How to sew a sofa cover with your own hands: sewing patterns with a description and master classes. Cover for a corner sofa: a quick option for updating the upholstery and sewing tips Sew covers for the sofa and chairs yourself

We all want upholstered furniture - a sofa or an armchair - to serve as long as possible and maintain a beautiful and tidy appearance. But, unfortunately, not everything is as durable as we would like. Of course, high-quality fillers and upholstery materials will be more wear-resistant, but they will also turn out to be more expensive than analogues from budget price categories. But there is always a way out.

For example, the simplest cover will significantly increase the life of upholstered furniture, even in the most inexpensive upholstery. Moreover, for some types of upholstery (in particular, velor), the presence of a cover is simply necessary (velor coatings are rather capricious, require regular cleaning, and they do not tolerate stains). Therefore, there are two simple options - buy a ready-made cover or sew a cover on the sofa yourself.

To make the sofa last as long as possible, use a cover

Covers for a sofa (or other upholstered furniture) are a fairly common thing. Although not everyone thinks about buying it. Indeed, why do I need a cover if I have a brand new sofa in expensive leather upholstery and modern filler? Hiding spectacular leather upholstery under a case may not be worth it, but all (even the most expensive) materials have their own life. And, believe me, a cover can be a simple and affordable solution to your sofa's problems if you need to return it to a neat look.

Replacing upholstery (especially expensive) will be much more expensive than buying even the highest quality eurocover. Yes, and changing the cover, if necessary, is much easier than restoring your favorite home sofa. But first you need to think about whether we are buying a finished item or sewing a sofa cover with our own hands.

Choosing a case

If you decide to buy a finished product, then the question of how to choose a case is solved quite simply. There are quite a lot of offers for tailoring sofa covers. Sewing a cover for a sofa of any size will not be difficult for them. In addition, you can choose the material for the cover yourself.

But it also has its pitfalls. Do not contact the first available manufacturers of cases.

Performers should be selected from more or less well-known and trusted companies. The cover material doesn't have to be thin and cheap because it will need to be replaced much more often (unless you want to become a permanent source of profit for sofa cover companies).

Eurocover on the sofa

To avoid such difficulties, it is enough to choose a eurocover for your sofa. Because euro covers are distinguished by the quality of materials, in the manufacture of which elastic threads are used, allowing the cover to stretch freely and tightly fit a sofa or chair. But remember that a eurocover for a sofa will cost much more than a regular cover.

1 2 3 4

Covers or sofas

1 2 3 4

Instead of covers for sofas, a consultant in the store can offer you sofa decks (special bedspreads for upholstered furniture, with the function of a cover). The main difference between sofa covers and sofa covers is that sofa covers do not necessarily cover the entire surface of the sofa. But this apparent drawback will actually become a plus, because any sofa can be covered with a sofa. Divandek is a universal tool, with its help you can easily change the interior of a living room or hall. Furniture covered with sofas takes on an original design look. You can cover them with sofas, armchairs, and beds, and replacing them will not be a big problem.

We sew ourselves

It is not necessary to buy ready-made things in the store, because you can sew a high-quality cover, sofa deck and even a eurocover on your favorite sofa. DIY sofa covers will look no worse than the most original models from manufacturers. And they will cost at least less.

To sew a sofa cover using your own hands and improvised tools, you need to be able to use these same hands and tools. Do not be alarmed, making a sofa cover with your own hands is not the most difficult process. If you are at least a little friends with a sewing machine and understand what patterns are, everything will work out. To practice, first sew a cushion cover, for example. Or a handmade sofa for an armchair. Spend some personal time and your furniture will be decorated with worthwhile personal items.

What you need

So, to make a sofa cover with your own hands, you need a sewing machine (the most common one), a centimeter, needles and threads. And, of course, you will need material. How much money and time it will take for all this depends solely on you (the price of the material, the amount of free time, and so on).

First you need to measure the sofa to know exactly its dimensions. After all, sofa covers are sewn to exact dimensions (although you need to take the material with a small margin) and any mistake can ruin the work. If you have standard furniture, then you can use a ready-made pattern from our website to sew a sofa cover. If your sofa or armchair is made by the hands of a custom-made furniture designer, or if you want to lay a cover on a corner sofa, then the work will require a little more effort.

Here is a little guide that can help and make your job easier. We have already said about measurements (but if the sofa has armrests, be sure to measure them separately). This is the first stage. For convenience, draw a diagram and indicate all the dimensions on paper - this will be very useful.

The second step will be making patterns. They should be made with a margin (you need to take into account the seams that will eat up a few centimeters, and a couple of extra centimeters will never hurt). All patterns are sewn with lowercase seams (performed in a straight line, with small stitches). After that, you need to try on the cover and, for clarity, it is best to fix it with special needles or pins.

The third stage - after adjusting the sizes - we overcast and sew the edges. The cover is almost ready. Optionally, an elastic band can be fixed along the edges of the cover, which will allow it to fit furniture more tightly.

If you are sewing a cover for a corner sofa, you can find the instructions you need on our website. When buying the selected material, you need to take into account that you will need more of it (therefore, you need to measure the sofa in the assembled, and then in the unfolded state).

The most important thing to stock up on before work is patience and diligence, then everything will definitely work out. After all, any step-by-step instruction (with video examples) can be found on this site.

Sewing a replacement sofa cover is a great alternative to replacing old upholstery. Plus, the covers are removable so they can be washed. Sew a few covers and change them from season to season or for the occasion. Your furniture will be reliably protected from dust and salting. It will retain the natural color of the upholstery for a long time and will not be damaged by the claws of pets.

Check out our range of sofa covers that you can make yourself.

When choosing fabrics for the cover, you can come up with unexpected combinations and different types of finishes.

Follow our instructions and you can easily change the style and mood of your living room.

The cover consists of three elements: a lining, a cruciform upper part and decorative elements on the corners of the sofa. The upper part of the cover in the photo below is made of tapestry fabric, which contrasts with the iridescent silk of the corner elements.

We build a cover pattern

Start with four basic measurements: the length of the cover, the width, the length of the armrests and their width.

Taking measurements

For the top of the case:

1. To determine the length of the cover, the sofa is measured from front to back, starting from the floor in front of the sofa and ending with the floor behind the back, plus 25-30 cm for a loose fit, plus hem allowances.
2. To determine the width of the cover, the sofa seat plus seam allowances are measured.
3. The length of ONE armrest is measured from the seat through the armrest to the floor plus 25-30 cm for a loose fit, plus hem allowances.
4. To determine the width of the armrest, measure the width of the sofa seat plus seam allowances.

For lining:

Length = the length of the cover according to paragraph 1 above.
Width = cover width (item 2 above) plus two armrest lengths (item 3 times 2), minus 2 hem allowances.

Sewing Tips:

Lay the details of the cover on the sofa inside out, determine the places for sewing the side parts (armrests) and baste them to the central part.


Cover design option

Elegant pouch with brocade top

In order to prevent the fabric of the cover from “wrinkling” when you sit on it, prepare wooden rods equal to 5/8 of the length/width of the sofa, and deepen them between the seat and backs. If the sides of the sofa are curved, use a PVC plumbing pipe of the appropriate length for the same purpose, bending it into the desired shape.

Our version of sewing a cover for a sofa, consisting of a lining and a top, allows you to choose the fabric for decorating the sofa that you like, but it is not enough to sew a one-piece cover. For example, cuts of old fabrics.

Corner decoration

The corners of the cover can be designed in different ways, carefully choosing accessories, and get impressive results. Use our ideas to start fantasizing!

Everyone wants to return home after a hard day with pleasure. There is nothing more pleasant than throwing off your clothes and lying down in front of the TV on a cozy sofa. In our country, it is the sofa that is considered a favorite piece of furniture. They sleep on it, relax, gather with their families, receive guests. That is why it is important to take care of the quality and external aesthetics of the sofa. Unfortunately, even the highest quality plating sooner or later becomes unusable. Consider several options for how to sew a stylish cover on a bed or on a sofa with your own hands.

You don’t want to part with a piece of furniture just because the fabric is worn out or dirty. For these reasons, tailoring of beautiful and bright sofa covers has become very popular. They are also convenient because you can sew several options and change them according to your mood.

Please note that all capes are easily removed, which will allow you to easily wash them in the washing machine.

We sew a universal cover for a sofa with our own hands

This model is suitable for classic furniture models. Before starting work, you should carefully select the appropriate fabric for the covers that go to the sofa..

For the main part, it is better to use dense materials; in the above version, a tapestry is used. But for additional decoration and decoration, you can use light flowing fabrics such as silk and satin.

The cape consists of three parts: lining, main part and finishing elements. The main part is in the form of a cross. To prepare it, you need a pattern of a universal cover for any comfortable sofa. It is quite simple to make it with the correct measurements.

You should start with the main measurements: the length and width of the cover itself, as well as the length and width of the armrests. At this stage, it is important to make measurements very accurately, this is done in the following order:

  1. To measure the desired length of fabric for the cover, you should measure the distance from the floor in front of the sofa to the floor under the back. Be sure to add an additional about thirty centimeters so that the fabric freely fits the sofa;
  2. To determine the width, the width of the sofa is measured, a few centimeters are added to make seams;
  3. The length of the armrests is measured from the edge near the seat to the floor, an additional thirty centimeters are added;
  4. To measure the width of the armrests, take into account the width along the seat and the seam allowance.

Pattern for lining:

  1. The length of the lining will be equal to the length of the main part;
  2. The width of the lining is equal to the width of the body plus two armrest lengths. No seam allowance is needed.

Wrap design:

Stitching, as such, can be omitted. It is only necessary to baste the sidewalls for the armrests to the main part. On the surface of the sofa, you need to evenly distribute the lining, as shown in the figure.

The main part is placed on top. And further design will depend only on your preferences and imagination.

To prevent the cover from rolling and gathering, wooden slats can be pushed between the seat and backs over the fabric.

The design of the corners is performed according to one of the examples below.

Trying to work without using sewing

This option is performed without stitching, just a large piece of suitable fabric is used. The cover is fixed with wooden slats at the junction of the backs and the seat. This will give the product the necessary shape and will not allow it to move out. Now you need to fix the fabric on the edges of the armrests with decorative clips, or simply manually hem it with a needle.

  1. When buying material, try to take two to three meters more than in the measurements. Even if the surplus is not needed for the main work, decorative pillows or pillowcases can be made from them. Or use the leftovers to make frills and ruffles.
  2. You should not sew your first work from expensive fabric. It is better to try on cheap material, which will not be so pitiful to throw away if something goes wrong.

Corner sofa cover with patterns

The cape on the corner sofa is performed in almost the same way as in the previous description. The main thing in this business is the pattern of the cover, which is already on the corner sofa. You can build it according to the following scheme.

We try our best to protect our furniture from the influence of various factors. We want it to stay as new, clean and beautiful as possible. To achieve this, you can sew a sofa cover at home. It will take very little time.

We sew a cover on the sofa with our own hands

A sofa cover is a useful and handy item that will help breathe life into old furniture and keep the new one, especially if the standard upholstery of the sofa is not entirely wear-resistant. By creating a cover, you can change the design of the apartment, decorate the interior, highlight individual details. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive material and accessories or order a case, spending a lot of money on it. You can easily make a cape on the old kitchen, on the children's sofa, on the furniture in the living room and in the bedroom. It can be a cover for a leather or fabric sofa - it all depends on your tastes, preferences and what kind of furniture you prefer to use.

In order to independently make a cape on the sofa, it is enough to apply the skills of working with a thread and a needle. A sewing machine will be a great help. But most of the work still needs to be done manually. You will also need the skills to create a pattern. After all, you need to make it yourself individually for your sofa.

But even here you can cheat. A very simple and easy way is to use an old cape that may have been in the closet. It must be torn into separate pieces and transferred to a new material.

An old cape is not found in every home. Luckily, there are plenty of tutorials online that offer different ways and options on how to make a sofa cover the right way. They provide step-by-step instructions that will simplify the creation of patterns.

The most difficult is sewing a cover for a corner sofa with your own hands. Before cutting, the fabric must be thoroughly washed, dried and ironed. This is done in order to provide for possible shrinkage of the product.

The cover must be created in separate parts. Such a cover can be made for a classic sofa. It will appeal to people who value comfort and practicality. There are several options here:

  • Attached corner section. It is necessary to sew five covers with a reinforced seam: on the main part of the sofa, side, armrests and back.
  • Plug-in corner section or one-piece corner design. In this case, the covers are made separately for the corner of the sofa and for the wings and are ground together from the wrong side. The most important thing here is to hide the seams between the corner and the wings. After all, they will be located on the seat and back. Pleated will help with this. But it is quite difficult to make it. It is also quite difficult to work with factory pleated material. There is an alternative - choose a fabric with a color so that the seam on it is invisible.

Our advice: an easy way to hide the front seam. This can be done by introducing it with an attachment to the tightening of the fabric. If you decide to sew a cover from a rough and dense material (for example, rustic-style canvas), then all seams should be seated. They can be made with a sewing machine.

What fabric is the sofa cover made of?

It is worth taking seriously the choice of fabric. Not every type of material will work the first time. In addition, the cape for the sofa should be practical and durable.

It is not recommended to use two extremes - too heavy and dense upholstery fabric, which is used for the manufacture of upholstered furniture, and too light, poorly shaped and thin, which requires additional processing.

Chiffon, rayon and satin are considered light fabrics. Capes made of these fabrics look incredibly beautiful, but they will not last long and quickly lose their attractive appearance. Such materials are still best used for tailoring clothes and accessories.

Many people find that upholstery fabric is the perfect choice for making slipcovers, as it is used to create sofas, armchairs, and nooks and crannies. But note that the upholstery is tightly fastened to the frame with a stapler and small nails. This suggests that such a material is completely inelastic. You just physically can not pull it on the back, armrests. In addition, do not forget that the cover must be periodically removed from the furniture in order to wash it.

That is why it is best to choose the golden mean - moderately dense, moderately soft and elastic material. Ideally, it should be impregnated with a special agent. Waterproof material will allow the furniture to stay fresh and clean for a long time.

If you not If you want to specially buy fabric for making a cover, you can use improvised means. We present options for what material can be used to make a cape:

  • from eco-leather;
  • from a blanket;
  • from a bedspread;
  • from jeans and many other things.

With a little effort and imagination, you can even make a beautiful sofa cover out of old clothes.

The sofa cover can be decorated in a variety of ways. Ruffles can be made at the bottom. Embroidery and ribbons will also look beautiful. It will be interesting to look at a cape created in the patchwork style. To create it, you will need scraps of a wide variety of fabrics.

We make a cover for a sofa with an elastic band with our own hands

The elastic band is incredibly comfortable. It is used for the manufacture of mattress covers and bed linen. This technology can also be used to create a furniture cover.

Initially, you need to sew the cape itself. Then, a rubber band must be sewn into its lower part. She will keep the cover in place in any situation, even when several people are sitting on the couch.

Another advantage of this method is that the finished cape can not only be easily put on the sofa, but also removed from it. It is convenient for washing and cleaning.

In addition to gum, you can use various other clamps. The cover with a lock is also incredibly convenient - it allows you to remove the cover from the sofa in just a few seconds. A simple universal stretch cover is popularly called "eurocover". It can have many options for execution that never cease to amaze.

A cape for furniture does not have to be made by sewing. There are other ways to create it. For example, a cover can be made from a single piece of fabric.

In addition, the cover can be knitted from threads. It can be done from scratch. Or you can use old sweaters for this. Such an element of decor will look very nice in a room made in a rustic or Provence style. It will add comfort and warmth.

How to sew a corner on a sofa cover?

If you have purchased upholstered furniture with expensive and beautiful upholstery, it is clear that you do not want to hide it under various bedspreads and blankets. No wonder you spend hours choosing the shade of upholstery and texture that matches the pile of the carpet and the color of the curtains!

In such cases, you want to protect only the most sensitive and most dirty parts. You can easily make separate covers for the armrests, pillow, sides or seat. In addition, you can make compact pockets for remote controls, which is very practical and convenient.

If the overall cover holds all the parts of the cape on the sofa, then the armrests can fly off very quickly. When creating them, it is necessary to consider autonomous fastening. Lenas, elastic bands or ribbons, bows or laces are perfect. They will look nice. You can also use buttons or Velcro. But it is better to sew them on the bottom of the armrest so that they do not interfere. Otherwise, they will have to be changed frequently or they will ruin the clothes.

This is very convenient, because you can make several capes at once. They are easy to change during washing, and they will also help to update the design of the sofa and make it more interesting when it starts to wear out. They can be matched with pillowcases, pillows or other elements of the room.

When purchasing new upholstered furniture, few people think that after a while it will lose its original appearance. The fabric will rub off, the armrests will begin to shine, and difficult-to-remove stains or holes may appear. It is easy to protect the upholstery of your favorite furniture or “give a second life” to the old one. It is enough just to sew a sofa cover with your own hands.

In the process of daily use, upholstered furniture wears out the fastest.

  1. Compared to restoration, this is a cheaper method.
  2. It is easy to use and easy to wash.
  3. Possibility to create your own unique design.
  4. The process does not require professional training and takes several hours.
  5. You can make several models and experiment with the appearance.
  6. If next to the upholstered furniture there are chairs from different sets that do not harmonize at all, additionally made covers for them will solve the problem.
  7. Handmade products are highly valued.

The fabric fades, rubs off in places, stains, puffs, and others appear on it.

Since the cover will experience a lot of stress on the seams, especially if the pattern turned out to be very tight, some seams can be stitched twice.

Design and construction

Before you start sewing, you need to decide how the future product should look like. To do this, you need to analyze the type of your sofa. It can be double or triple, with soft or wooden sides or no armrests at all. The most difficult thing is to sew a cover on a corner sofa with your own hands.

The fabric fades, wipes off in places, spots, puffs and other traces that are not pleasing to the eye appear on it.

It is necessary to carefully measure all sections and details, draw them in a reduced form on paper, then make a layout, taking into account the direction of the pattern or pattern of the fabric, the shared line.

At the same time, it should consist of several rectangular elements and completely cover the surface of the upholstery. You can fix it with an elastic band. Eliminate sagging cords or braid attached to the backstage, attached to the legs. Additional elements, such as ruffles and ribbons that pull together into bows, will add elegance.

Ordinary blankets or capes solve the problem only partially - they stray, move out, moreover, they close (protect) only the front of the sofa.

On the Internet, there are many patterns for creating models that resemble those offered in stores. So, if you decide to make covers for the sofa and chairs with your own hands, there is a diagram. For the kit, you can add a cover for a universal chair with an elastic band, sewn with your own hands.

Covers for sofas, chairs, armchairs are a proven way to update upholstered furniture with a minimum of financial costs and effort.

See how easy it is to turn any piece of furniture into a work of art using furniture covers.

Necessary materials:

  • sewing machine with overcasting;
  • tailor's tape or tape measure;
  • ruler;
  • pins;
  • scissors;
  • a piece of chalk or soap for marking;
  • threads in tone;
  • and a little patience.

Updating furniture - even with the most careful and accurate attitude to furniture, over time it begins to shine, the fabric loses its color saturation, and is wiped.

The most important thing you need to sew sofa covers with your own hands is fabric. The material for the bedspread should be durable, wear-resistant, easy to clean. For these purposes it is recommended to use:

  • jacquard;
  • flock;
  • overcoat with a plush surface;
  • pleated;
  • microfiber;
  • leatherette;
  • eco-leather;
  • natural or artificial fur.

Fundamentally, the issue of updating and completely restoring the appearance can be solved by upholstery hauling, which is associated with certain problems and risks.

Removable covers for upholstered furniture not only keep the upholstery clean, but also have a number of other useful advantages.

To make a eurocover on a sofa with your own hands, you will have to purchase a more elastic fabric.

The covers allow you to update only the outer, outer surface, without interfering with the inside of the sofa, which means that the factory assembly of the sofa (chair) is preserved, which will increase the duration of operation.

Sofa covers, chair covers or chair covers have become very fashionable these days.

The main stages of tailoring

The first step is to measure the armrests, ottomans, seats and backs. Then create a pattern and calculate the amount of material needed. Each piece must have a seam allowance of at least 7 cm.

  1. All details are transferred to paper and cut out. The fabric should be laid out on a hard surface. The schemes are superimposed on the material and circled around the edge with a piece of chalk or soap.
  2. The cut parts are ground with a line seam, after which it is better to try on the product and secure it with pins. If it is small or loose, then you need to correct the pattern or change the size of the allowances.
  3. After adjusting to the dimensions of the furniture, you need to remove the excess parts of the fabric, leaving only 3 cm for allowances. Then you should overcast and sew the edges. The resulting cover is best washed in cool water and ironed.
  4. To create covers for sofas and armchairs with an elastic band with your own hands, you will have to perform several additional operations with the bottom edge. To do this, turn it inside out and draw a straight line with a pencil along which the elastic will pass. Then, you need to fix it parallel to the edge of the markup, fixing it every 5-10 cm with pins or thread. To sew in elastic, you will need a sewing machine that allows you to create a three-stage (elastic) seam.

At the same time, the cover does not require special installation - just put it on the sofa and fasten Velcro, buttons or a zipper.

It will turn out a beautiful cape on furniture - quickly and easily.

How to tie a case with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

To knit a universal sofa cover with your own hands, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. The product can be several interconnected knitted fabrics or a set of crochet square motifs.

Furniture protection - covers will be a real salvation if there are small children or pets in the house.

A sofa cover is really convenient both in practical terms and in terms of changing the surroundings.

To create a knitted cover, you will need to purchase thick threads, as well as a working tool. The pattern and color scheme is better to choose in accordance with the interior. You can use different types of thread. As in the previous case, you will have to measure the furniture, prepare a pattern, which must be followed in the process of knitting the fabric.

They, without limiting the use of furniture by all family members, will help preserve the furniture's original appearance.

It will retain the natural color of the upholstery for a long time and will not be damaged by the claws of pets.

If “motifs” are used for manufacturing, it is recommended to measure the area of ​​​​the pattern and one square. Based on the dimensions obtained, calculate the number of required squares, skeins of thread.

They will become a kind of barrier, preventing the appearance of puffs and scratches, animal hair does not stick and does not roll in the upholstery.

Your furniture will be reliably protected from dust and salting.

If the product is created from knitted fabrics, it is better to calculate the surface area in advance. Once in a sewing store, pay attention to the thread label. As a rule, two numbers indicate the knitting density on it. Knowing them, it is not difficult to calculate (on your own or by contacting an employee) the required number of skeins.

The fabric has a pronounced stretch effect, restoring its shape after pressure.

A lot of small villi are applied to a dense fabric base with glue, from which a velvety surface is obtained.


You can decorate the finished product with bows, appliqués or stripes. A decorative rope with a diameter of 1 cm is best suited for decorating the armrests. Framing with a wide braid or ribbon will help to focus on the lower part.

Sofa covers (armchairs) can dramatically change the visual perception of furniture.

Isoprene layer plus dense pile avoids puffs.

VIDEO: how to sew a do-it-yourself sofa cover