How to send documents in archive by mail. How to email a video invites us to send a video up to 25 mb in size, if the size is larger, then the video will be sent with a link.

Open and click "Write a letter" and "Attach a file".

Next, you need to select a file on your computer, click "Open" and the download will happen immediately. As you can see, a message appeared stating that the file exceeds right size and it will be sent as a link. When the video is uploaded do not forget to write down the recipient's address and click "Send".

Attachment exceeded message

In a similar way, you can send a letter with a document via Yandex.

Disk and cloud

Another very useful thing Is a virtual disk and a cloud. Yandex, Mail and Google have such services. If you are not yet familiar with them, then I advise you to definitely use them, since they are very convenient for storing files. Also you can easily share files and videos big size.

If you want to use Yandex Disk, then follow the link, click "Upload files", select the video on your computer and wait until the download is complete.

Let's take a look at the Cloud. When you open the page, then on the left click "Upload files", then it will appear small window and the "Select File" button. You just need to select a file from your computer and the download will start.

If the video has been uploaded, then select it by ticking the box and click on "Get link".

A small window will open from which you need to copy the link and send to the addressee by e-mail or on social networks - Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.

This is how you can send photos, videos, any files and documents of large size.

Most Internet users are faced with sending files via e-mail almost every day. This is a quick and simple matter. However, a beginner may still have some problems. All questions and misunderstandings arise from a banal ignorance of the email client interface. That is why let's take a look at how to send a file by email with all the details. So, let's begin.

First you need to go to one of the services where you have registered mailbox... Let's say it will be

If you did everything correctly, then a redirect will occur, and you will be taken to your email inbox.

Now you can start writing your letter. To do this, click on the corresponding button "Write a letter" above the folders with incoming, outgoing and other letters.

You should be presented with a form to fill out a new email.

In it, be sure to fill in the field with the addressee. The subject field can be left empty. If necessary, just below we leave the text of the message. Next, click on the "Attach file" button or on the cloud icon, which is next to it. The last item is selected if the file required for sending is located in your electronic storage, cloud.

When you click on "Attach a file" you will see a window with a choice of the path to it. Specify the path and click the "Open" button.

If you did everything correctly, then the required file will be attached to your letter. This will be evidenced by the inscription just below the "attach file" button. If the file is large or the internet speed is slow, you will have to wait. In this case, a slider will appear with the download of the file. You should wait until the download is complete and only then click the "Send" button. It is located just above the field with the addressee.

If everything went right, you will see a message about the successful sending of the file, and your addressee will receive the long-awaited letter in a few minutes.

If you chose to send a file from the Cloud, then its structure will open in front of you. And already in it, you must select the file you need and click the "Attach" button.

As in the first sending option we have considered, you should have a field with an already attached file. If its size is large or the Internet speed is not high, then you will have to wait a bit for it to load.

Once the file has been attached, you can start sending. To do this, press the "Send" button, as in the first option we have considered.

If you have done everything correctly, you will be able to see a message about the successful sending of the file to the addressee.

Now you know how to send a file by email. Despite the fact that we have considered only one of all possible options free postal services, this knowledge will be enough to deal with others. Their design, structure and operating principle are very similar. Take your time, follow the instructions exactly - and no unpleasant surprises will happen. Successful work on the Internet!

Computer for beginners

At one time, I was also an Internet beginner. And emailing the file was a challenge for me. I didn't even know how to create e-mail on Yandex.

I attach below short instruction, How can I do that. Watch the video tutorial below.

For this we need a web browser (Opera, Mozilla Firefox or others.

If you are using a mail program, the principle is the same). In your mailbox, click the "Write a letter" button. An edit form will open. For example, the picture shows how it looks in Gmail:

You must select the file you want to send. Highlighted - click "Open".

Wait until the file is fully loaded.

This will be indicated by a progress line.

As shown in the image, the loading progress icon and button names may vary slightly from service to service.

In the example shown, the download is shown in blue on a white bar.

The download time usually depends on the file size and your internet speed.

And depending on the size, with very large files, it can reach half an hour and an hour.

Once the file is loaded, it will appear in the list.

After that, you can enter the subject, the recipient in the appropriate fields and send the letter by clicking on "Send".

Note: Please note that when you transfer files this way, their size on the mail server increases by about a third of the original size. And since the maximum you can transfer is a maximum of 30 megabytes, make sure that the selected file is no more than 22 megabytes. This limitation applies to the mailbox in Gmail; in the mailboxes of other mail services, the limitation may be slightly different.

By the way, here's how my page is created in Odnoklassniki!

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How to send large files by mail, zip files before sending

In order to send a message by e-mail, you need to enter the postal service and press the "write a letter" button: each mailer has a different button.

Then we proceed directly to writing - you need to fill in the addressee fields using the contact list or manually entering the address using the input line. Next, it is recommended to fill in the subject of the message - this is necessary to sort messages by the recipient by importance: this way it is more likely that your message will not end up in spam or trash.

Then you can start writing the text of the letter itself or attaching archives. Finally, you need to send a message using the key of the same name on the mailer. Once sent, your message will be moved to the "sent" or "outbox" section.

Sending multiple files

Modern e-mail allows you not only to use the function of sending text messages, but also the ability to send files anywhere in the world for free.

To send more than one piece of data, it is recommended that you archive the required information. This option will allow you to attach information in any format and in any size using the accompanying cloud on your mailer.

However, you can add several small documents yourself directly from the mailer's context menu. You need to select the option "attach a file", and then check the boxes to select the required components and click "open". The selected components will be downloaded and attached to the message. This method good due to its lightness and not demanding on other applications, but does not work with downloads over 25 megabytes.

Archiving objects before submission

To archive a document, you must use the WinRAR or WinZip archiver. For an archived one, you need to find and select the required object with the right mouse button and select the "add to archive.rar" option in the context menu. If you have the English version of the program installed, use the similar option “add to archive.rar”.

Archiving speed depends on its size and computer performance. The packaged component will appear in the same folder as the unzipped version.

How to find your email address

How to send a large file by mail

Most mailers do not support sending objects over 200 megabytes in size. When sending large data, it is recommended to use free cloud storage. To do this, download required document to the storage cloud, open access to it and send a link to the required item by e-mail.

The great thing about cloud storage is that you don't have to archive the file when you send a document. Also, on the cloud, your information can be stored for an unlimited period of time, while messages on the mailers are deleted after a certain time.

Google drive

To add an object from Google Drive, you must click on the service icon and select the required documents. Further, the ways of sending data will be provided: using a link to a disk or by attaching the required object. Selecting "attach", click "insert" and necessary component will be uploaded to the letter.

Yandex Disk

To add a document from Yandex disk, you need to click the flying saucer icon above the input field and select the desired component, and then “attach”. After sending the letter, the addressee will receive a link to the sent data in the Yandex cloud.


You can also add a large document using the cloud. To do this, select "attach file", then "from mail" in the mailer options.

In the dialog box that appears, select the desired object and click "attach" so that the data is loaded to the letter.

After that, the download of the file components for the letter will begin. When documents with a volume of more than 25 MB are attached to a letter, the information is automatically uploaded through the cloud.

E-mail is a multifunctional method of communication and information transfer, having mastered which you will be able to use all the benefits of the Internet and communicate with people regardless of distance.

Watching DVD disc on laptop and computer

How to download files to a USB stick and send them by email from a USB stick

Throughout virtually the entire history of the Internet, e-mail has provided the ability to send any digital document, except for malicious and executable files. Such objects are called attached or attached to a letter (or attachment, from the English attachment - attachment). Despite the presence of cloud storage and file exchange services, most users prefer to transfer information with a minimum of intermediaries - straight to the addressee. Not all PC users know how to download from e-mail to a USB flash drive, working on someone else's computer (at work, in an Internet cafe), and how to transfer from mail to a USB flash drive. Let's consider how the contents of a removable storage device or certain objects recorded on it can be sent to a colleague and an attachment can be downloaded to a USB drive.

Learn how to download files to a USB flash drive or send them from a drive using e-mail

We send a letter with an attached document

To send a digital e-mail recorded on a removable medium, you only need a computer with the Internet, a browser and the address of the mailbox of the person to whom the message is addressed. The algorithm of actions is similar for all mail services. The names and locations of the buttons used may differ.

The window will close, and an icon and the name of the object will appear next to the attach button.

For the addressee, the sent e-mail with an attachment will be indicated by an icon with a paper clip.

The riveted material can be opened directly in the browser window to preview its content with possible loss of formatting, or download it to your computer.

We figured out how to send one document from a flash drive to e-mail. What if you need to send a dozen documents? Not everyone is sent in a separate e-mail. The way out is simple: all objects that need to be attached to the letter can be selected in the "Open" window: hold down Ctrl and click on the desired objects.

Thus, all selected objects will become attachments of the created e-mail.

Do not forget in the process of selecting files, simultaneously press the Ctrl button

If there are more than a dozen attachments, we pack them into an archive using an archiver (7z, WinRar) or using file manager... To do this, select all documents and / or directories, call their context menu and select the command to add to the archive.

Right-click on the files and select "Add to archive"

IMPORTANT. Thus, you can reduce the amount of data sent by choosing a good or high degree compression.

It is sent as described above.

Downloading attachments to USB-flash

Having received an incoming message with an attachment, and even at a work computer, many ask the question: "How can I download attached files from mail to a USB flash drive?" This is done in two ways.

We change the path for storing the downloaded data in the browser, indicating as a directory your drive or one of its folders, or download the attachment to your computer and copy it to an external medium.

How to transfer from mail directly to a USB flash drive

Now you know how to download a letter from the mail to a USB flash drive, bypassing HDD... And there are no difficulties in this.

How to Send Email | Computer world

Today we are going to talk about how to send email. You can send mail in several ways. Let's consider one of them.

Email has long been a way of communicating between people. Ordinary letters in envelopes have faded into the background and will soon remain only in the memory of mankind. Global mailboxes are used for instant messaging, email marketing, and other digital notifications, which are very convenient and fast compared to legacy delivery methods. For those who do not know how to send e-mail from a computer, this guide has been written.

Firstly, to send a digital letter, you need an e-mail box, which you need to "create" on the Internet. We have already talked about where to create a mailbox, now we will consider specific example its creation.


For example, you want to create a mailbox on the resource (a very popular site). To do this, you need to go to this site by entering in the address bar of your browser:

Then follow the link "Register mail" and start filling in the required fields. Enter your name, surname and other requested information, then go to the "Mailbox" field and write the desired name of the mailbox.

Take the trouble to come up with an original name for your mailbox, as many names may already be taken. Remember the created name of your mailbox. Leave the end of the mail "@".

Now come up with and write down a password for this mailbox and confirm it in the "Repeat password" field.

Tip: do not create passwords that are too simple, like "111" or "qwerty", as this protection is easy to bypass.

If you forget your password, it is possible to restore it using mobile phone, which must be indicated in the appropriate field during registration.

If you don’t want to leave your “mobile phone” number, then click the link “I don’t have a mobile phone”: the system will offer to choose Security Question and give an answer to it. Additional e-mail is optional.

After filling out all the forms, click the "Register" button. The system will ask you to enter a certain combination: this is done to confirm that you are not a software robot that randomly creates mailboxes.

Enter these letters and numbers, and then click the "Done" button. Congratulations, you've just created your own mailbox, but you don't know how to send email yet.


In order to send a digital letter to your friend, relative or work colleague, you will need their email address. For example, it looks like this: or and others. That is, first comes the name of the mailbox, for example, Billy-Micro, followed by a special @ symbol, which is popularly called "doggie", and after it is written the name of the resource on which the mail was registered.

Note: the created mailbox in this manual looks like (capital or small letters - it doesn't matter).

If you already have the email address of the person to whom you want to send e-mail, then click the "Write" button in the newly created mailbox and enter the existing address in the "To" field. Next, write the subject of the letter to be sent in the "Subject" field, and in the largest part of the "New letter" window you can type directly the text of the letter.

If there is a need to send an additional file along with the text, for example, a photo, then use the "Attach file" button and find on the computer disk the digital document or picture you need to send.

The last step when sending an email is to click the "Send" button. The message will be sent, and a copy of the sent message will fall into the Sent Items category.

That's basically it. You have now learned how to send email. Thus, you can send any number of letters for free. Of course, there is no need to create a mailbox every time, just enter the "email" that you have already created.

To do this, go to the site and enter the name of the mailbox and the password to it in the appropriate fields, and then click the "Login" button.

One of the pressing problems of any person today is the question of how to send heavy files via the Internet and at the same time not sit in front of a computer for twenty years. Especially, this question is relevant for those who work remotely, for photographers, etc. Sometimes you need to send files that are several gigabytes in size.

But how to send such a heavy file, do I need to do something with it? Squeeze, squeeze, split into pieces? And how not to lose the quality of the file? After all, if you split the video, then the receiving party simply will not be able to collect such a file later.

Today there are several ways to transfer heavy files, including video:

  • via the download site - Yandex.disk, cloud, etc .;
  • through a mail server;
  • through communication systems and video calls Skype, Viber

When working with any file hosting service, the user must first of all find out what the maximum possibility of sending or uploading files is. Because there is a need to upload a file of 50 Gig in size. Information about this can be seen on the file download site itself. You should look at the information "about the site" or the tab "rates". Here is an example of Yandex Disk.

It should be noted right away that you won't be able to attach a large video file to an e-mail. The maximum that is available to the user in almost any mail server, this is sending files up to 20-50 MB in size. Another way to send a heavy file:

  • compress into an archiver with maximum loss of quality;
  • split into several component parts by the archiver.

For a video file, this is inconvenient and laborious. When unpacking so many files, the overall video puzzle may not work out. That is, the maximum that is available to the user is sending by links. A large file will not go through mail. The consumer will be warned about this by the mail server itself, even with the insertion of any letter.

5 most popular options for sending gigafiles

So, what services today help the user to quickly and efficiently send any file of any capacity? How long can a download take? What does it depend on?

When working with any servers for downloading files or transferring them, the user should remember several features of working with large files:

  1. If the Internet speed on one of the sides is low, then fast transmission will not work;
  2. If you need to hide files from prying eyes, then you need to set a password for access or transfer the link only to a certain circle of people;
  3. It is imperative to ask the other party if the service is blocked in their country. So access to is often closed in Western European countries.

The first miracle option is the cloud

As the statistics show, most of the network users of the group 25-35 years old use the service. This service essentially has two ways to send files.

  • using the cloud;
  • with the help of automatic upload to the "files" tab - up to 1 gig in size.

If the user is registered and he has mail, then his forwarding capabilities will look like this. By the way, you can register and create your own mailbox using the following link.

If the file does not exceed 25 MB, then it is completely embedded in the letter. Further, there is a warning that all files with a chain icon will be sent as links.

And when another user receives an email with files over 25 MB, then you need to remember that files should be downloaded immediately and not postponed if they were sent this way... Files sent as links will be indicated directly in the letter, and the storage period for these files will also be indicated. Upon expiration, the files will be destroyed.

By the way, sending files using regular mail and downloading files is slower than working with cloud it is very easy to find it, and if you have a mailbox, you will not have to register in the cloud.

The cloud has a lot of additional conveniences, which in its own way will make it easier to work with large amounts of information.

  • free volume of stored information - the first 100 Gigabytes !!!
  • the ability to create folders;
  • the ability to set limited access to a file, folder to a person or a group of persons;
  • high download speed.

Like most modern download servers, here you can download not only applications for iPhone or Android, but also for PCs.

In order to send a link to another user, you need to click the "send link" button and set the necessary parameters, taking into account access. But first, you should select the folder or file to which the link will be provided. Selecting several files and folders at once will not work, which is of course inconvenient.

Another possibility is sharing... The user can create a folder where he can open access to several people at once. This is convenient for group work and does not need to constantly send a large number of people new links. To do this, just click the "Configure Access" button and then click "Open Access". A folder is selected and again you should press the "configure access" button.

After that, the user makes the settings himself. Lists all email addresses of those who can view this folder. It also indicates whether the invited person can edit or view files.

The second miracle - Yandex disk and its capabilities

The program also has a great ability to download and send heavy files. Yandex disk... You can read the rules, tariffs, download the application to your smartphone or computer by following the link -.

This file sharing service makes it possible to download and save files while working on the Internet, and save files in full size from sites, that is, without opening a new tab with a fully loaded picture. True, the amount of free storage here is very small - only 10 gigs, but the cost of storing large files is very small.

The first stage of working with this file hosting service is registration. Nothing complicated, you can log in through social networks. Come up with a password. It is also not necessary to indicate the phone number.

The principle of operation is approximately the same as in the cloud. It is possible to create folders, open shared access. The interface is not very user-friendly after the cloud. One distinctive feature- there is a tab "social networks". Logging in with his password through the social network, the user can automatically upload all photos from the social network immediately to the Yandex disk. In this case, the quality of the source code will not be.

At the same time, it is not possible to select a folder in the same contact from where you want to download the files. There is a choice between download ALL folders or download a photo with me. Since there can be a lot of photo albums, this is inconvenient. But the download is very fast, with a good home Internet speed.

Transferring files via Skype

In this sense, Skype is like most social networks... That is, if the speed of the receiving side and the sending side is high, if the Internet provider has no restrictions on sending and receiving files, then it can and will work out quickly. But in comparison with the capabilities of Yandex-Disk or the cloud, skype obviously loses.

To send files, no additional registrations are required, downloading of installation files is not required. It is enough to press the "transfer file" button and select the file that will be transferred directly.

Feature - if there were power outages or an Internet signal, then the transmission will be interrupted and the transmission will have to be started again, and there is an option that the file will arrive damaged or will not be sent at all.

The size and number of files you can send in Skype is unlimited. This is the only plus of working with this program.

Simple sending via Odnoklassniki

As well as in Skype, sending the number and size of files is positioned as unlimited. But the problem is that millions of people are sitting on social networks at the same time, everyone is listening to music, watching videos. File upload can be slow. Plus, the content of the embedded video (especially for public viewing) is checked by moderators. Over time, it can be removed without even asking permission.

You can transfer a file through classmates in the following ways:

  • by uploading via private message;
  • by uploading to your page and making limited access.

In the latter case, another user will need to have a program to download files from classmates. To send, it is enough to press the "add video" button in messages, load it into a message and press the send envelope.

Downloading heavy files via filedropper

There are situations when the user to whom the files are sent has very limited access to social networks and to any Russian-language storage sites. In this case, large files can be transferred to him only through a foreign resource. Most often today they use filedropper. Its capabilities are also limited - no more than 5 gigs for free.

The second limiting nuance is English... Either you need to use the site through Google translator for sites, or ask someone with the language. But, if there is a minimum school knowledge, then this is enough. But you can upload a file WITHOUT registration and its size is just up to 5 gigs.

In the example below, there is an automatic translation into Russian, so you can immediately see what is being written on the site. Filedropper gives you the ability to get the download link right away and immediately makes it possible to place this link on any forum, which is also extremely convenient.

With such an abundance of possibilities, today it is not a problem to send any, even the most difficult file. You just need to choose a method and service.


Open Windows Explorer by double-clicking the My Computer shortcut on your desktop, or by pressing the WIN + E keyboard shortcut. Find the folder you want to send and right-click it. In the context menu, select the command for packing to archive. Depending on the installed archiver, the wording of this command may differ, but the meaning will be the same. For example, if you are using WinRAR, and "Texts", then the packaging in the context menu will be formulated as follows: "Add to archive Texts.rar". If you select this particular line in the menu, and not "Add to archive", then WinRAR without additional questions will create a file Texts.rar and place the folder with the contents in it.

Make sure that the size of the resulting archive is not too large to be sent by e-mail. Almost all public web services have the size of the files they send. If your packed folder does not fit into the specified limit, then the archive must be split into several parts. If you are using WinRAR, then the rar file can be converted into a multivolume archive. To do this, open it by double-clicking it, press the ALT + Q keyboard shortcut and click the "Compress" button. In the lower left corner of the compression settings window there is a field with the name "Divide into volumes in size (in bytes)" - specify in it the limit value for the weight of each individual. For example, for the 15 megabyte limit, enter "15 m" (without quotes) there. Then press the "OK" button and in the next window the same button. The archiver will repack your folder into several files, and delete the original one and present a report on the work done. Close both remaining open WinRAR windows - the archive is ready to be sent.

Create a letter in which you will send the zipped folder. If you are using the mail client installed in the program, then to send the prepared files, it is enough to select them in the explorer and drag them onto the text of the letter with the mouse. And when using any of the mail services (,, etc.), find a link to attach in its interface. For example, in the Gmail service, it is placed under the email subject field and has a paperclip icon with the inscription "Attach a file". Click it, click the "Browse" button, find the first of the archive files and click the "Open" button. If there is more than one file, then use the next line of the file attachment - it will appear below with the inscription "Attach another file".
When the archive will be attached to the letter, send it to the addressee, not forgetting to write the accompanying text and the subject of the message.

Email programs or online services do not support sending entire folders of information. But it is very inconvenient to add files one at a time, and the recipient has to manually collect them later in one folder. Exit - send an archive with several documents.


Find the correct one on your computer's hard drive. folder... To do this, double-click on the "My Computer" icon on the desktop, then on the icon of the D: drive or any other where your files are stored. Right-click on the image next to the folder name and select the "Properties" menu item. You will see a tabbed window open to the General section.

In the central part of the window, find the line "Size" and the number of megabytes that your documents occupy. This is necessary in order to determine how many emails will be needed to send a folder with documents... If the size is less than 20 MB, then everything is in order - one letter is enough. In most cases, this is exactly the case, because text documents do not take up much space. If the folder is larger than 20 MB, try deleting documents you no longer need and check the size again. You may still need to divide too much folder into two or more pieces.

Close the properties window and right-click on your folder icon again. A menu will appear, from which select the "Send" item, or rather, a submenu named "Compressed ZIP-folder", and click on it with the left mouse button. Enter a name for the archive with documents and press the Enter button. Now you have a file that you can easily and conveniently send by email, and the recipient can unzip it to folder with documents.

Open the program with which you send emails. It can be Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird. Many people use the web page of the postal service to send letters, for example, or Gmail - the essence. Create a letter, enter the recipient's address and click the "Attach" button. It is often marked with a paperclip icon. Select the archive file that you created and wait for a while while it will be added to the letter. Then click the "Submit" button.

Often there are situations for users of a personal computer when they need to put several files in an archive in order to immediately send everything via the Internet or transfer to an information carrier.

Most Internet users are faced with sending files via e-mail almost every day. This is a quick and simple matter. However, a beginner may still have some problems. All questions and misunderstandings arise from a banal ignorance of the email client interface. That is why let's take a look at how to send a file by email with all the details. So, let's begin.

First you need to go to one of the services where you have a registered mailbox. Let's say it will be Next, we will enter the registration data in the fields provided for this at the top left. If you did everything correctly, then a redirect will occur, and you will be taken to your email inbox. Now you can start writing your letter. To do this, click on the corresponding button "Write a letter" above the folders with incoming, outgoing and other letters. You should be presented with a form to fill out a new email. In it, be sure to fill in the field with the addressee. The subject field can be left empty. If necessary, just below we leave the text of the message. Next, click on the "Attach file" button or on the cloud icon, which is next to it. The last item is selected if the file required for sending is located in your electronic storage, cloud. When you click on "Attach a file" you will see a window with a choice of the path to it. Specify the path and click the "Open" button. If you did everything correctly, then the required file will be attached to your letter. This will be evidenced by the inscription just below the "attach file" button. If the file is large or the internet speed is slow, you will have to wait. In this case, a slider will appear with the download of the file. You should wait until the download is complete and only then click the "Send" button. It is located just above the field with the addressee. If everything went right, you will see a message about the successful sending of the file, and your addressee will receive the long-awaited letter in a few minutes. If you chose to send a file from the Cloud, then its structure will open in front of you. And already in it, you must select the file you need and click the "Attach" button. As in the first sending option we have considered, you should have a field with an already attached file. If its size is large or the Internet speed is not high, then you will have to wait a bit for it to load.