Roof junction repair - options. How to properly mount roof junctions Gable roof assembly wall junction

As you know, those areas of the roof where the coating is in direct contact with the wall are most susceptible to the negative effects of moisture. Therefore, it is in the place where the junction of the roof to the wall is located that the sealing of the joint and its protection must be performed at the highest possible level.

It is customary to distinguish two main types of junctions - top and side, and the device of each of them requires the use of butt strips PS-1 and PS-2.

The need for roof connections

It is very important that all elements of the structure, one way or another adjacent to the roof (ventilation and chimney pipes, canopies, walls, sheds, etc.), are arranged according to a specially planned plan. As you know, these places are most susceptible to the active accumulation of any moisture.

Inconvenience is also often caused by debris, branches and foliage of trees that accumulate in those places where the wind blows most strongly. V winter period time, the junction of the roof to the wall under the influence of snow experiences the strongest loads.

After the installation of the roof truss system is completed, it is only necessary to equip the roof with the necessary coating.

Metal tile flooring must be laid with a small gap near the walls. This is done in order to provide the entire structure with normal ventilation, while doing the right thing. After that, in the wall canvas, by means of chasing, you need to create a groove having a depth of about 2.5 centimeters. At the same time, the butt plate is equipped with a special seal, and then it is tightly fixed in the groove and fastened with dowels. Then the place of gating is treated with a special silicone-based sealant. The junction bar is fixed on the upper points of the tiled waves using self-tapping screws or screws.

In the event that the roofing is covered with rolled material, for example, a coating of bitumen or bitumen with polymers, then the junction of the roof to the wall should be processed according to following principle:

  1. Clamping rails are applied to the sections of the joints of the coating with the wall.
  2. The superimposed rails must be firmly fixed with self-tapping screws.
  3. Joint areas are treated with a silicone-based sealant.
  4. As an option - the imposition of elastic mastic along with reinforcing geotextile, and on top - the second layer of mastic. This method is called flashing. It has gained quite wide popularity due to the good end result of the work - the seams are elastic, durable and perfectly sealed. This method is relatively inexpensive, and besides, it can be carried out with one's own hand, without attracting extra labor and without spending material resources on paying specialists.

Apply the mastic to the joints with a brush or roller. This material hardens quickly, but the necessary elasticity, however, is maintained. Adhesion of mastic with almost any material passes without any problems.

Thanks to the polyurethane that is part of the material, the coating acquires additional plasticity and endures absolutely any kind of impact. The service life of such flooring can reach more than 20 years, and the quality does not suffer even at such a greater temperature range as from -40 to +75 degrees.

Joints are prepared for the flashing method in different ways depending on the materials used for the construction of roofing joints, as well as on their configuration. This is done as follows:

In total, for 1 m² of joints, on average, it is required to use about 1 kilogram of mastic. The volume of primer consumption is approximately equal to 0.3 kilograms per 1 m². It is necessary to calculate the consumption of geotextiles even before purchasing it.

Installation of junction strips, detailed video:

Roof connection to other elements of the structure

If it is necessary to seal the joints of the roofing with other surfaces of the entire structure, then the technology should be somewhat different. For example, if the roof is adjacent to the parapet, then this element must be insulated.

Wall insulation with such sealing is carried out using mineral wool. In the area where the roof is connected to the parapet, one more layer should be welded.

Thermal insulation sheets must be covered with particle-cement boards or slate, usually flat. dense plate mineral wool serves as the basis for creating an inclined edge, which is glued directly into the corner over hot bitumen. The very first of the layers of the roof covering should be bent onto a horizontal surface at a distance equal to 15 centimeters, and the second layer must overlap the previous one at a distance of 5 centimeters.

After that, you should proceed to the arrangement of a steel apron, the main function of which is to drain rainwater. After that, the junction of the roof to the wall will have a reliable and long-term sealing.

Due to the wavy shape of this material, it is able to repeat the shape of the coating itself, that is, the tiles, and the subsequent pouring of bitumen will finally give the joints complete tightness. Tapes of this kind can also be used on shingles. Another advantage is their rich color range, so choosing the right shade for the color of the roofing will not be difficult.

If you have any questions about how the roof should be connected to the wall and other surfaces, detailed information with photos and videos of all works can always be found on the Internet.

In order for the roof to reliably protect the house from the weather, its coating must be completely sealed. The junction of the roof to the wall and other structures must be carried out using materials and technologies corresponding to the type of roofing.

Connection Vulnerability

The adjunction of the roof to the wall is one of the most vulnerable places of the roof - it is in the places where the planes meet that the debris brought by the wind accumulates. It often retains moisture, which adversely affects the joint and can destroy the roofing or waterproofing material as a result of repeated freezing and thawing at temperature extremes. At the walls in winter time snow masses accumulate, which also increases the risk of leaks.

To ensure complete sealing of the roof, the principles for arranging junctions should be provided for at the design stage of the structure. For example, if a building is being built of brick, a half-brick canopy can be provided over the future junction of the roof and wall. Or, when laying, a recess is left, into which the edge of the roofing is subsequently inserted.

Sealing of junctions can be carried out using various materials. The technology of work is determined by the type of roof and type of coating.

There are two main types of connections: top and side. In both cases, butt strips PS-1 and PS-2 can be used.

Profiled metal roof connection

When installing roofing from a metal profile, it must be taken into account that there must be a gap between it and vertical structures, which allows for the necessary air circulation in the roofing pie.

The junction of the roof to the wall requires the use of special strips or aprons made of sheet steel. Installation of a single apron requires wall chasing - a groove 20-30 mm deep is made along the junction line at a height of at least 200 mm. The edges of the apron are processed construction sealant, after which the upper edge is installed in the strobe,. The lower edge is attracted to the roofing by self-tapping screws equipped with neoprene or rubber seals to prevent moisture from entering the attachment point. The gate into which the upper edge of the apron is inserted can be filled with cement mortar.

The use of a double apron allows you to provide high reliability abutment sealing. In this case, it is not required to ditch the wall. The upper part is mounted to the base with dowels, then it is required to install the lower element under it, which is snapped onto the upper apron using a locking connection. The lower apron is equipped with clamps, which are fixed to the roof with self-tapping screws. All joints are carefully treated with building sealant.

Roofing from ceramic and soft tiles

If the roof finish is selected ceramic tiles, contiguity pitched roof to the wall is carried out using a corrugated aluminum tape. Soft metal tape during installation repeats the profile of the coating, it is poured into the seam hot bitumen (waterproofing mastic on a bitumen basis), which reliably protects the joint from moisture penetration.

Using corrugated aluminum tape and bituminous mastic, it is also possible to qualitatively waterproof the junctions of a roof made of soft tiles.

Adjacency of a rolled roof

adjoining soft roof to the wall can be carried out according to various technologies. Traditionally, the rolled material is laid on a vertical surface, where it is fastened with a rail. This method of installation can be used in the arrangement of not only flat, but also pitched roofs.

To ensure the reliability of the junction, the roofing material must be laid with an approach to the wall to a height of 10-20 cm. wooden lath, pressing the rolled material, is attached with dowels. The junction of the rail with the wall should be processed with high quality silicone sealant. The weak point of this design is the cavity under the roofing material in the corner formed by the roof and wall planes. The roof covering may be accidentally damaged when performing repair work or when cleaning the roof of snow. To avoid this situation, the corner is filled with a triangular bar or an additional layer of thermal insulation.

A construction consisting of a sheet of cotton insulator and a rectangular bar of small cross section, installed at the junction under the insulation, can be used. The resulting roller protects the roofing felt from accidental breakthrough and allows you to additionally insulate the junction.

When installing an insulated roof, along with the finish coating, all the layers included in the composition are brought onto the wall. roofing cake except for the heater.

Flash method

The device for adjoining the roof to the wall by flashing is a modern, easy-to-use option for arranging a soft roof. The technology of work involves applying an elastic hydrophobic mastic, reinforcing the joint with a layer of geotextile and re-applying the mastic layer.

The time interval between applying layers of mastic should be from 3 to 24 hours, no more.

At correct installation the junction made by this method differs:

  • absolute tightness;
  • elasticity;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • reliability and durability.

The flashing method allows you to equip the adjoining of all types of rolled roofs to walls made of various materials. The technology of work requires high-quality preparation of surfaces on which waterproofing material will be applied. First of all, the roof is cleaned of debris, dirt and dust.

If top coat the roof is a roofing material with mineral dressing, then the granules should be carefully cleaned along the entire length of the junction with a continuous strip, on which the mastic will be applied. Otherwise, it is impossible to ensure the highest quality adhesion of the waterproofing to the roofing. Synthetic membrane materials should not only be cleaned of dust, but also degrease the points of contact with the mastic.

In the case when the roof is adjoined to a brick wall, attention should be paid to the quality of the masonry. If the brick surface is very uneven, has destruction, it is recommended to plaster it. Work on waterproofing the joint with the roof can be carried out only after the plaster layer has completely dried. Before applying the mastic material, it is recommended to treat the surface with an appropriate primer.

If a flat roof is attached to a reinforced concrete wall, make sure that there are no cracks or chips in it. If any are found, it is required to fill them with building sealant. All protruding irregularities must be carefully removed. Then the concrete surface is treated with a primer (primer) on a bitumen basis. This will reduce the absorbency of the material, increase the adhesion of the mastic to the vertical concrete surface.

On top of the finished junction, made by flashing, you can apply a layer of mastic to match the color of the roofing, which will make appearance roofs more aesthetic.

Roof connections to walls and other structures are considered potentially dangerous areas. Illiterate arrangement, violation of installation technology inevitably leads to the destruction of the waterproofing layer and the ingress of moisture into the under-roof space. The accumulation of moisture in cotton wool heaters significantly reduces their thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, moisture provokes rotting wooden elements roof frame, as a result of which in the future it will be necessary to spend significant funds on the repair of the truss system with the dismantling of the roofing.

On roofs, the line connecting the roof to the wall is an extremely important point. Snow, rain, small debris, fallen leaves accumulate there. This causes damage to the insulation and the penetration of moisture under the roof, and sometimes inside the room, which entails repair of the roof. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, a reliable junction is equipped along the docking line.

Proper roof connection

The main function of roofing is to protect premises from external influences. The microclimate inside the building and the safety of the roof itself depend on how competently the adjoining of the roofing material to all vertical surfaces is made.

Materials used

Throughout the service life roofing expands and contracts due to temperature differences, is subjected to various atmospheric influences, as well as other physical and chemical influences. Therefore, it is important not only to choose the material for covering the roof, but also to mount it correctly. The most suitable for sealing the junction of the roof with the wall are:

Mounting the junction

Each coating has its own method and material for joining the roof to the wall. But for any option, the rule applies: the junction must be continuous, solid, made of quality materials. The most commonly used construction methods are:

  • installation of butt strips PS-1, PS-2, aprons with wide brim overlaps;

    Butt straps of jumping have a different configuration

  • installation of corrugated aluminum or copper tape with subsequent sealing of the edges;
  • corner installation between roof and wall wooden beam triangular section, which is then covered with a soft roll material with a wall entry (waterproofing lining);

    Waterproofing at the junction of the roof to the wall is always performed, starting from the lower layers, and then laying the upper ones, blocking the lower joints with them.

  • multi-layer mastic treatment with geotextile strips.

The main difficulty of the device of such a contiguity is to achieve structural strength. Indeed, due to the difference in temperature deformations of the materials of the roof and the wall, this unit collapses over time.

Single apron

Step-by-step technology for installing and fastening a metal apron-shed:

It is also possible to install without shtrobleniye. But then a double apron is used. Or the junction of the roofing material with the wall is reinforced with a metal pressure strip, which is shot with dowels from a construction gun.

Aluminum adhesive strip

Such a strip is easily stretched due to the corrugated structure and tightly fits the relief surfaces.

With its help, the junction of the roof from ceramic tiles, slate and similar materials is mounted. And also it is convenient for lateral adjoining.

Of particular difficulty is the lateral junction of the roof

How to stick aluminum corrugated strip:

The advantage of the method is its relative simplicity. This does not require special knowledge, you can do this work yourself.

And also other modern tape materials are easy to use. For example, when working with piece roofing materials (tiles, roofing tiles, etc.), a self-adhesive lead tape is suitable for sealing joints. It is made one-sided from painted lead and rolled into rolls.

Lead adhesive tape for sealing the joints of the roof with the wall is also necessarily closed along the upper edge with a pressure strip

Soft roof connection

For the installation of the junction of the soft roof, rolled materials of increased strength are used. The vertical surface must be smooth, without cracks and chips, to prevent moisture from entering under the roofing carpet. The technology of overlapping the junction of a soft roof to the wall:

  1. Plaster the vertical surface of the junction to a height of at least 30 cm, wait until it dries completely.
  2. Along the line connecting the roof to the wall along the entire perimeter, fix a beam 5 × 5 cm with a triangular section. It is necessary to avoid tearing of the material and to ensure that water drains. But you can do instead of timber cement-sand screed with the same angle.
  3. The roof covering should go into the junction and rise slightly above the horizontal plane. Clean the part of the roofing on which the reinforcement will be glued, remove granite chips from it for a better fit of the material. The width of this part on the horizontal surface of the roof is arbitrary, but not less than 15 cm from the line of the beginning of the rise.

    The simplest option for strengthening a soft roof at the junction with the wall includes only one layer glued on top of the main roofing material

  4. Treat the junction with a primer.
  5. Lay a section of the roll coating on the beam, leading to a vertical surface along the height of the plaster.
  6. Smooth out and stick to the wall bituminous mastic or sealant.
  7. Glue the lower part to the roof with mastic or fuse (depending on the material chosen).
  8. Fix the upper edge with a metal junction bar, fixing it on the wall with dowels.

    A bar of triangular section is installed along the connection line of the roof with a plastered wall

  9. Treat the joint with sealant.

This method is suitable for strengthening the contiguity on pitched roofs. And on flat roof several layers are laid.

Two layers of roofing carpet are alternately interspersed with two additional layers of reinforcement that extend over different levels walls

The second layer on the wall should overlap the first by at least 5 cm. This will help prevent water from seeping under the roofing material. This design is considered the most durable for roll roofing and soft tiles.

Video: device for connecting a flat roof to vertical structures

Abutment sealing

Flashing is a modern way of connecting a roof to a wall, which provides reliable sealing of the joint. It is based on the use of geotextiles and flashing mastic with waterproofing properties.


This method is used only on dry surfaces. If it is not possible to dry the base, then it is pre-treated with a primer. The method can be used for any roll coatings and walls of any material.

The flashing method provides reliable waterproofing junction on the roof

The sequence of application of the flashing method:

  1. Thoroughly clean the vertical and horizontal surface at the point of contact.
  2. Apply mastic with a brush or roller: the width of the layer should not be less than 25 cm.
  3. Glue a strip of geotextile: evenly, without folds.
  4. Let the mastic dry - it will take from 3 to 24 hours.
  5. Cover with a second layer - overlapping the first by at least 5 cm to seal the edges of the geotextile.

After the second layer has dried, a durable, strong and reliable waterproofing compound will be obtained.

Due to the properties of mastic, such a coating becomes dense, but elastic and flexible, which ensures resistance to mechanical and climatic influences. The connection withstands the temperature range from -40 °C to +75 °C.

Joint sealing

To prevent water from seeping under the visors, fit strips and roll material, it is necessary to carry out sealing along the line of their joining with the wall. It consists of the following steps:

The nuances of adjoining various types of roofing to the wall

The installation method should be considered when designing the building. Since often the construction project has to include a special laying of bricks in the upper part of the walls with small recesses.

Brick or concrete wall

When erecting a brick wall, it is worthwhile to provide for a visor protruding half a brick above the surface. In the future, it will serve as a cornice that protects the junction. The same role is played by the "otter" - a recess, a quarter of a brick deep. Soft roofing material is introduced into it, then a bar is installed. The junction points of roofs covered with other types of roofing are covered with metal sheets and fixed in the recess of the wall.

Visor or otter in brickwork Provides a secure seal

brick and concrete walls before installation, the junctions are leveled with a layer of plaster. If the visor or recess was not made during construction, then the groove under the bar is ditched with a jackhammer or cut out with a “grinder”.

Relief roofs

Roof connection made of rigid relief materials, is made using special strips, aluminum tape or aprons with a wavy bottom edge.

The junction of the relief roof is carried out using a metal strip with a certain angle of inclination

Video: a device for adjoining a roof from a profiled sheet to a wall under a visor

metal tile

When laying sheets of metal between the wall and the roof, a small gap is left for ventilation of the under-roof space. In this case, the junction is made with a metal bar, the lower edge of which is attached to the tile with self-tapping screws.

One of the ways to seal the junction with the pipe over the roof is the use of aluminum corrugated strip

Before fastening the clamping strips, a heat-insulating belt made of asbestos is installed on the pipe. The strips are first attached to the bottom of the pipe, then to the two side ones, and finally to the top.

A double abutment is first made around the pipe, and then clamping strips are attached

To the lower bar under the roof, a tie for water drainage is additionally mounted, which is displayed in the valley or in the drain on the eaves. The lower apron is attached to the crate, the upper - to the roof. Joints are sealed with heat-resistant sealant.

A tie is attached to the wall profile to drain water

Video: joining a chimney to a cement-sand tile roof


Before the assembly of the node, the parapet is insulated with mineral wool and closed with particle-cement boards or flat slate. The adjunction of the roof to the parapet above 70 cm is carried out in the same way as to the wall.

If the parapet is lower, the roofing material is brought onto a horizontal plane with an approach to the facade. A metal casing is installed on top or cladding is made with parapet stone.

Laying a soft roof with the introduction of material on the parapet will allow the roof to serve for many years without problems

Connections on the roof- these are areas in contact with other elements of the building: walls, ventilation and chimneys, shafts, parts of the facade, etc. The junction points are the most dangerous in terms of the formation of possible leaks. When installing them, special rules must be observed.

The importance of proper roofing work

One of the main functions of a roof is reliable weather protection. In order to prevent precipitation from penetrating inside, it is necessary to ensure its absolute tightness.

On a flat surface, this is quite easy to achieve, but the places where the roof adjoins walls and other structural elements can create serious problems. Snow accumulates in these areas, rainwater, garbage, as a result, the load on truss system and the risk of leaks, violations of the sealing of the roofing increases.

Proper arrangement of junctions is a guarantee of reliable roof sealing. This should be taken care of at the design stage.

If the building is brick, then during the laying a special visor is equipped. It is made from half a brick. The purpose of the canopy is to protect the junction of the roof and wall from rain and snow.

Some choose a different way: they leave a notch when laying small size. Subsequently, a roofing is started in it.

Regardless of the chosen method, even before the start installation work it is necessary to take into account all future junctions and determine the method by which they will be sealed.

Types of junctions to the wall

Docking roof and wall is of two types: upper and lateral. At roofing works one has to face the task of designing other building details: ventilation pipes, chimneys, canopies, awnings. It is in these places that rain and melt water accumulates, and in winter - snow.

Arrangement of junctions to the wall

During installation of the roof, all junctions should be carefully sealed. The sealing process is carried out different technologies and depends on the specific type of roofing.

In the presence of a roof based on rolled materials, several methods can be used.

  • flashing

This method consists in applying plastic mastic to the junctions in combination with a special reinforcing geotextile. When applying this technique, it is possible to obtain an absolutely tight, durable and elastic joint, which, moreover, does not lose its quality characteristics for a long time.

This method is so simple that the work can be carried out independently, without the help of professionals. Before applying the mastic, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface.

When using rolled materials, they are cleaned of sprinkling. Polyvinyl chloride should be degreased, the concrete should be smeared with a primer, and the brickwork should be plastered and dried thoroughly.

All places of future joints must be cleaned of dust and any contaminants. If there's large cracks and chips, they need to be covered. Only after careful preparation surface, you can apply a layer of mastic on it.

Geotextiles are laid on top, which are again covered with a layer of mastic. After applying one layer, you must wait at least 3 hours and no more than 24 - before applying the next layer. After waiting for the complete drying of the treated area, you can apply mastic of the corresponding color on top.

  • Fastening with a rail with self-tapping screws

Using this method the junction of the roof to the wall is arranged as follows: a silicone sealant is applied to the junction of the rail with the wall. Roll roofing should be raised to the wall by about 15-20 cm.

It is necessary to ensure that a cavity does not appear at the junction, which in the future may threaten a tear. To avoid this, a triangular bar should be installed between the wall and the roof surface and a layer of additional thermal insulation should be laid. The resulting roller is a prevention of a possible breakthrough of the material and additionally insulates the junction areas.

Roofing from corrugated board

In the presence of roofing on the basis of profiled sheets, the arrangement of junctions to the wall is carried out using special steel strips or aprons.

To install such a structure on a plastered or concrete base, it is necessary to make a recess in it with a depth of 20 to 30 mm. The recess should be parallel to the wall.

The apron is pre-treated with silicone sealant, after which it is inserted into the strobe and fixed from the bottom side with self-tapping screws.

You can also use a double apron. Top element must overlap the bottom. There is no need to grind the surface.

The top part is attached to the base using dowels. Under it, you need to install the bottom element. It is snapped onto the upper part using locking joints. The bottom apron is equipped with clamps: they must be fixed to the roof with self-tapping screws. At the last stage of work, it is necessary to carry out a complete sealing of all sections of the connection.

When performing work, it must be remembered that at the junction points of the corrugated board to the wall, there must certainly be a small gap.

Soft roof tiles

The junction of a soft type roof to the wall begins with a stab on the wall. It is performed at a height of 200 to 500 mm from the coating. Along the perimeter of the junction, a bar with a triangular section pre-impregnated with an antiseptic substance should be fixed. It is necessary in order to smoothly bend the roofing cake and create a barrier to water leakage.

The junction points must be cleaned of debris, accumulated dust, then treated with a primer. A soft roofing coating must be applied to the beam, after which a special strip for the valley device must be glued to the sealant or bituminous mastic. It is a rolled material 1 meter wide reinforced by a special technology - a valley carpet.

The strip begins with a stab on the wall, its other end is located on the horizontal part of the roof, at least 200 mm wide. The roll materials to be glued are smoothed and pressed with a special rubber roller. It easily presses the material to the surface, while not damaging it. If there is a large crumb, it should be removed from the place of gluing.

At the end, you need to fix the junction with a clamping metal bar (100-120 mm) with a flare, which enters the groove during installation. It should be fixed to the dowels to the wall, using rubber washers.

Connection to chimneys and pipes

Arrangement of junction points to chimneys and chimneys in many respects similar to the arrangement of nodes adjoining walls. but this work has some features associated with the high temperature of the pipes, their shape, locations on the roof.

If the roofing material is a metal tile or other cellular and profiled material, the connection is made by the upper and lower metal apron around the chimney. To install it, it is recommended to produce half a brick when laying the pipe. This technique allows you to protect the upper part of the outer apron from direct rainwater.

The chimney must be isolated from roof structure a layer of asbestos, the crate around is made continuous, but at the same time a 130-mm fire-prevention indent from the masonry must be maintained. The bottom apron is installed on it.

It consists of 5 parts: top and bottom straps, two side pieces and a tie. It is necessary to cut the strips of the required length and connect them to the fold, the upper flanging is inserted into the groove to a depth of 20 mm, after which it is sealed.

On the crate, the apron is glued to the roofing sealant, and the tie that serves as a drainage system is sent to the closest valley or brought to the eaves.

A roofing is mounted on top, and the upper bypass of the pipe or chimney is installed on it. Planks can be prepared independently or bought ready-made. They must be connected to lying folds into a single structure. It is necessary to remember about the need to place the upper flanging in the stub. The streak is processed with a heat-resistant sealant - for example, silicone.

As a result of the work carried out, the water that flows down the roofing above the location of the pipe will fall into the inner lower apron and be discharged along the tie into the valley or directly to the eaves. Other streams of water will fall on the upper bypass of the chimney and from there flow down towards the eaves.

As for roofing based soft materials, then it is impossible to arrange two aprons on them. For this reason, the roof junction is carried out along the outer contour in the groove.

To prevent possible leakage from above from the pipe under the apron, the upper bar should be made 300-400 mm longer than the pipe. It starts up under a soft coating, after which it is sealed from two planes. On each side of the chimney, the plank must have a protrusion of 150 to 200 mm. Other planks are placed on the floor. Similar aprons can also be arranged on metal seam roofs.

The areas where the roof adjoins the chimney can also be arranged using flashing.

The surface is thoroughly cleaned of any dirt, dust and debris and is prepared for carrying out further work. Then a layer of waterproofing mastic should be applied to it and geotextiles should be pulled on top. Another layer of mastic is superimposed on it.

Layers should dry from 3 to 24 hours. If necessary, you can apply several layers of mastic. An indispensable condition for laying the next layer is the complete drying of the previous one. The result is a very strong, ductile and durable joint.

In the presence of a round pipe, sealing can also be done using an apron. The main elements of the junction of the roof to the pipes are a metal inclined plate with a hole and a large diameter pipe put on the chimney.

The most reliable is the option in which the sheet and pipe forming the apron are pre-adjusted and fixed to each other. At the same time, they do not make a shtraba: the pipe connection is sealed at the bottom with asbestos. From above it is sealed with cement mortar.

Modern materials and technologies

New generation materials greatly simplify the arrangement of pipe junction points with sloped roofs. They reduce the complexity of the process and increase the reliability of roofing connections.

Ready-made corrugated elastic cuff, made on the basis of heat-resistant silicone material, retains its technical properties in temperature regime from minus 50 to plus 350 degrees. It can withstand heavy snow loads, typical for most Russian regions.

The cuff has an adhesive base, its installation is not difficult. The result is a securely sealed connection. The service life of the cuff is approximately 15 years.

You can do without a cuff: arrange an abutment using self-adhesive strips of corrugated metal. Their width is 280-300 mm, and the length is 5 m. They are made of lead foil or aluminum with a layer of glue applied. In the upper part of the strip are fixed on the pipe with a metal clamp.

With their help, it is possible to carry out sealing of very complex joints on the roof. Their service life is approximately 20 years.

Corrugations are produced in a wide range color scheme. Straightening, they increase the surface by 60%.

The material can withstand temperatures from minus 50 to plus 100 degrees. The top edge must be additionally attached to the wall with a special bar called the Buck bar. In this case, you do not need to perform a stroke.

With the help of new generation materials, it is possible to arrange adjoining roofs different type and to other details: dormers and dormer windows, ventilation pipes of different sections, gables.

Adjacency repair

If there is a need to repair the junctions of the roof to the elements of the roof structure, then the most in a simple way is its implementation by the method of flashing.

In this case, a special one-component mastic is used, which consists of bitumen-polyurethane compounds. It can create a reliable and durable waterproofing and is used to work on surfaces of various shapes.

Applying mastic does not require special training and special knowledge or tools. In addition, the method is very economical compared to traditional way repair using rolled material and hot bitumen.

The junctions can be repaired in another way. It is suitable for those cases where the roofing material has recently peeled off the wall and is in good condition. It should be pressed with a rail and fixed with screws. The joints between the rail and the wall must be sealed with polyurethane sealant.


  • Adjacencies are areas of contact of the roof with other elements of the building.
  • Proper arrangement of junctions provides reliable protection buildings from precipitation.
  • Connections should be taken care of already at the design stage.
  • Adjacencies to the wall are divided into top and side.
  • Wall junctions are sealed different ways depending on the type of roofing.
  • When installing connections to the chimney, it is necessary to take into account high temperature pipes, their shape and location.
  • Modern materials and technologies greatly simplify the work of sealing joints.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the video on the design of the junction of the roof to the wall of the building

The adjunction of the roof to the wall allows the roof to successfully cope with its main task, that is, to protect the building from the external environment.

Junctions, like other roof units, must be solid, solid, made of quality materials.

The technology for performing work on joining the roof and walls depends on what material these surfaces are made of.

Factors acting on the contiguity

The junction of the roof to the wall is a rather vulnerable area. It is in this place of the building that the debris brought by the wind accumulates, rainwater or condensate lingers, dust and moisture from the air settle.

Due to pollution and dampness, insulation, waterproofing and roofing deteriorate. How does this happen?

Systematic freezing and thawing of the liquid leads to deformation of roofing materials.

In the cold season, snow accumulates in the gap between the wall and the roof, after which it thaws, leaks form. Therefore, the place where the walls adjoin the roof must be sealed.

The method of sealing the junction of the roof to the wall is determined at the design stage.

For example, in a building with brick walls the architect can provide for the installation of a special visor that covers the junction, separately calculating the width of this part, the method of fastening and the material of manufacture.

Another way to equip the joint is to leave a niche in the wall at the stage of laying bricks, into which later the roofers will lead the edge of the roof cladding.

In the construction industry, for each type of roofing material, independent methods have been developed for sealing the roof-wall joint.

Some technologies use special parts produced on industrial equipment in a standard way, for example, connecting elements VS-1 and PS-2.

  • so that gusts of wind do not tear off the material, at the junction it is necessary to securely fasten each layer of the roofing cake;
  • roofing materials and the wall are cleaned of oil stains and other contaminants before joining;
  • walls made of bricks are inspected before sealing the joint - if the masonry or the brick itself does not meet the requirements, then the upper part of the wall is plastered;
  • laying waterproofing should be carried out on a dry surface, waiting until the plaster dries;
  • before applying the sealant, a layer of a special primer is applied to the surface;
  • if the waterproofing layer is made of rolled material with mineral dressing (roofing material), then stone inclusions over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future junction are removed so that the subsequently applied sealant can firmly adhere to the waterproofing.

Instead of stone wool at the junction of the roof and wall, you can use a standard mounting foam Macroflex. Unlike cotton wool, it is not afraid of dampness and does not grow moldy.

The foam is destroyed under the action of ultraviolet rays, so it is covered with an apron with shelves of the same width, which is made independently by bending the metal strip at the desired angle.

You can use an ordinary metal corner, giving the mallet the desired angle of inclination of the shelves. The apron is screwed to the roof with roofing screws, to wooden walls- conventional fasteners.

Narrow gaps are filled with polymer sealant. Practice shows that, despite the lack of ventilation, with this option for sealing the gap, condensate does not form.

Roof and wall sealing

One of the easiest seams to arrange is the adjoining of a roof made of sheet metal or metal profile.

The main thing here is not to forget that you need to leave gaps for ventilation of the roofing pie. Gaps are left between the vertical parts of the abutment.

To seal the rest of the joint, specialized visors made of sheet metal are used. To install the visor, you will have to ditch the wall along the entire length.

The strobe is led 20 cm below the junction, the depth of the excavation is 3 cm. The parts for arranging the junction are treated with sealant before installation, and then their upper part is inserted into the groove.

The lower part of the part is pressed against the roof and fixed with threaded fasteners with rubber sealing rings. Rubber or neoprene washers increase the level of sealing of the roof-wall junction.

Sometimes builders fill the strobe with cement mortar, which further increases the strength of fixing parts to the surface.

Instead of branded junctions, you can use double visors. In this case, you do not need to ditch the wall.

The upper part of the visor is fixed to the surface with dowels, then inserted lower part equipped with a latch.

On the bottom of the canopy there are clamps for fixing the part on the roof. This design provides a double-sided visor reliable connection with surfaces.

The adjunction of the roof of ceramic tiles is carried out in accordance with SNiP II-26-76 with an aluminum tape. During the installation process, soft metal takes desired shape and fits the roof as tightly as possible.

The seam made is poured with heated bituminous mastic, which hardens and firmly seals all cavities, after which the joint between the roof and the wall will become completely impermeable.

According to the same scheme, the junction of a soft roof to the walls is sealed. In this case, too, a ductile metal strip and hot sealing are used.

The adjoining of the roof from rolled material can be equipped in different ways. Most often, rolled material is attached to the wall with a device in the form of a wooden plank.

The bar is fixed with self-tapping screws with rubber washers - such fasteners are used wherever an increased level of sealing is needed. The gap between the roof and the wall should not be more than 20 cm.

The junction of the plank to the wall is covered with silicone sealant. As a result, the junction looks like a roller. This method of arranging the roof-wall joint is considered the most reliable.

Flushing joints

Flash technology is considered the most modern way roofing to wall.

In this case, geotextiles are used to strengthen the seam, which is treated with several layers of sealant for better water and air tightness. Each layer is allowed to dry from 3 to 24 hours.

The main thing when arranging connections according to the flashing system is to observe technological process, including the drying time of the sealant. If you apply a subsequent layer of sealant later, then this will lead to unpleasant consequences.

If the technology has been thoroughly observed, then the adjoining of the roof to the walls will be:

  • as tight as possible;
  • elastic and flexible;
  • not afraid of temperature fluctuations;
  • with high resistance to climatic and biological factors;
  • durable;
  • durable.

Using the flashing method, you can quickly connect a pitched or horizontal roof covered with rolled material to the walls.

Flashing mastic falls on walls made of wood, brick, metal and any other building material.

The technology for the production of flashing joints requires high-quality cleaning of the walls, since it is on them that a water-repellent layer will be applied.

A solid, dirt-free wall can simply be dusted off. If the roof is covered roll materials coated with stone chips, then it must be cleaned over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future junction.

If this is not done, then the roofing will not be able to adhere strongly enough to the wall and subsequently it can be torn off by the wind.

The basis of flashing is mastic waterproofing, with the help of which vertical surfaces are protected from moisture penetration.

The mastic used for flashing easily adheres to any rolled waterproofing. Flushing mastic is used to process parapets and junctions on roofs.

Device for adjoining the roof to the wall using the flashing system:

  1. lay rolled waterproofing on a horizontal section of the roof;
  2. apply mastic hand tool- layer thickness - 1 mm, the layer width is arbitrary, but at least 25 cm of roof and wall must be treated with mastic;
  3. geotextiles are glued onto a freshly applied layer of mastic;
  4. after 24 hours, a second layer of mastic is applied to the geotextile so that it is 5 centimeters wider than the first one from each edge - this will ensure the sealing of the edges of the textile.

The flashing system can only be used on dry substrates. If it is impossible to dry the base, then you need to use a primer.

Now you know how to connect the roof to the walls, and you can protect this part of the building from premature destruction.