Date of homemade plant. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

Note! In the process of growth, the lower leaves of the palm palm trees are darked and die off, which often begins to cause a flower alarm. But if it does not acquire a massive character, then this is the usual, natural phenomenon.


For dated palm trees, the liquid is best organic fertilizer. I do not advise novice flowers to experiment with the preparation, but buy a finished fertilizer. During the period of active development, the plant is three times a month. Also, a good result also gives an additional monthly feeding with a solution of potash salt (one gram per liter of water). In winter, the feeders do not stop, but are reduced to once a month.


As I noted, the finic is growing very slowly, so it is considered for quite a long time, about 5 years old. It transplans to achieve this age annually. After, Palma is transplanted only when the need arises in this. Most often it is necessary when the plant pot becomes small. For very large plants, only replacing the upper layer of the Earth is practiced. Moreover, if the roots are overly discharged to the surface of the Earth, they are cut off (layer from 5 to 10 centimeters). If you do not want to use the purchase of land, you can make it yourself, mixing in equal parts of the ferrous land, humid, compost and sand. To avoid water stagnation, ensure good drainage.

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Looking at the oblong bones inside the beloved by the kids and adults, many lovers indoor plants We wondered: "How does a real pallium grow out of such crumbs, and what will happen if you put the seed at home?"

Sweet dates sold in stores, these are the fruits of PHOENIX DACTYLIFERA Palms. In nature, a powerful tree grows to gigantic sizes, giving huge brushes to those famous around the world of fruits.

For room growing More miniature, adapted views of the premises in the room. Such palm trees can be seen and purchased in flower shops. If you wish to independently go on the cultivation of the dates from the bone, the likelihood of success is great.

Of course, wait when the tree reaches its true height of 30 meters and gives the first harvest of the dates, it will not work. But watch growth and development unusual Plants I will enjoy both parents and children.

How to grow a chopping palm tree?

For landing, seeds will be required, just extracted from ripe fruits. It is quite suitable bones from shopping dates. The main thing is that they be healthy, not damaged insect or mold and did not have time to dry, otherwise the probability of getting germs is sharply reduced:

Before the bones are shipped into the ground, sometimes they are advised to gently scratch to alleviate germination. It is much more useful and safer to germinate them in a wet vermiculite. The container with seeds put in heat and observe the substrate to be completely dry. In this case, after 10-14 days, as soon as the flower deems notice the first roots, the bones are transferred to the soil and the pots are exhibited in heat to a well-lit place.

If the sprout did not seem in the deadlines, it is not necessary to despair. Perhaps the bone dryed before planting and for "revival" it will need more time. Sometimes the seedlings of the dates of the palm trees were found even six months after seeding seed into the ground.

The palm tree appeared from the bone is afraid of damage to the roots, so all manipulations in transplant is important to spend very carefully and carefully. Otherwise, a small seedlock is extremely acclimatized or may die at all.

How at home to care for a palm tree further? Unlike ordinary indoor plants for the palm tree, even the first pot is needed very impressive sizes. The seedling with the only one, even closed "children's" sheet, is transferred in a capacity of 0.3-0.5 liters. The following transplant is carried out until the moment when the long rod root of the plant penetrates the drain hole.

Saplings need a bright place where the plant will not be in the dark, but it will not be disturbed by the midday sun. For the date palm tree from the bone and after germination should be a bulk. The convergence threatens the development of rot and the death of a rapid plant, but also not worth over to earth.

How to care for palm trees at home?

Date palm, like other wood crops, does not differ by rapid growth. But at discomfort and insufficient palm care at home, the plant reacts immediately. This is especially true of young copies.

What conditions are needed for palm, so that the plant felt "how at home" and well responded to care?

Whether the domestic palm trees grown at home or a plant brought from a flower shop, culture is required to find a place with suitable lighting. In nature large trees easily carry the scorching sun, but light-minded room palm It is better not to subjected to such trials. The optimal location is in the depths of the room overlooking the south side, as well as on the eastern or western windows.

Since May, when the average daily temperature overcomes the frontier of 12 ° C, nothing threatens by the dates palm. Therefore, plants are boldly tolerated on the open air to protect larger crops, on the loggia or on the balcony.

If the flower plant does not have the opportunity to remove the palm to the air, the plant develops well at ordinary room temperature. BUT B. winter time The optimal will be the content in the cooler air, he has been heated only to 16-18 ° C. Critical for dates palm is considered to be cooling up to 12 ° C. In this case, growth stops, the palm has stopped feeding and may suffer from root rotting if it does not stop watering on time.

There are no special requirements for humidity in the plant. But in the hot season, as well as in winter, when heating works in the room, the regular care for the palm tree at home includes spraying the crown and rubbing the foliage with a wet cloth.

The plant does not tolerate water stagnation. Therefore, when leaving at home, the phenomena is watered so that the soil does not drive, but it was not constantly wet. In summer, watering is carried out more often, in winter, the intervals between the procedures increase and focus on the burden of 2-3 cm surface layer of the substrate. If the irrigation water penetrates the pot into the pallet, it is immediately removed, and the bottom of the tank is wiping. Do not forget about the powerful drainage layer. The larger the palm palm tree and the pot intended for her, the thicker the layer of clayjit or brick crumbs at the bottom.

Palm palm trees willingly perceives spring-summer feeders for which liquid is used for large decorative-deciduous crops. If the palm has been put into the garden for the summer, with a periodicity of 7-10 days, the plant can be pumped by an avian litter, applying a granular shape or infusion.

The transplant frequency depicted on the photo of the palm tree when careing at home depends on the age and size of the plant. Young seedlings are transferred to a pot of larger volume approximately once a year, and adult copies are trying not to disturb. If you need a transshipment, it is carried out, it is pre-triggering an earthen car and trying not to damage the sensitive roots of the plant. Palm tree transplant is carried out in ready sadoffered by specialized shops.

To arrange drainage, you can take a brick crumb or clayzit in size of drainage holes. If the roots of the palm trees are still visible at the bottom of the pot, in the spring you can do the replacement of the upper layer of the soil. The old substrate is gently removed, and fresh nutritious soil falls asleep in its place. After that, the palm tree is watered.

Experience in growing date of date - video

A bright representative of the Ark family. His homeland is considered to be India and Africa. As a decorative culture of Eczot became popular in the early 19th century. He is unpretentious and perfectly decorating any room. The leaves are unparalleled, large sizes that thick cover hard leaflets, with small jazbins around the edges.

Palma prefers bright and long-lasting lighting, but preferably without hitting the foliage of direct sunlight. Watering should be moderate, it differs depending on the time of year, the spraying is better replaced by rubbing the foliage with a damp cloth.

A strong tree with a powerful barrel - a long-liver and can please with his beauty not one generation. Burst's inflorescence is located in the foliage sinuses. Flowers small, yellow color. Fruits edible. Often used in folk medicine.

Growing and care for the plant

Lighting and temperature

In vivo, this representative of the flora feels great under the scorching sun. But the pot culture is not adapted for such extreme conditions. She requires space near windows overlooking the south, east or west. Straight rays of the sun better to avoidOtherwise, the leaves will receive a strong burn. They constantly reach up - to the rays. Therefore, the vase regularly turn around its axis. So the crown will grow correctly and evenly. In the winter period, do not do without additional lighting. You can use daylight lamps. Otherwise, the lack of ultraviolet will make foliage fragile and sluggish.

The optimal highway indicators - 21-22. Permissible and +30, with a proper humidity. You can arrange and "summer holidays". If the air warms up to +15, then the loggia, a terrace or a sun-protected part of the garden will become an ideal place For dates palm. But the "move" begins with gradually increasing "walks" on fresh air. Put the room to the room with the onset of cool nights, when the temperature drops below 17 degrees. In winter, the room is ventured daily, saving drafts. At the same time it comes peace. Temperature mode should decrease to +15.

Soil for palm tree

Palma is not very demanding. Well develops, both in neutral and in weakness. It is better to pick up loose, soft and nutritious. It should be perfectly passing water and air. You can buy it in a specialized store - soil for palm trees.

If there is a desire to prepare it yourself, then it is required:

  • sand;
  • humus;
  • dernea soil in equal parts.

Superphosphate is added in small quantities. Everyone is thoroughly mixed.

Choosing a pot

Pot is preferred narrow and quite long

Experienced gardeners prefer high and deepto easily accommodate very long root system. It is preferable to choose ceramics or clay. There are cases when palm becomes so big and heavy that it is almost impossible to remove it from the vessel. In this case, the pot split.

Watering and moisturizing how it should be

With the middle of spring before the beginning of autumn, watering is required frequent and abundant. Water that flows into the pallet, only after 2-3 hours. During this time, the roots absorbed liquid enough. Moisturization schedule since September to March is changing. It is significantly reduced and only happens after the top of the soil surfaches. Has its influence and temperature mode: What it is lower, the less often water is required and vice versa.

The overlapping is also harmful as the cut. Water is required distorted or purified room temperature. Every day a spraying is performed. In the summer - twice a day. So that the humidity has been stable using a pallet with a clay. A vessel is put on it and the water is also poured there. It protects the plant from rotting and saturates with enough moisture.

Cleansing from dust occurs every 3 days, with a wet napkin.

Pruning plants

Trim only need dry branches and leaves

It is worth considering the process with all seriousness and learn all the rules and features in advance. With incorrect forming, a pet may die. Delete solely dead, dried and dead branches. For supporting decorative type Crop the side shoots.

Normal growth and development guarantees only one central trunk. It is impossible to delete just yellowed leaves (exotic beauty sucks necessary elements). Do not get rid of more branches than the plant appeared per year.

Fertilizers - what, when and how much

Organic substances are required in the peak of active growth and development - from April to September. They contribute every week. Once a month, an alternation with another element is a potash saltier. It is enough 10 grams per bucket of water. With the onset of cold-time, the feeding is made 3 times in the quarter.

Change - Nuances of Work

This is a big stress for a pet, during her most often the root system is damaged. Therefore, the change of pot occurs solely for a good reason. Best time - Spring. Used method transshipment.

Young specimens have to transplant every year, they grow very quickly. Adult representatives need to change the "place of residence" by necessity (approximately every 3 years). The new capacitance is slightly different from the previous size. At the bottom, a layer of drainage (7-8 cm) is mandatory at the bottom. Use pebbles, brick debris, crumbs or charcoal with sand.

For adult plants, the soil is renewed once a year. The upper reservoir (3-5 cm) gently remove and fall asleep fresh ground.

Pests and diseases - treatment and prevention

Change of appearance

Softening the trunk, brown spots on foliage and appearance unpleasant odor - Signs of overvoltage. Help the plant can be fully cessation of watering. As soon as the soil is dry enough, the problem will disappear. But, if the situation has not changed, the inspection of the roots is required. Too soft testify to the death of the exot. If there are live fragments, you can try to transplant them. Yellow foliage - flaw useful substances Or too tough water.

It feeds with palm trees. Signs of an unexpected guest - brown points on the surface of the green mass. If you do not respond in time, the leaves will yellow and fall.

It appears if moisturizing and irrigation mode is systematically disturbed. This insect is a dangerous and cunning enemy of the date. The first goal of its attacks - stem. This can be understood by the characteristic stains of the gray or yellow shade.

Palm propagation

Palm tree bone landing

The reproduction occurs very simply if the bone has not been treated with high temperatures. Can not only be used planting material From a flower shop, but also ordinary dates from the supermarket. The most favorable time is the end of February or the beginning of March.

Pre-bone soaked to avoid the appearance of mold. When the remnants of the fruit pulp are cleaned, it is placed in a separate tire with a loose substrate. After richly pouring and put in a room with good lighting.

When the sprout appears is unknown. Be sure to ventilate and moisturizing. If the growth of a young pet has reached 12 cm, then it is moved to permanent vase.

As a rule, it takes from 3 to 6 months.

Leaves may appear only after 3-4, and sometimes 5 years. In no case do not need to trim it, as the growth point is located on the top of the top. So that Krone is formed correctly, and evenly the Vases turn around their axis every month.

Inspection before buying in the store - choose a healthy plant

Palm tree can decorate any interior. But, if there is no desire to raise a pet from a bone for years, then you can buy it in a floral market. But it is important to choose the right plant in the store. Do not do this in not intended places (subway, roadside, an advertisement on the street or on the Internet).

Verified nurseries - a pledge of a healthy beauty. Before buying, a careful inspection of the entire Flora representative is carried out. It should not be spots, yellowing, damage or signs of insects. Swim, lowered stems or soft central trunk - signs of diseases or improper care. You should not give preference to such an instance.

Types and varieties

The most popular and decorative chipsticks:

  • Canary. Its fruits are poisonous, on branches long sharp spikes;
  • Finger. The most famous look around the world. The fruits of this tree are precisely those dried fruits that we buy in ordinary stores;
  • Robel. It has 2 central trunks. Crown is thick and lush. Black color bones. The view refers to the shadowless representatives.

Date love many. But many have tried them only as dried fruits, and not everyone saw and tasting this exotic fruit in the fresh form. Date tree can be grown on garden plot or in the apartment. True, the fruit will not be able to wait for him, but the plant is very decorative.

Date in Natural Environment

The range of natural distribution of the palm tree - the deserts of Asia and North Africa. The deep root system of these plants is able to produce water from great depth. In the natural plant, palm has a height of up to 20 m and is capable of fruit about 100 years.

Palm tree is also called phoenix. Her name is consonant with the name of the legendary mythological bird, which was able to burn himself, and then revive from the ash.

Palm landings today - an important means of fighting desertification

Palm tree - a sacred tree for peoples inhabiting desert territories. Its fruits are called desert bread, as they are an essential food for the local population. Dates have an oblong shape with solid seed inside. Since ancient times, they were dried and took the Egyptian and Phoenician merchants with them to the far road. In dried dates, there is a huge supply of nutrients, they are not able to spoil and preserve the taste even in the most severe heat.

There is an opinion that a person can live for several years, feeding only dates and water

Popular varieties of dicks

IN moderate climates Palm tree grown as decorative plant. It is not capable of fruiting. IN open soil Picking will not survive the winter. Even good shelter Heated will not save the situation. At a temperature of about 0 o with a plant needed low humidityOtherwise, its root system will spare. As a house plant, the palm palm tree is very popular, as it has a number of positive characteristics:

  • decorative, suitable for any interior;
  • differs unpretentious to the conditions of cultivation;
  • exhibits the greatest resistance to pests and diseases.

Since the beginning of the XIX century, palm trees began to grow in greenhouses, as well as as indoor plants

From the existing set of types of domestic palm trees for growing at home, 3 types are most often selected:

The people are sometimes called some other plants and their fruits. For example, the Zizyphicus is real, belonging to the collapic family, often called the Chinese chic. But it is incorrect from a botanical point of view.

Growing conditions

Inside the fetal palm tree is a large and solid oblong bone. She saves the germination for a very long time. The bones of even dried dates can be used as seed.

In reproduction of dates, the bones cannot be discussed to preserve the varietal signs of the plant.

The perfect and affordable seed material are bones of dried or dried dates

Preparation of chipping bones for landing

For germination, bones of dates that have not passed thermal processing are suitable. They can be simply stick to the ground, in most cases showers appear, but sometimes it is sometimes 5-6 months. You can speed up this process as follows:

Even if you plan to grow only one palm, take a few bones for the extension. It will insure you from the death of seedlings due to diseases or unsuccessful experiments during the transplantation of the plant.

Palm tree

For landing the bone suites a universal floral ground or a finished primer mixture for palm trees that are sold in specialized stores.

Soil for palm trees are produced on the basis of the middle peat and biohumus with the addition of sapropel, sand and vermiculite

Soil can be prepared independently. The optimal will be the composition:

  • light loam (2 parts);
  • sheet compost (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • reworked korovyat (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • some charcoal.

At the bottom of the landing capacity, you need to place a layer of drainage from the crumple or river pebbles. It will prevent stagnation of water, harmful to the root of the plant.

Landing a finica

Landing the bone of the date - the process is simple and consists of the following steps:

To maintain humidity and maintain heat, the planting capacity can be covered with food film, but it should be opened daily to carry out.

Chicken care

Most problems with the cultivation of the date are related to incorrect leaving. Restore health and beautiful appearance of the plant is not easy.

How to transplant Pinik

Palm palm tree does not like transplants. But it is impossible to do without them, because for young Plant You should choose a small landing capacity corresponding to the size of the root system. When landing in a large pot, it is difficult to prevent overvaluating, and this leads to palm trees. The plant quickly takes out of the soil nutrients, depletes it. Roots fill free space. If you do not carry out a transplant, then Palma will suspend its height.

Non-tempered date palm trees are fed poorly, it grows for a long time with one narrow sheet.

Pereparing the dates palm is best in April. This is the beginning of the activity of the plant, so fresh soil and availability free space for root growth will contribute fast development Picky The first 4 years, the plant requires an annual transplant, then it can be carried out once every 2-3 years.

When transferring palm trees is preferable to the transshipment method, in which the plant is taken out of the old pot together with the land of the ground, roll up into another pot (it should be a few centimeters wider than the previous one). After that, all empties fall asleep with a new soil.

Palm trees spend neatly, trying not to damage the sensitive roots of the plant

Optimal lighting and temperature modes

Palm It is preferable to place on a well-lit place, but in the hottest time the plant is recommended for a while in order to prevent solar burns.

In order for the palm palm to uniformly formed the leaves, it is periodically rotated, directing the top of the plant inside the room.

Optimal temperature During the period of active growth (spring and summer months) - 20-25 o C. During the period of rest (autumn and winter months), the recommended temperature regime is 15-18 o C. At this time, the palm trees easily takes a short temperature drop (up to 8 o C), much worse she reacts to drafts.

When placing a pot, consider that the cold of marble floor or the windowsill can negatively affect the sensitive root system of palm trees. In this case, it is recommended to use a variety of supports that not only protect the roots of the plant, but also organically fit into the interior of the room.

Watering and subordinate

In summer, the chipping palm should be watered often and quite abundantly. With full drying of the soil, the leaves can turn back and restore their former position is very difficult. The plant will need garters and supports to avoid leaf injuries and maintaining an attractive external view. In winter, the palm tree is watered much less increased humidity At low temperatures are detrimental for the plant.

For irrigation, it is recommended to use water temperature, not containing chlorine. Palma does not like mineralized calcium (rigid) water. The leaves will have a well-groomed appearance if they have been wiped with a moistened sponge weekly. The plant reacts well to spraying. In summer they are held daily, and once a week Palme is recommended shower. When spraying and shower procedures, the earthen comes need to be reliably protected from the excess of moisture.

In the spring and summer, daily spraying of the crown of palm trees with warm spilled water

For fertilizer of the date, it is recommended to use special preparations for palm trees or decorative plants. In the period of active growth, the palm trees spend each 2 weeks. IN winter - 2 times less often. Fertilizers should be made in liquid form in advance water soil.

Flowers give valuable advicethat will help for several years to grow a beautiful exotic plant:

  • placement of a palm tree near appliances central heating can provoke the death of the plant;
  • in the summer, the Paddle with a palm tree is recommended to take a balcony or garden. Be sure to make sure that in a new place is not destructive for the plant of drafts;
  • the straight sun rays are useful for normal growth and development of only adult palm trees;
  • a grudging plant can carry short periods of complete drought;
  • life expectancy of palm leaves is about 1 year. Then they turn yellow, dry, they must be deleted. Pruning produce a sharp tool, leaving several centimeters from the petiole;
  • palm palm tree - a single-valve plant. If it loses its top part, he will stop in growth.

Video: Cultivation of the palm tree

Problems of growing

In case of incorrect care, problems may arise. The patient plant looks unsightly: Dark yellowed leaves, a soft trunk, the smell of rotting.

Table: Problems of palm trees, the causes of their occurrence and ways to eliminate

Problem signs Causes of their occurrence Ways of elimination
Yellow tips of leaves
  • insufficient humidity of soil and air;
  • there are few nutrients in the soil.
  • at high air temperature, it is possible to carry out frequent spraying of palm trees;
  • organize the normal regime of irrigated water in room temperature;
  • to feed the plants;
  • the dried edges gently cut, not touching the living part of the sheet plate.
Damage of leaves, softness of the trunk, appearance of a rotten smell Soil moistening.
  • stop watering;
  • dry the soil;
  • control the root system (for this, the plant must be removed from the pot). Dark, softened roots talk about the death of the plant.
Ends of leaves became dark
  • irrigation of watering;
  • dry air indoors;
  • draft;
  • sharp temperature drops.
Systematize spraying modes and watering plants.
Leaves of the plant fall down Lack of moisture. Normalize irrigation mode and spraying, install support for leaves.
Yellowing leaves Watering with rigid water. Apply for watering and spraying the dilated water temperature.
Pale leaves
  • excessive lighting;
  • defeat by red spider tick.
Shading a plant.
Slowing out young shoots, bumping their grounds
  • mooring soil;
  • water during spraying is stirred in palm trees;
  • insufficient illumination.
  • reduce the amount of irrigation and spraying;
  • provide a plant normal illumination;
  • places of bumping stems and leaves sprinkle with tetracycline or foundazole.
Palma suspended its growth in the period of activity
  • soil depletion;
  • little landing capacity.
  • to feed the plants;
  • if the root system is closely in the pot, then carry out a transplant.
Damage, twisting and foaming of leaves, brown spots on the surface of sheet plates The damage to pests (by a spider tick, shield, tormenty cherver.
  • treatment of sheet plates with solution economic Soap;
  • spraying with garlic extract;
  • treatment with accuters (according to the instructions).

Darkening bald leaves Plants - a normal age phenomenon. Such sheet plates are neatly removed by a sharp tool.

There are many species of palm trees, but the most popular in domestic flower growing remains a dick. Palm tree or PHONIX - a tropical tall plant belonging to the Palm family (otherwise arked), in natural conditions Growing in Africa and Eurasia. But the pine can be inhabited not only in the tropics - the plant is successfully used for the decor of residential premises and offices, landscaping of greenhouses and winter gardens.

In nature, the tree reaches gigantic sizes, giving huge brushes of tasty and nutrient fruits.

Different types of palm trees are represented by wooded shapes or squat shrubs belonging to the group of centenal palm trees. In natural conditions, which grows palm, it reaches a height of 12-15 m, and sometimes gigantic sizes about 30 m. In industrial purposes, the picnik is grown to produce delicious and nutrient fruits - dates, and its juice is used in the production of sugar.

The domestic palm tree is growing only to 2.5 m in height, after which its growth is stopped. Yellow flowers Pickedy is collected in inflorescences - panicles. Flowers and fruits appear in perennial trees a height of 15 meters, but at home it is impossible to grow such a tree. Picking, grown at home, does not be fruit.

There are 17 species of dotted trees in total, and three of them are especially common in home flower growing. It:

  • ordinary dike, otherwise: Phoenix Dactylifera;
  • finik Robelin (Phoenix Roebelenii).

All types of doves are distinguished by high decorativeness, perfectly fit into any interior space, suitable for home and gardening offices, growing in Orangers. Palm Palma is very worn and unpretentious, and therefore is the most popular in flower water.

Caring for Pinika

The cultivation of palm trees requires the creation of certain conditions of content - temperature, humidity and lighting, timely fertilizer.


Homemade dates should grow in a well-lit place. With this plant, the straight sun rays harm, and in the most sultry dining watches it is better to diaten.

Palma Palma loves free space, so it is undesirable to put a plant into a room cluttered with furniture.

To leave the leaves evenly and symmetrically, the plant must be periodically rotated.


Care of palm trees at home involves maintaining a specific temperature:

  • from 20 to 25 ° C - in the spring and summer months;
  • from 15 to 18 ° C - winter.

The plant reacts poorly to drafts. Its root system is also characterized by increased sensitivity to the cold, so the pallet is not recommended for marble floors, cold windowsill.


The indoor plant should be abundantly watering in the summer. You can not allow complete drying of the Earth, otherwise the leaves of the date tree will be fed, and they will not return to the original position. In addition, the drying of the soil can lead to the yellowing of the leaves.

In winter, watering is reduced, while the frequency of moisturizing the soil is determined by the indoor air temperature. Misching I. cold air Causes the appearance on the leaves of brown spots. To avoid problems, each subsequent watering should be carried out only after the soil mixture will dry up at a depth of 2-3 cm.

Watering the plant is needed warm (about 20 ° C), soft, not chlorinated water. For these purposes, the estimated, thaile or rainwater. Hard water containing calcium, affects the indoor palm. So that the water in the pot is not stored, you need to ensure good drainage.

Picking loves wet airTherefore, care at home behind the plant should include spraying of leaves, which is carried out daily. Once a week you can arrange a warm shower in a chick, having previously closed the land in a pot of film. In winter when the air is too dry due to work heating devicesIt is desirable to put a container filled with water with a tree.

Making fertilizers

Fertilizer for palm palm trees are made in a wet soil substrate in a diluted form. For feeding, you can apply:

  1. complex means for palm trees or housekeeping decorative decorative colors;
  2. chicken litter, diluted with water (a fertilizer to mix with water in a ratio of 1: 3, insist 10 days, the resulting remedy for feeding with water in proportion 1:10);
  3. potash Selitra (teaspoon dilute in a liter of water).

Potassium nitrate for feeding palm trees recommended only in summer.

Periodicity of feeding per month:

  • three times - in spring and summer;
  • twice - in autumn;
  • once - in winter.

Growing from bone

Palm palm trees grows out of a conventional chicken. How to grow palm trees from the chuck of the date? For growing, you can take fresh, candied or dried fruits. The main thing is that the dates do not pass thermal processing.

January or February - best time For dowel bone landing.

To pike bone Sproved faster, you can scold it with boiling water or lose sandpaper. Before planting a bone for swelling on three days is placed in water (temperature 40 ° C). From time to time, water needs to be changed, and the seeds should be carefully cleaned from the residues of the fruit pulp. Bones that dropped onto the bottom of the water tank are suitable for germination. After swelling, they are washed under flowing water, lay out on dry tissue.

In the potted pot, peat and raw sawdust (taken in equal amounts) put the bone vertically, poured with a layer of 1-2 cm with a layer of 1-2 cm. Soil is watered, covered with wet moss or glass. The glass is cleaned daily to ventilating sowing, wipe condensate on it. The optimal temperature of the sowing content is from 25 to 30 ° C. Under such conditions, the bone is sprouting in approximately 1.5-2 months. If the fruits have been kept for a long time, germination slows down, and sprouts may appear after 3 months or even six months.

How to grow a chipstick, know experienced flowerflowers. They recommend the appeared sprouts to immediately put in place with good access light, but not under the right sun. Sprouts regularly spray and water.

To grow a chicken degree, it is important not to overcoat the soil. The gift tree reacts poorly to excessive moisturizing, so watering needs to be carried out only after the pros upper layer Soil substrate.

When shoots grow to 12-14 cm, they are seated into separate pots with a diameter of no more than 15 cm. At the bottom of the tank, layer of drainage layer 3 cm. The mixture is suitable for disembarkation:

  • peat (1 part);
  • sheet and turf land (2 parts);
  • sand (2 parts);
  • horing (4 parts).

With the cultivation of the dates from the bone at home, the first few years only simple removal leaves are formed, and the filament leaves on the plants will appear only after 3-5 years.

During the first 5 years grown, the grown is quite modest and unpretentious, and only after 5 or 7 years old, the dialing tree acquires true decorative value. I wonder what figine treesgrown from identical bones can have various shapes. It may be a small, but fluffy trees or high, slim and elegant palm tree.

Cut or disintegrate the top of the tree can not - this will lead to his death.


The grown date of the re-examination procedure carries it difficult enough, and with the slightest damage to the roots begins to root or dies. Therefore, palm trees are made by transshipment.

The transplant of young plants (up to 4-5 years) is carried out annually, adult trees move to a larger pot every 2-3 years. Replant the plant is best in spring. To update the soil, every 6 months the upper layer of the Earth is recommended to be removed, empty space flood with fresh soil substrate.

At home, a large palm transplant is carried out only when the root system becomes closely, individual roots begin to go out through drainage holes. The transplant pot must be taking 3-4 cm more than the previous one. Potted pots are needed not wide, but high enough and stable so that long roots are not closely, and they fit freely into the container.

The transplant must be carried out very carefully, so as not to damage the root system, otherwise the plant will hurt or even perish.

The land for the cultivation of the date should be soft, loose, to pass the air and moisture well. To grow a healthy and beautiful chipstick at home, it is necessary to transplant it in the ground of the following components:

  • clay and turf substrate (2 parts);
  • substracted substrate (2 parts);
  • sand (1 part);
  • peat soil (1 part);
  • overwhelmed manure (1 part);
  • a small amount of wood ash.

If you independently prepare the soil substrate for some reason it is impossible, you can use special land for palm trees or universal soil for planting indoor plants. At the bottom of the pot you need to post good layer Drainage from pebbles or coarse sand.

In nature, the china breeds seeds. In conditions of the house, the reproduction of palm trees is also carried out by bones. Due to the fact that the shell of the bone is very firm, it is necessary to wait long to wait. To speed up this process, the shell is inscribed or thinned by sandpaper, seeds are soaked in growth stimulants, create lower heating of the soil during germination.

Problems in growing

If at home is growing a palm tree palm tree, care should be appropriate. Content errors lead to diseases, slowdown in plant development, other issues.

  • Soil moistening. The leaves acquire a dark brown shade, the trunk becomes loose and soft, the shroud smell comes from the palm tree. In this case, it is necessary to stop watering. The plant is desirable to extract from the pot for inspecting the root system. If the roots are darkened, become watery and soft, the pinch will not succeed. If there are live roots, the plant can be saved. The dead roots need to be removed, sprinkled with shredded coal.
  • Insufficient watering. Tree leaves descend down, yellow.
  • Increased soil acidity. In acidic soil insufficiently manganese and iron, because of which the growth of the plant is suspended. The size of the acidity of the soil for the cultivation of the date should not exceed 7.
  • Dry air and soil, sharp temperatures and drafts. These negative factors lead to the fact that the tips of the leaves of the plant are darker. Leafs die away, so they need to be removed - cut off dark tips or completely leaf plates.
  • Low air temperature. At low temperatures, the development of the root system and the above-ground part is suspended, the growth of the tree is terminated.
  • Excess light. On bright sun leaves of plants become pale. A similar situation is observed in the damage to the plant with a red spider tick.

If a brown leaves Appear from below, this is normal. So, as a rule, age changes occurring with a plant appear.

With poor lighting, the leaves are pulled out at the dates of palm trees, become brittle.


With illiterate palmal care, the risk of an attack on the plant pest increases. As a result of the activity of milderry, the shield or custom tick The leaves of the plant are darker and dry, dark brown spots appear on them. To combat pests you can use:

  • the solution of the economic soap (the leaves are washed with a solution);
  • garlic extract (plant sprayed);
  • acTellica solution (1-2 ml per 1 liter of water) is used for processing with a strong damage damage.


The pink rot and brown spot can be attacked on the date. These are the most frequent fungal diseasesarising due to excessive irrigation. Spottedness affects leafy plates, and with a pink rotting the entire flower is revealed. Especially diseases are subject to young and weakened chipsticks, the care for which at home is carried out incorrectly. The affected plant needs to be treated with a solution of fungicide. If necessary, the procedure is carried out several times at intervals once a week.

Where can one buy

Finic seeds can be purchased in a specialized trading point For the sale of seeds or in the online store. But knowing how to grow a chicken finister, you can not buy seeds and get them out of fruits. The main thing is that the dates do not pass the heat treatment and were not amazed by rot, otherwise the shoots will not be waited.

Those who do not want to spend a lot of time to grow, you can buy a plant in flower shop. The cost of palm trees will depend on both varieties and the height of the plant. A 50 cm canary chipper will cost about 1000 rubles, Perepelni's china - 1600 rubles. The price of adult plants height from 2 to 2.5 m varies within 24,000-30,000 rubles.

Palma is a majestic plant that creates a special exotic atmosphere in the interior. But to grow a gorgeous plant, it is important to know how to care for a date and fulfill all the recommendations for its content.