Planting orchid bulbs from Vietnam. Orchid - a tropical guest from Vietnam: how to plant and grow it from a bulb

Tourists very often bring orchids from Vietnam - this is an inexpensive wonderful gift, thanks to which wonderful tropical flowers... Having visited the Vietnamese flower market, it is simply impossible not to buy seedlings or orchid bulbs to grow at home. But for everything to work out, you need to know how to plant an orchid bulb from the country of Vietnam.


Orchids are brought from Vietnam on the ground, they grow in their homeland where a sufficient amount of garbage and humus has accumulated on the ground. And there are also airy tree trunks that prefer garbage, into which their roots grow, and the stems, leaves and flowers just hang in the air. Tourists usually bring a bulbous tuber (or bulb) of terrestrial species, it can be planted in a pot, created comfortable conditions then after a few years exotic plant will delight you with its amazingly beautiful, already loved by us flowering.

We get different varieties terrestrial orchids, they differ from each other in size, shape and color of flowers. Care is required almost the same for all plants. The most varied is the color of Vietnamese papiopedilum. The lower petal of its flower is a kind of pocket, strongly resembling the slipper of a fairy elf. Appleton's paphiopedilum forms a large (at least 10 cm in diameter) flower, made in a brown-purple scale. It has a very pleasant aroma. The peduncle of the Siamese papiopedilum holds only one lilac-green flower, and the lower petal is brown.

The orange-green flowers of the beautiful papiopedilum are large enough, their diameter reaches 8 cm. Green veins and black specks are clearly distinguished on their petals. Earlier than other varieties, single-flowered papiopedilum blooms, on its short peduncle there are usually no more than two fragrant flowers up to 7 cm in diameter. ... Quite unusual light green leaves have dark spots- no need to think about diseases, they just have such a color. The waxy yellow single flowers of papiopedilum Elena delight with color for at least three months a year.

Bright flowers with an amazing lower petal, exquisite exotic aroma, large dark green leaves, strong massive stem, the orchid cannot leave you indifferent.

Video "Description"

From the video you will learn what this flower looks like and why it is remarkable.


Increasingly, questions arise about how to plant an orchid from Vietnam, how to grow a full-fledged plant from a bulb in an apartment.

If seedlings come to you, then you need to hold them for some time in the vessel in which they arrived, and plant them only when they obviously do not have enough space. Most often they are grown, which means they are brought in bottles. But if you brought or gave you an onion, then you need to plant it as soon as possible.

The name "orchid" means "egg", the bulb (bulb) that needs to be planted looks like a big strange egg. It is advisable to take transparent plastic dishes so that you can see everything that happens there, observe the growth of roots. A container or small food bucket is ideal. Some growers prefer to take dishes with small holes along all the walls; they can be cut out by yourself to increase air access to the substrate.

Several large stones are placed on the bottom (it must have one or more holes) to increase the weight and stability of the pot. Then a drainage layer is poured, for which you can take expanded clay, clay shards or just small pebbles. And the substrate is placed on top. For those who have never dealt with the cultivation of orchids, it is best to buy a ready-made mixture in the store, it is very difficult to choose all the components of this "cocktail" correctly, which contains many different components, but there is no earth among them. Orchid substrate is folded from bark conifers, sphagnum moss, coconut chips, there are also some other substances, such as a special rockwool fiber.

The prepared substrate is poured into a pot, watered. Then an onion is placed on it, slightly deepening only its lower part, by no more than one centimeter. For stability, you need to substitute a strong stick. The plant planted in this way is placed in a lighted place and wait until new roots sprout from the tuber.

As soon as they touch the substrate, you can water for the first time. No need to worry if this happens no earlier than a month after planting - the fleshy bulb contains all the necessary substances for its existence and the formation of roots. Watering earlier can cause the plant to rot.


Orchids need to be repotted often, because the substrate quickly deteriorates, it becomes too dense, and its acidity changes. So the flowers growing on sphagnum are transplanted every two years, on the bark every three years. Sometimes you have to do this more often if pests start, if the substrate clearly begins to deteriorate (which can be suggested by bad smell), if improper watering has led to root rot. The best time for this is spring, when the flower grows most actively.

For transplantation, take a new transparent dish of a slightly larger size, a new substrate. In the same way, stones are laid on the bottom, a drainage layer, then the substrate itself is placed. The flower is watered abundantly so that it can be removed without causing the slightest harm. Sometimes you have to sacrifice an old pot, it is broken or cut if the substrate has become so dense that it is not possible to remove the plant even after watering. The roots of the plant are placed in warm water to completely free it from the old substrate. If there are damaged or rotten roots, leaves, then they must be carefully cut off, sprinkle with crushed coal.

The plant is placed in new pot, the substrate is poured, lightly tapping on the pot so that it is better distributed. After planting, the plant is watered, if moisture gets on the growth point, then it is better to get wet. The root collar should be above the substrate, one centimeter below the edge of the pot.


Vietnamese orchids, like everyone else, love warm wet air, sunlight. Usually they are placed on the windows, but if you choose the south window, you will have to shade slightly in the summer. delicate plant from direct sunlight, it is best to put the flower on a table near the window. From the north side of the world there will be little, in winter you will have to illuminate it with a fluorescent lamp.

The air temperature should not drop below +18 degrees, but at night it is desirable that it should not be higher than +20 degrees. This visitor from the tropics will not like dry air, the humidity should be at least 50%, even better if it is 70%. The plant needs to be fed monthly special composition, which is bought in specialized flower shops. But you need to water only when the substrate is completely dry - transparent dishes help to determine this time accurately. More frequent watering leads to decay of roots and death of the plant.

Orchids are watered differently from ordinary indoor flowers. She loves sprinkling, which can be done in the bathroom with the help of a shower. The pot with the plant is placed in a bath, slightly warm water is brought in, the plant is watered with a gentle stream from the shower until the substrate is saturated with water. Then the pot is left for a while, until excess water flows out, and the flower is returned to its place. Or you can put the pot in a container (basin, large pot) with water, through the holes the substrate will pick up as much water as it needs, then let the excess water drain and return the pot to the windowsill. Better watering produce in the morning or afternoon, so that by the evening the aerial part of the plant dries up, is not already wet.

Caring for an orchid cannot be called difficult, just this flower has unusual requests for us, but like any plant, the Vietnamese beauty prefers to be watered, fed, just loved.

Video "Growing"

In the video experienced florist will tell you how to grow an orchid at home.

2018-01-28T11: 48: 08 + 00: 00 adminOrchid care

How to properly grow orchids from Vietnam Tourists very often bring orchids from Vietnam - this is an inexpensive wonderful gift, thanks to which wonderful tropical flowers settle in our apartments. Having visited the Vietnamese flower market, it is simply impossible not to buy seedlings or orchid bulbs to grow at home. But for everything to work out, you need to know how to plant ...

[email protected] Administrator Seven-flowered flower

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The orchid from Vietnam is a beautiful flower of the bulbous family... Tourists willingly take her to the harsh climate of Russia in order to fill the house with the drunken aromas of the East, as long as possible to remember the impressions of their recent trip to eastern country and her unusual local flavor... This plant grows in the wild on the trunks of giant trees. The best terrain for its growth and flowering is regions with a humid continental climate and good lighting.

  1. Terrestrial... Their roots grow into the soil, fill the depressions in the rocks, if organic remains are preserved in them. Flowers on them are large and bright, leaves are dense.
  2. Air... Their roots grow into tree trunks. Delicate buds hang down and thin the soft scent.

Reference. Tourists who bought a potted orchid will not go through customs in Vietnam. You cannot take it out of the country in this form. Tourists who have bought an orchid bulb pass customs control without hindrance.

Names of types of papiopedilum and photos

Consider the types of this flower and their photos.

It is remembered for its unusual lower flowers. Their color varies. Looking at the flowers, it seems that the petal located below is a pocket... It resembles a shoe.

It stands out with large (about 10 cm in diameter) buds of brown-purple color, which thin the pleasant aroma.

On one peduncle, only one flower blooms with lilac-green petals. In its lower part there is a darker petal.


During flowering, buds 6-8 cm in diameter bloom on it orange-green shade with green veins with black specks.

On a short peduncle during the flowering period, 1-2 flowers are formed with a diameter of no more than 7 cm. It differs from other types of Vietnamese orchids in that it blooms early.


Blooms for three months. He has single flowers yellow color .


He has burgundy buds, which are bordered at the edges with a pale border.

Planting material prices

The online store sells different types Pafiopedilum at a price of 900 rubles (the cost of delivery depends on the region where it will be delivered). If you are lucky enough to visit Vietnam, in Vung Tao, then in the numerous shops and flower shops found on every corner, they sell the bulb of the Vietnamese orchid much cheaper. Most of the varieties are found in natural parks, for example, in Dalat, where you can also buy it. Cheaper plants can be found at Cho Dam Market in Nha Trang..

How to properly grow a flower at home?

Any orchid bulb brought from Vietnam is planted in the ground immediately upon arrival at home.

Over time, the land in which the exotic plant grows loses its acidity. If the transplant is not done in time, the soil will become dense. Then it will start to decompose. This will slow down root growth. Allowing waterlogging of the soil, the grower will harm the plant. Its roots rot, as a result of which it will soon die.

The frequency of transplanting depends on the soil in which the orchid grows.... A transplant is needed every three years for a flower growing in a substrate from the bark, and once every two years if it grows in sphagnum. It is made in the spring, when the orchid enters a phase of active growth. Sometimes they don't wait for spring, because:

  • the substrate is decomposed;
  • pests (ticks, nematodes) were noticed in the pot;
  • roots rot due to frequent watering.

The orchid brought from Vietnam is planted in the ground immediately after arriving in Russia. Otherwise, it will disappear.

Orchids from Vietnam are demanding on the composition of the substrate... Usually, growers buy ready-made substrate in order to avoid problems in the future. Before buying, be sure to read the inscriptions on the label. The composition must include the following components without fail:

  • sphagnum moss;
  • bark of coniferous trees;
  • coconut chips.

In addition to such ready mix buy artificial rockwool fiber.

Important. Before planting, the substrate is thoroughly moistened.

The bulba of the Vietnamese orchid is planted, observing some rules:

  1. Its lower part must necessarily be attached to the ground. If this fact is not taken into account, roots will not appear on it.
  2. Do not sprinkle it with a substrate itself. It must remain on the surface, and so that it does not fall, they prop it up with a stick.

You can read about what kind of soil is needed for an orchid and what are the basic requirements for it.


  1. Orchid Bulba from Vietnam.
  2. Plain plastic transparent pot. Read about choosing a pot for this beauty.
  3. Substrate.

Before planting an onion, you need to know some of the features of Vietnamese orchids. The bulb is not part of the flower. Only a month after planting, shoots will go from it, which will become the stems of the future orchid. She does not need watering until the shoots appear. They do not worry about watering, since the bulb itself is a storehouse of water and nutrients ... Sometimes they appear only after a month.

The adventitious buds formed in the upper part of the bulb are the basis for the formation of orchid stems.

You will learn all the subtleties and nuances of planting an orchid in.

Problems and difficulties

Advice. If the orchid is withering away, and the pests are not visible, the pot with it is immersed in soda.

Sometimes a florist, after planting a bulb of a Vietnamese orchid, notices pests in the soil. They are tasty prey for thrips, ticks and roundworms. Most often this happens when it gives roots and stems appear from the adventitious bud.

Kira Stoletova

Planting an orchid bulb from Vietnam and growing it remains a topical issue for orchid lovers who intend to bring such a souvenir from a trip to an Asian country. It is difficult to grow this type of bulbs.

Description and types of Vietnamese orchids

In Vietnam, there are 2 types of orchids: aerial and aerial. Aerial organisms are found on trees, growing roots in them, aboveground ones - on accumulations of humus or debris. For papiopedilum, several varieties are characteristic, differing in the shape of the petals and flowers, the color and size of the inflorescences.

Names of orchid species from Vietnam:

  1. Vietnamese. Typically a wide variety of petal flowers, which have a kind of pocket that looks like a small shoe.
  2. Siamese. The species is characterized by the formation of only one flower on a peduncle of green-lilac color. In this case, one lower petal is brown.
  3. Bearded. A variety of unusual appearance: burgundy flowers have a light border, leaves are light green with dark spots that can be perceived as a disease.
  4. Beautiful. The flowers are large (up to 10 cm in diameter), orange-green in color with greenish veins and black specks.
  5. Appleton. Paphiopedilum with a mild, pleasant aroma typical of a violet-brown color.
  6. Helena. The flowers are yellow and have a waxy coating. This kind blooms for 3 months a year.
  7. One-flowered. A feature of the species is faster flowering than other varieties. On a short peduncle, only 1-2 flowers are formed.


To properly plant an orchid from Vietnam and grow beautiful plant at home, you need to adhere to many rules and take into account all factors in the care process.

  1. When choosing a container for planting a bulb, choose a transparent pot, container, or small food bucket. It is better to plant the flower in a transparent pot, because the roots of the plant must receive light.
  2. For orchids that are picky about moisture levels, add several types of drainage to the planting substrate to regulate the amount of water in the soil and increase the weight and stability of the vessel. Expanded clay, pottery shards, small and medium stones are used as drainage material.
  3. The substrate for orchids consists of the following components: coniferous tree bark, sphagnum moss, fern frond, pumice, expanded clay, coconut chips, rockwool fibers, etc.

To plant a flower, the drainage layer is covered with a substrate, which is then watered. After that, the tubers are placed in pots, usually one in each. Orchid bulbs from Vietnam should be planted so that their lower parts are slightly immersed in the soil, correctly - by about 1 cm. Tuberous offspring need strong support and therefore they must be planted after the support peg is installed. Immediately after landing young plant put up in a lighted place for germination, which will allow you to grow a strong root system bulbs.

Growing and caring

It is recommended to grow pafiopedilum when creating loved ones tropical conditions... The temperature should not go beyond 17 ° C-30 ° C, and the optimum humidity level is from 50% and above. Solar radiation should not be too saturated, otherwise the plant may get a thermal burn, so shade it in summer.

Caring for your orchid in general is not difficult.

Cultivation also includes fertilization of flowers. 1 p. per month feed the orchid with a specialized complex. Watering, as a rule, is carried out as it dries, since the increased flow of water leads to decay of tissues.

A small warm shower for papiopedilum will not be superfluous, after which it is imperative to give time for excess moisture to escape. Watering is carried out in the morning or daytime so that the soil dries up by night. V summer period watering is done daily, in winter - once every few weeks.

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  • Orchid from vietnam

    Description and types

    Growing features

    Transplanting an orchid

    Orchid care

    Orchids have become one of the most popular indoor flowers. But the prices in the store bite on them. Bulbs often come to us from Vietnam. There it is an inexpensive and widely available flower. Growing an orchid differs in many ways from caring for most common flowers.

    Description and types

    The beautiful name "orchid" actually means "egg". It is believed that the bulb of this plant looks like it. Orchids have a large, sturdy stem with one or more brightly colored flowers. Most often they are fragrant. The leaves are rounded, most often dark green.

    Some species grow in soil, while others find shelter in trees.

    They launch roots into the trunk of a tree, and the stem grows in the air. Tourists bring mostly terrestrial species. Orchids grow from so-called bulbs. Although in their qualities they are more like tubers or bulbs. Therefore, they are also called pseudobulbs.

    Several types of orchids, called Paphiopedilums, are brought from Vietnam:

  • Vietnamese, which is distinguished by a variety of flower colors. Its lower petal is especially beautiful. It has the shape of a shoe.
  • Siamese, on the stem of which there is a pink flower with an admixture of green colors.
  • Beautiful, whose petals are colored orange and green. Petals adorn dark dots and lines.
  • Appletona has a large, fragrant flower combining brown and purple colors.
  • One-flowered is the earliest. The flowers are fragrant, relatively small.
  • The bearded one has a burgundy color, which is bordered by a light border. The lower petal is brown with red. The color of the leaves is not like other species. It is light, with dark spots.
  • Elena is distinguished by the texture of the petal. They seem to be covered with a wax coating. They are located one at a time on the peduncle. The color of the petals is yellow.
  • All these types of orchids differ in the color and size of the flower, their number on the peduncle, and the flowering period. But they all require the same care. Terrestrial orchids for sale in Ho Chi Minh City and Dalat.

    Growing features

    Seedlings or plants with roots are not immediately transplanted. Leave them to grow in the container in which they arrived until they no longer fit in it. Most often these are plastic bottles. Then transplanted.

    When buying, it is advised to take a medium-sized onion. The small one will grow for a very long time until it blooms, and the large one will not live long. From planting a medium orchid bulb to when it first blooms, it usually takes 4 to 8 years.

    Orchid bulbs brought from Vietnam, often without roots, sometimes they turn out to be dry. They are planted as soon as possible. For this:

    1. Prepare the dishes. It will work here too plastic bottle... Its transparent walls will allow you to observe the process of root formation. Holes can be easily cut in the walls so that air flows to the roots unhindered. You can take a plastic bucket of food or technical materials... It is more stable than a bottle, but making holes in the walls is a little more difficult. A glass transparent pot specially designed for growing this flower will be a beautiful dish for an orchid. But it is better to use it already for transplantation.
    2. At the bottom of the bottle, in which holes are made, large pebbles, for example, gravel, are placed. It will serve as a drainage and at the same time make the bottle more stable.
    3. Drainage from gravel is laid on top. Then the substrate is laid. It's easier to buy it in flower shop... It consists of pine or spruce bark, coconut chips. Often sphagnum moss is used instead of bark. Add crushed coal, rockwool fibers and other materials that are not easy to find at home. You can not plant an orchid bulb in ordinary soil.
    4. The substrate is watered to make it a donkey. An orchid bulb is installed, deepening it no more than 1 cm. To prevent it from falling, fix it with a stick.
    5. They are installed on a windowsill or other lighted place, and they are waiting for roots to form on it. The bulb has an adequate supply nutrients to form roots without moisture from the outside.
    6. Do not water until the roots appear and grow to the substrate. When this happens, water the onion for the first time. If you do this earlier, the orchid bulb will most likely rot.

    After a while, adventitious buds will form on the upper part of the bulb, from which orchid stems will form.

    Transplanting an orchid

    The orchid does not like frequent transplants. She perceives each of them as stress, so this operation should be approached with special attention. Quite frequent replanting of orchids is due to the fact that the substrate in which they live is very short-lived. Made from sphagnum moss, it loses its qualities in two years. Substrate with peat - in three. It thickens, its acidity changes. It is already difficult for air to penetrate to the roots in order to supply them with useful substances. In addition, the root system of the orchid grows, and after a few years it no longer fits in the old pot. The growth of leaves and flowers slows down.

    But sometimes you have to replant the orchid more often. This can happen with improper care, the presence of pests, too much watering. In this case, the roots rot, and only a transplant can save the flower. Sometimes problems happen with the substrate. It starts to smell unpleasant. This smell also indicates the need for a transplant.

    It is better to replant the orchid in the spring.

    Flower transplant rules:

  • The dishes are taken the same, but with a slightly larger diameter. Disinfect her. Prepare or buy a substrate. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot. You need to do this so that the roots are not damaged. To do this, water the flower well and wait about half an hour for the moisture to be absorbed. If after that the root system is not removed, donate the pot. The plant is dipped in a bowl or bucket with warm water so that all the old soil will lag behind the roots. This usually takes about half an hour.
  • Examine the root system. If damaged roots are found, they are cut off, and the cut site is disinfected. You can do this by treating with charcoal. Damaged leaves are also removed.
  • They carefully examine the roots of the orchid to see if any pest has wound up on them. They are quite small, so it is not easy to spot them. If pests are found, the root part is soaked in disinfectant solution or filtered warm water.
  • Remove dried leaves, old dried pseudobulbs. The cut sites are disinfected. The root part is dried for about 8 hours.
  • The orchid is immersed in a new dish, at the bottom of which a layer of drainage and substrate has already been poured. Gently add the remaining substrate by shaking and tapping on the pot. This will help fill in any voids. The substrate must not be strongly compacted. As a result of transplantation, the root collar should be one centimeter below the edge of the pot, but not in the ground, but above it. It is not necessary to immerse all air roots in the substrate.
  • Install the pot on the east window, away from direct sunlight. Maintain the room temperature at about 22 ° C. After transplanting, the orchid is watered after 4 days. Make sure that moisture does not get to the top where the growth point is located.

    Orchid care

    Orchids from Vietnam grow well in high temperatures and high humidity... The place where they are located should be sunny. But in summer, the direct rays of the sun should not hit the leaves. Therefore, the orchid located on the south window needs to be shaded in the summer. Better yet, place it at some distance from the window. When grown on a north window, there will not be enough light in winter. Therefore, you will have to illuminate with a fluorescent lamp.

    For an orchid, you need to create conditions as close as possible to the tropics.

    An orchid should be grown at a temperature of at least 18 ° C. At the same time, it should not rise above 20 ° C at night. The air must be humid. It is desirable to keep the humidity within 60 ° C. The orchid is fed once a month with a special agent for orchids. Water the orchid only after the substrate in which it grows is completely dry. You can see this thanks to the transparent dishes in which it is grown. Watering more often will cause the roots to rot.

    Watering is best done in the morning. Then by the evening the stem and leaves will dry out. Watering is carried out by sprinkling. They transfer the orchid to the bath, irrigate it with a stream of water at a temperature of about 40 degrees under a slight pressure until the entire soil becomes wet. It is left in the bath for a while so that excess moisture escapes through the holes.

    More information can be found in the video:

    The orchid can be watered differently. Set the plant pot in a tall bowl or bucket. The water should cover the top holes in the pot. Leave in a bowl for a while. Moisture will penetrate through the holes and moisturize the substrate. Then they are taken out and placed in a bathtub or at the bottom of an empty bowl so that the excess water is glass. Installed in a permanent place.
    Carry out orchids on Fresh air not recommended even in summer.

    Orchids from Vietnam can be affected by pests common to other plants:

  • Thrips. The defeat manifests itself in the form of light streaks, which eventually merge into spots. The plant is isolated, washed with a stream of water, then treated with an insecticide.
  • Nematodes (roundworms), which lead to leaf drying and deformation. Leads to the death of the plant.
  • Ticks that leave dots at the puncture sites of the leaf blade. The leaves turn brown and die off.
  • You can find pests that have settled in the substrate by lowering the pot with the plant in baking soda. Some of the insects will float to the surface.

    How to grow an orchid from a bulb?

  • Substrate
  • Pot
  • Gravel
  • Pallet
  • An orchid from Thailand should be placed near a window in a well-lit place. In the summer, the plant must be protected from direct sunlight. The flower is very fond of warmth, grows well in indoor conditions... Preferred normal humidity... Spraying the orchid is not recommended; it is better to replace it by placing the pot on a container with damp pebbles. The orchid requires abundant watering, which is necessary with a dry substrate. Without feeding these flowers with a special fertilizer, it will be difficult to grow orchids from Thailand.

    At home, orchids reproduce only vegetatively. This method is carried out by transplanting a plant. Orchids must be propagated using moss. It is in it that old bulbs are planted, after cutting their roots. Before growing an orchid from a bulb, you need to cut the rhizome into several parts, each of which will eventually give adventitious buds.

    Orchid seedlings are grown in bottles. The process of their development is very long, the plant will bloom only after 5-8 years. Buy seedlings of small sizes. They are in a nutrient medium that can shake up during transport. In this case, you need to return everything to its place by turning the bottle. To successfully cope with the task of growing an orchid from a bottle, keep the seedlings in a nutrient medium for as long as possible. It is worth planting them only when the flowers are old enough, and there will be no more in the bottle. free space... Plant young plants in a special substrate or moss.

    If you want to grow a Vietnamese bulb orchid, plant it in dry bark. When asked how; to plant an orchid from Vietnam; - the answer is, not too deep. You do not need to water it after planting: the water supply in the bulb is sufficient. Watering will only be needed when the roots of the plant begin to lengthen. Over time, sprouts will appear from below, buds will wake up

    Consider how to transplant an orchid after purchase. First you need to pull it out of the old substrate. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots. If you cannot remove the plant, break or break the pot. Then place the plant in warm water to clear the roots of the substrate. Remove diseased roots and yellowed leaves. Disinfect the cut sites. Then leave the orchid to dry. At night or 7-8 hours. After that, it can be planted in a fresh substrate, having previously laid the drainage. Water the plant while covering the roots with the substrate.

    Features of planting orchid bulbs from Vietnam

    Description and types of Vietnamese orchids

    The Vietnamese orchid is of the following types:

  • aboveground. Plants grow in places where humus or debris accumulates on the ground;
  • air. They can be found on tree posts. Orchids take root in them. At the same time, flowers and stems hang in the air.
  • Naturally, bulbs of aboveground varieties are imported into our country. Such material can be planted at home in a regular flower pot... However, for this you need to know certain rules.

    Aboveground orchids from Vietnam differ among themselves in the following parameters:

  • color of flowers;
  • flower shape;
  • the size of the inflorescences.
  • Most often, the following varieties of Paphiopedilum orchids are brought from Vietnam:

  • Siamese. Only one purple-green flower is formed on the peduncle. In the inflorescence, one lower petal is brown;
  • bearded. Has a very unusual appearance: Light green leaves develop dark spots that resemble disease symptoms. The flowers themselves have a lower red-brown petal. The rest of the petals have a light border;
  • Vietnamese. The most varied color of flowers is characteristic. Their petals have a kind of pocket, which outwardly resembles a slipper;
  • beautiful. The formation of large orange-green flowers is characteristic. On the petals there are well-defined green streaks and blotches of black;
  • Appleton. The plant forms rather large inflorescences that are brown-purple in color. Orchid thinns the pleasant scent;
  • Helena. This variety forms single yellow flowers that have a waxy coating;
  • one-flowered. Blooms earlier than other varieties. It forms two large and fairly fragrant flowers.
  • The cultivation of these varieties of orchids is carried out in an almost identical manner.

    To understand how to properly grow orchid bulbs brought from Vietnam, you first need to find out how the planting material is planted.

    If you need to plant seedlings, they should first be supported for some time in the container in which they were brought. Seedlings are planted when there is little free space in the container. Usually, imported orchids are transported in bottles.

    The question "how to plant an orchid bulb" is very relevant for those who will be engaged in the cultivation of this indoor flower for the first time. In order to plant bulbs in an apartment, you must choose a transparent container. Through it, you can easily observe the growth and development of the bulb.

    Large pebbles should be placed on the bottom of the selected container, in which there must be holes for draining water. This increases the pot life. Then you should perform the following actions:

  • pour a drainage layer from expanded clay;
  • the substrate is poured onto it. You can buy it in the store or make it yourself. But it is better to use a store-bought mixture;
  • then the substrate is watered;
  • then the placement of tubers is carried out. It is best to grow one plant in one pot. Orchid bulbs should be planted in such a way that they are slightly buried in the substrate (about 1 cm). To make the tuber stable, it is propped up with a stick.
  • When planting is complete, the pot is placed in a well-lit area. Now you know how to grow an orchid from a bulb. However, in addition to knowing how to properly plant orchids from Vietnam, you also need to know the rules for caring for them.

    Growing and caring

    The Vietnamese orchids that the lover brought from her trip have a fairly simple care, but with reservations.

    Care indoor flowers begins immediately after the first roots appear. At this time, the first watering of the plant is carried out. After about a month, a tuber is transplanted that has taken root. During this time, he will have time to accumulate the substances necessary for growth and development.

    Orchids from Vietnam love sunshine and humid warm air... Therefore, the plant should be placed on the windowsill on the south side. However, direct sunlight should be avoided. In winter, if the orchid is on the north side, it will have to be additionally illuminated with artificial lighting.

    The flower needs to create the following conditions:

    • air temperature - +18 degrees and above;
    • humidity - not less than 50%. The optimal level is 70%.
    • Caring for an orchid brought from Vietnam includes the following steps:

    • monthly feeding. The formulations should be purchased at a flower shop;
    • watering is carried out only when the substrate dries. In the summer, in hot weather, watering should be done every day, and in the winter - once every few weeks. Watering the plant is carried out only in the morning;
    • periodically you need to organize a shower for flowers.
    • As you can see, caring for this flower is really simple, especially if you know all the subtleties.

      Bulbous varieties of indoor flowers must be transplanted at regular intervals. Frequent replanting of orchids is due to the fact that the plant quickly depletes the substrate. When grown on sphagnum, this procedure is carried out every two years. If the bark was chosen as a substrate, then after three years.

      The transplant is carried out in the spring. At this time, the flower is most active in terms of growth. The transfer is carried out according to the same rules as the landing. To minimize the risk of root damage, the plant is watered abundantly before transplanting.

      Now you know how to plant an orchid from Vietnam, as well as how to grow it in a house or apartment.

      Video “Pafiopedilum. All about leaving "

      Learn all about caring for the Vietnamese Paphiopedilum orchid in this video.

      How to plant an orchid from Vietnam: step by step instructions

      • Transparent pot
      • Special substrate for orchids and bromeliads
      • Powdered coal
      • Cycnodes orchid bulbs, which outwardly resemble green carrots, can do without moisture for up to a month. There is nothing difficult in how to plant an orchid from Vietnam, although these exotic plants appeared in our country relatively recently. It is better to start breeding orchids with the most unpretentious and common phalaenopsis. The most beautifully flowering of orchids are epiphytes, that is, they grow not in the soil, but on tree trunks.

        To understand how to transplant an orchid after purchase, you need to determine its type. Orchids are divided into two groups according to their growth characteristics. Those with one growth point and one stem are called monopodial. And those that develop from pseudobulbs and release new shoots every season are sympodial. There is no need to be afraid of orchid transplantation, they very quickly come to their senses on new apartment in the event that the roots are not damaged.

        You can often come across the question of how to grow an orchid from a bulb. An orchid is not a bulbous plant, and the conditions for keeping its bulb and pseudobulb are completely different. Before transplanting, you need to water the orchid well and let it stand for two hours. Then carefully remove it from the pot, orchid roots are very fragile and brittle, immerse in warm water for half an hour to wash away traces of the old substrate. On extraction, examine the roots and remove the rotten ones, dusting the sections with charcoal.

        How to grow orchids from Thailand is no different from Vietnamese orchids. Usually they are grown at home in pots or hanging baskets, sometimes directly on pieces of wood and bark - this is their natural habitat and such compositions look very interesting in the interior. Before transplanting, you need to purchase a substrate or a special artificial rockwool fiber, then thoroughly moisten the purchased substrate. The landing level should remain the same, it is impossible to deepen.

        If you have a question related to how to grow an orchid from a bottle, you need to remember simple rules. You need to choose the largest available plants, buy from a trusted supplier and check for pests - orchids are very often affected by mealybugs. Seedlings should be kept in a bottle for as long as possible, not taken out of the greenhouse, especially they are afraid of cold and drafts.

        How to plant orchids from Vietnam

        The most common souvenir brought from Vietnam is the orchid. You can buy such a miracle at the flower markets of Dalat and Ho Chi Minh City.

        Vietnamese orchid will become wonderful decoration Your home will also delight you with a pleasant aroma. Among the representatives of the local flora, it occupies an honorable place. The plant looks like an egg, because it is the bulbs or orchid bulbs that are sold.

        Before planting an orchid bulb from Vietnam, you need to prepare a substrate and a transparent pot. The substrate is different from the usual one and includes conifer bark, sphagnum moss and coconut chips. Also, a special rockwool fiber is used as a substrate. To simplify your work, you can buy it in the store. The substrate must be moistened before planting.

        How to properly plant an orchid bulb from Vietnam

        You need to plant the bulb in such a way that only the lower part is attached to the ground, and the main part is on the surface. Since the bulb itself is massive, you can use a stick to keep it from hanging out in the pot. If you find dry roots, then do not touch them, because they are the ones that will fix the plant after planting.

        After planting an orchid from Vietnam, it is necessary to water it only if the dormant sprout has roots that have grown to the substrate. In order to see them, our transparent pot will come in handy. Fears that the plant will dry out are in vain, because the bulb contains a supply of moisture and nutrients, which, at least, will last for a month.

        An exotic orchid will grow faster if placed on a sunny side to allow the sun's rays to hit its bulb. Correct fit orchids from Vietnam will allow you to enjoy all the delights of its bloom.

        How to properly grow orchids from Vietnam: types and planting

        Description of orchids from Vietnam

        An orchid needs careful and careful care, Special attention also has to be paid to the fit. If you properly plant orchid bulbs from Vietnam, then this exotic plant will delight you with its beauty and pleasant aroma for a long time.

        In Vietnam, there are 2 types of orchids: ground and air. Terrestrial ones grow from the ground in places where there is debris and humus. Air grows into tree trunks.

        Terrestrial Vietnamese orchids are classified into the following types:

      • Paphiopedilum Vietnamese
      • Pafiopedilum siamese
      • Appleton's Paphiopedilum
      • Paphiopedilum bearded
      • Paphiopedilum is beautiful
      • Paphiopedilum one-flowered
      • Pafiopedilum Elena.
      • Vietnamese orchids are sold at special flower markets in Ho Chi Minh City and Dalat. They are inexpensive, which makes this plant a popular souvenir that Russian tourists bring from this Asian country.

        How to plant an orchid from Vietnam

        Before planting an orchid from Vietnam, you need to choose the right substrate. It should include: a mixture of pine bark, sphagnum moss, coconut chips. Artificial rockwool fiber is also suitable as a substrate. Moisten it before planting.

        Present to your attention step by step instructions of how to plant an orchid from Vietnam.

        You will need a transparent pot, substrate, and powdered charcoal. Orchid is not bulbous plant, its bulbs and pseudobulbs are kept a little differently. Before planting, the flower is well watered and allowed to stand for a couple of hours. Then they are carefully removed from the pot, and, without damaging the roots, they are placed in warm water for 30 minutes to remove traces from the old substrate. After extraction, rotten roots should be removed, cut with charcoal.

        You need to plant the bulb so that only the lower part is attached to the ground, and the main one is on the surface. To prevent the bulb from dangling in the pot, use a stick.

        After planting, watering the Vietnamese orchid is necessary only when the roots appear, which have grown to the substrate. That is why a transparent pot is used when planting.

        Vietnamese orchid: how to transplant

        This amazing exotic flower has no roots or has dried roots. This feature is taken into account when transplanting, in order for the plant to take root, its lower part must be fixed to the ground. It is simply necessary to transplant this plant, since after a few years the earth loses the necessary acidity, the soil becomes dense and begins to decompose, which leads to a slowdown in root growth. The death of a plant can also cause waterlogging of the soil.

        The time when you need to transplant an orchid depends on the substrate in which it grew. If the bark was used as a substrate, then the transplant is necessary 1 time within 3 years, and once every 2 years - if sphagnum was used. This operation is performed in the spring, when the plant grows at its peak.

        The transplant is carried out ahead of schedule if:

      • There are pests in the pot
      • The substrate began to decompose
      • The roots began to rot.

      • Transplanting Vietnamese orchids is no different from ordinary ones.

        How to grow orchids from Vietnam

        Reproduction of these plants is possible at home, for this the bush is carefully divided into parts. Fertilize special means the flower follows once a month with the help of a special fertilizer, but at the same time observing the concentration indicated on the package.

        The plant is photophilous, so it is placed on the sunny side of the house. So it will stretch well upward and grow faster.

        The air temperature in the room in which the orchid grows should be at least 17-18 degrees during the day and no more than 20 degrees at night, and the humidity should not exceed 50-70%. You must try to exclude dry air in the room, otherwise the leaves will turn pale and begin to dry. Open air should also be avoided. If you follow all these recommendations, then the flower will bring joy with its beauty for a very long time.

        How to plant an orchid from Vietnam

        Such a beautiful flower as an orchid requires careful handling and careful care, without which it will simply die. As for the Vietnamese variety of this plant, you need to know how to plant an orchid from Vietnam, so that later it pleases the eye with its amazing flowers.

        Useful information on how to plant an orchid from Vietnam

        If a person who wants to grow a Vietnamese orchid with his own efforts at home buys plant seedlings on the market, it is better to choose not the smallest, but not the largest. Grow planting material in bottles.

        It is worth remembering that when transporting seedlings to the planting site, the nutrient medium can be shaken. That is why it is very important, when arriving home, to hold them as long as possible in this environment, while waiting for them to adapt to their environment.

        The planting of seedlings should be dealt with only after there is not enough space in the bottle with the medium for them. You should know that with this method of growing, orchid flowers will only give 5-8 years of life, since they have a very long development process.

        If planting and further cultivation takes place using a plant bulb, it must be planted in dry bark and not too deep. It is worth watering the orchid bulb only after the roots begin to lengthen, otherwise there is a risk of flooding - there is enough water and nutrients in the bulb to start a new life.

        Moreover, it is worth remembering that planting an orchid from Vietnam from a bulb is not at all easier than from seedlings, and you will have to wait for the first flowers, perhaps even longer.

        Orchid transplant after purchase

        So that the Vietnamese orchid does not rot during growth and gives flowers constantly, after it has been purchased, it must be transplanted to a new substrate. Remove the plant from the old pot very carefully so as not to damage the roots.

        If the flower is difficult to get, you can gently break the old pot. After the orchid is placed in warm water. Next, you need to visually inspect the roots of the plant for the presence of rotten and diseased areas. In the event that there are such, they are carefully removed. Also get rid of yellowed leaves.

        After all procedures, it is necessary to let the roots dry a little. You can leave them overnight. After that, you should prepare a new substrate with drainage. After necessary pot with a nutrient substrate was prepared, there you can plant an orchid from Vietnam, then water a little and put in a well-lit place.

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    At the word orchid, our imaginations begin to paint colorful pictures of the exotic tropics. But no matter how surprising it sounds, the tropics can be arranged in own apartment! It is with the help of orchids.

    Despite the widespread belief that these flowers only grow in hot regions, this is not the case. There are some types of orchids that can even be found in Moscow parks. These are their northern species, which have already adapted to similar weather conditions (fingerling, two-leaved lyubka). They usually have small flowers and do not look quite the way we usually imagine orchids. Flowers in the form in which we are used to seeing them - with bright, convex, elastic flowers, can be found in the wild in the vast Crimea.

    But all of these species are not suitable for growing at home.

    The Vietnamese orchid can become a magnificent decoration for your home, which also spreads a pleasant aroma. In Vietnam, the orchid is one of the brightest representatives of the local flora. Translated from the Greek "orchis" (which is where the name "orchid" actually came from) means "testicle". Apparently not in vain, since the flowers of the plant really resemble this organ of a person or a mammal.

    If someone of your acquaintances goes on vacation in Vietnam, be prepared that this flower will be brought to you as a gift. Has this already happened? Then, for sure, you have already asked the question - how to plant an orchid from Vietnam? Read the comprehensive answer below.

    Orchid bulbs (or “bulbs”) are commonly sold in Vietnam. You can buy them at flower markets in Ho Chi Minh City and Dalat. They are inexpensive, and their subsequent transportation is not particularly difficult. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to visit the land of endless pagodas and rice terraces, you will already know what to bring from Vietnam.

    So what is needed to plant an orchid from Vietnam?

    1. special substrate for orchids (it differs in many respects from the usual one);
    2. transparent pot (transparency is also very important);
    3. orchid bulb.

    It is necessary to plant the orchid bulb so that almost all of it is on the surface and only its lower part is fixed in the ground. Since its trunk is massive and heavy enough, it is better to substitute a stick that will support it.

    This bulb is not part of the flower itself. The shoots from this bulb will begin to break through into best case a month later. Here they will be the stems of the future plant.

    Once you have planted the bulb in the pot, it will not need to be watered until the first roots come out. It is for this purpose - to see the "firstborn" - we use a transparent pot. As soon as they appear, this is a signal to water the plant.

    Do not be afraid or worried that the plant may be left without water for a whole month. This bulb itself contains so much liquid and nutrients in its trunk that they will last for a long time. If you decide to take the initiative and water the flower, you risk watering it.

    After planting the plant, place it on a sunny side to allow the sun's rays to hit the plant. The seedling will reach for the sun, and therefore grow faster. Placing an orchid deep into the apartment, you risk dooming it to death.
