A mini pond is a wonderful decoration for a small garden. Artificial pond - a pond device in the country with your own hands How to make a miniature pond with plants at home

A pond at a summer cottage is a decorative landscape element that provides a positive mood and quality rest. But how to allocate a place for it, if the land ownership is small and barely enough space for a garden and beds? In this case, it is worth considering such an option as a mini-pond - a miniature copy of a man-made lake, not exceeding 1–1.5 cubic meters in volume. m. Despite its modest size, the pond is able to turn the most inconspicuous corner into the admiration of guests and the pleasure of the owners.

How to build a pond - various options and detailed instructions

There are several technologies for creating a small-sized reservoir, the choice of which depends on the type of soil in the country, material and time resources, as well as the owner's confidence in his abilities. Sometimes the presence of materials remaining after construction - containers, film or cement - helps to dwell on a certain option.

Features of the arrangement of a reservoir from a film

If the size of the existing film is too small, the desired piece can be obtained by gluing several pieces with a special PVC glue. Elastic material must be prepared before laying - cleaned and checked for cuts (small defects also need to be eliminated). When buying, preference should be given to EPDM rubber, butyl rubber base, but a dense PVC membrane is also suitable. Before work, you should also stock up on sand, any geomaterial and decorative stones.

The plan for arranging a mini-pond in the country with your own hands consists of 3 points:

  1. Dig a pit with the desired dimensions and the required depth of the steps (if any). Slopes must be made gentle, no more than 45 °, in order to prevent shedding of the earth and facilitate the laying of the material. It is important to control the strictly horizontal position of the pit sides relative to each other, otherwise, when filling the mini-pond, water will pour out.
  2. Before lining the waterproofing, the surface should be thoroughly tamped. At the bottom of the deepening, pour a layer of sand 5–10 cm thick and cover it with geotextile (you can replace it with roofing felt or just old blankets). The film should be laid on the prepared surface, trying to form as few folds as possible.
  3. In order to avoid a breakthrough, it is recommended to fill the tank with water in stages, taking breaks for 2-3 hours. The banks of an already filled reservoir must be checked again with a level and, if necessary, add soil. Then you can start fixing the edges of the film material, and after decoration, the mini-pond created by your own hands in the country is ready.

The duration of the operation of such a reservoir depends on the regularity and correct care and the service life of the film material.

Small pond in a ready-made container - inexpensive and fast

The capacity for a baby pond can be selected in a wide variety of configurations. They are made from PVC, giving the structure strength and lightness. Ease of installation and unpretentious maintenance make such pools popular means of making the dream of a mini-pond come true. However, there are also disadvantages: low-quality plastic is sensitive to frost and sun, and containers made from more solid raw materials are several times more expensive. Therefore, it is worth taking the time to find a compromise with an acceptable cost and quality.

The construction of a pond consists of the following steps:

  1. Dig a pit along the contour of the form, from which an indent of 20-30 cm is made on each side. The bottom depth must be increased by the same amount. It is more convenient to mark it with wooden pegs tied with a rope.
  2. After diligently tamping the bottom, you need to fill it with wet sand so that the edges of the container coincide with the ground, and the bottom is strictly horizontal. When this condition is met, sand can be poured into the space between the reservoir and the walls of the pit, periodically filling it with water.
  3. You need to fill the pond with water gradually - the plastic is easily deformed.

Miniature bodies of water without the hassle

If you do not want to spend money on a ready-made pool, you can arrange a mini-pond with your own hands from improvised materials: an old bathtub, a basin, and even a discarded car tire. In some cases, you don't even have to do land work - the container can be installed right in the garden or in the yard and decorated at your own discretion.

Such "kids" do not require special care - it will take a few minutes to change the water, and for the winter the decor is easy to put in the shed. In the reservoir, you can breed aquatic plants or use artificial greenery for decoration. If desired, the mini-pond can be easily installed on the terrace or in the conservatory.

A pond in a concrete pit - a capital approach

Building even a small concrete pond requires certain building skills. In addition, it will be very difficult to move or reorganize the lake, which imposes special responsibility on planning its parameters and placement. But this type of landscape design is the most reliable and durable of all existing ones.

The algorithm for its construction looks like this:

  • Dig a stepped pit, keeping to smooth shapes and 45 ° slopes. The finished recess must be carefully compacted.
  • Cover the bottom with a thin layer of sand (about 3 cm) and send it off with PET or PVC foil without undue tension.
  • It is necessary to start concreting from the walls, and only after them proceed to the formation of the bottom. It is important to complete this work in one day, otherwise the joints may become cracked.
  • As soon as the concrete layer dries up a little, a reinforced mesh must be pressed into it so that its edges protrude onto the surface.
  • Laying the second layer of concrete should be started only after the previous one has completely dried. The reinforced layer must be moistened before use. At the same time, it is worth correcting the bottom and edges of the reservoir, checking their horizontal level with the level.

When the concrete has finally hardened, you can pour water and start decorating a mini-pond in the country - the photos at this stage will help you get inspired and get ideas.

A small pond can decorate and diversify any suburban area. And it will be even more pleasant if you build such a pond with your own hands. It may sound daunting, but with quality instruction, there should be no problem.

A floating flock of ornamental fish is the best decoration for a pond

Traditionally, work begins with preparatory activities.

Stage 1. Determine the location and size

First, we decide on the place in which the decorative reservoir will be located. To do this, take into account the following points:

  • there should be no trees nearby, since their roots can damage the bottom of the structure, and the leaves can clog the water;
  • the place should be open, and also be illuminated by the sun for at least 6 hours a day (this will increase the intensity of algae reproduction without infringing on terrestrial plants);
  • if possible, it is advisable to leave room for future expansion of the pond;
  • the area of ​​the reservoir should not exceed 3% of the entire site.

In a word, the smaller the area, the easier it is to carry out construction work. In terms of depth, the reservoir is divided into three levels:

  • for plants near the shore;
  • shallow water for a winter-hardy water lily;
  • deepening in which fish will winter (if we breed them).

Note! It is undesirable to make the reservoir too deep - it is quite enough to make a deepening with a depth of 1.6-1.8 meters (that is, below the level of soil freezing). The embedment area should not exceed a fifth of the entire pond.

Stage 2. Determining the material

There are a lot of materials that can serve as the basis for a decorative reservoir, but the most popular of them are the options below.

In view of the fact that the construction of a decorative reservoir from a form can hardly cause any difficulties, we will consider in more detail exactly the second construction option.

Prices for ready-made ponds and bowls for ponds and fountains

Ready-made ponds and bowls for ponds and fountains

Stage 3. Preparing consumables

The work will require:

  • PVC film;
  • roofing material;
  • round stones;
  • rope;
  • stone slabs;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • bricks;
  • fine gravel.

Having prepared everything you need, we proceed to the next stage.

Stage 4. Digging the pit

Step 1. First, we create a sketch of the future reservoir on a scale, indicating the size and width of the curtains (shelves for plants, that is, the upper stage of the structure). This will help to avoid possible difficulties not only during construction, but also when planting plants.

We also think over the accent of the composition - a large original stone, for example, a sculpture or just a tree.

Step 2. With the help of rope or sand we outline the proposed contour of the reservoir. Be sure to check that all the banks are at the same level, after which we use a shovel to cut the turf around the perimeter of the pond.

Step 3. Now let's get down to earthworks. First, we dig a foundation pit to the depth of the first level (about 30-40 cm) and mark a line from which it will deepen to the second mark (90 cm). Next, we create the deepest level (up to 1.8 meters, if we plan to breed fish), we extract the last portion of the soil.

Note! It is recommended to regularly check the level of the banks while digging the pit. If there is no water level of the appropriate length, you can take a simple long board and attach a 50 cm device to it.

Step 4. To dig a reservoir, it is advisable to use the services of specialists in this kind of work, accompanied by a small excavator, because this work is quite hard. But if it was decided to do this stage of the work with your own hands, then you should be prepared for the fact that moisture will accumulate in the pit and you will have to dig in a dirty slurry. To remove water, you can use a pump (but only specially designed for pumping liquids with solid particles). Nearby, you can dig another hole to dump water there.

Step 5. We carefully examine the bottom of the finished pit for branches, sharp stones and anything that can damage the film. We check the horizontality of the banks, if necessary, level them.

Step 6. We dig a ditch 20 cm deep around the perimeter of the pond to fix the film. Then, using a rope, we measure the dimensions to determine the required size of the film, add 0.5 m on each side.

When carrying out earthworks, you can face the problem of where to put the earth from the pit. An excellent solution to this problem is to raise the level of the site by evenly distributing the soil over the entire garden area. Another option is also possible - to use the land for the construction of an alpine slide.

Stage 5. Laying the film

Step 1. We cover the bottom of the pit with a 15-centimeter sandy "pillow", carefully tamp it.

Step 2. To protect the PVC film from damage, lay a layer of roofing material (overlapping).

Step 3. We cover the bowl of the reservoir with a film. We do it freely, with a small margin along the banks. Press the ends of the film with bricks.

Note! For greater elasticity of the film, it is advisable to lay it on a sunny day - under the influence of temperature, the film will stretch better and easily bend around all the protrusions of the pit.

Step 4. We fill the pond with water, but we are not in a hurry to cut off the excess film. Wait approximately 24 hours for the PVC coating to reach its final volume. Then we cut off the film, put its edges in a pre-made trench, tuck it in and fill it with rubble.

Note! Often the film is not wide enough for a whole pond. In such cases, several pieces are connected to each other by soldering.

Prices for different types of pond films

Pond film

Stage 6. We equip a decorative reservoir

Step 1.In order to prevent the earth from falling into the bowl of the reservoir, we strengthen the edge. This can be done with:

  • stone blocks;
  • plastic pipes nailed to pegs.

We lay out the edge with natural stone (although you can also use bricks, tiles, other materials), decorate with a group of boulders or one large block.

Step 2. We spread the bottom of the reservoir with rubble or stones. Then we place the pre-prepared plants in plastic containers and arrange them in clumps. It is advisable to use plants that saturate oxygen (such as hornwort, water lily, swamp, etc.). After that, the pond can be completely filled with water.

Note! For the correct selection of hydrochemicals and a pump, it is necessary to measure the volume of the reservoir. To do this, when changing the water, take the readings of the water meter before / after the filling procedure.

Step 3. We can make a small stream for permanent circulation of water - this will prevent stagnation of the latter. To do this, we raise the source slightly above the level of the reservoir and set it to supply water from the bowl. We are planning to decorate the mouth of the stream, for which you can use:

  • stones;
  • containers made of glass or clay;
  • vegetable planting.

Step 4. We install at the bottom of the reservoir, stretch the pipes to the source and connect them to the purifying filter. The latter should be pressurized, that is, with the foreseen reverse cleaning, since it is much more efficient than usual.

Everything, ready! All that remains is to regularly clean it of dirt, use special agents that revitalize the water and prevent the excessive spread of algae, and also clean the plants for the winter.

When building a pond, it is difficult to avoid some mistakes, especially a compositional plan. For this reason, you need to be aware of the common mistakes gardeners make.

Plant growing zonesPlants
Coastal zoneConifers, elderberry, ferns, meadowsweet, lilies of the valley, bergenia, etc.
CoastlineLips, fluffy, kaluzhnik, veronica rucheinaya, snake mountaineer, forget-me-not, etc.
Plants for decorating shallow water (up to a depth of 5-20 cm.)Calamus, reeds, umbelliferae, cattail, arrowhead, etc.
Deep sea plants 30-150 cmWater lily, egg capsule
Plants for decorating the water surface (floating on the water surface)Duckweed, vodokras, telorez

Finally, having planned the independent construction of a pond, first practice - make, for example, a miniature pond, and only then move on to more dimensional compositions. This will greatly increase the chances of success.

Good luck with your work!

Video - Creating a pond in the country

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An artificial pond in the country can be a great place to relax on a hot summer day. Those people who have country houses on the banks of a lake or river are very lucky. Well, the rest will need to roll up their sleeves and equip a reservoir in the country with their own hands.

We draw up a project

It is best to take a place for a future artificial reservoir even at the design stage of the suburban area... In this case, the reservoir should:

  • do not fall under the prolonged influence of direct rays of the sun - heated water provokes the growth of algae and the development of microorganisms. The water in the reservoir quickly becomes cloudy and will have a musty, unpleasant odor;
  • be in an open area - branches and foliage from trees will quickly pollute the water, and the root system can damage the bottom of an artificial reservoir;
  • be located so that later you can expand the size of the water surface if you want to remake the pond, for example, into a full-fledged complex - with a fountain, bridge, etc.

Professional builders it is advised to make an artificial reservoir shallow - since it will be mainly used as a beautiful element of the surrounding landscape in the garden. In addition, you immediately need to think about how you will take care of the reservoir on the site - there should be a convenient approach to it. Naturally, not through alpine slides or a vegetable garden.

The water in an artificial pond will need to be changed with your own hands, since it will not be purified naturally, unlike natural reservoirs. Therefore, you need to make sure that a well with water in the country is located near your pond.

The choice of material for construction

Before you make a pond with your own hands, you need decide on its basis... In this case, there are several solutions. Let's consider what an artificial reservoir can be made of.

Reinforced concrete

The most durable garden pond can be made with reinforced concrete. The bottom and the coastal zone, reinforced with reinforcement and filled with concrete, will be able to withstand various additional loads - the installation of sculptural compositions, a fountain, etc.

The complexity of construction makes this technology inappropriate for organizing small ponds in the country. The disadvantages of this solution include significant cost. We'll have to rent special equipment, use a lot of building materials, and it will be possible to dismantle the installed reservoir only with great labor costs.

PVC film

A budget solution for the construction of an artificial reservoir in the country. The depth and shape of this reservoir can be easily changed, reduced or increased in size. A pond on a plot with a film base can even be made seasonal - for example, it can be filled up with the arrival of winter and rebuilt in the summer.

The disadvantages of this solution include the fragility and fragility of the PVC coating - the film can be easily damaged, and if the integrity of the bowl is violated, the water will easily go into the ground. Therefore, swimming in these home reservoirs is not recommended - they are made small in size and are used for garden decoration.

Shop artificial bowls

This is the golden mean for people who want to have their own pond in their garden and at the same time do not suffer with building materials for its organization. Shop bowls for decorative ponds are made of durable and durable materials - fiberglass or polyvinyl chloride.

The first option is much more expensive. However, the cost of a fiberglass bowl is compensated in full by the excellent performance of this material. This bowl can be easily put with your own hands, without involving outside help in this process. The disadvantage can be considered the acquisition of ready-made standard forms - that is, the foundation pit must be made to match the shape of the bowl, and not vice versa.

Moreover, the possibility of constructing uneven relief bottom to decorate natural coastlines. In addition, this method of organizing a pond in a garden will cost much more than a pond made of scrap materials or film.

Materials at hand

Quite an interesting option is the use of different improvised containers or materials. Old troughs, cast-iron baths are quite suitable for construction.

The advantages of this method are that there is no need to build bulky reinforced concrete structures or acquire standard forms. The disadvantages include the low decorativeness of old containers - you will need to show imagination so that from the old bath make a work of art.

For example, experts advise people who have catastrophically little space in their dachas to use a convenient and simple pond made of tires. Old tires are buried in, a film is laid inside, and the banks are decorated.

The resulting pond can surprise even professional designers - the finished pond will be an exclusive element of the landscape interior.


Then, when they have decided on the material for construction, it is necessary to dig a pit. This work is best done in summer, when the groundwater leave as much as possible... The depth of the pit is determined based on the type of material from which they decided to make the bowl. If it is an old bathroom or another ready-made form, we dig a hole 25-30 cm deeper than the dimensions of the form.

If you decide to make a pond from PVC film, then you will need to dig to a depth of about 70-90 cm - a shallow pond will completely freeze in winter, dry quickly and heat up in summer. For reservoirs made of reinforced concrete, it will be necessary to dig a pit more than 1.5 meters deep - here you cannot do without special equipment.

Consider the stages of work for the construction of a pond in the country with our own hands for various types of selected materials.

PVC film pond

When the pit is ready, it remains to clean its bottom and open the sides of the future mini-pond small terraces... The depth of these terraces is approximately 30 cm, and the width is approximately 25 cm. The bottom of the pit is compacted, pebbles, rubble, stones and other foreign objects are removed. The cleaned bottom is sprinkled with sand and covered with geotextile fabric. This bottom preparation will significantly improve the strength of the base coat as well as extend the life of the film.

The next stage is the installation of the film coating. The size of the film can be calculated as follows: take the total length of the reservoir and add twice the depth of the pit. The sheet of film is fixed on the terraces with a margin of about 30 cm. The laid sheet is laid with stones or bricks - this must be done to preserve its laying shape.

Then you need to fill the pond with water, check the integrity of the film and start decorating the coastal zone. Don't need it right away cut off the remnants of the film under the bricks, as it may shrink over time.

Bath pond

To build a pond from an old bath or other unnecessary container, you will need:

  • crushed stone;
  • a piece of netting;
  • sand and cement;
  • a coil of steel or aluminum wire;
  • beautiful stones for decoration.

After the pit has been dug, it is necessary to make its edges. Why, along the entire perimeter of the future pond, we remove the upper layer of earth about 45-50 cm wide... This perimeter is deepened so that it is level with the shape of the reservoir. The drain hole in the bathroom is closed, then it is installed on the bottom of the pit.

To extend the operating time of the future mini-pond, it is necessary to protect the enamel on the inner surface of the bowl. Why the sides and bottom of the bathroom can be treated with tile adhesive. After that, the bath is allowed to dry thoroughly. As a rule, this will take at least a few days.

Then, a mesh-netting is laid around the entire perimeter of the bowl. It is required to reinforce the bottom and sides of the reservoir. We apply a cement-sand mixture or concrete mortar to the mesh and let it dry. After that, it is the turn of the final design of the shores.

A pond from a finished form

A pit dug for the mold, cleared of debris, branches and other items. The walls and bottom of the pit are compacted. When the soil is very loose in the country, it needs to be strengthened. For the finished form, a perfectly flat plane of the sides and bottom of the pit is required. The surface can be leveled using a building level.

Then the bottom must be covered with sifted sand, which also needs to be tamped. The sand layer is an excellent safety seal that will ensure the integrity of the finished bowl.

After that, the bowl is placed in the pit and water is poured. The resulting voids between the ground and the sides of the form are covered with sand, this must be done gradually. First, 20-25 cm of sand is poured, which is moistened with water. After sand spreading, this process needs repeat until the voids are completely filled between the walls of the pit and the mold.

This must be done without fail, since the shape for the pond is very fragile and easily deformed. Even pressure on the surfaces of the bowl will prevent it from bending.

After a day, check the gap between the ground and the sides of the bowl. If there are voids left, add sand. Pour the water out of the mini-pond, clean it completely and pour in clean water.

Plant selection

Small plants are planted on the coastal part of the pond. Hostas can create a picturesque picture on the shore of a pond, with green ones preferring partial shade, and blue ones preferring shade.

Also in the shade, sedge grows well with narrow leaves, which sometimes grow up to 80 cm.In partial shade, an unpretentious loosestrife with attractive inflorescences of purple color... In a sunny area, you can plant a lightning.

A fern will perfectly decorate the shore of a reservoir located in partial shade. It thrives on damp ground. The same conditions apply to astilbe. Low-growing varieties are suitable for planting near a pond.

If the reservoir is quite large, plant a darmeru (peltiphyllum) on the shore - a perennial plant in the form of bushes up to 1 m high and up to 0.5 m in diameter with notched round leaves.

At the second level, water lilies are traditionally located in the reservoir. Hybrid nymphs are characterized by a variety of color colors. You do not need to overload the pond with a large number of specimens, they grow and only interfere with each other.

Sunny shallow water is great place for calamus... In a small reservoir, a low grass calamus organically looks, and in a large one - a marsh calamus. Some varieties of irises also prefer low water.

The unpretentious calla is a fairly popular plant for home ponds. At the beginning of summer, an ear-shaped flower appears on it, and after that, red berries. It must be remembered that they are poisonous.

The vanilla-scented aquatic hawthorn grows well in water, reaching a diameter of 50 cm. It is a deep-sea plant. It looks original, floating on the surface, miniature, covering the reservoir with a green azolla carpet. However, it will need to be fought with, periodically catching bushes.

Let the dacha be a place where work comes first, and then rest, we do not forget about the beauty that helps us not to lose heart and enjoy every day spent there. Therefore, today we invite you to feel like landscape designers and build a pond in the country with your own hands.

DIY pond rules and material requirements

A pond in the country is not a luxury, but in some way even a necessity. According to the ancient philosophy of feng shui, water near your home brings financial well-being and soothes.

In addition, it allows you to maintain the relative humidity in a given area, pleases the eye and allows you to create an original solution in the allotted area. Therefore, more and more often summer residents create ponds and ponds with their own hands, as in the photo.

Not everyone on the territory has a reservoir that can be put in order, surrounded by a stone and made an element of the landscape. More often, we create a pond in the country with our own hands from scratch, faced with many issues that have to be resolved during construction.

Let's start with the fact that it is necessary to determine the location of the reservoir. For this the following factors should be considered:

  • relief of the territory;
  • arrangement of trees and other plants with a powerful root system, as well as foliage;
  • illumination of the selected area.

Study the topography of the area carefully. You may already have well-placed depressions, pits, or ditches that you made earlier. All of them will make it easier for you to dig up the pond itself.

In addition, do not forget that plants tend to grow and take up more and more space underground. Roots can spoil or even destroy the bottom of your pond over time, and foliage, falling into the water seasonally, will rot and give off an unpleasant odor. Which will require you to pay more attention to the care of the pond, but not the joy of having it. Therefore, before you start digging, it is worth considering how far the trees and bushes are located.

Most landscape designers recommend placing a pond near your home. This will make it easier for you to illuminate it without requiring separate lights and lamps. In addition, there is always enough free space near the house with natural light, because there are no tall trees or dense vegetation to block the light.

If you have found a place suitable for the above requirements, then you can start work.

But first, you should stock up on materials and an approximate project of your future artificial reservoir.

Exist several ways to create a pond do it yourself in the summer cottage:

  • from a finished bowl;
  • from PVC film, polyethylene or rubber;
  • with the help of materials at hand.

Besides besides materials for the bottom device, you will need:

  • shovel,
  • measuring instruments,
  • finishing and decorative materials,
  • water.

After creating a pond, you can launch fish there. But then the depth of your artificial reservoir should be at least a meter so that the fish do not freeze in winter.

The order of work on the arrangement of the pond

If you decide to arrange the landscape, choose a place and think about the appearance of your future pond, then first decide the main question - what will it be? Will you choose a ready-made bowl or cover the excavated pit with foil? It's up to you to decide. And we will help you create it according to all the rules.

We dig in the finished bowl

The finished mold, cast at the factory, is an excellent and simple solution for those who want to enjoy a charming and tranquil view of the pond after a busy summer day.

Now in specialized stores they offer bowls of different sizes, types and contents. They can be:

  • simple plastic trays;
  • containers with several depth levels;
  • bowls with complex contours of the shore.

Therefore, everyone can choose the shape that best suits the territory and landscape without wasting time.

In addition, there are others advantages of ready-made bowls:

  • the plastic form is durable and not affected by ultraviolet radiation;
  • the bowl is non-toxic and easy to install;
  • the average shelf life of this form is tens of years, which makes the pond durable and of high quality.

The main thing is not to damage the bowl while installing it in the future pond. The form cannot be repaired or restored. However, if you build for centuries, then you can pick up a fiberglass bowl, it is famous for its durability and lasts 2-3 times longer.

So, you have chosen a bowl, found a suitable place, cleared it and are ready to create a pond with your own hands in the country. What's next?

First you need to transfer the contours of the bowl to the ground so that it fits exactly into the dug pit. To do this, you need:

  • bowl;
  • pegs;
  • shovel;
  • rope.

To make the contour as similar as possible to the shape of the bowl, you need to install it on the ground and retreat 10-20 cm from its edge. Following the shape of the bowl, stick the pegs into the ground and pull the rope along them.

So you get the outlines of your future pond, under which you need to dig a pit 20-30 cm more than the height of the bowl.

Remember to keep an eye on the upper level. It is very important that the surface of your pit is level, otherwise the ground around the pond will be wet and sticky all the time, spoiling the appearance of the shore.

When you have achieved the desired depth and shape, be sure to sprinkle everything with sand and tamp it thoroughly. This sand cushion will be the foundation for your pond. After that, you can place the mold and fill up with sand the free space between the side of the bowl and the ground.

When your future pond gains stability, you can start filling and decorating it.

You can lay a decorative stone on the shore, plant water lilies or other water-loving plants along it. Install small figures of swans or others made by yourself.

Making a film pond

If for some reason you do not want or cannot buy a ready-made bowl, then you can always make a pond with your own hands without it.

It is enough to stock up on:

  • Shovel;
  • a rope or hose to outline the contour of the future pond;
  • thick film.

The rest (water, decorative elements and figures) you will need later, when the main stage is completed - the creation of a pit for the pond.

As in creating a pond with a ready-made bowl, first you need to decide on the size of the future reservoir and its contour. Then apply its borders to the ground using a rope or hose, which can simply be laid along the drawn border, or you can wrap it around the hammered pegs.

When you are convinced that you like the shape and approximate appearance of the future pond, you can start digging. Here, the process will always be the same, because we just need a foundation pit.

The level of the pond should be the same. Therefore, check the evenness of the banks using a building level or a bar laid on both sides of the pit.

When you reach the desired depth, fill the bottom with sand, tamp it well, and then lay it with geotextiles so that the film does not tear over time. To do this, you can use a special material sold in hardware stores, or you can do it yourself. Take, for example, old carpets, rugs, roofing felt or linoleum, suitable for the area dug.

Now that the bottom is ready, measure your future pond and calculate the size of the film you need to create it. Usually, for this, it is enough to know the area of ​​the pit and its depth. Then add an allowance of 50 cm on each side to strengthen the film along the bank. And you can already go shopping.

The film must be very strong and dense in order to withstand the weight of the water that we eventually pour into the pond. Therefore, do not skimp on this paramount material and choose it wisely - the film thickness should be at least 300 microns so as not to tear under constant pressure.

So, barely the film is laid out on the bottom:

  1. Flatten her so that there are no folds and swellings.
  2. Stones along the shore so that when filling it does not collect at the bottom.
  3. Prepare the plants if you want a pond with water lilies or other living decor.

The trick on how to arrange plants and flowers in a film pond will be shared with us Maxim Maximov in his master class:

The film pond is quite economical and allows us to create it of any shape and depth, which is impossible to do with a finished mold, cast at the factory. That is why many people choose this option to create their own reservoir in the country with their own hands.

But do not forget that the deeper you want to make the pond, the more likely it is that the shore can crumble. That is why we recommend that you strengthen its walls after the foundation pit is dug. Depending on their height, you can use tiles or slate. And how best to do it, he will tell us Talla Khukhrianskaia in his master class:

When all the technical issues have been resolved, the pit can be filled with water. To do this, just throw a hose connected to the water supply into it.

In addition to the stone, which has an important function and keeps the film on the shore, you can put decorative figurines, flower pots and handicrafts made by you for giving with your own hands. Decorate your pond to reflect your creativity and be eye-catching.

Do not get carried away with the decor, because periodically the pond needs to be cleaned so that the water does not fade in it and does not turn the beautiful summer cottage into a large puddle. And for this, be sure to leave a place on the shore so that you can go to the pond. Better yet, provide a stream that will drain the water.

We create a pond in the country from scrap materials

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find the right and high-quality building materials, but if the desire to create a pond with your own hands does not go anywhere, do not despair. Simple improvised materials will also come to the rescue, which are enough for any summer resident.

A pond can be made from a variety of things:

  • from an old car tire;
  • from an old bathtub left over after renovation;
  • from a barrel, basin or bucket.

Bath pond ...

... from old tires ...

... and from the old barrel

If you really want to create an extraordinary and original reservoir, then the lack of capacity will not stop you.

We use old containers

As we said, a pond can even be made from an old bath. Indeed, in fact, it is no worse than the finished form.

The process of creating such a pond will be similar to the previous ones:

  • dig a pit under the shape;
  • cover it with sand and make a cement screed;
  • insert a bath;
  • fill with water.

Due to its weight, the bathtub will sag strongly in the pit, which is why it is recommended to tighten its bottom with cement - to strengthen it. So that over time the pond does not go deeper.

Also, spare sand and earth to stabilize the tub inside the excavation. For a snug fit of our handy bowl to the banks, fill in all the voids.

And do not leave the side of the bathtub open, it will not look aesthetically pleasing and spoil the appearance of the future artificial reservoir.

And how to dig in a bath and arrange it in a pond with your own hands will clearly show and tell Vitaly KIY in his video tutorial:

However, if your summer cottage is not so large as to have a full-fledged pond on it, do not worry - a pond with your own hands in the country can be made from small containers, as in the photo.

Take an old metal or wooden basin, small barrel, or tub. All of them can become an original decorative reservoir, which does not even have to be submerged below ground level.

By the little pond from an old basin there are many advantages, so do not deny yourself the joy of creating a modest artificial reservoir if the area of ​​the site does not allow more:

  • does not require excessive costs - everything you need for its device is at hand;
  • it will take a little time to equip it - from a few minutes to a couple of hours, but not a day or more;
  • it can be positioned anywhere;
  • if you installed the pond on the surface, and did not dug it in, then it can always be rearranged to another place by simply pouring out the water and refilling it after carrying it;
  • it does not require special attention to care - it is enough to change the water from time to time and wash it from the inside to keep the bottom clean.

Ponds from a basin or small barrel can be placed on a hardened, level surface, filled with water and decorated with decorative figures or flowers.

But if your basin has long lost its decent appearance and there is no way to return it to its former gloss, then just dig a small pit for its size, install it there according to the principle of an old bathtub and overlay it with pebbles along the shore.

As you can see, old containers allow us to fantasize and create incredible ponds with our own hands in a summer cottage of any size. And it helps us to realize our creativity.

Pond to the dacha from the tire

However, if repairs in the apartment are not planned, and the old basins have long been leaking or turned into flower beds, do not despair, you still have a chance to acquire your own pond.

And for this you will need the most irreplaceable and accessible material - a car tire. Tires in modern dacha society have long turned into a universal substitute for building materials.

And nothing surprising - the strength and shape of the tire allows you to make anything out of it, including a pond. And the size of the future reservoir will depend only on the size of the tire you choose.

First you need to prepare your future container - cut it along the top edge so that only the sides remain. To do this, you will need a jigsaw or a sharp knife (if you have chosen a tire from a car).

After that you can move on to the pond itself.

Installation steps:

  1. Outline the contour of the tire and dig a pit along the height of the prepared bowl.
  2. Cover the pit with sand and tamp the bottom.
  3. Insert the tire inside.
  4. Cover the cover and bottom of the future pond with a thick film.
  5. Fill the edges of the film with sand, and then decorate with turf, stone or embankment so that the film is well fixed.
  6. Fill the pond with water and decorate with pre-planned décor.

Your tire pond is ready. And it will not be inferior in beauty to either ready-made bowls or large film ponds located over large areas.

In addition, it is easier to care for and maintain its cleanliness, and it does not require a lot of water or effort to equip it.

As you can see, if you have long wanted to feel like a landscape designer in order to turn the dacha into a beautiful resting place, where you can not only work, but also enjoy nature far from the noisy city, you can always create a pond with your own hands at no special cost.

If you like our ideas, read other articles in the series!

The portable format of decorative compositions is becoming more and more popular. In large containers, you can try combinations for flower beds and flower beds, experiment with the selection of partners and play around with colors, shapes and exotic species. And in small gardens, this growing option can become a real panacea. But the container form is not only suitable for plants. Water bodies can also be made mobile. Small and easy to transport, mini ponds allow you to acquire your own water body even on a terrace or in a city garden. Such reservoirs do not lose their charm, coolness and freshness, they allow you to grow luxurious plants and even place fountains. And they bring no less joy, requiring much more modest work and care.

Benefits of mobile ponds

In small and so easy to create mini-ponds, you can appreciate all the delightful beauty of the world of water bodies. Everything that garden ponds are associated with is not lost at all even in mini-format. Charming water lilies, ringing fountains, graceful cereals - all this is inherent in mobile ponds.

As a full-fledged and very successful alternative to an ordinary pond, designed not only for small areas and urban jungle, they have been appreciated quite recently. But on the other hand, mini-ponds are rapidly winning the hearts of new fans.

The main advantage of mini-reservoirs is not at all that they can be created without costs and money and time, but versatility of use. With the mobile alternative to your usual garden ponds, you can create your own oasis on the terrace, relaxation area or even on the balcony - wherever your heart desires.

What can be used to make a portable pond?

A mobile pond is a reservoir in a container. And here the choice can be almost limitless. For the construction of a portable pond in a mini-format, you can use simple wooden barrels, and stone troughs, and large ceramic pots, and original vessels, and even an old bathroom or a plastic container.

The size of the tank is the size of the future reservoir. And it can be really small and big enough. Here, the choice is actually determined by only one thing - your desire to grow plants and your capabilities. The most decorative option is ceramic pots covered with luxurious glazes and various imitations of stone drinkers and troughs.

Natural restrictions impose purely practical requirements - the container must reliably hold water (it is better to test the container by filling it with water for 2 - 3 days before arranging the pond). In case of problems with retention, you can line the bottom and walls with a waterproofing film, thus eliminating corrosion of materials under the influence of water. The drain holes of the pots and the bathroom can always be insulated and closed. But physical parameters also matter. Even the smallest water gardens are placed in containers whose width exceeds the height.

Do not forget that any container can always be made better and more attractive. Simple plastic vats are easy to wrap with reed mats, paint in bright colors, or use other pot decorating techniques. You can always put pots with summer houses next to the water garden, which will bloom even more beautifully with high humidity.

We select conditions for mobile reservoirs

The first and foremost thing you should think about is the placement of your portable pond. Mini-ponds, like ordinary ponds, are best placed in bright and sunny places. Despite its small size and ease of control over the state of the water, even ponds in pots should not be exposed in strong shade.

The second aspect of site selection is sustainability. Your mini-pond is still a closed and stable ecosystem that must be protected in every possible way from any stress. Plants, and the container itself, must be securely installed on a flat surface or stand. Take care of protection from precipitation, winds, the influence of large plants in the neighborhood.

Plants for decorating mobile ponds

As in the design of any reservoir, in the arrangement of mobile ponds, the main task is to create a natural, natural, touchingly wild picture. Plants are selected so that they create a landscape and expressive composition. A variety of plants can be used to decorate mini-ponds - from traditional deep-water inhabitants to swamp cultures.

The only limitation is their number. You cannot plant many different crops in a mini-pond. One star or two or three well-matched plants will create a small oasis, but more plants will not get along in a tight area.

For the design of mobile reservoirs from the water line to a depth of 40 cm, pontederia, calamus irises, smooth and multi-colored, dwarf varieties of cattail and Tabernemontana reeds, and variegated calamus are perfect. Swamp forget-me-not and marigold always look touching. The arrowhead, which in an ordinary pond will not look so perfect, reveals delightfully brightly the silhouettes of its leaves. And the variegated beauty of hauttuinia will perfectly cope with the task of placing modern accents.

At a depth of up to 10 cm, you can also place baskets with marsh mint, sherlock, leaf leaf, tail. A water salad looks charming in portable reservoirs - layered pistia, forming velvety rosettes, as well as the fleshy leaves of the water hyacinth eichornia or, for now, exotic Mexican azolla for us with its floating carpet of emerald leaves.

But most often, beautiful dwarf water lilies are chosen for landscaping mini-ponds, which will happily settle at a depth of 40 cm.Today, you can choose varieties not only with flowers of very different colors, but also with a wide variety of leaves. Other traditional deep-water inhabitants - salvinia and water hyacinth, as well as underwater beauties: swamp mire, dwarf egg capsule, water asterisk and hornwort can compete with water lilies in beauty. They not only revive the surface of the water and decorate it with their translucent leaves, but also reveal themselves from a completely new side in such portable troughs.

When choosing plants for your mobile pond, immediately decide what effect you want to achieve. Think what is closer and dearer to you - luxurious floating flowers or narrow leaves of cereals, which pictures in landscaping of reservoirs seduce you most of all. And how do you want to enjoy the beauty of the water garden, whether you will rest near it, etc. Never forget that for any body of water, even the smallest portable, the planting depth rules are not violated. The recommended depth for each plant must be strictly observed.

Planting - not in the soil

Planting plants in a mini-pond is fundamentally different from most ordinary ponds. If there it is better to plant only deep-water and shallow-water crops and plants in the nets that need to restrain their aggressive disposition, then for a mini-reservoir, all plants, without exception, are planted in special baskets. And they do it for three reasons:

  1. prevent fast filling of the container;
  2. facilitate cleaning;
  3. allow you to easily change the composition, carry out separation procedures, recovery, etc.

True, baskets with planted aquatic cultures are not simply installed in a container for a reservoir, but one not at all tricky trick is used - they make a mound of stones (pebbles, stone chips) or use flat concrete tiles, bricks to regulate the height of the bottom. They will not only hold the basket, but also allow you to strictly control the depth of the immersion.

Planting the plants themselves is a simple matter and can be solved using pebbles and a pond substrate:

  1. the plant is removed from the pot in which it grew or was purchased and placed in a basket;
  2. the soil is carefully squeezed, filling the voids;
  3. a thick layer of pebbles is laid on the ground, which will prevent the soil from eroding;
  4. the plant is thoroughly watered and wait for the bulk of the water to drain;
  5. carefully lower the basket with aquatic inhabitants into the water, controlling and adjusting the depth of placement.

If you set up such a water garden in a large bath or vat, then planting can be done using another technology - fill the bottom of the container with soil and simulate a full-fledged pond:

  • a thin layer of clay is poured onto the bottom of the container;
  • pond soil is added on top and slightly mixed with clay (as soil, you can use not soil mixture, but sand with crushed stone mixed in);
  • the plants are planted in baskets and set in the soil;
  • slowly fill the container with water.

Fountains and their installation

Mini-ponds today are almost the main way of installing so-called water fun in the garden. If for this purpose it is necessary to lay special communications in ponds, then mobile reservoirs make it possible to do with minimal construction work.

Installation of such fountains, fontanelles, cascades, grooves in Japanese or Chinese style is simple and does not require any special skills. A touching statuette, a broken jug, a funny frog, a nymph or a fairy-tale character, a thematic decorative piece with water breaking and flowing down grooves and bowls - for mini-ponds, the choice of fountains and water fun is very large.

Installing a fountain in mobile ponds involves just a few procedures:

  1. The construction of the basement is a stand or base, which can be concrete slabs or stones with a hole in the center through which a submersible hose can be pulled. Today, such bases are often sold together with a fountain, but you can find them separately or build a wide variety of improvised bases.
  2. Installation of a submersible pump. It is placed in a container according to the manufacturer's instructions, passing the connecting hose through the hole in the base.
  3. Installation of a decorative topside.
  4. Connection. The hose is neatly connected to the nozzle or figurine at the top of the fountain, and the sprinkler itself is installed on the plinth, and the decorative elements are fixed.

Caring for mobile ponds

Taking care of mini-ponds is much easier than taking care of their large "brothers" planted in the garden. All procedures will take neither effort nor time, do not require so much energy and resources. The small size of the reservoir and the ease of its rearrangement opens up completely new perspectives.

The mandatory procedures for mobile reservoirs include:

  • removal of algae and other unwanted vegetation;
  • control of overgrown floating and underwater plants;
  • removal of fallen leaves or other plant debris;
  • adding evaporating water.

Preparing for winter will take the greatest effort. Small ponds can be transported right along with the plants to a cold, frost-free room for wintering. But large mini-reservoirs will have to be drained, the plants should be moved to smaller containers for the winter or taken to a pond at a greater depth. Do not forget about cleaning the container and decorative elements before wintering, because in the spring there are so many garden troubles.