Proper ventilation in the bath: the steam room does not need waste. Consider the schemes in the Russian bath and frame walls

Bath ventilation is important when arranging a steam room, however, in order for it to function as it should, the layout of the air duct and other engineering channels must be well thought out. It is also required to select reliable equipment from dehumidifiers and heating to humidifiers and thermostats.

Having decided to mount the ventilation of the bath, you can try to understand how to do it yourself, but it is much better to turn to professionals who need the device exhaust system and the structure of other communications is well known. At the same time, it is not necessary to consider predominantly expensive high-tech options - it is enough to confine ourselves to basic solutions.

Speaking about how to properly design the ventilation of the bath, you must immediately take into account that the natural inflow fresh air necessary not only for a comfortable stay, but also to maintain the combustion process, and this, as you know, largely depends on the access of oxygen. Especially for the furnace, it is recommended to lay a ventilation duct with an outlet through steel sheet designed to protect the floor from fire in case of hot coals from the firebox. The box should be wider than the chimney, about a quarter.

Forced ventilation of the bath

Ventilation equipment is installed, due to which forced injection of fresh air occurs with its subsequent heating; in such ventilation of the bath, complete control over air exchange is ensured. In the channels through which the air moves, fans are mounted that direct the flows in the right direction. As a result, there is always enough oxygen in the steam room.

Ventilation of a bath with a furnace firebox
from the rest room

Ventilation in washing bath should be created taking into account high humidity. The hole through which the exhaust air leaves must be warm enough, otherwise ice may form at its end from the side of the street in winter. It is extremely difficult to design a good steam room on your own, as this requires experience. It is better to turn to professionals for this purpose. The RusPar company has been designing bathhouses for a long time and is ready to fulfill orders of any level of complexity. We will hand over a turnkey steam room strictly within a predetermined period.

Ventilation of a bath with a firebox
stoves in the steam room

Do you need ventilation in a log cabin?

It is very difficult to answer this question. On the one hand, the air in such a room freely penetrates through lower crowns walls, on the other hand, this may not be enough for proper ventilation. Moreover, often modern designs baths are markedly different from classic projects, that's why ventilation holes must be present in them. But what should be the ventilation of the bath, what standards should be taken into account when designing it, especially when you take on the construction with your own hands? If a stove-heater is installed, then the peculiarity of its blower should be taken into account: air is just flowing through it. In addition, floor ventilation is being installed, all the necessary communications are laid through the ducts in the bathhouse, fans are attached in certain places, which will turn on if necessary to speed up air exchange. It is important that the room is guaranteed to be free of drafts and condensation does not form.

What should be the organization of bath ventilation if the floor is monolithic?

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands do not know boredom!


It is not easy to create an oasis of harmony among hot steam, a flowing river of shower water or mini-pools. The operation of the bath requires compliance with some subtleties even at the construction stage. To high humidity did not spoil the structure, and stale air did not interfere with bath procedures, it is necessary to choose and make ventilation correctly.

Ventilation in the bath - scheme and device

Air inflow and outflow essential condition, since air exchange is based on the balance supply ventilation(fresh air) and exhaust - the outlet of the exhaust. The movement of the air flow can occur in a natural, forced or combined way. From right choice ventilation system the level of air humidity, circulation flow, heat transfer will depend. If the ventilation scheme and device are violated in the bath, the microclimate will be disturbed, it will be difficult to breathe, and mold will appear on the walls. Here are some expert tips to help you avoid this:

  • The exhaust outlet must be higher than the inlet, because cold air heavier than warm.
  • It is not recommended to make an exhaust hole on the ceiling, as this place warms up more slowly than others.
  • The classic location of the inlet is near the stove and close to the floor.
  • The ventilation of the bath should be built according to the principle: the inlet openings are located on the opposite wall from the exhaust ones, while dampers should be installed on the latter.

Steam room ventilation

To pick up correct system, extending the life of the building and finishing materials, you should understand the features of each type, and the ventilation of the steam room can be of the following types:

According to the principle of work


Is it suitable for a bath?


The convection flow is formed due to the pressure difference between the street and the room, and the location of the supply and exhaust openings will interfere with normal heating.


Use of devices for drawing air; the lack of strict recommendations for the placement of vents makes this one of the best methods.


The supply of fresh air, the temperature is maintained by special devices, but with all the convenience, the disadvantage of this method is the high cost.

Ventilation in the dressing room

The steam room, with its high temperature, is often surrounded by functional spaces. Dry the furnishings, support comfortable conditions, to ensure the flow of oxygen-enriched air - these are the main functions of ventilation in the dressing room. If the steam room is used all year round, then you need to take care of the installation of the fan, perfect option- forced (mechanical) system with the outlet of exhaust air through the toilet or washing compartment. natural way- wide open doors and windows - this is an unreliable way to ventilate the dressing room.

Ventilation in the bath sink

Correctly installing the stove, distributing the flow of cold and warm air is just as important as taking care of other bath procedures. The desire to wash, rinsing with water, will require a careful approach to arranging this place. So that dampness does not accumulate under the floor or in the walls, ventilation is needed in the washing department of the bath. The easiest option is to make a combined steam room and sink, and if these rooms are separate, then special equipment will be required to remove condensate.

Ventilation in the rest room

After active bathing procedures, when the superheated steam air relaxes the muscles, you want to relax. The ventilation device in the rest room of the bath is almost no different from general principles. At small size rooms where there are a couple of shelves, and in the absence of contact with water, you can periodically arrange a draft. If the room is large, then ventilation is necessary for the bath. combined type. Among the latest technical developments, it is better to give preference to compact devices - ventilators.

Ventilation in a frame bath

Wooden floors will rot in a couple of years if you do not take care of the ventilation system and drying. Even antiseptic treatment will not cope with this in the same way as ventilation in a frame bath, providing fresh air. The layout of the natural ventilation system includes: channels, a pipe from the furnace, a through recess, vents, doors. The vent in the bath is located on top, closer to the roof, while to regulate the flow it must be equipped with a valve or damper. Forced ventilation in a frame bath is used where only one of the walls is external.

Extractor hood in a log cabin

From wooden beam it turns out a traditional Russian steam room, and if the vents are correctly positioned, then the direction of the air flow will create comfortable conditions. To ensure complete ventilation, the hood in the log cabin bath will still have to be equipped. Classic variant involves the device of a natural air exchange scheme. The peculiarity of the blower of the stove, the damper with the valve for the chimney, the fastening of the fans to speed up the air exchange - all this is necessary to prevent the formation of a layer of condensate and draft.

How to make ventilation in the bath

Even at the construction stage, it will be necessary to provide for the creation of a ventilation system. How to make a hood in the bath to maintain the microclimate? The logs of a traditional steam room are laid with a gap, so the cracks in the log house allow fresh air to pass through, and you can ventilate with a draft. The ventilation system in a brick bath, foam block or other modern building materials, will require laying a ventilation system with necessary quantity supply and exhaust openings before the construction of the building. Preference should be given to a combined or mechanical scheme.

Bastu ventilation

In order for dry steam to give hot hugs, to heat floors and protect walls from rot, bastu ventilation is installed as follows:

  1. Special holes are not needed in the foundation of the building, you can make a wooden floor with slots. Equip the room glass door with three canopies, a good seal, a latch on magnets.
  2. Install an electric convection type oven, which will ensure the circulation of air flows according to the principle of an inverted glass.
  3. Make the inflow under the stove, and the exhaust hole - under the shelf 30 cm from the floor. Warm air will rise up the duct under the lining and be discharged outside through a hole that should be made on the opposite wall from the inflow (diagonally and as far as possible).
  4. Warm air will fill the steam room, pushing cold air down. If you make a channel with an adjacent room, then the steam room will give off part of the heat to it.

Sauna ventilation

It is necessary to lay the foundations of the ventilation system at the construction stage, because reworking the finished building will cost more. Brief instruction for the design of the ventilation system of the bath looks like this:

  1. A free arrangement of vents is allowed, therefore a combined or mechanical system, including hoods for a bath, is suitable.
  2. For a continuous supply of fresh air, make an outlet at the level of half a meter from the floor near the stove, and an exhaust hole on the opposite wall.
  3. Be sure to install adjustable dampers (shutter, gate) on the inlet and outlet to maintain the microclimate.

Ventilation in the Russian bath

In order for natural ventilation in the steam room of a Russian bath to contribute to a healing effect, the following scheme must be followed when arranging:

  1. Take care of the possibility of ventilation: window, door, air vents.
  2. upper levels windows and doors should match, and above is a place for a heat pocket. For volley ventilation of small steam rooms, simple ventilation is enough to quickly renew the air.
  3. A stove with a chimney is a natural exhaust for a bath: the exhaust air will go up the duct, and the inflow will be through the slots at the bottom of the door.
  4. For air exchange, equip air ducts: an exhaust hole under the ceiling, equip it with a door (damper), and make an inflow next to the stove and install a ventilation grill.

Video: how to make ventilation in the bath

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Do you need ventilation in the bath? This question is questionable by many people. On the one hand, sanitary standards indicate the need to update the air in any room where a person is located, but, on the other hand, ventilation can cool the bath, where it is so difficult to maintain the necessary heat. The bath is a very specific institution, and one should thoughtfully approach the solution of the problem.

Steam room ventilation

The bath includes several rooms, different in their functions. Therefore, it is important to understand whether ventilation is needed in a Russian bath.

The heart of any bath is the steam room. If we consider the Russian bath, then it provides an environment of saturated water vapor with a humidity of up to 80% and a high temperature of 60-65 ° C. The classic steam room is a small isolated room. At the same time, several people can be in it for a sufficiently long time.

People breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, which can accumulate in enclosed space without fresh air supply. In the stagnant environment of the steam room, an excessive concentration occurs carbon dioxide, sweat secretions, bacteria and microbes accompanied by unpleasant odors.

Attention! The answer to the question of whether ventilation is needed in the bath in the steam room is unambiguous - it is necessary.

The second problem is the destruction of the material of construction. The Russian bath is most often built of wood, and wood rots when exposed to moisture for a long time, especially in a confined space at high temperatures. Saturated water vapor condenses on contact with any colder surface, which causes the presence of water in the material. As a result, microorganisms that destroy wood actively develop, mold and fungi develop. If proper drying of structural elements is not ensured, then decay will quickly render the structure unusable. This problem is not limited to wood. A process with varying degrees of intensity is characteristic of any building material, incl. concrete.

Analysis of the conditions that arise during operation sauna steam room, indicates that there is no need to doubt whether ventilation is needed in the bath. Only the influx of fresh air will avoid sanitary problems and the destruction of the material in the steam room.

Features of other rooms

When considering whether ventilation is needed in the bath, do not think that only the steam room should be ventilated. All bath rooms are in difficult conditions.

The washing compartment is a constant flow of heated water, often mixed with detergents. Shower cabins can be installed here, and this causes water splashing and active wetting of structural elements. When you open the doors from the steam room to the washing room, clouds of steam rush, which condense on the walls and ceiling. In this room, the accumulation of moisture is the same acute problem as in the steam room, although the air temperature is much lower.

The dressing room plays the role of a dressing room; a furnace firebox can be located here. This room is not high temperatures, and the humidity may rise slightly when opening the doors to the steam room or entrance doors when it is damp outside. big problem creates a furnace furnace, from which, with any chimney, the combustion products of the fuel still come out.

In more favorable conditions, there is a rest room. It provides normal temperature and humidity. However, ventilation does not interfere here either. After taking a bath procedure, you want to relax in a calm environment, and inhaling fresh air is one of the conditions for comfort.

Bath ventilation principles

Ventilation in the bath is necessary for the influx of fresh air, elimination of unpleasant odors, drying of the construction material and prevention of decay. Its arrangement is dictated sanitary standards and technical parameters. For private baths does not exist normative documents Therefore, their owners should take into account the recommendations of specialists.

On a note! When operating the bath, you can apply the tips from the manual " Guidelines for the design of baths and bath-health complexes ”for public institutions, tk. their foundations take into account the basic requirements for comfortable operation.

This document proposes the following mode of air renewal in bath rooms:

  • steam room - up to 5 times per hour;
  • washing - 8-9 times per hour, and in the presence of an isolated shower - in it up to 11-12 times per hour; rest room - 2-3 times per hour.

  1. There should always be fresh air in the bath, in which only the aroma of wood is felt, medicinal herbs and a steamed broom.
  2. cold air in winter time years can not be served in the floor area, it is better to supply at the top, where the air mass warms up quickly.
  3. Before each visit to the steam room, the environment in it should be completely updated.
  4. Between bathing procedures, a good drying of all structural elements (floor, walls, ceiling, shelves) is necessary.
  5. Oxygen is burned out by a red-hot stove, therefore, its replenishment must be ensured, with the simultaneous removal of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
  6. When arranging ventilation, it is necessary to take into account the laws of air convection, when the heated mass always rushes up, displacing the cold down.

Features of ventilation arrangement

Ventilation in the bath can be natural and forced. In the first case, it is provided by the free circulation of the air mass coming from the street. The movement of air occurs due to the difference in temperature and pressure. This method is considered the most common in Russian baths. Forced ventilation requires the installation of air intake and exhaust devices. They allow you to suck in the required amount of air from the outside and direct it to the right place.

On a note! A simple and effective option for refreshing a steam room is the so-called salvo ventilation. It provides air flow through an open front door, and the exit of stagnant air occurs through the window on the opposite wall.

Such operations should not be carried out if there are people in the steam room, but between ventilation procedures they give a quick effect. The duration of salvo ventilation is 3-5 minutes.

More complex options include special air inlets. There are several schemes for bath ventilation with different locations of these holes:

  • classic: the inlet is made near the floor at a height of 25-35 cm behind the stove, and the exit is on the opposite wall near the ceiling 30-35 cm lower;
  • with a constantly working furnace: the entrance is near the floor on the wall opposite the furnace, and the exit is provided through furnace chimney;
  • when using an exhaust fan: the entrance is behind the stove at a height of 0.3 m from the floor, and the exit is on the opposite side a little lower (20-25 cm from the floor), which ensures air circulation throughout the room;
  • entrance and exit on the same wall, both equipped with fans: one opening near the floor, and the other near the ceiling.

Ventilation in the bath is necessary in all bath rooms. It will provide comfort, sanitary safety and reduce the risk of damage to the structure from moisture. When arranging the system, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of specialists.

Properly organized ventilation helps to improve the quality of bath procedures and increases the durability of a hygienic building. How to make an inexpensive and reliable ventilation bath rooms and achieve the necessary air exchange, we will describe further.


Bath ventilation is a well-organized exchange of exhaust and fresh air in the premises without prejudice to their temperature regime and the safety of the entire building. It helps to provide comfort from staying in the steam room, eliminates carbon monoxide poisoning of people and contributes to the economical consumption of heating oil. The ventilation device in the bath requires a responsible approach to this issue and is one of the most difficult stages in the construction of such facilities.

Types of ventilation in the bath

Ventilation is needed not only for a hot steam room, but also for other rooms of the bath - locker rooms, showers and rest rooms. For each of them, you can choose an individual type of air exchange.

The three most popular types are:

  • natural ventilation. It is based on the principle of air circulation due to the difference in its pressure inside and outside the room.
  • Forced ventilation. Its effect is achieved through the use of air pumping or extracting air in houses. electrical equipment and appliances.
  • Combined ventilation. Combines the principles of both of the above types.

What type of ventilation is most optimal for a bath, we will consider further.

With mechanical, i.e. forced air exchange a comfortable environment can be created in any room. However, such ventilation, equipped in the steam room, will subsequently lead to considerable financial costs.

In combined air exchange, the outflow of polluted air occurs with the help of an exhaust electric fan, and a fresh air flow enters naturally through a special channel, usually located at the bottom of the wall of the room. Such a ventilation system has the right to life, but its use in a steam room will entail possible inconveniences, namely:

  1. To adjust the intensity of air exchange, the valve on exhaust channel will need to be covered from time to time. This action creates an additional load on the fan, which is undesirable.
  2. If the exhaust ventilation in the bath is too intense, then in order to maintain a high temperature in the steam room, you will have to additionally “feed” the sauna stove. But for quick ventilation and drying of the steam room, the exhaust fan is very useful.
If you look at the problem of ventilation through the eyes of a zealous owner, you will notice that any steam room has a tool that can and should be used to organize high-quality air exchange. This is a stone oven. With its help, air flows can move naturally due to the known laws of physics. Warm air is lighter than cold air. Using this truth and a hand-built oven, you can achieve high-quality natural ventilation baths at no cost.

Important: the selected ventilation scheme in the bath must provide five air exchanges in one hour, regardless of its type.

How to make ventilation in the bath

Consider the organization of natural air exchange in the bath with two options for the location of the furnace firebox: if it is located in a room that is adjacent to the steam room, and when it is present in the steam room.

Ventilation in the bath with the location of the firebox in the room adjacent to the steam room

Furnace output sauna stove in a lounge or dressing room has quite obvious advantages:
  • The absence of burning, smoke, dirt and debris from firewood in the steam room.
  • Steam compartment not cooling open door when servicing the oven.
  • The firebox heats the adjacent room without disturbing temperature regime steam room.
  • There is always a place to store and dry a supply of firewood.
  • Using heat-resistant glass instead of a metal oven door, you can enjoy watching in the rest room beautiful game tongues of fire, which has a beneficial effect on the psyche.
The connection of the furnace with the furnace in this case is carried out using a furnace tunnel. For this in common wall an opening is made for it with a margin of 3-4 cm in the direction of increase. Such a gap is necessary for a thermal insulation device that protects the wall from strong heating and deformation during thermal expansion of the tunnel. Basalt wool is used as insulation.

Then it is necessary to lay an air duct for the influx of fresh air from the street into the bath. The air duct is made in the form of a box or pipe, the end of which is equipped with a mesh that prevents insects and small rodents from entering it. The other end of the air duct is introduced to the bottom of the furnace and is located at a distance of several centimeters from a metal sheet attached to the floor and serving as protection against accidental ignition. The ventilation ducts of the furnace and the supply air duct form a single system that connects the space of the steam room with a natural influx of fresh air.

Depending on the design of the bath and its interior decoration, such an air duct can be located in the space under the floor or along its surface along the wall. The principle of placement of the exhaust duct is no less important. Its design is supplied with windows equipped with special latches. Air quality, temperature and humidity depend on their location. Good place for ventilation hood- this is a remote wall located opposite the furnace.

At a distance of 30 cm from the ceiling, a ventilation valve can be inserted into the air duct and with its help, the intensity of air exchange can be regulated. Pretty simple, right? But in this case, along with the exhaust air, hot steam will also come out. To reduce its outgoing flow and temperature drop, the valve will need to be closed. As a result, the influx of fresh air will decrease, and shortness of breath will appear. Two valves enclosed in a vertical duct will help eliminate this unpleasant moment. One of them must be placed on the wall under the ceiling, and the other - below the shelves.

We open the lower valve in the process of taking paired procedures. The fresh air heated by the stove rises up to the ceiling. Encountering an obstacle, it changes direction and gets to the bottom valve. Here, one part of it enters the duct for the exhaust, and the other part of the steam continues to circulate. The resulting vacuum compensates for the supply ventilation box, supplying a certain amount of fresh air. As a result of the “circulation”, we get a healthy air exchange with the preservation of precious heat in the steam room. If it is necessary to heat the bath, the supply valves are closed, and when the steam room is ventilated for drying, they open.

When calculating air exchange, it is important to determine the cross-sectional areas of the ducts. Cross dimensions supply ventilation ducts are usually taken 20% larger than the size of the chimney and 10% smaller sizes air duct sections exhaust ventilation. The exhaust duct must be connected to the ventilation riser, which is displayed on the roof of the building and is supplied with a diffuser. The height of the riser above the roof determines the traction force in the furnace: the higher, the stronger.

Ventilation in the bath with the location of the firebox inside the steam room

The principle of operation of air exchange with the furnace furnace inside the steam room does not differ much from the previous one. Here, fresh air is also supplied and exhaust air is extracted, the rules for the minimum loss of heat leaving through the hood are observed. But the main difference still exists. Namely, the flow pattern of clean air is changing. It is supplemented by the installation of a supply ventilation channel, which is necessary to maintain the process of fuel combustion in the furnace.

The process of heating the steam room in this case is controlled by two doors located one above the other. At the beginning of the heating of the oven, only the lower door opens, while the upper one is tightly closed. This position prevents the intake of cold air from the street. After the initial heating of the sauna stove with the upper door open, part of the steam room air will enter through the hole from below, heat up again and exit into the steam room through the door located at the top of the box.

After sufficient heating of the steam room, the lower door should be closed, and the upper one should be left open. During the subsequent heating of the room, the cold air from supply duct enters from below ventilation ducts furnace, it heats up and goes through the upper hole into the steam room.

After complete heating of the air in the steam room, both doors are covered. Heating of the room adjacent to the steam room can be done by opening the door located on the corresponding wall.

Video about ventilation in the bath is presented below:

So the highlights proper organization healthy air exchange baths we have studied. With a strong desire, you can do the ventilation in the bath with your own hands, but without the help of an experienced kiln master in this case cannot be avoided. The construction of a furnace is a process that requires solid knowledge and significant skills. After all, not only the heating of the steam room depends on its quality, but also the efficiency of ventilation, which means our health.

To the question of what a bath should be, any person will answer the same way: hot and “light”. This is an obvious fact for everyone. Therefore, the majority approaches the process of insulation with all responsibility, using all kinds of methods and materials to ensure maximum heat retention inside. It is not surprising that this creates the effect of a thermos.

They don’t provide the second component of an excellent bath, they miss it and wonder why the “steam” failed, and instead of a healing effect, the opposite result was obtained. Unfortunately, even experienced people forget about this important point, How .

But its significance should not be overestimated: during the heating of the furnace, oxygen burns out, and instead of it, CO2 is released, under the influence of which high chance of "burning out". Our blood is supersaturated with carbon monoxide, there is a possibility of disorientation or loss of consciousness (not to mention the more unfortunate consequences). Therefore, a system is needed that provides oxygen supply and additionally regulates the temperature regime inside the steam room.

In addition to the functions of replenishing oxygen, ventilation allows you to dry the building, stopping the negative effects of excess moisture and steam, which can lead to the appearance of mold or rot on the structures, as well as an unpleasant smell or musty feeling. Lack of exhaust can destroy wood in just 2-3 seasons.

A ventilation device is required in any baths, not only brick and block ones, wooden ones are no less demanding for drying. An exception may be baths with slots, but here they cannot be called baths: they will not retain heat.

REFERENCE. Of particular note is the possibility of using natural ventilation, which does not require the use of expensive materials and equipment (however, you shouldn’t leave gaps on purpose either). How to organize this process we will tell in this article. We will not ignore the device of the forced supply and exhaust system.

Ventilation in the bath in the steam room: why is it necessary?

Above, we have already talked about the dangers of a closed environment from the point of view of carbon monoxide exposure, and also mentioned the need to create a microclimate for drying the steam room after its use. Ventilation in the bath, in the steam room will definitely increase the comfort of staying there and extend the life of the building.

A distinctive feature of the Russian bath is wet steam. At the same time, the temperature regime also varies, which is lower than that of the sauna. However, saturated with moisture warm air warms up the human body much faster and has a milder and more gentle effect (there is no spasmodic effect on blood vessels, it can be visited by the elderly and children).

The device of the furnace is quite specific: as a rule, stones are placed inside, access to them can be obtained by opening the door. This ensures that the stones retain heat for a longer time, and they are more difficult to pour, even with inept water consumption.

Ventilation in the steam room of the Russian bath. The most important thing is to keep the balance, because the steam has a “shocking” character, escaping from the stove immediately after water has been splashed on the heater. If it is not designed correctly, then you can miss all the steam.

In the Russian steam room, vents are most often used, which are installed at the bottom of the walls and ensure the safety of the heat that accumulates near the ceiling.

Ventilation in the steam room: requirements

When ventilation is designed in a steam room, the requirements for it are simple. You must adhere to the following rules:

  1. coolness should be near the floor, and heat near the ceiling;
  2. even temperature level, without fluctuations;
  3. The “exhausted” air must be replaced with fresh, enriched oxygen.

Ventilation in the steam room: device

It is based on the laws of physics: the influx of fresh air below displaces hot air from above through the corresponding holes, thereby ensuring air exchange. In this case, a rarefaction of air occurs (pressure decreases), and cool air is drawn in. It, in turn, gradually heats up, rushes up, and further along the cycle. This is how ventilation works in a steam room, its device is quite simple. More .

Natural or forced?

In order to answer the question: natural or forced ventilation for a steam room - it should be disassembled in each of the types.

Natural the microclimate is formed independently in the presence of planned vents (openings), or slots, when the air convection processes described above start in the building.

The advantages include: low cost of implementation, the absence of extraneous noise / vibration from working devices and the use of natural features. Possible difficulties: errors in the placement of holes, as a result: lack of traction (the opposite - the appearance of excessive drafts); the penetration of extraneous (with a high degree of probability - unpleasant) odors from the street.

Forced ventilation system uses equipment and materials that create artificial air movement in the required direction. Regulated special blocks management. This is a very expensive solution that requires competent design and further implementation. At correct placement guaranteed to provide a measured circulation of air currents.

There are combined types for a bath: steam room ventilation, combining both of these areas and having the pros and cons of each option.

If you decide to do ventilation on your own, but it’s better to stop at natural ventilation - it is more in line with the spirit of the bath than the use of intricate devices. However, we do not dissuade you from using forced supply and exhaust ventilation.

Ventilation in the steam room of the bath: scheme

Ventilation in the steam room of the bath - system diagram. It consists of two openings: one of which is inlet, and the other is exhaust (you can make several exits). When choosing the size of the exhaust opening, you must be guided by several rules:

  1. the largest should be at the maximum distance from the furnace(so that the heat does not go outside in a forward flow);
  2. the rest can be launched around the perimeter of the ceiling;
  3. the size of the holes is calculated based on 24 square meters. cm per cubic meter of room. Most often, the diameter does not exceed 30 cm, but the number is 2 or more.

The traction force is determined by the height difference between the supply and exhaust openings.

IMPORTANT! Do not place the holes exactly opposite each other, this will inevitably cause drafts.

Ventilation in the steam room of the Russian bath: scheme

Ventilation is provided in the steam room of the Russian bath by a scheme in which there are vents with adjustable plugs, taking into account the above rules. Or the use of salvo ventilation, which we will discuss later.

Bath: ventilation of the steam room (if the oven is in the dressing room or rest room)

About the bath, ventilation of the steam room, in which the stove is located in a different room than the steam room, you will most likely have to think about forced ventilation, which will ensure the flow in the right direction.

As shown in the diagram:

Sauna: ventilation of the steam room (if the oven is in the steam room or the steam room is connected to the washing room)

It is provided by heating the cold air coming from the outside from the furnace and pushing it away from the heat source, and returning it back after hitting the walls. Air movement can be stimulated by the use of additional fans.

For a bath, ventilation of a steam room - the organization of drying a bath is especially important, since the water in the washing room can have a truly destructive effect on Decoration Materials and gender. In addition to the main one, enhanced floor ventilation is required: by installing an exhaust opening between the finishing and subfloor, the installation can be accompanied by the installation of a fan.

REFERENCE. Make sure that the fan does not get water in order to eliminate the risk of a short circuit.

More than 10 different schemes bath ventilation.

Where to place supply and exhaust openings

There are several simple rules– where to place supply and exhaust openings:

  1. the supply air (from which freshness comes) should be located below, closer to the floor;
  2. exhaust - located away from the stove, closer to the ceiling.

Wherein it is desirable to place the supply opening near the furnace so that in the cold season the air warms up a little before entering the steam room.

The height at which the holes are placed is about 30 centimeters: from the floor or ceiling.

Will be effective installation supply valves in the foundation (under the floor). The use of a valve system or the installation of an additional protective grille on the opening will protect you from the possible penetration of rodents. In this case, it is better to lay the floor with small gaps for freer access of oxygen. If you want a smooth and even floor, then you can get by with special ventilation windows that can be covered with decorative wooden gratings.

IMPORTANT! When placing the valve on the foundation, it is necessary to ensure that freshness is taken from the street, and not from the underground, otherwise unpleasant odors will come along with the air.

Common layouts include:

  • for baths with continuous oven: the inlet opposite the stove is 30 centimeters from the floor, and the furnace blower will play the role of an exhaust hood;
  • for baths with poured floors: air inlet 30 cm from the floor behind the firebox, and “working out” leaves after cooling through the cracks in the floor;
  • the location of both holes on the same wall: opposite the stove, but one is near the floor, and the second is near the ceiling. A fan is installed at the exit. Justified where the wall with holes faces the street.
  • hole arrangement at the same height but on opposite walls(do not output in one line!), The fan is installed in the same way. It is considered not very effective, since the heat will go outside almost immediately, and the drying of the room will be faster due to the open door.

Wall ventilation in a steam frame bath

Frame wall pie. See more about the insulation of frame walls.

It is carried out by leaving a ventilated gap between the finishing materials and the vapor barrier, it can reach 5 cm. Ventilation of the walls in the steam room frame bath provided with a counter-lattice. The corrugations of the ventilation system should be designed in advance in order to place the insulation with the calculation of the place for the pipes.

What can not be used for ventilation in the steam room?

Refuse to use plastic elements:

  1. corrugation;
  2. boxes;
  3. plugs.

This is something that cannot be used for ventilation in the steam room - they do not withstand high temperatures, they will melt, releasing harmful substances and acquiring an unaesthetic appearance.

But in the washing room or dressing room, their use is not forbidden.

Only wood can be used as plugs for vents or hatches: metal can burn from heat or rust from moisture.

Economy solution: volley ventilation in a Russian steam room

If you are not sure that you can correctly calculate the size of the entrances (exits) or their location, you can use the long-tried method - an economy solution: volley ventilation in a Russian steam bath.

The essence of its application is to quickly ventilate by opening windows and doors wide open. They are opened to a short time(no more than 1-2 minutes), for maximum effect it is best to use opposite window and door.

This method does not require any financial costs: you use the elements that are in any bath.

IMPORTANT! Do not overdo it with ventilation, you can chill the bath a lot. This method is especially good for Russian baths, which are heated in black.

Do I need to hire specialists for calculation and design

If you need a proper, “easy” and hassle-free bath, the ventilation in the steam room plays important role: from sauna durability to your own safety.

If the bath room is combined with the house, has a rest room or dressing room into which the stove is brought out, or there are other reasons for using forced exhaust, then the answer to the question “do I need to hire specialists for calculation and design” will be unambiguous: it is necessary.

Otherwise, you can make a mistake in an insignificant detail, and the purchased calculation equipment for this reason will not work. And this, in turn, will cause additional costs.

In addition, in order not to violate the structure of the structure, it is better to design the ventilation of the steam room in advance, before the bath is erected, especially when the air inlet must be located on the foundation. Installing a ventilation system in an already built building is a troublesome and time-consuming process. It will require disassembly of almost all finishing materials, freeing up space for corrugations and so on.

During construction brick bath without pre-training and you can’t do it at all, because not only wooden finishing materials are required, but also the material of the walls - brick, which (some types, for example, silicate) is prone to absorption a large number water.


Ventilation and renewal of the internal climate are in any case necessary - this is the final conclusion, it is necessary, among other things, to ensure comfort when using the bath. The choice of natural or forced is up to you. We hope that, taking into account our material, you will be able to find the most suitable solution for yourself.

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