How to waterproof the soil under the floor. What waterproofing materials are suitable for the floor on the ground and how to apply them correctly

The floor covering must be protected from the harmful effects of moisture. This task is of particular importance in the case of foundations on the ground, which are often equipped in warm climates. Here, both the waterproofing of the earthen floor and the concrete floor are equally important, since in the first version it cuts off the capillary penetration of moisture from the soil, and in the second, it prevents its absorption by the concrete screed.

Why waterproofing the floor on the ground is needed: why is penetrating moisture dangerous?

At some depth in the soil, there is a water-saturated layer. Since water permeability is inherent in any soil to some extent, it is natural that, as porosity, it absorbs moisture. The more dense the soil is, the more capillary rise is, and the pores in it will be thinner.

Moisture, even in the case of dense and oily clay, very slowly, but rises above the aquifer by at least 12 m.

If moisture encounters an obstacle in the lifting zone, say, a concrete floor, then it is gradually saturated with liquid droplets and water vapor. Salts from the soil, dissolved in water, slowly corrode concrete and destroy the structure of the wood, thereby shortening the service life of the floors.

Moreover, moisture trapped in the pores of the concrete expands during freezing by about 9% and breaks it. The resulting microcracks open the way for the active penetration of moisture. In addition, the alternating freeze-thaw cycles slowly turn the wood into dust, and the concrete completely cracks.

This problem is not new at all, and there are many ways to solve it, but in any case, this requires competent waterproofing of the floor, which first of all requires a "pillow" under the structure.

Layered "cushion" for a dirt floor

The layering of the base allows you to avoid the formation of pits and dips - undesirable consequences that are fraught with natural subsidence of the soil. The structure of such a structure is determined by the characteristics of the soil under the house under construction.

The sequence of layers in the "pie"

"Bottom up" materials are arranged in the following sequence.

Dense ground. At this stage, the natural earth base is strongly compacted. These works use special tools eg level.

Adding. It is performed in two layers, each of the order of 10 cm. Crushed stone, preferably coarse fraction, and sand are used as material - without any restrictions. Everything should be compacted as much as possible. The bedding prevents water from capillary penetration into the layers above and provides for further work leveling base. If the distance from the GWL (level groundwater) to the base of more than two meters, then crushed stone can be replaced with expanded clay.

But it is unacceptable to replace it with broken brick or similar material.

Having laid all three layers, proceed to the subsequent stages. What they will be depends on the type of the future floor, whether it will be wooden or concrete.

Basement floor

Correct waterproofing of the basement floor involves a number of activities, which include work with the foundation and the device around the house drainage system... First of all, they study the features of the soil for the structure, that is, the relief and its saturation with groundwater.

Low GWL device

Most often, a carefully compacted sand and gravel cushion of 10-15 cm is enough to keep the penetration groundwater to the basement. The base is cleaned and leveled. You can also lay clay and compact. Then it is poured reinforced screed made of concrete, which is kept for about two weeks. The screed is covered with mastic and laid roll waterproofing with an overlap on the walls. The sheets of insulation are laid with an overlap of 10 s and welded with a gas torch.

Device at high ground level

When water rises from the ground higher than the floor level in the basement, their pressure increases and approaches to implementation finishing works in the basement are accordingly changed.

Groundwater level up to 20 cm from the basement floor. On the walls of the basement, a coating waterproofing is applied and a “castle” of clay is arranged. For preparation concrete base also use oily crumpled clay.

Today for the device of the "lock" they use another technology - bentonite. The underlying bentonite clay has high colloidal properties, which makes it possible to limit the height of the protective layer to 1-2 cm. Betonite is placed between the geotextile or cardboard.

GWL at a height of 20-50 cm from the floor... The floor surface in the basement is leveled with a cement screed, and then, upon preparation, roll material is laid in two layers of concrete. The structure is under high hydrostatic pressure from below. To counterbalance it, concrete must be placed on top of the waterproofing.

GWL at a height of more than 50 cm. In this case, three layers of roll materials or waterproofing are used and a reinforced concrete slab is arranged. It must be embedded in the basement wall, which perceives the hydrostatic pressure created by groundwater, since it works in bending. In addition, along the walls of the basement, the places of their junction with the base are insulated with bitumen-polymer tapes.

To increase the hydrophobicity of cement-sand bases, it is also recommended to use penetrating materials. They contain additives from chemically active substances... By means of capillary moisture through open pores, they get into the thickness of the substrate. When they interact with the constituents of concrete, filamentous crystals are formed, narrowing they reduce water permeability.

Using liquid rubber

Liquid rubber provides a seamless surface that completely isolates from water. Given the insufficient strength of rubber to mechanical damage, geotextiles are laid on top of it for protection and poured with a reinforced concrete screed. In this case, it performs two functions: it protects against damage and a clamp when groundwater rises.

Waterproofing a concrete floor on the ground

When installing a concrete floor, the same three base layers"pirogue". However, it requires a serious approach. This is due to the contradiction between the structure of soil and concrete: the first is mobile, and the second is a monolith. It is necessary to take into account and combine both of these factors, usually two possible methods are used.

The sequence in the first version is as follows:

  • Behind the sandy part, another fine gravel is laid.
  • As a rough screed, gravel is poured with a thin layer of cement and sand mortar.
  • The maximum height difference for every 2 m is 3 mm.
  • Next, roll material is laid - two layers. Most often, roofing material or roofing material is used for this. The joints are insulated with a gas burner.

Waterproofing materials should be free of dusting.

  • After laying the thermal insulation, a final screed is performed.

In the second version, the first hydro-barrier is created using plastic film laid on top of the sand. All joints should be insulated with tape or other impermeable glue-based material.

Even minimal damage is enough for the film to cease serving as an insulator.

Next, a rough screed is laid from a standard cement-sand composition. Its thickness is limited to 50-70 mm. By rough floor laying waterproofing. Any roll material is suitable for it - be it a membrane or roofing material. Then, in order - thermal insulation and finishing screed... With a surface location of groundwater, it makes sense to additionally arrange waterproofing along the ground.

Waterproofing a subgrade is a job that requires accuracy and responsibility. It is possible to mount such floors when the soil on the site is dry, there is no groundwater or they lie deep. It is necessary to take into account the level of precipitation observed in the construction area. The very waterproofing of the floor on the ground does not take much time, but together with it it is carried out concrete pouring... It already takes almost a month to dry.

An example of a common mistake during construction: a leaking joint of a waterproofing floor on the ground with a horizontal waterproofing of a foundation wall.

The advantages of such floors are:

  1. Lack of work on laying large and massive slabs, beams. The floor is simply poured with concrete.
  2. High quality and durability of the resulting surface.

Of the minuses, it should be noted that the soil requires careful preparation... You cannot just start work on the ground if it is not brought in line with all the requirements. Laying a concrete floor on the ground can be carried out different methods, but the most acceptable of them remains this:

  1. The subgrade is carefully compacted, after which a layer of sand backfill is applied.
  2. The second layer is expanded clay or crushed stone of small and medium fractions.
  3. Executed directly.
  4. After that, a rough concrete screed is laid.
  5. There is a layer of vapor barrier material.
  6. A heat insulator is mounted.
  7. Reinforcement and finishing concrete screed are in progress.
  8. Fits the selected flooring, but only after the concrete is completely dry.

This course of work is considered optimal. Even without special experience, such a floor can be made with your own hands, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Substrate preparation and waterproofing of the concrete layer

Scheme of a concrete floor on gravel with waterproofing.

Preparing the soil before waterproofing is the most crucial stage of the work. It is necessary to check that the soil is dry and then compact it. When it is ready, the first preparatory layer is poured using sifted river sand.

After pouring the sand is slightly moistened, carefully compacted.

The second layer is crushed stone of small and medium fractions, it is leveled and compacted. This completes the preparation of the soil surface before waterproofing, it is only necessary to additionally check the horizontal position. This is done using the usual building level.

Waterproofing a concrete floor on the ground is carried out as follows:

  1. Bituminous roll material or polymer-based membrane is rolled out on the base, observing the overlap. All strips should go in the same direction, the overlaps are glued with construction tape, which ensures reliable protection from moisture.
  2. If the materials have been installed, it is necessary to re-check that there is no damage to the surface. If there are tears, cuts, etc., then such a film is completely unsuitable for use.
  3. During installation, you will have to make sure that the film goes on the walls by about 15-20 cm. After installing the entire floor, small parts of the waterproofing material will remain above the surface. They are carefully cut with a sharp knife. In some cases, the use of such materials is not possible. You can replace this stage with pouring a concrete layer, for which a completely different type of waterproofing will be used. For this, coating materials are used that completely cover the concrete. This option cannot be called worse or better, since they both have their own characteristics and advantages.

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Laying a concrete sub-floor

Rough laying on the ground includes not only screed, but also floor insulation, installation of a vapor barrier layer. It is the rough screed that is the base and security layer for the rest of the floor.

If the technology is violated, the quality of protection will be poor, all work will have to be redone. Such a rough floor on the ground is made of special lean concrete with a class B 7.5-10, crushed stone is used for it with a fraction of 5-20 mm.

If the waterproofing layer is not used separately, then concrete of the M50-75 class can be taken. Such a rough filling under the floor on the ground is simple, its thickness should be only 40-50 mm, the permissible height difference is 4 mm.

The subfloor on the ground is laid in compliance with such stages as:

  1. Installation of vapor barrier material. It is best to use polymer-bitumen membranes for this, which are made on the basis of fiberglass, PVC, polyester. All of them are of the required quality.
  2. Next comes a layer of insulation, which makes it possible to save heating costs. This method allows you to eliminate heat loss by about 20%, which is already quite a lot. In this case, it is necessary to use materials such as PSB35 foam. If heavy loads are planned, then PSB50 is suitable. So that the foam does not collapse when it interacts with concrete, it is necessary to lay a layer of polyethylene film with an overlap from below and on top. It is important to ensure that the film is free from tears and other defects.
  3. Instead of foam, you can use extruded polystyrene foam, which is of great quality. Such materials are perfect for working with floors on the ground, although some experts recommend replacing them with mineral wool... But cotton wool accumulates moisture, so its use is questionable.

Waterproofing the floor in front of the screed is necessary for two reasons: firstly, it prevents moisture vapors from entering the basement or from the lower floor into concrete screed secondly, it protects floor slabs from possible water leaks in wet rooms. It is especially important to complete high-quality waterproofing floor in front of the screed on the first floor of a private house without a basement. Water vapor and capillary moisture rising from the ground are often acidic or alkaline environment, they actively interact with concrete components, and after a few years the screed can become covered with a network of cracks and begin to collapse.

Types of floor waterproofing in front of the screed

There are several ways to waterproof the floor in front of the screed. In private houses without a basement, a gravel-sand cushion is often used as the first layer of waterproofing. Gravel or crushed stone is first poured under the base of the floor, tamped down, and then covered with sand. Pillow received due to availability air gaps between the particles prevents the capillary rise of moisture from the ground. At the same time, it practically does not protect against water vapor, therefore, additional film vapor-waterproofing is required.

Steam-waterproofing films as a waterproofing of the floor in front of the screed are used not only in private houses, but also in city apartments. Films allow you to create a moisture-proof coating and protect the screed from water vapor and moisture emanating from the floor slabs, as well as the slab itself from water leaks in damp rooms.

The third type of floor waterproofing in front of the screed is coating waterproofing. It is performed with mastics based on bitumen or rubber, applied in several layers. Distinctive feature such a screed is the ability to fill any uneven surfaces, which is especially convenient with a large number of pipe penetrations.

Also, to give concrete slabs overlapping waterproofing properties, they can be treated with a solution of impregnating waterproofing. This technology is relatively new, but has already gained popularity among builders due to its simplicity and efficiency. Concrete is impregnated with a solution of penetrating waterproofing on the surface from either side of the floor, after which needle-like crystals begin to grow in the pores of the concrete when interacting with its components, preventing the penetration of moisture into the concrete.

Gravel-sand cushion technology

Floor waterproofing technology with roll materials

Floor waterproofing technology with coating waterproofing

For reliable waterproofing of the floor in front of the screed, you can use not one, but several methods. For example, when waterproofing a floor in a private house without a basement, you can make a gravel-sand pillow, lay a layer of insulation, a waterproofing film on top of it, and only then mount the reinforcement and fill the screed. In an apartment on the ground floor, located above the basement, it is possible to use penetrating waterproofing of floor slabs in combination with roll or coating waterproofing. In damp rooms of apartments located on the upper floors apartment building, where any leakage can entail compensation for damage to neighbors, it is better to equip double waterproofing: before and on top of the screed. In this case, under the screed, use roll materials, and on top of the screed, a coating waterproofing is performed.

Floor waterproofing in private housing is a real necessity. If such an operation is not performed, over time, the foundation of the dwelling and its entire structure as a whole will begin to experience the negative influence of soil waters.

Homes in private sectors and country cottages erected on a variety of foundations - combined, tape, columnar. Such dwellings can stand directly on the ground or have basements, have a varied architecture. Regardless of the design of a residential building, it is imperative to carry out work to effectively protect its floor from moisture. In situations where such events are not carried out, the quality and comfort of living in the house leaves much to be desired.

Wet floor

The lack of waterproofing of the floor base leads to a decrease in the service life of all, without exception, elements of a residential building. Besides, high humidity becomes the cause of health problems for all inhabitants of such a house. Water, which is in any soil, rises to the surface, penetrates into the base of the structure and gradually destroys it. Neither concrete, nor wood, nor any other can resist the negative effects of moisture. construction material.

If in a private house in the rooms there are black spots on the walls caused by a fungus, this means that the moisture protection of its base was performed poorly or was not carried out at all. To avoid such problems, you should take care of proper waterproofing of the floor. It is performed with different materials:

  • synthetic - mixtures of gasoline and special resins (primers), roofing material, moisture-proof membranes and films, moisture-resistant plywood;
  • natural - resin, gravel, sand, crushed stone.

We will talk further about how to properly make the waterproofing of the floor in a private home.

On the ground floors of private housing construction, the floor base is built directly on the ground. Water from it, as we noted, rises from deep soil layers through capillaries and saturates concrete and wood materials... It is clear that they quickly deteriorate. For this reason, measures for waterproofing the floor should be started at the stage of erection of a residential building with the laying of a special pillow under the building.

Waterproofing on the ground

The work is carried out as follows:

  1. Tamp the soil at the bottom of the pit for the building.
  2. Pour 8-15 cm of coarse (fraction size 3-5 cm) crushed stone onto the tamped surface. You ram this layer too.
  3. On top you fall asleep 8-15 cm of river or inexpensive. Ramp down.

All the described actions allow you to form wide air pockets in the pit. They are necessary to prevent the rise of moisture from the ground through capillaries to the elements of the structure. In this case, it is very important to tamp all layers of the specified cake as carefully as possible (it is often called a bedding). The denser the sand and gravel, the more difficult it is for water to get to the building.

On problem soils, before laying crushed stone, the pit can be filled with large stones. It is not allowed to use expanded clay instead of crushed stone on wet soils. This popular building material is able to draw in water and increase in size (swell). Expanded clay is used exclusively on dry land plots... And even then only as a foundation for a house, and not as a water protector. The cake we have considered must be done when soil water is found in an area above 2 m.Under other conditions, it is advisable to equip it as an additional safety net.

After arranging the bedding in the house, either a concrete or wooden base is made. Their waterproofing is carried out by different methods... They are described below.

The problem of arranging a concrete floor is the need to erect a structure monolithic type on soils characterized by a certain level of mobility. This problem can be solved by performing a special rough screed. It is done after arranging the previously rammed sand and crushed stone pie.

Massive waterproofing of the base

A rough screed is performed according to the following method:

  1. Place a 200-micron thick polyethylene film on the sand layer. Glue its joints (very carefully and at the same time carefully, since the material is easily torn) with construction tape.
  2. Mix 4 parts of river sand with some of the cement and fine gravel, add water to the standard consistency of the solution. Pour the film over them. You should get a rough screed layer of about 6-7 cm. Note! For the screed we are interested in, it cannot be used quarry sand, only river.
  3. After the solution dries, spread it on and level the PVC membrane or roofing material.
  4. Lay the selected thermal insulation material, and then make a final screed.

The second technique is a bit more time consuming. Floor waterproofing using this technology is carried out according to the following scheme. First, sprinkle gravel on the sand layer (you need to use a very small material). After that, mix a slurry of sand and cement. Fill it with gravel with a layer of 4–5 cm. Then put the roofing material on top in two layers. It is allowed to use roofing felts, but only those types that do not have additional dressing on the surface.

Now you need to connect roofing material into a continuous canvas. The easiest way to do this is with gas burner... The waterproofing of the concrete floor base in the house is completed by laying insulation and a finishing screed.

First, build support posts under the logs. They can be made from concrete, which is poured into, or (which is easier and faster in time) from bricks. After installing the supports, treat them with coating waterproofing on all sides, and lay roofing material on top. Such protection will be able to protect the logs in the areas where they are adjacent to the constructed concrete or brick pillars.

Now we start arranging the rough wooden base. It is most reasonable to make it from moisture-resistant plywood. Sheets of this material must be attached from the underside to the logs using small nails or self-tapping screws. If you have free time, you can build an ordinary rough floor - a plank. In many respects, it looks preferable to a plywood base. But the costs (both money and effort) for its arrangement will be large.

Roofing material for waterproofing

Waterproofing of a wooden floor is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Place a diffusion membrane or waterproof film (polyethylene) on boards or plywood. Lay individual strips of waterproofing on each other with a 12-15 cm overlap, and then glue all the joints with adhesive tape.
  2. Install a heat insulator.
  3. Install a rough base on the logs.
  4. Place another layer of film. At the same time, you run its edges by 20 centimeters on the walls.

Some craftsmen advise you to take additional measures to protect the wooden floor from moisture. For example, you can lay polyethylene foam on top of the sheeting. There is no particular need for this measure if the subfloor was made of plywood. It itself, to a certain extent, performs the function of a protector of a wooden floor base.

Moisture affects kitchen floor bases both from the ground and from inside the room where food is prepared and dishes are washed. In this regard, there is a real need to protect such floors from both sides. Their waterproofing in the kitchen depends on the type of used finishing... When laying in a massive kitchen or parquet boards it is enough to process them with a high-quality varnish with a moisture-resistant effect.

Floor coating with varnish

If the floor is tiled tiles, you need to apply a special mastic based on polymer compounds and bitumen on the concrete screed. Do not forget to saturate it with a primer before treating the concrete base with mastic. Then the tile adhesive will hold the tile securely. When covering the floor with linoleum, it is advisable to treat the base with coating or paint insulation. Myself finishing material put on glue.

Waterproofing a concrete or wooden floor in private housing, as you can see for yourself, has great value for the safety of all elements of the residential building. Therefore, it must be performed competently and in a truly responsible manner.

An earthen floor is one of the simplest and most obvious flooring options for your home. In the old days, the depression was filled with several layers of densely packed clay. Today, an earthen floor in the original sense is very rare in houses, baths or other outbuildings. However, the very principle of covering on the ground has developed and improved, now it is known as a ground floor or a floor over the ground, and is widespread in cottage construction.

An earthen floor is one of the simplest and most obvious options for flooring a house.

Due to the fact that the building is located on the ground, contact of the foundation and frame with moisture is inevitable even in an area with a dry climate. Exposure to moisture is carried out in three ways: capillary contact of groundwater with elements of the floor base, accumulation of water vapor and contact with precipitation.

  1. In the first case, water, with periodic freezing and heating, mechanically destroys the structure of the concrete or wood covering... In addition, the mineral impurities contained in the water are corrosive.
  2. In the second case, water vapor causes decay of materials and the appearance of fungi, bacteria and mold that are hazardous to health. In the third case, precipitation falls on the basement of the house, penetrates into the ground. All this reduces the service life of the building several times and brings a lot of practical inconveniences to the residents of the house, not to mention the excessive monetary costs. It is advisable to prevent premature destruction of the building even at the construction stage, by making competent waterproofing.

Earthen floor is often used in cottage construction

Necessary conditions for high-quality waterproofing

  • Reliable waterproofing of the floor on the ground cannot be considered as a separate independent operation.
  • The construction of any building begins with the development of a project taking into account the type of soil, climate characteristics and the level of rise of groundwater.
  • This is followed by work on the foundation, in which horizontal and vertical moisture insulation is also present.
  • If necessary, drainage outlets are created against the flow of water from the bottom at the base and blind areas against surface sediments.
  • Without these measures, even the most expensive and thorough waterproofing of floors on the ground will turn into a waste of resources and time.
  • The durability of the building directly depends on the observance of construction technologies and the use of quality materials.

The durability of a building is directly dependent on adherence to technology

Soil waterproofing technology

After the foundation has been created and the walls with overlapping have been erected, you can proceed with the installation of the floor. In general, the entire floor structure is a multi-layer cushion of reinforcing, insulating and insulating materials, or the so-called "pie". Below is the procedure for laying the tiers of the floor device.

The lower base is compacted native soil, the upper part of which is removed at the stage of laying the foundation. Good decision the laying of a densely compacted layer of uniformly mixed clay is considered. Clay is slightly moisture permeable, acting as a reliable barrier to groundwater. However, this step requires additional time for shrinkage and is rarely used.

The soil inside the contour of the foundation walls is covered with sand to a height of 10 centimeters or more. The sand is compacted using a special technique and is additionally settled with the help of irrigation. For this type of work, you need to apply river sand any size with high water permeability. Other types of sand may contain clay impurities and are not suitable for these purposes.

A good solution is to lay a densely compacted layer of uniformly mixed clay.

Further, crushed stone of a coarse fraction is poured to approximately the same height, it is also carefully tamped. Granite crushed stone has the highest strength and frost resistance, therefore it is preferred over gravel. It should be clarified that sand and gravel together create a cushion that prevents water from rising from below. Coarse stone is used for the reason that the voids between the individual grains do not allow water to build up pressure and rise upward. At this stage, the building is protected against capillary soaking. At the same time, both layers, when compacted with their own weight, put pressure on the ground below, which also contributes to waterproofing and the overall strength of the structure, as well as the stability of the foundation.

Large rubble will not allow water to rise up

At the next stage, the work will differ depending on what kind of floor is provided in the building: concrete or wooden. Rotary geotextile material is laid on the crushed stone, which will not allow the concrete to flow into the gravel layer. From above is poured cement strainer low strength. The thickness of the layer is calculated by the designers based on the expected load of the building on the base. This screed is a preparation before waterproofing and is called a subfloor. For a wooden floor, a frame with logs is built above the primary screed, a rough floor of boards or plywood is stuffed on them.

Further, the floor is directly waterproofed on the ground, at present it practically coincides with the vapor barrier. There are several types of floor waterproofing: coating, plastering, pasting, cast and impregnation. Each of the methods has its own characteristics, which should be carefully studied, compared and chosen the most optimal in terms of price and quality.

Film waterproofing of the floor

At coating method apply liquid sealants, micro-solutions, rubber compounds and polymer varnishes. The method is relatively easy to use, does not require special skills and sophisticated equipment. Plaster insulation refers to the coating and differs in materials. It uses plaster solutions of higher density with fillers, cement, polymers or gypsum.

The coating method uses various mixtures

In the pasting insulation, specially designed roll, plate or sheet materials, for example, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride films, diffusion membranes, roofing felt, roofing felt. Often there are economical recommendations precisely with the use of a film as an insulator. The film is laid with a rise on the walls and with an overlap along the edges of 10 - 15 cm, the seams between the strips are glued with tape. It should be noted that with the slightest damage and rupture of the film, the insulating role loses its strength. In comparison with roll materials on a bitumen basis, the film in more than one layer is significantly inferior in strength and duration of operation. It is much more efficient to weld on the screed roll bituminous material with the obligatory entry to walls with a height of several centimeters up to top level foundation.

The film is applied to the floor and slightly rises on the walls
Roll materials are perfect for waterproofing.

Cast waterproofing is the filling of the surface with a continuous layer of special hot mastic. This process is more laborious than the others, as it requires special training and equipment. The surface to be coated must be dust-free, leveled, absolutely dry and pre-primed with bitumen mortar. For greater efficiency, the process is repeated two or more times.

For greater efficiency, the process should be repeated several times.

Impregnating waterproofing of the floor - application to the base of a substance that can be absorbed by concrete and stone surfaces. The materials are mixtures containing bitumen, polymers, liquid glass, synthetic resins. Distinctive feature this method we can say that it is used not only at the construction stage, but also when it is necessary to renovate the house.

This method can be used not only during the construction phase, but also when renovating a house.

With regard to a wooden floor, it should be noted that the underground must be ventilated naturally or by forced ventilation. This must be taken care of at the stage of laying the foundation. Everything wooden elements structures are covered with liquid several times protective compounds... The sub-floor can be covered with a film, cast or impregnation method.

At the end waterproofing works the surface is laid with insulation. The most common extruded polystyrene is a durable option with a low water saturation coefficient. The connection between foundation, walls and floor is vulnerable to low temperatures... It is advisable to additionally equip the lower sides of the walls with vertical pieces of polystyrene. Instead, fibrous layers of mineral wool, slag wool, foam glass, expanded clay can be used.

Film waterproofing is perfect for a balcony

If vapor barrier was not provided during waterproofing, it is made on top of a layer of insulation. Suitable as a protective layer different kinds specialized films or liquid rubber.

Waterproofing floors on the ground is effective in combination with other construction activities

The last, floating screed reinforced with mesh is poured onto the outermost insulating layer of the concrete floor.

The final stage is the laying of any topcoat floor, the choice of which is dictated by the design of the room, benefit or other considerations of the customer.

Summing up, we repeat that waterproofing floors on the ground is effective in combination with other construction activities. Adherence to technology and responsible choice of materials have a direct impact on the quality of workmanship. When choosing them, it is necessary to evaluate technical indicators, quality, predicted service life, suitability in given climatic conditions, consumption, compatibility with each other, and other details. It is extremely difficult for a beginner to consider possible risk factors. All stages of construction, including the arrangement of a concrete or wooden floor, are recommended to be carried out by experienced specialists.

Video: Floors on the ground. How to do it right?

Video: Floor waterproofing - repair technology