Cedar disease white raid. What does Hermes look like, the measures to combat the pests of coniferous trees

Do not lose their attractiveness and decorativeness throughout the year, and live, as a rule, longer than many deciduous breeds. They are an excellent material for creating songs due to the diverse shape of the crown and the painting of the needles. Most widely in professional and amateur landscaping uses such coniferous shrubs like juniper, tees, thu; From woody - pines, larchs, ate. Therefore, information about their major diseases is relevant. Especially acute the question of the treatment of conifers is in the spring, when it is necessary to deal with burning, winter drainage and infectious diseases on the plants weakened after winter.

First of all, you should mention noncommunicable diseasescaused by the negative impact on growth and development coniferous plants unfavorable conditions ambient. Although coniferous demanding of high humidity of soil and air, excessive moisturizing associated with natural latling, raising the level groundwater, Spring floods and abundant autumn sediments, leads to the yellowing and necrotization of the needles. The same symptoms very often appear due to lack of moisture in soil and low air humidity.

Tui, spruce, Tisi are very sensitive to the drying of the roots, so immediately after landing, their priority circles are recommended to be mulched by peat and bevelled with grass, if possible, maintain mulching during the entire time of their growing, to regularly water. The greatest degrees of drought-resistant pines, thui and juniper. In the first year after planting, young plants are preferably sprayed with water in the evening and diagnose them in a hot period. Coniferous in the overwhelming majority are shadowed, when growing in open solar places, they can fall behind in growth, they can shove them and even die. On the other hand, many of them do not endure strong shading, especially the light-loving pines and larch. To protect OT. sun burns bark, it can be cheered by lime or special whitewash in early spring Or at the end of autumn.

The condition and appearance of plants largely depend on the provision of nutrition elements and balance of their ratios. The disadvantage in the soil of iron leads to yellowing and even whims for the needles on individual shoots; With a lack of phosphorus, a young needle acquires a red-purple shade; With a nitrogen deficit, the plants grow markedly worse, become chlorobic. Best Growth and plant development occurs on drained and well-processed soils provided with nutrition elements. Weakly acidic or neutral soil is preferred. It is recommended to carry out feeding with special fertilizers intended for coniferous plants. On the dumart sites Conifers may suffer from frequent visits to dogs and cats, causing an excessive concentration of salts in the soil. On Tui and Juniper, in such cases, shoots appear with red cheese, subsequently drying.

Low temperatures in winter and spring frost They cause frozen crowns and roots, while the needle becomes dry, it acquires a reddish color, dies, the cortex cracks. The most winter-hardy are ate, pines, fir, teu, juniper. The branches of coniferous plants can be ripening from the neck and snow-bearing in the winter.

Many coniferous breeds are sensitive to air pollution with harmful industrial and automotive gaseous impurities. This manifests itself, first of all, the yellowing, beginning with the ends of the kingdoms and their extinguishing (dying).

Conifers are rarely amazed infectious diseasesAlthough in some cases they can suffer from them. The moldy plants are generally less resistant to the complex of non-infectious and infectious diseases, with age, their stability increases.

Types of soil mushrooms of childbirth Pytium.(Pitium) and RhizoCtonia (risocontium) lead roots shooting up and dying, often cause significant losses of young plants in schools and containers.

The pathogens of trachemic and fiction most often have anamorphic mushrooms. Fusarium. oxysporum., which belong to soil pathogens. The affected roots rage, mycelium penetrates the vascular system and fills it with its biomass because of what access is stopped nutrients, and affected plants, starting with the upper escapes weigly. The needles turn yellow, blushes and falls, and the plants themselves are gradually dry. Seedlings and young plants are stronger than all. The infection is preserved in plants, plant residues and is distributed with infected landing material or with infected soil. The development of the disease contributes to: stagnation of water at low sections, lack of sunlight.

As defensive measures, it is necessary to use a healthy planting material. Delete all dried plants with roots in a timely manner, as well as amazed plant residues. In prophylactic purposes, a short-term soaking of young plants with an open root system in a solution of one of the drugs are carried out: Bactophyte, Vitaros, Maxim. At the first symptoms, the soils are carried out with a solution with a solution of one of the biological products: Phitosporin-M, Alin-B, Gamair. In order to prevent the soil shedding Fundazole.

Gray mold (rot) affects the above-ground parts of young plants, especially in unrecoverable areas with a strong thickening of landings and insufficient lighting. The affected shoots become gray-brown, as if covered with a layer of dust.

In addition to these diseases, widespread and on hardwood, there are diseases characteristic only for conifers. First of all relate to them schuteThe pathogens of which are some types of ascomette mushrooms.

Ordinary spider pine

Real spit Lophodermium. seditiosum. - One of the main reasons for premature peeping needles in pine. Basically, young plants are affected, incl. In the open soil of nurseries, and weakened trees, which can lead to their dying due to severe conifer. During the spring and early summer, the needles becomes a buroy and falls. In the fall, small yellowish dots are noticeable on the needles, gradually growing and raging, later on the dead-creepy needle, point black fruit bodies are formed - desktions that mushroom persists.

Ordinary spider pinehaving similar symptoms and development cycle causes Lophodermium. pinastri. In the fall or more often in the spring of next year, the needles turn yellow or becomes reddish and dies. Then the fruit bodies of the fungus are formed on it in the form of small black strokes or dots, black and increasing to autumn. Thin dark transverse lines appear on the chevings. Dissection of the dispute and infection of the needle contributes to moderately warm weather, drizzling rains and dew. More often, weakened plants in nurseries and cultures up to 3 years of age and pine sumps are also affected.

The mushroom is called P.h.lAcidium. infestans, which affects the main types of pine. Especially harmful in multiserry areas, where sometimes completely destroys the resumption of the pine.

It develops under snow cover and develops relatively quickly even at a temperature of about 0 degrees. Mycelium grows from the chewing to the cup and is often further to neighboring plants. After the melting of the snow, the deceased needles and often shoots and die away. Sick plants are covered with amusted quickly disappearing molds of mycelium. During the summer, the needles die, it becomes a reddish-red, later light gray. It crumbs, but almost does not fall away. Pines twisted ( Pinus. contorta) The deceased needles is more reddish than the pine of ordinary. At the autumn, desktions are becoming visible as small dark dots, damp points. Ascospores of them are applied by air currents on live pine chevy immediately before they are commonly covered with snow. The development of the fungus is favored by drizzling rains, loss and melting of snow in the fall, soft multispery winter, a protracted spring.

Brown spider Or brown snowy mold of coniferous rocks affects pines, fir, spruce, cedars, juniper, caused by mushroom Nortrichia Nigra.. It occurs more often in nurseries, young people, on self-sow and young teen. This disease is manifested in early spring after snow, and the primary contamination of the needles by the suites occurs in the fall. The disease is developing under the snow at a temperature not lower than 0.5 ° C. The lesion is detected after snow removal: black and gray spidelines of mycelium, and then dotted fruit body mushrooms, is noticeable. The needles do not fall long, the thin branches die away. The development of the disease contributes high humidity, the presence of depressions on the sowing grounds, plants thickening.

Signs of defeat juniper Schute(pathogen - mushroom Lophodermium. juniperinum) Appear at the beginning of summer on last year's needle, which acquires a dirty yellow or brown color and does not appear long. Since the end of the summer on the surface of the chewing, round black up to 1.5 mm fruit bodies are noticeable, in which the sulfting of the mushroom is preserved in winter. The disease is intensively developing on weak plants, wet conditionsmay result in plants to death.

Schute protective measures include selection planting materialSustainable by origin, giving plants as much sustainability, timely thinning, as well as the use of fungicidal spraying. The most susceptible to the disease shaded plants. Maliciousness spree increases with high snow cover and its long melting. In the forests and parks, instead of natural renewal, planting plants of necessary origin are recommended. Plant plants are more evenly distributed over the area, making it difficult to infection by the mycelium of one plant from another, in addition, they faster reach the height of more critical level. In areas where Schuytte damages the pine tree, you can use a twisted or erendic fir tree that is amazed extremely rarely. Use only healthy planting material. It is recommended to remove the fallen patient a quiet branch in a timely manner.

Fungicidal treatments are necessarily used in nurseries. Spraying with copper-containing and sulfuric drugs (for example, a Bordeaux mixture, an abiga peak or a home, lime-sulfur decoction) in early spring and in the fall, effectively reduce the development of diseases. In the manifestation of the disease to a strong degree in the summer, the spraying is repeated.

Special importance for conifers have rustful diseasesThe mushrooms of the Basidiomico Division, the class of Srednyomycete, amazing the cheva and the bark of shoots, actually all of their pathogens are diverse, and with conifers go to other plants, causing their defeat. We give a description of some of them.

Rust bumps, spruce spit. On the inside of the scales of fir, which is an intermediate owner of a rust mushroom Puccinia. strumareolatum, rounded dusty dark brown esiopustuls appear. The bumps are widely disclosed, hang for several years. Seeds of nonsense. Sometimes the shoots are curved, the disease in this form is called a fir spit. The main owner is the cherry, on the leaves of which small round light purple satinium appear, then black teliopustulas.

Causes a rust diverse mushroom Melampsora pinitorqua.. Emiral stage develops on the pine, as a result of which its shoots S-shaped bend, the tip of the escape dies. Aspen is the main owner. In the summer, from the bottomside of the leaves, small yellow satiniopustulas are formed, disputes of which cause massive contamination of the leaves. Then, black teliopules are formed by autumn, in the form of which the mushroom pumps on plant residues.

Rust pine needles cause several species of kind ColeOSporium.. Affects basic types of kind Pinus., meets everywhere in their ranges, mainly in nurseries and young people. Eziostiadia mushroom develops in spring on the needle pine. Yellow bubble sieves are located in disarray on both sides of the chewing sides, the Uredo and Teliospoda are formed onto a mother-and-step, a cross, a severity, a bell and other herbatous plants. With the strong distribution of the disease, the disease of the needles is prematurely yellowing and falls, and plants lose decorativeness.

Overhead mushroom CRONARTIUM. ribicola. causes pine Vertun.(five-wing pines) , or columnar rust currant. Initially, conifers occurs, gradually the mushroom applies to the branches and the branches of the branches and the stems. In place of the lesion, the resin is selected and eviopulatuls in the form of yellow-orange bubbles protrude from yellow-orange bubbles. Under the influence of the mushroom, thickening is formed, over time, turning into open wounds, the overlying part of the escape dries or twisted. The intermediate host is curontin, it is rarely affected by the gooseberry, from the bottom side of their leaves, numerous pustulas are formed in the form of small columns, orange, then brown.

Mushrooms Roda Gymnospranangium. (G.. comfusum., G.. juniperinu., G.. sabinae.), pathogens rust juniper The caticker, hawthorn, apple tree, a pear, Ivy, who are intermediate owners are affecting. In the spring, the disease develops on their foliage, causing the formation of yellowish growths (empty) on the underside of the leaves, and from the top - a round orange with black points of spots are noticeable (Ecal Stage). Since the end of summer, the disease passes to the main host plant - juniper (Teliostiadia). From autumn and early spring on its needles and branches, yellow-orange student masses of the sporing of mushrooms-pathogen appear. On the affected parts of the branches, spine-like thickens appear, the fracturing of individual skeletal branches begins. On the trunks, the swollen and influx are formed more often on the root neck, on which the bark dries and open shallow wounds. Over time, the affected branches dry, the needles will boil and crept. The infection is maintained in the affected kore juniper. Chronic disease, almost incurable.

Rust birch, larch - Melampsoridium. betulinum.. From the bottom side of the leaf of birch and alder in spring, small yellow pustulas appear, yellowing, the growth of shoots is reduced. The larch, which is the main owner, in the summer yellowing of the needles.

As protective events from rust diseasesit is possible to recommend spatial isolation from affected plants having a general causative agent of the disease. So, you should not grow a poplar and aspen next to pines, five-quiet pines should be isolated from the planting of black currant. Cutting the affected shoots, increasing the sustainability due to the use of microfertres and immunostimulants will reduce the harmfulness of Rzavchin.

Causative agents drying of the branches of juniper There may be several mushrooms: Cytospora pini., Diplodia. juniperi., Hendersonia. nOTHA, Phoma. juniperi., Phomopsis juniperovora., Rhabdospora sabinae.. There is a drying of the crust and formation on it numerous fruit bodies of brown and black. The needles turn yellow and falls, the branches of the bushes dries. The infection is preserved in the crust of the affected branches and unacceptable plant residues. Distribution contributes to thickened planting plants and the use of infected landing material.

Tui often can also appear drying, drying of shoots and branches,the most commonly caused by these mushroom causative agents. A typical manifestation is the yellowing and feasting of the leaves from the ends of escape, the worship of the young growth of the branches; In wet conditions on the affected parts, the union of mushrooms is noticeable.

The causative agent of which is a mushroom Pestalotiopsis funerea. Causes a non-frictional disease of the branch branches and taking the chewing. On the affected tissues, an olive-black sputure of the fungus in the form of individual pads is formed. With a strong drying of the branches in hot weather, the pads dry and acquire a view of the coast. Under the abundance of moisture on the affected needles and the crust of the stems develops a grayish-black mycelium. The affected branches and needles are yellow and dry. The infection is maintained in the affected plant residues and in the crust of drying branches.

Sometimes on the plants of juniper appears biatherell cancer. His pathogen - mushroom Biatorella difformisis the conidial stage of the sample mushroom Biatoridina. pinastri. With mechanical damage to the branches over time in the crust and wood, pathogenic microorganisms, causing necrosis, begin to develop. The mushroom spreads in the tissues of the bark, the bark will be dried, drying up, cracks. Wood gradually dies and longitudinal ulcers are formed. Over time, rounded fruit bodies are formed. The defeat and dying of the bark leads to the fact that the needles turn yellow and dry out. The infection is maintained in the crust of the affected branches.

Causative agent oktrieval cancer juniper is a sample mushroom Nectria. cucurBitula., with a conidial stage Zythia. cucurBitula.. On the surface of the affected crust, numerous brick-red pillops of the spioning dimension of up to 2 mm are formed, over time they are darker and dry. The development of the fungus causes the fracture of the bark and the Luba of individual branches. The needles turn yellow and falls, affected branches and whole bushes dry out. The infection is preserved in the crust of the affected branches and plant residues. The spread of infection contributes to thickened landings and the use of infected landing material.

IN last years On many cultures, incl. conifers, rush mushrooms activated Alternaria.. Causative agent alternariosis Junizhelnika is mushroom Alternaria. tenuis. On the affected needles, which becomes a brown, and the branches appear velvety black colors. The disease is manifested when the landings are thickened on the branches of the lower tier. The infection is maintained in the affected and branches of the branches and in plant residues.

To combat drying and alternariasis, you can use prophylactic spraying of plants in spring and autumn burglar mixture, ABIG peak, copper chlorine. If necessary, in the summer, spraying is repeated every 2 weeks. The use of a healthy planting material, timely trimming of the affected branches, the disinfection of individual wounds and all sections with a solution of copper sulfate and the molding of oily paint on a natural olife significantly reduce the prevalence of diseases.

Larch cancercalls a sample mushroom Lachnellula.willkommii.. His mycelium is distributed in the crust and wood of larch branches during its spring and autumn growth rest. The next summer there is a new bark and wood around the wound. As preventive protective measures, it is recommended to plant sustainable types of larchs, grow them in favorable conditions, not to thicken, avoid frost damage.

Some types of mushrooms can settle on stems of conifers trutovikovforming rather large fruit bodies, annual and perennial, causing cracking of the crust, as well as rotors and wood roots. For example, the pine wood-affected sponge is purple first, then white spots appear on it, which turn into emptiness. Wood becomes cellular, sieve.

Tui trunk rotes often cause rutoff mushrooms: pine sponge Porodaedalea. pini.causing the Pestro-Red Ring of the Trunk and the Blutch Shvey - Phaeolus. schweinitzii., which is the causative agent of the brown central fascinated rot from the roots. In both cases, fruit bodies of the mushroom are formed on the rotches of wood. In the first case, they are perennial, woody, the upper part is dark brown, with a diameter of up to 17 cm, in the second mushroom fruit bodies annual in the form of flat hats, often on the legs, are located in groups. The affected plants are gradually dying, and unacceptable dried plants and their parts are a source of infection.

It is necessary to cut patients in a timely manner, damaged, dried branches, cut off the fruit bodies of drums. Ware Damage is cleaned and treated with lull or paint based on olifa. Use a healthy planting material. Preventive spraying of plants in the spring and autumn burglar mixture or its substitutes can be carried out. Be sure to draw the stumps.

The editorial board addressed the gardener A.P. Bright from Berezovsky with a question about possible reason The death of the cedar seedlings garden plot. The death of the cedar seedlings he binds with the advent of a white fluffy fly on their shoots and needles and considers it a manifestation of signs of some kind of disease. He asks to tell: what is the white fluffy flare, how to deal with him and is it really the appearance of this flying could be the cause of the death of the cedar seedlings?
The appearance on the shoots and needles of the cedar plants - the pines of the cedar Siberian - white fluffy plaque is not a manifestation of any disease, and this is the manifestation of the vital activity of the pest insect - Siberian Hermes. Siberian Hermes belongs to the probable sucking insects, that is, is an ordinary tool. In the Siberian Hermes winter the larvae. Eggs of dirty yellow. The larvae of the I-II ages are dark yellow or brown. Nymphs are like adult females, but less large. Females are dark brown or almost black. As a result of the sucking of hurmes of the needles and branches are covered by the flush and pest secretions. On the cedar, Hermes lives on the crust and needle. The beginning of the egg layout is marked in the 20th of April. Egging continues for about a month. The number of pending eggs of yellowish-orange color in masonry varies from 1-4 to 50-60. The feedback of the larvae begins in the first decade of May. During the years of mass reproduction, one escape accounted for 25 hurmes, focused on either on the tops of the escape, or on certain quotations.
In the last days of May, individual young females of the first spring generation proceed to laying eggs. Females are sitting by groups of 5-10 pieces under the scales and cracks of the bark of shoots. Especially large, their accumulation is marked on the tops of the shoots. Fertility of females from 3 to 80 eggs. In the first decade of June, almost black females, larvae and eggs are observed on the Siberian cedar. The output of the larvae from eggs is strongly stretched and is very dependent on the state of the weather. The larvae hatched from eggs is sprawling on the run and covered with a whitish flare. The female and egg layout of the first spring generation are covered with white long threads. In late June, the first numbers of July, the eggs of females of the second, May generation of Hermes are postponed. The third and fourth generation of settlers are developing from eggs pending second and third generations in late June-July.
Siberian Hermes of the larvae - "false founders". They are also covered with white flock, but less dense and long than adult females. The input increases by the end of October. Thus, the climatic conditions of the Middle Urals make it possible to develop one generation of Siberian Hermes on the Siberian cedar within one month, and the number of parthenogenetic generations can reach four. Although during the years with a cold vegetation period, the number of parthenogenetic generations may be limited to three. Siberian Hermes along with the Siberian cedar damages her fir. Therefore, when they are co-growing, it can move with ate on the Siberian cedar and back.
Siberian Hermes especially harms the Siberian cedar at a young age when they settled all the shoots and most of the needles. Such hurmes-affected 1-10-year-old plants of cedar are very oppressed, significantly lag behind in growth and are often dying. The literature notes that Siberian Hermes is dangerous until the 20th age of Siberian cedar. At the Siberian Hermes of Cedar plants, the cedar is observed shortening and lightening of needles and its faster yellowing and extinguishing, there is a decrease in shooting growth and their curvature, which, among other things, reduces their decorative qualities.
The fight against Siberian Hermes is carried out by the same ways as with other types of tli, for example, with a green apple trees. The most effectively early spraying of cedar plants with various drugs insecticidal action, which is directed against overwhelming larvae. Subsequent spraying turn out to be less effective, as pending eggs are not destroyed, and many females are protected by crust scales, under which they are sitting. With a small number of pests, it is possible to apply a spraying of onion rods, garlic, dolphinium, coniferous extract, cleaning, dandelion, tinted extract, cleaning, dandelion, tobacco, Machorkas, millennic, ash and a number of other plants with insecticidal actions. With a strong and very strong settling of plants, the cedar pest should be treated with their int-virus (1 tab. At 10 liters of water), carbofosomes (75-90 g per 10 liters of water), "Kinmix" (2.5 ml on 10 liters of water) , Iskra (1 tab. On 10 liters of water), as well as Aktar, Arrivo, Aktellik, "Decis", "Karate", "Fufan", "Phosphamide", "Furi", " Rogor, "CIPI", "Citcor" and other drugs allowed for use and existing on sale, taking a method of applying from the accompanying document of the drug.
V.N. Shalamov

The most common coniferous diseases on panstones Middle strip Russia. Description of diseases simple and affordable, without unnecessary details. This will allow you to determine the nature of the disease and take simple actions to our arrival. Men's diseases later consider it later, the name is similar to them, but the symptoms are different.

* Rust larch and pines - Yellowish-orange stains appear on the chewings at an early stage (spring), after spioning - brown spots. Conductors are dirty, i.e. Separate stages of fungus develop on grassy plants.
*Rust bubble pines Weimutov and Cedar - I am striking mainly trunks and branches. It begins with the needles, then the trunks are formed in the trunks and springs of yellow-orange color. When the branch or the trunk is solved, the upper part dies. If under the crown - the plant dies.
Rust is good "removed" on the conifers "Topaz" (" soon ") And" strides. "To enhance the effect, you can make the following mixture: to a working solution with" fast / topaz " katocid (According to the instructions) - the result is stalking. Affect differently, as if complementing each other. Puffy dew on fruit and berry and decorative cultures.

*Spit ordinary (spruce, pine, fir ) - the needles will boil in May, next year a large amount appears in the spring black brilliant elongated points (pads) on the bottom.
The disease is common everywhere and especially dangerous in nurseries, where landing are thickened, strong shadensiness.

Spit ordinary on the pine.

* Spiritte Brown (spruce, pine, fir ) - The spring of the needles turns yellow, then covered with a white and gray spider mushroom, with a dark-gray time, as if overlapping chew. The needles will boil, dry, not crept for a long time.

* Sowing green needles on ate - I appeared for the first time on the ate of "Inversa", allowing that connected with bacterial infection - vascular bactariosis (With fuzarium blushes needles). Symptoms: A minor loss of intensity intensity of the painting of the needles (faded), begins to focus the cupboards without changing the color, with a strong lesion or not in time a treatment carried out - when touched by the massacifia. Important - the color of the needles does not change. Cuts of branches and trunk clean, damage or other formations on the root was not observed

It was cured as follows: a) the ground "Fundazole" (during starting), on the rest of the seals, the soil spilled "Maxim" (1 time). b) after 3-4 days the shedding of the soil (2-3 times) phytoosporin. To restore the root system 2 days after watering the phytoosporin, spilled the "zircon" (2 times). Unfortunately at that moment was notmattotside, if it is presence, part of the unchecked treatments would fall.

Outcome: All ate alive, except one.

Sowing needles on ate.

* Shingle Snow (spruce, pine) - on young couplers in autumnappear red-brown spots , in spring (still lies the snow) develops on them White dense flaw (Mycelium), which over time dries. Gradually, a lot of fine black spots (fruit bodies) are formed on the couch.

The photo is provided by the subscriber of the site.

The photo shows a great resemblance to Fusariosis, but it is precisely when spitting can die separate shoots. There is some similarity and with damage to firing religion moth, but there is no place inherent in this pest.
The reasons : the overall weakening of plants, planting thickens, abundance of precipitation in some years.

* Trachemicosis or fuzariosis (spruce, pine, fir, larch) - Redness of the needles, her sweeping.
The pathogens belong to soil pathogens causing the root system . The disease occurs at low areas, heavy clay soils and bad dr yenazha . In addition to the necessary chemical processing, a good result gives the following method. We have repeatedly applied on different plantsIt is simple, but effective: plastic tubes 15, 20, 30, 30 cm long driven around the affected plant in the ground. This allowed the roots to breathe and cleaned the extra moisture. Simultaneously shed root system katocomide, Fundazole or Maxim ("Phytosporin - M, Gamiir, Alin - B" - biopreparations).

The feature of the fusariosis is in the defeat of the middle part of the crown in all conifers and only on pines it is manifested by the yellowing of individual shoots.
From the rest of the disease (cr. Fusariosis) it is necessary to spray plants in spring and autumn, with severe defeat and summer, drugs: Abiga - Peak / Hom, potatoeside

fusariosis on blue spruce .

Shew larch - the needles begins to turn yellow from the ends with small areas, and then bulges and falls entirely.Adult plants can be sick. Development contributes increased humidityShading. (HOM / ABIG peak, potatoeside)

shew larch

increment on larch after treatment

Biaathereellic cancer juniper - it appears only in mechanical damage to the branches and then with time in the crust and wood, pathogens, causing necrosis of the bark begins to develop. The mushroom develops in the tissues of the cortex, the bore will rake, dries, cracks. Wood gradually devies, and longitudinal ulcers are formed. Treated, checked ! Treatment - Cut all the bad damaged branches, smeared the cuts of oil paint, spray for a long time and stubbornly (at least 4 times per season). His juniper did not cut, sorry, shed the soil and sprayed them with potatoeside. In the photo, just the consequences, healing wounds.

Biaathereellic cancer, visible longitudinal ulcers across the fingers.

Spit juniper - The needles will rage on last year's shoots (in May) and long does not appear. The infection is maintained in amazed khvinki and plant residues. Treatment - Crop the affected tips and spraying by potatocomation or other copper-containing drugs

Spit juniper

Schuce Brown Tui

Schute Brown (Thuja, Spruce, Fir) - I got sick in the fall, the main danger of this infection is that the plants are possible, both in nurseries and in the gardens. Infection is kept in plant residues and affected by needle, can fly from forest coniferous trees. The nastiness is unpleasant, decorative is lost, but not deadly. I will treat, in the fall I will lay out the photo what happened in the album (alas, it would not work out, the Tui became healthy with a good increase, they bought them immediately, did not have time to do a photo), by the way, and small trees "Nidoformis" were infected. Passing the needles in the top of the plant. Treatment : Trimming dried branches, cleaning of plant residues, spraying with potocomotes or abiga peak / HOY from 3 to 5 times per season, on degree of lesion. In my case at least 4 times per season.

Fusariosis young pine mountain

Restoration of ate Canadian on a strain after fuzariosis

Spring yellowing of the Tui and other conifers

At the Moscow Zoo

Coupling from the bottom side of the green, when touched sued. There was not enough moisture, despite the rainy 17 year.

This happens on sunny places from temperature fluctuations or dehydrated from frost, which then leads to a drying of the entire plant. It is most often the conifers from dehydration and die. This is due to the fact that very often, almost always, the trees in the comma (dug apart before November) and in decorative containers are not poured. Trees are still dry before landing, while the air temperature is still positive and the vital activity of the plant continues. including And the work of the roots (which remained). Lack of moisture in the plant itself and leads to such a sad result; The sun, the wind - all this reduces the water content in the plant, and the root does not work yet. It is difficult to explain to not understanding people that plants in the capacles require additional watering, despite rainy weather. Rainy water still need to get into the container, rolling in wax journals.

* When buying, check the coma, it is best if the trees with a closer touch or there is an appearance of watering, sprigs elastic. After landing, the Tui with a coma, about a hundred Waterproofing watering for the winter and does not interfere with still spraying with water in Crown. So make with all plants leaving for wintering, even foliageeloquent.

*** When and from what sores to handle conifers are in the article "Simple definition of diseases"!

*Of all these drugs, the most effective was the potatocide, especially on coniferous. In order for the plants to do not hurt, it is necessary to process 3 times for the season (in detail in Art. " simple definition of disease"). Important! Having made a wicked mixture of "Catotsid +" Spark Golden "Get a stunning result, the entire season will be protected from 3 main treatments.

Studies at the Institute for Protection of C / X Plants showed a multiple excess of the effectiveness of this tank mixture in comparison and cypermetry, hereinafter - zetacyipermetrines. These are not final conclusions, in the summer of 2016 there will be further experiments to improve efficiency with other D.V. Various drugs, interesting results will be reported in a timely manner in this article.

GOOD NEWS: The water mixture can now be done with the actar (allowed by 8 multiple doses exceeding) potatoeside + actara \u003d super ! Especially for those who do not like foreign odors when processing the garden. By the way, this tank is also a soil to shed. Attention : sadness !!! The actar relates to those drugs, which disappears bees (alas, proven fact, France 2017-18). Change in tank mixtures neonicatinoids (Aktara, Regent, Confan, Calypso) On Pyreteroids or Malaytion (phosphoric, improved carbofos), or do not use the actor during the flowering period and the problem of the problem.

*** In field experiments, he surpassed Fundazol several times, in terms of quality and speed of influence on bacterial and fungal diseases And copper cunery many times also, plus and safety for health. At the same time, the copper cunery is pathogenic, protective masks are not saved from harm.

+++ pot mixture katotside + Epin / Zircon a great double Effect : Stimulator increases the stability of the plant, the potatocid destroys anybody at this time. (More in the article (potatocid ")

++++ Top mixture Katotside + Sorrow - excellent result! There is no more need to abide by the period of expectation of one drug. To handle others.

Conclusion: Of all the distinguished fungicides, katocid showed itself more efficient, works perfectly in the tank mixture.

*** If coniferous is sick, then the processing of their fungicides is 2-3 times not a panacea, they need to be processed 2 times a month. Conifers are treated enough hard, this explains such a number of treatments and so full of recovery.

Slices to lure must "rob" or a similar means from "Etisso", to restore the overall state of conifers, they spill and processed in the crown "Super Gumisol" + HB 101. The best mineral fertilizer was "Nutrisol" (Pucchioni S.P.A., Italy), "actually works on conifers. Now is sold as"nutrisol for conifer . I strongly recommend that I have not met yet.

*** Minded all coniferous when landing and spring Treat, alternateadaptogen Antistress Epin Extra With inductor disease resistance and root formation with zircon. It is enough for one time by each of the drugs.

Photos of some diseases and pests are in the album (plants protection)


The first spraying of trees with maximum effect There will be only B. phase of the separation of flower kidneyin fruit. This is when you can distinguish floral kidneys from vegetative. This period is called the "blue" spraying, i.e. Apply from diseases copper-containing drugs (potatoeside, Hom, copper sulphate, Abiga peak). Do not forget to remove the main sources of diseases (cropping of sick branches, affected by chevy, amazed leaves and fruits, etc.) Be sure to carry out a complex of agrotechnical measures to increase the vitality of trees and resistance to disease. The main thing in combating diseases is high agricultural engineering and sanitary and preventive measures, but do not forget to observe in everything."Perenchable" plants suffer as well as people with overweight. Soil pathogens causing root rot and affecting the vascular system of trunks and branches. Nutrient access is stopped to young branches, the leaves will boil and dry, kidneys and shoots also dry, the plants die.

It's a beautiful leaf of an apple tree - Phosphorus deficiency.Approximate coloring is the other plants (with color variations). It is removed by spraying potassium monophosphate or orthophosphoric acid (dilute of course, otherwise there have been cases), or a root superphosphate, as an option with complex water-soluble fertilizers on the leaves (aquarin, nutrisol and analogs)

Read the part II there is also interesting, there is a "new" pest for coniferous south of Russia ...

Siberian Hermes.

The editorial board addressed the gardener A.P. Bright from Berezovsky with a question about the possible cause of death of the cedar seedlings in his garden plot. The death of the cedar seedlings he binds with the advent of a white fluffy fly on their shoots and needles and considers it a manifestation of signs of some kind of disease. He asks to tell: what is the white fluffy flare, how to deal with him and is it really the appearance of this flying could be the cause of the death of the cedar seedlings? The appearance on the shoots and needles of the cedar plants - the pines of the cedar Siberian - white fluffy plaque is not a manifestation of any disease, and this is the manifestation of the vital activity of the pest insect - Siberian Hermes. Siberian Hermes belongs to the probable sucking insect troubles, that is, is an ordinary tool . In the Siberian Hermes winter the larvae. Eggs of dirty yellow. The larvae of the I-II ages are dark yellow or brown. Nymphs are like adult females, but less large. Females are dark brown or almost black. As a result of the sucking of hurmes of the needles and branches are covered by the flush and pest secretions. On the cedar, Hermes lives on the crust and needle. The beginning of the egg layout is marked in the 20th of April. Egging continues for about a month. The number of pending eggs of yellowish-orange color in masonry varies from 1-4 to 50-60. The feedback of the larvae begins in the first decade of May. During the years of mass reproduction, one escape accounted for 25 hurmes, focused on either on the tops of the escape, or on certain quotations. In the last days of May, individual young females of the first spring generation proceed to laying eggs. Females are sitting by groups of 5-10 pieces under the scales and cracks of the bark of shoots. Especially large, their accumulation is marked on the tops of the shoots. Fertility of females from 3 to 80 eggs. In the first decade of June, almost black females, larvae and eggs are observed on the Siberian cedar. The output of the larvae from eggs is strongly stretched and is very dependent on the state of the weather. The larvae hatched from eggs is sprawling on the run and covered with a whitish flare. The female and egg layout of the first spring generation are covered with white long threads. In late June, the first numbers of July, the eggs of females of the second, May generation of Hermes are postponed. The third and fourth generation of settlers are developing from eggs pending second and third generations in late June-July. Siberian Hermes of the larvae - "false founders". They are also covered with white flock, but less dense and long than adult females. The input increases by the end of October. Thus, the climatic conditions of the Middle Urals make it possible to develop one generation of Siberian Hermes on the Siberian cedar within one month, and the number of parthenogenetic generations can reach four. Although during the years with a cold vegetation period, the number of parthenogenetic generations may be limited to three. Siberian Hermes along with the Siberian cedar damages her fir. Therefore, when they are co-growing, it can move with ate on the Siberian cedar and back. Siberian Hermes especially harms the Siberian cedar at a young age when they settled all the shoots and most of the needles. Such hurmes-affected 1-10-year-old plants of cedar are very oppressed, significantly lag behind in growth and are often dying. The literature notes that Siberian Hermes is dangerous until the 20th age of Siberian cedar. At the Siberian Hermes of Cedar plants, the cedar is observed shortening and lightening of needles and its faster yellowing and extinguishing, there is a decrease in shooting growth and their curvature, which, among other things, reduces their decorative qualities. The fight against Siberian Hermes is carried out by the same ways as with other types of tli, for example, with a green apple trees. The most effectively early spraying of cedar plants with various drugs insecticidal action, which is directed against overwhelming larvae. Subsequent spraying turn out to be less effective, as pending eggs are not destroyed, and many females are protected by crust scales, under which they are sitting. With a small number of pests, it is possible to apply a spraying of onion rods, garlic, dolphinium, coniferous extract, cleaning, dandelion, tinted extract, cleaning, dandelion, tobacco, Machorkas, millennic, ash and a number of other plants with insecticidal actions. With a strong and very strong settling of plants, the cedar pest should be treated with their int-virus (1 tab. At 10 liters of water), carbofosomes (75-90 g per 10 liters of water), "Kinmix" (2.5 ml on 10 liters of water) , Iskra (1 tab. On 10 liters of water), as well as Aktar, Arrivo, Aktellik, "Decis", "Karate", "Fufan", "Phosphamide", "Furi", " Rogor, "CIPI", "Citcor" and other drugs allowed for use and existing on sale, taking a method of applying from the accompanying document of the drug. V.N. Shalamov

Diseases and pests of coniferous plants. \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d White fluffy raids on the needles of trees and shrubs testifies to the presence of tole-hurmes. Cover from wax fibers, resembling snowflakes, protects insects from moisture loss. Shrubs and trees under which they do not grow food plants, protecting from pests more convenient, because protective events can be carried out at any time of the year and feared less chemicals. And it is known that the effectiveness of spraying depends not only on the selection of appropriate drugs, but also on the timing of their use. Malicious pests of coniferous plants are Tly. The saliva overwhelmed the fertilized females of Tly-Hermes on the seeds of fertilized females is caused by the formation of cisheooba-different growths with cherry - galls, inside which the offspring of the tool develops. In July-August, the winged individuals are overwhelmed from Galov, which fly to larch, where they do not form galls, and sucking juices suck. They are protected by white fibrous discharge and look like fluffy white flag. Winged under the scales of the cortex and the next spring lay eggs, of which the winged males and females will repense. After fertilization, females are returned to fir, where and winter. Obtaining galls, you can significantly reduce the damage caused by pests. With the "fluffy flush" on the larch fight, spraying with mineral oil, which dissolves the finest wax fibers. And most importantly, it should not be seated near spruce and larch. The appearance of the Tly can be prevented, spraying trees before the appearance of young shoots, and then after they have thrown, Decis or Fastakas. A green spruce rate of about 2 mm highlights toxic saliva for the plant. The needles are yellow (in a strongly affected silver spruce become gray-violet) and fall. This "baldness" begins with the trunk, only fresh May shoots remain healthy. You can make sure that the attack can be assumed if you shake the branches, spreading white canvas under the tree. It is easy to detect green insects with red eyes. Mass reproduction of this tli happens after soft winter . It is possible to avoid the "baldness" of the firings, spraying them with systemic insecticides acting on sucking insects, in particular the name-com. Decorative coniferous often damages the bustling pine (butterfly from the leaflerting family), the larvae of which are being introduced into young shoots or kidneys. The kidneys dry out, shoots are twisted. If damage is a bit, affected kidneys and shoots removed from the tree and burn. In the case of a mass lesion at the end of April spray the Fastak drug. If the spring scaly leaves of the Tui and the cypressov are raving and the tops of the shoots die, maybe they started the mining mole-blunthouse. The moves sprinkled in the tissue of the leaves with tiny larvae, and the caterpilots themselves can be seen on the lumen. In order to prevent butterflies, affected by the plants in late June - July twice with an interval of 8 days are treated with means containing pyrethroids. At the beginning of summer, orange growths appear on branches and trunks of juniper, which in dry weather, have a type of tongues with a length of 0.5 cm, and after the rain turn into fleshy formation of 1.5 cm long. These are organs of the sporing organs of mushroom rust. To pass the full cycle, it requires two host plants. The wind transfers countless microscopic disputes on the hawthorn bushes, rowan or a pear, where they germinate and the threads of the mushroom are embedded in the leaves. On the upper surface of the leaves, yellowish-brown spots are formed, and on the bottom - the honesty protrusion, from where the disputes, which now have to get to juniper for further development. The only effective measure is not to plant the host plants, but when signs of the disease appear, remove the partner less valuable for you. It is true, however, try to destroy rust with two-three spraying from the weekly intervals of Caprol or Ditan. Pests and diseases are more often condicted on weakened plants that lack nutrients. It is necessary to apply feeding with special preparations and balsams for conifers, as well as create conditions for the development of insects, destroying pests: God's cows, zlatg-breeds, flies. Evergreen shrubs and rhododendrons due to improper leaving the plant often suffer from chlorosis. Particularly susceptible to this disease Rhododendron. The first signs of the disease - the breath or unnatural yellowness of the leaves - indicate the lack of the main photosyntheing pigment - chlorophyll. This can be caused by the overpowering of the soil, excess lime, as well as a lack of magnesium and iron salts in it. Long stay in such soil leads to the elimination of the shrub. Chlorosis can be avoided if the soil must be properly prepared before planting the plants (there are ready-made substrates for various varieties plants). If the plants are already sick, should partly change the soil and spray the bushes every 10 days 0.1% solutions of magnesium and iron sulfate alternately.

Diseases and pests of coniferous rocks. There is an erroneous opinion that coniferous - very comfortable plants, they are not whimsical, durable and, the main thing is not subject to any disease. I planted, spruce, juniper or pine, and no more problems. Nothing like this! Coniferous, like everyone else, are subject to various diseases, and pests are not considered. Take at least Hermes, sawers, or a well-known Koroad-Tograph. Many of them damage young shoots, cheva, as a result of which he begins to pace and drying various parts of the plant, which in turn leads to a decrease or full loss decorative qualities, and sometimes to the death of the plant. The first symptom, which should alert, is the yellowing and serving of individual branches. This is an ordinary story: beautiful plant With a fluffy healthy crown, purchased in a nursery or garden center, landed for all rules on a good sunny plot with drainage system , in the soil, anchored by the bridal chernozem. It would seem that everything is done correctly, but the plants suddenly begin to shut and dry. Many immediately begin to take various measures, mainly water the plants of growth stimulants from Kornin to Epina, for some reason there are no results. Unfortunately, growth stimulants, not a panacea from all troubles, although their use is useful. If there is no full-fledged nutrition for the plant in the soil, and it gives a big shoot of shoots, our pets are doomed to the fact that they are prematurely starting to turn yellow and dry out old branches, giving all incoming substances to young growth points. In addition, it turned out that the bridal black soil does not always contain a sufficient amount of nutrients: potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus. Therefore, when landing should be applied additionally, various fertilizers. Incompute nutrition is the main reason for the yellowing and drying of coniferous plants. Exactly the same picture can be observed when driving or, on the contrary, the harness of the root system, which is often observed in the absence of drainage or on light sandy and sandy soils. Enormous harm to plants are numerous pathogenic microorganisms, developing both on the crust and on the courtying. Most often it is mushrooms. It all starts very prose. A small bug flew or fillesenzing the beetle, damage the twig or the cup, immediately penetrated the smallest arms of the mushroom through the wounder, the mushroom was formed and began to live at the expense of alive tissues of the plant. At first I was poured, then the twig, half of the plant, and gradually it remains on the pine only the top, and from juniper - one name. We always find it too late when the decorativeness of conifers is hopelessly lost. As a result, it is necessary to completely replace the diseased plants. At the same time, there is no guarantee that the new young pine planted on the same site does not get sick and will not lose his shape, for example, from attacking rust. So, for the pine Waemutov in May - June bubble rust or cancer, is the main disease that she suffers every year. Moreover, further rust goes to currants and gooseberries. In addition to this, pine attacks are noted: the rust of the seedlings of seedlings, pine vertun, resin cancer. From the diseases of the branches, the scleroderria cancer was widely distributed, in which the formation on the trunk of deep cancer, crust of the bark and kidney and kidney kidney. At the same time, the needle becomes a reddish-brown and no longer pops. Often, stem rotes appear on pines, caused by development in the lower part of the truder mushrooms, occurs. And the names of stem rotes are some: Pestro-red rotten rotor, mixed rot, brown central fractured rot from roots, etc. In each case, the disease can only determine specialists. If the conifers began to turn yellow and silent, and the truder's fruit bodies appeared on the trunk - in the plants, stem rot, and they are doomed to death. In recent years, the main diseases of the conifers are spying, causing hacking and shuffling. Cedars, pines, spruce, pseudotsuga and juniper are sick. The needle becomes a reddish-drier with black transverse lines; Over time, it is formed by black shiny sporing points, disputes with which quickly rewrite the neighboring branches and plants. There is still a snowy spider, in which the chevings become dirty gray and covered with fine gray mushrooms. A very many pathogens mushrooms are described, which cause another ailment - drying the branches of coniferous plants. And all begins in the same coughing and drying of the chewing. True, if you look closely, the chevings remain clean, without visible shortens and raids, but on the branch's branch, necrosis is noticeable, taking, and with heavy rains, a grayish mushroom is developing on the crust. There are also such moments when the wet and cold spring mushrooms, causing rust on the shoots of juniper, besides the usual orange plaque form abundant sporing in the form of a jelly jelly. So do not be surprised if there are separate yellowes from your conifers, the main thing is to quickly determine the cause. If these are traces of the activities of numerous pests, the plants can be sprayed during the vegetation by the preparation of "Decis". If the pests are not detected, eliminate the soil factor and adopt the plants with complex fertilizers for coniferous crops. The worst option is mushroom diseases. In this case, it is necessary to remove highly infected branches and spray all the plants with copper oxychloride or other copper-containing drugs. Processing is better to carry out systematically, for example, one or twice in spring and in August - September. And do not believe those who say that the conifers do not hurt anything, for all plants you need careful care. One of the most important factors that adversely affect the state of green plantings are pests. The damage caused by them violate the physiological processes, delay growth and development, lead to a decrease in or complete loss of decorative qualities, sometimes to the elimination of individual parts or the complete death of plants. When creating green spaces, first of all, a healthy planting material should be used. It is necessary to carry out measures for plant quarantine, which will prevent pest penetration and diseases to cuttings and seedlings entering, in particular, from abroad. To protect plants from diseases and pests, a variety of methods, means and methods of struggle are used. Preventive measures are very important, ensuring the cultivation of a good planting material. For growing healthy plants The agricultural engineering must be compliance: it is necessary to correctly choose land mixtures, light on mechanical composition and with appropriate acidity, carry out regular soil loosening, weeding. Fertilizers contribute to improving plant growth, root system development. For example, phosphoric fertilizers cause the most quick development of mechanical protective tissues, increase the drought resistance and winter hardiness of plants. For warning mushroom diseases Preventive spraying, pollinating, soil disinfection by fungicides. Juniper shooting mole (Argiresthia Argentina). Harm in the stage of the caterpillars, which will have eaten internal fabrics shoots. Hurts the juniper ordinary and its shape. Fight Measures: Spraying 0.2% aqueous solution Carbofosa, collecting web sockets. Juniper Visci (Doaspis Visci). On young cones (or linking) and needle, you can see rounded flats of females, elongated males flaps (up to 1-1.5 mm) with pale yellow little larval skins. Suching juice from the source of the cortex tissues, they cause damage resulting from the koram, drying and curvature of shoots, a decrease in annual growths. The juniper is striking, teasing, cypress. Measures of the struggle: Spraying of larvae-vagabilities 0.2% carbofosa aqueous solution. Juniper Name Tin (Eriophys Quadrischus). Signs of damage: Couplings on the top of the shoots are increased. Measures of struggle: Spraying by authorized insecticide in May. Juniper TLA (Lichnus Juniperu). Appears on young shoots. Winters with mass reproduction can cause harm to young plants, as, sucking juice, strongly oppress and weaken the plant, delay growth, cause curvature and twisting of damaged shoots, measures to combat: processing in spring solved insecticides. Juniper piloter (MonoCtenus Juniperu). The larvae (false-sasing) of the sawers with 8 vapors of abdominal legs, green, with 3 dark stripes and a brown head, damage cheva, shoots, overlooking their inner fabrics. Measures of struggle: spraying by authorized insecticides. TurniPerina (Cinara Juniperina). Damaged needles yellowing and falls, reducing the decorativeness of the forms of Tui Western. Tsley gray-brown covered with silver-white wax dust. Live with colonies, suck on the underside of shoots. Fight measures: spraying carbofos. Re-spraying as needed. Toy fuddle. It occurs on the needles and branches of the Tui, multiplies to the mass and causes much harm to plantations. The female is almost spherical, about 3 mm., Yellow-brown. One generation. The larvae of the 2nd age winter under the bark of young shoots. The first young females appear in mid-May - June. Egging takes place from mid-June to September. Maximum number of eggs 1300. Cutting larvae in July and August. Measures of the struggle: before the dissolution of the kidneys, in the summer, during the mass yield of the vagabilities (the end of June is the beginning of July), spraying by accomplice, carbofos. Elovo-fir hurmes. Causes curvature of the needles in places of sucking tool and yellowing it. Hermes in abundant snow-white chopping suck on the bottom side of the needles. On the needle brown or yellowish green larvae and nymphs. Winged individuals migrate on fir different species, larch, fir. The founder is located on the korea. Winter, they are started in April. Each fertilized female lays down one egg. The larvae leaves the eggs. In the spring they turn into the founders. Measures of the struggle: the destruction of the founder larvae, in the spring spraying by authorized insecticides. Spruce ordinary sawmaker. It strikes the forms of different types of ate, herbalist-green false-legged, damages the wife of young shoots, while the escape looks like burden. Measures of the struggle: Spraying of needles, affected by caterpillars, carboofos. Tissue Slopers. Lives on the lower surface of the chewing, on thin branches, less often on the trunks. Measures of struggle: Spraying in the summer period carbofos. Pine Hermes. It is found on the bore of the pine escapes of ordinary and mountain. At the same time, the needle is shortened and brighten. Under the white fluff there are twins about 1 mm long, dark red. Often there are rusty yellow eggs. Gives 3-4 generations. Measures of the struggle: against the hurmes of processing should be carried out in the period when 50% of the larvae came out of the eggs. Aktellik is very effective. TLL pine. Effigy-ovoid, strong-haired, grayish. Sit rows on the needle pines ordinary or mountain. Eggs winter on the bottom surface of the needles. Measures of the struggle: in the spring processing carbofosomes. If necessary, processing repeat after 10-12 days. Ordinary pine shield. Detected on the needles, causes its appeal. Often occurs the feet of the branches and the death of plants. The shield of females is weakly expanded to the rear end, grayish, 1.5 - 2 mm long. In the year, two generations, the shields are hard-painted pests, as females develop under the shield, as well as hidden under the cheese. The most vulnerable period: the output of the vagabilities and imago males. Measures of the struggle: Before the renal's dissolution, coniferous plants are spraying with authorized insecticidal preparations.