How to water indoor roses. Indoor rose: how to care, and tricks for regular flowering

Rose is the favorite flower of most of the fair half of humanity. Almost perfect, it is a worthy decoration of any flower bed or flower garden, looks gorgeous in every bouquet arrangement.

Indoor rose in a pot it is a compact bush up to 45 cm in diameter with small, very decorative flowers of various colors. Some of them have a pleasant aroma, some of them have no smell at all. A rose grown in a pot at home will be a wonderful element. home interior, will revive and decorate it with the elegance of its branches and the beauty of flowers.

Growing a home rose is a painstaking and troublesome business, but rewarding. In terms of the degree of difficulty, it is not at all more difficult than caring for an ordinary garden rose, but some features should be known.

Factors for the quality growth of a room rose

Heightened attention and all-consuming care are the conditions under which home roses will delight with their flowering continuously. The necessary conditions for high-quality growth of a room beauty:

  • nutritious and fresh soil in which the home rose could breathe easily, with the obligatory presence of good drainage;
  • abundant watering throughout the growing season;
  • regular feeding of the plant, in particular during the period of active growth and flowering;
  • placing a flower on the southern or southeastern side of the room;
  • abundance fresh air during the warm season;
  • control over the humidity of the air, which should not be too dry, otherwise it will lead to the appearance of pests and drying of the leaves;
  • temperature: moderate in summer and cool in winter;
  • lack of drafts;
  • transfer to a more spacious container as needed.

In a disastrous way, the plant will be affected by:

  • watering with cold water;
  • trauma to the roots, which can occur when loosening the soil;
  • overheating in the sun and dry air in the room;
  • ignoring withered leaves, shoots and flowers on a rose;
  • wintering at elevated temperatures.

How to care for a room rose in a pot?

So, a beautiful flower, purchased or donated, has become a part of the apartment interior, and I want it to delight others with its flowering for a long time. How to care for a room rose in a pot? For optimal adaptation of a plant to a new environment for it, it needs to create the conditions in which it grew while on a store shelf: irrigation regime, appropriate air temperature and humidity, spraying, location (sunny side or shade).

Compliance with the usual regime will give the plant the opportunity to adapt to new conditions as painlessly as possible. It is not necessary to transplant it immediately after purchase and take any actions that disturb the peace of the flower. It is during this period that drafts and sunburn should be avoided. The plant needs to be watered only with settled clean water, the leaves need to be sprayed periodically, especially in hot summer period... Such a warm shower will revive the plant, its leaves will sparkle with new colors, and blooming roses will bring a touch of romance and joy into the environment.

Transplanting process

Home roses can only be replanted after the flower has fully adapted. This process should be carried out with great care, avoiding damage to any root process... It is also advisable not to disturb the earth lump, even with the numerous granules of fertilizers available. You can only remove a small amount of old earth along the outer layer. According to the lunar calendar, it is advisable to transplant during the period when the moon will be in the growth phase.

Roses are planted and transplanted into the following soil composition: sand, sod earth and humus earth in a ratio of 1: 4: 4. A certain amount of complex fertilizer should be mixed into the soil. A planting pot for a rose should be slightly larger in size than the previous one, but not too large; its bottom should be covered with expanded clay drainage.

A rose in an old pot should be watered abundantly, let it soak for half an hour, turn the container over, carefully take out the plant along with an earthen lump and just as carefully place in new pot, gradually sprinkling the prepared soil around the edges, compacting it as it is planted. After the transshipment, the rose must be placed in the shade or on the north side of the room. After a day from the moment of transplantation, it is recommended to put the rose flowers on a lighted windowsill or balcony, while avoiding drafts and direct sunlight and providing an influx of fresh air. A sign of a lack of moisture in a flower is its drying out.


A rose at home needs regular watering, which should be done as the upper soil layer dries up, under the root. Sometimes, on especially hot days, the rose has to be watered twice a day. The water must be well-separated, clean, room temperature.

In the summertime, a rose in a pot needs good watering and timely fertilization. Washing and spraying the leaves during this hot season is a must. It is important to monitor the condition of the plants, remove dried leaves from the shoots in a timely manner and prevent overheating.

Feeding home roses

Feeding the plant should be done about twice a month with a mullein solution or mineral fertilizers. It is also recommended to make foliar dressing by spraying the plant with special solutions of low concentration. It is not recommended to feed the plants in damp or cloudy weather, and it is also impossible to fertilize diseased or newly transplanted specimens.

Many rose lovers wish to have luxurious and lush bushes... This can be achieved if the rose flowers are constantly rotated so that they receive uniform illumination from all directions.

Preparing for a rest period

In the autumn, when the temperature gradually begins to drop, the rose from the balcony should be transferred to the room and identified from the south side of the room. At the time of a decrease in the activity of flower growth and the formation of buds, feeding should be stopped, and watering should be reduced to 1 time in 3 days. Thus, the plant is prepared for winter - the most important of the stages, at which a number of certain conditions must be observed:

  • temperature control (from +15 to +17 degrees);
  • placing a room rose in a place where the air is not dry;
  • fencing a flower from household electrical appliances (microwave oven, TV, PC).

Wintering plants

V winter time the rose does not grow and does not bloom, it looks very painful, it constantly sheds its leaves. During this so-called dormant period, the flower is recommended to be placed in a cooler room, the optimum temperature in it is +6 ... + 8 degrees. In well-heated rooms, the plant can simply die from dry air. Therefore, it is advisable to keep it at this time on a glazed balcony or loggia, while it is imperative to control the temperature.

The soil should be slightly warmer than the air, so the rose pot can be placed in a box of sawdust. In winter, the plant is very rarely watered, not sprayed. If home roses are in the room, then the plants need to be sprayed, because the air constantly dries up when the room is heated. With proper care, a home rose will delight you with new buds in March.

Spring care

In the spring, homemade roses begin to come to life: they throw out new shoots and leaves. At this time, the plant should be constantly watered, preventing the soil from drying out, and fed (immediately after watering) - a solution of mullein or bird droppings is suitable for this. The dosage of fertilizers should be observed, because their excess can lead to the death of the plant.

Pruning a home rose, which is desirable during the moon's growth phase, is recommended before the start of the winter period. It can also be done in the spring, when the home rose is just starting to grow. Sharp knife or secateurs - necessary tools to carry out such an important process. Each branch is cut by about 1/3, leaving no more than 5 living buds, while the leaves should not be removed. Ignoring the pruning of a home rose will result in poor flowering next year. The plant will look sluggish and sloppy.

Reproduction and planting of roses

The home rose reproduces quite simply. To do this, you can use cut branches or specially cut cuttings about 15 cm in size with 3-4 living buds and several leaves - future seedlings of roses.

Chopped cuttings are recommended to be placed in clean water room temperature for about two weeks, until the first strong roots appear. When the latter are well developed, rose seedlings can be planted in small planting containers in previously prepared soil.

Diseases and pests

Like most plants, the Chinese rose is negatively affected by diseases and pests. This is, first of all, powdery mildew, which occurs due to overcrowding of plants in one place. The disease can be identified by white bloom on the branches of the plant and its leaves, which gradually dry out, curl into a tube and fall off. In this case, drugs "Topaz", "Fundazol" will help.

A spider mite is a pest that does not disdain any plants, it does not bypass its attention and home rose... Its appearance can be identified by pale dots, gradually increasing and turning into whole spots of whitish color.

Therefore, in order to protect the plant, it is recommended to treat it with prophylactic agents, while observing the temperature regime and the required humidity. When the first signs of a disease are detected, the plant should be urgently treated. From spider mite special drugs will come to the rescue - acaricides.

Sometimes the domestic rose is attacked by the rose aphid, which "specializes" in leaves and buds, which curl up under its influence and become covered with secretions of a sticky character. In this case, the plant should be treated with insecticides.

Miniature flowering roses in pots today occupy one of the most honorable places in home gardening. Many growers buy and grow these graceful plants, despite their capriciousness, because beautiful rose in a pot is not only an exquisite design element, but also the pride of every housewife. In comfortable conditions, it can bloom almost all year round, but for this, the flower must be provided proper care... How to care for a home rose and what conditions does it need? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

In a pot culture, as a rule, undersized or represented by several varietal groups are grown:

  • Bengal roses. They do not occur in the wild, so there is an assumption that they were artificially bred specifically for home growing... Roses were brought to European countries in the 18th century. Bushes are undersized (up to 50 cm), leaves are small and narrow, double buds, different color palette except for shades. Long bloom - from spring to New Year. Plants do not need rest and do not shed their leaves for the winter.
  • Miniature Chinese. This is a dwarf form of the same Bengal roses, distinguished by very small flowers (1-2 cm in diameter). They were brought to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. Bushes are low (15–25 cm), dense, leaves are small and delicate, buds are densely double.
  • Mini flora or patio. A relatively new group of varieties that occupies an intermediate position between Floribunda and miniature roses. It is a multi-flowered low-growing plant, profusely blooming practically all year round... Patio roses are believed to have been bred by Irish breeders in the 1980s. Today it is one of the most promising directions in pot culture and landscape design.
  • Polyanthus roses. They were obtained by crossing dwarf multi-flowered roses with forms at the end of the 19th century. Their height is only 30-40 cm, the bushes are compact, dense and very decorative. Buds can be of different sizes (3-5 cm) and color palette, with the exception of yellow.

Seat selection

Home roses are light-requiring, therefore the best place for them there is a window sill on the south or southwest side of the house. In summer, it is better to take the pots out into the air, and if this is not possible, then the plants need to be shaded from the sun. If this is not done, leaves and petals may burn, and flowering will occur at an accelerated rate, which does not the best way will affect the decorative effect of the rose. In addition, about once a week, the pot on the window must be rotated, which will ensure even development of the crown.

Temperature and lighting

The temperature regime for a room rose should be as close to natural conditions as possible. In summer, it can suffer from excessive heat, overheating and drying out of the soil, and in winter from drafts and cold. The optimum temperature during the flowering period is considered to be 22-25 ° C and this degree should be maintained at home.

Do not place the rose next to indoor heat sources (radiators, heaters). For the dormant period, it is advisable to lower the temperature to 10-15 ° C, and if possible, then rearrange the plant in cool place... Also, in winter, the flower may need additional lighting.

Watering and humidity

Home rose loves wet air, and since it is usually excessively dry indoors, the plant must be sprayed periodically. During the active growing season and in summer, spraying is carried out with settled water daily. Care must be taken to prevent water droplets from stagnating in the leaf axils. In winter and in cloudy weather, you do not need to spray the flower. A tray or any container of water near the plant can provide a comfortable microclimate.

The frequency of watering depends on the growing season. In winter, when the plant is resting and watering is rarely carried out, only so that the soil does not dry out. In the spring, when the rose wakes up in its pot, you need to water it more often. In summer, during flowering, watering is carried out daily or as needed, making sure that the soil is always slightly moist.

Prolonged and abundant flowering takes a lot of energy from the rose that needs to be replenished. Since liquid fertilizers are preferable for her, during watering the plant can be fed with a solution of droppings, mullein, as well as ready-made complex mixtures. With the simultaneous use of mineral and organic fertilizers, we feed the flower alternately 1 time in 2 weeks.


Indoor rose is difficult to adapt to a new place, so the transplant is carried out only as a last resort, when the flower has grown a lot and it is cramped in the old pot. Of course, if you bought a rose in a disposable pot with a substrate, then a transplant is inevitable. However, there is no need to rush. Before, let her adapt for 1-2 weeks, and if during this time the flower does not wither and does not weaken, you can safely proceed with the transplant. To make the process painless, the bush is moved to a new pot along with an earthen lump.


Formative pruning for a rose in a pot, which is cared for at home, is a must. It is carried out after all the buds have faded, and the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. This usually happens in October-November, sometimes later. During pruning, you should thin out the bush, remove all faded buds, damaged and weak branches, and shorten healthy ones to 5-6 buds. Leaves can be left. During the dormant period, you do not need to fertilize and water the flower.

Some roses don't need rest. If your beauty blooms continuously, then pruning can be done in the spring, before the next flowering, since during this period the movement of the juices slows down. Now that you know how to care for a room rose in a pot, there will be no problems with growing a capricious "queen of flowers".

Video "Caring for a home rose"

In this video, you will learn how to care for a home flower.

The rose is called the queen of flowers for a reason, because it pleasantly pleases the eye with lush bright inflorescences... Moreover, it is quite demanding on growing conditions. Caring for roses includes not only growing flowers in the garden, but also at home. Indoor roses, like garden varieties, need attention: regular watering, feeding and loosening the soil.

This article will show you how to properly care for different kinds roses in the garden and in a city apartment, and photos and videos will help you quickly master the necessary skills.

Indoor rose: home care

Indoor roses are considered quite whimsical crops, and all care should be taken responsibly. First, they need regular feeding and watering. Secondly, they need good lighting, but without exposure to direct sunlight.

In addition, home crop care includes regular transplants. Since this plant is actively developing, the flower should be transplanted into larger pots as it grows.


If you know how to properly care for a room crop, and what features to consider when growing, you can decorate your home with a lush and beautiful plant.

The main feature of indoor varieties is that they react negatively to sudden temperature fluctuations (Figure 1). In summer, the room should not be too hot, and in winter it is advisable to protect the plant from drafts. In addition, the plant will react negatively to cold water when watering.

Figure 1. Basic rules for caring for indoor varieties

After flowering, remove all dry flowers and buds. They have no decorative value, but they take away the juices necessary for growth from the plant. When transplanting, great care must be taken, since the roots of the plant are very sensitive and easily injured.

Fundamental rules

If you bought a room rose, try to provide it good care at home. Do not immediately transplant it into a new pot. The plant needs to adapt to the new home, so at first it is better for the flower to grow in the old pot.

Note: In order for the culture to quickly get used to a new place, it is better to put it on the southern or southeastern windowsill.

Plants are responsive to spraying, so in the evening you can moisten the plant leaves boiled water room temperature. But in the hot summer, this procedure should be carried out with caution so as not to burn the leaves.

Another mandatory step in the care is feeding. You can use mullein slurry for this purpose. During the flowering period, fertilizer is applied weekly, and at other times - once every two weeks.


The main problems in growing are associated with the fact that this culture is quite demanding on the conditions of detention. For example, if a flower does not receive enough sunlight, it will stop growing and blooming. Therefore, you should try to place the pot in well-lit places, but the exposure to direct sunlight should be moderate.

In addition, indoor roses are often exposed to diseases and pests. These flowers are often infected powdery mildew... To combat the disease, spraying with a soda solution is carried out (two teaspoons of soda per liter of water). Spraying must be done very carefully so that the solution does not get on the soil. It is better to cover the soil during processing. Also, a spider mite often settles on them, to combat which they use special preparations - acaricides.


The flowering of indoor varieties largely depends on how regularly pruning is carried out (Figure 2).

All diseased, dry or damaged branches and shoots are removed immediately. If they dry out due to illness, you can prevent the spread of the disease, and if the cause is improper care, the plant will receive more nutrients for normal development.

Figure 2. Features of pruning indoor roses

After flowering is complete, all wilted buds and inflorescences are also removed. They take away from the plant nutrients, which are needed to recover after an active growing season.

Caring for roses in the spring in the country

For long-term flowering, plants need proper care: regular pruning and feeding, removal of wild growth from grafted plants, mulching and prevention against pests and diseases. One-year-old plants are especially carefully looked after, as this will further affect the quality of the flower.

Young seedlings must be formed so that in the future the bush is symmetrical. For this, pinching is carried out after the appearance of the fourth leaf. In addition, in the first year after planting the bush, all the buds are cut as soon as they reach the size of a pea. This stimulates the formation of new stems and makes the bush symmetrical. In August, the formation is stopped and the bush is given the opportunity to bloom. Figure 3 shows the basic guidelines for pruning bushes.

Note: Without pinching the shoots and buds, the plant will bloom. This will weaken it and the bush will grow poorly.

Pinching is not carried out in climbing, semi-climbing, ground cover and park varieties. However, this procedure is also necessary for adult crops to restrict growth. In order for the bush to bloom beautifully, be sure to cut off young shoots that drown out the central part of the bush.

Figure 3. Tips for pruning rose bushes

Pruning is also an important step. Unlike wild, garden varieties this procedure is carried out annually to stimulate growth and more abundant flowering.

There are several types of trimming:

  • Spring (main) helps to form the bush correctly, stimulates abundant flowering and the formation of young shoots.
  • Summer performs the function of flowering regulation. In varieties that produce buds several times, after the first flowering period, all inflorescences are removed along with the upper part of the stem. The cut is made over the second or third leaf with a well-developed bud. This saves juices and stimulates the formation of new shoots and leaves. Summer pruning is not carried out only for those varieties that bloom once and form beautiful fruits, or for those from which it is planned to collect seeds. In summer, extra stems are also cut off, drowning out the central part of the bush. During the last flowering, wilted buds are not removed, as this can cause unwanted autumn growth.
  • Autumn do just before the shelter for the winter. Remove all leaves, fruits and buds, and cut out all weak and diseased shoots.

In addition, there are low, medium and strong pruning. Examples are shown in Figure 4. After winter, the flowers are re-inspected and any dead parts removed. After that, the main pruning begins. For this:

  1. Choose 4-5 strong and healthy shoots, symmetrically arranged. All weak, subtle and muffling are removed. The remaining branches are shortened a little.
  2. Plants with flower buds located at the top of the stems are not pruned.
  3. For park species, only old and diseased stems are removed, and for climbing species, all shoots are removed, except for 5-6 annuals. But if there are too few of them, you can leave some of the old ones, shortening them by about half.
  4. Hybrid tea and polyanthus are cut strongly, leaving only 3-4 buds at the bottom.

Those plants that have poorly endured wintering also need strong pruning. In general, the intensity depends on the variety and the vigor of the bush.

For pruning, use only a sharp pruner. If the instrument is blunt, it will crush and tear the stems. An infection can get into an uneven cut and the flower will die. The cut should be at an angle so that water can drain from it, since stagnant liquid can become a focus of infection. Before pruning, the tools are disinfected in a warm solution of potassium permanganate, and the cut is treated with garden pitch.

Figure 4. The main types of pruning: a - weak, b - medium, c - strong, d - removal of wild growth at the root level

The grafted plants sometimes have wild growth below the graft site. You can identify it by the thorns and smaller leaves. Such shoots must be removed, as they can lead to the death of the plant. To do this, dig a little the ground around the bush and remove the shoots at the level of the buds that are in the ground. If this is not done and the pruning is carried out at ground level, wild buds will throw out several young shoots at once. General recommendations on cropping are shown in the video.

In the spring, regular watering of the bushes begins. Young, newly planted seedlings are watered every two days, and those that have already taken root - as the soil dries up (about once a week).

Note: The intensity of watering for mature plants depends on the cultivar, the weather and the soil's ability to retain moisture.

It is especially important to regularly water during flowering and bud formation. If there is not enough liquid, the flowers will be small or begin to crumble. Do not use cold water in hot weather. From this, the roots lose their ability to absorb moisture and the plant experiences prolonged water starvation.

Note: It is advisable to water with melt or rainwater, as it contains less mineral salt... In addition, these flowers tolerate sparse but abundant watering better. Frequent application of liquid in small quantities provokes the formation of superficial roots, which are easily damaged when loosening and weaken the plant.

To properly water the culture, make a small hole around the bush and surround it with an earthen roller. Outwardly, the hole resembles a bowl and prevents water from flowing out during watering. For watering one bush, 10 liters of water will be enough. However, in the fall, the amount of water is gradually reduced, and then completely stopped. It is important to ensure that the liquid does not get on the flowers and leaves. In addition, it is better to water the roses in the morning (Figure 5). You will learn more watering recommendations from the video.

After each watering, the soil around the bush is loosened to a depth of 5 cm. This allows not only to remove weeds, but also to provide better air and water access to the roots. The soil is loosened carefully so as not to accidentally damage the roots.

Upon completion of loosening and watering the soil, it is necessary to mulch.

Figure 5. Proper watering rose bushes

During it, the soil around the cultivated bushes is covered with a loose organic soil layer of no more than 8 cm.This manipulation has the following positive features (Figure 6):

  • Allows you to maintain and prevent the loss of moisture in the soil during summer droughts;
  • The number of weeding and loosening is significantly reduced;
  • Protects plants from drying out and overheating during hot and windy weather;
  • Prevents silting of the soil during heavy rains.

Mulch can be shredded bark, straw, compost, peat, or rotted manure. All these substances not only protect the soil, but also saturate it with useful elements.

Note: The use of grass or sawdust is not recommended as it may contain weed seeds and infectious agents.

As a rule, mulching is carried out in April or May, but sometimes the soil can be covered with mulch in the fall, but before the ground cools down. Before mulching, be sure to remove all weeds. After the mulch has been repaired, it is mixed with the top layer of soil and mulched again.

Figure 6. Loosening and mulching of garden varieties of culture

Roses respond very well to top dressing. For example one can use foliar fertilizers, which are applied to the leaves by spraying. The positive effect is visible within a few hours. Thanks to the use of this fertilizer, the overall appearance is improved, and the flowers become larger.

In the first year after planting, there is no need for additional fertilizing, provided that fertilizers were applied to the soil during planting. After pinching, it is advisable to add liquid organic fertilizers... In the future, they need feeding annually. As a rule, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied alternately, 6-7 times a year.

Each element that is part of the fertilizer has a positive effect:

  • Nitrogen accelerates the growth of leaves and stems;
  • Phosphorus accelerates flowering and strengthens the roots;
  • Potassium improves the quality of buds and flowers;
  • Magnesium, calcium and other trace minerals improve overall health.

Complete mineral fertilizer they are brought in in the spring, when they remove the shelter from the roses for the winter. In the summer, both mineral and organic fertilizers are applied. This will have a positive effect on flowering. In late summer and early autumn, nitrogen is reduced to slow growth before winter period vegetative rest. Common types of fertilizers are shown in Figure 7.

Roses are delicate garden plants that do not tolerate frost well and need shelter for the winter.

Note: Park species are considered the most winter-hardy. They can not be covered, but only covered with a layer of earth 20 cm high.

To increase winter hardiness, the number of watering in the fall is reduced, and nitrogen fertilizers replaced with phosphorus and potash. In rainy weather, drainage grooves are pulled out around the bushes to drain excess liquid that can damage the roots.

Figure 7. Popular types of fertilizers (from left to right): liquid, organic and mineral

In order for the roses to endure the winter well, with the onset of the first frosts, all young immature shoots, buds and leaves are removed. If left behind, they will rot during the winter and become a source of disease. For additional prevention, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid. Climbing and semi-climbing varieties are pinned to the ground, laying them on pine branches (Figure 8). Additionally, each bush is spud to protect the roots from frost. Examples of rose shelters are shown in Figure 9.

Note: Roses are covered only after the onset of stable night frosts. Rare drops in temperature do not harm the bushes, but only increase their winter hardiness.

For high-quality shelter for the winter, use an air-dry method:

  • A wire or wooden frame with a height of about half a meter is installed above each plant;
  • A layer of insulation (for example, roofing material) is laid on top and on the side;
  • Cover with a layer of plastic wrap.

Figure 8. Shelters for climbing and semi-climbing varieties

In such a shelter, the plants will be reliably protected from the cold. The ends are left open and covered only after the temperature drops to minus 15 degrees.

It is possible to completely remove winter shelters only after the ground has completely warmed up and in the absence of night frosts. But it is also impossible to open them too late, since the increased temperature under the film can lead to the death of plants.

For better adaptation, the discovery is carried out gradually:

  • First, they clean off the snow from the film and break drainage grooves around the bushes to drain the melt water;
  • After that, they begin to make short-term airings, opening the end parts in warm weather;
  • Next, you should make a hole in the upper part of the shelter;
  • When the ground is completely thawed it is loosened.

Figure 9. Options winter shelters for rose bushes

After the soil warms up by 15-20 cm, they begin to gradually remove the shelter, opening first the ends, then the upper part and sides. So that roses don't get sunburn, it is better to remove the shelter on cloudy days or in the late afternoon.

Open bushes must be shaded, and the roots are removed only after the final warming up of the earth. After that, the weak and diseased stems are removed, and they are also sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid for prophylaxis.

How to care for a room rose in a pot

Hybrid tea, remontant and polyanthus varieties are usually used as indoor roses. In fact, these are the same garden varieties, but smaller.

As with growing in a garden, roses that are kept at home need proper care: good lighting, regular watering and feeding. In addition, it is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature and humidity regime (Figure 10).

The soil

The soil in which the indoor rose is grown should be nutritious, but not heavy. It is important that air constantly flows to the roots of the plant, so the soil in the pot must be loosened regularly.

If you are planning to transplant the flower into a new container, it is better to buy a special soil for indoor roses. Such a substrate is balanced in its main components, and does not contain larvae of pests or pathogens.


Indoor roses are very fond of sunlight. Therefore, they can be safely displayed on a well-lit southern windowsill. However, it should be borne in mind that in hot weather during the day, the leaves of the plant should not be sprayed, as this can cause a burn of delicate tissues.

Figure 10. Caring for roses in a pot

In winter, daylight hours are artificially extended. For this, fluorescent lamps are installed near the flower and left on so that the duration of daylight hours is at least 12 hours.


Despite the love of good lighting, indoor varieties very sensitive to temperature conditions. They do not like extreme heat and cold, therefore, in the room where the rose pot is located, it is necessary to maintain a moderate temperature (no more than +20 degrees).

During the dormant period, which lasts from October to February, the indicators are reduced to + 5 + 8 degrees. This is necessary so that the rose grows stronger and does not wake up ahead of time.

Air humidity

Along with the temperature regime and demanding soil, indoor roses are very responsive to air humidity. To do this, the leaves are sprayed with boiled water at room temperature (up to twice a day).

Spraying is carried out in the morning and in the evening so that water on the leaves does not cause burns. Spraying is carried out with special care in hot weather.

Chinese rose: home care

Chinese rose, or hibiscus, is ornamental shrub with beautiful flowers different shades. Despite the fact that the inflorescences wither after just a few days, the bush constantly forms many new buds, so the shrub blooms almost continuously. However, this feature will only be relevant if the hibiscus has been provided with optimal care.

The value of hibiscus is that it is considered one of the most unpretentious crops for the home. Among the main stages of care are:

  • Regular watering: it is necessary to ensure that the earthen ball is always moderately moist. In summer, watering should be more intense, and in winter, its frequency should be reduced.
  • Liquid should not stagnate near the roots, therefore, a drainage layer must be placed on the bottom of the pot.
  • Maintaining an optimal level of humidity is ensured by regular spraying. But you need to make sure that the water does not fall on the flower petals, otherwise they will begin to fall off.
  • Top dressing is applied every ten days during the flowering period, and reduced at the end of summer.

An adult plant needs to regularly prune old branches so that new shoots form on the bush. Every autumn, the shoots are shortened by a third of the length so that the plant can better endure the winter.

Climbing roses: care and cultivation

Growing and properly caring for climbing roses will help to get a strong and healthy plant, which will become a real decoration of the site.

Note: Due to flexible climbing stems and lush inflorescences, these varieties are often used to decorate fences, walls of buildings and gazebos.

Care climbing varieties includes a standard set of activities. The bushes need to be watered and fed regularly, as well as to prevent diseases and pests. In addition, in the spring, remove all damaged and dry shoots, and also thin out the shrub slightly in order to provoke the growth of young shoots and the formation of flower buds.

Figure 11. Options for using climbing varieties for garden decoration

The main feature of growing and caring for climbing varieties is the installation of supports (Figure 11). You can use both special metal structures and any materials at hand. Will look spectacular climbing roses planted near old trees, which will gradually cover with stems and buds.

Rose stock: planting, care and photo

Stock rose is the scientific name for the common mallow, which is often planted along fences or near the walls of houses. This plant does not grow well in any soil, but some care, like other flower crops, still requires a stock rose (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Planting a rose stock on the site

During the flowering period, all wilted buds are removed from the stems, and the stems are shortened to a length of 30 cm.In addition, the stems must be tied to pegs, since when strong wind they can break. Watering mallow prefers moderate, but does not like acidic soils. If the soil on the site is fertile, top dressing can be omitted. On poor soils, fertilizers are applied about a week before flowering. For the winter, the plant must be covered with dry leaves or spruce branches.

Floribunda rose: planting and care with a photo

Floribunda rose varieties were bred by breeders. Plants are bush-shaped, and flowers are collected in large and medium-sized inflorescences.

Well-lit areas are best for planting, but with light shade in the middle of the day. If the plant is exposed to intense sunlight throughout the day, it will quickly fade. It is also not recommended to plant flowers in areas with strong drafts.

Flowers of this type are very sensitive to watering. The most intensive watering is carried out during the awakening of the buds and after the end of the first wave of flowering, when new shoots begin to form on the bushes. In the spring, combined fertilizers are applied to the soil, which help the plant to wake up faster. In addition, the soil must be regularly loosened and free of weeds. The earthen circle around the bush can be covered with mulch, which will prevent the soil from drying out and stop weeds from growing. Anti-aging pruning is carried out annually to stimulate the growth of new shoots. Despite its resistance to cold weather, floribunda roses are recommended to be covered for the winter.

Rose mini mix: home care

Mini mix roses are attractive because they small size they are long and abundant flowering, and the buds can be of a wide variety of shades (Figure 13).

Figure 12. Growing a mini mix rose

Mini mix roses require abundant watering, and the water should be separated and at room temperature. You can also spray the leaves with water at room temperature, and in winter you can completely replace watering with spraying.

For plants to bloom often and profusely, they need to provide good lighting. To do this, the flower is placed on the southern or southeastern window, and in winter daylight hours are extended with fluorescent lamps.

Park roses: care and cultivation

Park times are most often grown on summer cottages... These are beautiful and relatively unpretentious flowers, which, nevertheless, require some care (Figure 14).

Note: It is necessary to plant park varieties at some distance from each other, so that the bushes are convenient to maintain and cover for the winter.

Park varieties are watered quite intensively, especially in hot summers. However, care must be taken that the earthen lump does not dry out, but it is not too wet. In addition, during the awakening of the buds, the plants are fed, and for the winter they shorten the branches and cover the bushes with dry leaves or coniferous branches.

Tea rose: home care

Tea roses are resistant to adverse environmental factors. However, this condition only applies to varieties that are cultivated in the garden. Home-grown crops are very finicky and require careful maintenance.

Figure 14. Growing park roses

First, there must be enough light and fresh air in the room. For this, a room with windows facing southeast or southwest is best suited. If you put a flower on a south window, too intense lighting will lead to rapid drying and falling of the buds. A comfortable temperature is + 20 + 25 degrees. It is also necessary to ensure regular watering: the ground should be moist, but not wet. Therefore, when planting such a culture in a pot, be sure to lay a drainage layer on the bottom. In addition, indoor teas are regularly sprayed with boiled water at room temperature, avoiding moisture getting on the flowers.

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How to grow potted roses at home?

Potted roses are a wonderful gift for a beloved woman that will suit any occasion. How to make sure that these beauties do not wither the very next day, but please their mistress for a long, long time?

Indoor rose differs from the usual one in its miniature size. Its bushes reach a height of no more than 35-45 cm.

Notes to the florist

Indoor rose differs from the usual one in its miniature size. Its bushes reach a height of no more than 35-45 cm. The flowers of a potted rose are very beautiful, small, of various colors, they can be fragrant or odorless. Dutch or Danish roses in pots are often sold in Russia. As a rule, potted roses are sold already in bloom.The healthy plant has succulent green leaves without painful-looking spots or damage. The leaves must be elastic, stick well to the stem and not fall off! In no case should black areas be observed on the stems! When buying, you need to take a good look at the flower: a large number of buds are approved, but they should not be opened! Be sure to remove the gift wrapping and take a close look at the leaves and stems.

Most roses are kept in refrigerators when sold. Getting into warm apartment, the plant is under stress, for acclimatization, they should be kept indoors at a temperature in the range of 15-18 ° C.

The best time to buy roses is during the cold season, from autumn to spring. The best way to get this is indoor plant in February and March. Potted roses prefer:

  • sunny side in the house; it is necessary to choose southern windows or southeast;
  • enriched soil;
  • free access of fresh air during a hot period;
  • good watering;
  • top dressing at least once a week during active growth and flowering;
  • transplant into a spacious pot from a cramped one.

Flowers do not like:

  • excessive heat;
  • withered flowers on the plant;
  • cold water for irrigation;
  • pests and diseases;
  • injury to the root system during transplantation.

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Taking care of a rose is not as troublesome as it seems at first glance. You just need to adhere to some rules. It will be good to arrange a warm shower for the rose right after the purchase. This procedure will help clean the leaves from road dust, and also partially rid them of the presence of spider mites, if any. Just in case, at first it is better to place the "new settler" on a separate window sill. This will help protect other plants from pest infestation, which could have chosen a potted rose in the store. It should be borne in mind that when sold, most roses are stored in refrigerators. Getting into a warm apartment, the plant experiences tremendous stress. In order for acclimatization to be soft and gradual, at first the temperature in the room should be kept within 15-18 ° C.

Watering flowers with ordinary tap water room temperature, previously settled for at least a day. Watering is carried out as the soil dries up: not too often, but not rarely... Make sure that the water in the pot does not stagnate. Because of this root system begins to rot, which often causes the death of the plant. It would be nice to spray the underside of the leaves from time to time with cold boiled water from a spray bottle. A good time to transplant is when the moon is in the growing phase. But don't delay it! Most often, peat substrate is poured into store pots, which over time can destroy the roots. A special ground for roses and chrysanthemums is ideal for transplanting. Its composition is most favorable for plant growth, which is accustomed to a soil of neutral acidity.

The transplant should be carried out very carefully so as not to injure the root system in any way!

It is better to choose a larger pot for a rose. Experienced gardeners it is advised not to take containers less than 40 cm in diameter. A drainage layer about 1-3 cm thick is usually poured onto the bottom of the pot, and soil is poured on top. After transplanting, the plant is not watered, placed in a dark and cool place for a day, and then placed on a well-lit windowsill. Roses are fed throughout the entire growth period (especially in spring and summer) in small doses, but often enough. It is best to choose special fertilizers that contain the necessary trace elements. Fertilizer can also be applied foliarly, in which the leaves of the plant are sprayed with a weak fertilizer solution.

In winter, caring for roses consists in maintaining the necessary lighting for them. To do this, you need to create additional illumination for them using LED and fluorescent lamps... If this is not possible, then it is better to immerse the plant in hibernation. To do this, reduce temperature regime up to + 10 ... + 15 ° С. At the same time, the plant's metabolic processes slow down, but it does not die and tolerates winter well. During sleep, fertilizer is not applied, the frequency of watering decreases, but a slight soil moisture is maintained. If the "green friend" begins to dry up slowly, do not immediately become discouraged! This often happens in the first 2-3 weeks after purchase, and this can already be considered a regularity. However, to ensure special care the flower still has to. Typically, the wilting process begins at the ends of the twigs. They need to be cut to a healthy stem without sparing the plant. After pruning, the rose lets out young shoots from the thorns, and soon new ones form in place of the old branches. By the way, professionals advise to periodically prune the plant several times a year. This procedure promotes the lush flowering of the bushes.

the Rose room care at home photo, growing conditions

Rose is the queen of flowers, a symbol of beauty and perfection. She pleases the eye, but is very capricious to the conditions of detention and requires increased attention. You will learn how to properly care for a room rose at home from our material.

Indoor rose: photos, types and their description

Indoor roses belong to the Rosaceae family and number up to 20 thousand varieties. The most common types for growing at home are Bengal, remontant and polyanthus.

Dwarf Bengal roses (Rosa bengalensis) - up to 20 cm high with small leaves. The flowers are large, double, red or pink in color, flowering takes place all year round. Popular varieties: Katerina Violett, Hamti Demti, Baby Carnival.

Repaired roses - with dense, dark green leaves, small buds, shaped like a glass with a pleasant scent. Cold hardy, bloom twice: from mid-July to mid-August and from late August to late September. Popular varieties: Etienne Leve, Frau Karl Druschki, Ulrich Brunner fiss.

Polyanthus multiflora (Rosa polyanta - Rosa multiflora nana) - with frequent small, almost odorless buds. Frost-resistant, well tolerated high humidity, up to 30 cm high with small dense leaves. A rose at home blooms with paniculate inflorescences from June to the first frost, flowers are small up to 4 cm in diameter. Popular varieties: Orange Triumph, Clotilde Super, Miniatures.

Buying a rose in a pot: what to look for

It is recommended to purchase a room rose from late spring to mid-autumn: in warm weather, adaptation to new conditions is much better. Professional florists advise taking roses with unopened buds. If flowering has already begun, then most of the flowers are cut off to stimulate plant growth.

Before purchasing, the leaves and soil are examined from all sides for diseases and pests. The buds should be evenly colored and taut, the foliage should be clean and green, without dryness or signs of wilting, and should be firmly attached to the stem. The earth is well moistened throughout its depth to the bottom of the pot: if the soil dries up during transportation, the flower will soon die.

Before buying, you need to watch the rose you like in dynamics, examining the plant every 3-4 days. Although the rose will be grown at home, you should buy hardened plants that are grown outdoors in your area and not in a greenhouse. Then they are not afraid of fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

Rose care at home

At first, caring for a home rose in a pot should be completely identical to the store one at the time of purchase. Later, when the plant adapts, it will be possible to slightly change the conditions of detention, but adhere to certain rules.

Temperature and humidity

Home rose does not react well to heat and dry air. Due to such conditions, it becomes overdried upper layer substrate, leaves dry out and pests appear. Therefore, you cannot put a rose next to heating appliances.

In summer, the air temperature should be moderate - up to plus 20 grams. Celsius, and in cool winter - up to plus 5 grams. Celsius. The plant prefers moist cool air, but is afraid of drafts. In May, after the end of the night frost, indoor roses can be displayed on the terrace or balcony.

Watering and spraying mode

Caring for a room rose after purchase consists in watering at the root after the top layer of the earth has dried. To do this, you need water at room temperature, which has settled for at least 3 days.

Foliar watering - spraying is carried out every 2-3 days in the evening with boiled water from a spray bottle. During the period of spring and summer growth, the number of waterings is increased up to 5 times a week. In autumn, after flowering, it is reduced to 1-2 times a week. Once every 7 days, they arrange a warm shower, pouring abundantly from a watering can with a nozzle, heated to plus 40-45 gr. Celsius.


The plant is placed on the southeast or west side. In summer, roses are transferred to shaded areas with access to fresh cool air. With a short daylight hours in winter, the plant is illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

Nutrient soil and top dressing

A nutritious soil for a home rose is prepared by mixing turf, humus and sand in a 4: 4: 1 ratio, adding complex fertilizers in granules, such as: Activin, Planton, Biopon. Fertilize indoor roses, alternating between mineral and organic feeding, twice a week during vegetation and growth, from spring to late summer.

In cloudy weather and in winter, plants are not fertilized. Top dressing is not applied to sick and newly transplanted roses. For better penetration of fertilizers and aeration, the soil is periodically loosened after watering.

Pruning roses in pots

Removal of yellowed foliage and wilted flowers is carried out during the growing season on the growing moon. The second time, the procedure is repeated before wintering: the length of the shoots is reduced to 10 cm, leaving up to 4-5 buds on each. After that, the plant is placed in a cool shaded place. Pruning on time encourages early and lush flowering.

Indoor rose breeding video

Homemade rose is propagated by cuttings that remain after pruning. The procedure is performed in the same way as for garden varieties, and is described in detail in.

A room rose is transplanted annually in the spring on the growing moon according to the lunar calendar. The rose is watered abundantly and 20 minutes after the water has been absorbed, the container is turned over, and the plant is carefully taken out.

A lump with roots is easily separated from the pot, it is placed in a new container and sprinkled with fresh earth, leaving 2 cm free to the edge. The plant is placed in the shade and engraftment is periodically checked. If the vegetation process begins after a month, the first feeding is carried out.

The container for transplanting is chosen larger than the previous one: by 2 cm in diameter, and up to 7 cm in height. The ceramic pot is poured for 2 hours before use warm water... An already used pot before the next use is cleaned with a stiff brush in boiling water without using soap. Before laying the earth in a container with a drain, make 1 cm of drainage from expanded clay. In the absence of a hole for water drainage, the drainage layer is made 3 cm.

Transplanting a room rose after purchase is not carried out; the plant needs up to 30 days to adapt.


It takes a lot of effort to grow a homemade rose in a pot. The culture is quite picky and demanding on the conditions of detention, which you can easily create in a house or apartment according to our recommendations. Provide the roses with the necessary care and the beautiful flowers will delight you for many years.