Means for daily maintenance of parquet boards. Parquet maintenance

Natural wood flooring requires slightly more gentle maintenance than all other floors. But compliance with the simple rules for caring for the parquet will allow you not only to preserve its original appearance for many years, but also to count on a manufacturer's warranty. Remember that in most cases, non-compliance with the recommended care rules will void your warranty.

The main enemies of the parquet board are sand and water. The first runs the risk of leaving small scratches on your floor, acting as a kind of abrasive substance in combination with shoes and other hard objects. Excessive second can lead to swelling of the flooring.

In this regard, the first thing to do for the day-to-day maintenance of a parquet board is to put a mat at the front door to keep dirt, sand and rainwater out of the floor. Water can also get on the floor through an open window during a strong thunderstorm or through a flower pot on the floor, which is best placed on a plastic stand. Window shades will help protect the floor from rain and avoid direct exposure to direct sunlight, protecting the parquet board from ultraviolet radiation and discoloration.

Excess moisture is bad, but a lack of moisture can also cause deformation of the boards, so try to maintain the relative humidity of the air at 40-60% and the air temperature 18-24 ° C in the room during the operation of the parquet board. Use a humidifier during the winter heating season. In summer, when the air conditioners are in operation, do not direct the air currents to the floor. In a non-residential area, ventilate the room at least twice a week for half an hour.

Rubber rollers on office furniture, soft vinyl rugs under swivel chairs, felt or felt pads under the legs of heavy furniture and chairs will help to avoid scratches and dents on the parquet board. The parquet board is not designed to be walked on with stiletto heels.

Is prohibited

  • Too frequent wet cleaning
  • Pouring water or mortar from a bucket onto a parquet board
  • The use of abrasive products, including those with metal impregnations
  • Chlorine for surface cleaning
  • Using concentrated detergents without diluting with water
  • Use washing vacuum cleaners to clean the parquet floor
  • Powders, acids, solvents, ammonia and other active substances

For regular (daily) maintenance of a parquet board, you only need to wipe it off in a timely manner from dust and accumulated dirt. For this purpose, you can use a broom, a vacuum cleaner with a special parquet nozzle, a brush or a soft-bristled mop.

Most manufacturers recommend microfiber or soft cotton fabrics for dry cleaning, and only the Austrian parquet board manufacturer Scheucher® warns against using rough microfiber fabrics for parquet maintenance, preferring cotton mop.

Dry brushing involves carefully scrubbing the grooves on the beveled parquet board and sweeping the dust with a hair brush into a scoop.

For intensive maintenance of a parquet board, it is necessary not only to sweep it, but also occasionally wipe it with a damp, well-wrung out cloth. This will allow you to promptly remove adhering dirt and fresh stains from the floor. You can use a mop with a soft microfiber cloth, but only with a wring-out option.

Detergents should be specially designed for a particular surface of the parquet board: they may differ for lacquered, brushed and oiled boards. Read the instructions for the products on the packaging. Some detergents are designed for daily use. After dilution in water, they not only thoroughly clean the parquet from dirt and dust, but also form a thin dirt-repellent film on the surface.

Remember that the cloth on the mop should only be slightly damp while cleaning. Wipe the floor in a zigzag motion along the planks. Permissible amount of moisture on the parquet board according to the recommendation of the Wood Bee® manufacturer: 2-3 minutes after wet cleaning, the floor must be completely dry. In order to avoid the appearance of water stains after wet cleaning, it is necessary to walk the parquet dry with a clean cloth.

Blood stains should be immediately removed with a cotton cloth soaked in cold water and well wrung out. Use a slightly damp cloth to remove food and drink stains.

Resin, ink, glue, cosmetics, soot, shoe polish are removed from the parquet board with mineral water or white spirit. Its same, benzene or substitutes can be used to remove crayons, felt-tip pens, pencils, tar, rubber, greasy stains. To remove lipstick and mascara, use 1 to 1 alcohol and water.

Stearin, candle wax and gum are carefully scraped off the parquet board with a plastic spatula after they have hardened or frozen with ice or aerosol.

Oil-coated parquet boards require additional protection against drying out. A special product will help restore the natural beauty of the tree and save the floor covering from losing its original appearance.

If you do wet cleaning once a week, then the protective agent should be applied once a month, if less often, then once every 2 months. For intensive maintenance and restoration of the oily coating of parquet boards, a special transparent or white oil is intended.

Regular renewal of the oil coating of the parquet board will preserve the brightness of its color, prevent the wood from drying out and protect it from the negative effects of UV rays.

In general, manufacturers recommend regular cleaning of parquet boards covered with natural oil using special cleaning agents every 1-3 days in schools and other areas with intensive floor load, every 3-5 days in offices and corridors with average use, and about once per week in living quarters.

More intensive cleaning is required every quarter / six months / year, depending on the intensity of use. Deep cleaning of stains from natural oiled parquet boards is recommended as needed.

Maintenance of UV Oiled Parquet Board

Regular wet maintenance of UV-cured oil-coated parquet boards is recommended depending on the intensity of use. So, daily cleaning in schools, shops and restaurants is required almost every day, in offices - 1-2 times per working week, in apartments - once a week.

Intensive care, removing grease stains, cigarette marks, a layer of dirt and residues of detergents is required in schools every six months, in offices - once a year, and at home - once every 1.5 years. The floor should be periodically covered with maintenance and protection oil once every 1 / 1.5 / 2 years, depending on the loads in the room.

Beech and maple parquet boards are especially sensitive to moisture, therefore, immediately after installation, the Austrian manufacturer Scheucher® recommends treating its edges and joints with wax applied to cotton fabric, napkin or leather at the rate of 250 ml per 40-50 sq. m floor area. You can polish the surface with a soft wool, after which the floor should dry for ½ day. Wet cleaning up to 10 days after processing should be excluded. Otherwise, normal dry or wet cleaning with a well-wrung mop is recommended. Also, the manufacturer allows the use of a disc harvester.

Oak, ash, as well as some exotic woods have large pores, and therefore can collect dirt on their surfaces, especially on waxed floors, as a result of high loads during operation, as a result of which they may require intensive maintenance and cleaning of stubborn dirt. You can use a single disc scrubber for this.

The special concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. The remaining moisture should be removed with a vacuum cleaner with suction capability. Next, you need to re-wash the floor clean and dry. After that, if necessary, the parquet board can be sanded, vacuumed, wiped with a damp cloth, oil / wax applied, polished, re-oiled, dried for a day and not washed for a week. It should, however, be remembered that it can only be sanded when laying the parquet board on glue.

If you need to renew the colored oil coating on the glued parquet board, follow the instructions. First sand the surface in the direction of the grain to remove any stains or damage. Use a 120 grit, gradually working down to a finer grit 150-180. Colorless oil during sanding will help reduce the appearance of scratches. Remove sanding dust from the surface of the board, degrease and let dry.

Colored oil should be diluted with a solvent (up to 30%) or colorless oil. Prime porous wood with colorless oil. Apply colored oil (10-15 g / m2) to the parquet board with a spray gun or mohair roller, rub gently into the surface using a red or green sanding wheel. Dry for 24 hours.

Then the surface should be cleaned, possibly light sanding with a fine grain of 220. Colorless oil can be applied as a protective layer, the excess of which is removed by sanding in order to avoid the formation of an unaesthetic film. Avoid getting moisture on the floor for 10 days.

The varnished parquet board can be cleaned with a specially designed spray or a concentrate diluted with water (usually at the rate of 50-100 ml per 5-10 liters of water). In the first case, the spray is sprayed directly onto the floor or a rag on a mop. In the second case, the required amount of concentrate is added to a bucket of water.

There are products for everyday wet maintenance of varnished parquet boards, as well as for occasional use in case of more serious stains. In rare cases, it is allowed to use an undiluted, concentrated detergent on varnished parquet boards to remove stubborn and difficult stains.

To protect the lacquer coating and to mask small scratches, use specially designed parquet floor care products. For example, from the manufacturer Barlinek® it is Protector Shine. It is applied directly to the floor, but is not intended for polishing or brushed floors.

For the rest, when wet caring for a varnished parquet board, you should follow the basic rules: use a well-wrung out soft cloth, run it with light movements along the grain of the wood, use special detergents for heavy dirt and wipe the floor again with a clean damp cloth, then wipe it dry, do not allowing marks and stains. No polishing is required. You can use the floor already after 30-120 minutes after applying the care products.

Despite the precautions taken, during the operation of the parquet board, minor damage and scratches may occur. For the repair and restoration of the coating, different manufacturers have developed various products for the care of damaged parquet boards.

For example, the manufacturer Par-ky® has special markers of different colors that allow you to remove minor scratches and damage from the surface of the board and prevent it from getting dirty in damaged areas.

The Quick-Step® manufacturer uses wax crayons for this purpose, complete with a brush and spatula, to help restore the color of the damaged coating. Par-ky® also has wax for repairing parquet boards, complete with a spatula and a melting knife, for deeper dents and damage, including destruction of the varnish layer.

Finally, the construction of the parquet flooring makes it easy to replace badly damaged planks with new ones, even in the middle of the room, thanks to a special tool and a locking system.

Laying boards on plywood

Plywood is the best base for laying parquet boards. To improve the stability of the flooring, plywood must be laid in a certain way, namely: first, the plywood must be divided into small squares (or rectangles) with sides of about 50-80 cm, and then laid so that the joints between the plywood and the joints that will be between the boards , were at an angle of 45º in relation to each other. That is, for example, if the board is planned to be laid parallel to the walls of the room, then the plywood should be laid diagonally (at an angle of 45º). Plywood is attached to the base (or to the logs) with self-tapping screws. For 1 sheet of plywood with a side of ≈ 60-70 cm. 9 self-tapping screws are required. And yet, between the plywood sheets, it is necessary to leave a gap of about 5-10 mm. This is necessary so that when the geometry of the plywood changes (natural expansion with increasing humidity), the sheets do not rub against each other and do not cause a squeak. A special material is laid between the plywood and the parquet board - a backing.

Laying parquet on a concrete base (screed)

It is also permissible to lay parquet on a screed. In this case, it is necessary that the screed is strong, dry, even and clean. It is desirable that the compressive strength of the screed is at least 10 MPa. A special device is used to measure the strength of the screed. To check the evenness of the base, a two-meter perfectly level rule with a level is used. For laying parquet boards, it is desirable that the height difference over the plane does not exceed 2 mm. by 2 running meters. A screed can be considered dry if its moisture content does not exceed 2%. If this figure is higher, then either you need to wait until the screed dries up, or use a special vapor barrier primer, for example, Berger Primer P. When laying boards on a screed, it is better to use a Parkolag underlay, as it has good waterproofing properties and will prevent moisture from the screed to penetrate into the parquet. If the screed is dry, you can use cork or synthetic underlays (for example Tuplex), which do not have such good waterproofing, when laying parquet.

Laying parquet boards on old parquet floors, ceramic tiles, linoleum, etc.

The big advantage of parquet boards (or laminate) is the ability to lay them on almost any flat surface. The installation of a three-layer board, like many other floor coverings with a lock, occurs in a "floating" way. This method does not require gluing the parquet to the base, the parquet is easily assembled and dismantled. The requirements for the base, be it old parquet, ceramic tiles, or other old flooring, do not differ from those that we discussed above: the base must be even and clean (it must be well vacuumed before laying). It goes without saying that it must also be dry and durable. It is also important to find a suitable substrate as all substrates have different characteristics. We have considered the issue of choosing a substrate for parquet in a separate article.

One of the main advantages of a parquet board is that it does not need additional processing after installation. The material goes through grinding, sanding, varnishing and other operations in the factory, so all that remains for the consumer to do after the purchase is to correctly lay the boards on the subfloor. Thanks to the convenient locking system, the installation technology is greatly simplified, but in order to create a high-quality and durable floor covering, you need to study all the subtleties of this process.

Parquet board differs from ordinary wood in its three-layer structure:

  • upper layer- valuable wood with a pronounced texture. The thickness varies between 1-6 mm, but most often it is 3.5-4 mm. To increase the decorative properties, the material undergoes heat treatment, bleaching and other procedures, and to protect against negative effects - varnishing or impregnation with oil-wax compositions;
  • intermediate layer- pine or spruce slats, laid perpendicular to the face layer. At the ends of the slats, tongue-and-groove or locking joints are cut, depending on the modification of the parquet board. The thickness of this layer is 8-9 mm;
  • bottom layer- solid coniferous veneer, up to 2 mm thick. The direction of the fibers is perpendicular to the previous layer.

This arrangement of layers provides the material with high flexural and compressive strength, and increases resistance to changes in humidity and temperature conditions. Almost no chips form on the parquet board, and the protective coating retains its attractive appearance for years. The standard board has the following parameters:

  • width 120-200 mm;
  • length 1100-2500 mm;
  • thickness 10-22 mm.

There are several types of parquet boards, due to the number of dies in the top layer and the presence of chamfers on the sides.

Table. Types of parquet boards

Board typeSpecifications

The top layer is a solid cut of natural wood. After installation, the material is visually indistinguishable from solid wood flooring, which gives the interior a more presentable look. In addition, the single-strip version is considered the most decorative, due to the integrity of the natural pattern.

The front layer consists of a double row of dies, which gives the coating an external resemblance to parquet. The length of the dice varies in a wide range: they can be solid or divided into 2-3 segments. The dies differ slightly in tone and fiber structure.

The dies are arranged in three parallel rows offset along the length. There are also options in the form of a herringbone and braid - a classic parquet pattern. Such a coating is the most common today, since it is excellent for all types of premises.

The top layer consists of small, perfectly fitted dies, differing in shade and fiber structure. The pattern of the coating turns out to be bright and saturated, which is optimal for interiors that are not overloaded with details.

The presence of a chamfer increases the decorative properties of the coating, makes it look like a natural plank floor. In addition, these cutouts at the edges help minimize installation errors. Chamfer width is 1-3 mm

Prices for Tarkett parquet board

Parquet board Tarkett

Pros and cons of the material

Despite the abundance of inexpensive and reliable floor coverings, the demand for parquet boards remains consistently high. This popularity is due to the presence of significant advantages of the material:

  • the coating is durable and has a long service life, is resistant to wear and tear, and can be restored;
  • no need for varnishing, sanding or painting after the installation is completed;
  • thanks to the locking system, the coating, if necessary, can be dismantled and re-laid, without deterioration in operational properties;
  • installation does not require special equipment and does not take much time;
  • parquet flooring looks impressive and is suitable for different interior styles.

Such coverage also has disadvantages, although there are not many of them:

  • lack of the possibility of curly styling;
  • relatively high price;
  • the need for careful preparation of the rough base.

Ways of laying parquet boards

The coating can be laid in three ways - adhesive, floating and using fasteners (nails, self-tapping screws).

Glue method

Laying the coating on glue requires a perfectly flat and dry substrate. If grooves or bumps remain on the subfloor, this will lead to uneven erasure of the finishing layer, the appearance of cracks, and deformations. It is also more difficult to restore such a floor, since more material is removed in the protruding areas during scraping than necessary, in the recesses it is not removed at all. And the presence of moisture under the floor contributes to partial flaking of the coating, the appearance of fungus, swelling and swelling. To eliminate such risks, the parquet board is not glued to the screed itself, but to the plywood or chipboard substrate. There must be waterproofing under the substrate; in addition, you can lay sound-insulating material - cork, foamed polyethylene and others.

This method is used less and less because it has more disadvantages than advantages. Firstly, costs increase: in addition to parquet boards and waterproofing, it is necessary to buy material for the substrate, fasteners and special parquet glue, the cost of which is quite high. Secondly, it takes more time for installation, because you need to cut and adjust the plywood, fix it correctly, apply glue. Do not walk on the floor until the glue is completely dry. In addition, it will be more difficult to replace accidentally damaged areas, and the dismantled floor is unusable for reuse.

Floating way

The covering is laid without fixing the parquet board to the rough base. The lamellas are attached to each other using a groove-comb system or a special lock connection. A small gap must be left around the perimeter of the room, which prevents the floor from deforming during thermal expansion. There is a layer of waterproofing between the coating and the base; sound-absorbing materials can also be installed.

This method is considered the most convenient and fastest, therefore it is used by most craftsmen, and is also ideal for those who do not yet have construction experience. Subject to the laying technology, the coating perfectly tolerates changes in humidity and temperature conditions, which means that the risk of deformations is reduced to zero. If individual lamellas are damaged, it will not be difficult to replace them, the main thing is to choose the right boards by tone and pattern. Complete dismantling of the coating also does not require much effort, in addition, the material can be reused.

Laying with fasteners

Fixing the parquet board with nails or self-tapping screws can be used in the case of laying the covering on logs or a solid wooden base, and not on a screed. For this, lamellas with a thickness of at least 20 mm are suitable, since thin boards can be easily damaged. Lags are stacked in increments of no more than 60 cm and strictly in the same plane, since even small differences in height cause squeaks when walking. The area under the flooring must be well ventilated to avoid the accumulation of condensation and moisture.

When laying, the lamellas are positioned so that their ends dock only on the logs. The nails are driven into the grooves at an angle, and the caps are deepened with a doboin, so that the fasteners do not interfere with the tight abutment of adjacent boards. Such fasteners provide the necessary strength of the connection, but complicate the subsequent replacement of elements during repair. If it becomes necessary to completely dismantle the coating, it will not be possible to reuse the coating due to damaged edges.

For fastening individual parquet planks, nails are used, the length of which is 40 mm, and the thickness is 1.6 - 1.8 mm.

Adhesive flooring technology

Preparatory stage

Start by assessing the condition of the subfloor. Its surface must be flat, dry, and free of any defects. In order not to miss minor damage, the base must first be cleaned of debris and dust. Be sure to check the screed with a level and, if necessary, level the floor with a leveling compound. If a new screed is poured, it is impossible to start laying until the base is completely dry.

During the installation process you will need:

  • concrete primer;
  • moisture resistant plywood;
  • parquet board;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • circular saw or jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • dowel-nails;
  • one-component parquet adhesive;
  • notched trowel;
  • hammer.

Materials should be taken with a small margin, so calculate the required amount in advance by taking measurements of the floor area. As a rule, trimming takes from 5 to 10% of the total amount of flooring, depending on the experience of the master and the installation options.

Advice. The parquet board must be brought into the installation room in advance and left for at least a day. In this case, the temperature in the room should be in the range of 18-25 degrees, and the humidity should not exceed 60%.

Laying the cover

Step 1. The screed cleaned from dust is treated with a primer. If the composition is absorbed quickly, it is recommended to apply the primer in two layers, observing the time specified in the instructions for interlayer drying.

Step 2. Plywood is laid out on a dry floor and the places of the cuts are marked. The backing sheets should be staggered, with 3-5 mm wide gaps between them to compensate for thermal expansion. A gap of 10-15 mm is left around the perimeter of the room.

Step 3. Using a circular saw, they cut out plywood, clean the cuts from shavings and dust. Dilute the glue and apply it to the concrete base, where the first sheet will be located. The glue is quite thick, so you need to spread it over the surface with a spatula. Plywood is laid, leveled, gently pressed with hands. All other sheets are glued in the same way.

Step 4. For a more reliable fixation, plywood must be fastened to the base with dowel-nails. To do this, holes are drilled in each sheet in the corners and in the middle of the sides, stepping back from the edge 30-40 mm. Dowels are inserted into the holes and the fasteners are hammered in with a hammer.

Step 5. After fixing the substrate, the surface is cleaned of dust and proceeds to the marking of the floor covering. The first row is laid from the wall, fastening the boards without glue using lock joints. On the last lamella in a row, mark the cutting line and cut off the excess. Having completely laid the first row, mark its border on the substrate with a pencil and remove the boards.

Step 6. Take a new batch of glue and apply it with a spatula to the designated area. Distribute in an even layer over the entire surface, without going beyond the boundaries of the marking. Lay the boards of the first row, carefully adjusting them from the ends and leaving a gap between the wall and the coating of at least 10 mm.

Step 7. The second row should be fastened with an offset of the end seams by half the length of the lamella. Having cut the material properly, carefully cover the substrate with glue and proceed with installation. To do this, take the board with both hands along the edges, set it at an angle to the board of the first row, putting the comb into the groove along the entire length, then lower it down and lightly tap it so that the lamella is in place. Everyone else is stacked the same way.

Step 8. When laying the coating near the threshold, around the ledges and in niches, cutouts of the appropriate shape are made in the boards, necessarily leaving a technological gap around the perimeter. It is recommended to insert 10 mm thick wooden or plastic wedges between the wall and the parquet board so that the gap is the same along the entire length.

Advice. In the absence of experience in such work, it is necessary to control the time of fitting the boards so that the adhesive layer does not have time to dry. If the room is long, it is better to apply the glue for the first time up to half a row.

Step 9. The last row often needs to be trimmed to the width. Here, in the same way, the board is applied to the surface, the cut line is marked with a pencil, the excess is removed. After completing the work, they leave the room for 8-10 hours so that the glue hardens and reliably fixes the floor covering.

After the specified time has elapsed, take out the spacer wedges and close the gaps with plinths. It is not difficult to take care of such a floor, the main thing is to avoid excessive moisture. When wet cleaning, the cloth must be wrung out well so that puddles do not collect on the floor. Accidentally spilled liquids should be wiped up immediately, preventing moisture from penetrating into the seams between the boards.

Floating laying technology

A floating floor also requires a high-quality base, so the screed is prepared as described above. Next, prepare everything you need for work:

  • parquet board;
  • waterproofing film;
  • Scotch;
  • soundproofing underlay;
  • spacer wedges;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • jigsaw;
  • clamps for skirting boards;
  • drill and dowels with self-tapping screws.

Step 1. The prepared base is lined with a film for waterproofing, capturing the walls to a height of 10 cm. The strips of film are laid with an overlap of 30 cm wide and the edge is glued with tape.

Step 2. The next layer is an insulating backing made of pressed cork or foamed polyethylene. The substrate is laid close to the walls, adjacent strips - butt-to-toe.

Step 3. Proceed with the installation of the coating. The first board is laid in the corner along the wall, with an indent of 10-15 mm from the side and from the end. For convenience, wedges of the appropriate thickness are inserted between the board and the walls.

Advice. The boards of the first row must be laid with a ridge against the wall, but since in this case the technological gap will be wider than required, the ridges are cut off beforehand.

Step 4. The second board is placed side by side, leveled, its end is put into the lock of the first one and tightly fitted. The last lamella in the row is first tried on, marked with a pencil the required length and cut off the excess with a saw, and then fastened like everyone else.

Step 5. In the second row, the boards are shifted by at least a third of the length. Laying is done in the same way, only now each board needs to be joined both in length and from the end.

Step 6. Having reached the opening, mark the thickness of the coating on the door frame and carefully cut out the groove for the parquet board with a hacksaw. The resulting dust and shavings are removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Step 7. Install the nut. Apply the aluminum rail to the floor, mark the fixing points through the fastening holes. After drilling the holes, clean them of dust, insert the dowels and screw the rail with self-tapping screws.

Step 8. When laying the board extreme from the threshold, the connection is additionally strengthened with glue. To do this, carefully remove the top layer of wood along the ridge with a sharp knife, remove the shavings and apply glue in a thin continuous strip. The board is pushed under the door frame, leveled from the end and along the side line, the locks are clicked. For a tighter joining, hammer on the other side of the lamella with a hammer.

Step 9. The cover is cut out and laid opposite the threshold, after which the upper bar of the metal sill is screwed on. The plank should tightly cover the ends of the boards and lie strictly horizontally.

Step 10. From the threshold, the rows are laid in the way described above, with a mandatory gap around the perimeter of the room. If the last row does not fit in width, the boards are cut with a saw from the side of the groove.

Step 11. Having laid the covering, on the walls, on top of the film, mark the places of fastening of the cleats for the skirting boards in increments of 40-50 cm. The indents from the corners should not be more than 20 cm. Drill holes in the wall through the film, insert the dowels and screw the cleats with self-tapping screws.

Step 12. Install the skirting boards, then take a sharp assembly knife and very carefully cut off the protruding edge of the film so as not to leave scratches on the skirting board and on the wall.

If the technology is followed, the coating turns out to be strong and durable, does not swell, does not creak underfoot. If you need to replace individual fragments, it will be enough to pry them off and lift them to release the lock.

Video - Errors when laying parquet boards

Parquet board is a multi-layer material based on natural wood, suitable for a practical, warm, natural floor. Correct care of the parquet board in compliance with the recommendations of specialists and the use of products specially developed for these purposes will help to extend the service life.

Like any other flooring, parquet needs to be looked after, and especially carefully.

General maintenance means delicate use of a floor based on a parquet board, protecting it from moisture, mechanical damage and regular cleaning in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements.

Simple measures will help to protect the coating from scratches, chips and bald spots. So, for example, furniture legs will not scratch the coating if you stick small felt pads on them. If it is furniture on moving casters, special plastic rugs made of transparent materials will help to save the situation.

There are even special designer felt nozzles that can be easily removed if desired or necessary.

Considering that parquet made of natural wood is subject to the abrasive effect of sand brought into the room from the street, it is necessary to consider the design of the protective zone. Again, two types of specialized rugs are suitable:

  • tough;
  • soft.

The former will collect solid particles, the latter will prevent the spread of liquid mud on the floor in bad weather.

As for maintenance, for general cleaning, a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a retractable brush that is not able to scratch the coating will be sufficient. Periodically, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning using a soft cloth slightly moistened with water.

In no case should the coating be flooded with water, even if there are heavily contaminated areas. To remove them, use special tools, which are described in more detail below.

Oil-wax coating of the board - features of operation and maintenance

To properly care for your parquet, you need to know exactly what products were used to finish it. If we are talking about oil-wax compositions, then there are certain nuances. Such a coating, when applied to the surface of the board, does not form a film, but is only absorbed by the pores of the wood, protecting it from moisture and dirt.

If it is necessary to restore a parquet board with such a layer of protection, the areas that require it are sanded, after which they are re-treated with oil, repeating the procedure several times.

Soap solutions are best suited for wet cleaning oily wax-impregnated floors. The rag should not be too wet, and it is recommended to move it parallel to the grain of the tree.

Always study the methods and means of cleaning it before cleaning any surface.

Wet cleaning is carried out infrequently, but only as needed. In order for the floor to dry completely after processing, it is left for at least half an hour, after which it is polished using universal parquet care products to enhance the protective properties and give the coating an aesthetic appearance.

The greater the load on the parquet or parquet flooring, the more often it will need to be updated. So, for example, if we are talking about a public building, then reconstruction will be required at least once every six months. In apartments and private houses, where the coverage is carefully monitored, following the recommendations for care and use, it will be enough to update once a year or even less often.

Wax floor - features of use and care

Wax flooring imposes certain obligations on caring for it. To understand how to care for parquet flooring under a protective wax layer, you need to know about its properties to react to certain tests during operation. So, for example, wet cleaning of the coating will not give the desired effect due to the surface that repels any moisture. That is why only dry cleaning with the help of special products based on wax or solvent, if necessary, will be effective.

Soap solutions containing alkali are unacceptable. Contact with the wax-treated coating will change its color scheme.

The more carefully you use and clean the surface, the longer it will last and retain its attractive appearance.

Prophylaxis for wax-oiled floors

Preventive maintenance of the floor depends on the duration and intensity of its use. In the first year after installation, the coating is processed every three months in the following order:

  • clean;
  • wipe with a damp cloth;
  • give time to dry;
  • soaked in oil;
  • remove excess oil with a napkin;
  • give time to dry (day);
  • apply wax for protection.

With the onset of next year, the frequency of processing is reduced and is carried out as needed.

Too frequent cleaning of the floor can also negatively affect the condition of the parquet surface.

Varnished surfaces - how to care properly?

In order to extend the life of a lacquered parquet floor, certain maintenance and preventive maintenance requirements must also be followed. Regardless of the durability of the parquet wood and the quality of the parquet lacquer used for its processing, over time the surface will wear out and lose its aesthetic appearance due to cracks, chips, abrasions.

Prevention is just as important as routine cleaning of parquet flooring

Preventive measures can also be considered as maintaining the parquet floor to extend its lifespan. So, for example, to restore the lost gloss of the surface and remove small stains, a special composition "freshener" is suitable. Polishing the surface at least once every few months will enhance its moisture protection.

A complete renovation of such a floor is carried out no earlier than 12 years after active use with scraping, grinding and re-processing with varnish mixtures. It is possible that restoration will be required earlier if there was no one and no time to take care of the parquet board properly, for example, in public premises.

What products are used for wood floor care?

Especially for the maintenance and restoration of parquet and parquet boards, means and preparations have been developed that simplify the task, but most importantly, they are safe for natural wood. When it comes to washing solutions, they are called cleaners. Just like classic household chemicals, they are sold in concentrated form. The compositions do not harm the parquet, they help to clean it efficiently without smudges and streaks. Below are the most famous ones.

One of the most popular parquet care products

It is believed to be the market leader in American-made home and public parquet floor care products called Aqua Sport Wood Flor Cleaner. It is followed by the Spanish analogue Rubi, the Ukrainian agent against greasy stains on wood Glutoclean Pufas and the German concentrate, including surface polishing wax - Thomas Floor Pro, are practically not lagging behind.

Choosing an ordinary soap solution available for everyone implies adherence to some subtleties in the process of use. Soap should be low in alkali, liquid, diluted with water. A cloth for wet cleaning must be soft, with elastic pile. The ideal solution is special microfiber or felt rags with a high level of absorbency.

It is possible to simplify the maintenance of varnished or oiled parquet as much as possible by following the general tips:

  1. You only need to wash the floor parallel to the fibers (as mentioned above).
  2. Planters with plants should not be placed on the floor, not only because of the fear of getting it dirty, but also because of the accumulation of condensation under it.
  3. Protective attachments for furniture, domestic "socks" for animals with claws, rugs - all this will protect the coating.
  4. The humidity level in the room should be kept between 30 and 60%.
  5. The temperature level is 20-24 degrees Celsius.
  6. For cleaning and restoration, use only specialized preparations, without trying to resort to folk methods.

A simple but important nuance - home shoes are not only for animals, but also for people. These should be soft, non-scratching slippers without heels.

Don't forget to stock up on slippers for guests

Simple remedial actions - how are they carried out?

If, with all efforts, it was not possible to protect the parquet floor, you need to move on to radical measures. It is not always possible to remove chips and scratches, numerous abrasions and stains, especially perennial ones, with a local repair of a separate area.

In cases where all else fails, cycling is the solution. This procedure is effective and simple. It is carried out no more than several times during the entire period of operation of the coating. The number of scrapes allowed for parquet depends on the quality and type of wood and the thickness of the face layer. The greatest number of admissible scraping - 7 times, the least - 1 time.

For processing, special machines are used, delicately removing several millimeters of the damaged layer. They are easier to rent than to buy. Alternatively, it is worth considering ordering the services of specialists, whose arsenal has the equipment, tools necessary for grinding and surface treatment, as well as experience, skills and a desire to return the coating to its original appearance in a timely manner.

Cycling is a slow and costly procedure, so it is better not to bring the floor to such a state and take good care of it in advance

Experts can also advise on how to cover a parquet board and how after repairs to extend its life, depending on the level of stress, will help you learn how to independently cope with minor floor repairs using varnish, oil, special mixtures based on parquet chips and glue for solving problems with dents and scratches.

In conclusion, we note that correct and careful maintenance with periodic renewal of the parquet floor on time will extend the period of its service for several decades.

When choosing a floor covering for their home, modern people often prefer using traditional and time-tested materials, such as parquet or parquet boards, while rejecting existing newfangled trends. Consider the basic requirements and recommendations for the correct parquet board maintenance.
There is no doubt that the floor, the flooring of which is parquet board, has a natural wood pattern and a perfect smooth surface that will attract people's eyes. In addition, parquet flooring is practically the most durable flooring for interior decoration.
However, in order to preserve the effect of the coating, as well as to ensure that it has the longest possible service life, certain conditions are created for the parquet. In addition, the owners of premises finished with parquet boards must be able to properly care for this covering. Only in this case is it possible to preserve the original cloud and the unique charm of the coating.

Parquet board application, structure and distinctive qualities

Are there any differences between parquet and parquet board? Traditional parquet is made from wood. Most often, there is a three-layer parquet board. The first, top layer is valuable wood, the second layer is pine needles, and the third is a plywood plate, which is able to impede moisture.

Thanks to the top wooden layer of precious wood, the parquet board amazes with its beautiful appearance and durability. The thickness of this layer affects not only the cost of the parquet board, but also its durability.

A parquet board made using modern technologies has many qualities that a natural solid wood possesses (the presence of a unique pattern, natural colors), and sometimes even surpasses it. The superiority of parquet boards over natural wood is the ease of installation. It takes less time to install a parquet board than to install a parquet floor.

The parquet board is mounted by simply snapping in the connecting locks.

The cost of a parquet board is much less than the price of a parquet, therefore this finishing material is very popular among the Russian consumer. The cost of a parquet board can be less if, when producing it, the top layer is made not from solid wood, but from glued pieces. Such boards are called:

  1. Two-lane;
  2. Three-lane;
  3. Four technical lanes.

Thanks to the variety of colors and textures of the parquet board, a special atmosphere is created in any premises: residential buildings, offices, apartments. Laying a parquet board, for the manufacture of which oak, acacia, beech, maple and other exotic tree species were used, can emphasize the individuality of the owner, the presence of his unique charm and refined taste.

The floor covering - parquet board, has the following positive qualities:

  1. Differs in high water resistance.
  2. Excellent resistance to decay.
  3. It is characterized by constant size, that is, by minimal deformation, since under the action of humidity and temperature, the layers are able to restrain each other.
  4. It is not exposed to cracks and chips.
  5. Easy and fast to fit.
  6. Has high soundproofing properties.
  7. Does not require additional surface treatment after installation. Processing is carried out at manufacturing plants.
  8. Variety of designs.

Conditions necessary for the arrangement of the subfloor

To ensure a long service life of parquet flooring, as well as to prevent problems with it, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions at the stage of arranging the subfloor, which is the basis for the parquet floor.

One of the main functions of a subfloor (multi-layer underlayment) is to maximize the insulation of the flooring against moisture penetration.

Providing soundproofing of premises, since impact and airborne noises can have a destructive effect on the parquet flooring.

Providing correct thermal insulation, which significantly reduces the heat loss of the room (about 20%).

The base for laying parquet must be in a strictly horizontal position. In addition, it is necessary to ensure its evenness (unevenness in height should not exceed 2 mm).

Laying a parquet board is within the power of everyone, because it can be assembled by simply snapping in the connecting locks. The big advantage of this flooring is that it can be used immediately after installation. It does not need to be sanded, scrubbed, or applied with protective compounds, since all this is done in the factory.

How to properly lay a parquet board

When laying parquet boards, the following conditions must be observed:

Experienced builders recommend after buying a parquet board to leave it for several days in the room where it will be installed. During this time, the parquet board will have time to adapt to the temperature and humidity indicators in the room. Thanks to this, laying the floor covering will be much easier. In addition, the duration of his service will increase.

For a parquet flooring, the optimal room temperature is 18 - 24 ° C, and the relative humidity is 40-60%. It is desirable that these parameters are maintained during the operation of the coating in the room. Therefore, it is necessary to provide humidification and air conditioning for both people and the finishing material.

If the parquet board is laid on "warm floors", it is important to observe additional parameters:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the coating surface, which should not exceed + 24 ° С, and the daily drops should not exceed 5 ° С.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the maximum uniform temperature over the entire surface of the coating.

To be more precise, experts generally do not recommend laying parquet flooring on the "warm floors" system.

Protective films for parquet boards and their variety

In modern building practice, the protective coatings for parquet flooring are:

  1. Special varnishes for parquet.
  2. Various oil-wax compositions.

Parquet varnishes

Parquet varnishes are capable of forming a hard and durable layer on a parquet board. They can be based on water or synthetic solvents.

Varnishes, which are based on classic synthetic solvents, until they harden, emit strong odors that can cause suffocation and the development of allergic reactions. For this reason, they are applied to parquet boards in factories, subject to all the necessary modes (some wear-resistant varnishes need ultraviolet lighting to fix them).

The use and application of parquet varnish ..

To improve the water resistance of parquet flooring, after the floor has been laid, it is recommended to apply an additional layer of varnish. But at the same time it is necessary that while the varnish is not dry, there is no one in the room.

Oil-wax compositions for parquet

In order to protect the flooring from the parquet board from external influences, you can use oil-wax mixtures that will penetrate deep into the wood, fill the pores, as a result of which it will acquire a unique look. In addition, the compositions are able to highlight the uniqueness of the wood used.

Oil-wax compositions used to protect wood were born many centuries ago, but they have not lost their relevance. If you properly take care of the flooring, it is necessary to cover it with these compounds at least once a year. You do not need to have any special skills for this job, as it is a simple procedure.

First you need to apply a layer of oil evenly, and a mixture of oil and wax is applied to it. These formulations are harmless to human health, since the components are environmentally friendly. The use of linseed oil or Chinese wood oil is recommended, and the wax is of vegetable or animal origin.

When switching from the use of an oil-wax layer of protection to a varnish one, the wax mixture is completely removed first, for which the coating is sanded. Then a primer is applied to the parquet board, and varnish is applied to it. Otherwise, the varnish will not adhere to the coating surface.

Correct use and maintenance of a parquet board

It is forbidden to place flower pots on the floor covering, if it is a parquet board, as condensation will form there.

Parquet flooring requires certain care, which consists in protecting the coating from mechanical stress, which is possible during cleaning and operation:

The abrasive effect of sand brought in from the street by shoes is contraindicated for a parquet board, therefore, a protective area is arranged before entering the room. In this case, it is advisable to use two types of rugs: hard - removing solid particles from the sole of the shoe, and soft - absorbing liquid dirt (which is most important in the autumn-winter period of the year). It is better to take off your outdoor shoes in this place.

It is best to glue felt pads or other soft fabric on the furniture legs. If the furniture is on casters, place transparent plastic rugs underneath.

To keep rooms with parquet flooring clean, it is best to use a regular vacuum cleaner. Occasionally it is possible to wipe the floors with a damp soft cloth with your hands or a mop.

Do not pour liquid on the floor covering. For wiping the most contaminated areas, special means are used, which are specially designed to protect decorative floor coverings.

Do not use dishwashing detergents, thinners or thinners for paints, benzine or alcohol to clean parquet flooring. In extreme cases, the use of mild detergents is acceptable.

Using an oil-wax coating when caring for parquet

Oil-wax compositions for parquet flooring differ from parquet varnishes in that they do not form an outer film. They only fill the pores of the wood, which protects it from moisture and various contaminants.

To restore oiled parquet boards, only the damaged area needs to be sanded and then re-oiled. Such repairs are carried out within 24 hours.

Wet cleaning of oil-treated parquet floors is carried out using aqueous soap solutions.

The floor is wiped with a damp cloth parallel to the wood fibers. Such cleaning is carried out as the coating becomes dirty. The floor dries up within half an hour. Then it is polished using universal products that have a dual function - to protect and clean the parquet.

Parquet flooring, which is subject to increased loads, is renewed twice a year. In a room where residents wear house slippers, the coating is renewed once a year, maybe less often. At the same time, they use oil intended for periodic maintenance of parquet flooring.

The hygiene of the waxed parquet flooring is carried out by dry cleaning. Waxed floors are treated exclusively with products that contain solvents or wax. If you use soapy solutions that contain alkalis, the color of the coating may change.

With the right choice of care methods for parquet floors, protected with oils or wax, they will serve several generations of home owners. But its main advantages are as follows:

  1. The coating does not need to be sanded.
  2. Wood dust, harmful to human health, does not rise.
  3. You won't have to suffocate with the acrid smell of varnish.

Caring for such a coating is the use of cleaning compounds that do not require polishing - the floor is only wiped with a cloth.

Implementation of preventive measures

Treat parquet flooring with an oil and wax compound once every three months in the first year after installation. The procedure is performed in the following order:

  1. The floor is washed clean and should dry thoroughly within 6-7 hours.
  2. The parquet board is impregnated with oil using a special brush. Excess oil that is not absorbed is removed after 5 minutes with dry napkins.
  3. A protective layer of wax is applied to a parquet board one day after it has been treated with oil.
  4. When wet cleaning parquet flooring, add soluble protective wax to the water.
  5. At the end of the first year of operation of the parquet flooring, its processing is carried out if necessary.

It is better to purchase parquet floor care products from one manufacturer.

The use of varnished coating when caring for a parquet board

To eliminate traces of contamination that occur during operation on a varnished parquet board, use "cleaners", which are special cleaning agents. Some of them are concentrates that are diluted with water before use, while others are released ready-to-use, and enclosed in aerosol containers.

The formulations are chemically neutral to varnish formulations. All major manufacturers of parquet products have a range of cleaners that can be used to clean varnished parquet. In order to preserve and protect the varnish, the use of polishes is recommended.

Varnishing coatings for parquet boards.

Even if the parquet varnish is wear-resistant, after a while microcracks, scuffs and other unpleasant defects will appear on its surface. For a longer service life, experts recommend applying a layer of protective coating at regular intervals to the varnished parquet flooring.

This moment requires serious attention from pet owners, since their claws can spoil the top layer of the coating in a short time. In addition, urea can stain wood and destroy the varnish layer of parquet boards.

  1. Polishes with wax content.
  2. Substances that have a composition similar to highly diluted varnish. They must be diluted with water before use.

Preventive measures for the processing of parquet boards

To remove stains and restore the lost shine of a lacquered parquet floor, it is recommended to use a special compound called a freshener.

To protect against the damaging effects of moisture, the coating is polished every two months.

To eliminate local abrasion of the varnish layer, you can use a spray varnish. It is best to carry out a complete renovation of the varnish coating of a parquet board after 12 years of operation, however, these periods depend on the load on the coating.

You have read the information on how to properly care for a parquet flooring, so feel free to plan to lay it in your office or living quarters.

Having learned what a parquet board is, having learned its structure, features of operation, proper care for it, and subject to the above rules, you can be sure: the floor you have laid from a parquet board will serve you faithfully for many years and deliver moral and Aesthetic pleasure.