Variants of stops for swing gates and their manufacture by one's own hands. Stops for gate Homemade stops for garage doors

A novice and an experienced car owner, everyone remembers such a nuisance when suddenly an unexpected gust of wind slammed the gate at the most inopportune moment when the beloved car left the gate. What a misfortune! After all, repairing even a small dent costs a pretty penny. What to do?
Someone keeps pebbles in the garage and carefully props up the treacherous gates, while someone still hopes for a chance. I offer you a couple of tips on simple designs for fixing open gates.

Metal support for the gate

1. Perhaps the easiest way to make a retainer in the form of a prop. You can take a metal rod and make a design, as shown in the picture. You can also use old ski poles for this purpose. To do this, cut off the piece you need. the tip of the ski pole will rest against the ground, and at the other end, drill holes for the pivot axis. If you have galvanized sheet, at least 1 mm thick, then you can use it to make brackets for the axle. You will need two more parts to fix the stop itself when you close the gate - these are the latch holders.

Pick up two suitable bolts with a lock nut for the rotary axis. In order for the stop to securely fix the gate, the angle of its entry into the ground should be approximately 45 degrees.

2. The second method is a mechanism for snapping an open gate leaf with a metal spring mechanism. The photo clearly shows how to make it. You can place this mechanism both above the gate, by mounting it into the wall of the gate, and from below, by mounting it into the ground. Such a hook will not allow the gate to collapse unauthorized at the most inopportune moment.

Gate lock in the form of an ordinary hook

3. There is a third way - to fix the gate using an ordinary design, but a very strong hook. The plate with holes is attached to

the top of the wall, and the hook to the gate leaf. The wind pressure will be restrained by the hook in such a way that the sash will be rigidly fixed in one position.

There are other designs that you can easily buy in the store if you don’t feel like messing around and reinventing the wheel. By the way, not a bad idea to design it from improvised means!

How to make stops for garage doors?

This question is asked by many garage owners. These simple devices allow you to keep hinged sashes garage at strong wind, poor-quality installation of the block racks and deviation during the centering of the canopies. How to make and install stops on your own hands different types gate - the article will tell.

Types of garage doors

Before deciding on the type of stop, you need to get acquainted with the types of garage doors, the features of their design.

Gates can be:

  • Sliding or retractable. In this case, the canvas is mounted on a cantilever beam and moves along it on rollers.
  • Swing. These are the most popular and familiar designs for garage doors. They can open outward and very rarely inward.
  • lifting(cm. ). They can be:
  1. lift-and-turn. This design has a solid canvas that moves along the guides;
  2. lifting guillotine. They perfectly provide tightness and thermal insulation of the garage, but require additional space above the opening on the outside of the room;
  3. sectional. They consist of several sections, which, when lifted, are connected and reach the ceiling.
  • Rolled(cm. ). They include small sections up to 10 centimeters wide, which allows the web to be wound on a special drum located in a closed box placed under the ceiling outside or inside the garage.

Tip: Having become acquainted with the main types of garage doors, you can choose perfect option which will keep your car in good condition.

Features and types of rollers used for sliding gates

Each type of rollers in sliding gates is used in a specific unit, carries different load, performs completely different functions, but all elements are necessary for correct operation mechanism.

By appointment, the video can be:

  • End or rolling. The element is attached to the guide beam. Its purpose is to ensure smooth closing of the gate leaf in the final position. He rolls the sash into the trap. After the part enters the lower catcher, it has additional function, which allows to exclude sagging of the door leaf due to the precise fixation of its position by the roller.

The knurling rollers are an additional supporting device and justify themselves with different sash lengths. The roller rotates, along the entire length of the axis it is provided with stiffeners and side stops, which allows you to evenly distribute the load and prevent deformation of the axis.

  • roller bracket. For its manufacture, nylon or special rubber is taken.

When installing the bracket, the fasteners above the door leaf are mounted so that the rollers securely cover the upper edge of the door leaf, which allows them to be held strictly vertically at any stage of the garage door operation. This helps to make the movement of the movable sash softer and freer.

  • Bottom and top catcher. These details contribute to fixing the door leaf in the “closed” position. The lower one additionally takes on the load acting from the front end knurling roller.

The presence of rollers in these parts contributes to the correct entry of the sash into its intended place, even with sufficiently strong and sharp gusts of wind.

  • Side-swing limiter. Its purpose is to hold the door leaf in the desired vertical position.

For heavy devices, reinforced limiters with four rollers are used, mounted on a channel, bent from solid sheet metal.

The design of the part is designed in such a way that the sash passes through itself freely, only if it deviates from the vertical. The option with two rollers is best used in cases where the weight of the supported sash is not more than 500 kilograms.

For sliding gates with forged, lattice and other similar parts (see), it is very convenient to use a roller where it is attached to an L-shaped metal element.

The roller for limiters is a rather complex design, which has:

  1. the inner part consists of a sleeve made of a sufficiently strong and resistant polymer that does not require lubrication.
  2. its outer surface is molded polyurethane, which has excellent ductility and wear resistance.

Using metal elements the noise level increases when the gate is in operation.

  • Roller carriages or support rollers. General form device is shown in the photo.

This is the basis of any sliding mechanism. They are fixed to the carrier or guide beam for sliding gates.

When installing them, Special attention pay attention to the accuracy of the position of both supports and correct distance between them, which affects the movement of the gate, its smoothness, the level of noise generated and the correct functioning of the structure as a whole.

Tip: From right choice roller carriages for sliding gates, along with the quality of installation of the entire structure, depends on the durability and trouble-free operation of the gate.

Design features of the roller carriage:

  • The basis of any carriage is a solid steel plate.
  • They are fixed to her closed type reinforced bearings. Low-temperature materials are used for their lubrication.
  • The trolley consists of eight rollers, they are placed along the plate in four pairs, which ensures the self-adjustment of the structure at any given time. At least six carriage rollers are in contact with the guide.
  • The system with rollers is fixed on the platform with the help of special retaining rings.
  • Technological holes from four to six are drilled on the platform, through which the structure is attached to the mortgage on the foundation.
  • Carriages together with the guide perceive the main load arising from the total mass of the door leaf. They ensure quiet and easy movement of the movable sash.

Parts price can be less when using polymer materials for the manufacture of structural elements. At high quality raw materials it does not make sense to purchase more expensive metal products.

How to make parts yourself, instructions for installing them are well shown in the video.

Stops for swing gates

The purpose of such structures is to fix the leaves with open gates. The stop should be mounted before the start of pouring before entering the garage of the concrete site.

Stop options can be:

  • The structure consists of two metal plates connected by an axis of rotation. To remove the gate leaves from the stop, it is enough to press the bar with your foot without any effort. Such an emphasis is quite reliable, but it has two drawbacks:
  1. need a metal plate;
  2. it is necessary to clean the installation site of the stop in winter.
  • For another option, you must purchase:
  1. two nails, one of which must be strong enough to secure the stop;
  2. a piece of steel wire with a diameter of about 8 millimeters, or a metal tube with a diameter of 10 millimeters.

The length of the stop is calculated by fitting in place after installing the garage door leaves. The optimum angle for maximum support strength should be approximately 50 degrees from the plane of the door or the ground.

Such an emphasis can be brought into working condition, and then removed with a slight movement of the foot. No additional special care during the year the device does not require.

The use of reliable stops for garage doors allows you to save them appearance and increase the service life of structures.

An emphasis or latch for swing gates is the easiest and most common option to securely fix the leaves. It has the same principle of operation as the latch that closes the window. The difference is only in size. But if the latches are mass-produced, and they can be purchased at the store, then the gate latches will have to be made independently, taking into account the characteristics of the wings.

The work on the manufacture of fixatives-constipation can be divided into six main stages:

The first stage is the preparation of metal pipes 150 mm long and 16 mm wide. Since the gate usually consists of two wings, two sets will be needed.

The second stage is the selection of metal plates, the length of which must correspond to the dimensions of the prepared pipes. The width of one such plate should be approximately 100 mm. At the same stage, the plate must be attached to one of the ends of the pipe by conventional welding.

The third stage is the attachment of the plates to the door leaf. The method of attachment depends on the material from which the canvas is made. If the surface of the wings is wooden, then in their lower part you need to make holes with a drill and attach the plates with bolts. And if the sashes are sheathed with metal, then the plates should simply be welded. However, in the case of metal gate you can do without auxiliary plates. Pipes can firmly join such doors without them.

The fourth stage is the manufacture of a pin a little over 20 cm long. In general, its length depends on the guide pipe and on the position of the gate itself at the moment when they are open. After all, often the sashes are located higher than the entrance, and the main function of this pin is to descend into a pipe installed in the soil with a length of about 100 mm.

The fifth stage is the attachment of the lever to the upper end of the pin. This element will be used as a handle. However, the handle can be made in another way: it is enough to carefully heat the pin with gas burner and bend its edge.

The sixth stage is driving pipes into the soil. First you need to determine where the pipes will be located. To do this, open the gate and mark a point directly below them. This is where the pipes will be installed. The length of one such pipe should be approximately 35 cm. Most of it (at least 30 cm) must be driven into the soil, and the rest, the length of which should not exceed 5 cm, will stick out of the ground. After opening the gate, a special pin, which is attached to the bottom of their leaves, must be lowered into this pipe, and then they will remain in open position until the owner sees fit to close them.

With the help of this kind of latch, the method of creation of which was described above, it is possible to fix the gate leaves not only in the open, but also in the closed state. This simple device can serve not only as a latch, but also as a lock that protects against thieves. Accordingly, in this case, the pipes for the gate valves should be installed at the site of the area over which the flaps are located, being closed.

If there is no desire to make a constipation for the gate with your own hands, then you can always buy it as a finished element of any diameter and length.

This version of the stop for the gate is also very simple. It does not take much time and physical effort to make such a latch.

All work can be divided into five stages:

The first stage is the manufacture of a hook loop. To do this, you need to take a metal corner 5 cm wide and about 0.8 m long. Three holes are made on one side of this corner. And on the other side, two holes should be made along the edges. Their diameter should correspond to the thickness of the future hook.

The second stage is the manufacture of the hook itself. This element is made of a steel rod with a diameter of just over 1 cm. The optimal length of the rod is 120 cm. One end of it must be bent so that it takes the form of a ring. In this case, the opposite end should be bent at a right angle. Of course, the rod must first be heated with a gas burner, and then securely fixed in a vice, so that it is more convenient to give it the desired shape.

The third stage is the creation of a canopy. A metal corner 5 cm wide is also suitable for this, and optimal length- 150 mm. Two holes are made on one side of it, which will then be used for fastening. On the other side, in the middle, you need to drill only one hole for hanging the hook.

The fourth stage is the attachment of all prepared structural elements. First of all, you need to attach a canopy to the wings. If the surface of the canvas is wooden, then the corner should be attached using self-tapping screws. If the sashes are made of metal, then it is advisable to simply weld the corner. The holder loop must be inserted into the opening of the canopy and bent.

The fifth stage is attaching the loop to the box. Here you can also use either welding if the box is made of metal; or self-tapping screws if it is made of wood. Since the hinge has not one, but two holes, an open gate can be fixed in two positions: either fully open or slightly ajar. But regardless of which of the two positions the sashes are in, there is no doubt about the reliability of their fixation. After all, the stoppers in the form of a hook perform their main function well.

On the video: How the hook works.

Such a device differs from the two described above, rather complex design. Making it with your own hands is no longer so easy. The manufacturing process is complicated by the fact that the fixation of the open gate is carried out automatically, but such stoppers are much more convenient to use. After all, it is enough to bring the sash to them, and they themselves will securely fix it.

So, for the manufacture of fixative traps, you will need metal pipe with rectangular section 5x3 cm and a rectangular plate with sides 30 cm and 5 cm.

Having prepared these materials, you can begin work, which usually takes place in four stages:

The first stage is the installation of a professional pipe. First, a hole is dug, then a pipe is placed strictly vertically in it. The empty space around to a depth of about 40 cm is filled concrete mix. Beforehand, it is necessary to drill a hole in the professional pipe for attaching a metal plate, which in the future will act as a retainer.

The second stage is working with the plate. A couple of holes need to be drilled in it, and one edge must be bent under a cone and a small overlay protruding beyond the edge of the plate by about 2 cm should be attached by welding. The result should be an element that looks like a hook. As for the two holes, one of them should be made in the center of the plate, and the other - from the edge. Using one of them, the plate will be attached to the pipe, and the second hole is needed for the spring.

The third stage is screwing the latch to the professional pipe. After making sure that the pipe, buried in the ground and filled with concrete, is strictly vertical, you can attach the retainer that was made earlier to it. This is done with a bolt. After that, a metal ring must be welded to the bottom of the pipe. One of the ends of the spring, designed to return the device to its original position, must cling to this ring.

The fourth stage is the attachment of a special stopper, necessary to hold the spring in a horizontal position. This stopper can be made from pieces of metal left after performing any other work. In order for the open gate leaves to be fixed in the desired position, they only need to be pressed against the created structure.

Other options for simple fixators

You can make a very simple, but easy-to-use gate latch from two metal plates with a common axis of rotation. In order to fix the gate in the desired position, it is enough just to press the bar with your foot, after which it will immediately fall and will not allow the doors to close. The disadvantage of such an emphasis is that it requires the installation site to be cleared of snow in winter.

Another fairly simple gate stop option requires two fairly strong nails and a piece of steel wire a little less than 1 cm thick. In order for the bearing strength to be maximum, it is necessary to make sure that the angle between the main element of the stop and the ground surface is 50 degrees.

In order for such a latch to begin to fulfill its main function, it is enough to lightly kick it with your foot after the gate is open and brought to the selected fixation point. Then, in the same way, with with the help of a lung movement of the foot, you can remove the latch from the working state and calmly close the gate.
One of the main advantages of such a device is that it does not need maintenance either in winter or in summer.

The solid canvas has a large windage, the wind slams or opens the sash. To prevent injury and damage standing next to machine, it is necessary to install a stop for the gate. The stop will fix the sash in the desired position and will not allow it to close freely. Ready-made gate stoppers can be purchased at the store and made independently.

model on the gate

Mechanisms consist of the following elements:

  • bracket with holes for fastening to the sash with self-tapping screws;
  • pin;
  • spring.

The bracket is a round plate bent in a U-shape. Inside it is inserted a tube 14 mm thick. It is attached to the U-shaped plate with a bolt that acts as an axis of rotation. The spring is fixed in the place where the bracket fits to the door and is fixed on the stop tube. A rubber pad is put on the lower end of the pin. When not in use, the leg rises and is held by a spring. Stops are available with pin sizes of 350 mm and 250 mm. The latest model with a short pin, door.

Spring lock mechanism

By analogy with ready-made models, a home-made emphasis is made for. It rests at an angle on the ground, not allowing the gate leaf to close from the wind.

Ready-made antiwinds have beautiful view, gold plated. They can be installed in minutes. The purchase price is less than 500 rubles. Thanks to the rubber pads, the legs do not scratch the floor and do not slide on the ground.

Homemade locking structures for garage doors look worse, but are stronger than purchased ones and can withstand heavy loads. They can be welded to metal frames.

Garage door installation diagram

Purchased, as well as most homemade stops, do not allow the sash to close. If the gate is not fully open, then the wind can open it.

The idea of ​​​​placing a stopper in the form of a deadbolt

For the manufacture you will need a rod, a plate and a pipe.

  1. Turn a rod with a diameter of 10-14 mm on one side into a cone. At the top, bend at a right angle - make a handle and emphasis.
  2. Weld two rings from the pipe to the plate at a distance of 100–120 mm from each other. These are rod guides.
  3. Insert a rod into the rings.
  4. Tighten the bolt above the upper ring or weld a piece of rolled metal in such a way that when turning the pin handle is fixed and does not allow it to rise.
  5. Attach the plate to the canvas and insert the stopper into the rings. It is welded to the iron frame from the inside. To wood paneling fastened with screws.
  6. Weld the cut pipe or nut to the frame in the upper position of the pin for similar fixation in the closed form.
  7. Open the gate and mark the point where the rod rests on the soil.
  8. Drill a hole in the ground along the mark and hammer a pipe 300 mm long.

Stopper scheme

The stopper should go into the pipe at least 150 mm, in areas with strong gusty winds, preferably 200–220 mm. Sliding gates can be fixed in two extreme positions. To do this, two pipes are driven under one rod. At the same time, in the closed position, the stopper additionally keeps the solid leaf of the sliding sash from tipping over by gusts of wind.

The advantage of stoppers in a strong and reliable fixation of the gate. The model is simple. Even those who do not know how to weld can easily understand how to make a stopper or an emphasis for swing gates with their own hands, fixing everything with bolts. The stopper can also be used for fixing, as well as an emphasis, if the exit from the garage is with a gate.

Swing gate retainer

The lack of stoppers in the ability to fix swing gates only in one position, or you have to hammer several pipes.

The holes for the pin will constantly be clogged with dirt.

stop stop

An anti-wind stop, reminiscent of Chinese in design, which can be freely bought. The price for it in the store is 300-400 rubles. The design of folding stops for the gate is made by hand.

Such models perfectly cope with gusts of wind.

Option for those who know welding.

  1. AT profile pipe with a section of 20x20 mm and a length of 400 mm, we cut out the front and side walls to a height of 50 mm.
  2. A hole Ø 6.5 mm is drilled in the remaining walls.
  3. The second end of the pipe is butt welded to the plate, perpendicular to it.
  4. A bar with a diameter of 14 mm and a length of 400 mm is sharpened from one side to sharp corner. He will hit the ground.
  5. From the other end, the same hole is drilled as on the profile.
  6. The M6 ​​× 50 bolt is threaded into the holes and twisted. The pin must rotate freely in the pipe.

Scheme of a conventional design

Holes are made in the plate for self-tapping screws for mounting on the canvas. When opening, the stopper slides along the ground and works as a reverse, resting against the ground if the wind tries to close the sash.

Assembled product

So that in the non-working position the stopper does not interfere, it is pulled to the canvas with a spring. To do this, make a long plate, about 150 mm. weld at the bottom. At the top, one end of the spring is fixed, the second - on the rod, approximately 80 mm below its axis of rotation in the pipe.

On unsheathed sashes, a similar hinged stop can be made of a simplified type. Replace the pin with a strip of metal. Make a hole in its upper part and fix it on the bolt between the washers. The strip of metal is parallel to the mounting plate. A bolt for the spring is attached to the upper edge.

Flurries can easily shift such a design

The entire structure is mounted on outdoor rack frame frame on the inside.

Lack of design in fixing the gate to close. The wind can easily open the sash more strongly, and the stopper-reverse will not interfere with it.

Drawing of a conventional valve with a spring

Stops on carabiners

In 15 minutes, you can install stops from cargo slings and carabiners. Before you do the simplest design, you need to prepare for each sash:

The sash is fixed with a carabiner

In the open position, it is enough to hook the hooks of the sling onto the ledge, and the sash is fixed in the open position.

The disadvantage of the design is that the fixation is not rigid, the wind will swing the sash, and it must be pulled to the wall. In a garage cooperative, the piers are narrower than the canvas, the gates will be located on the neighboring territory and attached to someone else's garage.

Latch for additional fixation


The simplest design for use in a single garage. On the sash and the wall is attached with a loop. A ring of wire stop is threaded into one of them. The hook on the other end of the wire clings to the second.

Fastener components

The hook-clamp serves as a good limiter for the movement of the gate, a kind of latch. It holds hard, but only in one position. You can make it quickly, a 5 mm wire is suitable. The length is chosen by the fact.