How to take care of the nervous system. Proper care of the nervous system! What to do and what not


Start your morning with a contrast shower. It will restore strength, improve your well-being, and lift your spirits. After bathing with warm water, immediately douse yourself with cold water. There is no need to rush to dry off, feel the heat rush to the skin and feel vigorous. In the evening before going to bed, you can take a pine or salt bath.

If you feel that it has become difficult for you to cope with the workload, then try to take a vacation or at least give up some of your responsibilities. In such a state, excessive stress at home or at work is simply dangerous. Try to avoid those situations that can deliver negative experiences or strong experiences. Do not tolerate colds or, such unnecessary heroism will provoke a new attack.

Learn to relax. To do this, you can master various techniques, for example, yoga or auto-training. Don't skimp on sleep. At night, a person recovers his strength, and it is in a dream that the nervous system is "tuned". Therefore, for you, sleep is a necessity and the best medicine.

Take vitamins, they can strengthen the nervous system and protect it from damaging factors. For example, A slows down the wear and tear of nerve cells and normalizes sleep. Vitamin C improves mental performance and stress and anxiety, contributing to the production of special anti-stress hormones. Vitamin E is recommended for those who are physically strong, it is necessary for good brain function, strengthens health and promotes well-being. Vitamin B1 is often recommended for people with frequent depression, it relieves anxiety and helps focus.

You will have to quit smoking and drinking alcohol, since nicotine can cause spasms of cerebral vessels, and alcohol negatively affects the autonomic centers of the brain, thereby destroying the human nervous system.

You are more in the sun, because it is not for nothing that depression itself often goes away in the spring, as soon as the spring sunlight appears. Even during work, try to go outside more often and enjoy the fresh air, look at the sun.

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A disorder of the autonomic nervous system leads to an unpleasant diagnosis - "vegetative-vascular dystonia". The development of this disease is facilitated by gastritis, neurosis, allergies, and toxicosis. So that you do not get such a diagnosis, you need to be able to correctly and timely restore the autonomic system.

In our time of modern technology and a busy rhythm of life, nervous disorders and stress are not uncommon. It is possible to treat nervous breakdowns and hyperexcitability both with medication at a neuropathologist, or you can try on yourself the old folk methods that calm the nervous system.


If you cannot find ready-made valerian in the pharmacy, prepare the infusion yourself.

Grind the valerian root as finely as possible and pour two tablespoons of the crushed root with a glass of room temperature water. Insist the mixture for 10-12 hours, then drink the mixture when nervous exhaustion or excitement appears. For the dose of the infusion, it is necessary to reduce to a teaspoon 3 times a day.

In addition to valerian, wild hops are capable of relieving nervous tension. Collect hop cones and make medicinal tea from them at the rate of 2 cones per 1 glass. Wild hop tea will calm you down, and hop tincture with alcohol or vodka will serve as a good sleeping aid if you take a few drops of the tincture in the morning and in the evening.

Lemon balm, oregano, hawthorn, chicory and chamomile flowers, as well as St. John's wort will help calm your nerves.

You can try making a common sunflower sedative. Cut off the extreme yellow petals of the sunflower and insist on vodka or boiling water.

In addition, tea from calendula flowers helps with nervous problems.

An infusion of heather, which is prepared from 2 tablespoons of dry heather per 500 ml of boiling water, helps to cope with nervous exhaustion quickly enough. Infuse heather during the night and then take before meals.


  • how can nerves be cured

Modern life is full of bustle, which brings many people to nervous overload and mental breakdowns. The constant race for professional achievements, financial problems, life and family, become a cause and a source of constant stress, which leads to fatigue, nervousness and imbalance. There are many drugs that can improve this condition, but most of them are addictive, reduce the ability to concentrate, in contrast to herbal teas that can solve this problem.

You will need

  • - valerian rhizomes;
  • - herb oregano;
  • - lemon balm herb;
  • - fruits of viburnum;
  • - common heather grass;
  • - marsh creeper grass;
  • - roots of common chicory;
  • - common thyme herb;
  • - the roots of the evading peony;
  • - the roots of Angelica officinalis;
  • - alcohol 40%.


To prepare a sedative collection, take one part of valerian rhizome, 2 each oregano, lemon balm, viburnum fruits, chop all the components, mix. After pouring 4 tablespoons of raw materials into a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Then strain and, having divided the daily allowance into 4 equal parts, take after 60-80 minutes of food. Improvement occurs in 2-3 days. The course is 2-3 weeks.

For the treatment of increased irritability, insomnia, neuroses and neurasthenia, prepare the following collection. Take 2 parts of valerian rhizome, heather herb, marsh creeper, 1 part of chicory roots, thyme herb, chop the components, mix. Pour 3 tablespoons of the collection with half a liter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. After straining, take 100 ml 3-4 times a day 2 hours after a meal.

For the treatment of a breakdown, prepare the following tincture. Take a tablespoon of crushed valerian rhizomes, peony roots and angelica officinalis. Filling the components with half a liter of 40% alcohol, leave for 14 days in a dark place. After straining, take 40 drops 3 times a day. Course 14-21 days.


Prolonged stay of the body in a state of nervous tension and disorders of the nervous system lead to serious diseases, not only of the nervous system, but also of internal organs.

Useful advice

To increase the effectiveness of the treatment of nervous disorders, it is recommended to be in the fresh air more often, to exercise, more often to allow oneself to have an easy pastime, to relax. Yoga, swimming, walking are irreplaceable.

Many people believe that chickenpox is a disease of childhood. But sometimes adults can get chickenpox too. Moreover, in adulthood, it is tolerated much worse compared to childhood. Chickenpox itching can be very uncomfortable for adults. In just a few days of this disease, the patient can lose a lot of weight and begin to suffer. Therefore, in today's article we decided to talk about how to relieve itching with chickenpox as efficiently and quickly as possible.

Caring for the nervous system

It is known that the general condition of our body depends quite strongly on our nervous system. And as mentioned above, itching with chickenpox can cause nervous disorders. As a result, the body will become even more sensitive to itching, and the patient's condition will worsen.

For this reason, experts prescribe anti-anxiety medications to those who have chickenpox. Often we are talking about drugs that are based on extracts of different plants: "Valerian", "Motherwort tincture", "Novopassit". But in some cases, the attending physician may also decide to use tranquilizers, which make the nervous system less sensitive.

For example, before going to bed, some people may be prescribed a drug called Phenibut, which has a calming effect on the nervous system and also has a positive effect on restful sleep. One of the similar agents is "Phenazepam", which has a more effective effect. The two drugs are taken exclusively as directed by the attending physician.

Antihistamines for itching

Histamine is a substance that our body produces during various allergic and inflammatory processes. Antihistamines interfere with the production of this substance. As a result, the swelling of soft tissues becomes less, there is also a decrease in capillary permeability and itching decreases. Most antihistamines also have a sedative effect on the nervous system.

"Suprastin" is considered an antihistamine with a fairly strong sedative effect. In most cases, it should be taken at bedtime as it can cause drowsiness. What can you do to reduce the itching of chickenpox during the daytime, when sleepiness is unnecessary, since you need to do work? For use during the day, experts usually recommend taking Claritin, which relieves itching, but does not have a sedative effect.

Once again, I would like to remind you that all the drugs listed above should be taken only as directed by a doctor. Despite the fact that some products can be freely purchased in pharmacies, a combination of tranquilizers and antihistamines can cause an overdose.

How to reduce the itching of chickenpox using ointments?

There are also drugs for external use, among which it is necessary to mention such antiviral agents as "Infagel" and "Viferon". These funds can destroy the virus of this disease, as a result of which inflammation and swelling are significantly reduced. And this, in turn, reduces the discomfort.

Infagel and Viferon are ointments that have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Doctors prescribe these funds in the event of the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease in question. The ointment must be applied to the skin three times a day in a thin layer.

There are also antihistamines for external use. The most effective among them for combating itching with chickenpox is the gel "Fenistil".

This gel reduces itching, reduces allergies, and also inhibits the growth of inflammatory processes. Irritation and itching are reduced almost immediately after applying the gel to the affected skin. This is due to the fact that "Fenistil" additionally has a local anesthetic effect. The gel is recommended to be applied to areas damaged by chickenpox twice a day. After using the product, it is undesirable to go out into the sun.

Various homeopathic remedies, which are available in the form of creams and ointments, can also provide relief from the itching of chickenpox. Among them I would like to mention an ointment called "Irikar". It provides excellent relief for itchy skin in case of various lesions.

When the first signs of chickenpox appear, you need to immediately cut your nails. This is because bacteria usually accumulate under the nails, and when scratching the itchy areas of the skin, there is a chance of infection. As a result, you will face new challenges.

Cotton bed linen must be used. It is recommended to change underwear and bed linen every day.

You need to take care of a comfortable temperature in your home. If the room is excessively hot, sweat will intensify the itching.

With chickenpox, it is advisable to drink a lot. It is recommended to drink drinks that contain vitamin C, it can be fruit drinks and juices, you can.

Warm baths are recommended to help relieve the itching of chickenpox. They should be taken as often as the patient desires. In this case, it is necessary to abandon the use of salt, gels, foam and shampoos. Only hypoallergenic soaps are allowed.

Some people recommend taking baths to soothe skin receptors, but it is advisable to carry out the procedure only after the rash on the skin has stopped. It is imperative to add potassium permanganate to the water, this will prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body. After taking a bath, the body should not be rubbed with a towel. It is recommended to gently blot it and put on a robe.

In addition, you should wear comfortable and loose clothing made from natural fabrics.

The nervous system ensures human interaction with the outside world and an adequate response to events. Therefore, from a youth you need to take care of your nerves, otherwise you can get a lot of diseases, from problems with the digestive tract to mental disorders.

Signs of Nervous System Problems

The first symptom of a malfunction in the nervous system is fatigue and, as a result, irritability. The people around you become simply unbearable, and life no longer pleases with pleasant moments. In addition, you constantly want to sleep or, on the contrary, you are tormented by insomnia.

If you do not tackle the problem in time, psycho-somatic signs of a nervous disorder will arise: discomfort in the heart, headache and pain in muscles and joints, malfunctions of the digestive system (diarrhea or constipation) and a decrease in sexual activity. There may also be a decrease or exacerbation of appetite and, as a result, excess weight or sudden weight loss.

As a result, chronic diseases may worsen, after which, as a rule, the patient is admitted to the hospital and comprehensive treatment is carried out.

What's good for the nerves?

The nervous system must be protected, and not put on the brink of collapse. This does not mean that you need to stop communicating with the outside world and avoid stressful situations in every possible way. On the contrary, in small doses, stress hormones are good for the body, this is a kind of training.

In order not to get into a state of constant overstrain, you need to get enough sleep - sleep at least 8 hours a day and go to bed at least 2 days a week before 21-00. Maintain body tone by playing sports or simple morning exercises. Be outdoors more often, be sure to get out of town on weekends. It has been proven that bad ecology negatively affects the state of the nervous system, so a little communication with nature will not hurt.

At work, try not to overwork the body. Avoid deadlines, and for this, be sure to plan your working day and make plans for the near future. So you will not have force majeure, and your nerves will be in order. If you nevertheless encountered unforeseen difficulties, treat them philosophically, because life is given to us in order to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal.

How to strengthen the nervous system without medication?

If you suddenly feel that you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown, urgently take action:

    • Ask the management for a short-term vacation and, if possible, "run away" from the city - to the sea, to the mountains or just to the dacha. There you can communicate with nature, get plenty of sleep and think about global things, and not about worldly concerns.
    • If you have not managed to beg for a vacation, get enough sleep at home. To do this, you will have to forget about nightlife, and temporarily shift the care of children onto the shoulders of your spouse.
    • At the first sign of a disorder, start feeding your nervous system. A healthy eating system can strengthen your nerves and reduce stress levels. The first step is to skip the diet you are following in order to lose weight. The brain needs energy! Start eating fruits, especially bananas, cereals, whole grain breads, seafood, vegetables, and honey. Don't forget to treat yourself to sweet treats such as chocolate or brownies. Now you need a maximum of positive emotions, and if the caramel is able to cheer you up, do not deny yourself the pleasure.
    • Fans of herbal medicine will help to calm their nerves with special preparations and essential oils. For aromatherapy, use lemon balm, mint, or hops. Drink teas with rose hips, lemongrass, St. John's wort, or ginseng.

Folk remedies for strong nerves

When the nerve problem hasn't been started yet, try to prevent a breakdown with folk remedies. All traditional medicine is based on herbal medicine, ingredients for recipes are easy to find in pharmacies or collect yourself.

  1. From motherwort you can prepare such an infusion: for two teaspoons of herbs, take a glass of chilled water and insist for 8 hours. This "tea" is recommended to be drunk during the day.
  2. St. John's wort brew with boiling water. To do this, take a tablespoon of the herb and pour it with a glass of water, after which it is brewed for half an hour. Take this infusion three times a day, half an hour before meals, 80-90 ml.
  3. You can also use blooming Sally... 20-30 grams of herbs are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and brewed for 6 hours. It is recommended to drink the infusion 3-4 times a day, 150 ml.

Unfortunately, home treatments for a nervous disorder are not always effective, especially in advanced cases. If you see that all the methods you have tried do not help, seek the advice of a specialist. The main thing is not to hesitate and notice the alarming symptoms in time.

How to strengthen the nervous system and relax during the holidays? Are the upcoming New Years an exciting time or a time for anxiety and frustration?

Here are expert tips, as well as the Sokolinsky System and Restartium Antistress, which will help you avoid stress and feel the festive mood. Source link SITE.

It is no secret that our body needs rest and if it is not enough, then you may experience some unpleasant symptoms. However, you need not only normal rest, but normal sleep, at least seven to eight hours a night - this energizes your body the next day, it also gives your nervous system the opportunity to recover and recharge.

For those suffering from anxiety symptoms, lack of sleep can significantly worsen the condition and exacerbate the symptoms of the disease. Nobody wants this, especially during the holidays.

We all need to keep in mind that the holidays can be extremely attractive as well as exciting. Since we will be wasting a lot of energy during the holidays, we must take care of ourselves and think about how to strengthen our nervous system.

This way we are less likely to get sick physically and not get emotionally overwhelmed during the holiday season.

Give your body some stimulation when it needs to.

During stressful situations such as holidays, it is important to pay attention to the signals your body is sending about how it is feeling. How to Strengthen the Nervous System Using additional vitamins such as magnesium (nearly 80% of the population lacks it), zinc and fish oil can provide you with the nutrients you need for your body to function effectively.

Magnesium helps relax muscles and reduces anxiety. Zinc will help strengthen your immune system during the colder months, and the omega-3 oils found in fish oil are powerful anti-inflammatories for overall well-being.

Treat yourself to self-care

In the midst of the winter season, it is easy to forget about your own health. Set aside time for your daily activities, even if it's only 15 minutes - do something relaxing during them. This could be yoga, a cup of your favorite herbal tea, or just reading a good book - the time you take for yourself to calm down after a busy day.

Come up with a plan to take care of yourself when the holidays come. Try to get enough sleep, eat as many healthy foods as possible, set aside time for your daily walk, and put off activities that may wait until January or February until later.

Make a to-do list and plans

When the to-do list becomes huge, you need to learn how to choose the most important ones, and just postpone the rest and adequately assess your own capabilities. It is recommended that you make a list of the things that you consider important and prioritized so that you can focus on what is most important.

What is important? Think about what you really need to do during the holidays. Make sure your list contains things that are important to you, and not just things that are aimed at creating a good holiday for your family.

Share business with loved ones

If you're having a panic attack because you want to get through your pre-holiday chores faster, why not give some of your to-do list to your husband / wife?

If you know you won't be able to wrap every gift on time or carry out a scheduled carpet cleaning that you've put off, then ask for help.

The same goes for holiday meals. Remember that people should get together on holidays and help each other, don't you?

Know your capabilities and respect them

Maybe memories from past holidays are associated in your memory with a feeling of fear and shudder? If so, it's time to learn from past mistakes and promise yourself to do something different this year.

If spending the holidays is just overloading you or your family, ask someone to take over this year.

Stress and anxiety can make even the most successful hostess a completely unhappy person, and it may be good if there is someone in your family who enjoys the opportunity to show their culinary skills.

Take time to move and exercise

While it may seem irrational to add exercise to the daily hassle and hustle and bustle of preparing for the holidays, it is important to resort to additional activity.

This activity lowers blood pressure and stress, and taking a short walk can really be beneficial in adding confidence and resilience.

Do everything in advance to relieve stress.

This sounds a bit harsh, but there is no doubt that a holiday preparation plan will help ensure success. Take a look at your to-do list and make notes on things you can do ahead of time. Take advantage of the time you have and take action now.

Realistic expectations of yourself and others

Family relationships are quite complicated. Add to that the pressure and tension during the holidays and heightened expectations for the perfect holiday. To strengthen your nervous system these days, you must moderate your expectations, especially regarding the holidays.

It is very important to keep expectations at a reasonable level. If, we set the bar too high and expect family gatherings or other celebrations to be perfect, then we are on a path of frustration. Who needs the extra stress on a wonderful holiday?

"People who don't know how to deal with anxiety die young"

A. Carrel.

If you think carefully about the well-worn stamp “everything”, it becomes clear why these nerves need to be strengthened, and the nervous system needs to be trained, toned and stimulated. So that there are no diseases, but health so that there is.

Bound by one goal, bound by one chain ...

Body and psyche are connected like lovebirds. Every change on the inside is reflected on the outside. And, on the contrary, everything external turns into an internal state. It is not for nothing that there is such a direction in medicine as psychosomatics, which is trying to establish a clear connection between the course of mental processes and their influence on the physiological state of a person.

All this in the near future may come back to haunt with serious ones, which will radically affect the quality of life. It will change and, as is clear, not at all for the better.

The question "why strengthen the nerves" is as clear as day. The nerves with the psyche need the same care, the same training as the body. Then the person will be harmoniously healthy (physically and mentally). And health is a guarantee of a full, active and active life.

There are a great many methods for strengthening the nervous system and psyche, and conditionally they can be divided into 2 groups: training for the body and training for the psyche. Let's dwell on the first group.

Strengthen the body to calm the nerves and psyche

You can strengthen the body, nerves and psyche if you follow these recommendations:

  1. You need to train the body increasing the level of physical activity... Movement is life. This is easy to verify with the example deceased. As Vysotsky sang: "Everyone fled from the noise and shouting, only the deceased did not run away." All living things must move, and as actively as possible. During running, or vigorous walking, all the stress hormones accumulated by us are intensively consumed by the body. They are stress hormones for that, to help escape from fear and danger, and not lie in their way (or on the couch).
  2. Nutrition is a matter of principle... Correct! Food is a responsible business and you cannot approach it in a hurry. The principle of nutrition for the glory of health is to provide the body with all the necessary substances, vitamins, minerals, amino acids.
    It’s wrong to just fill your stomach with what you have to. And the echo of the spells: "do not overeat", "do not eat at night", "do not abuse" never ceases in the air.
  3. Away, unhealthy addictions... Instead of breakfast - coffee with a cigarette ... This ritual makes you wake up in the morning, serving as a light tonic. You can stop at it. And the best thing is to completely quit smoking, drinking, using stimulants and other destructive habits. The short stimulating effect of nicotine is replaced by a phase of sharp inhibition. To get a new portion of vivacity and tone up the brain, one cigarette is followed by another, a third ... But the phase of excitement is getting shorter, and inhibition is longer. At a certain stage, the body no longer responds with a flash of excitement. Instead of a short tonic charge, the smoker begins to experience fatigue, irritation, weakness and drowsiness. It's the same with coffee. After the next portion, he no longer gives a charge of vivacity, but takes the last one.
  4. Hardening and winter swimming... Water is a prerequisite for existence. The aquatic environment offers dozens of ways to strengthen nervous system. Hardening creates "impenetrable" immunity, invigorates, makes the body "wake up" and withdraw its reserves. Winter swimming is an extreme form of hardening. It seems strange, but "walruses" are surprisingly healthy and balanced people. Such a powerful physiological stress, which the body receives when plunging into an ice hole, will launch all your armored trains standing on the side tracks.
  5. Bath and sauna- a recognized method for cleansing the body and soul. High temperatures, hot steam in combination with a birch broom very quickly heal any blues, and a grateful body responds with pleasant languor, relaxation and a clear mind.
  6. V water you need not only swim, temper and steam. It still needs to be drunk correctly and in sufficient quantities. The 8-glass method is widely known. If you believe the primary sources, then just such a volume of water should pass through the channels of our body per day, washing it, cleaning mucus from the intestinal walls, removing decay products and organizing the correct water balance.
  7. Massage, self-massage- the strongest remedy against all ailments. The trouble is that the body gradually loses flexibility, joint mobility. The metabolic processes go badly, stagnation and clamps appear in the muscles. Powerful self-massage up to the seventh sweat will perfectly disperse stagnant blood, enhance metabolic processes, give vigor and a sea of ​​energy.
  8. Sleep and rest area... Deep, healthy sleep will help strengthen the nervous system. In a dream, the body is restored, renewed cells, the brain is resting. Lack of sleep, shallow sleep, frequent awakenings, and early waking up quickly shatter the nervous system. A person becomes lethargic, apathetic, weak, with difficulty thinking, concentrating. In communication, sleep deprivation is manifested by outbursts of irritation and aggression. You need to sleep, turning off all sources of noise: TV, telephone, radio, computer. The sleeping room should be well ventilated. Coffee and smoke breaks before bed will destroy your well-intentioned intentions. tend to overexcite the nervous system. Sleep in the dark. Darkness is a precondition for the production of melatonin (the hormone of calmness and sleep). If you are already accustomed to falling asleep under the noise and light accompaniment of the TV, wean it. Flickering of the screen, flashes of light interfere with the production of sleep hormone.
  9. Nature- another natural assistant in creating a strong psyche and a healthy nervous system. The most calm and harmonious people are tourists of all stripes. Hiking, water tourism, cycling tourism is a wonderful and natural way to relax the nervous system. Nature heals itself. You just have to get out of the city, sit by the river and watch the sun reflect in the water. You will return home serene and spiritualized. Communication with nature can not only easily recreate the psyche, but also heal the most severe physical ailments.

Healthy food for nerves - eat and relax!

Nutritionists have created a special diet for those who want to stop worrying and start living. Without the substances and trace elements necessary for a person, which he receives at the dinner table, nerve cells cannot cope with their tasks in full.

Lack of magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine weaken the nervous system and its interaction with internal organs.

Magnesium is an essential element responsible for muscle relaxation, transmission and reception of nerve impulses. His sources:

  • mineral water;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • wheat bran.

Eat oatmeal, barley, millet, buckwheat more often. These cereals have large reserves of magnesium.

Phosphorus is a trace mineral that reduces muscle tension and tones the nervous system. It is found in organ meats, milk, beans and cereals.

Calcium is a regulator of neuromuscular impulses. Despite all its importance for the strength of bones and teeth, nerves need it just as much. And sometimes even more. In such cases, the body "removes" it from the bones, directing it to where there is a great need for it. Sources of Calcium:

  • milk products;
  • cabbage of all varieties and spinach;
  • nuts;
  • poppy and sesame seeds;
  • soybeans and wheat.

Potassium - promotes the well-coordinated work of muscles and nerves, serves as the prevention of depression, etc. The lack of potassium is made up for by enriching your table with vegetable and dairy products, as well as lean meats and fish.

  • vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, cabbage, melons, watermelons, bananas);
  • dried fruits (figs, raisins, prunes);
  • cereals (wheat flour and bran, rye bread, oatmeal and buckwheat);
  • nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, almonds);
  • meat and fish (beef, rabbit, tuna, flounder, cod).

Iron - ensures the full functioning of the thyroid gland, is responsible for the normal metabolism and the formation of nerve fibers. There is a lot of iron in meat and liver. Any meat is suitable, and the darker it is, the more iron it contains.

This element is rich in such products:

  • river fish, sea fish, seafood;
  • eggs (chicken, duck, quail);
  • fruits, dried fruits;
  • green vegetables;
  • bread and cereals.

Iodine - is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones. Lack of the hormone thyroxine causes severe metabolic diseases. Hormonal imbalance is apathy, lethargy, depression, chronic fatigue and irritable weakness. The lack of iodine is compensated for by adding seaweed, sea fish and seafood to the diet.

Foods for the nervous system that make us happy:

Vitamins and Nerve Sedatives

To strengthen the nervous system and psyche, certain vitamins and drugs are needed.

Nerves react very favorably to vitamin B and very badly to a lack of it.

The most convenient way is to purchase an inexpensive package of Pentovit. This is a blister of 50 tablets that contain the entire group of this vitamin.

B vitamins lower the level, relieve, normalize mood and even restore nerve cells. They improve thought processes, strengthen memory, give vigor and efficiency.

Vitamin C is great for managing stress and boosting your mood. Vitamin E soothes the nervous system. Vitamin A slows down the aging of nerve cells, improves sleep, its lack will lead to lethargy, fatigue and some general lethargy.

Tinctures, herbal preparations, syrups, drops and tablets are the main forms of sedatives.

Novo-passit syrup is more appropriate for mild forms of neurosis, facilitates falling asleep and soothes.

Drops Valocordin, Valoserdin, Zelenin drops reduce the excitation of the central nervous system, have a sedative, hypnotic effect. Also these funds remove vegetative-vascular symptoms.

The best pills that restore the balance between inhibition and excitation of the nervous system are recognized:

  • Glycine;
  • Persen;
  • Donormil.

But the first thing to do to strengthen the nervous system is to stop being nervous about every occasion and without it, here's how to do it:

"Lord, give me the strength to change what I can change, give me the courage not to worry where nothing depends on me and wisdom to distinguish one from the other." This prayer is great advice for those who are constantly nervous about everything. Don't be nervous, you just need to study your problems. And act according to this appeal.

It is also worth remembering that: