Church of St. Nicholas in interpreters. Church of St. Nicholas in interpreters

The unique temple-museum of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi is located near the Tretyakovskaya metro station.
The shortest way: cross B. Ordynka and go through the Ordynsky dead end to the corner of Lavrushinsky Lane to the Tretyakov Engineering Corps, a little bit Lavrushinsky per. according to B. Tolmachevsky per. and behind this building the domes and crosses of the temple are already visible:

The entrance to the temple is located in the building of one of the buildings of the Tretyakov Gallery, the ensemble of which closes the temple itself at the corner of B. Tolmachevsky and M. Tolmachevsky lanes.
In this case, you can’t imagine it on purpose, a shadow falls on the entrance and people go there:

You can dive into the gates of the Engineering Corps of the Tretyakov Gallery, they are on the left side:

and between the temple itself and the building of the Tretyakov Gallery

go out the gate, to the right immediately enter. So you mow the corner, but the gates of the Engineering Corps are open only during the day, and in order to admire the temple in all its glory, you still have to go to the corner of the alleys.

The temple is about 4 centuries old. The first mention of it is found in 1625.

And at the entrance you will be met by strict security and show that you need to go down, go through the wardrobe and return underground to the temple:

We go in the door, buy candles and go up to the temple itself, we are met by Nicholas the Wonderworker, about whom I have as many as 2 reviews:

On the last flight of stairs, a picture of the Nativity of the Virgin opens before us:

and to the right - Introduction to the Temple of the Virgin:

Opposite this beauty is the Annunciation and Assumption of the Virgin, the window next to which:

shares the paintings of the Annunciation and the Assumption with the wall iconostasis of John the Baptist, near which hangs a lamp:

Directly in front of us is the Pokrovsky chapel. A review of this temple spun in my head, starting with this, so successful, the first, made purely mechanically, to show my daughter at home, photographs: we have in front of us in all its glory the Dmitrovsky Cross, a stunning story about it will be a little lower, followed by a rare icon of the Virgin of the Blessed Sky , and even more to the right you can even see the sculpture of Cyril and Methodius Equal-to-the-Apostles, teachers of Slovenia.
At the top left corner of the fresco, also unusual:

Now, in order: the ceiling above the Pokrovsky aisle:

Fresco: 12-year-old Jesus Christ is heeded by the men of Israel and amazed at the knowledge and wisdom of the youth. From this fresco at the time of the restoration of the temple there was only the figure of an Israeli husband on the left in red clothes ...:

And when you look at this magnificent restored fresco, as well as such icons that fall into the talented hands of restorers:

imbued with deep respect for these extraordinary people who also fought:

Dmitrov Cross.
Not far from the city of Dmitrov in the 13th century, this Cross floated down the river to a blind girl, who saw him, having regained her sight. The cross was in the Assumption Cathedral in Dmitrov.
After the revolution, the Cross was placed in ... a shooting gallery. And our precious grandparents had fun like this, there are bullet marks on the Cross.
Then the Cross was simply thrown away. But understanding people brought him to this temple, in which he is still located:

Well, here is such a topic - such an unusual temple-museum - that you don’t philosophize much ... but you want to ...: it wasn’t the Russian government that did it, right? And much more. And we...
The bottom of the Cross with traces of bullets and the beaten off, shot legs of the Savior turned out very well:

Mother of God Blessed Sky:

And here they are our Slovenian teachers:

The rest of the temple in all its glory. In the distance, the Nikolsky aisle, and to the left, the entrance to the central aisle, decorated with columns:

Ceiling above chandelier:

Central 5-tier iconostasis:

Ceiling above the central iconostasis:

Vladimir Mother of God. This is exactly the TA icon that Muscovites met during the invasion of Tamerlane, on the site of the present Sretensky Monastery in Moscow. It was the TA that came to Kiev from Constantinople and which the noble prince Andrey Bogolyubsky from Kiev carried to his beloved city of Vladimir and miracles accompanied this path at every step:

In general, this is the icon of the Mother of God Tenderness, as it was called upon arrival from Constantinople in the 12th century, when the first shrines from Byzantium began to arrive in Kiev.
A special kiot was made for it, which has an independent energy supply and climate control independent of the temple:

On the opposite wall from the central iconostasis there is an unusually impressive pano Jesus Christ drives the money changers out of the Temple, into which the ceiling smoothly passes.

Behind the central aisle is Nikolsky aisle. This is its beginning: you can see the icon case of the Mother of God of Vladimir in front of the Central Iconostasis, behind the column is the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, to the right is the Mother of God of Three Hands, who brought me here, and under the column you can see a dark brown spot and it is not easy.

Now in more detail: the icon of St. Nicholas,:

under which Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov always stood in his service, to whose genius, talent, enthusiasm and faith we owe the collection of such masterpieces of art in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Nikolsky aisle:

The Mother of God of Three Hands from the Troyan Monastery in the country of Bulgaria, which made me discover this marvelous temple, in which she is exhibited for the duration of the exhibition of Christian shrines from Bulgaria.
There is a three-handed in Moscow, however, a slightly different image, in St. Danilov Monastery.

The exhibition itself is in the Engineering Building of the Tretyakov Gallery, and the Troeruchitsa icon is here until September 02, 2018.

It helps a lot in problems with our skeletal system, which we manage to bring during our illiterate life in relation to this system, to a decadent state, in the literal and figurative sense of the word - dystrophic.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, a prayer service is served before this icon, if there is no service on these days. Schedule at the entrance and on the website.

In this place, outside the exhibition, there is an icon of the Iberian Mother of God, which was considered lost from the chapel of the Iberian Mother of God in front of Red Square, but according to the studies of the restorers, with a high degree of probability, it turned out to be in this temple-museum.
On the feast of the Trinity, the famous Rublyovskaya Trinity, which is brought from the Tretyakov Gallery, is installed on this place for 3 days.

Ceiling above Nikolsky aisle:

This iconostasis is dedicated to modern saints who became famous in the 20th century, being the servants of this temple:

For example, Elder Alexy Zosimovsky, who served as a deacon in this church for 28 years, prayed with inspiration before the icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, which he greatly revered and it was in front of her that he drew lots to serve the Patriarch of great Russia Tikhon. The old man is on the top left.
Maybe thanks to these prayers, the great Russian shrine - the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God - was transferred from the Tretyakov Gallery to this functioning temple:

Above this iconostasis is a fresco of the Last Supper:

opposite - the iconostasis of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

The temple at all times remained unharmed, in 1812 it did not burn down. But it served as a shelter for burnt Muscovites. And after that he demanded restoration. Moreover, the entire Tolmachevskaya Sloboda burned to the ground. Tolmachi are translators.
Advanced private investors of that time restored and painted the temple.

The temple was closed in 1929. Crosses and domes were demolished. But the body of the church remains. It was a repository of icons and shrines from destroyed temples.
Restored in the 90s in the form in which it was under Tretyakov P.M.

On the opposite wall from the Nikolsky chapel, there is a fresco of the Resurrection of Lazarus.
And on this life-affirming note of our eternal life with you, for which we must prepare all our lives !!)) and remember that DEATH IS THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT IN LIFE, let me finish my story.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Tolmachi March 13th, 2013

At the State Tretyakov Gallery in the Moscow district of Zamoskvorechye there is a temple-museum of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, in Tolmachi, which has the status of a house church at the museum. A significant part of its decoration - exhibits from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery. Here, the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir found its permanent location. On the feast of the Holy Trinity, Andrei Rublev's "Trinity" is exhibited in the church. The construction of the stone temple dates back to the end of the 17th century.

The first mention of the wooden "Church of the Great Wonderworker Nikola, and in the limit Ivan the Forerunner, which is beyond the Moscow River in Tolmachi" was found in the Parish Book of the Patriarchal Order and refers to 1625.

In 1697, a stone building was erected on the site of a wooden church under the guidance of the architect Longin Dobrynin. The main throne of the temple was consecrated in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, and Nikolsky was moved to the refectory.

From 1697 to 1770, the temple in business papers and books was called "Soshestvensky", and then it began to be registered again as "Nikolaevsky". In 1834, the refectory was rebuilt according to the project of the architect F.M. Shestakov at the request of the parishioners and "according to the thought of Metropolitan Filaret", and a new bell tower was erected.

In 1856 the main altar was rebuilt. Funds for the renovation of the temple were donated, among other things, by Alexandra Danilovna Tretyakova and her sons.

The first found photograph of the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker dates back to 1882:

View of the temple from Bolshoi Tolmachevsky Lane in the 1920s. The houses that blocked the building of the temple were demolished before the arrival in 1972 of US President R. Nixon.

In 1929 the temple was closed. The photographs of the first half of the 1930s show that the tops of the bell tower and the quadrangle were demolished.

Until the 1990s, the building of the temple was occupied by the services of the Tretyakov Gallery. The temple, adapted for the premises of the museum, in 1983 - the remaining quadrangle without tops:

Only in 1993 services were resumed again. In 1996, the main altar of the temple was re-consecrated by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II. In 1997, on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the temple, its restoration was completed. The bell tower was re-erected and the five-domed quadrangle was restored. Three iconostases and wall-mounted icon-cases have been recreated, and wall paintings have been completely restored. Temple shortly before the completion of restoration work:

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which is located in Tolmachi at the address: Moscow, Maly Tolmachevsky lane, 9
Official website of the temple.

Days of free visits at the museum

Every Wednesday, admission to the permanent exhibition "The Art of the 20th Century" and temporary exhibitions in (Krymsky Val, 10) is free for visitors without a guided tour (except for the exhibition "Ilya Repin" and the project "Avant-garde in three dimensions: Goncharova and Malevich").

The right to free access to expositions in the main building in Lavrushinsky Lane, the Engineering Building, the New Tretyakov Gallery, the house-museum of V.M. Vasnetsov, museum-apartment of A.M. Vasnetsov is provided on the following days for certain categories of citizens:

First and second Sunday of every month:

    for students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, regardless of the form of education (including foreign citizens-students of Russian universities, graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees) upon presentation of a student ID card (does not apply to persons presenting student trainee ID cards) );

    for students of secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (from 18 years old) (citizens of Russia and the CIS countries). On the first and second Sundays of each month, students holding ISIC cards have the right to visit the exhibition “Art of the 20th Century” at the New Tretyakov Gallery free of charge.

every Saturday - for members of large families (citizens of Russia and CIS countries).

Please note that conditions for free access to temporary exhibitions may vary. Check the exhibition pages for details.

Attention! At the ticket office of the Gallery, entrance tickets are provided with a face value of "free of charge" (upon presentation of the relevant documents - for the above-mentioned visitors). At the same time, all services of the Gallery, including excursion services, are paid in accordance with the established procedure.

Visiting the museum on public holidays

Dear visitors!

Please pay attention to the opening hours of the Tretyakov Gallery on holidays. The visit is paid.

Please note that entry with electronic tickets is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for the return of electronic tickets at.

Congratulations on the upcoming holiday and we are waiting in the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery!

Right of preferential visit The Gallery, except as provided for by a separate order of the Gallery's management, is provided upon presentation of documents confirming the right to preferential visits:

  • pensioners (citizens of Russia and CIS countries),
  • full cavaliers of the Order of Glory,
  • students of secondary and secondary special educational institutions (from 18 years old),
  • students of higher educational institutions of Russia, as well as foreign students studying in Russian universities (except for student trainees),
  • members of large families (citizens of Russia and CIS countries).
Visitors of the above categories of citizens purchase a reduced ticket.

Right of free admission The main and temporary expositions of the Gallery, except for cases provided for by a separate order of the Gallery's management, are provided for the following categories of citizens upon presentation of documents confirming the right to free admission:

  • persons under the age of 18;
  • students of faculties specializing in the field of fine arts of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions of Russia, regardless of the form of education (as well as foreign students studying in Russian universities). The clause does not apply to persons presenting student cards of "students-trainees" (in the absence of information about the faculty in the student card, a certificate from the educational institution with the obligatory indication of the faculty is presented);
  • veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War, combatants, former underage prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War, illegally repressed and rehabilitated citizens (citizens of Russia and the CIS countries);
  • military servicemen of the Russian Federation;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Full Cavaliers of the "Order of Glory" (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • disabled people of groups I and II, participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (citizens of Russia and the CIS countries);
  • one accompanying disabled person of group I (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • one accompanying disabled child (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
  • artists, architects, designers - members of the relevant creative Unions of Russia and its subjects, art historians - members of the Association of Art Critics of Russia and its subjects, members and employees of the Russian Academy of Arts;
  • members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);
  • employees of museums of the system of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the relevant Departments of Culture, employees of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and ministries of culture of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • museum volunteers - entrance to the exposition "Art of the XX century" (Krymsky Val, 10) and to the Museum-apartment of A.M. Vasnetsov (citizens of Russia);
  • guide-interpreters who have an accreditation card of the Association of Guide-Translators and Tour Managers of Russia, including those accompanying a group of foreign tourists;
  • one teacher of an educational institution and one accompanying a group of students of secondary and secondary specialized educational institutions (if there is an excursion voucher, subscription); one teacher of an educational institution that has state accreditation of educational activities when conducting an agreed training session and has a special badge (citizens of Russia and the CIS countries);
  • one accompanying a group of students or a group of military servicemen (if there is an excursion voucher, subscription and during a training session) (citizens of Russia).

Visitors of the above categories of citizens receive an entrance ticket with a face value of "Free".

Please note that conditions for preferential admission to temporary exhibitions may vary. Check the exhibition pages for details.

The Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi is a unique temple-museum located in Zamoskvorechye. Here is stored the great shrine of Russia - the icon of Our Lady "Vladimirskaya"

Thousands of pilgrims come to Tolmachevo Church every month to venerate this miraculous image.

The Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi was built at the beginning of the 17th century. The first written mention dates back to 1625. The church was restored after the fires of 1812, was constantly operating until the Soviet times and was closed in 1929. Until the 1990s, the premises of the rebuilt church were occupied by the services of the Tretyakov Gallery. Divine services in the church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi resumed only in 1993.

The temple is historically represented by a quadruple of the 17th century with a central altar of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and a bell tower with a refectory of the 19th century, which includes two chapels - Pokrovsky and Nikolsky.

Today the temple has the status of a house church at the State Tretyakov Gallery. All the necessary conditions have been created here for the storage of unique shrines, which are the spiritual and cultural heritage of our people.

Once a year, on the feast of the Holy Trinity, Andrei Rublev's icon "Trinity" is brought to the temple from the halls of the Tretyakov Gallery.

The interior of the temple features more than 150 items from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery.
In the temple-museum, in a specially equipped icon case, the greatest shrine and world-famous work of art is stored - the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Her stay at St. Nicholas in Tolmachy allows you to organically combine the religious and artistic nature of this monument. There are also especially revered shrines here: the icons of the Mother of God “Iverskaya” and “Assuage my sorrows”, the Dmitrov cross and a reliquary. For the preservation of religious and historical values, air conditioning systems were installed in the temple, maintaining a certain temperature and humidity.

During liturgical hours, the temple is open to all believers, and at other times it is open as a hall of the Tretyakov Gallery, to which museum visitors come to join the church art, and often return again, but not as a temple of art, but as a temple of God .

However, the parish is not the walls of the temple and its shrines, it is, first of all, a community of believers, led by the clergy of the temple and its rector, Archpriest Nikolai Sokolov.

The temple enjoys the special patronage of its former servants and parishioners, now canonized as saints. Among them are known and revered: St. Alexy Zosimovsky, who served in the temple as a deacon for 28 years, canonized by the Council of Bishops in August 2000; svshmch. Ilia Chetverukhin, the last rector of the church before its closure in 1929, canonized by the decision of the Holy Synod in 2002; mch. Nikolai Rein, a former parishioner of the temple.

Tolmachevsky spirit unites people of many professions, social status and life aspirations. All this is facilitated by social activities, mutual assistance, classes for children's Sunday school and educational courses for adults "Fundamentals of Orthodoxy", the work of the library of Orthodox literature, pilgrimage trips, general work on the publication of the temple newspaper "Tolmachevsky Listok" and, of course, the wonderful singing of the choir, created by the famous regent - A.A. Puzakov, who was brought up in the kliros N.V. Matveeva. Alexey Alexandrovich was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, thus. received recognition from secular culture

In the church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, you can begin the sacraments of Baptism, Wedding, Consecration of the Unction, Confession, Communion. Pray at a prayer service or memorial service for your loved ones. Talk to a priest about spiritual topics.

During worship, you can enter the temple-museum through the first door to the left of the bell tower, in the building of the Tretyakov Gallery. Before climbing the stairs to the temple, it is necessary to leave outerwear in the wardrobe.

Divine services are performed:

Wednesday 10 00 prayer service before the miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God
Friday 1700 Matins with Akathist

1700 All-night vigil

Sunday 9:00 Hours and Divine Liturgy
During the Twelfth Feasts

9:00 Hours and Divine Liturgy
the day before 17 00 All-night vigil

In the days of memory of the great saints and miraculous icons: 8 30 Matins and Divine Liturgy

Library open:

on Sundays - after the Divine Liturgy until 1400

on Saturdays - from 15.30 to 17.00

The temple is also open to gallery visitors every day except Monday,
from 12 00 to 16 00. Entrance through the central entrance of the Tretyakov Gallery.