Purslane pun growing from seed. Preventive measures against diseases and pests

Large-flowered purslane is the botanical name for this wonderful succulent. Due to its peculiarities, it grows like a ground cover plant, forming a multi-colored carpet. In the article we will talk about growing purslane from seeds and seedlings, and give recommendations for care.

Purslane is grown as an annual. Caring for him is simple, but has some nuances, knowing which you can achieve earlier flowering. To do this, seeds are sown for seedlings at the end of February, at the beginning of March in a greenhouse or at home. Many consider this method to be the most successful. Good for transplanting germinated material. The main advantage is flowering, which occurs a month earlier than from seeds planted in open ground.

The height of the plants and the color of the flowers depends on the variety. The seeds are often sold as a mixture.

Preparation of a nutrient substrate for sowing seeds

Purslane differs significantly from most garden annuals. As the closest relative of cacti, requires poor, light sandy soils. It is this mixture that is prepared for seedlings. The composition of the vegetable mixture for sowing purslane is indicated in the table.

For disinfection, the mixture is calcined in the oven. Unfortunately, in this case, not only pathogenic organisms die in the soil, but also beneficial flora. Therefore, two weeks before sowing, the substrate is colonized with Effective microorganisms. For this purpose, use:

  • Emmies;
  • EM - 1;
  • EM - A;
  • Baikal EM - 1.

These preparations quickly and effectively enrich the earth with nutrients. The main thing is that, unlike pesticides, they are harmless to plants and humans.».

Sowing technique of purslane seeds in containers

  1. In a planting container with a wall height of 10 cm, a drainage of fine expanded clay is laid on the bottom with a layer of 1 - 1.5 cm.
  2. The container is filled with a vegetable mixture, slightly compacting it.
  3. The soil is moistened.
  4. Form grooves with a depth of 0.5 cm.The distance between the strips is 5 cm.
  5. The seeds of the purslane are placed in the depressions with an interval of 1 cm. The grains of the purslane are very small, so it is difficult to make uniform sowing. It's not scary, because the seedlings can be dived.
  6. After sowing, the grooves are sprinkled with sand, pressed down, sprayed from a spray bottle.
  7. In each corner of the container, pegs of 15 - 20 cm are installed, on which they are pulled plastic wrap... Pegs successfully replace pencils. This is how a small greenhouse is formed. The temperature in it must be maintained at least +22 0. Better if it is +30 0, then the seeds will sprout faster.

Sowing picking when growing by seedlings

When sowing purslane for seedlings, it is important to light up containers with seeds. Artificial light bulbs in the amount of sunlight should be 14 hours. On cloudy days, sowing is illuminated only by lamps.

Subject to favorable temperature and light conditions, the first shoots will hatch in 10-15 days. With the appearance of the first shoots, the film is removed from the sowing. The moisture content of the soil mixture must be constantly monitored. It should not be wet, but it should not be allowed to dry out either. ".

When the seedlings reach the size of two true leaves, they need to be thinned, that is, cut down... This will require special pots with a diameter of 7 - 8 cm. They are filled with the same substrate that was used for sowing. Place 3 to 4 seedlings in each cup. Or one at a time in a peat pot. When the planted purslane gives the next true leaf, it means that it has taken root. This happens in about a week.

Tip # 1. It is important to transfer each plant with a lump of soil so as not to damage the roots. Otherwise, the seedlings will not take root.

Fertilizing purslane, means to accelerate growth and flowering

Succulents can grow without any additional fertilizing, but with the help of fertilizers, the flowering becomes abundant, the flowers are larger, the color is brighter. For top dressing, a complete complex fertilizer is used. Ready-made balanced formulations are popular:

  1. "Fertika Lux - floral (NPK - 18 - 9 - 11 + trace elements)" high nitrogen content stimulates the growth of purslane after rooting in the open field.
  2. The balanced fertilizer is easy to apply to flowering plants.
  3. "Arvi Fertis" (NPK - 13 - 10 - 15 + trace elements) significantly increases flowering in the spring - summer period... It is introduced after complete survival and at the beginning of flowering.
  4. "Biochelat Bor" is a biologically active preparation that improves pollen growth, thus promoting long flowering.
  5. "Compo for Blossoms" - high potassium content contributes to vibrant blooms. It is used for both garden and indoor plants. Gives good results when growing purslane at home and greenhouse conditions.

Dates of planting purslane in open ground in different regions

Some growers who do not have the opportunity to supplement the crops recommend sowing purslane for seedlings in April. Then daylight hours become sufficient for seed germination without artificial lighting. It is better to place crops on southern windowsills. The method of sowing and caring for the seedlings is the same as for the purslane planted at the end of February. The difference is that on permanent place it can be moved later than greenhouse crops.

The signal to the fact that the seedlings will safely tolerate the change of residence is the established heat, without the risk of recurrent frosts. Purslane is afraid of the cold, it reacts in a peculiar way to unfavorable conditions, if the temperature is lower than + 10 0, the plant sheds all the leaves. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the weather forecast to avoid a possible cold snap.

Flowering plants can also be planted if the weather did not allow it before.

IN different regions the final heat is established depending on the climate and affects the timing of the transfer of the purslane to flower beds. The dates for planting purslane in open ground in different regions are shown in the table:

In addition to weather conditions, the size of the seedlings must be taken into account. Florists consider that a plant is ready when it has about 10 - 12 leaves and several flower buds. Before planting seedlings, it is worth choosing a place suitable for the purslane. The conditions required for its successful growth are different from most flowering crops.

The choice of the place of growth and planting features

An important criterion for the flowering of purslane is a well-lit place, even in light partial shade, this succulent produces only leaves. In addition, purslane reacts with an overly violent green mass to high soil fertility. On soils rich in organic matter, it does not bloom due to the fact that all nutrients go to the leaves and are stored in them in reserve for a long time.

Tip #2 ... So thattake out the seedlings with a whole lump of soil; first, together with the pot, they are placed in a large container with water. Then, the walls of the pot are pressed from all sides. If the seedlings are carefully turned over, they will "crawl" out of the pot on their own.

Features of the root system are such that over time, it grows like a spider web. This property must be taken into account when landing. In flower beds, plants are staggered at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from each other. In curbs, one row is usually sufficient. ".

Caring for purslane in flower beds and at home

One of important conditions care - watering. For a purslane, it has a number of features. After planting in open ground, the culture is watered daily for a week. When the plants undergo adaptation, the amount of irrigation is significantly reduced, approximately once every 10 - 14 days. Although succulents can go without water for a long time, lack of moisture negatively affects the quality of flowering.

Purslane does not tolerate cold and hard water. The best liquid is rainwater with a temperature of +20 0 - + 30 0. To avoid sunburn, moisturizing is best done in the morning or evening at sunset.

Purslane can bloom at home all year round, even in winter.

Succulents plants are extremely unpretentious and do not need additional feeding. When they gain strength, we can say that they contain themselves. All food is concentrated in watery leaves. Due to its unpretentiousness, purslane is successfully used in indoor floriculture and for landscaping balconies.

In pots and boxes, it behaves like an ampelous plant, picturesquely hanging from the edges. Seed preparation and planting is the same as for open field. Only the planting time differs, since the indoor temperature does not limit the growing time. This magnificent succulent at home pleases with its flowering all year round.

The history of growing purslane as a houseplant began with the fact that growers who grew purslane in flower beds began to preserve it in indoor or greenhouse conditions until spring. This method allows you to propagate it not only by seeds, but also by cuttings. This is especially true for spectacular varieties. Mothers overwinter in greenhouse conditions. In late February, early March, cuttings are removed from them, these are stems with leaves, 10 cm long.

Rooting purslane:

  • The lower part of the cutting, which is placed in the substrate, is freed from the leaves.
  • Pollinated with a rooting agent, for example, Kornevin.
  • Cuttings are placed in containers with a sandy substrate so that they do not touch each other and the walls of the container.
  • The planting is moisturized
  • Cover with plastic wrap.

Purslane takes root when a pair of young leaves appears. In open ground or on a balcony, they are planted when weather conditions permit. To ensure flowering in winter period, it is necessary to light up the plants for at least 14 hours and maintain the temperature at least + 21 0.

Preventive measures against diseases and pests

Purslane is a plant resistant to diseases and pests. Very rarely, but still affected by aphids. Don't wait for this trouble to happen. It is better to work out the planting in advance with an insecticide against aphids, for example, Aktellik. The next session is repeated after 2 weeks.

Of the diseases for purslane, the fungus, Albugo portulaceae, is dangerous, which causes spotting and curling of leaves. They fight it with copper-containing agents, for example, copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

The best varieties of purslane

Thanks to the success of modern breeding, purslane pleases flower growers with many varieties that differ in color and size in double flowers. Seed mixes are traditionally popular, lovers of monochromatic plants can choose a hybrid according to their preferred color. More often than others they acquire the following:

Variety name Flower color Note
Pun Mixture The diameter of the flower is 4 cm.
Summer carpet Mixture Flowers are simple
Bright flower bed Mixture Flowers over 5 cm, grows up to 30 cm.
Terry red Red Large double flowers
Sunny country - golden Bright yellow Double flowers, 3 cm
Double pink Intense pink Large double flowers, over 5 cm
Terry white White with yellow stamens Terry flowers, 3 cm in diameter
Terry orange Bright orange Large flowers 5 cm

On sale among more than 50 varieties, you can pick up a purslane for every taste.

Heading "Questions and Answers"

Question number 1.I planted a purslane in the perfect fertile soil, but it does not bloom. What is he missing?

Purslane belongs to succulents, they do not tolerate rich soil, the leaves take away all the nutrients, and nothing remains for the flowers. Purslane should be planted in sandy soil.

Question number 2. From childhood I remember a multi-colored purslane. Is it a plant that has flowers of different colors on one bush?

No, each plant blooms in one color. Traditionally, seeds are sold as a mixture, but varieties of the same color can be purchased if desired.

Question number 3... I often hear that purslane is planted with seedlings, but is it possible to sow it directly into a flower garden?

Theoretically it is possible, but the seeds of the purslane are very small, the seedlings will have to be thinned out. In addition, sown in open ground, it will bloom a month later, sometimes by the end of summer.

Question number 4.Is it possible not to fertilize purslane?

Yes, he may well do without fertilizing, but with fertilizers, the flowering is more abundant, and the color is brighter.

Errors when growing purslane

  1. Landing in too fertile soil negatively affects flowering, all forces go to the leaves.
  2. Choosing an insufficiently lit place does not allow the purslane to bloom.
  3. Waterlogging leads to root rot and plant death. Purslane tolerates short-term droughts better than excess water.

Purslane is a short, rapidly growing succulent plant good conditions blooms all summer. This plant perfectly decorates the garden, literally creates flower carpets. Some growers call it a rug. And the name of the plant came from the word 'portula' - collar, due to the peculiarities of opening the seed box.

This undersized flower can be grown:

  • in the flower beds,
  • balcony,
  • in containers and hanging pots,
  • window and balcony boxes.

Petals with a silky sheen, wavy in many varieties. Flowering time from June to September. Requires sandy loam soil and a sunny location. Any well-drained light soil will work for growing purslane in your garden.

Types and varieties of purslane

Large-flowered purslane (P. grandiflora) grows up to 15 cm, and the diameter of the flowers is up to 3 cm. Flowers have different colors. Most varieties do not open flowers in cloudy weather.

  • Double Mixed purslane flowers are similar to roses.
  • Sundance flowers grow up to 5cm in diameter, but the plant has weak roots.
  • The lowest of the large-flowered Sundial purslane, up to 10 cm high, is weather resistant.

Terry purslane very pleasant for creating a colorful picturesque flower garden. Thanks to the variety of colors, you can create placers of red, yellow, porcelain-white orange, raspberry and pink flowers, bordered by delicate foliage. It is a pleasure to grow such a flower garden in the garden.

The best varieties of terry purslane for growing in Russia:

  • Flamenco - characterized by large quantity shades and colors;
  • Pun - very similar to a rose bush;
  • Sunglo - has perhaps the largest flowers in the purslane family;
  • Mango - affects coral - orange tint flowers;
  • Hybrid Cream is an interesting variety on which creamy flowers bloom, dark in the center, with a diameter of more than 4.5 cm.

Large-flowered terry purslane is simply gorgeous and should definitely be on the list of plantings.

Purslane cultivation from seeds

Purslane belongs to small-seeded crops, so sowing purslane for seedlings is the best solution. Consider how to plant purslane for seedlings and how the growing from the seeds of this flower takes place.

  • Prepare the ground. It's good if it is light, so be sure to add sand to the seedling soil. Tamp the soil into the container from above.
  • Moisten the soil. The seeds should fall on wet sand.
  • Use a ruler to mark rows every 2 cm and sow the seeds on top. No more than 5 grains per 1 cm row. Such a planting of purslane on seedlings, subject to high germination, is optimal.
  • Label, write the name of the flowers, variety and sowing date. Purslane emerges about 7-14 days after planting.
  • Cover the crops with glass, a plastic transparent corner or a bag on top. So growing from seed at home will be more successful.
  • Make sure that condensation does not form - this can damage the delicate shoots of flower seedlings.
  • With the emergence of seedlings, the lids from the containers must first be opened slightly, and after a couple of weeks they must be completely removed.

When to sow purslane for seedlings?

Propagated by seeds through seedlings. Best time when purslane is planted at the end of February - March, the seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May - beginning of June.

Seedling care

In March, when the shoots have already appeared, slide the transparent cover slightly to provide the necessary ventilation. Gradually increase the ventilation over the course of a week, accustoming the seedlings to air. Move containers with plants as close as possible to the light.

Purslane is sown superficially, so the roots of hatched seeds often remain on the surface. There is a danger that they will dry out. To prevent this from happening, bury the seedlings in the soil with a toothpick.

As the seedlings grow, they need to be dived and transplanted into individual pots. This is usually done in April.

Planting and care in the open field

Purslane flowers are transplanted into open ground, on flower beds in late May, early June, when the threat of recurrent frosts has passed.

Avoid the development of weeds on the crops, they can clog even small seedlings. It is best to remove weeds after rain and watering, combining it with loosening.

Purslane is a relatively drought-resistant plant, so it can withstand even prolonged drought. Watering flowers is necessary only after droughts. Top dressing is not required. To increase the duration of flowering, remove faded flowers in time so that plants do not waste nutrients for the formation of fruits and seeds, but continue to bloom.

The homeland of such a plant as purslane is tropical regions located in the Northern Hemisphere. Varieties of decorative culture are, according to various information, approximately 100-200 varieties. The plant grows well in wet sandy places that are located on the banks of rivers and surround water bodies. But it is possible to cultivate this ornamental culture in the garden, field and in the vegetable garden in the backyard or summer cottage.
If we talk about the name of this flower, then it originates from lat. the term portula, meaning "small gate". This is explained by the fact that this plant has a seed box, which, when opened, seems to open up small doors. On the territory of our country, the common people call this flower "rug". IN garden conditions it is possible to grow only one type of this culture - a species of large-flowered purslane (Portulaca grandiflora).

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen perfect lawn in the cinema, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

An ornamental flowering culture such as purslane, grown in our climatic conditions, is considered an annual plant, since it cannot withstand frosty winters, moreover, even if it is carefully covered. Purslane grows in height no more than 30 centimeters. Outwardly, this flowering culture is characterized by a well-branched spindle-shaped root, succulent, branched stems with a brown shade of cylindrical shape, fleshy leaves, which are hollow inside, but can also resemble flattened eggs. It blooms in white, yellow, dark red tones in separate inflorescences throughout the summer.

The inflorescences of these plants live for only one day, and at sunset they already wither. At the same time, large-flowered purslane, for example, blooms extremely profusely and literally continuously throughout the season - almost immediately after one inflorescence withers, a new one appears. If we talk about the fruit of this blooming culture, then it is a polyspermous box shaped like a ball. In addition to such a variety as garden purslane, which is customary to grow here in flower beds, in pots, and using a hanging basket or container, vegetable purslane grows well in our country - salad and medicinal plants, often mistaken for weeds.

Features of sowing purslane

Most modern domestic flower growers claim that growing this flowering crop using seedlings is the most convenient way its reproduction. But there are peculiarities of how to get good seedlings, that is, sow the seeds correctly. Many experts believe that optimal time for planting the seeds of this plant is February-March, but it is allowed to sow them in April-month - in this case, those seeds that germinate will be able to grow well and fully develop due to a sufficiently long daylight hours, and those sown before April-month will have to be illuminated with using artificial lighting.

Purslane seeds in a box

Before embarking on such a process as growing purslane, it is necessary to competently prepare the land, create a certain mixture - this is due to the fact that almost any soil contains peat, which significantly slows down the germination of the seeds of this flowering crop. For this, ordinary garden soil is taken, and approximately 20% of fine-grained sand is added to it, and everything is mixed as much as possible. After that, it is imperative to ignite the soil mixture in the oven, which will allow it to be disinfected.

Then, in a shallow depth, a container drain holes, it is required to pour fine-grained gravel (expanded clay), on top of which place the soil mixture calcined in the oven and pour water over it - it must be settled or thawed. After that, the seeds should be spread on the soil surface at a distance of one centimeter to each other - the easiest way to do this is to use a damp toothpick. It remains only to gently press the seeds into the ground, to build a frame above the soil surface, on which the polyethylene is stretched, that is, to make a small greenhouse. It is necessary to put this greenhouse in a bright, warm place, where the temperature does not drop below +22 degrees Celsius - the optimal temperature regime is +30 degrees Celsius.

Getting seedlings of this plant

If there are favorable conditions, then the shoots of representatives of this flowering culture can be obtained after a week - another from the moment of planting the seeds. After the seeds germinate, you should free the container from the film and that's it - the seedlings are received. Growing seedlings of this plant requires mandatory periodic moistening of the soil using settled water - in the process, the bottom irrigation method is used. In addition, if the seeds were planted in early February or March, then additional artificial lighting may be needed. This is necessary in the event that there is too much stretching of the seedlings, which indicates a lack of light - accordingly, then they need additional lighting. It can be done using fluorescent lamps or ordinary table lamps for a couple of hours in the morning and several hours in the evening - this will provide an opportunity to lengthen the daylight hours for the sprouts. If the weather is cloudy, then artificial lighting should be on throughout the day. In the case when the seedlings are sown in the month of April and grow on the windowsill on the south side of the house or apartment, then artificial lighting is not needed.

Purslane picking rules

At what stage and in what way should the picking of this plant be carried out? When the sprouts really form a pair of leaves, the seedlings are required to be planted in three in cups having a diameter of about 8 centimeters. After one week from the date of the pick, that is, after the sprouts have taken root well, the first complex feeding should be performed - it is carried out by introducing into the ground mineral fertilizers... In the future, this procedure must be performed once / week or once / decade throughout the entire time until the moment the seedlings are planted in the ground (open ground).

Important: in the process of planting, one moment is extremely important, the observance of one rule - you must definitely try not to shake off the soil lump from the root system of the seedling!

The nuances of planting in open ground

When should a culture of such a plan as large-flowered purslane, for example, or any of its other species be planted? It is clear that the cultivation of any variety of such a blooming crop implies the creation optimal conditions... Firstly, this process can be started not earlier than the beginning of June-month - that is, when you are absolutely sure that neither frost nor a relatively serious decrease temperature regime will no longer be. This is important, because if the air temperature in the place where the purslane grows drops below +10 degrees Celsius, the plant begins to intensively lose leaves.

It should be remembered that this flowering culture feels best in a sunny place located on the most elevated area, because even with partial shade, the purslane may not begin to bloom. In no case should root system this plant was not far from groundwater... In addition, representatives of all varieties of this plant should not be planted in places where water stagnates - this contributes to the occurrence of putrefactive processes in the rhizome. The soil for planting this plant should be used poor, sandy, otherwise, on rich soil, the plant actively builds up green mass, and the flowering period does not come.

According to experienced domestic flower growers, planting of seedlings of this flowering culture in open ground can be carried out after the seedling has 15 leaves, as well as buds. It is necessary to plant purslane in a certain order. Firstly, the bushes should be no closer than about 20 centimeters from one another. Secondly, during the first three days after planting seedlings in a flower bed, you should water it daily, especially when the weather is dry and hot. The flowering period for those representatives of this flowering culture that are grown from seeds is about 7 weeks from the moment the shoots appear.

Basic care rule

Caring for such plants consists in the mandatory conduct of periodic watering, which are performed regularly. This is necessary for the normal flowering of purslane, since despite the ability of its leaves to keep moisture well, water must still come from outside. Growing this flowering crop does not require top dressing, pruning, weeding or loosening the soil. The only rule of competent care for such plants is to ensure infrequent, but always regular watering.

Why purslane and its pests are sick

As is clear from the above, the process of planting and caring for a purslane does not require absolutely any significant effort - it is accessible and understandable even for a beginner. Even such a representative of this flowering culture as terry purslane is not difficult to grow from seeds, because its cultivation is characterized by the observance of all the same rules that are described earlier in this article. If we talk about pests and diseases, then this plant is quite resistant to them - in this regard, problems rarely arise with it. Nevertheless, from time to time, experts note cases of a mass raid simultaneously on several nearby flower beds, orchards and vegetable gardens of aphids - in such a situation, the purslane also suffers. Most effective method the fight against aphids is spraying plants with actellik. Then, when the problem cannot be eliminated at one time, then after 7 days the treatment with the use of an insecticide should be repeated.

Actellic from aphids

It is also possible that representatives of this flowering culture are affected by a fungus called Albugo portulacea, which is manifested by deformation of the shoots and the appearance of numerous spots on the leaves. The fight consists in the most thorough removal of absolutely all damaged parts and further spraying the plant with a copper-containing fungicide, carried out as efficiently as possible.

Positive properties

Purslane like medicinal plant, known for a very long time - since the time of Hippocrates. In ancient times, it was believed that the seeds of this plant are able to cleanse the human body, while the leaves are an effective antidote for a snakebite.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving high Quality berries and reduce crop losses. Someone might say that this is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case are repaid a hundredfold. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that "babies" have always been considered more fashionable, to the assortment of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it is worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, pattern, degree of prickle, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will consider the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in the open field.

People began to grow crocuses as early as 500 years before the onset of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses that bloom as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest crocus varieties that bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup from early young cabbage on beef broth - hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook a delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup in this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is put into the pot at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike fall cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready-made cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The present cabbage soup is tastier than the freshly cooked one.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to get lost - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners are sometimes confused by it! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties "for yourself". The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have a lot of energy and time to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettles, and then forgotten by everyone, coleus today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding to suit everyone, Coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, the bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon ridge baked in Provencal herbs is a "supplier" of tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh leaves of wild garlic. Champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then poured over with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled mushrooms and are better for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill get along well in one salad, emphasizing the aroma of each other. The garlic pungency of wild garlic will saturate both salmon pulp and mushroom pieces.

A coniferous tree or shrub on the site is always great, and many conifers are even better. Emerald needles of various shades adorn the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oilssecreted by plants, not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. Typically, most zoned adults conifersare considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long become an integral part of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year starts here on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese are marked by their blossoming. But sakura grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how the tastes and addictions of people to certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an object of trade lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for over 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. e. about 6 varieties of quince were known and even then methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Delight your family and make themed Easter Eggs Curd Cookies! Your kids will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will watch with admiration how the pieces of dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then they will eat them with the same enthusiasm with milk or tea. How to make such an original cookie for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

Among tuberous crops, there are not so many decorative deciduous pets. And Caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of the Caladiums never justify. Care and attention will help you avoid any difficulties in growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or anything. Sauce with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don't want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can do this ahead of time to keep everything hot), add the gravy and lunch is ready! A real lifesaver.

Among the multitude different varieties We will tell you about three of these most popular vegetables, which have excellent taste and relatively unpretentious growing conditions. Characteristics of the varieties of eggplants "Almaz", "Black handsome" and "Valentina". All eggplants are medium-firm. For Almaz it is greenish, while for the other two it is yellowish-white. They are united good germination and excellent yield, but at different times. Skin color and shape are different for everyone.

Purslane attracts attention with its unusual name. If you try to translate it from Latin, you can learn a lot about this plant: "portula" means "collar" which quite definitely indicates the peculiarities of the opening of the seed capsule. However, domestic gardeners are not used to this name, so they gave it their own - "rugs".

Purslane features

Purslane is widely distributed in warm regions of central Europe, North and South America, where it is considered a field weed. Often it is specially grown in vegetable gardens and orchards... In the Middle Ages, this plant could often be found in European countries, primarily in England. At the time of Hippocrates, the purslane was considered medicinal plant, which helped in the treatment of wounds, snakebites and insomnia. In the Middle Ages, purslane was one of the revered plants among the Arabs.

The genus of purslane has a numerous composition, which includes about 200 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants.

As ornamental plant the most commonly used large-flowered purslane (Portulaca grandiflora), whose homeland is South America... A feature of this perennial is the presence of a creeping long stem, which reaches a height of 20 cm... It was most widely used in the design of rocky gardens and curbs.

The most beautiful varieties are considered double flowers... A striking example of this is grade "Double Mix"... Purslane variety "Belotsvetkovy" unambiguously indicates that its flowers have white color... Against this background, the Slendens variety stands out, in which the flowers acquire a purple color.

Today, the purslane is known as one of the famous representatives of container plants. To grow it, you can use a wide variety of containers:

  • street vases;
  • hanging baskets;
  • window and balcony boxes.

Big variety this plant also demonstrates when used in garden decoration. It can be present in flower beds, flower beds, complement retaining stone walls, joints concrete slabs in rockeries. Also, it can be grown on dry soils, where it can be an excellent alternative to an ordinary lawn, creating no less problems in care.

The nuances of growing purslane in the open field

In order for this plant to give only positive emotions, it is necessary to take into account some points regarding its cultivation.


Best of all, purslane flowers feel in those areas that have maximum illumination. Otherwise, you can simply not wait for its flowering. If purslane is considered for growing at home, then it is best to place containers with plants on the south side. However, it grows best in balcony and window boxes, which are provided with constant access. fresh air... But in both cases, caring for the plant will not be difficult.


Large-flowered purslane is one of those plants that are used to growing in hot climates. However, small cold snaps are not able to harm this plant, since it is most often grown as an annual.


Caring for purslane involves watering it regularly. Therefore, after sowing, it is necessary to constantly monitor that the soil is moistened. However, excess moisture can adversely affect its development.

Diseases and pests

Plants belonging to the genus Purslane are resistant to diseases and pests. The fungus Albugo portulaceae can pose a danger to purslane, traces of which are found only in very rare cases. This can be determined by the presence of spots on the leaves and deformation of the shoots. Fighting fungi consists in removing damaged parts and spraying the plant with any copper-containing fungicide preparation.


Search planting material recommended already at the end of winter or in early spring... In this case, it is imperative to make sure that the sachet is intact and pay attention to the expiration date. If necessary ready-made seedlings in cups, you can go to a florist nursery or horticultural center. Special attention it is necessary to ensure that young seedlings have no signs of decay.

For normal growth and development of purslane flowers, it is necessary to provide a long daylight hours. Only in this case it will be possible to count on its beautiful flowering. If you are engaged in the cultivation of purslane at home, then it is best to install containers with plants on the windowsills facing the south side. It is more preferable to use balcony and window boxes for it, since they can be provided with a lot of direct sunlight.

Sowing features

Favorable conditions for good growth purslane flowers is a temperature within 20-26 degrees Celsius... This plant is undemanding to moisture, but if container pots are used for growing, then watering must be carried out regularly in small quantities. When growing a purslane, the owner does not have to deal with such a laborious operation as feeding. Therefore, if you plant a plant on not very fertile soil, then the purslane will feel good here too.

  • The most favorable time for sowing purslane flowers is March. However, if we turn to the floriculture literature, then there are recommendations on the possibility of sowing in earlier (third decade of February) and later (first decade of April).
  • They begin to sow purslane when the daytime temperature is kept at around 20-25 degrees, and for this purpose they use mini-greenhouses. In bright sun, the temperature in it can rise to 50 degrees Celsius. This only benefits the purslane, as its growth rate increases. If after planting the plants are not provided the required amount light, this will pull the seedlings.

Greenhouse planting

You can also make a greenhouse from scrap materials. For example, it could be plexiglass aquarium... In this case, it is necessary to stretch a plastic wrap over it or put a plexiglass cover. Next, the aquarium is installed on the most lighted window. In low light, you can avoid pulling seedlings by lighting them up. For this you can use a fluorescent lamp or a table lamp (40-60W).

Plants especially need additional lighting in the morning and evening hours. If the weather is cloudy outside, then they need to be illuminated throughout the day.

If you plan to sow small amount of seeds, it is recommended to use compact plastic pots for this purpose. Their bottom is filled with fine gravel and coarse sand, which will act as drainage. Next, soil is poured there. The composition of the mixture used must be free of peat and organic fertilizers... In the presence of the first component, you can not wait for the seedlings to germinate, and in the presence of the second, the seedlings will grow weak and will not be able to resist fungal diseases.

When preparing an earthen mixture, it is allowed to add no more than 20% of sand with a diameter of 0.1 mm to it. Fertilize heavy clay soil can be charcoal. The containers with the soil mixture must be placed in a pallet pre-filled with soft, settled water. It is not recommended to use hard water for irrigation, as this leads to a decrease in the percentage of similarity.

After waiting for the soil to be moistened, you can sow. To do this, you need to take a match and place the seeds on the surface of the soil with a pointed end. Further, the grain needs to be slightly deepen into the soil by 0.5-1 mm... The distance between the seeds should be at least 1 cm. After sowing, the seed containers should be immediately placed in the greenhouse. If you do not plan to keep them on the window and will not use the backlight, then you need to watch when most of the seeds are free of the shell. At this moment, the bowls with the plantings are removed from the greenhouse and placed on the window so that they are as close to the glass as possible.

If you are going to supplement them table lamp, it is recommended to do this even in the greenhouse, after opening the lid. When illuminating seedlings with a 40 W lamp, it must be kept at a distance of 10-15 cm from the shoots. When using a 60 W lamp the distance is increased to 15-20 cm... If a significant drop in temperature is expected at night, then at this time the crops can be harvested in an open greenhouse. In the morning, after preliminary lighting, they are returned to the window. In the process of leaving, pay attention to the fact that the soil is constantly moistened.

If you are growing purslane in an apartment and your balcony is located on the sunny side, then you can take your crops there.


Purslane is one of beautiful plantsthat can brighten any site. It is within the power of every summer resident to grow it, because for a purslane, planting and care in the open field assumes the same general recommendationsas for many other ornamental crops. Particular attention must be paid to the choice of a landing site and creating optimal conditions for the growth and development of plants. Although purslane is undemanding to moisture, however, in especially dry periods, its need for water may increase. Therefore, care must be taken that there is no dry crust. Otherwise, it will affect its flowering.

Growing purslane