Which soil of the existing species is the most fertile. The most fertile soil. Where are the chernozems located?

IN soil types, in which in addition to small particles - sand, dust, silt (the main composition of any soil) - contains a significant amount of humus and lime, called structural. Air easily penetrates into such soils, moisture is well absorbed. They have increased vital activity of beneficial microorganisms, due to which the reserves of nutrients available for plants increase. Therefore, such soils are more fertile.

What types of soil are considered fertile

Such soil is called fertile, from which plants receive enough nutrients of all kinds and moisture. Rich soil may contain many nutrients, but due to poor structure they are inaccessible to plants. Poor soil is characterized by a small amount of nutrients, the availability of which for plants is also limited due to its poor structure.

Some growers make the mistake of believing that the poorer the soil, the more mineral fertilizers should be applied to it. Large doses of mineral fertilizers create an excessively high concentration of soil solution in such soils, which is harmful to plants. On poor soils, mineral fertilizers should be applied in spring and only with organic ones. The most effective in this case is the garden fertilizer mixture, which is recommended to be mixed with rotted manure or humus before application - one part of the fertilizer into two parts of the humus

In the middle lane of our country in main soil types   The most common are sod-podzolic, sod and peat-bog soils.

Sod-podzolic soils are poor in organic matter, have high acidity: in case of poor cultivation after watering and rains, they swim, forming a soil crust. Soddy soils are more fertile, rich in organic matter (humus). They are used as the main soil component for greenhouses and hotbeds, as well as for seedling pots.

Drained peat bog areas (peat bogs) with the application of certain doses of mineral fertilizers and lime are most favorable for obtaining high yields of vegetables. Lowland peatlands, which contain a lot of nitrogen and have low acidity, are especially good for vegetable growing. When used comprehensively, such peatlands not only constitute wonderful agricultural land, but also serve as a source of peat for fertilizer and soil for greenhouse greenhouses. Peat bogs are highly acidic, poor in nitrogen and other minerals, so they are not used for cultivation of vegetables in open ground. However, peat is a valuable substrate for growing vegetables by hydroponics and a good bedding material for livestock.

The mechanical composition of the soil is divided into clay, loamy, sandy and sandy loam. The mechanical composition of the soil is determined by the size of the particles of which it consists.

Clay soils are heavy, tightly bound and compacted, especially after irrigation and rain. The soil crust formed in this case sharply worsens the access of air to the roots of plants; such soil is poorly warmed up and dries out. To increase fertility in the fall (better) or in the spring, 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof peat composts, straw manure, plant composts or 0.2-0.3 kg of wood ash per 1 m² are added to it. Peat and peat compost, straw manure close up on clay soil no deeper than 15-17 cm. Mineral fertilizers are usually applied in the spring (especially nitrogen and phosphorus) also to a shallow depth (up to 20 cm); it is better to make them locally - in rows and holes. This approach to fertilizer application on heavy loamy soils is combined with permissible shallow seed placement of vegetables and potato tubers.

Loamy soils are more structural and fertile than clay soils. Their nutrients are in a more accessible form for plants. In practice, these soils are suitable for growing all types of vegetable crops.

Sandy soils are considered infertile. They quickly pass water. As a result, nutrients introduced into the arable horizon are intensively washed out into the lower layers. However, due to rapid heating and good aeration, such soils are of some value for early vegetable growing, provided that their fertility is constantly increased. This is achieved by the systematic introduction of organic fertilizers, especially peat composts (if possible, bring in pond sludge), it is better in the fall, but it is possible in the spring, provided intensive watering is required. Fertilizer consumption per 1 m² - 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof manure or 6-8 peat. You can make fractionally - half in the fall to a depth of 17 cm, the rest - in the spring. Seeds on sandy soils are sown, and seedlings are planted deeper than clay ones.

Sandy loamy soils are more fertile than sandy ones, especially for the cultivation of early vegetables: the structure is better, they hold nutrients and moisture more reliably.

How to determine the mechanical composition of the soil

It is difficult to accurately determine the mechanical composition of the soil without special analysis. However, there are simple tricks that are quite affordable for an amateur grower.

For example, they select soil for half a shovel from the arable layer, pour water into the resulting hole and mix with the soil collected from the arable land. From the resulting test, make a sausage and bend it into a ring. If the ring is cracked, the soil is loamy, if the dough is not formed - the soil is sandy, if the ring does not crack - clay.

1. Scale for determining the mechanical composition of the soil

The differences in soil texture In wet conditions (if the soil is dry it is wetted)
when rolling when squeezed
Loose sands The ball cannot be rolled up. When rubbing on the palm of the palm does not remain clay particles - palm clean -
Sands connected The ball cannot be rolled up. When rubbing, palm particles remain on the palm -
Sandy loam The cord cannot be rolled up, but you can roll the ball The ball crumbles with light pressure
Loam The long cord cannot be rolled up - it breaks and crumbles The ball turns into a cake with cracks along the edges
Clay A long, thin cord forms The ball is squeezed into a cake, does not crack at the edges

More than a hundred years ago, V.V. Dokuchaev established the geographical zonality along which the main types of soils on the Earth are located. It shows where fertile serozems are located. On the territory of Russia, zoning is manifested brighter than in other countries. This is due to the large extent of the country from south to north and the prevalence of flat terrain.

Soil types

On the territory of the Russian Federation, a zonal change of soils is clearly traced. There are tundra lands, gley, sod-podzolic, podzolic, brown and gray, fertile soils (chernozems), semi-deserts, chestnut, gray soils, gray-brown. In the subtropics, red soils and yellow soils are common. In the mountains, a feature of soil change is altitudinal zoning. All types are divided by composition, structure. The classification is also affected by soil fertility.

Type Description

The northern part of the country is represented by tundra-gley soils. They are low-power, contain a small amount of oxygen. A wide variety of land types are common in the forest zone. In the taiga, podzolic lands are formed under coniferous forests. Due to the decomposition of coniferous litter, acids are formed that enhance mineralization and organic decay. Humus is washed out of the upper layers of water and transferred to the lower layers. As a result, the upper layers become whitish, which is why they got their name - podzol. If the top layer is enriched in humus, then such land is called sod-podzolic.

In the zone of forest-steppes, the most fertile soils — chernozems — are formed. They are characterized by the absence of a washing regime, and because of the steppe plants, the soil is enriched with organic substances. Because of this, a large layer of humus is formed. In arid lands, a chestnut layer forms. They are low in humus. Such soils are found to the south, where the climate is dry and warm, and vegetation is rare. With a close occurrence of groundwater, salt marshes form.

Black earth

The most fertile soil is considered chernozem. It is characterized by black color, grain-lumpy structure. This type of land is formed under grass vegetation in the steppe and forest-steppe zone.

For chernozem, the following is characteristic:

  1. A large amount of humus. Chernozem contains up to fifteen percent of humus. Because of this, such lands are highly fertile.
  2. Many microorganisms. In each type of soil there are microorganisms, but it is in the chernozem that they are most.
  3. The fertile soils of Russia have a granular-lumpy structure.

Harvest land

The chernozem soils have the highest productivity. In areas with such land, warm temperatures prevail, stimulating the metabolic rate in plants.

Natural conditions play a significant role in the creation of soils, which form a favorable regime for the accumulation of nutrients and their conservation. In the black soil layer there are many worms, bacteria. They create favorable conditions for the cultivation of any species of plants.

Where does chernozem occur?

In addition to the territory of the Russian Federation, chernozem soils are found in America, Canada, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria. Black earth in Russia is about half of all the fertile lands of the planet. Also, chernozem in our territory has a rich composition, while in other countries these lands are poorer.

Types of black soil

And what are the best fertile soils of all types of black soil? The characteristics of chernozemic land determine the species. So, according to this criterion, podzolized, typical, leached, southern land is distinguished. In central Russia, chernozem has about eight percent humus. The layers themselves lie a depth of not more than seventy centimeters.

Steppe chernozem is a typical species. It contains about ten percent of humus. In the strata of North America, the humus content is not more than three centimeters. And this despite the fact that land with its content of less than two percent is considered to be dead. Of all the black soils of Russia, Voronezh is considered the standard of fertility. It is even exhibited in the museum of France as a symbol of fertility.

Black soil formation

The formation of black soil is a long and complex process. It is influenced not only by flora and fauna, but also by the location of the land, the climate of the region. In the process of farming, if the land is not replenished with fertilizers, the quality of black soil is lost. The cut off fertile layer loses its properties after a few years. An example of this is the transportation of black soil layers to Germany in the post-war period. Years later, they lost their properties.

Sale of black soil

In recent years, the sale of soil has been growing rapidly. This leads to the destruction of black earth, the creation of which takes decades. The fertility of the earth is influenced by many factors, among which the main one is the type of plants growing on the ground. If the plant has a powerful root system, then the fertility of the chernozem will be better. This is due to the fact that large roots when deepening loosen the soil, allowing oxygen to penetrate deep into the reservoir. The most fertile soils are those on which trees and shrubs grow.

The use of black soil

Chernozem is delivered to various parts of the world. It is used in landscape design in large cities where land is depleted. In central Russia, chernozem soils are used to create the necessary fertile layer. With its help, they optimize water permeability, particle size distribution, density. After making soil on sandy lands, improvement, fertility improvement is observed.

The territory of Russia is huge, but there are few favorable land for agriculture. More than ten percent of the land is occupied by the tundra, about thirteen percent is wetland, and the same amount of land is used in agriculture. The most valuable lands make up about seven percent of the entire country. Half of them are in the Chernozem region: about eighty percent of the country's products are produced here. Under pastures and hayfields allot podzolic and chestnut lands.

Names of soil types come from the name of the climatic zones in which they formed. In the taiga-forest zone podzolic   and sod-podzolic; in the forest-steppe and steppe - gray forest, chernozems, chestnut; in subtropical - red and yellow soils.

Many soils got their name due to the color of their humus horizon: black earth, gray forest, brown forest, podzol.

In the soil on the surface of particles of clay, sand, and silt contains a large number of iron compounds. It is because of the iron films on the soil particles that it acquires its specific color. The presence of iron hydroxides gives the soil different shades of reddish brown or yellowish brown. The soil becomes black in color depending on the presence of humic acid in it.

  • Black color - more than 7%
  • Dark gray - 5 ... 7%
  • Gray - 3 ... 5%
  • Light gray - less than 3%

Podzolicsoil -common in the taiga zone. Where coniferous forests grow. The top layer is forest litter, formed from fallen needles and branches. Below is a whitish layer that does not have a pronounced structure. Below it is a brown horizon, dense, with a high clay content, the structure is expressed as large clods.

As a result of the decomposition of needles, acids are formed, which under conditions of excessive moisture contribute to the decay of mineral and organic particles of the soil. Abundant precipitation, in turn, washed such soil and removed substances dissolved by acid from the upper humus layer to the lower horizons. As a result, the upper part of the soil acquires a whitish ash color.

These soils are very acidic and therefore always need liming and full fertilizer application. In podzolic soil only 1 to 4% of humus.

In Russia, podzolic soils are common in Siberia and the Far East. Trees on such soils grow much better than crops.

Only at the base of slopes, in humid places, podzolic soils are considered the most suitable for vegetable growing. The soils of these places have a bluish color and steel sheen on the cut. However, they are usually too wet and must be drained.

Sod-podzolic soils   Is a subtype of podzolic soils. They form under small-leaved forests mixed with conifers. In composition, they are largely similar to podzolic soils. Under the forest litter there is a humus horizon, with a depth of not more than 15 ... 20 centimeters, which has a dark brown color, followed by a barren whitish layer.

A characteristic feature of these soils is that they are slower than podzolic soils washed out by water, therefore more fertile, however, they also need liming and fertilizer and can be used for growing vegetables only after improvement.

To do this, gradually, not more than 3 ... 5 centimeters annually, deepen the arable layer and introduce a large amount of organic, mineral fertilizers and lime. Spring treatment of sod-podzolic soil should be carried out to a lesser depth than autumn so as not to turn the podzol to the surface.

Gray forest soils form in deciduous forests. An indispensable condition for the formation of such soils is the presence of a continental climate, grassy vegetation, and the presence of a sufficient amount of calcium (Ca). Thanks to this element, water is not able to destroy the structure of the soil carrying nutrients.

These soils are painted in shades of gray. The humus content in gray forest soils ranges from 2 to 8 percent. The fertility of these soils is considered average.

Gray forest soils contain slightly more humus than podzolic soils. Despite a certain amount of calcium (Ca) reserves, they nevertheless have an acid reaction of the soil medium, and therefore need liming.

Brown forest soils are common in mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests. These soils are formed only in temperate warm climates. The color of the soil is brown. The top layer, about 5 centimeters thick, consists of fallen leaves. Below it is a fertile layer up to 30 centimeters thick. Still lower is a clay layer of 15 ... 40 centimeters.

Brown soils are divided into several subtypes having a palette of shades of brown color, the formation of which occurs under the influence of ambient temperature.

Chestnut soils are common in the steppes and semi-deserts. This soil has a chestnut, light chestnut and dark chestnut color. Accordingly, there are three subtypes of chestnut soil, varying in color.

On light chestnut soils, farming is possible only with abundant watering. On dark chestnut soils, cereals and sunflowers grow well without watering.

The chemical composition of chestnut soil is diverse. There is magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) in the soil, which indicates a favorable level of acidity (pH) for most plants.

Chestnut soil tends to recover quickly. Its thickness is supported annually by falling grass. On it you can get good yields, provided sufficient moisture. Since the steppes are usually arid.

Chestnut soils in Russia are common in the Caucasus, the Volga region and Central Siberia.

Soddy soils are distributed mainly in Belarus, the Baltic states, in the middle and northern
zones of Russia. They contain a lot of humus, and therefore are structural and fertile. According to the reaction of the soil environment, soddy soils are slightly acidic or neutral.

Black soil recognized as a standard. They have an optimal grain structure, they contain a lot of humus, have a high content of nutrients and a neutral soil reaction. When breaking the garden on chernozem, fertilizers should be applied only to maintain the balance of nutrients.

Voronezh chernozem   stored in the Paris Chamber of Weights and Measures, being the standard of agriculture.

Peat soils are located in the wettest places, occupy about 7% of the entire territory of Russia and are located mainly in the regions of the North-West, the central strip of Russia, Western Siberia and the Far East.

They have a dark, almost black color when wet. In the thickness you can always consider not completely decomposed plant remains. A gray clay horizon lies under a layer of peat. Such soils are rich in organic matter, but there is a lack of some macro and microelements absolutely necessary for cultivated plants.

Due to the high moisture capacity, peat soils need good drainage.
Due to poor water permeability with an excess of precipitation, they swim with water.
Due to poor thermal conductivity, they slowly warm up in the spring, which is why the processing and sowing periods are delayed.

They also have high acidity and therefore need liming.

Peat soils differ by several subtypes depending on the peat that forms them.

Lowland peat   It contains the most nitrogen, ash, lime, and therefore slightly acidic. It lies in hollows, river valleys and hollows.

Horse peat   much poorer lowland nitrogen and ash, as it is located in higher areas. There is very little lime in it; it is sour. Horse peat is suitable for composting.

Transition peat   in terms of nitrogen, ash and lime, it occupies an intermediate position.

Peat soils after their drainage, application of the necessary phosphorus-potash fertilizers, as well as liming, are successfully used for growing vegetables.

Floodplain soils form in floodplains. During spring floods, a lot of silt settles on these soils, which makes them especially fertile. Floodplain soils have a neutral soil reaction; therefore, they rarely need liming. They are rich in phosphorus, but poor in potassium.

On the high part of the floodplain, sandy and loamy varieties of floodplain soils prevail. By structure and supply of nutrients, they are inferior to the soils of the middle part of the floodplain, but they dry out faster, which allows you to start processing them earlier. Groundwater lies deep here, when growing vegetables it is necessary to organize watering.

The middle part of the floodplain is mainly represented by loamy soil, which is characterized by a good granular structure and high fertility. Groundwater lies at a depth of 1.5 to 2 meters, which creates favorable conditions for water conditions for plants. On these soils, the highest yields of vegetables and potatoes are obtained.

In the lower part of the floodplain, the soil is also fertile, but heavy and excessively moist, due to the high occurrence of groundwater (from 0.5 to 1.0 meters) and prolonged standing of the flood. These soils should be drained by arranging drainage ditches, after which they are suitable for growing late vegetable crops, especially cabbage.

Map of soils of Russia and the CIS countries

Kuban chernozem

The most fertile soils on our planet are chernozems (English chernozem or black soil - chernozem). Classical black earth from the Streletsky steppe (Kursk province) - 1x1x1 meter (cube) in size, received a gold medal at the Paris international exhibition, and still stands in the chamber of weights and measures as a standard for fertile soil. This soil cube was brought to the exhibition by a Russian naturalist and soil scientist - Vasily Vasilievich Dokuchaev.

The chernozems became an object of research even before the birth of soil science. In the Dodokuchaev period, M.V. Lomonosov in 1763 formulated the thesis about the origin of chernozems "from the decay of animals and plant bodies over time." In the future, facts about the properties and geography of chernozems gradually accumulated, various hypotheses about their origin were expressed, among which there were many interesting ones.

The study of black soil

But a truly scientific study of chernozems began with the expeditions of V.V. Dokuchaev. He summarized a huge array of data about them in the monograph Russian Black Earth (1883), which was the beginning of genetic soil science. Chernozem as a type of soil Dokuchaev identified in the classification of soils in 1896.

Chernozems are soils formed by grassy phytocenoses of the steppe and forest-steppe landscape-bioclimatic zones. Leading here is the humus-accumulative process, which supports the formation of a deep-humus profile, its structure and increase trophicity. The characteristic humus profile of chernozems is formed due to the powerful influence of steppe grasses, whose root system makes up a significant part of their biomass and is able to quickly die off and easily humify.

The value of black soil

In world agriculture, chernozems are used mainly for sowing the most important food crops: wheat, corn, barley, sugar beets, sunflowers, grapes, horticultural, vegetable, garden, medicinal, nut-bearing, flower and many other crops. In this regard, chernozems are the most developed soils of the earth's surface, but there are practically no potential resources for expanding arable land in the chernozem zone.

Agricultural products grown on black soil are characterized by very high quality. This is especially true for durum wheat, which has always been popular in the global market. And besides, livestock breeding, poultry farming, beekeeping, etc. are rapidly developing in the chernozem strip. Due to its high fertility, chernozems are soils of universal suitability for all agricultural crops. crops and fruit plantations. It is no coincidence that the rational use of this fertility is the most important task of agricultural production on black soil.

I once did not understand people who can devote all day to garden work. What can not relax on the couch? But, living in a private home involves gardening and   continuous work   (clean in the yard, tear out weeds, look after the lawn and flowers). Therefore, when the first opportunity appeared, I immediately bought an apartment in the city. I forgot that in the spring it is necessary to buy seedlings.

Now every summer I come to my grandfather and watch how he works without interruption in order for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren to eat crops from the garden. I   can't stand by, constantly helping grandfather. Today, I dare to reveal the secrets of a successful harvest. Looking ahead, I’ll say that good soil is needed.

What is the most fertile soil: concepts

Rich soil - such a phrase is often said by "avid" gardeners, not fully understanding the main concepts. It is better to use the term fertile soil, which has in its composition potassium, copper, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, humus, nitrogen and phosphorus.If the soil does not contain the above elements, then it is not fertile and is not suitable for growing crops.

Determine the exact composition of the soil in the suburban area using a special analysis. The soil sample is given in agrochemical laboratory(A similar analysis is done when the plot was taken for large-scale planting of crops).

Chernozem - the most fertile soil

For a good harvest buy black earth. It has a characteristic color and granular structure. It is called "black gold » . The soil has a high level of fertility due to humus and calcium. Chernozem was recognized as the best soil and feed for garden plants, vegetable crops. If there is no chernozem on the site, and you do not want to spend additional funds on the purchase of soil, what should I do? Besides " black gold   we have other fertile soils.

  • sandy soil;
  • loamy soil;
  • sandy loam soil;
  • swampy soil.

Important to know: marshy soil not used in its pure form   (due to increased acidity). It is used as an additive.

A good crop depends not only on the soil, but also at the hands of the owner. Keep this in mind.