What kind of sand for the foundation is a career or river? What sand is better for the pillow under the foundation of the river or career? What sand is used for the foundation.

It will be necessary to take care of the purchase of building materials for the preparation of concrete. Special attention is recommended to pay the sand. After all, from its quality and origin will largely depend on how strong the solution to masonry the base of the dwelling will be. About what sand for the foundation is better, told below.

Sand, in the upper bed of which there are large third-party substances more than 5 mm, is not suitable for the solution on the foundation.

Quality material

The sand is a bulk building material, which refers to the type of sedimentary rocks. At the same time, it is also obtained artificially - by crushing stone and rubble. But no matter what you decide to acquire the type of sand, first of all, it should be high quality, that is, clean. The presence of various organics in it - branches, herbs, leaves and other things - is unacceptable. Of course, you can always clean the contaminated building material, after performing it, however, it takes a lot of strength and time to do this. In addition, you should not forget that in addition to organic pollution, the sand may contain various impurities: lime, clay and so on. Their presence in bulk building material is defined exactly extremely problematic. Especially make cleaning sand from them. It should be remembered that the impurity content is allowed only in the amount of 5% of the total mass. If the amount of clay or lime in the sand is higher, it will lead to a deterioration in concrete strength, which, in turn, will negatively affect the durability of the finished foundation.

To determine which sand the manufacturer offers you, ideally you need to go to make an examination to the laboratory. Only then will be able to find out the exact amount of impurities content. However, not everyone has the opportunity to make it, because it is expensive. Therefore, it is proposed to go to another way and check what sand offers the manufacturer in the field. Many builders use a method that lies in a transparent plastic or glass bottle to pour on 1/3 of sand and pour up to half the volume with water. After that, the container is thoroughly shaken so that the bulk building material is moistened as much as possible. Then they leave it for 5-7 minutes and then they look at what water has become. If it is dirty, then it is impossible to do from such sand. If a third-party substance is present on the upper layer, the thickness of which is more than 5 mm, then such a building material is also not suitable for the construction of the base of the house. If the water remained transparent and third-party substances in it less than 5 mm or they are not at all, then you can make a foundation from such sand.

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Humidity of material

Career sand is mined by the destruction of rocks, and the quality of this material is very low.

During the purchase of this building material, its humidity should be taken into account. It can have different meanings. In this case, the optimal is considered humidity from 1 to 5%. It is with such that it is necessary to buy sand. To find out this parameter, you can use the following method: Take a metal pan, weigh it (in kg), then on the scales, measure 1 kg of sand and place it in the container, then put it on the stove and learn on low heat for 30 minutes, stirring Mixture from time to time. When such a process is completed, immediately put a saucepan on the scales and see the total weight, and then take the weight of the tank from it and divide the resulting result by 100. The final figure will be the indicator of humidity in percent.

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What kind of sand to choose?

By purchasing sand, you need to know exactly what its view is best suited for the construction of the base for the house. So, you need to get acquainted in more detail each of its variety. They are as follows:

River sand, due to the sizes of fractions from 1.6 to 2.2 mm, used for solutions of concrete for the foundation, and for interior decoration, and to create drainage systems.

  1. River. It is mined from the bottom of the rivers. His builders consider universal. The dimensions of its fractions are based in the following limits: from 1.6 to 2.2 millimeters. Therefore, it can be used not only for the preparation of concrete for the foundation, but also for finishing the premises, creating drainage systems and so on. It is important that in such a building material there are practically no clay impurities. Therefore, as a rule, it is not required to check it for their presence. In addition, it does not find organic compounds. Accordingly, such sand can be called clean. Because this building material is ideal for the preparation of concrete. Experts recommended to make the foundation based on it. But it should be noted that the river bulk building material is distinguished by a relatively high price. So, it will take to allocate a solid budget for his purchase. If it is not provided, it will be necessary to make a choice in favor of another species.
  2. Nautical. This type of building material is mined from the bottom of the seas. It goes with seashell particles and various impurities. But before you put it to buyers, manufacturers carry out its cleaning. Therefore, it can be used to build a foundation, pre-convinced that the manufacturer conscientiously made it filtering from impurities and organic substances.
  3. Career. This species is inferior to the quality of the first two. Its mining occurs through the destruction of rocks. Buying such a building material is always very economical, since the price of it is installed extremely low. And if you have allocated completely few cash on the construction of the foundation, the acquisition of career sand will become an excellent solution. But it will be necessary to pay special attention to its quality, since in most cases it leaves much to be desired.

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What kind of sand fraction to choose?

Such a building material, like sand, is divided into fractions for several species. Graduation looks like this:

  1. Very thin - sand fractions do not exceed 0.7 mm. Such a building material is unsuitable for the construction of the foundation, as it turns out with minimal strength.
  2. Thin - fractions from 0.7 to 1 mm. Builders do not recommend using this concrete material. It will not differ good density.
  3. Very small - the size of fractions up to 1.5 mm. It can be used to create a foundation, but you need to consider that it will have not too high performance.
  4. Small - the size of fractions from 1.5 to 2 mm. It is not sufficiently well for the preparation of concrete, since it takes a large amount of cement on its creation, which leads to an increase in the cost of building a foundation.
  5. The average is the size of the fraction ranges from 2 to 2.5 mm. Ideal for the construction of the foundation. It is his construction professionals that recommend using. Therefore, it is worth stopping your choice on such sand.
  6. Large fraction up to 3 mm. This material is used exclusively for the preparation of high-quality concrete. It is unprofitable to make an ordinary solution from it.
  7. Increased size - fractions up to 3.5 mm. With the help of it create foundations on sand, that is, they make pillows necessary to increase the strength of the base of the building and the uniform load distribution.

When choosing sand, you need to pay attention to its face. They must be sharp because the material with such a form increases the binding qualities of the concrete solution.

Before starting the construction of the foundation, take care of buying suitable materials from which you can cook high-quality concrete.

The greatest attention should be paid to the sand, since the strength of the solution depends on it.

Sand - bulk material related to sedimentary categories. It can be obtained from quarries or create an artificial method by crushing crushed stone and stone.

Regardless of how the selected variety is manufactured, the main criterion, which he must have - purity. It is important that there are no impurities of organic and inorganic materials, pebbles, leaves, herbs.

If you bought low-grade building material, it will be necessary to perform cleaning by seeking, which requires additional labor costs and take time. Cleaning does not save sand from small sera - clay and lime particles.

According to the technical standards, the content is allowed to 5% impurities. When the number of particles above this value, it is impossible to make the maximum durable concrete. And the foundation built from poor-quality raw materials is short-lived.

To understand how good the raw materials are, it is best to give it to an expert laboratory analysis. This is the only way to find out all the characteristics. True, the procedure will have to pay money. But there is an economical way to independently analyze the raw materials. You will need:

  • In the transparent container, pour sand up to a third of the volume;
  • To fill with water;
  • Thoroughly shake the container so that the contents are as impregnated as much as possible;
  • Do not touch the bottle of 10 minutes so that all small grace of downtime.

If the water remained a dirty or upper layer clogged by third-party substances with a thickness of 5 mm, such a material cannot be taken for the foundation.

If the water hat has remained transparent, and there are no third-party particles, feel free to knead the concrete from this sand.

Suitable humidity

Much of building materials is of great importance. The best indicator is 1-5%.

Find out whether the humidity is normal from your raw material, so you can:

  • Take a metal saucepan, weigh it;
  • Pump there exactly 1 kilogram of sand;
  • Using the kitchen stove, warm the feast of half an hour, stirring the content from time to time;
  • Then measure the weight of the tank. Of the existing values, deduct a mass of the pan. The result is divided into a hundred;
  • The final number is a percentage of humidity.

Selecting the type of sand

According to the method of mining, the following types of this building material are distinguished:

River. As can be seen from the name, it is mined from the bottom of the rivers. It is considered universal. Ideal for foundations and interior decoration. Allows you to create drainage systems. An important plus is the absence of clay impurities and organic matter. But it is expensive.

Nautical. Since it is mined from the bottom of the seas, fragments of seashells and other objects can come across. Manufacturers usually thoroughly clean such sand before delivering to customers. It is recommended before purchasing a large batch to analyze some amount in the laboratory.

Career. Quality is lower than that of sea and river. It is mined by the destruction of rocks. Often, clay and other impurities are found consisting of career sand. This is an economical option, but the quality is usually not high enough to build a reliable foundation.

Examination will help choose which sand is better suitable for your area.

For quality you have to pay. If you do not have a big budget, it is better to die more money and conceive with construction. After all, the foundation is too important part of the house to save on it.

What size grades is better

According to sand fractions, there are several types:

Very thin (less than 0.7 mm). Cannot be used in the foundation, even when to build a small one-storey house. Such sand does not allow to get a fairly strong concrete.

Thin (thinner 1 mm). It is impossible to make concrete from it. This fraction does not allow to achieve the required level of density.

Small (up to 0.15 cm). It is used for the foundation when it is necessary to build a small-sized building (up to 1-2 floors).

Average (0.2 - 0.25 cm). This fraction is suitable for filling the foundation, so experts recommend using it.

With sandbags to 0.3 centimeters thick. Such varieties are too expensive. Of these, high-quality concrete is made, and it is impractical in everyday construction. Suitable under the foundation of high-rise buildings.

Super-broom. The magnitude of the fraction is less than 0.35 cm. Suitable, increasing the strength of the building and helps evenly distribute the load. The varieties are suitable for the construction of skyscrapers.

Do not forget to inspect the edge of the grains through the magnifying glass. What they are sharper, the better astonish properties will have concrete.

How much sand is required

The appropriate is considered 5 parts of the sand to 1 grade cement. If you want to use and crushed, then the ratio will be as follows: 4 Sand shares, 2 - rubble and 1 part of cement. It makes no sense to try to find another ideal recipe. The proportions are tested by decades of practice.

The quality of cement is also important. Some brands have such characteristics that they are required to add a little less or more, but in small scale this difference is not significant.

It is impossible to experiment in order to save. There is a risk of paying both money and own security.

If you buy a lot of cheap sand and knead the concrete from it, then with time the building will see and collapse.

Many know that there is a sandy pillow under the foundation, however, not everyone can say exactly why it is needed and how it is created. As a result, newcomers in construction business often raw sand into the trench without any understanding and eventually only harm the whole design.

The pillow under the basement sole can perform three functions:

  • Leveling. If the soil is not poured and not movable, then the only task of sand is to align the bottom of the trench or pit for uniform placement of the solution or the correct load distribution from the FBS.
  • Compensating. Bunched soils under the support of the house in winter can strongly affect the load distribution, leading in difficult cases to the destruction of the concrete tape or plate.

    In this case, the object's task is to compensate for deformation, reduce them to an acceptable level for this foundation.

    Replacing if an organometallic or organic soil (for example is a peat), then you have to put up with continued decomposition processes.

    In this case, the soil will necessarily be movable, bunched and characterized by a low bearing capacity. It has to be removed on a greater depth, until the end of the organic layer and fall asleep with sand trench.

Which thickness need a pillow under the foundation, depends on which function it performs in this particular case.

Cushion device

The easiest way to create a subtype that performs an aligning role. As a rule, its thickness in this case does not exceed 15-20 cm. It is enough to fall asleep sand, carefully align, shed it with a small amount of water - moisturize and then ravage.

But this minimum you can do either on non-empty soils, or in the case of a deep linkage of the foundation, below the level of friction and support for non-deformable soil layers. In other cases, it is necessary to lay a compensation pillow. Its dimensions depend on the width of the soles of the foundation. The exact data can be calculated on the table.

50-70 2.4 * B. 1,2 * B.
70-100 2 * B. 1,15 * B.
100-120 1.8 * B. 1.1 * B.

For example, if the foundation is laid with a width of 60 cm, then the pillow width will be 60 * 2.4 \u003d 144 cm, and the height is 60 * 1.2 \u003d 72 cm. Ribbon foundation with a ribbon width Over 120 cm in a compensating pillow does not need .

A compensating sand pillow is laid as follows:

Sand is considered not a bunched material, also due to its structure, it prevents the capillary increase in moisture from the underlying layers to concrete. But this is all characteristic only for sand, not filled with water.

If a lot of moisture falls under the foundation, then it can radically change the properties of the pillow.

Therefore, in the area with a high level of groundwater or where there is a chance of getting under the concrete of sedimentary waters, it is mandatory to provide a moisture dreament system - drainage.

The process of bookmarking under the foundation of the replacement pillow fundamentally from compensating is not different. Only the role of geotextiles and water removal system increases. In any case, an important point is the correct traam. It is worth considering more.

See our video selection on the topic:

How to compact?

Pure sand practically does not give a shrinkage, but only after the proper seal. If you neglect this procedure and fulfill it unfair, high risk of drawdown with the subsequent destruction of the foundation.

So that everything turned out properly, the following rules should be followed:

It is more convenient and faster on sealing using vibrating lips or a special construction vibrator.

In some cases, you can use road construction techniques, and sometimes it turns out to be traaming manually.

What a way to choose is depends on the characteristics of the site and capabilities.

Selection of sand

Few people think about what sand is to choose for a pillow under the foundation. Take the one that will bring. However, the properties of this material affect the properties of the intake to a no less degree than the correctness of its bookmark.

For the foundation pillow, a washing career or river material is best suited.

The perfect choice is grave. Do not forget that other materials that meet the requirements presented are allowed.

However, it is difficult to correctly determine the loads and properties of one or another soil at home, so the easiest way to take the material that is guaranteed to fulfill its task.

See our video selection on the creation of a sandy pillow:

PROFFU »Records» Materials and Tools »Sandwife under the foundation

Before starting construction work, many pre-calculate the required amount of material. This is the right approach to such a serious cause. But at this stage, many questions arise. One of them: What sand is needed for the foundation?

The choice of such a material should be paid to special attention, since it is an important component, one of the main components used in the manufacture of concrete. From the quality of the mixture of the mixture and will depend on the durability of the foundation - the future foundation of the house. The modern market offers a huge range of sand, both natural and artificial. How to decide on the choice so that the foundation does not suffer from it, the article will tell.

Even inseparable in matters of construction, a person will be able to guess that for the foundation it is suitable exceptionally pure sand. Initially, various organic elements may be present in it: small twigs, grass and so on. For construction work, such material is not suitable, so there must be a seeded sand, cleaned of extraneous garbage.

However, simple shift cannot do if we are talking about such impurities as lime or clay. It is much more complicated to clean like sand, so when buying building materials, it is necessary to immediately pay attention. Permissible clay content in the sand is not more than five percent of the total mass, especially if a solution is made for the foundation. Otherwise, the building after a while will give shrinkage, cracks and will not be particularly reliable.

Check purity of sand

Before you choose which sand is needed for the foundation, you should check its purity. For this, a simple method is usually used. It will take any empty transparent bottle (glass or plastic). On one third, sand is falling asleep and filled with water half. Then the bottle is then intensely, so that the components are pretty mixed with each other. After that, they put it and wait five minutes for about ten minutes. If the water in the bottle became muddy and dirty, then such sand is not suitable for the foundation. If a foreign substance appeared on the surface, the layer of which exceeds the half-meter, then such a material cannot be taken too.

Now consider what kind of sand varieties exist.

Sand species for mounds

To ensure the reliability of the construction under construction, according to the standards, it is necessary to use bulk mixtures. The market realizes sedimentary rocks in three types, depending on the place of their extraction. This is the sand:

  • career;
  • river;
  • nautical.

To answer the question of which one is most suitable for the foundation pillow, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics and nuances of using each type.

Career sand

This raw material is mined in quarries, breaking rocks. An important indicator of reliability and strength of career sand is the parameter of its humidity. Admissible is the ratio from one to five percent. Suitable humidity can be determined visually. From the sand it will not be possible to blind a tight lump - he simply crushes.

The cheapest material is considered precisely the career sand. The price of it hesitates from three hundred to seven scores per cube. This is due to its low quality due to the large amount of clay impurities and other substances. Nevertheless, this raw material is considerable in demand.

Types of career sand

Depending on the type of processing, quartz raw materials is classified as follows.

1. Sand soil. This is a crude mixture with various impurities. As a rule, it align the country areas and fall asleep trenches.

2. Mooked sand. It is produced from waterfront deposits using hydromechanical equipment. The technology allows you to assemble the mixture without any impurities and unnecessary components. This material is used in the production of roads, paving slabs, concrete, bricks and reinforced concrete products.

3. Sedane sand. It is purified by a technical and mechanical method from large particles and stones. Typically, such raw materials are used to prepare the mass of plaster, laying solutions and in the casting of stone products.

River sand

This raw material is mined from the bottom of freshwater rivers. It rarely contains organic compounds and impurities. Therefore, river sand is considered a clean and natural product, which is designed for multipurpose use. This is the perfect material for laying the foundation, creating drainage and dilution of the solutions required for the interior decoration of the house. Due to the natural grinding of river sand, has a perfectly smooth shape and a small fraction within two millimeters.

Thanks to all listed advantages, this material becomes universal and desirable, but rather expensive raw materials for the foundation. Thus, the price of building sand, mined from the river, may vary from seven hundred to one thousand rubles per cube.

Classification of river sand

The raw material from the bottom of the river can be very different from each other. Therefore, it should be sorted out with a variety of grains. They can be several fractions: from 0.7 to 5 millimeters. The saturation of small sands is very sitting and tamped, so it is suitable only for lightweight buildings. Also distinguish the following types of bulk river material.

1. Large sand. These are pebbles of about five millimeters. They are obtained by splitting rocks with special crushing and grinding equipment.

2. Coarse sand. It has unobtrusive neutral color, is mined in dry rivers. Ideal for decoration and decoration of the room.

3. Mytoy river sand. These are medium-sized grains. They have gray or yellow, since they include iron and silicon oxides.

Positive sides of river sand

River sedimentary breeds have several positive qualities that are of great importance for the construction of the foundation. They meet technical and aesthetic requirements, do not rot and are not exposed to an aggressive environment. River sand is characterized by high moisture resistance and excellent noise insulation. It is also safe and environmentally friendly material.

For the construction of multi-storey buildings, only a large-phrase type is used, and the average baby will be suitable for sieves. Also, river sand is ideal for landscaping, playgrounds, landscape works and room decoration.

Sea sand

Sea crumb is also exactly the material as needed for the foundation. The sand is not very better than the river, but sometimes worse. This is explained by the presence of organic impurities (algae, seashells) and foreign objects. But the sea sand is necessarily purified from strangers and washed, so it is considered clean and high-quality. Due to this, this material is the most expensive, and not everyone is ready to pay for it. It is more appropriate to use sea crumb for construction where it is sold and cheaper.

Sand fractions

Any sand can be classified by its size. Experts allocate the following varieties of fractions.

  • Very thin. It is a grain of a size of about 0.7 millimeters. They are suitable for the arrangement of playgrounds and are unsuitable for construction.
  • Thin. Crupines in size reach from 0.7 to 1.0 millimeters. This is a loose material. You can not use such sand for construction, but it will be not bad for the preparation of skinny concrete.
  • Small fraction. It is a grapple size of 1.5-2.0 millimeters. When it is used, the consumption of cement mixture increases.
  • Average. Cruppers (2.0-2.5 millimeters) can be used to create standard concrete.
  • Large. Sand particles in magnitude reach three millimeters. This fraction is ideal for breeding a high-quality concrete mix, which will be used in large-scale construction.
  • Very large. Particles are more than three millimeters in diameter. They are added to the foundation pillow and are used to distribute the mass of the structure.

Sand selection for foundation

So what is the sand, river or career? Experts converge in the opinion that the first option is most suitable for the construction of foundations. It will create a layer, which will increase the strength, stability of the building, will prevent "walking" and the formation of cracks.

However, the river sand will not be for the pocket. In this case, it is allowed to use a career crumb, but must be soothing. A sandy-gravel mixture is also suitable, which improves the quality of the laying under the pillow.

Required amount of sand

Usually, one part of the cement is taken for five parts of the sand. But this calculation is suitable if the solution is made only from these two components. Sand, rubble and cement ratio for the foundation will be completely different. As a rule, they are taken in the following proportions: four parts of sand, two parts of rubble and one - cement.

As can be seen from the calculations, the sand should always be taken more than the other components. The number of materials itself directly depends on the height of the pillow and the building itself. Sand is better to buy with a small margin so that you do not have to buy it at an inappropriate moment. The remains can be accommodated for the preparation of solutions on the decoration of the walls or their masonry.


Answering the question of which sand is needed for the foundation, it should be noted that the ideal option is considered the river grains of the middle fraction. Such material has excellent properties for construction purposes. It allows you to build the most durable foundation that will flash for a long time and will be an excellent basis for the construction.

Purchase sand is necessary from reliable manufacturers, so as not to stumble upon poor-quality raw materials. It is recommended to check the material before purchasing the level of humidity and the number of extraneous impurities. It is also worth paying attention to the compliance of the procurement size. As a rule, in the cubic meter there should be approximately one and a half tons of sand.

When bookmarking the foundation, it is important correctly and competently choose building materials. Especially carefully you need to choose sand, as it is it depends on the strength of the solution for the foundationSo, the strength of the whole base. To the question of which sand is better to choose for the foundation, will reply in this article.

Sand selection

Sand for foundation is a bulk material obtained by from sedimentary rocks or artificial creation. The quality of sand does not depend on its method of receipt, it is important to take into account only its purity.

If you can find foreign objects in the size of a more half astimeter, it is not suitable for booking the foundation. The branches, leaves, organic trash can relate to foreign subjects.

Of course, you can try to clean the sand yourself, taking a sieve and sift it, but only imagine how much time and effort you will go to this process. Asking sand, you just remove large impurities, and what about the content of such elements that are undesirable in the sand for the construction of the foundation of the house, such as lime or clay.

It is better immediately choose high-quality sand and start working. Remember that high-quality sand suitable for the manufacture of the solution should not contain more than 5% impurities. In addition, a large number of additives will worsen the strength of the sand, which will affect the foundation and house or building. Content gravel in the sand should not exceed 10%Since gravel is a constituent element of a solution for filling the foundation.

End, ideal sand you can detect only by conducting a special examination of his compliance with all standards in the laboratory, learn the percentage of impurities in the total mass and other indicators. But such an examination is a costly and long process, therefore i can determine the quality of the sand can be appropriate methods.

Fall off the sand, in a transparent bottle, by a third, and then pour up half with clean water and shake. After that, give a mixture stand for 5 minutes and look at the transparency of water. If it has become inspired and dirty, then the sand contains a lot of impurities. The emerging foreign substances, also a bad sign, and such sand is unsuitable for construction. If the water is transparent and without impurities, then the sand is ideal for booking the foundation.

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Sand origin

What sand is better - career or river, let's talk in this part.

Career sand

Career sand is mined in a quarry, destroying rocks. It is lower quality than river, but there are exceptions. When choosing a career sand an important factor in its reliability and strength is the humidity parameter. Its percentage should be from 1 to 5%. The humidity of 5% is determined on the eye in that it is impossible to make a tight ball or snowball from the sand - it crumbles.

To properly determine the humidity parameter, you can resort to the following method. To determine the humidity of the career sand, take the container, weigh it. Then, weigh 1 kg of sand in it and hold for about half an hour at a weak heating temperature, and then weigh the sand. Humidity will be calculated by the formula: the sand mass after heating is minus the mass of the container, divided by 100.

Career sand is cheaper at a price than river, since its production method is less expensive.

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River sand

The river sand is ideal for laying a foundation, and is also used in the dilution of solutions for the interior finish of the house or the creation of drainage. Therefore, such sand universal and multifunctional. Its small fraction from one and a half to two millimeters and the absence of impurities make it welcome, but expensive building material.

In addition to river sand allocate nauticalbut in modern construction it is applied there, from where it can be quickly brought, otherwise it the price exceeds even river. In quality, it is not better than the river, and sometimes even worse due to the impurities of the organicities (shells, algae) and foreign objects.

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Sand fractions

Depending on the size of the sand in the sand, the following types of fractions are distinguished:

  • Very thin Contains grades size up to 0.7 mmBut due to the low fraction is unsuitable for the foundation. The foundation based on it will turn out as low as possible.
  • Thin Contains sandbank sizes from 0.7 to 1 mm. Such sand is not thin, therefore it is also not suitable for the solution of the foundation. Usually thin sands are used to fill concrete.
  • Very small Contains grades size to one and a halfBut still not suitable for filling the foundation, since the strength will still be optimal.
  • Small Contains grades size from one and a half to 2 mm. And again it is not suitable for filling the foundation because of the large cost of cement for him.
  • Middle Contains sandbank sizes from 2 to 2.5 mm And perfect for filling the foundation because of its strength and high performance properties.
  • Large Contains sandbank sizes up to 3 mm and is intended for the manufacture of concrete high-quality and expensive marks. Such sand is very expensive.
  • Sand increased size Contains sandbank sizes up to 3.5 mm and is used for the manufacture of sand pillows, designed to increase the strength of the base and distribute the load on all angles evenly.

Fill the foundation assumes that the verge of the middle sand you choose should be sharp. It is the sharp edges of the grace that increases the operational properties of the solution and make it as strong as possible.

The foundation in Latin means "base", the fate of the entire structure depends on its strength and reliability. That is why it is so important for this part of the buildings to choose quality materials. Not only the brand of binder, but also aggregates - sand and crushed stone affect the fortress of concrete base.

Consider the main properties, advantages and disadvantages of the most common construction sands - river and career, compare them and try to answer the question of which one is more suitable for the construction of the foundation.

Construction sand

Natural sand is a loose bulk rock of sedimentary origin, has a crystalline structure with grain size up to 5 mm and consists of destroyed mineral residues, most often quartz with a small number of other enclosures.

Requirements for it as a building material, according to GOST 8736-93, include such parameters such as grain size, its bulk and true density, permissible limit of the content of dust and clay particles, harmful impurities, radionuclides.

River sand

River sand is mined in river rivers. It is characterized by homogeneous consistency, good fluidity, the average size of the pellets in the range of 1.5-2.5 mm. Due to the long-term natural flushing, it is clean, the grains have the right retreed form.

It is believed that this is the highest quality aggregate for a concrete solution, the strength of which is especially important when the supporting structures is erected. The pluses of the material, as a rule, include the following features.

  • It does not contain clay and or etched particles that are unacceptable in cement-sand solutions and worsen their quality.
  • The oval shape of the crystal in the process of preparation of the concrete mix is \u200b\u200bnot compacted, the cement milk evenly envelops them, and the finished concrete practically does not give a shrinkage.

River sand

He has disadvantages.

  • The kneader with this type of aggregate requires more cement and more thorough mixing.
  • This is the most expensive construction sand.

Career sand

The most common and affordable concrete filler. Careers with its development are everywhere, manufacturers with excess saturate the market inexpensive and demanded products.

Unlike the river analogue, the career sand has a wider range of fractions, the granules of the wrong shape, angular. Contains a fairly large percentage of impurities, including dust, organic, clay, rock fragments.

There are several ways to enrich it.

Creamy (Washing) product is obtained by technology of special directional hydraulic methods on the mountain mass, followed by its upwardness. As a result, cleaning from foreign substances, primarily clay deposits.

The second method of enrichment is sifting through the SIT system, which delay large wreckage of stones, whose clay, etc.

Sand career development

Despite the fact that the career sand in quality is inferior to the river, it is in demand in the construction industry and has a number of advantages.

  • Much more often occurs.
  • Less cement goes on the preparation of concrete - this is due to the property of irregular shape crystals is stronger.
  • It has an attractive price.
  • The enriched product complies with the highest standards.

Among the shortcomings, experienced builders noted the following.

  • Career sand contains a larger percentage of organic clay and dust particles - up to 7% against 0.05% in a river analogue.
  • Due to the structural composition, it settles, compacted at the time of the setting and frozen of concrete. The finished design gives a shrink to 1 mm per 1 cm.

Criterias of choice

Most builders in the selection of sand for the foundation converge in one - fraction, the minimum percentage of foreign substances and the density is much more important than the origin or place of production.

High-quality sandy aggregate must comply with the following criteria.

  1. The most acceptable grain size module is from 1.5 to 3 mm.
  2. The limit content of organic and clay impurities is 3-5%.
  3. It should not contain harmful components capable of entering a chemical reaction with alkalis of cement - silicon dioxides, sulfur, chlorine, etc.
  4. There are no more than 370 BC / kg as part of active radionuclides, which corresponds to the I class of radioactivity.

An important point that allows you to monitor the quality of the products delivered is its bulk weight. The average for pure dry sand - 1500 kg / m3. Little weight says about the presence of foreign impurities, more - about high humidity.

In natural form, these criteria correspond to river sand. A sown or wicked career is not inferior to him. But if the requirements for future buildings are low, and the foundation will not be subject to large loads, then the inexpensive filler from the nearby career is quite suitable.

Number of sand under the house

Many are wondering how to correctly calculate the volume of the components of the concrete mix, necessary for the construction of the base of the house.

For the fill of the foundation, a concrete is not lower than M300. The preparation of 1 m3 is approximately 650 kg of sand. Calculate the volumetric rates of your foundation (multiply the height to the width and depth) and calculate the sand tonnage, then transfer it to the volume at the rate of 1.5 t / m3.

The sand always needs to be bought with a small margin (15-20%) to the calculated figure - this material has the property to be compacted, part of it dispels on the site during transportation, something is useful for the subference.


What sand is needed for foundation

Before starting construction work, many first calculate and harvest the material. It is right and commendable. But at this stage there are different questions, one of them, what sand is needed for the foundation. Sand choose to pay special attention, as it is one of the main and important components used when mixing concrete. And on the quality of the concrete mix, your future foundation, foundation depends on. Taking into account the fact that the market provides a large selection of various sands of both natural and obtained artificially, it is important to choose the most suitable for these work. In this article we will tell how to determine the choice.

Purely theoretically

Chief Criteria - Clean

Anyone who is not knowledgeable in building business and its nuances can guess that it is necessary to choose clean sand for the foundation. In the sand, various organic elements such as grass, branches, and so on may initially be present. For work such sand will not fit, but it can be easily cleaned. Maybe you have repeatedly seen how the workers sift the sand, cleaning it from unwanted elements.

But if we talk about such impurities, like clay, lime and other similar, then there is no simple sifting. Clear such sand is harder, so when buying you need to immediately pay attention to it. The presence of clay in the sand should not exceed 5% of the entire mass, especially if we talk about the foundation solution. Otherwise, the future structure will not differ reliability, will give a shrinkage, and this will lead to cracks. Before buying, it is important to check how clean sand is. You can use a simple way to check.

You will need a transparent bottle, be it glass or plastic. It is necessary to fall asleep sand on 1/3 and fill with water to half. Further shake the bottle intensively so that the sand is stirred with water and completely wet. After that, put it and wait 5-10 minutes. If the water has become dirty, this sand is not suitable for the foundation. If a foreign substance was formed on the surface, layer more than 5 mm, it is impossible to take such sand. Let's look at what kind of sand is what they differ and what type of sand is better to purchase for the foundation.

Sand varieties

River sand

Sands are divided into several types, depending on the place of mining:

  1. River.
  2. Nautical.
  3. Career.

The name of the river sand itself says that it is mined from the river bottom. This is a universal material, since it contains fractions of different sizes - from 1.6 mm to 2.2 mm. Thanks to this, it is used not only for filling the foundation, but also for different construction purposes. Name the main advantage of river sand is its natural purity and homogeneity. Clay, vegetation particles and other impurities in it are very few. Such sand is ideal for the foundation. Only here it is large enough.


The sea sand is mined from the bottom of the sea, after which it is cleaned of the sewer and other impurities. Difference of such sand is its graininess, which is about 1 mm. This size of the granules makes it possible to use it for the construction of reinforced concrete structures. It can be called quite clean, since it is cleaned before selling it, sip and washed. But for quality you need to pay, so the sea sand is the most expensive.


Career sand is mined by an open way from a career. If you compare it with river and sea sands is the worst option. And it is not surprising, as in its composition a lot of impurities - clay, vegetation and crushed stone. Because of this, the price of such sand is the lowest and is suitable for draft work at the initial stage of construction.

To unambiguously determine which sand is better suitable for concrete, it is important to consider other features. Some masters advise to buy career sand, which is cheaper, referring to the fact that it will not affect the quality of the foundation of the house. Others say the quality is above the price, so you need to choose expensive sand, which will ensure the reliability of the foundation on which it is impossible to save. Be that as it may, it is necessary to consider other features and criteria to help determine the choice.


Better use coarse sand

As mentioned above, the sand should be clean. If it has vegetation or branches in it - it is not scary, they can be selected. But clay, Il, gravel and other particles can lead to a decrease in the quality of the concrete solution. The presence of clay should not exceed 5%. The presence of gravel in percentage of the entire mass should not be more than 5%, and the particle sizes are greater than 10-12 mm. If the size of gravel ranges from 5 mm to 10 mm, then more percentage is allowed - up to 10% of the entire mass.

An important moment when choosing a material is its granulometric composition, that is, the size of the granules. Based on the size of the sand pellets, it is divided into:

  • very thin sand, the size of the granules of which is not more than 0.7 mm. For the manufacture of concrete such sand will be unsuitable;
  • thin sand, the size of the granules of which is from 0.7 mm to 1 mm. This view is also not used for the manufacture of concrete;
  • very small sand, the size of the granules of which is in the range from 1 mm to 1.5 mm. It is not necessary to choose it for concrete;
  • small sand, the size of the granules of 1.5 mm to 2 mm. Not suitable for the preparation of high-quality concrete mix;
  • sand of medium size, the size of the granules from 2 mm to 2.5 mm. It is the sand of such aity perfect for the preparation of a concrete mix under the foundation;
  • large sand, the size of the granules of which ranges from 2.5 mm to 3 mm. It is used for the manufacture of high-quality high-quality concrete;
  • sand of increased size, the size of the granules is from 3 mm to 3.5 mm. Sand such a fraction is better to use for the foundation pillow under the base of the construction.

Very large sand, the size of more than 3.5 mm can also be used for the foundation pillow.

Sand should be dry

Another important point when choosing sand for the foundation - humidity. The content of water in the sand plays the last role, since its quantity must be taken into account when the solution is made with the addition of water. The recommended sand moisture for the foundation should be no more than 5%. The dried breed may have 1% humidity. If the sand fell under precipitation, then its humidity can reach up to 10%.

If you purchased sand, you need to take care of its precipitation protection. To do this, it needs to be covered with something or unload under the canopy. Then he will not absorb excess water.

But how to determine the humidity of the sand? Take advantage of pan or iron bucket. Take the container and put it on the weight. Having learning the weight of the capacity, take 1 kg of sand and fill it with a container. Now you need to dry the sand. To do this, put it on the slab with a weak fire and "cook", stirring, 30 minutes. After expiration, everything is again needed to weigh. From the weighing result, take the weight of a bowl or bucket and multiply the result by 100. As a result, you should have a number in the percentage ratio, which indicates humidity. For clarity: a bucket or a bowl has a weight of 0.2 kg. After you dried 1 kg of sand, the total weight turned 0.9 kg. It turns out:

0.9 - 0.2 x 100 \u003d 70

Humidity of your sand is 7%. There is another method for determining humidity. It is enough just to use a special device that will show an accurate digit.

Let's summarize

Better to buy sand in the place of production

So, having all the data, you need to analyze them and determine the choice. You learned that the ideal sand for the foundation is considered:

  • clean sand, which consists of clay and gravel do not exceed 5% of the whole mass;
  • sand with medium size, the size of the granules is from 2 mm to 2.5 mm;
  • sand, whose humidity does not exceed 5%.

Buying such a building material for the foundation, you must pay attention to these indicators. The most optimal option for the price and quality is washed and dropped career sand, the size of the granules of which is 2-2.5 mm. It is better to buy it directly at the place of mining. If you have money and want your foundation to be durable and stood for a very long time, stop on the river sand of the same fraction. Then your concrete under the foundation will have the necessary qualities.

Buying sand, you should control the process of weighing a loaded and empty dump truck, as there are unscrupulous suppliers who displease sand, stating on you.

We hope that this article helped you figure out what sand to choose for the foundation.

See also:


Tips for the selection of sand below:


How to choose the right sand for the foundation

When bookmarking the foundation, it is important correctly and competently choose building materials. Especially thoroughly, it is necessary to choose sand, since it is precisely that the strength of the solution for the foundation depends on it, which means that the strength of the entire foundation. To the question of which sand is better to choose for the foundation, will reply in this article.

Sand selection

Sand for foundation is a bulk material obtained from sedimentary rocks or artificial creation. The quality of sand does not depend on its method of receipt, it is important to take into account only its purity.

If you can find foreign objects in the size of a more half astimeter, it is not suitable for booking the foundation. The branches, leaves, organic trash can relate to foreign subjects.

Of course, you can try to clean the sand yourself, taking a sieve and sift it, but only imagine how much time and effort you will go to this process. Asking sand, you just remove large impurities, and what about the content of such elements that are undesirable in the sand for the construction of the foundation of the house, such as lime or clay.

It is better to immediately choose high-quality sand and proceed to work. Remember that high-quality sand suitable for the manufacture of the solution should not contain more than 5% impurities. In addition, a large number of additives will worsen the strength of the sand, which will affect the foundation and house or building. The gravel content in the sand should not exceed 10%, since gravel is an integral element of the solution for filling the foundation.

End, ideal sand you can detect only by conducting a special examination of his compliance with all standards in the laboratory, learn the percentage of impurities in the total mass and other indicators. But such an examination is a costly and long process, therefore, it is possible to determine the quality of sand with infirred methods.

Fall off the sand, in a transparent bottle, by a third, and then pour up half with clean water and shake. After that, let the mixture stand for 5 minutes and look at the transparency of water. If it has become inspired and dirty, then the sand contains a lot of impurities. The emerging foreign substances, also a bad sign, and such sand is unsuitable for construction. If the water is transparent and without impurities, then the sand is ideal for booking the foundation.

When bookmarking the foundation, it is important correctly and competently choose building materials. Especially carefully you need to choose sand, as it is it depends on the strength of the solution for the foundationSo, the strength of the whole base. To the question of which sand is better to choose for the foundation, will reply in this article.

Sand selection

Sand for foundation is a bulk material obtained by from sedimentary rocks or artificial creation. The quality of sand does not depend on its method of receipt, it is important to take into account only its purity.

If you can find foreign objects in the size of a more half astimeter, it is not suitable for booking the foundation. The branches, leaves, organic trash can relate to foreign subjects.

Of course, you can try to clean the sand yourself, taking a sieve and sift it, but only imagine how much time and effort you will go to this process. Asking sand, you just remove large impurities, and what about the content of such elements that are undesirable in the sand for the construction of the foundation of the house, such as lime or clay.

It is better immediately choose high-quality sand and start working. Remember that high-quality sand suitable for the manufacture of the solution should not contain more than 5% impurities. In addition, a large number of additives will worsen the strength of the sand, which will affect the foundation and house or building. Content gravel in the sand should not exceed 10%Since gravel is a constituent element of a solution for filling the foundation.

End, ideal sand you can detect only by conducting a special examination of his compliance with all standards in the laboratory, learn the percentage of impurities in the total mass and other indicators. But such an examination is a costly and long process, therefore i can determine the quality of the sand can be appropriate methods.

Fall off the sand, in a transparent bottle, by a third, and then pour up half with clean water and shake. After that, give a mixture stand for 5 minutes and look at the transparency of water. If it has become inspired and dirty, then the sand contains a lot of impurities. The emerging foreign substances, also a bad sign, and such sand is unsuitable for construction. If the water is transparent and without impurities, then the sand is ideal for booking the foundation.

Sand origin

What sand is better - career or river, let's talk in this part.

Career sand

Career sand is mined in a quarry, destroying rocks. It is lower quality than river, but there are exceptions. When choosing a career sand an important factor in its reliability and strength is the humidity parameter. Its percentage should be from 1 to 5%. The humidity of 5% is determined on the eye in that it is impossible to make a tight ball or snowball from the sand - it crumbles.

To properly determine the humidity parameter, you can resort to the following method. To determine the humidity of the career sand, take the container, weigh it. Then, weigh 1 kg of sand in it and hold for about half an hour at a weak heating temperature, and then weigh the sand. Humidity will be calculated by the formula: the sand mass after heating is minus the mass of the container, divided by 100.

Career sand is cheaper at a price than river, since its production method is less expensive.

River sand

The river sand is ideal for laying a foundation, and is also used in the dilution of solutions for the interior finish of the house or the creation of drainage. Therefore, such sand universal and multifunctional. Its small fraction from one and a half to two millimeters and the absence of impurities make it welcome, but expensive building material.

In addition to river sand allocate nauticalbut in modern construction it is applied there, from where it can be quickly brought, otherwise it the price exceeds even river. In quality, it is not better than the river, and sometimes even worse due to the impurities of the organicities (shells, algae) and foreign objects.

Sand fractions

Depending on the size of the sand in the sand, the following types of fractions are distinguished:

Fill the foundation assumes that the verge of the middle sand you choose should be sharp. It is the sharp edges of the grace that increases the operational properties of the solution and make it as strong as possible.

Sand selection for foundation pillow

The pillow under the foundation from the sand is a special layer that need for legend of high resistance and stability of the building, increased strength and uniform load. The sand pillow prevents "walking" in the spring due to the increased level of groundwater and prevents the formation of cracks in it. Such a pillow is essential facilitates construction on soils with high humidity.

Choose sand for the foundation pillow is quite simple: use sand with grain sizes from 0.25 to 2 mmBetter than river or if you can't afford river sand because of its high cost, washed career sand. Sand or sandy-gravel mixture is also perfect for the pillow.

The sandy-gravel mixture, as can be seen from the name, contains gravel, which only improves the mixture for laying under the pillow. The most popular height of the pillow under the foundation is height up to 15 centimeters, but not less than 10otherwise the meaning of the pillow will disappear. If the building buildings are built on soils with a high level of groundwater, sand can also be done, and only then the pillow and the foundation. So the base will be even more reliable and stronger.

Rocking under the foundation - another name of the pillow, is made on the basis of sand or rubble.