and the Electrical Installation Rules, which were prepared taking into account all IEC standards, therefore the wiring should be carried out on the basis of these recommendations. The following installation rules follow from the first:

  • switches should be located on the side of the door handle at a height of 1 m from the floor;
  • the distance from the floor to the outlet should also be 100 cm, while its location does not matter.

Excerpts from Electrical Installation Regulations

  • switches should be located in the same way as the instructions from the previous document, i.e. near the door handle at a distance of 1 m from the floor;
  • the switch can also be located under the ceiling, if there is a connecting cord that falls to the recommended level;
  • in the kitchen, all power points should be at a distance of at least half a meter from the gas pipeline and high enough from the floor;
  • in bathrooms, electrical units should be installed at a distance of 60 cm from plumbing equipment and the same distance from the floor.

Euro sockets significantly differ from our products... The diameter of the pins and the distance between them in such an outlet are somewhat larger. The current strength is also higher: euro - 10-16A, and in domestic it is twice less - 6-10A. Therefore, the first one is much more profitable, since several devices can be connected to it.

Installation of electrical components in the house

So that you understand - there are two ways to locate sockets and switches in the house. This is the so-called. European standard and good old, familiar to many, Soviet standards. Let's take a look at each in detail.

According to the European standard, the sockets must be located at a distance of 30 cm from the floor, and switches - 90 cm. But in reality, as such, standardization has never existed, and this concept came into our life along with European-style repairs. Accordingly, it has a positive and negative side:

  • the socket is not "conspicuous" and does not interfere with anything, and the switch is located at the level of the lowered hand (90 cm from the floor) and it can be turned on without even looking and without applying any effort - this is a plus;
  • in order to insert the plug into the outlet, you will need to bend over, and so that the switch can be clicked, it should not be obstructed by anything - this is a minus.

As for the Soviet standards, opinion about them has recently been divided. Some consider them more convenient, others do not, but recently the number of the latter has begun to grow. Recall that then the installation of the outlet was adopted at a height of 90 cm, and the switches at the level of a human head, i.e. 160 cm. As in the previous case, there are pros and cons:

  • the outlet is much more convenient to use, since you do not need to bend over to it, and the switch is located at eye level and does not interfere with the placement of furniture - this is a plus;
  • constantly hanging power cords from appliances and the need to raise your hand to turn on the light and find the toggle switch with your eyes are a minus.

We have already said above that the installation height of sockets and switches according to the "Soviet" standard, in terms of convenience, has long been recognized by many as questionable. The notorious European standard began to be given more preference. Take, for example, the same sockets, or, more precisely, a block of them. It will not be as conspicuous as a bunch of outlets with "tees" and cords.

The same applies to switches that are located at the entrance to the room, at the level of a lowered human hand, at a height of 90 cm from the floor... Thus, it can be quickly found when entering a dark room. And in rooms with a greater length, it makes sense to install two pass-through switches at different ends.

Switches and sockets that do not have protection against leakage currents "to the ground" (RCDs, difavtomats) are not recommended for installation in toilets and bathrooms. The same applies to the outlet for the washing machine.

How do I install them?

Before proceeding with the installation of an outlet or switch, you should circle their outline on the wall. If it is concrete, then the hole is made with a perforator with a diamond crown. The socket box can be made both round and square. Special installation boxes are inserted into the prepared holes. Plaster of paris is used to fix them, plaster or gypsum glue... The box is fastened with sliding paws or screws, and then a plastic case is put on it.

Installation in a plasterboard wall is somewhat different, and the necessary tools are also different. In drywall sheets, all holes are made in advance, where the cables will need to be routed. To fix the sockets and switches, special paws are used, which must hold them on the sheet.

As for the installation with open wiring, such cases are extremely rare and basically they are only temporarily fixed in this way (for example, during repairs), since the wires affect the interior. Agree that it is much more pleasant to look at a beautiful wall, where everything is neat and aesthetically pleasing.

If you want to carry out the wiring and connect the sockets with a switch yourself without the involvement of third-party help, then you should stick to the tips above and a number of rules that will allow you to perform all work without problems and, most importantly, safely:

Summing up

So what have we learned today? Perhaps the most important thing will be the fact that clear standards or GOSTs regarding the placement of sockets, switches and wiring, but there are a number of recommendations that must be followed, primarily for safety reasons. But the number of devices with switches should also be such that the operation of household and lighting devices is as convenient as possible, which should be taken into account when drawing up a project.

Installation of switches according to European standards. This option is more modern and more comfortable for some. With the European standard, the switches are installed at a distance of 90 cm from the floor. This allows you to turn off and on the light without raising your hands or just passing by. Installation of switches at the request of the client. Electricians of our company will install switches clearly in those places where it will be convenient for you. Regardless of any standards and not at the expense of safety.

To understand this issue in more detail, let's start with the switches.

There are three options for installing the switches:

Soviet. It consists in the fact that the switches are installed at a distance of about 160 cm from the floor. For many people, this particular option was and remains the most suitable. Firstly, people are accustomed to the fact that the switch is at eye level, and secondly, this option is the most rational when there is low furniture in the area of ​​the switch that does not allow installing the switch below. Also, a very important factor is the presence of children, kids love to play with light, but in this version it is impossible.
Installation of switches according to European standards... This option is more modern and more comfortable for some. With the European standard, the switches are installed at a distance of 90 cm from the floor. This allows you to turn off and on the light without raising your hands or just passing by. at the request of the client. Electricians of our company will install switches clearly in those places where it will be convenient for you. Regardless of any standards and not at the expense of safety.

Installation of sockets.

The sockets can also be installed at different distances from the floor, but in this case, the European standard for the installation of sockets is the most rational, since they are installed at a distance of 30 cm from the floor. This is much more convenient than the Soviet version we are used to, when they were installed at a distance of 90 cm from the floor, this allows you to comfortably use household appliances and hide wires. But here, too, you need to remember about the purpose of the room in which the sockets are installed, since, for example, in the kitchen, sometimes wires are needed above the table where the equipment is directly used.

And a few words about the technical part of the installation of sockets, we all use European standard sockets, since those sockets that were in the recent past do not allow the use of most household appliances. There is such a thing as adapters, but their use is far from safe, as it can lead to fire. In European standard sockets, the diameter of the pins is 0.8 mm larger than in domestic ones. The distance between them is also different. The current strength in European sockets is 10 A or 16 A, in domestic ones - 6.3 A or 10 A. That is, in this case, the European standard for the installation of outlets gives great opportunities in using household appliances.

European standard for mounting sockets

The installation of outlets according to the European standard includes a listing of many points that, according to some opinions, are best observed and performed exactly with writing. After all, all the explanations from the manuals for the construction of your own wiring refer to the European standard, which performs the function of your savior.

Despite the favorite statements about the correctness of all the sayings of the European standard, about an established system that should be observed, the installation of outlets according to the European standard can take a different form. The basic rule is that the outlet must be installed twenty to thirty cm from the floor, you can choose to install both an external and an internal outlet, there is no particular difference except for ease of use. According to the same European standard, the switches should be at a height of 90 cm. But it should be remembered that the European standard is not always applicable to everyday life, its own comfort and ease of use play an important role. In this case, the socket can be placed based on your future intentions, because there is always a need for something, it is impossible to install the socket just like that, without knowing what it will be intended for.
When Western household appliances appeared in the countries of the post-Soviet space, the population was faced with the problem of connecting these appliances to our domestic sockets. For the uninterrupted operation of foreign household appliances and ensuring security, it was necessary to install sockets according to the European standard. The adapters that have entered into practice did not justify themselves due to fire safety, they became sources of ignition not only for appliances, but also for the objects around them, which endangered the lives of owners of household appliances.

The installation of sockets according to the European standard is carried out taking into account the safety requirements for modern household appliances, including the choice of the optimal height of the sockets and so on.

The diameter of the pins in euro sockets is 0.8 mm larger than in domestic ones. More and the distance between the pins. The current strength in European sockets is 10 or 16 A, in domestic ones - 6.3 or 10 A. It follows from this that the installation of outlets according to the European standard allows you to simultaneously use a larger number of electrical appliances.

Norms and standards for the installation of a socket, switch

There is no single standard or standard for the installation of outlets. There is a so-called European standard. According to these rules, there is no difference in which socket to install (external or internal). Safety technology and comfort of use matter. So, according to the European standard, the sockets are installed at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the floor, and the switches in the room are 90 cm from the floor, in the kitchen - 110 cm.

Euro sockets are somewhat different from domestic devices. The diameter of the pins and the distance between them in the euro socket are larger. The current strength is also more, almost twice: euro - 10-16 A, domestic - 6.3-10 A. Therefore, the installation of an outlet, a switch according to the European standard is more profitable, because allows you to connect several devices at the same time.

In Russia, for a long time, there was another option for installing sockets and switches. 160 cm height from the floor is the Soviet standard for the location of the switch. Many people still find it to be the most convenient. The switch is in the field of view of the eyes, allows you to install nearby furniture that will not close it, and is also safe for children who like to "click" the keys.
You can also choose a more original American standard for the installation of sockets. It provides not only a height from the floor (sink or kitchen table) of 30.5-41 cm, but also a certain distance between the sockets in the room - 1.8 m, starting from the doorway.
Installing sockets and switches in different walls

To mark the outlet, its outline is outlined on the wall. When working on concrete, the hole for the socket is hollowed out with a perforator with a diamond crown. The socket box can be of different shapes: round or square. There are also installation boxes for monolithic concrete walls. Plaster glue, ordinary plaster or plaster of paris are used to fix the flush plate in the wall.

The block in the socket is attached with sliding paws or screws. A plastic case is attached to it on top.

You can also install an outlet or a switch in a plasterboard wall. In this case, the hole is cut using a special tool.

When installing the outlet in drywall, use a different drill bit. The process is somewhat different from installing an outlet in concrete or brick. All holes in the drywall are made in advance. Cables are pulled to the place of the holes, which are led out into the prepared holes. Socket boxes for hollow surfaces such as drywall have special feet. They keep the rosette on the sheet.

It is less and less common for electricians to install sockets, switches with open wiring, since they spoil the appearance of the room. It is much more pleasant when everything is hidden under the wall, everything is neat and aesthetically pleasing.
Requirements for modern sockets and installation:

When installing an outlet or switch, the order of connecting the contacts should not be confused. It is especially important to remember this when connecting a three-prong socket with a grounding contact.
In addition to the fact that the installation height is not standardized by a single standard, the height of sockets, which are intended for air conditioners and other devices, with a grounding contact, is not standardized either.
The sockets are installed with the expectation of a current of 6 A, one piece per 10 m2 of area - in rooms, in a kitchen of any size - two sockets.
It is possible to install an outlet in the bathroom only at a distance of 0.6 m from the bathroom, and also if the following conditions are met: waterproof outlets are used, they are connected to a SELV or PELV power source, or protected by an RCD.
Do not install sockets in the bathroom under or above the sink. It is necessary to choose such a wiring scheme in which congestion in the network will be excluded, i.e. it is important to protect against overcurrent, otherwise the main fuse will fail and there will be a short circuit in the device.
The contact of the plug with the socket must not be "loose". Reliable contact will not allow the connector to warm up and will not lead to a fire or damage to the cable.
Live parts of the socket must be isolated from each other and protected from touching.
Some modern sockets are protected against incorrect connection, when it is impossible to insert only one pin of the plug into the outlet.

Among the many electrical work, the installation of an outlet, a switch is one of the simplest, but this does not mean that it needs to be done as you like, without observing certain rules.
