How to make a washbasin in field conditions. Straw house

A convenient and functional outdoor washstand for a summer residence is an indispensable attribute of a comfortable stay in the countryside. If necessary, it is quite possible to make a high-quality
country sink with a small cost and with your own hands, but most consumers prefer to use ready-made purchased models.

Street washstand for a summer residence: the main types of purchased models

A garden washbasin or a country sink should combine ease of use and affordable cost. When choosing a purchased model you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • the street model should harmoniously fit into the overall decor and the whole concept of the suburban area;
  • for frequent use on the street, it is best to choose a wall-mounted washbasin with a large water tank;
  • for rare, occasional use, it is advisable to give preference to washbasins that are small in volume, which will prevent stagnation of water.

An outdoor washbasin can be portable or portable and stationary. Such a device is usually located in the working area of ​​the personal plot and can be represented not only by a primitive hanging cistern, but also by a device with an increased level of comfort:

  • washbasin without cabinet or, the so-called, bulk street washstand. This is the simplest design, represented by a container with a volume of three to five liters. The water is poured into the tank from the top. The reservoir is closed by a lid, and a tap is located at the bottom or a special outlet float is installed. A bucket or drainage layer on the ground is used for drainage. The best option is a durable plastic model. The most modern type is a plastic suspended tank with a pore of lids and a clamping magnetic release;
  • feature plastic model on the rack is the possibility of fixing on a metal rack. You can firmly install such a device on the ground by pressing your foot on the lower crossbar. Some models are characterized by the presence of such an additional element as a sink with water outlet directly to the ground with an equipped drainage layer represented by fine rubble or gravel. The device can be installed between flower beds or flower beds, as well as anywhere in the garden.

How to assemble a washbasin Moidodyr (video)

The cost of models depends not only on the volume, but also on the material used in the manufacture, as well as functionality and ease of use.

How to make a garden washstand with your own hands

Washbasin from a 5 liter bottle

This option is based on a 5-liter bottle, as well as wire, awl and candles, perfect for hygienic procedures in outdoor conditions:

  • light a candle and heat an awl;
  • make about ten holes in the lid, distributing them as evenly as possible;
  • make a pair of parallel holes with an awl in the middle of the container and thread the wire;
  • pour water to the middle and tighten the lid;
  • turn the bottle over and hang it on a hammered nail or branch.

The downside of this design is the risk of overturning in case of strong gusts of wind, as well as the possibility of filling with water only up to half.

Wooden washbasin Moidodyr

"Moidodyry" belong to the category of serious structures, and can be represented by different modifications. Such a stationary device is quite difficult to move, so it must be installed in a previously prepared and carefully selected, permanent place.

For self-production, you need to use a cabinet, a sink and a tank with a faucet for water. Wooden "Moidodyr" can have different dimensions. The dimensions of a square cabinet are 50x50 cm. The rectangular structure is made with dimensions of 45x50 cm. The side parts, backrest and door are made of moisture-resistant plywood.

You can make a construction of boards 2.5x15 cm. In vertical blanks, you need to make eyelets for arranging the spikes. They are performed using a milling cutter, cutting grooves 2.0 cm deep and 8.0 cm wide. Spikes are arranged at the end parts of horizontal blanks using a circular saw. Parts are assembled into a single structure and securely fixed with galvanized self-tapping screws. Sheet plywood can be glued or fixed with small nails.

A water tank is installed between the side walls in the upper part. The floor should be made of slats measuring 2.0x4.5 cm. At the final stage, a door with a handle is fixed, which will simplify the operation of Moidodyr. It is recommended to carefully grind the finished structure, paint, and then install the sink. If necessary, in such a structure, instead of moisture-resistant plywood, PVC panels are used, thanks to which a street washbasin can become not only a necessary plumbing fixture, but also a real decorative element of a backyard or garden area.

Washbasin with heated water (video)

Canister outdoor washbasin

For the manufacture of such a functional plumbing fixture, in addition to the container, it will be necessary to prepare:
  • tap for water supply;
  • nuts for clamping;
  • squeeze;
  • a pair of rubber pads.

In the purchased plastic container, you need to drill or cut a hole. The squeegee is installed in the drilled hole of the container. Then, on both sides, gaskets are put on the squeegee and clamped with nuts. At the final stage, a tap is attached, after which the container is filled with water.

When arranging such a washbasin, it is required to provide for a high-quality drainage system., which will transfer wastewater to a cesspool. If it is not possible to equip a drainage system, then you can use a bucket to collect used water, or place the washbasin above the ground covered with a layer of gravel, which in this case acts as a drainage and prevents the formation of puddles around the washbasin.

Heated washbasin: features of installation and electrical connection

Work on a personal plot is not always done in the warm season, so the use of cold water can create significant discomfort. In this case, the best option would be to use an outdoor washbasin equipped with reliable heating. There are several different modifications that differ not only in appearance, but also in design features:

  • suspended models represent a rectangular tank equipped with a crane and are mounted on walls or any type of reliable support. A special heating element is built into the tank. As a rule, such a plumbing fixture is installed under a canopy and has an anti-corrosion coating. However, outdoor installation requires very strict adherence to all safety measures prescribed in the attached instructions;
  • hinged plumbing fixtures with anti-corrosion supports are more advanced models and can be installed outdoors, and the presence of a high-quality reliable metal frame makes it possible to give the entire structure an additional level of strength and stability;
  • the most complete set of a country outdoor washbasin equipped with heated water is a model consisting of a metal, plastic or wooden cabinet, complemented by a sink made of steel or polymers and a tank for water heating. A voluminous cabinet most often has a collapsible structure. Such a device may well be connected to the sewage system.

Completing with heating elements is typical not only for complex plumbing fixtures, but also for fairly simple devices without a cabinet. With the help of one such built-in element with a capacity of 1.25 kW, 15-17 liters of water are heated in half an hour to a temperature of 75-80 ° C.

Appliances equipped with a heating system must be connected to a regular electrical outlet. Electricity consumption depends on the power of the heating elements installed in the water heating tank. Usually, small heating elements are mounted at the bottom of the bulk tank. Modern plumbing fixtures are equipped with thermostats, with the help of which the required temperature regime of water is set within the range of 30-70 ° C. Some models are equipped with a very convenient automatic shutdown mode.

How to make a washstand for a summer residence with your own hands (video)

When installing such an outdoor washbasin, it is very important to remember that the main requirement for operation is installation under a roof or a special canopy, which will protect the device from precipitation. It is strictly forbidden to use so-called "temporary buildings" for connection.

The quality of out-of-town recreation directly depends on the availability of basic plumbing fixtures, which also include outdoor washbasins. With the right choice of such a device and proper installation, you can make your stay as comfortable and convenient as possible.

For convenience and comfort in suburban estates, you can create a washbasin for a summer residence with your own hands. An inexpensive and effortless device can make life so much more enjoyable. Even if the country house has a full-fledged water supply system, the street washstand on the site allows you to quickly rinse your hands after working with the soil, fertilizers, weeds.

Types of washbasins

It may seem that a do-it-yourself washstand for a summer residence can only be made of the simplest design. In fact, even a novice master is able to create a convenient and very beautiful washbasin using the simplest tools. The degree of comfort is determined by the structure of the building.

At your own choice, you can give preference to one of the most common models:

  • hinged (with a pressure spout or a tap),
  • on a stand that can be easily carried and installed anywhere on the site, even where there is no suitable support,
  • "Moydodyr" - a structure with a curbstone, in which there is a container for collecting waste water,
  • heated products.

If you need to choose or without it, then our review article will help you with this.

And the characteristics that the popular and inexpensive possesses are presented in another material on the site.

We also have instructions on how to do it. Selection of materials and work sequence.

Washbasin from a plastic bottle

If you are thinking how to make a washbasin in the country with your own hands easily, quickly and simply, a plastic bottle design will be the best solution. You can create such a structure in a few minutes with virtually no expense. Such a washstand will serve perfectly until the moment you build a more perfect structure, and maybe it will be in demand in the future.

The general principle for creating such washstands is the same - the plastic bottle is suspended and fixed vertically with the neck down... Such a bottle can be filled through the neck, but for this the bottle will have to be removed from the support. If a rigid fixation is provided, the bottom of the container can be cut off. In this case, it is better to equip the washbasin with a top cover (for example, made from a cut-off base) to prevent dust and debris from entering the water.

Variations usually relate to the water supply device.

  • The simplest outdoor washbasin for a summer residence is a plastic bottle, in the lid of which a hole is made, and a regular nail with a blunt point is placed in it... The cap of the nail is inside the bottle, and the hole diameter is larger than the nail's diameter, but less than the diameter of its head. Thus, in the free position, the head of the nail is pressed against the hole, blocking the water outlet. If necessary, wash your hands, just lift it up by pressing on the free end of the nail from the bottom up. The advantage of the design is its simplicity, however, there are also significant disadvantages. For example, a nail that is constantly in water quickly rusts. In addition, it is not always convenient to use such a pushing device. The model may well work as a street washstand for a summer residence, but it is difficult to wash the dishes with it due to the inconvenience of the drain part and due to its small capacity.

  • A hinged outdoor washstand from a plastic bottle can be used as a drain device usual "native" cover with a hole in the side... When such a cap is completely screwed down, the opening is blocked by the neck of the bottle. Partially opening the lid, you free the hole, water begins to pour out of the sink. The disadvantage of using such a design is the difficulty of regulating the intensity of the water supply. The advantage, like the previous version, is the simplicity of the device.
  • A more comfortable outdoor washstand for giving with your own hands from a plastic bottle can be made, by providing the neck of the container with a small tap... It can be purchased or removed from faulty equipment (washing machine, etc.). It is not difficult to fix the tap on the neck with electrical tape.

Canister mounted models

If the built summer washstand in the country house with your own hands from bottles does not meet the needs of the family even with temporary use, you can install a larger model from a plastic or metal canister, or even a bucket. To do this, cut or knock out a hole in the container into which the tap is installed.

If necessary, for better tightness, a squeegee is first installed in the hole knocked out in the canister, supplying it with rubber gaskets on both sides. The position of the squeegee is fixed with nuts on the outside and inside of the canister. A crane is installed on the squeeze.

At installation, it is important to ensure the tightness of the joints... If you choose a model from a canister, it should be borne in mind that the drain volume will be greater, which means that you should think about draining the waste.

The following options are possible:

  • a container for collecting liquid, installed under the washbasin,
  • drainage ditch,
  • drainage channel to, etc.

If the site is permeable soil, into which water easily leaves, you can provide the liquid with the opportunity to soak into the soil. In this case, it is recommended to fill the space under the sink with gravel, crushed stone or expanded clay for better drainage.

Stand models

Countertop washbasins are containers with taps fixed to a frame. The frame has “legs” in the lower part that go into the ground. Thus, the washstand on the counter moves freely and is installed in any part of the personal plot. For ease of installation, a transverse crossbar is made above the support legs - this is a kind of "pedal". You can quickly and securely install the structure by pushing your foot on the bar.

The frame structure of the washbasin on the counter must be reliably protected from moisture, especially its supporting parts, which are immersed in the ground.

The cistern with a tap can be purchased or made by yourself. Please note: the immersion depth of the legs for reliable stability increases in proportion to the weight of the structure. This is an important factor when choosing the material of the tank and its volume.


A more solid and comfortable country sink with your own hands can be made with a cabinet and your own support for the bulk container. This model can be installed outdoors, on a covered veranda and in the house... To create it, materials will be required, however, for reasons of economy, you can not purchase them on purpose, but use improvised or leftovers from construction and installation work in a different direction.

The main elements of such a washbasin, called "moidodyr", are a sink (in this capacity, you can even use an old sink that was dismantled during the repair) and a filling tank, which can be purchased ready-made or made by hand. In the second case, certain skills will be required. If a washstand is provided for giving without heating, the tank may be plastic. If you want to provide maximum comfort and equip the "moidodyr" with a heating element, it is advisable to choose a container made of metal.

A washbasin with a vanity unit is a frame structure sheathed with sheet or panel material. It can be used as:

  • plywood,
  • plastic,
  • polycarbonate,
  • panels made of polymer material,
  • sheet steel, etc.

The photo shows another version of the curbstone, in the manufacture of which wooden boards were used

For the frame of a washbasin with a cabinet, wooden blocks with a square in cross-section (square side 50-80 mm) or a corner made of steel 25x25 or 40x40 mm are used.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Measuring the sink and calculating the dimensions of the cabinet.
  2. Cut the frame material (bar or corner) according to the specified dimensions (8 identical segments to form the upper and lower horizontal squares).
  3. Cutting of vertical uprights (4 bars).
  4. Assembly (knocking down, welding, etc.) of the frame.

Important: When installing the washbasin outdoors, it is recommended to paint or varnish materials that are not resistant to moisture.

Water draining is organized in the most convenient way.

  • The easiest way is to substitute a bucket for collecting waste.
  • For stationary structures, you can arrange a drain into the sewer or ditch.
  • With good soil permeability, water can be drained into the soil, having previously covered the drainage site with drainage material (crushed stone, gravel, etc.) to a height of 25-35 cm.

When sheathing the frame on all walls of the cabinet, except for the front one, sheets or panels are rigidly attached. In the front part, two or one (depending on the dimensions of the product) doors are arranged. A tank or bucket is placed in the cabinet under the sink, where water will drain.

Above the sink, a frame vertical superstructure should be installed, on which it will be fixed.

Such a washbasin can be additionally equipped with a worktop and a dish drainer made of slats.

Do you want to know, ? Then read our separate article with step-by-step instructions on how to work.

Heated washbasin

A washbasin in which there will be not only cold, but also hot water is a real luxury for a summer residence. Such structures, as a rule, are installed permanently, since they require connection to the mains. By design, such a metal washstand for a summer residence can be a "washstand" or a model on the counter.

You can use a conventional boiler to heat the liquid in the tank, but experienced craftsmen recommend purchase a special heating element with a thermostat... Please note that the power of the heating element must be selected in accordance with the volume of the tank. With insufficient power, you will have to wait a long time for the water to heat up, and if too high, there is a high probability that the water will overheat. In addition, you should select the optimal design and heating mode. If there is one tank and is not divided into chambers, the water will need to be heated to a temperature of about 40 ° C, with a divided tank (one section is for cold water, and the other, with a heating element, is for hot water), the heating temperature should be higher. In this case, the tank is equipped not with an ordinary tap, but with a mixer.

When making a do-it-yourself electric washstand for a summer cottage with heating, to ensure safety, it is important to take care of the insulation of the current supply wire, and also to provide the structure with a float level indicator or its more complex analogue, and also, in the absence of a thermostat, with a thermometer to control water heating.

Another option for how to make a washstand in the country is demonstrated in the video.

As they say, if little things determine the consciousness of everyday life, then the washstand determines ... I don't know what. But it is definitely becoming more convenient to live with him. I do not have a stationary washstand on the site, but the construction guys took theirs. So somehow I got myself together and went shopping in search. I didn't really like everything I saw on sale, so this article appeared here.

Method number 1: a nail in a cork

The simplest and most obvious, of course. We make a hole in the center of the plastic bottle cap, insert the nail with the head inside, screw the cap.

Problems: water leaks, the nail rusts. And besides, a problem common to all washstands with a stock: while you press from below, the water flows, but your hands are busy and you can't wash them, and when you let go, your hands are free and you can wash them, only the water doesn't flow anymore :).

Method number 2: a hole in the cork

We do in a bottle cap side V-neck... Then, by turning the lid, the water will flow out, by turning the tap backwards, the tap closes. Original and simple.

Problems? Read a funny story from one forum:

“I built a 5-liter washstand according to the recipe described: if you turn the lid slightly, a thin stream flows. The unit hung on the corner of the gazebo, dug a shallow hole below and poured buckets of one and a half ASM into it. Everything served perfectly while I was busy putting the dacha in order. And then - relatives began to come ...

The mother was the first to get caught: she wanted it to flow better and turned more - the lid flies off, all the water down at once! I explain that you need to unscrew less. An hour later, the mother-in-law comes up to the washstand ... Well, you get the idea. He explained the same thing, though not so calmly anymore. And then the wife goes to wash her hands ... yes, not once, but twice within an hour! Taking into account that the day is just beginning, and the water is imported and there is almost no water, my educational speech begins to resemble a motorcycle without a silencer.

And here the washbasin attracts the attention of children. Usually you can't make their hands wash, but it's under a normal tap. Well, I am making a special step for them from a large block. Voila! Children unscrew the lid in the same way twice in a row! I can't scold children ... The next day I go to the store and buy a regular 3-liter plastic washbasin. I hung it at the same place ... "

Method number 3: tap in the neck of the bottle

By analogy with the first two practically. We take a tap from the washing machine, for example, a couple of turns of electrical tape, and you're done.

Method number 4: tap into a plastic container

We just take a five-liter plastic container instead of a bottle, drill-cut a hole at the bottom, insert a purchased tap. Voila. It remains to come up with a drain :)

Method number 5: tap into a regular bucket

As you like. On the plus side, the bucket is easier to decorate (see video below).

Method number 6: pin + cork + bottle

In the lid of a large plastic bottle, make several holes plus 1 in the center. We insert the pin into the center. Attach a handle from below. Inside, we insert a rubber plug-plug attached to the pin. Like in the bathroom, a plug for a drain or a tap from a pharmaceutical heating pad.

Method number 7: "for advanced"

We take a 5 liter bottle. Cut out a 10 × 8 cm hole in its bottom.

We take a steel rod 18 cm long and 5 mm in diameter. With a hacksaw for metal, cut along the axis the upper end of the rod. We spread the ends of the rod with a screwdriver. On the opposite end, there is an M5 thread. On the rod, we make two transverse cuts with a depth of 1 mm at a distance of 65 mm from the end. We hook a washer and a fixing bracket made of wire with a diameter of 3 mm onto the rod. Insert a clamping spring with a diameter of 10 mm into the bracket. Its height is 15 mm higher than the height of the bracket. We put a rubber gasket with a diameter of 10 mm on the rod to the support washer. We put a rubber washer on the bottom. Drill a hole in the center of the lid. We assemble everything: we fasten the bracket with the equipment to the roof with two self-tapping screws, and fasten the cap from the tube of toothpaste to the lower end of the rod. We cover the metal parts with enamel so that they do not rust, we dry them and put them in the tank. Everything…

Method number 8: kettle washbasin

What could be easier? They hung up the kettle, put a basin underneath - that's all.

DIY video for creating washbasins

Method number 9: design bucket washbasin

Master class on creating a washbasin from a galvanized bucket and a faucet, as well as a washbasin from a larger bucket, a colander and a siphon. The buckets are beautifully pasted over with foil, so they called it "a designer washbasin for a summer residence" :)

Country "moidodyr" can be very diverse. For him, you can additionally buy a nice mirror, acquire a special hinged shelf for toiletries, a towel holder, a dish holder, a stainless steel sink or other material. It can be unheated and with it.

The device of a simple washbasin for giving from scrap materials

Drain pipes in such a washstand can be "disguised" by removing them in a special device. It is best to take an aluminum or stainless steel sink. While, it is best to refuse earthenware due to the severity and fragility of this material at the same time.

Before building an unheated washbasin, it is best to first sketch. Think about what the washbasin will be like, what details will be present, as well as what the tank, water faucet and main frame will be made of.

You will also need to think about it. This will require a corrugated pipe, a rubber seal to connect it to a stainless steel sink, and, in fact, the container itself, where the spent water will drain.

Street washbasin from a barrel with a sewerage system

As the latter, you can adapt the most ordinary bucket or make a pipe outlet into a toilet drain pit.

It will also be necessary to think over the volume of the water tank under the washstand without heating. If you expect to travel to the countryside only on weekends, then in this case the tank may become a small container. If it comes to carrying out construction work in a cottage, then it would be more prudent to stock up on a tank of more than 10 liters.

The simplest washstand

You can make a handwashing device from a regular plastic bottle. The whole process will take you a minimum amount of time.
Let's see how this can be done. Take a bottle for water, cut off the bottom of it and, turning it over, fix it with a wire to the nearest tree or. Now it will be possible to pour water into such a simulated washbasin.

Instructions for making a washbasin from plastic bottles

In order to rinse your hands, it will be enough just to unscrew the lid, which will be a faucet, and then screw it back on. That's all the simple wisdom - your dacha "moidodyr" is ready!

More sophisticated washbasin design

If desired, you can make an unheated washbasin and a more advanced type with a larger water capacity. For this purpose, all kinds of water accessories that you will find in your suburban area may come in handy.

For example, a plastic canister or a small keg might work well.

After you place a hole for water of the required diameter in the tank of your choice, you just have to cut it out or drill it. After that, it will be necessary to connect a water squeegee to it by putting on rubber gaskets on both sides and tightening with nuts. Then, in fact, the tap itself is installed on the squeegee to supply water to the "moidodyr".

Read also

Metal garden furniture - drawings with dimensions and 75 photos of interesting options for decorating the garden

An example of a complex design of a washbasin from a can and a tap

A self-made dacha "moidodyr" is, as a rule, a very inexpensive, but quite practical device for providing you with clean water.

It should be noted that it would be desirable to preliminarily think over the water drainage system. To do this, you can adapt an additional reservoir, from which the water will go through the pipe to the garden. You can equip the washstand so that water simply pours out onto the ground through the faucet and sink and goes into the soil. At the same time, the main thing is to cover the surface of the earth with plenty of gravel so that the soil under your feet does not erode.

Improved view of the garden washbasin

If your plans include to build a more durable "sink", in this case you will need:

  • buy an industrial water tank;
  • buy a sink, faucet or mixer;
  • think over a system for connecting water and further draining it into the sewer;
  • buy materials for arranging the frame.

The easiest way to start building a washbasin is to install the main frame. It can be made of wood or metal. When constructing the frame, the dimensions of the sink and water tank must be taken into account.
It is important to make a "washstand" in such a way that it fits harmoniously into the design of a summer cottage or your home interior, if you decide to place a washstand in your kitchen.

In the next step, you can install the sink and equip the drain by connecting it to the water drainage system.

An example of an outdoor sink is practically no different from a home sink in the kitchen

After that, you can install the washbasin tank, while it will need to be fixed tightly.

At your discretion, a faucet can be installed in the tank or equipped with a kitchen mixer familiar to us. At the final stage, it remains only to connect the water to the washbasin.

Materials that can be used to make a washbasin

A washbasin made of wood looks very beautiful, but at the same time it will definitely need to be treated before use with special means to increase its service life, since the wood itself is subject to natural deterioration due to high humidity and atmospheric precipitation.

Each owner of a summer cottage tries to create comfortable conditions on his estate. This is especially true for residents of large cities who are accustomed to the benefits of civilization at hand. In addition, at the dacha you need not only to rest, but also to work, and if you do not have running water, then you will face certain difficulties. We will tell you how to make a washbasin in the country with your own hands.

Choosing the right place for the washbasin

If you intend not only to come to the dacha in the evenings, but also to live on it for several days in a row, then you need a constant availability of water. Waking up in the morning, it is so pleasant to wash with cold water, drive away sleep and invigorate to start work with renewed vigor.

Most often, we are faced with the lack of water supply and sewerage systems in summer cottages. Of course, you can independently drill a well and provide the estate with an almost full-fledged water supply, but this is a time-consuming and expensive activity, and, moreover, it is far from paying off, especially against the background of the fact that you will only use it in the warm season. In winter, without control, pipes can freeze, burst, or even simply disperse in the hands of unreliable social elements.

Therefore, we will choose a simple, lightweight and familiar washbasin design - a washbasin. The first thing to decide: where will this washbasin be installed - in the yard or inside the house?

Find a comfortable place in the backyard for the washbasin

It would be most correct to make or purchase such a structure, which in summer, in hot weather, can be left in the yard or in the garden, and with the onset of cold weather, it can be brought into the room. So you don't have to adjust the sewerage and water supply. The only thing that remains for you to decide is where exactly to put the sink.

The washbasin must be in an accessible place so that you can use it at any time. If you like warm water, install the structure on the sunny side so that the water-containing container warms up well. However, many believe that it is better to place the washbasin in the shade, especially if the container is made of plastic.

Well, one more important question, which washbasin to choose? It all depends on your personal preferences and capabilities. Washbasins are:

  • bulk;
  • suspended;
  • washbasins with a vanity unit;
  • heated washbasins.

Each of these washbasins can be used as portable, or can be firmly fixed in a certain place. If you do not want to bother, then any kind can be purchased in the store. But making it yourself, especially from improvised means, is not only much cheaper, but also more fun.

We use the means at hand

Even if you have only plans to create a moidodyr in the country, you still have to wash your hands and wash your face. In this case, the simplest, travel option will come to our aid - a plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters or more. Cut off the bottom, turn it over and fasten it on a wire to a tree branch, fence, etc. Water is poured from above and warms up well enough. You can make a complete washbasin by attaching holders for soap, toothpaste, and a brush.

Washbasin diagram from a plastic bottle

So that water from such a bottle does not flow constantly, but when it is needed, several devices can be used.

  1. The easiest way is to nail into the cork. Make a hole in the center of the bottle cap and insert a nail into it so that the cap stays inside. Screw the plug tightly. The disadvantages are that the water leaks, and from this the nail rusts, moreover, it is not very convenient to wash your hands with such an inconsistent supply of water.
  2. The second method is easier to use. A hole is made on the side of the cover. When the lid is unscrewed, water starts pouring out as much as you need. Screw the lid back on and the water stops. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not very easy to control a sufficient level of unscrewing so that the lid does not break off thoroughly.
  3. The third method is also simple: you can attach a faucet, for example, from a washing machine, to the neck of the bottle with electrical tape. The water will flow exactly as you need it, and you can be sure that the faucet will not break if it is properly fixed.
  4. The same faucet (or purchased from a hardware store) can be attached to a plastic container with a volume of 5 liters or more. To do this, it is enough to drill a hole of the required diameter and fix the tap in it. A tin or enamel bucket will also work great as a container.

Such self-made washstands from improvised means can be decorated with various patterns. Children will be very happy to have the opportunity to use their imagination and efforts for a common cause.

What can be used to make a washbasin in the country?

More sophisticated washbasin design

Such a washbasin will be heavier, which means that it must be installed in a permanent place. This also implies a drainage point, which, however, can be replaced with a bucket or basin. The accumulated used water can be adapted for watering small flower beds or beds.

So, you will need:

  • large capacity (bucket, canister, can with a volume of 10 liters or more);
  • squeeze;
  • tap gaskets;
  • clamping nuts;
  • tap for water supply.

Mark a hole in the container. It should not exceed the diameter of the squeegee. Depending on the material of the container, knock out, drill or cut a hole and place the squeegee in it.

Put on rubber gaskets on both sides of the squeegee and fix with nuts on both sides. Now install the faucet and your garden sink is complete. When placing it on the site, pay attention to the soil at the installation site. If you do not plan to drain to a cesspool or garden, then be sure to pour several buckets of gravel under the sink. This will save you from muddy puddles.

Use a large plastic barrel for the washbasin

If you are not constrained in time and money, then you can make a more practical and thorough country sink in the same way. For him you will need:

  • tank and plumbing fittings;
  • sink of the right size from the right material;
  • materials for the frame or connection of the tank with the sink into one structure;
  • materials for water supply and drainage.

Build a frame of metal and wood, taking into account the dimensions of the tank, sink and hoses. Install all the elements in the finished frame, connect them to the water supply and drainage system. If you are planning a bulk washbasin, then a water connection may not be required.

Choosing a reliable water container

If your plans are to make a washbasin with a cabinet, then you should not make a container for water from available tools yourself - you will only waste time, and such a design will look unaesthetic. A ready-made tank with a built-in tap is inexpensive, but it looks much more beautiful.

The optimal volume of the basin for the washbasin is 10-20 liters. The smaller one does not make sense to take, and the larger one is suitable for a country shower. As a tank for a washbasin, it will be too bulky, and the water in it may stagnate.

Pay attention to the material from which the container is made. Give preference to a stainless steel sink, it is durable and resistant to damage. Plastic is lighter and cheaper, but it can crack on impact, especially if full.

The shape of the washbasin is also very important. The pressure of the water pouring out of the faucet directly depends on it. If the container is low and in a horizontal position, then the water will flow out in a thin stream. As we remember from the school physics course, the higher the tank column, the greater the pressure. Therefore, it is better to choose a tank with an elongated shape upward. The best option is a washbasin with a non-planar bottom that slopes towards the faucet.

Choose your tank containers carefully

There is no need to remind you that the faucet should be located as close to the bottom of the tank as possible. Nowadays, washbasins in which the valve is located on the front wall are becoming more and more popular. The pressure from it will be lower than from a washbasin with a volume of up to 5 liters with a pressure tap. In such a tank, water pressure is lost due to the location of the tap. Due to the loss of pressure, the water in the tank will have to be refilled often. Therefore, choose the model with the lowest possible crane position.

We make a cabinet for a moydodyr ourselves

Perhaps you have a Soviet-style sink from the old days. It fits perfectly under a standard tank and sink. In this case, you only need to clean it up, paint it, and maybe add a couple more elements to the structure. Well, if there is no such sink, then you can easily make the frame yourself. For it, you will need wooden blocks with a section of 50X50 - 80X80 mm or steel corners 25X25-40X40 mm.

The optimal height of the cabinet on which the sink will be located is no more than 1 m.Take a corner or timber and cut 4 sections of 85 cm each. The size of the cabinet frame should be such that the sink easily lies on its edges, so carefully measure the structural elements.

Modern models of moidodyrs

Cut 8 pieces of timber (corner) to the size of the sink. As a rule, this is 50 cm. Assemble the frame and fix it: knock it down if you used a bar, and weld it - if it is a metal corner.

Please note: be guided by the inner edges of the frame, as the sink will fit on them. After manufacturing, the steel frame must be primed and painted to avoid rust.

The frame of the curbstone can be sheathed with the following materials:

  • plywood board;
  • wooden plank;
  • polycarbonate;
  • steel sheets;
  • plastic panels.

To prevent plywood and wood from becoming unusable, after getting wet on the street, cover the structure with varnish. Cover the back wall and sides of the curbstone completely, firmly fixing the material to the frame. At the front, hang a door made of the same material as the frame on the hinges.

Make the floor in the cabinet out of boards, leaving gaps of about 1 cm between them so that spilled water goes into the ground and air circulation is ensured.

Additional elements of the washbasin

You don't have to be limited to the framework of the washbasin cabinet. To make it convenient to use the washbasin, attach a countertop to it that can serve as a dish drainer.

  1. The dryer can be attached on one or both sides. To do this, take wooden boards with a section of 25 X 15 mm and knock them down so that you get a dryer in the form of a lattice. The distance between the planks should be 1.5-2 cm.
  2. You can make a two-level dryer. To do this, at a height of 35 cm above the ground, make another frame and stuff boards on it.
  3. Be sure to cover the dryer with varnish so that it does not delaminate over time and does not deteriorate from moisture.
  4. For the countertop, take a plastic or wood board and place it on a frame made to fit the board.

Washbasin frame can be made by yourself

We talked about how to organize the drainage of water from the sink. You can use a regular bucket for this. This is especially good if you will wash not only your hands, but also vegetables and fruits, as well as dishes with food leftovers. Thus, there will be organic food residues in the water, and such slops can be sent to the compost heap for humus.

If cleaning products and food residues will not be discharged into the sink, then a corrugated pipe can be connected to the drain hole and taken to the gutter.

Video about installing a washbasin at a summer cottage

Your garden area is now equipped with a convenient and functional washbasin. We hope our tips will help you get it done quickly and easily. Tell us about your experience in making country washbasins. Warm summer and light work!