How to make a cache at home. Tricky ideas for equipping hiding places that will help you to reliably hide everything you need (17 photos)

Everyone sometimes needs a hiding place for the most valuable and expensive things in the house. Someone hides money under mattresses or spare keys under rugs at the front door, someone invents more complicated caches. If you ever need to hide something - here are the 12 most secret places where it would never occur to anyone to look for anything ... not even yourself!

1. Vacuum cleaner

Sometimes the best way to hide something is to leave it in plain sight. Even the smartest thieves will not suspect that you are keeping valuables inside a huge old vacuum cleaner!

2. Food packaging

Let's say you are hiding a piece of jewelry; put it in a small pouch or container, and then bury this small container in the popcorn corn! It would hardly occur to anyone that there is anything in a full can of popcorn other than the popcorn itself.

3. Old record collection

If you have an old collection of records - why not turn it into a great hiding place? Buy some old or damaged records that you can use for storage cases.

4. Old videotape

Everyone in the house has a shelf with old cassettes! Remove the tape from the unwanted cassette, put the items you really need inside, put the tape back - and put it on the shelf. Ideally!

5. Old paint can

Thoroughly clean the old paint can before making a stash out of it! Keep the jar in your garage or basement among other jars. Want to confuse the robbers? Throw some unpleasant surprise for them in another empty jar, and put it in a common pile.

6. Fat jar of mayonnaise

Don't worry: this isn't real mayonnaise, it's just paint that mimics it. Works great - no one wants to open a can of mayonnaise.

7. Cabinets under the sink

Cut a hole under the cabinet under the kitchen sink to equip the trickiest hiding place. Make sure your valuables are well protected from moisture before putting them in!

8. Painting

Hanging a picture is a great option when you need to hide something and at the same time make the house more attractive. You can hide the keys behind the painting just like that - or put a built-in safe behind it for valuables.

9. Tile-trompe l'oeil

To make a trick tile, remove one tile from the bathroom wall and then poke a hole in the wall behind it. Attach a small box to the tile and place it back on the wall. Just don't forget which tiles your treasures are stored in!

10. Keyboard

This fully functional keyboard is a great cache and is available in stores. In addition, it is slightly thicker than normal. You can hide valuables in most regular keyboards!

There is very little gold, diamonds and Renoir originals in the world. But there are a lot of people. This dissonance leads to the need to reliably hide valuables.

According to sociologists, about 40% of our compatriots prefer to keep their money at home. The tradition of not trusting money to banking institutions goes back many years, and is widely covered in popular works of Russian culture.

In the ventilation, if you remember, hid the money received from the joker-Koroviev, the chairman of the housing association of the house 302-bis on Sadovaya Nikanor Ivanovich Bosoy from Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita.

The mother-in-law of Ippolit Matveyevich Vorobyaninov from the beloved novel "12 Chairs" by Ilf and Petrov hid the family jewels under the upholstery of the chairs by master Gambs.

The heroes of these works were ultimately unable to save their treasures. Is it possible to hide money securely so that no one finds it? The most cunning and reliable hiding places, as well as places where money should not be hidden in any case, are all in our article.

Where you don't need to hide money

Most often, savings are hidden in such popular places as wardrobes, wardrobes, dressers, mattresses, naively believing that it is very difficult for thieves to find savings in endless stacks of bed linen. Rest assured, professional robbers will spend no more than 10-15 minutes on this.

The second most popular place to not keep money is in books. How quickly your savings are found often depends on the number of books in your apartment. If this is a dozen books of your favorite writers and poets standing alone on the shelf, the probability of finding the stash approaches 100%. An experienced burglar can flip through a whole rack of books in a few minutes.

Ventilation and cistern
Intruders will crawl into the ventilation behind the stash immediately after they overturn your cabinets and library. If the criminals do not find the cherished envelope there, be sure that the next place where they will look for your hard-earned money will be a drain tank - a place where valuables are well-known even to amateurs.

Where to hide money

In a tennis ball
But this is a great idea when it comes to a small wad of money. Just poke a small hole in the ball. The incision should be large enough so that the pack can be inserted easily and removed just as easily. Then place the ball back into the container with the other tennis balls.

In the birdhouse
A double-bottom birdhouse, inside which you can safely hide spare keys from the house, is a great idea for summer residents. Such a cache will perfectly fit into the suburban landscape, without attracting too much attention, and can be great to help out in an emergency.

In the coffee table
A small coffee table with a large enough box for storing various valuables. It is worth noting that the drawer does not have any handles, it opens by pressing the side plate of the frame and does not attract attention at all.

In the windowsill
Quite a roomy cache, you can hide whatever you want in this one!

In the socket
It is most logical to hide valuables where you yourself are afraid to stick your hands under pain of death or injury. Turn off the electricity in the apartment and remove the plastic cover from the outlet. Under it will most likely be a hole in the wall with threatening wires. It is quite possible to hide something among them. Just keep in mind that the items that you hide in the outlet must not conduct current!

In a chair
The old idea of ​​hiding jewelry in chairs is still alive and well. Yes, this is not a chair from a palace, but with a little tweaking, it will serve as a great stash.

In the gear lever
In recent years, the number of car thefts has increased significantly. A gear lever with a small cache will help protect small valuables from car thieves.

In a detergent can
If you want to hide money under the sink, use an ordinary empty detergent can. However, do not forget that in addition to this can, there should be another one with a cleaning agent that you will need in case of cleaning.

In the wall clock
Hiding money in a wall clock is a great idea. You need frequent and convenient access to money - use an ordinary wall clock as a safe.
If you hang the clock high, you may need a ladder to get money from such a safe. This means that an uninvited guest will also need a lot of effort to get to the money.

In shoes
A cache equipped under the shoe insole will help to hide the stash from the second half or to protect yourself from street thieves.

In the globe
In an ordinary globe, you can hide valuables for the time of departure or equip a stash. And so that the cache does not attract attention in any way, the valuables need to be put in a small bag and carefully glued to the wall of the ball with tape.

Under the table
Such a cache can be equipped under almost any table.

In the washing machine
The washing machine eraser is another place to hide your money and jewelry when you leave. To do this, pack the valuables in small bags with fasteners and hide them under an elastic band, after wiping it from moisture. The main thing is, when you return home, do not forget to remove valuables before turning on the machine.

In the keyboard
Disk drives, pockets for hard drives, various computer peripherals - all this can be equipped with home caches.

In the kitchen cabinet

What would a thief do if he gets into an apartment or house? Where would he start looking for the most valuable thing? This is the question to ask before you start thinking about where to hide money, gold, diamonds and other valuable valuables! A cache for money at home, in an apartment or in a country house is certainly not a good idea. Of course, he will not act as a reliable guarantor of safety, unlike a bank cell, but as they say, you will not have to pay money for their safety.

Another question is what is the value of what you are going to hide and how far in this regard you are willing to go. It is one thing to keep a couple of tens of thousands of rubles, keys, weapons, etc., another jewelry worth a couple of million, which you are not going to use the next few years. If for some reason you are still not satisfied with the bank cache. In the second case, it is better to walled up everything at once into the wall and preferably without cavities. The main thing is only then not to forget the place of this cache of the house and in time to transfer the information to the authorized person, and then later the heirs will ask the question: "Where did the grandfather hide the money?"

But in the first case, such coordinated efforts and confidants are not needed. It is quite enough if the cache of the house is located in a non-standard and at the same time accessible place, in which even the thought does not arise that there is a cache for money there. Not a standard solution is perhaps one of the factors in the successful preservation of valuables.

Stash for money at home where it is difficult to find something

As much as the well-wishers would not want, but after they got into the house, they do not have much time at their disposal. The fear of getting caught in such people is quite strong and they are unlikely to conduct a thorough search. Therefore, it is advisable to hide money where it is not easy to find it. For example, in one of the cosmetic tubes. Such a tube, among dozens of others, is unlikely to attract the attention of uninvited guests and they are unlikely to burn with a desire to open all of them. Such a hiding place at home is a great opportunity to save a small amount of money.

Stash for money at home - photo

In the same way, you can organize a hiding place in an apartment in a children's room. If your child has a lot of toys, you can hide the money in one of them. Most likely it will be possible to save them if there are really a lot of them ... Only it is worth warning the child in advance.

Stash in toys

A hiding place in sports accessories is a great idea for sports lovers, because, as a rule, such people have enough sports things in their apartment. For example, if one of a couple of dozen tennis balls is cut and something valuable is hidden in it, it will most likely go unnoticed in the general heap. The main thing in such a cache is an incision in the right place.

Stash for money in the ball

A cache of money where it is not customary to look

A hiding place in an apartment can be made in places where a thief will be extremely unpleasant to look for.

In places not of the first freshness - a basket with dirty linen: socks, underwear, etc. It is not pleasant to rummage in it and it is not interesting, this is the last place where thieves can also look if they don’t find anything valuable in the house.

A cache in a book, but not in a simple criminal code. It will work if it stands among many other and preferably similar books. The subconscious fear of the ill-wisher may well work and he will not touch the "terrible" book.

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Many experienced people advise that in order to save a larger amount, you should create a second distraction cache. More affordable. Having found him, the thieves may well calm down and leave the crime scene. Unless, of course, they do not know about the presence of more valuable things in the house.

Home electronics

Money is sometimes hidden in sockets, more precisely in false sockets. But everyone has known about this for a long time, so it is better not to do this. But hiding money in a smartphone charger is a new idea. But in such a cache there are not many of them.

But a couple of bundles of bills will fit into the free slot of the system block of a stationary computer. But you should make such a cache of money at home only if the device is old. Otherwise, you can lose your money and your computer.

No matter how sophisticated the cache for money in your home is, this does not guarantee their safety. Therefore, it is better to take the values ​​to a special place for them - to the bank.

No matter how much they say that it is safer to keep jewelry and money in a bank than at home, people still step on the same rake. They say they don't trust banks - what if they go bankrupt? We will help them with advice on where to hide money in an apartment from thieves.

Places where valuables and savings should not be hidden

According to sociologists, readily accessible caches include:

  • places behind mirrors, paintings, photographs and wall hangings (80% of hiding places are there!)
  • clothes, underwear (26% of people make hiding places in their wardrobe items, not thinking that in cases of theft, the thief will undoubtedly search all clothes, including a basket of dirty linen);
  • pieces of furniture and musical instruments (26% of people hide their savings in sofas, wardrobes, bedside tables, desks, pianos, guitars);
  • books, discs, audio and videotapes (20% of people, after watching films, keep money inside these items or between them);
  • mezzanines (10% of people prefer to hide their savings in things, for example, in shoe boxes, on the upper shelves);
  • video, audio equipment, household appliances (most likely, this equipment will be carried away with your stash if it is not oversized);
  • mattress, pillows (7% of people sew their valuables, envelopes with money into mattresses, pillows);
    kitchen appliances and utensils, a trash can (6% of people choose freezers in the refrigerator, an oven, pots and metal cans with cereals as a place for a cache. They often attach a bag of money to the bottom of the bucket, and then put garbage in it.);
  • wallpaper, under tiles and parquet, ceiling (4% of people do the right thing by hiding precious things under the wallpaper, floors, in the ceiling, since thieves rarely search such hiding places);
  • toilet, washing machine, ventilation grill (1-3% of people make a cache there, because it is difficult to get a stash without skill and a special tool, but for an experienced thief these places are not a hindrance).

Places where criminals will look for your stash in the first place

Good places for hiding places

If you decide to set up hiding places in the apartment, hide valuables there:

Safe in a false socket - safe storage of jewelry
  1. Flowers in pots. Take a pot and put a waterproof bag with your money in this pot first, and then cover it with earth, in which you plant a plant afterwards. The main thing: put such a cache in the farthest corner on the windowsill.
  2. Cornice. Choose wooden curtain rods, as they can easily fit narrow and long valuables into the holes they have.
  3. Socket (switch). Remove the cover and place the jewelry in it. In addition, the socket may not be real, that is, we put a thing in the hole in the wall and close it with a switch or socket.
  4. Chandelier. Remove the cap or shade and place a small value there.
  5. Wooden chairs with legs. Make a small hole in the chair legs for small jewelry.
  6. Personal hygiene items. For example, female pads, a washcloth. Open the box of spacers and put the money in there and close it again. Such a cache is convenient as it has a reusable opening and closing technology. And put small things in a washcloth. First, cut out one part of the washcloth and put the valuables in the resulting space, then cover with the cut out plastic (foam rubber).
  7. Parquet. Open one of the floorboards and hide your belongings there. It is unlikely that thieves will open the floor.
  8. Aquarium. Hide your jewelry in waterproof containers and then place it on the bottom of the aquarium.
  9. Jars of jam. Lower the bag of valuables to the bottom of the jar and fill it with jam on top. The main thing: the jam should be dark.
  10. Trampled sneakers or other old shoes. Perhaps thieves will not pay attention to these things. Thieves are more attracted to everything new and sophisticated.
  11. Phone charger. See photo.
  12. Safe with good alarm. It must be either securely attached to the floor or built into the wall. However, there is another option: put the safe in an obvious place and do not put anything in it. By the time it opens, the police will have arrived (who saw the signal of the apartment burglary on their devices) and the thief will not have time to try to find the real hiding places.
  13. Deception. Write on a piece of paper the number of the deposit in the bank and a list of expensive items lying in it, and put it in the first cabinet of your desk. The thief, finding him, decides that you have nothing of value in your house, and will go home.

About where is better, read the materials on our website dedicated to the interior design of the hallway

Whatever hiding place you come up with, try to keep it outwardly unremarkable and at the same time as extraordinary as possible.

Stories from readers of our site

Marina from Shchelkovo

Marina, Shchelkovo:

I had to go on a business trip for a month, and there was a large amount of money in the apartment. Divided them into two equal parts. I put half of it into the foam mattress, and the other half into the detergent. Thank God, during my absence, the thieves did not come to my house.

Only I myself have been looking for this money for several hours.

Nikolay and Olga, Moscow:

Nikolay and Olga from Moscow

Two years ago, my wife and I bought an apartment, and the locks on the front door were old from the previous owners. And then we decided to install a hiding place in the toilet cistern. But it didn’t work out well ... I don’t know how much it should be to keep it well under the rim, but we rolled five hundred dollar bills into a tube and wrapped it in food grade plastic. We looked into our cache one by one, it seemed to be safe ... Then we pressed the drain. Our money flew into the sewer, did not have time to be surprised. Eh, fools, you should have tried one hundred of our rubles first!

About a month and a half ago, my apartment was broken into. At that moment I was at the dacha, I went for a couple of days. My neighbor knew that I was leaving for the dacha, and she, as it turned out, later told almost all of our house about it.

When I returned, I found the apartment as if after a hurricane. Frightened, I ran to the kitchen, everything is upside down, except for a few jars of jam. Fortunately, the bank, which contained 100 thousand rubles, turned out to be intact. I think it’s no coincidence, because I pasted a piece of paper on it with the words "Potent poison".

Remember: leaving on vacation or a business trip, do not talk about it left and right. There are ears everywhere. Moreover, do not write about it on various social networks. Thieves also surf the Internet.

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

Valuables and money are important to correctly save and reliably protect from theft. The first thing that comes to mind in such a situation is to purchase ready-made hiding places and safes, mounted in the wall and stylized as a picture, for example. But the fact is that it is precisely such objects that immediately come under threat. Therefore, we offer you some tricky and simple ideas on how to make a hiding place at home with your own hands. To do this, we will use the usual everyday things, which for sure will not arouse suspicion among the robbers.

Caches for houses and apartments.

First of all, it is worth figuring out where you should not keep valuables, documents and money.

Important! The basic rule is not to keep all your funds, papers and expensive items in one place.

Refuse to use classic hiding places: mattresses, mirrors, paintings - they will be the first to be examined in the event of a robbery. Also, traditional hiding places, in which most thieves find valuable things, are: drawers of dressers, nightstands and cabinets, including those with a double bottom, mezzanines, kitchen cans, books, musical instruments, such as a piano. Do not make hiding places in household appliances, especially video and audio, as they are more likely to be carried away if they are robbed.

In the photo below, you can see fascinating statistics of where people usually prefer to hide things:

Popular hiding places in the house.

The cache should be non-obvious and most often it is placed in a conspicuous place. But the main thing is that this object does not catch the eye and its appearance does not stand out from the general picture. Then no one would think of checking your homemade safe!

Cache Ideas

The apartment has many unexpected, and therefore safe places where you can hide money. Below we will look at a few of the original caches, which are very easy to make.


Hanger with a secret.

To make a cache, you will need an ordinary hanger, a small piece of fabric, braid, thread and a needle, zipper, paper and a pencil.

How to make a cache step by step:

  1. Circle the hanger on the paper and cut it out - this will be the pattern.
  2. Fold the fabric in half, right side in, and circle the pattern. Indent 0.5 cm for the allowance and cut out.
  3. Sew a zipper along the bottom edge. Sew the sides. The center section for the hook must remain unstitched with a hole.
  4. Tape the center hole with tape. Turn the product inside out, you're done!

Step-by-step manufacturing process.

This is what a hanger with a secret in a wardrobe looks like:

Hanger cover.

Flower pot

Also, it is quite rare for robbers to inspect pots and flowerpots. We offer you to make a flowerpot with a double bottom yourself. And so that the use of the cache is not traumatic for the plant, we will use an artificial flower.

A flowerpot with a double bottom.

So, for the manufacture you will need the following materials:

  • a small artificial plant, preferably very similar to the real one;
  • pot;
  • an empty round plastic container (for example, the bottom of a yoghurt packaging);
  • thermal gun and hot glue;
  • priming;
  • breadboard knife.

Necessary materials.

Phased production of a double bottom flowerpot:

  1. Try on a plastic container and flowerpot. The container should only fit 2-3 cm into the pot so that there is room for valuables below. Try to find a well-sized flowerpot and plastic container.
  2. Cut off the top of the plastic container.
  3. Make snowflake-shaped slits in the center and insert the base of the artificial flower. Fix the two elements with hot glue.
  4. Fold your valuables at the bottom, place a container with a glued flower on top.
  5. To disguise the jewelry, sprinkle the top of the container with soil along its top line.

The advantage of such a cache is that you can choose a flowerpot of any size and, if necessary, hide bulky things: watches, jewelry, jewelry, spare keys, and not just bills.

Step by step manufacturing.

Card deck

Caches in the form of books or boxes are very commonplace and unreliable storage places. But the robbers are unlikely to decide to look for money in a deck of cards! Of course, you won't be able to store a lot of things here, but a deck of cards is quite suitable as a small storage for bills.

A cache in a deck of cards.

This type of cache is very easy to make at home - you only need a deck of cards, tape, scissors, a clip.

Stage-by-stage production:

  1. Set aside 10-12 cards - they will serve as the cover for the cache.
  2. From the rest of the cards, you need to cut out the middle. Conveniently, if the cards have a narrow border - you need to cut it straight along it. The middle parts can be thrown away, and from the resulting frames we will make a container. Leave a couple of cards for the bottom.
  3. Collect all the frames from the cards into a flat pile, for convenience, fix it on the sides with clips. Cover the inner surface with tape. For greater strength, you can cover everything with quality glue.
  4. Attach the bottom with glue. Ready!

Idea! This unpretentious and simple storage allows you to safely hide SD memory cards and USB drives.

Making a cache.

A chair with a secret

And in such a cache, you get enough space to hide documents, securities or a fairly large number of bills.

A chair with a secret compartment.

To make a chair with a secret compartment, you need an ordinary old chair with a soft seat, metal hinges and corners, a sheet of plywood.

Stage-by-stage production:

  1. Unscrew the seat from the base. Then attach with the hinges from the front of the seat.
  2. Use a sheet of plywood for the bottom of the cache. Take clear measurements of the opening and cut out the appropriate strip.
  3. Attach the plywood bottom to the chair frame using metal corners and screws.

Chair making.

Boring options

In general, the places for hiding places are limited only by your imagination and creativity. You can make a storage from any object or place in the house. Let's look at some original ideas for creating a cache:

False socket with a cache.

Sometimes there can be real key safes under such connectors.

Safe hidden under the sockets.

Now you know how to make a hiding place at home with your own hands.

Video: 7 hiding places for the house.