Manor Bagira When to start pinching ficus. How to crop fountain rubber

Ficus is such a plant that in nature grows exclusively upwards. However, it is not entirely convenient for growing at home. It is for this that needs to trim the plant to form the flower shape you need.

Plant Features

Ficus rubbing (how to form a crown will be described in this article) - this is a plant that refers to the ficus of the Fibus family. India is considered to be the homeland of this representative, namely the northeastern part of it, as well as the south of Indonesia and the western part of Africa. It is grown as a decorative plant outside of tropical territories. In addition to the decorative function, it can also be carried out industrial, because it is the large trees that rub the rubber.

During growth in its natural conditions, the ficus can reach the size of 40 m in height, while forming the so-called roots of the backups. The main feature of the latter is that they go down to the ground and rooted in it. If at home to grow, the maximum growth, as a rule, does not exceed 10 m, if the pruning was not produced.

Beneficial features

In addition, the rubber is mined from this plant, the ficus is also considered to be the most useful flower, which is capable of significantly improving the air. This is due to the fact that air passes through the leaves through the pipe. During this passage, it is significantly enriched with oxygen.

Another important advantage is the unpretentiousness of the ficus in care.

In terms of home cultivation, it practically does not bloom, not capricious and can adapt absolutely to any conditions. The only thing that the plant needs to be kept away from direct sunlight, on time and in the right amount water and bathe.

Phikus growth physiology

Ficus rubbing (how to form a crown will be described further) using the cutting process, all sorts of forms can take. This will allow the plant to become a real unique decoration of any home. You can do it yourself, the main thing is to patience and comply with the basic rules.

How does the ficus rubber grow? New shoots tend to develop from the resulting kidneys. There are two types of them:

  • top (located on the top of the plant);
  • side, or stubborn (located in the sinuses of the leaves, in those places where the pets of the leaves are attached directly to the trunk).

The top kidney develops at an accelerated pace, while the side brakes inhibit their development or completely blocked. If the upper kidney is removed, it activates the side kidneys, and shoots their growth to the sides. Thus, the formation of the fraud is the formation of rubber.

Rules trimming

The time of formation of the crown is important. Before cropping the ficus rubbing at home, you should choose for this correct period: autumn or spring.

If you make the formation of the crown in the spring, this is allowed to get a more magnificent plant, since it is during this period that the plant is able to recharge the energy. As a result, you will get a flower that will be sufficiently stimulated, and in different directions to the same extent.

But if you decide to carry out the procedure in the fall or in winter, it threatens one-sided development. Great risk that as a result you will get a potted plant. In addition, it is during this period that the ficus rubber (how to form a crown with some devices you will learn further) uses all the accumulated over the summer season and if you cut some shoots, you simply deprive the plant of these reserves.

The process of forming the crown itself consists not only from cropping shoots and their shortening, but also the directions of their further growth. As a rule, various stretch fixtures are used for this.

Formation of crown without trimming

Before cropping the ficus rubbing, think, and whether it is necessary to do it. To form a crown can be exclusively the direction and fixing certain shoots. The use of such a method minimizes plant injuries. After a certain time, these fixing devices can be safely removed.

It is also worth considering the age of ficus. Younger plant makes it easier to carry this procedure. But adult plants no longer have sufficient flexibility of shoots, and they are very easy to injury.

Ficus rubbing: how to form a crown right?

These rules apply for single plants that grow into one barrel.

  1. It is necessary to wait until the growth of the plant is about 70 cm. After that, it is necessary to cut the upper cutting of the rubber ficus. This will allow the plant to develop their side shoots. Cutted cuttings can be coincided next to the main plant, thereby forming an unusual shape of a bush.
  2. If you want to work on a shape of a small plant, it is enough just to pinch his macushk. However, it is worth understanding that the likelihood that only one sprout will grow from this point.
  3. You can stimulate the growth of lateral shoots by simply burning the top, after which it is securely fixed. When the kidney, which turned out to be top, will begin to grow actively, the trunk will be returned to the original position.
  4. The following procedure will help to stimulate the growth of extra branches: to pierce the main barrel to a third of the thickness. If punctures make a few, only the bottom of them will be active. That is why this procedure starts better than top.
  5. Thin branch of the plant need to trim in a straight line. If you need to cut a thick escape, the slice should be at an angle.
  6. For the procedure, take exceptionally sterile tools, besides perfectly sharp. Fire or medical alcohol is suitable for sterilization.
  7. Dedicated juice need to be deleted. Use wet cloth for these purposes. Additional processing is not required.
  8. A month after the procedure, the plant needs feeding. Also recommended Ficus to transplant into a larger pot.

How to crop ficus rubbing at home? Easy enough. Just perform the basic rules. For example, when trimming the rubbing ficus should not forget that it highlights the milky juice, which is sufficiently poisonous. All actions should be carried out in protective gloves.

Formation of an unusual crown

How to form a fountain of a rubberous unusual species? Everything is very simple. You need to do this procedure not with a single plant, but putting several fakes into one pot at once. Flowers should be young, equally developed and medium height should not exceed 15 cm.

All side shoots need to be removed, and the trunk, as the plant grows, to give the right shape. The main rule: weaving should be carried out freely, because with the time the trunks will thicken. For the formation of the spiral, you will have two plants in one pot, for "pigtails" - at least three.

You need to start the weaving when all plants in the pot have reached a certain height (as a rule, it is 13-15 cm). Each next round must be done as the plant develops. To prevent spruce, the trunks need to be tested. Threads should be soft, ideal if you take woolen. They need to be tied up with periodicity in two months. If necessary, you can install support.

Such trunks look really impressive and unusual.

Instead of imprisonment

If your chest of ficus is too smashed, some of the shoots, mostly those that are directed inside the crowns are removed. This will allow each piece of plant to obtain the desired amount of sunlight.

By purchasing a certain experience, you can easily create entire sculptures from the ficus.

Each flower in which they grow, I want to see the beautiful branched trees, and it is also intricate with woven trunks.

But not everyone knows how to form a ficus at home.

Moreover, these plants grow only up and without human assistance a magnificent crown will not be opened. We will talk about the ways and rules for creating a thick green crown.

Did you know? Prats of ficuses are typical 30 meter trees for Indian jungle with giant horizontal branches and rounded meter leaves. In their shadow, they can hide up to 300 square meters of land.

Description and Features of Culture

At first glance, it seems that the process does not require additional skills and knowledge, in fact, the entire listed is still needed talent and patience. We will deal in more detail how to make Ficus branch.


Any work aimed at the development of lateral branches of the plant with the help of ordinary technologies should be carried out from February to July. If you ignore this rule, the plant may have enough strength on the development of a single sprout, the ficus will in this case will grow only in one direction.

A method is concluded in the sepure of the top shoots of a young ficus. Experiments on old copies can end that you destroy them, because it is very difficult to wake sleeping kidneys.
Thus, a bush can be created from the straight stem. For its uniform rounding, flower plays are recommended to put up to the sun with different sides, periodically turning the pot.

Some craftsmen resort to use cytokinins - hormones, which slow down the aging processes of plant organism And without removal of the top kidneys, the development of its side branches is stimulated.

This method is very effective, because when processing hormonal substances do not delay leaf falling processes, so that the lower zone of the flower remains covered with foliage.

You can do without additional funds by flexing the fine trunk in the arc so that its top is directed down. Then the growth hormones are asleep at the top of the bend, and the side kidneys will be empty. The disadvantage of this method is the slowdown in the development of stems.

Also affect the crown shape can be adjusting the lighting. This method is good for correcting incorrectly formed plants. Under the right sunlight, they can get strong burns, but dispel light from the south side - just what you need.

Another effective way to make a tree branch up - cut the bark over the kidney.

Botany call Kerbovka technology and advise to make deep and wide cuts at the bottom of the weighing trunk.

Unusual (weaving, circular grille, formation of strambered tree)

Sometimes beautiful plexus stalks of ficuses created by flowers are captured by the Spirit. It turns out that it is possible to create similar masterpieces at home.

In order to do fishelectting, First of all, it is necessary to put in one pot of several equally developed sprouts up to 15 cm long. Their two growing spirals are a wonderful spiral, out of three - spit, of four or more - an unusual grill. It is important to provide for places where thickens are formed in the future, and leave the gaps, as well as to join lateral sprouts.

To obtain flat fenceThe plants are planted after a certain distance on the same line. And when the stems achieved the desired height, they are connected by special locks or ordinary thread, tape from polyethylene. Moreover, as the compression is slightly weakened, so that nonesthetical scars are not formed on the cortex.

To speed up the process, experts are advised carefully in the joints of the escapes of cutting off the bark so that it turned out a peculiar vaccination.

Important! From an excess or lack of moisture in a rubber ficus, foliage twists.

Circular grid will be able to plant young plants in a circle. To get a trunk in the form of a stretched spring, a peg sticks into the center of the peg, and flexible stems are wrapped around, removing lateral sprigs as necessary.

The peak of perfection can be called the form of fakes, curled around the moss (coconut) column. Its wet foundation constantly feeds the plant, stimulating the growth of air roots. This contributes to the intensive weave and merger of sprouts.

If these procedures seem to you too time-consuming, you can experiment with the creation of a form of a strain. To do this, on a young flower it is necessary to fill the top kidney after reaching the desired height. Usually at the floor instances this is done at 1 meter. Side branches are cut in such a way that the slice passed over the kidney facing the bark.

But this is not the limit of fantasies of flower water: a unique form can be created from a high ficus, forming a multi-tier stram from it. For this purpose, the top growth point is cleaned, conditionally divide the trunk into several parts and give them a rounded form. Spaces between tiers are cleaned of all branches and foliage.

Did you know? The oldest rubber ficus titled "Homer Tree" grows in Buenos Aires. He was planted back in 1781. From time to time, the branches of the Green Giant were greatly marched, so they were strengthened by concrete supports.

How to form a rubber ficus at home

Whatever technology you choose for your scooter ficus to not destroy it, it is important to know how to create a crown correctly, choose which you can by photo on the Internet or magazine, book. In addition, it is necessary to clearly comply with the rules that can be divided into several groups. Consider each other.

Without trimming ficus

If you stimulate the growth of the side branches with the help of special drugs, lighting and other wisdom, it is important to consider:

  1. The growth of the branches of the ficus can be adjusted using a manipulation with a pot and directly with the plant itself. The principle of all procedures is reduced to the gaze of the vertical position.
  2. Measuring in the growth of the kidney will go up, if the container with a flower tilt so that the future escape is watching up.
  3. A tilted horizontal branch will increase branches in the upper zone.
  4. The sides will actively develop side branches, and the trunk will be activated.
  5. Single-sided copies will be allowed sprouts on the other side if they are deployed with a naked barrel to the Sun.
  6. Multi-tiered ficus can be obtained much faster when disembarking in one container sprouts of different heights.
  7. Accelerate the appearance of a rounded ficus crown. Additional daylight lamps.
  8. So that woven trunks evenly increase the green cap, the pot needs to be periodically turned to the sun with different sides.
  9. With sufficient humidity in the room, the ficuses allow air roots. They are by no means delete, but are sent to the soil.
  10. Among the cytokinines, impeccable reputation in the preparations "Cartoilin" (may be marked 2 or 4), "benzilanin", "zeatin". It is important to use them, who is clearly observing the supplied instructions.

Did you know? In India, in the homeland of rubber nicknames, the locals used them to create pedestrian bridges. Of the branches and the air roots growing on the shores of plants, the foundation and handrails are spled. In some cases, the length of such structures reached more than 30 m.

With trimming

There are nuances and in the formation of ficuses using tools:

  1. In cases of creating a corrupt crown, the reduction of the top kidney should take place at a level of 10-15 cm from the ground. You can leave no more than 4 sheets.
  2. Side kidney pit is carried out only on the samples rotated from the bark. Otherwise, young sprouts will highly thicken the crown.
  3. All sections are mandatory wiping with a damp cloth until the excretion of the Milky Juice is discontinued. Then processed by gripped in dust charcoal.
  4. With an increased thickness, the crowns cut a part of the branches as the inside to the central barrel.
  5. Kerbovka is carried out by a sharp tool (better by the blade or scalpel).
  6. Competently made bark cuts look arcuate, roof either crosswise. If you take part of the bark over the kidney, make this procedure, cutting the rectangle, triangle or crescent.
  7. If you are faced with the task to correct the wrong tree shape or form a certain intended figure, then you should resort to vaccination. The method is carried out by transplanting one plant to another, very laborious and not always effective. The reason in the milk juice highlighted from the cuts, which prevents the ficuses grow.
  8. After cuts, there should be no stumps - this is a favorable environment for the formation of fungi.

- Popular indoor plants, distinguished by high growth rate and extension of leaf mass. Therefore, they are favorite objects for the formation of small indoor trees with a crown diverse shape.

It is not difficult to grow a ficus of the decorative species. Regularly conducting it forming a trimming, you can get a beautiful waiting plant and even a tree grown in the style of "Bonsai".

In the article, you will learn everything about the formation of the crown and the trunk of Benjamin ficus at home, as well as the pruning and pinching of the plant.

Basic rules trimming

The forming trimming of Benjamin ficus is carried out in early spring, at the end of March or early April. Before the start of active growth, there is enough time that the sections are dragged into, and the plant recovered from the resulting stress.

For trimming, a garden secateur will need, wood or activated carbon, a clean napkin and a disinfectant (alcohol or manganese solution).

Before the procedure you need to disinfect the secator with alcohol or a solution of manganese, to exclude any infection and the development of the disease.

Thick branches are cut under the angle as close as possible to the kidney. Thin shoots are cut over the kidney, shorting them on 1/3.

After trimming, we wipe the sections of thick branches with a clean napkin to remove the resulting milky juice. Then the sections fall asleep with chopped wood or activated carbon.

Sections of thin shoots can not be processed, but the flowing juice is better to remove, since white spots can remain on the leaves of the plant.

In addition to the formative, there is also a sanitary and rejuvenating trimming of Benjamin ficus. Consider how to give the form of a ficus of Benjamin.

Sanitary trim

Sanitary trimming of the plant can be carried out not only in spring, but at any other time of the year as needed. It is to remove dry, patients and poorly developed shoots.

Dry branches are subject to removal, as they look ugly. Safety are also removed: sometimes dry branches become sources of various fungal infections.

If any disease occurs, the affected areas of shoots are cut and burned. For this, spring should not be expected, such a trimming is carried out as soon as possible.

Weakly developed shoots are removed, because they are little decorative. They also increase the thickness of the crown, not passing the light inside it.

Rejuvenating trimming

This type of trimming is carried out to return the decorative look very old ficus or plants, whose shoots have lost their vitality for one reason or another.

Sometimes with a strong and long-term drying of the soil, almost all tree branches dry out. In this case, the ficus should not be thrown out, you need to carry out a rejuvenating trimming.

This procedure is carried out in early spring before the commemoration of the vegetation. All dead branches are cut off, and the living wicked half. Moreover, it is cut off not only the main shoots, but also running second order. All sections are carefully sprinkled with activated carbon.

With full drying of the crown, the ficus of Benjamin can be cropped "on the pennies", removing all branches and cutting the trunk. The remaining funeral should be no higher than 7-10 cm. Gradually, the plant will restore the crown by increasing new young shoots.

Types of crowns and simplicity of formation

There are several types of crowns that can be created by cutting ficus of Benjamin:

  • Bush;
  • Stammer;
  • Yarry Stack;
  • Sculpture.

Also, most varieties can be used to grow miniature bonsai trees.

Although Ficus Benjamin is a high tree, grown a bush from it very simple. To do this, the young plant is riveted by the central escape. As a result, side branches are actively growing. After a year you can get a lush and beautiful plant.

Stambling forms are distinguished by pronounced trunk and crown. There is a single and a long-lived strab with a divided into several crown tiers, between which the barrel is without shoots. The cultivation of such a tree is a long process that can occupy 3-4 years.

Sculpture is created from melligent varieties. The tree is attached to conceived in advance. The trimming is performed annually and very carefully, the shape of the tree must be corrected regularly.

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For the formation of a bush, both low-spirited and tall ficuses are used. Minelylative varieties are very popular: the bush is more magnificent. For the rapid formation of the bush crown in the pot at the same time, 2-3 cuttings close to each other are planted.

After landing, as soon as the rooted cutlets with a height of 15 cm starts to grow, it is plugged on top, leaving at least 5 leaves. It stimulates the growth of 4-5 lateral shoots.

When the side shoots are reached the length of 10-15 cm, they also cut the tops. At the same time, the remaining upper kidneys should be directed not inside the crown, but out.

All sections need to wipe the napkin to remove white juice, and sprinkle with activated carbon.

After the second trimming, when the third level shoots will reach a length of 10-15 cm, it turns out already a sufficiently thick bush. With a strong density, you can cut 2-3 branches from the middle of the bush, to break it.

When growing a bush crown, it is necessary to evenly illuminate the plant or periodically rotate it to the light by different sides, so that the shoots grow uniformly.


Stambling crowns are forms with a pronounced trunk. For growing a strain planted a single stalk. In the process of its growth, all the lower side shoots are removed, leaving 3-4 upper.

If you want to raise a strambet tree with a height of 50 cm, then the length of the lower part of the barrel without branches should be 15-20 cm.

Typically, desktop copies are height up to 50 cm, and outdoor - much higher: 90-100 cm.

After the lower part of the barrel is formed, proceed to increasing the crown. When the height of the plant reaches the desired, the upper escape is cut by 5-10 cm.

After that, the side shoots start to grow intensively. They need to be left only within the crown. If they are formed at the bottom of the plant on the trunk, then to be deleted.

Stumbus crown of ficus you can give various forms. A spherical crown is very popular and beautiful, but no less decorative oval shape, stretched up or to the sides. When creating a crown in the shape of a ball, you need to leave the shooting of the same length when trimming.

Yarry Staff

Lial Stack - shape of a tree with divided into pieces of a crown. Between its tiers remains a naked barrel without branches. Such a tree can have 2 or more tiers.

Sometimes tiers are increasing gradually. First form a normal strabrus with a circular or oval crown. Then pruning is carried out in such a way as to grow up the central escape directed upwards.

Gradually, it will be possible to form a continuation of the trunk from it, and then the new crown tier. This is the longest process of forming a longline strain.

It is much faster to plant 2 cuttings at once and copp their trunks with wire. Gradually below they will grow together into a single trunk. At the top of the plant will be divided.

Each of them can be grown as a regular stack, but their crowns will be at different heights. If you plan the cuttings with different color leaves, you can get a very beautiful tree with a different color of the crown tiers.

Yarry straw can be grown from one cutter. It should grow up, forming an extended high single strab. After the formation of the lower part of the trunk, its crown should be divided into 3 parts.

The lower and the upper part will be two tiers of a strain, the central part - the bare barn between them. In the center, all side shoots are removed, the tip of the tree is pinching. Taruses form as an ordinary single stack.


For the cultivation of Bonsai, you can use almost all varieties of Benjamin ficus. But most of all the variety of Viandi is suitable for this purpose. It has a low growth rate and a wavy curved barrel. From the cutting of this variety you can grow bonsai faster.

The technology of growing these dwarf trees for Benjamin ficuses and for other species is practically no different. Bonsai is grown in low wide containers filled with depleted ground, which contributes to low growth rates. The roots of the tree are cut 2-3 times a year, after which it is planted in the same container. Pruning plants also spend 2-3 times a year.

In addition to trimming, the formation of the barrel and branches is attached.

The branches and trunk are wrapped with a thick copper wire, and then gradually bend it to the plant to acquire the desired shape. Usually after such procedures after 4-5 years, the plant looks like a real tree in miniature.


The crown in the form of sculpture is very difficult, work on it takes a long time. Create a tree in the form of an animal or birds for only the experienced flower. It is easier to perform the crown in the form of a geometric shape - a cone or cylinder.

Even on the formation of a simple geometric crown takes several years.

At the same time, it is necessary every year in the spring to carry out the pruning of plants, cutting off the branches in such a way that the krona acquires the desired shape.

We usually leave branches directed outside, and the crown growing deep into the crowns.

In this case, the outer part of the crown is strongly branched, so it becomes easier to give it the necessary form.

The formation of the trunk - fishelling

It looks very nice not only the crown of Benjamin ficus. The present works of art are trees grown by fishelective method.

These are high plants whose bare trunks are intertwined. The most decorative element of such a plant is precisely the trunk, its crown is formed, as a rule, a simple ball-shaped form of a small size.

For growing plants with a twisted barrel, many varieties of fakes are suitable, but they must have straight and thin shoots. Viandi variety, which is often used to grow bonsai, is not suitable for weaving, as it has curved curved shoots.

In order to overwhelm the trunks, 2 or several cuttings are planted into one pot. They must have the same magnitude so that one of them does not grow faster than the other and did not score him. For the same reason, it will not be soared into one barrel of varieties at different growth rate.

There are a variety of fishelling schemes. The simplest of them is a spiral and braid.

For the helix, it is necessary to plant 2 cuttings in one pot to heat the braid, we need 3 plants. There are also more complex weaving methods for which much more cuttings will be needed, sometimes several dozen. Such trees usually grow only professionals, they are very expensive.

To grow a "pigtail", in a pot close to each other 3 cuttings of ficus with a size of 15 cm. As soon as they begin to grow, you can start weaving. The lower part of the cuttings should not have lateral shoots. If they are, they need to be removed, and then carefully make the first weave of the trunks.

To the twisted trunk saved the shape, the cuttings should be fixed. For this, the thick woolen thread or copper wire is suitable. The shoots are fixed above the weave. After that, behind the plant is careful in normal mode, until the cuttings grow so much that it will be possible to do the following weave.

Every 2 months need to check the locations of the fixation and easily weaken the thread or wire. In the process of growth, the twisted plant trunks are thickened, and the fixation can crawl into them and injure the bark.

When the braid reaches the desired height, it must be tightly fixed with the wire or metal screw above the place of the last weave. Fixation will be securely hidden by the thrown of the tree. A few years later, when the trunks firmly grow together, the wire can be removed.

To perform other, more complex, weaving schemes may need not only wire, but also a metal framework, around which weaving the trunks of the set of plants.

Now you know how to form a crown of ficus Benjamin. About superstitions associated with Ficus Benjamin, you can find out.

Initially, the ficus has only one stem, but over time new branches appear on it. And then you need to pinch the plant to form a beautiful crown. To do this, it is enough to adhere to a few simple rules.

If the ficus grows only up, not giving lateral shoots, then over time it can turn into a high little deciduous tree. But this can be avoided, just periodically cutting and pinching the top.

The most popular method of experienced gardeners is a Japanese way of pinching. The procedure is quite simple. When forming the crown, you need to twist the branch to the kidney, from which new side shoots will appear.

The procedure is as follows:

  • it is necessary to determine which branches will be unnecessary when creating a beautiful tree crown;
  • each selected branch should be gently bent into the loop and navigate to the trunk.

Important! If in the seedback seats, the juice sticks out, it must be washed from the plants.

After a few weeks of the kidney, which remained to the place of bend, will give new sprouts.

Why do you need the tailing?

Ficus is a high plant, some species grow up to 2-3 m. Paging and circumcision of unnecessary shoots allows not only to keep the growth of the flower at the desired height, but also to form a beautiful crown. In addition, such a procedure allows you to rejuvenate a plant.

How to pinch at home?

In order for the procedure successfully, the owner of the ficus needs to know the following:

  1. It is important to choose the right time for pinching. Otherwise, the plant can easily die.
  2. Ficus juice is poisonous and able to cause bodies or allergic reactions. Therefore, all manipulations with the plant must be carried out in gloves.
  3. It is better not to combine pruning with another procedure, for example, with resetting.

Ficus can be easily discredited at home if you follow the established rules.

Time selection for procedure

Experienced gardeners know that the ideal time for pitching a ficus is spring. It is during this period that the plant is activated, forming new shoots and kidneys. Therefore, the procedure will not be too stressful for the flower, and all the "wounds" quickly delay.

Important! Pages in the fall or in winter can lead to ficus death.

Instructions for pinching

Before proceeding with the formation of the crown, you need to decide on the choice of knife. It must be sufficiently sharp, to immediately cut thick branches. The knife must be disinfected with alcohol or peroxide. If the plant is young, then unnecessary shoots can be simply trimmed.

But if it is already a ficus for several years, then you need:

  • determine the point that will be top;
  • the incision must be made at a distance of 6-8 cm from the sheet;
  • cut off the branches should be formulated;

When pinching, it is necessary to wash all the places of cutting with water. Since plant juice will slow down the growth of new shoots. To form an ideal crown, pinching and circumcision should be carried out annually.

Important rules

The procedure for the formation of the crown largely depends on what the gardener wants to get. For example, to obtain a form of strabby wood necessary:

  1. Choose a young inconsiderable ficus without decoration.
  2. Then gradually remove the side shoots until there are 5 upper branches.
  3. When the ficus is achieved, the height of the upper escape should be segged, and the side remove.
  4. For young stems without bark, you need to build a backup. It will take, until the moment until the ficus is finally grown.

Such a stack can be multi-tiered. To do this, the crown is divided by 4-5 parts. Other of them are crown tiers, and the rest are intervals between them. To form the latter, shoots are cut off by 5-7 cm in short, than in tiers.

In addition to the Stamb, there are several other ways to design a beautiful crown. This is a bush and arc. For the formation of the first type, it is important to monitor that the ficus does not grow up, but gave side shoots. This is controlled using the annual flower pinch.

The arc is created very simply - the upper part of the plant is bent and fixed at the height. The upper kidneys begin to give new shoots, thanks to which the plant becomes bulk. As soon as the side shoots achieved the desired length, the fixation is removed. The ficus branches remain in the same position, forming an interesting arc.

Further care

After stress transferred due to the procedure, the ficus needs additional feeding. It is added right away or waiting for 1-2 weeks until the plant adapts. If necessary, you can transplant the ficus to a new pot. This is relevant for plants that are no longer placed in the old capacity.

How to pinch up to close and was lush?

For too high plants, the procedure for the formation of new side shoots remains relevant. The owner of the ficus can take advantage of several ways:

  1. Japanese method. Suitable for small flowers that do not fit on the windowsill.
  2. Trimming. If you remove the top of the plant, the ficus will give new shoots. This will make the flower more lush. But it should be borne in mind that with incorrectly performed procedure, the ficus will continue to grow up.

Important! When using the Japanese method of pinching the branches, it is possible to be tied not only to the trunk, but also to the spicles specially knocked into the ground.

Is it possible to pinch Benjamin if it grows only upwards?

Ficus Benjamin bushes by itself. But in some cases it can grow quickly up, without giving side shoots. This is often associated with insufficient lighting or bad watering and feeding. Capture Benjamin in this situation can be, but it is necessary to do it correctly.

What if it is very stretched up?

When the flower stretches up, then during the process it resets the lower leaves. Most of the kidney is formed at the top of the plant. Therefore, it is not necessary to allow too much growth to swell.

If the ficus needs to be made more voluminous and small, then resort to pruning plants. But it is important to remember that the slice should only be obscured and is over the kidney. In addition, gardeners use the following ways:

  1. Lower extra branches down and tie them to the barrel or spicks. This allows the kidneys from above, to give severe shoots. The procedure is carried out several times in order to increase a sufficient number of lateral shoots.
  2. Sometimes to achieve the emergence of new sprouts allows Kerbovka. For this, a small incision is made over a sleeping kidney approximately one third of the depth. Curra in this place must be removed to weaken root food.
  3. In special cases, gardeners use special stimulation of flower with vegetable hormones - cytokinins. With their help, the side stuffed kidneys begin to dominate, and not the top.

Important! Any sections make a disinfectant knife, otherwise you can provoke the appearance of fungus or infection.

Any ficus owner knows that the plant requires careful care. Otherwise, you can encounter the fact that the top of the flower will be strengthened into the ceiling. Therefore, the annual parting, conducted in the spring - the need. And start forming the crown of the desired height and volume should be as early as possible until the ficus is still.

The article pays attention to a number of questions currently relevant to date, each of which is directly related to the ficuses and rarely where it can be so in detail. It is recommended to read the article about.

How to make a ficus lush, dense and fluffy at home

What to do that the ficus is faster than the roots, branched and gave the side shoots, was beautiful

In order for the plant as quickly as possible to branch and gave lateral shoots, it is necessary to regularly make trimming, but. On the sides will begin to appear new twigs, the flower will become beautiful.

How to make bonsai yourself from Fikus brief master class

In order for the roots to form a crown, respectively, the bonsai style that you have chosen, you need to trim the escape several times, thus growth in the height will be terminated. Trimming is carried out until the desired volume of the barrel is received.

You can use a garter or to use a wire. The top is attached to the base of the tree. And with the help of wire you can give the desired branches. A few weeks later, you can remove it.

How to form a ficus in the form of a strain

To make Ficus Stam, you need to start deleting side shoots almost immediately after landing, only 5 shoots remain. As soon as the desired growth will be achieved, it is necessary to stimulate the growth of side branches, for this it is plotting those that from above.