Buzotnoe slope herbaceous plants for open soil. Przhevalsky Buzlock: Photo, Landing and Care

Many gardeners try to find nontrivial and at the same time simple solutionsthat will help them to refine their land plots. Allow this issue will help landing such a representative of the Astrov family as supported Przhevalsky (Lat. Ligularia Przewalskii ) which will be discussed in this article.


General form A blooming adult to many can remind some kind of candle. The stem reaches a length of 150-200 cm, the blooming part at the same time is about 1/3 of its entire height. Pubzhalskiy Buzlock, both in our country and in Europe, blooms since mid-June and until the end of August. This species Related by the fact that small, yellow flowers of each plant are collected in long narrow inflorescences, the upper parts can slightly roll.

Did you know? Przhevalsky buznille contains 13 different connections, some of them have antibacterial activity, in this connection, it was used in China as a medicinal plant.

Garden breeding species

For cultivation in our latitudes, three varieties of the Przhevalsky buzigan are best suited.

  1. "Rocket" - It is characterized by a red-brown shade stems, reaches up to 2 meters high, has a rather strong structure that does not need additional support, has a heart-shaped leaves.
  2. "Clenp- More lowered than the previous one, up to 170 cm long, the leaves, as it is clear from the name, the maple form, is larger than the "rocket" variety.
  3. Light finned.- It has a foliage of the cut shape and the inflorescence of a saturated yellow shade.

Features landing

It was evolutionary so that the Przhevalsky Buzlock - the plant is rather unpretentious, and therefore special difficulties with its landing and leaving for experienced gardeners are not expected.

Choosing a place

The best place For growing perennial, it will become wet, preferably not far from the reservoir, the shaded plot.

Important! On solar and dry areas, the plant begins to quickly suffer from lack of water and fad.

Soil for growing

Although the buczital and undemanding to the best result must be landed into wet and inexpitable soil. In the event that the site where it is planted has a clay structure, it is necessary to pre-eat the soil

Rules for Liguliaria Przhevalsky

There are two principles various methods Landing the buzular - division of an adult bush or reproduction by seeds. This bush is able to grow in one place to two decades, and if it is suitable for you, once every five or six years it is recommended to rejuvenate it by dividing the maternal bush.

Important! Remember that the distance between plants should not be less than 1 meter, otherwise they will score each other and quickly covered.

Vegetative method

This method implies the separation of the parent plant into several parts with the subsequent landing of each of them into separate wells. To do this, duck up the rhizome should be thoroughly rinsed and it is necessary to divide the knife to individual shoots, and at least one fertile kidney must appease on each deduction. Next, subsidiaries are seated into separate wells with dimensions of 0.4x0.4x0.4 m, which must be filled with a mixture of humus and fertile land. For better results, it is recommended immediately after the selection of a small amount in the wells

Growing from seeds

Przhevalsky buzustic bushes can also be obtained and by growing seeds. This method is less fast than the previous one. The visible result, most likely, will be obtained only after 3-4 years.

Did you know? Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky, in whose honor this bush was named, committed several expeditions to Central Asia, where he collected many botanical and zoological information, in particular about this flower. It is considered one of the largest climatologists of the 19th century.

The seed material should be assembled from a blurred plant at the end of August - early September, further, after a short drying period, it is worth sowing them to the ground with a depth of 2 centimeters. The best period for sowing is the beginning or mid-September. The buznel can be sowed both in open ground, and pre-grow seedlings. The first shootouts of the flower can be expected already next spring. If you decide to grow seedlings, then after the young plants are strengthened, you can proceed to a transferable place for you.

Plant care

Caring for shrubs is quite simple. Almost the only and main rule is a sufficient amount of moisture. Therefore, the choice of a wet and shaded area for planting this plant is important, which will greatly facilitate care for it.


In the event that the buzital grows near the reservoir, the additional watering is hardly necessary, but in particularly arid summer periods It is recommended to wipe the petals moistened in the water with a cloth in order to mimic the humid microclimate, which is necessary for it. If the plant grows on a plot removed from the water, it will be necessary for a constant abundant watering.


This bush does not require constant trimming, but if you do not need seeds, then after the inflorescence will lose their paints, you can boldly trim them. This will help the bustle to purchase additional visual pomp and create a fundamentally new aesthetic effect.


The feeder, as mentioned earlier, is necessary during the transplantation period. On other periods it is not recommended to implement it. However, if you intend to fertilize your flowers, then for the buzular, it is equally well fit both mineral and Experienced gardeners It is recommended to make a hockey level or a cowboy solution 1:10 for each bush in the period from May to July every year. Of mineral fertilizer the best way Suitable simple in the amount of 40-50 g per 1 m². This best will breed in water and in the spring and summer period to make a single watering of each plant, about 1 bucket containing 40-50 g of substance, for each bush.

Flower buzotof, or liguliaria (Lat. Ligularia) Refers to the genus of grassy perennials of the Astrov family, or the complex color, which has more than one hundred and fifty species. Latin name Ligulia (Ligulia), translated meaning "tongue", indicates the shape of edge flowers of the buzular. In nature, the flowers of the Buzlock are found in Asia and Europe. Popularity in garden culture they purchased literally lately, outering the favorites for a long time in our gardens - Floxes and Peonies, because, firstly, they grow beautifully in the shade, secondly, their flowering lasts at least two months, Third, in one place they can grow for many years.

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Landing and caring for a buccoon (brief)

  • Landing: Sowing seeds in the ground - spring or in November-December. Sowing seeds to seedlings - from January to March (concrete deadlines depend on the type and variety), the landing of seedlings in the ground - from mid-May to the beginning of June.
  • Bloom: From mid-summer before the beginning of autumn.
  • Lighting: Shadow, half, although you can plant and on a bright sun.
  • The soil: Wet, fertile, the composition does not have the value.
  • Watering: Regular, in the dry time more frequent, when growing in the sun - frequent and abundant.
  • Feeding: From the end of the spring, before the start of flowering, the infusion of a cowber (1 piece of the cowboat on 10 parts of water). In the fall in the soil of the priority circle, by half a plan.
  • Pruning: Before frosts, the ground part is cut under the root.
  • Reproduction: Seeds and division bush.
  • Pests: Slug.
  • Diseases: puffy dew.

Read more about the cultivation of the buzular read below

BUZLOD FLOWER - Description

The plant buzzing grows up to 120 cm, on its straight stems - large, up to 60 cm in the diameter heart-shaped or triangular leaves of green, greenish-violet or red-brown on long stiffs. In some species, the top side of the leaf plate is purple-green, and the bottom is purple. Sometimes a reddish or purple shade has only veins and leaves of leaves, and the leafy plates themselves are monotonously green. Inflorescences - baskets have a diameter of about 10 cm, their numerous tubular flowers are unpleasigned, but edge - bright yellow, orange and reddish shades. Baskets, in turn, form creeps, cooled, shovel bumpy inflorescences. Flowerines sometimes reach 2 m heights. Flowers in inflorescences bloom from the lower to the top from mid-June and bloom until mid-August and longer. The fruit of the buzular is a crested sequin.

Landing Buzulnik

Sowing Seed Buzulnik

A buccoon seeds and the division of the bush is multiplied. Landing the seed of the buzular is carried out in spring right into the soil to the depth of one centimeter. Soil before the appearance of germs should be wet all the time, and the emerging seedlings from noon to the evening should be contacted from direct sunlight. But it is better to sow fresh bubble seeds in November-December, then they pass natural stratification during the winter. If you are interested in a seed basis seed breeding, I need to sow a buznille to seedlings from January to March (depending on the start of the flowering of the species or variety), and in the open soil to plant in May when the last frosts will be afraid. But on the spot of those who have not yet grown this plant, I would not ask how to grow a bucket from seeds, because the buzotnoe spread perfectly well and self-saming if the seeds manage to ripen and waking up on the ground. It is worth it, however, to know that the buczital of seeds blooms only on the fourth, and then for the fifth year.

Transplant and division bush Buzular

A buczital grows in one place to two decades, but no less often than once every five years it is necessary to share and transplant the plant whose roots begin to write out from under the ground. It is best to do this in the spring, at the very beginning of active growth, when the buzular only appears young leaves - at this time the fracture process occurs easier. Do not dig the entire bush, just cut the spade part of the plant and dig it. The pit remaining after the squeezing pit pour the fertile soil and pour the parent plant. Cut-off part rinse in water and sharp knife cut into delays in such a way that at least one ready for the growth of the kidney remains. Cuts treat by manganese or crowned coal. Landing the decene is carried out in the prepared pits with a size of 40x40 cm, located at least in a meter of one and a half of each other, which in advance should be made by one and a half of the bucket of humus, some ash and superphosphate. If you do everything correctly, the cruise parts of the bush of the buzular will have decorative for the next year.

Force major landing of the buzular

If it happened that you got the saplings in summer, in a blooming state, be sure to cut the bloomon, remove a third of the leaves, starting with the bottom of the seedling, plant it, as described above, be sure to fit from the sun's rays and keep the soil in a slightly wet condition. The late transplantation will require a lot of strength from the plant, so you will be patient - the buznel will take about a month.


How to grow buzotille

A buczoite plant on a shady area with fertile damp soil rich in humus is best - on the shore of the reservoir, even if artificial. In the spring, when the an active growth of the buzular begins, it is advisable to break the soil on the site and inspired it. In the summer, the cultivation of the buzular suggests a regular watering into a drying time and infection of inflorescences, if there is a need for this. The more sunlight falls on the plant, the more often it will have to water. They feather a buznotnik with infusion of a cowboy at the rate of 1:10 from the end of spring to July. Good results makes it possible to put in the autumn by the autumn - by half a clock under the bush, only the fertilizers should be avoided directly on the roots.

Pests and diseases of the buzular

Buzlice - a plant is not susceptible to disease, and insects are sideways. True, the spring young leaves of the plant can slip slug, but if you crush under the bushes granulated superphosphate, That will not happen. Sometimes there is a disease of the buzular with a torpid dew - a fungal disease, from which the plant spraying with a single-surge solution of colloidal sulfur or a solution of manganese (10 l 2.5 g).

Suklotion after flowering

How and when to assemble the seeds of the buzular

If you want to assemble the seeds of the bubblynik, reincut the end of the flowering of a few inflorescences of gauze, so that the seeds after ripening do not wake up to the ground, and do the rest of the blurry. This measure stimulates the growth of leaves and an increase in their size, and also prevents the elemental self-sam. In the fall, when the leaves begin to change the color, the buczital becomes a real garden decoration - until mid-October. When the inflorescence in the gauze bags are finally dried, cut them into the house, cut out seeds from them, clean the flower residues and check. If you want to sow a dumplift under winter, just spread the seeds on paper and wait for the time for sowing. If you sow seeds in the spring, you dry them on paper and pour into a box or into a paper bag.

Buzlice in winter

With the onset of the first frosts, cut under the root of the ground part of the bushes and just in case, inspire the plot - although the buzotone is winter-hardy, but strong unexpected frosts in conditions of a honest winter can harm even such a cold-resistant plant.

Types and varieties of the buzular

Most often in culture grown:

Przhewalsky Buzlock (Ligularia Przewalskii)

A completely unpretentious plant, often used as a picturesque screen masking unsightly sections of the garden. The height is to one and a half meters, the inflorescences of this type of accommodation, the leaves are cut, resembling maple - the plant, though monumental, but elegant. Blooms at the end of July. Varieties:

  • Rocket - The rattled upwards of a two-dimensional height of the height of yellow baskets, the stalks are red-brown, durable and in support are not needed, the leaves are almost round, the heart-shaped with a stiff edge, in the summer are green, and in the fall burgundy and crimson;
  • Clenoliste - maple leaves, larger than that of the rocket - up to 25 cm in diameter, grows in a height of up to 170 cm.

Towned buzital (Ligularia Dentata)

The perennial of approximately meter height with large wardrobe leaves collected into the root rosette. Baskets with a diameter of 7-8 cm collected in panicles. Tubular flowers light brown, bunch - light yellow. Flowers from August, moderately wintering - in the harsh winter it is better to strengthen it. Varieties:

  • Dzememon. - Grade with bright yellow flowers and brown leaves with jazzed edges. Blooms from August;
  • Othello - green shiny leaves up to half a meter in the diameter of intense burgundy color from the bottom side of the plate, tangerine-orange flowers are collected in inflorescences up to 13 cm in diameter;
  • Osiris Fantasydwarf variety Not higher than 50 cm with dark green leaves along the upper side of the plate and the burgundy bottom side. Blooms in July.

Present interest for flowerfields as well:

Kempfefer Buzlock (Ligularia Kaempferi)

Japanese view with straight, slightly branched stems, rooted large wardrobe leaves on long-feed cutters, almost round, green, uneven-gear, diameter up to 25 cm. Numerous light yellow baskets of flowers, reaching in diameter 5 cm, are collected in reputable panels on branched flowers. Blooms in July. For the winter requires mulching. There is a prednetting variety with golden flowers and bright green rounded-angular leaves with golden grip.

Buzlock largest (Ligularia Macrophylla)

In the wild, it grows in the Far East and in Central Asia. The lower roasting elliptic leaves of a squeezed shade on long cutting reaches a length of 30-45 cm. Numerous yellow flowers baskets are collected in a creeping pan. Flowerons up to one and a half meters high. In winter, it costs without shelter.

Buzlock Wilson (Ligularia Wilsoniana)

One-meter memest plant with straight, slightly branched stems, large wardrid roasting leaves on long stiffs, yellow numerous baskets up to 2.5 cm in diameter constituting presentation of inflorescences. Blooms in July, winter comfort, but preferably shelter.

Buzlock Siberian (Ligularia Sibirica)

Rhizopy perennial height from 30 to 130 cm, stems furillated, socket leaves of an elongated-hearted shape, sometimes triangular-heart-shaped or honesty, case-shaped inflorescence, consisting of a yellow basket.

Sukalous Buzlock (Ligularia Stenocephala)

The appearance similar to the Przhevalsky buznalo, only with larger flowers and acutely jested heart-shaped leaves.

Fischer Buzlock (Ligularia Fischeri)

The perennial height from 30 to 150 cm with shortened rhizome, straight furillated stems, socket heart-shaped, sometimes speck-shaped leaves from 12 to 23 cm long and 10 to 25 cm wide, rounded or pointed on top, on long thin pets. Bright yellow flowers in case of compliance of 2-4 baskets 2.5-4 cm in diameter. Blooms at the end of June.

Buzlock Hessei (Ligularia X Hessei)

Hybrid of buzlens Wilson and toothed, more like a buczital gear - baskets in a large shield, only the inflores is more loose. The baskets of flowers are similar to chamomile up to 5 cm in diameter, the leaves of the heart-shaped-triangular, the bush reaches a height of two meters and one meter in the diameter. Flowers at the end of summer.

Buzlock Tangutica (Ligularia Tangutica)

He is a tangutsky cross - a spectacular dumplings with a cheerleal root, which makes it easy to use the vegetative way of reproduction, since this species does not give this species. A low-tech stems 70-90 cm high, lace deep-drying-filament leaves, elongated inflorescences from small yellow flowers. Flowers in July-August.

Buzlock Vicha (Ligularia Veitchiana)

Perennial up to two meters high and heart-shaped leaves up to 40 cm long. Yellow baskets in large quantities are assembled in a cooled inflorescence. Blooms in August. Winter articles, but the shelter is desirable for the winter.

Palchatino Buses, or Dlanted (Ligularia X Palmatiloba)

It grows up to 1 m 80 cm in height and to a meter in diameter. Bottom leaves Large, rounded shapes with deep shares. Yellow baskets of flowers are collected in loose brushes. Blossom starts in July-August.


Buzulniki are present decorative plantswho are appreciated by gardeners for an elegant large bush and abundant blossom. The powerful inflorescences of buzulnikov, sometimes reaching human growth, are a lot of virtual many bright flowers.

Latin name of this kind from the family of comprehensible - Ligulia (Ligularia, that translated means "tongue"). He received a buzoon due to the structure of his elegant flowers, "daisies".
The painting of the buzular flowers is yellow, yellow-orange, orange or red-orange.

Buzulniki demonstrate all the beauty to the full place in a sunny place with wet and raw fertile soil (including heavy clay). Therefore, the buczoon grows perfectly and beautifully flower next to.

Popular types and varieties of buzular

In the flowered bubbers different species and varieties other than spectacular flowering beautiful and leaves are green or dark-painted (purple, brown, bronze tones). BUT cepers Buzlice (Ligularia Kaempferi) has an attractive garden form (F.Areomarginata) with bright golden stains on green leaves.
However, it is necessary to take into account that in the shade colorful leaves Buzulnikov are green due to insufficient lighting.

In the giant gardens common buzular gear (Ligularia dentata) huge rounded leaves (with a diameter of up to 80 cm), flowerca height up to 150 cm; bright yellow flowers (diameter up to 5 cm) are collected in umbrella inflorescences.
Popular grades of buzular gear:
- "Dzatemon" - has purple-brown leaves and red-orange flowers;
- "Othello" - with intense purple leaves and bright orange flowers;
- "Rocky", "Little Rocky" - especially decorative due to yellow flowers standing out against the background of black flowers;
- "Black Purpur" - large yellow flowers look perfectly on the background of purple-black leaves, the height of the plant is about a meter.

In favorable growth conditions, very high inflorescences (up to 1.8 m) of the accumulate form forms supported Przhevalsky (Ligularia Przewalskii) with rounded-cut-colored leaves, as well as elevated bubbers with heart-shaped leaves: buzlock Vicha (Ligularia Veitchiana) and buzlock Wilson (Ligularia Wilsoniana). However, compared with the Przhevalsky dumpling, both of the last species are less than winter-hardy.

About the unpretentious and frost-resistant buznille Przhevalsky I want to tell the site readers in detail in this article.

Przhevalsky Buzlock in Landscape Design

Przhevalsky Buzlock is a powerful ornamental perennial who has a lot of weighty advantages and decorates the garden all season. I grow a grade "Clenoliste".

Fans of "large forms" in the world of plants will not remain indifferent when looking at this herbaceous giant. Everything in the appearance of the buzular fascinates: and huge dissected maple leaves, and the rigorous swelling huge arrow of a coole-shaped inflorescences with yellow graceful flowers. Small yellow baskets - "chamomile" with long tongues of "petals" gradually blooming at a slim inflorescence from the bottom up.

Such a handsome place is the place in a single landing, where the Przhevalsky Buzlock, not burdened with the neighborhood with other plants, will be able to show and without interference to demonstrate all its top Qualities. And show him really there is that!

Thanks to the beautiful leaves and long-lasting blossom, the Przhevalsky, in my garden retains decorativeness from spring to stable autumn frosts.
Figure rugged leaves of the buzular, in addition to its interesting form and big size, attract and unusual color. Somewhere from the middle of the summer they show bronze-brown divorces, which are gradually increasing in size up to late autumn.

The buggy inflorescence of the Przhevalsky bubble is very dense. Located in different stages The dissolution "Flowers" give the inflorescence touching openwork.
The blurred buzular flowers do not spoil the decorativeness of the plant, as they only slightly dry and twist a little darkened petals.
After the full dissolution of the inflorescence, when the blooming wave will come to the top of the top, if desired, you can crop the blooming.

Reproduction of Buzulnik

After the end of flowering, I do not cut the buzular inflorescences - leave on the plants until autumn. After all, even in the conditions of cold rainy Vitebsk, the seeds of the bubblynik Przhevalsky are well anticipated and crumpled to the ground.
In winter, seeds are undergoing natural, and single shoots appear next to the maternity bush.

From the seedlings of the buzular powerful flowering plant Forming for a long time, you will have to wait 3-4 years. But I want to "everything immediately and now"!
Therefore, many gardeners prefer a faster and promising way to reproduce the buzular - the division of the bush.

I spend the vegetative reproduction of the buzular mainly in the spring.
You can do it in August, but then there are problems with rooting. We will have to hardly take care of both the parent plant and the delinks, since the dry and hot August weather leads to a strong evaporation of water with leaves. And taking into account the fact that the size of the leaves of the buzular to the end of the summer will be very impressive, it will have to produce a strong planting of plants and enhanced watering.
In the spring of the division of the bush and the rooting of the Delok Buzulnik, the situation is much easier.

TO vegetative reproduction Start at the moment when young leaves will begin to appear from the ground. The bubblynik Przhevalsky has a powerful rhizome, from which numerous cord-shaped roots depart.
To divide the bush of the buzular not necessarily digging all the plant. To cut off a sharp spade to cut off the necessary part of the rapid bush and then dig it.
The formed pit should be filled with fertile land, well to pour.

Dropped out of the bush of the buzular rinse in the water so that the rhizome's freed from the Earth was clearly visible to all the kidney ever.
Further, depending on the kidney location, cut the rhizome to several parts. Cuts are better picked up; You can treat them by manganese.

The obtained delinks of the Buzular is searched at a pre-prepared place with a well-processed soil (Popile, refueling fertilizers).
Landing and cover with spunbond or cropped tops plastic bottles To preserve moisture, because the spring winds strongly drain the soil.

Early spring from the Delok Buzular Leaves are still at the very beginning of development and there are little moisture evaporate. At this time, the plant spends strength only for wound healing and recovery of the root system. Therefore, the survival rate of the divinity is almost 100%, and in the middle of the summer, most young bubbers blooms.

And the parent plant is rejuvenated after division and with benefit for itself occupies a vacant area with an updated nutrient soil. Due to this, it quickly grows by stirre, completely compensating for the spring loss of the portion of the bush.

Growing Buzulnik

Przhevalsky Buzlock is a very undemanding plant to the conditions of life. The only ultimatum, which puts forward a buzital: "Give more moisture!".
But this requirement is quite reasonable for such a large plant with huge leaves.

Therefore, with dry soil, it is not worth putting a buczlice in a sunny place. Otherwise, even with regular irrigation, situations are possible when the plant will suffer from lack of water. The hot day of the foliage of the buzular will begin to wither and curl, will have a pitiful look.
True, after a sufficient watering or in the evening the plant again will take its original appearance. But the impression will be spoiled ...
Therefore, in the event of a deficit of the necessary soil moisture, it is better to plant a buznille in a lace fellow.

The Przhevalsky's Buzlock will be prompted in the most, where many species of plants feel oppressed without sunny affairs. But on each site there is such a dark corner, and flowerflows break their heads - how to enjoy it?

In my garden, the Przhevalsky Buzlock grows from the northern side of the house. In addition, neighboring buildings approach from the east and west. Therefore, the sun looks here only for a short time - in the morning and in the evening.
And my handsome-to-buzigan shadow goes only for the benefit. Here he freely cracks the mighty leaves and proudly assumes its durable flowers, which does not require garters and supports.

Among the advantages of the dignity of Przhevalsky, I would like to emphasize the stability of this plant to diseases and ignoring it all sorts.

All caring care is reduced to watering in drought and multiple feeding during the garden season. In the spring, an organic or nitrogen fertilizer is made, and closer to the flowering of the plant - phosphorus-potash.
In the fall, I spend the trimming of the ground part of the bush. For the winter, the Pubvalsky bubble does not require shelter, it feels great even after the harsh winters.

4-5 years after the landing, a large plant is desirable to divide and sear, since with the time the rhizome of the bubblynik is greatly growing and starts to drink out of the ground. Yes, and the soil requires periodic deep processing.

The Przhevalsky Buzlock, asked by you once in the most unclaimed place in your site, will soon be sure to become a true "highlight" of your garden. He will not require special careAnd at the same time will certainly browse with its majestic beauty, attracting enthusiastic attention from spring to late autumn!

Ilona Glaspovaya (Vitebsk, Belarus)

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The Przhevalsky Buzlock is an unusual lush and high Plant. This shrub is not addictive, so you will not need great efforts to grow it. But he will delight unusual blossomthat resembles bright floods of the fire.

Przhevalsky Buzlock is a man shrub of a long-term type. It is characterized by his height. These bushes will perfectly complement various floral compositions on the flower beds. In addition, the buzotone is capable of covering unsightly territories, decorate various fences, walls, etc. The buzital is known for its flowers. They differ bright shades - yellow, orange. Sometimes it has white. Inflorescences resemble lights of fire. This is exactly what the Latin name of this plant is translated. The buzular flower is very high - can grow up to 2 m in some varieties. He can decorate any flower composition, Will look beautiful and alone, and with the rest of the plants.

Przewalsky's buzular variety refers to ligulia, and this is one of the most famous varieties. To put and care for him can even be a novice gardener. The height reaches 1.3-1.5 m. This perennial is distinguished by its puff and decorative properties. Leaves are excised and large. Have a maple form. Connected with a stalk stem of a brown-red shade, which stand out against the background of greenery. A blooming shrub is characterized by special beauty. The bloom begins from the end of June. Inflorescences look like large and high "candles" of a bright yellow shade. They will be visible from afar. They preserve about a month, and the shrub even after the end of flowering does not lose its decorativeness.

On the this moment It is known to 150 varieties of the buzular. Of these, only 10 is used in landscape design. For cultivation in the open ground, the following varieties will be suitable:

  • Przhevalsky;
  • Vice;
  • Toothed;
  • Wilson;
  • Cempfera.

Now there are several varieties of Liguliaria Przhevalsky. Here are the most popular:

  1. 1 Light fingered. It is distinguished by its foliage - its form is more cut compared to other varieties. The inflorescence has a saturated yellow shade.
  2. 2 rocket. This shrub with inflorescence will be able to survive even under the most strong wind. The name is selected due to the fact that the inflorescence resembles a rocket.
  3. 3 Clenoliste. Is different large leaves cable form.

The gear ligulia begins bloom closer towards the end of summer. This bush is slightly lower than Przhevalsky - its height is approximately 1-1.3 m. It differs in foliage - it is very large and rounded. In the diameter, the sheet can be up to 0.8 m. Stem is also long. Inflorescences are bright yellow. They are going to unusual umbrellas. A buczo tongo also has several varieties that differ in foliage color. Here are the most popular types:

  1. 1 Dzhezotnoe Desmemon. Leaves have light green tint. They may differ from above bronze, from the rear - a light purple or brownish tone. The bodies themselves are allocated on this background with a bright scarlet tint.
  2. 2 Buzoons Othello. His foliage has red streaks, which is a feature of the species. In addition, inflorescences are distinguished by bright orange.
  3. 3 Britt-Marie Crawford. These shrubs will attract attention at the expense of a bright saturated cherry shade of foliage, so this is one of the most popular varieties in landscape design.

All these varieties are very popular due to their decorative properties.

Landing and reproduction

If you need to grow a beautiful bucket, the landing should be made according to certain rules. Ligulia is considered to be at all unpretentious plantSo care does not imply any complex manipulations. If the buzital grows in the open ground, then no material and time costs will not need.

It is best to choose a place with a shadow, where the soil is always moistened enough. But the moisture stiring should not be. Under the constant straight rays in the plant begins to quickly evaporate moisture, which leads to a gradual fading. The same will happen if you plan the flower in an overly dry ground.

It is best for fertile soil. This is what is considered the key to the fact that in the future the bush will be powerful, large and beautiful, and inflorescences are bright and high. If in the ground the concentration of humus is low, then it is necessary to prepare a hole more carefully. On the bottom it will be necessary to pour humid and garden land (about at least a bucket). Height, width and length of the dimensions of the wells should be about 0.4 m. It is allowed to add to it yet woodwood and superphosphate.

The reproduction of the buzular occurs in two methods - through seeds and by dividing shrubs. Shrub is a perennial. On the same place can grow from 2 to 10 years, but experts advise once in 5 years to cut the parent plant and divide it in several wells. It must be done in spring periodBefore the plant is activated. You must cut off part of the root with all shrubs. Use a sharp shovel for this. After that, put in a hole that is filled with special garden soil and humus. Be sure to pour bushes. Such reproduction is called vegetative. Before changing the root, it is necessary to rinse it. Each separated part should be escape and fertile kidney. Mineral fertilizers can immediately add mineral fertilizers in the wells when planting already separated parts of the shrub.

More reproduction occurs through seeds. This work will be more paintaking. Flowering from perennial can be waited only after 3-4 years. To get a material for sowing, you need to wait for the seeds at the plant itself. Then collect everything in the package and dry. IN autumn time sow separate place, and the depth must be no more than 2 cm. Senges will appear in the spring. When they get fixed, they can be planted on a constantly place where they will continue to develop.

If you need to grow a buznel, landing and care will be very simple, so everyone can cope with this task. These shrubs are very powerful, with large quantity Inflorescences and leaves, so watering should be regular. It is best to plant such a perennial near the reservoir, you can even near the artificial one. On hot days, abundant irrigation and irrigation are relied. It is best not to plant this plant in too sunny places. If there is a bad watering, then the bushes will begin to be faded and will not be so beautiful.

Experts advise to cut a carpet. After the end of the flowering "arrows" must be removed. If it is assumed that winter will be too cold, then you need to remove all overhead parts before the freezing will begin. In this case, the buzotone is easier to experience the winter.

The inflorescences of these perennials are distinguished by their stability, but they are very high, so that in windy days it is better to tie them to the flowers to be broken. So you can save the beauty of the shrub.

The Przhevalsky Buzlock reacts well to making fertilizers. If you add to the well when planting humus, then in the first year you can no longer contribute other feeders and fertilizers. Then, before flowering, it is assumed to use a diluted korovyan in liquid form - 1 liters of motioned pellets on 10 liters of water. Feed the plant is recommended 2 times a month. There are 3 liters of solution for each bush. If the temperature is dramatically changed during the day and night, it is best to refuse temporarily from using fertilizers.

Specialists are advised in autumn to make mulching using humus. In the spring it is necessary to mix with the upper layer of soil and break. Periodically allowed to plug wood ash.

As for various pests and diseases, the insects do not like to sit on the buzotnoe. But some damage can be caused by slugs. They prefer the leaves of the plant as a meal. To protect the perennial from these and other pests, use superphosphate in granules, scattering it under the bushes.

In some cases, the buzital may suffer from fungal disease. An example is torment dew. To remove fungal microorganisms, it is enough to simply spray a slight solution of manganese. It will take only 2.5 g on 10 liters of water.


The Przhevalsky Buzlock is unusual and an interesting plantThat will decorate any garden, the main thing is to care for it. There are several types of buzular, with differences between them minor. These shrubs are not picky, so the landing and care for them will be able to master even a beginner. The buczital is well combined with other plantations. For example, you can quickly arrange a cuff, hustlee, loyal, hosts. In addition, the bubbers look beautifully and alone. By the way, it looks great for several varieties, especially if their inflorescences have different shades - it seems as if these are fiery floors.

I learned about such a plant as supported Przhevalsky Recently, when the market saw his very decorative palphatic leaves on long red-brown stiffs. In addition, I was told that he would bloom beautifully. His pulling candles-spikes are really impressive. But the leaves themselves look great on, especially when they are not closed from her eyes and grow in the shade.

At first I planted a bought a bubbagel in a flower bed near the house, but he was not here in place. Very large for the edge. In addition, hot aftended summer sun delivered him with his rays, and the earth dries quickly. And the Bouguuto Przhevalsky prefers shadow and wet soils. The picture was depressed - shortly after noon, powerful leaves were wounded with cloths and restored the tour only after sunset.

Last year I transplant the Przhevalsky Buzlock to the Western Wall of the House, he would very well look at the path to the porch. Is not the best place on mine for such a shadowish and moisture-loving plantbut the northern side of the house does not yet have the opportunity to plant plants, because the construction is not finished yet, and there are no shadow flower beds yet. Well, I will rather water so that my carotock felt well.

(Ligularia Przewalskii) is a perennial rhizable plant of a family of complex colored tall up to 150 cm. Named in honor of the famous Russian traveler Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky. His homeland is the mountains of North China and Mongolia, where it grows in a wild form at altitudes up to 3,700 meters above sea level.

Buzulnikov different species And a lot of sizes. All of them are shadowed and moisture.

There are species that grow up to 2 meters and build up a large mass of leaves, and there are low compact 50-70 cm tall. Inflorescences they also have different: Flowers - baskets are collected in shields, brushes, in cooled or blurred inflorescences. The leaves are mostly large, up to 50 cm in diameter, are distinguished by a variety: rounded, honest, gear, palphert-separate, palphert-blade and others. We multiply seeds and the division of the bush. New varieties of buzulnikov with bright and penter leavesBut not all of them are winter-hardy enough to grow in the middle strip.

Reproduction of Buzulnik

Przhevalsky's buznel can multiply by seeds, but seedlings bloom no earlier than 3-4 years. There are no problems with reproduction, because the rhizomes near the main plant are formed subsidiaries that can be separated and transplanted. My plant since the past years gave a few subsidiaries, which I safely, separating the shovel from the bush, transplanted at the end of August. The next year I will admire and take pictures. The buzles of other species can be multiplied by the seeds or division of the bush, separating the shovel of its part, not digging the whole bush.

Landing Buzulnik

There are no problems with landing, but it is desirable to do this not in sunny weather or in a cool day. You can replant in spring or autumn, like all perennials, on the same depth, on which grew daughter plant. In my experience, the kidneys should be close to the surface - centimeter 3, no more. Personally, I never add anything to the landing point, except for mulch top. But if the soil is on the poor or very sour, they need to be improved or replaced with the land in the landing pit on fertile. The soil should be moisture and quite fertile. Suite after planting, it is necessary to hide abundantly, to glue the ground, if necessary, and climb the soil with humus or other mulch.

Pubvalsky's dumping willingly attend bees, bumblebees and others. It blooms at least 30 days, and if in the shade, then much longer. Lower flowers first bloom the lower flowers, gradually the flowering wave sinks to the top of the top, leaving the blurred, but not lost decorative flowers. Seeds by autumn manage to grow and crumble. I do not cut off the sworded flowers, neither leaves for the winter - I prefer everything to be, as in natural natural conditions.

The best thing supported Przhevalsky, like other types of this kind, will feel in shady flower beds or on the shore of the reservoir, where there will be enough moisture for him, and where it is not necessary to regularly water.

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