Technical characteristics of materials isospan a. Izospan: specifications and basic models

Is a line of polypropylene nonwovens designed for steam and waterproofing structures.

Izospan protects structural elements and insulation from:

  • rain, snow and wind;
  • moisture generated inside the building;

Isospan is used in structures:

  • roofs;
  • insulated walls;
  • attic floor;
  • floors on a concrete base;

The nonwoven fabric manufacturing technology is fully automated. But at the same time, quality control is necessarily carried out at each stage.

Izospan has a hygienic, fire certificate. Also, the products have been tested for compliance with building codes and GOSTs. As a result, a GOSTSTROY certificate was issued for it. Izospan has no analogues among similar domestic products.


Isospan B, C, D, DM characteristics:

When choosing vapor barrier materials, you must pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Water vapor permeability.
  2. Strength.
  3. Density.
  4. Water resistance.
  5. UV stability.

Isospan A has the highest vapor permeability (3000gr / m2 / day), but it has the lowest water resistance (330 mm.WC), which makes it possible to use it only on roofs with an angle of inclination greater than 35 °. But nothing prevents you from using this material in.

Izospan AS and AD have a vapor permeability coefficient of 1000 and 1500 g / m2 / day, respectively, but they are favorably distinguished by a water resistance index - 1000 As a result, they have become the main materials used in roof insulation.

If it is expected that the roof will remain uncovered for some period of time, it is necessary to use Isospan AQ proff. He alone has UV stability for 12 months.

Isospan D's best tensile load is 1068/890 N / 5cm, but it has the lowest vapor permeability - 3.7 g / m2 / day. This allows the material to be used as a temporary roof for 3-4 months.

Isospan B has a vapor permeability of 22 g / m2 / day, and a rupture rate of only 130/170 N / 5cm. In this regard, it is necessary to involve qualified specialists in its installation and not leave the material in the open air.

Izospan C is an intermediate option.


  1. Polypropylene film with a smooth top and fleecy bottom. The villi are necessary to trap condensing moisture and prevent it from rolling onto finishing materials. Installed in front of the insulation in such structures:
    • insulated roof;
    • walls;
    • overlapping;
  2. Laminated fabric with a smooth and fleecy side. Due to the increased density, the field of application of this material is expanding. It is used:
    • On unheated roofs, as moisture insulation.
    • In ceilings (including above basements and attics), as a vapor barrier.
    • In floor structures.
    • In a concrete screed, as a hydro-barrier.
  3. Polypropylene fabric laminated with a film. Izospan D is widely used as:
    • Additional moisture insulation on unheated roofs.
    • Vapor barriers for any structures requiring protection from water vapor.
    • Waterproofing layer in the screed.
    • Temporary roof.
  4. Diaphragms marked A, AS, AM, AQ proff protect the insulation from getting wet, weathering and drain condensate from the roofing or wall cake into the drainage system. Benefits of using:
    • Remains of moisture trapped in the insulation layer from the room are easily removed.
    • The probability of penetration of atmospheric precipitation into the thermal insulation material is minimized.
    • It becomes impossible to weather the mineral wool.
  5. Membrane A. The polypropylene membrane has a smooth water-repellent side and a rough, condensate-retaining side. A membrane of this type has a low coefficient of water resistance, therefore its main purpose is to protect the insulation on the facade.
  6. Izospan AS, AM, AQ proff. AS, AM are a membrane made of a vapor-permeable material and a dense, air-tight backing. Used to protect:
    • Frame-type walls.
    • Ventilated facades.
    • Insulated roof.
  7. Heat-reflecting vapor barriers FB, FD, FS, FX trap in the room the smallest particles of moisture and radiant energy. Advantages of using thermal insulation reflective films:
    • Heat loss through the building envelope is reduced.
    • Heating costs are reduced.
    • Eliminates the likelihood of mold formation in wet rooms;
  8. Steam barrier FB. Izospan FB is made of kraft paper, which is covered with a layer of metallized lavsan. Due to the fact that the material is environmentally friendly and can withstand temperatures up to + 120 ° C, it is used to insulate walls, roofs and saunas.
  9. Vapor barrier FD, FS. Izospan FD, FS is a polypropylene film reinforced with a metallized layer. Isospan FD uses a grade D vapor barrier film as a base layer, while FS uses grade B. Manufacturers recommend using the described vapor barrier for interior decoration:
    • steam room;
    • attics;
    • as a heat-reflecting screen;
  10. This material is polyethylene foam backed up with a metallized film. Polyethylene with a layer of bubbles is an excellent heat and sound insulator, and the metallized layer prevents heat leakage, retains steam and water. Izospan FX is the most cost-effective, safe and durable steam, noise and heat insulator. Its disadvantage is the maximum operating temperature - + 90 ° С, which makes it impossible to use it in steam rooms. It is actively used as:
    • Substrates for underfloor heating.
    • Reflective screen for.
    • Insulation for mansard roofs in tandem with classic materials.

It is possible to use reflective films to insulate walls and ceilings only in rooms with forced ventilation, since these materials have a zero vapor permeability index.

Pros, cons and varieties

Heat reflective vapor barrier film


  1. Environmental Safety.
  2. Wide range of.
  3. Affordable price.
  4. Reliability and durability.
  5. Persistence to the formation of mold.


  1. Low durability to the fire.
  2. Carries out its functions only when properly installed.

By purpose, the material is divided into three types:

  1. Steam and moisture insulating films.
  2. Moisture and windproof vapor permeable membranes.
  3. Heat reflective vapor barrier films.

The first type includes vapor barrier films of grade C, B, D that protect the insulation layer from moisture evaporating outward through the enclosing structures.

The advantages of using a vapor barrier film:

  1. The service life is increased insulation.
  2. Reduces the likelihood of condensation and contamination of structures with fungus and mold.
  3. The possibility of entering the premises is excluded volatile insulation particles.


Isospan installation scheme on an insulated roof

To lay the material you will need:

  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • construction stapler;
  • nails;
  • wooden slats;
  • Scotch;

Isospan laying on the roof:

  1. Roof insulation begins with fixing the vapor barrier film(B, C, D) to the structural frame or to the rough skin.
  2. Fix the material with staples or galvanized nails. For additional sealing, the seams are fastened with special tape isospan SL or KL.
  3. The sheets are rolled horizontally in the bottom-up direction. An overlap of 15-18 mm is made between adjacent canvases.
  4. During installation, you need to monitor the tight fit of the film to the insulation.
  5. Over insulation A, AS, AM, AQ proff.
  6. Isospan A is fastened with antiseptic locks to the rafters nails or self-tapping screws, so that a gap of 5 mm is formed. Izospan AS, AM, AQ proff, on the contrary, should fit snugly to the insulation. Therefore, it is attached to the rafters with staples or galvanized nails.
  7. Installation starts from the bottom of the slopes. Along the overhang of the ramp, the membrane is inserted into the gutter. The canvas is rolled horizontally, making sure that there are no distortions. It is important to secure the material with an interference fit. The permissible sagging is no more than 2 cm. The canvases should overlap each other by 15 cm horizontally, and 20 cm vertically.
  8. So that condensation can evaporate, in the area of ​​the ridge and in the lower part of the roof, ventilation holes are provided.
  9. Over the vapor barrier membrane mount the crate.

Izospan will perform its function only if it is properly laid. The fleecy side of the material should face the room, and the smooth side should face the insulation.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that Isospan A is the most affordable material, but its installation, due to the need to create a ventilation gap, is more expensive than the cost of stronger and more durable analogues.

Wall insulation:

  1. For ventilated facades Isospan A and AM are suitable. In cases where there is a possibility of fire, use a material with OZD.
  2. The membrane is fixed over the insulation with the smooth side out. The sheets are rolled out so that there is an overlap of 10 cm.
  3. Isospan is fastened along the building frame with staples. On top of the vapor-permeable membrane, the locks are vertically fixed, on which the facing material is attached. To prevent the effect of acoustic pops from appearing during operation, there should be no loose and sagging sections along the entire length of the canvas.
  4. To remove moisture, the design necessarily provides for a ventilation gap in the lower part of the skin. Izospan is placed in such a way that the moisture accumulated under the sheathing drains into the drainage system.

The modern market for thermal insulation materials is large. The old methods of insulation, such as straw, sawdust, wood chips and clay, as well as glass wool, have been replaced by more modern ones - kermazite, mineral wool, penoizol, polyurethane foam and others.

And if some of the heaters are resistant to moisture, then materials such as: mineral wool, expanded clay or foam insulation have increased water absorption, which significantly reduces their thermal insulation characteristics.

Here, various steam and waterproofing films come to our aid, which help to preserve all the useful properties of such heaters. One of such vapor-waterproofing is Izospan film. The use of films and membranes in construction is an important component that cannot be dispensed with.

What it is?

This is a film, a membrane that helps to protect from moisture and wind not only insulation, but also walls and roofs. Made from polymeric materials. It has an interesting property - one side allows steam to pass, and the other does not.

Important... The use of this material is quite widespread both as vapor barrier membranes and as a reflector of infrared radiation (types with a metallized surface).

Varieties of Izospan

  1. Izospan A. Possesses the property of ridding the roof space from condensation, well protects the insulation from moisture. There is a version with flame retardants (OZD marking), the purpose of which is not only to protect against wind and moisture, but also to prevent accidental ignition, for example, during welding.
  2. Izospan V. Vapor barrier membrane. It must be laid in order to protect the insulation from the penetration of condensation from the side of the room.
  3. Izospan AS. This diffuse membrane can be placed directly on the insulation without leaving a ventilation gap, this saves both physical labor and money. Consists of three layers, has excellent water resistance and vapor permeability.
  4. Izospan AM. It has characteristics close to Izospan AS, the vapor barrier also consists of three layers. You need to put it directly on the insulation, so you don't need a special crate.
  5. Izospan AF and AF +. The vapor barrier is designed to protect mineral wool and glass wool slabs from wind and moisture. Absolutely non-flammable - fire hazard class NG. It is used in curtain walls.
  6. Izospan AQ proff. A universal three-layer membrane that perfectly protects against moisture and wind, is used as a vapor barrier against moisture from the external environment. You can put it directly on the insulation. In addition to excellent moisture resistance and vapor permeability, it has increased lightfastness and strength.
  7. Izospan FS. Vapor barrier plus the ability to reflect infrared radiation, essentially two in one. It is laid between the wall / ceiling of the building and the insulation, performing the functions of vapor-waterproofing and aluminum foil.
  8. Izospan FB. Kraft paper and metallized lavsan combine the capabilities of foil and vapor barrier. It has increased heat resistance, so it can be used, for example, in saunas.
  9. Izospan S. Two-layer vapor barrier, with one rough side. Condensation accumulates on it, and then evaporates.
  10. Izospan D. Two-layer polypropylene woven fiber. Very tear resistant. Protects from outside moisture.
  11. Izospan FD. Polypropylene woven fabric and metallized polypropylene film. A successful symbiosis, combining the functions of aluminum foil and vapor-waterproofing. Moreover, the material protects against moisture penetrating both from the inside of the room and from the outside.

The line of adhesive tapes and adhesive films includes markings FL, FL termo, SL, KL, ML proff

These are metallized adhesive tape, adhesive metallized tape, butyl rubber adhesive tape, double-sided non-woven adhesive tape.

Single-sided adhesive tape for ML proff marking is used in particularly difficult situations. It has excellent adhesion to all types of substrates, including uneven ones, it is used to fix waterproofing to concrete, brick and other surfaces, as well as to highly porous materials.

The types and variety of Izospan materials are amazing. You can find the right material for your needs. In addition, the line is supplemented with adhesive tapes and scotch tapes, which is important, since the Izospan windscreen must be placed correctly - without gaps, both between themselves and between the insulated base, for which a variety of scotch tapes and tapes are used.

Material characteristics

Where can such membranes be used?

The use of such waterproofing and vapor barrier membranes has found its niche both in private housing construction and in industry, where refractory membranes are successfully used.

In private housing construction, they are used to insulate the roof from wind and moisture, they must be laid with the smooth side to the insulation. If you mix it up and put it on the other side, all the work will be down the drain. So carefully read the instructions before starting work, where it is always precisely written which side of the insulation should be used to put isospan of a certain brand.

The same recommendations can be given for the vapor or waterproofing of the ceiling from the attic side. Before laying the film or membrane, feel it, determining which side is smooth and which is not, then study the instructions to do everything right. If the latter, by some strange coincidence, is absent, remember a simple rule:

if you have a film, one of the sides of which is rough, it is necessary to lay this side towards the street (or room). The smooth side must face the insulation.

Vapor barrier membranes operate on the principle of admission but not release. Therefore, if you decide to lay on the wrong side, break the entire structure of the vapor barrier and heat insulation cake. In this case, it will not be possible to make the insulation correctly.

Izospan is a domestic steam and moisture-proof material with a very wide range of products. If you want to insulate your home correctly, do not forget about steam and waterproofing. It will protect the insulation from moisture penetration and destruction. It is necessary to lay vapor barrier membranes strictly according to the instructions. So you can do everything right, avoiding unnecessary alterations in the future.

The pace and technology of modern construction imply the use of innovative solutions at all stages, including the improvement of buildings. The key point is the insulation of the premises from moisture and cold. For this, insulating films are used, presented on the market by several brands.

The best value for money is the Izospan vapor barrier. This material is convenient in terms of installation, has high technical characteristics and attracts buyers at an affordable price. Let's consider the features of the "Izospan" class B film.

Varieties of Izospan products

Vapor barrier is presented on the construction market by a wide range of models. Each variety has its own technical characteristics that determine the scope of the material. There are about 14 varieties. Consider 4 main categories. In particular:

    Group A

    The film is intended for thermal insulation of premises and protection of wall structures from moisture and condensation. The material is made in the form of a double-sided membrane, one side of which serves as insulation from wind and moisture, the other removes evaporation.

    In order for the film to cope with its function, it is mounted on the outside of the insulation.

    Group B

    One of the most popular and frequently used categories is Izospan. A feature of the material in this category is absolute vapor permeability. These characteristics are due to the structure of the insulating membrane.

    One side of the film is smooth, the other has pronounced surface roughness. The smooth structure protects the interior from the wind, while the villi help to wick away moisture.

    Group C

    This product performs identical functions with Group B "Izospan", but differs in a higher cost. The material is based on an ultra-dense polypropylene fabric, which reliably protects structural elements from any external influences.

    The film is suitable for use in regions with cold climates and provides room insulation even in the event of loose wall panels or roofing elements.

    Group D

    It is a versatile film suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

    The key feature of the material is its high resistance to mechanical damage and neutrality to direct UV rays.

It should be noted that there are films of the class “A. M "" A. S "" A. Q Proff ". In contrast to the basic prototypes, these films have a denser membrane structure (often three-layer) and are more resistant to tearing. Of course, the improved technical characteristics proportionally increase the cost of the material.

Characteristics "Izospan B"

If we talk about technical parameters, the following characteristics can be distinguished:

It is applied at a temperature range from -60 to +80 degrees Celsius.

Given these features, it is not recommended to store the material in the open air in order to preserve its operational properties.

Advantages and disadvantages of this hydro - vapor barrier

Insulation "Izospan" belongs to the category of building materials, therefore it has advantages and disadvantages. This feature is typical for any product, however, in the case of the vapor barrier of this brand, there are noticeably more advantages than disadvantages. Consider the strengths of the material.

The indisputable advantages include the following characteristics:

    High water repellency.

    Resistance to any external factors and mechanical damage.

    Absolute inertness to the development of pathogenic microflora (wall mold, fungus).

    Environmental Safety.

    Ease of installation.

    Long-term operation - at least 50 years old.

The disadvantages include the high cost of some model groups and the lack of fire resistance.

Where the material is applied

This group "B" (B) is considered universal, therefore it has a rather multifaceted scope. The only installation limitation is internal installation. Izospan B is not suitable for external insulation, for this there are other groups. With internal insulation, the material is used to insulate such surfaces:

    Wall structures.

    Internal partitions.

    Interfloor floors.

    Floors in rooms with high humidity.

    Substrate under parquet or laminate.

    Roof insulation.

This demand is due to the fact that the thermal insulation cake will not cope with its functions without a vapor barrier film.

Which side to lay to the insulation?

According to the official instructions:

    For the roof. Smooth side to the insulation.

    For walls. Smooth side to the insulation.

    Attic floors. The film is placed between the finishing material of the living room ceiling and the draft ceiling (smooth side to the draft ceiling).

    Basement overlap. The rough side to the insulation.

Instructions for the use of insulating material

Despite the multifaceted use of the building material, the manufacturer makes a number of installation requirements that must be observed regardless of the scope of the material. In particular:

    For vertical and inclined surfaces (roofs, walls), installation is carried out from top to bottom with horizontal stripes.

    The strips are overlapped with an approach of at least 15 centimeters.

    The joints are additionally insulated with adhesive tape.

    The smooth side always adheres to the insulation, the rough side looks into the room.

If we talk about specifics, depending on the place of application, "Izospan" is mounted according to the following schemes.


The vapor barrier is laid directly on the rafters, between which a layer of insulation is laid. The film is fixed with clamping strips, from above there is a crate and roofing material. "Izospan" is fastened with a stapler so that the insulation does not fall inside, a wire is pulled from the side of the attic or an additional crate is installed.

    Roof covering

    Izospan AQ proff, AM, AS

    Counter rail


    Izospan RS, B


    Interior decoration


Internal partitions

Interior partitions using insulation are assembled according to the following scheme:

  1. Control rail.

    Vapor barrier layer.

    Interlayer of sound insulating material.

The vapor barrier can be fixed to the outer skin with a galvanized profile.


Vapor barrier for flooring is mounted according to the following scheme: between the logs there is a waterproofing and insulation plates. Above there are strips of vapor barrier, which are fixed to the logs with bars to provide a ventilation gap between the insulation cake and the floor covering. At the final stage, floorboards are mounted.

Floors on concrete substrates


    Cement strainer

    Steam waterproofing series D, RM

    Floor slab

Laminate and parquet floors

    FX series reflective heat-vapor-waterproofing

    Cement strainer

    Floor slab

Warm floor


    Cement strainer

    Underfloor heating system

    Reflective vapor waterproofing class FD, FS, FX

Izospan is a membrane film used during construction to protect load-bearing surfaces from wind, moisture and steam. The material differs in characteristics and technical properties depending on the type and purpose.

Isospan insulation is made of polypropylene, resistant to mechanical stress, low and high temperatures, mold and mildew. The film is characterized by a long service life and environmental safety.

Isospan vapor barrier is used for insulating roofs and walls, used in elements of attic floors, laid on concrete floors under a cement screed and floor covering. The films are divided into 4 groups - A, B, C, D, each of them is used for a different purpose.

The building material has an indisputable advantage - it is versatility in use and ease of installation. The vapor barrier is certified, complies with GOST of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation.

Waterproof film

Izospan, which protects structures from wind and moisture, is presented in several modifications:

  • Vapor-permeable isospan A - the technical characteristics of this type of material make it possible to use it to protect frame walls and roofs from wind and atmospheric moisture, condensation. On the outside, the film has a smooth, water-repellent coating. The back surface is porous and promotes the removal of vapors from fibrous insulation materials.
  • Isospan AS brand has the form of a three-layer, vapor-permeable membrane film with increased water-repellent properties.

  • Izospan AF protects against wind and moisture, does not burn. This type of film is intended for use when insulating buildings made of flammable materials.
  • Two-layer isospan AM has high water-repellent properties, thanks to the additional layer, the possibility of damage to the material during installation and construction work is excluded. Recommended for arranging pitched roofs and load-bearing structural elements, insulation of attic floors. The film ensures the removal of vapors from the insulation, protects the room from weathering and accumulation of moisture from under the roof space.

The difference between the films is in the density of the material, breaking capacity, vapor permeability and hydro-repellent properties. The most dense is isospan grade A and AF (110 g / m²). The AS film has the maximum water resistance, and the AF version is the least vapor permeable.

Metallized films

Izospan with a metallized layer is designed to reflect infrared radiation, thanks to this property, not only protection from moisture and wind is achieved, but also excessive heating of the building in hot weather is excluded.

  • FD polypropylene film is used for laying a protective layer during insulation of roofs and walls. The material is highly resistant to tearing and mechanical damage.
  • Isospan FX foils are used as a base for infrared heated floors.

  • Isospan FS modification is a budget option, it has a lower density. At the same time, the material retains steam and waterproofing properties. The film is also used as an infrared screen.
  • Izospan FB has a high vapor resistance, it is intended for insulation of baths, steam rooms, saunas and other rooms with high temperatures and condensation. Buildings must be equipped with mechanical ventilation.

The difference between metallized films is density, tensile strength and vapor permeability. The thermal reflection coefficient is the same for all types of isospan in this group.

Vapor barrier films

A type of film designed to protect external and internal surfaces from steam and moisture, has a laminated outer layer and a porous inner side. The special structure allows condensate to be collected and does not allow it to evaporate. Thanks to this, moisture does not accumulate on the walls, there is no steam in the room, the walls do not get wet.

  • Isospan C vapor barrier has high protective properties, can be used for insulating unheated rooms as a substrate for laminate flooring, insulation under the roof. The film is able to prevent even leakage in places of loose installation and defects in the installation of the roofing.
  • According to the instructions for use, Isospan B is used to protect mansard roofs, insulation materials from moisture, steam, fungus and mold. The material prevents the penetration of vapors from the inside of the room, and also insulates the living space from the penetration of particles of the insulation of the walls and roof. Suitable for vapor barrier of premises made of any building materials, installation of attic, interfloor and basement ceilings.

  • Universal Isospan D has a high density and is able to withstand significant mechanical loads. The film is used in all construction elements to protect roofs, walls, floors and wooden floors in attic spaces. This material can be used in the arrangement of flat and pitched, non-insulated roofs, foundations, basement structures.
  • The DM modification includes vapor barrier, moisture resistant, anti-condensation and heat-reflecting properties. This type of isospan has a wider scope than brand D.

The innovative material is the RS and RM type of Isospan film. Their distinctive feature is an additional reinforced polypropylene mesh layer. Due to this, the breaking capacity increases, the blade can withstand high mechanical loads.

In the construction of frame walls, Isospan B is used, the material is laid from the inside of the mineral wool to the supporting elements of the frame using a stapler or nails. The film is fixed with the laminated side to the insulation, the panel overlaps from bottom to top with a margin of 15–20 cm. For greater tightness, the material is fastened together with a special Isospan SL tape. On top, galvanized profiles are mounted to strengthen the drywall with a ventilation gap of 4-5 cm.

For the construction of a non-insulated pitched roof, Isospan D is used, which provides waterproofing of structures. The material is laid on wooden roofing rafters, it does not matter which side to lay the film on. The sheet is fixed, starting from the bottom of the pitched roof, in the horizontal direction, with an overlap at the joints of 15–20 cm or more. It is recommended to glue the seams with isospan KL or SL double-sided connecting tape. The vapor barrier is fixed to the rafters with a construction stapler. A plank flooring is mounted on top for further laying of the roofing material.

Instructions for the use of isospan B in the construction of a pitched insulated roof: the film is strengthened from the inside of the insulation on wooden rafters. The smooth side should fit snugly against the insulation material, the rough surface remains at the bottom. Installation is carried out from the bottom up, in a horizontal way. Cloths are fixed with an overlap with a margin of at least 15 cm at the joints. Double-sided adhesive tape provides additional tightness at the seams. In places where isospan contacts metal, concrete and other surfaces, the surfaces are glued with one-sided ML proff tape.

For the installation of attic floors, a vapor-permeable hydro-, windproof film AM or AS is used. The membrane is laid on top of the insulation with the light side inward and fixed with a stapler. The overlap of the panels should be at least 15–20 cm. Counter-battens and a floor covering are laid on top of the isospan.

Izospan is a versatile building material that can be used to protect walls, roofs and floors from moisture, wind, internal steam and condensation. Films have high wear resistance and long service life.

Any modern building needs high-quality wind and vapor barrier, which is provided by Izospan A - non-woven building material produced in rolls and intended for insulation of walls and roofs of buildings.

Izospan A - scope and technical characteristics

Izospan A film and other similar materials are very popular in the construction market today. They are useful for creating a barrier layer during the installation of insulation, due to which the possibility of moisture getting on the thermal insulation protection of the object is completely excluded. Modern membrane materials are made from pure polypropylene that does not absorb water, therefore they can be used for insulating objects for various purposes, from standard one-story houses and cottages to non-residential buildings and outbuildings.

The widespread use of Izospan A film is explained by the presence of a number of important advantages in it. The advantages of such insulating materials include:

  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high elasticity;
  • heat reflection;
  • wind protection;
  • protection from ultraviolet rays;
  • resistance to negative external influences;
  • maintenance of performance for several decades.

Due to their technical characteristics, Izospan films are able to reliably protect wood from rotting, and metal from corrosion, to prevent the occurrence of condensation, to reflect air flows, to maintain a stable temperature in the building without releasing heat. Insulating materials are of the greatest importance in the construction of residential buildings, which are especially prone to the formation of cold bridges - houses with attics, cottages with attached garages or other types of outbuildings in harsh domestic climatic conditions.

Insulation types - what is the difference between AF and FB?

The modern building materials market offers owners a huge range of protective and insulating films of all types and grades. Experts identify the following types of windproof, vapor barrier films:

  1. 1. Standard. Prevents the formation of condensation on insulation materials, as well as on individual structural elements of the building - roof, walls, etc.
  2. 2. Membrane. Not only protects the elements of the object from condensation, but also helps to remove excess moisture from the interior of the house.
  3. 3. Foil. A metallized or aluminum-coated film that acts as a vapor and heat insulation, as well as reflective properties.
  4. 4. Roofing. Differs in the highest strength, resistance to temperature extremes and adverse environmental influences.

Izospan is a large domestic manufacturer of insulation, which can be used to provide reliable protection to any building from external threats. There are many products under the Izospan brand on the market, the most popular among which are the following:

  • Izospan A is a high-quality membrane material that protects buildings from wind and moisture, helps to remove fumes from the house to the outside;
  • AF - in addition to the standard characteristics, it has protection against the effects of fire, therefore it provides fire safety of highly flammable objects;
  • AM - diffuse membrane three-layer film that protects objects from any external influences;
  • AS - diffuse coating with low vapor permeability parameters;
  • AQ - insulation with maximum protective properties;
  • B - a film to protect the insulation from condensation coming from the interior;
  • C - material for protecting the under-roofing layer of insulation;
  • D - a universal protective coating with good parameters of hydro and vapor barrier;
  • DM - film with increased strength, with UV protection;
  • FB - waterproofing insulation with a metallic coating with reflective characteristics, used in high temperatures and high humidity;
  • FD - metallized film with reliable protection against any external influences;
  • FS - vapor and waterproofing film with high heat-reflecting characteristics;
  • RM - reinforced waterproofing film.

Among these waterproofing and vapor barrier products, it is enough to simply choose the right coating to protect the insulation. A more detailed description of all brands available on the market can be found on their packaging.

Installation of Izospan A film - how to install insulation protection?

To install the purchased film, you should exactly follow the instructions from the manufacturer, which takes into account the basic properties of Izospan materials and their characteristics. The insulation installation process does not present any particular difficulties. You can do such work with your own hands, without asking for help from professional installers. However, the contractor must take into account all the features of the purchased membrane. Any mistake can lead to the loss of the technical properties of the film, which means that you will have to re-buy the insulation and carry out its installation.

The whole process of installing insulation materials can be divided into several main stages. At the very beginning, install Izospan A or other insulation on the rough sheathing. The smooth side of the insulation must be in contact with the insulation. Film panels should be laid horizontally from bottom to top and always overlap, both along horizontal and vertical joints. The width of the overlap should be about 15 cm. The individual panels of the material are fastened with a stapler. To ensure complete tightness of the installed protection for the insulation, it is best to use a special tape from the same manufacturer.

On top of the insulating materials along the frame, we install vertical slats with a section of 4x5 cm or metal profiles. Metal profiles are suitable for further external finishing with plasterboard, and wooden slats for cladding with clapboard or special panels.

The trim is then attached to the building frame. There must be a ventilation gap between the waterproofing film and the lining, due to which moisture will not linger on the insulation. The described procedure is suitable for the installation of Izospan A insulating materials. If a different film was purchased for construction, its installation may have individual characteristics and nuances, non-observance of which can lead to a decrease in the technical and operational characteristics of the installed protective coatings.

Izospan A is a modern insulation, thanks to which you can increase the comfort, coziness and even functionality of your private home. The use of Izospan in the finishing of the basement and the attic floor can significantly extend the service life of the rafter system, installed wooden coatings and building materials in general. The film creates a stable, favorable microclimate in residential buildings, reliably protects insulation and other elements of the building from the adverse effects of moisture and wind. And most importantly, working with the most reliable and expensive films is really easy. Any owner, using the instructions, will not only provide his home with protection from external factors, but also save money.