How to make a good toilet in the country. Country toilet do it yourself: dimensions, drawings

Of fundamental importance in the construction of a toilet in a summer cottage is the choice of location, which is regulated by the provisions of the current regulatory documents.

In particular, the distance from the toilet to the water sources (, well) has been determined, which cannot be less than 25 m and should be located in the lowland.

Much depends on the occurrence of groundwater: the lower their level, the less you will have to make a cesspool.

A cesspool may generally be an unacceptable option in the event of a high level of groundwater at the location chosen for the construction of the toilet. It is necessary to observe how the wind rose develops, to determine their main direction so that specific smells do not create problems either in your area or in neighboring areas.

The boundary distance is established strictly according to the current standards, which should be studied in advance, and construction should be carried out in full compliance with them. Otherwise, you may have to destroy the building and start all over again.

How to make a toilet in the country - the preparatory stage

After determining the place for building an outdoor toilet, you can start selecting a design. There are recommendations regarding the optimal size of the toilet, the height, width and depth of which are respectively equal to 2.2 x 1 x 1.4 meters.

As for the form, everyone chooses his own version, among the most common courtyard toilet is a teremok, a house or a hut.

To carry out the necessary work, you should purchase materials and tools, if there are none on the farm. You will need:

  1. shovel with a short handle;
  2. scrap, or better a solid perforator (in the presence of heavy soil);
  3. a barrel or other container for 200 liters for a cesspool; you can also use a standard well ring with a diameter of 1m;

A shovel with a short handle is useful for digging a hole in which it is difficult to turn around with a longer tool. Hard ground (limestone, heavy clay, gravel, etc.) will require a hammer drill, crowbar or pickaxe. A power connection must be prepared for the power tool.

You can, of course, buy a ready-made toilet, from among those that are offered by hardware stores, but it will be more interesting to do it on your own. First of all, you need to make a sketch and drawing, not forgetting about ventilation and insulation. Then you can independently build a simple structure from the materials remaining from the construction of a summer cottage or house, or purchase sandwich panels.

Before starting the construction of the toilet, a cesspool must be prepared. Its dimensions in depth depend on the availability of groundwater and the level of their occurrence. The diameter is determined arbitrarily, there are no special recommendations in this regard.

Work should be started in good weather, when there is no rain. It is advisable to get to the bottom of the sand so that all liquid fractions can quickly be absorbed into it.

The pit must be well cleaned, leveled and tamped with its bottom. Then a barrel made of any metal or plastic is directly installed, although it should be borne in mind that the service life of such a pit will not be very long.

Concrete cesspool rings look much preferable. Of course, you cannot do without the use of a crane. Equally well is the storage device equipment by laying stone or bricks, which are reinforced with reinforcement or reinforced mesh, followed by a waterproofing layer and plastering. The conditions for the future use of the toilet will suggest an acceptable option for a cesspool.

How to make a wooden country toilet - the process of the device

Directly the device of the toilet house begins with marking and drilling holes, where the posts will be located, which will act as supports.

Toilet foundation

In the case of using the toilet throughout the year, it is necessary to make a foundation deepened below the point to which. Usually the shape of a rectangle is used.

Toilet frame

In our case, it is mounted from wood, preferably from a bar, selected according to predetermined dimensions. The external cladding of the structure may not be enough, therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the frame from the inside with braces or kerchiefs.

Chair for country toilet

The cross bars are mounted at a height of about half a meter - they will be used as a base for the toilet seat.

Toilet roof

Since the toilet has a small size, it is possible to install a roof without using a lag. For the roof, you can use materials with almost no restrictions. The only consideration that should be taken into account is that it is desirable to create a single architectural ensemble on the site. Then the same material should be used for the toilet roof as for the house. A final note concerns tiles that require reinforcement of the roof frame.

Wall cladding and flooring

For lining the toilet inside and outside, ordinary lining or any other available material is quite suitable. Next, the door is hung, and the floors are laid, which can be made of wood to your taste, followed by painting, or laid on a concrete base with ceramic tiles.

Exhaust ventilation

Usually located on the rear wall of the structure, the ventilation pipe must be led out above the roof level. In a year-round toilet today, they even equip a small patch for heating.

You should not neglect the rules during the construction of a country toilet, even if it is a simple construction, nevertheless, it is very important.

As practice shows, you can build a toilet at a summer cottage on your own, without resorting to outside help.

Construction of a country toilet (form - teremok)

One of the options for how to build a toilet-house for a summer residence on your own, step-by-step photos shared by a craftsman on the forum, a house and a summer house.

Country toilet do it yourself - video

Step-by-step instructions for beginners with no experience in construction.

Scheme and drawing of a country toilet

The first building that every summer resident thinks about is a toilet. And here a number of questions arise that need to be resolved. First of all, you need to decide on the type of toilet, because there are many of them. Special attention should be paid to author's projects, which are distinguished by their unusual construction and design.

In fact, when creating a country toilet with your own hands, you yourself can become an architect and develop a unique project that is ideal for your conditions. Nevertheless, there are rules that it is advisable to follow. This guarantees a long service life of the structure.

When creating a country toilet with your own hands, you need to take into account the possible frequency of use, the number of family members and the length of stay. The last parameter is of particular importance. The fact is that most of the country houses are used periodically. You only enter them on weekends, and even then during the summer. Naturally, in this case, it makes no sense to install a structure that is designed for constant use and ultra-high loads.

When building a country toilet with your own hands, special attention should be paid to the level of groundwater. If it exceeds the mark of 2.5 meters, then it is impossible to dig a cesspool.

What types of toilets are there

Before you start building with your own hands, you need to find out what they are, in general. The first type is structures based on a cesspool. This is the easiest and fastest way to build a bathroom. But here, too, there are subtleties that you need to know about.

First, such a toilet requires proper waterproofing. It will prevent spontaneous drainage into groundwater. Second, you need to think about cleaning ahead of time. The best way to do this is to use a sewer truck.

Dry closets are very popular now. They are of three types:

  • chemical,
  • peat,
  • electrical.

Their main plus is ease of installation. Such a country toilet can be installed by any person without special knowledge. The main thing is to connect the drain in the case of a peat toilet.

The dry closet can be placed both inside the house, and a special room can be made for it. The features of building a country toilet with your own hands will be discussed further. The most important thing is to choose the right model. When choosing, you need to consider how many people will use the toilet and how often.

There are models of a country toilet with a reservoir of 100-150 liters, however, and their price is appropriate. You will have to pay at least 15-20 thousand. But you can clean such a dry closet 1-2 times a year.

If you visit the country house once a week, and completely close all the premises for the winter, you can purchase a bathroom for 5-6 thousand rubles. For a family of three, this will be more than enough.

Important ! Dry closets are irreplaceable when a house is being built.

When a house has already been erected on your territory and all the main construction work is completed, you should take care of creating a capital suburban toilet with your own hands, namely a septic tank. This structure is a complex of tanks buried in the ground. Moreover, they can be cleaned once every 8 years if you use a biological cleaning system.

Very often, when creating such country toilets with their own hands, concrete rings are used. They alternately plunge into the ground, the joints between them are smeared. It is considered that the ideal number of tanks is 3. The first two serve as sedimentation tanks. In the latter, filtration takes place. Waste is absorbed into the ground without the slightest harm to nature.

The fact is that anaerobic bacteria are present in a country toilet with a biological cleaning system. They process impurities, neutralizing all harmful substances. This is the only type of country toilets that you can create with your own hands near water supply points.

Important ! For the installation of concrete rings, you will need special equipment. But all the work can be done by hand.

We build a toilet house with our own hands

Preparatory stage

After you have decided on the place to build a country toilet with your own hands, you need to choose the type of construction you need. There is a certain gold standard that is most often used by builders. This ratio is 2.2x1x1.4 meters. If we talk about the form, then there are three most common types:

  • hut,
  • teremok,
  • house.

Before starting work, check that all the necessary tools are available at the dacha. To build a country toilet with your own hands, you will need:

  1. perforator (if this is not available, a simple scrap will do, but you have to sweat a lot);
  2. shovel;
  3. a barrel with a capacity of about 200 liters (needed for a cesspool) a concrete ring is also suitable;

The shovel should be with a short handle. It is much more convenient for her to dig a hole. A crowbar or hammer drill is needed in order to crush hard ground. If you decide to use an electric tool, make sure you have a mains connection.

A warning ! This instruction is designed for a country toilet with a cesspool.

Before starting the construction of a country toilet with your own hands, make a sketch or use one of those presented below. The project needs to include ventilation and insulation. Of course, you can do without the latter if you do not use the cottage in winter.

The main plus of building a country toilet with your own hands on the basis of a cesspool is its cheapness. Moreover, it is not even necessary to purchase new materials. It is enough to use what is left from the construction of the house.

Digging a cesspool

The pit is made before the construction of the house. Although in some cases there are exceptions. If you decide to make a brick building instead of a traditional wooden structure, then you can first build the building, and then dig a hole. Nevertheless, you should take into account that it will be extremely inconvenient to do this.

The size of the cesspool directly depends on the availability of groundwater and the depth of their occurrence. The diameter is chosen according to your own discretion. However, don't make it too big. This can cause certain difficulties in the further construction of a country toilet with your own hands.

Advice ! It is necessary to engage in construction in good weather.

When digging a hole with your own hands for a country toilet, try to get to the sand. Clay has poor absorbent properties. Because of this, human waste will be extremely slowly absorbed into the soil. This, in turn, will lead to the formation of an unpleasant odor.

Of course, you can use special substances that kill the smell, but their possibilities are not limitless. Therefore, it is better to go deeper an extra meter than to regret later that you did not.

The pit is being cleaned. The bottom is leveled and compacted. Only then is the barrel or concrete ring set up. Moreover, the barrel can be either metal or plastic. The last option when creating a suburban toilet with your own hands is much preferable.

The fact is that plastic barrels do not corrode, which means that their service life is practically unlimited. Particular attention should be paid here to the quality of the plastic. There are species that can survive in such an environment for 50 years!

If you do not have a barrel or a concrete ring, you can use cement and simply concreted the walls of the pit. This, of course, is not an ideal waterproofing option, but it’s not easier to come up with it.

When building a country toilet with your own hands from concrete rings, you will need a crane. You will not immerse the rings in the hole with your own forces. Another alternative waterproofing is brickwork. It is additionally reinforced with reinforcement.

The process of creating a country toilet

To build a country toilet with your own hands, you need to plan everything exactly and follow the instructions below. The construction of the house begins with the markup. Then you need to drill holes. Later, columns are installed in them, acting as supports.

An important question that needs to be resolved even when creating a country toilet project is the presence of a foundation. If the house is summer, then it is not necessary to build a foundation. Nevertheless, it is necessary when you live in the country all year round or come for the winter.

When you create the foundation of a country toilet with your own hands, it is important to take into account some parameters. First, it must be deepened below the freezing point of the earth. Secondly, the rectangular shape of the site is traditionally used. But this is not an axiom. You are free to choose the shape of the foundation depending on the location of the building.

It is better to mount the frame for the toilet made of wood. It's simple and inexpensive. You can, of course, use a brick, but creating a masonry with your own hands for a country toilet will take a lot of time. It is not surprising that most people choose wood as their main material.

Advice ! The ideal material is timber. It is inexpensive and very reliable.

When building a frame of a country toilet with your own hands, it is advisable to strengthen it from the inside. This is especially true for areas where hurricanes and storms are frequent. In the process, braces and gussets are used.

Advice ! To create a seat, it is enough to take the crossbars and mount them at a height of about half a meter.

The roof for a country toilet is laid without the use of a lag with your own hands. The material can be any, the main thing is that it matches the general architectural ensemble of the rest of the buildings on your territory.

And not even from the garden house. First of all, any owner puts a closet. Because without it, further development of the territory is impossible. At this simple object, a hand is getting ready and the first practice of construction work appears. How to build a toilet for a summer residence with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions, photos and diagrams will help you cope with this task.

The design of a sanitary house must be approached with all responsibility

The rules and regulations for the location of a latrine on the territory of the site are not a whim of the inspection authorities. Their main purpose is to prevent waste from entering the groundwater and to provide the site owner with sanitary cleanliness and safety. That is why it is important to know and follow a few simple requirements:

  • The distance from the sanitary block to the reservoir, if it is located next to the site, is not less than thirty meters. If the water body is located in a low place relative to the site, the toilet must be moved as far as possible.
  • The toilet should not be located closer than fifteen meters from the basement or cellar.
  • You need to retreat from the house at least eight meters, from the chicken coop or other buildings for living creatures - five meters.
  • You need to step back at least a meter from trees, a vegetable garden and a fence.
  • It is recommended to study the direction of constant winds so that the unpleasant smell does not bother neighbors.
  • It is important to know the depth of the groundwater table. If their level is less than two and a half meters, you will have to install another sealed version of the closet.
Important information! When planning the construction of a summer cottage latrine, you need to study the location of neighboring pits, wells and wells. Good relations with neighbors are one of the vital conditions for a successful summer vacation.

Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: how to make a closet with a cesspool

Many summer cottages are equipped with toilets with a cesspool. This type of construction is not suitable for areas where the groundwater level rises over 2.5 meters. The depth of the pit must be at least 1.5-2 meters. If, during the preparation of the site, it is found that the pit is filled with moisture, all the work will be in vain.

A closet with a cesspool has the following advantages:

  • simplicity of design;
  • fast erection;
  • duration of use.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • it is important to study the depth of groundwater;
  • you will have to significantly retreat from water sources (wells, wells, reservoirs);
  • the cost of waterproofing and ventilation of the facility;
  • the need for regular cleaning.

This sanitary facility consists of two parts: the booth itself and the pit. The tank for sewage is strengthened bricks or boards treated with resin or other impregnation that prevents them from rotting. The bottom is poured with a layer of concrete thirty centimeters deep. A toilet for a summer residence, a drawing with the dimensions of which is presented above, provides for the possibility of an access to a sewer truck for removing waste from the pit. The hatch into the pit, through which further cleaning will be carried out, must be tightly closed. Experts recommend equipping a clay castle around the entire height, that is, between brick or wooden walls and the ground, you need to fill in a layer of clay up to a quarter of a meter thick.

Useful information! How often you have to hire a car to clean it directly depends on the size of the pit. Calculations show that 1 cubic meter of volume per year should be provided for one permanently resident person.

Sanitary facilities without a cesspool

The increased occurrence of groundwater does not allow you to arrange a cesspool on the site? There are several alternative solutions:

  • Toilet type "Powder closet". To equip it, you will need a container that is installed directly under the toilet seat. To prevent an unpleasant odor after use, sand or ash is poured into the container. Pros: the toilet can be placed anywhere on the site, the device is quite hygienic and does not require special maintenance costs. Cons: You will have to change or clean the tank frequently.

  • Dry closet. The principle of operation of dry closets is in the use of special reagents (liquids or mixtures) that decompose waste. Advantages: ease of maintenance and lack of odors, the ability to place a sanitary point anywhere, even in the house. Disadvantages - the need for frequent cleaning and the high cost of reagents.

Models and prices for finished devices

Dry closets for summer cottages are divided into three main categories:

  • Liquid - using liquid fillers, they do not require ventilation or drainage.

ModelMister little miniCampa Potti MGPortable 10 (Enviro)ZENET OS07Visa Marin 319
Price, rub5900 3444 3000 2950
Dimensions, mm420x370x340383x427x330350x430x320350x410x310410x420x370
Weight, kg5 3,6 4,5 3,5 5
Drain typePiston pumpHand pumpHand pumpHand pumpPiston pump
Tank volume, l18 12 10 10 18
250 250 250 250 250
  • Peat - natural peat is used for filling. This closet requires ventilation and drainage, so it is better not to put it in the house.

ModelPiteco 505Compact EliteBIOLAN KompletBioComfortROSTOK Standard
Price, rub5490 4400 22500 8900
Dimensions, mm710x390x590650x380x600850x600x780670x420x650790x615x820
Weight, kg8,5 6 15 8,8 11
Peat feedingmanualmanualmanualmanualmanual
Tank volume, l44 40 140 40 100

Related article:

  • Compost - do without fillers, run on electricity. The waste can be used for compost.

Any of these products can be installed quickly and practically anywhere. A comparative analysis of popular brands of dry closets is presented above.

DIY toilet: step-by-step instructions for building a birdhouse

Step-by-step instructions for a do-it-yourself toilet in the form of a "birdhouse" are appreciated for its simplicity. Indeed, what could be simpler than an ordinary booth with a door and a symbolic window for ventilation?

A do-it-yourself toilet in the country, the drawings of which suggest using standard sizes and dimensions, will not be difficult to build on your own. The height of the booth is usually 2-2.5 meters, the internal dimensions are from 1 square meter.

Drawing of a toilet cubicle - birdhouse

Support pillars made of brick or concrete with a height of 20-30 centimeters are placed around the equipped pit. Such a height is sufficient so that the structure does not topple over during seasonal ground movements. A flooring made of oiled boards is installed on the posts.

Metal corners are used to fix vertical racks from a bar. They make a strapping of the top of the frame. The doorway is decorated with a bar. If the site is exposed to open winds, it is better to install additional oblique planks.

The frame is sheathed with wood, or OSB plates. A sheet of corrugated board or ondulin is fixed to the roof lathing. The door leaf is hung.

Related article:

Toilet hut: basic design principles

The triangular structure of the "Shalash" closet is easier to manufacture and can be erected literally in a matter of hours. Its peculiarity is that the walls are at the same time the roof slopes.

Such a toilet is sheathed only from the front and back. Roofing material is used from the sides.

Helpful advice! It is best to lay a soft roof on such structures. It is laid on plywood or OSB sheet.

Erection of a structure of the "Shalash" type

DIY toilet in the country: photos, ideas and construction tips

The design of the closet can be very diverse and include an additional shower and a household block. If you combine these buildings, you can simultaneously save on the manufacture of a shower pit and the base of a pantry for gardening tools. Below will be presented a toilet in the country with their own hands: photos and various interesting solutions.

With the growing popularity of wooden construction, many options for ready-made outlets from logs and beams have appeared on sale.

Another version of the booth is a plastic construction. It is not particularly beautiful, but it looks neat and is easy to wash and clean.

A brick or stone garden toilet is a solid and durable structure. It is usually erected from "waste" brick and revetted with stone, tiles, or simply plastered.

Craftsmen offer original designs from scrap materials. The closet can be made from car tires, glass bottles or firewood.

Wherever a person lives, he tries to equip his habitat as comfortably as possible. Therefore, the first structure erected at a summer cottage is a toilet. It is difficult to live even one day without this building outside the city. To build it, you can hire specialists or do the work yourself. But even if you decide to make a toilet in the country with your own hands, you cannot do without theoretical knowledge. So we will find out what needs to be done to build the much-needed structure.

Where to place the structure?

Before the construction of the toilet, the place for its construction is determined. The remoteness of the toilet from other buildings depends on its design. Or rather, whether it will be a building with or without a cesspool.

What type of toilet to choose is decided not only taking into account preferences, but also taking into account the location of groundwater. If they are located above the 2.5 meter mark, the construction of a cesspool is prohibited. In such cases, a powder closet is built.

When choosing a place to build, do not forget that this is a place of seclusion. Therefore, it is advisable to take him a corner away from the buildings.

When constructing a toilet with a cesspool, observe the sanitary standards for such structures. The toilet should be located at least 12 meters away from residential buildings. The distance from it to the water source is at least 20 meters. In order to avoid misunderstandings with neighbors, we are building a toilet in the country, having moved one and a half meters from the fence.

When planning the construction of a country toilet with a cesspool, think about how a sewage truck will drive up to it later. The length of the sewage pumping hose is only 7 meters. Moreover, 3 of them will be located in the pit.

Also consider the landscape of the site. a toilet built in the lowlands will fill up quickly during the rainy season and spring snowmelt. And the building on a hill is blown from all sides by the wind.

Varieties of cesspools

Depending on the penetration of sewage into the ground, cesspools are: with a filter bottom and sealed. The construction and operation of a sealed structure will be more expensive. This is due not only to consumables, but also to more frequent cleaning and calling the sewer truck. Waste on a pit with a filter bottom is less noticeable, but there is a possibility of contamination of the surrounding area. In addition, such structures are prohibited by sanitary standards.

You can build the walls of the cesspool from different materials. Depending on this, they are:

  • brick;
  • plastic;
  • from concrete rings;
  • monolithic.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

We lay out a pit made of brick

Option # 1 - sealed construction

Having decided on the construction site of the toilet, they clear the marked area. They dig a rectangular pit according to the required dimensions. The larger it is, the less often you need to clean the toilet from impurities. Then the soil is tamped at the bottom. A layer of sand (10-15 cm) is poured and a concrete base is made. The use of reinforcement and filler will not interfere, crushed stone is possible. After the concrete hardens, the walls of the structure are laid out and plastered. For better sealing, they are treated with bituminous mastic. The walls of the cesspool make ten centimeters above the surface of the earth.

After laying bricks for the cesspool, the walls of the structure must be plastered and covered with bituminous mastic.

Option # 2 - filter bottom design

For such a cesspool, the bottom is not made tight. To do this, a layer of pebbles or large rubble is poured over the sand. Thanks to this filter, liquid waste seeps into the ground. This reduces the total mass of sewage, which increases the time until the pit is cleaned.

It is advisable to make cesspools with a filtering bottom only in those places where the soil water is very deep.

Using plastic containers

Plastic barrels or eurocubes can be used as a waste accumulator for cesspools. They are buried in a hole under the toilet. For a sealed structure, only the upper part of the container is cut off, where the waste will go. For a non-sealed pit, the lower part is also cut out. At the same time, a filter layer is poured onto the bottom of the cesspool.

So that the soil does not displace plastic containers, they need to be fixed with anchor weights.

Concrete ring design option

Now let's figure out how to install a toilet in the country using concrete rings. Due to the fact that reinforced concrete products can move during use, it is difficult to make such a structure airtight. Therefore, it is advisable to use it only in places with deep groundwater. The construction of a cesspool from reinforced concrete products is a laborious process. To facilitate it, use a special technique.

Due to the large weight of concrete rings, special equipment will be required for their installation.

After choosing and clearing a place for a building, they dig a hole according to the size of the ring. They lower the first ring and start digging in the earth from under its base. Thus, there is a gradual lowering of the rings under their own weight. When there is enough space, install the second ring on the first. Thus, they continue to dig and install the required number of rings. At the bottom of the pit, either a concrete screed or a filter layer is made.

The top of the last installed concrete ring should protrude ten centimeters above the ground.

You can find step-by-step instructions for installing a cesspool made of concrete rings in our next material:.

Monolithic concrete structure for toilet

For a cesspool made of monolithic concrete, after digging a pit, the bottom is covered with a layer of sand. It is reinforced with an approach to the walls. This will give the structure strength. The bottom of the pit is poured with concrete and left to solidify. Then the formwork for the walls is installed and they are poured with concrete. After it hardens, formwork and flooring are made.

Defects in concrete after removing the formwork must be repaired with cement-sand mortar

Construction of a toilet house over a cesspool

After they have prepared a cesspool, they begin to build a house above it. We invite you to figure out with us how to build a country toilet made of wood.

The length of the structure is 20 centimeters longer than the width. For example, the width is 1 meter and the length is 1.2. Let the height be 2.1 meters. Next to the cesspool, a foundation is made to the appropriate size.

Roofing material is laid between the foundation and the wooden frame for insulation

Roofing material waterproofing is laid on top of it. A frame is assembled from a wooden block and screwed to the foundation.

Floorboards are laid on top of the frame and fixed with self-tapping screws. The floor must be quite strong, so the thickness of the board is taken at least 3 cm.

The frame from the bar must be treated with an antiseptic

From the bar, the front and rear frames of the toilet house are made.

The front frame should be 10 cm higher than the rear

Then they are fixed on the base, setting them using a level. Strengthen the structure with transverse bars.

Cross bars under the roof should protrude 0.3 m in front, 0.16 m behind

Then the frame for the pedestal is installed. Its height is 0.45 meters.

The height of the pedestal is made taking into account convenience

At the next stage, the frame of the house is sheathed. An imitation of a bar is perfect for this. It has a convenient spike-groove fastening. They begin to sheathe the structure from the bottom, the boards are fastened with self-tapping screws or ordinary nails. A window is cut out above the door.

When securing the imitation of the timber, make sure that the groove is on top and the spike is on the bottom. This method prevents moisture from entering the groove.

After that, the frame for the pedestal is sheathed. A hole is cut in the middle. Its size depends on the container that will be installed inside. The bottom of the container is cut out before fastening.

The size of the hole cut in the pedestal depends on the container that will be used

Then they make the roof of the house. First, the boards are fastened parallel to the front of the building at a short distance from each other.

The transverse roof boards are fixed starting from the front of the building.

Then the visor above the door is sewn up from below. Planks are fastened along the perimeter of the roof base.

Boards fixed around the perimeter of the roof base must form right angles

Now all that remains is to cover it with slate. At the next stage, the door is assembled and hung on the hinges. Platbands are stuffed on top.

Platbands close the cracks and prevent the door from opening inside the room

Then the entire structure is covered with a special impregnation that protects against moisture and pests, and then paint or varnish. Outside and inside the building, handles and a hook or latch are attached.

In our next article, you will learn how you can build a country toilet with a shower:.

Toilet for a summer residence by the type of powder closet

Where groundwater is located near the surface, the construction of a toilet in a country house with a cesspool is prohibited. In this case, a powder closet is being built. Unlike the previous version, this design does not have an underground waste receiver in the form of a pit.

Therefore, the container inserted into the hole in the pedestal must have a bottom. It is even better if these are two containers: one slightly smaller than the other. Moreover, the smaller one should have small holes for fluid seepage. And in the larger side, a drainage hose is inserted to drain excess fluid.

For a powder closet, you do not need to dig a cesspool. The waste is sprinkled with peat, and then taken out on the compost heap

The foundation of the building must be concreted. Before using the container, a filler is poured onto its bottom. It can be peat or sawdust. After each visit to the toilet, a new portion of the filler is poured on top. As the container fills up, its contents are taken out onto the compost heap.

These toilets are only suitable for temporary use. For houses with permanent residence, it is better to equip a septic tank or build a local treatment system.

Accustomed to urban comfort, we try to make our country life comfortable. Agree, what kind of convenience can we talk about if there is no restroom on the territory? It is necessary to take care of the organization of a latrine at the initial stage of arranging your land plot.

Having step-by-step construction instructions, building a toilet in the country with your own hands is not so difficult, it is more difficult to choose a place for it and the model that suits you best. But we will help you do it.

We will introduce you to the rules of arrangement and typical types of country toilets. In the article you will find step-by-step instructions with drawings that will help you build a full-fledged bathroom on the site. And to help a novice master, a video is attached to the article, clearly demonstrating the process of building a closet on the site.

A toilet is not a simple outbuilding. When constructing it, you must remember some rules, the observance of which will help you not to spoil relations with neighbors in the country and will eliminate possible problems during the subsequent operation of the latrine.

Guided by the rules listed below, we will choose a suitable place for the future structure.

It is important that the country toilet is located as far as possible from the water intake point, and if groundwater approaches the surface of the earth closer than 2.5 meters, a toilet with a cesspool cannot be installed at all

The list of requirements for the remoteness of the toilet from other objects located on the site:

  • 12 meters- to the house, as well as a shed or garage, in which there are underground structures such as a basement or cellar;
  • 25-30 meters- to the source of water intake for drinking;
  • 8 meters- to a bathhouse and a barn or a garage without basements;
  • 1 meter- before the fence.

Of course, all sites have individual characteristics that must also be taken into account. If the territory has a difficult terrain, then for the restroom you need to choose a flat area located below the source of drinking water. It is important that the faeces do not come into contact with groundwater in any way.

If the sewage needs to be periodically pumped out, it should be possible to drive a sewage truck to the place of work. Of course, you should take into account the wind rose of your area so that piquant smells do not annoy you or those around you.

All these rules are easy to remember, because they are dictated by common sense. It is this approach that should be followed when choosing a structure that you will build on your own site.

Types of country toilets

The main criterion that is used to classify outdoor toilets is the way in which accumulated waste is disposed of. All others, including the construction material, are secondary.

Self-built country toilets are divided into two large categories: those that are in their design and those that do not have it.

Of course, the types of booths mentioned below are far from a complete list, because there is also a fantasy, the flight of which cannot be limited. For example, here is a cabin-carriage, in which a dry closet and a washbasin are installed

The cubicles for latrines can be bought ready-made or made by yourself.

They are divided into several types:

  • house;
  • hut;
  • hut;
  • birdhouse.

They differ from each other in appearance, size, etc. Usually summer residents choose such a booth that most of all meets their aesthetic perception.

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The construction of such a toilet, as a rule, does not cause any difficulties. In fact, the sewer complex in this case is represented by a booth and a deep pit. It is in it that the waste of the inhabitants of the dacha goes. There they accumulate, evaporating or partially absorbing into the ground.

When it comes to a toilet with a cesspool, the imagination immediately draws a building with a hole in which you have to aim, but after all, everything can be conceived and done much more modern and neat

Of course, for the maintenance of the cesspool, it is still better to involve a sewer truck, with the help of which waste removal and disposal is carried out. The size of the pit, the number of users and the intensity of the latrine's use are factors that influence the frequency of calling the flush truck.

Sometimes the problem is not solved in the best way: they simply fill up the cesspool, digging a new one nearby. This can be done only if the pit was shallow, and the groundwater is located no closer than 2.5 meters from the surface. As a rule, a fast-growing tree is planted over the filled container.

As for the part of the toilet that is located above the ground, a variety of materials can be used for its construction:

  • traditional wood;
  • metallic profile;
  • slate;
  • bricks, etc.

The durability of any of these structures depends on the strength of the frame, and the ease of use depends on thermal insulation and the quality of ventilation.

Option 1. Low-cost timber construction

The obvious advantages of using wood for the construction of a latrine are the relative cheapness of this material and the simplicity of the work performed. The plank frame is fairly easy to build. No special skills are required to do this job.

A brand new wooden toilet looks very elegant, especially if it is impregnated with a special protective compound for wood and varnished

In addition, the structure made of wood is lightweight and therefore mobile. If there is a need for a new cesspool, the above-ground structure does not have to be disassembled and assembled in a new place. You can just transfer it carefully.

There is another obvious advantage of a wooden toilet. If you use your imagination, then this structure can become a real decoration of the suburban area. It can be stylized as a fairy-tale house or teremok.

However, along with the advantages, wood has a whole list of disadvantages:

  • drying out, cracking and deformation under the influence of direct sunlight;
  • burnout from ultraviolet radiation;
  • deformation of the frame, mold and fungi are the result of the influence of high humidity.

We should not forget about wear and tear - the influence of time.

If this building is not looked after, then literally in a few years it can turn into a wretched wreckage from horror films

Yes, an outdoor structure needs protection. To this end, the boards are treated with a primer, after which a special paint for outdoor use or varnish is applied to their surface, beautifully showing the specifics of wood.

Option # 2. Metal profile construction

There are several options for creating a simple and functional structure from a metal profile, which differ from each other in the material for making the frame of the structure. In the first case, the frame will be wooden, and in the second - metal.

The metal frame can be welded, for example, from a corner. But, of course, to solve this problem, you will need a welding machine and skills in its operation.

At the next stage of work, the base is sheathed with a metal profile using self-tapping screws or rivets. When using self-tapping screws, protective washers should be used to prevent moisture from entering the attachment point.

Washers will protect the structure from corrosion and it will last longer. Protective properties are also possessed by a special spraying applied to the sheets of the metal profile even in the process of its production.

It is better to place a structure made of a metal profile in a shaded place, because in the heat the metal heats up a lot. Foam sheets, which are used for the inner lining of the restroom, will help to reduce the negative consequences of overheating of the internal space.

Option # 3: a brick bathroom

A brick building is indeed a capital structure. On the one hand, this is good: it is less exposed to negative external factors and will last a long time. But a capital structure, especially if it is, cannot be transferred from place to place.

Therefore, one should think in advance and think well about not only the location of the toilet itself, but also the way to clean the pit under it.

The brick toilet looks monumental: notice its concrete base. It cannot be carried, but it doesn’t matter, because the choice of a place for it must have been well thought out.

It is advantageous to erect such a structure when the brick remains after the construction of the main cottage or garage. This, by the way, will give unity to the entire complex of buildings.

Please note that there must be a concrete floor between the aboveground structure and the underground part of the structure. The total cost of such a toilet will turn out to be decent.

Toilets without a cesspool

If on your site close to the surface there are rocky soils or there is a high level of groundwater, then you cannot dig a hole. How to make a toilet in such a dacha? The way out of this situation is the construction of a structure that functions in accordance with other principles.

These restrooms include:

  • bio or chemical toilet;
  • powder closet;
  • backlash closet.

Each of these restrooms has its own design features that are worth talking about.

No. 1. Hygienic backlash closet

The German word "luft" means air. The backlash closets got their name because they have separate ventilation for the bathroom and cesspool. In this design, the pit dug in the ground is replaced by a sealed container.

Moreover, this waste storage device can be located outside the premises of the bathroom itself. As a rule, it is placed against the back wall of the main heated building with a toilet bowl.

In this particular case, the connecting pipe between the toilet seat and the tank is installed vertically so that waste can flow into the sealed storage tank by gravity.

The drive and the toilet are connected by a pipe. If the toilet is located above the room with the tank, then the pipe is installed vertically.

For the tank located behind the wall, an inclined pipe is intended. The impurities must enter the storage device under the influence of gravity - by gravity.

To service the backlash closet, you need to contact the flushers, which will periodically empty the drive. To facilitate their work, the sewage tank is given an elongated shape. Of course, this type of toilet is more hygienic than those discussed earlier.

Difficulties in operating the backlash closet arise in the cold season, when the drive has to be heated in order to clean it.

No. 2. Waste-free powder closet (peat toilet)

A distinctive feature of the powder closet is a small capacity, only about 20 liters, which fits directly under the toilet seat.

This type of latrine is considered the most effective in cases where the groundwater level at the location of the dacha is close to the surface and, because of this, earthworks are limited.