How to buy on Aliexpress - Step-by-step instructions. How to order on Aliexpress: step by step instructions

Aliexpress is not a completely online store. In fact, it is a huge Internet platform with dozens, if not hundreds of thousands of sellers from all over China and surrounding Asia. They exhibit goods and independently provide delivery, and Aliexpress collects offers to a more or less convenient directory, works by the cashier and allows disputes between sellers and buyers. The charm of the service is that everything is very cheap. Highly. At the same time, Chinese quality is not as scary as it is about it to think.

Main page Aliexpress

Language and registration

The first thing to do is if you want to buy on Aliexpress - register. Without this, you do not buy goods and do not communicate with sellers. The system itself will offer to go through the registration procedure as soon as you decide to purchase something. But it is better to do it in advance, because it will be more convenient to work with the site. At a minimum, a basket will be available in which it is convenient to fold goods as it is convenient. To register, simply click the up page button and the form you want to fill out.

There should be no difficulties with registration. As in the case of eBay, your real data should be entered here, and also come up with a complex password so that the account does not hacked. After you register, an email will come to the mail with reference to the activation of your account and you will become a full-fledged buyer on Aliexpress.

Registration on Aliexpress

Immediately after that, we strongly recommend entering the shipping address in your personal account so that later to this can not be returned. Everything is allowed to have up to 5 addresses to which you want to receive parcels. Of course, when buying will need to choose where to send the goods. Pay attention to the fact that for some time the Russian Post requires that the senders indicate the full name of the recipient of the parcel, including patronymic. When registering Aliexpress, this does not say about this, but does it after ordering - then you have to schedule messages to sellers.

As for the choice of language, then if you know English a little, we advise you to use the English-speaking version of the site. The fact is that a machine translation is used for Russian language. Moreover, it seems that first the text is translated from Chinese into English, and then in Russian. As a result, about the true name of this or that item has only to guess. With English is also not so simple. Sellers on Aliexpress are desirable fighting for popularity and try to enter the name of the product all possible synonyms and words for which their goods will search.

That is, if it is a case for the iPhone, then the title will be something similar: "Slim Touch Tough Togh Hybrid Armor Cover Cases for iPhone 6". And it is so incomprehensible that the seller means, but at least you guessed that we are talking about the Case for iPhone 6. But the option in Russian of the same sentences: "The case is thin sensory hybrid business armor for iPhone 6". It is even difficult to guess, because such a set of words of Google Translate can translate, but it will have to tie them together. By the way, all menus on the site (with the exception of some banners and links) are also translated using Google. Therefore, if you know English, then boldly press the GO to Global Site button on the right above and use this version.

Product search and seller choice

On Aliexpress thousands of shops and millions of goods. The main page contains the best suggestions and promotions. In addition, if you have already seen some products, you will regularly recommend similar offers. On the site there is a fairly convenient directory, however, if you do not know what the goods you are interested in are, the easiest way is to use the search.

Just write one or more keywords in the field that characterize the product and all suitable suggestions will be displayed. As a rule, their more than a thousand, but not everyone can be relevant. For example, on request "Case for iPhone" will be both covers and stickers on the screen, straps and other accessories, so it is necessary to choose from images of goods.

Search form

In search form, it is worth setting out the issuance, but here the case of everyone as you want to limit the search. It is important to note the point of delivery option to your country (if you have entered the delivery address in your account, then the country will set automatically). Despite the fact that almost all sellers from China are able to send parcels to Russia, some categorically do not want to do this and cut off their suggestions at this stage. In addition, it is worth noting the item "Jull only" if you do not plan to purchase a wholesale lot of goods for further sale. As a rule, such restrictions do not greatly reduce the number of proposals, but they will significantly facilitate the further choice and purchase of goods.

If you do not want to pay for delivery, then check the item "Free Shipping". If you are ready to buy only from the best stores, you choose the "highest rating." Sometimes it is useful to use the "Seller online" filter. This is necessary if you are looking for some kind of unique thing and want to immediately discuss with the seller the details or plan to ask him a discount. It also has the opportunity to limit the price of the goods or its number (if you buy in bulk).

Next, you should configure the sorting of search results. By default, the "Best Selection" parameter is set, in which Aliexpress compares the price, the rating of the seller, the delivery option and depending on this sorts the goods. However, you yourself can choose what parameter to sort offers. Here everyone chooses himself that it is more important: the price, rating or number of orders. The last option is considered to be win-win. After all, if the store sold a lot of goods, then the quality corresponds to the stated, there are many reviews for which it is easy to get an impression of the seller. As a rule, if there are many orders, then the price is low or, at a minimum, acceptable. But the sort of price is not always the best choice, as some stores at the initial stage of work can post a small price tag to attract people, but they have no reviews, few orders and looks such a behavior very suspicious.

Card product and seller data

After you have set up issuing, scroll through several pages and find goods suitable for your description and ratio of price / quality. At this stage it is better to choose not alone, but at least a couple of similar offers, since after clarifying parts, some of them will disappear and you can choose the best option. The benefit that on Aliexpress often the same product is sold in several sellers with different rating and at a given price, so there is from which you choose from.

The seller's choice on Aliexpress is almost the most important moment when buying. After all, it is from the seller who depends on how quickly you will receive the goods whether it will correspond to the description and whether you are generally satisfied with the purchase. This process should be approached as carefully. You should choose a store in the number of positive feedback and rating. In the product description, this information is on the right.

First, pay attention to the percentage of positive feedback (POSITIVE FEEDBACK). This is the ratio of positive comments (4 or 5 stars) to the total number over the past 6 months. For example, if this indicator is 98.5%, most buyers are satisfied with the purchase in this store.

It is also necessary to look at the seller's rating (Feedback Score). Reviews for all the time of the seller are taken into account on Aliexpress. Each positive feedback from buyers (4 or 5 stars) adds the store one score to a rating, negative (1 or 2 stars) takes one point. Graphically rating is displayed in the form of medals, diamonds or crowns. The lowest rating is one medal, the highest - five crown. However, in practice, find the seller more than three crowns is a rarity. Obviously, if the store has a high rating and a big percentage of positive feedback, he should be trusted.

If you want to progress, it is worth opening a page with detailed store data, for this it is enough to click on the rating digit or the percentage of good reviews. Here you need to pay attention to an important factor - the seller's registration date on Aliexpress. Do not mess with stores that exist a few weeks or even days. But if several months have passed since the registration, and the seller has many orders and positive feedback, this is a good sign and the likelihood of cheating is minimal.

Detailed data on the seller

On the same page displays a detailed rating of the seller, from which the average estimate is then folded. It happens that the seller answers the messages for a long time or knows English very poorly, then its rating on the "Communication" scale will be low, but it can have the perfect description of the goods, and all goods he sends on the day of payment. But of course, it is better if he has all the indicators at the level of 4.6-5 points, then you will not have problems at all.

List of Ranted Services

To accurately make sure that the seller is reliable, it is worth viewing several feedback pages. As a rule, the most indicative reviews are neutral and negative. It is in such comments that users try to write problems or some inconsistencies. On this page, all the reviews that buyers wrote to this seller are displayed. If you need to see comments only by the product you want to buy, the reviews are located at the very bottom of the page with the product description. Pay special attention to comments from your country about delivery. So you can find out the real time through which you will receive the goods, and also to understand if there are no problems.

Order and payment

You have already chosen the goods suitable in terms of characteristics and price, made sure that the seller's reliability, so it remains to add it to the basket and pay, but there are nuances here. Often, sellers in one product card place products of different colors or characteristics. As a rule, in such cases there is a menu to select the desired option. As long as you do not specify which item you want, the site will not allow it to add it to the basket. However, sometimes it happens that there is no such a menu, but it is clearly clear the pictures that the product exists in different variations. In this case, it is necessary in the comments to order simply write what you have chosen and specify the option to which the seller can replace the product if the selected will not be. For example, we write that we want a black case, but in the extreme case it will come and gray.

Products in the basket

In the comments, it is worthwhile to update any information on request. For example, ask the seller to reliably pack the goods so that it does not break down on the way. But if you want to ask something, it is better to do it before buying. If something is unclear from the description and images, I boldly write the seller and ask all the necessary questions. By the way, in private messages with the seller sometimes stands and bargain. Especially if he does not have a suitable option for you, but you agree to buy something that he has at least. However, in this case, it is necessary that the goods have in your basket (but not yet paid). In this case, the seller will either give some answer, or will reduce the price without conversations.

Comment to order

At the same stage, you choose the delivery option and the number of goods. If during the search you have chosen the Filter "Free Shipping", then this option will be selected on the product page. If you are not satisfied with the delivery time or you do not trust the quality of ordinary mail, it is enough to change the choice. Each store has its own set of ways to send to Russia, so that we will not be able to consider all the options. Products are delivered with the help of regular mail of China, and in our country, the departure takes Russian Post. Often there is an opportunity to send through China or Hong Kong airmail, but it rarely affects the delivery speed, you will only pay money for it, however, the sums there are symbolic. Some sellers offer sending by courier services, for example, UPS or EMS. It is worth using this option only when buying expensive or fragile goods, because the departure is guaranteed not to disassemble during transportation, and couriers will bring the parcel home, and the deadlines will be much smaller. But it is worth such a service for weekly, from 1000 rubles, so it is not worth buying a cable for the iPhone with courier delivery.

Delivery options for goods

Pay attention to the delivery time, as a rule, when sent by regular mail, a period of 15 to 50 days is indicated. In practice, in two weeks, the parcels come very rarely, and most often from the moment of payment before receiving the package in the mail passes 30-35 days. Another important parameter is the sending time. Some sellers can send the goods on the same day, and some are waiting for a week or two, while they gather enough orders to send everything at a time. So, if the seller pointed out that sending within 7 working days, then you should not complain about two weeks that you have not received the parcel.

Details of the order

After you chose everything you need, or immediately buy a product, or postpone it in the basket. With the purchase immediately everything is simple. Press the button, confirm all the parameters and proceed to payment. The basket is convenient if you want to buy a few things. Then simply collect the necessary in the basket, and when you finish, go to a special page, confirm your choice and pay all purchases with a time. Alas, Aliexpress does not collect all your parcels into one, as sellers make sellers, but at least pay for everything with one transaction. By the way, if you buy a lot of things from one seller, then see if he has a discount coupon. Often, stores offer coupons for a couple of dollars when buying from a certain amount. Trifle, but nice. Offers are visible both on the product page and in the basket.

Payment order

Recently, Aliexpress has expanded the number of options that you can pay for the purchase from Russia. Now payment is available using the Visa, MasterCard or Maestro card (debit or credit), as well as via QIWI Wallet (only in USD), Yandex.Money or WebMoney (only in USD). Most recently, it was possible to pay for the purchase from the mobile phone account. The list is MTS operators, Beeline, MegaFon and Tele2. Of course, this service is available only to numbers with prepaid tariffs. Note that Aliexpress is actively developing in our market and almost every year they have something new. Payment using WebMoney was added in 2013, and Yandex.Money in 2014. In addition to these methods, there are many others in the list, but they are not suitable for our country.

Before paying for the purchase, you should choose the currency in which you want to make a payment. The main currency in Aliexpress is dollars, so that for any other simply, conversion conversion occurs. He, of course, is slightly higher than the banks. So, the ruble rate to the dollar is 3 rubles higher than the average in the banks of Russia. Therefore, we recommend choosing to pay exactly the dollar so that the conversion in rubles occurred on the side of your bank, it will be cheaper. If you pay from a dollar card or WEBMoney account, then you again benefit from this currency to calculate this currency, because then there will be no conversion, and therefore losses.

Payment options

To pay on Aliexpress, any maps are suitable, except for impersonal Momentum cards, as well as social cards from Sberbank Maestro, released only to work on the territory of the Russian Federation. In addition, some banks restrict the work of the Visa Electron cards abroad, but it is possible to find out this only in your bank. If you do not have a plastic card, then it is suitable for payment and virtual, which is easily drawn up in Qiwi, Webmoney or other systems. Choose payment method, enter all the necessary details and get a message that Aliexpress got your payment. Note that the system does not immediately handle the payment, since all payments are checked before enrollment. Usually everything goes fast, but the check can take up to 24 hours. During this time, the order is considered unpaid and the seller does not send it, but the money from the score is already written off. Do not worry as soon as the Aliexpress will make sure that the payment is all right, the seller will receive a payment message and it will begin processing the goods. But the money will go to the store only after you confirm receiving the order. All this time your funds will be in the system and, if something goes wrong, you can return them. But we will tell about controversial situations a little later.

Tracking and receiving goods

The most important thing you have already done. Found goods, paid for the purchase, now it remains to wait. To begin with, we are waiting for the seller to handle the order, that is, it will find the right thing, packs and will send. After that, you will receive a notice that the order is processed and sent. As a rule, when sending, even through the usual mail, the tracking number is assigned a tracking number. In this case, it will be listed in your list of purchased goods and it will be possible to control the journey of goods from China to Russia. Since the processing of the order, the delivery time is just started, which is indicated in the product description.

Aliexpress Position Tracking

You can easily follow the premise or on the Aliexpress itself, the order page will be briefly sent, or by reference on the mail site, which is indicated there. It is worth remembering that Chinese sites are not Russified, and often there is not even English there, so it is often very difficult to enter the trekking code there is often very difficult. In this case, if the order is not displayed on the Aliexpress itself, we recommend using one of the services to track. It can be a site that can, POST-Tracker, Tacker, or any other analog that can work with shipments from China. But the site of Russian Post is better not even attempting to use. The fact is that he does not know how to work with Chinese trekking codes, which means that the package does not come to Russia, there will be no information about the location of Russia. However, even when the goods fall into the territory of our country, if the seller does not specify a new tracking code (which will be assigned after customs passing), then on this site you will not recognize anything. Third-party services work at times better and almost always find where your order is now. Immediately after the seller sends the goods, it will be indicated that the goods are accepted by mail. After that, it usually takes a lot of time until the parcel comes to Russia. And already on the territory of our country, delivery takes 1-1.5 weeks, although there are exceptions.

A week before the end of the declared delivery time, Aliexpress will remind you that you need to confirm the delivery or open the dispute. If you ignore these messages, do not open the dispute or do not ask the seller to extend the term (if the parcel has not come yet, but the store declares that they are all sent and will come soon), then your order will automatically be considered to be obtained. After that, the seller will receive money and you can no longer open the dispute about the fact that they did not receive the goods or if it is low-quality. Be careful and always specify the real email address so as not to skip these messages. Never confirm the receipt of the goods until you take the parcel in the mail and do not check your order. After all, if you come a poor-quality thing, you can open the dispute and return money for it. And if you confirm receipt, then no complaints will be accepted and the maximum that you can do is to leave a negative feedback to the seller.

If you are planning to buy expensive goods on Aliexpiess or their total cost exceeds 1000 euros, do not forget about customs duties. On the territory of the Russian Federation it is allowed to import goods worth up to 1000 euros per month and weighing no more than 31 kg without paying duty. If this amount is exceeded, 30% of the amount over 1000 euros will be held. For each extra kilogram will have to pay 4 euros. The cost of goods at customs is determined from the so-called invoice, a leaf that is applied to the parcel. On it stores indicate the price you paid for the parcel. However, Chinese sellers are familiar with the system and often write the amount of $ 1 or at all describe the goods as a gift so that you should not pay a duty. However, in this case, you are not insured if the parcel disappears or damaged by mail. In addition, customs workers have the right to unpack the parcel and evaluate it on their own. So it is better to ask the seller to write a real value in the invoice if you want to progress. If there is a goal to save, albeit with a little deception, then on the contrary, ask the store to write you a smaller amount in this leaflet.

Order sent by regular mail You will receive in your office of Russian Post. Carefully check the quality of the package, open it and make sure that this is exactly what you ordered. If this is a gadget, then make sure it works. Only after you are sure that this is exactly what you wanted and you have no complaints about the seller, press the receipt confirmation button. After that you can leave feedback to the seller and set him a rating.

Controversial situations

In the event of any problems with buying or delivery, first write to the seller. Most cases are solved without attracting Aliexpress support and shops simply return money, as they follow their reputation and do not want negative reviews. To open the dispute over any product, just open the order list and press the corresponding button.

It happens that the seller deflects your dispute and declares that everything did everything right and is not to blame for anything. If you are confident in your rightness and you have an evidence base (photos, tracking number or tracking screenshot), then boldly attract the site administration to work with this dispute. This feature is called "Claim Dispute). Prior to this, your correspondence with the seller was private, and now the Aliexpress staff will be engaged in your dispute, and there will be a final solution to the issue. Be the most polite and friendly as in communicating with the seller and with the site employees. Usually all problems are solved in favor of the buyer, but do not hurry with the discovery of the dispute. This work mechanism, with it really return the money, but you should not open the dispute after a couple of weeks from sending goods, if the description says that the parcel can go to 50 days. The optimal time of the beginning of communication with the seller is one week before the end of the pricing period of delivery. In this case, you will have enough time to discuss the problem with the store and call on the support service, if necessary.

Aliexpress is an excellent shopping site, low prices, the choice is huge, the reliability is high, if it were not yet long delivery ... But what did you want? Products Gate directly from China! How to place an order for Aliexpress so that the goods accurately reached you?

Aliexpress Mobile App Downloads

This article is essentially a step-by-step instruction that will tell everything from A to Z, and if something is incomprehensible, then at the end of the article you can see several learning video. So, proceed.

How to place an order for Aliexpress: 7 stages

Without registering on the site, place an order will not work, and even if you add the goods to the basket, you can not buy it.

IMPORTANT! Be sure to write down the login and password! I advise you to use the LastPass extension that can store your passwords secure online.

LastPass - What is it? Full review and how to use it ...

Second phase -. For this link, you can read the comprehensive instructions how to do it correctly. Also, the article has a service for converting Cyrillic to Latin, as everything needs to be written only by Latin letters. An exception is the order of goods from the TMOLL section (delivery from Russia), there the address must be written in Russian.

IMPORTANT! An error in the address can lead to the fact that the goods will not reach you or you will not give it to you!

If you have doubts how to write the address to Aliexpress correctly, contact me in the section, I will help you.

Selection of goods

Third stage -. In the link on the link you can learn a lot of secrets for the search and selection of goods. It is important to understand that Aliexpress is not an online store, but the Internet market and the same product can sell different sellers at a completely different prices.

Also at the end of each article there is a search form that can help find you the necessary item for AlExpress, in this case the search site leads Google, which makes the search very effective.

Checking the seller

Fourth stage -. Sellers on Aliexpress are different, honest and not very, so it is very important to pay attention to the reputation of the store in which you want to buy something. By the link above you can read detailed instructions and many tips, how to do it.

Very good help can be an extension from cachebek Letishops.That right on the product page will show you what percentage of trust has one or another seller.

Choose Cashback

Fifth stage -. By reference you can find out what a cachek is and how it helps save when buying. I made a table for you from which you can find out what cachek how many percent percent gives a return and how much you can trust.

Pay attention not only to the return percentage, but also on the reliability of the service, since the return you will receive no earlier than in a month, and during this time it can happen. The article you can learn about the three best cachek services in my subjective opinion.

Order goods

Payment of goods

Seventh stage -. This is the last stage of ordering, on the link above you learn about all possible ways to pay for goods, choose the most suitable for you and complete the purchase.

The easiest and most affordable payment method is the payment card. Do not fear for the safety of this payment, millions of people pay our purchases every day, all this is quite reliable.

Well, that's all, we went through all the stages, from beginning to end, if you did everything as I advised you, after some time you can joyfully run to the mail for your package. If problems arise, then read the article about returning your money.

I am Mikhail, and now tell in detail

How to make an order for Aliexpress Stephago?

We break actions for specific steps:

  • Registration for AliKprisess.
  • Choosing a product and seller.
  • Ordering: Write the address, pay.
  • And the magical moment of receiving the order.

I took a video where I tell you in detail, my friends, how is the theoritic part

Ready? Then drove it!

Step 1. Registration Go to the Aliexpress website.

To help "Registration on Aliexpress Video Roller":

Where the basis is the idea sick at the top on the right on the word Login / Registration

And correctly fill out the form:

  1. Your email (email).
  2. Your name Latin (Mihail).
  3. Surname is similar to Latin letters (Familia).
  4. Password, come up with and remember or write, best write to a notebook.
  5. Password once again introduce.
  6. And captcha (the picture that is lower). Check mark.
  7. Create a profile.

Go to the box with e-mail and confirm the registration by transition by reference

Congratulations! Registration completed successfully!

Step 2. Select the seller.

We enter the desired product in the search bar on Aliexpress, for example, "Dog Collar".

And choose the seller most likely to us. Methods are quite a lot, it is better to see 1 time, than 100 times to hear.

So with the seller figured out.

Step 3. Ordering. Of course, read more here.

Choose the goods that I want to buy at the moment.

The address entry window opens. Let's fill all the fields. It is necessary to enter carefully, and it will take a parcel to the village to Brungilde Kuzminyshna cake.

Here everything is enough simple:

ATTENTION! All fill in Latin letters Latinskimi Bukvami. Departure then international.

Where is the mobile phone write the country code (Rosssia begins with +7)

Jump over but a new thing - called

Step 3. 2. Selection of payment:

A. Plastic card (visa, mastro) Attention cards from Sberbank do not always have the possibility of paying purchases via the Internet.

1. Click on a visa.

2. Your name is Latin. Mihail.

3. The surname is also Latin. Family.

4. The type of card you can find it elementary- just looking at it, everything is written there.

5. Long card number (without spaces).

6. The month of validity is indicated on the front side of the card.

7. The year to which is active.

8. Security code - if you turn your plastic card. You will see two groups of numbers, you need to enter those data that consist of three digits.

9. Pay.

10 . You will receive an SMS with a confirmation code (on the phone to which the map is registered).

11. We enter the code - Uraaaa !!! Paid.

B. There are also other ways: Yandex.Money, Kiwi Wallet, translations, and so on. You can read deta more with payment information here.

And so we are approaching the closure of the topic: "How to place an order for Aliexpress Stephago."

If you did everything right, then here it is happiness!

Soon your goods will come. Cheers comrades)

Step 4. Final is tracking and receiving a parcel.

Going to the personal account in the "Operations" section, and click on the order number. You will be taken to the order status page.

Everything is simple enough. And you can find tracking code (provided that the goods have already been sent).

All that remains to do is to punch our track to track.

You can on the Russian post office.

You can only wait, time flies quickly, will soon come to you your parcel.

It remains to come to the mail and get the cherished goods.

The main thing is to understand - in practice, it's all much easier.

That's all. If there are questions - write them down - good luck)).

With the advent of Aliexpress, buyers got the opportunity not only easy to find in one place all the necessary goods, but also significantly save due to low prices, frequent sales and permanent shares on this trading platform.

Of course, buying online, and even in China, you involuntarily have concerns that you can easily run into fraud, lose your money, do not wait for the parcel or get a poor-quality thing without the possibility of reimbursement of the funds spent. Yes, it seems that it is very difficult to understand the site and in all nuances of shopping for Aliexpress.

In fact, everything is not at all. Here you can buy high-quality things, and at a price of 2-4 times cheaper than in the stores of your city, and without any risk, since the Aliexpress administration guarantees the buyer's protection. And to figure out how to choose good products, how to make purchases, to pay, to receive monetary compensation, buy in terms of value below the standard, track the parcels, will help this leadership "How to use Aliexpress".

It takes a very little time to get used to Aliexpress. But the obvious benefit, time saving and convenience is definitely worth it!

Registration and filling profile

In order to start buying on Aliexpress, you must first register. The inscription "Registration" is in the upper right corner. You can do this in two ways:

Regardless of what kind of registration method you have chosen, you will receive a letter from Aliesspress with a link to confirm registration. Only after clicking on this link, your account will be activated.

To fill out the email address form, you must follow several recommendations:

    The recipient name is filled in English. The name and surname is quite enough.

    The name of the area / region, city, the streets are filled with Latin letters. The address should also register, as it sounds in Russian, but only Latin. For example, the street Belorusskaya - UL. Belorusskaya.

    If you live in the village, village, then in the count city you need to write the name of the village or village, and in the graph address - district, street, house.

    Street - Ul., Prospect - Prosp.

After filling out the form, check everything carefully, since this address you will stand by default. If necessary, the address can be edited, as well as add a new one.

Search for the right goods. Using filters

On Aliexpress thousands of goods, so it will take time to find the desired thing. You can search for several ways:

Finding a photo

It may well be such a situation that you saw some thing somewhere on the Internet. There is no exact name, nor information about the manufacturer and the store in which it can be bought. And I want to buy something. Forget? Do not.

If you have at least a photo of the things you like, then this is already enough to find it on Aliexpress. It will be necessary to perform only a few steps:

    Enable Google Search and go to the section "Pictures".

    In the search bar click on the camera icon. It will be prompted to either specify a link to the photo, or upload a photo from a computer. It is easier to specify a link. To find out the URL of the picture of the thing that interests you, you should click on the image with the left mouse button and select the "Copy Image Address" string.

After entering the photo links, sites on which there is a similar image will be displayed in the search tape. The Aliexpress pages are well ranmed, so if the thing you need is sold on this site, then the image of the goods you need and the link to the store will see already 1-3 page.

If you do not want to look for the page on Aliexpress among many others, then in addition to the photo you need to register Site phrase in the search string: Then the system will immediately give you only the Aliexpress pages that have the goods you need.

Additional plus use of this method - you will see absolutely all sellers who sell the thing you are interested in. Considering that many sellers of the name of the same product vary, you do not need to look for the right product directly to Aliexpress in attempts to find the lowest price. Through the Google search engine make it will be much faster and easier.

How to find a responsible seller and high-quality goods

Aliexpress is a huge shopping area on which thousands of sellers work. The same product can be sold in several people. But only if one seller will send a quality thing and exactly on time, then the other may try to deceive you or send not exactly the product you wanted.

If you correctly approach the selection of goods and the seller, you can minimize all the risks to a minimum and rejoice in the acquired thing. To do this, when buying, you need to pay attention for several points:

Purchase from the unknown seller

If you have a situation that the thing you need can only be bought from the seller, who works recently and does not have a rating and reviews at all, it is not necessary to give up the purchase. The reviews are also not immediately developed. It is possible that you have a responsible seller who sells quality products, but just working quite recently.

In order to check the seller, you should write a few posts with 1-2 questions on the product. Each new message must be with new questions and after the response to the previous letter. If the seller is patient and in detrily responding, then you are a person who tries to worry a reputation and customers, therefore responsibly refers to his work. Buying from him, you are unlikely to come across problems. If the seller responds briefly, long or not responding at all, then it's not worth buying. He is little interested in sales.

How to find brands for aliexpress

Despite the fact that Aliexpress is mainly associated with inexpensive purchases and goods from Chinese manufacturers, nevertheless, here you can buy original things from leading brands, as well as their high-quality copies. The main thing is to know how to look for. Only shops that have on this license can trade with original goods. With all the other "black" sellers, Aliexpress is actively fighting. Therefore, many sellers selling brands and their copies go on tricks so that they are not worded. They never write in the product name of the brand, rub the images of the labels.

In the title there are either cuts of brands, or their modified names. Therefore, in order to find the item of the desired brand, the search bar needs to be introduced, which are used by Chinese sellers when selling leading brands:

    Abercombrie & Fitch. - AF.

    Adidas. - Adey, Adi, AdDas, Adida, Adidas

    Apinestars - A Stars

    Asics. - ASKS.

    Armani. - Ar, Aor

    Balenciaga. - Enciaga.

    Belstaff - BSF.

    Bershka. - Bershka.


    Bimba & Lola. - Bimba.

    Bvlgari. - BVG.

    Burberry. - Bur, Berry, Burgry

    Calvin Klein. - CK.

    Carolina Herrera. - Chhc.

    Chanel. - CC.

    Columbia. - MBIA, COLU

    Converse. - Converse.

    Diesel - Die, Dies, Diezel, DSL

    Dsquared - DSQ, D2

    Ecko. - Rhino.

    Emporio Armani. - AX, EA, ARMA

    Fjäll Räven Kanken. - Kanken Backpack

    Forever 21. - F21

    Franklin & Marshall - FM Clothes.


    Gap. - G a p, gap

    G-Star Raw - GS.

    Guess. - GS.

    H & M. - H * M

    Heuer. - Tag Watch.

    Hollister - H C O, Holistes, Hollistans

    Hugo Boss. - HB.

    Hunter. - Rain Waterproof Boots

    Issey Miyake - Issey Miyake

    Kenzo. - Kenz.

    Kipling - Kiple.

    Lacoste - Crocodile, Croc, Lac

    Levis - EVS.

    Loewe. - Loe.

    LongChamp bolsos - Long Champagne Bag

    Louboutin. - Red Bottom Shoes

    Louis Vuitton. - LV, LV Mizuno, MZ

    Mango. - MNG.

    Mizuno. - MZ.

    Manolo Blahnik. - Manolos.

    Marc Jacobs. - MJ.

    Massimo Dutti. - Massimo.

    Moncler - Monclear

    Michael Kors. - Korss.

    Miss Sixty. - Miss 60.

    Mont Blanc - Mont Black

    Moschino. - Moschi.

    NEW BALANCE - N shoes

    Nike - NK.

    Oakley. - OK.

    Prada. - Pra, Prad, PRD

    Puma. - P-I-M-A, PM

    Philipp Plein. - Philippe.

    QUIKSILVER. - Quick Silver

    Ralph Lauren. - HORSE, RL, LAUR

    Ralph Lauren Polo. - Polo.

    Ray Ban. - RB, Ban

    Reebok. - RBK.

    Tommy Hilfiger. - Tommis, Tommys

    The North Face. - NF.

    Tiffany & Co. - Tiffani.

    Timberland. - TIM or TIM BOOTS, TIMBER

    Ugg - Uggly

    Urban Decay. - Urban Cosmetics.

    Victoria Secret. - VS, V Secret, Secret, V S, Victoria Underwear

    Vans. - VANS, VNS

    Valentino. - Val

    Yves Saint Laurent. - y s l, ysl

    Zara. - ZAR, ZA

Brand Watch:

    Cartier. - Bleu Watch.

    Diesel - dz watches

    Tissot. - TT Watches.

    Tag Heuer. - Th Watches

    Hugo Boss. - HB Watches.

    Armani. - Ar Watches

    Citizen. - CTZ Watches.

    Seiko. - Sok Watches

    Casio. - CSO Watches.

    Burberry. - BU WATCHES.

    Rolex - Role Watches.

In order to make sure that you are really the original, and not a cheap fake for the space cost under the guise of the brand, you should carefully examine the reviews about the product, product ratings and seller. If the ratings are high, and the reviews are positive and there are references to the fact that the thing is either the original, or a very high-quality copy, then you can safely buy.

There are also forums and communities in social networks, in which buyers are divided by stores selling branded things, and also help others find the necessary brands of leading brands on the expanses of the trading platform. I recommend to look into the discussion\u003d0.

There are separate sections in Aliexpress, in which stores are collected, officially selling brands originals:

Also buy brand things in Mall.

How to choose your clothes and shoes

Buy clothes or shoes in online stores risky. You can't try it to see how she sits on you. All you have been given - specify your size. And it is necessary to approach this very seriously.

The product description indicates dimensions, usually on a European or American scale. But you should not hurry to specify the size you need and pay for the purchase. Remember that you acquire clothes from Chinese vendors who have a dimensional mesh differs from American and European. Even often the situation when it seems to be the same thing sold from different sellers, but the dimensions with measurements in several parameters do not coincide.

Therefore, after reading the product description, be sure to scroll into the bottom, where there will be a dimensional product table. It will be spelled out for several parameters (for example, hip girths, waist girth, hip girth, etc.) and appropriate dimensions. Some sellers even apply the drawing at all, which clearly show what measurements and where necessary to do.

Such tables are present almost all sellers of clothing. There are similar tables and those who trades shoes. Only the length of the foot is indicated in them, sometimes you can meet measurements in the width of the foot.

If the product description is specified "one size", then you should also read the description. A table will be given in which the parameters corresponding to the size of things will be indicated.

Therefore, before buying, you should measure your figure in those places that are specified in the table, and compare with the data in it. The desired size is chosen based on the numbers closest to your parameters.

When specifying its size, it should be borne in mind that the real dimensions of the product may differ by 1-3 cm from those indicated by the seller in the sizes table. This is usually indicated in the notes under the table.

In general, it should be very careful to read notes under the sizes table. Here, sellers write recommendations for the selection of the desired size. For example, in the description of the shoes, you can often find information that if you have a wide foot, it is better to take a size more suitable for you. It can also be written that the dimensions are indicated for Asian, so people of European appearance are recommended to take 1-2 size clothing more than the necessary.

And even better, if you doubt that you do not guess with the size, write off with the seller, give it the parameters of your figure and clarify which size you need. Also, this correspondence can serve as additional proof of your rightness when opening a dispute to return funds if the thing does not suit you in size.

Despite the fact that the sellers lays out the table of measurements of products and the corresponding sizes, it is still the likelihood that purchased clothing or shoes will be vicious or small. It is necessary to understand this and be prepared for this. Therefore, you should read the reviews before purchasing, whether the thing corresponds to the dimensional table specified by the seller, is there any disadvantages of sewing (for example, incorrectly arms), etc.

Purchase of goods in Mall

The main advantage of Aliexpress is low prices. However, unfortunately, there are a lot of goods here in relevant quality. Therefore, it was decided to create a special section in which only high-quality products will be sold - Mall.

Mall is an online shopping center, which contains goods from leading brands at low prices due to the absence of a chain of intermediaries and only from proven sellers. The warranty is valid for all products, and delivery is carried out within 5-15 days from warehouses in Russia. Only residents of the Russian Federation can buy here, since delivery is carried out exclusively within the country.

Prices for goods in Mall are higher than on similar products from other aliexpress sellers. However, purchases in this section have a number of advantages:

    The presence of original things leading brands.

    Prices for brand things are lower than in offline stores.

    Availability of warranty.

    Fast delivery (up to 15 days).

    High quality.

    Unconditional return of the goods within 7 days, if the thing has not arranged.

    Verified and reliable sellers.

Many products can be bought with a solid discount in the "Discount Day" section. The renewal of the range here takes place at 10.00 Moscow time three times a week - on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Registration of the order and its payment is also occurring, as in the whole aliexpress.

How to track down the price of interest to

Prices for sellers on Aliexpress are constantly changing. And the sales here is nothing. Having bought the goods a few days later, it can be significantly saved - 10-50%. Sellers often spend shares in order to attract buyers.

To track the price changes to the goods interested, there is no need to visit it daily and compare prices. You can do it in two ways:

We buy at a discount: burning goods, quick transactions, sales

Aliexpress has the opportunity to acquire goods for the cost, much lower than the standard. There are special sections such as "burning goods" and "quick transactions", where things are placed at a discount of up to 90%. You can also cheaply buy the right products during the sale.

Last Minutes

An aliexpress has been created a separate section with goods to which a discount is up to 90%. At the same time, the goods are high-quality, and not with a marriage, as many think. Just sellers specifically exhibit goods at a low price to attract buyers to their store and quickly gain a rating. As a rule, the party of cheap things is strictly limited and in some hands you can buy no more than 5 things, although some products can be sold without restrictions.

Gathered products with a discount in the "Last Minor Products" section. Buying here, you can save significantly. Three times a week, at 10 am Moscow time on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the range is updated. But this does not mean that all previously posted goods disappear. Only a part of them is removed, but new ones are added. In order to find out when the action ends on the thing you are interested in, click on it, and you will see the countdown timer. As soon as the time comes out, this product will disappear from the section, unless the seller wants to extend the action.

The discount of the discount in the section is enough, so it is periodically to look here, and you will find the right thing without any problems here. The section presents the goods of all categories - from clothes to electronics. Also available global brands with Molla. Each-selling product in the "Last Minor Products" section is accompanied by a description and reviews of buyers. You can see product ratings and seller.

Conditions for payment and delivery of goods from the category "Burning Goods" are no different from those for which you acquire other things to Aliexpress.

Fast transactions

On Aliexpress you can find many inexpensive items. But do you know that you can buy some products at all for a couple of cents, although the real cost of their ten times more expensive? And this opportunity is given quick transactions. They are a sale of limited batches of goods at poker prices, which will last a certain time. It sells things here in just 0.01-1 $.

You can find such products by the "Almost Voice" tab, which is located in the section "Last Minute Sales". You can see it on both the site and in the official application. It appears solely before starting sales, about an hour. Here you can see a list of products offered, prices for them and countdown to start.

When are the sales for Aliexpress?

Previously, the grand sales of goods for a penny were carried out exclusively on specific dates and on holidays. For example, the anniversary of the company, November 11, New Year's holidays, etc. Recently, such transactions are opening three times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 hours in Moscow time.

A variety of products starting with cosmetics and finishing appliances and clothing are involved in fast transactions. Network reviews show that the camera or gadget is noted at the cost of a dozen twice as long as the table for the top ten, it was not rare. But recently, you can more often find some small things like the headphones, a computer mouse, flash drives, and rarely when something is more serious than the keyboard or webcam. The main range is inexpensive goods worth up to $ 20: jewelry, manicure sets, watches, lamps, hats, bags.

One problem is to buy. Parties are very limited - only 5-20 pieces. Occasionally there are large parties. Those who want to buy things for the accuctacle incredible amount. Therefore, we need a snarling and an instant reaction if you want to buy profitable. I tried only a couple of times, then it threw this thing. It is necessary to have a crazy composure and very fast reaction. But there is a friend who was able to buy things here more than once. Bag-refrigerator, a set of jewelry, a flash drive on 16 GB - for each of these things she paid less than the dollar.

How to have time to buy on fast transactions

There are a few secrets to buy goods on fast transactions:

    Choose goods in advance and opening a page with it for 5 minutes before the start of sales.

    Select only one product.

    This is not the case when it is worth spraying. Several goods you still will not be able to buy. So you should try to have time and buy at least one.

    Speed \u200b\u200bInternet. The bill goes to the fraction of seconds.

    Speed \u200b\u200breaction.

    Wishing a lot. Therefore, the faster you press the cherished button, the more likely that you have managed.

    Browser without extensions.

    Extensions greatly slow down the browser, and while you have a turning tab with a commodity, someone more quickly can lead it straight from under the nose.

    Continuous update tab.

    Sometimes the start time is not always true. By updating the tab, you can see that there was a sharp transition for a few seconds. If you parallel to download the same page on a mobile application, you can see that the time specified on it and on the page does not match the computer. Therefore, in order to do in time, it is necessary to constantly update the tab for 30-40 seconds before the start.

Payment of goods acquired on fast transactions occurs as well as on other things to Aliexpress. The buyer's defense also extends to such purchases fully.


The Aliexpress constantly undergo sales, when prices for some positions of goods are reduced by 40-90%. A wonderful way to save your budget! You can highlight 3 types of sales on this shopping area:

    Within the store.

    Thematic and seasonal sales.


Shop sales

Walking through the expanses of Aliexpress, it can be noted that many products cost a discount of 20-50%. Most likely, the seller sells other products at the promotional price. To find out what exactly the goods are distributed in its store, you must:

You will be issued a list of goods in this store that are sold at a discount. The size of the discount is also specified.

Thematic and seasonal sales

At the end of each season, many sellers reduce the prices of things that are already becoming irrelevant. For example, at the end of winter, it is possible to buy warm shoes, scarves, coats, etc.

Thematic sales are held on the eve of large holidays - Halloween, New Year, Chinese New Year, February 23, March 8, Birthday Ali Spress, Valentine's Day, etc. Prices are reduced only by a number of goods that meet the holiday, during which the sale passes.

Grand Sales

Grand sales are distinguished by the fact that during them prices reduce almost all sellers. There are no restrictions on the type of product. These are sales:

    Black Friday. It is held on the last Friday of November.

    Cyberpong. It takes place on the first Monday after Black Friday.

    Youth summer. Operates in the first days of June. Mostly discounts are available on clothing.

When buying during thematic or grand sales, it is worth being attentive. Unfortunately, despite the high-profile promises, in the main mass of discounts are provided very insignificant - within 10-20%. Some sellers are at all enjoyed at this time and even increase prices, or leave the same, but they give allegedly the prices with discounts. Therefore, it is necessary in advance, a week or two before the sale, choose the necessary goods, mark their prices, and then during the sale to compare with new ones. So you will avoid deception and overpayments.

Coupons and additional discounts

It is not necessary to wait for the sale or look for the thing only in the section "Burning Goods" to buy it at a discount. There is another way to buy on Aliexpress products cheaper than its standard cost - use coupons that provide a discount for a certain amount.

Coupons are the most different nominal - from $ 1 to 40-50. However, the coupon is valid only when buying for a certain amount. For example, it is necessary to make an order for an amount of $ 40, and only then can be used by a coupon, which will give a discount of 3%. The magnitude of the minimum purchase amount and the size of the coupon discount depends on the seller's conditions. Some of the shops make it possible to use a $ 1 coupon regardless of the cost of purchased goods.

How to take a coupon

You can purchase coupons in two ways:

It is better to take advantage of coupons from special sites -, http: //cupons. Alikepress.Site. It is immediately written here, which specifically the product is provided with a discount, and you do not need to go through a bunch of sellers. When you click on a suitable coupon on these sites, you will be taken to the page of the store on Aliexpress, which provides a discount on it.

You can see all your coupons available in the "My Coupons" section in the Personal Account.

Features of the use of coupons

There are some nuances associated with the use of coupons:

    The time of action is strictly limited. It usually is 7 days after taking a coupon. But there are also coupons that act only 2-3 days, and there are those that can be used in a month. In the description of the coupon, its validity period is specified, it is also possible to see this information in the Personal Account.

    You can use the coupon only in the store where it was taken.

    When buying, you can only use one coupon. Get a total discount from several coupons will not work.

    When making a return of funds, you will be reimbursed by the amount that you paid taking into account the discount, and not the full cost of the goods.

    The discount will be taken into account when placing an order when its full final cost is counted.

Delivery methods, their cost and term

On Aliexpress you can buy products, both with paid delivery and free.

In search tape, goods prices are always indicated without taking into account the cost of delivery. It is difficult to navigate in them, since you can find the right thing at a low price, but the shipping cost will make a purchase disadvantageous. Similarly, more expensive goods will cost cheaper, since delivery is breaking.

Are you really looking for inexpensive things to view all the options and calculate the final costs along with delivery? Not necessary. You can immediately save your time if you put a tick in the filters above the order tape in the "Free Shipping" column. Then you immediately display the goods for the delivery of which you do not need to pay, and choose the one that at the lowest price.

But it should be borne in mind that free shipping is the longest. Goods can be delivered up to two months. If you wish to get a thing faster, you can specify another type of delivery. Also not all goods can deliver free. Therefore, it is useful to know by the postal services of Aliexpress sellers.

Free goods are delivered using the following delivery services:

    China Post Air Mail.

    Chinese postal service engaged in the delivery of small-sized and small weights. Delivery up to 60 days.

    Chinapost Air Parcel.

    Chinese service, through which sellers with Aliexpress send heavy and large orders. The maximum parcel weight is 20 kg. Delivery is also up to 60 days.

    Hongkong Post Air Mail.

    Carries out the fast delivery of small parcels weighing up to 2 kg. Delivery time - up to 60 days.

    Singapore POST (Singapore Mail).

    National postal operator Singapore, delivering goods weighing up to 2 kg. It has a number of restrictions on the contents of the parcel. Also can be used as paid delivery. According to the regulations, delivery can take up to 60 days, but on average items turns out to be at the buyer after 10-14 days.

Paid delivery is carried out through:

    European Express Delivery Service. Delivery of goods is carried out worldwide.

    Through this service is possible delivery of more than 850 settlements of the Russian Federation.

    Russian delivery service. Her advantages - low tariffs and fast delivery. The parcel goes 10-15 days.

    American express delivery service up to 7 days, which works with large or heavy parcels.

    Also a US delivery service worldwide. Delivery time from 1 to 5 days.

    Carries out the delivery of goods from Asian countries - Thailand, China, Hong Kong. Package from the addressee will not be earlier than 30 days later. The maximum delivery time is 60 days.

Through Postal Services China Post Air Mail and Chinapost Air Parcel goes the largest flow of goods, as most buyers choose this type of delivery due to the fact that it is free. A large number of orders affects the processing speed. Nevertheless, despite the fact that according to the regulations, a period of up to 60 days is specified, on average the parcel is delivered within 30 days.

TNT and DHL services promise delivery within 5 days, however, as a rule, the buyer receives the goods only after 2 weeks. If you need to get a parcel quickly, it is better to choose the delivery of the parcel through the EMS service. Delivery time is the same as the TNT and DHL services, but the cost is significantly lower.

Since 2015, buyers can see a new shipping method - via Aliexpress Shipping. The seller sends the goods to the general Warehouse Aliexpress, after which the playground itself selects the delivery service and sends the goods to the recipient. If the Aliexpress Standart Shipping delivery is indicated, the parcel will be delivered from 15 to 45 business days. If Aliexpress Premium Shipping, then the product will be expected not more than 10 working days.

Most sellers on Aliexpress enjoy the above delivery services. But you can meet other services:

    Sweden POST - 15-30 days.

    SWISS POST - up to 14 days.

    POSTI FINLAND. According to the regulations, delivery is carried out up to 35 days, but most often the parcel arrives after 20-25 days.

    SPSR-Express - up to 20 days.

    Yanwen Logistics - up to 60 days.

    17 POST Service - up to 60 days. The minimum period of waiting for the parcel is 30 days.

    WORLD-SHIPPING POST - up to 60 days.

    Flyt Express - up to 60 days.

In the description of the goods, the seller is worth the default one of the ways to send an order. Below under it specified the estimated delivery time. If you are not satisfied with the proposed service and time, you can choose another shipping method, from the seller offered.

As a rule, the seller points only 4-6 delivery services, which is ready to send the goods.

If you buy goods on the eve of international holidays or during sales, then you should be prepared for the fact that the delivery time may increase by 1-2 weeks due to the strong download of postal services at this time.

On average, delivery takes about 30-40 days when choosing free shipping.


Excellent, you chose the thing you need. It remains to place an order and pay it. In order to do this, you need:

Not necessarily pay at once. The goods will still be moved to the tape of your orders. However, you must pay it for 24 days, otherwise it will become inactive.

Payment order

The goods are selected, but you need to pay it. This is necessary for 24 hours. To pay for the purchase follows:

After confirming the order, you will be redirected to its payment. On Aliexpress, the purchase can be paid in the following ways:

    With the help of a bank card.

    Through electronic payment systems - Webmoney, QIWI, Yandex.Money.

    Cash in mobile network salons and some stores.

    From a mobile phone account.

    Through Western Union.

    Bank transaction.

The payment section immediately shows ways to pay the card, through Webmoney and Yandex.Money.

If none of these methods fit, you should choose "other payment methods" and choose the appropriate type of payment from the list offered in the list.

Payment of bank card

Payment by bank card is the most convenient and profitable payment method. To do this, you must have a Visa, Maestro or MasterCard card with a connected online payment service and 3D Secure, carefully fill out all the maps data on the payment page and confirm the code via SMS. If the site gives an error or payment does not pass, you should call the bank-issuer card. Either you do not have enough money to pay, or the online payment service is not connected.

Payment through electronic payment systems

You should choose a convenient email payment system - Webmoney, QIWI or Yandex.Money. After that you will receive a payment account and will be redirected to the required system for payment. It will only be necessary to log in and confirm the payment.

Cash payment

Aliexpress concluded an agreement with mobile operators, the largest Russian retailers and some banks. You can pay for cash in the offices of Euroset, "Svyaznoy", "MTS", "Sberbank", "Telepay", etc.

After the payment of cash, you must enter your mobile phone number. Sms-message will come to it from Aliexpress, in the content of which your order code will be specified and its final cost. To complete the purchase, you need to find the nearest office of the company collaborating with Aliexpress, and pay for your order. Also, cash can be paid through the terminals of the "connected" and "Euroset".

Mobile payment (payment from the phone)

Paying a purchase from a mobile phone can subscribers of operators MTS, Beeline, MegaFon and Tele2. You only need to enter your phone number and click on the "Sex" button, follow the instructions in SMS. In order for payment to pass without problems, the amount of money on the account should equal to the cost of goods + operator's commission (MTS - 0%, Beeline - 3.9%, MegaFon - 1.95% and Tele2 - 2.45%).

In the event of a refund due to the fact that the parcel did not reach or the product came inadequate quality, they will also come to the account of the mobile operator.

Payment by bank transfer

By bank transfer, you can pay the goods only worth $ 20. Payment is processed 7 days and is accepted only in dollars. Payment must be made to the Aliexpress bank account, which can be seen after this method of payment is selected. You can translate money in any bank, you should consider the commission. Feature to use this payment method - to each order is assigned a personal account number of the buyer.

Payment via Western Union

Also valid only for goods more expensive $ 20. Pay should be paid by dollars and a single payment for a personal account at the Western Union office. Additional commission is charged.

After payment of the goods, the store system can check the payment up to 24 hours except for payment of bank payment or through Western Union. During this time, it is still considered that you have not paid for the purchase, despite the fact that the money was written off from your account. After Aliexpress confirm the payment, the seller will send you the goods.

Buyer protection. How to extend the protection time

The AlExpress service took care that the buyer is being protected from fraud from sellers. When buying a product, the buyer's protection is valid. If the parcel did not reach the addressee, the buyer is reimbursed by the full cost of goods. It is also possible to complete or partial reimbursement of the cost of the product if the purchased thing does not correspond to the description on the site.

Each seller under the description of the goods indicates the information about the guarantee of the seller. This column indicates the period during which the goods must come. It is understood that during this period the buyer will definitely receive the goods, appreciate it and express discontent if it is. If the thing came in an unsatisfactory condition or did not reach the addressee at all, the buyer can open a dispute and demand a refund during the protection period (seller's guarantee), as well as within 15 days after the order is automatically adopted. If the order was confirmed by the buyer, then it is no longer worth counting on the refund. To submit a complaint to the buyer can only during the validity period of protection and 15 days after its end.

But it happens that the package simply does not have time to come to the seller specified by the seller. On the track, it is tracked that the goods in the way and was indeed shipped. Protecting the buyer on the outcome. What to do? If the parcel comes after the end of the protection period and the thing does not suit you, then you can no longer be returned. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to simply request an extension of the buyer's protection. The request is made seller.

To do this, go to the Ordering section in your personal account, go to the information about the delivery of goods "Check Tracking" and click on the inscription "Request the extension of the buyer's protection", after which it is possible to specify the deadline for which we ask for the buyer's defense. Usually within two days the seller confirms your request.

It is necessary to ask for the extension of the buyer's protection in a few days before its expiration, and not in a couple of hours. The seller does not sit around the clock around the clock and tracks notifications. If you send a request for a couple of hours before the expiration of the buyer's protection expires, you will simply stay with anything.

If you sent a request in advance, and the seller has already ignite it for several days, and the defense period is already ends, boldly open the dispute! Perhaps the seller is somewhere trying to smear, hoping for your ignorance, since so much time is silent. Do not risk. Usually, after opening a dispute, the seller responds quickly, prolongs the service life of the buyer and asks to cancel the dispute.

Order Management

To go to the management section of your orders, you should click on the My Orders button in the Personal Account. On the left there will be an order management menu where you can see, by how orders you are open disputes and return funds, deleted orders, orders for which you left feedback or on which you are expected to write a few words, discount coupons. In the same menu, the "My Addresses" section is where you can change your shipping address or add a few new ones to then only specify the package to come to which address.

In the main window there are all your orders that you have ever bought or wanted to buy, but did not pay. Here you can also get detailed information for each order.

In the top menu above the tape orders, there are brief data on how many purchases in waiting for payment, how many parcels are awaiting sending and sent, how many disputes are open.

Below are all your orders. For each of them there is a photo of goods, its brief description and the cost is indicated. Here you can see the status of the order, how much time before the end of the defense period, extend it, add a purchased earlier product again to the basket, pay the product that was planned to buy, but have not paid yet.

Over each order is written its number and time of adding purchases to the tape. Here are the links to the seller's store and to contact him.

If you click on the "More" button, you will receive detailed information about the order that will contain:

    Information about the payment made.

    Data on the type of delivery.

    The number of the track-code parcel and delivery details.

    Catching with the seller if it is.

Package tracking

After the seller sent the goods, he informs the buyer the track number of the parcel, which can be traced by moving. In order to learn the track of the purchased thing, it is necessary in the Personal Cabinet "My Orders" section on the "Order Data on Order" page. For details.

In the order information will be written to the parcel tracking number, the name of the postal service, the link to its site, as well as the brief information about the delivery of goods, which is updated automatically and appears only after 5-7 days, as the product was sent.

It is best to track the parcel not on the site Aliexpress, but on other services. One option is on the post office site, the link to which is provided in the order information. However, most often the site is in Chinese, and it is not very convenient to use it.

I recommend using other services that allow you to get information in Russian and track the parcels sent by the most different postal services and express delivery services:, or http: // myparcels. RU. You must copy the TRAP number of the parcel and paste it on the selected service in the "Tracking Number" field. Within 2-3 minutes all information on the movement of goods will be given.

The most convenient service is "My Parcels" ( Here you can create a personal account and add several items at the same time to be traced. The update occurs automatically every 6 hours, and the user receives a notification to the mail about the changes in the sending movement. Also here can be stored the history of the passage of all its parcels. In addition, if you add a buyer's protection, the system automatically controls that it does not expire, and notifies you about the immediate end.

Refund. What is a dispute and how to win it

Buying things on online services a little risky. There is always the likelihood that the parcel may not go or the thing will not correspond to the description that was indicated on the site. Money loss and spoiled mood? Not at all.

Aliexpress ensures the protection of the buyer. Therefore, if the goods are not the quality, as the seller was indicated, or the parcel did not come, you can open the dispute and return the money. The main thing is to know how to do it right to win it.

After you paid the goods, it moves to the "My Orders" section. Here you can observe the validity of the buyer's protection, during which you may require compensation. Remember that you can open the dispute only once, so if you miss something or specify a small amount of compensation, then after the dispute and "replay" will not work.

Terms of holding and arbitration

The maximum period of time to solve the problem between the seller and the buyer for Aliexpress is 15 days. During this period, both parties must come to some decision. If the question is sharpened, then the case is already solved through the arbitration of the system.


For both, it is advantageous to solve a dilemma independently. For the customer, this is a significant saving time, and for the seller is not a decrease in the rating. If the conflict continues, then the Special Commission of Aliexpress is beginning to be engaged. In the system, this is called "Escalate Dispute".

The trading platform is a mediator between sellers and buyers. After payment of the goods, the money is not immediately transferred to the seller's account, and lie in the system until the seller confirms the delivery of goods. If the dispute is open, then the money is also at the mediator, while the question is not resolved and the verdict will not be issued whether the money will be returned to the buyer or go to the goods supplier.

It is worth knowing that the decision of the arbitration is final and is not challenged. In hencefight, this dispute will be closed, and it will not be possible to open it.

How to open spores

Well, something went wrong, and it was decided to start a dispute with the seller. To do this, go to the tab where the items on the ordered product are provided. In possible actions there is a "Open Spore" button.

First of all, it is necessary to specify whether the parcel was received. After all, if the order did not reach, and the specified delivery time is already on the outcome, then this is the reason for complaints. The seller will be forced to refund all the cost of the goods.

The buyer will need to more accurately determine what it is not suitable:

    The parcel is still on the road, and the protection time is already coming to an end.

    Postal service returned the order.

    The track by the seller is given left and not tracked.

    Customs duty turned out to be higher than planned.

    The seller prescribed when sending the parcel is an invalid address.

If the thing is obtained, the system will offer other reasons for discontent. The buyer offers a whole list of answers from which he must choose the most suitable in accordance with his situation.

Next, you must specify your compensation requirements. This may be a complete return amount or partial damage compensation. For the latter, the amount that I would like to be obtained for the discrepancy between the goods you want. Also, the buyer wonders the question whether he wants to send the goods to the seller, given the fact that the delivery he will have to pay. If the answer is "no", the buyer has the right to demand only a partial reimbursement of the cost of the product.

Naturally, the dispute must be justified, so it is required to write not only a letter with claims and a description of the reasons for discontent, but also to make evidence - photos, video. You can download the materials after clicking the "Add Attachments" button. Requirements for this trading platform:

    The text with the claim is written in English and should not exceed 512 characters.

    In size, applied documents must be up to 2 MB.

    Not more than 3 files are added, allowed in particularly controversial moments insert collages from the photo.

If there are several complaints, they all must be described in one dispute. According to the rules of the system, you can only open one dispatch for one product.

Open dispute information

After the application for a dispute is filled and sent, the buyer on the product information page appears all data on the open dispute, where its status will be indicated, the time waiting time from the seller, the amount of compensation and the description of the problem. If the seller does not respond to the time allotted by him, then the Aliexpress system closes the dispute in favor of the client.

If the answer was obtained, the status with expectation changes to the "dispute". A correspondence with clarification is tied between a dissatisfied client and an unfair supplier, whether the Customer really has the right to demand a refund for paid, but poor-quality goods.

Maintain a dispute

From how correctly and intelligently will be spent the dispute depends, whether the buyer will be able to prove the incompetence of the seller and return its money.

There are several dispute development options:

    The seller did not communicate, the dispute is automatically closed and the money returned to the buyer.

    The seller accepted the claim and agreed to fulfill it.

    The seller offered his decision.

The results of the first two options are understandable. But the third is worth considering more details. A discussion arises, during which a compromise should be found between the client and the goods supplier. There is only 15 days on it.

If it is non-receipt of the parcel on the tracked code, then, as a rule, protection is extended. If the track is incorrect, then either the seller provides the right code or the case is transmitted to arbitration. If the buyer refuses to order because of too high duties, then, most likely, the seller will refuse to return the cost, and the arbitration will be on its side.

If the order came, but does not correspond to expectations, it is necessary to provide the most high-quality and distinct photos of what exactly does not suit, and make a more accurate description of the claim. Usually, with strong pressure and well-prominent defects of the goods, most sellers agree to compensate the cost of the product, just to not guess the dispute and do not apply to arbitration, which is fraught with a decrease in the rating and confidence of buyers.

If defects are obvious, and the seller does not come to concessions, it makes sense to convey the case for consideration by the Special Commission of Aliexpress on disputes.

Results of the dispute

By resolution of the conflict may be some results:

    The seller returns money in full or partial volume.

    The seller's fault is not recognized, and compensation is not produced.

    Exchange of goods.

In the latter case, the buyer returns a purchased product, gets money spent on it and makes a new order.

My dispute experience

I had only 2 times to open the dispute, although there were a lot of purchases. Lucky.

Spore №1

Buying headphones for a smartphone for 2.38 $. One "ear" was damaged. When opening the dispute attached the photo, where it can be seen that the film packaging of headphones is not opened, and the headphones themselves are damaged. The seller agreed with the dispute and returned the full cost. Neither correspondence, nor sending goods. The problem was solved for one day.

Spore №2.

I ordered 3 men's T-shirts from the seller at a discount. T-shirts went from January 14 to early April. The service life of the buyer has extended twice. It is not clear for what reason the customs of April 4 sent an order back to the seller.

He opened the dispute, where described the reason for the request of the money back. From the seller received consent to satisfy the dispute. But I decided to combat me a little. For one of three products, the seller set compensation 0 $. Well, that drew attention. Apparently, I decided that I would not view the disputes on all three units of goods. But I noticed, after which there was a short correspondence with the seller. They cut on the fact that he compensates for me the full value of all three masters, and I leave him a review that the seller is responsible, goes towards. The money was returned in full, the dispute was closed.

Return of goods to the seller

One of the decisions of the dispute can be the return sending of poor-quality goods to the Seller in return for monetary compensation. Some this puts in a dead end. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to act in this case, if the seller agrees to return your money to you only if you send it back the purchased thing.

Shipment of goods to the seller and getting money

To return the goods to the seller and get compensation, it is necessary to carefully pack the goods, go to the mail, specify the props of the seller and address, fill in the receipt, pay for shipment and take the track number to send a parcel to the seller.

Money to your account will go if:

    The seller himself will send money to the same payment system with which you paid for the purchase.

    The dispute was closed and has passed 10 days. If the time passed, and no payment is not, then you need to contact the Ali Spress administration. How to do it, is described below.

It seems to be nothing complicated, however there are so many nuances associated with the return of the goods to the seller.

Product Return Features Seller

    The buyer must send the goods to the seller within 10 days. The report starts automatically from the time the buyer will accept the terms of compensation with the return of the goods. Note that the address field to which you want to send the parcel was filled. If within 10 days you do not have time to report to referring to the goods and do not provide the track number of the parcel, the money will be sent to the seller, and you can forget about compensation, even if the product has already gone per mail.

    After sending the goods track number and the address of the site on which it can be traced, it is necessary to register in a special form of the dispute, and not send in a personal message to the seller.

    Do not make a fatal error and send the goods to the address that was registered on the parcel. You must specify the data that the seller wrote in the dispute in the appropriate field in the form of a dispute.

    Since the buyer himself pays for the cost of sending goods, it is not necessary to order express delivery or insurance of things and overpay for it. The main thing is to register the parcel in the mail and tell the track to the seller.

    The goods must be carefully packed. Packaging should not be damaged anywhere. Otherwise, the seller can open the response display with the fact that the goods were damaged due to bad packaging. You will stay without a product, and without money. Just in case it is better to take a picture of the parcel before shipping to have a confirmation that the goods were well packaged. In the case of opening a retaliatory dispute by the seller, you will have evidence in your hands.

    After it was confirmed that the goods were sent, it automatically turns on the period of waiting 30 days during which the parcel must be delivered to the seller. At this point, the seller receives the same rights as the buyer while waiting for the goods. If the term is over, the dispute will be automatically closed, and the money will come to the buyer. Also, the seller can extend the waiting time.

Unfortunately, send the goods back to the seller account for at its own expense. The cost of shipment, depending on the weight of the parcel and distance, can be 300-1500 rubles. And this money is not compensated. If the thing is inexpensive, then it makes sense to resell her or give to someone.

You can also require a partial compensation from the seller, not complete. Many sellers are willing to meet me, since they also do not want to wait a month, while the goods return, and give money for the already paid order.

Sizes of compensation for AlExpress

If you got the goods, you can order full compensation without having to send the goods back only in some cases:

    The seller initially pointed out the goods incorrect information. This statement should be supported by evidence, for example, screenshots and photographs.

    Submitted goods of a completely different kind than which was ordered.

    The purchased device is inoperable or with serious technical faults that do not allow the use of the device to fully.

In other cases, you can only qualify for partial compensation for the cost of the purchase:

    25-50% if the color of the product differs from the one in the description or was selected by you when ordering.

    40-75%, if the purchased thing is not the size or manufactured not from those materials, does not fully comply with the description or has small flaws.

    75-95% if the goods have significant defects or fully does not match what you ordered.

Error codes and their meaning

Sometimes, when paying for goods, Aliexpress gives an error and does not allow you to make a payment. Many at this moment are perplexed, what is the problem, and do not buy the thing they need, winning the system. Newbies and can get away from the site after such a situation and turn to intermediaries, allegedly so easier and more reliable. And then you pay, pay, and you can't pay it ...

In fact, to solve a riddle, because of which the payment does not pass, very simple. Aliexpress specifically prescribes the error code for which you can understand why the problem arose. Let us consider in more detail the most common error codes, their designations, causes and action to eliminate the problem.

    Pay_rs_520000500 - The payment was not performed due to the temporal inaccessibility of the system.

    This sometimes happens if the service is too loaded, as well as interruptions with the Internet. It is enough to wait some time and re-make a payment. You can also use another payment system.

    Ipay_rs_10001_3017 - The issuer cards does not allow this operation.

    Most likely you either incorrectly entered the card data, or you do not have the payment service on the Internet. Check all data. If everything is true, check with a bank if your card can pay for goods and services on the Internet, or choose another payment method.

    Pay_rs_10001_3012. - Not enough money.

    Ipay_rs_10001_2616. - Not enough money.

    Perhaps also the fact that you really have enough money, but because of the conversion of the currency is not enough for a couple of cents. Explore the card to the required amount.

    Ipay_rs_10001_3010. - Security code is invalid.

    You incorrectly entered the CVV code of your card (it is registered on the back of the card). Check it again. If you do not provide for the protection of payments from the Card by means of the CVV code, check with your bank, is it suitable for your card to make payments on the Internet and what needs to be entered instead of CVV \u200b\u200bcode.

    IPay_RS_10001_3007. - The card number that you provided is invalid.

    When filling out the payment card data, you made a mistake. Try to pay for once again and carefully check the data. If the error is repeated, you should contact the Issuer's Technical Support Service.

    Pay_rs_10001_2903. - The order amount exceeds the allowable payment limit on the map.

    Apparently, you decided to purchase goods worth the amount that exceeds the established limit on payments on your card. This limit is established by the Bank in order to ensure the safety of your funds, if suddenly the card will be stolen or its data will decide to take advantage of scammers. To solve the problem, it is enough to call a bank with a request to increase the limit on your card.

    Pay_rs_10001_2626. - The order amount exceeds the limit / limit.

    Error and solving the problem is similar to pay_rs_10001_2903.

    Pay_rs_10001_2621 - Payment is rejected.

    You may have tried to pay the Visa card, and indicated that MasterCard map. You should carefully check your card data filled on the site.

    Ipay_rs_10001_2618. - Sorry, the payment was not committed. The operation is not permitted by the bank.

    Your card is imposed a ban on holding payments on the Internet. It is necessary to contact the bank and remove this ban.

    Ipay_rs_7777. - Sorry, we temporarily can't process your order.

    Such an error often appears when you try to pay for the purchase through the Al EExpress application. It is worth choosing another method of payment or buy goods through the site. Another reason for the appearance of this error is the presence of disposable passwords, which are provided for by your bank when making payments via the Internet. In this case, it is necessary to call the bank and deal with the problem.

    Ipay_rs_7032. - The payment was not performed due to the temporal inaccessibility of the system.

    There was a failure in the system or it is too rebooted because of the large influx of buyers. It is necessary to wait either to restart the Aliexpress website.

    Ipay_rs_10001_2911. - Too many transactions in a short period of time or suspicion of fraudulent operations. Payment is rejected by your bank.

    On the day of payment on Aliexpress, you most likely, too often used an ATM (infokioskom) or have already committed several payments on the Internet. You exceeded either the permissible number of transactions or the limit over the amount per day. Call to the bank, and your problem will be solved.

    Ipay_rs_10001_2917. - Cannot pay the order. Refer to your card issuer.

    Call your bank and ask you to enable online payment on the Internet.

    ISC_RS_5100102051. - For security reasons, this process cannot be continued.

    If the system issued you this error code, then your payment was rejected for security reasons. Such a mistake basically see those who are trying to pay the purchase of the card. Choose another payment method.

If you have a payment problem, check the error code with the above and proceed according to the recommendations. A little patience, and the payment will pass without a bitch and zadorinka.

Appendix AlExpress and the advantages of its use

For active users of smartphones, an aliexpress mobile application was specially developed. In order to download and install it, go to Google Play Market or App Store, enter the Aliexpress Shopping App request, find it and click on the Set button.

The application is Russian-speaking, with an understandable interface, so it is no more difficult to use it than the site. But those who will make purchases through it receive additional benefits. In order to attract more new users of the application, additional "chips" were introduced into it for buyers.

Many products when buying through Ali Extress Apratenspens there are discounts from 2% to 5%. The search tape indicates the usual price, but after adding to the basket, you can see that the cost of the purchase decreased. But there is one nuance. To the discount acted, the goods must be paid through the application. If you just add a thing to a basket through the application, and then pay through the site, the discount will disappear, and the order will be at normal cost. Also in the appendix you can find exclusive stocks and special offers, which are not on the site. By making purchases on Aliexpress through the application, you can save significantly.

Functionality of applications

According to the functionality, the application is not inferior to the site. Here you can also:

    Search for the desired thing with filters.

    Make lists of desires.

    Pay for goods.

    Considrate with the seller, technical support aliexpress and open disputes.

    Manage orders, track parcels and confirm the receipt of goods.

Similar to the site, the application also implements the sorting function of goods that can be implemented by the following parameters:

    Shares and sales.

    Price range.

    Wholesale or magic sale.

    Free shipping.

How to pay through the application

When paying for goods through the application, many are perplexed. The fact is that the number of payment methods compared to sites in the application is noticeably limited. You can pay for purchases only with the help of bank cards, QIWI and from Alipay account. If you use another payment system, then you can only buy goods through the site.

How to change currency

In the default application, the cost of things is indicated only in dollars. But if you wish, you can easily change the currency for the desired one. You can do this in the following way:

    Go to the "Settings" menu and select "Other".

    Click on the inscription "Currency". A list of different currencies will be released.

    Choose from the list that currency that suits you.

What is cachek and what should it be done

Aliexpress is famous for its low prices. But why not save when shopping? To do this, it is worth using cachek services. Cashbek is a refund of the cost of goods or a service in order to attract more customers and raising their loyalty to the store or company. Cashbek services are just engaged in the fact that they are charged cachek those buyers who moved to the store site from them.

But some features should be taken into account:

    Cacheback is charged only when switching to the store's website directly on the Cashbek Service link. If you decide to go to the site in the usual way, when you enter the site in the browser string, you will not receive cachek when buying.

    Cacheback is charged directly to the account in the cachek service. You can withdraw it after the amount is sufficient to output. If you buy often or expensive things, then the desired amount in the account will be pulled very quickly.

    Cashbek is charged only after confirming the receipt of the order, and not during its design.

    Cashbek may differ slightly from the amount that must be accrued in the percentage of order value. This explains the currency conversion and fluctuation of the course.

    About 10% of sellers for Ali Spress do not provide cachek. Check if the seller gives cachek when buying can be on

    Shopping in Molla Cachebek does not apply.

Cashbek is a very good thing, especially if you often buy. Why not save 5% from each purchase?

Schemes of deception of unfair sellers

Aliexpress is a huge shopping area on which thousands of sellers work. Despite the fact that the administration is trying to maximize the safe conduct of transactions for buyers, nevertheless in naivety, inexperience and excessive gullibility, you can get caught on deception and lose money. Unfortunately, the administration is hardly able to help something other than blocking a fraudster. Money will not be returned to you. Therefore, it is useful to know about the most common schemes of Aliexpress fraud.

    The seller is written off with you and explains that now it is selling the remnants of the goods and it urgently needs money, and if you pay through Aliexpress, it will receive payment only in a month, and even longer. Therefore, it offers a profitable solution for both. It will provide you with a substantial discount of 20-40% if you immediately transfer money to him directly by site bypass, for example, on a bank card or Pay Pal account. If you agree to do this, then you can forget about the desired thing. You just do not send it. And you can not return the money. If Aliexpress gives a guarantee of the buyer's protection, then when buying directly solving problems with payment and goods only on you.

    In the description of the delivery of the goods, the EMS express delivery is indicated, which goes 10 days. It is these few days and the buyer's protection is valid. But after the payment of the goods, the seller writes that allegedly absolutely accidentally sent the purchase by ordinary mail or is silent at all. The calculation is going on, the buyer will forget to control the parcel, these 10 days and the transaction will automatically close. Open the dispute and return the money will be difficult. And in the end, in the premise, a month or two will come cheap and unnecessary trinket.

    The seller acts similarly to the previous fraudulent scheme. He indicates that it will send the goods for free fast delivery service, and sends free, which the parcel goes at least 30 days. Allegedly noticing his mistake, the seller is written off the buyer, apologizes and proposes to return it 15-20% of the order value as an apology. It is only necessary to open a dispute and set a claim. The buyer opens the dispute, the seller returns part of the cost. The trick is that it is possible to open a dispute only once, which means after the delivery of goods, the buyer will no longer be able to demand anything. Therefore, he is sent or a defective thing, or there is nothing worthless smaller.

    The seller can write that it is necessary to pay extra due to some customs fees or taxes.

    When opening a dispute, the buyer indicates the requested amount of compensation. The seller can leave this amount or register his own. Sometimes unscrupulous sellers and at all put in the compensation column 0, while writing off with the buyer and convincing it to close the dispute. If a person is inattentive, he may not notice that compensation is equal to 0, but at the same time brings the dispute, being sure that he will be returned to money. The seller, who demanded that I demanded the return of funds, tried to do the same scheme. Described above.

    The seller contacts the buyer 1-3 days after payment of the goods and reports that the purchased thing has cheaper significantly, so he can return you money on the map. That's just for this you need to report data cards, including a protective CVV code. Further, the scheme is clear ... With your card, they will remove all the money.

In fact, it is difficult for fraud on Aliexpress, since the site strictly ensures that only responsible sellers worked here. But the share of risk is available. Therefore, to acquire the goods should be carried out according to the purchase regulations and not lead to the seller's requests. If you do everything according to the rules and buy goods through the playground, even if you can always return your money or at least get part of compensation.

To reduce the risks of what is deceived, follow the following recommendations:

    Watch for a transaction protection. In the event of problems with the delivery or quality of the goods, immediately open the dispute, until the defense has expired, and not be fed to the seller's requests to "wait for a little bit."

    Remember that you can open the dispute only once, so do not close it until your requirements are fully satisfied.

    Do not pay the goods directly to the seller and not give it the data of your bank card.

    Choose not only the goods, but also to select responsible sellers, focusing on feedback, rating, the number of satisfied buyers.

    Do not agree for additional costs.

If you still deceived and divorced, send a complaint to the seller. Large chances that you will return the money, no, but the site will block the dishonest seller and will not allow him to deceive other buyers.

Also worth always pay attention to the shipping cost. A practitioner is quite common to Aliexpress when with the aim of attracting more buyers, the seller puts the price much lower than that of competitors. But here is the total cost of goods with delivery much more than from other sellers.

How to make a complaint on the seller and contact technical support

If you encountered a fraud to Aliexpress or see a clear inconsistency of the product description or price, then you can contact technical support and leave a complaint about the unfair seller.

This can be done as follows:

    Go to your personal account on Aliexpress and go to the "My Aliexpress" section.

    On the left in the menu column to select "MANAGE REPORTS".

In the section that opens, select the type of complaint that you want to send:

    IPR protection.

    Limited or forbidden goods.

    Trade rules.

    Search similar violations.

After selecting the type of complaint, it will be necessary to fill out the standard report form and specifically formulate its complaint. You can also write a message with your claims to Aliexpress Customer Service Team Support for Emeyl:

There is a nuance here. Write and complaint on the site, and the post office is needed in English. If you do not know the language, use the online translator. When submitting a complaint, describe the situation in detail, give a link to the seller, product, order track, attach the screenshots with the seller if it was. The more data and evidence, the more chances that your problem will be solved.

Aliexpress is an excellent trading platform, which allows not only to find in one place all the necessary goods, but also significantly save their money at the expense of low prices. In addition, there are so many ways to buy here the goods are even cheaper. Coupons, sales, permanent conduct of various shares, the fascination of the sellers, a rich range of a discount product in the section "Burning goods", the use of cachek - all this allows you to buy things for 40-50% of their standard cost.

Yes, there is, of course, some drawbacks, as the risk of not guessing your clothing size, long expectation of the parcel, the probability of being a deceived seller, a large number of inexpensive, but also low-quality goods. But all these problems can be easily avoided, and the information filed in this book will help it. Moreover, an incredibly rich assortment of goods to Aliexpress, low prices and the opportunity to buy branded things are much cheaper than in offline stores, definitely cost to become a regular buyer on this trading platform.

Hello! For a couple of years ago, no one thought that Aliexpress is such a popular. I already wrote a similar article, but some of the information is hopelessly outdated. There is no instruction in RuNet, which will show the whole process from the choice of goods, ending with information how to behave in the mail upon receipt of the parcel.

It should be understood that Aliexpress is not a store, but the mediator between you and the seller. If you completely simplify, then this is a market with various bona fide and not very sellers and buyers, and Aliexpress in turn provides the opportunity to put their products on the site and is the guarantor of what you get exactly what has been declared in the description.

Shopping experience on Ali I have a purely positive, the main thing to adhere to some rules about which and there will be today's note. The seller is not profitable to deceive you, because until the receipt of the order is confirmed, you have the opportunity to challenge the order and return your money (It is quite possible that the parcel itself will remain with you).

For example, one of my acquaintance successfully bought Lenovo smartphones - instead of the original sent a pirated copy with a cheap screen and other constituents. In the description, it was clearly written that this original - they opened the dispute, sent photos and received the full cost of the order back, and the pirate fake of the smartphone was left with us.

Registration on Aliexpress

Any online store begins with registration, if a couple of years ago, the Aliexpress interface was exclusively on the enemy language, now the main points are qualitatively translated (I'm not talking about the name of the goods - there is a complete story). I am not a supporter of authorization through social networks, therefore, according to the old one, we will use the electric machine to register.

So that there are no problems in the future - I recommend all the fields to fill in English, you never know what the Cyrillic can turn around on the Chinese Internet site (e-mail was used for an example - you can not write there, I will not see anyway)

The next step is the activation of your account. Go to the "Inbox" folder of your mailer and find a letter from Aliexpress - in the text of the letter you need to press the Large "Activate Profile" button, you will transfer you to Aliexpress and you will see a message that everything ok - you can make purchases.

Next, we should add the package delivery address (This can be done later, during order decoration)but I want to show where and how it is created so that in the future you could edit or add a new (for example, to order something relatives or a friend in another city).

Go to My Aliexpress and on the left menu, select "Delivery Addresses". We click "add a new address" and we open a card that you need to fill.

In no case do not fill it in Russian! All only on Latin (English if simple). Please note that the "recipient name" line should be fully indicated by FULL NAME without abbreviations, otherwise the parcel is most likely deployed at customs. For other items I think everything is simple ... You can not specify the zip code, but then the parcel will go longer (Yes, and increases the likelihood that it will lose somewhere) - Do not be lazy, specify it in your post office if you do not know it.

On this with registration, it seems to be finished, now we are fully prepared to order on Aliexpress in Russian ... it remains only to choose a seller with a good rating and place an order from him.

Choose the goods of interest to Ali Spress

My first less expensive purchase on Aliexpress was a smartphone from Xiaomi, since the old, kind and right Lumia 920 is simply not "Exit" And I had to sell it. After reviewing that official online stores like a connected, I came to the conclusion that I can't take anything normal here for 10 thousand rubles and I could not take a decision - we take the Chinese.

If you already know exactly what you need, on many specialized sites, people collect links to proven sellers, so there should be no problems with the selection of lot. For example, if you plan to take a smartphone from the Middle Kingdom, read what they write about it on 4pda - there usually each device has a "purchase" section, in which those sellers are present from which users really got the device and are satisfied

If I'm looking for the goods you need and do not know who is better to buy, then I usually sort by the number of orders and take the most of which the most reviews are likely to be mistaken very small. For example, at the request of Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x by the number of orders, the seller Goldway is leading - I have bought my phone

Quite often, one lot may have many different parameters (specifically for phones it is a color, modification, it may be possible to choose a kit, such as a phone + case) ... And for a handle, for example, either just a handle, or a set with spare straggles - everything is for each lot individually and It often depends on the seller often. Choose options for configuration and click Add to Cart. However, do not hurry to draw up an order - I have very valuable information for you.

Recently, very often the sellers appear option "Sending from Russia" - this means that the parcel will come to you much faster - she does not have to drive in China and lie on sorting after customs in Russia. As a rule, such a lot is more expensive, but usually the price is so minimally, it is more profitable to order from a warehouse from Russia and not wait for this parcel.

How to save money on buying

Now it is worth talking about finances - I ignored various cachek services until the latter ... But in the end, having tried LetyShops, I understood how much money I lost. What is cachek? - This is the refund of the payment part for ordering you back. I will not tell me where money appears there, but everything legally and you are not risking anything - if there is a desire to understand what and how, you can find about this information on the Internet. So, to return the amount of the amount from the purchase by clicking on the link below and register.

In the list of stores we find Aliexpress (He is usually the most popular, so always in the top), it was written under it. What percentage of the purchase will be returned to us and click on it ...

We see the information on the screen that the cachek is activated and you will automatically redirect to the Aliexpress website. So far, everything is simple and understandable - nothing is difficult in the order for Ali Spress not?!

Letishopes has a lot of partners, so it may be useful for you not only for purchases on Ali, but also in other online stores. The minimum amount of payment is 500 rubles, I detected a bank card - everything happens instantly and without any problems.

We make an order and pay for the purchase

After activation of the cachek, go to the basket and check the parameters of our lot and click "Order From this seller" (If you have a lot of different trash in the basket, then this button is very comfortable ... and vice versa, if you threw a lot of small things in the basket - it will be possible to pay all time)

The next step is a confirmation for placement of the order. This window is the last before paying the order, so you carefully check everything to do not be killed. Do not forget to check the address we specified during registration. We are looking for the "Pay" or similar, as a rule, it is at the very bottom.

If you participate in group purchases and the seller agrees to sell this lot cheaper, then you need to write about it in the comments to the order (there is a special field for this), place an order, but not pay - do it needed after the seller corrected the price.

You can probably pay for everything in general - I usually pay orders for Aliexpress by a bank card, but I often use WebMoney - however there is one glitch ...

When paying the order for Ali through WebMoney there is one nuance - payment occurs in dollars (WMZ) and the desired amount must first shift on a dollar wallet. According to the plan, this should occur in the automatic conversion mode between your accounts, but this does not happen in the web version of the kiper, when paying through the Keeper Classic on the computer - everything is correct

Package tracking

Now it comes the most important moment of all purchases on Aliexpress - We are waiting for the Chinese order and waiting for checking information. After sending the parcel, you need to go to a detailed description of the order in the list of purchases on Aliexpress.

... and in the "Departure Tracking" block find the track code, which will show where our package is currently. You can track on the website of Russian Post and third-party services, but about it a little later - copy the "tracking number"

Go to the package tracking page and see detailed information about the movement movement (I cut down from below - I do not see sense to describe all intermediate points, left the most important)

When the parcel falls into the territory of the Russian Federation, the recipient and weight will be displayed - this is very important information, you should not neglect her. Some unscrupulous Chinese can give you left code to track ... or send the parcel not to you, and the weight needs to be tracking so as not to take the moment when it is thorough in our mail.

For smartphones there is a very useful utility "where apart", which works with a large number of transport companies and other delivery services, so here more information than in Russian Post. However, the information here is updated a little less than on the company's sites that deliver the parcel.

As soon as the parcel changed the status on "arrived at the place of delivery," we can safely run into your post office (if you do not give the parcel without notice, and you have not received it yet, you can print it and fill out on the site of Russian Post)

IMPORTANT! How to get a parcel

Almost neither in one instruction on how to order goods to Aliexpress No information What you need to know when receiving the parcel and how not to get brick or plasticine instead of the expected smartphone or another valuable thing from China?! This information is relevant for Russia (as I live here and receive the parcels, respectively, too), but will be useful to others, but with minor amendments to your legislation.

It's just that you will not give the parcel to you, until the moment you leave your signature on the notice of the parcel of the ownership of the Russian Post and so that there were no experts - you will not be given it and will be right. How to protect yourself? - Ask to weigh the parcel and compare it with information on the shipment itself.

Be sure to check the integrity of the packaging - if it is broken or the weight does not match, then you can not sign in receipt and ask to open the parcel with the employees of the Russian Post and, if something does not come together in the content, make an act.

If the weight came out and the packaging without traces of intervention, then paint in the notice and take the parcel - what to do next? Do not leave the post office. Usually they have a special table where you can open and check the parcel - we will do it.

! The whole process of opening the parcel needs to be recorded on video - There must be clearly visible the departure number and the roller must be recorded entirely at a time. If there are some problems, we ask employees to make an act and open a dispute with the seller.

Video unpacking need to write always - sometimes this is the only proof that will help us win a dispute on AliExpress (on photo frame from video unpacking phone for wife)

Do not want to make orders through a computer? Aliexpress has an excellent mobile application that completely repeats the functionality of the site itself. In general, it turned out quite convenient, and for mobile version users often give a discount on goods or distribute various bonuses, which then can be exchanged for various coupons.

What to do in the controversial situation

Consider controversial situations on the example of smartphones - they are now ordered very much and in general they are more expensive than other parcels. Have you revealed the parcel and something did not suit you? - We go home and open the dispute. In the picture, it is clear where this button is located ... then I will not describe in detail - everything is individually, I will simply bring several typical solutions to the controversial issues.

What could be wrong with the phone? - Let's consider the most frequent situations

  • The parcel did not dare - wait a couple of days before the expiration of the delivery time and open the dispute with this wording, no parcel - the time expires. As a rule, the seller can throw a couple of days, but most likely you will be returned to the money ... And then it can come a parcel
  • Plasticine came instead of the phone - open the dispute, describe the situation (in English) And apply video (usually a full return amount is provided to you)
  • A telephone has a defect (for example, smashed the screen) - here not everything is so joyful, most likely make the return value of the necessary components or ask the device back at your expense, here already how to agree.

Do not transfer your communication beyond the Aliexpress platform - you cannot confirm your actions, and the seller of Doblen can turn into an evil and ignoring type you.

Aliexpress underwater stones

Aliexpress is in principle an unrealistic shopping area ... which allows radish Fresh - always carefully read the product description.

A simple example - you ordered a set "Flash bar for 64 gigabytes + card reader" for five hundred rubles (delicious price)... However, at home you found out that the real volume of the flash drive is at all about anything - you open the dispute and write everything you think about him. But it turns out one nuance. In the description of the goods it is written that this is the cost of the Cardrider, and the flash drive is just a gift ... I'm sorry, the gift turned out to be so-so, but I sold you the card reader for a good price.

There are many such situations, there are quite a lot, so be very careful and not fooled on unrealized prices - no one will work at a loss.

Conclusions and postscriptum

I think I answered the question how to order the goods to Aliexpress in Russian in full ... Let the site have many flaws, but sometimes the necessary things can be found only there. Question Prices For many in the first place - some positions in the price in comparison with Russia can reach a double difference, this fact at one time forced to order a phone from Ali ...

Successful purchases to you Friends if questions remained - always happy to see you in the comments.