How to make an outdoor decorative plaster with your own hands. Decorative plaster wall decoration technology

Decorative plastering mortars, or decorative textured coatings do not require further processing or surface finishing. They can be applied to walls and partitions made of any material - be it brick, concrete, drywall, wood or ordinary plaster. But the plaster hardens very quickly, so it is quite difficult to carry out Finishing work with its help on a large surface.

In addition, the use of decorative plaster for wall decoration requires a mandatory careful preparation surfaces (treatment with a primer, putty, grouting materials).

Usually decorative plaster is available in the form of a dry or ready-to-use thick mixture. The basis of such materials includes a polymer binder, a filler (marble or granite chips, sand, lime), on which the texture of the future coating depends, as well as a liquid base - water.

Dry plaster in packages

The composition of decorative plaster often includes other additives that provide additional properties (different surface structure, protective shockproof properties).

There are also special, separately sold additives for giving decorative plaster of one color or another.

Plaster with colored additives

If the coating is made in the form of a dry mix, it must be diluted with water in the correct proportion. The plaster is applied quickly enough: first with a brush, and then with a spatula or with another tool, or with a special tool right away (which one should be indicated in the instructions for using decorative plaster). Such a tool can be a roller, brush, trowel, trowel.

Stretch plaster is always applied with a trowel, from bottom to top. Such plaster is characterized by a denser grain structure. Outwardly, it is very different from ordinary plasters.

The use of decorative plaster offers many possibilities. For example, with the help of various molding tools, you can additionally create different types of texture.

Plaster consumption is measured in kilograms per square meter of surface and usually ranges from 1.5 to 3 kg.

Decorative synthetic plaster is also used for finishing both interior walls and facades. Depending on the grain size and the direction of grouting such plaster, you can create an individual wall structure. indoor spaces... This type of plaster is usually used as a topcoat, but can be additionally covered with paint.

Decorative plaster in the room

Trowelable mineral plaster is characterized by a high content of natural grains, does not contain artificial resin. Differs in high ability to pass water vapor. Used for outdoor and indoor use.

Before covering the walls with decorative plaster, apply a preparatory layer on the lighthouses ordinary plaster consisting of spray and soil. The surface of the preparatory layer is scratched, roughening it for better adhesion to decorative layer... On a well-aged preparatory layer, a cover is applied from a decorative solution. Moreover, it can consist of two, three or more layers.

First, a spray from a decorative solution is applied to the preparatory layer, then a layer or layers of soil and, if required, a cover from the same solution.

Creating decorative plaster from ordinary

Decorative plaster "Wave"

A variety of textures for the future color can be "depicted" on ordinary plaster. For example, “waves” look great on lime-sand plaster.

To reproduce them on the surface, on fresh or previously rubbed plaster, incised and moistened with water, apply a second layer of mortar in straight or curved stripes and smooth it with a spatula. Thus, a wavy surface is obtained.

Plaster "Wave"

Plaster "Traverin"

To create travertine (lime tuff) on the wall, a thin layer of colored mortar is applied to the prepared surface of the plaster by throws. After that, it is smoothed with a spatula or steel trowel. The result is embossed islands on a smooth worn background - the so-called decorative "stones".

Plaster "Traverin"

For the process of applying this type of joke, see the video:

Stone plaster

To create the texture "under the boulders", a plastic colored solution is applied to the ground, quickly smoothed with a scraper and then the surface is plowed with a hard hair or bristle brush. When trimming, the brush should be kept strictly perpendicular to the surface. A hard brush is needed because only it gives clear, sharply defined "boulders".

Stone plaster

Dune plaster

Under the dunes, the colored solution is also first leveled with a scraper, and then a grater is attached with slight pressure and immediately torn off. The solution adheres to the grater and, together with it, is pulled away from the surface, which is why roughness forms on the surface. Outwardly, these roughnesses are very similar to sand dunes. If you want the dunes to be wavy, the grater can be torn off not straight, but by slightly sliding it to the side. To obtain the texture of small dunes, the solution is first allowed to grasp a little. After that, it is lightly rubbed, put a grater to the surface and tear it off.

Dune plaster

Watch how to apply Dune to your wall in a short video:

Furrow plaster

The furrow-like texture is obtained using a bevel with semicircular teeth, which is made of steel strip or wood. It is up to 30 mm wide with grooves between the teeth 10-15 mm. The teeth of the chamfer are sharpened in one direction. An inactive solution is applied to the prepared soil, quickly leveled with a trowel, then take the rule in the left hand and apply it to the solution that has not yet set. Now you need to put the bevel on the rule with your right hand and guide it with the sharpened side of the teeth forward at an angle of 45 ° to the surface. In this way, even furrows are obtained. Their size and shape, naturally, depend on the shape of the teeth of the beetle.

Furrow plaster

Plaster "under a fur coat"

By spraying, throwing the solution through a mesh, shaking off the solution from a broom or brush.

Ways of applying plaster "under a fur coat"

Spraying through the mesh and from a broom is performed with any solution (even with a large aggregate). Only fine aggregate mortar is suitable for brushing. To get a dense spray without a gap, repeat it several times until there are no places uncovered with a solution on the surface. You can also use a spray attachment (it looks like a fan).

Spray application of plaster under a fur coat

Spray on the mesh is performed as follows. Stretch a mesh with cells from 2.5 to 10 mm on a wooden frame measuring 100 x 100 or 100 x 50 cm (the specific size depends on the size of the texture). WITH back side pull the wire diagonally across the frame. It is necessary so that the mesh does not bulge and vibrate during operation. Attach a net to the wire, tie it. In order for the frame to be always at the same distance from the wall, nail strips 10-25 cm thick to it.

Spraying plaster "under a fur coat" through the mesh

The frame is placed on the surface of the soil and the mortar is thrown through the grid with a spatula from the falcon. Passing through the mesh, the solution remains on the surface in the form of tubercles. To get the same texture, try to apply the solution with the same strength.

When sprinkling from a birch broom, hold it with your right hand, and with your left hand take a round stick with a diameter of 4-5 cm and a length of 50-60 cm. Put the solution on the broom and hit it on the stick, shaking it off to the wall surface. The size of the resulting texture will depend on the thickness of the broom rods, the thickness of the solution and the strength of shaking off. Stir the solution from time to time during operation so that it does not delaminate.

Spraying the plaster "under a fur coat" with a broom

For finer textures, spray with a brush. Better to use a stiff hair or (best option) bristle brush. The brush is held with the left hand and, dipping it into the solution half the height of the hair, is brought to the surface with the bristles up. Then it is carried out on the bristles with a stick or a plank (it is held in the right hand), and the solution from the brush flies off onto the surface to be plastered. A thick texture will remain on the wall, similar to the pile of a fur coat.

Brush for applying plaster "under a fur coat"

To get a texture similar to snow flakes, spray is performed with flakes of a creamy plastic solution. The wall will turn out to be especially effective if flakes of white solution are applied to colored plaster... In this case, first, a colored solution is applied, leveled and rubbed, and then a spray is performed on it. You need to do this without waiting for the plaster to dry.

To create a texture with a sponge, a creamy solution is applied to the ground, quickly leveled and immediately applied with butt-end blows with a sponge. After that, a relief remains on the surface of the plaster, the appearance of which depends on the shape of the pores of the sponge. To prevent the solution from sticking to the sponge, it must be moistened in soapy water and squeezed slightly.

Instead of a sponge, you can use a relief roller

To obtain relief patterns on an uncured plastered surface, you can use special stamps or any convex objects: shells, dense leaves, branches, and the like. Pieces of stone, brick, multi-colored shards of glass, shells can simply be pressed into the still soft plaster. It will harden and hold the mosaic together.

A wide variety of objects can be used to emboss plaster.

Sgraffito plaster

Another way decorative finishing walls using plaster are called "sgraffito" (scratched out). This technique consists in scraping off thin layers of specially applied colored plaster. If there are several such color layers, the resulting drawing will be three-dimensional and multi-colored, reminiscent of a fresco.

Wall decoration using the "sgraffito" method

Now let's move on to considering the techniques for decaring walls using terrazite plaster. This type of plaster consists of a large amount of fluffy lime mixed with white cement, white sand, marble chips, glass, mica and other materials. The peculiarity of terrazite plaster is given by the addition of mica and anthracite fines (up to 10% of the volume of cement).

A kind of terrazzite plaster

Plaster shading

A shaded texture (straight or offset strokes) with irregularities of 2 to 5 mm is obtained from fine-grained mixtures using a freshly applied solution. The mortar (in the range from 1 to 6 hours after application) must be processed with a notch with nail combs or toothed cycles. The applied cement mixture can be treated with a Trojan or a scalpel. On the hardened solution, work begins no earlier than 6 days after its application.

Plaster "Rock"

The "rock-like" texture resembles a chipped stone, but it is made from a hardened solution with a large filler, forged with a chisel or tongue. The tongue is driven into the mortar, thereby knocking out pieces and leaving indentations that form a uniformly grainy surface. If the processing is carried out with a chisel or a scalpel, cutting off pieces of mortar, the surface will look like a torn or chipped natural stone.

Technology of application and texture of stone plaster

The surface of the stone plaster is divided into separate "stones" before the treatment begins. To do this, with the help of a delimited cord, the lines of rows of "stones" or rustic "seams" are punched, as well as straps and other rectilinear details. After that, they start finishing the plaster for one or another texture.

Texture "under a fur coat" perform with different tools. If you cut with bush hammers with large teeth, the result will be a coarse-grained texture, with fine teeth - a fine-grained one, and when forging with a tongue-and-groove, an especially coarse-grained texture will come out. Keep in mind: with large and long spikes of the bush hammer teeth, the texture is deeper and larger.

Under shading with grooves, the work is done with a bush hammer, only instead of teeth it should have blades. The depth of the grooves will be determined by the size of the teeth. The first forging is carried out along the line broken off by the cord, and the subsequent ones - parallel to it. To get the texture with the division of the entire surface into stripes, you need to use a Trojan or a gear.

Bouchard and the Trojan

Dune-like texture on stone plaster, perform with a chisel. Previously, the surface of the wall must be cleaned with steel brushes or scrubbed with bars. And then from a well-compacted and rubbed surface of the plaster, you need to cut off a thin layer so that small depressions are formed.

Chisel types

Under torn stone or roughly chipped sandstone texture make with dowels, chisels, scarpels. First, a solution is applied to the surface with a layer of 4-6 cm, it is compacted and the surface is divided into "stones". When the solution grasps, cut through or perform rustications, and then process the surface as needed to obtain texture. A chisel or tongue is driven into the applied hardened plaster and into different places break off pieces of mortar to form large irregularities. If you want to get a texture like hewn sandstone, chisel small pieces of plaster with a chisel.

Fur coat and ragged stone finish

Coarse-grained and fine-grained texture receive in two steps. First, a cement mortar is applied - in small or large casts, - then a mortar for stone plaster is prepared and applied in a layer up to 10 mm thick over the seized layer of soil. The top texture can be fine or coarse depending on the filler.

Venetian plaster application

For best results, the surface covered with Venetian plaster should be as smooth as possible, monochromatic (white) and non-absorbent. Do not apply plaster to wood and metal - over time, the coating will crack.

Venetian plaster

Venetian plaster tools

To prepare and cover the walls with Venetian plaster, you will need the following tools:

  • two brushes - maklovitsa and flutes,
  • roulette,
  • long ruler,
  • level,
  • pencil,
  • syringe dispenser,
  • measuring cups,
  • containers for mixing materials,
  • mixer,
  • ladder,
  • bucket with water,
  • abrasive paper (no. 120 and 220),
  • grinding float,
  • two stainless steel trowels, 250 and 200 mm wide,
  • wide and narrow forged polished stainless steel spatulas.

It is advisable to round off the working edges of the tools and polish with a fine-grained abrasive paper, completely removing scratches, burrs and other defects.

Make sure the substrate is thoroughly prepared before applying Venetian plaster. With insufficient quality preparation of the base, cracks may appear on the surface that cannot be repaired.

Stages of Venetian plaster application

The depth and transparency of the coating is achieved by a special application technique.

The master applies several thin layers of coating to the wall, consisting of randomly located spots of material. The combination of many such spots and their layers creates the illusion of the depth of the pattern of natural material. The number of layers varies from 2 to 10, but the total thickness hardly exceeds 1 mm. Each layer should be smoothed (pressed in) by hand with a spatula, trowel, or a trowel until a perfectly even, smooth and glossy surface is obtained. It takes almost an hour even for an experienced specialist to work with 1 m² of one layer.

The first layer is usually made of a material that contains finely ground marble chips. It is applied to the surface with a steel trowel or spatula in the same way as a putty. After 4-6 hours, covering, glazing layers can be applied to this layer, which will create the texture of the coating pattern.

Application of the first layer of plaster

If you want to get a matte finish, then the second and subsequent layers are made of the same material as the first. Glossy surface is obtained using a finely dispersed material mixed with the selected dye.

Before starting work, place a small amount of material on the working surface of the long trowel with a spatula. Now start from any top corner. Proceed in the same way as for the finishing putty, applying the mixture in an even layer. Cover areas near the floor with a bottom-up movement. Press the trowel firmly against the wall, holding it at an angle of 10-15 ° to the surface. Make sure there are no gaps.

When the first layer is dry, proceed to applying the next one.

Stir the coating material first: add the dye to it (if you bought a “semi-finished product”) and mix everything thoroughly again.

Next, apply a small amount of material along the edge of the short trowel with a narrow spatula and spread it with random strokes using short arcuate strokes. Each movement should be approximately equal to the length of the trowel. If an overflow forms on the wall at the end of the movement, accelerate it in a straight motion at an angle to the overflow line. Alternate between the smearing and accelerating movements and freely change their length and direction. On the floor, apply in an arcuate motion, starting from the bottom. Finish when the second coat is about 0.7m x 0.7m.

Stage of applying Venetian plaster

Now smooth out the covering in this area with long strokes in any direction. Every 2-3 strokes, clean the trowel and dry it with a damp cloth. Increase the pressure force and inclination of the float plane to 20-25 °. The result should be an even thin layer.

After 10 minutes, start smoothing the coating with the edge of a wide (200 mm) trowel. The movements of the spatula from top to bottom should be slightly crisscross. As gloss appears (this occurs from heating and polymerization of the material), loosen the pressure on the spatula. Failure to do so can damage the resulting crust.

To completely gloss the surface, you need to smooth it with a clean trowel. At the same time, it is strongly pressed with both hands and held at an angle of 5-12 ° to the plane of the wall. When polishing the area near the floor, guide the trowel up and down and cross slightly.

The next stage in the application of Venetian plaster

When finished, proceed to applying the second layer to the next area, repeating all the steps of the operation in sequence.

The pressure on the trowel at the beginning and end of the movement is weakened (as when scraping). This allows you to change the thickness of the material layer. When smoothing and polishing, the trowel movements should cross the boundaries of adjacent areas. To obtain the desired texture, change the size of the trowel, the length of the strokes, the intervals between them, as well as the pressure on the tool.

Working in corners, openings, ledges and other difficult places, direct the smearing movements from the boundary line into the area. If necessary, use a spatula instead of a trowel.

Until the second coat is dry, proceed with the next coat in randomly spaced spots. In this case, the entire cycle of finishing is repeated in sections. Apply as many layers (moleno different colors) as long as it takes to achieve the desired result.

If you accidentally damage the surface, apply the first coat with a narrow trowel to and around the area. When it is dry, repeat the entire operation to apply the next layer.

You can use the premises after the end of all the work in a day, but it is better not to rush. The walls will dry completely in a week.

Venetian plaster

After all layers have dried, you can cover the walls with natural beeswax. It will enhance the shine of the coating and give the impression of an optical illusion. Waxing also adds moisture resistance to the coating. Some plasters produced today do not need to be waxed: all necessary components the material already contains.

Decorating walls with decorative plaster: 10 types of do-it-yourself textures

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster from ordinary putty is gaining more and more popularity as an affordable type of decoration, since almost everyone is looking for a middle ground when making repairs in their home, and the optimal price-quality ratio.

Benefits of homemade plaster

Modern renovations are expensive in terms of both purchased materials and hired labor. The work of a plasterer-finisher costs a lot of money. Everyone's desire to save money is understandable and reasonable: no one wants the repairs to take many months, if not years, because of the high cost of the material and the work done. So that he does not become a family curse, you need to look for the most rational way out of this situation. However, the way out is obvious: to make the material yourself. It is this option that will suit the vast majority of people who want to produce inexpensive and beautiful renovation your apartment.

There are plenty of tools for this, and it is not difficult to acquire them - there would be a desire to complete the pattern.

The use of textured and textured rollers

A simple way to make textured plaster from ordinary putty with your own hands is to use a special roller. It is quite easy to get the desired finish in this way.

Depending on the work surface with this tool you get the desired result - the coveted pattern on the wall.

Rollers differ in their material of manufacture:

In addition to the listed rollers, there are also tools made of foam rubber, fabric, polyethylene, with a spirally fixed cord. With their help, you can achieve a rough surface with a pattern.

Important! Do not press too hard on the tool during operation - a clear drawing is obtained only with minimal effort. The tool must be guided from top to bottom without stopping, pressing firmly against the already finished strip.

These tools fall into two categories:

Homemade finishing tool

It is not necessary to use only those tools that are sold in stores. With waste materials on hand, you can make a roller that will create an unusual, unique pattern.

You can use, for example, a ready-made roller, but make your own adjustments to its design. Examples:

There are as many options for such homemade creativity: polyethylene, twine, rope, threads are used. The foam roller can be used to cut abstract shapes, slits, and more.

Important! When working with structural and textured rollers you need to work smoothly without making any sudden movements.

Other necessary tools

You can apply a pattern using other devices:

In addition to the above tools, you can use a lot more, from a brush-brush to a Venetian trowel (trowel). Even a simple broom can give a wall a distinctive design.

Decorative plaster from ordinary putty

Certainly not worth writing off simple types finishes that are quite attractive in appearance, using the most common putty, both starting and finishing. How to make textured plaster with your own hands? It is very simple, and this option has been widely used recently. "Branded", ready-to-use putty costs about three times more expensive than usual, and it will not be difficult to make it yourself.

Now let's talk about how you can make it and how to work with a homemade mixture.

Materials for decorative plaster from putty:

  • PVA glue - 200 g.
  • Gypsum-based mixture - 6 kg.
  • Water - 2l.

First, we apply a layer, which is called the main one - this is done with a wide spatula. When this layer dries up, we start decorating. There are various ways to create a textured surface. The composition can be applied with spatulas of various sizes and textures - from smooth to serrated. They can be combined.

You can do this with one spatula, applying strokes in different directions. Even the most ordinary broom, as already mentioned, is used to create a pattern, and the result is achieved when impressions are made on the plaster with a broom - from chaotic to strictly directed strokes.

There are a lot of application methods, you either need to choose the one that you like.

Decorative putty application

Each of us would like to get a wonderful appearance of our own home at a minimal cost. One of the easiest methods to get what you want is to buy a finishing putty. It is the finishing one, if the purpose of finishing is a soft texture.

There are many ways to get a beautiful surface when using decorative wall putty. Here is one of them, quite popular.


  • Brush brush.
  • A napkin rolled up in a cone or a trowel (trowel).

It is still better to work together, because you need to do everything quickly, not allowing the mixture to dry out prematurely, so that no transitions are visible. Indeed, one of the main advantages of this finish is the absence of joints on the surface.

Of course, this option is far from the only one. It's all about your personal preference and taste. Your imagination should work for you!

Different application methods

How to do:

  • The plaster is dried before painting.
  • If there is such a need, it needs to be processed. sandpaper fine grain.
  • Paint is applied in two layers. The base coat - a dark shade - is applied with a long-nap roller.
  • After complete drying - a lighter color. The roller is short-naped.

Painting methods:

Everything will depend on the drawing. In any case, the background paint is applied in two layers. After finishing the work, two layers of varnish are applied.

Of course, the homemade composition is simple to manufacture, and the mixture is gypsum base inexpensive, but they will not replace 100% branded decorative putty for walls, which contains marble and granite chips. In no case should it be compared, for example, with Venetian plaster, which is applied only by masters, and even then not by all. But nevertheless, the option described above is available to everyone who wants to add variety to the interior of their home. It will give odds to both wallpaper and painting, both in appearance and in the durability of the coating.

When the construction of the house comes to an end, it is the turn of the finishing work. This is one of the most important and, at the same time, interesting stages, on which the final result of the entire construction depends.

Today there are hundreds of ways to decorate walls and one of the most beautiful options, by right, you can call decorative plaster, which is distinguished by a wide range of colors, affordable price and practicality. Decorative plaster allows you to create an original unique style and embody any design ideas.

If you properly prepare decorative plaster and adapt it correctly, you can create magnificent decor on the walls, no different in appearance from a fresco.

But many reject this building material as a decorative finish, considering it very difficult and time consuming. In fact, this is not at all the case. In this article we will tell you about the advantages, features of this material and dwell on the process of making decorative plaster from ordinary putty with our own hands.

Due to the fact that the material contains modern plasticizers, the plaster is plastic, which allows even a beginner to work with it. It is versatile, it can be applied to almost any surface (foam concrete, drywall, brick).

Thanks to correct application, textured plaster allows you to give the building an expensive and presentable look. Therefore, it is a pleasure to work and create designer masterpieces on the wall using ordinary putty.

What is the difference between plaster and putty?

Before we move on to the process of creating decorative plaster from ordinary putty, let's understand these two concepts. In general, it is customary to call plaster a building mixture, which is intended for leveling walls. It is also customary to call a putty a building mixture for leveling walls, but, unlike ordinary plaster, we are talking about small errors.

What is the difference?

  1. Grinding... If we carefully study the composition of both building materials, we will see that much smaller fractions are used in the putty, this allows you to create a thin coating.
  2. Price... The difference will be in the price of these two materials, which is due to the lower consumption of putty in comparison with plaster. Large filler is much cheaper for manufacturers.
  3. Strength. Plaster will be much stronger than putty. That is why it is often used for decoration outer walls... If we recall the composition of concrete, then we know that to give strength, crushed stone is added to the composition. So it is here. The larger the fraction of the substances included in the mixture, the stronger and more durable the material itself will be.
  4. Composition. Plaster is mainly made from a cement-sand mixture with various additives. It can be clay-lime, clay-cement, gypsum, and less often clay-cement composition. For the production of putty, manufacturers use cement with sand, to which various plasticizers are added.

In order to understand the scope of use and performance different types plasters and putties, let's take a closer look at the composition and types of these two materials.

Types of plaster for facade work

Today, there are several types of plaster on the market, which differ in composition and bonding.


The composition includes a mixture of quartz chips, marble, lime hydrant, light mineral aggregates, plasticizers and Portland cement. The advantages of this material are high strength, moisture resistance, long service life and low price... To decorate the material, pigments or marble chips are often added to the mixture, which allows you to play with the design of the walls.

In addition to coarse sand and cement, acrylic resin is added to the composition, which gives elasticity and high strength. It is quite easy to work with such plaster, it lends itself to leveling, has good water-repellent properties. But there is also a serious drawback. Plaster has a high degree of flammability, therefore it is not recommended to use it near mineral wool insulation.

The main link here is natural silicone, which imparts extraordinary plasticity to the material. Despite the rather high price, silicone plaster has a number of unique qualities (insensitivity to UV rays, plasticity, strength, high adhesion, resistance to mechanical damage and a wide variety of colors). Another plus is the speed of work. The composition contains antiseptic substances, therefore, preliminary priming of the walls before application is not required. The only drawback of this mixture, perhaps, can be called the complexity of the finish. That is, the walls before application should already be sufficiently well prepared, since the silicone plaster is applied in one layer.

The main link here is liquid glass, which imparts excellent astringent properties. Silicate plaster is characterized by a high rate of fire resistance, so it can be used on almost any surface. It is one of the most durable finishing materials with a service life of over 50 years.

One of the most common types, which differs from plaster only in grain size.

It can be attributed to very exotic options for building material, which is not often found on sale. The manufacturer uses varnish oil as the basis for the thickener. It is highly resistant to moisture and is excellent for treating walls before painting.

The basis here is epoxy resin which makes this building material very versatile to use. It can be applied to concrete, metal, plastic, drywall, wood. Differs very high degree strength and resistance to external factors.

Latex is great for both external wall treatment and for indoor use. The base is ordinary latex, which gives the material high elasticity. With such a composition, it is easy to seal up all cracks, potholes on the plane. The plaster sets quickly, dries and does not crack.

Prices for popular types of plaster


Benefits of textured plaster

If you decide to choose an ordinary putty as a facade finish to create an intricate decor, then you will have to work hard and practice in applying the finish to really get high-quality finishing... But the result is worth it.

Decorative plaster is, first of all, a play of textures. And already the second part is played by the color scheme. It is important to understand, when starting work, that it is due to the texture, relief that you will achieve a complex texture on the wall.

Textured plaster has the following qualities:

  • easy to apply;
  • it is highly resistant to moisture and UV rays;
  • can be applied to any surface (foam concrete, brick, etc.);
  • allows you to give the wall an original style;
  • does not require perfect alignment before application;
  • there is an opportunity to choose any color scheme;
  • goes well with other finishing materials;
  • has a long service life;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • increases the heat-insulating and sound-insulating properties of the room;
  • you can create a complex texture.

The possibilities of decorative plaster are not limited only to the creation of an original texture. You can create intricate patterns and pictures with decorative plaster.

It is best to use silicone putty mixtures as a base. They are more elastic, allow you to achieve a perfect texture and the required relief, and also have a high resistance to mechanical damage. Despite the intricacy of the texture, this material is quite easy to clean. Dust and dirt can be easily removed with conventional detergents.

Varieties of plaster textures for facade decoration

There are two types of decorative plaster for facade work:

According to the invoice, the following options are classified:

Tools for preparing decorative plaster

Before you start cooking, stock up on handy tools. This will simplify the work and allow you to quickly prepare the desired consistency.

Prices for building levels

Building levels

You will need:

Process technology for working with decorative plaster

  1. Preparatory work for leveling the walls.
  2. Preparation of decorative plaster from putty.
  3. Creation of a base layer of plaster.
  4. Work on creating a textured coating.
  5. Finish coating.

Stage 1. Preparatory work before applying decorative plaster

Step 1. We carry out preparatory work surface. We clean off all paint, varnish and other debris. Wash the wall thoroughly.

Step 2. We prime the surface. This will allow to close all cracks, level the walls as much as possible and stop the absorption of the putty by the wall surface, since the primer has excellent waterproofing properties.

Step 3. We apply an antiseptic and anti-corrosion protective layer. If decorative plaster is applied to a surface where there are metal nails, screws, pipes, then it is necessary to first apply a protective layer to all these parts. Otherwise, in the future, through the plaster may appear rusty stain... An antiseptic will protect the surface from the formation of fungus, mold and other microorganisms.

Step 4. Let the primer and protective layer dry well for at least 12-14 hours. It is very important to wait for this period of time, otherwise, after a short period of time, the plaster will lag behind the surface. If, after the first priming, a layer lag is visible or there is a suspicion of flowability of the surface, then it is recommended to carry out priming in several layers, each time waiting for complete drying. The average period of polymerization and drying of the mixture is 15 hours, but before starting work, be sure to read the instructions on the package, since, depending on the chemical components, the period can be significantly increased.

Video - Application of Ceresit CT 16 primer

Front primer prices

Front primer

Video - The process of applying a primer to the walls

Important! All finishing works must be carried out at a temperature not lower than + 5 ° C. Otherwise, the quality of the result and performance properties facade decoration will be low.

Step 5. Determine the level of alignment by the building level. Keep in mind that the control of the evenness of the walls should be carried out in several positions: horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

Now that the walls can be finished, we are preparing decorative plaster.

Stage 2. Cooking decorative plaster: step by step instructions

Textured plaster can be prepared from almost any ordinary putty.

In order to decorate the walls with textured putty, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • putty (ordinary from any manufacturer);
  • white acrylic primer;
  • water (cold);
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • paint of the required color;
  • glaze for the finishing coat.

Step 1. We take a deep vessel (bucket) and mix in it in equal proportions the usual putty, water and mortar for sealing the joints. You can first mix only the bulk ingredients, and then slowly add cold water. This will speed up the mixing process and avoid clumping.

Step 2. Mix the mixture thoroughly with a construction mixer or an electric drill with a whisk attachment.

Step 3. If the final version assumes a certain color, then after thorough mixing, add the pigment to the finished consistency.

Step 4. Checking the texture of the finished material. If you feel that the consistency is too thick and does not allow you to work and create the necessary patterns on the surface, then you can add a little water, but do not overdo it, otherwise the material will roll or drain over the surface for a long time.

Advice! Prepare just as much of the mixture as you need it soon. The solution will thicken quickly enough and it will be difficult to work with it.

Stage 3. Creating a base layer

We take a small amount of the prepared mixture with a spatula and apply a thin layer to the wall surface. The layer thickness should not exceed 2-3 mm. Use a special facade trowel for work and start stretching from the lower right corner.

Wait for a technological pause (10-30 minutes) before proceeding with the relief. The drying time of the base depends on the technical characteristics of the working mixture.

Stage 4. Work on creating a textured coating

Step 1. Make a wall markup... This is an important point if, say, you are planning to translate a design masterpiece into an idea and do not want to limit yourself to the usual application of textured putty. We mark the area of ​​work with masking tape, and the solution can go onto the paper. After completing the work, this tape will need to be carefully removed.

Step 2. We take a spatula, collect again a small amount of putty and apply the mixture to the wall... It can be applied in several movements, depending on the design intent: scarring, circular movements, horizontal or vertical strokes. If you want to create chaotic strokes on the wall, without a specific pattern or relief, then you can alternate the technique. If your idea implies a certain pattern, then choose movements in one direction.

After each application of the mixture to the wall, thoroughly clean the spatula or trowel before taking a new portion of the solution. The remains of the mixture must never be put back into the bucket with plaster.

Important! Practice applying the relief to the drywall sheet first. This will give you the opportunity to "feel" the material and create exactly the drawing that you have in mind.

With a spatula with a notched edge, you can create a specific pattern, and with a special roller with a ready-made pattern, you can transfer beautiful patterns to the wall. The structure and relief of the wall can be adjusted in the process. If the strokes are too harsh and thick, grab the trowel and lightly touch the wall and walk over the surface.

Style "bark beetle" performed by translational continuous movements performed in a horizontal or vertical position. The drawing will depend on the movement of your hand and it is better to apply it with a float, it will appear already during the application of the mixture to the wall. But individual strokes can be created with a float, applying to the wall and pressing lightly.

The consistency of the solution should resemble thick sour cream, otherwise the mixture may drain from the wall, disrupting the pattern. After applying one layer with a trowel, the "milk" is removed from the trowel with a spatula, in which there are no pebbles. If this is not done, then the relief of the "bark beetle" will not be pronounced. We hold the tool when applying the solution at an angle of 60 degrees.

The thickness of the layer will depend on the grain size in ready mix... The average drying time is 24-72 hours.

Video - "Bark beetle" plastering technology

Advice! If you need to take a break from work, then cover the border of the finished drawing with masking tape, on top of which apply a wet solution. Upon returning to work, carefully remove the tape and continue the process. This will avoid visible grooves and transitions on the terrain.

"Pebble" texture is achieved by sharp clockwise movements. It is very important not to interrupt finishing work, as the hardening of the plaster can give a sharp transition on the wall.

Pebble plaster application technology - photo

Video - Lesson on applying pebble plaster

Step 3. For the drawing to dry completely, the facade must be protected from direct sunlight and wind. For this, it is necessary to install a protective construction screen made of mesh or film.

Creation of a complex relief using a special roller

With the help of a special roller covered with steel mesh, rubberized or with pores, you can create a unique pattern of any complexity on the surface. You can buy such a tool in a store or get creative and make such a roller yourself by wrapping it with twine or cord. Keep in mind that the more often the rope is wound, the denser the relief structure will be.

All work is carried out with a roller, which is carefully dipped into the putty and then the mixture is applied in a thin layer to the wall. Here you can turn on your imagination and work with a roller in different directions.

Prices for textured rollers

Stage 5. Finishing coat

Now that the desired picture on the wall has been created, we proceed to the final stage. Decorative plaster can be painted in any color or varnished. This process is not complicated, but in order for the result to really please you for many years, several nuances should be taken into account.

The textured putty is best painted in 2 colors. This will give the surface more bump and volume.

If you want to emphasize the convex parts of the drawing, then it is better to paint these places using the dry brush method. But all the dimples and grooves, on the contrary, will emphasize the wet brush method, which will slightly blur the color.

If you decide to paint the textured putty in dark colors, then it is better to choose the wet brush method, which will slightly wash out the pigment. When painting the surface in a light range, apply the paint with a dry brush.

After that the staining process has come to the finish, let the paint dry well and open it with varnish. Firstly, it will give a beautiful shade to the paint, fix it and protect it from fading and fading. Use a water-based varnish and apply 2-3 coats, each time until the previous one is completely dry.

Despite the fact that the process of creating decorative plaster from putty is not complicated and does not require serious skills, watch the video from step by step instructions to get it right.

Video - Painting decorative plaster

Video - How to prepare decorative plaster from ordinary putty with your own hands

Decorative plaster looks not only very attractive, but also significantly expands the possibilities of masters in interior design. The cost of the finished building mixture for decorative wall decoration is quite high, which significantly limits the possibilities of its use. In some cases, experts reveal their secrets of craftsmanship and show with examples that the decorative plaster made with their own hands is in no way inferior to ready-made solutions.
It is to such a master that I would like to make special thanks for the clear and accessible video instructions that allow you to implement various ideas for the decoration of the premises. The review includes the cumulative experience of the masters, which is collected in a separate publication. The recipe and tips will help you experiment endlessly with decoration in any room, where each wall can take on a unique appearance.

Decorative plaster in different techniques

Versailles plaster from conventional mixes

How to make do-it-yourself decorative plaster like walls in a Versailles apartment? It turns out that a similar texture can be achieved using ordinary dry starting gypsum plaster and finishing putty, which, when mixed and applied, give an attractive texture with light inclusions of the middle fraction. This finish requires the use of acrylic lacquer, metallic paint and glitter. Detailed master class from the studio "REDecoration" is given in the video at the end of the publication.

The sequence of works for the application of Versailles plaster:

  • glue the perimeter of the future coating with plaster tape;
  • prime the surface with quartz-primer, which will ensure good adhesion and allow you to work longer with the model mass. Ceresit "Priming paint for thin-layer plaster and paint" is suitable for these purposes;
  • model mass for decorative plastering works mixed with water in a 1: 1 ratio of finishing putty and starting gypsum plaster. The manufacturer of the mix is ​​not important, but you can use, for example, dry mixes G-Start and Satenpro;
  • the mixture is mixed with a mixer twice, the first time immediately after adding the mixtures, the second time after the mass has stood for several minutes;
  • the plaster is applied to the wall with a layer of 2-3 mm using a spatula and a trowel, making random stains to create the desired texture, Special attention is given to the corners and space near the ceiling molding and door;
  • the model mass is applied evenly on the wall, and then with the help of a plastic trowel an additional “textured” layer is made, which creates the required volume;
  • after the plaster dries, the resulting irregularities are smoothed out and sanded with a spatula, paint float and sandpaper (no. 60), the result is a beautiful smooth coating with a pronounced but shallow texture;
  • at the next stage, a deep penetration primer is applied, well smearing all irregularities and avoiding smudges;
  • after priming, the surface is painted, for this white paint is mixed with any selected dye, it will take about 2 hours to dry this layer;
  • with the next layer, the wall is painted with a metallized decor, silver is diluted on a primer in a 1: 1 ratio, then lightly applied with a foam roller on the first layer of paint, without filling all the irregularities (note that there are no traces of the roller);
  • the finishing layer of the surface is made with varnish with the addition of glitter. First, the varnish is diluted with water by 30% to avoid a varnish "crust" on the finished coating, then glitter is added at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 liter. During work, the varnish must be regularly stirred in order to "lift" the deposited glitter.

Obviously, in this way you can make plaster in any color with a metallic paint finish of any shade and decorate with colored and monochromatic glitter. You can also change the manner of applying the plaster, creating various textures. The varnish gives the coating a fairly high strength and protects the wall from fading in the sun; both matte and glossy varnish can be used for coating.

Flemish plaster - two-tone mass tinted

Working with Flemish plaster differs from the above-mentioned Versailles and Venetian method of application and finishing, it is also done from the usual putty based on the model mass, the recipe for which is given above. The approximate consumption of such plaster is 80 g per 1 sq. m.

The key difference between this coating is that the finished decorative putty is tinted in bulk, that is, the dye is added to the plaster finishing mixture, and not applied in a separate layer. In the video lesson, yellow-brown and coffee plaster is used, which is applied with a large spatula to the prepared surface with movements "from yourself to yourself", thus creating a beautiful two-color texture.

In the next step, the wall is smoothed out with a trowel or trowel. In this case, you do not need to achieve perfect smoothness. The main goal is to mix two colors of plaster and get an interesting two-tone finish.

Flemish plaster is applied in three layers, using different sizes of trowels, reducing their size from layer to layer. On the second and third, you can use a 20 cm instrument. Subsequent layers are applied in such a way that a texture is formed on the wall and irregularities are formed inside smooth surfaces. The size of the "islands" will depend on the volume of mixture used in one putty application cycle. The more model mass is on the spatula, the larger "islands" of a smooth surface can be made on the wall. The last layer can be applied with a Venetian trowel according to the “press-flat” scheme, in this case a different texture is obtained.
After applying the plaster, the wall is painted with a deep penetration primer. After complete drying, the plastered area is covered with glaze using a trowel. The mixture can be prepared according to the following recipe (consumption 120 g per 1 sq. M):

  • glue for non-woven wallpaper, diluted according to the instructions - 2 parts;
  • panel varnish - 1 part;
  • paint "Silver" - 0.5 parts.

In its structure, glaze is a regular wax, which is used to cover the plaster as a finishing layer. Please note that the wax is not completely removed in the recesses, due to which the texture is obtained with areas of different degrees of silvering. Instead of silver, you can use mother-of-pearl or gold to make azure, which allows you to achieve different lighting effects.
If desired, the wall can be additionally decorated with varnish, which will give the coating strength. For wet rooms, yacht varnish or waterproof façade plaster can be used.

Prague plaster

Prague plaster or, as some masters call it, "Venetian fresco" is applied to a previously tinted surface. For this, facade paint and a color scheme of the desired color are added to the ground. The main task is to make a colored base coat at the same time as applying the primer. When applying the primer, there is no need to achieve uniform coverage.

In order to prepare a model mass of decorative Prague plaster, any acrylic putty is used, 1/10 of the sand and color are added to it (preliminary consumption 1.5 kg per 1 sq. M). The first layer of putty is applied with a Venetian trowel, forming an uneven surface in the form of "islands". Due to the sand, a more voluminous texture and a rich type of finish are obtained.

The second layer of putty is applied to the wall by trimming with a trowel. Movement involves pressing the trowel with mortar to the wall in a chaotic manner. Please note that the required two coats are applied one after the other. First, approximately 1 sq. m of surface and the first layer is applied, then the same area is decorated with a texture using the facing method.

In the same way, the next section is covered with a solution. After that, you need to return to the previous area and smooth the plaster "along the tops" with a 20-cm spatula, removing the remaining mortar from the tool. After about five minutes, the finished surface must be polished with a Venetian trowel, while not applying much effort. The degree of readiness of the coating for this operation can be determined by touching the hand; the putty should not stick to the fingers.

At the final stage, the finished surface is painted after applying a layer of deep primer and its complete drying. For topcoat used by special composition paints based on Venetian plaster, diluted with water (consumption 150 g per sq. m). Using Venetian plaster as paint will result in a more interesting, slightly shiny surface.

At the final stage, the tiled surface is covered with a special wax for decorative plasters, this is done with a plastic wallpaper spatula. For these purposes, the so-called Parmesan blue can be used, which gives a very beautiful effect of noble shine.

Decorative plaster for facades and fireplaces - stone finish

The proposed technique for decorating surfaces can also be used for finishing facades and fireplace portals, but other mineral fillers are used for these purposes. Dolomite plaster can be considered a good choice for finishing "like a stone", but, unfortunately, its price is high enough for finishing the facade.

To reduce the cost of the original decorative mixture, use dolomite flour, which is added to the stylor-acrylic dispersion (UCAR ™ Latex DC 640) for external works highly water-repellent, or acrylic putty(Sniezka Acryl-Putz) for interior work. Dye, metallized filler, glitter or mother-of-pearl are also added to the finished material.

It is necessary to apply dolomite putty on the fireplace in two layers, first - with an even layer of a large Venetian trowel, then make a drawing layer by facing the surface, followed by smoothing with the same trowel.

The surface is lightly sanded with sandpaper No. 150, primed and then decorated with Venetian plaster. It is applied diluted with water like paint using a conventional roller. After application, the plaster is polished with a trowel.

The natural texture of the stone is always distinguished by shiny inclusions, therefore, the surface "like dolomite" is also decorated with a coating with a metallized filler. To do this, copper is added to the wax, it is applied according to the surface texture, bypassing the smooth areas of the cladding. At the final stage, the surface is covered with glitter-free wax and polished with a soft trowel. A two-tone plaster "like a stone" can be obtained by the Flemish application method described above. As you can see from the examples, do it yourself decorative rock on any surface it is not at all difficult and it will not cost much, and the effect will surpass all expectations.

Facade decorative plaster

After gaining experience in applying decorative plaster for interior work, the question arises about exterior decoration. For this purpose, you can use liquid glass, with the help of which a waterproof version of the plaster is made:

  • first apply a primer coat using a diluted solution liquid glass;
  • model solution of waterproof (hydrophobic) plaster is mixed into following proportions: used ready solution plaster mixture in a ratio with liquid glass 7: 1 or a plaster is prepared 1: 2: 5 from liquid glass, cement and sand.

Video instructions for applying decorative plaster

In conclusion, we give examples of how do-it-yourself decorative plaster is made video according to all the above techniques. Good luck. These examples will help you make expensive, low-cost renovations to your home.

Decorating houses with decorative plaster is gaining momentum. Decorative plastering of walls is done not only in private houses, but also in apartments. In this regard, many are interested in what kind of material it is and what it is intended for.

What is decorative plaster? This is a special, plastic mixture, often with the addition of various kinds of stones, mica, etc. It is intended for decoration and decoration of walls, less often ceilings. How does it differ from ordinary plaster? Let's read its composition.

Decorative plaster is made from:

  • Lime, cement, gypsum, acrylic, silicate and others - as a binder. It is they who ensure the adhesion of the plaster to the surface. Gypsum is used very rarely due to the fact that such a mixture will quickly harden. And there will be difficulties with drawing a picture or pattern.
  • Fillers - Most types of decorative plaster contain fillers such as sand, mica, marble chips, pebbles, etc. They serve to give the plaster the very decorative effect.
  • Additives can be anti-foaming agents, plasticizers, etc.
  • And finally, water is the solvent for this whole mixture.

Simply put, decorative plaster differs from ordinary plaster only as a filler. But it is these components that make it unique. What distinguishes decorative plaster from traditional types of finishing materials, such as, for example, wallpaper.

Wallpaper or decorative plaster

If you are faced with a difficult choice of material for wall decoration, choosing between decorative plaster and wallpaper imitating it, we invite you to compare them to make the right decision.

First, the price of the material. The most simple wallpaper for decorative plaster are cheaper than the plaster itself. However, not all so simple. If you count in the sum the preparatory work for gluing wallpaper, puttying, stripping, glue, etc., then the benefits will not be so striking. The only exception will be the Venetian decorative plaster. Here wallpaper a "Venetian" will cost much cheaper than the original.

Secondly, the service life. Here, decorative plaster has a clear advantage. It will serve you for at least 30 years. And some of its types are up to 50-60 years old. The wallpaper will have to be changed at most after 15 years. And in most cases, after 5-10 years. By the way, calculate and include the change of wallpaper in the paragraph above about comparing the price of materials.

Third, the care of the finish. Decorative plaster can be easily washed and cleaned. Wallpaper not of all types can boast of this.

Fourth, this is the uniqueness of the resulting decorative plaster pattern. Wallpaper has a finite number of types of patterns.

You can still enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of both decorative plaster and wallpaper for decorative plaster for a long time, but the conclusions are already clear. If you want simplicity and cheapness - wallpaper is your choice. There is an opportunity to spend money, if you want uniqueness in decor and durability - finish with decorative plaster.

Types of decorative plaster

All decorative plaster is divided into two large groups.

Types of decorative plaster.

  • decorative plaster for interior work
  • decorative plaster for outdoor use

The difference between these two types of plaster is that the external decorative plaster is more resistant to UV radiation, i.e. less fading in the sun. And also facade decorative plaster withstands "wet" weather conditions much better. It is resistant to rain, snow, etc.

Due to its properties, there are fewer types of decorative plaster for the facade of the house. Therefore, we will consider options for decorative plaster for interior decoration... Because they also include options for the facade of the house.

Types of interior decorative plasters

1. Embossed - so called because the pattern they create is embossed. Subdivided into subspecies:

  • Structural decorative plaster - the pattern is obtained mainly from the composition of the decorative plaster. Pebbles, quartz sand and the like in the mixture give the pattern a certain structure when applied. Typical representatives are decorative plasters "Bark beetle", "Fur coat", "Lamb".
  • Textured decorative plaster - this type of decorative plaster is distinguished by its fine-grained and plasticity. Here the pattern is obtained through a special technique of applying plaster. To do this, use both improvised means - brushes, film, sponges, etc., and industrial special products - rollers with a certain pattern stencil.

2. Smooth - accordingly, the pattern is smooth. The representative is "Venetian" decorative plaster imitating finishing with marble or onyx.

Decorative plaster for interior wall decoration and for facade decoration also differ in their composition. Depending on the main bonding element, decorative plasters are divided into the following types:

  • Acrylic decorative plaster - contains acrylic resins. It has good protection against water and moisture, but has poor air permeability. Low abrasion resistance compared to other types of decorative plaster. Low fire safety.
  • Mineral decorative plaster - consists mainly of cement, lime and gypsum. Good, natural plaster, suitable for finishing rooms with normal humidity. On the facade, in the bathroom and in the kitchen, it requires additional protection in the form of painting, varnishing, etc. Good air permeability makes the indoor climate healthy and pleasant.
  • Silicone decorative plaster is a universal mixture for any premises and building facade. Good vapor permeability, moisture resistance and abrasion resistance make this type of decorative plaster suitable for any finishing work.
  • Silicate decorative plaster is another versatile mixture for indoor and outdoor decoration. Not afraid of water, sunlight, antistatic. But it takes skill to apply, as the plaster hardens quickly.

We hope you figured out the types and types of decorative plaster. Let's see a photo of decorative plaster in the interior.

Decorative plaster in the interior

With the help of different types of decorative plaster and its application methods, very different design effects can be achieved. Here everyone will find the pattern that they like. However, keep in mind: often the samples of decorative plaster in the store and what you end up on the wall may not match. After all, each application of decorative is different from the previous one. But despite this, it is possible to generalize the resulting effects.

Decorative plaster effects

  • Venetian plaster. It looks like a polished stone or marble surface. Apply on any surfaces prepared for its application.

  • Travertine effect. Complete imitation of a stone called travertine. Its porous surface and light pale color make it a great decoration for a room.

  • Concrete effect. With the help of this type of plaster, there is an absolute imitation and creation of the effect of a concrete wall.

  • Skin effect. For lovers of discreet luxury, this look is perfect. Thanks to its texture, it conveys well and creates the effect of a wall covered in leather. At the same time, thanks to the variety of tools, with the help of decorative plaster in the interior of the room, it is possible to create an imitation of different types of leather.

  • Wood effect. Incredibly accurately simulates the appearance of wood, due to the accuracy of the transfer of small details and patterns of the plant.

  • Silk effect. To create it, a mother-of-pearl coating is used, which, smoothly shimmering, creates the feeling that the wall is covered with silk.

  • the effect brickwork... It is popular due to its low cost in comparison with real brick and accurate imitation of the presence of brick in the interior.

  • Bark beetle effect. Using this technique, you can get a pattern that imitates the effect of a surface damaged by a bark beetle.

  • Orange peel effect. Ideal for painting for oriental interior design.

  • Wave effect. Simulates the look sea ​​wave... At correct selection paint looks very nice on the surface.

  • Flowers effect. Decorative plaster "flowers" is used in frequent cases and stands out among the general variety of styles of decorative plaster. When creating a pattern, the shape and appearance of the flower depends solely on the spatula used and the movement of it. In this case, there is no reference to color and shape. You can decorate and paint the finished wall either in one color or using different techniques.

The types of finishing with decorative plaster are very diverse. Some use ready-made, template forms, while others can create their own art and create patterns that are pleasant specifically for his soul.

The use of decorative plaster in the interior of rooms

Decorative plaster in an apartment performs one of the main functions of interior decoration. Correctly selected design of decorative plaster will make the interior even more beautiful and perfectly complement the style taken as a basis. Also, each room of the apartment requires an individual approach due to the peculiarities of its location and external characteristics.

Use in the kitchen of this type finishing material would be a great choice as it washes well and looks decent enough on a wall surface. Types of plaster used for decoration: Venetian, with imitation of marble or stone surface; imitation silk, plaster with fine or large crumbs, etc.

The main thing to emphasize is that decorative plaster should be applied only to one wall of the room, so as not to make the kitchen too "heavy" and not to spoil the design of the room.

Often, when finishing with decorative plaster, Venetian plaster or different textured types that are convenient to wash are used for the bathroom.

Decorative plaster in the hallway, as well as in the corridor, form the main impression of the design of the apartment. Speaking about the types of decorative plaster in rooms of this type, we can name the main ones that best meet the requirements (resistance to cold, moisture and good maintenance): the effect of velvet and silk, the effect of "bark beetle" and Venetian plaster.

Decorating the balcony with decorative plaster allows you to keep the design in harmony with all the rooms of the apartment. Also, it performs an excellent heat preserving function, it is quite simple to operate and maintain, it is soundproof and, at the same time, allows the walls to breathe. Plasters of various types are used to decorate the walls, from textured ones, with imitations of different plants and reliefs, to, for example, imitations of stone or brick.

DIY decorative plaster

If store-bought options for decorative plaster for some reason do not suit you, perhaps you are thinking about how to make decorative plaster with your own hands. Well, everyone can do it. Plus, you can save a lot on materials. Let's make a reservation right away, decorative plaster made on our own will not be as high-quality and durable as the factory material. But the service life of such a decor in 10-15 years is quite suitable for most people. Especially considering the relative cheapness of such a finish.

So how do you make decorative plaster? It all depends on what kind of room you want to decorate with decorative plaster. self-made... Or maybe you want to finish the facade? In these cases, the material used will differ.

Do-it-yourself decorative plaster for interior decoration is made either from gypsum or from cement putty or plaster.

For finishing living quarters with normal humidity, do-it-yourself decorative plaster from ordinary putty is suitable. It is made like this:

  • We take the same amount of starting and finishing plaster putty. Instead of starting putty can be used gypsum plaster... Then you get the so-called decorative plaster from ordinary plaster. Usually they mean gypsum plaster.
  • Into a bucket of water room temperature a mixture of putties is poured or apply them alternately.
  • You can add a little diluted wallpaper glue... This will improve mold and mildew resistance. And it will slightly increase the time of using the mixture.
  • Mix everything well with a mixer or a drill with a nozzle.
  • The resulting mixture should be the consistency of ordinary sour cream.
  • Do-it-yourself decorative plaster from ordinary putty is ready!

Important! Decorative plaster prepared in this way dries rather quickly. Prepare the amount of solution that you can apply in 10-15 minutes. It will be even better if you apply the plaster together: one applies the base coat, the second immediately draws.

Such decorative plaster can also be used in rooms with high humidity such as kitchen and bathroom. But it will definitely need to be protected with a water-repellent varnish.

This type of plaster is not suitable for finishing the facade. But you can replace the gypsum plaster with ordinary tile glue. Any cement adhesive solution for gluing ceramic tiles... For greater plasticity and increased adhesion, add a little primer to the water.

From such a mixture, for example, you get a decorative plaster bark beetle with your own hands, if you add a small stone of a fraction of about 2 mm to it.

Important! Do not forget that the decorative plaster that you have made will need to be protected from moisture with facade paint.

How to apply decorative plaster

Regardless of whether you made decorative plaster yourself or bought ready-made plaster in a store, applying decorative plaster is the same.

First, you need to learn how to properly apply decorative plaster. This knowledge will help you get to know the process better and control workers. And all the more they will come in handy if you will be finishing with decorative plaster with your own hands.

Let's prepare the necessary tools for decorative plaster:

  • Building bucket
  • Trowel for decorative plaster
  • Spatulas
  • Ironer
  • Rollers for decorative plaster
  • Masking tape (tape)
  • Decorative plaster wax
  • Mixer or drill with attachment
  • Decorative plaster varnish
  • Stencils for decorative plaster

It is possible that you do not need everything from the list. It depends on the type of plaster you are using and on which decorative plastering technique will be used. For example, if you expect to apply decorative plaster with a roller, then you need it. If the decoration will be done with improvised means, then add them to the appropriate list.

So how do you apply decorative plaster to your walls? Or maybe you need decorative plaster on the ceiling? Let's try to summarize the processes that need to be performed regardless of the type of plaster and the place of its application.

  • preparation for decorative plaster - includes preparation of walls or ceilings, preparation of tools, masking tape over the contours for decoration.
  • preparation of decorative plaster - be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions, if available. There are such useful information as the consumption of decorative plaster per m2, the required amount of water and other proportions, the time of working with the mixture, the drying time of the decorative plaster, and much more.

Let's consider some of the nuances in more detail. Decorating the walls with decorative plaster with your own hands begins with the preparation of the base. Whether walls or ceilings, they should be free of large potholes, cracks or sagging. Old finishes should be sanded and the surface primed. If you want to apply decorative plaster with your own hands on drywall, then putty the joints and caps from the screws. Walls for decorative plaster are not prepared as carefully as the ceiling. The thing is that a slightly larger layer of decorative plaster is usually applied to the walls than to the ceiling. And it perfectly hides minor imperfections: scratches, peeling putty, etc.

An exception is the application of Venetian plaster. In this case, the walls as well as the ceiling should be as flat and clean as possible.

Methods for applying decorative plaster

Do-it-yourself decorative internal plaster is applied to the prepared surface with a spatula and a trowel. You can use a trowel. In some cases, a spray gun is used if spraying is to be applied. In any case, the technology for applying decorative plaster at the initial stage is the same. First, apply the base layer, the base. This layer is made continuous. It is then decorated until dry. The way of decorating depends on the type of your plaster and your imagination.

If you are doing decorative plastering of the walls with your own hands for the first time, practice on a piece of drywall or on the part of the wall that will be covered with furniture. As you gain experience, move on to the rest of the areas.

The technology for applying Venetian decorative plaster is somewhat different. It is applied in thin layers. rubber spatula neat multidirectional strokes. There can be 5-8 such layers. Before applying the next layer, the previous one is allowed to dry well.

Facade decorative plaster

It is not difficult to finish the facade with decorative plaster yourself. The main difficulty lies in working at a height if your house is taller than one floor. The very same decorative plaster of the house outside, practically does not differ from the technology of applying decor inside the room. Let's look at the plastering of the facade of a house with a decorative example of the most popular type: the application of decorative plaster bark beetle.

How to apply decorative plaster bark beetle

First, prepare the surface as described above: level out large elevation differences and clean. Then apply primer. It is better if it is a soil with quartz sand... Prepare a mixture of decorative plaster. Apply the plaster with a trowel in a small layer. Let the bark beetle dry a little and start decorating.

Move the trowel over the plaster in a rotating motion. Alternatively, only vertical or horizontal movements can be made. It all depends on what kind of drawing you want to get in the end. Movements should be without strong pressure.

Painting decorative plaster

There are no special secrets in painting decorative plaster. We think everyone will cope with this task. Just choose the right paint for facade or interior work, as well as the hairiness of the roller. A continuous background is made with a roller with a long pile. If you want to paint only the top protruding layer, use foam roller and paint without pressing the roller hard against the wall.

Repair of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster periodically requires repair or restoration. Cracks, swelling, peeling and chips appear on it. It is not difficult to repair the damaged area with your own hands.

If you notice any swelling in the plaster, use a wooden mallet all over the wall and listen to how it sounds. A dull sound will tell you which area is peeling. This area of ​​damaged plaster should be removed using a hammer drill, chisel, hatchet, etc. Then clean the wall with a wire brush and prime. Before applying a new composition of decorative plaster, moisten well not only the cleaned area with warm water, but also the adjacent plaster for better adhesion of materials to each other.

Try to decorate and repeat the drawing from earlier. To make the difference in the pattern not so noticeable, repair the plaster by beating off a rectangular area.

After the plaster has completely dried, it must be repainted. This will mask the seams and discontinuities in the layers.

Cracks in decorative plaster are repaired in a similar way. The crack should be widened and all the measures described above should be carried out.

How much does decorative plaster cost

The price of decorative plaster varies greatly from manufacturer, country of origin and type of plaster itself. The cheapest decorative plaster costs about USD 2 per kg / l. The best decorative plaster from well-known Italian manufacturers can go up to a hundred or more dollars per kilogram or liter.

On average, such prices can be announced: a simple embossed plaster will cost about $ 5, and a Venetian one about 15 per kg / liter.

Prices for work with decorative plaster are less scattered and depend on the type of plaster and the qualifications of the master. The average price for work with decorative plaster is $ 10-30 per square meter. "Venetian" is more expensive than working with textured plaster. However, take into account the preparation of the surface and the subsequent protection of the decorative plaster with wax, varnish, paint, etc.

Decorative plaster reviews

Our description of decorative plaster should have helped you decide whether you need such a finish, whether it suits your home. And if you answered "Yes" to these questions, then most likely you asked yourself a question: decorative plaster, which is better?

Reviews of real buyers and users play an important role in the choice of decorative plaster. Those who have been living with decorative plaster for several years and can tell you what nuances should be taken into account. Or to warn against buying this or that type of decorative plaster, against buying from a certain manufacturer or retail chain.

Here are some typical reviews for decorative plaster:

We made ourselves a green-tinted venice in the bathroom. It looks gorgeous. The tiles would be completely different. And decorative without seams and so changes color from lighting, feast for the eyes. The truth and the cost was considerable. But they were ready to pay for the beauty.

I decorated my toilet with textured plaster. I did it myself after reading articles on the Internet and watching master classes. It lay perfectly on the plastered walls, but the LSU box could not be finished. The glass-magnesium sheets had to be plastered on the floor, because there are streaks from the decorative plaster.

I made the plaster myself and applied it myself. The whole family was decorated and are very pleased with the result. No one else has and never will have such patterns. And it turned out very budgetary, I did not expect it.

The thing is certainly remarkable, but the price is exorbitant. I will stick wallpaper for myself as a decoration. Cheaper and more practical.

We made decorative plaster in the kitchen. The walls look very interesting. But the apron would be better made of tiles. Tired of washing the fat near the stove. Don't repeat my mistakes.