What you need to learn to sing. How to learn to sing at home: important exercises

Over the past fifteen to twenty years, family song culture has almost disappeared in Russia, and this is a very serious loss.

Previously, the song sounded constantly: adults sang, gathering at one table; mums sang, laying the kids to sleep.

People sang just like that: going camping, digging potatoes, doing spring cleaning.

Nevertheless, song traditions are gradually returning.

Today, a huge number of people dream of not just singing, but doing it right, beautifully. Not everyone has the opportunity to do vocals with a professional teacher. In this case, try to learn to sing at home.

How to learn to sing at home: developing a breathing apparatus

Karaoke is a real find for lovers of singing. Many sing at home, in karaoke clubs, with friends and just like that, for themselves. There are talented people to whom the voice is given by nature, and then they may well find themselves in the vocalist profession.

How to learn to sing at home? First of all, to understand that it will not work easily and quickly. If you want to achieve a really good result, will have to work in three directions:

Develop proper breathing;

Learn to articulate correctly;

Choose the right repertoire.

So how to breathe correctly and why is it important for those who want to learn to sing? The problem is that many lovers sing well, but they do not have the volume and power of sound. This is because the layman exhales the air right away without holding it. The air ends, the muscles relax - the sound is lost.

The biggest mistake is to breathe air into the upper lungs.. With such shallow breathing, shoulders and collarbones rise, and a neck and ligament clamp occurs. A beautiful “flight” sound will not work.

How to understand what is proper breathing? There is a very simple way. You need to lie down, relax and imagine yourself sleeping. During sleep, a person breathes most physiologically. Air is drawn into the lower parts of the lungs. This can be understood by the fact that a sleeping person does not have a chest rising, but a stomach.

That's right, with your stomach, and you need to learn how to breathe a person who wants to learn how to sing at home, without a teacher. Such breathing is not accidentally called diaphragmatic. Air-filled lungs in the lower part expand and begin to put pressure on the diaphragm. A good breathing support is created, without which to get a strong, clear sound will not work. The diaphragm is the secret of proper breathing, successful vocal training.

To check whether you are breathing correctly, stand against the wall, straighten your shoulders and take a breath, putting your hand to your stomach or (for clarity), any elongated object: a comb, a small umbrella. If you feel that the hand went forward or you see the belly “pushing” the object, everything is in order: it is this, breathing in the stomach, or the diaphragm.

Now you need to train muscle muscles with special exercises. The more you train, the faster and better you will learn to sing. In fact, the stronger and longer the sound is pulled, the stronger the tension in the muscles should be. This will help to sing the whole musical phrase, or even two, without tension, beautifully and completely.

If you inhale the air and immediately exhale, then the end of the phrases simply “spreads out” or does not sound at all. That is why an amateur singer often does not “reach” the line to the end. To avoid a common mistake, one must learn to hold the respiratory support constantly.

The usual swing of the press provides good help, but there are also professional exercises.

Exhale the air as much as possible, then, without gaining air into the chest, breathe “press”, inhaling and exhaling with effort. Such an exercise is designed specifically to develop the diaphragm, so you can’t breathe when singing! Inhale is done through the nose. On inhalation, the abdomen retracts, on exhalation it protrudes slightly. The rate of inhalation-exhalation gradually, as the diaphragm strengthens, needs to be increased.

Classical academic diaphragm exercise: simulate a shout. Imagine that you need to hail a person who is at a distant distance. Shout “hey!”, Feeling the diaphragm tighten. Do 8 to 10 of these “shouts.”

How to breathe when singing?  Nose air, filling the lower part of the lungs as much as possible. The breath should be silent, free, natural. Breast or clavicular breathing is unacceptable: you simply begin to suffocate when singing, overload the ligaments. This is fraught with loss of voice, hoarseness, sore throat.

You need to train daily. This is the main condition for success: the respiratory and articulatory apparatus must receive a constant load in order to be in good shape and maintain strength. A well-developed diaphragm is elastic, strong. Thanks to her, you can gradually develop the technique and learn to sing well.

How to learn to sing at home: important exercises

Daily exercises should necessarily include exercises to strengthen the ligaments and articulation. The initial task is to learn to get rid of tension in the throat, to relax the ligaments. You will need to master the “vocal mask” - this is a special facial expression that makes it easier, stronger, more beautiful to sing sounds.

Exercise "Wide Throat":

Make a “vocal mask”: smile slightly, feeling tension in the cheekbones;

Pull out the tongue while retaining the "smile mask." To make it easier, you can hold your cheeks with your fingers;

Keeping such facial expressions, breathe dog-like, at a different pace. It is important to feel tension in the press, chill and relaxation in the neck. You can help yourself by putting a pencil, sushi stick, pen on your tongue;

Keeping the position of the tongue and cheeks, lower the jaw down as low as possible, continue breathing;

Leave the muscles of the face in the accepted position and utter the sound “a”, pushing it out with the stomach.

In this position, the ligaments rest.

The most important quality of correct singing is proper articulation, that is, a clear pronunciation of vowels and consonants.

Articulation Exercise.

Include the original song. Well, if you remember the words as a keepsake. If not, you need to have text before your eyes.

Take a thick marker or felt-tip pen, clamp between the teeth. The main task is to hold the felt-tip pen while pronouncing the words. Keep your upper teeth hanging over the felt-tip pen: this will make it easier to sing.

First you don’t have to try to sing, it’s important to say the words. The tongue at this moment should not be under or above the felt-tip pen. When pronouncing, he will constantly come across a barrier and get tired. This is serious muscle training.

Having done the exercise two to three times, you can proceed to singing the text. Make three repetitions of singing.

Now you can sing without a felt-tip pen. The bottom line is that the articulatory apparatus remembers the position of the muscles of the face, in which it will be easy for him to sing. Thus, the exercise allows not only to improve articulation, but also to get used to the “vocal mask”.

Of course, do not ignore tongue twisters - An indispensable element in the development of clear diction for all artists. When speaking tongue twisters, pay attention to the endings of words: they should not be “swallowed”, the phrase should sound cleanly from beginning to end.

Great for simultaneous training of the respiratory organs, vocal cords, diaphragm, some exercises of respiratory gymnastics according to Strelnikova. A lot of singers are engaged in this system, why not beginner vocalists do this too? The basis of this paradoxical system is a special nose inhalation. It should be sharp, short and noisy. But the exhalation should be completely invisible, easy, it will be filled with the mouth. It is necessary to focus attention on inspiration.

Exercise Pump.

Make a half-bow with your hands free. The back is rounded, legs shoulder-width apart.

To make the slope stronger, as if you are really working with a pump, and at the same time inhale sharply.

Take an initial position with a quiet exhale.

Repeat. One exercise cycle - eight breaths. Complete exercise is 12 cycles.

Hold Shoulder Exercise  aims to expand the lower lung, which is very important for singers. When inhaling, the chest should be pinched, and all the air will rush down.

Place your arms parallel to the floor, bending at the elbows. One hand is on top of the other.

Sharply, at the same time as inhaling, throw your hands towards each other, hugging yourself by the shoulders and at the same time pinching your chest.

On exhalation, loosen the compression, return to its original position.

The number of repetitions is the same.

Another great exercise to do is the same as the “Pump”. However, hands should be placed on the stomach. Simultaneously with the tilt, press on the press and pronounce the syllables with any consonants and vowels “and”, “u”, “o”, “e”. It will turn out very similar to the classic chant "mi-mu-me-mo", "ri-ru-re-ro", etc. Exercise helps develop respiratory support and deliver voice.

How to learn to sing at home: choose a repertoire

It's time to pick the right repertoire. It is not as easy as it may seem. It is important to catch the tonality (pitch of the voice) at which the ligaments will work as comfortably as possible, without tension. If the song is “yours”, the sound will flow freely, without clamps.

Try singing individual sounds in unison (monotonous) to the selected song first. This means that two sounds of the same pitch will sound simultaneously: your voice and music. If you have a musical instrument or tuning fork at home, making the sound clear can be easier. Pick up a sound with your voice so that it matches, merges with the instrument or tuning fork. For starters, you can do this without opening your lips, that is, simply mumble.

If there are recordings of your favorite song performed by a professional artist, and if the tone suits you, start singing. Try to copy intonations, facial expressions, singer movements - this will help to master the technique of singing. Ideally, your voice and the voice of the artist should merge completely.

The next stage is to try to sing karaoke or "backing track" of the selected song. Be sure to record your performance and listen to it. When a man sings, he does not hear himself. Analysis of the record will allow you to see the errors and work them out. For example, if you are fake somewhere, that is, you do not fall into tonality, you need to work out this fragment.

Learning to sing is very helpful for children's songs. Usually they have a narrow range, a pleasant and clear melody. When the children's repertoire is mastered, you can switch to popular music, romances, folk songs that you like.

If you know a foreign language - great. Songs by foreign artists will significantly expand your repertoire. If you don’t know, then it’s good: thanks to music you can learn a language. The main thing is that the work should be technically uncomplicated, sound within one octave (that is, there would not be too much difference between low and high sounds) and have a simple text.

Ask benevolent relatives or friends with a musical ear to listen to your singing. Do not take hostility with criticism. In the end, you are only learning to sing, so each comment will only benefit.

Novice vocalists are concerned about the question - how to learn to sing beautifully? And today I present you a checklist -   brief tips, which will help to understand why other vocalists sing beautifully, but I still can’t do it?

1 Regularity of classes - the most important aspect. Classes should not be from time to time. It is better if you work on your voice every day. And forget the question - how to quickly learn to sing beautifully from scratch in one day, especially if there is no voice at all. There are no fairy tales in real life. Vocals are serious work. Of course, there are people with very beautiful timbres from nature, but the concept of "school" has not been canceled. There are certain singing rules that a vocalist needs to know. But in addition to knowledge, one must also be able to put these skills into practice.
  Imagine an athlete who asks how many days you need to work out to get fit. The answer is every day, and so throughout life to maintain and improve your form.
  Remember, there is no limit to improvement!

2 Classes with a teacher  - The key to greater success in vocal training than independent practice. Even if you think that in the whole district there is no worthy teacher, this is not so. Initial skills can be obtained not necessarily from the famous opera diva. Often they are not interested in such classes - to teach the basics of vocals, they have other tasks - to bring joy to students with their talent, and if you teach, then at a higher level of skill students should be.

3 - Once, as part of the pedagogical workshop, I gave a master class at the conservatory, which was attended by teachers of vocal music schools in the region and graduate students with their teachers. The theme is the preparation of a vocalist-student of a music school for the competition. I spent a lesson with my promising student.

In addition to the fact that the girl had good vocal skills, artistry, performance, victories at international competitions, her parents could afford the cost of recording expensive phonograms, sewing stage costumes, trips to expensive competitions. After the lesson, I invited the teacher and graduates of the conservatory to work with the child, all the more so because high tuition fees are guaranteed.

To which they unanimously declared that it was very responsible, and it was necessary to know how and what to educate the child, and they had completely different tasks. It was the answer of real professionals - everyone must do their job!

If you decide to learn to sing independently at home, because there is no way to engage with a teacher, then find vocal trainings and courses on the Internet and work on setting your voice. In this case, longing and determination will help you.

5 - For some reason, beginning vocalists are concerned about the question - how to sing high notes, but not just high, but very high. Do not forget that every voice has a distance from the lowest to the highest sound that a singer can sing. And there is the concept of a working range - sounds that are convenient for the performer, which sound without tension, exactly, in a single position and dynamics. The volume of this range is always less than the volume of the range included in the chanting.

When working on exercises, small melodic phrases are applied, and the vocalist approaches the extreme (both high and low) sounds gradually in semitones. And therefore, it can more easily and freely sing these sounds.

Summary of the fifth paragraph - sing songs that do not go beyond your range. Now on the Internet you can transpose phonograms, that is, transfer a melody from one key to another. You just need to choose the tone that is convenient for your voice, that is, the pitch. This is not so difficult to do, only some skills are needed.

6   - I'd like to advise novice vocalists: do not chase the performance of songs in foreign languages. For starters, the singer himself must understand the meaning of the work, and then also convey his emotions to the audience. And what emotions can there be if the performer does not know the language in which he sings a song, did not bother to make (or find) a translation, the pronunciation - what I hear is what I sing. The picture is sad!

7 Singing  novice vocalist songs from clipsthat a whole team of craftsmen worked on.
  In this clip, both the production and the storyline, many actors are involved. And now, say, a student at a music school decides to perform such a song at a concert. Who do you think will perform better? Yes, the student will not look in the best light. And what will he do on the long losses that occur in the clips, because there is an action, some kind of video series?
  To avoid this, you need to have a musical taste, a common culture. And here the teacher comes to the forefront, whose task is not only to teach singing, but also to instill a sense of proportion. And in this case, to convince not to sing such songs at the initial stage.
  Choose your works carefully

8   - The repertoire must be within the power of the performer, remember about the principle of consistency  - from simple to complex songs

9 - more sing in your native language, because vocal art is a synthesis of music and words, it will be easier for you to convey the content of the work. Pay attention to pronunciation, if you are performing in a foreign language, be sure to translate the text to know the content and meaning

10 Melodious works  at the initial stage, it is easier to perform in terms of accuracy of intonation, and for singing fast songs you need a performance technique that still needs to be developed

11   - Mandatory: convey in your own words the content, present the picture - the script - what do you see in detail when you sing each sentence

12 Decide on the nature of the song, emotional plan - through which facial expressions and movements you will convey your emotions.
  But remember that emotions should not overwhelm the performer’s mind, analyze your singing during the performance, think ahead about the performance of each specific task - whether performing a high sound, or the upcoming jump, do not forget about phrasing and breathing

13 Listen  works performed by professionals. But it’s important - not only to listen, but also to hear: analyze how they sing, how they pronounce the text, how they breathe while singing, how they move around the stage

14   - Constantly do vocal technique  - breathing exercises, work on diction and articulation, chant every day, for this it is better to choose one single complex of vocal exercises for a certain period of time, for example, for a semester. Remember: in any case, the system and system exercises are better than even the best improvisation.

15   - If you decide to learn to sing on your own, and there is no one to control the sound of your voice, apply  in work technical means  - record your performance in order to get used to the difference in perception of how you hear yourself and how you hear your voice in the recording, analyze what you hear

16   - When working on a vocal work, use not only a phonogram, but also play the melody on  any instrument  to produce accurate intonation and to better remember the melody

17   - Make it a rule: that your performance is conscious, and that you possess the necessary information and are free to operate with vocal terminology

Apply  these rules in practiceto learn to sing not only beautifully, but also professionally.

Have fun learning!

Sincerely, Irina Anischenko

The human voice is a unique musical instrument gifted to us by nature itself. It has a lot of advantages compared to musical instruments created by human hands. Namely - he is always with us, anytime, anywhere, also he has the ability, in addition to music, to reproduce words. Agree, listening to a song is usually more interesting than just music. That is why there are so many people who for some reason do not know how to sing, but really want to learn.

But how to learn to sing on your own at home? As much as possible? Consider these issues.

Is everyone given the chance to sing?

Many people are firmly convinced that they have "a bear in the ear has stepped." In other words, they believe that they lack musical ear. Not really! Do not believe these statements! Absolutely everyone has a hearing, it’s just that for some people it is in its infancy, that is, it is not developed at all.

Of course, if a child was born into a family of musicians and is surrounded by music every day, his ear for music will develop on its own. Another thing is if from birth he does not hear music, no one sings to him, then his musical abilities will not develop.

The same goes for singing. If a child does not become interested in singing from childhood, does not burn with a desire to sing, then he will not do this in adulthood, of course. That is why the question arises as to whether one can learn to sing. Therefore, we can say with confidence: everyone can sing, it is worth it very much to want.

What do we need for vocals?

Now that we have already decided whether it is possible to learn to sing with desire, we need to understand what components we need for this purpose.

So, first of all, you need an appropriate room with good acoustic data. The voice should not fly up or sound muffled, as in a small enclosed space. Acoustics should be normal, without unnecessary overtones. Many teachers recommend singing in rooms where there are large windows that reflect sound very well and are additional resonators. When you hear the clink of glasses, it means they are already vibrating!

You also need to have good health and not have any serious diseases that could interfere with vocals on the way to solving the issue of how to learn to sing beautifully.

The last factor, but probably the most important one, is faith in oneself, in one’s abilities, which are really endless. In other words, the development of musical and vocal technique is a matter of thoughtful work. Everything comes from the head, so the question of how to learn to sing beautifully is also from the field of psychology.

Help of nature

Nature created all the conditions for a person to not only sing, but also do it very beautifully. For this purpose, we were given the so-called resonators.

What is it? Resonators - these are places in our body, when hit, the sound is amplified many times, becomes more powerful, fuller and more voluminous. They will give an answer to the question of how to learn to sing well. The vocal cords alone are not capable of giving us such a powerful sound. Knowing your own resonators and owning them, you can understand how to learn to sing beautifully. And this will not be such a difficult task, the whole thing is only in technology and desire!

We are looking for resonators

When you master the science of resonance, it will immediately become clear how to learn to sing from scratch. The word "resonance" in translation from French means "echo". Rezonanas is able to amplify the sound, like a microphone. It is he who is responsible for the ease of voice, its beauty and flight. If you just put pressure on the ligaments, nothing good will come of it other than disruption. A lot of people who try themselves in vocal skills and don’t know how to learn to sing on their own begin to do this, relying on a ligamentous apparatus. As a result, the larynx is pinched, an unpleasant feeling of pinches appears in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ligaments, which is very uncomfortable and threatens hoarseness for the voice.

What to do? Search for resonators! There are a lot of resonators on our body, especially on the head. For the most part, they are located in the hard bones of the skull, jaws, maxillary sinuses. Even the teeth reverberate! Therefore, first you need to understand well where these resonators are located.

Do you need talent?

When you start thinking about how to learn to sing on your own, a logical answer arises: you need talent. Yes, indeed, talent is a very useful thing that makes life easier in many things, however, as many famous people say, success most often depends primarily on diligence. And there is. The ability to sing beautifully, so as to win the hearts of people, comes gradually. Namely, a person must first develop a sense of beauty in himself.

You need to hear in your head that voice that you want to strive for. In order to hear him, you need to imagine him. But for this you already need to have a well-developed imagination. What to do if the imagination is not well developed? Everything is fixable! Imagination will succumb well to "training." Will we try?

  • Take a look at the clouds and try to see some kind of image in them. At first it will seem a difficult task, but that is the whole secret to see the first thing that catches your eye. No need to try to squeeze something out of yourself, everything should be easy and relaxed.
  • Take any 3 words, preferably nouns, and try to come up with a coherent sentence with them. Let such a proposal sound ridiculous, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it turned out.

Such simple tricks will help solve the problem of lack of imagination, since it is more far-fetched than the existing one. Every child has a well-developed imagination. The only trouble is that, growing up, we forget what it feels like to be a child.

Search for a teacher

When people ask themselves how to learn to sing beautifully, many people think of turning to the help of professionals. This is very justified, because a talented teacher will help to avoid many mistakes that can be made by learning independently. In this case, you will have to relearn, but as you know, it is easier to re-learn.

However, it is not so easy to find a person who will be both a good teacher and a good singer. Very often, the best singers cannot well and competently explain to the student what and how to do for proper sound production, and vice versa. Nevertheless, if such a desire arose - to find a teacher for yourself, do not neglect them. He who seeks will always find, and this is a fact.

High notes

High notes are considered the edge of the range, and therefore singing is especially difficult. And a person begins to think about how to learn to sing high.

Everything is very simple. Again connect the imagination. Imagine that high notes are not at all so high, and that there are notes that are even higher. In this case, singing high will not seem so difficult.

We can’t connect our natural resonators, they must all vibrate and respond. Sound should fill all our sinuses and pour not only from our mouth, but literally from our entire body.

Improving the technique of singing

In addition to the aforementioned resonators, a person who wants to master the technique of vocals, still need to correctly put performing breathing. It is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. We all breathe, and it gives us life. The vocalist’s breathing, however, requires work and training.

First of all, it is necessary that it be voluminous and that it suffices for long phrases and passages. It is also important that it be diaphragmatic, or, more simply, its support was on the diaphragm.

All this is achieved by practice and careful self-control. At first, of course, it is difficult to control so many things at once, namely: to monitor the correctness of your breathing, not to forget about the resonators, and also to monitor the progress of your singing. Everything comes with time and practice. Gradually you will notice how it becomes easier and easier for you. You will already pick up a more complex repertoire or songs that are better suited to you. The extreme notes of the range will no longer seem intimidating and will be taken easily and naturally.

Believe in yourself and be patient, and you will not notice how quickly you learn to sing beautifully and will no longer be wondering how to learn to sing on your own.

Each person has something creative: someone is fond of drawing, dancing, someone found himself in acting, someone sings, today we’ll talk about singing. More precisely, on how to learn to sing beautifully and not be afraid of your voice.

Of course, each singer will tell you that learning to sing on your own is a very difficult task, you need a teacher, or it is better to say a master who will give you a voice. Difficult - but realizable, therefore, a person who really wants to learn how to sing will do this regardless of all the difficulties.

Singing is one of the best ways of expressing a person, his feelings and thoughts.

From this definition, we can conclude that everyone can learn to sing beautifully, because we can convey our thoughts through speaking, so why not learn to do it through singing? Note that in order to learn to sing, it is not so important to have some kind of technique, it is much more important to relate to this work with all your heart and soul.

How to learn to sing

Ear for music

The first thing you need to do is start training your hearing. You ask why the rumor, not the voice? - because your voice will arise in the process of training, but hearing problems for many people begin from the very first lessons. Let's deal with this concept, so that later we can deal with a certain base.

Ear for music  - a set of human skills that allow him to fully and objectively evaluate music or some sounds, to see in it the advantages and disadvantages; hearing is the most important factor for a person’s successful musical performance.

Types of Musical Hearing

  1. Relative hearing is a person’s ability to find and reproduce high-altitude relationships in melody, in muses. intervals, etc. It should be noted that the pitch is determined by comparison with the reference sound. Relative hearing is an essential tool for every professional musician.
  2. Absolute hearing - the ability of a person to find the absolute pitch of sounds, while not comparing them with reference sounds. This type of hearing is innate, and scientists say that it cannot be obtained artificially (by various exercises), but nevertheless, development in this activity continues.
  3. Intonation hearing is a person’s ability to hear the “expressiveness” of music.
  4. Inner hearing is a person’s ability to clearly visualize separate sounds, harmonic and melodic constructions. This is a type of hearing that allows you to hear and perceive music within yourself, without any external interference.
  5. Hearing is the ability of a person to distinguish between the tonal and tone functions of each sound individually.
  6. Harmonious hearing is a person’s ability to hear chord combinations of sounds in their correct sequence, as well as arpegging with his voice.
  7. Polyphonic hearing - the ability of a person in a song to simultaneously hear several separate voices (two or more).
  8. Rhythmic hearing - the ability to move through music, feel the musical rhythm and copy it exactly.

There are several other types of hearing, but I drew your attention only to these six main ones. It would be nice if you could distinguish them without any abstract or cheat sheet.

How to Learn to Sing No.1 Vocal Lesson for Beginners

The nature of musical hearing

Musical hearing is specifically related to a person’s musical talent, expressed to a greater extent, by his emotional experience and perception of a musical image. Various aspects and subtleties of musical hearing are studied in specialized sciences such as psychoacoustics, musical psychology, psychophysiology of hearing, musical acoustics.

Musical development

A special discipline such as solfeggio is involved in the development of hearing. I note that everyone has a musical ear, it just needs to be developed. So, we will begin to develop our hearing, and the first thing we turn to is unison.

Unison is a phenomenon when sounds different in source sound at the same pitch. Our task is to: learn to adjust our voice to any sound that we hear. To achieve this result, there are several exercises.

The first exercise “finger to heaven”:

You wonder why it is so called? Because you have to pick up voices, making various sounds, and the first time, it is almost impossible to do.

The essence of the exercise is as follows: being close to the sound source, try to repeat it, making different monotonous sounds (“oooh!”, “Aaaaaa!”, Etc.), after some time, you can definitely repeat the necessary sound, the main thing is to train.

The second exercise "Carpet bombing":

The essence of the exercise: we stand next to the source of a monotonous sound, and begin to make different sounds with our own voice, we moo, hum, in general, we experiment with the voice. We make sounds similar to the noise of a chainsaw, the hum of an accelerating car or a flying airplane, etc. In music, this technique is called glissando, but we will call it “staircase”, with our voice, we, as it were, collect all the sounds in the direction of up or down.

So, how do we now determine when we will be in unison? - you ask. Everything is very simple, for physics there is such a thing as resonance, this is when two sounds merge into one and amplify it twice. Namely, when this phenomenon occurs, it will mean that you have reached unison. After that, you will begin the flow of fantasy, it will be more interesting for you to do this, because You have already achieved some success.

Well, we talked about such a thing as ear for music, and found out that this is the most important criterion in order to learn how to sing beautifully. After getting acquainted with a certain theory, we discovered 2 exercises for improving hearing. You need to regularly perform them in order to constantly improve yourself.

The ability to hear yourself:
  Another equally important factor is the feeling when you can objectively hear yourself from the outside. At first your voice will be very disgusting to you, do not be alarmed by this, this is normal. But over time, such a defect must pass, and then you just need to record your voice, and then listen to them in order to analyze your mistakes. Let it be a dictaphone or program on the computer, the main thing is that the sound is clear. By doing these exercises, you will get rid of many mistakes, and your voice will be more perfect.

In order to learn to sing well, you must learn to breathe correctly. You should not breathe haphazardly, suffocating while singing and thereby making unnecessary sounds. Breathing should be as close to normal as possible. Try to inhale sharply, and exhale slowly and smoothly. It is very important to control the exhalation length and inspiration depth. The muscles of the diaphragm and ribs are involved in breathing. Note that oxygen must flow through your nose! In order to learn how to breathe correctly and do it easily, regularly do the exercises that we will discuss below.

Now we will see how exactly breathing is involved in the process of singing. The source of sound that comes from your body is the vocal cords. Sound is the result of closing these same vocal cords. A stream of air oscillating them comes from the bronchi, the result is a sound. This is a whole process in large reduction, in fact, it goes a little more complicated.

Let's analyze the exercises that develop breathing:

Exercise 1: A very useful exercise with a candle that develops a smooth and slow exhale. The essence of the exercise is as follows: put a lighted candle in front of you (at a distance of 20 cm), draw a small amount of air through the nose into the lower part of the ribs. After this, exhale smoothly and without unnecessary jerks in the direction of the candle, while the fire should not go out. This exercise will help you avoid unnecessary jerks and jumps when singing. In addition, the exercise develops the duration of expiration, which will positively affect your personal data.

Exercise 2: As mentioned earlier, the lower ribs and diaphragm are most involved in singing breathing. This exercise just affects this muscle group. Lie on the floor or on any other hard surface, then put some weight in the abdomen (this can be several heavy books). Now you just need to breathe evenly for a short time. For beginners, this exercise may seem strange, but in fact, when performing, the muscles of the diaphragm strengthen, which contributes to a correct breath.

Vocal lesson. Sound attack. Singing on a support. Jazz tricks


We have not in vain combined such concepts as breathing and articulation in one group, because personal indicators of these data need to be developed precisely in the aggregate, otherwise the result will not be.

Now, let's look at a few exercises for the development of articulation.

Exercise 1: This exercise develops the masticatory muscles, joints, and ligaments. Open your mouth wide, mentally pronounce the vowel “A” and hold this position for 5 seconds. Do a few repetitions. Also, the exercise can be complicated by pressing on the lower jaw with his fist.

Exercise 2: Exercise strengthens the muscles of the cheeks. In turn, inflate, then the right, then the left cheek, and then retract both. Perform a few repetitions.

Exercise 3: Probably the well-known exercise is tongue twisters. Learn and repeat tongue twisters with great speed throughout the day, i.e. if you have a couple of free minutes, then you can devote them to this occupation. With this you will develop your own language, and your words will not be distorted. At first, do not try to pronounce tongue twisters very quickly, let it be slow, but in high quality. Be sure to pronounce the endings of words, and do not chew them. Over time, build up the pace, and soon, the result will be felt.

Emotions are a very important factor in singing. You must admit that no one will be interested in listening to the person who came out and mumbled something to you, yes, in fact, such a person will never succeed in singing. I mean that when going on stage, any creative person should present to people their attitude, their views and emotions on the object of his attention. In this case we are talking about a song. The singer must convey all the feelings inherent in the song, it can be experiences, or vice versa joyful emotions.

Therefore, before you perform a song, be sure to tune in to it, feel its character, okay, repeat it again and pay attention to all the little things. After all, knowledge of the song is a natural necessity, without which the performance will not work. After you deal with emotions, dilute them with various gestures. Entire books are devoted to this topic, but I presented you with brief information that is worth paying attention to.

As I said at the beginning of the article, it’s best to hire a coach to voice your voice. He will thoroughly engage in your training, and most importantly, he will constantly indicate to you your mistakes, which is impossible with independent training. Although here a voice recorder will come to your aid. If you nevertheless decided to study, then do not take your days off and do not break away from classes. One more very important factor of your success is constant performances before the public. No matter who it is, the main thing is that outsiders are listening to yours. Do not be afraid of criticism, this is your primary teacher.

Also a big plus is group classes. Firstly, you will have a greater interest in singing, and secondly, you will always learn from your partner.

This article is about to end. Good luck!

Did all the necessary exercises given in the lessons (do not forget to perform them periodically). Now you know more and are ready to develop your voice yourself at home.

Here you will need any sound recording program, for example, Audacity, a fairly easy program in Russian to download Audacity. The essence of the method is that we will record your voice and then analyze it. After all, we want learn to sing at home  independently, without a teacher. What essentially a vocal teacher does: in a broad sense, he evaluates our vocal, analyzes it and gives recommendations - what to fix, what needs to be worked on. But, having learned a lot from these lessons, we will be able to analyze and evaluate our vocals ourselves. But remember: you must become a critical listener and accept all the mistakes you hear.

Method "How to learn to sing at home?"

Choose any song of your favorite artist (only so that it is not very difficult to sing). Paste it into the Audacity sound editor. By pressing the “record” button, sing a song with your favorite artist, singing along with him. The main thing is that when you record, you hear the original, so it will be easier for you at first, you will feel support in the role of your idol.

Save the recording (together your vocals and the original, that is, two tracks in one Mp3 file).

Now move away from the computer, you can lie down. Turn on your recording, you can use the headphones, and start listening. But not just listen, but analyze. Analyze your voice and look for errors, and also compare your voice with the original, which sounds in parallel.

If you don’t like some place you’ve sung, somewhere you don’t hit the note, you gave the rooster - follow how the performer sang in this place, what technique he used, and next time try to do the same.

Note:   At first, you may not like your voice; it may seem like a stranger. Remember, in the lesson “The structure of the vocal apparatus” I said why during a conversation we hear our voice differently than others hear it. You may be unhappy with your vocals. But please, do not scold yourself, let alone throwing singing. You are only on the way to achieving the goal! Many great vocalists started the same way you did. Move towards your goal and don't stop!

So back. We listened, analyzed, compared - we are going to correct the errors. We record the song again, but already trying not to make previous mistakes. Recorded, saved. And again to analyze.

Repeat this practice and sing at home constantly, change artists and songs. When you have gained experience, you can sing without the support of your favorite artist. You can sing, for example, with a guitar ("Guitar Lessons for Beginners"). Look in the section "Lyrics with chords", there you will find many songs with the guitar, which you can practice.


Using the method described above, you will not only learn to sing at home, but also learn to listen, which will help you to some extent develop your musical ear.

Friends, exercise, sing at home more, sing better, do not be shy and do not be afraid to do it. A video clip on How not to be afraid of neighbors while singing can be found on the page “Release of Voice”.

Now look and read interesting articles on vocals that will help you learn to sing better at home. Go to your goal and in no case stop halfway - "He will master the road who will not turn half the way!". Good luck to you!