Can I use laminated bathroom doors? Competent choice of bathroom doors

Modern interior laminated doors can be installed not only in residential premises. They can be installed even in rooms with high humidity. They can be installed not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom and in the bathroom. Economy laminated doors class serve as long as massive doors. Consider a number of features when choosing the right door model.

Consider the options for laminated doors for bathrooms, which can be found in stores and construction markets. In the mid-90s, paper-faced laminated doors were especially popular. They are not suitable for the bathroom.

Paper always remains paper, no matter how high quality it is. The outer paper layer is not suitable for use in wet areas. The coating can quickly deform, and the door itself will lose its technical characteristics and lose its luster.

Laminated doors with a paper-based film impregnated with synthetic resin (acrylic or melamine) can be considered conditionally suitable for use in the bathroom and in the bathroom. Due to impregnation, the coating acquires greater strength and moisture resistance. But in this case, it is important to limit contact of the surface with water. Drops can be sprayed onto the canvas.

When using such doors, an acceptable limit for air humidity is set. It is about 65%. It is better not to use such doors in cramped bathrooms and bathrooms. But if you do decide to use such a laminated door, install a good ventilation system.

The most optimal solution for a bathroom and a toilet is the installation of a laminated door with a double-sided laminate covering. It is currently the most advanced laminate flooring. It is of polymer origin and has a layer of 0.4 to 0.8 mm. It is suitably water resistant.

Laminated doors do not lose their quality at high humidity levels. They can withstand up to 80% humidity. For comparison, in bathrooms and toilets of typical apartments, this figure rarely rises above 65-70%. It is also important to consider that in rooms with high humidity, the air temperature is usually higher than in other rooms.

From this point of view, laminated doors also outperform the competition. They can withstand temperatures exceeding + 80 ° C. Laminated doors, unlike wood panels, are practically not subject to expansion in conditions of high humidity. But if the bathroom is used often enough, it is kept mostly closed and is not well ventilated, over time, delamination may appear on the ends of the door leaves.

To avoid this, it is important to make sure that the ends of the door are well finished with an insulating edge that is made of waterproof PVC. Typically, such an edge is represented by a tape layer, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 millimeters.

The canvas must be selected in such a way that when it is installed, a small gap is formed between the bottom of the door and the threshold. It will act as an additional ventilation hole that will not allow moist air to stagnate for a long time in the bathroom. But at the same time, you will have to forget about additional sound insulation, but there is no particular need for it in the bathroom.

Thus, when choosing a laminated bathroom door, it is important to take into account many features, without which it will be difficult to make the right choice. Give preference only to high-quality laminate doors.

Bathrooms are among the most difficult areas of living space. Not all elements of the environment are ready to resist the effects of steam, hot air, splashing water, accumulating dampness for a long time. A good ventilation system makes the problem less painful, but does not allow you to forget about it completely. Therefore, it is not surprising thatlaminated bathroom door today it is installed especially often.

Natural materials cannot cope with the upcoming tests. And the model with a synthetic coating has for this:

  • waterproofness. The cladding does not absorb water even after prolonged direct contact with it. Accordingly, the internal elements of the moisture-resistant wood sheet remain intact;
  • resistance to decay, fungus and mold. Artificial decoration is a poor breeding ground for microorganisms;
  • hygiene, unpretentious care, the possibility of cleaning with water and conventional detergents without abrasive particles.

When deciding to buy a laminated door to the bathroom and toilet, the owner also receives a wear-resistant, mechanically strong product, designed for intensive use by the whole family. Plus products from modern brands and in environmental safety - the production of decorative films does not involve the participation of halogens or formaldehydes.

Features of the device and equipment

Laminated doors to the bathroom and toilet differ from analogs used in residential premises. Among their features are noted:

  1. small size. According to the standards, the sash width is 600 mm and the height is 2000 mm. However, some companies include in the finished assortment smaller canvases - 500, 550, 600 x 1900 mm;
  2. lack of glass inserts in the device. If they are, they are completely opaque. For example, a laminated door to a toilet or a bath can be equipped with opaque, impenetrable black glass pasted over with a colored film;
  3. the need to install a lock. The locking mechanism ensures that it closes only from the inside. In simplified designs, a conventional latch is used instead;
  4. often - the presence of a threshold that would prevent the flooding of adjacent premises in an emergency. In modern products, it is replaced with an automatic guillotine nut;
  5. use of moisture-resistant seals, stainless alloy accessories, etc.

Who offers quality products?

In Academy storesprice of laminated doors for the bathroom and toilet is suitable for most buyers, and the functionality and stylish design are admirable. The following collections are introduced to the designs that are appropriate in the bathrooms:

  • Lady - paneled solutions for classic interiors;
  • Epsilon - expressive canvases of minimalist design, presented in a sleek design and decorated with moldings;
  • Alfa - practical side doors, etc.

The company's consultants will tell you whether it is possible to install a laminated door to the bathroom and toilet, and will help you choose the best option. Experienced service staff will perform competent installation.

If repairs are made in the whole apartment, it is better to change all the doors at once, the collection may be taken out of production, the color of the next batch may differ. But do not forget that some areas, such as the bathroom, have special requirements. Not all materials can withstand constant exposure to water, moisture and steam, but most interior doors used in the production are suitable for installation in sanitary facilities, subject to moderate humidity up to 60 percent.

What materials are there:

  • Laminated doors.
  • PVC coated doors

Doors lined with a polyvinyl chloride coating, which is able to keep the canvas from moisture ingress. Plastic repels moisture well without absorbing it.

  • Eco-veneer coated doors

Eco-veneer is a modern type of coating made on the basis of polypropylene, which is a moisture-resistant material ..

  • Veneered doors

Products covered with veneer are protected from moisture due to the application of several layers of finishing materials (primer, varnish) to the veneer. Any ingressing moisture will escape through special ventilation holes located at the bottom and top ends, without damaging the coating and door structure.

  • Solid wood doors

Doors made of natural wood have the ability to "breathe", i.e. take moisture from the environment and give it back. The main thing is to correctly set the technical gaps during installation, and these doors will serve in the bathroom for a very long time.

  • Plastic doors

The best option for installation in damp rooms. Doors made entirely of plastic are presented in our catalog by the Kapelli factory.

Due to changes in building standards in the last 30 years, we recommend that you check in advance the dimensions of the openings for doors in sanitary facilities, their standard dimensions should be as follows:

If you have other sizes of openings, most likely you will have to order custom-sized doors, pay a surcharge for their manufacture and wait for their manufacture (from 10 to 60 days).

  • It is important to pay attention to the fact that not all manufacturers make doors with a height of 1900mm, for example, most Belarusian factories make doors with a height of only 2000mm.
  • It is necessary to ventilate the sanitary facilities to avoid swelling of door leaves and their components, which are kept in high humidity conditions for a long time.
  • A good option for installation in a bathroom and toilet are doors with triplex and satin glass inserts.

Interior doors can be expensive and democratic, glass or veneered, completely different in style, design and shade of color, but a bathroom is a special room. And moisture-proof bathroom doors are not a whim, but an absolute must. The ability to withstand temperature extremes, steam, drops of water, maintain its aesthetic appearance - these are the criteria by which a design is selected if you do not want to change the door annually, or even more often. But which of the partitions fully meet the specified parameters? And is it possible to pick up waterproof bathroom doors without spending a fortune?

Laminated doors: the choice is yours

Advice! To determine the level of humidity in the room, be observant: if after each use of water procedures in the room, steam swirls, and the bathroom door and the mirror fog up so much that water drips off, it is time to install ventilation or extremely moisture-proof doors to the bath.

The choice of doors with water protection is wide enough today. Manufacturers offer a wide range of partitions that meet the usual moisture resistance criteria. Moreover, the performance material can be any:

  • veneered;
  • glass;
  • foamed PVC doors;
  • interior doors lined with plastic;
  • acrylic;
  • from an array.

Advice! When buying, carefully inspect the canvas: if the entire surface is varnished without gaps, the panel details are fitted tightly and there are no diverging seams - such a door has no room for moisture accumulation and penetration, which means it will serve for a long time.

Laminated interior door: advantages and disadvantages

It is worth noting that the laminated bathroom door produced today is completely indistinguishable from expensive veneered doors. And in many respects it surpasses the latter:

  • The protective film protects against the aggressive effects of chemicals, changes in temperature and humidity.
  • Caring for the canvas is simple, just wipe it with a dry cloth, clean it with abrasives with fine fractions.
  • Unlike solid wood doors, laminated partitions are not subject to deformation.
  • Low weight, affordable price and variety of shapes allow you to choose exactly what you need for an individual bathroom interior.

Laminated doors: coverage details

Laminate film is an artificial material produced in a wide range of colors, which greatly facilitates the selection of interior doors. There are several options for making a film that a modern buyer should know about:

  1. Paper-based film is an inexpensive and extremely unreliable option, the thickness is up to 0.2 mm;
  2. Melamine foil is a paper impregnated with melamine resin. The coating is considered to be more practical and dense;
  3. Double-sided laminate is a very durable coating up to 0.7 mm thick. It is often used in the production of door leaves;
  4. Fiberglass film is the highest quality and most expensive coating. It is used only in individual cases, but meets all the requirements of a modern user

To choose high-quality laminated bathroom doors, you should pay attention to the following parameters.

  • the weight. the heavier, the more natural material was spent in production, which means that the door will last longer;
  • smoothness of the coating. the laminate film should not have roughness and chipping - this is a marriage that will lead to damage to the entire canvas;
  • drawing. the film not only imitates the bends of the array, but also repeats the texture. A matte fabric is more resistant to moisture, and brightness and gloss are a sign of a cheap paper base;
  • the side edges should be without delamination, absolutely even, decorative inserts on the canvas should also have no complaints about their appearance;
  • panels and their fasteners fixed securely (if the manufacturer's equipment does not meet the standards, then the edges of the glazing bead will look "torn").

Disadvantages of laminated doors

Many buyers pay attention to some of the disadvantages that laminated bathroom doors have, for example:

  • too smoothed surface;
  • severe damage to the door cannot be repaired;
  • expensive cost of high-quality laminate (slightly cheaper than natural veneer);
  • the similarity of texture and pattern.

But it is worth remembering that today the strength of the laminated coating can withstand very serious mechanical stress, and the moisture resistance of the material is comparable only to glass. If you do not choose the most economical options, then the risk of getting a low-quality paper-coated door is small.

As for environmental friendliness, the use of natural pine timber, resins and compounds based on natural materials makes the doors safe for health. Recommendations for the use of laminated sheets in medical and educational institutions for children - the guarantor of environmental cleanliness and safety of the door.

Canvas maintenance: very little required

Correct use will ensure the preservation of the appearance of the partition for a very long time. To make your door beautiful, it is worth clarifying the rules of care:

  1. treatment with polish with wax compounds will extend the service life of the coating (no more than 2 times a year);
  2. cleaning of mechanical parts and hinges is mandatory (no more than once a year);
  3. cleaning with abrasives is possible, but only if it is heavily soiled;
  4. chips, cracks, tears can be masked with a wax pencil: heat the wax, apply to the scratch and polish with a soft cloth. The crack will become much less noticeable.

A laminated bathroom door is a smart purchase. A large selection, affordability, a huge assortment and excellent technical and practical qualities are the obvious advantages of a product in a similar line.

Interior doors can have a different design, color, type, cost, however, they must be special for a bathroom. Therefore, moisture-resistant doors for the bathroom and toilet are not an unusual innovation, but a real necessity. If you want the bathroom door to serve for a long time, then you should choose it according to the following parameters: resistance to temperature fluctuations, moisture, steam and preservation of its original appearance. However, which partitions meet all of the above criteria? And how to choose a high-quality moisture-resistant product at an affordable price?

If you want to set the degree of humidity in the room - be careful! You noticed that after taking a bathroom, a lot of steam appears in the room and all surfaces fog up very much, then you should equip the bathroom with high-quality moisture-proof doors or good ventilation.

Moisture resistant laminated bathroom doors

The range of moisture-proof surfaces is very large. Manufacturers provide an extensive selection of partitions that meet the main requirement - moisture resistance. In this case, the material of the product can be different:

  • acrylic;
  • veneer;
  • array;
  • glass;
  • plastic.

Helpful advice! During the acquisition process, conduct a thorough inspection of the canvas: the details of the panel should be tightly fitted, the entire surface is varnished, and there should be no diverging seams. Such a door will not have cracks into which moisture can penetrate, so it will serve for a long time.

Interior laminated doors: pros and cons

It should be noted that laminated doors for bathroom and toilet, manufactured in our time, do not have any differences from expensive veneer products. Moreover, they even surpass them in many ways.


  • the protective layer of the film will protect the surface from the aggressive effects of chemical components, humidity and temperature differences;
  • compared to solid wood, laminated partitions are not deformed;
  • care for such a canvas is easy: you can simply rub it with a dry sponge, and in case of severe pollution - with abrasives with fine granules;
  • democratic cost, low weight, a variety of options - allow you to choose what will be the perfect complement to the bathroom interior.

Coating types

Laminate film is an artificial material that is available in various colors, making the choice of interior doors a real pleasure.

Bathroom and toilet decoration with laminated doors

There are a couple of film production methods that you need to understand before making a purchase:

  1. The paper base is a democratic but durable material, its thickness is 0.2 mm.
  2. Double-sided laminate is a reliable coating that is often used in the manufacturing process, its thickness is slightly more - 0.7 mm.
  3. Melamine foil is paper impregnated with melamine resin. This coating is very practical and durable.
  4. Fiberglass film is a high quality, expensive coating. Used for individual orders.

Right choice

In order for the laminated bathroom door to be of high quality and meet all the requirements, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Ideally, the door should be heavy. This will prove that a considerable amount of natural raw materials was spent on its manufacture, therefore, it will serve for a long time.
  • The film should imitate the texture and follow the curves of the array. The matte finish has excellent moisture resistance, and the gloss and vibrant colors speak of an inexpensive cardboard base.
  • The laminate should be perfectly smooth. The presence of irregularities indicates a marriage, due to which the entire canvas may be damaged.
  • Panels and their fasteners must be securely attached (if the manufacturer's equipment is of poor quality, then the ends of the glazing beads will look sloppy).
  • The side edge should be smooth, without delamination, and the decorative elements should also have an ideal appearance.

Cons of laminated doors

Laminated doors to bathroom and toilet

Some buyers complain about certain flaws that laminate bathroom doors have, for example:

  • too flat surface;
  • deep damage to the tree cannot be restored;
  • high price of high-quality laminate (it is slightly lower than veneer);
  • similarity of drawings.

However, you need to know that laminated coatings are able to withstand high mechanical loads, and their moisture resistance can be compared with glass coatings. If the choice falls on the options with medium and high prices, then there is little chance of purchasing a poor quality paper coated product.

With regard to environmentally friendly characteristics, the use of pine, as well as natural compounds and resins, is evidence that such a product will not harm health. Laminated sheets are often recommended for installation in children's institutions and medical institutions - this is an indisputable evidence that they are harmless and environmentally friendly.

How to care for a laminated door

In order for moisture-resistant bathroom doors to be successfully operated for a long time, you should follow some rules for caring for them, which are as follows:

  • every year it is necessary to clean the hinges and mechanical elements;
  • treat the canvas with care products containing wax (once every 6 months), so that the service life will be long;
  • mechanical damage, for example, scratches, can be hidden with a wax pencil, which should be warmed up and applied to the damaged surface, and then wiped with a cloth;
  • can be cleaned with abrasive powder only in case of deep contamination.

Buying a laminated bathroom door is a good purchase, because a wide assortment, affordable prices, as well as excellent practical and technical characteristics are the indisputable advantages of this product.

Varieties of bathroom doors

Most owners believe that the bathroom door must have moisture-resistant characteristics, and it must also cope with temperature gradations. In fact, the need for these parameters largely depends on the size and planning of the premises.

Sometimes bathrooms have showers that are not obstructed, in which case moisture will surely get on the furniture, in particular, on the surface of each surface. Therefore, in the conditions of such a bathroom layout, moisture-resistant surfaces will be an indispensable solution.

Moisture resistant laminated bathroom doors


A great example of moisture resistant doors is their glass version. It is better to install painted or darkened options in the bathroom that will not be enlightened. As a rule, swing or sliding glass doors are installed in the toilet or bathroom.


Plastic doors also have good moisture resistance. However, in residential premises, this option is rarely used, because most associate them with public toilets. Although the plastic can also be given home comfort, for example, paint or paste over them. In addition, if there is a wooden door next to the plastic one, then this will be a sign of absolute tastelessness.

Particleboard and MDF

Today, doors made of chipboard and MDF are extremely popular, which are faced with laminate in order to improve moisture resistance. Thanks to this door option, you can achieve maximum harmony with the overall home interior. In other rooms, veneered doors can be installed, and in the toilet and bathroom - laminated from chipboard or MDF, the main thing is that they have an identical color scheme.


If there is no need to install a door that protects against moisture in the bathroom, then you can choose a veneered one. Lacquered veneer - excellently protects against any ingress of water. At the same time, any Euro surface made of wood, solid wood or MDF can be finished with this material.

Helpful advice! If you do not know how to make a choice: that first the doors or tiles in the bathroom, then it is better to first lay the flooring, and then install the door. This sequence is important, because after laying the tiles, the floor will become higher, and then it will be possible to order and install doors that best match the parameters of the opening.


In a spacious room in which the shower has a sealed partition, you can install wooden doors. However, they must be treated with a special varnish. This is real because, in a large bathroom, the doors are unlikely to deform and swell.