Wooden gate frame. Do-it-yourself wooden gate: what can be done

Wooden gates can be quite attractive, but only if you take into account all the necessary nuances when installing them. Knowing the technology of their creation helps a lot to save money and get the result you need.

There will be no need to explain to designers and developers what exactly is required of them, to carefully select the delivery package, and so on.


You can make gates out of wood either sliding or swinging; no one makes them lifting and lifting-turning, because this excessive complication of the design is not always realizable.

The type of wood laying allows you to make the fence either solid or discontinuous, divided into blocks.

Advantages and disadvantages

obvious positive aspects wood are:

  • Availability. Finding the right material in any quantity is easy;
  • Relatively affordable prices. Much less than the metal fee for a similar design;
  • Ease of handling and installation. Almost anyone can make wooden gates, and their installation is much easier than installing steel ones;
  • No need for welding equipment;
  • Sufficiently long service life and the reliability of the structure being created (if everything is done correctly and the care is in accordance with the norm);
  • Ease of repair. Replacing a board is much easier than correcting defects in a metal sheet or profile.

The disadvantages of wood are also quite obvious: this is both a relatively lower strength and susceptibility to fire ( special processing only lowers it, in addition, increasing the cost of the entire structure). Needs to be processed wooden crafts means to stop the decay process.


It is not necessary to create simple wooden structures, a very competent step is to use beautiful gates. The main difference is always in how the parts are connected to each other. The traditional solution is a hinged product, which is made simpler than other types and serves flawlessly for a long time.

You can select such groups of gates from a tree as:

  • "Chess";
  • Made from picket fence;
  • Deaf closed fences.

Sheathing is done as metal frame, and on wood. In urban areas and with an acute shortage of space retractable structures much more than classic swing systems are in demand. The only problem is that they are created much harder and require the mandatory involvement of professionals.

Please also note that the bearing mechanism with automatic rollers is expensive and capricious; if handled carelessly, it easily fails. It is possible to mount carved elements on any type of wooden gate both from above, and from below, and on the frontal plane.


wooden gate will show all their advantages only with careful selection suitable material. In many cases, simply wood-clad steel frames are used - this is a relatively heavy option, but it is stronger and safer than solid wood construction.

Expensive valuable wood species are used only occasionally, in most cases limited to simple pine details. After all, they are quite beautiful, allow you to create a pleasant appearance and at the same time very resistant to destructive influences. Budget projects provide for the creation of gates mainly from a picket fence.


Standard sizes gate - 300-400 cm wide. Keep in mind that your needs may be far more important than this generally accepted standard.

When the site is built up, it is desirable to make a wider passage so that trucks and special equipment can easily drive in and out. Be sure to leave a gap from the bottom edge to the ground, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use the gate when snow melts, an ice crust forms or after heavy rain.

Style and design

The antique gates look elegant and romantic, and this is exactly the case when pine details are unsuitable. A relatively economical solution to the problem is the use of larch, and the density makes it possible to prevent the action of many negative factors.

Alternatively, you can use iron gates with forging elements that mimic the look natural wood. It would be even better to fill the sashes wooden details. Link so dissimilar materials bolts equipped with a semi- countersunk head without edges will help. The frame needs to be drilled, then the boards are pulled up to it by 2 or 4 fasteners. The nut is always left with inside designs.

How to do it yourself?

Anyone can make wooden gates and gates, even people who do not have much experience in such matters. But success cannot be achieved if you do not prepare a good set of tools and materials. It always includes:

  • Pencils, rasps;
  • Squares, screwdrivers, levels, self-tapping screws;
  • Planers, plumb lines, crowbars;
  • Tanks for the preparation of concrete mortar;
  • Bars made of wood;
  • Metal constipation;
  • canopy;
  • hinges;
  • A set of rails or a picket fence for the outer skin of frames.

Before buying lumber, you should find out the required size (height) of the structure, the size of the gate. We must not forget that it will be necessary to deepen supporting pillars 1 m into the ground otherwise stability cannot be guaranteed.

Before installation, each wooden pole is completely impregnated with antiseptic agents, and the underground parts are additionally treated with resins or bituminous mastics.

The territory must be prepared: stones are removed, clods of earth are broken and leveled. It is advisable to mark the support points and mounting directions with the help of stakes, cords. It is almost impossible to do all the work alone, so assistants are always invited. You can hang the sashes only after the concrete has completely dried.

The poles are set up like this:

  • A drill makes a hole 100 cm deep;
  • They look so that the planes of the pillars turned towards each other are slightly further apart than the width of a standard gate;
  • In this case, the distance should not exceed 1.2 m;
  • The hole is sprinkled with sand for 0.05 m and thoroughly spilled with water so that its shrinkage is completed as soon as possible;
  • Add 50 mm of crushed stone;
  • The underground shares of the pillars are fired with gas burners or blowtorches;
  • Guided by measurements, with the help of a plumb line they put the pillar itself, fall asleep with rubble and ram;
  • From above, the stone cushion is covered with cement mortar.

The frame for the sashes is formed using a jigsaw, with which pieces of timber of the desired length are easily cut. The ends of these pieces are drilled and wooden nails are driven into the holes.

To fasten the jumpers, they take galvanized self-tapping screws, put them horizontally or diagonally. Be sure to sheathe the frame with slats, otherwise the gate will easily sag and quickly deform. Burrs and other imperfections of wood are easily removed when using planers with a well-sharpened working part.

Solid gates are formed by laying boards with nailed rails on the frame and drawing cut lines. If the top is rounded, it is most convenient to mark it with a compass. Lattice structures are more complicated, here each rail will have to be marked and cut off separately. The connection of structural parts will be simplified if you use wood screws.

When setting up a gate, always make sure that it locks securely and does not swing open by itself. Only by eliminating such a problem, it is possible to install valves and a lock.

Prefabricated stainless steel constructions are the best option for fittings., anodized metal is slightly worse. Attaching the gate to brick pillars perhaps if, at the time of their construction, a couple of loops are left outside. The connection of the overhead parts of the hinges with the horizontal crossbars of the gates or gates is preferably done with bolts.

Wooden gates or gates can be hung even on metal or concrete pillars. This is done with the help of suspension units, which includes a hook, nuts and a clamp (a couple of units are enough). In order to be able to put a lock, a loop is made near the valve in such a way that the shackle will also go on the handle. For painting wooden gates, it is recommended to use polyurethane-based yacht varnish as the most durable and reliable. But it should also be applied in at least two layers.

If the site is fenced with a natural wood fence, then it is better to equip it with wooden gates. This article will discuss how to build a wooden gate with your own hands.

What will be required in the work

When making a gate, you will need the following tools:

  • wrench;
  • hammer;
  • jigsaw;
  • brush;
  • electric drill with drills o3 mm and o10 mm;
  • chisel;
  • hacksaw;
  • square;
  • plane;
  • roulette;
  • woodworking machine;
  • screwdriver

In addition, you will need materials such as:

  • self-tapping screws (ordinary and with screw thread);
  • sandpaper;
  • protective coating for wood;
  • acetone;
  • bars 7x5 cm;
  • two bars 5x5 cm;
  • four garage loops;
  • board 2.5x10 cm.

Now, after preparing everything you need, you can get to work.

Stage 1. Installation of poles

The gate structure will be attached to the pillars. They need to be installed correctly, with the most rigid and reliable fasteners. Even the slightest sagging is unacceptable.

Important! Attention must also be paid to the perpendicularity of the pillars relative to the ground, otherwise geometric shape the gate is broken. When making calculations, you need to remember that each pillar must be laid in half a brick, and this width should also be taken into account during work.

Step 1. First, the place for installation is cleared and the places for the pits are determined. For digging, you can use a bayonet shovel or a small drill. The depth of each pit should be at least 1 m, and the diameter should be made 10 cm larger than the diameter of the column (this gap will be filled with concrete mortar).

Step 2. Pipes of the appropriate length are cut with a grinder, which are inserted into the holes made. The gaps are filled with rubble, after which the verticality of each column is checked with a plumb line. If necessary, the position is corrected. The rubble is rammed.

Step 3. A liquid solution of "three hundredth" cement and sand is mixed in a ratio of 1: 3. First, the dry mixture is mixed, then water is gradually added. After the solution has been brought to the desired consistency, crushed stone is poured over it and they are waiting for complete drying.

Important! You can pour a little washing powder into the solution - this will prevent settling and, as a result, will greatly simplify laying.

When laying, each seam of the bottom row must overlap with the top one so that the ordering is extremely strong. In this case, do not forget about the correctness of the angles, for which you can use the same plumb line.

To improve the aesthetics and drainage characteristics of the structure, each column should end with a cap. These caps can be purchased from ready-made or cut from a sheet of galvanized steel.

Step 5. After complete drying, the rows of bricks are embroidered.

Stage 2. Making sashes

One of the options for assembling and sheathing the frame of the gate leaves
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Step 1. First, the bars are processed. From them you need to make blanks of the required dimensions. So, for a standard double-leaf gate, you will need:

  • two horizontal bars (lower and upper)
  • two vertical;
  • two for the center jumper.

Step 2. After trimming the blanks, their surface is processed with a planer or woodworking machine.

Stage 3. Frame construction

The assembly is carried out with a one-sided spike "on the mustache".

Step 1. A pair of holes is drilled at each joint, into which screws are screwed or dowels from dried wood are inserted. The latter for reliability can be pre-coated with epoxy glue.

The use of dowels / self-tapping screws is necessary to increase the rigidity of the joints.

Step 2. An additional jumper is equipped in the center of the frame, to which the structure's sheathing will be attached.

Step 3. A jib is installed in each corner. For this, bars 30-40 cm long are used, the ends of which are cut at an angle of 45?. When attaching the jibs to the bars, self-tapping screws are used.

Important! If the gate is, say, 2 m high, then the frame should be calculated in such a way that the boards protrude approximately 20-25 cm. Based on this, you need to make the frame 1.5-1.6 m high.

Stage 4. Structural sheathing

Step 1. Boards are cut to required size, after which they are chipped on both sides until a thickness of 20 cm is reached. The ends are processed in the same way.

Step 2. The boards are fastened with screws to the frame. You can arrange the boards both back to back and with a small step - it all depends on personal preferences.

Important! If it was decided to leave small gaps between the boards, then for this you can use a template - wooden lath, the length of which will be equal to the length of the boards for sheathing. In this case, the thickness of the template will correspond to the step with which it is planned to fasten the boards.

Step 3. After fastening, the upper part of the boards is cut in a straight line, the cut points are carefully cleaned with sandpaper.

Stage 5. Installing the gate

Step 1. First, hinges are attached to the sashes, in parallel, “grouses” are screwed into the bars with self-tapping screws. The sashes are also attached to the pillars with "grouses".

Important! Before attaching the "capercaillie" you need to drill in the appropriate places a few centimeters deep. The diameter of the holes should be slightly smaller than the capercaillie thread. Such a simple move will greatly facilitate the screwing of the screws.

Step 2. The distance from the bottom edge to the ground should be at least 5 cm. This can be explained by the fact that in the future it is possible to install a new pavement, and with such a gap no reinstallation will have to be done.

Step 3. To fix the closed flaps, a metal pin is installed or the padlock. The coating is applied after installation.

Stage 6. Covering the structure

The finished gate must be properly processed, which will require varnish and a primer.

Important! When buying varnish, you need to ensure that it is intended specifically for outdoor use. In addition, you should inquire about the maximum temperature of its operation.

Step 1. The surface is polished with sandpaper or a grinder with a special nozzle. All discovered “shells” are sealed with a special putty on wood, and after drying, the structure is re-sanded.

First, coarse-grained sandpaper is used, and after polishing, fine-grained sandpaper.

Step 2. The tree is toned. So the texture and the desired shade will appear. After the tinting has dried, the surface is polished again (with paper with a “hundredth” grain size).

Important! It is imperative to apply a primer, otherwise some sections of the gate will not be painted over, bubbles and waves will form.

Step 3. Following the primer, the first coat of varnish is applied. Drying time should be indicated in the instructions. After this time, a second layer is applied.

Often the gates are decorated with iron forging - so the product has a rich look. If you plan to use such forging, then this should be taken care of even before painting and grinding. At the same time, the tree is covered with thin tin for protection against damage during operation.

For better tightness, after applying the second layer of varnish, the joints between wood and metal are treated with sealant. Indeed, sometimes it is impossible to achieve a snug fit, and such measures will prevent the penetration of moisture through these holes.

Everything, the wooden gates are ready, it remains only to equip them with a wooden gate.

Video - Homemade wooden gates

wooden gate

Before starting work, you need to prepare everything you need, otherwise the lack of one or another material can stop the process, which is highly undesirable.

So, in the work you will need:

  • hammer;
  • mounting level;
  • hacksaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • pencil;
  • rope;
  • plane;
  • electric drill;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • boards, picket fence;
  • iron corners;
  • wood screws;
  • fittings - hinges, handle, latch.

Wickets manufacturing technology

Step 1. First, the distance between the supports is determined. If you do it right, the gate will work smoothly. Supports can be wooden poles or metal pipes (as described above).

The distance between the supports is fixed with a piece of wire laid on the ground and fastened with something.

Step 2 Support posts are installed. The technology is no different from that of wooden gates.

Step 3. Next, the door is made. To do this, four boards are connected at an angle of 90? metal corners. Then hinges are attached to the finished frame, after which it is checked for entry into the opening. If the result is positive, the frame is sewn up with a picket fence. From above, the gate is cut off with a jigsaw in a straight line (it can also be in the form of waves, zigzags, etc.). The lock and the door handle are the last to hit.

Step 4. At the final stage, the gate is hung on hinges, after which it is checked whether the door closes/opens freely. To fix the gate in the closed position, a piece of rubber can be nailed to the end.

The wooden gate is ready for use.

Video - Beautiful ideas for wooden gates

As a conclusion

As you can see, for the manufacture of wooden gates or gates, certain knowledge and skills in woodworking will still be required. Therefore, if neither one nor the other is available, it is better not to spare money and contact a specialist. The gate is the face of the house.

But with a firm intention to do everything with your own hands, it remains only to wish good luck and the masses creative ideas. With one more possible optionsliding gates from wood - you can find out when watching a thematic video.

Video - Wooden sliding gates

Do-it-yourself wooden swing gates. beautiful gate to the house - this is always necessary, and it's great when there is money to purchase and order.

But you can save money and put your soul into this element. suburban area make wooden swing gates with your own hands.

For the manufacture of wooden gates you will need


When everything is prepared, let's look at where to start.

Pole installation

Since the gate structure must be installed and fastened to the posts, the latter should be installed correctly, with reliable and rigid fasteners. Even the slightest sagging should not be allowed.

Note, that attention should also be paid to the perpendicularity of the pillars to the ground, otherwise the geometric shape of the wooden swing gates will be violated. When calculating, remember that each pillar should be lined with half a brick, and this width should be taken into account in further work.

  1. First you need to clear the place for installation and determine the place for the future pit. You can dig with bayonet shovel or a small drill. The pit should be at least 1 m deep, and the diameter should be 12 cm larger than the diameter of the column, so that this gap can then be concreted with mortar.
  2. Now you should cut the pipes to the desired length with a grinder, and then insert them into the dug hole. Fill the gap with rubble, and then check the verticality of all pillars with a plumb line, and if necessary, correct. Tamp down the rubble.
  3. Mix a slurry of grade 300 cement and sand, the proportion should be 1 to 3. First mix the mixture dry, and then gradually add water. When you get a solution of the required consistency, fill it with rubble and wait for it to dry.
  4. Now you need to make a brick lining. To do this, you can use the same solution that was used to fill the pipes, but it should be brought to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Life hack: To prevent settling and simplify styling, you can add a little washing powder to the solution.

When laying, all the seams of the lower rows must be covered with the upper ones so that the ordering is as strong as possible. But at the same time, do not forget about the correct angles - the same plumb line will help you with this. In order for everything to look aesthetically pleasing, and the drainage characteristics of the structure were increased, each pillar must end with a cap. They can be bought ready-made or cut from a sheet of galvanized steel.

We make sashes

To make beautiful wooden swing gates with your own hands, first you need to process the bars. Next, they make blanks of the required size. So, for ordinary double-leaf gates, you will need:

  • Lower and upper horizontal bar.
  • Two vertical bars.
  • Two beams for the central jumper.

When the blanks are cut, process their surface with a woodworking machine or planer.

Create a frame

The assembly of the frame will be performed using a one-sided spike "on the mustache".

Note, that if the gate is, for example, 2 m in height, then the frame should be calculated in such a way that the boards protrude by 0.2-0.25 m. It follows from this that the frame should be 1.6 m high.


  1. The boards should be cut to the desired dimensions, and then planed on both sides until a thickness of 20 cm is obtained. The ends should be processed in the same way.
  2. Now you should attach the boards to the frame with self-tapping screws. For wooden swing gates, boards can be placed back to back, and with a small step - a lot depends on personal preferences.

Important! If you decide to leave small gaps between the boards, then use a template for this - a wooden lath, and its length should be equal to the length of the sheathing boards. In this case, the thickness of the template should correspond to the step with which you plan to fasten the boards.

When the fixing is completed, the upper part of the boards should be cut in a straight line, and the cut points should be cleaned well with sandpaper.

Gate installation

To begin with, hinges for swinging wooden gates should be attached to the wings, and “grouses” should be screwed into the bars with self-tapping screws. The sashes to the pillars should also be fastened with “grouse”.

Do not forget, that before attaching the “capercaillie”, it should be drilled in the right places to a depth of several cm. The diameter of the holes should be slightly smaller than the thread. Thanks to this trick, screwing in screws will be much easier.

  1. The distance from the bottom edge to the ground should be at least 5 cm. This is due to the fact that in the future you may want to make a new pavement, and thanks to the presence of such a gap, you do not have to do anything.
  2. Install a metal pin/padlock to secure closed doors. A special coating should be applied after installation.

Mortar coating

When the swing wooden gates are ready, they will need to be processed, and for this we will use varnish and a primer.

Note, that when buying varnish, you should study its scope, namely the possibility of using it outside. In addition, on the label read the maximum allowable temperature operation.

  • First you need to sand the surface sandpaper or using a grinder with a special nozzle. If you find "shells", you need to seal them with a special putty for wood, and when everything dries, you should repeat.

The first time you need to use coarse sandpaper, and the second time fine-grained.

  • Now you need to tone the tree. So he will have a unique texture and the desired shade. When the tint is dry, the surface should be sanded again with 100 grit paper.

Do not forget, that the application of a primer is necessary, otherwise some sections of the gate may not be painted over, and waves and bubbles will begin to form.

  • After priming, apply the first layer of varnish composition. According to the instructions, you can determine the approximate drying time. After this time, apply a new layer.

You can often see that wooden swing gates are decorated with iron forging - this way the gates become more beautiful, look richer. If you plan to use this element to decorate your gate, then take care of this in advance, even before sanding and painting. At the same time, during work, the tree must be covered with thin tin to protect it from possible damage.

For tightness, treat the joints between metal and wood with sealant after the second application of varnish, sometimes it is impossible to achieve density, and such measures will help prevent moisture from penetrating. Hooray, wooden gates are ready! It remains to make a gate.

Creation of a gate

Wooden gate - what do we need?

Before you start making a gate, you should prepare in advance, as a lack of materials can stop or even ruin the entire process technology. So, you will need:

  • Mounting level.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Hammer.
  • Wood saw.
  • Rope.
  • Pencil.
  • Plane.
  • Electric drill.
  • Chisel.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Iron corners.
  • Picket fence, boards.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • , heck, pen.

Wicket creation technology

First, determine the distance between the supports. If you do everything right, the gate will pass unhindered. Wooden poles or metal pipes can be used as a support (according to the method described above).

Between the supports, the distance should be fixed with a piece of wire lying on the ground and fastened with something.

  1. Now the supports need to be installed. The technology is the same as for wooden gates.
  2. Next is the door. To do this, take 4 boards, and connect them at right angles using metal corners. After to finished surface you need to attach the hinges and check the gate for how it enters the opening. If all is well, you can start sewing up the frame with a picket fence. From above, the gate should be cut with a jigsaw in a straight line (or in the form of a wave or a zigzag, at your discretion). Lastly they cut door handle and a castle.
  3. At the end, the gate can be hung on hinges and again check how freely it opens / closes. To fix the gate in the closed position, rubber can be nailed to the end.

Congratulations, the gate is ready!


As you can see, in order to make a wooden swing gate or, you still need some woodworking skills, so if you don’t have any tools or skills, it’s better to pay for the work a good specialist, since it is the gate that is the face of the house.

But if you know how to work with wood a little and want to do everything yourself, we wish you creativity and good luck!


For owners of private houses, the times have come when absolutely everything can be purchased for arranging the territory. But many prefer to do everything on their own, which significantly reduces costs and is the pride of the owner. If the fence is made of wood, then it would be logical to make wooden ones, besides, it is not difficult to make them with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of wooden gates

Wood is cheap and practical material which is easy to process. Gates made of this material are light, environmentally friendly and will perfectly fit into the style of almost every house due to their natural appearance.

At the same time, this material is not without certain disadvantages, since it requires constant processing and care. Wooden gates are not distinguished by high strength and durability, and are also prone to fire. But with proper maintenance, this can be avoided.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with the direct manufacture of wooden gates, you need to prepare everything. First of all, you should make measurements and a drawing. If there are no special skills to draw up a professional drawing, it will be enough to schematically display the main elements and dimensions on paper.

When measuring, you should set the length between the two ends of the fence. Divide the resulting value in half - this will be the approximate width of one sash. To establish exact size sash, you should take into account the width of the support posts, as well as set the gap for mounting the hinges that will connect the support posts to the sash.

The optimal gate height is considered to be 2 meters, while the supporting posts should be about 3 meters, since about 1 meter must be immersed in the ground.

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • plane;
  • wood saw;
  • welding machine;
  • self-tapping screws.

The material must be selected carefully. The presence of knots, as well as blue on the surface of the tree, is unacceptable. Support poles can be made from metal pipes or wooden bars. Regardless of the material chosen, the cross section of the supports must be at least 15 centimeters. For the manufacture of sashes you need the following:

  • metallic profile;
  • wooden boards with a section of 10 x 2.5 cm.

To attach the sashes to the supports, loops in the amount of 4 pieces are required. Having calculated the amount of material that is necessary for the manufacture of the gate, it should be noted that it should be taken a little with a margin.

Production and installation of gates

Despite the fact that the manufacture and installation of wooden swing gates is a simple process, a certain sequence in the stages of work should still be observed.

Installation of supports

First of all, you need to install support poles. If the support is metal, then it must be pre-treated with an anti-corrosion agent, and if wooden, then with an antiseptic. Next, two holes are dug to a depth of at least 1 meter. The deeper the hole, the more stable the structure will be. At the bottom of the pit, it is recommended to fill in a little rubble. When installing wooden poles, the part that will be in the ground should be treated with a bituminous solution, which will prevent the wood from rotting.

The pillars are inserted into the pits and poured concrete mix. The verticality of the installation is controlled using a level, because the reliability and integrity of the entire structure depends on it. At this stage, you should take a break of about 3-5 days so that the concrete hardens and gains the necessary strength.

Sash manufacturing

In order not to waste time in vain, during the period of concrete hardening, you can begin to manufacture the wings. You need to start with the frame. It can be made of wood, but a more reliable design will be from a metal profile. Frame parts are cut. Then it must be laid out on a flat surface, aligning the corners, which should be straight. When welding corners, it is recommended to apply additional metal plates to stabilize the frame.

The rigidity of the frame is achieved with the help of diagonals and a cross beam. All elements must be welded, and the welding points cleaned with a grinder or a special brush for metal.

Next, prepare outer skin. To do this, measure right size boards - a little more than the height of the frame - and cut. Fasten to the frame with self-tapping screws. After that, the surface must be carefully sanded.

After the sashes are ready, hinges are attached to them. At the final stage of installation, the sashes should be hung on the supporting poles using hinges. For more solid construction For gates, it is better to use welded hinges, they hold the leaf more rigidly and do not loosen during operation.

The final stage of work

In order for swing wooden gates to serve for a long time, they must be treated with an antiseptic agent, which is recommended to be applied in at least two layers. After the antiseptic has completely dried, the surface can be coated with stain and varnish or any wood paint. Considering that the tree is prone to fire, it is recommended to treat the sections with a special fire-fighting composition every 3-4 years.

A deadbolt can be installed on the inside of the wings, which will serve reliable protection from break-ins. Many swing wooden gates are equipped with an electric drive, with the help of which the gates open and close by pressing the button on the remote control.

During operation, it is recommended to constantly tint the wooden structure, and lubricate the hinges with oil, and then the gate will last for many years.


The arrangement of a reliable garage ensures not only the safety of the car, but also prevents intruders from entering the vehicle. Each car owner strives to have his own garage, since in big cities many cars spend the night in the open, being exposed to harmful effects environment and being the object of increased attention from scammers. For hosts country houses and dachas, the task of erecting the named building occupies one of the first lines in the list of priority measures. But the excessively high cost of manufacturing this design in some cases discourages any desire to implement the plan. Significantly reduce the cost of building a garage will allow the use of wood and the manufacture of some structural elements with your own hands. Gates are an integral part of any building of this type. For their high-quality construction, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with how to make wooden gates on your own without involving the labor of specialists.

The main advantages of this material are:

  • Availability and reasonable price. You can easily buy wood products of the required grade and required dimensions at a hardware store or a specialized company. Price policy much lower than metal.
  • Ease of processing and installation. Without much difficulty, anyone can do the preparation of the named material with their own hands. Whereas the processing of metal products will require the use of expensive equipment: an angle grinder, welding equipment, etc.
  • Durability and reliability. With planned regular maintenance, a wooden entrance structure can last a long time. Compared to metal wooden surface not subject to rust, but requires periodic treatment special formulations. If one of the sides of the canvas is damaged, it is really possible to replace old boards with new ones in a matter of hours.

Depending on the tastes and preferences of each owner, any type of gate can be made: a sliding type or a variant with a lifting device.

The most simple and versatile type are swing gates. The manufacturing technology of this element is intuitive and does not require special building skills from the master.

The main task is to take into account all the subtleties and important features, as well as to carry out quality measurements and wood processing.

Before preparing the required material and tools, you should draw up a diagram of the future design and accurately calculate its location. Having finished with these points, it is worth starting to measure the entrance opening. To increase the visibility, it would be useful to use the existing sketch and adjust all the values ​​​​to your option.

Drawing up a detailed sketch will allow you to better navigate by number consumable and components. The construction of the structure involves the use and preparation of the following tools and materials:

  • timber or metal profile 50 × 50 mm;
  • wooden boards having a width of 100 mm and a thickness of 25 mm;
  • metal hanging loops;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • Bulgarian;
  • building level;
  • steel corners;
  • drill with a set of drills and bits;
  • chisel;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • processing compounds;
  • set of brushes.

In the manufacture of wooden garage doors, special supports must be prepared in advance. If they are not ready yet, then two wooden beams or logs will be required for their manufacture.

We prepare holes for them with a depth of at least 1.2–1.5 m. When erecting any supporting structure, a simple rule applies: the deeper the pillars are located, the more stable and reliable the gate will be. We cut the blanks to the required height, taking into account the part of the support that will be in the ground. To increase the strength, it would be useful to further strengthen the foundation of future supporting pillars by filling the bottom of the recesses with a small amount of crushed stone of the 5 × 20 fraction and ramming the resulting substrate.

To prevent premature destruction of wooden supports, it is necessary to treat the places that will be underground with a special water-repellent mastic or resin.

Next, install the pillars, fix on building level vertical position and fill the recesses with concrete or cement mixture. In addition, to give greater practicality and aesthetics, concreted places can be overlaid with large stones or bricks.

Having completed all the preparatory procedures, we proceed to the manufacture of the structure itself.

In accordance with the dimensions of the entrance opening, we cut wooden beam to the required values ​​​​and lay out on a flat place so that a rectangle or square is obtained, depending on the type of gate.

We check the horizontality and verticality of the laid out bars, after which we drill holes in corner connections and fasten the structure with screws or dowels. It would be useful to reinforce the corners and the center of the frame with steel corners and cross beams, respectively. ends latest products cut at an angle of 45º, placed crosswise and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Metal can also be used as the basis for the future frame. profile pipes, however, welding equipment is required for manufacturing.

The next event is the manufacture and surface treatment of cladding elements. Depending on the chosen material and the size of the doors, we cut the required number of boards. As a rule, pine is used for sheathing, since wooden products from it have a small specific gravity and the greatest protection from the harmful effects of environmental factors.

The cladding board is placed close to each other and fixed with self-tapping screws to the frame. Upon completion, all irregularities are trimmed and processed grinder or fine sandpaper.

To increase the fit to the frame and maintain temperature regime in the garage, the edges of the wings can be sheathed with insulation.

Having prepared the gate leaves, we proceed to the installation of metal hinges. In case of attachment to frame structure hinged parts are welded directly onto the frame, and in the version of fastening to wooden bases- on support poles. To determine the optimal location, it is necessary to retreat from the upper and lower boundaries of the support a distance equal to ¼ of the total height of the pillars and mark the place. Then fix the hinges on the poles and hang the sashes.

The gate is almost ready, it remains only to prime and cover the surface with antiseptics. Having given the necessary time for drying, we proceed to the placement of accessories: handles, locks and bolts. To give a noble look, the gate can later be decorated with various forged elements.

They can be in the form of L-shaped metal rods located on the wings. For their operation, it is necessary to place two small pieces of pipe with a diameter ensuring the free movement of the rod in the intended places of entry into the ground, and also to make a platform for fixing the handle of the fastener in the raised state on each leaf.

The procedure for erecting a wooden gate with your own hands is a simple event and accessible to the implementation of each person. As with any construction works, in order to achieve all the goals set, it is necessary to strictly follow the advice of specialists, take accurate measurements and use quality material. Compliance with all these points in conjunction with planned periodic maintenance will ensure reliable operation entrance gate for many years.


in the provided videos, you can learn about other intricacies of manufacturing wooden gates:

A photo

The photo shows various options wooden gate:


The scheme will help you in designing your own wooden gate: