Growing turkeys as a home business: features. Home farm - breeding turkeys and turkeys

For rearing turkeys for meat you need to understand that other side effects related species businesses will slow down the process and divert fixed assets, for example, breeding egg-laying turkeys for subsequent offspring is a rather complicated process that requires time and money, it can be done when the main business for the production of turkey meat can no longer be expanded through third-party manufacturers - a banal shortage will affect chicks and you will have to hatch them yourself. In the article, we will consider the business of breeding turkeys and turkeys from scratch - bypassing the process of breeding layers and incubating eggs, since it is not necessary at the initial stage of this type of business.

Business - breeding turkeys for meat

Leading poultry farms recommend choosing meat breeds of turkeys as industrial meat production, for example, the Bronze Broad-breasted turkey species has gained well-deserved popularity in the CIS countries due to its rapid weight gain (the bulk of the weight is gained by the bird by 6-7 months, daily gain of about 100 grams) - so, the female can reach a weight of up to 10 kg, and the male up to 15 kg (for example, a domestic non-pedigreed turkey in adulthood weighs about 7 kg). Unfortunately, the main drawback of the breed is that these turkeys are not suitable for grazing, that is, poultry should be raised exclusively indoors.

Setting up a turkey farm

To organize a farm for breeding meat turkeys, the following rules and conditions must be taken into account:

  • Bird planting is calculated from the condition - 3 birds per 1 m²;
  • For commercial activities, it is necessary to obtain permits from the SES, the Ministry of Emergency Situations (firefighters), the state veterinary supervision. The latter must issue two conclusions - favorable veterinary conditions on the farm and the compliance of poultry meat with standards (certificate of product quality).

Based on the above conditions, you can calculate how many birds you are able to keep on your farm. So, for a one-time keeping of 500 adult turkeys, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​about 200 m², in addition, you will need utility rooms, a feed warehouse, a slaughterhouse and a separate pen for overexposure of chicks. Total, about 700 square meters various premises. The use of the above breed of turkeys removes the need for you to have additional land for grazing, which significantly saves the total area of ​​the farm, so for grazing poultry, it must be taken into account that the area is calculated according to the formula - 20 square meters per 1 bird - and the total pasture area is measured in hectares , of course, pastures are cheaper to maintain than pens, but there is more trouble with bird care.

Acquisition of day old turkey chicks. The foundation of your farm. average cost such chicks at the moment reaches up to 500 rubles per chick. The survival rate of young birds is up to 95%, and 100% can be achieved if all conditions for bird care are observed. Taking into account that the chicks are rapidly gaining weight, the cost of the chick increases every day - all experienced farmers know about this, so they try to purchase just one day old chicks. Usually, poultry farms specializing in this type of business - the sale of day-old chicks - inform customers in advance of the day of hatching. Thus, if we take the calculated capacity of the farm - 500 heads - you will need about 550-600 chicks.

Acquired chicks are sent to the corral for overexposure and fattening, it is not advisable to mix an adult bird and chicks, an adult turkey can suppress or peck the young. The turkey reaches commercial weight already after 6 months of fattening, at which point it is slaughtered for meat, and day-old chicks are bought again. The feeding cycle is repeated.

For keeping turkeys, the room must be light, warm, dry and have good ventilation. It should be noted that turkeys are a shy bird and stressful situations negatively affect their condition. We recommend using . This will save on heating and cleaning the pen, keep the birds dry, which reduces the stress level of the turkeys. About the round-the-clock maintenance of poultry in enclosed spaces, they need to be transferred to special compound feeds, this will reduce the risk of infections in poultry, give turkeys the necessary vitamins, minerals and salts for active growth and weight gain.

Financial and organizational issues of creating a farm

To organize a farm in the form of a peasant (farm) economy (KFH), a minimum package of documents and several days for registration are required. It is preferable to choose the form of taxation - esingle agricultural tax- this will save you from unnecessary paperwork, get rid of VAT, introduce the cash method of accounting for income, and ease the overall tax burden.

The total capital cost of the business (for 500 heads), taking into account the construction of a turnkey farm with the necessary equipment for a slaughterhouse, will be up to 1 million rubles.

On top of this - working capital for 6 months - which will be used to buy young animals, feed, staff (up to 5 people) - about 800 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the approximate income. After 6 months, at the exit from 500 birds (with an average weight of each bird about 12 kg), we will get about 4.5 tons of meat and offal. When sold at an average wholesale price of 250 rubles per 1 kg of meat, we get 1.2 million rubles per season. If you add the subsequent processing of meat into semi-finished products in the technological process, the profit will be much greater.

For a year (2 seasons for 6 months) - the profit of such a farm will be 2.4 million rubles. That is, the turkey farm will reach self-sufficiency by the end of the second year of operation. Money can be used to increase the number of poultry, respectively, an increase in the output of meat obtained, or to expand the technological chain - production finished products- semi-finished products, minced meat, etc.

Video - how to open a turkey farm

Especially for KHOBIZ.RU

IN last years raising farm animals and birds is becoming a fairly popular type of entrepreneurial activity, and in particular the breeding of turkeys as a business. With the right planning, this type of poultry farming can bring good profits to the owners of turkey farms. The productivity and profitability of this business directly depends on a well-written business plan and a reasonable approach.

To date, the turkey business is the most relevant business. You can successfully grow turkeys both on an industrial scale and in a private subsidiary farm. Breeding turkeys has several advantages:

  • low maintenance costs;
  • ease of care for livestock;
  • low start-up costs;
  • good yield of meat and egg products;
  • high consumer demand;
  • the bird is not picky about food;
  • young animals are rapidly gaining body weight (the weight of individuals of some breeds can reach 30 kg);
  • poultry meat is dietary, has excellent taste and useful properties.

An important step in the successful breeding of turkeys is the creation of comfortable living conditions on turkey farms.

Future farmers should take into account that the final result of entrepreneurial activity will depend on this. In doing so, attention should be paid to such important factors as:

  • air temperature and its composition;
  • providing a balanced and nutritious diet;
  • the size of the poultry house and its population density;
  • prevention of diseases to which there is a genetic predisposition

Breed selection

Before starting a turkey farming business, a farmer must understand what he wants to get. You should also know the likely ways to achieve these goals. First of all, he must decide what he wants to profit from: from the sale of eggs or meat, from the sale of young animals or adult breeding individuals. The choice of breed, selection of inventory and equipment depends on these factors. In order to choose the optimal turkey cross suitable for the tasks of a particular farm, it is necessary to study the features and characteristics of a variety of different breeds.

It is better for beginner poultry farmers to choose light and medium turkey crosses for growing.

Representatives of heavy breeds need to be fed more, and they are more whimsical in care. At the same time, lightweight turkeys (up to 12 kg) have stronger immunity and are less demanding on nutrition and housing conditions. Heavyweight crosses are more suitable for experienced breeders. You can start breeding them as you gain experience.

For meat

Breed selection has a great influence on production growth and business profitability. Therefore, every farmer-businessman who decides to start growing turkeys for meat, first of all, must buy the right livestock. Some breeds are growing rapidly, others are gaining gigantic body mass.

A farmer who plans to make a profit from raising turkeys for meat should choose breeds that have excellent meat properties. Broilers are best suited for this, which in a short time will gain good body weight.

  1. Turkey white broad-breasted. It grows quickly and easily adapts to different climatic conditions. There are 3 varieties of this breed: light, medium and heavy. The weight of a male can reach 15 kg, and females - about 10 kg;
  2. Big 6 - meat cross. Adult turkeys grow up to 25 kg, turkeys - up to 11 kg.

For eggs

For obtaining not only meat products, but also eggs, the following breeds are excellent:

  1. Bronze is a breed that is considered the best for industrial breeding. Males can gain weight up to 15 kg, females up to 9 kg. This breed compares favorably with other excellent egg production. In a year, one adult turkey can lay up to 120 eggs, which is a good indicator. The disadvantage is their inability to breed on pastures. This breed was mainly bred for keeping in poultry houses and cages;
  2. - species suitable for grazing. The egg production of sexually mature turkeys is 80 eggs per year. The weight of the male reaches 10 kg, the female - up to 7 kg.

Required staff for business

Having a large number of turkeys on the farm, it is impossible to grow them on your own. One person cannot do this, since the bird must not only be fed, but also keep the house clean. It is also necessary to monitor her state of health, carrying out both preventive measures and healing procedures, if necessary.

For the full functioning of the business, a turkey farm must be staffed with at least the following personnel:

  • bird care assistants (several people);
  • vet;
  • driver-courier for the delivery of feed and the delivery of finished products to the place of sale or customers.

On average, this item of expenditure will be about 30 thousand rubles.

Sales market

The success of breeding any livestock in order to profit from the sale of meat directly depends on the properly organized marketing of products. You can set it up different ways, by agreeing, for example, with the nearest food outlets, cafes, canteens or restaurants. Also, meat carcasses, fillets, semi-finished products and minced meat can be sold at the meat market. You can offer products through advertisements.

In order to engage in the sale of meat legally, it is necessary to officially register a business, while choosing a taxation system.

Having a quality certificate will allow you to sell it at a better price. This is a very important aspect, especially when there are competitors.

Financial investments

An important step in any business is financial calculations that will help determine the amount of initial capital required. To open a turkey farm, you will need to purchase at least one male for 5-6 females. To start this amount will be enough. Only healthy individuals should be purchased.

On average, one adult bird will cost about 2 thousand rubles, depending on the breed.

When drawing up a business plan related to the cultivation of turkeys, the following main parameters should be considered:

  • total number of livestock;
  • the number of birds intended for sale;
  • goods planned for sale (eggs, meat, offal);
  • estimated output of marketable products from one turkey;
  • total production planned for sale (determined by multiplying the number of birds intended for sale by the approximate yield);
  • price of 1 kg of sold goods;
  • total turnover;
  • approximate annual turnover.

Cost items for a mini-farm include the following parameters:

  • feed costs;
  • medical care (vaccination, vitaminization, treatment);
  • maintenance personnel wages;
  • payment utilities and rent;
  • other expenses (equipment, inventory, transport, etc.).

Profitability and payback

Is it profitable to grow turkeys? Are these birds beneficial? As practice shows, with a fairly small initial cost, it is possible to organize a profitable farm. The first profit from the maintenance of a turkey farm can be obtained in 4-6 months.

Full payback of all financial investments occurs within 2-5 years.

The profitability of a business depends on the main direction of farming.

Sale of meat

The profitability of this business is very high, but at the same time, the expenditure part is quite large. In order to feed a large livestock, it is necessary to have an appropriate room and a good forage base. You can get significant savings (on feed and heating) by fattening turkeys in the spring summer period with subsequent slaughter and sale of meat products before the onset of cold weather.

Sale of eggs

Having formed a herd of a male and 6-8 females, you can profit from the sale of eggs, which one female can carry up to 200 pieces.

Sale of turkey poults

This direction can bring the greatest profit to farmers. You can start selling chicks from the moment they reach the age of 4-6 weeks. The only drawbacks are the seasonality of this direction and the difficulties with stable sales of goods.

tribal breeding

This business requires large investments and is associated with some risks and difficulties, therefore, most often this direction is developed in combination with other types.

Advantages and disadvantages

As you can see, the business idea for breeding and selling turkeys has a large number of advantages. The benefits of turkey farming are:

  • a short time for obtaining the final product;
  • high consumer demand for dietary meat;
  • little competition in this commercial segment;
  • good yield of marketable products;
  • turkey farming business can be combined with other activities.

Growing turkeys also has some minor disadvantages, such as:

  • the bird requires attention and needs daily care;
  • the business may become unprofitable due to the death of turkeys from various diseases;
  • it may be difficult to raise birds of different ages, since each group has its own requirements for keeping and feeding conditions.

Today, many people prefer to own business. For people who live in rural areas, raising pets and birds can be a great business. This article will tell you all about turkey breeding as a business.

From year to year entrepreneurial activity, based on domestic breeding of birds and animals, is becoming more and more popular. This area has already come out on top in terms of profits.

To date, the most relevant business based on breeding turkeys. This is due to the following features of this bird:

  • turkeys are not picky in terms of feeding;
  • birds are easy to keep;
  • rapid weight gain. Adults can gain up to 30 kg of weight (depending on the breed);
  • dietary meat, which is in demand on the market both in our country and in the states of Europe and Asia. In addition to dietary properties, the meat of this bird is very tasty and has a lot of useful properties;
  • good egg production. Eggs, like poultry meat, have numerous beneficial properties and good taste.

Due to the fact that turkey meat is in demand among the population, there should be no problems with its implementation with the right approach to work. An agreement for the supply of meat and eggs can be concluded with the director of the market, supermarket, restaurant and cafe. Thus, a good and stable income will be ensured.

It is worth noting that the turkey business is relevant for rural residents, as they have the necessary knowledge and skills for this, as well as the necessary infrastructure (poultry house, paddock). Although the territory of a private house located in a city or suburb is also suitable for growing.

As you can see, the business idea for breeding and selling turkeys has a sufficient number of advantages. With a relatively small initial cost, you can create a successful farm, which at the same time will bring good both additional and basic income. Over time, when the business becomes sustainable, it can be expanded by breeding other breeds of poultry.

Where to start and how to write a business plan

In order for an organized turkey farm to bring a stable and high income, it is necessary to think through all the details of the implementation of such a business. To do this, you need to create a business plan. The benefits of writing a business plan include:

  • decomposition of all the actions that need to be carried out in order to open your own economy, “on the shelves”;
  • a clear indication of where to start work;
  • miscalculation of the financial component of the business.

You can draw up this document for yourself in order to understand in which direction you should act at first. The business plan will show whether turkey breeding as an independent business has a real prospect (profitable or not).

To draw up a business plan for breeding different breeds of turkeys correctly, you must have at least initial knowledge of their cultivation. Therefore, to begin, first of all, you need to study the literature regarding how this species birds at home.

You should also find out the cost of building a turkey house, feed and their consumption, medical care for birds (reduces the risk of developing diseases and deaths), and also find out the prices for selling products. This knowledge will allow you to correctly assess whether it is profitable to breed turkeys or whether it is worth choosing another type of bird.

What you should pay attention to

If you want your turkey business to be successful, there are three most important things to think about when setting up your business:

  • breed;
  • conditions of detention;
  • feed.

Let's consider each moment in more detail.

For the profitability and productivity of the farm, the most important parameter there will be a breed. To date, there are breeds of turkeys, which are characterized by different parameters of egg production and weight gain. Some give more eggs, others actively build muscle. You can breed both one and other breeds. It all depends on the direction of your business - the sale of eggs or meat. However, it should be understood that if a farmer breeds an egg-laying breed of birds, then expect from her good exit not worth the weight.

To reduce the risks, you can grow two breeds at the same time. In this case, one breed is taken with greater egg production, and the second with the best set weight. This approach will expand the range of products offered, which will lead to two ways of income.

To date, in terms of business, the following turkey breeds are most popular:

  • broad-breasted bronze appearance. Bred in America, but actively bred in Russia. The maximum weight of females is 9 kg, and males - 12 kg. Suitable for industrial breeding. Characterized by high egg production (up to 120 eggs). The disadvantage of the breed is the unsuitability of birds for the grazing format of keeping, since it was bred for cages;

  • broad-chested white species. The female weighs about 10 kg, and the males - 15 kg. The breed perfectly tolerates temperature fluctuations;
  • bronze North Caucasian look. Suitable for pasture breeding. Egg production - 80 eggs. Females weigh 7 kg and males 10 kg;
  • big 6. Breed intended for meat production. Females weigh 11 kg and males 25 kg.

Knowing the characteristics of each breed, you can calculate the approximate income from their breeding when selling eggs or meat.

To open your own farm, you must immediately purchase at least five females and one male. To start a business, this amount will be enough. In the future, turkeys can be purchased as needed.

You should buy only young and healthy individuals. For one healthy individual, you will have to pay about 2 thousand rubles. You need to purchase young stock at proven poultry farms. The choice should be made from different families. Otherwise, offspring will be born weak.

Before buying birds, you need to decide on the method and conditions for their maintenance. To date, turkeys at home can be bred in two ways:

  • broilers. Chicks appear in the incubator;
  • in a natural way. Here the females incubate the chicks.

When breeding birds for meat, growing broilers is considered more profitable. In this case, turkeys will gain weight over a short period of time (several months). However, in this case, you need to know that broilers are prone to disease. Therefore, their health needs to be monitored more closely.

There are several ways to keep turkeys on a farm:

  • in a poultry house where birds can move freely;
  • in specially equipped cages;
  • outdoors in fences.

The first method is more difficult to implement, as it requires the purchase of special equipment for the turkey house, which is necessary for proper nutrition birds, as well as support necessary conditions their content. Here you need to take into account parameters such as humidity and temperature.

The building used for rearing turkeys must meet the following requirements:

  • be well heated;
  • well lit;
  • be warm, dry and clean. For bedding, you need to use sawdust obtained from softwoods.

In a turkey house, birds can be kept either free or in cages. With free placement, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is divided into sections with a passage. In each such section, turkeys should be placed on age groups. In this case, the density of placement is necessarily observed. For 1 sq. m. should be about 3-5 goals.

When growing birds in cages, the optimal number of individuals allowed for being in a limited space must be observed. In this case, the birds should be separated by age, as a weak turkey poult may suffer from adults.
The cells should also have a heating and ventilation system. Thus, it is recommended to keep light and medium type turkeys.

The outdoor breeding option of this breed of poultry is only suitable for warm areas. Despite the presence of some cold resistance, do not overcool the birds, otherwise they may start to get sick.

For growing birds on the street, it is necessary to fence off the territory necessary for the area with a metal mesh. Feeders and drinkers are necessarily placed inside it.

The last point that a business plan must take into account is the preparation of the necessary forage base. For normal weight gain and high egg production, turkeys should be fed feed, which includes:

  • grains: barley, corn, wheat and millet;
  • fresh grass;
  • dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, curdled milk);
  • vegetables: potatoes, carrots;
  • salt.

Consideration of these points will allow you to understand your own economy and organize it correctly, as well as draw up an approximate financial estimate of costs and profits.

Financial component

An important aspect of any business is the preparation of financial estimates. This is necessary in order to understand what initial capital you need to have to open a particular business.

The financial component of a business plan for growing turkeys includes the following parameters:

  • the number of goals;
  • livestock to be sold;
  • what goods will be sold: eggs, offal, meat;
  • approximate yield from one turkey;
  • the total volume of products sold (the number of heads for sale should be multiplied by the approximate yield);
  • the cost of a kilogram of products sold;
  • how much the total turnover will be (the total volume of products sold must be multiplied by the cost of 1 kg of it);
  • approximate annual turnover.

It is also necessary to list the items of expenditure, which include the following parameters:

  • stern;
  • medical care (purchasing medicines, vaccinating, etc.);
  • the cost of utilities, rent;
  • staff salaries;
  • other expenses (for transport, inventory, etc.)

It is difficult to give exact numbers for each individual item, as they depend on the breed grown, region and other factors.

Kira Stoletova

A turkey farm is a solution for those who want to start a business and love birds at the same time. If you want the turkey farm to not bring you only a loss, you need to correctly draw up a business plan. Doing it right, even the farm turkey small sizes can bring in a lot of income. Such a bird as a turkey has a delicious dietary meat, which makes them popular among buyers, and heavyweight birds are able to incubate hundreds of eggs, which also favorably affects earnings.

Already at the age of 5 months, birds reach from 12 kg (females) to 25 kg (males), which allows us to call turkey rearing. Farm products are always valued better than the mass of abundance in stores. After all, grown and extracted from the farm is not stuffed with chemicals and antibiotics. Before you start organizing your business, you can consult other experienced breeders, see photos and videos, how best to organize the whole process and which breed is best for you for home breeding.

The basis of a turkey farm

Turkeys and the farm, as well as the preparation of a business plan, always begins with an explanatory note. It is necessary to indicate the relevance of your activity, first analyze the demand for manufactured products and turkeys from the farm, and identify potential consumers. In addition, the explanatory note must mention other turkey farms located nearby and describe the possible prospects for your business.

During the development of a plan for the operation and promotion of a turkey business for 1,000 birds, it is necessary to work with the main part of the plan in more detail. How much money you will spend at the very beginning of developing your own business depends on a properly designed main part. This part of the turkey farming business plan consists of several points.

Construction of a turkey house

  • Building an aviary.
  • Purchase .
  • Purchase of a female and eggs for hatchery rearing.
  • Purchasing food.

Building a room

To build a turkey room, you need to determine the area, which, according to the standards, should be at least 500 square meters. m. The site should not be swampy, it is better that it be well lit and located away from residential buildings. For construction, it is best to use brick or wood, and build a roof using slate or tiles. If the cash costs do not allow at this stage to begin the construction of such a large plot and other buildings, then you can try to rent a plot.

If you already have a ready-made site where chickens or geese were previously grown, then it can also be converted for maintenance. The main thing is to completely restore the room and disinfect it well several times. For livestock to live in comfortable conditions for them, in winter time, the turkey house must be insulated from all sides. For the flock to breathe fresh air a ventilation system is required. And if additional lighting is needed, it is recommended to use modern LED lamp which are known for their economy.

Aviary for birds

A turkey enclosure is a place where individuals can safely walk and graze. For a hassle-free exit to the street, the aviary must be built close to the poultry house, and an exit should be equipped in one of the walls, most often the south side of the poultry house is used, with the help of which birds can freely enter the territory of the aviary. The corral is fenced with a net (chain-link), the height of which is not less than 1.5 meters. This is done so that the turkeys do not fly away, as these birds also have wings and some breeds can fly perfectly. Don't forget to take care of a canopy so that the turkeys can safely go outside even in inclement weather. If it is warm in summer, but precipitation is expected, then the canopy helps the birds to walk in bad weather.

Buying an incubator

This item in the business plan is indicated only if the farmer has enough start-up capital. If there is no money to buy an incubator at the beginning of the development of the turkey business, then use a hen. The incubator is not a mandatory item that must be purchased immediately, it can be purchased after a while, when funds appear. When purchasing an incubator, it is best to purchase one that has an automatic egg turning function. Otherwise, the farmer will have to turn the eggs around the clock at the right time. Before buying, you can study various forums where breeders also communicate with each other, who can recommend some kind of good incubator company.

Purchase of turkey poults and eggs for hatchery rearing

At this point, everything is clear, for a turkey business, it is necessary to purchase turkey poults or eggs in order to start growing. Eggs should have a smooth surface, not be damaged. If you buy young stock, then make sure that the individuals are healthy and active in appearance. The look should be clear in the chicks. Ask when these turkeys appeared and how. A responsible and honest seller must provide all the information you need.

Purchasing food for turkeys

A farm turkey must eat thoroughly and balanced, only in this case you can count on getting quality meat and eggs. - this is what will constantly take funds from your capital. Best Option there will be establishing contacts with wholesale food suppliers for your birds, this option will be cheaper and more convenient for you. To draw up a plan to ensure good nutrition for birds, you need to take into account the fact that the average, which is necessary for one turkey per day, is 0.3 kg. If the farm is planned to have 1000 heads, for 5 months of the farm operation, 45,000 kg of feed is needed.


The profitability of a turkey farm, even a mini farm, must pay off. Take an average calculation, because the price may differ for the number of heads and for the whole project, depending on the region of residence. The price also varies by breed and gender of turkeys.

A correctly drawn up business plan necessarily has several points, thanks to which you can approximately determine how long it will take for all the invested funds to be returned, and also make it clear how much the turkey business will be economically profitable for you.

If you purchase new plots for your project and install expensive equipment, the price will be higher. It is easier if a novice breeder already has some kind of site and skills, since breeding birds requires certain knowledge. Equipment for the first time can be rented until you get a good and stable profit from the turkey farm.

Expected costs

At this point in the plan, you are required to describe all the expenses that are required for and maintaining the farm as a whole. The farm's turkey poultry farm and its price will be calculated in the medium ranges.

Approximate costs in rubles

  • with lighting ventilation system, insulation, equipped with drinkers and feeders, nests - 100,000 rubles.
  • Aviary with a canopy - 5,000 rubles.
  • Turkeys (young) - 1000 heads - 150,000 rubles.
  • Food - for a thousand birds for 5 months - 450,000.
  • Veterinary manipulations and drugs - 1,500.
  • The cost of electricity for the entire household is 35,000.
  • Transport - 12,000.
  • Other - 20,000.

We can sum up, and safely say that at the initial stage (1 year) of the turkey business, the average investment amount will be 828,500 rubles, then, depending on how successful the business is, the waste may decrease by 170,000 rubles .

Expected income

The plan indicates not only the costs that this case requires, but also indicates the approximate income, taking into account all possible risks and the profitability of the case. To begin with, it is recommended to negotiate with prospective consumers, study the level of production for the number of heads that are ready to purchase products from you on an ongoing basis, and conclude a cooperation agreement. In addition, it is necessary to determine what proportion of the total production produced on your farm will be sold through the market network. You should start by finding out the possible volume of the product that you plan to get through the cultivation of turkeys.

Further, using a possible mortality rate of 10%, it can be assumed that after 150 days, the meat and offal of 900 turkeys will be ready for sale. If each bird contains 6 kg of pure natural dietary meat, then the total mass of meat ready for sale will be 5400 kg. Now you can calculate the estimated income from the sale of meat (thousand rubles): 200x5400 \u003d 1080. And from the sale of offal, you can get 24.5 rubles. Therefore, according to the information on the specified chick plan, we can say that after 5 months of operation of a turkey farm with 1000 birds, thanks to the sale of meat products, you can get an income in the amount of 1104.5 thousand rubles.

The profit that will go to you personally is 276,000 rubles (1104.5 - 828.5 \u003d 276). In subsequent years, the amount of income will increase, since the funds that will be given to basic expenses will decrease by approximately 170,000 rubles, and the amount of net profit may be about 446,000 rubles. For additional income, you can not only sell turkey meat and offal, but also sell hatching eggs, the price of which is about 100 rubles apiece, and sell daily turkey poults - about 150 rubles per chick.

Special rap. turkey farm

Kazakh turkey meat conquers foreign markets

After some time, you will need to build a room in which food will be stored, various materials for bedding and more. Also, it is necessary to allocate funds to build an isolation ward where sick turkeys dangerous for their relatives will live. Also, it is worth considering the fact that the presence on the farm of its own slaughterhouse attracts serious consumers of meat products, which also affects the positive dynamics of your business.

Increasingly popular is such an industry in poultry farming as breeding turkeys. As a business, it's quite profitable. However, you should understand everything in great detail. At home, as well as on household plots and on private large farms, turkeys, whose breeding is not very difficult, feel great.

This bird is most valued for dietary meat, which is very juicy and tasty. Therefore, for some aspiring businessmen, growing it can turn into a great way to generate income.

Not chickens but turkeys

The breeding of this bird began in America. There she was domesticated about ten centuries ago. The turkey bird came to Europe only in the sixteenth century, after the fourth voyage of Columbus. When this traveler landed on the American coast, he was sure that this was India. Apparently, therefore, this American large bird was named so. A turkey or turkey is a beautiful and majestic representative of birds, however, flightless.

This bird loves freedom very much and large space. The majestic and at the same time the largest and strongest domestic representative of birds, the modern turkey (whose breeding and maintenance require certain knowledge and skills) is calmer and slower than its wild ancestors.


The process of domestication of this bird led to the creation of a large number of new breeds, which differ from each other mainly in plumage color and weight.

Despite the meat orientation of turkeys, their eggs, fluff and feathers are also valued. Their carcasses contain more than fifty percent of meat, about fifteen - subcutaneous fat and more than ten - internal.

Turkeys, whose breeding on an industrial scale for the purpose of obtaining eggs is unprofitable, are characterized by rapid growth with minimal food costs.

Bird characteristics

Like chickens, turkeys are considered big-footed. However, they do not rake the ground with their feet and do not graze like the latter. Turkeys do well in pastures and field crops, which do not damage because they do not dig anywhere with their limbs. There they run around and find suitable food.

Anatomical structure

The legs of turkeys, long and strong, are adapted to overcome fairly large distances. Very interesting in particular the rapidly growing tibia, tarsus and tibia. In the ankles of the turkey there are strong and hard bones, which make it possible to carry a large body weight, overcoming fairly long distances. The muscles on the lower leg of this bird contain a lot of zinc, which perfectly strengthens the bones and tendons. That is why its meat in the human diet is an excellent source of this element.


There are many breeds of turkeys. These are white broad-breasted, and heavy Big-6, and BYuT-8, etc. Many of them were bred artificially. One of the most popular are the wide-breasted white turkeys, which are considered to be the birthplace of the United States of America.

This breed is distinguished by high meat characteristics, sufficient growth rate and good egg production. However, white turkeys, whose breeding requires the creation of certain conditions, are very demanding in terms of feeding.

In this breed, experts distinguish three varieties of females: light, heavy and medium. Their main differences are reproductive qualities and meat precocity.

Another breed - the North Caucasian bronze - has been known among domestic poultry farmers for a long time. It adapts well to grazing content. The wide body is elongated, with plumage tightly adjacent to the body.


Of course, turkeys are not as popular in the market as, for example, chickens, but their meat is also in high demand. Moreover, this figure is growing every year, especially in metropolitan areas.

Breeding turkeys (as a business) can be started by assessing the demand for these products. The easiest way is to walk through the food markets and ask the meat departments how many birds they sell per day. In addition, it is necessary to imagine the level of competition, as well as to study the question of how turkeys are sold, the price of which is considerable. If there is already a large poultry farm in this region, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to compete with it. Therefore, it would be better to leave this venture and move on to something else. If you still decide to do this, you will need to register as a private entrepreneur and choose a system for taxation.


There are two types of growing turkeys - outdoors under a canopy and in specially equipped rooms. The first option is only suitable for residents of warm regions. In general, turkeys can withstand rather low temperature conditions without any problems - up to fifteen degrees below zero. However, it would still be better if they were contained in comfortable conditions. Therefore, a turkey farm, well equipped - best option. This is also worth considering.

And in the summer, when the temperature outside rises to fifteen degrees and above, turkeys, the breeding and maintenance of which require certain costs, are transferred to the open air - with cages and with a canopy over them.


In each pen, you need to adhere to a certain number of birds. Livestock can be divided according to age. Birds that are not yet a month old are not recommended to keep more than fifteen in one cage, two - about 10, and older - about 5 individuals.

Taking into account the circumstance that temperature regime should be maintained, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost of heating, but also the maximum insulation of the walls of the room in order to be able to save at least a little in the future.

Market analysis

Like any other type of business, turkey breeding also requires certain investments. The business plan should clearly define the types of products to be produced. It is noteworthy that there are a lot of chickens and broilers on the shelves today. There is a lot of competition in this poultry industry. Whereas the turkey in stores can be seen far from always and everywhere, which means that there is not much to compete with here. Nevertheless, a novice businessman must definitely determine a marketing strategy for his products.

The manufacturer can offer the consumer the following types of goods: eggs and offal, feathers and down and, of course, meat. You can supply products not only to the distribution network, but also to workshops engaged in the manufacture of semi-finished products, to meat processing plants or sell them through your own retail network.

The key to the success of a newly organized farm will largely depend on a well-written business plan. In general, according to experts, the cultivation of this large farm differs from all other types of agricultural activity: in this case, a very high payback.

The main stages of the technological process

In addition to the premises, in order to successfully grow turkeys, a novice businessman will need to take into account whole line important requirements, without which it is impossible to achieve the normal functioning of this enterprise.

Main stages technological process the following:

Equipping the premises with all necessary communications, such as electricity and ventilation, plumbing. In addition, heating devices must be installed.

Establishment of automatic water supply, and if possible, then feed: this is done in order to minimize the number of personnel working on the farm, which means significant savings on wages.

Ensuring Regular Cage Cleaning: Maintain maximum cleanliness.

Equipment for a special area for walking birds.

The presence of a competent certified veterinarian who will constantly monitor the condition of the turkeys and begin to treat them at the first symptoms of diseases, preventing a general case.

A selection of only high-quality food: experts recommend giving as little as possible (or even eliminating) various additives that are positioned as accelerating the growth of chicks.

By observing all these basic and very important rules, the future entrepreneur will be able to establish normal work his small business, whose profile will be breeding turkeys.

Where to buy young stock?

It must be purchased only in special incubators. This or specialized large enterprises, which cooperate with many farms, or small private firms that breed certain breeds of turkeys.

But despite the fact that in such private firms it is really possible to purchase high-quality livestock inexpensively, experts advise to still turn to larger breeders. This will solve in the future, when selling eggs or meat, the issue of a quality certificate and a veterinary agreement. As practice shows, it is in cooperation with such large incubators that less problems in the preparation of the relevant documentation.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that adults differ in mass: this characteristic depends on the breed of young animals. They are divided into:

  • lungs, the females of which weigh five, and the males - about ten kilograms;
  • medium: seven and ten, respectively;
  • heavy - 15 and 31 kg.

The most popular and popular are the first two varieties of birds.

Factory equipment and feed

Starting to grow turkeys, you must first purchase a standard kit. It should include incubators and automatic drinkers, cages with feeders, heaters and lamps, as well as thermometers. All this ensures normal conditions. A special item in the business plan is an expense item, that is, those funds that will be used to purchase feed and mineral supplements.

The use of the most modern technologies will allow the future businessman to mechanize his production, as well as create such conditions for the life of this poultry, which will help to obtain only high-quality products. It is very important to think in advance about how to care for them. After all, the quality of meat and the number of eggs depend on this.

But unfortunately, modern mechanized equipment is quite expensive. And this means that not every novice entrepreneur is able to afford it.

As for feed, in addition to them, turkeys need vitamins. You should not save on this component in their diet, since these birds are quite "capricious".

Therefore, when developing a business plan, Special attention it is also necessary to pay attention to the natural mortality of birds. On average, ten to fifteen percent of the heads do not survive to maturity.


To ensure the normal maintenance of turkeys, the future farmer will need to take on a veterinarian, as well as a manager, a sales manager and a driver who will have to deliver the goods to a variety of trading points. The number of workers, of course, primarily depends on the scale of activities and livestock.

Business plan

In order to be able to soberly assess the profitability of the opening enterprise, a novice entrepreneur needs to analyze all possible costs and incomes.

The expense item will need to include the cost of renting the premises and utility bills, repairs on the future farm, salaries to employees, purchase and installation necessary equipment, advertising, purchase of feed and multivitamins, design of the entire necessary documentation. When calculating income in a business plan, you need to consider the average revenue and monthly profit from breeding this bird.


Raising turkeys is enough profitable business, the profitability of which is about one hundred or even one hundred and fifty percent. However, there are certain risks, for example, livestock diseases, which can cause huge losses. That is why you need to buy only high-quality young animals: a turkey, the price of which seems very profitable, may eventually turn out to be defective - sick or unsuitable for keeping. In addition, a good veterinarian must work on the farm.