Roof lawn. Green Roof: Grass Roof Technology Grass Roof Repair

The art of landscape design fascinates many summer residents. The suburban areas of the creators of beautiful flower beds, sculptural compositions, reservoirs and other objects are like fabulous places that attract attention with their beauty and aesthetics. One of the ways to decorate a summer cottage is to green the roof of a house. We will consider all the details about the creation, varieties, advantages of this creation in our article.

Types of roofing lawns

Lawns on the roof of a country house are divided into two main types:

Lawn type Description
1 Intensive This type of roof greening is possible on large solid roofs. An intense view implies the creation of a full-fledged garden with the inclusion of garden paths, gazebos, miniature ponds, fountains, planting of shrubs and dwarf trees, arrangement of a picnic area. Such landscaping is suitable for multi-storey buildings, hotels, shopping centers and other large facilities.
2 Extensive The best option for owners of suburban areas with gazebos, outbuildings, garage, cottage / house. The extensive type of roof gardening involves the use of light soil no more than 15 cm thick. As a result, the summer resident receives a continuous roofing lawn, consisting of unpretentious evergreen plants.

Also, the choice of the type of roof gardening depends on the type of roof. On a pitched surface, only an extensive lawn is allowed, on a flat surface, it is possible to create both an intensive and an extensive lawn.

House with a lawn on the roof

Of course, roof greening is carried out not only to decorate the site. This landscape property has additional benefits.

  • Improving the heat and sound insulation layer. Roof soil and vegetation reduce ambient noise from outside. Also, the upper part of the house covered with greenery will provide warmth in winter and coolness in summer, which will save the owners financial means for heating and air conditioning.
  • Increasing the service life of the roof. The vegetation layer protects the roof from destructive weather conditions, ultraviolet radiation and external influences. With proper roofing lawn care, the roof will last 15-20 years longer.
  • Moisture retention. During rains, the roof lawn will absorb moisture, thereby protecting the beds, "ground" lawn and other objects from flooding.
  • Providing the roof with fire protection. Proper maintenance of the roofing lawn will help protect your home from fires.
  • Improving the environment. The materials used to create the roof often give off toxic substances. By covering the roof with a lawn, you will solve the problem of the penetration of toxic compounds into the atmosphere. Plants purify oxygen by trapping a quarter of all dust particles and harmful substances in the air. In addition, the microclimate of the local ecosystem is preserved and the area that was occupied by the construction is compensated.

Having covered the roof with a lawn, the owner of the summer cottage provides the house with excellent protection from many threats from the external environment and gives his home a kind of exclusive look.

Optimal Roof Lawn Plant Species

For landscaping the roof of a house in the country, you need to select special varieties of unpretentious plants that can withstand possible vagaries of the weather. These include:

  • frost-resistant lawn grass;
  • bell;
  • creeping phlox;
  • sedum;
  • lavender;
  • sedum;
  • oregano;
  • Carnation;
  • gypsophila;
  • saxifrage;
  • allisum.

With the right approach, you can make a real work of art from the roof, which has similar features to the variegated Moorish lawn.

On a note! To create a green roof, choose plants with a fibrous root system.

Roof lawn - technology

Fundamental rules:

  • The creation of a roofing lawn is possible on any roof. In the presence of a flat roof, the summer resident will have to make an artificial slope, which will help to avoid stagnant water.
  • A mandatory requirement is the presence of a drainage system in the absence of natural effluents.
  • Of course, the structure of the house must be strong and capable of withstanding the loads imposed on it.
  • The roof must be protected with a reinforced waterproofing layer and protective measures must be taken against root penetration.
  • The lawn is evenly distributed over the entire roof. In places with heavy and massive elements, there should be support supports.

Roof lawn - construction and renovation

Roof greening involves the installation of several layers that protect the house from destruction from the roof. The construction of the future "green" object is as follows:

  • Basic structure. To create a reliable foundation, choose the supporting structure responsibly. The first layer of the roofing lawn is a pitched roof lathing or a concrete floor slab (for a flat surface). If there were tiles or slate on the pitched roof before the lawn was created, then these should be removed. When using a concrete slab, take care of creating a slope (1.4-5 degrees) for water drainage using a cement-sand screed.
  • Waterproofing layer. Don't skimp on materials that create waterproofing. It must be as reliable as possible to avoid leaks. The bitumen-polymer material, which is mechanically attached to the first layer, has successfully proven itself. The waterproofing is fused and the seams are soldered, while the edges are bent above the thickness of the insulation.
  • Heat insulating layer. The third layer is laid out with expanded polyurethane, cork boards or extruded polystyrene foam. The materials are pressed tightly against each other or, in the absence of the necessary pressure of the upper layers, they are glued together with a special glue. Thermal insulation is not attached to the base.
  • Anti-root layer. Protecting the roof from the roots allows a film covered with a metal coating or a polymer gasket with cells to retain water. Protection against root penetration is established when planting trees or plants with a strong root system. When choosing ordinary lawn grass, this layer can be discarded.
  • Intermediate layer. The fifth layer is a geotextile sold in rolls. The material is laid in layers - one on top of the other using the overlap method. Geotextiles have an important filtration function.
  • Drainage layer. The role of the sixth layer is to retain moisture and remove excess water during the period of heavy rains. For this, loosened clay, polyamide, perlite coke, expanded clay gravel or crushed pumice are used. Drainage thickness varies between 5-10 cm. Perforated pipes can be added to improve drainage.
  • Intermediate layer. Geotextiles come into play again. The function is the same - filtration of particles penetrating into the lower layers from the soil.
  • Soil layer. The last layer is represented by the growing substrate for the selected plants. Its thickness depends on the type and needs of the flora. As a rule, it is within 5-50 cm. Experts do not recommend using ordinary soil for roofing lawn.

On a note! When landscaping a pitched roof, take care to create protective barriers around the edges to prevent soil creeping.

Lawn care

The renewed green roof requires maintenance. The basic rules are presented below.

  • Before creating a landscape object, consider whether you can fully care for it. An abandoned and sloppy roof garden will ruin the aesthetics of the house and nullify your work.
  • It is better to do roof gardening in April in warm weather.
  • The soil layer must be loosened and fertilized before laying.
  • Monitor the condition of the soil. Remember to water the plants as they dry.
  • Overgrown vegetation should be trimmed and tidied up as needed.
  • For the first six months, plants need monthly feeding. Then it is recommended to fertilize the soil every 6 months.
  • With the onset of autumn, the roof requires special attention. The roofing lawn is treated with fundozol from the fungus, it is cleaned of foliage and debris. In the presence of damage, the upper layers are repaired, plant seeds are sown.
  • In winter, the load on the roof increases due to the additional layer of snow. Do not forget to carry out cleaning work regularly.

A green roof will last a long time if its creator adheres to the following guidelines:

  • Calculate the potential of your home. Do not overload the roof with heavy materials: choose lightweight drainage systems and lightweight substrates. Distribute the load evenly; install massive structures (flowerpots, gazebos, fountains) in those places where the supporting supports are located.
  • The appearance of the plants depends on your care. Install vertical structures at the top to protect the vegetation from the wind.
  • Don't forget about your own safety. Provide a safe and comfortable exit to the lawn.
  • Consider the climate of the area where the suburban area is located. With a large amount of rainfall, pay due attention to the drainage system, with high aridity - to the irrigation system.
  • If you do not want to spend a lot of time caring for the "green" roof, then use containers with plants. This will save you from the device of a multilayer coating, trips to the country in the winter to clean the roof of snow and will allow you to fantasize with the design of the country house.
  • To prevent plant seeds from scattering throughout the area, sow the lawn in calm weather.

Greening a roof is a great way to update a boring summer cottage design, protect a building from external environmental factors and use your creativity for a good cause. To get started, experiment with small objects - the roof of a gazebo, a barn, or a canopy over a well. Having created a "rough" creation, you will be convinced of the simplicity of creating a roofing lawn and with confidence begin more ambitious work to improve your suburban area.

Useful tips, informative articles for summer residents and gardeners... Planting, leaving, harvesting. Of course, a lot of information about flowers, berries, mushrooms. On site pages

Surely at least once, but you have heard about this miracle of Scandinavian gardeners - the "green" roof. It covers many of the homes of our northern neighbors. Beauty: instead of tiles or slate - a real carpet of flowers and herbs ... But, one thing - Scandinavia, with its cool summer and warm winter, and quite another - Russia. Here you gape for a week, and forgive, goodbye, beloved garden! Will the "green" roof survive in domestic conditions? Are alternative solutions possible? Let's try to figure it out in our article.

Why is this necessary? Or why not

There are several obvious advantages of a "green" roof: they are beautiful, practical and perfectly enrich the air with oxygen. Such roofs absorb rainwater well. A soil layer up to 10 cm thick absorbs three quarters of rainfall. This reduces the load on the drainage system and storm sewers.

Scandinavian roofing is an excellent sound insulator. Neither the noise of the rain, nor the stomping of birds, which tire you in houses with metal tiles, will not bother you. Another advantage is passive energy saving. Green spaces prevent the roof from heating up in summer and retain heat in winter. Accordingly, the rooms themselves will have a more balanced climate throughout the year.

Oddly enough, but Scandinavian roofs also have financial benefits. Greenery protects the roofing from UV radiation, bad weather and mechanical damage (for example, as a result of hail), and therefore the roof will last much longer. If you want to sell a "green" house, then most likely its price will be higher than the cost of an ordinary building.
Now - about the disadvantages.

The most important, of course, has to do with money. Arrangement of a Scandinavian roof will require serious investments. Especially when it comes to intensive landscaping. In addition, not all roofs can be made “green” (perhaps painted! :)). Some of the houses already built may not be able to withstand the additional stress.

Another important issue is the protection of the roof from leaks. Even if you put on a waterproof membrane, plant roots (especially trees and shrubs) can tear it. If during installation you did something wrong, leaks will begin. And repairs will be expensive and difficult. We'll have to dismantle the entire roofing "pie". Finally, such roofs are difficult to assemble. Surely, you will spend a lot of time trying to find or grow the most viable plants.

What is more profitable?

A typical Scandinavian roof - with slopes and a soil layer of about 20 cm. This is enough to grow not only grass, but even trees and shrubs on it. This type of landscaping is called intensive.

A rooftop garden is a spectacular but also expensive option. But sod roofs with extensive landscaping require almost no maintenance. Low, unpretentious plants are planted on a thin layer of soil or compost. 5-7 cm is enough.

"Green" roofs are made not only flat, but also sloped. The pitched design has advantages over the flat design. For example, thanks to it, excess moisture itself flows down. Therefore, sometimes waterproofing and drainage systems, without which a flat roof with vegetation cannot do, are not installed at all on the slopes.

What to plant?

The most inexpensive and suitable gardening option for the Russian climate is steppe herbs: dandelion, plantain, knotweed, wormwood, and cuff. They can be allowed to grow without mowing. This will add a special "Russian" charm to the roof. You can also try bent grass. This grass does not need to be mowed, but it does not like drying out.

A more “cultured” variant is sedum, rejuvenated, sedum. They are quite decorative: there are many species with different shades, from yellow and green to reddish. These plants practically do not need watering, rain is enough for them. They also do not require fertilizers. The disadvantage is that these herbs take a long time to grow.

In the nursery, one such plant costs 25-40 rubles. To save money, many summer residents grow them downstairs, and then transplant them onto the roof. Florists note that it is better to grow sedums not from seeds, but by cuttings: cut branches and immediately plant them in the ground.

An even simpler option is moss. It is known that it can even grow on rocks. This viable plant is perhaps the most suitable for those regions where winter lasts nine months.

Installation cost

The price per square meter of a Norwegian roof depends on many factors, including the type of roof landscaping. Protection (hydro-, steam-, thermal insulation), drainage and filtering layer will cost about 10 euros per sq.m. Substrate costs about 11 EUR, plants - 10 EUR. On average, extensive landscaping per sq. m will cost from 30 European "money", for intensive landscaping you will pay from 50 euros per sq.m.

Domestic experience

Not only summer residents have been interested in the arrangement of Scandinavian roofs in Russia for several decades. Back in 2000, standard solutions for greening flat roofs were developed. Moskomarkhitektura, with the support of the Moscow Government, even issued recommendations for the design and improvement of such coatings for residential and public buildings. But already there it was stipulated that roof gardens can be arranged only on a limited number of objects. That is, in other words, this pleasure is not for mere mortals.

And yet, many summer residents dared to implement a bold idea. Others, after a grueling struggle for the life (and happiness!) Of plants, surrendered. But someone did quite well ...

So, one summer resident near Moscow has equipped a real "Hobbit's house" on his site. When calculating the loads, I studied various options for the frame structure. In my choice I was guided by two criteria: low cost and ease of installation. As a result, the owner settled on a round metal frame, sheathed with waterproof plywood.

Not bad, right?

The story of a resident of St. Petersburg is known (as you know, this city differs from Moscow in an even harsher climate). Once Alla Sokol was carried away by the overseas project “Feed Yourself”: she watched a program where they talked about growing ornamental plants and vegetables on the roof. Back in the 1990s, she, a pioneer of urban gardening, began landscaping apartment buildings with volunteers. Started, as usual, from its own roof. I just sowed greenery. And then ... For many years of gardening, I have tried so many things. Well, maybe she didn't grow potatoes!

In 2002, the hobby has already grown into a whole project “City mini-farm”, which was financed by the charitable “Gagarin Foundation”. Gardeners themselves prepared biosoil from peat, made vermicompost. They proved that it is possible to grow vegetables on the roof, and seedlings for sale, and flower seedlings ...

In the course of their work, Alla Sokol's associates made another important discovery. The sections of the roof that were under the “green” veil were better preserved than those that were “bare”. There were no cracks on them: the film on which the lawn was located protected the roof from drying out ...

By the way, you can read more about Alla Sokol and her experiments.

We still haven't convinced you that the green roof is worthy of your attention? Then - one more example. A very original house was built for himself by the Russian architect Igor Firsov. The building is located on the shores of the Gulf of Finland, 140 km from St. Petersburg.

The manual frame was made of rounded logs. The architect laid the rafter system like a fan. The result is an unusual construction, which the author calls the “canonical hyperboloid”. A small house of 60 sq. m harmoniously blended into the landscape, which is called "northern": with ship pines, gray boulders and crystal clear air. The cottage seemed to have grown up in the midst of this wild splendor ...

The “green” roof only enhances the impression. For its construction, the architect used a special flooring made of logs. He was laid on top of a wooden rafter system. Then there was such a "pie": three-layer waterproofing, insulation 10 cm thick, expanded clay, geotextile material, soil and grass. To prevent the soil from sliding down, stones were laid along the perimeter of the roof. The edges of the grass roof are lowered to allow excess moisture to drain off.

By the way, Igor Firsov came up with an equally beautiful structure to collect rainwater - he walled up a plastic barrel with a tap in the stones. The sloped roof, moreover, makes it easy to climb onto it if the need arises. And to make it easier to do, on one side of the house there is another ingenious construction in the form of a stone staircase. And how beautiful it must be, rainwater flows from the roof along this cascade!

Alternative solutions

What about those who do not want to mess with a complex structure, but still want to make their roof "green"? There are some simpler solutions.

  • The easiest thing is to place plants in pots with a soil substrate on a flat roof. In the summer you can enjoy the mini-garden, for the winter it is taken into the house.
  • The grass can be grown on roofs in temporary pallets. In November, you remove the cassettes, and in the spring you put them out again ...
  • Greenhouses can be built on a flat roof. They will become a kind of winter gardens. By the way, according to studies, roofs with greenhouses protect the house well from overheating - they take away excess heat.

Finally, another interesting option, which has already been partially mentioned, is moss. Surely, many summer residents noticed how this velvet plant eventually settles on tiled roofs. And more than one has already tried various methods of dealing with the green scourge. But why not look at the problem differently? ..

Agree - the moss on the roof makes the house more romantic and colorful. But how to grow moss if you don't wait for nature to take its toll? There are many ways. We will tell you about the most unusual one - painting with moss.

For three handfuls of moss, you need 2 tsp. hydrogel (sold in flower shops, it absorbs well, but also gives off water), water, kefir. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and pour into a bucket. Then apply to the surface (roofs, walls, fence, etc.) with a brush or spray gun. Everything! All you have to do is water once a week.

Summer residents note that moss grows especially well on the north side of the house. After all, it was not for nothing that in childhood we were taught to look for the north in the forest along the side of the trees overgrown with moss! To prevent this plant from drying out in summer, it is better to plant tall trees on the south side of the buildings. Keep in mind that as it grows, the moss regularly blocks the gutters. This can be avoided by using wider drains (up to 125 mm).

Still not intimidated by the hassle of arranging turf roofs? Then in the next issue we will tell you about green roof installation technologies, how to calculate roof loads, and much more ...

At the moment, it is very popular to use as many natural materials as possible in construction. A very original solution would be the device of a green lawn on the roofs. Such a roof looks very unusual against the monotonous background of traditional roofing materials.

An earthen roof is a fairly ancient way of arranging roofs. But they came into fashion after the triumph of the architect Karl Rabitz.

Areas of use of roofs with lawns for sex

Basically, such roofs can be seen in Europe, but today this stylish landscape direction is being developed in our country. It is difficult enough to decide on the construction of a green lawn on the roof of a residential private house. However, in large industrial cities, such a roof would be very appropriate, taking into account the air pollution with toxic emissions and the lack of green spaces.

The best option would be to arrange a lawn roof on auxiliary buildings: a summer kitchen, a guest house, a garage or a gazebo. It is possible on the roof of the country house.

Benefits of a lawn roof

The main advantages of an earthen roof are:

1. Aesthetic appearance - these houses look very cozy, creating a feeling of unity with nature.

2. Creativity - Using a lawn roof can make owning a role model.

3. Use of natural materials - nature itself will take care of improving the microclimate at home and the surrounding area.

4. Favorable cost of an earthen roof - the price of the materials used is low, however, one should take into account the sufficient labor intensity of such a roof.

5. Long service life - with proper care, the roof will delight the eye for decades.

Roof lawn technology

Creating a living roof includes several stages:

1. As a rafter system, a continuous sheathing of boards is mounted.

2. A layer of roofing material is laid for waterproofing, bitumen mastic is used instead of glue. The joints of the sheets are overlapped.

3. Next, a layer of gravel or expanded clay is poured to perform the functions of drainage and thermal insulation.

4. A drainage system is being carried out from pipes laid in the thickness of gravel.

7. If the angle of inclination is more than 20 °, the structure is additionally secured with a mesh or lathing.

When designing a lawn roof, some peculiarities should be taken into account: high humidity and significant weight. The requirements for these roofs are moisture resistance, water absorption, the ability of the structure to withstand weight. If the requirements are not followed, leaks may appear or plants may die. When landscaping a roof, it must be remembered that the slope should not exceed 40 °.

For many people, the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe roof will be very attractive, as it combines a special charm, color and personality. It can be arranged as a recreation area, balcony terrace. In addition to its unusual appearance, the green roof purifies the air, protects from heat, and regulates rain flows. If you wish and have a small amount of time and effort, you can independently create a living roof that will combine practicality, accessibility and usefulness.

The characteristic features of the nature of the owner of a country house or dacha can be called the desire to improve their possessions and an irrepressible craving for creativity, the ultimate goal of which is the same improvement - a site, a house, utility and utility rooms.

Greening roofs- a theme loved by many. The process is made even more interesting by expanding its scope. Over the past few years, a new trend has been gaining popularity in "suburban" Russia - gardening ... of roofs! However, everything new, as we know, is only well forgotten old. Such floristic delights could be found several centuries ago in northern Russian villages, in the Baltics, and in Finland: roofs were covered with moss and sod not at all in pursuit of beauty - this was how the roof was insulated and strengthened, and the thatched roof was saved from fire (because of overheating in the sun) and decay (exposure to dampness).

What drives green roof enthusiasts today? The answer is obvious: this is the expansion of the usable area of ​​the site through the use of other surfaces, and the creation of additional places for landscaping, and the ability to give the house (, barn, pergola, etc.) a non-standard look, and even the creation of new recreation areas.

Extensive Roof Landscaping Method

This method has 3 features:

  • the impossibility of walking through the green space;
  • the maximum allowable slope of the surface is 28 degrees.

Irrigation of the surface plays a huge role - if an artificial irrigation system is not provided, take care of the convenience of delivering water to the roof (hose, watering can, impromptu shower).

The main "inhabitants" of the roof are: lawn grasses, sedums, saxifrage. Bulbous plants can also be planted. The main principle is to plant plants that require minimal care and bloom at different times. With a good selection, you can get a garden of continuous flowering.

Extensive roof landscaping can be done in-house. Assess the surface to be refined. What is its condition: how reliable is the foundation, what load can it withstand, what is the quality of the roof? Think about the location of the future oasis. It is necessary to take into account the side of the world, illumination, intensity of "sunbathing", openness to winds and precipitation. With this in mind, choose plants for planting.

Besides drought, there is another enemy of the roof garden - moisture stagnation. In this case, it not only harms the roots of plants, but also significantly increases the load on the bearing surface. So for roofs with a slope of less than 4 degrees, you will have to equip a drainage system. Or to form the desired bias forcibly.

Preparing the roof surface for landscaping

The base, if necessary, is treated with special compounds: primers, fungicides, water repellents. Then a root protective film is laid on it. Remember how a seed carried by the wind onto the roof of a building grows into a decent-sized tree, mercilessly crumbling even granite with its roots. The film will allow the roof to avoid this fate. Reducing the load on the roof and avoiding soil creep allows geotextile or.

The basis for planting is usually a fertile layer or substrate (layer thickness 5-20 cm). To avoid the mixing of the soil and the drainage layer that occurs over time, their separation by a thin geotextile will allow. The roof slope must be well reinforced. With a large angle of inclination, it is possible to prevent the vegetative layer from slipping by using geogrids.

Intensive roof greening method

It is usually done by professionals. This is due to serious responsibility: the load per 1 sq. m of surface for intensive landscaping is from 150 to 750 kg. Accordingly, increased requirements are imposed on the base. On a landscaped site, it will be possible to set up not only an ordinary lawn, but also a whole park - with trees, a pond, streams. You can put a gazebo and lanterns, lay out paths. Lushly blooming and sophisticated mixborders will delight the eye all season. And the automatic irrigation system will solve irrigation issues.

Experts recommend making landscaping immediately after the end of construction work. It is better if the creation of a roof garden is included in the design project - this will avoid disharmony with the main landscape and the architectural appearance of the main buildings.

The main task of any roof is to retain heat in the house and protect it from wind, rain, snow, ultraviolet rays and other unfavorable atmospheric factors. However, the acute shortage of places for construction and the environmental problems of megacities have led to the fact that additional tasks are assigned to the modern roof. One of the modern fashion trends in modern architecture is the creation of a "green roof" where you can equip a flowering lawn and even grow the necessary vegetables and herbs.

What it is?

Not all city dwellers have the opportunity to fully relax in a forest clearing or enjoy the mountain air - often there is simply no time for such trips. Multi-storey buildings, cramped streets, the exhaust fumes of passing vehicles and hot asphalt have a negative impact on humans on a daily basis. That is why the owners of private houses and cottages work tirelessly to ensure that their homes are as close to nature as possible - they use environmentally friendly materials in construction and equip flower beds, lawns and rockeries.

A very interesting technological solution came to Russia from the Scandinavian countries- This is a "turf earthen roof", which is often built on small houses in Norway. This design assumes the following: the roofing material is covered with a clay litter, and it serves as the basis for the formation of a sod layer 10-15 cm thick, where the grass was planted. Such houses looked very attractive, but such a structure requires additional strengthening of the bearing supports - not only is the soil “cake” itself rather heavy, snow masses were added to it in winter, and not every structure could withstand such a load. That is why sod roofs almost ceased to be equipped over time. Perhaps this idea would have remained an idea if today landscape designers did not remember the forgotten Scandinavian traditions.

Now the "green roof" is not uncommon in big cities. Roofs, partially or completely covered with living plants, can be found in shopping malls, office centers and high-end residential high-rises. Not so long ago, the fashion was picked up by the owners of country houses, who began to actively plant greenery on the surfaces of outbuildings in their summer cottages.


Like other types of roofing systems, eco-roofs are similar to a puff cake, although its components differ in some features of operation. The creation of a green roof must guarantee reliability and practicality according to important criteria: the strength of the base, good protection from water and the reduction of heat loss. This type of roofing "pie" has the following layers:

  • base- it can be made of wood or concrete, the most important thing is that it must have a large margin of safety, capable of bearing the weight of the earth and the plants themselves;
  • waterproofing layer it is extremely important for the reliable protection of the structure from moisture ingress, plants require regular watering, therefore, rather high requirements are imposed on the strength of this layer;

  • barrier mounted above the waterproofing material to prevent the growth of roots into the main roof of the structure. If it is not installed, the plants will take root into the previous layer and damage it;
  • drainage it is used to evenly distribute moisture over the entire surface of the roof, retains part of the water, preventing the plantings from drying out, and removes excess moisture through the drain;
  • filter- a layer of geotextile, which limits the ingress of small particles into the drainage;
  • geogrid installed in order to prevent the "scattering" of the earth under the influence of rain and strong wind;
  • substrate- directly the soil, which is poured onto the geogrid with a layer of 5 to 20 cm; its thickness depends on what exactly you plan to grow: a 5 cm layer will be enough for ground cover flowers, but about 20 cm will be needed to grow vegetables.

Advantages and disadvantages

Large-scale landscaping is one of the prerequisites for living in the frantic rhythm of modern metropolitan areas built of concrete and glass. At the same time, narrow streets do not allow equipping flower gardens and flower beds in cities - as a rule, small areas of parks and squares are allocated for this. That is why the arrangement of a green roof solves a very important task - it allows you to significantly improve the environmental situation and at the same time make the most rational use of usable areas.

The advantages of this technology include the following factors.

  • Strengthening the structure- the vegetation layer reliably protects the roof from various mechanical damage, temperature fluctuations and adverse effects of natural phenomena. The roof, "covered" with a green layer, can be used for more than 20 years. However, let's not forget that this is true only for reinforced structures with a large margin of safety.
  • Effective use of rain and storm water- the soil can retain more than 30% of precipitation. The green roof reduces the likelihood of flooding. In addition, the water is used to irrigate the surface instead of being discharged into storm water and contributes to a good harvest.

  • Exceptional thermal insulation performance- a layer of turf is considered a very suitable material for this purpose, it retains heat in winter, prevents heat from entering the house in summer, and also promotes effective air circulation, thereby forming a favorable microclimate in the room.
  • The soil absorbs noise well therefore, the inhabitants of the house can be sure that they will not be disturbed by the sounds of rain or hail.
  • Recreation area organization- an attractive roof can be a harmonious place for family leisure and meeting with friends in a comfortable environment.

Owners of modern mansions often equip small pools on such roofs and install sports equipment. In addition, the green roof improves the overall ecological background, gives the garden plot a stylish and extraordinary look.

Despite the obvious advantages, the eco-roof also has disadvantages.

  • Heavy weight- drainage and soil give a load of about 50 kg per sq. meter, this leads to a significant increase in pressure on the floors of the building.
  • High price- green roof equipment provides for the use of only environmentally friendly materials, and they are quite expensive. Therefore, equipping a green roof is much more expensive than equipping a conventional one.
  • Complexity of installation technology- the erection of an eco-roof and the corresponding increase in pressure on the supports requires the compulsory drawing up of a design project, created according to accurate calculations of the permissible parameters of the load on the floors. It is impossible to do this without having the skills of such planning, so you need to seek help from specialists.

Please note that experts do not recommend converting an existing roof into a green one, since the old foundation and existing floors may simply not withstand significant additional stress.

Arrangement of such a roof is suitable for new houses, where the necessary strength of the supports was laid at the stage of designing construction work.


Depending on the parameters of use, eco-roofs distinguish between intensive and extensive types of landscaping.

Extensive roofing

Such structures are created on pitched roofs with an angle of inclination of no more than 45 degrees. The planning features of these buildings are such that they do not provide for access to the roof. Accordingly, it cannot be properly operated. At the same time, low-growing perennials are used for greening the roofs, which cover the covering, create a decorative appearance and at the same time protect the roof from mechanical stress and precipitation. For planting, unpretentious plants are used that do not require special care and abundant watering - for full growth and development, they have enough natural precipitation.

Extensive roofing provides several options for landscaping.

  1. Undersized vegetation- while the height of the soil does not exceed 6 cm, the land is planted with drought-resistant ground cover plants of several types, due to which continuous flowering can be achieved from May to October. This is the easiest and easiest landscaping method;
  2. Green roof- the roof is designed like a lawn, roll types of coverings are often used for this purpose.

Intensive landscaping

It involves the arrangement of eco-roofs on flat surfaces that can be used by the inhabitants of the building. Such buildings have access to the roof, are equipped with a parapet that protects against possible falls, and special paths for comfortable movement. Here you can grow not only a grassy lawn, but also plant large shrubs and even fruit trees. Of course, such a design requires special attention during construction and operation. This garden needs the same maintenance as the above-ground gardens and flower beds.

Laying technology

Green roofs can be created in absolutely any climatic region. By itself, the device of such a roof with your own hands is not complicated, but laborious.

Eco-roof layers are as follows:

  • base;
  • vapor barrier;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing;

  • protective layer;
  • drainage system;
  • filter;
  • priming;
  • plants.

A variety of materials can be used as a base, insulation, as well as steam and waterproofing agents. Any hardware store now has a wide selection in a large price range.

The easiest way to complete the arrangement of eco-roofing is to use a roll lawn as a topcoat. If the roof is straight or the angle of inclination does not exceed 10 degrees, then the seeds can be planted directly into the ground. If the slopes are steeper, then during the rainy season and snowmelt, such an unpleasant phenomenon as a landslide can occur. So that the soil does not "slide" down, soil layers are laid between special barriers.

A very important part of the green roof is the installation of the drainage system. It is very important to understand the relevance of competent drainage: since water cannot enter the house, therefore, it needs to find a way out in some other place, otherwise it will remain in the roof and simply turn sour. This will lead to root rot and plant death.

Geotextiles are used as the main drainage, as well as sand or fine gravel. Additionally equip a drainage system.

As a rule, one of the proposed options is used.

  • Drainage plates- plastic panels of the profiled type, which are attached to each other and mounted over the entire roof surface. The mechanism of action is as follows: water accumulates in the "blades" of the panels, and if it is in excess, it flows into the slabs located below. Thus, the water is cascaded down, and then flows into the downpipe.
  • Drainage mats have a similar principle of operation, but faster in installation. In addition, the mats help to strengthen the waterproofing. This method is not good for all types of roofing - it is not applicable for flat or overly steep roofs.
  • Drainage boxes- drainage of a flat roof involves the use of special systems that contribute to the forced removal of moisture from the roof, as a result, water enters the funnel. and from there - into the storm sewer system.