How to properly care for the boss. Sheflera - your unpretentious homemade evergreen tree

Having started growing shefflera flowers at home, you probably wondered how to care for Shefflera at home? You will find the answer to this and other questions, as well as many interesting facts in our article.

Unfortunately, the shefflera does not bloom when placed indoors,
but from this article you will learn how to make this plant
decorated your home and delighted you with its look and aroma.

Please note that this flower is susceptible to disease and pests. We have separately indicated this and provided ways to avoid them and what to do in case of infection. Do not neglect these tips so that sheffler illnesses do not harm you and your family.


Or an umbrella tree, is a tall evergreen Have shefflers long, thin branches, at the ends of which there are processes resembling the needles of an umbrella, with a single finger-like glossy green (or variegated) leaf on each. On a branch young shefflers there are usually 4 - 5 leaves, and in adult species there may be more than 12 of them.

  • V indoor conditions shefflera blooms quite rarely, but if this happens, then the flowers will look like tentacles. But most of the plant is grown because of the leaves.
  • Scheffler will look great in large lighted rooms.
  • In the room shefflera can stretch up to 2 m.The plant can be allowed to grow tall ( shefflera quickly reaches full height) or, by pinching the growth point, give it the shape of a low bush.
  • Larger species shefflers grow more slowly, but quickly occupy the leading place in the room.

Such indoor plant, as a chef, can be found quite often in many homes and offices. This plant is the most suitable option for a novice gardener, because it is completely unpretentious.

Choosing a place

The most ideal place for the chefs, where she will feel comfortable, are the sills of the windows facing east and west. You should know that drafts are categorically contraindicated for this plant. It is very good if an air conditioner is installed in your apartment or office. The optimum temperature for chefs is 18-22 degrees.

It has long been noticed that in rooms in which there are air conditioners, the plant grows much better and faster. But this does not mean that the pot with the plant should be placed under cold air jets. You should also arrange the light correctly.



V spring-summer period the temperature should be around 20 °. V winter time minimum temperature 12 ° C, optimum temperature for shefflers in winter 14 - 16 ° C.

Cannot be posted sheffler near heating appliances.

Sheffler loves cool conditions of detention - 17-22 degrees Celsius. But even in normal indoor conditions, it will grow well, while it is desirable to spray the plant in order to provide a more favorable microclimate. And, here, a stronger overheating, for example, in direct sunlight or next to heating devices, may cause leaf fall.

Despite the fact that the tree grows in the tropics, it does not tolerate heat. Best for him temperature regime+ 16 ... + 22 о С, in winter - + 14 ... + 16 о С. For species with variegated leaves, the thermometer should not drop below +18 о С. At lower values, the state of a tropical plant worsens.


Scheffler prefers bright diffused light, it is better to shade it from direct sunlight. Pots with sheffleroi best placed on west and east windows. Cultivars with green leaves can be grown on the north side, and variegated varieties shefflers need more light.

Scheffler adapts well to low light, but does not like its sudden deterioration


In the spring and summer, water sheffler it is necessary regularly and abundantly, not allowing the earthen coma to dry out. V winter period watering is limited, the soil should be barely moist.

The sheffler needs to be watered with soft, settled water at room temperature.

Soil acidification should not be allowed.

Maintaining the correct watering regime is an important factor in the successful cultivation of shefflers. Watering the chef should be moderate, it is desirable that the soil is slightly moist all the time. Overdrying an earthen coma is undesirable, but the plant can tolerate it, in contrast to waterlogging. Sheffler reacts very painfully to the “bay”, leaves begin to blacken and fall off.

Spraying is very beneficial for chefs. In the heat and in dry air, the plant should be sprayed at least once a day. Spray water should be soft so that white streaks do not remain on the leaves. As dust accumulates on the leaves of the Scheffler, you need to arrange a "shower" or wipe the leaves with a damp sponge.


Scheffler prefers high humidity, so it is advisable to spray it every other day. Also, a pot with sheffleroi can be put on a pallet with moistened expanded clay or wet peat.

Room with sheffleroi need to be well ventilated.

The optimum water temperature is room temperature, it can be a little warmer. Watering frequency - twice a week at the rate of 300 ml per 1 liter of soil.

But you need to focus on the flower - each species has its own need for moisture: variegated varieties consume less water... You also need to check the condition of the soil.

The fact that the time has come for watering is indicated by a slightly dried out upper layer... Schefflera will delight with her appearance only with high humidity, so she needs to be sprayed or wiped with a damp sponge.


From spring to autumn sheffler are fed with universal fertilizer for indoor plants every two weeks.


Transplanted sheffler once every two years, in the spring with the appearance of signs of filling the entire volume of the pot with roots. Transplanted into a pot much larger than the previous one. It is imperative to provide good drainage.

No need to neglect feeding shefflers or the requirements for replanting in a looser pot, as this can lead to dropping of the lower leaves.

Sheflera needs a transplant about once every two to three years. Better to do this in the spring or fall.


Choose a large pot for each transplant. After all, when proper care, the chef will grow rapidly.

For the correct development of the flower, you also need to take care of the composition of the soil. The most ideal composition for this plant is 3 parts of greenhouse or compost soil mixed with 1 part of peat and 1.5 parts of coarse sand. Do not forget about ensuring good drainage.

Schefflera home care

The Schéfflera plant, which is suitable for beginner growers due to its unpretentiousness, is a true southerner. Her homeland is the Australian continent and New Zealand... The German botanist Jacob Christian Scheffler (XVIII century) shared his name with her.]

Schefflera is a genus of plants of the Araliaceae family, which is represented by shrubs, vines, trees. They can reach a height of 20 meters, undersized representatives - 10 meters. The species is characterized by compound leaves dissected into 4–12 lobes, resembling umbrellas. As they grow older, the trunk becomes bare, and the leaves remain only at the top.

Periodically, inflorescences of various sizes appear on the branches of the shefflers - umbellate, paniculate, capitate. In some species, they are blood red, but in the bulk they are whitish, greenish. Both flowers and fruits attract insects, birds, give them food. Those "thank" the plant by spreading its seeds.

A photo selection in which the most common varieties of the sheffler plant are presented

This genus of plants has nearly six hundred species. Some of them are grown as pot crops and are very fond of flower growers. One of the reasons is ease of care and beautiful leaves.

  • Sheffler's room is predominantly represented by trees.
  • Some grow quite tall, others barely reach half a meter in height.
  • Further - about the most common types of this interesting and, of course, attractive indoor plant, which can create a kind of desert oasis in the interior.

Schefflera arboreal, or arboreal (Schefflera arboricol)

Common forms of woody shefflers with variegated leaves: It is the most popular among flower growers. It has another name - Heptapleurum arboricola (Heptapleurum arboricola). This shefflera comes from Australia and New Guinea.

Although the name indicates its resemblance to a tree, in fact it is a tree-like liana, on which there are no branches at all. She sprouts shoots from the root. To get a lush flowerpot, several plants are planted in the pot at the same time on a support and give it the desired shape.

Schefflera radiant (Schefflera actinophylla)

Schefflera radiant (star-leaved, stellate) is independent species kind. The early classification even carried it into a separate genus Brassaya, the plant was called radiant brassaya. Her homeland is tropical Australia, and she is found throughout the tropical belt.

The tree grows up to 12 meters in height. It has a powerful erect trunk, which at the base has thickenings and a gray-brown color. The leaves are planted on long reddish-brown petioles. They are green, with a glossy surface, slightly wavy at the edges, finger-dissected into 15-16 lobes, reaching 30 cm in length. The middle part is rather wide, so the lobes overlap one another.

Periodically, inflorescences with red flowers appear on the tops of the shoots, from which the fruit subsequently develops - a round fleshy drupe with a diameter of up to 7 mm.

Schefflera octophylla

Schefflera eight-leafed got its name from its 8 leaves, but as a rule, they are usually from 5 to 8

It has a second name - the octopus tree. It arose due to the similarity of eight-lobed leaves with a marine inhabitant - it has the same number of tentacles. But in fact, the leaves do not always have 8 lobes - there are less of them (from 5) in young plants or more (up to 16) in old ones.

Oval lobes 30 cm long and 15 cm wide are planted on an individual root (up to 2 cm). Young leaves at the edges may be sparsely serrated or pinnate. This species blooms in November and early December, and by the end of December the tree bears fruit.

eight leaf octopus

Schefflera elegantissima

  • This is the second most popular type of plant cultivated at home. It grows up to 2 m in length.
  • Its dark green leaves are planted on a thin gray-brown trunk and are dissected into 8–12 lanceolate lobes, up to 15 cm in length.
  • This type of sheffler also does not branch, which many growers impute to her as a disadvantage. An earlier name for this form is dizygoteka.

Schefflera veitchii

The peculiarity of this variety is that the color of the leaves changes with age. The young Sheffler Veitch is characterized by a reddish tint of the leaves. But the older the tree, the greener they become.

  • The tree is very fond of the sun, so it is better to expose it near the east or west window.
  • What is needed for proper care of the araucaria plant at home.
  • Check out the reasons why the aucuba houseplant turns black.

Schefflera digitata

This is a small bush that is perfect for growing by flower growers. Each leaf is formed by eight lobes (on old leaves - up to 10) of an elliptical shape with pointed ends.

What does a plant need?

Schefflera is a photophilous plant, due to a lack of light, the leaves lose color

As mentioned above, the shefflera does not require any complex care at home. However, it is still necessary to know about her needs in order for her to please the eye.


  • Schefflera loves light both in winter and in summer, from a lack of it, the leaves lose their brightness. But you can't leave it in direct sunlight either.
  • For green forms, windows facing east, west, and even north are perfect. The lighting requirements for variegated flower forms are somewhat different.
  • They are placed on windowsills on the south side, but the light should be diffused.

The opinions of experts were divided as to whether it is possible to expose the plant to fresh air in warm time of the year. According to some, this can be done, while others believe that "walks" can harm the plant. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the needs of the flower. But it is important not to forget that direct sunlight is the enemy of leaves.

Optimum temperature for growing

The optimum temperature for growing shefflers ranges from 14 to 22 degrees Celsius.

Despite the fact that the tree grows in the tropics, it does not tolerate heat. The best temperature regime for him is + 16 ... + 22 о С, in winter - + 14 ... + 16 о С. For species with variegated leaves, the thermometer should not fall below +18 о С.

Watering and humidity

The Scheffler needs a high pallet as it is watered abundantly in summer. However, excess water is removed after a few hours or the next morning so that the roots do not rot.... The optimum water temperature is room temperature, it can be a little warmer. Watering frequency - twice a week at the rate of 300 ml per 1 liter of soil.

But you need to focus on the flower - each species has its own need for moisture: variegated varieties consume less water.

You also need to check the condition of the soil. The fact that the time has come for watering is indicated by a slightly dried top layer. Schefflera will delight with her appearance only with high humidity, so she needs to be sprayed or wiped with a damp sponge.

Ground requirements

  • sand - 10%; The soil must be fertile and slightly acidic. Therefore, the following composition is recommended:
  • humus - 20%;
  • sheet land - 30%;
  • sod land - 40%.

You can mix in equal proportions sod, leafy soil, as well as humus, peat sand. If it is not possible to prepare such a mixture on your own, buy ready soil for palm trees. Be sure to arrange drainage, which will not allow water to stagnate. The hydroponic method is suitable for growing.

Fertilization and feeding

In order to activate the growth of shefflers and ensure its normal development, top dressing is carried out. This is done in the warm season - from March to September with a frequency of once a month. With the same frequency, it is useful to spray the leaves of the plant with epin, zircon, and other bioregulators. Fertilizer is taken as universal or intended for decorative deciduous crops. Bring it in after watering, while the soil is damp.

Shefflers are pruned by cutting off the tops. This is done in order to stop the overgrowth. So you can even add splendor to the flower: some types of shefflers are allowed side shoots, but most often she does it reluctantly. Pruning is carried out for 5-6 buds or more - usually in the spring. It is especially useful to prune a tree-like sheffler, since using this procedure you can form beautiful crown, which is especially appreciated by lovers of the art of bonsai.

Sheffler's rest period

From November to February, the plant is dormant. Then he is fed with fertilizer with a frequency of once a month - the same as in the summer. But the concentration of the agent used should be half that. The irrigation regime also undergoes changes - once every 5–7 days, 100 ml per 1 liter of soil. Watering is necessary only after the top layer dries.

Plant transplant

Young plants are transplanted annually, older ones - once every two to three years in a pot, which is slightly larger in volume than the previous one. It is recommended to do this in the spring. Then, before winter, when the plant is dormant, the root system will be able to develop and strengthen. If the sheffler transplant is not possible - for example, when it is already in a large pot, the top layer of soil is replaced.

Breeding shefflers another way

Breeding this culture is difficult enough. For this, seeds, cuttings, air layers are used.

Propagated to the sheffler by seeds, cuttings and air layers

For reproduction, shefflers use specially prepared soil, for which they mix sand, leaf and sod soil in equal parts. The soil should be disinfected before use. It is important to maintain a constant soil temperature at + 20 ... + 24 ° C, for which greenhouses can be used. After the first leaves appear or the stalk has taken root, the flower is moved into a pot with a diameter of 7-9 cm and kept at an air temperature of + 14 ... + 16 ° C. By autumn, the diameter of the container is increased to 10-12 cm.


Soil for shefflers should be light, slightly acidic, consisting of 2 parts of sod land, 1 part of humus and 1 part of sand.

Good drainage is a must.

Ground requirements

Requires soil for palm trees.
sand - 10%; The soil must be fertile and slightly acidic. Therefore, the following composition is recommended:

  • humus - 20%;
  • sheet land - 30%;
  • sod land - 40%.

You can mix in equal proportions sod, leafy soil, as well as humus, peat sand. If it is not possible to prepare such a mixture on your own, they buy ready-made soil for palm trees. Be sure to arrange drainage, which will not allow water to stagnate. The hydroponic method is suitable for growing.

Fertilization and feeding

  • In order to activate the growth of shefflers and ensure its normal development, top dressing is carried out. This is done in the warm season - from March to September with a frequency of once a month.
  • With the same frequency, it is useful to spray the leaves of the plant with epin, zircon, and other bioregulators.
  • Fertilizer is taken as universal or intended for decorative deciduous crops. Bring it in after watering, while the soil is damp.

Pruning a sheffler houseplant

Shefflers are pruned by cutting off the tops. This is done in order to stop the overgrowth. So you can even add splendor to the flower: some types of shefflers let side shoots, but most often she does it reluctantly.

Pruning is carried out for 5-6 buds or more - usually in the spring. It is especially useful for pruning a tree-like sheffler, since with the help of this procedure a beautiful crown can be formed, which is especially appreciated by lovers of the art of bonsai.

Sheffler's rest period

From November to February, the plant is dormant. Then he is fed with fertilizer with a frequency of once a month - the same as in the summer.

But the concentration of the agent used should be half that. The irrigation regime also undergoes changes - once every 5–7 days, 100 ml per 1 liter of soil. Watering is necessary only after the top layer dries.


Pruning greatly reduces the decorative effect of the plant, therefore, to create the effect of a bush, several are often planted in one pot sheffler.
SHEFFLER's flowers - home care.



Scheffler propagated by seeds, cuttings and air layers.

Semi-lignified cuttings are treated with heteroauxin before planting and planted in a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1). Place containers with cuttings on the lower heating (on the radiator central heating not recommended).

After you have made air layers, do not rush to throw away the rest of the plant. Cut the trunk almost to the root. Continue to water the stump from the old plant, over time it will give shoots that will grow well.


First about the illumination, this is for room chefs very important condition. Place the plant in the lightest spot in the room, preferably on a windowsill if the windows face east, west, or north.

  • The north side is not very suitable for plants with variegated colors, due to the lack of light, the pattern will not be sufficiently pronounced.
  • On the southern windowsill, the chefler will be too hot, and the bright sun can leave burns on the leaves. In this case, it is preferable to place the plant pot on the table next to the window.
  • At a farther location from the light, especially in the back of the room, the plant will develop poorly, wither.

Sand and peat

Reproduction of cheflera occurs by cuttings and seeds. The simplest is grafting. For the cuttings to take root well, they should be placed in a mixture of sand and peat.

For reproduction, you must choose the most developed cuttings. It is recommended to hold the cuttings for 6 to 8 hours in a heteroauxin solution before planting. And immediately before planting in the ground, dip the cutting into the root.

But there is one difficult nuance - the soil must be warmed up to 22 degrees all the time. The best solution here would be a small greenhouse with bottom heating. From time to time it is necessary to ventilate the cuttings and spray with water. Ripe cuttings are planted in small pots and kept in a well-lit place.


If you use seeds, the wait will last longer. The composition of the soil for sowing is the same as for cuttings. Before sowing seeds, they should also be kept in solution, but this will already be a stimulant. Epin or zircon will do. Plant the seeds in holes 10-15 cm deep. The pot with the planted seeds is placed under a foil or in a greenhouse.

Care is the same as for cuttings: airing, spraying with water, maintaining the temperature. As soon as the first leaves have appeared, you can safely transplant into a large container. The sprouts must be planted at a distance of 7 cm from each other. The distance between them should be at least 7 cm. Then, after the formation of a plexus of roots around the soil clod, they can be planted in small pots and placed in a lighted place.


It must be remembered that shefflera slightly poisonous, so you need to wash your hands after contact with it to prevent dermatitis.


  • If the temperature is too high or too low and there is too much moisture in the shefflers leaves may fall off.
  • With a lack of light, the leaves shefflers become faded, and with its excess, light spots appear on the leaves.
  • With a constant excess of moisture in the soil, the roots rot.
  • Damaged by: aphids, scale insects, spider mites.

Sometimes “pimples” form on the back of the leaves of the shefflera. This is the so-called dropsy, a consequence of waterlogging of the plant. For the same reason, leaves may appear brown spots spoiling appearance... It is necessary to reduce watering.

V rare cases with dry air and insufficient spraying of the chefler, it can be affected by spider mites and scabbards. Pests are removed with a cotton swab wound on a stick, dipped in soapy water, if necessary, the plant is treated with special means.

The main problem that sheffler owners face is when the sheffler drops the leaves. We wrote about the reasons for this above.

More about diseases and pests

  • As mentioned above, the Schefflera loves water. If not watered enough, the leaves dry out at the edges. But from an excess of moisture, pimples can form on the back of the leaves, and brown spots on the front side, sometimes it sheds leaves.
  • Then it is necessary to reduce watering and inspect root system... If the roots begin to rot, the problem areas are removed, and the healthy part is placed in a solution of zircon or epin for 1-2 hours. After that, the roots are treated with a fungicide - phytosporin is suitable, after which they are sprinkled with crushed coal.
  • Then the plant is planted, sprayed with zircon or epin, and on top the ground is covered with a transparent bag or film for several days. Periodically, the film is removed to ventilate the ground. Water the plant very carefully during this period.

Leaves can also fall off from a lack of light (especially for variegated species), as well as in violation of the temperature regime, when the plant is cold or hot. By the way, leaf dropping is the most common problem faced by flower growers. If a flower sheds leaves due to a lack of light, it must be rearranged to a brighter place, with a shortage of water, adjust the irrigation mode.


Another reason why leaves fall is a tick, which appears when the air is insufficiently humidified. You can find out that the plant is affected by this pest by the thin web entangling the sheffler. Pale dots may appear on the leaves, which gradually turn into whitish spots, the plant gradually weakens.

In the early stages, it is enough to wipe the plant with soapy water, at later stages you will need to resort to the help of insecticides - "Neoron", "Actellik", "Sulfur", "Fitoverm", etc. An excellent pest prevention is maintaining high humidity and spraying with soft water.

Schefflera is defenseless against many pests. These include scale insects, mealybugs, aphids.

Aphids are first destroyed mechanically, and then the plant is treated with an insecticide ("Decis", "Inta-vir", "Karate").

If the flower is attacked by a scale insect, the leaves and trunk are washed with soapy water. Insects are destroyed mechanically, since they are protected from external chemical attack by a shield. Only after such treatment should insecticides be used - "Karbofos", "Bankol", "Aktara".


From April to October, it is appropriate to fertilize the flower every 2-3 weeks. A complete fertilizer containing macronutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) is added to the irrigation water. And trace elements: iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), boron (c), molybdenum (Mo).

All elements are essential for proper and balanced plant growth. During the autumn-winter period, feeding is suspended. When using, you need to slightly reduce the doses indicated in the instructions.


Plants that live in the apartment do not bloom. In summer, autumn or winter (depending on the species) in nature they bloom with flowers of blue, lilac, red color, depending on the species, the inflorescences are racemose or paniculate. Then spherical-shaped fruits are tied, black or red.


Sh. Radiant, having one stem does not need pruning. W wood is pruned when it becomes too bulky and large. In this case, it is recommended to cut off the tops of the stems, after which the plant begins to branch.

Pruning reduces the decorative properties of the flower. Often, to create the effect of bushiness, several plants are planted in one pot.


Shefflers are propagated by seeds, apical cuttings, layering, using the moss method.

  • An incision is made on the stem, which is surrounded by moss, securing it to the stem.
  • The moss is kept moist at all times to allow the plant to develop roots.
  • Then the stem, together with the resulting roots, is cut off and planted in a separate pot.

When choosing a reproduction method, it must be remembered that the seeds have a pronounced disadvantage. Due to genetic variation, you cannot be sure that you will receive a flower with parental properties from seeds.

If you want to get a specific plant or are not sure about the quality of the seed that is used, it is better to propagate by cuttings.


Apical cuttings are taken in early spring 10-15 cm long. A healthy plant should be chosen and cut off under the internode cuttings. Make an oblique cut, which provides a large rooting surface and prevents the accumulation of water on its surface.


Propagated by sheffler and seeds, which can be bought at flower shops. Seed propagation requires a greenhouse or tray. As for the process of reproduction by seeds, they are sown in late February or early spring. The soil mixture is sterilized. The breeding soil consists of turf, leafy land and sand (1: 1).

  • Spread the seeds evenly in parallel rows on the substrate. To lightly sprinkle them with earth, use a flat piece of wood. To prevent possible attacks of fungal bacteria, it is advisable to use a fungicide together with irrigation water in the doses indicated on the package.
  • The seeds are germinated in a tray at a temperature of 21 to 24 ° C, the soil is kept moist (using a spray bottle to moisten the substrate) until the seeds germinate.
  • The tray is covered with a sheet of clear plastic or glass to maintain a constant temperature and prevent the soil from drying out quickly.

For seeds, leave the tray uncovered for one hour a day to allow the soil to be well ventilated. When the seeds have sprouted, the plastic or glass is removed and the amount of light is increased (not in direct sunlight), providing good ventilation... When the seedlings rise, they are thinned out, leaving a distance of 2.5 cm between strong seedlings. After a while, the grown seedlings are planted in separate small pots.


The plant is affected by scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites.

A flower placed in a dry and hot room can be attacked by a red spider mite. The faded leaves of the plant will tell you about the presence of a pest. To combat the pest, you need to increase the humidity in the room. If the infection is strong, then it is advisable to treat the plant with actellik (15..20 drops per liter of water).

  • High temperature and low indoor humidity favorable environment for scabbards. The branches dry out from the influence of the pest, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the plant becomes weak.
  • Pest control measures. Isolate the flower from other indoor plants. They increase the humidity and lower the temperature in the room where the flower was placed.
  • With primary symptoms, the flower is treated with soapy water; severe damage requires chemical treatment. To do this, use rogor (1.5%) or bofos (2%).
  • Older plants are usually damaged by mealybugs. With the initial damage of the pest, they are harvested by hand, with a strong one, actellic is used.

Leaf spot is a disease caused by low temperatures, over-watering, and poor soil aeration. Control measures bring the conditions of detention back to normal, and treat the flower with a fungicide.

Advice. An infusion of garlic or onion helps to combat red spider mites.


  1. Leaves fall in winter - excess moisture in the soil and low temperature. It is necessary to raise the temperature, let the substrate dry out between waterings.
  2. Leaves turn yellow and fall off in summer - it's too hot. Do not raise the temperature above 20 degrees.
  3. Roots rot - excess moisture. Reduce watering and treat with fungicide.
  4. The tips of the leaves are brown - dry air or insufficient watering. Increase moisture and watering.
  5. Light spots on the leaves - excess lighting. Put the flower in partial shade.
  6. Faded leaves - lack of light. Increase light intensity.
  7. The leaves are lethargic, fall off over time - the temperature is too high.
  8. Yellow or brown spots on the leaves - sunburn.
  9. Withering leaves - a lack of fertilizing.
  10. The plant has stopped growing, there are no new leaves - lack of nutrients.
  11. Leaves fall off - low temperature (below 10 ° C).
  1. When buying a plant, pay attention to the leaves. They should be bright, green and look like well-polished leather. When buying radiant leaves, pay attention to the shape of the plant.
  2. If your shefflera has lost leaves, expose it to the open air in the spring and water it abundantly. Over time, the leaves will grow back and the plant will regain its original exotic appearance.

Appointment. Ideal tub and pot plant for winter gardens, lobbies, staircases and cool living spaces. Grows well on the windowsill.

Scheffler in the interior

Scheffler perfectly decorates the interior. For greater showiness, its leaves are covered with wax. It is suitable for spacious, bright rooms. The plant performs not only a decorative function: thanks to it, the ecology of the room improves, the air is saturated with oxygen, ozone, air ions, and the humidity rises.

It is believed that the shefflera acts as a relaxer - it perfectly absorbs negative energy. This property is useful in office premises where you have to work with large quantity people.

However, you need to be careful and wash your hands thoroughly when caring for the plant: the flower is slightly poisonous and can cause dermatitis.

Among amateurs ornamental plants a small "rosette" tree - a cheflera is popular. Caring for this flower at home does not require special skills, but in order to preserve its appearance, it is important to observe a number simple rules.

Indoor flower Scheffler belongs to the Aralievs. In nature, its representatives settle in Australia, Japan, China. Among the Scheffler genus, which has about 600 species, there are mainly low trees, shrubs, and sometimes lianas. Wild species can reach 2 m, indoor species are much lower. Leaves are of decorative value: complex, divided into several lobes, sitting on long petioles. Because of their shape, the sheffler is popularly called the "umbrella tree". The trunk of young plants is leafy, bare with age.

Blooms only in natural conditions... Inflorescences are elongated, racemose, resembling tentacles. That is why natural species are called "octopus tree". All parts of the sheffler are poisonous.

Types and varieties

Among the many types of shefflers in indoor floriculture, the following are cultivated:

  1. Radiant. The trunk is upright, strong, grayish-brown, grows up to 80 cm. The petioles are brownish-reddish; leaves are green, can have up to 16 lobes. On its basis, the "Compact" variety was bred with variegated leaves and sizes more suitable for home conditions.
  2. Arboreal, sometimes called "Abricola" (schefflera arboricola). A compact plant, shaped like a branchy tree. The leaves are large, up to 20 cm long, bright green. Variegated varieties have been bred, for example, Janine: her leaves are creamy, with chaotic dark green spots.
  3. Sheflera is the most graceful. Compact, up to 50 cm, plant with serrated leaves, sometimes decorated with cream edging.

On the basis of natural species (mainly variegated shefflers), varieties are bred, designed specifically for indoor floriculture. The most popular among them are:

  1. Sheffler Melanie. The leaves are medium-sized, golden in color, sometimes with green splashes.
  2. Schefflera Gold Capella. Leaves are glossy, fleshy, golden-olive, sometimes green at the edges. To maintain variegation, it needs bright diffused light all year round.
  3. Scheffler Nora. Is different original form dark green leaves: lobes are long, narrow, with large, uneven denticles. A yellow edging stands out along the edges; vein more light color... Unpretentious, densely leafy and graceful variety.
  4. Scheffler Bianck. The shape of the leaves is similar to the previous variety, but they are shorter, with a white border around the edge.
  5. Scheffler Louisiana. A graceful plant with leathery, shiny leaves of bright green color with yellow or white specks. The central vein is clearly visible. The variety is undemanding to keeping conditions.

How to care for a shefflera at home

Caring for a shefleur at home requires compliance with agricultural rules aimed at recreating the "native" tropical conditions.

Lighting and temperature control

The need for light depends on the type of sheffler. In variegated forms, it is higher; for them, window sills of western or eastern orientation will be optimal. Plants with monochromatic leaves feel great even on northern windows. Excess light, and even more direct sunlight, harm the sheffler. In the warm season, you can take the tree out into the fresh air, choosing a shaded place for it. In winter, artificial lighting is desirable. If it is not there, the pot is moved to the southern windowsills.

The optimum temperature for the umbrella tree is 18-25 degrees. Summer heat it is easier for him to endure outdoors. In winter, a temperature drop of up to 15 degrees is permissible. During this period, the sheffler is placed away from the batteries and protected from cold drafts.

Air humidity

Like all araliaceae, the Schefflera needs high humidity. In the summer, the leaves are sprayed daily. You can place the pot on a pallet with damp sand, expanded clay or sphagnum, which will preserve the beauty of the leaves during the entire hot period. With a decrease in temperature, the number of sprays is reduced; if in winter the sheffler is kept at 15-18 degrees, then they stop completely.

Watering and fertilizing

Scheffler is watered moderately, allowing the top layer of soil to dry out. The plant responds negatively to both excess and lack of moisture. Use soft rainwater or spring water, in extreme cases, you can defend tap water. Before use, it must be warmed up to 30-35 degrees.

Sheffler is fed from March to October twice a month. It is advisable to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. The dosage is reduced by half the recommended dosage.

In winter, watering is reduced, without bringing the earthen coma to dry out completely. Top dressing is stopped altogether, as well as spraying. Flower care in winter is no different. Sheffler does not need pruning.


If leaving does not cause problems, then the reproduction of shefflers may be beyond the power of novice growers. It reproduces in several ways: cuttings, layering and seeds.

To successfully root cuttings, you need:

  1. Cut off strong healthy tops 7-10 cm long with a sharp knife.
  2. Soak them in a solution of any stimulant (Heteroauxin, Epin, Succinic acid) for several hours.
  3. Prepare not large containers With drain holes, lay a layer of expanded clay on the bottom.
  4. Fill containers with a mixture of sand and peat (1: 1).
  5. Plant the cuttings, water the soil thoroughly.

After planting, the containers are placed in greenhouse conditions. It is important to ventilate the seedlings daily. The temperature in greenhouses should be kept within 20-23 degrees. For successful rooting, it is advisable to provide the seedlings with bottom heating. Central heating batteries are not suitable for this purpose. Shefler's sheet does not multiply.

The roots appear in about a month. After the young plants grow a pair of new leaves, they can be transplanted into tight pots (0.25-0.35 l) and placed on permanent place. Experienced florists it is advised to plant several cuttings in one pot; they can even be intertwined.

Growing roots on cuttings is similar to propagation by cuttings, with the difference that the young plant does not separate from the mother until it grows its own roots.

To obtain layering, a shallow incision is made on the trunk of an adult plant 7-10 cm below the top. Then he wraps himself in wet sphagnum and wraps himself in a plastic bag. The package is secured from above and below with a thread or wire. This is done to create a greenhouse effect. The moss is constantly kept moist. After the appearance of air roots, the cutting is cut, planted in a sand-peat mixture and placed in a greenhouse for several weeks.

Schefflera from seed is one of the easiest, albeit patient, breeding methods. The seed can be purchased at specialized flower shops. It is problematic to get it on your own, since the umbrella tree does not bloom in indoor conditions.

Before planting, the seeds are soaked for several hours in a solution of Epin, Zircon or any other stimulant. Planting containers must be deep. A drainage layer is laid in them, covered with a mixture of peat and sand, and moistened. Seeds are planted in holes 0.5 cm deep. The containers are placed in greenhouse conditions. Bottom heating is desirable.

After the emergence of seedlings, greenhouses begin to ventilate daily. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves, the seedlings dive in separate containers, using the same soil mixture that was used for planting. The seedlings are kept in greenhouse conditions, sprinkling and airing daily, until they are strong and ready to be transplanted into permanent pots.


Young plants are transplanted annually, as they grow intensively. Adult shefflers do not tolerate this procedure well, so they are transferred into large containers only as needed, that is, every 2-3 years.

The optimal soil for the chefler should contain 2 parts of sod land and 1 part each of peat and sand. You can purchase the appropriate blend at flower shops. The first pot is selected so that 3-4 cm remain from the trunk to the sides.Each next container should be 2-3 cm larger.

The transplant of the chefs is carried out as follows:

  • a layer of drainage and fresh soil is placed in a new container;
  • the plant is removed together with an earthen lump, trying not to violate its integrity;
  • installed in a prepared pot so that the trunk does not have to be buried;
  • pour soil on the sides, tamping it slightly;
  • watered abundantly.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to transplant the chefler "out of hour", for example, if she began to rot. In this case, the root system is completely freed from the soil. Rotten areas are cut off by sprinkling the cuts with crushed charcoal or activated carbon; you can keep the roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or Fundazol.

The plant is planted in a tighter container than the previous one. In the composition of the soil, the proportion of sand is increased. After planting, be sure to place the sheffler in the greenhouse, treating it like a handle.

Growing problems

Schefflera can be affected by scale insects, mealybugs and spider mites. The scabbard is easy to recognize at the initial stage of infection by sticky spots on the leaves. Soon the foliage begins to turn yellow, and only then adult females appear on the plant - small brownish tubercles. The scale insect is a dangerous and "tenacious" pest that is able to quickly occupy not only the infected, but also neighboring plants. Do not start the fight with washing the leaves with soap, alcohol - these tips are good only as a companion tool. The main thing should be repeated spraying with systemic insecticides.

A tick infestation can be judged by a thin cobweb on the leaves. The upper leaves begin to lag behind in development, the growth point is inhibited. When the first signs appear, treat the sheffler several times with any acaricide, for example, Neoron. It is important to observe an interval of 7 days between sprays.

Common diseases of the chefs are stem and root rot. They appear with excessive watering, especially during the cool season. Transplanting with the removal of all rotten parts will help to reanimate the plant. It is important to treat the cuts with crushed charcoal or fungicides. In advanced cases, they try to save at least the upper part by re-rooting it.

Sometimes the shefflera's condition worsens due to violations of agricultural technology.

External manifestationsProbable causesRemedies
The chefs have darkened and leaves fallthe plant throws off its leaves when it is cold or hotProvide the sheffler optimal temperature
Leaves turn pale and turn yellowMost often this indicates a lack of nutrition.Remember to feed the sheffler regularly
Leaves fade, lose their variegated colorSchefflere little lightMove the pot to a lighter spot
On the leaves appear dark spots This symptom indicates excessive watering during the cool season.Water sparingly: in winter, waterlogging of an earthen coma can lead to the death of the plant
Leaves dry, turn brown at the edgesThere may be several reasons: insufficient watering, dry air, or draftsObserve agricultural techniques, do not forget to spray the plant daily in the summer.

The cheflera flower is considered tropical, so it grows well on a light windowsill and indoors. It is not recommended to put it in the sun, so that the leaves do not lose their decorative appearance from sunburn... In summer, the chefler can be taken outside or placed on the balcony. In winter, you should leave it alone, so it is better to rearrange the pot with it in a cool room and reduce watering.

Like all tropical plants, sheflera prefers wet air... In this regard, it becomes necessary to spray it more often in the summer. In winter, radiators dry the air very much, so you need to put wet pebbles near the plant.

Caring for a chef is not particularly difficult, as it looks at first glance. Such a flower will become great decoration rooms, if you follow simple rules:

  • do not pour water while watering;

  • do not allow the earth to dry out completely;

  • don't keep it in a dark corner;

  • create space for growth around.

Breeding methods for cheflers: cuttings and seeds

There are several ways to propagate a plant. The most common is with cuttings. It is not easy to achieve the appearance of roots, therefore the cutting is in the root growth stimulator for about 6 hours. At this time, it is necessary to prepare a pot, on the bottom of which it is desirable to put a thin layer of drainage and soil consisting of a mixture of peat and river sand... After the expiration of time, the cutting is planted in a pot and covered with a glass.

The container with the plant must be placed on a warm and light windowsill, where the air temperature should not drop below 22-25 degrees Celsius. Sometimes it is advisable to open the jar to air the chefler's flower, the photo of which is located below. And you can also spray it with a spray bottle. The water must be warm.

It is considered in another way. To do this, they are purchased in flower shop, processing with epin or potassium permanganate. They are planted in soil consisting of peat and sand, to a depth of about 15 centimeters in damp ground, covered with glass on top. After the emergence of shoots, they are looked after, as well as the cuttings. Wherein:

  • ventilate;

  • watered;

  • loosen the earth;

  • sprayed.

As soon as the sprouts grow about 10 centimeters, they are transplanted into separate containers.


As the flower grows, it is necessary to transplant into a larger pot. How to take care of the boss during the transplant? To do this, it is necessary to take it out together with a lump of earth and transplant it into a container that is 3 cm larger in diameter. Such reloading should be done every 2 or 3 years. After transplanting, it is advisable to water the plant well.

Pests and diseases chiefs

Florists often have a question, why does the chef shed the leaves? Like most plants, this flower is susceptible to various diseases. When the shefler drops the leaves, the cause of such troubles is in a room with high humidity and excessive watering, which leads to rotting of the roots. The resulting dark spots on the leaves will become an indicator. With a decrease in watering, the plant becomes rich green again. But just in case, you need to check the condition of the roots.

In addition, harmful insects attack the plant: thrips, spider mites, scale insects. What if the cheflera sheds leaves due to a pest attack? To combat them, it is necessary to use various chemicals: karbofos, fitoverm and others.

If the cheflera sheds the leaves and they begin to turn yellow, there may be several reasons. One of them is poor lighting. Therefore, it is advisable to rearrange the plant to another place where there is more light. Another reason why chefflers have mites, which usually hide under the leaves.

Sheflera in the house: signs

  1. This flower is considered a symbol of well-being and wealth. It is often bought to attract the energy of money into the house.

  2. Charges with positive energy the room in which it is located.

  3. The plant brings good luck in business to the fire signs of the Zodiac: Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. It becomes their kind of amulet.

Sheflera's flower is a houseplant, which bears the name of the Schefflera, belongs to the Araliev family and in natural conditions reaches a height of up to 20 meters. The plant blooms with inflorescences of different sizes. Blood-red, white, green paniculate, umbellate or capitate inflorescences attract not only insects, but also birds. Under natural conditions, the chefler can only reproduce by seeds. At home, the plant blooms extremely rarely.

Flower varieties

Shefler's flower - indoor, unpretentious plant , ideal for beginner florists. For good growth, he needs to find the right place and know a few rules of care. In nature, there are many types of shefflera, one of them:

  1. The tree-like shefflera is the most common type, popular among florists.
  2. Sheffler's flower is radiant - reaches a height of up to 12 meters.
  3. Eight-leafed sheffler - it got its name because of the great similarity, the structure of the leaf, with the tentacles of an octopus. It has a name - octopus tree.
  4. The most graceful cheflera is the second most popular species that can grow at home.
  5. Scheffler Veitch - this species is significantly different from others. At a young age, the leaves have a reddish tint, but the older the plant gets, the brighter and greener the foliage becomes. The flower is light-loving, therefore it prefers the south side of the window.
  6. Sheflera fingerling is a beautiful, low bush ideal for growing in an apartment.

Gallery: shefler's flower (25 photos)

Care rules

Lighting and temperature

For a flower to grow beautifully, you need to find the right place. For this, a window that faces the west or east side, with diffused light, is suitable. In order to prevent leaf burns, home sheffler must be hidden from direct sunlight.

In summer, the flower can be taken out to the balcony or loggia, hiding it from drafts and wind. In winter, the sheffler is placed in a well-lit and cool place.

Almonds on summer cottage: plant care rules

For proper growth, you must adhere to the temperature regime. It should not exceed 20 degrees in summer and 17 degrees in winter. If the temperature is elevated, the leaves of the chefs may fall off. You can not keep the plant next to heating devices.

Watering and feeding

Caring for a shefflera at home includes feeding and watering. Sheffler is watered with warm and settled water. Do not allow the soil to dry out and beware of severe waterlogging, since excess moisture leads to decay of the roots and death of the plant.

Good growth also depends on air humidity; for this, the pot is placed in a pallet with wet expanded clay. The plant must be constantly sprayed and wiped over the leaves with a damp cloth. Sheffler needs to be sprayed twice every 7 days, and in hot weather, the plant can be given a light shower.

In winter, the plant does not need feeding, and spraying is extremely necessary because the room temperature is too high.

They feed the plant with mineral and organic fertilizers, alternating them every 10 days from spring to autumn and once in winter.

Flower transplant

A young plant is transplanted annually, and adults only as needed, when the roots come out of the drainage hole.

Shefler is planted in a larger pot with nutritious soil. For good and proper growth, expanded clay is spread on the bottom of the pot and covered with ready-made earth. The soil should be light, fertile and nutritious.

How to propagate a chefler

You can propagate by: seeds, cuttings, layering.

Seed propagation

Propagate by seed work is not easy, since it is necessary to observe the temperature regime and watering rules.

Before planting, seeds must be disinfected for 15-20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or in a solution of Epin or Zircon.

You need to sow seeds in January-February to a depth of 3 cm in the nutritious and fertile soil... For good and fast germination, it is necessary to make a microsteam, place the container in a warm place and periodically moisten the soil with a spray bottle.

Caring for decorative Kalanchoe at home

When 2-3 true leaves appear, the plant is dived into pots with a diameter of 9 cm and removed to a warm, lighted place. Stronger, healthier seedlings transplanted in the fall into pots with a diameter of 12 cm.

Cutting method

For cuttings, it is necessary to cut 10 cm shoots with two buds, treat with Kornevin and put in water for rooting. When the plant grows roots

transplant it into a pot of nutritious soil, spill abundantly and place in a warm, well-lit place.

Sliced ​​cuttings can be planted directly into the prepared soil. To do this, they are treated with Kornevin and planted in the prepared soil in a transparent container. Cover the stalk with a plastic cup to maintain the temperature at 20 degrees. Periodically, the hood is opened and the ground is moistened with a spray gun. If the roots fill the entire container, it is necessary to transplant into a larger pot and put in a bright and warm place.

Reproduction by layering

Only adult plants propagate by air layers. To do this, the trunk of the plant is cut vertically, and the place of the cut must be wrapped with moss treated with a nutrient solution. Top, the moss is covered with polyethylene.

So that the plant quickly gives aerial roots, the moss needs to be constantly moistened.

After a short time, at the site of the cut of the shefler, it forms roots, and after 2-3 months, when the roots are large and strong, it is necessary to cut off the entire upper part under root formation.

The rooted stalk is transplanted into a pot. The plant is cut to the root, leaving only a small stump. The pot is placed in a warm, lighted place, periodically moistening the soil. With proper care, after a short time, the chef will delight you with lush and bright greenery.

Why does the plant turn yellow and shed its leaves

With insufficient plant care insect pests may appear, which lead to yellowing of the foliage, and with untimely assistance - to the death of the plant.

Peony care: planting and transplanting in autumn and spring

In order to prevent the disease, it is necessary to regularly examine the sheffler, and when pests appear, process the plant in a timely manner. For this, Karbofos or Aktelik is suitable. During processing, it is necessary to ensure that the solution does not get into the ground. If the plant is severely affected, the treatment is repeated after two weeks. Yellowing of the leaves can also occur if the plant is exposed in direct sunlight.

Leaves may fall off for chefs for several reasons: the temperature regime is not observed, improper watering, insufficient lighting.

When overflowing, the roots of the plant rot. The help is as follows:

  1. Gently remove the plant from the pot.
  2. Examine the root system: remove rotten and damaged roots.
  3. Treat them with Epin or Zircon solution, then phytosporin and process with charcoal.
  4. Transplant the plant into ready-made nutrient soil, put on a plastic bag, periodically removing it for airing and spraying. Take off the package after a week.

Schefflera turns black at low air humidity. To avoid this problem, you must follow the rules of care.

Of all the wide variety of exotic species existing on the planet, it is especially worth highlighting a small potted tree, which is named "sheflera" - in honor of the famous German botanist. There are more than 500 species of this plant, among which a little more than a dozen species can be called indoor, so a chef in the house is a rather rare occurrence.

Brief description of the plant

The most famous potted varieties include the following:

  • dusty chefler;
  • eight-leaf shefler;
  • woody;
  • radiant.

Sheflera is a tree or shrub up to 2.5 meters high. The plant has beautiful large leaves, very similar to a palm with spread fingers. Thin and long shoots need support. Florists often plant several plants in one pot and form one intertwined stem from numerous stems.

Some people notice that their hands are covered with an unpleasant rash when the boss appears in the house. The omen is not at all connected with superstition. The plant is really poisonous and can irritate mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, it should be handled with care.

Simple plant care

If a boss appeared in the house, why talk about the difficulties? Caring for this plant is very simple. The most important point in caring for is right choice places and ensuring sufficient air humidity during hot periods.

The ideal temperature for keeping chefs in the house is from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius. It should also be taken into account that variegated species of cheflers need not only humidity in summer, but also good temperatures in winter - at least 18 degrees Celsius. If we are talking about a chefler with green leaves, then it will winter well at 14-16 degrees.

From April to September, during the period of active growth, the plant needs additional feeding. Top dressing is carried out with the help of complex fertilizers, sometimes replacing the complex fertilizer with an organic one. It must be applied three times a month at regular intervals.

Southern plant loves moisture

Sheflera is very sensitive to a large amount of moisture, so it must be watered abundantly, the earth should not be allowed to dry out. Watering should be reduced only in winter, and if the temperature in winter for the chefs is minimal, then they stop it altogether or simply cancel air humidification.

In summer, in addition to watering the plant, caring for it also includes wiping the leaves from dust with a damp sponge. Also in the summer, you should periodically ventilate the plant in the fresh air. But the chefler should be placed so that the sun's rays do not fall on her. Let it be diffused light or partial shade. The well-groomed chef in the house is very beautiful. A photo of such a flower will decorate any gardening magazine.

One flower is good, two is better. Breeding rules

Shefler is transplanted once every two years. When replanting, good drainage from expanded clay or ceramic fragments is required. It is best to take special soil for the plant, and the transplant should be done either in the fall or in the summer.

The plant reproduces primarily by seed and cuttings, but seed propagation is the exception rather than the rule. They should be planted in a pot either in February or in March, and until the first sprouts appear, it is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature in the room (22 degrees). After the first shoots appear, you can slightly lower the temperature - up to 18 degrees.

But as mentioned above, the chef is most often propagated by cuttings. What do I need to do? It is necessary to take cuttings, carefully process them with a hormonal mixture and plant them in a mixture of peat and sand (in a one-to-one ratio). After that, the cuttings should be covered glass jar and leave them so at a temperature of 20 to 22 degrees. Until the cuttings are completely rooted and hardened, they must not be given access to air.

Green decoration winter garden- the boss in the house. The signs associated with this plant have always amazed experienced gardeners... For example, it is believed that the appearance of roots on the trunk of a plant portends a great profit for the owner. However, skeptics argue that this is just another breeding method - with the help of air layers. This method is suitable exclusively for those who already have extensive experience of a florist: an incision is made on the trunk of the plant, the incision is wrapped in moss and covered with a film. The film, like the soil, must be periodically moistened. A little later, roots will begin to appear on the trunk. Then it is necessary to cut off the top along with the roots and plant it in the ground.

So that the beauty does not fall ill

An exotic chef in the house pleases the eye. The signs associated with it are interpreted in different ways. Some amateur flower growers say that as long as the leaves are juicy and green, the owners will be all right, but if they suddenly darken, expect financial disasters. However, the leaves of the flower turn brown due to insufficient quantity moisture. In order to cure the plant, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, that is, to give more moisture and protect it from drafts.

Improper plant care can lead to other complications and diseases. Rotting of the roots of the cheflera may be observed. Very often this happens due to abundant watering. In order to save the roots and the plant itself from decay, it is necessary to transplant it into new pot while removing all the affected areas.

Low temperatures can cause leaf fall. If this happens, you need to urgently drag the flower pot to a warm place.

Sheflera can be attacked by various pests, such as scale insects, thrips, or. If the plant is affected by pests, it should be urgently isolated from all other plants, raised and treated with insecticides.

Can a chef be kept at home?

The plant itself is juicy and beautiful, easy to care for. For the subtlety, grace of the stems and the beauty of the palm-leaves, he is called a ballerina among flowers. Looks very picturesque on the windowsill of the chef in the house. The signs associated with this plant are quite contradictory. The negative is primarily associated with the dropping or darkening of the leaves. If the chef throws off his “clothes”, it means that the owners are waiting for an illness or a financial crisis. And if the plant begins to fold its "palms" - expect a quarrel with a friend or discontent of the boss.

And if the chief suddenly stopped growing, then business failures or theft are possible. Where do these superstitions come from? They came to us from ancient times, when people listened carefully to mother nature, when they tried to live in unity with the world and not violate the laws of the integrity of the universe. According to the beliefs of the ancients, each flower has its own magic, its energy is capable of exerting an effective influence on a person's life, warning him of future events. Therefore, by being careful, many misfortunes can be avoided.

There are certain beliefs about which flowers can be given, which can be grown in the garden, and which can be kept indoors. What does monstera, azalea or chef in the house mean? A sign, probably, is not always a stupid superstition. It often has some subtext. For example, a chef - poisonous plant... You should work with it with gloves, otherwise unpleasant dermatitis cannot be avoided. Perhaps some of the negative associated with the plant is just an attempt to protect people from unnecessary trouble.

What is this plant?

Some people definitely want a boss to grow up in the house. The energy of this plant is very positive. He is even jokingly called "the kind vampire." Because the green beauty is able to calm and stabilize the emotional background in the house. It is best to put the chef in the bedroom so that she takes away all the negativity and promotes a pleasant, sound sleep. Vampirism is complemented by the excellent ability of the plant to humidify the air, thereby creating a pleasant microclimate.

Scheflere is given the ability to increase family wealth and attract customers if the plant is in office space... It contributes to the performance of children in school and positively influences the activity, attentiveness and focus of the child.

If we talk about serious mysticism, then, according to some information, this plant is a "predictor". This means that it is capable of predicting certain events. For example, if the plant grows especially quickly, wait for the addition of the family.

Instead of an epilogue

The chef looks very nice in the house. Signs should not be a decisive moment for a grower when deciding whether to grow this delicate plant at home or not. The main decisive factor should be the desire to provide the flower with proper care, so that the plant affably attracts all its wonderful palm leaves.