How to putty OSB slabs, is it possible to plaster - advice from masters on the choice of materials and work. Plastering of osb slabs Plastering walls of osb

Frame constructions have proven themselves quite well in modern construction- Today, buildings on a lightweight basis can be found almost everywhere. As external cladding for buildings frame type most often used OSB sheets, which are distinguished by lightness, affordable price and high level thermal insulation.

For planking you can use various materials- abundance modern technologies makes it possible to bring to life almost any idea. However, with traditional finishes, the situation is somewhat different - a combination with wood will not benefit everyone. finishing materials... In this regard, lovers of monolithic finishing quite reasonably ask the question, is it possible to plaster an OSB slab?

Initially, it was applied exclusively to solid, fixed structures - brick walls, concrete, blocks, etc. Plastering surfaces on a movable wooden base until recently was not practiced, since without carrying out preparatory work this action will lead to disastrous results.

This article will provide you with step-by-step instruction, through which you will learn how to plaster an OSB plate with your own hands. In it you will find a description of the most important points to help you avoid serious mistakes in the process of forming the plaster.

Strengthening the structure

It is advisable to think about the choice of coating even at the stage of forming the cladding in order to be able to prepare the surface as much as possible for future work. In this case, you need to pay attention to the assembly supporting frame and / or battens, which will serve as the basis for installation OSB sheets.

The frequency of the location of the bearing elements must comply with building regulations - it is highly undesirable to reduce their number and increase the distance between them.

The installation of the sheets themselves should also be carried out as reliably as possible in order to exclude strong mobility of the elements. The main enemy of the plastered surface is vibration and the movable structure of the base - when forming the skin, it is necessary to smooth out these negative factors as much as possible.

Note! In this case, the strengthening of the structure is meant within building codes and prescribed technologies. Donate expansion joints or others essential elements for the sake of strength it is impossible.

Surface preparation

OSB is a wood-based product that is formed from shavings and chips. As such, wood is not used as a base for plaster, as it absorbs water and then repels the plaster mortar.

Without preliminary preparation the plastered surface will almost immediately be covered with cracks. Before plastering the OSB board, it is necessary to create an insulating layer between the plaster and the cladding.

There are two ways to prepare the surface - installation of insulation or upholstery with kraft paper / bitumen cardboard. Let's take a closer look at both technologies.

Insulation installation

As a material for external insulation of OSB sheets are used expanded polystyrene plates, which have sufficient strength and are completely waterproof. The lightness of polystyrene foam insulation allows its installation on an adhesive basis, which in this case is the only available option.

In general terms, the installation process is as follows:

  • The sheets should be cleaned of dust, they should not be wet or greasy - if necessary, the cladding is treated with white alcohol to degrease the surface. Oil stains, a large amount of dust or dirt can significantly reduce the degree of adhesion of the insulation to the OSB sheets;
  • Apply to the insulation adhesive composition using a sizing spatula so that the adhesive covers the entire surface of the sheet. Then the sheet is pressed against the casing - in order for the glue to fill the voids, it is necessary to slightly press on the insulation. After the entire structure is pasted over with insulation, it is necessary to wait until the glue has completely dried and only then proceed to the next stage;
  • Reinforcement in the form of a plastic or fiberglass mesh with 6x6 mm cells is installed on the insulation - they have a self-adhesive base and you will not have any problems with installation.


First of all, the joints between the sheets are coated with an elastic sealant, after which the surface is covered with kraft paper or bitumen cardboard, which are fixed with a stapler. On the surface prepared in this way, a reinforcement in the form of a fiberglass or plastic mesh is glued, after which

Today, OSB is widely used in construction and interior decoration. The OSB board itself is a panel with dimensions of 2.5 × 1.2 m, which is made of pressed wood chips and has good performance, such as - strength, ease of processing, resistance to mechanical damage.

OSB also has high sound and thermal insulation. However, when the time comes finishing premises, many novice builders are wondering: How to properly putty OSB. After all, each OSB board is covered with wax, which preserves quality characteristics material, and putty on such a coating simply will not fall. How to be, the material is so praised, and as a result, some ridiculous problems appear in the simplest decoration.

In this article, we will take a closer look at how to properly putty OSB plates with our own hands, using quite simple scheme... Moreover, what will need to be putty, wall or ceiling is not at all important.
So, below is a wall sheathed with OSB, on the left before finishing, on the right - putty, which is already ready for painting or pasting wallpaper.

Some builders, before starting to putty OSB, prefer to pre-sand the entire surface, thereby removing the wax layer and making the surface rough. True, this method will take a long time, and there will be a lot of dust, especially if you use a power tool. Others, however, choose a simpler and no less reliable way- surface treatment of OSB with a special primer and the use of mesh in the process of putty. Moreover, both methods incur approximately the same costs for tools and materials, and differ greatly in time spent on work.

Choosing the necessary material and tool

In order for the putty to adhere well to smooth OSB, its surface must be prepared. To do this, we purchase a primer with the name "Concrete-contact" and a small brush at any hardware store, you can use a roller. After applying the primer, a rough layer forms on the smooth surface of the OSB. This surface, as a result, allows the filler to adhere well to the substrate.

Now you can proceed to the next stage of OSB surface preparation. In order for the putty on the wall to hold not only firmly, but also for a long time, it is advisable to reinforce it. Therefore, when buying soil, be sure to take a plaster mesh with you. Almost all plaster nets are usually made of either metal or polymer materials and have different sizes cells. Of course, to reinforce a thick layer of putty or plaster, it is advisable to use a metal mesh, but for finishing interior walls premises from OSB, it is enough to use a glass-fiber (or glass-fabric) mesh with a cell size of 5 × 5 mm. The main advantages of using such a grid are:

- relatively low cost;
- simple material to handle;
- improves the strength of the coating;
- prevents the appearance of cracks during the shrinkage of the putty.

How to putty OSB

- creates a fairly durable and elastic coating;
- does not crumble and does not crack when dry;
finished surface you can practically not grind;
- fast drying material.

However, such a putty is much more expensive than an ordinary putty, but you can measure up with this, since the costs of purchasing it are easily offset by the quality and speed of work. To apply the putty, you will need two metal spatulas, one wide 20-30 cm, the second narrower 10-15 cm. With the first spatula we will apply layer by layer, and with the second we will work in the corners and hard-to-reach places, as well as scoop the putty from the bucket.

Preparing the surface
If desired, for greater confidence, you can sand the OSB panels a little with coarse sandpaper on critical sections of the walls, for example, in the corners or at the door and window openings... The primer is applied to the wall with a regular brush or roller in 2-3 coats with an interval of 20-30 minutes. After applying the last layer, it is necessary to allow the primer to completely absorb and dry, for which 3-4 hours is quite enough. Then we take the plaster mesh and cut it into strips with a length equal to the height of the ceiling. The mesh is applied in one layer over the entire wall area. It is recommended to place each adjacent mesh with a small overlap of 2-10 cm - as glued earlier wallpaper... Fasten the mesh to the wall with a stapler, screws or glue. It is not at all necessary to glue over the entire area, it is enough just to "smear" with putty and it will easily stick to the rough surface of the OSB. It is better to start laying the mesh from the corner of the room.

After gluing the plaster mesh to the wall behind its upper part, we begin to putty. We work only within the borders of the grid strip, leaving small margins from the edges to overlay the edge of the next grid. The first layer of putty should only attach and smooth out the mesh, so don't sculpt a lot at once. Consistency and accuracy are important here. We carry out the putty according to the standard puttying rules. We scoop up the putty with a small spatula and put it on a large one, with which we spread it on the wall. The direction of spreading the putty itself does not matter, the main thing is that the surface is as flat as possible. To avoid sagging and unevenness during work, try to hold the trowel correctly. Begin to smear the putty on the wall, holding the trowel at an angle of 45-60 degrees to the surface, and finish the putty - gradually reducing the angle to 15-30 degrees.

It will be easier to putty an OSB wall with a mesh if you gradually move from the ceiling to the floor. This will gradually smooth out and evenly coat the entire plaster mesh. In total, the putty is applied to the OSB panel in 2-3 layers with a thickness of 1-2 mm. After applying each layer, it is necessary to allow the coating to dry for 30-60 minutes. The first layer can be made 1 mm thick - just to attach and flatten the mesh. The second layer should cover the plaster mesh. The last layer we level the almost finished surface.

Finishing the putty
Finish the filling, while smoothing out all the irregularities, using only a large spatula. The plaster mesh may show through slightly, but under no circumstances should it protrude or be flush. If, after the putty dries, the mesh still appears, it is necessary to add another layer of putty. Ideally plaster mesh should be 2-3 mm from the surface of the finishing layer of the putty. Trying to apply the filler neatly and evenly, layer by layer. If you take your time, as a result, you may not have to sand the finished surface.

We calculate the consumption of materials
Before you buy a primer, putty, brushes and a whole set of spatulas in a store, you need to decide how much and what to buy. After all, the remaining extra can of putty will come in handy on the farm, but you will still spend a certain amount of money on it, which could be used to buy a can of soil that did not have enough. Therefore, it is better to calculate, at least approximately, how many materials are needed. Here is the approximate consumption of building materials for filling OSB panels.

Oriented strand board (OSB), it is also OSB (OSB or OSBI) is perfect for construction. These slabs are increasingly used in housing construction. This is especially true for the construction frame houses... They are used both for cladding facades from the outside, and for arranging the interior space inside. Therefore, the question of which method is preferred for finishing indoor spaces, is relevant for every home owner.

The main types of interior decoration

As a decoration for interiors, the walls of which are folded from OSB, you can use different ways... The choice is always up to the owners. Short list finishing works which are suitable for OSB is given below:

  • wallpapering
  • painting
  • varnishing
  • decorative putty and decorative plaster
  • gluing tiles or ceramic tiles

All of these finishes have one a common feature... The OSB surface must be properly prepared before the topcoat is applied.

The weak point of oriented strand boards is essentially only one. It is the ability to absorb and gradually accumulate moisture. Over time, the entire slab or part of it swells and deforms. Therefore, the OSB surface must be isolated from the impact high humidity... And here many have a question whether it is better to putty the walls from OSB or cover them with a layer of plaster?

Initially, the plastering process is used to seal the joints between the slabs and to level the walls. This layer serves as the basis for applying paint, wallpapering partitions and, oddly enough, for the finishing layer of plaster. So the conclusion suggests itself quite definite: putty is an element of rough finishing of premises.

So it is quite possible to plaster the interior walls from OSB. This, along with others, is a fairly common finishing method that designers often use. It should be added that the use of the usual sand-cement mixture not recommended in this case. There are special types of plaster that are designed for internal works with OSB panels.

What plaster is used for indoor OSB

Plaster, in this case, is used to create the last layer, which largely determines the design of the premises. These mixtures are called decorative plaster. For wooden surfaces it is recommended to use compositions that have high adhesion. It is O plaster mixes polymer-based. A layer of such plaster "breathes" and prevents the formation of fungi and mold. The plaster layer significantly reduces sound transmission and heat retention. It is environmentally friendly and absolutely safe. The wall covered with plaster looks absolutely uniform. Joints between slabs and other defects are hidden. Such a coating will last more than twenty-five years.

Plaster mixes are sold ready-made or dry. Dry varieties should be diluted with water or another reagent before application, according to the instructions. It is very important to make sure that OSB boards rigidly fixed and not subject to movement. Only then can you start working. Otherwise, the plaster may crack and flake off in places.

Decorative OSB plaster indoors. Types, characteristics.

Decorative plaster can be classified according to two parameters: by the composition of the filler and by the type of binding components. By the type of filler, one can distinguish Venetian, structural, textured and flock.

Venetian plaster when applied, it is capable of forming a smooth surface. It contains an admixture of the smallest marble chips. This gives the surface a mirror-like shine.

Structural blend has small admixtures of quartz and other components. The surface is rough. Its main difference is that when applied to a wall, multi-colored spots appear on it.

Textured plaster may have different kind and include impurities of any suitable material... These can be small stones, pieces of mica, fibers of silk or other fabric. Wall panels coated with this mixture have a pronounced texture, which is determined by the filler.

The hardest to work seems to be flock mix... But it is very winning in design. The fact is that it consists of three layers - the main layer, the layer with flocks and varnish coating... Pieces of dried acrylic paint are used as flocks.

Types of decorative plaster for indoor OSB by composition

According to the presence of different binding components in the mixture, textured plaster can be divided into the following types:

  • mineral
  • acrylic
  • silicone
  • silicate

IN mineral plaster cement acts as a binder. It is not very suitable for OSB, since it is afraid of shock when hardened. Although the finished layer only gets stronger over time, it lacks a certain amount of plasticity. If accidentally hitting the wall, a piece of the cover may come off.

Acrylic plaster made on the basis of acrylic resin. Compared to the previous mixture, it has a lower strength and durability. Has many color solutions... You can color the mixture yourself by adding a special colored paste. It is quite suitable for application to the surface prepared by OSB.

Synthetic resins serve as a binder for silicone decorative plaster... It is very flexible and can be easily applied to the wall. Silicone plaster is resistant to moisture, vapor permeable and has an antiseptic effect. There are many colors available. This kind textured plaster fits perfectly into the solution of the task.

Silicate plaster it stands out in that it is used to create an astringent effect liquid glass... The hardened surface has increased strength, moisture resistance, vapor permeability and antifungal effect. Such plaster will last a long time, up to fifty years or more. This option can also be used to work with OSB.

Relief of textured plaster for OSB in the house

According to the shape of the surface relief, the most famous types of textured plaster are: "lamb", "bark beetle" and "fur coat".

"Lamb" has a fine-grained structure, due to the filler of small untreated stones.

Plastered surface "Lamb".

"Bark beetle" resembles a tree that has been attacked by bark beetles.

Plastered surface "Bark beetle"

"Fur coat" has a smoother surface compared to the first option, since the filler in this case is cement.

Plastered surface "Fur coat"

Surface preparation OSB

As already mentioned, interior decoration of walls and ceilings from OSB sheets takes place in two stages. The first, rough, includes the preparation of the facade of the slabs for topcoat... The second, final, is to apply plaster to the prepared base.

Surface preparation begins with sealing the joints between the slabs. For this, it is advisable to use acrylic or silicone sealant ... After completing this operation, it is recommended to get rid of all visible irregularities and defects using grinder... If this is not possible, then you can walk along the walls with ordinary sandpaper.

Sealing joints with sealant.

The walls should be cleaned of dust with a vacuum cleaner. For ceilings, all processes are similar. If necessary, wipe the surface with white spirit. After that, the first coat of primer is applied. Best applied acrylic primer with additives that improve its properties ... Primers of the adhesive class have also proven themselves well. They contain fine quartz aggregates, which help to keep the putty on the walls. After the first layer of soil has completely solidified, the operation should be repeated.

The next step is to putty the walls. There are specially designed mixtures for OSB panels. It is better to use glue-based putty compounds. Before applying the composition, a special metal or plastic mesh which contributes to a better adhesion of the putty. Fastening is easiest to do with a construction stapler. Then the first layer of putty is applied. The mesh should be completely hidden under the mixture. To create a perfectly flat surface, you can putty the wall a second time when the first layer is dry.

The next two videos illustrate the preparation process.

More details about the intricacies of the choice of putty, preparation of the base and puttying can be found in a separate article:.

After that, you can come up with a decorative coating, be it wallpaper, paint or decorative plaster.

Indoor decorative plastering

The selected mixture is prepared in the same way as it is written on the package. Work is not much different from puttying. However, it takes some skill to get the wall surface to look as intended.

A flat trowel is used to apply the mixture, as shown in the figure. The plaster is carefully applied in several layers. The thickness of the layer is small, within one and a half to five millimeters. As a rule, two or three coats are sufficient. It is very important to ensure that before applying the next layer, the previous one has dried and gained strength.

Plastering the prepared surface

Such is circuit diagram works on plastering of internal surfaces from OSB. It should be noted that each type of decorative plaster has its own nuances when applied. This type of finish is relatively inexpensive. And if everything is done correctly, the resulting interior will satisfy the most demanding taste and will last for many years.

Example Venetian plaster with drawing.

Frame houses are fast and affordable way get your own home. But such structures require a more careful selection of materials for the performance of insulation and decoration work.

Those who choose plastering are wondering whether the plaster should be laid on the OSB slab on the facade or not, and which compositions are better to choose?

Oriented strand boards (OSB, OSB) must be protected from external negative influences. That's why decorative trim should have the following advantages:

  1. Resistant to high humidity.
  2. Tolerance to sudden and frequent temperature changes.
  3. Mechanical reliability.
  4. Heat and sound insulation properties.
  5. Affordable price.
  6. Duration of operation.
  7. Low weight.

Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to plaster an OSB slab, the answer is that it is definitely possible and necessary, since this type of finish has all the listed characteristics. The main thing to remember is that wood quickly and a lot absorbs moisture, even if it is covered with a moisture-repellent compound.

Before plastering the base, it must be protected with a special layer that will not allow moisture to pass from the solution. Such a layer can be bituminous cardboard, roofing material on paper backing, kraft paper or elastic polymer coating.

Traditional way

This option involves a lengthy preparation. Without this, OSB boards will constantly be exposed to moisture, which is absorbed by the plastered layer and transferred to the base.

IN preparatory stage includes:

  • Fixing on the base of waterproof material. As mentioned above, it can be bituminous cardboard, roofing felt, kraft paper or polymer coating.
  • Reinforcing mesh installation. It can be fiberglass or galvanized steel mesh... It is poured with special glue so that the composition completely covers the reinforcing layer.
  • After the adhesive is completely dry, the surface should be treated with a deep penetration primer to improve adhesion.

After waiting for the applied primer to dry completely, you can plaster OSB boards using silicate or mineral mixtures... They have a good long service life, decorative and protective properties.

The solution is applied in a thin layer of 1.5 to 5 mm. Therefore, this process resembles the application of a putty. Such plaster of OSB boards takes time and Money... But, once having done everything efficiently, the owner can, on long time forget about repair work.

Warming and plastering

If debt is messing with big amount I don’t want layers, but you still need to decorate the facade and you can use another finishing method. To do this, you will need to purchase polyurethane foam in sheets. Fix it securely on the base. It will act as thermal insulation.

To attach the insulation, you can use special glue for external works... When choosing an adhesive, pay attention to whether it can be used for polyurethane foam.

A thin layer of plaster is applied to the insulation, and reinforcing fiberglass is placed on top of the wet layer and pressed, leveling the applied solution. After this layer has dried, a little more solution is applied in order to hide the places where the mesh can show through.

After drying, you need to wipe the surface with paint. For coloring, it is better to choose acrylic paint.

Polymer compounds for plastering

The most fast way to apply plaster on the surface of OSB boards will be the use of polymer compositions based on acrylic or latex synthetic resin. They come in the form ready-made solutions... After opening the container, everything needs to be used very quickly. Because the plaster sets quickly and it is impossible to dilute or restore the initial consistency.

Now let's figure out how to plaster the OSB slab in this way.

  • Grinding. To do this, choose sandpaper coarse grain. This removes all elements that protrude beyond the surface of the slab and poorly connect to it.
  • Primer. After sanding, the slab is cleaned of dust and covered with a deep penetration primer intended for wood surfaces. This not only protects the wood from moisture, but also increases adhesion, which means that the plaster solution will be easier to lay down.
  • If there are irregularities on the OSB plate or there are gaps at the joints, then after the soil has dried, they are treated with acrylic sealant. The composition is sent to the unevenness and carefully leveled with a spatula. This process will allow you to use less polymer plaster.
  • Plastering. After the sealing layer has dried, proceed to the application of the finished composition. The mortar is applied to the wall and leveled to a 5 mm layer. You need to work quickly.

The polymer layer of plaster does not require staining, but if desired, the owner can change the color of the finish at any time. This method of decorating OSB plates is expensive, but its service life, more than 25 years, makes it possible to level this drawback.

The compositions that are used for plastering the slabs freeze very quickly, therefore if the owner does not have experience in this direction, then it is better to use the work of a professional team.

The subject of numerous discussions of those who build houses or make repairs with their own hands, was the question of whether it is possible to plaster OSB slabs without spending additional materials and effort.

Plaster is a great way to improve and strengthen residential buildings erected by frame technology, equip and insulate the walls.

Expensive building materials can be successfully replaced with OSB wood boards. The practice of using them for external walls is widespread.

The popularity of the use of OSB boards

OSB is a popular material in the construction of frame houses

OSB slabs for exterior decoration facade and living quarters - a great alternative, affordable and affordable. Positive and negative sides every type of building and every building material has.

Lightness and thermal insulation properties boards made from layers of wood shavings - undeniable advantage, but, according to the builders, such walls require additional decorative finishing.

Detailed information on each type of waterproofing layer should be carefully studied. It is advisable to consult with specialists. Sometimes saving on building materials today, it translates into significant spending in a short time.