Standard and description of the breed. Such a different Rottweiler: characteristic and description of the breed.

July 24, 2015

The Rottweiler is a loyal and devoted pet. Adult representatives of this breed look impressive: massive, with a muscular neck, incredibly hardy. Due to its strength and intelligence, this dog can serve as a watchman, bodyguard, guide, and rescuer. It will be a reliable protection for your home.

Height at withers:  males - 60-68 cm, females - 55-63 cm

Weight:  males - 50 kg, females - 42 kg

Color:  the black. Brown markings are permissible above the eyes, cheeks, stripes on both sides of the muzzle, but not on the back of the nose. Spots can also be observed on the lower side of the neck, in the form of two triangles on the chest, on the front legs to the wrists, on the inner side of the knees under the tail. According to the standard black stripes on the fingers are allowed.

Rottweiler breed history

Rottweilers appeared in the XVIII century in the city of Rottweil, in Germany. Hence the name of the breed. In this city, they helped farmers to drive livestock, to keep order in the herd (they urged the lagging cattle, tamed aggressive bulls), guarded  livestock at night, through a dream.

There is a funny description of how the dogs served the owners. treasurers. If money appeared to the owner, he, in order not to drink it or that the robbers did not take it away, would tie a bag of money around his neck to his rottweiler. From that moment on, he could not be afraid for his gold coins.

With the advent of the railway and the advent of technical progress, the history of this breed almost ended. But, fortunately, the police became interested in rottweilers, and soon these dogs became official. So they became world famous.

Character and temperament

Rottweilers possess balanced character. Their external power allows you to remain calm. Such a dog will be loyal to its owners and will protect family members, if from a very early age it is properly educated and socialized.

An important feature of character - prefers to be close to his master. He is a full-fledged member of the family and will definitely try to reconcile you in quarrels and conflicts. But with new people, it's better to be careful.

TO children favoredespecially if they grew up together. The child needs to be shown the rules for handling the dog and explain that this is not a toy.

With other dogs, the Rottweiler behaves with restraint and calm. If you are familiar with them from an early age, then a strong friendship is guaranteed.

This breed not designed to sit on a chain. Rottweilers fit life in the courtyard, in a spacious booth or in an aviary, protecting from the troubles of the weather. They also live well in a spacious city apartment.

Rottweiler need to immediately equip place. His space should not be in a draft, as close as possible to the main place of crowds and to the front door. Choose a hard bed, because these dogs are prone to bedsores.


It is necessary to feed representatives of this breed either a dry forage, or natural. Combining both types is impossible. If you choose food only dry food, you will have to fork out for food varieties super premium. If you can not afford it, it is better to feed the dog only natural food. It will be cheaper. In no case do not give your pet a sweet and tubular bones that injure the digestive tract.


Dogs need a walk. It is best to let them run in a quiet place without a collar. Or take the Rottweilers with you on a bike ride or evening run.

It is better to walk the dog at a certain time two or three times a day, leaving for a few hours. Try to walk with your pet in turn, all family members, without exception.

Upbringing and training

With a good upbringing, the dog develops an appeasable character. Starting is better from an early age.

It is desirable that the training from the beginning to the end involved one person. Representatives of the breed require a "firm hand" and strong prestige. The owner should be the undisputed leader for your pet. When interacting with a dog, keep a balance between positive and negative rewards.

These dogs quickly learn and understand commands. Do not forget to feed the dog for excellent work. But do not overdo it - Rottweilers can not indulge because of addiction to obesity.

Health and life expectancy

The life expectancy of dogs is average - 10-12 years. With good care and heredity live 14-15 years old.

Rottweiler diseases are associated with damage to the nervous system. Epilepsy and incephalitis are common. Epilepsy is a hereditary disease. Good breeders usually kill such puppies immediately. Rottweilers are also prone to skin diseases.

  • Height at withers: Male: 61-68 cm; Bitch: 56-63 cm
  • Weight: Male: 50-60 kg; Bitch: 42-48 kg
  • Color: black and red brown
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years
  • Other names: butcher’s dog, rottweiler metzchhund, rottweil butcher’s dog

Advantages and disadvantages

  • hardy, hardworking, energetic
  • loyal to the owner, get along with children
  • learn fast
  • do not tolerate heat
  • propensity to injury
  • strong guarding instinct

Breed description

Rottweiler are hardy, brave and determined dogs. The character of the Rottweiler is balanced. Powerful and physically strong, they are very active, love to stay in motion. Possessing a nature of an independent character, they are wary of strangers, do not require increased attention from the owners. When walking often come into an argument with other dogs.

Possessing great strength and size, the Rottweiler perfectly understands its superiority over man and will not tolerate humiliation or insults in his address. Intelligent and intelligent, this dog quickly learns the skills imparted during training. The peculiarities of this breed are that if they come across a host with a soft character, they will quickly crack it and realize that his commands can and not be carried out.

But to be a dictator is undesirable: they must be respected and reckoned with. If you raise a Rottweiler correctly, he will be selflessly loyal to the owner. Puppies quickly get used to the family. Having great acumen, the rottweilers learn the habits of the owner and can predict his desires. Children, as a rule, get along well with representatives of this breed, the child for the dog is a full member of the family. And in general, rottweilers quickly become similar in habits to their master, they will always be happy to help you, if necessary. Possessing an athletic physique, he needs high physical exertion, long walks and games. Difficult character is the main drawback of this breed, therefore, not everybody can bring up and train. But if you cope with this, he will be your most loyal friend and reliable bodyguard.

   Rottweiler breed standard

General form

The Rottweiler is a powerful, physically strong dog of medium size, black with clearly defined rust-colored spots. Males are noticeably larger than females.


Calm, independent.


The depth of the chest is about 50% of the height at the withers. Muscles and bones should be sufficient for the dog to have a powerful and compact look.

looked compact and very powerful.

Wide between the ears, medium length, with a slightly protruding forehead, when viewed from the side. Jaws wide and strong.

Smooth, if the dog is alert, folds may appear.

Almond-shaped, medium-sized, not sunken and not convex. Look wary, noble, self-confident. Color - dark brown.

Triangular, hanging, medium size. When the rottweiler is alert, the ears are raised. In a calm state, they are directed forward, widely spaced, the inner edge reaches the middle of the cheek.

Dry, black, the inner surface of the mouth is dark.

The nose is straight, broad at the base, slightly tapering to the black lobe. The end of the muzzle is wide, the chin is well defined.

Muscular, powerful, muscular, slightly arched, moderately long, dry. Housing

The chest is wide, voluminous and deep with elastic ribs. The back is strong and straight. The loin is deep, short, rather muscular. Belly tucked up. The croup is slightly sloping.

Visually is a continuation of the back. When moving rises slightly above the back line.


Strong, powerful, moderately spaced, with massive bones. Paws are compact, round, without a clubfoot. Black claws are strong and short.

Hair coat

Straight, thick, slightly rough, of medium length, fits tightly to the body. The undercoat is present on the hips and neck, its density can vary depending on the climatic conditions in the habitat.

Black with red or brown brightly defined spots. Pods are on the cheeks, under the eyes, on the sternum, on the front paws and the inside of the hind, under the tail

   Character and features

The Rottweiler is a medium-sized dog, folded in proportion. In the movement is easy and free. Despite the muscularity, does not look clumsy or overweight.

The shape of the head of a Rottweiler is of several types: normal, proportional, heavy or light. The ideal head shape is the average length of the skull, a moderately prominent frontal part, and widely spaced ears. Parts of the body should be proportional, in particular, it concerns the head and body. A characteristic feature - powerful, wide and very strong jaws.

The coat is black with tan in red or brown-reddish. Coat includes guard and integumentary hair, as well as undercoat, which should not look out of the coat.

   Care and maintenance

Materials on the topic

In general, care for a Rottweiler can not be called difficult. Rottweilers live equally well in city apartments and private houses, they tolerate cold well, but are sensitive to heat. Since the dog's coat is short, weekly cleaning is enough. Also, once a week you need to inspect the eyes and ears in order to prevent otitis media or inflammation, to which rottweilers are generally not inclined. Special skin care is not needed.

In Rottweiler bitches, the best time for mating is 12-14 days after the start of estrus. As a rule, mating is carried out on the territory of a dog. In no case do not wash the bitch during the heat, if you have a dog - do not overfeed it before the mating.

   Rottweiler feeding and feeding

Materials on the topic

Rottweiler is a breed characterized by sensitive digestion. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of a properly selected diet, including proteins, essential trace elements and minerals.

The main food for them is buckwheat / rice groats, beef, poultry, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, greens and vegetables. Feeding puppies involves the inclusion of mineral supplements to give strength to bales and bones.

The frequency of feeding a puppy decreases as he grows up. At 2-3 months of age, puppies are fed four times, until reaching 9 months - 3 times, then the transition to two meals, typical for an adult individual, is allowed.

Rottweiler loves offal - beef tripe, esophagus meat, heart. Kefir from the supermarket is better not to give. Salt, roast, fatty and smoked natural food is considered harmful for a rottweiler. Sweets are also not worth giving.

Are you dreaming of a brave defender who will never betray and stand up in an emergency? Perfect for this role rottweiler. He is like a Sylvester Stallone dog world. A handsome, strong, muscular dog can serve in the army and police, guard private territories and transport heavy loads. But this brave man is not always serious and focused. He is touching and cute. There are cases when representatives of the breed took other species of animals under their care. Alas, in recent decades they have not been admired by these dogs - they are afraid of them! Crime chronicles now and then frightens with horrible headlines: a four-legged friend attacked the owner. Why, despite the impressive track record rottweiler earned ill fame?

Ability to train
Observational qualities
Security qualities
The size
Attitude to children

Rottweiler breed history

Written testimony about the ancestors of the breed is not preserved. Historians suggest that dogs similar to rottweilers were known in ancient Egypt. In addition to the external similarity, both types are related and iron character. In those barbarous times, he was more precious than gold!

On the bas-reliefs of the tomb of Tutankhamen, you can examine in detail the impressive battle scenes. The heroes of these scenes are assertive, warlike and invincible dogs, which, along with their owners, ruthlessly oppose enemy infantry.

The ancestors of the Rottweiler more than once saved the country of pharaohs from invasions. But in peacetime, the Egyptian dogs led a quiet life. They often participated in religious rites. It is not surprising that their huge statues can be found in the palaces of local rulers.

Dog vs lion

However, the birthplace of Egyptian favorites was not in the floodplain of the Nile.

Four-legged warriors began to breed in Babylon in the 6th century BC. Here they were called Molossian dogs named the ruling tribe. They did not participate in battles, but they helped the people of Mesopotamia hunt lions. And well guarded the home of their masters.

A powerful skeleton, strong muscles, unshakable courage and excellent fighting qualities - every hunter dreamed of such a talented helper!

Soon elite breed appeared in neighboring countries. The Persians proclaimed the Babylonian dogs a symbol of power and wealth. Assyrians believed that even clay figurines of such pets could save their homes from evil spirits. A great Zarathustra drew attention to the incredible ability of these animals to learn. Maybe that's why the warlike Romans took the Molossi dogs to conquer the world?

So tempered character

But not only hunting and war lived the ancestors of rottweilers. Dog dogs also took part in gladiator fights between animals. They were set on bulls, lions and even elephants. It was on such arenas in Molossian dogs that brought extraordinary aggressiveness and unruly temper.

On the roads of the conquerors

Roman legionaries entrusted the ancestors of the Rottweiler rather delicate work. To conquer the whole world, it was necessary to feed a great army. Not an easy task! There were no refrigerators at that time, therefore the wars of Claudius Augustus led behind them “live” meat.

Huge herds of goats and cows trailed behind the thousands of shelves to the places of battles. They were accompanied by molossky dogs. They guarded the animals during stops and drove to a new area.

Of course, livestock gradually declined. When the battles were won, and the last calf was on a spit, no one else needed the services of a cattle dog. Legionnaires set them free or left to the locals as a gift.

As a result, Molossky dogs quickly settled in Europe. They even got to England thanks to the Phoenicians. Later, Roman troops sailed to the Foggy Albion not only against the Anglo-Saxons. Ironically, the Romans attacked the dogs that they settled in Europe.

Friends of the Butchers and Rottweil

For the appearance of the breed and its name, we must also thank the Roman legionaries. One of their trips began with the conquest of the Alps. Passing through the mountain range, they found themselves in southern Germany. The territory was quickly conquered and received the name Flavia Land.

Strategic location, fertile soil and mild climate - you can not resist before such! The Romans settled here and engaged in animal husbandry. Of course, without the help of Molossian dogs, there was no cost.

The idyll lasted for two centuries. Then the wild tribes pushed the conquerors back and built their own settlements on the site of their camps. One of these cities was Rottweil, built in the 6th century. It got its name from the phrase “Rote Weil”, which translates as “red tile”. A mosaic of this bright material was found on the roofs of Roman baths buried underground.

On the lands of Flavia cattle breeding still flourished. Roman dogs became faithfully serve the new owners. They turned out to be masters for all legs!

Devoted cattle dogs still remembered how to graze sheep and cows, with a bang coped with the protection of property, saved people from robbers on the way to the fair. Needless to say that the butchers of the soul did not notice in their four-legged friends?

Barking Legionnaires

By the way, not all descendants of the Rottweiler grazed cattle from the Romans. Particularly ferocious and powerful individuals underwent special training. And then during the attacks, a pack of such most dangerous dogs, chained in battens, were sent forward to the enemy. Roman fighting dogs never retreated and fought to the last drop of blood.

Dangerous treasurer

Gradually, Rottweil became the largest shopping center in the country. By the 19th century, butcher dogs were no less than residents. The breed occupied an important place in the economy of the city, in fact doing all the hard work. Accompanying valuable cargo, transporting weights up to 1 ton, driving cattle to the place of slaughter - all this was done by Rottweilers.

It's funny that the butchers even trusted their pets to protect their personal property. Before the visit to the pub, the hosts hung up a purse with daily receipts on their four-sided neck. Even then, the Rottweilers had a frightening reputation, so no one dared to approach the dangerous treasurer.

Who is on the arms of Rottenburg?

Representatives of the butcher breed gradually settled in the country. They also became very popular in the small town of Rottenburg. Even the old coat of arms, which depicts the figures of a bull and a dog escorting him, has been preserved.

Degeneration and rebirth

It seemed that the butcher’s dog would not change his profession for a long time. But in the middle of the 19th century, the breed almost disappeared. With technical progress in Rottweil stretched railway. The city authorities have banned the transportation of meat on the usual routes. For goods transport now used only trains.

A devotee Rottweiler lost his job - and the number of dogs began to decline rapidly. A dog expert and painter Ludwig Beckman even wrote in one of the books: “The days of the butcher’s dog are numbered. Therefore, I do not see the need to describe the breed "

The attention to the butchers dog was brought on by an unusual case. It happened in Hamburg. Drunken sailors raged in the streets: they pestered the locals, broke windows in their houses and staged a big fight. The vakhmistr of the city turned out to be an admirer of an endangered breed. He took his beloved Rottweiler and within five minutes dispersed the whole gang.

It was then that the dog from Rottweil and took the service in the German police. True, the revival was not easy. There were barely a few dozen individuals across the country. But the breeders worked skillfully! And in 1910, the breed was recognized as the best in the local police. So the rottweiler became a service dog.

In the expanses of Siberia

Rottweilers came to Russia in 1914. It turned out they easily tolerate cold weather. Therefore, many individuals were taken to remote regions, such as Siberia and the Far North. Here they fought predators and guarded domesticated moose.

Honorary Professions

Soon the Austrians and Swiss began to buy dogs from Rottweil. And then the butcher’s dog was enthusiastically accepted by the US and British police. She has no equal in the delay of intruders and the protection of secret objects. Even the most inveterate criminals retreat and surrender at the sight of an angry rottweiler.

Breed skills during the Second World War also came in handy. For example, in Prague, hardy and powerful dogs easily pulled sleds with coal from the station to the houses.

Modern rottweilers can often be seen in rescue teams. They quickly find people under the rubble of buildings after earthquakes. Fearless and pain-tolerant dogs cleverly make their way through the rubble to the victims. The endurance of these dogs saved hundreds of lives.

Run in the mornings!

Rottweilers have faithfully served man for centuries. That is why the breed has a special charm. Imagine a muscular and cute dog. It weighs 50 kilograms with a growth of about 68 centimeters - a real hulk!

He has a big head with charming round eyebrows of brown color. Thanks to this skull size, the Rottweiler has powerful jaws. Their bite pressure can reach 22 atmospheres.

All representatives of the breed have a standard color: dark lips, black short fur coat with brown areas on the mouth, legs and shoulders. He sheds moderately, so combing is not needed.

Purebred Rottweiler has a deep and wide chest, as well as a straight long back. He has a proud posture and strong legs. Therefore, you can easily take it with you on daily runs!

Generally, it is a very athletic dog that needs frequent physical exertion. She will easily adapt to life in the city, but you will have to play with her for a long time.

Iron character

August 23, 2007 in the homeland of the Rottweilers appeared a monument to this remarkable service dog. In the sculpture of bronze, which became a symbol of Rottweil, tried to perpetuate the valor, intelligence and dedication of the beloved breed.

Anyone who happened to communicate with rottweilers could see for himself in their amazing qualities. These are self-confident, reliable and courageous dogs. They radiate calm and never take rash steps.

But good manners do not appear by themselves. Rottweilers need training, like any service dog. Otherwise, obedience will not. And the dominant pet is dangerous, like a loaded gun. So the puppy must first lead to a dog handler. The dog is very easy to learn new skills thanks to a sharp mind.

Raised rottweilers behave modestly and peacefully. In the apartment of particular activity they do not solder, but in nature they love to frolic. Play with them and praise them more often! They adore attention and respond with kindness. Rottweilers get along well with children. And they are even friends with other animals if they met them at puppyhood. But they do not like strangers: they immediately become suspicious and concentrated. Therefore, be careful when walking.

In general, all members of the breed prefer a calm and measured life. In families where they shout a lot, quarrel and quarrel, rottweilers become anxious and aggressive.

Aggressiveness test

In some cities, the butcher’s dog is prohibited. Insurance companies often deny owners of rottweilers in the design of the policy. In the USA alone, over the past 20 years, about 16% of deaths from dog bites were caused by untrained people from Rottweil.

That is why breeders, when working with service breeds, pay special attention to the character of their pets. Only peace-loving and obedient dogs are allowed to breed.

Mental balance is determined by the test. The four-legged test subject is placed in the thick of a lively crowd. People behave harmlessly: they walk around, approach the owner, surround him with the dog in a dense ring. If at this time the dog shows aggressiveness, the test is considered failed.

Calm individuals will fall into the next test. Here they must demonstrate the ability to defend themselves. A man depicting an intruder is working with animals. He is wearing a protective sleeve, for which the dog grabs his teeth. At this time, with his free hand using the stack, the stranger imitates blows to the dog's body.

The most important thing in the second test is the complete obedience. At the first command of the host, a well-mannered and balanced rottweiler should release the sleeve and take a waiting position.

A pet that has passed these two tests is unlikely to fall into the scandalous criminal chronicle.

Amazing motherhood
  Young Molly became famous when she took two newborn lambs under her care. They were born with slow blood circulation - and a good-natured dog massaged their tongue all night so that the little ones could survive. Now the rottweiler never part with the lambs!
  A similar story occurred in the reserve of Maine. The young wolf had a daughter, which she somehow refused. The cub has taken care of the friendly rottweiler Ulrik. The dog with the young wolf also became inseparable friends.
  But the most unusual case happened in England. Nursing rottweiler Sasha adopted a small piglet. He perfectly joined the family of seven puppies. Moreover, the dog felt that the baby was weak, so she fed him more often than her children.

Who is guilty?

Some dog experts say that dogs are not born bad: they learn from cruelty from people. Therefore, choose a breed of opportunity.

Not everyone can cope with such a burden. But if you take up the case, you can not throw him halfway. Lack of discipline in a dog can cost you and your loved ones health and even life! And with a good upbringing, the Rottweiler will turn into a faithful defender with a cheerful disposition, developed intellect and agreeable character.

Hurries to the rescue
  Once in a small town of Wisconsin there was a terrible fire, it happened at night in a dilapidated house where a mother lived with two young children. The old wiring shorted out - and the fire quickly began to creep into the rooms. At this point the rottweiler asked Bruce. He took the children to the street one by one, then woke up and led their mother out of the burning house.
  Another Rottweiler Savior appeared in Saratov. The flighty mother went for a walk with the baby in the stroller and her huge pet. On the way, she met her friends. The women were so enthusiastic about conversations that they completely forgot about the baby. Only realized a few hours later. Fortunately, the stroller was still standing in the yard. And the loyal dog was guarding the loss.
  The third rescue story occurred at a cattle farm in Colorado. Young Mercedes Betke decided to ride her horse. During the walk the animal slipped on the run. The girl fell from a horse, and she stepped on her head.
  There were no adults nearby, but the true Rottweiler Buster was nearby. He led Grandpa Mercedes to the site of the tragedy. The girl quickly underwent a difficult operation, and she went on the mend. Doctors said that even a few minutes of delay could cost a Mercedes of life.

Price Rottweiler puppies

The cost of a dog depends on several factors: the presence of a pedigree, titled parents, exhibition prospects of a pet, etc.
  In this regard, the price range for rottweiler puppies is quite wide from 10 000   before 30 000 rubles  and higher.

Breed, which causes admiration and awe at the same time, they are respected not only for their powerful jaws, but also for their natural intelligence and ability to grow. Rottweiler: characterization of the breed and a detailed description in the material below.

The true history of the breed is unknown, but there are many assumptions. The most plausible version says that the breed was descended from strong, hardy dogs guarding herds of animals that the Romans led as food for themselves during the conquest of German lands.

Over time, the Romans were ousted from these lands, and   on the site of the Roman camp arose the settlement of Rottweil, which became the center of beef cattle breeding. The descendants of the Roman dogs still carried out their work - guarding the herds of cattle. Cattlemen often used them as a force for the force, so the dogs were called "butchers".

  In the 19th century, the breed almost disappeared. The history of the breed Rottweiler knows the case in 1901, when the dog helped the policeman to disperse the drunken crowd. It was then that they again recalled the special qualities of this dog: high threshold of pain, great physical strength, fearless readiness to intervene in an unexpected situation.

The breed standard, which includes the exterior and features of the psyche, was defined at the beginning of the 20th century in Germany by the United German Rottweiler Club.

Rottweiler: breed description

FCI Standard No. 147 dated April 6, 2000 of Rottweiler.
  Group 2 "Schnauzers and Pinchers, Molossians and Swiss Mountain Dogs".
  Section 2.1 "Molossy, dog-shaped dogs, with working tests".
  The height at the withers in males is 61-68 cm, in females 56-63 cm.
  The weight of an adult dog - 50 kg, females - 42 kg.
  Life expectancy is 8-12 years.


The appearance of the pedigree is described in the official standard and includes the following properties:

  • breast volume corresponds to the sum of the height at the withers + 20 cm;
  • the length of the skull is average, the ears are set wide. The back of the head is well defined. The transition to the face from the forehead is clearly visible;
  • muzzle is wide, to the nose already. Wide nose with large nostrils;
  • lips black, tightly closed. The gums are dark. Bite scissor-like, on the lower jaw 22 teeth, on the upper - 20;
  • the eyes are medium in size, dark brown;
  • the ears are triangular, of medium size, form a straight line with the upper part of the skull, adjacent to the cheekbones;
  • neck muscular, medium length, curved like a bow;
  • the tail is not cropped (by standard);
  • hind legs set wider than the front. Upper leg muscular;
  • coat hard, thick, fits tightly;
  • color black with dark rust tan.

Attention!  Many people mistakenly believe that there is a breed of golden rottweiler. This is not the case; the Rottweiler and the Golden Retriever are two completely different breeds of dogs.

Character, skills and scope

The character of the Rottweiler is smooth, calm, benevolent, strong nerves. They never bother anyone, do not spoil anything in the house, do not dig holes in the garden, are friendly to children and familiar people, are not indifferent to strangers, but they are attentive - they do not miss anything from sight.

They always have only one owner.They recognize the family in which they live, they enter the conditional, but only the owner obeys. The dog is easily trained - once remembered forever.

Features of education:

  • rottweiler is well aware of his physical strength, therefore the owner will have to respect the dog - the dog will not tolerate insults and humiliation;
  • sometimes training is difficult, but not because the dog does not understand, but because it is stubborn, looking for what is called your weak point. If every time again and again not to seek the execution of the command, the dog, realizing that you can and do not obey, the next time and will not think to carry out your commands.

Important!  Rottweiler has high intelligence, is capable of independent decision making.

The breed was originally bred as a guard, so do not forget about these dog skills. Seeing a threat to the owner, he swiftly attacks without thinking about danger. His grip is strong, tight enough. Not afraid of pain. After the bout, he quickly calms down, which indicates a high organization of the nervous system.

Rottweilers are used where pronounced character traits are needed, namely, in protection. They become excellent bodyguards, serve on the border.

Suitable nicknames

The statement that a dog bred in Germany should have a German name is only partly true. Namely, because these names are short, impulsive, scathing, like a blow of a whip. Besides, the dog's ear is pleased to hear the sound "p."

Nicknames for Rottweiler are selected taking into account physical data and temperament. Such a person should have a serious name, even a brutal one, also for the reason that the rottweiler will perfectly distinguish respectful attitude of passers-by towards themselves from mockingly-mocking:

  • Rambo;
  • Brutus;
  • North;
  • Araks;
  • Zorro;
  • Tyson.

For bitches choose names softer, but also corresponding to size and power:

  • Irma;
  • Greta;
  • Nora;
  • Dora;
  • Alba;
  • Bella.

Photos of Rottweiler puppies that are placed below should not be misleading: as they grow up they will become a formidable force.

Conditions of keeping adults and puppies

If you plan to keep a dog on the street, then you need to build an aviary with a warmed booth. Although Rottweilers have a good, dense undercoat, they will not tolerate temperatures below 10 degrees without harm to health. If a dog or puppy is kept in an apartment, then the place of sleep should not be in a draft or at a source of heat. But wherever the dog lives, it needs to be walked daily. Walks should last an hour or one and a half.

Attention!  If the dog does not lead an active lifestyle, then health problems will begin.

It is very important to teach the dog to hygiene:

  • frequent bathing is required for a dog, 2-3 times a year is enough, but you need to brush them regularly with a stiff brush;
  • claws should be trimmed once a month;
  • eyes rubbed with a cotton swab dipped in tea or broth chamomile;
  • to prevent the occurrence of tartar, the dog must brush its teeth. To do this, use a toothbrush and a special paste or give to chew on raw beef bone;
  • the ears are cleaned with a cotton swab using a special agent or hydrogen peroxide.

Feeding features

What to feed a rottweiler? The main food for an adult dog - meat and offal (pork exclude).  If you feed and dry food, the portion of meat decreases. includes poultry, fish, cheese and dairy products, buckwheat, oatmeal, raw fruits and vegetables. Milk, all legumes, sweets and potatoes are completely excluded.

Feed should be 3-4 times a day in small portions.   Overeating will lead to obesity and, consequently, to disease.

Puppies in 2 months. they are fed 6 times a day, but before he is one year old, the number of meals should be reduced to 3-4. A well-boiled rice or buckwheat with chopped raw meat will suit your puppy. In 4 months fish, cheese, vegetables are added. Fresh bread, bones, pork, sausage are completely excluded.

Pros and cons of breed

What is lacking is just stressing the pros and cons. Here is the main advantages of the breed:

  • excellent bodyguards: attentive, instant reaction, not afraid of pain;
  • high intellect: they are well trained, they are able to make decisions on their own;
  • easy care

Breed deficiencies:

  • stubborn: you have to be very persistent in the issue of training;
  • aim for dominance.

Rottweiler owners agree on the breed: dogs are intelligent, friendly, calm.  But emphasize the conditions, the implementation of which gave the following result:

  • take a puppy only from the breeder and only from the pedigree (this guarantees the mental health of the dog);
  • spend for a dog full, but better with a dog handler;
  • starting socialization from the first day of life in the house;
  • let the dog know (and insist on it!) that the main person in the house is the person;
  • treat the dog kindly, but do not indulge.

Important!  You can not keep a Rottweiler on the chain. Deprivation of liberty and socialization will lead to a violation of the psyche of the dog, make it unmanageable.

Most importantly, all or almost all of the rottweiler breed described above. It's time to summarize. So, it is better to start a Rottweiler for people with a strong will and character, active natures.

Remember, there are an incredible number of dog breeds, you can always choose a suitable pet in nature, for your own purposes. But it should be understood that adequate dogs are only available from adequate owners!

Additionally, check out the video, which provides a detailed description of the Rottweiler dog breed:

The Rottweiler is considered to be a breed bred by German dog handlers, and, in part, this is true.

German cynologists themselves, with their inherent scrupulousness, give the palm to the Romans, who brought with them the ancestors of this breed, along with flocks of sheep and large cattle. The myth that the ancestor of the Rottweiler was used by legionaries in several ways at once: as a shepherd's, fighting and guard dog, is only a myth.

Wikipedia data diverge: According to the Russian version, the Rottweiler is bred directly from the Molossians, which include mastiffs and mastiffs. According to the German version, to trust which there are more grounds, the ancestors of the Rottweilers were multi-purpose, but still more herding dogs. Judging by the color and rusty tan points, molossi were undoubtedly involved in breeding the breed, but only as an auxiliary breeding mating.

Here's how German cynologists-breeders write about this on the official rottweiler club page.

The breed, inherited by the South German shepherds, or rather, owners of cattle, driven from pasture to pasture, inherited from the Romans. For centuries, it has been improved selectively with the best Swiss and Dutch herding dogs. In the protracted European wars, the breeding of this breed was very relevant. Finally, the dog race was formed on extensive pastures in the valley of the Neckar river near the town of Rottweil, which lies quite high in the foothills of the Black Forest.

Head  the rottweiler is quite large - up to 62 cm in girth. It is somewhat angular, with a well-developed skull. Ears, eyes, wide apart. Look attentive, open, intelligent. Ears are triangular, drooping, located rather high.

Weight  Rottweiler up to 50 kg, this is comparable to the weight of a calf or a large sheep, and their height at the withers varies from 56 to 68 cm.

Wool  these dogs are thick, tough, do not need trimming and care. It has been observed that the rottweiler's wool and undercoat can adapt to the climate: in warm and hot - the undercoat gradually becomes thinner and no longer resumes growth, but in the cold - on the contrary, it becomes thicker and denser.


Since the nineties, the enthusiastic attitude towards rottweilers has subsided slightly due to the many unpleasant publications.

Statistics of attacks on people collected over 20 years shows that rottweilers along with pit bulls (such a union is very strange for a statistical report!) Are guilty of half of all recorded incidents.

In response to club protests  rottweilers in 2002 in Switzerland conducted an independent survey of the breed.

The conclusions were as follows: in comparison with other breeds, rottweilers bite a person relatively more often, but less often than, for example,. However, the breed is included in the official lists of potentially dangerous, which imposes certain obligations on the owners. This applies primarily to walking and rearing rottweilers.

What traits of the Rottweiler character have served such a dual attitude towards him?

   German dog experts give this characteristic to the Rottweiler: a friendly, good-natured character, like children, are prone to affection to one of the family members. Rotti, as the Germans call him, is an obedient, controlled and hard-working dog. At the same time, it is self-confident, fearless type with a balanced nervous system.

Rottweiler owners will surely smile as they read some of these qualities.

Industrious?  Yes, he is lazy, what the world did not see! Friendly?  But for strangers who come to the house for the first time, he is so incredulous that only removing the dog to another room and the locked door helps to defuse the atmosphere. Friendliness is combined with aggressiveness to the most beloved family member!

How to explain these contradictions?

Rottweiler - clever person with high intelligence. He will not cling to the owner just because he feeds him. Rottweiler has a strong dominant character, he bred like that. For centuries these dogs have been responsible for the life of a whole herd of cows and for the lives of shepherds as well. People were their clients, with them the rottweilers feel at least equal. It is not enough to earn their love, you need to earn their trust, and learn to manage them.

In familywhere the main concern for the acquired Rottweiler puppy will fall on a woman, it is better to acquire not a dog, but a bitch. "Rottweiler girl" easier to educate, more obedient and manageable. The dominant dog will quickly understand the weakness of the hostess and take a leading position. In short, it will be difficult for a woman owner to obey a Rottweiler.

Trainers and professional dog handlers can help.

Rottweiler training and its training are highly recommended, but its contents in the yard, as a guard, and even on the chain - extremely contraindicated! A Rottweiler is a personality, and slave conditions will make him a rebel or a mentally unbalanced dog.

And finally - is rottweiler lazy  by nature or is he hard-working?

Both. He used to save his strength. If there is an opportunity to laze around, he will lazily wallow and yawn. If there is an opportunity to run - he will run for the owner, but again, perevalalochku, saving power, but over long distances.

What nicknames fit rottweiler

About what rules and regulations are valid in the choice of nicknames for club dogs, puppy owners are usually informed immediately. Quite often, complex double and even triple names are practiced. Of these, as a rule, only one will remain.

Argued that the name for the dog of German origin is better to choose from the "native" German language. There is a certain grain of truth in this statement, not because the newborn Rottweiler learns the German clique better, but because the German names are a) short b) impulsive and c) a little aggressive, like the German language itself. In addition, many popular German nicknames for "Rotti" contain a pleasant "p" sound for a dog's ear.

Popular in Germany nicknames rottweilers for boys: Nero, Robert, Bruno, Kruger, Werner, Rambo, Zorro, Rasmus, Hector, Brutus, Arax, Rex, Ralph, Nord, Jackie, Charlie, Tyson, Balu.

For girls  softer, but still taking into account the breed, brief and noble: Irma, Gerd, Dora, Alba, Akira, Amara, Bon, Cyrus, Bela, Gina, Emma, ​​Ronya, Margo, Greta, Rita, Nora.

Some dog owners find their pets successful nicknames proven method: relying on a long observation of the puppy, he picked up the German equivalents of Russian definitions. Fat - Dick, Strong - Stark, sociable - Inter, Lazy - Zachnoisy - Arkan.

Experienced dog owners know that anyone, even the most stately name, will definitely get a shortened “homemade” option. Sometimes this causes confusion in the dog's perception. In a critical situation, there may not be enough a split second to navigate - what name to name an agitated or aggressive pet to instantly react.

   If a serious Inter name at home is replaced with affectionate Rune, then on the street an adult dog may not respond to either one or the other.

Canine recommend Do not overload the pet with affectionate nicknames. A dog, even with such an outstanding intellect as a rottweiler, should have only one main name if possible. It should be short, easy to pronounce and suitable for the puppy.

It is characteristic that the Germans do not use diminutive nicknames for dogs, but always call them a full, short name, even at home.

How to protect your dog from demodicosis disease:

Diseases of the breed

During the period of teeth change  Rottweiler puppies weaken the immune system, appetite can disappear and abdominal distention begins. The main thing is not to look at this moment, as bloating is a dangerous symptom of intestinal twisting.

Another rottweiler vulnerability - joints and bones. Often, the owners notice that their pet began to limp without visible damage, it is difficult for him to descend the stairs. A puppy or adult dog may even whine from the pain, going down or up the steps. Perhaps this is a sign of osteochondrosis, dysplasia of the joints or problems with ligaments. In any case, an examination by a veterinarian is necessary.


This video best illustrates how important it is to give the Rottweiler the right education.

Rottweiler - social dogin other words, he becomes a full member of the family. He considers himself as such, and takes responsibility for the children, for adults, for all! He demands respect for himself, but he respects the leader himself. Rottweiler - a reliable friend and guard.