Outbuilding of blocks. Self-construction of a foam block shed from scratch

Undoubtedly, various non-residential buildings on the site are needed; they include a shed, which we will build today on our own, using foam blocks.

Why foam block

Of course, there is a huge temptation to simply ignore this moment, because we just have a barn, and in fact we should not be interested in what we will build it from. Nevertheless, this is a room in which you can arrange a warehouse for certain food products, tools, equipment.

That is, we can still impose certain requirements on the internal atmosphere.

So, the construction of a shed from foam blocks allows us to talk about the following features of the material:

  • Thermal insulationhow important this is for a barn depends on its purpose.
  • Ease of operation... We will consider this point especially carefully below.
  • Relatively low cost.

Where to begin

Of course, we are not talking about any project here, but we still need to do some sketches and calculations.

Our structure will not stand on the ground, we need a simple foundation - fill it, calculate the amount of material. Decide on the construction site.

  • Choosing the parameters of the foam block. Let it be a standard size of 200x300x600 mm.
  • We consider the perimeter of the barn. We have it 4x3, that is, 14 meters.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe walls will turn out, with a height of 2.5 meters, 35 square meters.
  • The standard amount of material per square is approximately 5.6 blocks, which means we need 196 blocks.
  • Next, we subtract the area of \u200b\u200bthe door, window, if any, and we get a completely accurate version of the number of foam block products.

Important! This instruction allows us to make a calculation without joining, which, however, will turn out to be minimal if we use special glue.

From the point of view of masonry, we are almost ready, but we also need reinforcement for laying in the walls and a set of simple tools:

  • Roulette and corner.
  • A pair of trowels and a hammer.
  • Twine for guides and weight for vertical plumb.
  • Hacksaw for wood.


For this:

  • We dig trenches 30 cm wide and 30-40 cm deep.
  • According to the technology, we fill the sand on the bottom and ram it tightly.
  • We install reinforcement, it can be metal with a cross section of 8 mm.
  • We install the formwork, 15-20 centimeters above the ground level, a shed made of foam blocks with our own hands should rise slightly above the soil, since foam concrete easily absorbs moisture.

We also knead concrete in standard proportions, one portion of cement for four portions of sand and gravel. In total, we will get at the level of 1.8 cubic meters of concrete, and you can pour it yourself. That is, there is no question of a mixer.

A small volume will allow us to fill everything in one go, therefore, this will only add strength to the entire base.

In a few days we will remove the formwork and carry out the waterproofing. This is a prerequisite, foam blocks should not constantly collect moisture from the foundation. For waterproofing, we use a simple mastic, with which we prime the base in several layers and cover the top with roofing felt.

Important! In principle, laying can be done in 3-5 days. The concrete has already completely adhered to this moment, and the additional load that will be provided by the laying of the walls, on the contrary, will only strengthen the foundation.


The principle of laying a foam block structure is not much different from a brick one, nevertheless, of course, there are differences:

  • Seam size. This is the first thing that immediately catches your eye. Such an insignificant thickness of the seam is achieved by the fact that we have glue, and it allows us to make masonry with 3 mm jointing.
  • Rows, we, as in the masonry of the house, necessarily tie metal mortgages. The barn in any case must have strong walls.
  • We work with the level and along the guides, trying not to deviate.

The simplicity of the masonry and the convenient parameters of the material allows even one person to build a barn in one day, at least the walls can be erected for sure.

The question of how to build a shed from a cinder block can be practically closed: however, we still have at least a few more cases.

First, the construction of a lintel over the doorway. This can be done in several ways, but if we still have concrete, we can simply pour it with reinforcement. There is no concrete left, you can put a lintel in the form of two steel corners or buy a cast concrete post.

The roof remained. But here we will make everything very simple:

  • We waterproof the upper row of masonry and install a bar on it, it can be with a section of 100 mm.
  • We make the second parallel wall one row higher and also lay the throw.
  • Now we make the lathing, perpendicularly installing a beam with a section of 50 mm, in steps of a meter.
  • We cover everything with simple plywood.
  • Cover the plywood with roofing felt.
  • We install slate sheets as the simplest inexpensive option, and the price will be the lowest.

Advice! The sides can be laid with foam blocks, cutting them off at the desired angle, since they are cut with a simple hacksaw on wood.


If you are interested in this, and you are ready to start, then in the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Not a single suburban area can do without a barn. In a building of this kind, you can store inventory, various equipment and other things. Often such objects of economic importance are created before the start of the construction of a residential building. You can order the construction of a utility block from aerated concrete or timber in our company. We have extensive experience in the construction of objects for various purposes and are ready to help you equip your suburban area.

Benefits of working with our company

We do it on time or for free. The construction is divided into stages with an agreed delivery date.

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Quality control is carried out at every stage of the construction of the house by our competent services.

Quality construction work thanks to. We have more than 300 successfully completed projects on our account.

Delivery of materials within 200 km from the ring road for free

Types of aerated concrete sheds

Outbuildings are very popular with summer residents. But even at the place of permanent residence, such structures allow you to create a convenient room for storing various garden utensils and unload the living space of the house. In our company, you can order sheds made of aerated concrete blocks of the following types:

It is very easy to convert a shed made of aerated concrete into a bathhouse, a small farm or a garage. To do this, think over this possibility in advance and choose a project that can later be transformed into a building of the type you need.

Prices for construction services

Installation of vapor barrier
Installation of insulation in 1 layer 60rub / m2
Metal tile from 280 rubles / m2
Flexible shingles (bituminous) from 300 rubles / m2
Corrugated sheets (euro slate) from 200 rubles / m2
Natural roof tiles from 400 rubles / m2
Seam roof from 350 rubles / m2
Corrugated board from 250 rubles / m2
Gutter system from 350ru / r.m.

Underfloor heating device from 450 rubles / m2
Screed treatment with primer (moisture protection, dedusting) from 30 rubles / m2
Floor log device from 180 rubles / m2
Leveling and strengthening the floor beams below the level (if they were installed earlier) from 80 rubles / m2
Installation of subfloors from edged boards from 100 rubles / m2
Installation of vapor barrier from 50 rubles / m2
Warming (for 1 layer 50 mm) from 50 rubles / m2
Flooring planks from 300 rubles / m2

Stages of construction of a utility block

By contacting our company, you can get a ready and equipped barn for further use. Our experts will build such a structure for you in several stages:

  • They will mark the perimeter of the trenches and create the foundation.
  • The walls will be erected according to the chosen project.
  • They will install the rafter system and mount the roof.
  • Mounting engineering communications.

The advantages of aerated concrete for building a barn

Aerated concrete is an environmentally friendly material that allows you to quickly build structures of any type. But the advantages of aerated concrete do not end there. With the right approach to construction, a solid and durable barn can be obtained from this material. This material is resistant to decay, moisture and other negative factors.

With the help of aerated concrete, you can build a utility block with a good microclimate. This is very important if you are going to use such a barn for breeding livestock or storing crops from your garden and vegetable garden. Aerated concrete has high frost resistance characteristics.

Do you want to order the construction of a utility block from aerated concrete or brick? Call our company. We will offer you an option that you cannot refuse.

Frequently asked questions about the construction of aerated concrete blocks

The minimum load-bearing wall thickness according to building codes is 250 mm, even if it is a summer house. The thinner walls are not able to withstand the loads of the roof and the influence of external factors such as wind. For year-round living in the house, it must be equipped with a heating system, facade insulation and ventilation. For internal partitions, smaller blocks are used, their thickness is 100mm.

Decorating aerated concrete house should be taken seriously. Aerated concrete is a material with increased vapor permeability. Due to the temperature difference (inside and outside), condensation forms in it. Therefore, for exterior decoration, it is worth choosing a material that reduces vapor permeability. The most affordable finishing option is painting. However, the walls in this case should be close to a perfectly flat state. You can reduce the cost of staining by using an inexpensive facade putty. To give it the desired color, add a water-based color. The most rational finishing option is a ventilated facade using sheet finishing materials (block house, siding, etc.). The most expensive is facing brick, it is also the most durable and reliable.

  • - it is better to abandon heavy materials (natural tiles) in order to reduce the load on the bearing walls;
  • - tightness must be observed so that moisture does not seep inside.
  • When choosing materials, it is better to turn to classic sheet metal. The most budgetary, but at the same time reliable and durable - slate (asbestos-cement sheet). However, such a sheet cannot be mounted on its own due to its weight and fragility, it periodically requires processing from the fungus. Bituminous slate (ondulin) is a very practical material. It is easy to install and affordable. Unlike metal tiles, it is noiseless.

    Yes, when ordering construction in our company, you can use an interest-free installment plan. We also cooperate with banks, where you can arrange construction on credit on favorable terms.

    Since aerated concrete has a relatively low weight, you can save the budget for the construction of the foundation. The main nuance is the rigidity of the base, since cracks can go when it subsides. Before choosing a foundation, it is necessary to conduct geological surveys and determine the type of soil. If the soil is heaving or sandy, that is, it is in motion, then only a strip foundation will do. If the level of groundwater is high, then it is better to opt for a monolithic slab. But if the soil allows, the columnar foundation will significantly save budget and time, compared to the previous options.

    The barn occupies an important place among the outbuildings. This structure can be adapted to suit any need. To save time and money during its construction, it is best to choose the construction option from foam blocks. This material has many advantages. A shed from it will stand for many years, it will be warm and reliable.

    Foam blocks are used for the construction of low buildings. Suitable for budget construction. The material is inexpensive, in addition, you can significantly save on labor. It is very easy to lay it, so you can build a shed with your own hands.

    Advantages of buildings made of foam blocks:

    • Due to the porous structure, the material provides high-quality thermal insulation, the shed from it can be used not only for storing things, but also for keeping animals;
    • Foam blocks do not burn and do not emit toxic substances when heated;
    • The walls of this building material "breathe";
    • The weight of the foam block, with impressive dimensions, is only about 11 kg, so the structure is not heavy, which means that you can use lightweight types of foundation;
    • Blocks can be given different shapes and sizes - they are easy to saw.

    It is important to pay attention to other features of the material that characterize it from a bad side. However, if you approach the process wisely, all the disadvantages can be leveled. You cannot build buildings higher than 10 meters from it, but this factor does not matter for a barn, since its height does not exceed 3 meters. After the completion of the construction, the walls need additional finishing and insulation. This is due to the fact that the blocks absorb moisture and can be destroyed by temperature changes, besides, the material does not have the most attractive appearance.

    Design and calculation of the amount of material

    Foam blocks allow you to build buildings of any length and width. It is better to choose the shape of the barn rectangular, and the room inside can be equipped with partitions.

    To calculate the required amount of material for the construction of an outbuilding, you only need to know the dimensions of the blocks and sketch out the plan of the barn.

    The most common size of foam blocks is 200x300x600 mm. The smallest indicator is thickness, it is not needed for calculations. Knowing the length of the barn wall and the length of the block (600 mm), you can easily calculate how many pieces will go to one row, and the required number of rows is also determined. For example, for a 3-meter wall, you will need 5 foam blocks, and for a height of 2.5 meters, 8.3 rows are needed, round the value up - we get 9. Thus, for one wall of the barn, you need to purchase 45 foam blocks.

    In addition to the main material, wooden beams will be required for the lower strapping. But this is the case if a columnar foundation is used, they are not needed for a strip and solid foundation. You also need boards and beams for the floor, logs and the arrangement of the roof truss system, metal corners that will serve as fasteners, screws and nails.

    Different types of materials can be used as insulation:

    • Mineral wool;
    • Penoplex;
    • Styrofoam;
    • Cork plates;
    • Penofol.

    In regions with low temperatures and long winters, it may be necessary to insulate the interior walls of the barn, ceiling and floor.

    To decorate the facade, you can use plaster, painting, corrugated board or siding.

    Arrangement of the foundation

    The type of base is selected taking into account the characteristics of the soil. On sandy or swampy ground, it is recommended to equip a slab foundation. Columnar - for example on soil with a high gravel content. The universal option is tape, it is used most often.

    The tape base must be deepened below the freezing point of the soil. In different climatic zones, it can reach from 30 to 100 cm. Under the cement foundation, you need to equip a pillow of compacted sand with a layer of 10 cm, and fill it with the same amount of crushed stone.

    When installing the formwork, it is important to take into account that the base should rise about 40 cm above the ground level. In order for the foundation to be strong, you need to build a reinforcing frame of metal rods and install it inside the formwork.

    Building walls

    Having freed the foundation from the temporary formwork, the concrete is covered with roofing material for waterproofing. After that, you can start laying foam blocks. The adhesive solution is prepared from sand, cement and water. The first row of blocks is laid from the corners, moving to the sides along the perimeter.

    The thickness of the adhesive in the joints should not exceed 30 mm.

    In places where it is planned to make openings for windows and doors, masonry is not needed, they are immediately left free. When the opening reaches the desired height, a thick board is installed on the side blocks and covered with roofing material or special metal corners. Part of the foam blocks of the next row is cut in height so that it turns out to be monolithic.

    Every fourth row of masonry is reinforced with reinforcing rods, they provide greater structural strength.

    Roof and floor installation

    The roof of the shed can be pitched or gable. The choice depends on the desire to use the attic space, the size of the building and the snow load. A large shed and an abundance of rainfall require the installation of a gable roof. For a room no more than 3 meters wide, a pitched roof is also suitable.

    Construction stages:

    To arrange the floor, you need to build posts of brickwork and lay the bars on them. If the width of the shed is not more than 2 meters, then the bearing beams could be installed at the stage of laying 1-2 rows of foam blocks.

    For the floor, 40-50 mm boards or OSB are suitable. They are fixed with screws or nails to the beams, leaving no gaps.

    Installation of windows and doors

    Openings in buildings made of foam blocks cannot be adjusted after construction, therefore, it is better to make windows and doors to order according to the final dimensions. They will require full boxes and trims, especially if the barn is "warm" and it is planned to use it for keeping livestock.

    You can mount windows and doors in openings yourself. For this, holes are made in the frames and on the slopes of the wall for long screws: on a single-leaf door - 10 pcs. (3 on the sides and 2 on the top and bottom), on the window - 6 pcs. The seam is closed with polyurethane foam. After the completion of the exterior decoration and insulation, it is decorated with platbands.

    Warming and finishing

    In regions with harsh winters, the insulation of the outer walls is simply necessary, otherwise the blocks will quickly collapse under the influence of moisture and cold temperatures. In temperate climates, you can only do with plastering the walls and subsequent painting.

    Also, under the shed, you can arrange a cellar that you can do yourself.

    Walls sheathed with any insulation must be closed with decorative trim, in the form of siding or profiled sheets. The texture and shade of the material must be selected in accordance with the exterior of the adjacent buildings.

    Foam blocks are one of the most popular materials for the construction of outbuildings, after wood. But in many respects, they significantly exceed the characteristics of the latter. Foam blocks have improved heat and sound insulation properties, do not rot, just like wood provide air exchange and a comfortable indoor climate. A foam block structure built according to all standards can have a service life of over 100 years.

    Finally, an inspiring video that proves with a clear example that all work on the construction of a shed from foam blocks can be done by hand:

    The need for a shed in a summer cottage or on the territory of a country lady is beyond doubt. If it is not there, or the old premises have fallen into disrepair, then the question of construction arises. This article will be of interest to those who decide to build a barn with their own hands. Using tips and tricks, you can build a utility block or a shed for a summer residence in the shortest possible time.

    • Preparation for construction
      • Structural design
      • Tape
      • Platen
      • Columnar
    • Shed for a summer residence: photo ideas

    Preparation for construction

    Before starting the construction of even a small structure, several important issues must be resolved.

    • Choose a place to build.
    • Draw up a clear plan for the location of the building.
    • Select a project for the construction.
    • Make an estimate.
    • Purchase materials for construction.
    Legislative norms for the construction of buildings and structures on a garden plot

    Sanitary and hygienic standards for the construction of auxiliary premises in the garden area

    When choosing a place for a barn, it is necessary to build on the sanitary standards established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. It is not necessary to register such buildings, but it is necessary to observe the necessary distances between objects. Remember that the purpose of the barn can be different, and if the toilet has one distance from the residential building, then the poultry house and an ordinary barn are completely different. Do not run into trouble with your neighbors, because in case of violation of the conditions for placing a building, you will receive an order for demolition and an administrative fine.

    Important! An ancillary room should be located only within the area that you own. If a building goes beyond the boundaries of your land, then completely different laws affect its construction.

    Approximate site plan

    Structural design

    The layout and layout of the building is necessary for the further construction of the foundation. There is no need to build a shed, especially a major one, in a lowland, in flooded areas, on a crumbling slope. In these cases, you can wait for the premature destruction of your works.

    The construction project is selected based on the goals of the construction. You can build a small wooden shed for gardening tools, a wooden poultry house, a sawmill, or a major stone utility block with a toilet and shower. If you don't know how to draw projects, you can choose a barn plan at the end of the article.

    Barn project with a cellar

    Customer reviews on the cost of construction

    Building estimates cannot be ignored. Many readers ask questions, how much should a shed of one type or another cost. Prices for materials and construction are very different in all regions of our country, and it is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. But it can be argued that the services of workers, even the lowest skilled, will account for at least a third of the total.

    Customer reviews for the construction of a wooden utility block 3x6 meters speak of a price of at least 30 thousand just for the work of builders! Of course, building a barn yourself is much more profitable. Someone builds from scrap materials and old boards, and someone buys a tuff block or silicate brick, makes a slab foundation, and even designs a cellar. Any construction requires a serious approach when calculating the cost of materials, otherwise you run the risk of getting into long-term construction due to lack of funds.

    DIY frame shed construction

    Making a foundation for an outbuilding

    Any construction begins with the construction of the foundation, it is the foundation. Foundations are different, but for a shed on a garden plot, regardless of the "capital" of the structure, several types are used, the construction of which will be considered in more detail.


    If you decide to make a capital building, then it will need a strong foundation. Here you can no longer get by with slightly dug bricks for a temporary structure. It is best to choose a strip foundation. It has several advantages:

    • not difficult to build without assistance;
    • production time is minimal;
    • suitable for most soils;
    • supports the weight of a multi-storey building.

    Foundation markings

    For it you will need concrete, wood for formwork, reinforcement with a diameter of 1.2 cm, sand and crushed stone for the pillow. The work flow is simple and understandable even for a beginner.

  • We clear the ground from debris, stones and roots.
  • We outline the dimensions of the foundation with pegs and a rope.
  • Dig a trench 70-80 cm wide. Its depth should be slightly more than the depth of soil freezing in your area.
  • We make formwork. It is not necessary to choose a tree of high quality for it - after the concrete has set, the boards can be removed. The main thing is that the height of the formwork is higher than the soil surface, so you will protect your structure from moisture and dirt.

    Formwork for strip foundation

  • The bottom of the foundation, and especially the trenches, is covered with two layers of sand and gravel, thereby forming a cushion and drainage cushion. It will protect your future building from soil vibrations.

    Foundation pillow
  • Then the reinforcement is laid in the form of a mesh. Cell width is approximately 30-40 cm.

    Rebar laying
  • We fill the foundation with concrete, let it grab, remove the formwork. Your foundation is ready. For heavy structures, it is advisable to observe the time between construction and foundation. But for a light shed, complete drying of the concrete is enough.

  • Ready strip foundation for a barn

    If you are planning a large building, for example, a large utility block or a brick shed, and the soil in your area is quite mobile, then you can strengthen the structure with piles. The strip pile foundation is made according to the same principle. The only difference is that piles are installed every 1.5-2 meters.

    Installation of pile-strip foundation


    This type of foundation is not cheap, but not difficult to manufacture. Such a foundation is made for buildings on quicksand, swampy soils, soils subject to seasonal fluctuations and flooding. It is performed in a similar way to a strip foundation, but there are differences.

  • The sand and gravel pad should be of high quality and reach a thickness of up to 30 cm. First, sand is poured and rammed, then crushed stone.
  • Next, geotextiles are laid.

    Laying slab foundation layer by layer
  • Reinforcement mesh is mounted over the entire base area.

    Reinforcement mesh
  • The entire space inside the wooden formwork is filled with concrete.

  • Slab foundation


    Usually, the story begins with the simplest, but in our case, we will describe the simple foundation at the end. The fact is that this type of foundation is suitable only for those regions where the soil is not subject to "walking". Moving soils will loosen the light foundation and quickly destroy the structure. This type of base for a barn can be successfully used if:

  • The building is temporary: the calculated service life is no more than several years.
  • The groundwater level is low.
  • There are no quicksands and deep freezing of the soil.
  • There are no seasonal floods and rising waters.
  • The soil does not have swampy properties.

  • Column foundation support

    If all conditions suit you, then learning how to make such a foundation is very simple.

    • Marking is made for the base of the shed.
    • In the corners, holes are dug 15 cm more than the depth of soil freezing.
    • At the bottom of the holes, a 15 cm layer of sand and gravel is rammed.
    • Brick or concrete piles are installed in the holes.

    If brickwork is used, then it is important not to forget two more points.

    • Place a metal rod inside the pile to further strengthen the structure.
    • Coat the pile with waterproofing material or wrap it with roofing material.

    Column foundation can be used as a base for small buildings

    Projects with blueprints for building a barn

    Before building, you need to imagine this and draw a detailed drawing, otherwise your shed will not only be ugly, but it may not work at all. Although the project begins not even with a drawing, but with the formation of a clear construction goal. For example, sheds are divided into: capital and temporary. A capital shed has a completely different cost and labor costs than a temporary one. Again, which roof do you prefer: a pitched roof or a gable roof with a ridge. Both options are quite acceptable for an outdoor utility room, but financial and time costs are different. Maybe you need a combo shed that can accommodate a poultry house, wood log and outside shower at the same time. Or the needs will be satisfied by a mini-shed for garden tools. In addition to the size, the shed can be frame, brick or built of foam blocks.

    Small shed

    If you are not endowed with the talent of a draftsman and cannot choose from a variety of building options, this section is for you. Here's how to build a barn with your own hands in projects and drawings. We choose and build!

    Sometimes there is not enough space on the site, but you want to accommodate a lot. Then projects of auxiliary buildings come to the rescue, in which several utility rooms are combined.

    Barn project with pantry and poultry house

    Utility rooms have a different focus. Someone keeps old things in a barn, and someone needs a barn for livestock.

    Livestock barn project

    The next project is for those who need a small room at their summer cottage, for example, for storing garden tools. It can be placed anywhere in a vegetable garden or garden.

    Small barn project for summer cottages

    A conventional shed frame with a sloped roof can be used for any purpose.

    Barn frame drawing

    DIY construction of a frame wooden shed: step by step instructions

    Let's start with a simple project. If the shed is urgently needed, and there is very little time for its construction, for example, a week. Then they choose a lightweight version of the construction of wood on a columnar or shallowly buried foundation. Such a structure can last for several years or more - everything will depend on the mobility and seasonal fluctuations of the soil. The initial stage of construction of a standard frame wooden shed with dimensions of 3x6 m with a pitched roof of 3 and 2.4 meters looks like this:

    • We cover the floor with moisture resistant OSB or thick plywood. And we begin to assemble the frame.

    The floor is covered with moisture resistant OSB

    We pass directly to the construction of the frame. If you have second hands, but not one, then you can use the method of assembling on the ground. With this option, each wall is assembled separately and mounted to the base.

    Installation of finished walls of a frame shed

    If you are working alone, it will be difficult to put the finished wall. In this case, we build on the frame from the floor. We mount the beams according to the level, taking into account the space for the windows and the doorway. In the case of construction without helpers, it will be difficult to immediately set the level of the vertical beams. To do this, use sticks-slopes.

    Barn frame with sloped sticks

    After the uprights, the roof can be installed. Horizontal beams with cuts are applied to the frame, which will serve as the base of the roof.

    Shed roof frame structure

    The next step will be wall cladding and roofing. The simplest material option for walls is OSB boards, which must be painted to protect against weathering. The roof can be covered with a board, and roofing material can be laid on top of the board. If funds allow, then cover the roof with slate, profiled sheet or metal tiles.

    Installation of a profiled sheet on the roof Frame shed sheathed OSB

    DIY construction of a frame shed: video master class

    Construction of a capital shed from foam blocks

    Why the choice fell on this material, and not on brick, for example. The fact is that the foam block has a number of huge advantages. It is a warm, breathable material that is lightweight, so it is not labor-intensive to build from it. The lightness of foam concrete allows you to build houses alone, and the speed will increase several times, since the blocks are several times larger than bricks. Plus, foam concrete blocks are easy to install. Foam blocks are different, and you need to know about this.

    Characteristics of foam blocks

    The sizes of these building blocks also vary.

    Sizes of foam blocks

    The advantage of this material is that it can be laid on both special glue and mortar.

    Tools for construction from foam blocks

    We will consider the stages of building a shed from foam blocks in more detail.

    • This is a capital structure, and it is not worth putting it on a light foundation, therefore we are building a strip, pile or slab foundation, as described in the section above.
    • Starting the construction of walls, we line the base of the foundation with roofing material and liquid waterproofing.
    • We start building from the corners of the shed, leveling them with a level and a plumb line.
    The first row of foam blocks

    We pull on the mooring cord and continue to build the wall along it. Bandaging the seams, as in the photo, will allow you to protect against leaks during heavy oblique showers and protect against drafts.

    Aerated concrete masonry

    The solution or glue is applied abundantly, and its residues are removed with a tool and carefully cleaned.

    Application of mortar to aerated concrete blocks

    After the walls have been erected, the roof must be installed. To do this, a Mauerlat is mounted on the upper masonry, on which the rafter legs will fit.

    Installation of the rafter system

    After installation of the supporting roof system, it is covered with a board or OSB, waterproofed, insulated and roofing material is applied.


    A foam concrete shed is a very profitable building. It is durable and warm. Such a room can be adapted for a workshop, a poultry house and a utility block.

    Foam concrete construction

    Shed for a summer residence: photo ideas

    You can use not only the interior of the barn, but also its walls, if the roof is made a little larger than necessary.

    You can sheathe the frame of the building with a professional sheet and make the door automatically rise. This shed looks very stylish.

    A cattle shed can consist of two rooms: a covered corral and an outdoor version. Then your animals will not spoil the surrounding area and destroy plantings.

    A small shed will look attractive when decorated with climbing plants.

    A wooden shed with a gable roof can also be beautiful if the tree is soaked in special oil and painted.

    The hozblok made of rounded logs looks like a hut from a fairy tale and will adorn any site.

    This barn will cheer you up in any weather, because it is brightly decorated by all family members.

    A shed on a personal plot is necessary, and using our advice, you can save on its construction. The main thing is not to be afraid and to calculate everything correctly.

    For permanent residence outside the city, you will need not only a warm and cozy house, but also non-residential buildings, as one of which we suggest you build a practical shed from a foam block. A barn is usually understood as an unheated and non-residential covered space, which is traditionally used for keeping livestock or storing various property or hay.

    Shed from foam blocks with a roof made of metal profiles

    There are many types of sheds that you can build with your own hands in different ways and from different materials, for example, from foam concrete or aerated concrete. For this, it is not necessary to involve highly qualified specialists.

    A foam block shed is a very topical room, without which almost no suburban area can be dispensed with. You may always need additional storage space for various property, garden tools, building materials and tools, which is not advisable to place at home. A do-it-yourself shed made of foam blocks will solve this problem with storing such things, relieve you of a lack of space and allow you to store only the necessary household items in a living room.

    Projects of aerated concrete sheds do not take as much time, effort and cost as the construction of residential buildings, but even here certain rules and regulations are required.

    Aerated concrete shed device

    First you need to understand how the future building should look like and prepare its detailed project. You can buy ready-made shed projects or find free options on the Internet. The project must take into account all the norms and requirements, it is necessary to clearly know for what purposes and how the aerated concrete shed will be used in order to correctly determine its future location and estimate what size it should be.

    When the barn project is ready, you can begin to prepare the tools and materials that will be required during its construction:

    Before you start building a shed from foam blocks or aerated concrete, you need to decide on the most suitable place for it. Since barn projects are not buildings that could be classified as architectural buildings, they try to hide them away, without building in the most conspicuous place.

    However, this should also not be abused, because if you build a shed of foam blocks or aerated concrete too far from the house, then you will have to walk a long distance for the property stored in it.

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    The location of the barn depends on the size of the site and the personal preference of the owner. The most common, according to most country house owners, is the location of a barn in the courtyard behind a residential building. On the one hand, this is the proximity of the building to the living quarters, and on the other hand, it is the residential cottage that remains in the foreground.

    The main thing is to avoid building barn projects in the lowlands with your own hands, because such areas are usually prone to flooding in the spring from melting snow, or heavy rainfall at any other time of the year.

    As soon as the place for the construction of the barn is determined, you can proceed to the initial stage of construction - the construction of the foundation.

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    Shed foundation

    A shed made of aerated concrete or foam concrete cannot be built without a foundation, which can also be built with your own hands.

    Preparing a trench for pouring the foundation for a foam block shed

    There is a fairly common misconception that it can be completely dispensed with, and many people actually start building barn projects without preparing the foundation. As a result of this error, the structure is short-lived and extremely fragile; it can collapse from the most common bad weather. Therefore, it is better to immediately start construction correctly so that you do not have to redo and rebuild the barn in the future.

    The first step in preparation for it will be necessary to remove the top layer of soil. In this case, the soil is removed to a depth of 50-100 cm along the perimeter of the future walls of the building. The depth will be determined by the weight of the structure. After that, a layer of sand will need to be poured into the workpiece dug out with your own hands under the foundation, on top of which a layer of gravel is poured, and on top there is already a layer of gravel.

    The process of pouring the foundation for a foam block shed

    In this case, the layers should in no case be interchanged, the sequence should be just that. In total, the thickness of all three layers should not exceed 20-25 cm. In this case, a kind of "pillow" is obtained. After its manufacture is completed, it is necessary to mount a special mesh in the form of a belt of reinforcement under the foundation.

    It is preferable to lay the reinforcement of a shed made of aerated concrete with your own hands in two layers and at the same time carefully make sure that it does not have direct contact with the ground on either side.

    The distance between the ground and the reinforcement must be at least 0.5 cm. Once the reinforcing mesh is ready, you will need to pour concrete into. The use of a pump and flexible hose will facilitate the conveying of concrete. The reinforcement will make the concrete fill harder and more durable. Over the next few days, the concrete will need to be watered so that it does not dry out and crack.

    Building a barn

    A few days later, after all the necessary steps to prepare the foundation have been completed, you can start building the walls of the shed from foam concrete. Foam concrete blocks, which are required at this stage, can be bought or made independently. There are projects of mini-factories for their production, which will reduce the financial costs of purchasing material.

    In this case, it is important to choose the right not only foam concrete blocks, but also a special solution that will be used to fasten them. A mixture of sand and cement, as well as building glue, is best suited. Combining these materials will help minimize the dimensions of the butt joints.

    It is best to use large foam concrete blocks for projects of such sheds, this will significantly increase the construction speed.

    Masonry walls of the barn from foam blocks

    A layer of waterproofing must be present between the foundation and the first row of foam concrete blocks. A similar precaution is needed in order to avoid the harmful effects of moisture from the foundation on the blocks from which the walls of the barn will be made, which, in turn, will make it more durable. By the way, there is nothing complicated in this process.

    As a material for the waterproofing layer, you will need the most common rolled roofing material, which will need to be laid in two layers.

    Also, do not forget about lighting and, for this, when building walls, you need to think about a small window. All wall construction work should begin from the corner of the future foam block shed. In order for the angle to be correct, use a corner foam concrete block.
    In the process of erecting walls, it is important to ensure that the vertical position of their installation is not disturbed; the building level can help with this.