Drainage system around the house. Features of the drainage system around the house: types, functions, phased implementation

Interior design will not have a complete look without a comfortable, reliable and aesthetic door structure.

Slopes from MDF will allow the interior decoration to acquire completeness. But, it should be borne in mind that the installation provides for compliance with the recommendations and standards that contribute to the achievement of the durability of the structure.

Advantages of building materials

Finishing a door opening is a laborious process that requires precision and adherence to advice. Therefore, it is possible to make this kind of cladding with your own hands. Slopes can be finished with panel materials, the variety of which can satisfy any request. Often finishing work is carried out with plastic, wood panels, drywall, but MDF panels are considered the most successful.

Since this finishing building material has numerous advantages:

  • Material availability.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Aesthetic appearance.
  • The density of the material creates additional sound and heat insulation.
  • Environmental friendliness. Fiberboard is produced by pressing wood chips under the influence of temperature and pressure. In the core of the binders of the fibrous material, carbide resins are used, which are harmless to humans. Consequently, MDF belongs to an ecological building material that can be safely used for cladding both external and interior structures.
  • The color palette allows you to satisfy any request. You can choose the colors of the panels from wenge to bright shades.

But like any building material, MDF panels are not without drawbacks:

  • Weak resistance to mechanical damage. If the MDF panel is deformed, the damage cannot be restored.
  • Does not withstand significant moisture levels.

Therefore, the finishing of door slopes with MDF panels should not be carried out in conditions of high humidity.

Do-it-yourself MDF entrance door slope (video)

Preparatory moments

All the advantages of facing the slopes of external doors with MDF panels can be shown during installation. Therefore, before starting work, you can study the video of exactly how the slopes are made at the front door. There are 2 options for wood fiber panels:

  1. Designed for finishing works (have an L-shape).
  2. Wall panels.

Most novice craftsmen have a completely natural question, how to sheathe the slopes of the MDF entrance door correctly. First you need to make detailing. To make door slopes from MDF, you need to remove the dimensions of the opening, which should be depicted on paper. According to the transferred data, each element should be schematically depicted. In this case, it is recommended to take into account the points:

  • The presence of the nut.
  • The order of placement of parts.
  • Opening width and tilt angles.

After installing the door, all gaps between the wall and the box must be sealed with foam. After the foam has set, all excess should be cut off.

Frame installation of slopes

Slopes made of fibrous panels can be made using a frame and glue method. Do-it-yourself frame installation of slopes from MDF panels is carried out using the following technology:

  • Along the edges of the slope, both the inner and outer sides, using dowels, fix the wooden slats, which must eventually be closed with MDF panels. The bars should be leveled. To avoid skewing the structure between the skeleton and the opening, wedges must be hammered.
  • Cut 3 sheets of MDF (2 for vertical fastening and 1 for horizontal).
  • The details should be attached to the opening and the points for cutting should be marked.
  • Trimming should be done strictly to the size of the door opening.

  • Apply liquid nails to the inner edge of the panel and attach to the frame.
  • The panels should be aligned so that the minimum clearance between them is achieved.
  • The fixation can be strengthened with self-tapping screws, which are screwed in at the top and bottom. Self-tapping hats are decorated with special elements.
  • The final point is the fastening of the platbands.

If the depth of the opening does not exceed the width of the MDF, then in this case it is possible to fix it in a seamless way by installing it vertically.

Installation of slopes with an adhesive method

If preference is given to the glue method, then in this case, you should familiarize yourself with the tips for installing an entrance door and MDF slopes. Algorithm for the work of works:

  1. First of all, for the glue method, you need to plaster the slopes. .
  2. It is recommended to prime the prepared surface with a primer. After priming the surface, wait until it is completely dry.
  3. Set beacon profiles by level. To install profiles on slopes, apply mortar and level the beacons in all directions. Allow the solution to set.
  4. The solution is applied to the slopes and leveled along the beacons with a spatula. After the performed manipulations, the slopes should be left for 2 days until the mortar has completely set.
  5. The inner side of the part is covered with glue and pressed against the surface.
  6. When all the elements are installed, the resulting joints are smeared or covered with overlays.

Important! After completing all the manipulations, you can proceed to the exterior decoration of the door structure. For this purpose, it is possible to veneer the surface with platbands or level the surface with a putty. On the open spaces of the Runet, there are photos, videos and reviews that describe in detail the entire step-by-step process of the frame and glue method.

How to bend MDF

Sometimes it becomes necessary to trim elements of a round or semi-oval configuration with wood-fiber sheets. Naturally, the question arises how to fold the material and is it possible. It should be noted that bending MDF is possible provided that thin panels are used (the average should not exceed 3 mm).

To bend the panel, do the following:

  • Manufacturing of fiberboard blanks.
  • Cut the sheet across the bend.
  • Cut off pieces of MDF of the required dimensions.
  • At the folds, draw lines at 5 mm intervals. The hinge must be 1 mm.
  • The resulting shavings must be collected and mixed with glue until a mushy mixture is formed, which fills the holes.
  • Lay out the MDF sheet on the template and fix it with nails. Nails do not need to be driven deep for easy removal.
  • The last stage is the removal of the workpiece, grinding and painting.

Following the recommendations, you can effortlessly sheathe MDF slopes with panels or other building materials yourself. Everyone can do all the manipulations with their own hands, despite the fact that finishing the slopes with such a material as MDF is a painstaking and time-consuming process.

Photo gallery of finished works

In this article, you will learn about the most popular way to trim the slopes of interior doors without flaws in practicality and durability. We offer a detailed scheme for the installation of slopes from door MDF extensions. You will also learn the rules for the appropriate preparation of the opening and installation of doors.

Over time, every professional builder adopts more and more technical solutions that are perfect in all respects. The dispute about the most acceptable option for finishing door slopes and portals can be considered closed, the best way has already been found and is being practiced more and more often.

Surprisingly, the installation of MDF slopes does not require professional participation, it is simple enough to be performed by home craftsmen using a set of the simplest tools: a jigsaw, a syringe gun and an assembly knife. Among other things, you will need: a tape measure, a square and a pencil, as well as a brush. For correct and durable finishing of slopes, appropriate preparation of openings and adherence to the rules for installing door frames will be required.

Door installation rules

The door frame is assembled on unhardened self-tapping screws, the upper segment is always located on top of the side posts, and not between them. After assembling the box, it is necessary to cut off the excess rim from the edges of the crossbeam so that the installation groove is continuous on all three sides.

The only safe option for fixing interior doors is the technique of direct mounting with frame anchors 8x120 mm in the amount of three pieces for the hinged side and two pieces for the opposite side of the frame. When attaching to "dry" partitions, the anchors are replaced with screw pins.

After fixing, the box must be adjusted for bends, then the technological seam is filled with polyurethane foam from the side opposite to the slope. After filling the seam, the door must be kept closed for about 40 minutes by laying spacer plates along the porch. After the foam has cured, the adjusting wedges must be removed and the cavities formed to foam.

Opening preparation before installation

Openings in brick or concrete partitions, even before installing the doors, should be plastered along two guide boards nailed to opposite walls. At this stage, the desired slope angle and the installation dimensions of the opening are set. Each edge of the opening should have a uniform bevel from 3.5 to 15 °. The opening itself should be 100 mm wider and 60 mm higher than the door block leaf.

After installing the door, the mounting groove is cleaned from the mounting foam, and a piece of door fitting is tried on. If the thickness of the gap is more than 3 mm during the installation of the board into the installation groove, it is advisable to apply an equalizing layer of tile adhesive to the plaster. In this case, the installation groove must be periodically cleaned; after drying, the surface must be impregnated twice with an adhesive primer.

Marking and trimming of extensions

Finishing the slopes of interior doors with MDF extensions does not apply to dusty work, therefore it is better to perform it after finishing finishing work in the rooms, so that you can immediately install the platbands.

The standard widths of the extensions are 90, 120, 170 and 380 mm. If the width of the slope is greater than the available standard sizes, two or three parallel boards go to it. In the case of telescopic extensions, which have a tongue-and-groove profile, a wide slope will have to be recruited from an even larger number of strips, however, no cracks at the joints of the door block are guaranteed to appear. And yet, telescopic extensions are better to build up door blocks in "dry" partitions with narrow slopes.

First, the upper crossbar is marked and cut out. To do this, on the floor directly under the door, you need to lay out the required number of boards in parallel with the back side up. Measure the width of the top edge of the opening at opposite points. Mark it on the back of the planks so that the longitudinal cut line of ordinary extensions faces the door frame, and telescopic ones - to the platbands. Measure the length of the top slope on the wide and narrow side, and set the exact difference on each side. Transfer the markings to the workpieces with an indent from the corners of 5 mm and number the boards in the order of installation.

Vertical extensions are measured and installed after the top crossbar is secured. The difference in height is established along the square attached to the end of the door frame, the resulting dimensions are transferred to the marking. It is advisable to make the side slope boards 1-2 mm longer so that it is possible to accurately fit the part with an emery bar.

How to install and on what glue

Slopes from MDF extensions are allowed to be attached to liquid nails or polyurethane foam. When using foam, you do not need to build up the plaster for a tighter fit, but it does require a professional approach. The choice in favor of glue should be made when the thickness of the gap between the MDF panel and the plaster is up to 5 mm, the foam is used to fill thicker joints.

Boards on the slopes are glued in rows, starting from the door frame. First, the trimmed parts are tried on and the level of inclination is visually noted. Then glue or polyurethane foam is applied to the back side of the board, 15-20 mm from the cut edge, pieces of cork or other elastic material are inserted into the adhesive, approximately equal in thickness to the glue seam after drying. These embeds act as fulcrum points: so that the board fits as tightly as possible in the groove of the box, it is enough to slightly press down its edge.

The upper slope is finished first, the boards are temporarily fixed with remontine. It is enough to simply deduce the common plane with a square, but for this you need to set the correct direction for the first board. After setting, the crossbeams are marked and cut into parts for vertical edges. They are also tried on first "dry", adjusting the size and cut for a tight fit. After gluing, each plank is wedged from the floor and pressed up, the allowable gap between the slope and the floor covering is 2-3 mm.

How to properly trim and install platbands

After installing the add-ons and hardening of the glue, it is necessary to close the ends of the slopes and the foam seam with platbands. The way of their fastening for different shapes of the frame profile of the box and add-ons may differ.

Telescopic platbands are installed with a comb into the groove of the box or add-on, the fastening can be reinforced with concentrated PVA glue or liquid nails. It is possible to install such platbands only after the glue or foam on the extrusions has completely hardened, otherwise their separation is possible.

Smooth platbands are attached to the extensions with small anodized studs with no caps. Their installation is possible already after 1-2 hours after the installation of the add-ons.

Cut off the platbands only with a miter box or a cut-off saw. As for the notch angle, the platbands with a semicircular shape of the front surface are cut at 45 °, and the rectangular ones are cut strictly perpendicularly. In this case, the contour of the platband is formed according to a scheme opposite to the assembly of door frames: two vertical posts and a crossbar between them. Thus, the places of the cuts will not be visible, since they are facing up.

After installing the window, the adjacent walls () do not look aesthetically pleasing. You can correct the situation by finishing the window opening with MDF panels. This material is used quite often for and door. In the article, we will talk about the main advantages and disadvantages of MDF panels, the available varieties, and most importantly, we will describe the entire process of finishing the slopes with their help.

MDF panels have their own distinctive features in comparison with panels from, and. Among the main advantages are:

  • A variety of colors available on the construction market.
  • Material availability.
  • Attractive appearance.
  • The density of the material, which creates additional sound and heat insulation.
  • The lightness of the material, and therefore - an insignificant load on the surface and ease of transportation.
  • Ease of installation.
In addition to the above advantages, the environmental friendliness of this material should be noted. MDF panels are made by pressing wood chips under the influence of high temperatures and pressures. Carbide resins are used as a binder, which are absolutely harmless to the environment. In addition, MDF panels are not affected by light, they do not fade. Among the negative characteristics of this material should be mentioned:
  • They break easily and cannot be restored.
  • They do not withstand high levels of humidity, which means that they can only be installed in dry rooms.

Types of panels for window decoration

Depending on the manufacturing method, there are several types of panels:
  1. Solid pressed- produced by pressing wood chips mixed with carbide resins. The surface of such panels is smooth on both sides. They differ in average strength and reasonable price.
  2. Laminated- produced in the same way as solid-pressed, however, at the final stage, they go through the lamination process. These panels have a special protective film to preserve the quality of the material. The color palette of laminated panels is quite wide.
  3. Moisture resistant- an excellent option for finishing window slopes, as well as surfaces that can be exposed to high humidity in one way or another. They are made without the addition of chemical components under the influence of temperatures and have high strength.

How to do it yourself?

In comparison with other finishing materials, finishing the slopes with MDF panels requires a lot of time and effort. Fiberboard requires both theoretical knowledge and practice. But the final result is worth it - MDF slopes look great in any interior.

Tools and materials


You should purchase and prepare all the necessary materials and tools for work in advance.

In addition to MDF panels, you will need:
  • Building level.
  • Roulette and pencil.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Special construction stapler.
  • Metal profiles and associated fasteners.

Opening preparation

Before installing the panels, carefully prepare the window opening. The surface for subsequent installation should be perfectly flat, but this is extremely difficult to achieve. Therefore, most often the material is attached to wooden beams. Prepare the opening for installation as follows:
  1. Old finishing materials are removed, the surface is cleaned of construction dust and debris.
  2. If there are cracks or cracks on the window, they are covered with epoxy or cement mortar.
  3. The opening is treated with an anti-fungal solution (you can use the Anti-Mold spray).
  4. Prepare the frame from wooden beams and also treat it with an antiseptic.
  5. Install the beams using a building level and fix them with dowels with a plastic sleeve.

How to mount correctly?

Installation of slopes can be carried out in two ways - MDF panels can be mounted on a wooden frame or directly on the surface of the slopes using glue or foam. Let us consider in more detail both methods of how to decorate window openings with our own hands.

Installing the frame

Installation of slopes from MDF panels in a frame manner allows you to complete the work as quickly as possible. Installation is carried out as follows:
  1. A starting profile is attached around the entire perimeter of the window. The material is fixed with self-tapping screws.
  2. On the other side of the window, wooden slats are installed.
  3. A pre-sized MDF panel is installed in the profile and fixed on a wooden rail.
  4. At the end, platbands are installed. The F-profile is used for them.
The resulting voids will need to be repaired or.

Glue method

This method can be considered more simplified in comparison with the previous one. For gluing the panels, special glue or polyurethane foam is used. All work is carried out in stages:
  1. The window opening should be cleaned of excess foam and other contaminants.
  2. The surface of the slopes should be filled and leveled.
  3. The necessary measurements are taken and the panel is being prepared.
  4. Glue or foam is applied to each cut out element.
  5. Each fragment is first pressed to the surface and peeled off, and only after 2 minutes it is finally fixed. This is done so that there is no excess air, excess glue or foam between the panel and the window slope.
  6. The inner corners are coated with sealant, the outer corners are lined with a plastic corner.
Thus, the glue method requires a minimum of effort and time, and the final result is similar to the previous one.

Installation of platbands: how to glue the corners?

Installation of platbands is the final stage of all work. You can buy ready-made MDF corners by purchasing the panels themselves. As a rule, they are sold complete with them and they are easy to match in color and size. Platbands for windows perform 2 main functions - protecting the assembly seam from destruction and giving a finished look to the entire structure. Platbands are attached to the surface in two ways:
  1. via ;
  2. with the help of "liquid nails".

How to bend the panels?

When finishing elements of a rounded shape is planned, the question arises of how to properly bend the MDF panels. This can be done only if thin panels are selected for installation - no more than 3 mm thick.

The procedure will be as follows:
  1. You will need to make a workpiece from fiberboard and make notches of the sheet across the bend.
  2. Cut pieces of MDF to a suitable size.
  3. Where you plan to fold, draw dashed lines at 5mm intervals. The hinge must be 1 mm.
  4. A mixture must be made from construction shavings by mixing it with glue and filling the existing holes with it.
  5. Lay the MDF sheet on the template and fix it with nails. In this case, nails need to be driven in only superficially for further elimination.
  6. At the end, the workpiece should be removed from the fiberboard, the panels should be sanded and painted.
So, the above recommendations will be a good theoretical basis for self-finishing with MDF panels. As we can see, this is a rather complicated process, however, having completed the task once, you can easily repeat all the steps again. In addition, by doing all the work yourself, you can save your budget on hiring workers.

In contact with

Door slopes made of MDF are the finishing element that gives the structure a finished look. The manufacture and installation of products can be done independently if you have basic carpentry skills and the necessary tools.

Most often, the slopes of the entrance door are trimmed with MDF panels, since this material has the following advantages:

  1. Great appearance. The material is suitable for any style and is combined with almost any interior. Combines harmoniously with furniture.
  2. Availability. The panels are inexpensive and can be purchased at many decorative stores. Hardware is also inexpensive.
  3. Ease of installation. If you have the necessary tools and skills in working with wood, you can make slopes from the panels with your own hands.
  4. Additionally insulates and insulates the room.
  5. Exterior decoration made of MDF is an environmentally friendly material that is safe for people.
  6. There are wooden cork panels for the children's room.

The disadvantages include the following features:

  • The material deforms and collapses when exposed to moisture. This should be taken into account when installing slopes in bathrooms.
  • Medium damage resistance. MDF panels are able to withstand minor mechanical damage due to their high density. However, the material is easy to scratch and damage the protective layer.
  • Sometimes there are problems with the selection of some elements.

Finishing the door slope with MDF panels

For finishing door slopes with MDF panels, no special tools and special efforts are required. There are the following stages of work:

  1. surface preparation;
  2. insulation of the opening;
  3. plastering of slopes;
  4. marking and cutting of MDF;
  5. installation of panels;
  6. installation of platbands.

Everything can be done by hand. To do this, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • putty knife;
  • hammer;
  • dowels;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • plumb line;
  • building level;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • cement mortar;
  • wooden slats.

Preparation and insulation of the doorway

At the stage of preparation, the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, all protruding objects are removed, cracks and cracks are closed. If there is large damage, the coating must be removed to the ground. When making slopes for entrance doors, you should be careful not to damage the wires, which are often run next to the loot.

If the old coating is dismantled, the surface is plastered. For this, a cement-sand mixture is used. They proceed to the next stage only after the solution has completely solidified. A heat-insulating material is laid on top. This completes the preparation of the opening for the installation of slopes.

Plastering of slopes

If the old coating has not been removed, the surface should be leveled and the slopes should be made at the required angle. It is necessary to do the work with high quality, because otherwise drafts may occur in the room, heat loss may appear, etc. For this, a cement-sand mixture is made. Level the surface with a wooden lath or rule.

Preparation of MDF fragments for slopes

First, take all the dimensions and transfer them to paper. With respect to the data obtained, markings are performed for each element of the slope. It should be borne in mind:

  1. presence or absence of a threshold;
  2. in what sequence are the parts;
  3. opening width and angles of inclination.

Panel mounting

Now you can start installing the panels. This can be done in two ways. When the width of the opening is small and solid parts are attached, the fragments are fixed with glue. Often used materials in this case are liquid nails and polyurethane foam. When the sheathing needs to be joined, the crate is installed. Each element is attached to it using self-tapping screws.

The second option is inconvenient because it becomes necessary to hammer wooden blocks into the wall. This creates additional stress and destroys the surface. Therefore, it is better to choose MDF in sheets, since fragments of any size can be cut.

Installation of platbands

After installing the slopes, they proceed to the installation of platbands. They are the final and easiest stage of the work. Platbands are easiest to attach using flat-headed nails. In this way, a high quality of fixing can be achieved, and, if necessary, it is also easy to dismantle all the elements.

Nails about 4 cm long are driven in every 40-45 cm. Holes of the appropriate diameter are pre-drilled so as not to damage the material.

After installing the entrance doors, the joy of replacement can be overshadowed by a bare wall with fixing points, which still needs further finishing. The best option is to seal the slopes of the entrance door with MDF panels, which are affordable and take less time than plaster or other methods. If you have a hacksaw, jigsaw, sander and a can of foam, then you can do the work yourself

Advantages of embedding MDF slopes

Installation of MDF slopes is affordable for most buyers, and the color scheme allows you to choose a design that matches the door leaf and style in the hallway, so most of those who installed new doors prefer to finish the opening with this material. Also, add-ons from MDF are distinguished by the following advantages:

  • the material insulates the opening from noise and cold;
  • well tolerates blows of moderate force and is resistant to damage;
  • the decorative layer contains a pattern that imitates natural wood, which looks very rich and gives comfort in the hallway;
  • Easy to install, requiring no hammer or drill skills.

Preparation before finishing the slopes

In order for the embedding of slopes to pass qualitatively, it is important to correctly process the walls that remain under them, otherwise a fungus may develop there or it will blow cold from there. After installation, there is a lot of fine dust and debris in the opening, so you need to thoroughly clean it. To prevent the formation of dampness and mold, it is recommended to treat the wall with an antiseptic impregnation. Further, the surface is primed.

If, after installation, there are small gaps that the installers missed, then they must be sealed with foam from a can, so that cold air does not get onto the fittings from the inside. When the material hardens, it will need to be cut along the end, so that when finishing the slopes of the entrance door with MDF panels, it does not rest against the foam, which will not allow the wooden lining to fit tightly in the box.

The preparation includes cutting of panels of the required dimensions. Usually, a material with a thickness of 8-12 mm is used. It can be placed vertically or horizontally. The first option allows you to quickly close a large area, so they often stop at it. A jigsaw is used for cutting, but it is important to ensure an absolutely straight cut line. If you do not have such skills, then it is better to order a cut in a carpentry workshop. The width of the panels is desirable such as to completely cover the distance from the box to the corner of the wall. The second set is procured for wrapping at an angle (casing) and its width is considered to be a standard of 7 cm.

Stages of embedding slopes with MDF panels

When everything is ready, you can proceed with the installation. The work is carried out in the following stages:

  1. It all starts at the top. Previously, embedded foam spots are applied to the wall at the top of the opening. Their diameter is 5-8 cm, and their height depends on the distance of the wall from the beginning of the box dimensions. Ideally, you need to make the slope of the entrance door from MDF so that the panel is flush with the box or even slightly lower.
  2. The cut-out trim is placed in place at the desired height. There will be a gap between it and the wall. It is tied up with masking tape and then the level position is adjusted. From below, the bar is propped up with a T-shaped wooden spacer.
  3. Now you can push the nozzle of the gun inward and apply more foam for a better hold, but be careful not to squeeze the material out.
  4. By the same principle, the side panels are installed on the bumps with foam, only they will need to be expanded with pieces of timber tied with tape to the box in order to exclude the curved shape of MDF.

After closing the inner wall of the opening, you need to create a beautiful transition to the outside. For this, a second set of cut strips 7 cm wide are used. But before fixing, you will need to cut the end of the panel at 45 degrees in order to get the correct joint with the upper jumper. For such trimming, measure 7 cm in length from the edge and draw a solid line to the corner along which the cut is made. This is done on the right and left panels in a mirror image. The trimmed edge is sanded for a neat look, but do not overlap the outside surface to remove the decorative layer.

The panels are fixed on mounting foam and fixed with masking tape to the wall and door leaf. At the bottom, their length is carried out to the plinth, if one already exists, or to the floor itself, and the plinth is already spreading from the lining. The installation of MDF slopes on the front door ends with a sticker of a plastic corner with a 15 mm shelf on the corner of the wall along the perimeter, which is allowed only after the foam holding the main structure has dried and the adhesive tape has been removed. The color of the element covering the joint is selected identical to the MDF, which will look holistic and beautiful.

The Internet store "Right Choice" offers not only to correctly install a metal door, but also to close up the slopes with MDF panels, which will completely save the owners from the final finishing work. Installation of add-ons starts from 800 rubles. and a large selection of panel colors and thicknesses is available. Installation of the whole portal is possible. It is convenient to find out the deadlines and finishing options through feedback.