Watering Kalanchoe at home. Proper care for flowering Kalanchoe at home

Decorative Kalanchoe is especially loved by flower growers for their showiness and beauty. These plants are unpretentious and suitable even for beginners, so growing them at home will not be difficult and hassle.

Almost all varieties of Kalanchoe can be grown in indoor conditions, however, most often the following varieties can be found on window sills:

  • Blossfeld. The sizes of this plant can vary from 20 to 40 centimeters, the ovoid leaves, wavy at the edges, are painted in bright green. The bush blooms for about 6 weeks, producing white, red, orange or yellow buds;
  • Kalandiva and Rosalina are very similar to Blossfeld's Kalanchoe, but they are more compact in size. During flowering, the bush is decorated with double buds bright shades ranging from pink to purple. The leaves are light green and characterized by the presence of a glossy sheen;
  • The plumose Kalanchoe is a "viviparous" species that can reproduce by babies growing on leaf plates. The plant looks very original, therefore it is often used for decorative purposes;
  • Degremona grows triangular leaves on an erect stem. At the edges of the leaf plates are brood buds that can be used for reproduction. The flower is valued for its bluish or grayish foliage, decorated with inside small purple spots.

Home care

All varieties of Kalanchoe need similar care, so you need to read the rules of maintenance only once if you want to decorate the windowsill with Degremona or Kalandiva. For plants to feel comfortable, care must be taken to create a supportive environment and provide minimal maintenance.

What pots to plant and what soil to use

Kalanchoe are often sold in transport pots and soil, where the amount of nutrients is limited. That is why, after the purchase, it is necessary to give the flower a few days to adapt to the new conditions, and then proceed with the direct transplant. This will help maintain the health of the bush, which over time, without replacing the soil, will begin to wither.

It is also necessary to carry out a periodic transplant of adult Kalanchoe - approximately once every 2-3 years. If the plant has already mastered the entire earthen ball, and the roots begin to peep out from the drainage holes, watering is required much more often than usual - get to work, having previously compiled the soil and picking up the pot.

It is better to transplant into a pot, the diameter of which is 2-3 cm larger than the previous container. If you choose a pot that is too spacious, the flower will direct all its energies to filling the free space, which will negatively affect its growth, and for flowering varieties, the quality of budding. Also, in a small pot, the risk of flooding the root system is much lower.

As for the material of the pot - here you should focus on your own tastes. Both plastic and ceramic are suitable, however, the presence of drainage holes is mandatory in any case.

The soil can be purchased at the store - a mixture for cacti or succulents is suitable. Before planting in the substrate, add a small amount of coarse sand to increase the looseness of the soil. It is also easy to prepare the ground yourself according to one of the schemes:

  • 2 parts of sod land, humus and sand, 1 part of charcoal or activated carbon, 1 part of crushed red brick;
  • 2 parts of peat, 1 part of loam, up to 2 parts of perlite or coarse sand;
  • Equal amount of turf, rotted manure, coarse sand, crushed red brick or gravel;
  • 2 parts of leaf and sod land, 2 parts of peat, 3 parts of perlite or coarse sand, a small amount of vermiculite.

Take care of the presence of a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, for which purchased expanded clay or broken red brick, small pebbles, crushed stone are suitable.

Temperature control and lighting

The optimal temperature for keeping Kalanchoe indoors is considered to be a range of + 20- + 25 degrees in summer, and about +15 degrees in winter. It is imperative to protect the plant from sudden temperature changes and drafts. Do not put the pot in the cold season on the windowsill, where the window is often open or near the balcony - find a more "cozy" place for the bush.

During heating season proximity to batteries and radiators is undesirable - the combination of dry air and high temperatures negatively affects the growth of the flower. But in the summer it is not only possible, but also necessary to take the pot out to the balcony, loggia or terrace - the bush is on fresh air will do the good. The only caveat is that you protect the succulent plant from direct sunlight and do not leave it in the heat.

All varieties of Kalanchoe love bright diffused light, so you need to find a suitable window sill for the flower. There is a risk of leaf burns on the south window, so shade the pot with reflective film or paper.

For flowering Kalanchoe species, the issue of the length of daylight is especially relevant. Because these plants produce flower buds when the day is waning, it can be difficult to achieve beautiful flowering at home. To "trick" the bush, cover it with a paper cap or take it out into a dark room, adjusting the duration of lighting (no more than 8-10 hours).

In winter or when you are on the northern windows, it is recommended to supplement the decorative Kalanchoe with luminescent, LED or special phytolamps for plants.

How to water properly

Taking care of the Kalanchoe means providing the flower in addition to temperature and lighting. correct watering... It is worth remembering that these plants tolerate the drying of the soil much better than its inundation. The average frequency of watering depends on the season:

  • In summer - once every 7-10 days;
  • In winter - once every one and a half to two weeks.

It is worth moistening the soil only after the top layer of the substrate has dried. You also need to be guided by the following rules:

  • During watering, make sure that moisture does not get on parts of the plant, does not remain in internodes;
  • Always drain the residues that have dripped into the pallet after half an hour;
  • Use separated or filtered water, room temperature.

Kalanchoe perfectly tolerates dry air, and some species even react poorly to high humidity... That is why there is no need to spray the flowers - just wipe the leaves with damp cotton wool or a napkin.

What you need to know about feeding

Top dressing is far from the most important item in the cultivation of decorative Kalanchoe at home. These plants can do without additional nutrients, however, if you wish, pamper the "green pet" with fertilizer - he will be grateful. Replenishment with micro-, macroelements and other components important for the development of succulents will have a positive effect on the beauty of the foliage, the quality of flowering and immunity.

For decorative leafy varieties of Kalanchoe, it is best to use fertilizers for succulents and cacti, but Blossfelda, Kalandiva and Rosalina need compositions for flowering indoor plants. Apply fertilizers 1 time in 2 weeks in the spring-summer period, and in winter, stop feeding.

Never apply top dressing in dry soil, as there is a high risk of burning the root system and ruining the flower. Add fertilizer to the water for irrigation, or feed the Kalanchoe when the soil is wet.

Pruning blooming Kalanchoe

For flowering varieties of decorative Kalanchoe, pruning is especially relevant, since such a "haircut" preserves the beauty and compactness of the bush, stimulates more abundant and prolonged flowering. Over time, the shoots of adult specimens stretch out, and only the tops of the branches remain leafy. The rest of the succulent is bare, which does not look very aesthetically pleasing. If you do not want to keep a strange-looking palm tree on your windowsill, regularly prune the Kalanchoe.

Pruning is carried out in spring or summer, while it is desirable to treat the cut sites with activated or charcoal. To correctly form the crown of the Kalanchoe, follow the following rules:

  • After flowering, remove the inflorescences completely, "at the root";
  • If the shoots are very elongated, shorten them in half;
  • Start pinching young specimens in the very early age by removing 1-2 pairs of formed leaves.

If you want to propagate a flowering Kalanchoe, then use the shoots that remained after pruning. They root perfectly right in the soil (peat with perlite in a 1: 1 ratio) and over time they will also delight you with bright buds.

It always seems that beautifully flowering plants require a lot of attention. But caring for Kalanchoe at home is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the simple rules, which we will describe below.

The described inhabitant of the windowsill is considered a medicinal representative of the flora, often used for nasal congestion and other inflammatory processes. The question of whether the flowering Kalanchoe can be used for medicinal purposes is still controversial. But even if it is impossible to get rid of a cold with the help of such a plant, then it will delight the owners with its flowers.

This type indoor decoration belongs to the jumbo family, and in translation means "a plant with thick skin"

The island of Madagascar is considered the homeland of the green creature, but its growth can be found almost throughout Asia. A blooming handsome man is grown both in greenhouses and in a room. This type of indoor decoration belongs to the jumbo family, which means "thick-skinned plant". Thanks to its thick stems and leaves, it accumulates moisture and goes without watering for a long time. Evaporation is impeded by a thin film covering leaves and stems. All these features must be taken into account in order to care for a blooming creature.

Let's highlight the basic principles of care:

  • Top dressing, pruning.

Now let's try to consider in detail each of the principles mentioned.

Video clip how to grow Kalanchoe at home

Blooming Kalanchoe is undemanding to watering. We can say that he loves drought more than excessive watering. Of course, in summer, when it is hot outside, the flower should be watered more often, and in winter the frequency of watering is reduced to once every two weeks. Moreover, stagnant moisture causes rot, which sometimes turns out to be fatal for your ward.

It is advisable that in the flower pot, in addition to the earth, there is drainage, which makes it possible to maintain the optimal condition of the soil for the inhabitant of the windowsill. And you can water your pet not only from above, but also into the pallet.

Blooming Kalanchoe is undemanding to watering

Unlike many indoor plants, flowering Kalanchoe can be in direct sunlight, especially in summer. In winter, he needs a dormant period, and the flowerpot is transferred from a sunny window to a shaded one.

The temperature regime, as in the case of illumination, differs in summer and winter.

An interesting feature of care is that in order for flowering to begin, it is necessary to reduce the length of daylight hours. In natural climates, this happens with the arrival of winter. Therefore, on cold days, the inhabitant of the windowsill pleases the eye with its bright colors of flowers.

But if you want the plants to bloom at other times of the year, you can artificially reduce the daylight hours to about 10 hours. To do this, put a bag of thick paper on the flower pot. Or just put the pet in the closet at certain evening hours, and in the morning take it out and put it on the windowsill again.

The temperature regime, as in the case of illumination, differs in summer and winter. V warm time the year the temperature ranges from +18 to +28 degrees. In winter, the conditions of stay are also cooler - + 10 - +16 degrees. The flower will even like it if you take it to the insulated loggia or balcony. This will be the so-called dormant period - an important requirement in caring for the flowering Kalanchoe, especially if it was actively blooming before.

Proper care video

For comfortable growth, blooming Kalanchoe needs to be transplanted. This is due to the rapidly growing root system. It is best to do this in April-May, when the plant has days of active growth. The main thing is that the duration of daylight hours is more than 12 hours. If this is not possible, then use additional lighting.

For comfortable growth, blooming Kalanchoe needs to be transplanted

When transplanting at home new pot should be slightly wider than the previous one. But the composition of the earth should be the same. Remove the flower from the container carefully so as not to damage the earthen ball. You can add fresh cuttings to the bush, the main thing is that in the future the overgrown plants have enough space in the flowerpot. And if the neighbors in the pot will different color, you can get a charming bouquet.

The blooming Kalanchoe is not very picky about the quality of the soil, it will do well both in loose and dense soil. But if sand is present in it, then the flower will be grateful to you. It is advisable to disinfect the soil before using it when preparing the soil at home.

From the above, it can be seen that caring for a blooming Kalanchoe at home does not require a lot of effort.

How can you get such a handsome, and even so unpretentious? The easiest way to buy is at a flower shop. But there were often cases that a beautifully blooming inhabitant of the house may soon start to get sick or stop growing.

Therefore, it is easier to take a branch of a plant from a friend who has such a window decoration. Moreover, the described representatives of the flora very simply reproduce in different ways, these are:

  • Dividing a large bush.
  • Rooting the cuttings.
  • Planting a separate sheet.
  • Sowing seeds.

The small stem forms roots very quickly and easily takes root in a new pot

Dividing a large bush at home is acceptable when the bush needs freshening up. But the disadvantage of this method is the poor survival rate of the divided flower, long time recovery.

The most commonly used and simplest is the rooting of the cuttings. The small stem forms roots very quickly and easily takes root in a new pot. After a short period (about several months), your pet will delight you with a lush bush.

You can also pinch off not only a stalk, but just a leaf from the parent plant. It will take root just as quickly as the stalk, only the right sizes it will only reach in about a year.

A favorable environment for rooting cuttings and leaves is a temperature of + 23- + 25 degrees, and good (without direct sunlight) lighting.

A plot about caring for a flowering plant

The seeds of the plant are very small and this makes planting difficult. They are laid on the surface of the soil, but they are not sprinkled on top, but only the seeds are pressed. After that, put a plastic bag on the pot or cover it with glass. The presence of diffused sunlight, small ventilation and a warm location will be favorable. After the seeds germinate, the plastic or glass is removed, and small plants are placed in a sunny place.

With deficiencies in care or with age, the window dweller may fall off the leaves of the lower part of the stem. It's not so scary, just the plant needs to be rejuvenated. The easiest way to do this is by grafting, as described above. And you will have a charming bush again.

Top dressing and pruning

To get a beautiful blooming green creation at home, fertilizers must be applied in a timely manner. The frequency of fertilization is once a month. You need to feed with fertilizer for succulents, but the use of complex additives will provide profuse flowering.

Fertilizers should be applied carefully, because an excess of feed can provoke an abundant growth of green mass, and you may not wait for flowers. Therefore, it is recommended to apply half of the rate indicated on the fertilizer package. Moderate feeding at home will also have a beneficial effect on a growing representative of the flora.

The formation of a bush is an integral part of the care of a blooming pet. On a young bush, it is necessary to pinch the shoots to give a flower correct shape... Also, on an adult flower during the period of active growth (spring-summer), the upper part of the shoots must be cut off to form lateral stems.

Removing diseased, damaged leaves and shoots is an important step for good flowering... It is necessary to cut off the faded buds, and it is advisable to do this as close to the stem as possible in order to protect the flower from rot.

Video about care and breeding

However, the flower is not very susceptible to disease, but when growing it at home, we must be ready for anything. Therefore, we will consider the main signs of "malaise" of the flower and determine what kind of care to provide in order to cure it.

Most often, a pet shows that he is uncomfortable through the leaves. That is, if you notice gray, white or brown spots- this is a sign that you need to change care, or rather its regime.

Most often, a pet shows that he is uncomfortable through the leaves.

Since the indoor handsome loves a moderate watering regime, the appearance of spots indicates that the soil is excessively waterlogged. The method of combating the disease is to reduce watering, the use of additional light sources. It also happens due to excessive feeding. Therefore, for recovery, the use of fertilizers should be canceled, and at best, the soil should be changed.

The reason for the death of leaves can be the high temperature in the room and dry air. Treatment is placing the flower pot in a cool room and humidifying the air.

Aphids - attack for your favorite window decoration. When these small insects appear, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, there are no buds. For treatment, you need to cut off the affected areas and treat with an aphid preparation or a soap solution.

We made sure that it is not difficult to take care of the blooming Kalanchoe at home. If you follow the described home care methods, you will enjoy beautiful flowering for at least one month.

Video about how to care for flowering Kalanchoe

If you provide the handsome man with access to bright light for 9-10 hours, and then remove it to a dark place, cut the flowers on time and fertilize once every two weeks, then the pet will answer you with an increase in the flowering period.

And after this enjoyment, do not forget to provide your green creature with a dormant period, and, therefore, stop caring, reduce watering and lower the temperature of stay.

Kalanchoe is the second common indoor flower after aloe, which has not only decorative, but also medicinal function. It is quite unpretentious, but at home, for proper growth and abundant flowering, the Kalanchoe requires competent care.

Decorative Kalanchoe - popular homemade indoor plant, which belongs to the fatty family. It is sold in many flower shops and grocery supermarkets, and is also grown by different growers, because it has an attractive appearance, and caring for it at home will not be difficult for a busy housewife.

The plant reaches a height of about 45-55 cm and has green leaves, the length of which can be 20 cm. They have a rich green tint, but on one side it is much lighter than on the top. Moreover, on the underside of the leaves, there may be purple spots that form along the veins.

Kalanchoe blooms mainly in winter. It is completely covered with luxurious inflorescences formed by small flowers. They have a different color range - from light pale pale to bright pink.

Kalanchoe inflorescence has a pale

Until bright pink

Moreover, the plant not only has an excellent appearance that can complement any interior, but also has medicinal properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory.

It is due to these advantages that it can be used to treat various skin diseases, as well as to heal wounds. Kalanchoe belongs to the genus succulent, due to which it has unpretentiousness to climatic conditions. And Madagascar, a small African island, is considered his homeland.

Today this plant has more than 180 varieties, but only some species are suitable for growing in indoor conditions:

  • pinnate;
  • Rosaline;
  • one-flowered.







Despite the fact that they are unpretentious, in order to ensure correct growth and abundant beautiful flowering, it is important to observe competent care, which involves watering, replanting, adherence to temperature and humidity conditions.

For example, after flowering Kalanchoe must be plucked. If this is not done, it will lose its decorative function.

Kalanchoe grows well enough at home, but only if the basic rules are followed. It can be grown in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • by cuttings.



The first method is quite simple to implement. To do this, you need to buy a high-quality product in a specialized store. planting material according to your tastes and desires. It is optimal to sow seeds in mid-spring, because in such a situation, subject to all the advice from flower growers, the plant will be able to acquire a full-fledged crown shape by next winter.

To germinate seeds, you must first prepare the sod soil, and also observe the following recommendations:

  1. Sowing of seeds is carried out in shallow containers, which can be used as ordinary plastic or special for growing flowers. Sowing seeds is carried out superficially, since they are small enough, and with a strong deepening, they will not be able to give viable seedlings.
  2. They should be sown in rows at a distance of about 2-3 cm from each other. In this case, after planting, the soil should be slightly moistened using a conventional spray gun. Doing this from a glass or watering can is not recommended, as this can lead to their burrowing into the soil and reduce germination.
  3. The container or pot with seeds is covered with transparent glass, film or a transparent lid (if planting was done in grocery containers). It is recommended to sometimes ventilate seedlings and moisten them from a spray bottle. Before the first shoots appear, the soil should always be slightly damp. This kind of careful care is required for the plant for 4-5 weeks.

After the first shoots appear and until they reach a length of 4-5 cm, they must be transplanted from each other into separate containers or pots. To do this, it is worth choosing plastic ones with holes in the bottom and a pallet, which will avoid waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the roots. After transplanting, the Kalanchoe should be covered with glass or polyethylene and left for 2-3 days. When the first leaves appear on the shoots, they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

When the first shoots appear, you need to transplant in different pots.

Another way to grow a plant at home is by cuttings. To do this, you need to cut off a branch from healthy plant and place it for a while in clean water... After the stalk gives roots up to 2-3 cm long, it can be transplanted into moist soil.

When rooting is not carried out in water, but in the soil, you can use specialized solutions and powders for rooting the formation of roots.

This method, unlike the previous one, is simpler and easier to implement, so it is ideal for inexperienced gardeners.

Moreover, some plants are viviparous, so they can produce offspring on their own leaves. After the moment of separation, the "cut-offs" are strong enough, since they have their own root system. They can be easily transplanted into another pot for independent growth and flowering.

Some plants can produce offspring on their own leaves.

But correct growth and abundant flowering of a plant can only be provided by competent care at home, which involves the implementation of the basic rules and recommendations regarding watering, fertilizing and regular pinching.

Since Kalanchoe grows at a fairly good pace, a year after sowing seeds or grafting, they need to be replanted. This is due to the fact that the root system of the plant grows very quickly, therefore, to ensure good growth they need to be transplanted into a new pot, selected depending on the size of the roots and stems indoor flower.

This home care is best done in spring, since it falls on the stage of active vegetation and growth. To do this, you need to follow the main steps of the step-by-step instructions:

  1. The indoor flower must be carefully removed from the old pot, while being careful not to damage the root system. If it is damaged in the future, the plant will not be able to fully grow and develop. Clear the roots from the soil.
  2. Prepare a new pot first. For planting, you should choose an earthen mixture based on sod soil. Then transplant the Kalanchoe into the deepened hole, cover it with earth and tamp it. If all the recommendations are followed, the flower usually quickly adapts and takes root.
  3. To ensure proper growth and development, you need to put the plant on a sunny windowsill, and if the light is not good enough, use artificial lamps.

Caring for a houseplant at home involves the need to adhere to some rules that are the key to its beautiful and attractive appearance and lush bloom. The main care consists in proper watering, creating good light and temperature, air humidity and regular feeding.

Proper watering is very important for the Kalanchoe.


Favorable temperature

Taking care of this houseplant is easy enough. Since it belongs to the tropical family, it does not respond well to abundant watering. It is necessary only at the stage of seed germination; in the future, the flower should be watered sparingly, since highly moistened soil is the main cause of root decay. To do this, you should adhere to the tips:

  1. Succulent should be watered only in small portions of water and mainly during its flowering period.
  2. In spring and autumn, Kalanchoe should be watered only with settled cool water, preventing it from getting on the shoots, as this can lead to their decay.
  3. In the summer, after watering, all excess water from the sump must be poured out, the optimal frequency of watering is once every three days. The plant has a large amount of liquid in the trunk, so it is not afraid of drought.

In autumn and winter, the flower is watered much less often, so you should not allow excessive moisture in the soil. In the cold season, watering a flower can only be done with a warm liquid, since a cold one can provoke stress and the falling of leaves and flowers.

The second important point is to create good lighting. In the morning, the plant can be exposed on a sunny windowsill, but after lunch it should be covered with a cloth or handkerchief, and also transferred to a shaded place. This is due to the fact that burns may appear on the leaves upon contact with ultraviolet rays.

To avoid ultraviolet burns on the leaves, the plant should be placed in a less illuminated place in the afternoon.

In the winter season, it is much better to look after him. Rearranging from place to place is no longer required, since in our climatic conditions in winter the sun's rays are not as strong and active as in summer. An indoor flower prefers a moderate temperature of 16 to 20 degrees, but if it drops by 5 degrees, it will be able to adapt.

Novice gardeners should also know how to pinch a Kalanchoe. This should be done annually after flowering, removing thin shoots with small leaves, which will ensure the flow of nutrients into the large and healthy stems.

Diseases and pests

When growing Kalanchoe, many of its owners are faced with many problems that can lead to a deterioration in its growth. This is why proper home care is important. The most common indoor flower pests include:

Aphid. This insect is considered very dangerous, as it leads to poor nutrition and possible death. The leaves are covered with small green insects. That is why it is important to periodically inspect leaves and shoots to remove dried and yellowed ones. In case of severe damage, they are completely cut off, and for processing, you can use soap containing potassium.

Shield. A gray bloom testifies to the defeat of an indoor flower by this insect, so caring for it at home involves removing the scale insects with an alcohol solution.

Another problem that growers face is why the Kalanchoe does not bloom. The reason for this can in most cases be a lack of nutrients in the soil. Therefore, to prevent this problem, you need to regularly replant.

Kalanchoe is a popular houseplant that belongs to the genus succulent. It is not afraid of drought, well acclimatized in any conditions, does not require special care, but when growing it, it is important to know a few rules and recommendations. This will produce beautiful foliage and abundant flowering.

Pleasing the eye with delightful bloom, home flowers create a cozy, warm atmosphere enveloped in an aura of love and harmony. Whether exotic or familiar, they decorate our home, treat diseases, and give a wonderful mood. Handsome Kalanchoe: home care for which does not require a lot of effort and financial costs - an unpretentious, refined plant that lives on the windowsills of apartments and balconies. What conditions does it need for growth and flowering?

Features of growing Kalanchoe of different varieties

There is a conditional classification of Kalanchoe associated with the peculiarities of home care conditions:

  1. Decorative varieties:
    1. Blossfeld. Kalanchoe type with toothed leaves of a small size green, which, with proper care, allows you to obtain beautiful bush up to half a meter wide.
    2. Kalandiva. Terry inflorescences shown in the photo attract the well-deserved attention of numerous admirers. According to Doctor of Science, English professor of botany David Hession, every second visitor to Dutch flower auctions buys Kalandiva.
  2. Decorative leafy varieties of Kalanchoe. Home care conditions require special attention when watering:
    1. Felt. Narrow, oblong leaves with pronounced veins are decorated with gray villi.
    2. Bekharskoe. Olive color leaves up to 10 cm in size, covered with brown hairs. Valued for medicinal properties, does not require close attention and home care.
  3. Viviparous varieties, or bryophyllums. Inspired and amazed the great Goethe, this type of Kalanchoe reproduces by budding:
    1. Degremona. Kalanchoe leaves are oblong, smooth, triangular in shape with jagged edges.
    2. Cirrus. A common species that "lives" on the windowsills of our mothers and grandmothers for many years. Effective in the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, wounds and burns, inflammation.

How to properly care for Kalanchoe at home

Kalanchoe: an attentive home care that will delight you and your loved ones with exquisite flowering - a tropical plant native to the island of Madagascar. Belonging to the genus of succulents, it feels great in the tropics of Asia and South America, temperate climatic zone of Europe and ... on the window of the apartment. Reaching a two-meter height in natural conditions of a tropical climate, this genus of the Crassulaceae family has up to 200 varieties.

Temperature and lighting

The temperature of 12-25C will be comfortable for the plant. These indoor flowers feel great in the summer on the balcony in pots or in the open field. In order for the Kalanchoe to develop and bloom well, it needs sunlight. Direct rays are detrimental to the flower, therefore, if the window sills of windows - permanent places of "residence" - face the south side, create diffused lighting. In winter, a feature of home care will be the creation additional source Sveta.

Air humidity and watering

The root system of the plant does not tolerate excess moisture, reacting with decay processes. Use settled water at room temperature. When leaving, do not forget that wet air provokes the development of diseases. For the heating season at home, "house" the flower away from radiators. Choose the mode of watering the land:

  • in the off-season - no more than once in a few days;
  • in hot summer, daily watering is necessary;
  • in winter, the frequency is reduced to one watering every two weeks.

Fertilization and feeding

When choosing how to transplant Kalanchoe after purchase, do not forget that the plant needs comfortable home conditions to adapt. Ornamental varieties plants experienced florists it is recommended to "feed" with complex fertilizers, using a half dose. It promotes abundant, long flowering... Avoid additives in winter as well as during the Kalanchoe season.

Soil selection and flower transplant

Transplanting Kalanchoe at home is necessary if the roots of the plant have filled the space of the flowerpot in which the flower lives, which prefers slightly acidic soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5. Kalanchoe should be transplanted at the end of April-May:

  1. When choosing a ready-made succulent soil, add a fifth of fine sand.
  2. When self-preparation soil at home, sterilize all components by mixing:
    • humus;
    • turf;
    • charcoal;
    • sand.
  3. Place expanded clay or finely chopped pieces of brick on the bottom to improve drainage.

Plant propagation

If the day length is more than 12 hours, you can plant the plant. To do this, use the following methods:

  1. Reproduction of Kalanchoe by cuttings. Only healthy people are suitable stem cuttings... Carefully separate the base with two leaves from the common bush, planting them in prepared slightly acidic soil.
  2. Do you want to carry out leaf propagation for Kalanchoe at home? Carefully detach an intact, healthy leaf from the common bush, plant it in a new pot with prepared soil.
  3. Seeds. Place the seeds on the surface of the moistened soil (1 part each of sand and peat), without sprinkling it with earth. Cover for 10-12 days with glass or plastic. When you see the sprouts that have hatched, remove the “shelter”.

Flowering and pruning Kalanchoe

Most varieties decorative varieties begin to release the first buds in late winter - early spring. The flowering period is short - from February to April. How to make Kalanchoe bloom:

  • creation of a light mode using lamps;
  • "Light" feeding;
  • compliance with the rules of "short daylight hours".

A crown formed by pruning and pinching will help give the plant a beautiful silhouette. Following the recommendations will contribute to the creation of "exquisite forms" of the flower:

  1. Kalanchoe, how to cut? After flowering, try to remove the pedicels as low as possible to restore the strength of the weakened plant. If you notice that the flower looks "tired" and unhealthy, be sure to cut off any damaged leaves.
  2. How to pinch a Kalanchoe? To stop the growth of the plant, to rid the flower of underdeveloped thin shoots, the removal of the latter will help. Use scissors to remove unnecessary top leaves and stem tips. Sprinkle charcoal / ash over the wounds on the shoots to be pinched.

Diseases and pests

Kalanchoe: what home care will protect the plant from pests and destructive diseases:

  1. Leaf diseases:
    1. Phytophthora - dark, sometimes black spots at the base of the leaf. The reasons are excess water during irrigation, heat, excess fertilizer.
    2. Powdery mildew... Its appearance is caused by non-observance of the temperature regime, low air humidity when caring for Kalanchoe at home.
  2. Pests:
    1. The most "famous" insect attacking the leaves of a plant is the aphid. Green midges interfere with the flowering and growth of the Kalanchoe. At the same time, the leaves of the flower turn yellow, gradually falling off.
    2. Shield. An insect that provokes the development of fungal processes on the leaves and stem of the Kalanchoe.

Removing infected parts of the plant, treating the remaining healthy plant with special soap (potassium) or alcohol solutions will help to cope with pests at home. Full recovery will take a long time, observing the rules for caring for a flower and watering the soil with fungicides - chemicals, the action of which is aimed at combating various diseases.

Why Kalanchoe does not bloom - reasons

When buying a beautiful, blooming Kalanchoe, be prepared for the adaptation process after the first flowering will take some time. Asking the question: "Kalanchoe does not bloom, what to do?", Adhere to the following recommendations of botanists and florists:

  1. Reduce the amount of fertilizer applied and the frequency of feeding. This should be done in stages, gradually reducing the dosage.
  2. Follow the home care guidelines discussed above. An excess of moisture or a lack of it, the presence of diseases, pests living on the plant, interfere with the flowering process.

Video about the beneficial properties and care of blooming Kalanchoe

The outlandish name "Kalanchoe" is translated from Chinese as "thick stem", Africans and South Americans call it "the herb of fate", and the Portuguese call it "the plant of life." There is a beautiful legend that the house in which this plant blooms violently is kept and cherished by the saints, and its inhabitants are always lucky. Such beliefs are not unfounded, because some types of Kalanchoe can be called a "home doctor in a flowerpot." Watch the video below to learn how to provide proper home care for a flowering plant.

Like most succulents, the Kalanchoe needs good lighting. Of course, you can put the plant in a shaded place, but then its stems will stretch, and flowering in general will be a big question.

When grown at home best windows for Kalanchoe - eastern and western. And in winter, they are completely southern. In summer, you need to be careful with southern windows. In the heat, with intense solar radiation, Kalanchoe leaves can take on a reddish tint, but some growers even like such metamorphoses. So try it. Important note: the establishment of flower buds in the Kalanchoe occurs with a short daylight hours (lasting about 8-10 hours). But this “day” should be bright, ideally sunny. Then more flower buds will form, and the colors of the flowers will be more saturated.

Like many succulents, Kalanchoe grows best in moderately warm temperatures. In summer, the ideal mode is 23-25 ​​° C, in winter - 11-16 ° C. But quite bold variations in one direction or another from the theoretical ideal are also possible. In winter, nothing will happen to the Kalanchoe, and with short-term drops in temperature to 8 ° C, of ​​course, provided that the plant is kept “semi-dry”. And in summer, even temperatures above 30 will not harm him, if the earthen coma is not allowed to dry out.

Therefore, as soon as the air warms up to 10 ° C in spring, you can take out the Kalanchoe in a pot to the balcony or yard. And keep the plant there until autumn, until, again, the temperature drops below 10 ° C. Some gardeners for the summer plant it in open ground into the garden, and in the fall - they dig it up and move it back to the pot.

Watering for blooming Kalanchoe in order to bloom

In summer and spring, watering is best done with cool water. In this case, water is poured directly onto the ground or into a sump, the Kalanchoe does not accept direct ingress of water on the stems and leaves, excessive moisture can destroy the plant and lead to its rotting. If water accidentally gets on the stems, then using a cotton swab, carefully absorb the moisture from them. When watering, it is not necessary for the water in the pot to "stand", it must be absorbed, and it is better to drain the excess, you should remember the rule: it is better to underfill than to pour. If you notice that water is not absorbed from the pan, it must also be drained. Watering should not be too frequent. Without moisture, this plant can hold out for about a week.

In the autumn and winter period reduce the amount of water by half. The pallet must be kept dry at all times. Kalanchoe is completely unadapted to cold conditions. The next watering is best done when you make sure the soil is completely dry. In the cold season, use room temperature water for this plant.

Fertilizer for flowering Kalanchoe to bloom

The substrate in which the Kalanchoe grows is fed once a month. Fertilizers for cacti and succulent fertilizers, such as Agricola or Florovich fertilizer, which are sold in bottles in gardening stores and have a liquid consistency, are suitable for a tropical inhabitant. Such fertilizers are diluted with water in a certain proportion, which is indicated in the instructions. However, an excess of fertilizer will destroy the Kalanchoe. In winter, feeding is stopped.

How to transplant flowering Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe grows at a fairly fast pace, however, due to the rather strongly growing root system, it needs to be transplanted quite often, regardless of the size of the stems themselves. Repotting should be done in late spring, when the plant is in its most active phase.

Kalanchoe, together with a small amount of soil, is separated and taken out of the old pot and transplanted into a new one.

After the transplant, the adaptation process begins. It is imperative that the old and new soils are the same in composition and proportion. During the adaptation period, feeding is required, as we talked about a little earlier. On average, the plant fully takes root after a week. When choosing a pot, try to choose deeper models with a wide diameter.

If, for some reason, the transplant must necessarily be carried out in the winter, then try to create as much comfortable conditions for the plant.

Refers to fast-growing flowers, therefore, requires frequent transplantation - once a year, at the end of March. Adult plants can be sprinkled with new soil, but provided that the roots do not go beyond the boundaries of the pot.

It is necessary to transplant Kalanchoe into a pot larger than the previous one by 2-3 cm in diameter. When transplanting, you need to very carefully pull the flower out of the container - since it has very fragile leaves and stems. The soil is suitable for this composition: Sod earth (1 part), leafy earth (1) and sand (1), you can also add humus.

A not too large pot with drainage at the bottom and suitable soil are all that a Kalanchoe needs when transplanting.

Choosing a pot for flowering Kalanchoe

It is best to give preference to a glazed clay container. The thing is that such a pot is highly porous. And this will allow the root system to constantly breathe, which is important for the proper development of the plant and active flowering in the future.

But it should also be borne in mind that the Kalanchoe during the flowering period is very fond of when the pot is enveloped on the sides with peat: this way the plant receives additional moisture and all the necessary nutrients. Therefore, when it comes to decorative form a pot for such an indoor flower, do not bother too much on this.

When choosing a pot, do not forget about trays for excess liquid.

It is preferable to buy the most ordinary-looking pot, since after a while its surface on the sides and bottom will be covered with secretions of salts and streaks from water. This is especially true when the Kalanchoe constantly receives water from the sump. Then the pot deteriorates much faster, but the plant also develops better.

Pruning Kalanchoe blooming in order to bloom

Even a young Kalanchoe must be cut off in order for it to receive beautiful shape... The upper petals should be cut off, and later, when new shoots appear, do the same. And then the flower will get a rounded look.

You can give this flower any shape you want. And each owner can take advantage of this Kalanchoe feature in order to make the flower as beautiful as possible. In addition, if rotten or yellowed petals suddenly appear, then they should not be left in any case. Firstly, they will spoil the appearance of the flower, and it will look unaesthetic. Secondly, in general, this can have a bad effect on the Kalanchoe.

In the sun, Kalanchoe begins to grow rapidly. Thus, the flower loses beautiful view... By cutting off the top, you can return it to its original  position. That is why it is not recommended to set young plant to a lit place, keep it in a less lit place. Otherwise, at the very beginning, it can stretch out and take on an unaesthetic look. But in any case, it will always be possible to correct the shape of a given plant, so it is already attractive.

It is very important, after flowering, to rid the plant of peduncles. In this case, even one peduncle cannot be left. Cutting them off is at the very base. But you should not remove them before the flowers have bloomed. Wait until the flower has completely bloomed. Then carry out the trimming procedure.

The flowering period must be followed by a dormant period. Therefore, it is better to put the flower in some dark place so that the color does not fall on it. There he must remain for about forty days.

How to make Kalanchoe bloom

In order for the flowerpot after its acquisition and in the future to delight you with its beautiful flowering, it is necessary to feed it after the withering of the inflorescences. This procedure should be carried out no more than twice a month and use ready-made fertilizers. Also, the flowering of a plant can be affected by:

  • Optimal temperature regime within the range from +10 to +25 degrees Celsius.
  • Water with soft, settled water;
  • Transplant every two years;
  • Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

For such care and attention, the flowerpot will surely delight you with exuberant flowering.