Spherical thuja: types and varieties in the photo. Dwarf thuja Best thuja

An ideal ball from a young age, it grows no more than 60 cm. It grows slowly, at 20 years old, a height of about 50 cm. The needles are thick, soft, shiny, light green, slightly bronze in winter. Prefers sun and partial shade, undemanding to the soil, tolerates dryness and excessive moisture. Wintering under the snow, it practically does not suffer from spring burns.
The crown is flattened or slightly rounded, height and diameter 1 m. At the top there are many vertical thin shoots 10-15 cm long. The needles are green all year round.
Shrub of spherical shape, diameter and height no more than 2 m. The crown is dense, grows evenly in all directions. The needles are green in summer, brownish or grayish in winter. Grows slowly. More than other thujas need frequent watering, rejuvenating pruning is recommended every 2 years. Its shape is initially rounded, later cone-shaped, and can reach 2 m in height. The needles are dull green, brownish in winter.
Golden Globe(Golden Globe)
Shrub rounded, 1 m high and 1 m in diameter. It grows slowly, 8-10 cm per year. The needles are golden yellow, in autumn it acquires a copper hue. Prefers sun or partial shade. Haircut enhances the density of the crown.
Little Champion(Little Champion)
Dwarf thuja rounded. The ends of the branches hang slightly. At first it grows quickly, after reaching 50 cm, growth slows down. The needles are bright green, turning slightly brown in winter.

Recurva Nana(Recurva Nana)
The name translates as "curved low". The branches are curved, the ends of young shoots are twisted. The crown is dense, terry, resembling moss.
Shrub up to 1.5 m with a hemispherical crown. The lower part is dense, the upper sparse, consists of several trunks. The needles are green, young growth is yellow-white. He loves the sun and fertile moist soil, does not tolerate dry air.

Tiny Tim(Tiny Tim)
Very beautiful dwarf form with a rounded crown. It grows slowly, rarely grows more than 1 m. The branches are short, form lacy spirals. The needles are dark green, turning brown in winter. Photophilous.

It is a dense ball, its height and diameter is 1.5 m. The needles are dark green, do not change color in winter. Grows slowly. In very severe winters, the ends of annual shoots can freeze slightly.

Varieties of thuja of the western original form

Today, thujas are very much appreciated. original form escapes, for example, Cristata(cristata), which means "comb". This is a beautiful slender tree about 3 m high with a narrow uneven crown, the branches are curved and directed upwards, the needles are grayish-green.

No less interesting Spiralis(Spiralis), graceful, with a narrow-conical or columnar crown and a long, sharp top, grows up to 5 m. The surface of the crown is strongly wavy, because the side branches are twisted in a spiral, the needles are bluish-green. In terms of growth rate, it is ahead of all garden forms.
Thuja cascade looks unusual Filiformis(Filiformis, "filamentous"). She has a dense, rounded crown and long hanging shoots.

Tuya is evergreen capable of growing fifty or even a hundred years. Most species are cold hardy. Some plants look like shrubs, while others can grow to a height of more than two meters.

Most often, thuja is used as an addition to the design of a garden or flower bed. Sometimes such a plant can be separate element in the landscape.

The most common varieties in Russia

Western thuja is most suitable for the Russian climate. It is this plant that is suitable for urban conditions.

In total there are five types of thuja: Korean, Western, Giant, Japanese, Sichuan. However, only the western one grows in the Russian climate, and we will consider it, do not confuse the type and variety! In the article we are talking specifically about varieties of one species of thuja - western thuja.

There are six most common varieties of western thuja:

  1. Brabant. This variety is used for hedges. After all, the height of this thuja reaches 5 meters, and the diameter is 1.5 meters. In one year, Brabant grows 30 centimeters in height and 15 in width. You can buy in the nursery at any time of the year and any size.
  2. Column. The silhouette is similar to the Crimean cypresses. It grows up to 7 meters in height, and up to 1.3 in diameter. Such plants are suitable for recreating the Mediterranean style.
  3. Emerald. It is also resistant to frost and high gusts of wind. It grows up to 5 meters in height. However, this thuja is demanding on growing conditions and its growth rate is slow.
  4. Holmstrup. This is an ideal thuja for lazy gardeners, as it does not require special care. Holmstrup is able to form a dense wall. Given the slow growth rate, in 10 years it can grow by 3 meters in height.
  5. Fastigiata. V middle lane In Russia, the height of this thuja reaches 6 meters. It makes a good hedge in order to cover unsightly landscapes or isolate oneself from neighbors.
  6. Wagneri. The maximum height of this tree is 4 meters. It tolerates frosts very well, but does not like snowfalls. For planting this variety, it is better to choose an open place.

These varieties have a different crown, just below we will see the classification according to such a feature as the shape of the crown.

Classification and forms of thuja

Thuja can be divided into different classes depending on the use in design. There will be three groups:

  • dwarf arborvitae are most often used for decoration;
  • how hedge- denser and taller plants;
  • solitary species are created for planting one or a group of the same trees.

Differences also relate to the shape of the crown of plants. They can be:

  1. Pyramidal. Some varieties of trees reach 20 meters in height. Shrubs are no more than two. Such thujas can be planted as independent elements, and in a group with others.
  2. columnar. This view is different large quantity varieties. They make good hedges 5 meters high.
  3. Pin-shaped. Usually low (up to 2 meters) and with dense branches.
  4. Umbrella. A fairly popular species for small flower beds, since most varieties are dwarf (up to 1 meter in height).
  5. Spherical. Thuja of this form is with dense branches. The spherical thuja grows slowly, gradually changing color.

Important: The main advantage of the spherical type is unpretentiousness in terms of soil and good shade tolerance.

All types of thuja are suitable for improving land and creating living fences. A variety of shapes and colors contributes to the ability to create compositions using only thuja. Below are photos varieties with a spherical crown.

Varieties of spherical thuja

There are a huge number of varieties of spherical thuja. Among them there are both those that change color from season to season and evergreens. Let's consider the most interesting ones.

1. Barbant

Strictly speaking, this variety has a crown shape not spherical, but wide-columnar. However, due to the popularity of this species, as well as its pliability to shearing, it is worth mentioning.

This is the most common in Russia in Western Europe view. It is also called the Western Tree of Life. This is a multi-stemmed tree. Due to the density of the crown, you can create a fence from street noise and city dust. The age of such plants reaches 800 years.

With the onset of winter, Barbant does not change color. It has a cone-shaped crown, a straight trunk. Dense and branched branches are arranged horizontally and in an arc.

Fact: Barbant differs from wild plants in its rapid growth rate.

The maximum height of plants of this species is 20 meters, and the width is 4. In one year, the thuja adds 30 centimeters in height and 10 in width.

Barbant is a very unpretentious variety. It can be planted in shade or full sun. It will easily tolerate both very dry and wet soil. It differs from other varieties in the ease of cutting.

It is best to purchase a plant in a nursery, so it will already be acclimatized.

Landing does not require special skills - it is similar for all conifers. The root should be dug in well, mulched once a year and constantly weeded. Also in the first year, you can water the thuja crown in the evenings. In this case, the water should be 17-30 degrees.

The soil around the plant should not be allowed to become overgrown with weeds or lawn. You should monitor the condition of the earth - so that it does not dry out and does not compact after watering. The root system of the tree should not be exposed.

Barbant in landscape design

This variety looks best in the form of a hedge. Several trees arranged in a line create a loose green fence. To do this, at an early stage it is necessary to form desired shape.

A denser fence can also be made from Barbant if the seedlings are planted closer and in several rows.

Brabant can become like this design decision. Due to the dense branches, it is easy to cut and give it the desired shape.

2. Danica

The variety of this thuja was bred in Denmark, in 1948. Danica is a slow growing shrub. In a year, it grows 5 centimeters in height and 4 centimeters in width. For 10 years, Danica can grow in height by no more than 50 centimeters, and the diameter will not exceed 1 meter.

Interesting: This variety is one of the smallest representatives of globular thuja.

This shrub can be placed both in a dark area and in the sun. The only difference will be that in the light Danica becomes brighter and denser.

For landing, choose fertile soil, it is worth paying attention to sufficient humidity.

It is best to plant this plant in spring time. Over the summer, the thuja will be able to develop the root system and thus prepare for the winter. There should be no groundwater at the landing site. If there are, then the soil should be compacted with crushed stone. It needs to be placed in the planting hole. It is better to make a layer of 20 centimeters.

Every spring, dry and damaged branches should be removed. At the same time, you can form a crown, transplant or trim. It is better to close young bushes with burlap for the winter.

Danica in landscape design

Danica connects perfectly in garden design with other spherical plants. It is important to choose contrasting flower bushes. So the greenery of the thuja will become even brighter.

This shrub also looks organically in a group lined up in a row. It can be both an independent element and work in conjunction with others, forming a living fence of shrubs.

Such a fence is not a barrier to prying eyes, but creates comfort and completes the whole composition.

3. Teddy

Teddy is a new type of dwarf globular thuja. For 10 years of growth, it can reach 30 centimeters in height and 40 in width. Grows slowly.

This shrub has needle-like, but not prickly needles. V autumn time year, the color changes from dark green to bronze.

The plant is shade tolerant. A couple of hours in the sun per day will be enough for this variety of thuja. However, the soil should not be dry.

You can not overfeed Teddy, otherwise the needles will grow rapidly and lose their shape.

In dry weather, be sure to water. Dried branches should be constantly pruned.

Interesting: Teddy is the softest and fluffiest variety of thuja. Although it is considered one of the most capricious.

This variety is more suitable for creating gardens with an emphasis on stone. When designing, it is worth considering the color changes of the needles at different times of the year - so that this property does not spoil the whole idea.

Teddy can be combined with other thujas various forms, shrubs and flowers. The main condition - must be met - different levels arrangement of elements, stone embankment, breaking grass, rare flowers. Large blocks of stones complete the overall picture. It is also possible to use .

For this variety of thuja, it is quite acceptable to grow in a container. Due to its small size and small root system, this amount of soil for Teddy will be enough. This thuja is easy to place on the veranda, balcony or in the room. alpine style can be preserved. Especially if the design of the apartment is Scandinavian. green thuja Teddy varieties will only add color and freshness to the rooms.

4. Globoza

One of the brightest representatives of spherical thuja is the Globosa variety. This spruce is one of the most popular among landscape designers in the post-Soviet space. In the first years of life, the crown has the shape of a ball without the main trunk.

Within 10-15 years, the plant will form, so to speak, a leader shoot, and only then will the spruce acquire the shape of a triangle. Often this variety is shaped into a ball after it has grown. The plant lends itself well to shearing. One of the features is its color - blue.

Such a spruce can grow up to two meters in height and three in width. Such a tree can decorate both a small corner of the garden and become a central element. rocky garden.

5. Golden Globe

Goleden Glob is a worthy representative of its kind. Its dimensions reach about a meter after ten years both in height and in width.
It has yellow which will appeal to many gardeners. Over time, the needles will acquire a golden color.
Due to its size, such a spruce will fit perfectly into the landscape of small gardens and will be able to please its owners. It often becomes an adornment of the facades of houses of various office centers. Another advantage is unpretentiousness and frost resistance.

6. Khosery

Hoseri is a masterpiece produced by Polish breeders. This thuja is perfect for people who liked the texture of the Globosa variety, but because of the size of this spruce, they were forced to refuse to plant it.
Perfectly can fit into the composition with any miniature plants. Over the years, it will take the form of a pillow.
This variety is very fond of the sun's rays, so it is better to choose the appropriate place.
Often Hoseri thujas are planted along the facades of houses and shopping centers.

7. Reingold

Rheingold is another representative of dwarf shrubs. 10 years after planting this variety, its height will be about a meter.

In the first years it will have the shape of a ball, then it will stretch and acquire an oval shape. The remarkable thing about this species is its color, which will also change in different seasons of the year. So in winter the thuja will be brown, and by the summer it will become golden.
The best way will look like a hedge or part of a composition on small area. It is very demanding on moist and fertile soil.

8. Woodwardy

Variety Woodwardii is a very popular variety among European gardeners. It has a rich green color, a fairly dense crown shape, and also has a fairly good survival rate and relative unpretentiousness.

The temperature at which thuja can still exist reaches -40 ° C. It can reach up to half a meter in height. In the first years after planting, it will have the shape of a ball, but therefore over time it will stretch and take on the shape of an oval.
It has excellent ionizing and air-purifying properties, which is why many Europeans plant this thuja in their backyards.

9. Tiny Tim

Thuja Tiny Tim was bred back in the 60s of the last century. Its height can reach a meter, and a width of one and a half.
The needles are mostly dark green in color. Distinctive feature is that the thuja grows very slowly: at 10 years old, it reaches only 30 centimeters. It loves light very much, but it is not demanding on soils.
It is mainly planted on rocky hills. You can plant both singly and in a group, in both cases it will look organic.

10. Table

Stolwijk is another representative of dwarf conifers.
At first, when young, the shrub has the shape of a dome, but closer to a decade, when it becomes about one meter high, the shape takes on the shape of an asymmetrical cone.

Despite its unusualness, very few European landscape designers and gardeners use it in their compositions. This is due to the unpredictable shape of the crown.

11. Bowling Ball

Thuja received the name Bowling Ball not by chance, but because of the ideal symmetrical shapes.
In the first years after planting, it has a strictly spherical shape, but over the years it stretches a little. It reaches a height of about 70 centimeters, and a width of up to a meter. And still the impression remains that the thuja has the shape of a ball.
This is due to her splendor. Despite the fact that the plant loves sunlight, it will be able to come to terms with partial shade. In landscape design, it is mainly used in compositions requiring a spherical element.

12. Holmstrap

Dumosa, or otherwise Holmstrup, one of unique species thuja with an ovoid crown, which can reach about three meters. Also, one of the advantages is that even without regular shearing, the plant retains the correct shape of the column. This is certainly a huge plus for gardeners who are busy with less independent plants in their garden. Also among all representatives of spherical thuja, Dumosa has the most dense. Basically, such thujas are intended for the formation of a hedge, but there are also many cases when it is planted in one copy.

13. Hovea

Thuya Hoveya is an excellent variety of its kind. In 2-3 years, this thuja will still look like a ball later, it will be transformed and will have an ovoid shape. By the age of 10, he can reach a maximum of one and a half meters. Among the main features of this thuja is its unpretentiousness, frost resistance, rather slow growth. Also another good indicator is the pliability of shearing, and the ability to grow on any kind of soil. This type thuy will be very useful for gardeners who have long wanted to form hedges or ennoble alpine slides.

14. Little Champion

Thuja Little Champion is a fairly compact representative of spherical thuja, which reaches about one and a half meters in height and a meter in width.

A feature of this plant is that it grows for a long time. At the age of 10 years, it will have a diameter of half its maximum. Also very remarkable is the change in color of the tree.
V summer period thuja will have a green color, and closer to winter it will become brown or bronze. These trees are often planted both singly and in groups. You can often see them in pots on terraces or loggias.

15. Little Jam

Thuja Little Gem is a fairly popular variety among gardeners, because it has a specific crown shape, and also because the diameter of this plant is an order of magnitude greater than its height.
The light green color that thuja possesses is replaced by a shade of bronze in winter in summer. Little Gem loves places where the sun is not limited. Negatively refers to drought, so you need to water on time. The tree is perfect for decorating a rocky garden or an alpine slide.

16. Little Gyant

Little Giant (little giant) is a dwarf plant with a cushion-shaped crown. The dimensions of this thuja reach only 80 centimeters in height and exactly 2 times less in width. Like the previous arborvitae, it has bright green needles in summer and bronze in winter. Feature is slow growth.

Due to its small size, this thuja is very popular and widely used. It can be used both in the garden, and on the terrace, and on the loggia. The most popular is in Europe.

17. Pumila

Pumila' is a variety with an egg-shaped crown. The size of this tree can reach about two meters. Many gardeners often choose this variety over Little Gem due to the fact that they are very similar, but Pumila' grows an order of magnitude larger. This quality will be very useful when forming a hedge. I also use thuja one by one. The branches of this tree are fan-shaped, slightly curved and do not touch each other. Sufficiently frost-resistant and unpretentious.

18. River Nana

Recurva Nana has a rounded shape, a few years after planting.

Later, the crown is formed into a cone. It can reach up to two meters in height. The sprigs that protrude around the entire perimeter of the crown add charm to this variety. The needles have a green color, but it changes from dark near the trunk to light at the tips. Frost-resistant Also loves the sun, but can grow in the shade. It is used as a hedge, they are also planted along the alleys at a distance of several meters, they can also become an indispensable element of any composition.

19. Salaspis

The Salaspils variety was bred by breeders from Latvia back in the 40s of the last century.
It has a dense rounded shape, this creates the effect of splendor, for which many gardeners love it. At 30 years old, the maximum growth of this plant is 55 centimeters. This thuja does not change its color throughout the year, it remains bright green with it.
Due to the fact that the plant has a small size, many people grow it on terraces and loggias. It also harmonizes perfectly in combination with dwarf trees.

20. Trompenburg

Thuja called Trompenburg was bred in the Netherlands.
The first time after planting, the crown will have a spherical shape, but then it will begin to stretch and the ball will be replaced by an oval. This is a dwarf representative of spherical thujas, respectively, its height reaches only 60 centimeters in 10 years.
It has a yellowish-green color, randomly located around the entire perimeter of the thuja. Darkening occurs in winter. It will become an indispensable element of any composition invented by a landscape designer. It is better to use a group of such thujas when planting.

Twenty varieties of globular thuja - there is plenty to choose from, regardless of the idea and possibilities.

One of the most popular coniferous ornamental trees among summer residents is thuja. This evergreen tree or a shrub that belongs to the Cypress family. This family also includes such widespread coniferous plants, like cypress, . Young arborvitae have needle needles. Needles have a light green tint. Adults have scaly foliage, the color is darker. A tree can develop up to almost 100 years.

Most varieties are frost tolerant. Colors Tui are diverse depending on the varieties. For example, a tree is blue in color, as well as yellowish. There are high three-meter thujas, as well as dwarf shrubs.

The most popular in Russia is the western thuja.

Western thuja: description and varieties

western thuja- it's a view. It can grow up to 20 meters, but in Russia the western thuja rarely grows above 7 meters. Crown shapes are:

  • Spherical.

A large number of varieties of western arborvitae are grown. Among them are such common varieties: Smaragd, Barbant, Danica, Columna and others. However, some amateur gardeners look for less popular, but no less unusual varieties on gardening shelves. Below are the most common varieties with photos. Often, gardeners and landscape designers, when deciding to plant a thuja, ask themselves the question: “Which one is better to plant in the country?”

Degroot Spire - a variety for lovers of sophistication

Degroot Spire- varietal variety of western arborvitae. It has a unique columnar shape, has a narrow and straight crown and is considered the narrowest among the columnar species. The height of this culture is up to 3 meters. Degroot Spire is widely distributed in the West.

This is a tree - perfect option for landscaping and landscaping. For example, Degroot Spire will help to equip any hedge, even if its height reaches 5 meters. A tall but thin green wall will not take up much space on the site.

Thuja western Degroot Spire ("Degroot Spire").

Degroot Spire has such advantages as resistance to frost and undemanding to soil conditions. It is better to plant a tree in those places that are well lit by the sun's rays. The shadow makes the crown looser. The ideal soil for growing this variety is a combination of the following components:

  • sand;
  • Peat;
  • Leaves.

One bucket of water is enough for watering. Regular watering - once a week. Feed the tree in spring. The soil needs to be periodically mulched and loosened. V spring period the tree is covered to avoid sunburn. For the winter period, the crown must be pulled together with a tape so that wet snow does not damage the crown.

Holmstrup - beauty from Denmark

Holmstrup is an evergreen shrub. The crown shape is columnar. mature tree grows up to 4 meters in height. Crown color is deep green. V winter periods the color of the needles does not change. The needles of the shrub are dense, are scales.

Thuja Holmstrup ("Holmstrup").

This variety is resistant to frost, shade-tolerant and tolerates windy weather well. The shrub does not require high soil fertility. This shrub is a great option for Russia. It is best to plant it in places well lit by sunlight. Or you should choose not too shaded places.

The shrub is an excellent choice for planting in groups or singly. Hedgerows are rarely crafted with Holmstrup.

Fastigiata - a valuable variety for experienced gardeners

One of the varieties of narrow-shaped thuja is Fastigiata. This varietal variety was first grown in Germany. An adult tree grows up to 12 meters in height. Grows very fast. Visually resembles a cypress. The needles of the tree are soft and have a pleasant aroma. The cones are small.

Thuja western Fastigiata ("Fastigiata").

This variety loves the sun and prefers fertile soil. In spring, it is advisable to cover young seedlings so that the spring sun does not damage them. To improve the structure of the soil, it is mulched. For mulching, cut grass is used. In winter, spruce branches are used for mulching. Lapnik prevents the reproduction of mice.

With the help of Fastigiata often form hedges. They are not only beautiful, but also do not take up much space. The varietal variety is not afraid of a decorative haircut. Designers use the tree in large landscape compositions, use it in group plantings. It goes well with a variety of flowers and shrubs.

Yellow varieties of thuja western

They are very popular, refresh the landscape, look great in any compositions. Unfortunately, many of them are “capricious”. The most common varieties in Russia are described below.

Thuja western Yellow Ribon - for lovers of yellow varieties of thuja

Yellow Ribon is a yellow thuja variety. Has a small size. The shape of the crown is conical. Adult thuja has a height of up to 2 meters. Grows fast enough. The crown is loose, therefore, to give it density, it is desirable to cut the tree regularly.

The needles of young trees have an orange color, becoming green with maturity. In winter, the crown turns brown. The sunnier the place where this thuja grows, the brighter the color of the crown.

The variety is demanding on growing conditions. The soil must be fertile and moist for the plant to please with its beauty.

Thuja Yellow Ribbon ("Yellow Ribon").

Beautiful golden needles make this variety very valuable. In landscape design, with the help of thuy Yellow Ribon, walls are formed that have a rich yellow tint. They are planted in containers, and also decorated with hedges and memorial walls.

Thuya Golden Globe - yellow balls for summer cottages

The Golden Globe is notable for its slow growth. The shape of the crown of this coniferous culture is spherical. The height of an adult bush does not exceed 1 meter.

The needles are loose. Regular haircut allows you to achieve density. The ends of the shoots are golden in color, inside the crown the needles are green. In the autumn period, the needles acquire a shade of copper, in the spring it becomes golden again. In order for the shrub to please with a golden color, it is recommended to plant it in sunny places or slightly shaded.

Thuya Golden Globe ("Golden Globe").

This shrub does not require high soil fertility, but loves lime-rich soil. In order to avoid breaking branches, the crown is tied up for the winter.

Shrubs are used in plantings in groups, they are planted singly. They also make beautiful hedges and borders.

The most interesting varieties

Many other varieties of this culture are also known. Extremely popular varieties such as: Brabant, Smaragd, Danica, Globoza. Specialty stores and nurseries have both more unique and less common varieties. Below are the names of the western thuja varieties and their brief description.

Little Boy- This is a relatively new dwarf spherical variety. The height does not exceed 0.5 meters. Growth is slow. The needles of such a thuja have an emerald color. Little Boy requires high soil fertility. Loves the sun, but does not mind growing in partial shade. This thuja is used in creation:

  • Japanese gardens;
  • Living borders.

Hoseri- This is an original variety originally from Poland. This is another dwarf globular tree variety. The scaly needles are dark green in color. In autumn, the needles take on a bronze hue. Hoseri loves moisture, is not picky about the soil and shade-tolerant. Also, this culture is resistant to frost and is not afraid of winds.

mirjem- This is another dwarf thuja variety. An adult plant grows up to 80 cm. The needles have a bright yellow color, becoming bronze by autumn. Plant growth is slow. Due to its size, this thuja is ideal for rock gardens and planting in pots.

Question answer

For planting along fences, varieties such as Holmstrup, Fastigiata, Brabant, Smaragd are often used.

Which thuja is the most unpretentious?

Many types of this culture are unpretentious. Often choose Brabant, Smaragd, Holmstrup.

How much do thuja seedlings cost?

The price of one seedling is from 150 rubles and more.

I do rock climbing. How are thuja used in alpine slides?

Undersized varieties are suitable for rock gardens. In Russia, the most popular are dwarf species of western thuja. Ideal for the following varieties: Danica, Golden Globe, Woodwardy, Filivormis. All of them are spherical in shape.

Can thuja be used in mixborders?

Can. Despite the fact that the mixborder suggests a wide variety of colors and shades, conifers are successfully used in mixborders. Thuja has many shades: green, blue and yellow.

Review on video

A brief and clear overview of some outstanding varieties. The information on the video is presented in such a way that it will be of interest to novice gardeners.

On the garden plots, in squares, near administrative and office buildings you can see thuja - ornamental plant with graceful carved branches. Let's talk about her.

These coniferous trees and shrubs are close relatives of proud cypresses. Most types of thuja are evergreen, but there are other shades: golden, blue, salad. The crown of the plants is quite dense, and the needles (very fragrant) are scaly. It is located crosswise. Among the branches, small cones are almost invisible, usually having a greenish color. The reddish-brown bark is smooth.

Species and varieties

There are two varieties of thuja: western and eastern. The last one is from East Asia. He loves heat and light very much, therefore it is grown in our country only in the form indoor plants. They clean the air well in the room. Western thuja came to Europe in 1540 from North American and Canadian forests. The plant is frost-resistant, tolerates the domestic climate well. It is more often used for landscaping - not too troublesome and not very expensive.

In shape, spherical and cone-shaped varieties of western thuja are distinguished - there are more than 120 of them. Crowns are symmetrical, easy to form. In height there are both small (dwarf varieties no more than 30 centimeters) and large twelve-meter trees. With age, the pyramidal shape of the crown is transformed into an ovoid. Plants live for a long time - a century, or even twice as long.

Spherical varieties

There are many variations of thuja with a round crown shape. One of them - Danica - will be discussed in the article. They are well suited for decorating a rock garden, creating a hedge or incorporating them into picturesque flower-wood compositions. Five-year-old or seven-year-old trees can be planted on a permanent habitat. They are propagated by cuttings.

Partial shade and fertile loams are favorable for all species. ground water undesirable. If they are close, then drainage is needed - 20 cm. Soil mixture - two parts of the earth with the addition of one part of sand and peat. Plus mineral fertilizer. Plant only with a clod of earth! We place the neck of the root at ground level - certainly not higher and not lower. The first month under each tree weekly (in summer or when it is very dry - twice as often) pour 10 liters of water. When leaving, loosening, mulching are good.


This miniature spherical thuja variety received the name Danica because it appeared in Denmark in the middle of the last century. The plant is only 60 cm tall and with a meter crown volume has soft green needles (brownish-green in winter) color. The needles, thin, silky, stretch upwards.

Danica grows in height slowly - in one year from 4 to 5 cm. And the girth of the crown increases even less - about 3 or 4 cm. The maximum size is acquired by a tree that is 15 years old. For propagation, the cutting method is used. You can take seedlings, which, when planted, are placed at a distance of 40 cm to 3 m.

You need to choose places without strong winds not in deep shade. Partial shade or sun (only not scorching) is a great option. The pit is deepened from 60 cm to a meter - depending on what size root system. In the spring they add organic matter, saltpeter, ash. In winter, it is desirable to cover young plants.

Most often this variety is used for beautiful borders.. The crown is malleable, and real works of art can be made from it. Animals, for example, or castle walls. Danica combines very well with ovoid and cone trees, forming magnificent compositions corresponding to the "golden section".

In the nursery, plants with a height of 25 to 40 cm will cost from 900 rubles to 3.2 thousand rubles.


This variety (Brabant) grows fast. In the volume of a conical branched crown it adds 15 cm per year, and 40 cm in height. In our latitudes, mature trees usually do not exceed 4 or 5 m. The branches fall beautifully to the very ground, and the needles do not lose their green color even in winter.

The variety is hardy and undemanding to any land, but it will look freshest on loams that are distinguished by fertility. And then the branches will thin out, and the foliage will turn pale. As well as in too dense a shade. And the scorching sun is not suitable for Brabant - in this case it will be hard in the winter cold. But the penumbra is what you need. Landing ( better in spring) we make a hole up to a meter deep (we arrange drainage in wet and heavy lands). Nitroammophoska will not be superfluous - half a kilogram under one tree (adult). When planting an alley of trees of this variety, they maintain an inter-row distance of 6 to 8 m, and the seedlings are dug in at a distance of 3 to 4 m from each other.

Young plants are protected from the cold by wrapping them in thick paper and burlap in the first and second years. And cover with spruce branches. And after 2 or 3 years (not earlier), you can start trimming, giving the desired shape. If we want to get a dense wall, then a couple of times a season we cut a tree. And do not be zealous - cut off a third of the shoot, no more.

This variety is good for framing garden plots and private houses. Trees can be planted in the form of an alley. Near public building or office plants will delight with greenery all year round.

In the nursery, seedlings of this species (height from 100 to 175 cm) will cost from 1.3 to 1.8 thousand rubles.


Smaragd is very reminiscent of cypress with its grace, slenderness, narrow pyramidal crown (quite dense, up to 2 m in diameter). Trees grow up to 3–5 m, delighting with emerald green needles, which do not lose their freshness even in winter. Slow annual growth (up to 10 cm up, and half as wide) - distinguishing feature varieties. Smaragd lives up to 150 years.

The variety responds well to lands with lime content. Reproduction - cuttings or seeds, planting - in spring or summer. Planted with a clod of earth in the sun or in light shade, watered weekly. Loosen carefully, no deeper than 10 cm - the roots are close. The plant does not tolerate the dry season well - spraying is needed at this time. In the first winter they cover. A protective layer of mulch 5–8 cm will protect the roots. Pruning is done every 2 or 3 years.

The variety is suitable for creating garden compositions, and separately the trees are attractive. They are good as a container culture, and as a living green fence. They also have medicinal benefits - they clean and ionize the air.

In the nursery, plants of this species (height from 100 to 250 cm) will cost from 700 rubles to 15 thousand rubles.

Propagation by cuttings - planting thuja in the open field

The elementary method is with the help of cuttings. Even in a jar of water, they take root perfectly. They make cuttings in the autumn, when the shoots are strong and powerful. If you decide to use this method, do not collect too much water in the container. Let it be only at the bottom, otherwise the roots may rot. And lower the branches there a little - no more than three pieces.

If there is a desire to get stronger plants, then it is better to plant cuttings in a greenhouse. They take shoots with stiff bark, which are 2 or 3 years old. You can take a young shoot 50 cm long with a piece of "heel" (wood from the trunk). They get this result by abruptly cutting off the branch.

Where we plant thuja, you need to achieve a humidity of 70 percent. To do this, you need to purchase a humidifier or constantly spray water. There should be a lot of light, so we make the walls and roof of the greenhouse transparent. You can also use lighting. The soil is common for thuja (earth, peat, sand).

The cuttings (with the needles removed below) need to lie down in the water for a couple of hours, and then they are treated with potassium permanganate and dug into the grooves, deepening by 2–3 cm. Then we regularly spray and wait until new shoots appear. Then you need to harden the plants, taking them out of the greenhouse into the air. In November, we cover the seedlings well and send them for the winter.

Growing seeds and caring for a tree at home

This method is longer, but it carries considerable benefits. For example, to make a living green fence, you can’t buy enough plants - it will come out expensive. And if you plant the seeds, then in 3-4 years you can get the seedlings yourself. And in any quantity. The first year will give an increase of only 7 cm, but the second - already 50!

To plant seeds, you need to prepare them correctly. This is done in August-September, while the cones are not yet open. They are cut off and placed in one layer on a spread oilcloth where it is dry and warm. When they open, you can take the seeds and plant them. This must be done immediately, otherwise after 3 months the germination will decrease.

In the fall, we either sow a garden bed on the site, or plant the seeds in a box. One part sand, 4 parts peat and 2 parts earth best option. Then we draw the grooves every 5 or 6 cm, and put the seeds in them. Pour the earth mixture on top by 1 cm. The top of the box should rise 2 or 3 cm above its level. We ram it, we moisten it a little.

We put the box in the area under the tree and wait for the end of winter. As soon as the earth warms up to 10-15 degrees, the seeds will begin to germinate. It will take a couple of weeks, and shoots will appear. These seedlings do not yet have scales, but needles. Only after 2 or 3 months will the needles be the same as those of an adult tree.

Twice a month we carry out top dressing with complex mineral fertilizer. And then we leave it again for the winter. In the first autumn, the garden can be planted after 30 cm for growing (school). Add ash, humus and nitroammophoska.

For more information on how to plant a thuja, see the video:

Growing thuja is not too difficult. Seedlings are not afraid of either Russian cold weather or dry summer. You can grow a tree from a cutting, as well as seeds that have fallen out of the collected cones.


  • bright greenery will delight in all seasons of the year;
  • trees will live for a very long time, without requiring special care;
  • healing and pleasant coniferous aroma will purify the air and improve health;
  • a thuja hedge, skillfully designed, can be a source of pride.

Several centuries ago, this magnificent plant was called the tree of life. Thuja is always pleasing to the eye. Its evergreen needles fill the garden with life and beauty all year round.

It has a spicy, refreshing aroma that beckons to the garden to take a break from everyday problems. Thuja has rot-resistant wood. It is winter hardy and heat tolerant.

Thuja belongs to the cypress family and is represented in nature by trees, the average height of which is 12-18 meters (in rare cases, a tree reaches 75 meters), as well as shrubs of a wide variety of shapes and heights.

The needles of the thuja are scaly, in young plants they are needle-shaped. Due to the huge variety of garden forms, thuja forms the basis of most landscape design proposals for a particular site.

In landscape design, thujas are divided into the following types, according to their application:

- dwarf (used in rockeries and);

- for hedges;

- solitary (for a single landing).

For hedges, the following types of thuja are most often used:

Thuja western "Brabant"

This variety is valued very highly due to its high frost resistance. This plant forms a dense and high green wall, and requires pruning twice a year, preferably in August and April.

"Brabant" grows quite quickly and can reach a height of up to 4 meters. As a hedge, the plant should be planted at a distance of 0.5-1 meter from each other, it depends on the required strength of the hedge.

Thuja western "Smaragd"

This plant with a narrow cone-shaped crown can reach a height of 6 meters. This variety of thuja has high frost resistance and wind resistance. She is not particularly whimsical and does not need careful care.

"Smaragd" is ideal for hedges. Also used in single and group plantings.

Photo of thuja "Smaragd"

Thuja western "Holmstrap"

This plant forms a fairly dense wall, reaching 2.5 meters in height. This variety grows very slowly and only within 10 years can reach the desired height.

Therefore, it is often used in small gardens for low decorative hedges. The plant must be planted at a distance of 70-80 cm from each other. This thuja does not need a haircut.

For rock gardens and rockeries, the following dwarf forms of thuja are used:

Thuja western "Dannika"

This variety has a spherical crown. It grows rather slowly. In height, as a rule, it reaches no more than 80 cm. The diameter of the crown is about a meter.

The spherical shape is preserved even without trimming. Perfect for small gardens, patios, container gardens and rock gardens.

Photo of globular thuja variety "Danica"

Thuja western "Little Dorrit"

This variety, like the previous one, has a spherical crown. The height of an adult plant is about 80 cm. The crown diameter is 60 cm. It is distinguished by high winter hardiness.

Thuja western "Khozeri"

This plant, also with a spherical crown, grows up to 0.5 meters in length and 0.6 meters in diameter. Looks impressive in rock gardens and low hedges.

For solitary planting, as a rule, the following types of thuja are used:

Thuja western "Reingold"

A slow-growing variety that reaches 150 cm in height. The crown of the "Reingold" is spherical. The color of the needles is golden yellow, closer to winter and completely brown. Perfect for group and single landings and alpine slides.

Thuja western "Sunkist"

This shrub has a conical shape and golden yellow needles. Grows very slowly. For a decade of slow and measured growth, it reaches a height of about 3 meters and 1 meter in diameter. This plant does not require shearing.

Photo of thuja "Sunkist"

Thuja folded "Kornik"

A conical shaped shrub that grows fairly quickly. The height of an adult plant is 2.5-3 meters, and the diameter is up to 1.5 meters. This plant is somewhat moody and prefers fertile and moist places. It does not tolerate high temperatures very well and needs constant moderate watering.

Thuja refers to those plants that do not lose their all year round. decorative look . Thuja is especially beautiful in winter. In addition, such plants bring practical benefits - they soften the microclimate, restrain strong gusts of wind, purify the air of dust and enrich it with oxygen.

But it should be remembered that some types of thuja are highly poisonous and can cause severe burns and even a heart attack. Therefore, when choosing such plants, consult with specialists.