Hawthorn with bright pink flowers. Hawthorn - types of varieties with photos and description

Hawthorn - a shrub that can be found on the territory of moderate latitudes of the northern hemisphere. It is widely known as good, decorative and. Consider a photo and description of the most common types.

Ordinary or prickly

This species is distributed throughout Europe. It is a small tree or shrub reaching a height of 8 m. The leaves of oval shape, three-bladed, are placed on stiffs up to 2 cm long. The surface of the leaf plate is naked, dark green from above and light green below. The bark of the tree of light gray color, but the branches are red-brown, covered with few spines with a length of up to 2 cm. Flowers shrubs in small inflorescences.

White or pink flowers, in diameter reach 1.5 cm. Fruits of spherical elongated shape, with a diameter of up to 1 cm, red-brown. In juicy pulp of the fetus contain 2-3 bones. The flowering period is May-June, fruction - August. Fruits and ordinary flowers are used in folk medicine as medicine. They are eaten in fresh and canned form.

Important! The hawthorn is used in folk medicine as cardiovascular and sedative. However, together with a useful action, this plant has contraindications. It is not recommended to use it with pregnant and nursing women.


In nature, the Hawthorn Altai is growing in Central and Central Asia. The tree reaches a height of 6 m, it can be attributed to light-loving plants living on stony with a moderate content of mineral elements. Sheet plates naked, oval-triangular shape, sisovato green. Flowers collected in umbrella inflorescences of white color.
Fruits of a spherical shape with a diameter of up to 1 cm, orange-yellow. The pulp contains 5 seeds. Fruption occurs for the sixth year. Hawthorn Altai differs in good winter hardiness and average growth rate. The view is under guard in reserves.Flowers and fruits are used in folk medicine.


In the wild, it is found in the northeastern regions of North America. Since it belongs to frost-resistant, drought-resistant and non-demanding plants, then in culture is also distributed in Russia in the North-Western regions.
This multi-rolled tree reaches 6 m in height, the branches of which are covered with numerous curved spiners up to 6 cm long. Rhombid-shaped leaf plates are placed on stiffs up to 4 cm long. White flowers, reach in diameter up to 2 cm and are collected in inflorescences. The fruits of the bright red color of the ellipsis shape with a juicy flesh. Flowers plant in, fruits - in September. Frequently used to create.


The area of \u200b\u200bthis species is located in the southern regions of Eastern Siberia, the Far East, the northern part of China and Mongolia. Couple-shaped trees reaching in a height of 6 m can often be found on mountain slopes, in the valleys of rivers, among shrubs. Lilac shade branches have spines to 2 cm long. Subneal leafy plates with a pointed end, not lowered, grow on stiffs up to 1.5 cm long.
White colors with purple anthers collected in inflorescences. Fruits edible, spherical shape, red-orange color. Flowers shrub in May, fruit - in September. In the fall, the leaves of the hawthorn of Dauri blush. It is used as a medicinal plant and with decorative goal as .


In nature, it grows in the north and east of the United States and the south-west of Canada. The tree trunk reaches a height of up to 13 m, and in diameter - up to 50 cm. The branches may be branched and form a thick crown. They are practically no spiny. Bark brown, branches have a reddish tint. A sheet plate of oval shape with a pointed vertex dark green from above and brighter below. It is placed on a pet for up to 2 cm long.
White colors are collected in inflorescences of 10-20 pieces. Anthers on stamens of pale yellow or pinkish color. The fruits are black, have an ellipsis shape and form the faded clusters. The flesh is light yellow, sweet taste. Used with a decorative goal in allery landings, parks and gardens.


In wild nature this species Distributed on Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Primorye, Japan. Since 1880, brought to the United States and Western Europe. The tree reaches a height of up to 6 m, has a pyramidal crown and prefers to grow in the forest area. The bark is gray and yellow-brown, young shoots have a purple shade, and the kidney is black. The branches are covered with short spiners up to 1.5 cm.
Ophid leaf plates, 9-11 blade, placed on cutlets up to 2 cm long. White flowers are collected in thick inflorescences. Anthers on violet black stamens. The mature fruits of the wax-black color have a spherical shape with a diameter of up to 1 cm. Green flesh. Used as decorative plant For park and allest landings.

Large or large-scale

The most common view of the United States and the southern part of Canada. It is also found in Russia. A corrupt tree reaches up to 6 m in height with a barrel diameter up to 20 cm? Prefers lime-containing soils. The barrel is covered with light brown or gray crust in the form of oblong plates. Young branches of reddish-brown color with numerous curved glossy spines up to 14 cm long.
The leaves are elliptically pointed on short shoots, sizes of 7 cm by 5 cm, while dissolving bright red. Later, the leaf plate acquires the leathery dark green color, and the autumn is yellow-red. Flowers are collected in shibidal inflorescences on thin long lumpy flowers. White petals, and pale yellow anthers. The fruits of the apple shape with a diameter of up to 8 mm are assembled into sparkling clusters. Their color is bright red, shiny, pulp - dark yellow, dry.

The flowering period is the beginning, fruiting - the beginning of October. Winter hardiness and growth rates. It is used to create lively obstacles, since it is the spiny view with thick foliage.

Soft or semi-minded

A soft hawthorn is characterized as a large-scale look. Its main feature is delicious fruits. Half-sided hawthorn area covers the northeastern part of North America. Since 1830, Russia has been distributed in the European territory. A tree is up to 8 m high, prefers to grow on wet slopes and forest edges. Crown is thick, spherical shape. Bark of light gray color.
The shoots first are green, and later gray, covered with sharp spines with a length of up to 9 cm. Flame plates of oval shape, 3-4 blade, dark green color, via autumn vary on red-brown. Flowers are large, in diameter up to 2.5 cm, collected in lowered palate inflorescences. Fruption comes from 6 years of age. Fruits red and orange with yellow pulp. The hawthorn is used is soft as decorative and fruit look. Refers to winter-hardy plants that feel good in the urban environment.

Important! There are many hitting the hawthorn. Butterflies (fearlessness, rushed, a zlapuju, a ring cocoon), amaze leaves and kidneys, and the cherver commander damages branches and trunk. Plants may cheer muced dew and rust leaves.


This species is common in Europe, the North-West and southern Africa, in the Middle and Middle East, New Zealand, in North America and Australia. The plant prefers heavy clay soils with lime content. It occurs on the edges of the forests, on rocky slopes, near the rivers. The tree grows up to 6 m in height and has a spherical elongated crown with a cherry blossom branches, occasionally covered with small spines with a length of about 1 cm. Browing-gray bark.
Flame plates of oval shape, large-gear, olive-green color are placed on grooves with a length of up to 2 cm. Flowers with a diameter of 1.5 cm, with white petals, combined into a reprehensive inflorescences. Stamens have red anthers. The fruit of the apple shape of a brownish red color contains one bone. Within the framework of the type, a lot of varieties of the hawthorn, characterized by the form of the crown, leaf plate, color and the structure of the flower.

It has the widespread use and distribution, since less demanding of humidity and temperature conditions than a hawthorn ordinary. Winter hardiness plants average.

By hybridization of this species, many varieties of hawthorn who have certain features were derived:

  • Pyramidal crown.
  • Twisted or branch branches.
  • Twisted spines.
  • Terry flowers.
  • Colors white, pink, red, white with red border.
  • Ferraid, dissected form of a sheet plate.
  • Color plate with white, yellow, pink convection.


In the wild, it grows in the Far East of Russia, China and Korea. Since 1880, the gardens and parks of Western Europe and the United States are transferred. A light-chapter tree or shrub prefers a loamy, stony soil and grows on the forest-shops and crouting forests. The bark has a dark gray color, young shoots - brown. The leaf plate of the oblong-egg-shaped form, with 3 pairs of deeply dissected cuts is placed on a pet with a length of about 5 cm.

Inflorescences form white flowers, pinking by the end of blossom with pink anthers on stamens. Fruits are red pear-shaped With whitish dots. The flesh is dense, red. The plant is the most decorative species and grows in urban conditions.Winter hardiness high.


The distribution area covers the Transcaucasia, Turkey, Central Asia, North Iran. The tree grows up to 10 m in height, has a wide crown and prefers dry stony soils. The bark of dark gray, the young branches are published, without spines. A sheet plate of the ovoid-wedge-shaped shape with five-partition dissection, the sizo-green color, is placed on a pet for about 1 cm long.
White flowers with white anthers on stamens are combined into small inflorescences. Greenish-yellow fruits with a diameter of up to 28 mm are covered with dots, have a rounded-face form. The pulp edible, fleshy, so widely used by the local population. The tree is characterized by a powerful root system, so it can serve to strengthen the slopes.

Did you know? In Celtic tradition, it is believed that hawthorn- This is a forced chastity tree. According to the English legend, where the hawthorn, aspen, and, appear fairies. But it is worthwing to meet them in Ivanov a day or day of all saints. Perfume can enjoy or pick up to themselves.

Siberian or bloody-red

In nature, has a fairly extensive area of \u200b\u200bdistribution in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the east of the European territory of Russia, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China. Frost-resistant, unpretentious shrub or a village, reaching 4 meters in height, prefers sand-stone soils without a close level groundwater. The lifespan of the tree can reach 400 years.Bark trunk dark brown, young branches - bloody-red.
The branches are covered with thick spines with a length of approximately 4 cm. Line-broth leaf plates, large-gear, with 3-5 blades of thick green color are placed on stiffs up to 2 cm long. White color flowers are combined into thick palate inflorescences with purple anthers on stamens. Abundant bloom is observed in June. Fruits of spherical elongated shape, bloody-red. In the riot pulp pulp, transparent, sour-sweet.

Fruit period - September-October, begins with 10-12 years of age. The tree grows very slowly, but long. It has widespread use: in medicine, veterinary medicine, like a decorative plant, in cooking, the bark is used as a tubeer and for the manufacture of a red dye for the fabric, is a good honey.

Hawthorn Siberian, based on the US Botanical Garden database, (Missouri) has 8 varieties.


The hawthorn of the cockerel spur is from North America, but it is good fruits in the Moscow, Voronezh, Oryol regions of Russia and in the south of Primorsky Krai. Fall tree, reaching a height of up to 8 m, with a rounded crown and a short barrel grows well on the slopes of small mountains in soils, which are formed as a result of weathering rocks. The bark of the trunk has a gray brown color and a plate shape.

Young red-brown shoots with numerous strips of 6-10 cm long boiled down. Sheet plates of elliptical shape with a weakly pointed end, whole, dense, dark green in the top and lighter below are placed on stiffs up to 2 cm long. White colors are collected in naked inflorescences with pink anthers on stamens. Fruits with a sizem have an apple shape, greenish or dark red. The flesh is dry.
Flowering period - April, fruiting - October. Mostly has decorative applicationAlthough the haircut transfers worse than other types. The color of the foliage by autumn acquires a bright red color, and the fruits do not fall out to spring.

Did you know? The rowan pomegranate with sour-sweet fruits without bitterness was obtained by Michuryin after pollination of the colors of rowan-red ripper of the blood-red milk. This variety of rowan has berries with dimensions with a small cherry Write in the comments, what questions you did not receive a response, we will definitely react!

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Many gardeners know how unique is such a plant like a hawthorn. This leafy shrub has a centuries-old and an interesting story, it is considered not only fruit, but also therapeutic and decorative culture. That is why the plant is often used in large quantities to decorate the garden. The peculiarity of shrubs is endurance and unpretentiousness. There are many various varieties Hawthorn, each of which has its own unique features.


To begin, it should be said that there are not only shrubs, but also small trees in the group of hayrs. About 2 thousand varieties of this plant are known to modern nerd. Most of the varieties will be germinate in North America. In ancient times, people used different parts of the hawthorn for the preparation of healing drinks. It is due to the fact that the plant has a multitude of useful properties due to a unique biochemical composition.

The peculiarity of most types of hawthorn is the presence of a tight and dense bark. Wood is distinguished by durability, due to which large-gas shrubs are resistant to strong gusts of winds and other weather conditions.

On the territory of Europe, the hawthorn is used as a decorative culture. For this reason, shrubs often decorate various picturesque parks.

The height of the plant varies from 3 to 5 m, it depends on the variety. Plants are protected by a dense bark of brown or gray. The height of trees reaches 10-12 m, depending on the variety. Special popularity today enjoys a garden hawthorn. This plant not only decorates the plot, but also pleases with good yield. In addition, garden grades are unpretentious, well opposed to external influences.

Types and varieties

Before you familiarize yourself with the main varieties of the hawthorn, you should be aware that this plant belongs to the "Pink" family. The name on Latin sounds like Crataegus L.

One of the popular perennial grades It is a pauls scarlet - this is a tall plant having pretty lush terry buds. The peculiarity of an ordinary hawthorn is that the fruits on it appear quite rarely. But, if there are still berries, they can have the most diverse shape. Another pretty popular variety is the Hawthorn "Timiryazevts". It is represented as a high well-woofer tree having a direct barrel. Soothes from this hawthorn medium, slightly curved. The mass of red and juicy berries oscillates in the range of 4-4.8 g.

In natural conditions, on the territory of the Far East, the Hawthorn "Maximovich" is often found. The height of the plant can reach 7 m. The feature of the hawthorn is that the fruits having a spherical shape in the process of ripening are covered with hairs. At the end of this period, they completely disappear.

No less popular among gardeners are such varieties like "Daurosky", "Toba", "Douglas", "Crimean" and "Tempet". But it should be said that these plants need special care. No less popular in horticulture is the hawthorn "Pontic". The peculiarity of this species is that it germinates exclusively in the warm regions. Unlike most varieties, hawthorn has yellow berries, the surface of which is covered with specks.

One of the most unpretentious plants is the Altai grade. Using this hawthorn for growing in its own garden, you should take care of the choice of moistened soil. In height, the plant can reach 7-8 m. Pretty "barbed" variety is a fan-like hawthorn. Shrub grows up to 6 m in height. The peculiarity of this species lies in the presence of curved spines with a length of up to 7 cm. According to the description of the berry, the hawthorn can be both yellow and red.

Large and sweet fruits are distinguished by a variety with an interesting name "Paradise Apple". The hawthorn refers to decorative species, which perfectly tolerate frosts.

Many gardeners do not use its cultivation seedlings, as they have long to wait for fruiting.

Another decorative species is the variety "Cockery Spur". The plant has wide wares, its height can reach 12 m. The hawthorn has durable curved spines, which are reminiscent of the rooster spine (which is due to the name of the variety). In contrast to the previous species, the grade is not too high (4-6 m). The peculiarity of the hawthorn is the lack of spines.

One of the unique varieties is a five-hundredth hawthorn. Its feature is that it easily hybridizes with other plant species of this family.


The main distinguishing feature of this variety is the presence of Pestro painted foliage. The length of the tree reaches 6-7 m, the shoots are well branched, plants have an asymmetrical crown. Changing the color of the leaves occurs in the summer and autumn period. In the hot season they have a dark green color. With the onset of autumn, the leaves become bright orange or red. A variety fruiting falls at the end of summer. Bright red berries have a round shape and a pleasant taste.

Symoliste is one of better options To create a living hedge. This is due to the presence of dense branching, thanks to which the plant is distinguished by density and decorativeness. It is worth saying that this grade is a hybrid of "Petuping Spurs" and a large-born hawthorn.

For planting plants, it is best to choose solar places. In the shade of the hawthorn, it blooms poorly and fruits. The plant has a high future concern. IN spring Time It is recommended to remove old and dry branches.


This hawthorn refers to fairly common cultures. Blood-red view (as it is often called) is used as medicinal plant To combat different ailments. The height of the shrub can fluctuate in the range of 2-5 m. The hawthorn has a small number of barns, dark green dull and rough leaves with a length of 3 to 6 cm.

Blossoming shrub falls at the end of May or beginning of June. Red berries siberian variety Have a shiny surface and spherical shape. The average diameter of fruit is 1 cm. Fruption occurs in August and September. This sort of hawthorn is widespread in Western and Eastern Siberia. The plant needs soil with an average moisture, is distinguished by high frost resistance.

For cultivation, it is best to choose well-lit plots, as a Siberian hawthorn is a light-lubricant culture.


The main advantage of this species is the presence of juicy fruits having a mild pulp. This hawthorn is a representative of American flora. For this reason, the plant needs moistened soil. A soft hawthorn tree grows up to 8 m high. The plant has a spherical shape, there are big spines on shoots. Large inflorescences appear on the shrub with a pleasant smell resembling shields.

Fruit of the hawthorn falls for 6 years of his life. Berries are quite large, have a pear or reverseless form. Fruits with yellow pulp contain 3-5 bones. Ripening of berries falls at the end of September.


By the name of this variety, it can be understood that most often he germinates in China, as well as Japan. This is a light-loving plant that transfers both well-lit and darkened areas. A Chinese hawthorn reaches a height of up to 6 m, the distinctive feature is in the absence of spines on branches. This variety refers to decorative species.

What is it combined?

Decorative trees and shrubs hawthorn are good choice In order to decorate your own garden. Many gardeners do not interfere with the fact that the compatibility of certain crops on the site can be both useful and harmful to the plants themselves. The hawthorn is well combined on one territory with cherries and cherries. But, it is worth considering that the minimum distance between cultures should be at least 4 m. As for colors, the hawthorn is well combined with chrysanthemums.

Creating a vibrant hedge

Quite often, the hawthorn is used to create a living hedge. The advantage of such a plant "building" is that it provides environmental purity on the site.

To create live hedge From hawthorn, to begin with seedlings. Experienced gardeners recommend using three-year plants for planting, as they are easily leaving in new conditions, which cannot be said about more adult copies. Thanks to the regular trimming, you can independently form the desired compositions.

Often, trellis are used to create a living hedge. This will make it possible to achieve the density of the barrier.

In this case, the landing must be carried out in a checker order or in two rows. These schemes contribute to the fire of plants among themselves, which increases the dense of the hedge. Do not forget that such designs are an ideal substitute environment.

  • nerd land;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • sheet land.

All of the above components must be used in equal proportions. Such a prepared mixture will ensure good growth and development of a young hawthorn.

As for the landing process itself, it does not differ in difficulty. If the seedlings are placed in one row, it is necessary to make landing holes up to 50 cm wide, for two shrubs - 1 m. The optimal distance between plants is 0.5 m. The pre-prepared mixture is poured into the pit, after which cultures are planted. Around each shrub should be left a slight recess. This will allow to delay irrigation water and precipitation.

Livestore needs a systematic watering. Especially often this process should be carried out in the first year of the life of plants in a new place. Moisturizing is carried out once a week. Due to the presence of wells near shrubs, young cultures will receive a sufficient amount of water.

As for feeding plants in a living hedge, it is carried out only a year after the landing. It is best to choose fertilizers in which nitrogen is contained.

Do not forget that the soil needs to be care. It is necessary to regularly disappear land and remove weary grass. With the onset of fall, the soil is completely leaving along the location of the seedlings.

For landing hawthorn with a large foliage and a dense crown, it is best to choose well-lit sections. Many gardeners argue that these cultures do not differ in the soil. But still, some useful tips should be taken into account.

  • For landing it is necessary to choose a heavy and fertile soil. Special attention should be paid to the water balance, as it must be normal. The storage of moisture limits the flow of oxygen. Gardeners are recommended to add lime to the soil, which will increase softness and fertility.

  • As for the reproduction of the plant, there are many common ways. The most sought-after methods are the shilling and division of the bush. And the reproduction of the plant occurs with the help of seeds. Each of the ways has both advantages and disadvantages, which allows you to preserve the quality of the variety.
  • Fruits and leaves of the hawthorn are often used in folk medicine. Its useful substances strengthen cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure indicators. The feature of the fruit of a hawthorn is the presence of ursolic acid. This substance relieves inflammatory processes, destroys pathogenic microorganisms. As well as ursolic acid contributes to the expansion of the vessels.

In the next video, the expert will tell about hawthorn, its features, landing and care.

Hawthorn - Shrubs Large and small trees with prickly branches, blooming in May - June usually white flowers. This is a long plant, average age Some species reaches three hundred years. In the fall, these small trees decorate bright, most often red, fruits. The fruits of the hawthorn fear of the semi-chapter (S. submollis) are especially effective.

The best varieties of hawthorn of different types: photo and description

There are forms with terry, pink and red flowers, for example, 'Tob'. Take a look like the shrubs of the hawthorn of this variety look in the photo:

Many other species of this plant are noteworthy.

So, the kind of pestchical ( S. MONOGYNA.) has many decorative forms

Daursky ( S. Dahurica.) Differs in graceful foliage, acquiring autumn purple color and others. These hayrs are considered best varieties for creating aesthetic species Pricework. These small spiny plants are unpretentious, drought-resistant and winter-hardy, grow almost on any soils in the sun and in half. Well tolerate trimming, which allows you to adjust the size and shape of the crown. You can grow them as solvents, especially in stamped form. Suitable for the creation of groups, including mixed. This is a plant that has many species. It can be found in different countries. Many people think it is only healing properties And not used in gardens to create songs. But this is far from that. There are quite many sorts of hawthorn - decorative shrub. Eurasia often meet such types of this plant:

Siberian (bloody-red)

Ordinary (spiny)





Consider the external features of the hawthorn of some varieties and species.

Blood-red Or a Siberian view is a shrub or a low tree, a height of not more than 4 m. The branches of the plant are rare, but large spines (up to 5 cm). The first fruits appear only after 7 years. It blooms at all long, no more than 5 days, in the period from May to June. In this case, the color radiates enough nasty smell. Ripen the berries of the plant is already by September. They are edible, sour taste, round shape, up to 8 cm, have up to 4 bones. The plant is steadily for frost and drought. Lives for a very long time - up to 300 or more years. This species is ideal for creating alive hedges.

See what the hawthorn looks like this variety in the photo.

Zelenomy Sort It features flowers with white color, which have dark stamens. Berries of this bush of black shade, but at the same time they have a green flesh. Edible and tasty. Spines in the plant reaches one and a half centimeters. In a wild form he grows on Kurilla and Kamchatka, Russia. This species does not multiply with cuttings. For this use seeds, and in order to preserve the varietal qualities, vaccination is carried out.

Ordinary hawthorn Just like the previous variety, grows in the form of a coafa or a small village, reaches 5 m in height. But the berries of this variety are very small - no more than 10 mm in diameter. The plant grows very slowly. But at the same time it does not require good soil, it can be well grown in shady places, perfectly tolerate the formation of the crown by haircuts. Therefore, it can also be used to create natural hedges. Look at the types of fever from hawthorn in the photo:

In addition, there are quite many varieties of a hawthorn grade, which have a beautiful color:

Paul Scarlet. (terry flowers with pink and white tint)

Bicolor (with white petals to the middle and red edges),

Single-stop Unlike the aforementioned varieties is rapid growth. On average, more than 200 years lives and has a tree type reaching 6 m in height. The branches have small spines, which are rarely rarely from each other. After pruning forms many young shoots.

Soft hawp It has bright orange berries, very tasty. The tree reaches a height of 8 m. Crown is thick, sick-like. The plant has many barns on the branches. Fruit on the 8th year of his life. Snow white flowers. At the expense of their leaves and lush crown Widely used as a decorative plant. How to propagate this hawthorn? Seeds or cuttings. Both of these methods give part of 50%. There are quite a lot of hawthorn. Types and varieties can also be viewed on the photo provided below:

Growing and care for hawthorn: how to plant a shrub

Already mentioned that special care Does not require a hawthorn. Many varieties, as described descriptions, are sufficiently resistant to durable soil drying, strong frosts, shadow. Before planting a hawthorn, you can not think about the quality of soil, etc. But keep in mind that the plants have some pests with an apple tree, a drain and pear, so the disembarkation is better to produce away from these fruit crops.
In addition, before landing and further care of the plant, it is necessary to understand for yourself, for what purpose you are growing it. If you want to get valuable fruits, then choose a more solar place, if you are more interested in the decorative features of this plant, then the shadow or half-day fit.
It is also important if the gardener plans to get a good and strong plant with beautiful color Both berries, you should still pay attention to what he loves the hawthorn, the methods of reproduction and the intricacies of care. Here are some features of a plant care:
  1. Trimming. When growing and leaving the plant, removal of dead and sick branches is required. In addition, pruning can carry not only sanitary functions, but also decorative. With it, you can form the crown of the necessary form. To do this, crop live branches needed, leaving 2/3 parts of escape. Pruning spend in spring.
  2. Soil fertilizer. This is not a mandatory program. But some gardeners are recommended to turn on the feeder of the Navigation. In the first few years, hawthorn after landing and during the period of care of it in the open ground does not require fertilizer. Make it appropriate in the period before flowing.
  3. Watering. It is necessary to navigate here on the climate where culture grows. Landing and further care of the plant does not require too wet soil. In Spring I. autumn months It is enough once in 30-40 days, but each plant should pour the amount of water to 15 liters. In the arid summer months, it is possible to increase the multiplicity of watering to once every 15-20 days. If the year is enough precipitation, then the hawthorn can develop well without additional irrigation.
  4. Fighting weeds and extracting land. Drop the soil is enough twice a year - in the spring and autumn, by pumping the earth around the plant on the bayonet shovel. You can do this in the summer, but during this period the depth should not be more than 20 cm. Remove weeds from the site on time where the hawthorn grows.

These are the basic principles of care that must be taken into account for any variety and type of hawthorn. Observing them, you protect the plant from most diseases, and the tree itself will look very beautiful.

Reproduction of hawthorn: how to plant seeds

About how to grow a hawthorn correctly, many gardeners think that they want to get good plant With the preservation of all mother-breeding qualities in it. Unfortunately, not all methods of breeding the hawthorn of the shrub, even when landing and leaving the appropriate, can lose distinctive features of its kind. Therefore, it should be considered.
Loss of varietal qualities most often happens when the hawthorn seeds are reproduced. Therefore, this method of cultivation is often used in the preparation of seedlings to create a living hedge, where the varietal qualities are not so important.
The fruits of the plants have a thick eye. Choose ripe, healthy berries. Before planting a hawthorn, using his seed, it is necessary to conduct it hardening (stratification). The process is long and can delay up to a year. Do it, withsting plant seeds in temperature mode from +1 to +3 degrees. It is better if this hardening will last at least 3 months. The last time the seed is laid in the ground close enough from each other, as its germination is low. The first shoots in some cases can only be seen after 2 years, since the development of the plant occurs very slowly. Weak sprouts are removed.
Leave a young shoot for another 2 years. During this period, he grows up to half a meter. It must be cut up to 3 kidneys, counting from the ground. If during this time a lot of side shoots appeared, they are removed, leaving no more than two.

Next, the plant in the spring can be transferred to a permanent place.

How to grow a hawthorn: reproduction with cuttings

The reproduction of hawthorn with cuttings is the main way that allows you to preserve varietal qualities parent plant. Carefully dig a bush. Select a good and healthy root. Its thickness should not be less than 2 cm. It must be cut into pieces with a length of about 10 cm. The resulting cuttings are laying out into the ground, they cheat, leaving about 30-50 mm above the ground. Making these all manipulations can be in spring or autumn. But the material planted, it is necessary to create a greenhouse effect using a bank or polyethylene film. From time to time, carry out the cuttings and water if necessary. The ripening period of good, ready-made seedlings also fluctuates within 2 years. Remember that sharp spines on shrubs are a great opportunity to create a live fence on the territory of your site. To do this, planting a hawthorn and departure after reproduction should be produced in the pits with a size of 0.5 by 0.5 m. The distance between each seedling is about half a meter. At the bottom of the prepared pits, you can lay out humus. Watering is carried out as the soil drying for another 2 weeks. Next moisturizing is carried out as an adult plant.

How to propagate the hawthorn

To root a hawthorn, you can and gag. To do this, conduct such manipulations:
  • take the young branch from the maternal bush;
  • put it in the prepared deepening in the ground;
  • secure and plant the earth, leaving about 10 cm branches.
Approximately one year or two you will get a sprout that retains all the varietal qualities of the maternal hawthorn. The agricultural plant of cultivation may include both green young sprouts. But this kind is used very rarely, since the rooting does not always give a good result.

If for 2 years your stalk has not reached the necessary height (up to 60 cm), you can leave it for a year. Such manipulations with a hawthorn can be carried out until they achieve 4 years. Next it root system It grows very quickly, and dig it, without damaging the root, it is almost impossible.

Hawthorn disease

Puffy dew, rust, phomosis, rot - this is not the entire list of diseases that the plant may get sick. From time to time it is necessary to inspect the bushes on signs of defeat. With changes in the foliage of the trunks, immediate measures must be taken against the disease, otherwise decorativeness will be lost. To combat the circumcision of the affected areas, which in the future should be burned.

To minimize the possible defeat, it is necessary to plant a plant on a well-ventilated area and from time to time to process a plant of 1% of colloidal sulfur.
Hawthorn is a plant that carries aesthetic and useful functions. As a medicine, not only berries, but also branches, and leaflets of certain species are used. To have a hawthorn in my garden - it means to get a beautiful perennial plant by attaching for this at least efforts to care for it.

Hawthorn terry

Hawkrs there are a lot of more than 1250 species - in most cases it is quite decorative bushes or small trees. But the most beautiful of them are terry, blooming garden hawthorn hybrids; Its synonyms - spiny, acutely needle and pointed (Crataegus Oxyacantha L.). The latter have many intraspecific forms, as well as hybrids with other types of hayrs, which makes their systematic definition greatly. That is why, in foreign literature, these hybrids often refer to a hawthorn brilliant, referred to as smooth or smooth (C. laevigata), and sometimes classified to the shape of a single-switch (C. monogyna). Their homeland is Western Europe and Transcarpathia of Ukraine. They are durable, live up to 400 years. Grow slowly. Entered in the culture, but they are easily digest. Externally, they usually have the form of a low tree up to 5 m high, less often form a bush. The wood is white, sometimes with a reddish tint, does not inferior on hardness to the Samshite, is well polished. Crown is thick, egg-shaped, very elegant. The shoots of ash-gray, with rare spines to 2.5 cm long, some forms are missing. The leaves are pretty small, up to 4 cm long, on short stiffs, bright green, shiny, with 3-5 stupid blades, along the edge of the city of the city; In the fall, without changing the colors, fall into green. Plants, with seed reproduction, bloom and fruit from 8 years. Fruits of spherical, egg-shaped or slightly oval, dark-red; Some forms are golden-yellow, up to 1.2 cm with a diameter, contain 2-3 bones, ripen in September, edible, sweetish-muddy taste. The pulp of their yellow, contains many pectins.

Hawthorn terry in Sestroretsk

Terry hybrids are unpretentious, fairly housing, in Middle lane And in the north-west of Russia, it is a little frozen only in very harsh winters. To the wealth of the soil and its moisture, undemanding; Light-loving, but withstands the half. In the garden plot are good as a solitier (single landing on the lawn), are also suitable for creating allery landings and alive hedges; The latter is advisable to form in the summer. It can be easily grown and feel perfectly well in a casual culture. Pruning and haircut tolerate hybrids well. Their transplant is better to produce in spring or autumn.

The most decorative and beautiful are garden forms With white, dense-pink and bright red terry flowers, Usually assembled on long flowering in shields for 10-18 pcs. Moreover, the plants look a lot more attractive if they are formed in a strambo form. Especially good of them "Rosea Flore Pleno". His crown during flowering is richly covered with numerous inflorescences regarding large, up to two centimeters with a diameter, numerous bright pink terry flowers, touchingly similar to miniature roses. True, on the bright sun of their petals, by the end of blossom, can be somewhat burning. Very beautiful also "Plena" with terry flowers of white and "Paul Scarlet" - with red-pink terry flowers. The spikes in all three described hybrids are small and few. Blossom lasts more than a month, starts at the end of May and continues all June. All this time, the tree look very elegant, just fabulous. Unfortunately, they can not be found in our country, both on sale, in nurseries and landings, so they are little known to our amateur flowers, although in Western Europe are cultivated quite wide. We define them usually by vaccinate. Between the cuttings, grafted in the strab at an altitude of about 1 m, and not near the root cervy. As a collection, a hawthorn is usually used, less common other types of hawthorn. In addition, they also deteriorate their arcs and air chains, and root offspring; In the latter case, only the cornesological plants. Seed reproduction Perhaps, the seeds possess a very long period of rest, their stratification lasts about a year, they rocked hard. Flowering plants from the seed will start only for 8-10 years, and most importantly - not everyone will have terry flowers. True, with mass cultivation from seeds, there is a chance to bring a new original variety. Especially if there are copies of different hybrid forms nearby and bloom; Or, if they are grafted on one stock. In the latter case, the tree will look especially beautiful, original, and effectively, because it will be like a huge multi-colored bouquet.

In addition to decorative, the hybrids of the Hawthorn of the barrel, as well as the parental form, have very valuable medical properties. Preparations derived from their flowers, leaves and fruits improve the blood circulation and the work of the heart. Their use after heart attacks is especially shown. They are recommended for chest tob, weakened heart, irregular heartbeat; Especially well act when receiving for a long period of time. In addition, hybrid data fruits can be used in food, especially for cooking jelly, jam, confiture, marmalade, compotes, etc. Especially tasty products of their processing when adding other berries and fruits to them, such a swimming allows you to form a more harmonious flavoring gamut of the resulting Product.

As we see, the cultivation of decorative hybrid forms of the hawthorn barrel can be multilaterally profitable.

Plants kind of hawthorn numbered about 300 species, each of which has many varieties. In Russia, approximately 50 types of hawthorn grows, in addition, over 100 species are introduced (randomly or deliberately resettled outside the natural range in new habitats).

Types and varieties of the hawthorn, whose photos you can see in this page, differ in their decorative qualities, color and size of the fruit, the color of the bark and leaves, yields and other features. However, all plants of this kind are sufficiently abandoned and frost-resistant, light-sounded and are not speculative to soil conditions.

Hawthorn Crimea

Hawthorn Crimean (Lat. Crataegus Taurica) is a tree shrub or a small tree growing in the Crimea (in the eastern part of the Kerch Peninsula, the surrounding area of \u200b\u200bSimferopol and Feodosia). In single landings, it is rare quite rare, mostly settles among other deciduous shrubs.

The shoots of Mochnato-hair, dark cherry blossoms are covered with gray, dark brown or motley bark, tightly dodged with short (up to 1 cm) spiners.

The leaves of the hawthorn of Crimean wedge-shaped, on top of the coarse, top, have a dark green color, the lower surface is brighter. The inflorescences are large (up to 9 cm in diameter) consisting of 5-7 long cuttings, each of which is located 3-5 flowers with triangular sewers.

Hawthorn Chinese

Hawthorn periston-cutted (lat. Crataegus Pinnatifida) because of the natural range of distribution (China, Korea) is often called the Hawthorn Chinese. Shrubs and trees of this species and the Far East of Russia grow, especially often found in the middle and lower Amur basin and Ussuri. Usually settled in the clock forests near the fragrant poplar, Amur velvet, manchurian nut And ash. IN Western Europe And in the US, the form is introduced at the end of the XIX century.

Like many other plants of the family of pink, hawthorn Chinese light-chapter, well tolerates a half of rigorous trees. In the height of the trees reach 6 m, the trunk and old branches are covered with dark gray bark. Young shoots naked, then covered with brown bark.

The main difference of this species from its fellows is the almost complete absence of spines. The leaves are bright green, oblong, hair, with an acute vertex, the lower surface is painted in a brighter tone.

The inflorescences of reducing, with a diameter of 5-8 cm, contain up to 20 small, flowers with white petals, which by the end of blossoms become piszzled. The fruits are bright red, shiny, almost spherical, sometimes pear, medium sized (up to 17 mm in length and up to 15 mm in diameter).

Hawthorn is soft

Hawthorn is soft (lat. Crataegus submollis) - American look, whose natural range covers the northeastern areas of the United States from Quebec and Ontario to Massachusetts, New York and Connecticut. Trees are growing, mainly on raw slopes on forest edges. Trees and shrubs frost resistant, undemanding to the fertility of the soil. The hawthorn is soft - this is a tree that achieves 8 meters in height, with a fairly powerful trunk. Sometimes there are multi-form.

The prostrate or ascending branches of the ash-gray form a rather symmetrical, tolten, wide crown. The shoots are dark green, covered with felt flare.

The spines of the hawthorn are soft brilliant, thin, straight, sometimes slightly curved, bright, chestnut-brown shade, reach up to 9 cm long.

Ophid leaves with truncated, wide base and acute vertex have 3-4 pairs of wedge-shaped blades, are located on long (up to 5 cm) stuffs.

Flowers with a diameter of 2.5 cm are collected in inflorescences of 10-15 pieces. Fruits numerous, up to 2 cm long, bright, orange-red color with pale dots. Blossom begins in May, fertures hawthorn softening since September to October.

Hawthorn Maksimovich

Hawa Maximovich (Lat. Crataegus Maximowiczii) is named after the Russian botany, academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Researcher Flora Far East and Japan Charles Ivanovich Maximovich (1827-1891).

The natural range covers the southern regions of the Far East and Eastern Siberia.

Like many other types of hawthorn, quite rarely settles in groups, mainly - these are single shrubs and trees growing on rarefied edges and dry mountain slopes.

In height, the hawthorn of Maximovich reaches 7 m, the trunk and old branches are covered with a languor-brown or gray bark.

The shoots are almost naked, brilliant, reddish-brown shade. Spiky is very few or not at all.

Ophid or rhombic leaves, with wedge-shaped base and acute vertex. Highlights are large, sickle curved.

Flowers with white petals are collected in global inflorescences with a diameter of up to 5 cm.

Fruits are small, spherical, in diameter do not exceed 1 cm. First, the berries of the hair, caused, become bare. 1 kg contains up to 2,000 fruits.

Blossom begins in May, fruiting - in late August - early September. Since 1904, Maximovich's hawthorn began to cultivate in North America and Western Europe.

Hawthorn "Paul Scarlet"

Hawthorn "Paul Scarlet" (Crataegus Paul Scarlet) is a large, high-temperature shrub or tree with "terry" paint colors. All the colors are collected in large umbrella inflorescences, flowering begins in May-June. Cultivars reaches 3-4 m in height and have a wide, asymmetric crown (in young plants cone-shaped, in adults - rounded). Annual increase is 25 cm in height and 20 cm in width.

The bark of young shoots is covered with red-brown hairs, with age, they acquire an ash-red shade. Hawthorn "Scarlet" - a very prickly shape, branches of shrubs dense twisted 2-centimeter spikes.

Cultivar leaves are large, with a dark green top and light green lower surface, 3-5-blade, bloom in early spring And very quickly fall.

The fruits of the Powl Scarlet variety are spherical, apple-like or ovoid, red-brown, slightly silver color, with acute-angular grooves, in length reach 12 mm. The form "Scarlet" is rarely fruit, mostly these shrubs are planted due to beautiful flowers.

This variety is often called the hawthorn decorative, it easily transfers cropping and molding.

Hawthorn "Arnold"

Hawthorn "Arnoldiana" (Crataegus Arnoldiana) is a large-scale, barbed shrub originally from North America. This variety is characterized by thicker crankshafts, very large (up to 3 cm in diameter), rounded, bright-carmine fruits with long white hairs at the vertex, are uncharacteristic for other cultivars with round leaves and very long (up to 9 cm) spikes. The cort is grayish, rough, the annual growth of shrubs is 30 cm as height and 25 cm in width. Blossom starts at the end of May, white flowers are collected in palate inflorescences. When planting seeds, bloom begins only in 5-8 years, grafted cultivars bloom for 3-4th year.

The fruits of the Arnold variety ripen earlier than from other forms and quickly fall. In the pink, the sour-sweet pulp of the fetus contains 3-4 bones. Fruit almost annually. Already by 25-30, this form reaches the limit sizes, so for a convenient collection of fruits, shrubs must be regularly cut.

Decorative hawthorn Sylloliste

Hawthorn Symoliste "Spiegedens" (Crataegus Prun. Spiendens) is a large, decorative, hybrid plant. This Cultivar was obtained as a result of crossing the hawthorn "Cockery of Spur" and a hawthorn of a large-born. In the culture, the grade introduced in 1797.

Especially spectacularly, the creamy hawthorn looks in autumn. During this period, the foliage is painted in yellow-red color, and in place of colors, numerous bright red fruits are matured. The height of the spiedense variety reaches 5-7 m. Crown is dense, asymmetric, up to 4-5 m in diameter. It grows quickly, the annual increase is 20-25 cm.

Skeletal branches are thick branched, covered with gray brown, smooth bark and spines to 4-7 cm long. In adult trees, Crown becomes an openwork, as the side branches hang. The leaves are glossy, large, wide-elliptical, in the summer are painted in a dark green color, in the fall become crimson or bright orange.

The flowering of the creamy hawthorn begins in May-June and continues for two weeks, numerous white flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences. In September, bright red fruits are matured, which are preserved on the branches until the end of December.