Thuja occidentalis brabant description. Thuja western brabant in a hedge

Evergreen will adorn any personal plot... Representatives of the Cypress family, including thuja western Brabant, are increasingly replacing bulky spruces. Its juicy color pleases the eye regardless of the season, and its slender crown is an excellent element of any flower bed.

Thuja western cones

The plant exists in the form of a shrub or tree. V comfortable conditions the height of the thuja reaches 20 m, but in our region they grow no more than 5 m. The lush crown has a conical shape up to 4 m in diameter. The branches cover the entire trunk to the very ground.

The needles are directed upward, resembling scales in structure.

The color of thuja Brabant ranges from deep green to light and even yellowish shades, sometimes with golden tips.

The plant blooms in spring, after which small egg-shaped cones form Brown... Reproduction goes well, most often by cuttings.

Unpretentious to growing conditions, tolerates frost well. However, the plant will not survive if the temperature drops below 30ºC or the area is too dry. Loves moisture, but feels uncomfortable during a prolonged thaw with sudden temperature changes.

Brabant is a fast-growing thuja, annually adding 40 cm in length and 15 cm in width. Due to this advantage, it has found wide application in the landscape as a hedge. The rapid growth of thuja implies frequent pruning of shoots and crown formation. The haircut should be done 2-3 times a year.

Video "Thuja western Brabant"

Planting a plant

Thuja cuttings of western Brabant are best planted in open ground in spring, however, it is possible in early autumn. The main thing is that the plant has a month left for rooting before frosts come.

Thuja is unpretentious to soils, but it feels better in fertile soil. Prepare the mixture in advance by taking peat, sand and leafy soil in a 1: 1: 2 ratio.

Poorly tolerates the burning sun throughout the day or deep shade. It is worth giving preference to a slightly shaded place, but do not forget that the plant is light-loving.

The diameter of the planting hole must match the root system. As a rule, a meter is enough. In heavy soils, drainage should be used:

  • expanded clay;
  • pebbles;
  • broken brick.

When planting a thuja, the root collar should be in line with the ground. Excessive lifting or deepening will lead to the death of the tree. Before planting the plant, it is necessary to remove the ropes, burlap and other fasteners with which it was connected from it. Remove from the container carefully so as not to damage root system... Dry the earthen lump slightly without destroying it.

Thuja western Brabant

The distance between the trees should be 3-4 meters, if the planting takes place in several rows, then the row spacing should be 7-8 meters. In order for the thuja to form a dense hedge, they should be planted at a distance of half a meter from each other.

If the growing area of ​​the western thuja is subject to strong winds, you should tie it up. To do this, three wooden pegs are driven around the trunk, which are tied together with a rope, nylon or other strong, but soft material... The trunk should not be fixed tightly, it must remain flexible under the influence of the wind, so that the plant forms strong and hardy.

Video "Thuja Planting"

Thuja Brabant care

For Tui, Brabant is not needed special care, the tree perfectly adapts to growing conditions. Particular attention must be paid in the first months after planting in open ground. Regular watering is required (once a week is enough). One tree needs about 10 liters of water, and in hot dry weather, irrigation is carried out every 3-4 days at the rate of 15 liters per tree.

When the soil dries up a little after moistening, it should be loosened. The roots of the western thuja are located close to the surface, so do not deepen the tool more than 10 cm. You can mulch with peat, bark, wood chips or compost. Mulch layer 7 cm.

Young trees or shrubs of thuja (the first two years of life) need to be covered, protected from severe frosts and bright sunlight. For this, spruce branches or kraft paper are used. Adult plant such a procedure will not be needed. However, do not forget to tie up the branches so that they do not break under the weight of the snow.

With the onset of spring, mineral dressing thuja. You can use complex fertilizers for conifers. Inspect and remove damaged, dry, or diseased shoots.

For 2-3 years of life of the western thuja, pruning can be carried out. For this purpose, a garden pruner is suitable, powerful, does not leave damage on the cuts. At the right choice the place of the cut will soon tighten, and will not interfere with the development of the tree. Pruning is best done in early summer, when all the branches and buds have formed. The re-haircut takes place at the beginning of autumn.

Regular pruning of the shoots will form a dense crown. This procedure will give the plant aesthetic appearance, so that the thuja becomes a real decoration, both in the garden and in the city flower bed, especially when growing a hedge.

Cuttings 10-15 cm in length remaining after pruning do not need to be thrown away. They can be dipped in a glass of water, where they will quickly take root. Such a plant should be transplanted into a pot, and in the second year boldly planted in open ground. For prevention and treatment, fungicides are used for conifers, for example Fitosporin, Alirin, Gamair, Bordeaux mixture has proven itself well.


Yellow needles from thuja western Brabant

Poor care for Thuja Brabant often leads to the appearance of a fungal disease:

  • mold;
  • decay of the root system;
  • trunk rot.

Such lesions in the early stages are almost invisible, so it is necessary to inspect the plant more often. If an uncharacteristic plaque appears on the trunk and branches, or the needles have changed their color, you need to immediately start treating the tree.


Aphids on Thuja West Brabant

Among the pests of western thuja, the most common are:

  • speckled moth;
  • shield;
  • leaf roll;
  • spider mite;
  • false shield;
  • thuy bark beetle.

It is necessary to regularly treat thuja Brabant with insecticides, for example Fufanon, Aktara, Decis profi. To prevent the appearance spider mite can be sprayed with melted water.

The plant's endurance, frost resistance and unpretentiousness to growing conditions made the Thu Brabant a favorite. Thanks to their pliability in cutting, shrubs and trees of this species are given a wide variety of shapes, for which the gardener's imagination is enough.

Useful video about thu western

Video "Cropping thuja"

Video "How to propagate and grow thuja"

Thuja western Brabant (Thuja occidentalis Brabant) - has a columnar crown. At the same time, the crown is compact, often dropping to the very ground. At the same time, it is quite branched. The height of this beauty can reach more than 3.5 m. It is a valuable planting material practically throughout the entire territory of Russia. The exceptions are dry areas and regions with very low temperatures(below 30-35 degrees). It does not well tolerate prolonged thaws with temperature changes, as this can cause early sap flow. Moisture-loving. This thuja takes root well within the city, where it is often used as hedges. It can grow both in sunny and shaded places.

Thuya Brabant - evergreen tree like all thujas. It has beautiful green needles, which are lowered to the very ground. Thuja Brabant differs from other types of thuja by its rapid growth, which is its undoubted advantage and advantage in relation to other varieties.

This type of thuja needs constant systematic care, associated, in particular, with constant periodic pruning of shoots to form beautiful shape crowns, especially for those looking for a thuja hedge in western Brabant. At the same time, it is supported desired height trees and beautiful appearance thuja.

Another feature of thuja western Brabant is the spring flowering, which ends with the formation of small brown bumps. Their appearance somewhat reduces the decorative effect of the tree, but especially does not interfere with its appearance.

Tui Brabant varieties

Tuya Danica is a spherical shrub. It grows very slowly and reaches 80 cm in height. It should be used to decorate small garden areas or patios.

Smaragd is a tree of the Cypress family, with a broadly conical crown. Plant height reaches 5 m. The tree grows slowly, but wind-resistant enough. Used by landscape designers to decorate park areas and personal plots.

Thuja Brabant, whose hollow qualities will be described below, is a fast-growing tree with lush needles, the most popular among the population.

Thuja Goldin Brabant is another variety of thuja, with yellow-green needles and dense branches.

Planting thuja Brabant

Landing technique:

  • Young seedlings survive planting and transplanting well in any season, provided that the root system is closed. But, as is customary, thuja are planted in the spring.
  • A hole for planting is dug out, focusing on the dimensions of the root system (as a rule, the diameter is 1 meter). If the soil is heavy, then drainage is essential.
  • The pit should be filled with a special mixture, to which you need to add leafy soil, peat and sand in proportions of 2: 1: 1.
  • The root collar should be placed strictly level with the surface of the earth globe. If it is raised, or dug in, then the thuja may not get along and die.
  • If the gardener is forming an alley of thuja, then the width between the rows should be at least 6-8 meters, and the distance between the planted seedlings should be 3-4 meters. When forming a hedge, the optimal distance between seedlings is reduced to 50-70 centimeters.
  • In order for the alleys and hedges to grow as evenly as possible, during planting, you need to pull a long rope along which a continuous trench is dug for planting seedlings.

Reproduction of thuja Brabant by seeds

Extracted from freshly harvested and dried cones, thuja seeds are sown into the ground before winter so that they undergo natural stratification in the cold soil. For this wooden box fill with a wet mixture of garden or turf soil (1 part), peat (2 parts) and sand (half a part), level the surface, make grooves in it with an interval of 5-6 cm, into which the seeds are sown. The planting depth is 1 cm. After sowing, the surface is compacted and sprayed from a spray bottle. The box is placed in the shade of trees and covered with lutrasil from animals, but care must be taken that the cover does not touch the soil in the box.

The first shoots of western thuja will appear in spring, 2-3 weeks after the ground warms up to 10-15 ºC. Please note that the needles of the seedlings are needle-like, and not scaly, as in adult plants. Feed the seedlings twice a month with a solution of full mineral fertilizer, and when the box becomes cramped for them, plant the seedlings on the school garden, located in partial shade. You must first add a bucket of humus to the soil in the garden, 250 g wood ash and 40 g of Nitroammofoska per 1 m². Seedlings are transplanted according to the 30x30 cm scheme. The root collar should be at the surface level. After planting, water the garden bed and mulch the surface organic material... Continue to water and feed the seedlings with the same regularity, loosen the soil around them, and in the third year, when the young thuja reach a height of 50 cm, they can be planted in a permanent place.

Thuja Brabant propagation by cuttings

The main advantage of propagation by cuttings by conifers is that a full-fledged plant is obtained after three years. Moreover, it will be exactly the same as the mother's, but with acclimatization, you will have to go through certain difficulties. The fact is that rooted cuttings do not survive transplantation, diseases and sudden changes in temperature very badly.

In propagation by cuttings, there are the following subtleties:

  • Cut planting material it is possible only from those branches that have already reached the age of two;
  • The length of each shoot cannot be less than 20 cm;
  • It is better not to cut the stalk with a pruner or knife, but to break it off from the mother's branch so that a "heel" from the bark forms at the end;
  • The planting material is placed in a container with water for several hours, in which a growth stimulator is diluted in advance and will root the spruce;
  • Thuja cultivation by cuttings takes place in a greenhouse filled with river sand, peat and sod land, taken in the same amount. By the way, the soil mixture is necessarily disinfected with a burgundy solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Twigs are planted in the dried soil, at a distance of 5-7 centimeters. They should be deepened no more than 2 cm;
  • The greenhouse must be covered with a transparent film and applied from the direct rays of the sun.

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Thuja Brabant Care

The condition of the needles of the plant. If the twigs become fragile and break off at the slightest touch, and the needles fall off, then most likely the plant has died. The thing is that after death, the tree can retain its original appearance for up to 3 weeks.

You should not buy thuja if the soil in its pot is completely dry. If the earthen coma in the plant dries out too much, irreversible consequences may begin, and it will no longer be possible to "cast off" it, as is the case with deciduous trees.

If there is such an opportunity, you need to carefully examine the roots of the plant, the tips of the root should be light and always juicy.

Pruning thuja Brabant

Thuja is one of the most popular decorative conifers used in landscape design... Due to its low water content and great variety garden forms, it is used both in suburban areas and in an urban environment. To maintain the crown, the plant needs a regular haircut. The features of thuja pruning will be discussed in the article.

Thuja pruning can serve different purposes:

Sanitary - cleaning the crown from dry and diseased branches;

formative - limiting the growth of the crown and giving it the desired shape.

Most species and varieties of thuja, in the process of natural growth, take on a certain habitus shape (spherical, spike-shaped or pyramidal). They need a shaping haircut only in two cases: when they are not satisfied with the density of the crown, or when the gardener wants to change the natural shape.

Sanitary pruning of thuja is an essential part of caring for this plant. It is required if dry, yellowed branches damaged by pests or frost have appeared in the crown.

Correctly chosen term for cutting thuja is very important condition to maintain the decorative effect of this plant. Ephedra have their own physiological characteristics, and the time for pruning them is not chosen in the same way as for fruit trees... If you start pruning thuja in early spring, before budding and flowering, you can stop its vegetation. This technique is used when it is required to thin out the crown by removing old branches. If it is necessary for the thuja to give growth, the pruning is postponed until the time when the plant fades.

Fertilizers for thuja Brabant

Use a fertilizer supplement every two weeks from the last frost season to the first week of summer. The use of a fertilizer of a strong concentration in the first year of its life can kill the roots of the tree, the choice of fertilizer is important when grafting western thuja and developing the root system. Reduce the amount of fertilizer for western thuja to once a month, during the summer. Continue feeding the trees until the ground is covered with ice. V winter period need to stop fertilization western thuja... Continue fertilizing the thuja until you have the thuja. You can start using strong fertilizers in the second year of development. Maintain soil moisture at all times of the year to maximize tree growth. For correct application fertilizers, see the original packaging, which contains all necessary instructions... All fertilizer manufacturers recommend several different application... In the first two years, thuja is fed with a combined fertilizer containing magnesium. It is enough in the spring to apply 25 g of fertilizer for one running meter... Then, for two years at the beginning of the growing season, it is recommended to apply compost at the rate of 1 liter per 1 m2. Since August, the feeding of the hedge is stopped.

Such lesions in the early stages are almost invisible, so it is necessary to inspect the plant more often. If an uncharacteristic plaque appears on the trunk and branches, or the needles have changed their color, you need to immediately start treating the tree.

Among the pests of western thuja, the most common are:

  • speckled moth;
  • shield;
  • leaf roll;
  • spider mite;
  • false shield;
  • thuy bark beetle.

It is necessary to regularly treat thuja Brabant with insecticides, for example Fofan, Aktara, Decim profi. To prevent the appearance of a spider mite, you can spray it with water.

The plant's endurance, frost resistance and unpretentiousness to growing conditions made thu Brabant a favorite of landscape designers. Thanks to their pliability in cutting, shrubs and trees of this species are given a wide variety of shapes, for which the gardener's imagination is enough.

Thuja trees and shrubs are very popular among gardeners due to their lush greenery and lush crown shape. By planting thuja Brabant and providing the necessary care with this fast growing crops, it will soon be possible to create amazing garden compositions on the site. It is popular unpretentious plant used to form fairly dense green hedges that are pleasing to the eye throughout the year.

Growing conditions

Spring planting work for a representative of the cypress family is carried out when the soil is fully warmed up. In the fall, the ephedra needs at least a month for the seedling to take root before the first frost. A plant planted outdoors in August will need less watering. This is facilitated by the cool sun and frequent autumn rains.

Thuja Brabant prefers rather bright lighting, but can be in partial shade for some time. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight leads to increased evaporation of moisture from the needles, which affects the decorative effect of the plant. A dehydrated tree has a harder time surviving the winter. Conifers placed in the shade will not be able to build up a thick and lush crown... It is also necessary to take care of protecting the plants from strong winds.

Young plants that have not reached a height of one and a half meters, it is advisable to hide under an awning from the hot sun, and for the winter it is useful to cover from frost with breathable covering material.

Soil preparation and planting

Thuja Brabant is undemanding to the soil composition, but a carefully prepared substrate for planting will have a beneficial effect on its rooting. Getting enough nutrients, the tree will grow a gorgeous green crown.

To obtain a fertile earthen mixture, each seedling will need:

  • turf or leafy land (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • humus (part 1);
  • sand (1 part);
  • nitroammofosk (up to 500 g).

Most often, thuja western Brabant is used by gardeners and designers to create a hedge. Therefore, to obtain a fairly dense decorative wall the distance between plants should be kept from 0.5 to 1 meter. To create an alley, the interval between trees is maintained from 5 to 8 m.

The size of the planting hole depends on the size of the seedling earthen clod, which should fit freely into it. The depth can reach 70–75 cm, the width is about a meter. Placing ephedra in heavy soil with high humidity, take care of the drainage. At the bottom of the pit with a layer of up to 20 cm, expanded clay or pebbles can be poured; broken bricks can be used. Before planting, it is recommended to dry the western earthen komtuya without disturbing its integrity.

The process of planting a decorative ephedra is not difficult.

  1. Part of the prepared substrate is laid on the drainage layer.
  2. The seedling goes deeper into the hole so that the root collar remains at ground level.
  3. On the sides and on top, the rhizome is sprinkled with a ready-made fertile mixture.
  4. The soil around the plant is compacted and spilled with water.

Reproduction at home

When the ephedra is propagated by seeds, the plant loses its decorative properties. Thuja Brabant is fairly easy to breed by cuttings. Cut woody branches at least 40 cm long will quickly take root if placed in a container of water for a while. Cuttings with roots are planted in a pot. It is not recommended to transfer a young seedling to open ground in autumn. It is better to wait until the plant gets stronger, and in the spring to transplant to the main place of growth.

Plant care

During the first month, the ephedra requires weekly watering. Each plant consumes at least 10 liters of water. In case of prolonged drought, the amount of irrigation is increased to 20 liters per week.

Thuja needles evaporate a large amount of moisture, so regular sprinkling will have a beneficial effect on the juiciness of the green mass.

  • Thuja brabant has a shallow root system, so loosening after watering should be done carefully.
  • Mulching the soil with peat or compost will not only protect the roots and add required amount nutrients but also prevents excessive evaporation of water.
  • In the spring, during the first two years after planting, the plants are fed with combined fertilizers, which must include magnesium. During the summer, feeding can be repeated in June and July.
  • With the onset of spring, dried and diseased shoots are removed from the thuja.

Plant branches can break under the weight of snow, so it is recommended to tie them with a rope for the winter. It is advisable to cover the roots of the ephedra with spruce branches.

It is not difficult to care for the plant at home. For western thuja grown in a pot, it is recommended to maintain temperature regime in the range from 10 ° C to 15 ° C. Brabant prefers diffused lighting or partial shade. Timely watering, spraying the needles and feeding the plant is required. In the summer, it is advisable to take the thuja pot outside in a cool shaded place.

Changes in the color of the needles and the falling off of damaged shoots indicate diseases that can be caused by fungi or pests. To prevent fungal diseases, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of planting and caring for a plant. At the first signs of diseases characteristic of conifers, it is necessary to treat thuyu Brabant with special preparations. Spraying with "Fufanon" or "Actellik" preparations is carried out in May.

A haircut

For the formation of hedges and garden compositions, the plant must be regularly trimmed. To create a dense green wall, it is enough to adjust the shape of the ephedra twice a year: at the beginning of June and at the end of August. Cutting and trimming regularly side shoots, the required height and shape of the ornamental plant can be maintained.

Thuja Brabant remarkably tolerates pruning, which is carried out from the third year of life. Powerful pruning shears should evenly cut off the tops of the branches, without unnecessarily injuring them. Only a third of the shoot is cut, so that the plant does not weaken.

Among landscape designers, thuja western Brabant is deservedly very popular. Fast-growing, frost-resistant and easy to care for coniferous plant increasingly decorates private gardens. The lush, dense crown, which has a pyramidal shape, is very decorative. It looks spectacular both in combined compositions and in alleys and hedges.

Using this representative of the cypress family to create a stylish cozy garden will limit the space, giving it a decent frame.

One of the representatives of the cypress thuja brabant family is considered almost ideal for decorating any site, as a single tree or for creating a magnificent hedge. Of all the species of this plant, it is the western brabant that enjoys the greatest popularity and love, as it has remarkable qualities.

The tree looks like a cypress, the height and shape of the crown are similar, but it has undoubted advantage in front of his gentle brother. Today it is grown all over the country, even quite healthy and beautiful plants can be found in Siberian cities. Many gardeners, when planning a future garden, are happy to set aside a place for this exotic.

Positive qualities of thuja

Many are attracted by the fast growth and splendor of the needles. In addition, frost resistance is inherent in it. Usually, in middle lane grows up to two tens of meters maximum. Due to this, it is often used as a hedge. They are also attracted by the compactness of the crown and the almost unchanging color.

The color can range from light green to emerald green with a golden sheen. Unpretentiousness is also characteristic, which only enhances the interest on the part of breeders. It can grow in dry and waterlogged soil, but fertile with good, but moderate watering is considered the most favorable.


Thuja occidentalis brabant is considered the birthplace of East Asia, it also grows in North America. The survival rate in other places is good. Existing variety Golden Brabant is recognized as the tallest (height - 20 m, crown width - about 4 m.

Trees live for almost 150 years. The shape is conical, with light green needles, the scales of which look up. For those planted in the middle lane, the usual height is up to 6 m. In this case, the crown can be one meter.
Blossoming occurs in May. The fruits are small bumps. The bark does not look like ordinary bark, it flakes off, sometimes in the form of ribbons.


The objectives of acquiring thuja are different. Someone dreams of an evergreen hedge, but someone likes a plant in full height... In any case, planting and care should be carried out according to rules that are not difficult to follow.

Even an inexperienced person can cope with this task. The main thing is to observe the recommended distance. It depends on the composition of the soil, if it is rich, then there should be about a meter between the seedlings in a row. If the soil is poorer, then 80 cm is enough. For a two-row dense hedge, an interval of 70 cm is required.


This type of planting requires more space. Trees need to be given space, so the distance between them is up to 8 m.
It is preferable to plant thuja in the autumn, but so that it can take root before a cold snap. This method will save the gardener from over-watering. The baby planted in this way will meet the spring with renewed vigor.

For the first two years, it is advisable to protect the plant from scorching rays, and send it well covered in winter. Having reached a height of 1.5 m, thuja is able to cope with natural whims by itself.

How to plant thuja correctly

First, you need to take care of the auxiliary composition. What is required?

  • foliage, turf in 2 parts,
  • sand, peat, humus for 1 tsp,
  • nitroammophoska - 0.5 per seedling.

A pit is dug along the threshing floor with a diameter of 1 m to a depth of 0.7 m. Drainage is laid, soil is poured. The tree is planted so as to completely cover the root collar with earth. If the soil is too dense, the drainage layer is increased to 0.2 m. This will help to avoid excessive moisture.

At first, small thuyas brabant need regular watering. In the future, it will not be so important.
In the spring, green pets need feeding (organic + minerals). Usually take 100 g per square meter... Loosening and removal of dried or frozen branches are also required.

If a haircut is necessary, then it is better to plan it for August and early spring. The cut should be one third of the length of the shoot, without injuring the bark, which will then heal for a long time. It is advisable to carry out this procedure on a cloudy or cloudy day to avoid sunburn.


Like all conifers, thuja Brabant is sick, therefore proper care able to help avoid them. If, nevertheless, the tree has undergone a disease or pests overcome it, it is worth resorting to drugs.

Sometimes yellowing is due to poor watering or sunburn... In another case, the presence of brown spots indicates that the tree or bush is sick with cercospora. Increasing watering and removing all diseased branches will help to cope with this.

Smaragd and brabant: what is the difference

At first glance, both types of thuja are almost the same, but you should not rush to make a choice. You need to decide what exactly your tree is planted for. If the goal is to acquire a hedge as quickly as possible, then it is worth considering that the emerald grows more slowly than its counterpart, although both of them are tall.

The crown of the emerald is denser, conical, not very branching. The color remains dark green in winter. This type of haircut is also less frequent. Thinking that smaragd and brabant are the differences that it is better not to forget that caring for them is almost the same, although the external indicators are slightly different, the photo demonstrates well.

Thuja Brabant will perfectly complement any home area. Decorate with a bright hedge, fill the air with healing phytoncides, give an opportunity to create and create something new.

Thuja Brabant propagates by seeds, cuttings and layering, so you need to use it. Where to get seeds and cuttings? This is described on this page.

I found Tui Brabant saplings on the Internet at a price of 300 to 2,870 rubles, which, of course, is a bit expensive - you can buy several saplings at 300 rubles, and if you need dozens and hundreds of tui, you need to master cultivation from seeds and propagation by cuttings and layering.

Thuja Brabant grows in large numbers near Moscow State University, where you can collect cones under the trees in the fall or spring, extract seeds from the cones and plant the seeds in a “school” in order to plant them wherever you want. Thuja Brabant tolerates a transplant well. Having grown adult plants, it will be possible to further propagate them by cuttings and layering.

Thuja Brabant grows quickly and is extremely decorative, therefore it is widely used in landscape design, as it is well suited for decorating a plot.

Thuja Brabant has a columnar crown. Possesses beautiful evergreen shiny needles with color from light green to light green shades.

Thuya Brabant grows best in places that are sheltered from the wind. It blooms in spring - in April-May. Then, brown ovoid bumps form 0.8 to 1.2 cm in size, which usually fully ripen by autumn.

Thuja Brabant has a high growth rate (every year up to 10 cm in width and up to 30 cm in height), therefore it is preferable to the common spruce for creating conceived Z and site.

Here is information collected on the Internet about Tue Brabant:

Thuja West Brabant- a tree up to 20 m high, crown diameter 3-4 m. The crown is conical. The bark is reddish or grayish brown, flaking. The needles are scaly, green, retain their color in winter. Thuja Brabant blooms in April-May, the cones are brown, oblong-ovate, 0.8 - 1.2 cm long. The annual growth of thuja western Brabant is 30 cm in height and 10 cm in spread.

Thuja West Brabant Is the fastest growing western thuja with beautiful light green needles. The resistance of thuja western Brabant to urban conditions allows this breed to be widely used in urban landscaping, and a wide variety decorative forms makes it possible to create a wide variety of compositions.

This variety of thuja is great for creating hedges, the recommended planting frequency is every 0.5-0.7 meters. Thuja western Brabant goes well with cypress, European larch, eastern spruce, etc.

Thuya Brabant

It features a narrow pyramidal crown and green needles that do not change color in winter.

The homeland of this plant is North America, which is why given view got accustomed very well in Russia. Perhaps more beautiful and universal tree to decorate the landscape can not be found.

Description of thuja western Brabant

This tree has truly unique characteristics. In height thuja brabant reaches 15 meters, crown diameter is 3-4 meters. In landscaping, this type is very popular due to rapid growth besides, the tree tolerates shearing well. In a year, the tree grows about 30 centimeters in height and 10-15 in width. Thuja of this variety is not at all demanding on the soil, and it is not necessary to create any special conditions for its cultivation.

The plant tolerates frosts well, although it is better not to plant it in the northern territories, since the lower temperature bar is about -30 degrees C. With more severe frosts thuja of this variety may die. In the south, it is also not advisable to plant thuja, since this species does not tolerate heat very well.

No, it is, of course, possible to plant thuja Brabant in hot climates, but the plant will have to be constantly watered, plus everything will have to be planted in a shaded place.

But in central Russia, thuja Brabant can be planted without problems. This plant is popular in many CIS countries, it can be found in almost every arboretum, sanatorium or recreation center.

Thuja needles have a characteristic pleasant smell, the tree bears fruit with small grayish cones. By the way, the tree is not afraid of polluted air, and it helps to purify it.

Practice of application in landscaping

This type of thuja has a beautiful pyramidal shape, an elegant crown with small needles, so the tree looks great, even if it is planted in the middle of the lawn in a single copy. You can also make compositions using thuja - the bright green color of the needles will look especially impressive against the background of other plants with leaves of other shades.

They plant thuja and next to alpine slides and also against the background of large boulders. The greater the contrast, the better the effect - landscape designers actively use this technique.

But nevertheless, thuja western Brabant looks best as part of hedges, because it grows very tall and with its help you can make a real living fence through which you will not see practically anything, even if a person is standing behind it in full growth. In this case, you can make both a continuous "fence" and a thinned one - it all depends on the method of cutting, as well as on the distance of planting trees.

This variety always stays green, so it is very convenient to use it when decorating landscapes near office buildings, cottages, shops, banks and other buildings where strict and color-free landscaping is required. In addition, thuja is a source of phytoncides, so it is often planted in summer cottages.

Planting thuja

To plant a thuja, you will need a shovel, water, and garden shears. First, the seedlings are prepared - they are examined in order to identify the difference in the processes of the root system. The excess is removed with scissors.

Next, a trench is dug, the depth of which should be 15-30 centimeters deeper than the length of the root system of the seedling. When planting a seedling, the roots must look straight down, for this they must be leveled.

Before planting, it is recommended to fill the trench with water and wait until the water is completely absorbed into the soil. Next, the seedling is placed in a trench and carefully buried with different sides, and it is very important that the roots and the plant itself do not change their position when buried.

Instead of ordinary soil, you can use a special soil mixture: 1 part ordinary soil, 1 part peat, 1 part sand and half part compost.

As a rule, thuja can be planted at any time of the year, except for winter and autumn frosty days. It is better to choose semi-shady places for planting, away from the bright sun. Although, if there is the possibility of regular watering and periodic sprinkling, you can plant it in open areas.

When planting hedges, it is necessary to dig a hole under each tree and observe the distance between trees - 50-70 centimeters.

Thuja care

Thuja needs abundant and constant watering, especially in the first months after planting. The first few weeks are needed with special attention monitor the moisture content of the earth, as it is extremely necessary for the tree to take root well in a new place.

First year in winter time it is better to cover the seedlings with something from frost. You can use kraft paper for covering - it turns out inexpensively and effectively.

During the summer months, when the heat is very intense, watering is necessary every day, especially if the tree is planted in an open area. During the first year, it is advisable to use mulch around the tree - this will protect it from moisture loss, create additional fertile nutrition. Mulch is laid in a circle with a diameter of 50-70 centimeters. Besides, in spring time the soil can be fertilized with universal fertilizers based on potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.

Loves thuja brabant and sprinkling of the crown - after that the needles become strong, bright green. In springtime, dry shoots must be removed, since it is quite easy to do this. After the tree reaches 1.5 meters, caring for the thuja is reduced solely to watering and periodic fertilization of the soil.

Thuja diseases

If the needles are covered with brown spots or turn yellow, do not panic, this may be due to insufficient watering or severe frosts in winter. However, if the needles continue to cover brown spots, it is quite possible that the tree fell ill with cercospora or phomopsis. In this case, cinnamon shoots are pruned, and watering is also intensified - usually the tree copes on its own.

The miner midge, or, as it is also called, the miner, is a harmful insect that affects the thuja and can cause it a lot of harm. Easily cured with standard pesticides available from the garden center.

I will definitely first try to grow Tuyu Brabant in, and then I will try to create the aforementioned inscriptions.

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