Thuja western. Thuja species and varieties with photo Maximum height of thuja

06.01.2017 37 060

Thuja western - how winter-hardy varieties give preference?

Thuja occidentalis is often found in landscape design many parks and squares, in the country and personal plot every second owner grows an evergreen shrub of the cypress family. The varieties are distinguished by their diversity, the spherical ones look aesthetically pleasing, the dwarf thuja easily fit in flowerpots on the street, the fast-growing ones are always appreciated by gardeners, but the blue beauty or with yellow needles, even golden ones, are win-win options for landscaping and landscaping a summer cottage.


Thuja Brabant (Thuja occidientalis Brabant) is a tall columnar bush, reaching a length of 4.5 m and a width of 1.5 m. Mature conifers are usually large (up to 20 m). The color is malachite; in the winter, a little brown tide appears. Brabant is a fast-growing variety, increasing in height by 0.3 m per year. Frost-resistant shrub with large scaly and green coniferous branches.

Unpretentious in care and cultivation, easily tolerates pruning. Can be cultivated on wet and dry soils, but loams with good fertility are better suited.

After disembarking at open ground at first it is recommended to shelter from bright sunlight in winter and in early spring... The plant is quite shade-tolerant, often planted as a beautiful fence. They also create beautiful compositions in garden plots, in city squares and parks.

Correct planting Brabant assumes the presence of a dug hole in which the mixture is laid from fertile soil(2 parts), river sand (1 part) and peat (1 part). In addition, it is recommended to apply mineral fertilizers and monitor the root collar, which, after planting, should be level with the ground.

A hedge turns out to be solid and dense when a distance of 50-70 cm is observed when planting. In order for the wall to be beautiful and even, it is necessary to cut the thuja in March and August.

Block of thuja western hedge "Brabant" - pictured Thuja western Brabant - pictured


Thuja smaragd (Thuja occidientalis Smaragd) is characterized by a moderate growth rate and is considered a selective conical shrub. Adult individuals have a height of 2.5-4.5 m, a diameter of 1-1.5 m. The branches are soft, glossy, not too densely arranged. Resistance to frost is high, the color does not change with the onset of winter. When using thuja Smaragd in a hedge, you need to take into account that the tops of the heads do not close at the top, therefore, the delimitation of space is considered conditional.

Thuja western Smaragd Marianna - pictured Thuja western Smaragd - pictured

Due to the slow growth, the frequent shearing procedure disappears, which is a great advantage over other varieties. Grows well in drained soils, does not tolerate drought, so you need to know in the garden to ensure beautiful colour and healthy growth.

It is preferable to plant thuja Smaragd in places that are protected from strong winds... When planted in bare sunny areas, it may suffer from temperature changes, it is advisable to protect young bushes from the sun.

balls from thuja western Smaragd - pictured

The optimum soil acidity for growing thuja is 4.5-6 Ph. Close proximity groundwater it is required to lay a drainage layer of crushed stone (chipped bricks, pebbles) with a height of 10-15 cm.


Thuja Columna (Thuja occidientalis Columna) is an erect tall shrub (3-5 m) of a strictly columnar narrow shape. It grows quite quickly, the height is 13-15 cm per year. Does not lose color in winter period... The needles are scaly, glossy, shimmers beautifully in the sun.

Columna is a winter-hardy representative of cypress conifers. The beauty is not capricious to the soil composition, she feels good in partial shade. Suitable for organizing a green fence in the country or in a personal plot. In summer, due to lack of moisture, it can fade and lose its gloss. Excellent pruning properties.

Thuja Columna - pictured
Thuja western Columna - pictured

When forming a beautiful hedge, a distance of 60-70 cm is observed between plantings. It must be remembered that the bright sun does not spoil the young bushes in the first couple of years. Columna is used by gardeners for topiary pruning.


Thuja Holmstrup (Thuja occidientalis Holmstrup) - columnar, has dense processes. Curly twigs, look unusually beautiful in living fences and in individual artistic garden elements. With the arrival of the winter period, the color does not change.

thuja western Holmstrup - pictured
thuja occidentalis Holmstrup - pictured

Frost-resistant thuja, without problems tolerates the shearing of overgrown needles. Holmstrup - grows slowly (annual growth up to 12 cm). If cultivated in hedges, it is recommended to cut once every two years.

In places with sufficient lighting, shoots grow back fully, but development does not stop even in partial shade. It is quite unpretentious to moisture, so small stagnation of water is not terrible. In drought, it loses its turgor, moist soils are recommended. The requirements for the composition of the soil are the same as for other varieties and varieties of Western conifers.


Thuja Fastigiata (Thuja occidientalis Fastigiata) is a cypress conifer characterized by a columnar crown. The branches are dense, grow compact, and are painted in juicy shades. Height 5-6 m.

Fastigiata is a fast-growing variety of thuja, growing by 0.3 m per year. The needles of a soft structure with a characteristic scent. Unpretentious, easy to trim and grows back after removing excess twigs.

Thuja western fastigiata - pictured
thuja western fastigiata - pictured

It is similar in shape to a cypress tree. It is used when creating green fences, since sufficient height and density allows you to get a dense, beautiful hedge. It is advisable to plant on drained loams with moderate moisture.


Thuja Sunkist (Thuja occidientalis Sunkist) is a small coniferous tree (3.5 m) with a characteristic conical crown, where the branches are densely branched. Young seedlings are colored yellow, shimmer with a golden tint, eventually become lemon yellow, bronze tones are visible in winter. Instances growing in the shade are predominantly green.

Variety Sankist - slow-growing, mature bushes (10-12 years old) two meters in height. Hardy to frost, liberal to soil composition. Suitable for decoration summer cottages, looks great in an alpine slide, heterogeneous compositions and as a free-standing unit.

thuja western Sunkist - pictured
thuja western Sunkist - pictured

Regarding the cultivation conditions, it is pretentious to the moisture and fertility of the land, when planting you need to use peat chips, river sand, fertile soil (1: 1: 2). The recommended spacing between bushes is 50-60 cm.


Thuja Wagneri (Thuja occidientalis Wagneri) - moderate height (3.5 m), strong and dense bush, ovoid. There are many branches, growing upward, which gives accuracy and a kind of decorative effect.

Gray-green color; in winter, reddish-yellow shades are added. Long-lasting, medium-sized, adds 8-10 cm per year. Wagneri is a frost-resistant and drought-resistant variety of western thuja, grows in the sun and in partial shade, tolerant to the composition of the soil.

The shape of the plant is kept well, but in winter it is recommended to tie the shoots with twine so that they do not break under the weight of the snow. This kind most often it can be seen in specimen plantings due to decorativeness, but the bushes look favorably in group plantings in the garden.

Clot of Gold

Tuya Cloth of Gold (Thuja occidientalis Cloth of Gold) - a cypress representative grows up to 2 m, the crown of shrubs is elongated and ovoid. Delicate needles grow back into needles and scales. Saffron bushes, yellow or yellowish-orange (depending on growing conditions), copper ebb is characteristic in winter.

It grows slowly and requires special soil conditions. The soil should be soft and well-drained, fertile and alkaline. Avoid waterlogging, plant on higher elevations if there is water on the site in spring. Otherwise, the root collar and sensitive roots will rot, which can lead to the death of the plant.

Thuja western Clot of Gold - pictured Thuja occidentalis Cloth of Gold - pictured

Cutting should be done by shortening 1/3 of the shoots, no more. Frost-resistant variety Clot of Gold should be covered for the winter in the early years so that burns do not form, the colors remain beautiful.

It is advantageous to arrange ephedra in small groups in landscape combinations or as free-standing specimens to decorate a summer cottage. Experienced gardeners Plants are placed in plantations of deciduous, coniferous trees, rocky gardens.


Thuja Globoza Compacta (Thuja occidientalis Globosa Compacta) - undersized spherical variety, adult plant- no more than a meter. An ideal dwarf ball with evergreen needles can fit in any corner of the country house, since it does not take up much space, but it decorates the yard very much.

The needles are scaly, greenish-yellow, dense. Globoza Compact is frost-resistant and shade-tolerant, which is an undoubted advantage when choosing conifers. Cultivated on moderately moist and dry soil, moist loams are also suitable. Responsive to fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers, becomes more powerful and rich in color.

Thuja occidentalis Globoza Compact - pictured

It grows slowly (4 cm), the crown is multi-stemmed and dense. If you don't know what to plant in a rock garden, on a rocky terrace, try to plant Globoza Compact. You will certainly be delighted with a beautiful ball that will fit into any composition or will grow alone, decorating the site.


Thuja Woodwardi (Thuja occidientalis Woodwardi) - spherical, with a dense crown (1.5-2.0 m). The width of adult representatives is 1.8-2.0 m. Shoots are flat, do not change color in winter.

At the age of ten, thuja reaches a height of 0.4 m. Woodwardi is a winter-hardy conifer, but when cultivated in the middle lane, in the Urals and Siberia, additional shelter is needed for young plants, annual shoots can freeze slightly.

In plantings it looks neat, many gardeners prefer to plant the culture on the lawn. Plants are placed on fertile, moist areas and must be fed so that the ball does not fade and retains its density.

thuja western woodwardie - pictured
Thuja western Woodwardi, formed in 5 trunks, age 15 years - in the photo

Recommended for landscaping, rocky gardens, specimen plantings. Looks win-win in plantings of shrubs with a variety of colors. Garden paths can also be decorated with this variety of thuja, due to its compactness.


Thuja Stolwik (Thuja occidentalis Stolwik) resembles a herringbone in appearance, since the delicate tiers are thick and wide, towards the top they are more discharged and narrow in shape. The color of the branches is green, new shoots grow yellow-white. Winter hardy, can be propagated by cuttings.

Fertile and humid areas are required, the location is sunny. When grown in shady places, thuja become loose and less decorative. When buying, it should be borne in mind that Stolvik is not too drought-resistant, in summer in the heat it is recommended to water well and sprinkle to avoid wilting.

Thuja western Stolvik - pictured
Thuja western stolwijk - pictured

Easy to trim, in spring the shoots are shortened to give a greater density to the thuja. They are planted in mixborders, rabatkas, used in landscaping plots and gardens, and are also placed singly.


Thuja Danica (Thuja occidentalis Danica) - spherical, short marsh-colored twigs grow densely. The dwarf variety grows back slowly (50 mm). The shape of the ball holds almost perfectly with early age.

Thuja western Danica - pictured Thuja western Danika, in the foreground - in the photo

Thuja Danica is frost-resistant and rather shade-tolerant, propagated by cuttings. Due to its compact size, the undersized ball is completely covered with snow in winter and is not damaged by sunlight.

western thuja Danica in composition with roses - pictured

Used for arranging rock gardens, garden paths, borders, etc. Thuja is drought-resistant, but it is preferable to keep it on moist loams. When cultivated in the shade, it loses its beautiful spherical shape, becomes loose, shines less.

Golden Globe

Thuja Golden Globe (Thuja occidentalis Golden Globe) is a low-growing golden dwarf variety (up to 100 cm). The golden yellow color is more present at the ends of the branches, and if you push the bush with your hand, you can see bright green needles inside. It grows in size at a slow pace (80-100 mm), a haircut is rarely required. In the spring, if necessary, carry out sanitary pruning, removing dry twigs.

Thuja western golden globe - pictured

Many gardeners often refer to the Golden Globe as the "yellow ball" or "Yellow globular thuja". It is frost-resistant, grows well on light loams, heavy snowfalls are not terrible, since densely located branches prevent the bush from falling apart.

Thuja's drought resistance is average, it is recommended to water and sprinkle on hot summer days. The golden color is preserved only when cultivated in sunny flower beds, in the shade the color becomes lighter, and the crown loses its density and becomes loose.

branches of thuja western Golden Globe - pictured

Sometimes, with age and with improper care, the branches begin to grow at a greater distance, gaps appear, and a not very neat look is created. In this case, thuja is pruned, shortening the shoots by 1/3 part to give density.


Thuja Teddy (Thuja occidentalis Teddy) - a spherical and dwarf variety, was bred relatively recently, therefore it is considered new in many sources. Height does not exceed 30-40 cm.

Thuja western Teddy - pictured
Thuja western Teddy - pictured

Thuja is characterized by densely spaced thin twigs, which at a young age have small needles. The needles of young individuals are needle-like, while they do not prick at all. The color of Teddy is green, in autumn days - it shines with bronze.

Thuja "Teddy" in the center - pictured
Western thuja "Teddy" - pictured

Tui is planted on drained fertile lands with a loose structure, since plants react sharply to compacted soils. The root system is close to the soil surface, branched. Winter-hardy representative, can be trimmed if necessary. Looks neat in plantings on the lawn, rocky gardens, when arranging paths in the garden.

- not only in its simplicity and the needles that persist all year round, but also in the ability of the plant to maintain a certain shape. Thuja pyramidal can be considered a living symbol of the species. It is these specimens that are most often found in parks and squares, as part of hedges, in groups and as tapeworms in suburban areas.

Despite the general similarity, plants with a conical crown belong to different varieties and even species. In the middle lane, due to frost resistance, preference is given to the western thuja, in the south, the eastern thuja or flat-flowered thuja predominate in plantings.

Features of the structure and vegetation of the western pyramidal thuja

The ancestors of the western pyramidal thuja are people from North America, growing in nature for several tens or hundreds of years to 15-30 meters in height. A cone-shaped thuja may have one or more trunks tightly pressed against each other.

The pyramidal thuja has small scaly needles. Depending on the variety, it either turns brown in winter, or retains its original color until spring.

Since thuja are evergreens, the modified foliage, even when it becomes brown or reddish-copper, does not crumble. Its life lasts up to three years, after which the needles die off, and the shoot becomes bare.

All thujas grow slowly, are distinguished by an unpretentious disposition and tolerate transplantation well. Thanks to the available winter-hardy varieties, pyramidal thuja are increasingly settling on summer cottages not only in the middle zone, but also in the North-West of the country, in the Urals and Siberia.

The propagation of varietal plants is carried out vegetatively, using cuttings or cuttings. The seed method is also possible, but young seedlings do not always retain the features of the parent specimens.

Planting pyramidal thuja in the ground is carried out when the seedlings reach the age of 2–4 years, while young plants take root well and can retain their decorative effect for up to a hundred years.

Conditions for planting and caring for thuja pyramidal

Ephedra prefer sun or partial shade, where the plant receives enough light and forms an evenly dense, beautiful crown... If thuja falls into deep shadow:

  • branches gradually become sparse;
  • the needles are losing saturated shade, may turn yellow, and in golden varieties, become greenish;
  • the pyramidal shape of the crown is violated.

Pyramidal thuja, pictured, do not need special composition primer or care. The proliferation of thuja in landscape design was due to their resistance to the negative influences of the external environment, including:

  • wind;
  • direct sunlight;
  • freezing;
  • air polluted by working transport and industrial enterprises in cities and their immediate environs.

However, this does not mean that caring for a pyramidal thuja is unnecessary. For planting thuja of all varieties, spacious pits are prepared, in terms of the size of the root system and an earthen clod, which are equipped with drainage and filled with a loose mixture based on garden soil, peat and sand.

So that thuja do not lack nutrients, the soil is fertilized with complex specialized formulations for conifers.

In the future, feeding of shrubs is carried out in the spring and less often in the fall, combining with not frequent, but abundant.

Ephedra tolerate a lack of soil and drought, but grow better if the ground beneath them is moist. In dry hot weather, plants, especially young ones, respond well to shallow sprinkling. Abundant mulching helps prevent the root system from drying out. near-trunk circles... At the beginning of the growing season, thuja undergo sanitary pruning and, if necessary, correct the pyramidal shape of the crown.

A slight shedding of needles is most often associated with natural renewal processes, so the summer resident should not bother.

If the pyramidal thuja, in the photo, suffered from sunburn or froze in a snowless winter, you don't have to wait for it to turn green by itself. A neat haircut, supported by fertilization and watering, helps to restore decorativeness and repair damage over the summer.

Before the beginning of winter, the conical crown of the plant is tightly tied, small thuja, as well as varieties with low frost resistance, are covered. This measure allows the ephedra to retain its shape and most of the branches in strong winds, frost and heavy snow that can break skeletal branches.

I can diversify the design of the site with numerous decorative varieties of pyramidal thuja and their variegated varieties. Such plants tend to be more demanding than wild ancestors, but with minimal care and the right choice planting sites for many years decorate the cottage, serve as a hedge or background for low-growing deciduous shrubs, flowering perennials and herbs.

Forms and varieties of pyramidal thuja

Traditionally, more than a dozen pyramidal or conical forms of western thuja are used for landscaping. Among them there are plants, the crown of which is formed into one or more trunks. Most of the varieties are varieties that change color to brown-brown in winter.

The most famous pyramidal thuja with invariably green needles is the western thuja Smaragd. A plant with a squat conical crown reaches 2 meters in height by the age of 10. The maximum possible sizes are twice as large. the culture owes its name to the emerald shade of the needles, which does not change either in summer or in winter.

The decorative form of western thuja is considered one of the best varieties with a conical crown. The plant has a relative winter hardiness, but in the northern regions it can freeze out, suffers from the spring sun and needs protection.

The taller thuja Braband is well known to Russian gardeners due to its frost resistance and universal use. Most often, tall, up to 3-4 meters shrubs are used to create green fences, in group plantings. In order for the thuja to maintain a pyramidal shape, it needs a mandatory pruning. The variety is shade-tolerant, but it does not tolerate periodic spring thaws and frosts, which cause damage to needles and wood.

Like thuja Smaragd, this variety has a golden variegated shape. Such a pyramidal thuja in planting and care does not differ from its green relatives. However, it is easier to maintain an elegant yellow crown color in a sunny area.

Since 1904, lovers of conifers can plant in their plots the varieties of thuja Pyramidalis Compact with a narrow conical crown, consisting of many highly branched shoots. The branches are tightly pressed together and covered with small green needles. In shape, the needles resemble faintly shiny smooth scales. The maximum plant height reaches 8-10 meters.

This form of thuja is incredibly common and, thanks to its frost resistance, undemanding and naturally compact crown, has earned the respect of more than one generation of gardeners.

Thuja planting video

Columnar thujas are one of the varieties of western thujas used in landscape design as public places recreation, and personal plots.

Like all thuja, it has good adaptation to various growing conditions.


Among the main characteristics of thuja, it should be noted:

  1. An adult tree can grow up to 30 meters. Moreover, it has been growing for about 100 years. In a year, it grows up to 20 cm in height. The diameter reaches 1.5 meters.
  2. Differs in high resistance to low temperatures, so in the winter season you can not cover. But at the same time, in very hot weather, it requires additional watering.
  3. Differs in high resistance to insect pests and diseases.
  4. Note: when planting a thuja hedge, not only a beautiful emerald tone for other plants of various shades appears on the site, but also an excellent protection from wind gusts, dusty and smoky clouds from the road.

  5. Amenable to haircut. At the same time, a haircut from above stimulates growth in width, and from the sides - in height.

Planting and leaving

As a rule, thujas are able to adapt to any growing conditions.

But in order for the trees to grow and develop effectively, additional care is needed for them, especially when it comes to young seedlings:

  • watering once a week;
  • in the evening at night, the seedlings are sheltered from the coolness;
  • regular feeding, mixtures for conifers for fertilization can be bought in specialized stores;
  • loosening the soil should be done from time to time, in parallel to mulch - cover the ground around the tree with peat, dry grass or sawdust.

Such a layer will not only retain moisture for a longer period of time, but also gradually feed the tree through root system... When cold weather approaches, the layer will also protect the roots close to the surface from freezing.

Caring for mature plants is also pretty simple:

  • in prolonged dry weather, trees are watered twice a week and sprayed. This results in additional moistening of the needles twice a day and at the same time the dust and dirt is washed off from the crown. This should be done in the early morning and evening with twilight;
  • fertilization is carried out in the spring;
  • loosening of the earth should also be carried out regularly.

For columnar thuja, animal urine is destructive. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a fence from animals.

Reproduction rules at home

As a rule, amateur gardeners.

Slightly woody cuttings are picked up, separating them from the branch by tearing, but not cutting. The cultivation of future seedlings has its own characteristics, as well as their planting.

  1. For germination, cuttings are placed in a warm room.
  2. The cuttings must be lignified.
  3. First of all, after collecting the cuttings, future seedlings are placed in water, then after 2 hours they are placed in the ground.
  4. The soil should be composed of peat, turf and sand. Better fit river sand.
  5. Landing is done in the autumn season, long before the onset of cold weather.

  1. To create dense, seedlings are planted in an even straight row at a distance of 0.5 meters from each other.
  2. The first pruning of seedlings is carried out immediately after planting. In this case, the height is aligned with the lowest seedling in the entire row. If the planting was in early autumn, then the plant is cut off the next spring.
  3. The first time can be spent with an ordinary pruner. But the more mature the tree becomes and the thicker its crown, the more powerful the tool is needed. For example, electric scissors.
  4. When purchasing a thuja dug out of the ground, pay attention to the clod of earth holding on to the root system. It should not crumble, be large. When the hole is wide, it should be wider than the earthen lump. The depth should be 80 cm.
  5. With age, the thuja dries up a little and crumbles from below. To hide this annoying drawback, you can plant low-growing densely growing shrubs (for example, quince) in front.
  6. A way to protect thuja from dog urine is to surround the plants with netting or thorny bushes (such as barberry).
  7. For the winter, it is recommended to fix the top of the tree with a rope, as it can deform and ruin the whole appearance plants.

What a large columnar thuja looks like and how tall it can be, see the following video:

In nature, there are a small number of pyramidal thuja species.

They are the most different sizes and the color of the needles. There are five types: western, eastern, folded, Korean, Japanese.

But in landscape design, the western types of thuja are most common. And the most popular variety of pyramidal western thuja is Pyramidalis compacta.

Species overview

The most popular type of pyramidal thuja is the western thuja.

The maximum height of a tree in nature is 20 meters, and its diameter reaches 4 meters. On the tree, you can find flowers and cones of a red-brown color, but they are small, barely noticeable.

The crown is green, dark, it becomes lighter downward. In winter, the needles lose their rich shade and turn brown.

The root system of the thuja is so strong that it can rise and destroy the road surface. Life cycle western thuja lasts up to 1000 years.

Some varieties may not be pyramidal, but spherical or columnar. In private houses, undersized varieties are grown. Also, the following varieties belong to pyramidal thujas:

  1. Eastern thuja has a maximum height of 18 meters.
  2. Unlike other species, its branches grow vertically (in others, horizontally). Eastern thuja is easy to grow in your garden, because it is quite unpretentious.

  3. also called giant, is a pyramidal relative of the western thuja.
  4. Outwardly, the plant is easy to confuse with cypress, it is low, it develops quickly. The shape of the thuja is also pyramidal, the maximum height in nature is 15 meters. The crown is dark green, emits a pronounced aroma.

  5. The Korean thuja has a soft, widely branched crown.
  6. The leaves are long, triangular in shape. The leaves shimmer as the outside of the leaves is dark green and the inside is silvery.

  7. Japanese thuja grows up to 18 meters in height, the needles are soft.
  8. It is easy to grow a tree, it tolerates any temperature and soil well, but it is demanding on the purity of the surrounding air.

Pyramidalis compact

Thuja Pyramidalis compacta belongs to the western species. The plant is used for:

  • creation of hedges;
  • for single landing;
  • to create compositions together with other conifers.

Growing a plant is not difficult. Thuja is actively developing both in the sun and in partial shade. In Russia, it is grown in the middle lane, in winter it requires shelter, it is better to tie the crown so that the branches do not break under the weight of the snow.

Important to remember: while the plant is young, the summer sun can burn its needles, so in spring-summer period shade the crown.

The soil is used for moist, loose, water should not stagnate. When planting, a dense drainage layer is laid, broken brick, gravel or crushed stone is used.

When choosing a soil type, it is better to stay on fertile loam. When leaving, it is important not to forget to apply fertilizers in a timely manner.

The tree is upright, the crown is narrow, pyramidal in shape. The branches are short, extending horizontally from the trunk.

The maximum plant height is 10 meters, the maximum crown diameter is 1.5 meters. Thuja grows slowly. In winter and summer, the color does not change its color, it remains dark green with a shiny tint.

Planting and leaving

It is better to plant thuja in the garden in spring, the soil should be well-drained, slightly acidic or neutral.

If you choose the wrong landing site, then the thuja can lose its appearance. In the shade, the crown becomes rare, in the bright sun it dehydrates, in drafts it becomes more vulnerable.

The size of the planting hole is selected according to the size of the root system. The root collar remains at ground level. Speaking about caring for a thuja, there are several rules:

  • if there is no groundwater nearby, the plant is periodically watered;
  • in the spring, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied;
  • produced in spring (dry shoots);
  • in the spring the soil is loosened.

In order not to bother you, you need to immediately choose permanent place growth


and in a vegetative way. Seed propagation is a more complex and time-consuming method, there is a risk that the parental traits will not be passed on to the young plant.

The collected seeds are laid out on the soil in autumn, the snow that has fallen will accelerate their germination period. In spring, the seeds can be buried in the soil and sprinkled with sawdust, protected from sunlight.

It is imperative to fertilize with manure. A full-fledged seedling will grow in about 4 years.

Lignified or semi-lignified shoots 2 years old are cut in June. A piece of an adult tree should remain at the edge of the shoot.

Cuttings are processed with heteroacusin and placed in greenhouse conditions. Growing soil is prepared from the following components:

  • sod land;
  • river sand;
  • peat.

All soil components are taken in the same amount. The stalk is planted in the ground to a depth of 2 cm. The plant must be sprayed periodically. For propagation, cuttings from 20 to 40 cm are used.

See the following video for an overview of the varieties of tui:

Thuja dwarf is an evergreen coniferous plant that belongs to the cypress family. These shrubs have long been in great demand among gardeners, as they have a dense crown that has great value in terms of decorative decoration of personal plots, parks or gardens.

This variety of conifers is famous not only for its appearance, but also for its ability to influence human health, because a short calm walk along the alley planted with thujas helps to calm the nerves. Landscape designers consider thuja to be among the basic plants for creating a wide variety of decorative compositions in the garden.


Why do many people prefer dwarf varieties:

  1. First of all, thuja is a coniferous plant, which means that it is able to delight the eyes of people with its lush green needles throughout the year;
  2. By nature, thujas are capable of cleansing the air well. They enrich environment oxygen, thanks to which this plant is planted on the territory of hospitals, along alleys and parks where people constantly walk;
  3. Low-growing varieties are great for creating hedges, which create a good decorative effect, while reducing the permeability of noise from the street;
  4. The plant is unpretentious in terms of caring for it;
  5. Dwarf conifers easily tolerate temperature changes;
  6. By planting thuja on your site, you can create a lot of interesting decorative options.

The most common varieties

This thuja is of a low-growing variety, has unusual shape a sphere with a diameter of no more than one meter. Small fluffy balls, fit very nicely into the design garden plot, especially if you combine them with other types of plants;

Shrub of short stature with a beautiful branched crown, which looks very good in the composition of an alpine slide. A feature of this variety is its ability to change colors depending on the season. In summer, the crown of thuja Little Champion stands out for its light brown needles, and during the winter cold season, it becomes bronze in color;

Spherical thuja, about 50 centimeters in diameter. It grows very slowly and reaches its maximum size only 10 years after planting. Matches perfectly with stones;

Low thuja, which has a spherical crown with yellow-green needles in the form of small scales. This variety looks very good in rock gardens ( miniature garden). Growth rates are very slow (it grows up to 50-60 centimeters in height only 10 years after disembarkation);

Experts who are engaged in breeding and growing ornamental varieties of thujas advise planting dwarf varieties in areas with poor soil. This must be done so that they do not strive to grow upwards and do not lose their usual shape.

Choosing the right plant

To achieve the best you can decorative effect, you need to be very careful when choosing a dwarf thuja that will grow in the garden. To begin with, experts advise taking into account all the features of the area, and the parameters of the site on which the shrubs will be planted (soil and sunlight).

When choosing a variety of dwarf thuja, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • Shade tolerance;
  • Strong frost resistance;
  • Exactness in terms of care;

Before buying a dwarf thuja, you need to pay attention to its appearance. After all, if you buy a plant with defects, in the future it will often get sick and will not be able to fulfill its main task - the decorative decoration of the site.

What to look for when buying a shrub:

  1. Bare root system - the integrity of the earthen coma on the root system, protects the shoots from the negative effects of low or high temperatures, as well as many others external factors... In addition, attention should be paid to the degree of development of the same root system. If the roots are chopped off, then the plant with a high probability will not take root at all;
  2. Roots and trunk - visual assessment of the condition of the seedling consists in the assessment of its dryness. If the upper layers of the dwarf thuja peel off and flake off, then most likely such a shrub will die;
  3. Crohn - a careful examination of the crown and trunk will help to determine in a timely manner the presence of any abnormalities in the seedling (the presence of diseases or pests). It is immediately clear that buying an unhealthy seedling is not the best idea, because there is no guarantee that it will successfully take root;

Planting a low-growing variety

There are no restrictions on the season for planting a dwarf thuja, but according to experts, the best period for planting a thuja is autumn or early spring. If you follow this advice, the shrub will grow stronger and more resistant to environmental influences.

During planting of thuja, the root collar should be at the same level with the soil, it should not be immersed too deeply, but it is also undesirable to raise it above the soil, this may result in a plant disease.

If there are areas with stagnant water in the garden (rainfall or melted snow), then to prevent root rotting, it is necessary to create a kind of drainage (a layer of gravel or broken brick, about 20 centimeters high, is poured out at the bottom of the planting pit). To create a high-quality avenue of thujas, the planting distance of thujas should be 1-2 meters.

In the case of planting dwarf thujas as a hedge in one row, a distance of about 1 meter must be observed (but more accurate measurements must be made taking into account the final size of the shrub).

Growing conditions

  • A positive feature of the dwarf thuja is its ability to take root on any soil: it can be sand, and clay, and even sod;
  • Low-growing shrubs feel better in soil with a fairly good layer of humus, and a slightly acidic reaction;
  • Good growth rates, low shrubs show in a sunny or semi-shady place. It is better not to plant them in the shade, since the needles will thin out and the thuja will lose its magnificent shape and greenery;
  • The place of localization of thuja should be chosen in the place where the sun will not shine all day. The shrub is not very fond of drought;
  • Thuja has a positive attitude towards wet soil. But do not plant them in areas with abundant accumulation of groundwater. In addition, thuja tolerates drought well enough, and during a long dry period it is enough for it to carry out 2-3 waterings per week in the form of sprinkling, so that the needles do not lose their decorative beauty;
  • Thuja dwarf varieties can be planted both in open ground and in a pot.

Bush care

To the main ways of caring for dwarf thuja is considered timely and clear organized watering... Within 1 month after planting in the ground, the thuja should be watered at least once a week, adding about 10 liters of water. If the weather is dry outside, the number of irrigations increases to two.

Maintaining normal level soil moisture is one of the main conditions that provides a luxurious and lush crown for thuja. During the first three years after planting, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil near the trunk, but not too deep (no more than 10 centimeters), so as not to damage the root system, which is located almost on the surface.

For mulching dwarf thujas, it is better to use peat or sawdust (a layer of about 6-7 centimeters). To prevent damage to the crown in winter, when heavy snowfalls can occur, it is necessary to tie low shrubs.

When spring warming comes, young thuja are best placed in the shade to reduce the influence of sunlight in order to avoid burns on the needles.

For pruning mature shrubs, it is advised to use a sharp pruner. No more than 1/3 of the plant should be pruned.

Diseases and possible pests

Thuja rarely suffers from various diseases, unlike other plant species, but in some cases, unexpected yellowing of the needles may occur. This symptom can have several reasons:

  • Violation of planting rules - insufficient or excessive immersion of the root system in the soil;
  • Burns from frequent exposure to sunlight;
  • The defeat of the needles by a fungal disease.

Such a symptom does not necessarily mean that it is a disease. Some varieties of thuja are capable of changing the color of their crown depending on the season. For example, with the onset of the first winter frosts, the needles may acquire a yellow color, but with the arrival of spring it turns green again.

The use of dwarf thuja in rock gardens

Rock garden Is an artificially created landscape composition that recreates in miniature decorative plot mountainous area, that is, the place in which conifers do not occupy the last place.

For the full creation of a miniature rock garden, it is the small varieties of decorative thujas that differ from their relatives in compactness and slow rates of development.