Reproduction and care of room violets. Indoor Saintpaulia violet: the secrets of care and cultivation

Violet is undoubtedly one of the most beloved house flowers. Its popularity is due to its compact size, unpretentiousness and long flowering. Quite a lot of pots with violets of pink, blue, white color and many other colors. Even a novice florist can cope with their care and reproduction.

Violet flower - description

Violet is a low bush with fleshy leaves and a very short stem. The plant blooms with small flowers, which are collected in brushes. Today there are a large number of their colors. They can be both monophonic and variegated:

  • bordered violets have a bright border along the edge of the inflorescence;
  • exists fantasy-colored species , on the entire surface of the petals of which there are dots or specks of a different color;
  • chimera violets distinguished by a bright line in the middle of the petal.

These home flowers are also distinguished by the structure of the flowers. They can be simple, semi-double and terry. In the latter, the petals are arranged in several rows, thereby forming rather large inflorescences.

Indoor violet - care, photo

It is best to place these unpretentious flowers on the northern, western or eastern window sills. From exposure to direct sunlight, their leaves are burned, stained and not restored.

Temperature and humidity

Indoor violets, care and reproduction which does not cause difficulties temperature regime not picky. The optimum air temperature for them is - + 20C ... - + 24C. Mature plants bloom for a very long time at this temperature. Sudden changes in temperature are harmful to them. The leaves in this case may begin to rot, and the flowers fall off.


How to grow homemade violet to make the plant look beautiful? For this Special attention should be given to its watering, which can be done in several ways:

The bottom watering method for violets is preferable. In this case, the water will definitely not fall on the growing point, and the soil will absorb required amount water. But this method can only be used if the pot in which the violet grows has good drainage holes at the bottom.

Watering should be carried out only after the topsoil has dried out - about once every 7-10 days at room temperature. If the room is hot, then watering can be more frequent.

soil for violets

Flower shops sell soil mixtures for saintpaulias, into which our violets can be transplanted. You can prepare the soil yourself from the following ingredients:

  • leaf ground - 2 parts;
  • sod land - 0.5 parts;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part.

In the prepared mixture, you can add a little bone meal and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate. You should get a slightly acidic loose soil in which violets will grow well and bloom beautifully. A drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of the pot.

Fertilizers for violets

The first few months after transplantation new ground the plant does not need to be fed. Then, during the period of increasing the green mass, the flowers are fed every 10 days with complex fertilizers. To do this, use special fertilizers for Saintpaulia or violets. Universal top dressings can also be used, but their concentration should be half that indicated in the instructions.

Transplanting violets at home

Annual transplantation has a beneficial effect on the growth and flowering of the plant. It allows you to replace depleted soil and hide the bare part of the stem from below. The following signs indicate that a flower needs a transplant:

  1. An earthen clod entwined with roots.
  2. White coating on the surface of the soil.

Transplant violets should be in the spring or after the plant has faded. To do this, take a container slightly larger than the previous one and strictly follow the rules for transplanting violets:

  • it is recommended to transplant into plastic pots, since the soil dries out quickly in clay and ceramic flowerpots;
  • drainage from expanded clay or sphagnum moss is laid out at the bottom of the tank;
  • the soil should be designed specifically for violets and be well moisture and breathable;
  • in the process of transplanting, an adult plant must be rejuvenated by cutting off large lower leaves and reducing root system;
  • the root system is carefully examined and, in the presence of rotten roots, the earth is shaken off, and the rotten parts are cut off;
  • if the roots have been cut off, then these places are sprinkled with crushed wood or activated charcoal before planting violets in the ground;
  • if your violet is not yet three years old, then it should be transplanted by transshipment, since young plants do not tolerate what disturbs their root system;
  • the pot is filled with soil so that about one centimeter remains to the top of the container - in this case, when watering, water will not flow out of the pot;
  • the bush should not be deepened much.

Transplanted bushes are not watered. They are covered with a transparent plastic bag, which ensures moisture and good survival.

If you do not need to update the plants, then transplantation can be carried out by transshipment. Most of all, this method is suitable for miniature varieties. During transshipment, the old soil is shaken off only partially or not at all. In this way, flowering specimens can be transplanted if they require an emergency transplant.


How to grow a homemade violet to make a beautiful and lush bush? Experienced flower growers plant is recommended to pinch. The lower leaves take strength from the flower and fade over time, so they need to be torn off with cuttings. You also need to get rid of yellowed ugly foliage and sluggish inflorescences. Since over time the trunk of the plant will be exposed after pinching from below, it is transplanted with deepening.

In order for the bush to grow evenly, the plant must be regularly rotated in a circle.

Propagation of violets by leaf

This breeding method has two options:

For reproduction, you need to choose healthy large leaves from the middle row of the bush. From one leaf you can get several outlets.

Reproduction of violets by division

Overgrown adult bushes can be divided into separate outlets. For this, new small pots with soil are prepared, an overgrown plant is taken out, and the sockets are neatly separated from each other. In this case, you need to ensure that each instance has several pairs of leaves and good roots. The bottom must match the top. If there are few roots and a lot of leaves, then the extra leaves must be removed. Compliance with the proportion will help the plant quickly adapt and take root in new conditions.

Young rosettes are planted in pots and covered with polyethylene or a glass jar on top for several days. They should be aired daily and checked for soil moisture.

Violets can also be propagated by seeds, but this one is quite hard way practically not used. The best option is to propagate by leaf and dividing the bush.

Violets pests

Most often, the plant can affect:

  1. Spider and other types of mites. If small red dots, brown eaten marks or cobwebs are found on the leaves, the flower must be treated with special agents against ticks (acaracids).
  2. Thrips eat both leaves and buds. When they appear, the flowers are cut off, and the bush is processed by Aktara.
  3. Scale insects can settle on violets, which are quite difficult to get rid of. They can be found on the underside of the leaves, where they leave behind a sticky liquid. The plant needs to be treated with Agravertin.
  4. A bush affected by nemethods begins to rot. In this case, the plant is completely destroyed.

Diseases of violets

Indoor violet, the care and reproduction of which you have already studied, is resistant to diseases. But more fastidious varietal plants can be affected by some diseases:

  1. Powdery mildew is the most common disease of violets. White bloom on the leaves is a sign powdery mildew. You can get rid of it with the help of Bentlan or Fundazol.
  2. Gray rot on the stems and leaves of the flower forms gray spots. When they are found, diseased parts of the plant are cut off, and the bush itself is treated with a fungicide. It is recommended to replace soil that can no longer be used.
  3. Late blight is a disease in which brown spots form on the foliage, and the roots begin to rot. The diseased plant and soil are destroyed. The pot is sterilized.
  4. Rust appears on the leaves in the form of orange spots. To get rid of it, a 1% solution of copper sulfate is used.
  5. Furaziosis leads to rotting of petioles of foliage and stem. A disease occurs due to an excess of moisture. The affected bush is treated with a fungicide.

Possible difficulties in growing violets

Novice flower growers are most often interested in issues related to yellowing of the leaves, lack of flowering and leaf spot.

If the violet does not bloom

The reasons for this may be:

  • pests;
  • insufficiently humid air;
  • waterlogging of the soil;
  • overabundance nitrogen supplements(phosphorus and potash fertilizers are needed for flowering);
  • short daylight hours;
  • lack of light;
  • too dense substrate;
  • very large capacity (until the plant fills the pot with its roots, it will not bloom).

Spots on the leaves

Spots appear in the following cases:

  • when the bush is affected by diseases or pests;
  • dry spots form from direct sunlight;
  • spots along the edge of the leaves indicate the depletion of the substrate and the lack of potassium in it.

If the leaves began to turn yellow

Possible reasons:

Knowing all the rules for caring for violets, and observing them, you can grow beautiful and long flowering bushes of different varieties. Moreover, growing and propagating violets is quite simple.

Indoor violet - so beautiful and tender plant that even prejudices about threatening loneliness will not prevent her from getting it. For some reason, it was believed that the flower has an excess feminine energy, and it will prevent its owner from finding a match.

Fortunately, most home plant lovers do not pay attention to slander and are happy to plant violets on the windowsills. In gratitude, they bloom all year round pleasing to the eye bright inflorescences all shades of the rainbow.

Violets, or Saintpaulias, from the Violet family decorate the interior of houses around the world, but their homeland is Africa. There, flowers grow along riverbeds and near waterfalls, as they love high humidity.

Direct sunlight is detrimental to the fleshy leaves of the plant, so it is low in order to be able to hide under the branches of trees and shrubs. The flower grows in the form of a rosette. Its diameter is from 6 to 60 cm.

Room violet feels best on a window facing east or north, when the bright sun does not burn the leaves and inflorescences.

In nature, the plant reproduces with the help of rhizomes and fruits filled with seeds. At home, the cut leaf is placed in a jar of water and after it has given roots, it is transplanted into moist soil.

The velvety leaves of the plant are oval in shape with smooth or serrated edges. Currently, breeders have bred several tens of thousands of species of violets with a variety of colors.

Popular varieties and types of homemade violets

When choosing a houseplant, many pay attention primarily to the beauty and shade of the inflorescence. The classic violet flower is lilac or blue-lilac. Wild varieties are distinguished by small flowers with five petals and a yellow core. Fashionable bred types of Saintpaulia are characterized by terry, bordered and tricolor petals.

Indoor violets are divided into varieties according to the shape and color of leaves and flowers, the size of the rosette and flowers, and the degree of their doubleness.

The most famous species include the following varieties.

  1. Star. It has a symmetrical arrangement of flower petals with a border and a bright middle.
  2. Pansies. With serrated edging of terry petals and a contrasting border along their edge.
  3. Bell. They are distinguished by petals fused at the base, creating an increased effect of terry.
  4. Bowl. With unfused petals various shapes and shades, got its name due to the oblong flowers that do not fully bloom.

Once in a flower shop and seeing the variety of violets, you won’t be able to stop at one plant. This is good, because violets love to grow surrounded by their brethren.

If the plant occupies the windowsill on the right side of the world, its pot is filled with suitable soil, and the watering is regular and corresponds to the established regimen, it will grow well and delight the owner with lush flowering. Violet does not require complex care at home.

Pot Location

If the windows of the apartment face the south or west side, then for growing violets it is necessary to hang blinds on them. The flower also does not tolerate drafts and a sharp change in temperature, therefore it is impossible to place the pot opposite.

The tender violet will die if the conditions of detention are grossly violated.

Air humidity

At home, violets grow well near waterfalls, as they love moisture. When water splashes dissipate into the air, an ideal habitat is created for them.

Violet leaves will become juicy and the flower will be strong and healthy if placed in a room or a mini fountain. The last element of the interior, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, brings harmony and prosperity to the house. The same is true for violets.


The flower should stand on the windowsill in order to receive the light necessary for growth. Morning sun - the best option for violet, so the east side is fine. For uniform growth of the outlet, the pot must be moved, since the leaves from the side closest to the window will begin to appear much faster than the rest.

It is not necessary to arrange a special lighting for the flower, because in nature violets hide in the shade of trees and are content with diffused light.

To understand that the location of the pot is chosen correctly, monitoring the growth and flowering of the plant will help. In case of a mistake, flowers will rarely appear.

Water the violet, like other houseplants, with well-settled water. room temperature. Due to the fact that water enters the water supply after filtration and purification, it contains various chemical additives. Most of them evaporate after 8-10 hours, but it is better to use water for watering plants a day after filling the jug.

Through pallet

This method is common among flower growers. Watering through a pan is suitable for violets, as water is guaranteed not to fall on its leaves. Any drops that fall on the flower should be blotted up immediately.

Water does not evaporate well from velvety leaves, and even a small amount of it will lead to the appearance of dark spots and plant diseases. In addition, harmful fungi and pests start in moist soil.

After pouring water into the pan, you should wait for it to be absorbed. If the top of the earth in the pot has not darkened, the procedure should be repeated. As soon as moisture ceases to be absorbed, its remains are poured out of the pan.


Watering from above should be carried out in a thin stream so that the spray does not fall on the leaves and flower stem. You need to pour water on dried soil until it pours out of the drainage holes. After waiting for the excess moisture to be in the pan, the water should be drained from it.

Many flower growers prefer this method when watering violets. It allows you to evenly moisten the ground, which is important for a tropical plant.

By immersion

Another way to water with a drip pan is to place the flower pot in water until the ground turns dark with moisture. This method is dangerous because pest-infected plants immersed in the same container of water will exchange spores of harmful fungi.


It should be noted right away that not all varieties of violets perceive the wick method of watering. It is not suitable for plants in pots, more than 8 cm high.

The technique of wick watering is to place a container of water under the flower that does not touch the bottom of the pot. The end of a piece of cloth rolled up with a bundle is placed in it, and its second part is inserted through the drainage hole into the pot. Violet regulates moisture intake and is always found in sufficiently moist soil.

Soil selection

In specialized departments, bags with soil intended for various types of plants are sold. There is such a substrate for violets. It contains at least 50% humus, moss or peat and sand. Such a composition will allow the flower to develop normally and form buds.

Violet completely depletes the soil in 2 years, so after this period of time it must be transplanted into fresh soil, gently shaking off the remnants of the earth from the roots.

The plant does not need an overly large pot, otherwise it will put all its strength into growth and will not bloom. The popular flower is compact, it has a neat root system. Since it grows on the surface, the container should not be deep. Pests start up in excess land, so the choice should be stopped on a pot with a diameter 2-3 times smaller than a violet rosette.

Pretty ceramic and clay pots are good for planting. The pattern on them can be selected in color scheme, close to the inflorescence of Saintpaulia.

In light plastic pots, the plant will also take root if drainage holes are made in them for air exchange of the root system. They are placed in a ceramic planter or wrapped in paper with a bright ornament.

Fertilizers and top dressings

If the violet stops blooming and looks drooping, adding fertilizer containing nitrogen to the irrigation water will instantly change the situation. In the spring, these supplements are necessary, because due to the short daylight hours, the plant weakens and needs to be fed.

You can use complex fertilizers or organics. It is impossible to bring them into dry soil, so as not to burn the roots of the flower. If the soil is dry, the violet is watered first. plain water, and then containing useful substances.

Also, the plant will gratefully accept supplements in the form of phosphorus-potassium supplements. By carefully calculating the dose of their addition, it will be possible to avoid the accelerated growth of the rosette to the detriment of flowering. Violets - Enough unpretentious plants, so the lack of fertilizers in the ground is better than their excess.

transplant violet better in spring or in autumn. In summer, it will be prevented from settling down by an increased temperature, and in winter, by a lack of light.

There are several reasons why a plant should be moved to another pot.

  1. Infection of the soil by pests or the appearance of a white coating on it.
  2. The growth of the flower and the formation of additional formed rosettes.
  3. Soil depletion.
  4. Overly compacted root system and cessation of plant growth, despite top dressing.
  5. Transplanting a newly acquired plant from a temporary pot to a clay one.

First of all, you need to moisten the soil of the transplanted plant so that it can be easily removed from the previous container. At the bottom of the new pot, a layer of expanded clay should be poured for drainage, and soil for violets on top of it. It should also be watered so as not to damage the roots of the flower during transplantation.

Carefully removing the flower and clearing it of clods of earth, it must be placed in another pot and add the missing earth on top. After that, the plant is watered so that it takes root more quickly.

Within a month after the transplant, it is not worth fertilizing the violet, as it gets used to changing the soil and may respond poorly to top dressing. A flowering plant is also undesirable to transfer to new pot, since it spends all its energy on the formation of buds and flowers.

Trimming Rules

The removal of leaflets is usually associated with the formation of a symmetrical rosette and rejuvenation of the flower. Always remove the bottom layer of leaves. It is more convenient to do this with a sharp knife or razor, carefully cutting off the leaves at the base.

When the stem of the plant begins to resemble a palm tree, the violet needs to be rejuvenated. It is better to do the procedure with a non-flowering violet. Otherwise, you should first remove all flower stalks, and then cut off the top of the plant with a scalpel or razor and clean the rest of the trunk. Putting it in a jar of water, wait until the flower gives roots and move it to fresh soil.

Violets, for all their unpretentiousness, need attention and care at home due to the possible appearance of pests and diseases.

With increased watering and excessive soil moisture, violet is often affected by brown or root rot. It is caused by fungi that grow in the soil. Brown rot is more dangerous, as it can spread to standing side by side uninfected plants.

Root rot affects the roots of the violet, which is why it should be immediately removed from the pot, cleaned out the affected areas of the root system and moved to another soil. If the pot remains the same, it must be ignited and washed with disinfectants. As preventive measures flowers are treated with antifungal drugs and reduce the frequency of watering.

Powdery mildew also often affects violets. The spores of the fungus get on the leaves from the ground and cause the formation of tiny white lumps. They are removed with a toothpick, and especially affected leaves are cut off.

by the most dangerous disease is fusarium. It negatively affects both the roots and leaves of the plant. The root system softens, and the stems become watery and soon die off.

If one flower is sick, it must be immediately isolated from the rest. Treatment and prevention consists in watering violets once a month with a solution of phytosporin.

Dark spots on the leaves are caused by the bronze virus and late blight. In both cases, the affected leaves should be removed and the plant treated with an antifungal drug.

Violet pests such as thrips and sciarid flies cause significant damage to plants. You can fight them with special means and irrigation control.

How to care for violets in winter

In the cold season, violet growth is inhibited, so it needs to be watered less often. The addition of top dressing should also be reduced to once a month. In winter, the daylight hours are very short, and the flower needs lighting for at least 11 hours a day. Installing several lamps over pots with violets will help them successfully winter and meet spring healthy and strong.

If the window near which the violets are located is supposed to be opened for ventilation, it is better to remove the flowers from it. Frosty air burns the leaves, as does direct sunlight.

The homeland of the violet is the tropics, which is why it does not tolerate drafts and temperatures below 20 ° C.


Indoor violet fell in love with people so much that it turned into almost required element home decor. Photo flowering plants causes joy and pleasure, and a small indoor greenhouse on the windowsills will create coziness and comfort. Growing violets, learning the names of new varieties and adding them to existing flowers often becomes a real hobby.

In many countries, it is believed that violet allows you to create an atmosphere of love and harmony at home. A delicate flower with bright inflorescences actually looks joyful. A tropical plant brings a piece of warmth and well-being into the house, requiring only proper care in return.

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Violet cultivated in Ancient Greece. The first mention of the plant dates back to 500 BC. The Greeks bowed to purple flowers, considering them a symbol of fertility and love.

To prevent these phenomena from passing them by, the inhabitants of the country added violet petals to wines, food, and love potions. In the 21st century, the plant is mainly used for interior decoration. Whether the violet has any hidden roles, and what are the features of the flower, we will find out further.

Violet features

Violet - plant Violet family. All types of flower are perennial herbs growing from 15 to 40 centimeters. Varieties of violets unites the structure of the rhizome. It is thick and woody. Plant stems are shortened. Their growth is so slow that the emerging leaves are located close to each other, folding into rosettes.

Basal not only greens, but also flower stalks violets. Photo plants begin to do in the spring. At this time, the first buds open. They are single, consist of 5 petals lanceolate or ovoid. rounded and violet leaves. They are solid, with oval or heart-shaped contours. There are small notches along the edge.

Violet greens can be smooth or velvety. Short hairs cover the foliage of about half of the plant species. There are varieties that have pubescent and bud petals.

By autumn violet flowers turn into seed pods. They are oblong, ovoid, smooth. In order for the seeds to spill out onto the ground, 3 flaps must open. grains homemade violets used only for propagation of culture. The stems, leaves and flowers are also suitable for medicines. They are good against inflammation and as antiseptics, they help with colds, ailments of the kidneys, and the gastrointestinal tract.

Medicinal properties flower are due to the substances accumulated by it. Violet room contains carotene, rutin, salicylic acid and vitamin C. The tissues also contain glycosides. All these elements are necessary for the health of the body.

True, violets also have contraindications: - hepatitis and glomerulonephritis. It will not hurt to consult a doctor even in the absence of prohibitions. Exceeding the dosage, or too long-term use of decoctions leads to nausea, vomiting, loose stools.

Coma biological, nutritional, therapeutic, violet description also has a symbolic one. So, in France, a flower is a sign of constancy, eternal love. The peoples of Scandinavia honor the violet as a symbol of innocence and modesty. In ancient Rome, the plant was associated with Jupiter - the God of the Gods. So, from the point of view of the Romans, the queen of flowers is not a rose, but violet.

At home about 30 out of 600 plant species are grown. Botanists divide them into 16 genera. According to their purpose, they are divided into wild or forest, garden and indoor. Consider options suitable for cultivation at home.

Types of violets

Most popular among flower growers night violet. More often it is called dark. The reason is the purple-black color. It is reinforced by the fact that the buds are collected in inflorescences of 4 pieces. On a dark background, yellow anthers of stamens look spectacular. There are 5 of them in each bud.

One of the Russian TV series is also named Night Violet. He tells the story of the relationship between a wealthy businessman and a girl he pulled out of a brothel. The heroine's name is Rita. She accepts the courtship of a benefactor. The intrigue is that the girl begins to have feelings for another.

Those who once fell in love with a violet plant, as a rule, no longer change their addiction. Some choose wild species, others selective ones. Dark varieties belong to the latter, as well as violet le. This name hides the abbreviation of the name Elena Lebetskaya. She has been breeding new varieties for 15 years.

The woman has created more than 250 previously unseen varieties. All of them are intended for indoor floriculture. A feature of the varieties from Elena is terry-type buds, with a fringe or fantasy color.

Fans of wild species usually choose Altai. motherland these violets- Russia. Although, most of the colors of the family are Africans. Altai shoots are distinguished by triangular stems and singly planted buds. They are blue-violet, based on long petioles. The diameter of the flowers is about 3 centimeters.

Altai violet reaches 20 centimeters. Those who want to start an even more miniature, but untouched by selection plant, pay attention to the mountain view. This violet home care requires careful.

In particular, the shoots need coolness, as in the mountains. Flower growers try to satisfy requests, because the effort is worth it. In pots, a “carpet” of shoots only 5 centimeters high blooms. The buds on them bloom large, blue or purple.

Yellow are the buds of graceful violets. From beads copies of it are rarely made. The species is known only to botanists and avid flower growers. The height of the shoots is from 10 to 20 centimeters. The diameter of the buds is about 4 centimeters. Graceful violet blooms from spring to autumn, which is unusual for representatives of the genus.

In general, about one and a half thousand varieties are grown at home. These are the same 30 species. Only the most popular are listed. By the way, it is customary to call hybrids, breeding samples senpolia. Directly violets are called wild variants of the plant. But, the rules of care for both those and others are the same. We will find out what care should be taken for the selected flowers.

Violet care at home

Before buy violets, you need to find a well-lit place for them. Contrary to the ancient Greek legend, flowers love the sun's rays, albeit scattered ones. The legend says that the daughter of Atlas became a violet.

The forest nymph was molested by Apollo, but the girl did not like his attention. She asked Zeus for protection. He took pity, turning the nymph into a violet and hiding her in the darkest corner of the forest so that the admirer would not find it.

Along with the light, violets require high humidity. Therefore, many flower growers place plants in the kitchens. Vapors from cooking, washing dishes, boiling water help violets feel comfortable. If the pots are in living rooms, a humidifier is required, or trays of water placed near the plants.

You can mix it up yourself. Ordinary garden soil with the addition of sand will do. The composition is processed in the oven or microwave. This kills fungal spores and other pests.

violet price

"Violet House" free. This is not about a real building, but about a movie. In it, the family acquires the estate with flower garden and bad reputation. If the plans are not to watch the series, but to buy a real plant, it will cost 200-500 rubles. This is the price tag of flower shops. Offers are received from individuals in the amount of 50-100 rubles.

Announcements should be searched on the Internet. There are also websites of private sellers who breed violets personally, like Elena Lebetskaya. On such resources, prices also do not bite, starting from the same 50 rubles. However, if you need delivery, you will have to pay extra.

Violet belongs to the Violaceae genus. This is a small plant with velvety, round leaves, with a low growing point. Classic violet flowers also have a velvety texture, the color is varied: from white to bright purple. This plant grows mainly in the northern hemisphere, in the mountains. violet prefers temperate climate. In modern floriculture, this plant has taken one of the first places.

This is far from accidental, because few people can remain indifferent to a small, velvety, cute flower. More than 500 species of violets are known in the world. It is almost impossible for an amateur to walk past a window with abundantly blooming violets for a florist. Violet is an unusually romantic, touching flower, suitable for an exquisite, subtle nature.

Violet: care

When choosing a location for violets, it is necessary to give preference to well-lit windows, but in no case should direct rays be allowed to enter. This is detrimental to the plant; leaves can get burned from direct rays.

Northwest windows work well. If there is no choice, and all your windows are south, you need to cover the violets during the midday solstice.

Optimum temperature for the maintenance of violets +20, +24 degrees.

The plant blooms throughout the year, and there are practically no interruptions in flowering in violets. At proper care it will delight you with abundant flowering all year round. Faded flower stalks must be removed so that they do not take nutrients from the plant and do not spoil decorative look violets.

Violet: watering

When caring for violets, it is watering that needs special attention. This process is far from being the case with many others. indoor plants. It is very important that violets are watered from below.

Watering from above, like ordinary flowers, this plant is impossible. Otherwise, the violet will simply begin to rot. Water should be warm, 28-30 degrees, and well settled.

If the water is at room temperature, it must be warmed up a little, for example, using a microwave. Water is poured into a deep bowl or tray, and the violet pot falls 2/3 into it, but in no case should the water overflow over the edges of the pot.

When the flower is saturated with water, the earth becomes wet, we take out the violet from the pan.

Such manipulations should be carried out no more than once a week and after the earthen ball dries out.

Violet: transplant

Transplantation must be carried out with the choice of a pot. Violet loves small, low containers, but in too small pots, violet leaves will be very small.

The optimal container size is 10-12 cm in diameter and 10 cm in height. Needed for violets good drainage, it should occupy at least 1/3 of the pot. The earth can be used both special for Saintpaulia and violets, and ordinary with the addition of a small amount of charcoal.

Violet requires an annual transplant. It is necessary to change the earth once a year, but you can plant it in the same pots where it grew earlier.

Transplanting is best done when the plant is in a dormant period, without flowers.

But a good strong plant will survive the transplant in flowering form.

Violet: fertilizer

So, since the violet blooms almost all year round, fertilizers must be applied once every 2 weeks. If the plant is still at rest, it is enough to fertilize once every 4 weeks. Fertilizer is added to water for irrigation. You can take a universal fertilizer for flowering plants.

Violet: reproduction

Basically, violets are propagated using a leaf. This happens quite simply.
It is necessary to choose a healthy strong leaf, cut it with a sharp knife so that the stem is 2-3 cm, plant it in a separate pot.

A violet leaf can sit in the ground for a long time, perhaps even the leaf will dry out, but this is not scary.

Some do not plant the leaf immediately into the ground, but first keep it in a jar of water until the roots appear. Both the first and second methods are quite effective.

Indoor violets(Saintpaulias) are without a doubt the most popular and favorite flowers of many flower growers and housewives. In many countries, the bloom of the violet signifies the arrival of spring. Their inflorescences, although small, but delicate and graceful, remind us of our unity with nature. Indoor Saintpaulias do not take up much space on the windowsills, are not a source of allergies and are completely unpretentious. It only takes a little love and knowledge of her preferences to keep these lovely flowers growing and blooming continuously in your home. We will share the secrets of caring for violets at home. From this article, you will learn how to properly water a flower with a wick and drip method, what soil to transplant into, and even how to prepare the substrate yourself.

Violet is a thermophilic flower. Optimum temperature environment, comfortable for its cultivation, should be in the range of 20 - 25 ° C. If in the summer, during flowering, the temperature will tend to 30 ° C, the violet will suffer from overheating. Its flowers will become smaller, the color of leaves and flowers will fade, varietal features, in the form of variegated foliage and bright borders, will disappear. Use all the devices you have to reduce the temperature - air conditioning, split system, fan, or ventilate the room.

But violets do not like sudden changes in temperature, cold drafts and the scorching rays of the sun. From this they should be protected. V winter time the air temperature should be about 20 °C. (strictly not lower than 16 ° C).

Location of the Saintpaulia pot

It is better to put a flower pot on a windowsill near an east or west window. In the summer, the window sills of the northern direction are also suitable, and in the winter, on the contrary, the violets will be more comfortable on the windowsill of the southern window. If your windows are not of European standard, in winter it is better to remove the flower from a cold windowsill. Place the pot on a shelf or table adjacent to the window, and use additional lighting. And you can use a foam or wooden flower stand, 3 cm thick. Then the root system on the windowsill will not be supercooled. Otherwise, at low temperatures, the flowering of violets will stop.

Ambient humidity

Under natural conditions, violets grow in places with high humidity air. If the air in your house is dry, it should be humidified to 50 - 60% or more. It is best to put the flower in a tray with wet expanded clay or pebbles. Make sure that the bottom of the pot is not in the water - the roots of Saintpaulia should not come into contact with moisture. You can install a household air humidifier near the windowsill.

Ordinary spraying of leaves for violets is not suitable. Its pubescent leaves retain water droplets on their surface, as a result of which it can develop. It is especially dangerous to spray violets at night, when the room becomes cooler and the water does not evaporate for a long time. In autumn and winter, wet towels placed on radiators will help increase the humidity in the room.

Solar and artificial lighting

Indoor violets love good, but diffused lighting. The direct rays of the sun are detrimental to them, from them the leaves of the plant get burned, get sick and fall off. But without enough sunlight, the violet will not bloom. For normal growth, it needs 10 - 14 hours a day to be well lit. Note that saintpaulias with dense, dark green foliage require more intense and prolonged lighting than those with light curly leaves.

If necessary, arrange artificial lighting for flowers with a fluorescent lamp, phytolamp, or LED strips; violets grow well under such light.

Lighting the plant from one side can distort the shape of the flower rosette - because the leaves are drawn to the light. Therefore, periodically turn the flower pot around its axis. Then the bushes will be compact, symmetrical, with lush greenery and lush flowering.

Night darkness is also important for violet growth, otherwise its leaves become faded and it refuses to bloom.

Methods for watering violets

Always be watering responsibly. Be sure to observe the golden mean, avoiding either excessive drying or waterlogging of the substrate, since deviations in one direction or another will equally adversely affect the health of the plant. Watering violets should be carried out with settled tap water at room temperature. Also suitable boiled water, since when boiled, most of the harmful salts decompose and precipitate.

Once a month, you can acidify the water for irrigation with acetic (1 tsp per 1 liter of water) or citric (5 crystals per 1 liter of water) acid.

We remind you that the temperature of the water used is no less important than its quality. too cold or hot water will harm the root system of the flower.

We do not recommend using for room violets. traditional way watering - in the socket. Water should not fall on the leaves and growing point, so as not to provoke fungal disease flower. In addition, from wet spots leaves through window glass can get sunburn even in winter. It will be better if you water the violets in other ways. Here are some of the most commonly used methods of watering Saintpaulia.

Watering through the pallet

In a pan or other container, pour water at room temperature, settled for a day, to a depth of a quarter of the height of the pot. Place a pot of violet in water for about half an hour so that the soil is saturated with moisture. You will see that the required level of humidity is reached when the earth darkens. If you combine watering with top dressing, the flower will receive the necessary nutrition in addition to moisture.

If you have a wide pan, and you put several violets in it for watering at the same time, it is important to ensure that all plants are healthy, otherwise the disease of one will pass to others.

Take water quality seriously. If you water the violets with unsettled tap water, then the numerous impurities in it, during the lower watering, will rise to the top of the substrate each time and remain there. The soil will soon become unusable from salinity. The root system will no longer absorb useful trace elements. You will see it in white bloom on the surface of the soil and the diseased appearance of the plant. Violation of the quality of the water used will result in a minus of irrigation through the pan.

Drip irrigation

For drip irrigation use a watering can with a narrow spout or a large syringe pear to easily get to the soil, bypassing the rosette of violet leaves. The growth point should also not be flooded. If you don’t have a watering can or a syringe, you can take an ordinary plastic bottle, make a hole in its lid into which to insert a tube. Water the soil drop by drop until excess water flows into the pan from the drainage holes. Then stop watering, and after 15 minutes. Drain excess water from the tray.

If you accidentally spilled water on the leaves, nothing bad will happen, just blot the moisture with a dry cloth.

Immersion method

A flower pot on especially hot days during the next watering can be immersed in a bowl of settled water at room temperature for about an hour. The plant will be saturated with moisture, rest from the heat, its root system will cool down. After that, let the excess water drain, and return the plant to its original place.

Wick watering violets

As a wick, use a string or a narrow strip of cotton fabric, which should be passed at one end into the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot. The other end of the wick is lowered into a container of water for irrigation. A flower pot is placed on this container, and moisture rises through the wick inside due to the capillary effect. The essence of wick watering is that the violet will take as much water as it needs. At the same time, the level of moisture in the ground remains stable and is regulated by the violet itself, depending on the ambient temperature. Below is detailed video about wick watering, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.

Wick watering is not suitable for all violets, because it has several disadvantages:

  • In this way, you can water the plants only in warm time year, because in winter the water cools quickly, especially if the water container and the pot are on a cold windowsill. Violets do not like their roots to be in the cold. A supercooled root system is prone to disease and may die.
  • For uniform watering, only small pots, 7x7 in size and no more, are suitable. Uneven soil moisture will lead to the growth of green mass to the detriment of the flowering of the flower.

What soil is suitable for Saintpaulia

Violets love loose, light, breathable soil so that the root system does not suffer from a lack of oxygen. It is also important that the soil is moisture-intensive and retains moisture well. And yet, when choosing land for violets, one should take into account the acidity index. These plants thrive in slightly acidic soils, with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5. With a strong deviation of acidity in one direction or another, the flower ceases to normally absorb mineral and organic matter from the soil, nitrogen-phosphorus starvation may occur. Plant growth will slow down, the bud will fall off without even opening. If the substrate is too acidic, young leaves will curl, and if the medium is alkaline, they will lose their bright color, turn pale, their tips will turn brown.

From chemical elements the composition of the soil for violets should contain nitrogenous and phosphorus compounds, potassium salts and macro- and microelements: iron, boron, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, zinc, molybdenum and others.

In small pots, which violets love so much, the soil is quickly depleted - do not forget to fertilize it and transplant plants into new pots in a timely manner. It is best to use ready-made soil for Saintpaulias or indoor Violets, which is desirable to purchase in specialized stores. Unfortunately, often purchased soil suffers from poor quality. Flower growers add to ready soils perlite, vermiculite and coconut fiber as leavening agents. But a little of everything, so as not to provoke root rot.

How to make your own substrate for violets

If you are a fan of self-compilation of soil mixtures, we will tell you the proportions suitable for violets:

  • riding peat - 1 part;
  • coniferous land - 1 part (harvested under coniferous trees after removing the top layer of needles);
  • leaf ground - 3 parts (harvested under deciduous trees and shrubs);
  • sod land - 2 parts (harvested in places where perennial grasses grow);
  • large river sand or perlite - 1 part.

As a drainage, use expanded clay with pieces of charcoal of different fractions, which will regulate soil moisture and adsorb harmful impurities.

All components should be disinfected - steamed or frozen.

How to test soil for acidity

Soil acidity is not constant; it changes over time. Any change in the appearance of the plant, the shape and color of its leaves, slow growth and lack of flowering should alert you and move you to check the acidity.

The acidity of the substrate is checked using a special device. If you don't have one, try to determine the acidity of your soil. folk methods. Let's show you how to do it.

  1. Take two small containers, glass or ceramic, it doesn't matter. Put in them the same small amount of soil, slightly damp.
  2. Pour vinegar into the first container. If the environment is alkaline, the earth will hiss.
  3. In the second container, fill the soil with soda. If the environment is acidic, the release of gas bubbles will begin.
  4. If there is no reaction, you have neutral soil.

You can reduce acidity at home with the help of dolomite flour, and increase - with the help of peat.

Pot size and material

It should be remembered that the flower does not like large pots. Conventionally, all violets can be divided into large, medium and miniature species. All have a shallow root system and do not require large amounts of land. In nature, saintpaulias grow quietly even on rocky soils. Therefore, even for a large adult plant, a pot with a diameter of no more than 12 cm is enough. Make a choice based on the information presented in the table.

For young violets, pots with a diameter of no more than 5 cm are suitable, plastic ones are better, as they are light, cheap and durable. One bad thing - they do not let air through. Therefore, we advise you to add more holes in the lower part of its side walls to good drainage holes in the bottom of the pot so that the root system of the plant breathes, ventilates freely, and the soil does not turn sour.

If you only had a large pot available, and you planted your small violet in it, it will not bloom. And there are several reasons for this:

  1. In a large pot, the flower will begin to build up primarily the green mass of leaves to the detriment of flowering.
  2. Until the root system of the flower wraps around the entire volume of the substrate offered to it, the violet will not bloom. It will take a year or two before you see the first bloom.
  3. Excess soil, not braided with roots, does not dry out for a long time, and can turn sour. There will be a danger of a fungal infection and the appearance of pests, which in a huge mass of leaves you can simply not detect in time and lose the flower.

Available for sale plastic pots with special plastic pallets, which have a ribbed surface, which allows the containers to be in an elevated position above the pallet. It also helps the root system to breathe air.

ceramic pots glazed ones are very beautiful, but they have the same drawback as plastic ones - they do not breathe. In addition, they are expensive and heavy. If you still like ceramics, we advise you to opt for unglazed ceramic pots. They are less aesthetic, heavy and short-lived, but they allow air to pass through the walls, and violets feel great in them. And you can eliminate the aesthetic flaw if you buy a planter or a beautiful pot of a slightly larger size, in which you hide an ugly clay one.

Fertilizers and dressings for violets

Young violets need top dressing with a predominance of nitrogen so that the green mass grows faster and the leaf rosette is well formed. Saintpaulias, ready to bloom, should be fed with fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium. In addition, flowers also need vitamins and other trace elements for healthy growth and abundant flowering. Therefore, we recommend purchasing liquid complex fertilizers with a wide range of components for decorative flowering houseplants.

Top dressing should be applied no more than twice a month. Combine top dressing with watering through the pan. Do not use fertilizers in large doses than indicated in the instructions - it is better not to supplement than to overdo it and ruin the tender violet roots. Feeding should not be neglected. You will immediately notice the lack of nutrients in the appearance of the flower - its growth will slow down, the leaves and stems will lose their elasticity, there will be no flowering, or it will be weak.

After planting or transplanting, nutrients from fresh soil disappear within two months, and after this period you need to restore the nutritional value of the substrate with fertilizers and top dressings.

Violets are not particularly demanding on certain types of top dressing. If there are no special fertilizers for Saintpaulia, they can be fed with complex fertilizers for vegetables, which include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, cobalt, magnesium, copper, molybdenum and boron. Their role in the life of the plant is to ensure the synthesis of enzymes that make it possible to effectively use the energy of the sun, water and nutrients contained in the soil. Vitamins and amino acids stimulate the roots of the plant to absorb micro and macro elements from water and soil as much as possible.

For the prevention of fungal and bacterial diseases, root and stem rot, we recommend occasionally (once a month) watering violets with Fitosporin solution. This drug can be bought in garden or flower shops in the form of a powder or a briquette in the form of plasticine. How to breed them is indicated on the package. The duration of storage of the diluted preparation is large, literally a few drops should be added to the water for irrigation. One package is usually enough for the whole season.

Transplanting violets at home

Indoor Saintpaulias grow better and bloom better in small pots. Experienced flower growers know that optimal size containers for violets should not exceed a third of its outlet. The stock of soil in them is not large, therefore, as the outlet grows, it is advisable to transplant the flower at first into a slightly larger pot. Adult specimens do not need to increase the size of the pot, the same pot is fine for them if you remove a third of the earth from under the roots and replace it with a fresh nutrient substrate.

The following facts speak about the need for a transplant:

  • plant growth has clearly slowed down;
  • a white salt coating appeared on the surface of the substrate;
  • the lower part of the violet stem is very bare, it obviously should be deepened;
  • the root system of the flower filled the entire space in the pot.

A blooming violet is transplanted only in emergency cases, when it is no longer up to flowering, if only to save the flower. A healthy plant during flowering, you should not transplant - wait for it to end. Also, this should not be done in winter, wait for spring. But the rest of the time, the violet can be transplanted without fear of harming the plant in any way.

Transplantation is done in different ways: by transshipment and with complete or partial replacement of the soil.

Transplantation by transshipment

Since the root system of violets is poorly developed, sometimes the roots are not freed from the old earth, so as not to damage them. Then they use the most sparing method of transplanting plants - transshipment into another pot. In this case, a new pot is selected slightly larger than the previous one. A layer of drainage and a layer of new soil are laid at the bottom. Now place an earthen ball with violet roots in the center, and cover it on the sides with a new substrate. Then water the flower and put it in a permanent place.

Transplanting with soil replacement, step by step

If the reason for the transplant lies in the diseased state of the flower, for example, there is a suspicion of root rotting, the violet must urgently be transplanted into another pot by completely replacing the old earth with a new one. Transplantation with complete soil replacement is also used for adult plants. The advantage of this method is that by freeing the root system from the soil, you inspect its roots, remove diseased and damaged ones. Also remove the lower leaves of rosettes and old flower stalks. We will tell you how to do it in order:

  1. first moisten the substrate in an old violet pot to make it easier to remove it from there;
  2. prepare a suitable size pot. If you use the old one, clean it well from salt deposits on the walls and disinfect it;
  3. put a layer of expanded clay or other drainage material on the bottom, also pre-treated with manganese or boiling water;
  4. put a layer of new substrate on the drainage with a slide in the center of the pot;
  5. free the root system from the old substrate and carefully inspect it;
  6. remove rotten and damaged roots, powder the wounds with crushed activated carbon; in case of serious damage, treat healthy roots with a root rot fungicide;
  7. place the violet root system in a new pot in the center and fill it with a new substrate to the lower leaves, shaking the pot slightly so that the soil fills all the voids inside;
  8. leave the treated and transplanted plant in partial shade for a day. During this time, the violet will get used to the new place of residence a little, its wounds will heal. Now the flower can be watered with the addition of some fungicide from root rot. If necessary, if the stem is bare, add a little more soil.

Transplantation with partial soil replacement is carried out mainly for young violets. It is assumed that they need to be transplanted into a slightly larger pot. And in this case, the transplantation takes place by a method similar to the previous method, only the soil is shaken off, only the one that crumbles itself. Everything that was retained, along with the root system, is placed in a new pot and covered with fresh substrate.

Violet pruning

Sometimes, cutting violet leaves is not only possible, but necessary. Let's start with the fact that the room violet rosette should look pretty, proportionate and consist of approximately three rows of leaves. The center of growth and development of Saintpaulia should not be overgrown with foliage.

If this happens to you, then simply remove the lower leaves, which have already begun to turn yellow and do not seem quite alive. Correctly picking violet leaves from the stem is not difficult, just press with your fingernail at the base, and then completely remove the unwanted leaf with twisting movements. If there are several such leaves, and as a result of such actions, the trunk of the flower is bare, then you can add fresh soil on top of the soil or transplant the flower deeper into new nutrient soil.

Pruning violets do the same in the following cases:

  • to remove excess leaves to stimulate lush flowering;
  • to remove the top of an old violet to rejuvenate it - after a certain time, children will appear on the remaining stump, which you use to propagate your specimen;
  • to remove diseased leaves so that the disease does not spread to healthy ones.

What to do with violet after flowering

During flowering, faded flower stalks should be regularly removed from the plant so that they do not interfere with the blooming of new buds and do not spoil the appearance of blooming violets. When the last flower has faded, let the plant rest. Cut off damaged, diseased, or shriveled leaves. Take care of recovery vitality well-worked violet - cut off the lower rows of leaves at the outlet, transplant it into a new pot with a nutrient mixture. If you do not have this event planned, start feeding the flower again with fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen components so that the violet begins to grow new leaves to replace the ones you cut off.

How to care for violets in winter

In winter, the main procedures for caring for violets are:

  • Good flower lighting with fluorescent lamps or fluorescent lamps up to 12 - 14 hours a day, alternating with dark time days up to 8 hours.
  • Maintaining the ambient air temperature in the room at least 20 ° C, without sharp fluctuations in one direction or another, without drafts during ventilation.
  • Regular moderate watering warm water up to three times a week.
  • High humidity in the room where your Saintpaulia lives. All ways to increase humidity are welcome - household appliances, water containers, pallets with wet expanded clay, wet towels on all batteries and other tricks that you come up with.
  • On cold windowsills under pots of violets should be thick, at least 3 cm thick, plastic or wooden coasters protecting the roots of the flower from hypothermia.
  • Violet leaves should not touch cold glass windows, keep an eye on it.


We are sure that you will have a lot of fun caring for these cute plants. Grateful violets will delight you with magnificent flowering several times a year. If your window sills are filled with pots of different varieties violets, then your house will be filled with a powerful positive aura. After all, the delicate aroma of flowers stabilizes heart rhythms and has beneficial effect on the mental state of not only the owner of this splendor, but also on all members of his family. If you have mastered the rules for caring for this beautiful flower, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.