Scheffler room. Sheflera flower: home care, crown formation

Shefflera seeds are planted in the second half of winter: from mid-January to the end of February. Seeds are soaked in a stimulator before planting (according to the instructions), for example, Epin or Zircon, to speed up germination.

Seeds are planted in disinfected soil, consisting of soddy and leafy soil with the addition of sand, all components are taken in equal proportions. The second option for the planting mixture is sand mixed with peat in a concentration of one to one.

Seeds are placed at a depth of five to six centimeters. The distance between adjacent ones should be twice their size.

After planting, the earth is periodically watered, not allowing to dry out, and the room temperature is maintained in the range from + 20ºC to + 25 ºC.

Pot can be closed plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect, in this case, the plant needs regular ventilation.

Transplanting seedlings into pots is carried out when the first three leaves appear on them. It is very important to keep the sheffler seedlings at a temperature of +19 ºC for the first three months after transplantation.

Location and lighting

Lighting is very important for sheffleras, so the best location for her is on the windowsill of the east, west and north windows. should be in the brightest spot in the room.

Please note that variegated sheffler varieties may lose their color due to lack of light, so even the northern windows are not well lit for them.

The location on the south windows should be treated with caution, as the plant can be hot on them, and sunlight can cause leaf burns.

If the windows of the room face south, the sheffler will have enough lighting on the table, which is not far from the window.

With a lack of lighting, the sheffler stops its development, and sometimes even dies, therefore, in low natural light, use fluorescent lamps.

pot size

The size of the pots are selected depending on the age of the plant. Seedlings are planted in small containers, which can be plastic cups. When root system plants will take up all the space, the sheffler is transplanted into a pot with a diameter of 9 centimeters, and by autumn - 12 centimeters in diameter. With subsequent transplants, the size of the pot should be 3-5 centimeters larger than the previous one.

The soil

Soils for planting shefflers may vary slightly in composition, but must be nutritious, light and breathable.

An adult plant can grow in the same soil in which the seeds were planted: a peat-sand mixture or a mixture of sand with turf and leaf soil.

For an adult shefflera, you can prepare a new mixture: 2 parts of sod land, 1 part of leafy soil, 1 part river sand and 1 part humus.

If you do not want to prepare the soil yourself, in flower shop for sale ready mix, ficus soil is best suited for a sheffler.


The frequency of transplanting a sheffler depends on the plant: grown from a sheffler seed, it is transplanted in the first year of its life, about six months after planting. Small developing plants are transplanted every two years, and large ones - no more than once every three years, and preferably at five years.

Young plants need to be repotted more often due to the development of the root system, which quickly takes up the entire pot space.

The new pot should not contain voids, so the soil is pressed firmly so that the roots fit snugly into the ground.

When transplanting, expanded clay drainage should form at the bottom of the pot.

When the plant is transplanted, it must be well watered.

Large plants are transplanted while maintaining the formed soil coma. For them, only changes upper layer soil, for this, the top ten-centimeter layer of earth is removed and a new one is introduced in its place.

The safest way to transplant a branched shefflera is the transshipment method.

Fertilizers and top dressing

Top dressing of shefflers is carried out only with liquid fertilizers. Fertilizers should be for indoor plants, and the frequency of feeding depends on the time of year. In the period from October to March, the sheffler is fertilized every two months, and the rest of the time - every three weeks.

The concentration of fertilizer recommended on the package does not always suit the sheffler, so if the fertilizer is not familiar to you, prepare a solution of a weaker concentration. It is much safer to make the concentration of fertilizer 5 times weaker, but apply it twice as often.

A fairly popular method of fertilizing a sheffler is weekly during the summer with a mixture 8 times weaker than recommended.

Dry top dressing for a sheffler is undesirable, and fertilizer with sticks is fraught with an overdose.


Successful cultivation of shefflera will be, if only the plant is provided with proper watering.

The soil should always be slightly moist, while watering the plant should be moderate.

If we talk about extremes, then overdrying a sheffler tolerates better than waterlogging. If the soil contains a lot of moisture, the leaves of the plant will begin to turn black.

In warm weather, in addition to watering, the plants are additionally sprayed with soft water.

In winter, sheffler does not develop as quickly as in summer, so watering is reduced. The difference in temperatures is compensated by spraying, that is, if the temperature in the room is the same in winter and summer, then watering is reduced, and spraying remains the same.


The temperature of the room in which shefflers develop best is between +18 ºC and +23 ºC. At the same time, shefflers are picky and develop well in normal conditions, the main thing is to carry out timely spraying and maintain a good microclimate.

V winter time try to keep the plant away from heating appliances, as strong overheating leads to leaf fall. Try to avoid sudden changes in temperature.


Schefflera prefers high humidity, so she feels very comfortable in a room where there are a lot of plants.

Spraying has become a very popular way to moisten shefflers. This procedure is especially indispensable in hot dry weather. Water for spraying should be taken exceptionally soft, better filtered, so that white stains do not remain on the leaves.

Leaves should be dusted regularly with a damp cloth.

Air humidity can be increased by placing the pot on a layer of wet expanded clay.


To give the plant a tree-like form, pruning is carried out. To obtain lush bush, several flowers should sit in one pot.

Pruning is not carried out for plants shedding leaves, since the reason for this lies in the roots of the plant and pruning will not help here.

Most often, pruning is carried out in the spring to shorten the longest branches and stimulate the development of young shoots.

Pests and diseases

Sheffler pests and diseases are no different from other houseplants. The most popular pests for shefflers are spider mites, scale insects and aphids.

Insects are removed from the plant with a cotton swab smeared with soapy water, after which the plant is treated.

The easiest way to get rid of pests is to spray the plant with soapy water.

As preventive measures such spraying can be done once every two weeks. If pests have already appeared, the plants are processed daily. If this method is ineffective, increase the frequency of spraying or use chemicals from shops.

Sheffler diseases are associated with improper conditions of detention:

1. Leaves turn yellow and fall.

  • Insufficient illumination. Probably, the plant does not have enough natural light, install additional fluorescent lamps or place flowers closer to the window.

2. Blackened leaves

  • The plant received too much moisture;
  • Improper drainage in the pot;

Reduce the number of waterings, make sure the soil is well breathable.

3. The plant lacks straight stems and curls up

  • lack of light;

4. The tips of the leaves turn brown

  • Dry indoor air;

Use a humidifier, mist the leaves more often, or place a container of water nearby.

5. Falling green leaves

  • The plant is cold;
  • The plant is very hot (most often accompanied by drying of the foliage);

Transfer the sheffler to a warmer place, water with slightly warmed water.

6. The appearance of brown spots on the leaves or bubbles on the inside of the leaf

  • The plant is waterlogged;

7. The appearance of light spots on the leaves

  • Excess lighting;

8. Faded foliage

  • Lack of lighting;


Schefflera flowering is very rarely seen at home. The flowers look like tentacles.

If the sheffler has bloomed, she does not need additional attention and care during flowering.


Shefflera can be propagated vegetatively or by planting seeds.

Propagation by cuttings

For propagation, cuttings are cut semi-lignified with the onset of spring. Most often, cuttings are selected from the top of the shefflers.

The foliage remains only at the top of the cutting, and is completely removed from the bottom. Before planting, the cuttings are treated with a root formation stimulator. The fastest rooting is in cuttings planted in a loose mixture of peat and sand.

The container in which the cuttings are planted is covered with a cellophane film on top to ensure the maintenance of the humidity level and the supply of favorable diffused light. Try to keep the temperature around +22ºC, spray the cuttings regularly and ventilate the container.

The formation of roots can be reproached by organizing the bottom heating of the planting, but do not put it on the battery to avoid overheating.

Plants can be transplanted after three months, when the root system is formed and strengthened.

Propagation by air layering

You can get good air layering of shefflers only from a large plant.

For this in early spring at the place where the stem of the plant began to lignify, two small annular cuts are made at a distance of three centimeters from each other. Then carefully remove the bark between them and sprinkle with a mixture for root formation. Wet moss soaked in a nutrient solution is placed on top and wrapped with a film. Throughout the rooting process, the moss must remain moist.

It will take three to five months for roots to appear.

When the roots appear, you need to let them get stronger for two months and only after that remove the film, a layer of moss and cut the plant trunk below the level of root growth. The young plant is planted in another pot.

The rest of the plant is cut off at the root, but watering does not stop. After a while, young shoots will appear on it, and you will end up with two plants at once.

rest period

Shefflers have a dormant period in winter. This plant does not shed its foliage, but slows down or completely stops growth. Due to the onset of a dormant period and the cessation of growth, sheffler requires much less moisture, so watering is reduced.

The plant will rest best if it is moved to a bright, cool room. Optimum temperature for winter holidays +15 ºC. Throughout the rest period, the sheffler should be protected from bright light. A plant well rested during the winter develops better and is much less susceptible to disease.

Plant toxicity / beneficial properties

Scheffler is useful and poisonous at the same time.

The poisonousness of the plant is determined by the content of substances that irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Always wash your hands after contact with shefflera to avoid skin rashes.

Useful properties of shefflera lie in its ability to improve the ecological environment of the room in which it grows. Scheffler not only contributes to an increase in air humidity, but also saturates it with ozone and air ions. Some believe that this plant has an impact on the emotional environment in the room, absorbing all negative energy and radiating harmony and tranquility.

"Schefflera arboricola" is a miniature version of "Schefflera radiant". In nature, this evergreen plant reaches 8–9 meters in height (Radiant grows up to 15 meters). Young shoots are green, turning brown as they become woody. Compound leaves consist of 7-9 parts, each of which can reach 20 cm in length and 4 cm in width.

In house plants grows up to 2 meters. Breeders have bred many varieties of this plant, differing in the shape and color of the leaves. Among the popular ones are Gold Chapel (with golden spots on the leaves), Hong Kong, Compacta and others.


The photo shows a plant proper care at home:

Home care

Actions after purchase

Young Schefflers are usually sold seated in thin plastic containers with peat or other light substrate. You can give the plant a few days to get used to the new conditions, and then you need to transplant into a larger pot with a thick layer of drainage and suitable soil.


Schefflera prefers coolness, the best temperature range for it is 16–22 ° C.

In summer, they feel good in the open air, they can be taken out to the balcony, covering them from the direct rays of the sun.

Too high a temperature harms the plant, causes the leaves to fall, so even in the cold season you should not put a pot with Schefflera near a radiator or heater.

For wintering, it is better to choose a cool room at 14–16 ° C, but not to allow the temperature to fall below 12 ° C.


They grow best under diffused but bright light. Direct sun can cause burns on the leaves, so it is best to place the plant on the east or west side.

You can install adjustable shutters on the window to keep the leaves and soil from drying out. If wintering takes place in warm room, where the temperature is above 17-18C, additional lighting will be needed, it is preferable to install fluorescent lamps.


"Schaeffler" requires uniform watering to maintain soil moisture during the growing season. In winter, watering should be reduced. The soil between waterings may dry out, but the roots should not dry out or, conversely, moisture stagnation - this can lead to rotting of the roots or infection of the plant.

Blackening leaves are a sure sign of overwatering. A lack of moisture can be identified by wrinkled or curling leaves.


During the period of active growth (from April to October), you can feed with complex fertilizer for indoor plants every 10-15 days. If desired, you can alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.

Transplant and soil

It is best to transplant Scheffler in the spring, young plants require a transplant every 2 years, and older ones every 4–5 years.

You will need light soil with a slightly acidic reaction.

Suitable ready soil for palm trees or a mixture of soddy and leafy soil, sand and humus (2: 1: 1: 1).

Particular attention should be paid to the drainage layer - it should occupy at least a quarter of the height of the pot. Expanded clay is suitable as drainage.

After transplanting, you need to give the plant time to get used to the new land. After about a month, you can resume top dressing.


Rapid growth can be inconvenient when kept in small spaces. If the plant has become too tall, you need to prune by removing the upper part of the shoot with a growing point.

This will give the Sheffler branching a boost and keep it from getting too big. The resulting cutting can be rooted. Optimal time for pruning - in early March.

Interesting! Regularly trimming the tops, you can get a round crown.

If you want to give the plant the shape of a tree, you need to remove the lower side leaves.


"Schefflera", growing at home, usually does not bloom and does not produce seeds, therefore, it is propagated by semi-hardened cuttings or air outlets.

The cuttings cut with a sharp knife are placed in a soil substrate of equal parts of sand and peat. To ensure a suitable temperature (about 22 ° C), diffused light and humidity, you need to cover them with a film or place them in a greenhouse. After rooting, the temperature should be reduced to 18 ° C.

You can transplant young plants when their roots envelop the entire earthen ball. In this case, the diameter of the pot should be no more than 9 cm. Low, not higher than 16 ° C, the temperature contributes to better growth.

Air layers can be obtained from a large mature tree by making a cut in the trunk. Sphagnum soaked in a nutrient medium should be placed on the incision and wrapped with a film. Keeping the moss moist, after a few months, you can get roots on the tree trunk.

After that, you need to cut the trunk just below the incision. The remaining part is also likely to give new shoots if cut off at the root and watered regularly. In this way, you can get two plants from one.

Diseases and pests

"Schefflera Treelike" is less susceptible to pest attacks than other species of this plant.

Most often, the Sheffler is attacked by a spider mite.

This happens at low humidity, so for prevention it is enough to spray the leaves of the plant with a mild soapy solution once a week.

Other insect pests that are not indifferent to the Schefflers are aphids, scale insects, thrips.

All of them are sensitive to modern insecticides.

Excessively wet soil can cause root rot.

To combat the disease, you need to reduce the intensity of irrigation and treat the land with a fungicide solution.

Important! The leaves of "Shefflera" are a kind of monitor of the state of the plant.

So, light spots on them indicate too bright lighting. If the leaves fall in winter, you need to raise the temperature in the room and reduce watering. When falling in summer, on the contrary, move to more cool place.

Benefit and harm

"Schefflera Treelike" refers to weakly poisonous plants. However, it is unlikely to harm an adult. As a safety measure, you can wash your hands after cutting the plant and avoid getting its sap in your eyes.

Attention! Owners of small animals and cats should be treated with caution to Scheffler.

At the first signs of poisoning (vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety), you must show your pet to the veterinarian.

In a well-lit, spacious room, "Scheffler Treelike" quickly grows into a beautiful tall plant. It is worth giving it a little attention to protect it from drought and pests, and the open palms of the leaves will delight the eye with their bright glossy greens all year round.

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Scheffler (Shefler) is a unique tropical plant discovered in the 18th century by Jacob Christian Scheffler, after whom the name came. This plant will decorate any room. It is placed in office buildings, offices, houses and apartments. But before such an acquisition, you need to study well not only the characteristics of the plant, but also the signs associated with it.

Description of Schefflera

This homemade tree can grow up to 3 meters in height and have a crown diameter of up to 1.5 meters. So he needs a lot of space, although the size can be controlled if desired by cutting and shaping a seedling with early years. Shefler grows as a bush on a medium-length and thin stem. Leaves are business card culture. They are large, like a palm with spread fingers. Only "fingers" are not 5, like a person, but from 4 to 15 - depending on the type and age of the culture.

Schefflera flowers are something amazing. They are inflorescences in the form of panicles. Each panicle consists of a large number of small flowers of a green-yellow color. After the plant fades, berries with seeds appear in place of the flowers. Unfortunately, in captivity, this tropical miracle almost never blooms.

plant species

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In nature, more than 200 species of cheflera are known. But no more than 10 are decorative. This gives definite choice because each of indoor views has external unique features.

  • The radiant or star-shaped shefflera has small leaves, up to 15 cm long and 5 cm wide. Each sheet consists of 8-15 leaf plates. It grows up to 3 meters in height, the leaves are green, the crown is massive.
  • Tree sheflera gives complex leaves, each of which has 7-9 "fingers" on long petioles. Leaves are leathery, fleshy, shiny surface. Plant height 1.2 meters. The color is green or variegated.
  • The palmate shefflera has 7-10 "fingers" on an elliptical leaf. The color of the tree is green with bright veins on the leaves. Grows in a compact bush.
  • The eight-leaf chefler is a rare but popular species. Gives 8-11 "fingers" per sheet. The leaves are large, up to 10 cm wide and up to 30 cm long. The leaf color is green with light veins.

In addition, to home decorative types include such species as: "Janine", "Nora", "Charlotte", "Luseana" and "Gerda".

How to care for Schefflera at home?

Tropical plants always need special care. How to achieve active growth from shefflers, rich color and at least rare, but regular flowering? It's not as difficult as it might seem. First you need to provide her right conditions for life, and then follow the regular rules of care.

  • Chefler grows well in the southern part of the house, near the window, where there is a lot of light. But keep in mind that direct sunlight can harm delicate leaves, so it needs to be darkened from bright light in the middle of the day. To do this, just push the curtain to create diffused light.
  • For shefflers, the temperature is within + 16 ... + 22 degrees in summer and + 14 ... + 16 degrees in winter. And only species with variegated leaves need higher temperature conditions. For them, the thermometer should not fall below +18 degrees, regardless of the season.
  • The preferred humidity is moderate. If it is higher, lower or fluctuates frequently, then most likely it will sooner or later provoke the development of diseases.
  • Irrigation rates depend on the season. In summer, you need to water the tree 2-3 times a week - the hotter, the more often so that the earth does not dry out. In winter, the plant needs 2 times less water, so the tree is watered about once a week.

It is advisable to grow a chefler in a pot with a large, capacious pallet. After watering, the next day, all the water that the glass in the pan must be drained so that it does not stagnate!

  • Spraying is usually carried out in summer, if the air is dry, there is a lot of dust. And if there is no sprayer, you can wipe the shefler leaves with a wet cloth.
  • Care at home involves frequent airing of the room (2 times a day you need to open the window for 30 minutes). If fresh air it will not be enough, the sheffler will start to hurt, but drafts should not be allowed.
  • Pruning can be done to control growth. This simple procedure makes it possible to beautiful crown trees and check that it does not grow too quickly.
  • From April to September, the chefler develops the most. So that it does not begin to wither from a lack of nutrients in the ground, it is necessary to carry out top dressing with complex mineral or organic fertilizers for indoor plants. Top dressing is carried out 1-2 times in 2 weeks.

As you can see, home care for a shefflera is not very laborious, but it needs to be done regularly.

How to transplant Sheffler?

Once a year - in the spring, a young shefler is transplanted into new pot or at least in new land. But an adult tree needs to be transplanted every 3 years. If the plant is already very large and difficult to transplant, you can simply replace the topsoil.

Care at home for a sheflera involves a regular transplant, which cannot be neglected even if timely feeding is carried out!

If the pot changes, it is usually for a larger one. The pan should be deep so that it is convenient to water the plant and then drain all excess water. The soil is taken new, slightly acidic, fertile. You can buy it (the one for palm trees is suitable) or make it yourself from 40% turf, 30% leaf soil, 20% humus, 10% sand.

Before transplanting, drainage is laid on the bottom of the new pot (broken brick, charcoal, crushed stone, gravel), and then a small layer of earth. After that, the shefler is taken out of the pot, the old soil is removed from the roots, but not much so as not to harm the plant, and placed in a new pot. The roots are straightened on all sides, and then sprinkled with layers of earth. It remains only to water the plant, wait until the earth sits down and fill up right amount soil.


In order for the sprouts to have something to rely on, 2-3 plants are usually planted in one pot. As they grow, they are intertwined with stems, if they themselves do not. So it turns out a strong, center stem, on which a lush crown rests. But when the plant is one, better near install a support with it so that the flower does not fall under the weight of the leaves.

Propagation by cuttings and seeds

Shefler is propagated by only two methods at home: cuttings and seeds.

  1. Cuttings are simple and affordable option, if available mother plant(from which you can take a cutting). Not any process can become a cutting - a half-stiffened branch is selected. It is cut off, treated with root growth stimulants (if you need to get a young plant as soon as possible), and placed in a substrate of sand and peat.

It is better to choose a transparent container (glass or plastic cup) so that the growth of the roots can be seen. The temperature for normal rooting and development is + 20 ... + 22 degrees. When the plant is rooted, you can lower the temperature to +18 degrees. Transplanting into a normal pot is carried out when it is noticeable that the roots have braided the ground and have developed sufficiently.

  1. The second propagation option is by seeds. It is more troublesome, but gives a good result. Seeds are purchased at the store or collected from berries (if there was flowering). They are sown from the middle of winter in a substrate of sand and peat to a depth of 2 times greater than the size of the seed. After that, the soil is moistened (their spray gun), covered with a film and placed in a room with a temperature of + 22 ... + 24 degrees.

Once every 1-2 days, you need to ventilate the box with crops and irrigate as needed. After the appearance of 2 leaves on the sprouts, you can dive them into separate plastic cups and reduce the temperature in the room to +19 ... +20 degrees. When the roots braid the ground in a cup, you can transplant the sprout into a permanent pot for the next year, before the spring transplant.

Diseases and pests Schefflera

Sheflera rarely gets sick, but if you take care of her incorrectly, problems will not keep you waiting.

  • The dried edges of the leaves indicate a lack of watering, and if the leaves are completely dry, then the humidity in the room is underestimated - you need to increase the number of waterings and sprayings.
  • Roots of cheflers usually rot only with an abundance of moisture and cold in the room. In this case, in addition to rotting leaves, spots on the leaves can also be observed.
  • Shedding of leaves is observed when the room is hot or cold.
  • When a plant has little light, it will begin to lose its natural, saturated color.

Determining the appearance of pests on the chefler is quite simple. For this, it is not necessary to look out for harmful insects. As a rule, with the appearance of thrips, scale insects, spider mite the plant emits harmful substances - touching the leaves causes irritation on the skin, a rash. After such a reaction, it is necessary to identify which pest has inhabited the plant, and use the appropriate insecticides against it ("Golden Iskra", "Fitoverm", "Aktellik", etc.).

Many interesting signs are associated with the sheflera, superstition, because the state of the plant can be displayed on the lives of people living in the house.

  • Sheflera is a strong energy vampire. She feeds on the energy of the house and all household members. But this should not be feared, because the tree consumes only negative energy. So when a person is overwhelmed with negative feelings, fatigue, he should just sit next to the plant in silence and the lost strength will be restored, and the mood will rise.
  • Scheffler in the bedroom has a positive effect on family relationships. It strengthens love bonds and helps to get rid of sleep disorders.
  • Since ancient times, the chef has checked the chosen one. If 2 days after the visit young man shefflera began to drop leaves, then the choice should be reconsidered, and if it grows or grows without changes, then the person is good.
  • When a tree quickly and for no reason loses leaves, one of the household members can expect a serious illness.
  • The unexpectedly active growth of cheflera portends imminent guests or replenishment in the family.
  • When a plant begins to give buds, and then drops them abruptly, this promises imminent trouble in the family.
  • Sheffler has a positive effect on the material well-being of the family. It is better to put it in the office or in the room where money, precious jewelry is stored.
  • Stopping the development of the plant (even with active feeding) portends stagnation in business and relationships, as well as minor problems.
  • If the leaves darken or curl for no reason, then great disagreements are expected in marriage. The reason for this reaction of the flower is the abundance of negative energy in the house, which the shefler simply cannot cope with.
  • Scheffler in the children's room has a positive effect on mental and physical development child.

It is interesting that not all astrological signs are strongly influenced by the chefler. Astrologers recommend that representatives of the fire element acquire this tree. The reason for this is the irascibility of fire signs - their frequent mood swings, activity. All this creates strong energy in the house, although not always positive, and therefore a nutrient medium for this tropical, energy vampire.

Schefflera is a spectacular ornamental evergreen. In view of its unusualness and attractiveness, culture is in great demand. In addition, its positive properties have also been proven. For example, saturate the room with oxygen, air ions, and have a relaxing effect. The article will tell about how shefflers are reproduced and cared for at home.

Belongs to the Araliev family. It is a tree, a shrub that can grow up to 10 meters in tropical forests. In an apartment, the plant is much more compact: it usually reaches a height of 0.5-2.5 meters. Schefflera has long won the hearts of domestic flower growers. It is grown in many houses. Culture brings to ordinary interior notes of the equatorial tropics. This picturesque plant is distinguished by an abundance of bright foliage. She is digitiform. One sheet consists of 4-12 parts. It is very similar to a holey umbrella or a palm with spread fingers. The surface is bright. There are white or cream-yellow blotches.

Common varieties of sheffler flower

There are about 200 species in the genus Sheffler. TO room conditions the plant adapts quite well. But in order to increase the comfort of growth, the grower will have to make a lot of effort. Before considering how to care for a sheffler at home, and what problems most often arise, one should characterize the varieties of this plant.

The most common types of shefflers are:

In indoor floriculture, variegated forms of varietal hybrid forms with green leaves with spots, strokes and stains are especially popular. The following varieties are most often found in houses:

  • Janine.
  • Luzeana.
  • Gold Capella.
  • Charlotte.
  • Melanie.
  • Custer.
  • Bianca.
  • Amate.
  • Mix.
  • Gerda.
  • Nora.

Sheffler Janine

This is a tree type. Janine or Schefflera Gianni stands out among the mass of other varieties. The plant looks very attractive. The foliage is very bright and expressive. There are dark stains, blotches arranged in a chaotic manner. In addition, the culture is unpretentious. So caring for a Jeanine sheffler flower is not particularly difficult. Penumbra culture tolerates calmly and does not change its color.

All problems that arise are usually related to incorrect content. For example, due to poor temperature conditions, inappropriate humidity levels, active dropping of foliage is often observed. But by adjusting all the parameters, the state of the culture immediately improves. So, if all errors in care are identified and eliminated in a timely manner, Gianni will delight with her beauty. Unfortunately, Schefflera Janine does not bloom. However, this cannot be called a disadvantage. After all, the plant looks luxurious and presentable. For which it is highly valued.

Scheffler Luzean

Shefflera Luzeana amazes with its grace: its openwork highly decorative leaves do not leave anyone indifferent. The foliage is shiny and leathery. Sometimes there are variegated blotches of white or yellow color. Sun spots appear. In care, the variety is not capricious. The main thing is to follow the tips and recommendations on the content.

Sheffler Gold Capella

Among the variegated forms, shefflera Gold Capella is especially popular, which is often used for decorating apartments and landscape design. The flower goes well with other house plants. Thanks to this, there is a chance to create unique interior ensembles.

The leaves are quite fleshy, glossy. The shape is similar to fingers spread in different directions. Blooms at home extremely rarely. It is better for Gold Chapel to choose places with diffused light. With a lack of lighting, the motley crown becomes uniformly green.

Sheffler Charlotte

Shefflera Charlotte was bred quite recently, but has already managed to become in demand among landscape designers.

foliage with outer side light green with dark edges. A back side more saturated. The shape resembles an open rosette. Charlotte is widely used for landscaping office and residential buildings.

Sheffler Charlotte

Sheffler Melanie

Sheffler Melanie is considered a tree-like variety. Differs in small variegated foliage and a very elegant crown. In care unpretentious. Therefore, Melanie is often chosen for indoor cultivation.

Sheffler Custer

Sheffler Caster is valued for its decorative dimensions. If there is not enough space for a large palm tree, it makes sense to pay attention to this variety of shrubs. For small apartments and houses such a compact tree will be the most optimal solution bring a touch of exotic to the interior.

Sheffler Custer

Sheffler Bianca

Shefflera Bianca is characterized by short leaves that reach a length of only 8 centimeters. Each sheet has a border and a beige base. The edges are serrated. Requires Sheffler Bianca at home with minimal attention. It is necessary to organize regular and plentiful watering. And also every 2 weeks to make complex fertilizers. The optimum temperature in the room is + 18-22 degrees.

Scheffler Amate

The Sheffler variety Amate is also very elegant. The plant attracts the attention of flower growers with its waxy shiny leaves. The culture is highly resistant to pests. For example, to spider mites, scale insects and thrips. To the light Amate is not demanding. It is allowed to place it in a significant shade.

Schefflera Mix

Often in flower shops you can find a plant with the name Schefflera Mix. For a beginner grower, caring for a Shefflera Mix at home seems incredibly difficult. But, adhering to the rules of cultivation and providing the culture with the required conditions of detention, all problems and difficulties can be easily avoided.

Sheffler Gerd

Simplicity is also distinguished by caring for Gerda's sheffler at home, which is why this variety is chosen very often for apartments. Shrub prefers diffused lighting. At home, the tree can reach a height of 50 centimeters to 2.5 meters. It all depends on growing conditions. The foliage of Gerda is quite variegated. The color varies from white-green to yellow-green.

Sheffler Nora

Easy care for Shefflera Nora at home and elegant foliage are two important features for which flower growers highly appreciate and love this variety. The leaves are dark green, long. There are notches on the edges. There are blotches of yellow. The crown is quite lush.

Sheffler Nora

Features of growing and propagating culture at home

In principle, all types of Scheffler need to create the same conditions of detention. True, sometimes there are some differences in different varieties. By following the general recommendations for care, there is every chance to grow a luxurious palm tree at home.

Sheffler can be purchased at the store. Or, as an option, try to grow a whole plant on your own. For this use different ways. Culture is obtained in one of the following ways:

The culture is big enough. Therefore, after a while, shefflers are transplanted into more spacious containers. Young plants are transplanted every couple of years in spring season. For this, a special soil mixture is used. Palm grows well in hydroponics.

The state of culture largely depends on care. Lighting is an important part of care. The tree is very photophilous. However, the scorching rays of the sun and the heat does not tolerate. To low light, low temperatures, it is able to adapt. However, it loses its luster. It is advisable to place the plant near the windows of the east or west direction, away from heaters.

The optimum air temperature is considered to be + 17-22 degrees. Periodically, the sheffler needs to be sprayed from a spray bottle. Irrigate moderately and regularly. The earth must be constantly moist. Although the palm tree is moisture-loving, it cannot be flooded.

Shefflera is also trimmed at home in order to shape the crown. The procedure is carried out in the spring, before the shrub enters the active phase. In order to turn tall varieties into bush varieties, you need to shorten them by half their height, and then perform a shaping haircut every year. The shape of the crown is given gradually, over a long period of time. Cardinal pruning can only do harm.

Diseases characteristic of shefflers

Sheffler is overcome by various kinds of ailments due to violations of the rules of detention.

The following sheffler diseases are most common: leaf fall, its darkening, the appearance of spots. The leaves turn yellow and often fall off due to high temperature indoors, with excessive irrigation and stagnant water, as well as if the temperature is below normal.

Often seen on leaf blades brown spots. The reason for their formation is sunburn. Too dry air also leads to darkening and abscission of green vegetation. Sometimes this condition also occurs in the presence of a deficiency of trace elements in the soil.

The leaves also turn black due to rotting of the roots as a result of excessive irrigation and low temperature in the apartment. Too dense soil can also contribute to this state. Sometimes the grower notices that the trunk and leaves begin to curl and deform. Most common cause this is the lack of light.

Conclusions on growing shefflers

Thus, shefflera is a tropical evergreen that is actively used in landscape gardening. Such a palm tree is often grown in apartments, office premises. At the same time, the culture in height does not exceed 0.5-2.5 meters. Sheffler looks very impressive. The main thing is to take good care of her. Exists different types and varieties. On the this moment about 200 types are known. The most popular are Mix, Caster, Gold Capella and Charlotte. Lot useful information in the article:

Scheffler - evergreen Arali family. Depending on the species, it can be a tree, liana, or shrub. For unusually shaped leaves, where oval or slightly elongated leaf lobes depart from long petioles, similar to knitting needles from an umbrella, sheffler was called an umbrella tree.

Features of growing sheffler - a brief description.

The plant does not tolerate direct sunlight. In winter, the sheffler is placed in a bright place, but protected from direct rays (this is especially important in warm rooms). Only variegated forms suffer from a lack of light.

Planting a sheffler indoor plant

The main reason for the rapid spread of indoor types of shefflers is decorativeness and unpretentiousness. Even novice growers, with a minimum of time and effort, can quickly grow this beautiful flower on their windowsill.

In addition, there is a second explanation for the popularity of shefflers. Nowadays, it is rare for a house (not to mention offices) to do without a computer, TV and other equipment that makes indoor air dead and harmful. Schefflera is deservedly credited with properties to improve the environment. Like a sponge, it absorbs all the negativity, filling the space with phytoncides, humidifying the air and ionizing it.

A positive effect on the nervous system has been noted: Shefler's presence soothes, relieves irritation, enhances concentration and memory.

Landing methods

To start a sheffler, you can buy it in a store, or you can try to grow a whole plant from a shoot, cuttings or seeds.

Optimal landing time

It is best to plant and transplant a sheffler in early spring. then it will be easier to take root and will have time to get stronger before the onset of winter period recreation.

soil for the plant

Shefflera soil can be bought at ready-made. The flower shop recommends the right compositions. Most often these are mixtures for ficuses or palm trees.

But you can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you need to take one part of pure river sand, add three more parts of leafy soil and two parts of turf to it. You can replace two parts of leafy soil with one part of humus.

IMPORTANT! According to the structure, the soil should be fairly soft, loose and permeable, but not acidic.

Growing an umbrella tree is fairly easy. Subject to certain sheffler rules in the interior, it will look surprisingly attractive, and it will remain beautiful and not capricious in care for many years.

Location and lighting for the plant

Schefflera loves light, but is afraid of direct sunlight. Therefore, ideally, you need to put pots on the south side, slightly shading the plant. The western and east-oriented windows are also favorable.

An exception are the shefflera species with variegated leaves. Only places with high illumination are suitable for their cultivation.

Air humidity

The only difficulty in caring for an umbrella tree is maintaining high humidity in the summer.

In nature, the plant was formed in the conditions of tropical forests, where there is no dryness at all. Therefore, at home indoor plant it is advisable not only to water the sheffler with warm and necessarily settled water, but also to spray its leaves up to two times a day.

Temperature regime for the plant

From spring to late autumn, the sheffler is in a period of activity. The temperature for its cultivation is recommended to be maintained at 18-22 degrees. Small differences in day and night temperatures benefit the sheffler, but it must be protected from drafts and sudden changes in conditions.

How to water properly

The subtlety of watering the umbrella beauty is to capture the correct watering time. This time can be determined by the following signs: the top layer of the soil is already dry, but the clod of earth is still wet, which will show the weight of the pot.

In the conditions of an ordinary city apartment with its dryness, you can put the sheffler in a tray filled with expanded clay and add soft and warm water directly to this tray.

In summer, water 2-3 times a week. Much less so in winter.

Healthy mature plant requires feeding. Due to the similarity of the conditions for shefflers with the conditions for palms and ficuses, fertilizer can also be borrowed from these plant species or pamper the flower with universal fertilizer with mineral additives.

It is necessary to fertilize the plant during its active growth phase (excluding winter). If the plant has not fully taken root after transplantation or propagation, it is necessary to wait for the first young leaves, and then apply nutrients.

The frequency of feeding is once a month. You can help the plant with foliar top dressing by spraying it with bioregulators, for example, Zircon or Epin. This is also done approximately once every 4 weeks.

Trimming shefflers (For what purpose, complexity of the process, availability)

While the plant is young, it pleases with lush greenery, but now the trunk begins to stretch and the leaves are only on top of the bush. In order to prevent a decrease in decorativeness, pruning is used. With its help, you can form a beautiful and compact home flower.

Trimming methods

Depending on the shape you want to give the sheffler, you can use top pruning or pruning of the lower leaves.

The plant withstands both types of pruning quite calmly.

Sheffler transplant

A young plant requires a mandatory transplant in the first year of life, since its growth is very active and it may not have enough space to live in a cramped pot. When the sheffler reaches 3-5 years, the growth rate slows down and it can be transplanted less often: once every 2-3 years.

Transplant methods

The transplant process can be of two types:

  • transplant with cleansing of the former soil
  • transshipment, in which the flower is carefully removed from its former pot and placed with a clod of earth in a larger dish.

The substrate in which you plant the sheffler must be loose and fertile. The mixture of sand and earth must be thoroughly mixed, subjected to a disinfecting treatment. After transplanting, the soil must be compacted and watered without fail so that there are no voids left and the soil is tightly adjacent to the roots.

If you are planning to make two, three, or even a whole greenhouse out of one plant, then get ready for much more difficulties than usual. daily care behind the sheffler.

Whichever of three ways breeding (by seeds, cuttings or layering) you choose, you will have to pay increased attention to the humidity and temperature of the new plant, since it takes root quite difficult.

Reproduction methods

You can grow a copy of your pet in the following ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • seeds.

The easiest way to give life to a new plant is cuttings. The trunk is chosen not young, but already lignified. Cut with a sharp short knife so that the stalk has at least 5 leaves. Before landing in the ground, they are kept for several hours in a bio-solution (Heteroauxin).

It will help the engraftment of the process and powdering with Kornevin or coal dust.

Pay special attention to the conditions of germination: soil, temperature, humidity.

In small and well-drained pots with a mixture of sand and earth, heated to 22 degrees, cuttings are planted with a slight depth and covered with a glass or plastic jar.

From time to time, the sprouts are ventilated; stagnation of air during propagation by cuttings can also be fatal. It is recommended to spray them.

A more complex and costly method is reproduction by layering. To do this, roots are germinated on the stem, without cutting the cutting, but only cutting it. After that, the incision site is wrapped in moss or bandage, moistened and covered with a film.

Note: if the incision site is not allowed to dry out, after one and a half to two months you will receive a ready-made process with roots for cutting and planting in a separate container!

Reproduction by seeds- the rarest way for shefflers. They do this in January-February. The requirements for breeding with seeds are the same: compliance with the temperature and humidity conditions, ventilation, a similar composition of the substrate.

Seeds pre-treated with stimulants are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Then they are placed in greenhouse conditions. When the roots form a visible lump at the base, you can transplant them in separate places.

Does the chefler bloom?

Schefflera flowering can be observed much more often in street forms than in domestic ones. Flowers small, white or Pink colour, are collected in inflorescences and resemble the shape of octopus tentacles. Because of this, you can sometimes hear the nickname "octopus tree". But even without sheffler flowering, the tree is so beautiful that this feature will not upset you much.

Any violation of the natural conditions of the shefflera will affect its appearance: insufficient lighting indicated by pale and dull leaves or twisting of trunks, incorrect temperature regime- will give itself away by falling leaves. Slow growth means a lack of nutrients.

Pests can also interfere with a weakened sheffler: aphids, spider mites and scale insects.

In the case when you notice that the leaves have become sticky, as if covered with a sweet film, know: this is an aphid.

Plant disease is treated with sprays of soapy water or commercially available herbicides.

A spider mite attack is easy to spot by the thin cobwebs on and around the leaves. Karbofos - will help get rid of this scourge. But remember that the tick is ubiquitous and cunning. It can hide in hard-to-reach places, such as in or under leaf axils.

Main rule: the infected individual must be isolated from the rest!!

Aphids and mites are afraid of common mustard infusions. Recipe: take 50 g of dry mustard, insist in 6 liters of warm water for 3 days. Then dilute to two buckets and wipe, as well as spray the plant 2-3 times a day.

Common types

The sheffler plant has almost three dozen species:

  • Scheffler mix- it's not so much separate view shefflers, how much is a mixture of several species in one pot or tray. It looks very impressive and attractive.
  • Sheffler Janine this is one of the varieties of shefflers, characterized by smaller, but beautiful leaves. Their color resembles stains of white-yellow-green paints. The leaves are pinnate at the edges.
  • Sheffler Nora It has small light green leaves.
  • Sheffler Gerd- a variety of a plant in which the middle is light yellow in color, and the edges are green, a very rich dense shade.
  • Sheffler Louisiana- perhaps the most beautiful and elegant version of the sheffler. Leaves resemble glossy leather in texture. The color is green, juicy, with light spots.
  • Sheflera Janine
  • Sheffler Louisiana
  • Sheffler Nora
  • Sheffler Gerd

By adjusting humidity, temperature and light, you can achieve a wonderful look and quality of your particular shefflera. Listen and look closely at your green pet, especially during the first time he stays in your house, and he will repay you handsomely.

Answers to questions from readers

With proper care, timely transplantation and pruning, a sheffler can live up to 20 years.

If you allow strong growth (up to 2 meters in height), then it will simply no longer fit in your house.

Is this flower poisonous?

By rubbing the leaves, the owners of the plant achieve a beautiful glossy sheen and a magnificent view of the shefflers. But care must be taken, because the flower is poisonous. Particular attention should be paid to this fact when pruning the plant.

Do not forget! Shefflera juice contains substances that can irritate human skin and mucous membranes!

Why darken, dry and fall leaves

If the shefflera leaves begin to darken, starting from the tips, urgently pay attention to humidity and watering. Most likely, the plant dries up.

If the leaves fall off, then it is likely that you went too far with the temperature, or vice versa, the flower froze.

Sheffler went in spots? Keep it away from the bright and scorching rays of the sun.

But due to lack of light, the leaves will fade.

How does the plant overwinter?

Like any tropical plant, shefflera needs to rest. This state of dormancy, when growth and basic functions are slowed down, usually occurs in winter. The air temperature is reduced to 15 degrees. Fluctuations of plus or minus 3 degrees are allowed. The best place for wintering - a warmed loggia or balcony. Shefflers sharply limit watering and observe her behavior. Excessive moisture can lead to flower diseases: dropping leaves or infection with viral infections.