Lion zev is a bright flower for open soil. Lion Zev - Care

  1. Giganic - Height Kusta 90-130 centimeters. This plant has a stalk, located in the center, much higher than the stems of the second order, with the third order stalks. Popular varieties: "Arthur" - Height of Kusty from 90 to 95 centimeters, cherry blossom flowers; "F1 Red XL" and "F1 Pink XL" - Bucket reaches 1.1 meters, red flowers and pink colour (respectively).
  2. High - Height of the bush 60-90 centimeters. They are cultivated on the cut, as well as as vertically accents in groups or in mix bears. The central stem is much higher than the side. In the cutting of flowers of this plant, there can be at about 7 days and even longer. The most fragrant varieties are those whose flowers are painted in various shades of yellow. Popular varieties: "Anna Herman" - flowers painted in light pink color; "Canary" - flowers of saturated yellow color; A mixture of Madame Batterfly Madame - terry flowers can be painted in a variety of color shades.
  3. Mattering (half-lived) - Bucket height from 40 to 60 centimeters. The varieties are universal, they are cultivated both on the cut, and as a decoration of flower. They are highlighted by strong branchiness. The central stem in the height of slightly exceeds the side. Popular varieties: "Golden Monarch" - has a yellow color; "Ruby" - flowers of saturated-pink color; "Lipstick Silver" - painted in whitely pink color.
  4. Low - Height Kusta 25-40 centimeters. They are cultivated as border or flower plants. These varieties have a large number of blooming stems of the second and third order, while the central stem has the same height with first-order stems or somewhat lower them. Popular varieties: "Type-Top", "Hobbit", ampel hybrid plant "Lampion".
  5. Dwarcs - The height of the Kusta varies from 15 to 20 centimeters. The varieties are designed for carpet flower beds, chains, borders, alpinarias. They are growing and as a potted flower. There is a strong branching to the stems of the third and fourth order, while the central stem below either has the same height with second-order stems. Popular varieties: "Sakura color" - on white-pink flowers there is a speck; "Candy Showers" is an ampelness.

Growing the lion's seeding

Sowing the seed of the Lion's Seedy can be made from the end of February, in March, at the beginning of April. The seeds of the lion's oz when sowing the ground slightly sprinkle. The first shoots begin to appear in ten days, however, the germination of the seeds of the lion zea can stretch for a whole month. For best Sobbing Cover the container with the seeds of the lion zea glass or p / e package. Once shoots become appearing, a film or glass must be removed. For better germination, the tank with the seeds of the lion zea hold at the air temperature is not lower than +18 oC. The seeds of the lion zea can be sowed immediately into the open ground in May, covering the bed with a film or agrospan.

At first, after germination of the lion's oz, you follow the humidity of the soil: the cut, as well as the strong moistener of the soil can lead to the death of seedlings. The transplant of the seedlings of the Lion Seva Do not delay for a long time: it must be carried out in the stage of the first two or three real leaves. When the shootouts of the lion's mouth grow up to 4-6 pairs of real leaves, plant mauchells need to be discharged for the formation of additional stems.

Landing and care

Although this plant and unpretentious, but it grows better and is well developing on the places well lit by the sun and in the soils charged with fertilizers. The soil is preparing a week before the landing of the lion's oz in the ground.

For this every square meter The site selected for planting the plant must be made:

  • 200 grams of wood ash;
  • 3 kg humus or compost;
  • one tablespoon of nitroposki.

The soil with additives is drunk and aligned. The seedl of the lion's oev is better to plant on a cloudy day. Young shoots lined in sunny weather are badly shot. The distance between the seedlings is 25-30 cm. The soil must be loosened throughout the summer period and remove weeds from it. Observe all landing rules - and luxurious flowers on the flowers are guaranteed.

Watering and subordinate

The seedlings will leave for about two weeks. After that, the first feeding of plants with organic fertilizer is performed. It may be a nitroposka or other fertilizer, which contains a microelement boron. Next, the feeding is made every two weeks all summer and to deep autumn. To do this, you can prepare a mixture of superphosphate, sulfate and urea. Flowers Lion zev need constant watering, but excess moisture can destroy the plant. Therefore, it is better to water anti-crime as the soil drying. And to maintain the necessary level of humidity, you can mulch the soil with freshly jumped grass or humus.

Temperature mode

For normal growth and good development of the lion zea, the average air temperature should be 22-25 ° C. But this flower is very resistant to cold. Therefore, it is able to survive even small freezers: -3-4 ° C.

Air humidity

Due to insufficient humidity, the Lion Zev can lower the leaflets and suspend their flourishing. Therefore, the plant must be sprayed with warm water.


Flowers love open solar space. Antirrinum will endure, of course, and the half, but it will stretch up and blossom well. Whatever place for the cultivation of the lion zea you chose, the main condition so that it is closed from the penetrating wind.

Pruning plants

To create bouquets, a regular trimming of section varieties is performed. This increases the period of decorative flowering. From the rest of the varieties only the sluggish inflorescences are removed, which entails further strengthening the bloom of the lion's oz.

Diseases and pests

It's not so difficult to grow a lion zev, but in any case, it is necessary to comply with elementary rules for the plant care, otherwise the appearance of pests and various diseases such as septoriasis, gray Gnil And black leg. Before proceeding with treatment, contaminated flowers should be removed, after that, to treat the soil with antifungal drug (fungicitis, etc.). The larvae of flies of flies, caterpillars, shields and butterflies are the main pests of the lion's oz. To combat them, special means are used that can be purchased in a flower shop.

After flowering

The flowering of such a plant can continue until the onset of the first frosts in the fall. After the autumn is established, it is necessary that the chips of the lion's oz, which are cultivated as perennial plants, to cut very briefly, so that the height of the shoots was about 5-8 centimeters. Then it is necessary to climb the site by sprinkling it with a layer of dried foliage or sawdust mixed with peat. In the case when the lion's yew is growing annual, then after the flowers become faded, you should remove them, thereby you will avoid self-ease. After all the flowers on the arrow are covered, it needs to be cut as shorter as possible. Thus, you will not give the seeds to mature and crumble on the surface of the soil. After the adoption of deep autumn, the soil is necessary, where the flowers grew, to silence, and the residues of the lion's ozo burn, as harmful insects can settle on them.

How and when to collect the seeds of the lion zea?

As a rule, most plants produce seed collection only after they completely mature. However, the collection of lion seed seeds should be carried out in the phase of incomplete maturity. Then they are placed in a dry well ventilated room for ripening. Collect seeds should be in a long paper bag (as for baguette).

It is necessary to start collecting seeds only after the fruits located at the bottom of the floweros are completely caused.

To do this, the top of the color saw on which there are still green fruits, it is necessary to cut and throw out. On that part of the flower arrow, which remained, you need to wear a package of paper, the thread is tied up below the fruit. Then it will only remain cropped the stem below the dressing site. Then the inverted bag should be suspended in a dry and warm place and will only wait for the ripe seeds themselves in the package. Ripe seeds should be poured into a small box of cardboard and put on a storage in a dry place where the air temperature is from 3 to 5 degrees. At the same time, the boxes should be protected from water from entering water.

Lion zev in garden design

Snapdragon He carries out in the year when the garden is at the stage, so to speak, settling by other plants. Then such bright and unpretentious annuals come to the rescue, which you can safely fill all the empty places in unfinished mix bears. If the plans are the pictures of the flower bed from annuals, then it will certainly be necessary to include anti-rays in its composition, especially since it is possible to choose a variety not only in color, but also in height.

He fits perfectly into all types of flower beds and is particularly successful as a wide band along a border or path, a bright spot or even an ornament soling in the middle of summer flower beds. By the way, a multicolored carpet of flower beds with a complex pattern can be made exclusively from one anti-irrimer, because the palette of its colors is so wide that, with some contrasting shades, can achieve an even effect on the texture of a fantasy pattern.

He fits perfectly into all types of flower beds and is particularly successful as a wide band along a curb or track.

Plants from dwarf and low-speed groups are planted not only as a border, but also finally the image of rocaries. In the last version, anti-rose naturally and very well combined with stones different breeds. Also low and ampel varieties are perfectly decorated with balconies and terraces in suspended or outdoor caspo. Lion Zev, one of the pet pets, is often used as the main background or color accents.

Experimental, you can combine anti-crunch with different types of plants, both perennial and annuals. For example, you can come up with an original container composition, decorating the terrace, entrance to the house or balcony. For example, I can advise to put in one flower pot Or the basket is a lion zev combined with velvets. To fill the ground gaps, you can plant a borquin or a versicer.

Variety palette for bright flower beds

  • Apple Blossom is a mid-grade, terry, two-color grade with a stretching color from white in the center to gently pink in the edges.
  • Scarlet - Simple orange-red flowers are collected in thick and high inflorescences, the plant reaches a height of 50 cm.
  • Yellow Flame - yellow-hot colors, the plant is average.
  • Bronze - Complex flower color includes several shades of yellow, orange and pink flowers. Very spectacular, average variety.
  • Princess Pink - loose cone-shaped inflorescence consists of large pink colors with a non-lass yellow tide. The bush is average.


Most of the flower products are familiar with such a plant as the lion's zev. Therefore, among the plants that they plant on the flower beds, it is Anti-Ginam that becomes one of the first. Many it attracts that it does not create problems both when landing and care. Therefore, many daches engage in the cultivation of this plant. Despite the fact that you can grow a lion zev both through seedlings and by sowing in open ground, most often the first way is selected, since it is not always in the spring the favorable conditions for sowing in cold land. However, it is not very difficult to grow a lion zev through seedlings, because care will be reduced only to regular irrigation. IN further care Behind him, at the flowerba will require regular feeding and loosening.

The lion's zev (antirrhinum), which is still referred to as anti-rays, is directly related to the genus of grassy plants belonging to the family of plantains. This genus combines approximately 50 species of perennial plants, including curly ones. In the wild conditions, these plants can be met in belts with a warm climate, and most species are in North America. In Russia, these flowers are called "dogs", in England "Sneppragon" (biting dragon), in France "Wolf Pad", and in Ukraine "Rotikov". "Antirrinum" translated from Greek means "Out-like", "similar to the nose". In an ancient Greek myth, telling about Hercules, or rather, about his first feat, it is said about how he relocates a small lion, whose ferocity knew everything. Hercules in honor of the victory of the goddess Florato was awarded a gift - it was an adorable flower called "Lion Zev". From this time, the Greeks have a tradition, presenting the heroes of a lion zev. Cultivates this plant about five hundred years, and German specialists took over its selection only in the 19th century. During this time, they were able to create approximately 1 thousand varieties of the lion zea, while it is of interest that only 1 species were used to create a variety of varieties, namely, antirrinum large (Antirrhinum Majus).

This flower is represented by semi-staples, as well as grassy plants that have straight thin-robbed shoots, they are branched and painted in green. Their height can vary from 15 to 100 centimeters. Bushes have a pyramidal form. From above, leafy plates are laid down, and from the bottom - the opposite. The form they can have a lancing or oval-elongated, and the color varies from dark to the pale green, and the bodies are painted in red. Fragrant flowers have a relatively large size, they are double and have an incorrect form. It is found both terry flowers and simple (depending on the variety), they are part of the inflorescences having the shape of the spike. The color can be yellow, gentle-pale, white, pink, red (all shades), and there are still varieties with two and three-color flowers. The fruit is a cough multiferous box. In 1 g contained 5-8 thousand seeds. The bloom of this plant begins in July, and finishes after the first autumn frosts.

Often the lion's zev, which is growing in wilderness as a perennial, gardeners are growing as an annual. However, if it is good for the plant, and if favorable conditions are favorable, then frost-resistant lion zev can transfer the wintering in the open soil. At the same time, the next year its bloom will be more spectacular. IN garden design Such a flower grows as curly, but it can decorate and flowerbed and green lawn (if the lion's zev land with groups). Another plant is decorated with terraces and balconies. On today's day, the flower varieties of such a flower are becoming increasingly popular for the cultivation of which you can use suspended structures, and they will become beautiful decoration Gallery and terraces.


The reproduction of this plant can be made by seeds, as well as a vegetative way. Seeds have a good germination for several years. In the event that you live in an area with a relatively mild climate, then seeds of such a flower can be made directly into open soil. The first shoots can be seen after 2.5-3 weeks, while seedlings are not terrible cooling, which happens at night. In the same places where spring is relatively cold, this plant is recommended to grown through seedlings. Grow the lion's zev from the seed is very simple.

Seeding is made in the first days of March. To do this, you will need a wrestling, the diameter of which will be at least 10 centimeters, and at the bottom she should have holes for drainage. On the bottom it is necessary to pour coarse sand, and on top of it the compost soil mixed with sand. Slightly endure and align the surface, then Moisten it a little with the help of a pulverizer and distribute the seeds of the lion seed mixed with the sand, on top of embarking the thin layer of the same substrate. Pour the crops using a finely dispersed pulverizer, and then cover the tank with transparent glass. Every day, from the surface of the glass, it is necessary to remove condensate, while venting out seedlings and, if necessary, the moistening surface of the substrate from the sprayer. If in the place where the container is standing, there will be moderate humidity and heat (23 degrees), then the first seedlings can be seen after a half months. After the first rapts appear, the container should be transferred to well lit, but at the same time the place protected from direct rays (so that the rabid fell out). After the lion's zev begins to arise massively (after 3-4 days), the shelter needs to be removed.


In the first time, the rabid will grow long enough, and during this period it is especially important to properly moisturize the soil. Watering must be produced in the morning so that moisture plants have enough, but it would not be too much. The fact is that the convergence may cause the development of the "black leg". If the seedman fell, it should be carefully removed, taking advantage of the tweezers, with this place where it grews, you need to sprinkle with chopped charcoal or use the calcined cold river sand for this. After 2 real leaves are formed, you need to pick up seedlings in the box or a container, while they need to be placed so that they are not pressed to each other. Also for picking rasters, it is possible to use individual pots either in 1 pot of larger volume can be planted at once 3 seedlings. Then the plants should be placed in well-lit, but at the same time the place protected from direct rays. After that, you can start hardening seedlings. To do this, during the daytime, you need to open the window for a while, but drafts should be avoided. When the plant will appear 4-5 real leaves, it will need to be discharged to increase bushes, if the side shoots grow pretty quickly, then they should also be discredited.


What time should the lion zev be planted

The fallout seedlings of the Lion Zea should be produced in the last days of May and the first - June. At the same time, it is not necessary to fear the cooling at night, as these plants are quite calmly tolerated. You can plant these flowers both in the sunny area and on the shading, but it is worth considering that it should be protected from wind gusts, as well as be well drained. Suitable primer Must be easy and saturated nutrient substances. It is best for growing such a flower a mixture consisting of compost, sand, as well as peat, which are taken in the same fractions. The soil acidity should be pH 6-8.

How to plant

The distance between the bustards during the disembarkation depends on the variety of the lion's oz. Thus, between dwarf varieties should be a distance of 15 centimeters, between low-grayscale varieties - about 20 centimeters, between the middle-grades - 30 centimeters, and between tall - from 40 to 50 centimeters. After the rehabilted in the open ground, the bush is rooted, it will quickly grow up and becomes a spectacular flowering plant. It should be remembered that it is necessary to plant seedlings in advance of a good powerful soil.

Features of care


Such a flower is undemanding in care and he needs only timely watering, weeding, feeding, and also need to systematically loosen the surface of the soil. Watering should be done only during drought, but it must be remembered that in the evening it is impossible to carry out this procedure. After watering, it will be necessary to blame the surface of the soil and make a weeding, it is possible to do it on the same day or every other day. Specialists advise, make a garter of tall varieties to the support. After the flower begins to fade, it needs to be removed from the busta, as it takes away from the plant's plants. In order for the flowering of such a plant to be long, one should not allow him to have the seeds, also after the last flowers, need to cut the flower arrow. Crop the blooming is necessary under the flower, located at the very bottom, only in this case will grow new arrows and flowers. For the first time, it is necessary to feed the lion zev after it is rooted after transplanting in the open soil, and for this use nitroposk and organic fertilizers. The second time to feed the plant is needed during the bootonization, in which case a nutrient solution consisting of potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate is used, while the water bucket should take 1 large spoon of each substance.

Diseases and pests

It happens that the bushes are affected by rust, with this on their surface there are spots of red color. Also, this plant is infected with a black leg, root and gray rot, septoriasis. Sick plants need to be destroyed as soon as possible, then we need to process the ground of the soil where they grow a fungicidal (antifungal) means. For the lion's ooo, there are dangerous pests such as: larvae of flies, shields, caterpillars, as well as butterflies that are capable of laying eggs. It should be remembered that getting rid of diseases or from harmful insects is much more difficult than preventing a plant infection. In order to prevent, it is necessary to comply with all recommendations for the care of lion zev, so, it is necessary to destroy patients and infected with harmful insects of copies in a timely manner; Do not land colors very close to each other; It is necessary to water correctly, not allowing the mooring of the soil; Watering should be carried out at the root, while watching the water does not fall on the surface of the sheet plates.

After flowering

The flowering of such a plant can continue until the onset of the first frosts in the fall. After the autumn is established, it is necessary that the chips of the lion's oz, which are cultivated as perennial plants, to cut very briefly, so that the height of the shoots was about 5-8 centimeters. Then it is necessary to climb the site by sprinkling it with a layer of dried foliage or sawdust mixed with peat. In the case when the lion's yew is growing annual, then after the flowers become faded, you should remove them, thereby you will avoid self-ease. After all the flowers on the arrow are covered, it needs to be cut as shorter as possible. Thus, you will not give the seeds to mature and crumble on the surface of the soil. After the adoption of deep autumn, the soil is necessary, where the flowers grew, to silence, and the residues of the lion's ozo burn, as harmful insects can settle on them.

How and when to assemble the seeds of the lion zea

As a rule, most plants produce seed collection only after they completely mature. However, the collection of lion seed seeds should be carried out in the phase of incomplete maturity. Then they are placed in a dry well ventilated room for ripening. Collect seeds should be in a long paper bag (as for baguette). It is necessary to start collecting seeds only after the fruits located at the bottom of the floweros are completely caused. To do this, the top of the color saw on which there are still green fruits, it is necessary to cut and throw out. On that part of the flower arrow, which remained, you need to wear a package of paper, the thread is tied up below the fruit. Then it will only remain cropped the stem below the dressing site. Then the inverted bag should be suspended in a dry and warm place and will only wait for the ripe seeds themselves in the package. Ripe seeds should be poured into a small box of cardboard and put on a storage in a dry place where the air temperature is from 3 to 5 degrees. At the same time, the boxes should be protected from water from entering water.

Main types and varieties

To date, experts have several classifications of this plant on various features. The classification in height of the bustle is most popular. The magnitude of the bush variety of the lion zea is divided into 5 groups:

  1. Giganic - Height Kusty 90-130 centimeters. This plant has a stalk, located in the center, much higher than the stems of the second order, with the third order stalks. Popular varieties: "Arthur" - Height of Kusty from 90 to 95 centimeters, cherry blossom flowers; "F1 Red XL" and "F1 Pink XL" - Bustic reaches 1.1 meters, red and pink flowers (respectively).
  2. High - Height of the bush 60-90 centimeters. They are cultivated on the cut, as well as as vertically accents in groups or in mix bears. The central stem is much higher than the side. In the cutting of flowers of this plant, there can be at about 7 days and even longer. The most fragrant varieties are those whose flowers are painted in various shades of yellow. Popular varieties: "Anna Herman" - flowers painted in light pink color; "Canary" - flowers of saturated yellow color; A mixture of Madame Batterfly Madame - terry flowers can be painted in a variety of color shades.
  3. Mattering (half-lived) - Bucket height from 40 to 60 centimeters. The varieties are universal, they are cultivated both on the cut, and as a decoration of flower. They are highlighted by strong branchiness. The central stem in the height of slightly exceeds the side. Popular varieties: "Golden Monarch" - has a yellow color; "Ruby" - flowers of saturated-pink color; "Lipstick Silver" - painted in whitely pink color.
  4. Low - Height Kusta 25-40 centimeters. They are cultivated as border or flower plants. These varieties have a large number of blooming stems of the second and third order, while the central stem has the same height with first-order stems or somewhat lower them. Popular varieties: "Type-Top", "Hobbit", ampel hybrid plant "Lampion".
  5. Dwarcs - The height of the Kusta varies from 15 to 20 centimeters. The varieties are designed for carpet flower beds, chains, borders, alpinarias. They are growing and as a potted flower. There is a strong branching to the stems of the third and fourth order, while the central stem below either has the same height with second-order stems. Popular varieties: "Sakura color" - on white-pink flowers there is a speck; "Candy Showers" is an ampelness.

There is also a very popular classification of Sanderson and Martin's lion groove for section varieties of year-round cycle. However, this classification is of interest only to those flowers who grow lion zev for sale.

An amazing plant, repeating the contour of the lips and when pressed on the flower, opens, like the lion's mouth - hence the name. It seems that it was always fashionable: it is impossible to forget urban flower beds and grandmother, in the village, multicolored from the lion's oz. His people were also called "dogs" and loved to breed - Lion zev, landing and care for which they do not make up big problems, there was a joy and pensioners, and young workers to lovers, because a lot of time did not require.

Sowing: everything is standard

Grow the lion's zev from seeds is the right decision. Its seedlings - always high quality and costs at times cheaper. But if it really did not work out at least a handful of lion zea last summer, you can buy several packages. The seeds are well - the plant is not interpreted in any hypostasis, and the seed manufacturers are trying not to drop the reputation.

To sow, "Dogs" need to choose a suitable container: plastic containers, and clay pots are suitable; Prepare the soil and sow.

After sowing, it is desirable to turn a container in mini-guy, covering the seedlings with glass or food film and putting on the windowsill - at a temperature of several degrees higher than in the room, "dogs" will be able to quickly and amaze.

In the process of sowing, covering the seeds of the lion's groove is too unnecessary - too, they are too small and fighting such a pile of land (and even a millimeter - fatty) in germination it will be very hard.

The composition of the soil

Lion zev, although applies to the number of unpretentious plants, instantly reacts to high-quality soil. Equally, as not low-quality. Therefore, we advise you to pay the composition of the soil. The closest attention: if the plant can grow in any land, then it does not mean that it can grow there. And torturing the flower inappropriate soil - it is illegally, or ...

To get a bright and strong lion zev on the flower, growing and care, you need to start with a "clean sheet" - from clean, light and non-acid soil.

The composition of high-quality soil for "dogs" includes:

  • peat;
  • nerd land;
  • humus.

Houring should be taken somewhat less than two main components, so as not to "overdo it" and do not cause some "floral" trouble - the soil's dough and contamination of the notorious "black leg".

Grow-grow, seed!

What is the most pleasant in the cultivation of the lion's oz, this is his record-fast germination. From the abundance of the sun and moisture, the crumpled virgin of future shoots can be observed for the third-fourth day. The growth and development of young seedlings lasts up to two weeks.

If you need "urgent" flowers to bloom in early June, then have time to sow "dogs" at seedlings are necessary until March 20.

Features of the development of young seedlings

Young seedlings are rather weak and uncertain plants. Develop very slowly and require very neat care.

For example, watering: It is important not to rearrange here. The lion's zev is not a fan of excessive moisture, they can react to her the disease, and even the death. Therefore, the new watering must be performed no earlier than the top layer of the soil will dry up after the previous one.

You can peer seedlings no earlier than a month after sowing in containers. By this time, the seedlings "mature" will acquire a pair of fixed leaves, which are the main signal to the fact that the plants can be divened, or plant on the flower. In the process of transplanting, the main task is not to harm the root system of the lion zea. She though it looks quite powerful, but the damage responds very painfully.

Formation of the right Kustikov

When the sprouts achieved a decade -antimeter mark, the time of another important step in the cultivation of the lion zea - \u200b\u200bthe formation of cooks.

The height of bushes can vary from 15 centimeters to a meter - it all depends on the variety of "dogs" and the preferences of the author of the beds. You can dedicate one plot of only the lion's zev and pull it out step by step: high, medium, low, dwarf. Who practices such experiments in the country, they assure that they are very pleased: landing and care for the lion's yawn of all varieties of the same type and non-view, and joy - already up to the first frost.

But back to the process of formation in the plant right shapes: For this you need to not forget the tops in time. After this simple procedure, the lion's zev will begin to produce side shoots, which at a certain time will give the bustice of correctness and accuracy.

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In case the plant is not too cleaned and gave few shoots, the way out will cut too long stems.


Again, focusing the attention of the flower water, which is capable of blossoming and on poor soils, the lion's zev with gratitude will take a full-fledged feeder, expressing it (gratitude) with abundant and bright flowering.

The first time to "feed" the "dogs" need immediately after dive. The second - when seedlings come true - for 12-14 days after disembarking into the ground. Third - after the appearance of buds. And further - "on demand" to provide the plant the most comfortable conditions for flowering.

The perfect organic feeding for "dogs" is nitroposka. You can mix wood ash.

During the bootonization period, mineral fertilizers are better used as feeding.

On permanent per bed!

Choose a place for the permanent "place of residence" of the lion zea is simpler. The main requirements are sunshine and light fertile soil. In the shadow, the lion zev will bloom where to go to him? But very scoop and "no enthusiasm."

Plant transplantation on flowerba produced no earlier on May 25 - "Dogs" love stable sustainable heat, although they are hardened over the summer, they are tight and without fear and wilts are celebrating autumn frosts.

The distance at which it is necessary to plant a plant depends solely on the variety.

High plants 60-100 cm in adulthood reaches 60-100 cm, they need to be disassembled by a reasonable - at a distance of 40-50 cm. The average - 30-50 cm - need a distance of 30 cm. Dwarf, no more than 20 cm in height, perfectly feel at a distance of 20 cm Friend from each other.

The quality of flowering depends on the care

There is nothing superpower in the care of the lion zev: watering, but not excessive, periodic feeding and soil looser. Set standard for all types of plants and familiar to each dac.

It is important not to miss one point: during the flowering period of the lion zea, and this, almost, all summer, the plants need to be released from faded inflorescences. Thus, you save both the aesthetic appearance of your flower bed, and extend this beautiful bright flowering time of anti-crunch (this is another, not very well known to the masses, the name of the plant).

Apogus sowing and care for the lion zev - the time of the richness of the paints of this plant. It is long enough, but it can be extended yet. The method is simple: tall varieties are simply digging in autumn and in the pots are left in a cool room. From these bright plants, you can organize a whole garden in the corridor or on a closed terrace - and admire right up to the new year.

Lion zev and frost

This plant deserved the title of one of the most favorite semids for their amazing frost resistance. The flowers of the lion groove retain brightness and viability during frosts up to 5 degrees.

"Dogs" complement the picturesque and multi-colored painting of autumn, enliven gray and nondescript. Showing an amazing coldness to the cold, the lion's zev pleases the owners with flowers until late autumn. This courageous plant can be rightfully ranked in natural antidepressants. Therefore, if you are looking for ways to save from Autumn Handra - Lion zev is the easiest and most affordable.

"Rainbow" without blue

These bizarre shapes flowers in modern amateur flower growing are still deprived of attention. Not everyone knows about their unpretentiousness and variety of color gamut. Meet me real peoplewho were surprised to see the lion's zev not yellow color: their perception of "dogs" was limited to the only variety, seen once in the rustic parressadic.

But the anti-Rica is rich in paints, he pleases white, burgundy, pink, orange flowers. There are no blue and blue in the list. The spectrum is not complete, but surprisingly juicy and diverse. In addition to the main colors, the lion's zev can be painted in shades: from gentle pastel, to dark.

The terry varieties of this plant possess the supereness of the flower. Its structure is so preponderant that at first glance, it is possible to take the usual ZEV for some exotic plant.

Lion zev in nature

Lion zev in the wild is found in southern European countries. In Greece, for example, this plant can be seen in the forests, there are even legends about him.

Brandly small and only yellow lion zev is able to see in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Ukraine: South Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Nikolaev region. The plant is recognizable, although it looks like a tiny, in these places they say "wild". It possesses some mahorship, it also opens when pressed and blooms as long as the garden.

Ancient legend

Since the Lion Zev first "opened" the Greeks, they could not not create a beautiful accompanying legend about his appearance.

Not far from the city of Nemoy in the dark forest, an aggressive lion was swinging. Not only was the beast was evil, he was still voracious: too often attacked people. When the lion squeezed almost a third of the population, the unayians scored alarm and turned for help to gods, because earth warriors were against the beast powerless: no sword pierced the lion's skin, none spear hit the cannibal.

The first thing was responded by Gera. She asked Hercules to help the unfortunate residents of the Merehi, exhausted lion's ageless.

Knowing that the cutting and crucial weapon against lion is useless to use, Hercules squatted the animal, he drove him into the cave and strangled it there.

It was a victory, in honor of which the goddess of Flora created a flower and gave him Hercules. The name of the new plant was given the corresponding - the lion zev and his form turned out to be suitable.

Remembering the feat of Hercules, the girls gave this flower to the warriors returned from the battlefield.

Flower in a cut. Storage term

We can easily admire the lion zev in the flower arrangement, and it is between themes - the most successful choice for a bouquet. Plant can be used as a basis or as additional element - And in that, and in another case, the composition will look original.

Another indisputable plus the groove is that in a cut flower can save freshness up to two weeks and not too impose your fragrance in the room.

Unpretentiousness of the lion's oz when sowing and leaving, the effect of inflorescences, frost resistance and the presence of a personal legend - is it not a reason to start such a wonderful plant in my garden?

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Anti-crime or lion zev is a perennial, annual or semi-student herbaceous decorative-flowering plant, whose homeland is warm countries of the Mediterranean. In nature, the flower also grows in North America and Europe. Very popular plant lion zev and among gardeners. And this is understandable, because the amazing colors of buds, bizarre forms of colors and long-lasting flowering are able to decorate any garden plot throughout the season.

Lion zev - description, photo

What does lion zev look like? The flower of anti-rays is distinguished by green straight fine-robbed, large stems whose height can be from 15 to 100 cm. The plant is opposite bottom leaves and oval or lanceal elongated top leaflets. By the beginning of the summer, creeps-shaped inflorescences are formed on the stem with numerous large, double colors. They have an irregular shape and can be simple or terry. Colorful color can be pink, red, dark brown, orange, yellow, white. There are varieties with flowers painted immediately in two or three colors. Flowers lion zev from the beginning of summer and before the onset of autumn frosts.

In nature, the flower Lion zev is a perennial, however, in the regions with cold winters, the plant is grown as an annual. Under favorable conditions and good care, anti-rose in the garden can be grown as a perennial plant.

Growing the lion's seeding

Sowing seeds in open ground

In the regions with a warm climate, antirrinum can be grown as a perennial, seasy seeds immediately on the flower. The crops are conducted in early spring or from the middle to the end of April. It all depends on the weather in your area. Shoots will appear about three weeks and can even survive a minor cooling.

On the seed prepared in advance, the seeds are planted with a nesting way, they are poured with a thin layer of land, watering from the watering can with a shower, and they are covered with film. Sowing daily ventilated, and soil as needed moistened. As soon as the seedlings appear, film on warm days is removed. For the night shelter is better to leave.

Some of the grown shoots will need to be broken, removing the weakest plants. In order not to damage the roots closely growing bushes, unnecessary seedlings are better not to pull out, but to fill. When leaving them, watering should be regular, but not frequent. Seedling is sensitive to the humidity of the soil, with the convergence of which young plants can get sick "black leg". Watering is recommended to produce early in the morning.

Cultivation of anti -rhrinum seedlings (lion zea)

With a confused method of growing annual seeds, seeds should be done in early March. For this, seed containers with drainage holes are prepared. They can be filled with soil mixture from the store or prepare it alone from the compost land and sand.

Sowing procedure:

  1. The seeds of the lion zea are very small, so they are pre-mixed with sand.
  2. The soil falls asleep in the container, aligns and moisturizes.
  3. On the surface of the wet soil, seeds are distributed, which fall asleep with a thin layer of the cooked soil mixture and are neatly moistened with a sprayer.
  4. The container from above is covered with a food film, glass or polyethylene so that there is a greenhouse.
  5. Empty boxes are placed in place where the air temperature is maintained within +23 degrees.
  6. When caring for crops, it is necessary to air the soil daily for a few minutes, removing the shelter for this. As needed, the soil is moistened with a sprayer. To do this, use the dilated water temperature.
  7. After about two weeks, the first seedlings will appear. They need to immediately put on a well-lit place. Direct sunny rays on the plants should not fall.
  8. Another three or four days should be scored already all seeds, after which the film or glass will need to be removed.

Features of the sediment of the lion's oz

The air temperature for the growth of seedlings should be + 20 ... + 23 degrees. They are moisturized in a timely manner, and after the appearance of two real leaves, they are seeded on disposable cups or other containers. You can use spacious pots, putting three bustle in them at once.

When transplanting seedlings, you can use a special blade or a simple fork, with the help of which the plants get along with a lore of the earth and gently fit into the filled Earth pot. Anti-crinum transplant tolerate badly, so everything needs to be done so as not to damage the roots. Plant plants are cautious.

They grow a painted seedlings in a well-lit place, otherwise, with a lack of light, stems will begin to stretch. Watering bushes should be borne in mind that the mooring of the soil lion zev does not like. Constantly wet soil can lead to rotting roots and the appearance of such a disease, like a "black leg". However, it is impossible to cut the soil.

To stimulate the growth of lateral shoots, the seedlings with a height of 10 cm pinch the top. At this time, there must be 4 or 5 real leaves. After such a procedure, the lion's zev will turn into a beautiful, lush bush. If the pale shoots have grown up too actively grow, they can also be discredited.

Approximately two or three weeks before landing Anti-Rica in open ground seedlings begin to temper. On warm days, it is exhibited in the garden or on open balcony. On the first day, hardening plants is carried out within one hour. Every day the stay of seedlings on fresh air Increases. In recent days, seedlings in the street should be on the street for a day.

Lion's landing in open ground

For antirrinum, the solar or slightly shaded plot is selected, which must be protected from strong wind.

When to plant a lion zev?

The tempered and stupid seedlings on the flowerbed in the garden can be planted at the end of May or early June. Warm weather should be established, however, plants are able to survive and small, short-term night frosts.

How to plant a lion zev?

Soil for anti-crunch should be well drained, nutritious and easy. It is best if it consists of compost, sand and peat (1: 1: 1).

For each bustle, the distance between which depends on the height of the plant is made, the distance between which depends on the height of the plant:

  1. Dwarf antirrinums are planted onto the flowerbed with a distance of each other at 15 cm.
  2. Between low-end instances, the gap must be 20 cm.
  3. High lion's bushes are cleared of each other at a distance of 40 or 50 cm. Immediately during the landing near high instances, it is recommended to install supports to which the growing plants will be touched.

After planting, the seedlings are necessarily watering.

Lion Zev - Care

Lion zev refers to unpretentious plants that do not require much attention during the season much attention. Flush and longly blooming bushes will be, if you comply with simple recommendations for the care of them:

  1. In dry and frying weather plants require watering. It follows it early in the morning. At night, the lion's zev is not recommended. If it rains, you don't need to water the flowers.
  2. After rain or watering about once a week, it is recommended to remove weeds and loosen around the landing of the soil. Such a procedure will not allow to form on the ground with crust, and air will come to the roots of plants.
  3. About two weeks later, when seedlings are rooted and start growing, they are fed by universal fertilizers for flowering plants.
  4. During the bootonization of the bush, it is recommended to be filtered with a solution prepared from a mixture of potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate. For its preparation takes on the tablespoon of each fertilizer. The mixture is bred in 10 liters of water.
  5. Faded flowers should be regularly deleted to quickly formed new buds.
  6. After flowering on the flower, they begin to form and ripe fruit. If you don't need seeds, then the blurred bloomer under the lowest flower is cut off. In this case, after a while, new arrows will appear on the bush and begin to grow, which will soon bloom.
  7. In regions with not very cold winters, where the lion zev is grown as a perennial plant, in the fall with the onset of cold days you need to crop the stalk of the plant. The residue of the stem should have a height from 5 to 8 cm. After that, the bushes are covered with dry foliage or mixed with peat sawdresses.

Pests and diseases of the lion zea

Observing all the rules for the care of anti-rays, plants will not be terrible any diseases and pests. Preventive measures include:

  1. Moderate moisturization of the site.
  2. Landing bushes at a distance from each other from 15 to 50 cm (it all depends on the variety of the lion sew).
  3. The instances affected by pests and diseases must be removed immediately.
  4. Watering bushes should only be rooted so that the water does not fall on the leaves.

If the pests settled on the plants, the bushes are treated with insecticidal drugs. From pests for the lion's mouth dangerous, larger eggs caterpillar and butterflies, larvae of flies, shields.

From diseases flower can affect gray or root rot, black leg and septoria. All these diseases are impossible to cure and at the same time they quickly apply to other plants. Therefore, patients are broken and burned. The soil on which they grew should be shedding with fungicidal antifungal drugs.

Abundant blooming beautiful plant Antirrinum (Lion zev) until late autumn will decorate the garden with its bright or tender flowers. His low-grade varieties can be placed in a box or vase and decorate a balcony or loggia.

In this article, you will find detailed information about the flower Lion Zev. Landing, care, growing on seedlings, planting in open ground, popular varieties.

Lion zev, antirrinum (antirrhinum) - a plant from the family of sizestep.

This is a perennial grassy plant, we are grown mainly as annual. Distributed in North America.

In Russia, it is grown in the gardens and flowerbeds.

The plant is considered one of the most popular, its decorative qualities attract experienced gardeners and flowers lovers.

Lion zev - landing and care

Plant Description

The advantages include unusual form Flower, unpretentiousness in care, a wide variety of colors and colorful, long blossom in the summer.

The height ranges from 15 to 130 cm. The lion's zev forms a pyramid branchy bush.

Green branching stems with oval shape leaves are painted from light green to dark green.

Flowers are large, collected in inflorescences, measuring 2-4 cm.

The flower shape represents, as if two lips, if squeeze the bottom of the flower, then something like the mouth of the lion is obtained. Hence the name is the lion zev.

Color color varied: yellow, pink, burgundy, red, white with various shades of these colors.

There are varieties where two colors are combined at one flower.

The fruit is a small box with a lot of small seeds.

Lion zev - Popular varieties

In nature, there are more than 45 species of this plant and up to 1000 varieties.

The lion's oyev is distinguished by varieties depending on the height of the plant.

Plant groups:

  1. Giganic. Plant height from 90 to 130 cm. The central escape of these plants grows up to 130 cm high and is characterized by the lack of lower escapes. The flowers of this variety are the largest.
  2. High. Plant height from 60 to 90 cm. Side shoots in height below central. It is grown mainly on the cut. The most fragrant varieties yellow colorCutting plants can stand longer than a week. It is best grown in a sunny place.
  3. Average. The height from 40 to 60 cm. This group includes universal species, are grown on the flower beds and also go to the cut. Flowers are in inflorescence less than in other groups. The size of flowers is medium. The group features a strong branch of shoots.
  4. Shorty. Height from 25 to 40 cm. The main escape below the side in height. Grown on flowerbeds and borders. They have early blossoms, but bloom is not as abundant as other groups. This group is the most popular among gardener lovers. Beautiful, decorative flowers, grown on the Rabatkov, Flowers, street vases Together with other colors, creating a garden decor.
  5. Dwarf. A group height from 15 to 25 cm. It has a strong branching of shoots, blooming abundantly all summer. Mostly grown as annuals for decoration and garden design. Summer looks like a color carpet on Earth. Suitable for breeding in pots, even in room conditions. Flowers are very small, stalks are short.

Lion zev on seedlings - peculiarities

Plants breed seeds and cuttings.

  • How to grow seedlings of lion zea?

The most common landing method is shot.

You can sow seeds directly into open soil, they will withstand a little cooling and after three weeks will go up.

Sowing seeds begin to engage in early marchs in seedlings.

Since the seeds of the lion's oza are very small, they are sown in the boxes without embedding the earth.

The land can be sprayed from the spray gun so that the seeds penetrate a little in its thickness.

Then you need to close the pots with a film or glass, to create a microclimate.

Every day, the seclock or film is removed, the condensate wipes, it is necessary to moisturize only as needed.

Under the film maintains a microclimate and high humidityAnd there is no particular need to water every day.

The seeds of anti-irrimum germinate at a temperature of 22 degrees and moderate humidity of the soil.

Shoots appear in 8-10 days, grow very slowly.

As soon as the seeds sprouted, the pots put on a bright place, without the sun, and periodically opening the film leave open.

Light plants are needed so that they do not become weak and chili and did not stretch.

Shoots of the plant grow slowly, it is necessary to water them, better in the morning.

When watering, avoid excess moisture, from which the black leg is developing and the plant dies. The soil between shoots can be sprinkled with sand or charcoal.

After the development of 2-3 real leaves, seedlings are divened to separate pots or thin in the same box where they were planned initially.

Picking a lion zev tolerates well.

Plants should be left in a bright place, avoiding direct sunlight.

It should be done periodically quenching seedlings, opening the window and conducting the room, to prepare the plant to land in the garden.

After hardening the plant, transplanted on the site, can overlook small frosts.

  1. When a seedman grows up to 8 cm in height, it must be discredited over 5 pair of leaves.
  2. After the segments, side shoots appear that quickly begin to grow. These shoots will also need to then pinch, so that the plant has a lush look. It is desirable to act with each new escape, for the formation of a busta flower.
  3. The seedling landing on the site is held at the end of May or early June. High varieties are necessarily tied up, otherwise they will break from the wind.
  4. Next, the Lion Zev begins to actively and grow quickly and in June will delight with his flowering.

Where can I plant a lion zev?

Tall lion's gybrids with large flowers go on a cut, inflorescences are in water up to 10-14 days, low plants are used for planting in flower beds, Rabata - to create a flower bed.

Dwarf plants are good for low borders, balconies, look good on the Alpine slides.

Flower mixtures of lion sewing create great leaf rugs or chains.

How to care for flowers?

Flowers plant from June to the first frost. With timely removal of flowing inflorescences, it blooms continuously.

It works well on light soils saturated with organic fertilizers and microelements.

Antirrinum unpretentious plant, does not like too wet land.

Care is a weeding, moderate watering and rare soil looser.

The plant is light-affectionate and cold-resistant, making freezing to - 5 ° C.

What to sit with?

The best neighbors sage, lobularia sea, cosmy. Thanks to its bright colors, it becomes the main ones on the flower bed, around can be planted with blossoming flowers with beautiful leaves.

Diseases: rust, septorize, root rot.

Treated with the drug "Hom". The first processing is carried out in the seedlings or simply for prevention: 1 teaspoon is separated on 1 liter of water. During the growth period of the plant before flowering, it is reused: 40 g of the drug "Xom" is divorced by 10 liters of water and spray from the calculation of 1 liter of a solution of 8-10 kV. m.

The lion zev prefers open areas, a sunny place, but also grows in a half, although it stretches a little and blooms less abundant.

It is very useful to mulch between plants peat, humus - flowering is noticeably enhanced.

In hot dry weather, the lion zev requires watering, but to moisten the soil is harmful.

  • How and when to feed the lion zev?

When the plants come true, they are fed:

  1. The first feeder is carried out 12-15 days after the seedlings landing at a permanent place: 10 liters of water are divorced by 1 tablespoon of nitropocy and organic fertilizer "Flower", spending 2 l per 1 sq. m.
  2. The second feeder is carried out at the appearance of the first buds: 10 liters of water are divorced by 1 tablespoon of urea, potassium sulfate and superphoscent, consuming a solution of 3-4 liters per 1 square meter. m.

Every year all new varieties of lion sewing appear.

Easy growing and care attracts gardeners. Up to the most frosts, the lion's zev pleases the eye with its diverse flowering.

The flower fascinates with its beauty and grace.

He will create comfort and improve the landscape design of any garden or cottage.

Beautiful garden to you!

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Lion zev: varieties and 3 conditions successful cultivation

The lion's zev is a herbaceous plant, refers to the family of plantain. Today there are about 50 varieties and species. For the first time, this culture appeared in North America, and only across the century was brought to Russia. I will talk about the types, cultivation and care of the lion zev.

Variety of species

Plant has long, branching and lanceal leaves. Flowers with an unusual two-shaped form with unreleased petals.

Almost all varieties and types of lion zea are characterized by a rich and bright color scheme. It can be both monochrome and two-color color.

There are varietal inflorescences with stripes and specks. These shades are most popular:

  • purple
  • burgundy
  • red
  • pink
  • white
  • yellow
  • orange
  • salad
  • vasilkovye,
  • blue
  • blue
  • lilac.

As for varieties, there is a huge selection:

Photo Description

Giant lion zev

Height: 90-130 cm. Most often, this variety is grown on the cut.

The trunk has a slight amount of branches.

Flowers are large enough, sometimes terry. Form large and bright inflorescences.


Height: 60-70 cm. This is compact viewwhich is distinguished by a minor amount of branches.

The lion zev is characterized by great and abundant blooming late summer.

Mattery lion zev

Height: 40-60 cm. It has a lot of lateral branches.

It has plentiful blossoms that occurs during the most different period.

Little lion zev

Height: 20-40 cm. The main stem produces a significant number of branches covered with lush foliage.

The first and second number of branches is formed. Inflorescences are presented in a diverse color scheme. Middle and early grades are highlighted.


Height: less than 20 cm. The main stem forms a huge number of short branches.

Inflorescences are also short enough. Lion zev has small, bright and elegant flowers.

The grade antorrinum is most often planted in an open ground. And the lowest varieties can be planted on the balcony. All types of lion zea are characterized by lush and long blossom, fragrant and resistant smell attracting insects. The flower is good in the vase - from 7 days to two weeks.

How to care?

Lion zev loves and grows well in fertile soils With a good drainage system. The soil may have a weakly acidic or neutral environment.

Before planting culture, the soil is drunk to a depth of up to 40 cm. This is due to the fact that the root of the plant has a stripped form.

The plant is quite demanding to lighting. Lion zev loves the sun, but does not tolerate straight sun rays.

Flowers grow well enough in half. You can, for example, put a plant next to the crown of trees, a gazebo or near the house. Culture is characterized by drought-resistance and needs watering exclusively in the arid period.

Some varieties of lion sewing can bloom to the first snow cover. But it is not worth tightening with the preparation for the winter period.

With the onset of the first autumn frosts, the plant must be trimmed at a height of at least 5 cm from the soil. You should also not leave the height of the bush more than 10 cm.

Cover the lionic sewing bushes needed foliage or pagan. And early in the spring it is necessary to remove the "bedspread" in a timely manner in order to prevent the formation of water stagnation in the ground, which will delete the subsequent development and flowering of garden culture.

With the cultivation of annual grades, you need to remove right inflorescences in a timely manner, as they slow down the further formation of flowers.

With the onset of autumn frosts, the lion's oz bush is completely removed. It is better to dig and burn. The used soil is drunk and left alone for the winter.

Condition 1. Support

The lion's zev is a rather unpretentious garden culture, does not require regular nutrition and fertilizer application. But if you have a desire to get abundant blossom, It is worth thinking about providing a flower with mineral and combined fertilizers.

A perennial plant is well referred to nitrogen, calcium and magnesium. It is worth considering when choosing fertilizers. The feeding should be carried out not earlier than the week after planting the plant in open ground. Fertilizer is brought immediately before irrigated.

To grow the most durable and strong stems, some varieties of lion zea need to plant next to the support. The support can be artificial, for example, a grill with 10x10 cm cells. This size is considered optimal.

Condition 2. Methods of breeding

Photo Description
Method 1. Seeds

Seeds can be purchased in specialized stores or assemble the bush with the most likely.

The seed of the lion zea is contained in a box that has time to fully form formed by mid-September. The aging of the seed occurs two months from the beginning of flowering.

After collecting boxes, the seeds are released and poured into a tissue bag. Before the start of the landing, it is better to store them in the refrigerator.

Method 2. Cushion

The lion's zev successfully multiplies with cuttings.

Young twigs can only be rooted in dry sand.

Getting healthy cuttings can be from the parent plant, which overlooked indoors.

It is germinated in the spring, and all young twigs are planted in the selected place.

Condition 3. Landing

Growing garden culture is possible by seeds. It is better if the seed landing is immediately at a permanent place, since the lion's zev negatively transplant.

This is considered optimal for cultivation on the territory of the southern regions, but for the northern regions it is better to grow a culture of sedale.

Seed landing begins in March. It should be borne in mind that bloom falls 90-120 days after sowing. The land must be combined, that is, consisting of sand and perlite.

The process of planting seeds:

  • Use better flat and shallow tanks. The land is pre-tamped, it must be dense.
  • Seeds are mixed with dry sand. This greatly facilitates the plan of planning, as the seeds are fairly small.
  • Seeds do not need to pour out the ground, it is enough just to pour water from the sprayer.
  • Capacity is covered with a transparent lid or polyethylene package.
  • In the process of germination, it is desirable to withstand a constant temperature, which is equal to +20 ° C.

When condensate appears, it needs to be deleted daily. Evriving of crops is also a mandatory stage of growing seedlings. Lion zev loves timely watering, so it is made solely as needed. Do not allow soil drying.

Picking is performed when the third real sheet appears. Set up bushes in small containers, which will allow you to form a full-fledged root system. The full root system will be considered the main root with the corresponding processes.

In mid-April, seedlings can be started to teach natural climatic conditions:

  • Regular ventilation.
  • Deposition of seedlings on the balcony.
  • Seedlings leave overnight on the glazed balcony.

At the end of May, seedlings landed into open ground. Flowering falls at the beginning of June, and with proper care, it will continue throughout the summer period.

Pests and diseases

Lion zev, like all garden crops, is attacked by pests and may face dangerous diseases. Most often found:

  • Puffy dew.
  • Blackleg.
  • Fusariosis.
  • Root rot.
  • Rust.
  • Verticillosis.

The most often pests, infections and diseases "attack" on this garden culture during the period of high humidity or under conditions of high humidity of the soil.

In order to prevent diseases, the flower must be processed by the appropriate means that can be purchased in garden stores. For example, it may be fungicides or an alinium solution.

If a patient plant was determined on the flowerbed, then it must be removed and destroyed. This method will allow to completely get rid of pests.


Lion zev - amazing garden plantwhich will become an excellent landscape addition of the garden plot. Manifold color Gamm. and infloretia forms will give unusual view Flowerbe.

The video in this article confirms the above-mentioned information. And if you have questions or suggestions - we will discuss in the comments!

February 9, 2018.

If you want to express your gratitude, add clarification or objection to ask the author - add a comment or tell me thanks!

Acquaintance with anti-crime


Lion zev - flower with a fun name, familiar since childhood. Among the professionals, its botanical name is often used (antirrhinum), or more accurate - antirrinum large (Antirrhinum Majus). This is one of the 50 species of the genus of the Horizontal family, on its basis, the decorative varieties of culture are created. In nature, the Lion Zev is a grassy perennial, grows in the countries of the Mediterranean coast. His rhizome cannot be turned into a freezing soil, so the annual cultivation of the lion seed from seeds is simply the necessary procedure if you want to have these wonderful flowers in the garden or on the balcony.


Scientific "antirrinum" translated from Greek means "resembling nose" ("Anti" - similar, "Rhinos" - nose). And the familiar name "Lion zev" flower received for the property when pressed on the "throat" to disclose its "mouth", like the mouth of the lion. In English-speaking countries, he is known as the "biting dragon" (Snapdragon), and in France - as "the mouth of the wolf" (Gueule de Loup). Our grandmothers antirrinum is more familiar under the affectionate name "Dogs". Interestingly, according to the legend, he owes the goddess of Flora, who created him after the victory of Hercules, should be Lvom.


The height of the branched pyramidal adhesive at the bottom of the Kusta varies from 30 to 70 cm (from varieties from 15 to 110 cm). Very rare in nature there are 2-meter specimens. Lancing leaves, small, upstairs are small. Obroat flowers, from 3 to 4.5 cm (at varieties up to 7 cm), incorrect form, double, with a closed long wedge, they are assembled into large businesses of inflorescences. Only bees and bumblebees, capable of massing their body, can open the lower lip of the flower and penetrate the "zev" can get to the cherished nectar. After that, the flower closes her lips over them, leaving pollen on the bodies of insects, thus taking care of the appearance of his "offspring" (small numerous seeds).

The lion zev is traditionally grown in private households, used in urban gardening parks, squares, streets. What is it so good?

5 reasons to plant antirrinum in the garden

1. A huge variety of varieties for every taste - and in size, and in color, and by the degree of terrain.
2. Long and abundant flowering: 3-4 months without a break.
3. Cindly resistant - shoots and tempered seedlings withstand short-term frosts on the soil to -4 ° C, bloom even in October.
4. The ability to save the Musicians with the most liked varieties. Lion zev in his biological features is an perennial plantslike I. petunia , ageratum , verbena And many others, traditionally used as annual colors, culture.
5. Abundant self-sacker - this property is very by the way!

How to choose a variety?

One of the most important characteristics of the lion zea in addition to the coloring and terrain of flowers is the height of its bush. High plants (from 75 to 140 cm) are grown mainly on the cut in specialized nurseries. For flowers of amateurs, two other groups of anti-irrimms are much greater interest: the average (from 40 to 70 cm) and lowered (from 15 to 35 cm) of the variety of the lion zea. The latest group also includes the latest grades of ampel anti-Romanums grown in suspended caspo Or floor containers - solo or as part of compositions with other colors. So, choose for planting a variety, based on their further use - on the cutting, in a flower bed or in potted culture.

Pay attention to the time of flowering varieties. Early, average and late varieties Antirrinum bloom with a difference for at least 10 days. Typically, the first flowers appear 70-80 days after germination. Deciding with the choice, you can begin to sow the lion zea.

Growing the lion's seeding

Eat - optimal option For residents of regions with protracted winters and cold veins. As a substrate for sowing, a lightweight garden ground can be used with sand and peat, the ideal soil acidity rate (pH) is not higher than 6.5, otherwise you will face the problem of the lack of iron and, as a result, the chlorose of the leaves in the lion's oz.

When to plant a lion zev at seedlings?

Calculate the timing based on the fact that the age of seedlings at the time of the landing in the open ground should be about 6-8 weeks. For middle strip Sowing will be acceptable in mid-March, if the seedlings are planned to be planted in the middle of May.


So, in the sinking and thermally processed soil, drink seeds on the moistened surface along the planned grooves. Do not close deeply, only slightly close the dry clean sand or vermiculite, you can easily decompose the seeds on the surface and slightly press the soil. After you irrigate them from the sprayer. Blank tank with crusty or glass / plastic. Seeds germinate at T + 20-22⁰C for 5-7 days, but sometimes waiting is stretched to 2 weeks. Antirrinum seeds are very small, and they are often sold in granules. During germination, the granule shell should remain wet, but not wet and not dry.


With the advent of the first real sheet, swipe in small pots or cassettes (up to 7 cm in the diameter). Next, seedlings of the lion seed should be contained in a light room at a temperature of the day from +17 to + 22⁰c, and at night about + 16⁰c. The maximum day of daylight temperature + 24⁰c, otherwise the plants will begin to stretch.

Care for seedy

A week after picking lion zev, you can first feed the finished full mineral fertilizer (Solver, crystal, fertility, etc.), and you can mix 1 tbsp. carbamide, superphosphate and any potash fertilizerFor example, potassium sulfate, and all this is 10 liters of water. In the future, the fertilizer watering can be carried out every week, having reduced the concentration of twice.

About 1 week before landing in the ground (and this is usually done at the end of April), the seedlings are beginning to harde. For this, the daily temperature is reduced, more often ventilated plants and reduce watering.

Growing from seeds direct sowing in the ground

Some amateur flowers prefer to sow lion zev immediately into open soil, it can be done when the daily air temperature will be installed about + 10-12⁰c. The cultivation of seeds in this way, of course, has the right to exist, although with it you can admire the first flowering of anti-crunch not earlier than July, and even August.

The cultivation of the lion's oz from the seed is carried out as late in the autumn or at the beginning of the winter to the ridges cooked in advance, according to the stunned furrot. The depth of crops is up to 1 cm, on top they are powered by dry humid or peat, can be further meditated with leaf opeglades and / or by observing film. Plants grown with the help of centenary sews bloom before others and have enviable health.

Features Growing from Ampel Anti-Ginenum Seeds

In this case, the main difference will be a ban on pinching seedlings, which is recommended for ordinary varieties after landing in the ground. Thanks to the september such plants eat better, they bloom longer and do not pull out. For ampel plants, on the contrary, elongated shoots are important, spectacularly hanging through the edge of the cass. Paging will detain their flowering.

Where to plant antirinum

The lion zev grows well on a sunny windless place, but can move and partial shading during the day. The soil should be moderately loose and fertile, the best will be the best. When landing needs to provide good drainage Or choose a place where water does not cause water during the rain and watering.

Lion zev: Caring for summer

1 week after the seedling landing at a permanent place, you need to hold the first feeding. The key elements of food for the lion's oz are nitrogen, calcium and magnesium, and in some sources also boron. Calcium is needed for special resistance of the plant, i.e. The strength of his stems, and magnesium is responsible for healthy and elastic leaves. Fertilization rates up to 10 g / m², frequency - every 7-10 days until the start of flowering.

Faded inflorescences do not give elegance to the flowering garden, besides, they reduce flowering, so they are better to delete them in a timely manner.

In May and in September, the lion's zev does not need frequent irrigation (with sufficient amounts of precipitation), in the remaining months, they water once or two per week, missing the soil to a depth of at least 20 cm. Plants in containers watered more often. It is necessary to do it under the root, preferably not wetting the foliage to avoid trouble in the form of fungal diseases.

We must not forget about the weeding and looser of the soil around the anti-crime. Tall plants better tie to the support so that the wind does not break them. And if the summer is not very hot, flowering will last long. In the southern regions of the plants often suffer from the strong sun and drought, so their growing season is short.

Diseases and pests

One of the most common diseases of the lion sewing is rust caused by a rust fungus. Preventive measures They are roasting plants and non-adequacy of landings and, as a result, their good ventilability. In addition, take yourself a rule when disembarking into open ground processing the entire seedlings by any stimulator (zircon, epin, HB-101, etc.) to increase the immunity of plants. Infected plants are removed, and the remaining treated with suitable fungicide (maxim, topaz, etc.), and the concentration of the drug can be increased 1.5 times.

The lion's zev is also amazed by false torment, fusarious fading, "black leg" (at the stage of seedlings). From pests, tangible harm can be caused caterpillars, waves, trips and others, and not at the stage of growth (they do not attract them!), And in the beginning of flowering. Here you can only advise regularly checking the landing, preferably at least 1 time in 3 days in order to have time to take measures to destroy pests.

How to assemble the seeds of the lion zea

The ripening of seeds occurs on one plant at different times. This is due to the fact that the flowers on the brush are blooming, starting from the lower buds, and seed boxes are ripening in the same order. When obtaining yellow-brown color, the lower 2/3 of the nozzles collect and carefully get seeds that retain the germination for 4 years. Remember that it is possible to collect seed material from varieties, and not with hybrids. But in this case it is necessary to observe one important condition. Within a radius of at least 100 meters, and only one variety of anti-irinum should grow. Otherwise, cross-pollination will occur, and the seed varieties will not be inherited.

Shining lion zev

If you were grown from the seeds of the amazing beauty of the flower of the lion's oz, but you did not have time to gather seeds from him (or it was a hybrid with marking F1), then you can save the uterine plant until next spring. How? As easy as pie! In September, dig in the garden you liked your bush, put it in a suitable porridge, cut all thin branches and faded inflorescences and put it in a cool place, for example, on a closed loggia or veranda), not forgetting occasionally water, but! without fanaticism! Optimal temperature The content of the lion's oz in such conditions is not lower than + 5⁰c.

In January or February, bring a masterpiece into a warm bright room, cut it to a height of 7-10 cm and wait for the appearance of young shoots. They need to cut or tear off "with a heel", on every cutlery there must be at least 2 pairs of leaves. The lower sheet plates must be completely removed, and the upper is to cut half.

Cut cuts dry in Powder Kornin or simply in an extinguished carbon tablet. Sweep the prepared cuttings in a lightweight sterile substrate consisting of peat and sand, a little chopped sphagnum can be added for better moisture assist. Arrange mini-greenhouse, covering the container with a cutken with a transparent cap or lid.

The rooting occurs within 2-3 weeks with daily spraying and ventilation, and the lower heating will help speed up the process. After another couple of weeks (with the emergence of a young increase), it will be possible to dissipate the rabid on separate containers. By the end of May, rooted cuttings will be ready for landing in an open ground. Musician can also land in a flower garden, where he will bloom first.

Lion zev - Perennial?!

In our latitudes, all the same minor. It can be tried to leave it in the open soil for the winter, but success is possible only with a sufficiently reliable shelter and conditionally soft snowy winter. In the fall, the bushes of anti -rhrinum are cut into a penny (up to a height of 8-10 cm), they are dipped with a compost or humus, shelted with a sacknik or heated sheet opead. In early spring The sketch is cleaned, and the appeared sprouts are seated in the garden or leave on the old place. Plants bloom later grown from seeds across seedlings.

On video: Beautiful antirrinum

Spectacular cut

Lion zev - flower, especially attractive in bouquets. Inflorescences can be cut down already at the stage of the dissolution of the first bud, because The rest calmly dissolve in a vase. Antirrinum flowers are in the water with fresh up to 2 weeks.

On video: Using the lion's oz in a flower bed with coniferous plants

Use in the garden

Find a place in the garden antirrinum will not be much labor, it will be appropriate in almost any case. Bright decisions of the lion zea will decorate the front bed, the grade of pastel color is better suitable for the garden of natural style. Dwarf and low-spirited plants drop along the edge of the track or in the foreground of the flower bed, and the average and high anti-crunches with a separate group or in mixed flower beds (center or in the background).
For balconies, patio, terraces will suit ampel varieties lined with kashpo or other containers.

On video: Lion zev (antirrinum) TWINNI F1

Flowers lion zev (lat. antirrhinum), or antirinum - The genus of grassy plants of the family of plantains, covering about 50 species of perennials, including the curly, common in the warm belts of the Earth, but mostly in North America. Russians call this plant with "dogs", the British - "Sneppragon" (biting dragon), the French - "Wolf Pustia", and Ukrainians are "Rootiki". From the Greek language, the name "Anti -rhrinum" is translated as "weak-like", "similar to the nose".

The ancient Greek myth tells about the first feat of Hercules when they were defeated by the Municipal Lion, famous for his ferocity and invulnerability. The goddess of Flora handed Hercules created by her in honor of his victory. Beautiful flower, which called "Lion Zev." Since then, Greece has become a tradition to give the heroes of the Lion Zev. In the culture of the flower Lion zev there is about five hundred years, and selection work German scientists were started in the XIX century, and today in the garden of the planet, about 1000 varieties of the lion sewing are grown, and the most interesting form for this variety of forms and hybrids served as an alone species - a large anti-irry (Antirrhinum Majus).

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Planting and care for the lion zev (brief)

  • Landing: In the warm climate, sowing seeds in the ground in April or under the winter. Seed seed seeds in mid-March, seedlings sit down towards mid-May or early April.
  • Bloom: From middle of summer to deep autumn.
  • Lighting: Bright sunlight or half day.
  • The soil: Well-fertilous, breathable, light drum soils with pH 6.0-7.0, aligned with a depth of 30-40 cm.
  • Watering: Only in the mornings in the arid, abundant.
  • Feeding: 2-3 times before the flowering start with full mineral fertilizer.
  • Reproduction: Seeds and cuttings.
  • Pests: TLL, Galov nematodes, Cellic ticks, scoops, trips, slugs.
  • Diseases: phytofluorosis, fusariosis, verticillosis, black leg, septoria, sclerotiniosis and peristorosis.

Read more about the cultivation of the Lion Seva Read below

Flower Lion Zev - Description

Plant Lion zev is a semi-staple or herbate plants With straight, branched green thin-robbed stems from 15 cm to one meter, the height forming the bustles of the pyramidal form. The top leaves of the lion zea are the next, the lower - the opposite, in shape they are elongated, oval or lanceal, painting from light green to dark green with red streaks.

Flowers are fragrant, rather large, incorrect, double, depending on the varieties are simple or terry, assembled into cooled inflorescences, are painted in white, yellow, pink, gentle-fawn, all shades of red, but there are also two-color and even three-color varieties. The fruit is a two-nephered multiferous box, in one gram from 5,000 to 8000 seeds. The bloom of the lion zea begins usually in June and ends with frosts.

Most often, long-term in nature Lion zev in gardening is grown as annolete plantBut with good care and favorable conditions, the cold-resistant lion zev can successfully fall in the garden and blooming the previous one for the next year. In garden design, antirrinum is grown as a border plant, although the lion zev and on the flower bed look great, and planted with groups on the background of a green lawn. Often, the lion's zev is used to decorate balconies and terraces.

Of particular interest in the flower water today cause ampeline forms of the lion's oz that can be grown in suspended structures For decorating terraces and galleries.

In the photo: Blossom of the lion's oz in the garden

Growing the lion's seeding

Sowing the Lion Zeva

Lion zev multiplies with a generative and vegetative ways. The seeds of the lion seed retain the ability to germinate for several years. If you live in a warm climate, you can grow the lion's zev from seeds, sow them directly to the ground, and they will go through two and a half or three weeks, having survived even a slight night cooling, usual for spring, but in areas where heat It comes gradually, it is better to take advantage of the eve of the cultivation of the lion zea. How to grow a lion zev from seeds with a seedy way? This process is not distinguished by the complexity of execution or labor intensity.

So, sEW LIVE ZEV: In early March In a lap with a diameter of at least 10 cm with drainage holes, sack coarse sand, and on top of sand - mixed with sand with sand, sealing it, align, spraying with a sprayer and distribute to her surface as mixed with sand seeds, which are then covering from above The thin layer of the same substrate, moisturize it from a finely dispersed pulverizer and cover a flaile with a glass.

We remove the condensate every day from the glass, give sowing to make up and as necessary moisturize the soil from the sprayer. At a temperature of 23 ºC and moderate humidity of the substrate, the sprouts will appear in a couple of weeks. As soon as this happens, move the flame in a light intimate place so that they do not stretch, and, as soon as the appearance of germs acquire a massive character (after 3-4 days), remove the glass.

In the photo: The cultivation of the lion's seed

Seedling of lion zea

The seedlings will continue to grow slowly, and your task in this period is to monitor the correct soil moisture, watering the soil in the morning so that the moisture is in sufficiency, but not in excess, as this may lead to the disease of the seedlings with a black leg. "Fallen" sprouts need to be removed by tweezers, and then the place on which they grew, sweeping with integral coal or sprinkle with a small number of calcined and cooled river sand. After the appearance of a pair of real - not semi-frame - leaves, shoots dive into the container or drawer, having them so that they grow freely.

Seeders can be searched into personal pots or, for example, to dive three sprouts into larger pots.

Place the sawn seedlings in a bright place, protecting them from direct sunlight, and begin to gradually teach to the environment and temperature in which they have to be after the transplantation to open soil: open the day for a day, but make sure that the seedlings did not turn out to be in draft. The central escape of each seedlings after the development of 4-5 leaves must be seen for enhancing the body, but if the side shoots also go into growth too actively, pinpoint them.

In the photo: Red lion zev

Lion landing

When to plant a lion zev

At the end of May - the beginning of June, the stunned, strengthened and tempered seedlings are planted into the open ground. And do not be afraid of the last night cooling: your young "lies" calmly will be survived. A plot for the cultivation of the lion seva can be both sunny and slightly shaded, but necessarily well-drained and protected from a strong wind. The soil requires light and nutritious. Best Soil for Lion Zea - Sand, compost and peat mixture in approximately equal proportions. The optimal hydrogen temperature indicator for the lion's oz pH 6-8.

In the photo: Lion zev on flowerbed

How to plant a lion zev

Planting flowers Lion zev is performed according to such a scheme: Tall varieties are planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, the average - at a distance of 30 cm, low-spirited - after 20 cm, dwarf - after 15 cm. As soon as the lion's zev is rooted, it starts very Quickly grow and turn into a lush flowering bush. Should know that lion's landing is carried out in well-moistened soil.

Lion Zev Care

How to grow lion zev

This plant is unpretentious and needs only in what anyone needs garden flower: in watering, soil looser, the removal of weeds and feeding. You will have to water the plants only in a dry time when there is no rain, but not at night. The day after irrigation or on the same day, it is advisable to break the earth and put the weeds. Tall grades of the lion zea preferably tie to the support. Faded flowers are better to overtake that the plant does not spend force on them.

If you want to achieve a long-term blossom from the lion's oz, do not allow it to tie seeds, remove the floral arrow as soon as the last flowers started. Cut the blooming is needed under the lowest flower, then new arrows and new flowers will appear.

As soon as the plant arrives in the ground after landing, it is necessary to feed it with a nitroposka and organic, the second feeder is carried out when the lion's zev starts to form buds, and in this case the urea solution, potassium sulfate and superphosphate at the same tablespoon of each ingredient per 10 liters are used. water.

On the picture: Pink flowers Antirrinuma

Pests and diseases of the lion zea

Sometimes the plants appear red rust stains, can hit the lion's septoria zev, a black leg, gray or root rot. Sick copies must be immediately removed and burn, and the soil in the place where they grew, treat the antifungal drug (