Violet flower. Description and care for violet

The violet or Senpolya is a genus relating to the heesnery family. Wildlings grow in the mountainous areas East Africa. She was discovered by the Saint-Field scientist, in honor of whom was named. To date, many varieties are derived from this plant, which are widespread in room gardening.


Violet is a low perennial, with a very short stem and large quantity fleshy leaves. Flowers are small, simple, collected in the brush. Modern selection was able to withdraw varieties with the most diverse color and shape of the petals.

In fact, indoor sensipolia is not a violet at all, it is called it because of the similarity with forest violet and tricolor - pansy eyesIn fact, they are from different families.

Sensipolium classification is quite complicated, so we will only give general characteristics. The features that are separated by violets are: the type of socket, its size, foliage color, flower type and its painting, as well as the number of petals.

Most modern varieties differ greatly from the usual indoor violet, they have a different form of leaves, and the petals are similar to corrugated or terry.

Among the varieties with high decorativeness are popular duchess , amadeus , frosty cherry , sleep Cinderella , iceedora , angelica , leanique other.

But also is a representative of violet actually, and not Satpolia. And the alpine violet is actually cyclamen.

Value care at home

Correct care for violet will help enjoy her bloom for almost the entire year.

SENPOLIA is very loved by light, but they cannot be put under direct sunlight. It's not scary if the light falls on them in the morning or in the evening, but if the sun turns to them at noon, then the leaves will be melted.

To the violet fully bloom, she needs a light day about 13 hours. Under this rule, you can achieve flowering even in winter.

When the column falls on the thermometer below 15 ° C, SENPOLIA stops growing. Summer better flower temperature will be 24 ° C. In winter, the temperature can drop a little, but not lower than the specified point.

Also cannot be allowed sharp temperature surges and drafts. Because of this feature, SENPOLY is better not to endure in the summer.

The violet needs B. high humidity air, but it is impossible to get water on foliage and inflorescences.

Tank for landing should be chosen small. If there is too much space in the pot, the violet will not bloom until it fills it with roots. For this plant, small plastic pots will be suitable, the size of which should be 2-3 times less socket.

Soil for viok

Ordinary indoor violets are not particularly whimsical to the soil, but for varieties should be selected the correct substrate. It can be bought in the store, but you can make himself, mixing the floor of the delicate land, two shares of sheet, and one by one humid and sand. You should also add a spoon of superphosphate and a bit of bone flour.

But the most important thing is that the soil is loose and weakly acid. At the bottom of the pot, the drainage layer should be placed.

Watering violets

When landing, the flower is placed in the center of the tank and gradually fill it with the earth, so that no emptiness remains. After landing, Pour the plant.

Watering violets need not often, about once every 7-10 days. It is best to use lower watering. In this case, use the stunned, warm water.

The violets can be, and when the leaves are contaminated and need to spray and wash. But before conducting these procedures, the flower must be removed from the windowsill. After spraying or soul, it also should not be in a hurry to put a violet in place - wait until it is dry, otherwise spots are formed on the foliage.

Fertilizer for violets

Also, SENPOLIA must be fertilized. For this take complex feeders that begin to bring in the period of extension of green mass. The fertilizer continues to the onset of the rest period, the frequency is once every 10 days along with watering.

It is advised to use a smaller concentration of fertilizers than what is stated in the instructions.

Palok Change at home

Indoor violets We need annual transfers, because for the year they deplete the soil. When it is necessary to replace the pot, only if you observe the signs that the flower lacks the place (a mump of foliage, weak flowering).

It is best to transplant plants at the beginning of spring by transshipment, so that the roots did not suffer particularly.

Pipher Pihalok.

The violets are not bad, but to increase decorativeness they need to be quenched. In particular it concerns bald leaves. They can be chopped with sweets, as they fade quickly and only take power from the flower. Also get rid of sluggish inflorescences and ugly and yellowed foliage.

Sometimes turn the plant in a circle so that the bush rose is evenly.

Gradually, after removing the lower leaves, it will be a prominent trunk of SENPOLIA and over time it will be only noticeable. So that the flower remains beautiful, as before, it can be transplanting it, deepening the trunk in the soil or cut off all the leaves, leaving only a couple of stem centimeters.

After that, the stump remained after trimming, put into the water before the formation of the root and fell into the soil, thus one plant turns out.

Reproduction of violet division

Seeds can be propagated by seeds, sockets and sheet. The seed method is practically not used because of its complexity, as well as due to the fact that as a result, the flower will lose the varietal signs and you will get a conventional violet.

If your plant has grown greatly and new outlets began to form on it, then they need to be separated and planted into other capacity. You can perform division even during flowering.

Violets reproduction sheet

The most common I. easy way is the cultivation of violet from the sheet. To do this, take a strong leaf along with a cushion and put in water, to form roots. But you can try to immediately plant a sheet into a substrate from sand, leaf land and peat (4: 2: 1). Such a container is covered with glass and kept warm and with good lighting, but so that the straight rays do not fall onto the container.

Sometimes the soil should be watered, but only that they are a slightly wet. It happens that the sheet begins to wither or does not change at all. If this happens, you do not need to rush and throw out the material - sometimes for the formation of a new plant is required for a long time.

If with the advent of young foliage, the old sheet is in good condition, then it needs to be cut off. After that, you can even try to use it for reproduction again.

If you root a leaf in the soil, then you cannot observe the formation of the roots, but the speed of their appearance and the chance to get a new violet increases.

Diseases of violek

Ordinary sensipolia is rather resistant to diseases, but varietal species Not so strong in this regard.

  • One of the most frequent diseases of the damaging violet is a malievable dew. She is manifested in a white raid on the leaves Plants. When detecting a disease, we advise you to use Fundazole or Bentlan.
  • Phytoofluorosis leads to rotting roots and the formation of brown spots on the foliage . If the plant is sick, it needs to be destroyed and sterilized the container in which it was grown.
  • Gray rot is forms gray spots on the body of the plant . When this is detected, you should immediately cut them down and performing a fungicide processing. The soil in which sick plants grew to use is no longer possible.
  • Furazion appears when an excess of moisture. It leads to rotting stem and foliage . If you notice these symptoms, treat the violet fuchicide.
  • Rust manifests itself in the form of small orange spots On leaves . To cure a flower, a 1% solution of copper mood is used.

Possible difficulties

The most frequent questions about indoor violets associated with the lack of flowering, yellowing of foliage and spotting leaves.

  • If your violet does not bloom , then, in addition to pests, this may be a number of reasons: lack of light, short day, surplus nitrogen subcorts, Excessive moisture in the soil or disadvantage in the air. Also, this problem causes a large container for growing and overflowing a substrate.
  • The yellowing of the leaves may indicate the aging of the flower . It also occurs when placed under direct sunlight. This may be observed with the deviation of the acidity of the soil from the norm, as well as in the excess of phosphoric feeding.
  • Most often spots on the leaves are a consequence of pests and diseases, but sometimes they appear due to drafts.
  • Stains from the edges of the sheet Specify the lack of potassium in the soil - it means that the substrate is depleted and the flower is time to transplant.
  • Dry spots They are formed if the violet is under the right sunlight.

For many flower water, the violet is the most favorite room flower. He is also called Senpolya or Uzambar violet. With its popularity, it is obliged to variety of colors and not very complex care at home. Homeland Flower are tropics and subtropics South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. In the XIX century, the amateur of flowers Walter von Saint-Paul first discovered a violet on the African continent. Today there are about two thousand varieties and species of this representative of the Flora, which is described below.

The violet is a small plant with a short stem. From him on long stiffs departed multiple pearly covered leaves various shapes and color. They are rounded or heart-shaped, reach a length of 8 cm. SENPOLIA Flowers with a size of 3 cm, grow in inflorescences for several pieces. Coloring is endlessly diverse, some varieties in addition to the main colors have a kaym, dots, strips and stains on flowers. The smell does not have.

SENPOLIA is classified in many respects, in particular in such:

  • socket size: microminiature, miniature, semi-minimular, standard, large;
  • flower size: small-bedroom, firmware, large-flowered, electrobe-flowered;
  • type of flowers: Simple, semi-grade, terry;
  • form: Annie, Star, Rounded Flowers, Bell, Osa, Spider;
  • color: monophonic, two-ton, two-color or multicolor;
  • list form: round, oval, semicoid, elongated;
  • type sheet: Boys, girls;
  • list edge: Rounded, all-string, gear, corrugated, wavy, torn.

Types and varieties

Varieties of violet incredible set. For their difference, often before the title they write alphabetic consoles, Which help to find out what exactly the author of a particular variety. For example, EC - Ekaterina Korshunova. Below are one of the most popular varieties derived by domestic breeders.

Frosty cherry

Refers to the form of semi-state violets. Cherry color with center and border white color. The color becomes more rich together with the promotion of the plant.

Another color is very dependent on lighting, the smaller the light, the lighter will be a flower.

The pigment changes, depending on the temperature, the higher, the more pronounced red, and when low temperatures White prevails. Leaves are simple, painted with normal green.

Sea Wolf

In accordance with the classification, the colors of this orchid are very large semi-world wavy colorful blue stars with an openwork pattern. 3-5 flowers grown on the flowers. At the beginning of the dissolution, the flowers have a juicy blue tone, and over time they become a little lighter. Leaves glossy, ripped dark green color from above, and burgundy below. In case of abundance of light, the leaves are slightly lowered. This variety is not very whimsical in home care.

Winter smiles

Polieca semi-lived or terry, colorful enough flowers light pink having wine-red strokes on the edges of petals and light green flashes. On stable blooms are located 3-5 flowers. The leaves are rounded, slightly elongated, stewed with a gentle edge of a yellow-green shade. SENPOLIA is recommended for novice flowers as a fairly easy plant in caring.

Bridal bouquet

This flower is striking with its beauty. It has huge white terry corrugated stars with leisure rules, with a yellow stamp located in the center. Flowers for a long time remain fresh and do not fade. Leaves simple light green. The variety is very prolific, not capricious and does not require special attention.


Very beautiful bright violet, the color of which looks in a new way different angles Review. According to the classification of flower - these are large semi-world or terry crimson stars. There are 3-5 flowers on the flower. Your real size of flowers is shown only after 3-4 flowering. Sockets symmetrical bright green. Leaves elongated.

White Queen

The charming charming of this violet is large puff semi-world and terry wave-like rounded white stars, about 7 cm. Color tips have a greenish tint. Flowering at the violet shape. Sheets are average pointed green color. Compact socket and neat.


Violet with gentle pink terry corrugated flowers in the amount of about 6 cm, which have a white-salad binder 2 mm wide. Flowers are very voluminous, resembling a ball, many flower products mark their great shape. Lyubasha blooms very plentiful and long. Socket of light green colors. In my home care is not good.

Magic love

Socket at the violet of the emerald green coloring of medium sizes. Flowers - huge, dense-terry, rounded purple-red stars with Kant on the edge of petals, which contrastingly stands out from the main color of the violet. Magic love is very easy to care, Some flower products notice that even children can care for them.

Black Pearl

Flowers violet with cap, huge, about 7 cm, gusto-terry cherry purple balls On hardy flowers. Often the flowers during the dissolution of miniature, and impressive becoming after a while. Leafs of dark green colors, socket rather dense.


Flowers large semi-world white colors. On the petal, the shade from the lilac to the dark purple color. Also flowers have one feature - these are ears that are darker in a few tones. The edges are decorated with red-green. The socket is very neat.


Madly huge white terry extensive stars balls. Petals are entirely covered with waves and are folded with triangles at the beginning of dissolve, Which seems to resemble Origami - paper products in Japanese art. Sheets are neat and bright.

Lovely Creolek

Unusual beauty violet. Flowers with thunderous mahra wavy shape. Crispy dark blue coloring, achieve in the amount of 4-5 cm. Durable blooms are sometimes lowered when all colors are disclosed, the number of which is 5-7 pieces. Nearby green leaves form a small outlet. This variety is very easy to care. Natural lighting is quite acceptable.

Chateau Brion

The texture of petals is similar to porcelain. On durable straight-standing flowers, the flowers have long kept their shape and not aging. They are large, velvet wine-rubble stars with snow-white corrugated border. Blooming cap shape. Leaves are a bit elongated, winding green. Socket of normal size, compact and neat. Egg-shaped leaves stretched wavy shape.


The violet blooms in the bouquet of huge shaggy corrugated white color colors with a spraying color. Flowers are disclosed gradually with small speed, But according to the majority of flowers lovers, waiting is the result. Medium-green foliage forms a large outlet.

The oversight of light affects the development of the flower, especially on the disclosure of buds.

The corresponding beauty of the colors is manifested not from the first flowering.

Green Laguna

The plant is very unusual and fragile, interesting coloring. Large flowers, terry with fringe, white with blue blots with outdoor green petals, Reminded in the form of cabbage. Sheets wavy light green color. The socket is very dense with raised up the sheets. Sometimes the flower at home climbs, the flowers are not always perfect and the buds often do not reveal, and the leaves are darker than expected.

Reproduction at home

There are several ways to breed the plant. But most often used the method of reproduction sheet, it is carried out, as a rule, in spring and summer.

First you need to choose a healthy leaf from a plant that is not damaged by insects or twigs. Select preferably sheet from the second-third row. The method of separating a sheet may be lambing or cutting, the second method is recommended as more acceptable. After that, the sheet is rooted. Such a procedure can also be carried out by several methods. The first is rooting in water, and the second is in the soil. After the sheet gives the roots, you need to transplant it in a permanent pot.

Landing: Choosing a pot and soil

For planting violet, the pot is used small, so that the roots did not grow strongly, which will take all the strength at the flower. The soil for violet can be used ready, bought in a flower shop, and also prepare yourself, using a delicate, conifer, sheet or peat land By adding tears: sand, perlite, vermiculitis, sliced \u200b\u200bwith sfagnum. A prerequisite for planting is the presence of drainage.

Plant transplants no less than once a year. The main reason is to reduce the size of the leaves due to the fact that the flower grows and it becomes closely. During the expanding of violet, it forms side sockets that must be separated from the main bush, it contributes to better flowering.

When transplanting the bare part of the stem should not exceed 6 cm. New pot In this case, it is used for one size more than the previous one.

Features of Celebration

Phials love light that plays an important role in the flowering process. But it is also recommended to avoid direct sunlight.

Special attention needs to be given watering flower, Since because of the large amount of water, the roots are most often rotated, which is the death of violet. SENPOLIA is needed increased humidityBut use spraying for this is undesirable, since such a procedure can lead to the appearance of spots on sheets.

This plant is heat-loving, the ideal is the temperature of + 16-21 degrees. Fertilizer is recommended to use no more than once a month.

Diseases and pests of indoor violets

Even observing all the rules of care for violet, diseases and insects may occur unexpectedly.

Infectious diseases of the plant:

  • Fusariosis (rotting socket)
  • Puffy dew
  • Phytoophluorosis
  • Gray Gnil


  • Cherver

The cultivation of violets does not require special care, there is nothing complicated in it, and any flower-lover can replenish your collection of this incredible beauty with a flower. By providing him correct care, the plant will delight you abundant blossom and wonderful appearance throughout the year.

Video about the most beautiful varieties of Uzambar violets

One of the most beloved domestic flowers is undoubtedly a violet. Its popularity is explained by compact sizes, unpretentiousness and long flowering. For one windowsill, there will be quite a lot of pots with violets of pink, blue, white and many other colors. Even novice flower deaf can cope with their departure and reproduction.

Flower violet - Description

The violet is a low bush with fleshy leaves and a very short stem. Plant flowers in small flowers, which are collected in the brush. Today there are a large number of their colors. They can be both monophonic and pests:

  • furified violets have a bright kaym on the edge;
  • exist types of fantasy color , over the entire surface of the petals of which there are points or specks of another color;
  • chimera violets Different with a bright line in the middle of the petal.

Distinguish these home flowers and the structure of flowers. They can be simple, semi-world and terry. The latter petals are located in several rows, thereby forming quite large inflorescences.

Pickening Pet - Care, Photo

Place these unpretentious flowers are best on northern, western or eastern window sills. From the effects of direct sunlight their leaves are burned, covered with stains and are not restored.

Air temperature and humidity

Indoor violets, care and reproduction which does not cause difficulties to temperature regime Not picky. Optimal temperature Air for them is - + 20c ... - + 24c. Adult plants bloom for a very long time at such a temperature. Consistent temperature differences are harmful to them. Leaflets in this case can start rotting, and the flowers will fall.


How to grow a homemade violet so that the plant look beautiful? For this special attention It should be done by watering, which can be carried out in several ways:

The lower method of watering for violets is preferable. In this case, the water will definitely not hit the point of growth, and the soil will absorb required amount water. But it is possible to use this method only if the pot in which the violet grows has a bottom of good drainage holes.

Watering should be carried out only after drying up the top layer of the soil - approximately once in 7-10 days room temperature. If it is hot in the room, then watering can be more frequent.

Soil for viok

IN flower stores Sold soil mixtures for SENPOLIY, in which you can transplant our violets. You can prepare the primer from the following ingredients:

  • sheet land - 2 parts;
  • cherry land - 0.5 parts;
  • humid - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part.

In the prepared mixture, you can add some bone flour and 1 tbsp. Spoon of superphosphate. There should be a weakly acidic loaf, in which violets will grow well and beautifully blossom. At the bottom of the pot should put a drain layer.

Fertilizers for violets

The first few months after the transplantation in new sad The plant does not need to feed. Then in the period of extension of the green mass of the flower every 10 days feed the complex fertilizers. For this use special fertilizers for sensipoly or violets. Universal feeding should be applied, but their concentration should be two times less than that indicated in the instructions.

Palok Change at home

The annual transplant is beneficial for growth and flowering plants. It allows you to replace the exhausted soil and hide the stem screamed from below. The fact that the flower requires a transplant, the following signs say:

  1. Earth-known comes.
  2. White flag On the surface of the soil.

Peresinding violets follows in spring or after the plant will flash. To do this, take the capacity a little more than the previous one and strictly follow the rules on the transplant of violets:

  • replancing is recommended in plastic pots, because in clay and ceramic vases, the soil dries quickly;
  • the bottom of the tank is laid out drainage from clay or moss-sfagnum;
  • the soil must be intended for violets and be well moisture and breathable;
  • in the process of transplant adult plant It is necessary to rejuvenate by circumcalling large lower leaves for this and reducing the root system;
  • root system Carefully examines even if the roots of the roots are shaken, and the rotten parts are cut off;
  • if the roots were cropped, these places before planting the violet into the ground are poured with poured wood or activated carbon;
  • if your violet is also not three years old, it should be transplanted by the transshipment method, since young plants do not tolerate the fact that they disturb their root system;
  • the pot is filled with soil so that it remains to the top of the tank about one centimeter - in this case, when watering water will not flow out of the pot;
  • strongly plugged the bustle does not follow.

Transplanted bushes do not watered. They are covered with a transparent polyethylene package, due to which humidity and good survival rate is ensured.

If you do not need to update the plants, the transplant can be carried out by the transshipment method. Most of all this method is suitable for miniature varieties. When transshipment, the old soil shakes only partially or does not shake at all. In this way, you can transplant the blooming instances if they require emergency transplant.


How to grow a homemade violet to get a beautiful and lush bush? Experienced flowerflowers The plant is recommended to chop. The lower leaves are taken from the flower of power and with time flexible, so they need to tear off with cuttings. It is also necessary to get rid of yellowed ugly foliage and sluggish inflorescences. Since over time, the barrel of the plant after the sepure is denied from the bottom, it is transplanted with gluke.

So that the bustice is evenly, the plant needs to be regularly turned in a circle.

Reproduction of violet sheet

This method of reproduction has two options:

For breeding you need to choose healthy large leaves From the middle row of cookies. From one leaf you can get a few outlets.

Reproduction of violet division

The resulting adult bushes can be divided into separate outlets. For this, new small pots with a soil are prepared, it gets a rapid plant, and the outlets are neatly separated from each other. It is necessary to ensure that each instance has several leaves couples and good roots. The bottom must necessarily match the top. If there are few roots, and there are many leaves, then unnecessary leaves need to be removed. Compliance with the proportion will help the plant to quickly adapt and take root in the new conditions.

Young rosettes are planted in a pot and a few days from above are covered with a polyethylene or glass jar. Every day they should be tired and check the soil moisture.

Violets can be multiplied by seeds, but this pretty complicated way Practically not used. Optimal option It is the reproduction of the sheet and the division of the bush.

Pest of violek

Most often, the plant may affect:

  1. Bowls and other types of ticks. When detecting in the leaves of small red dots, brown seeds or web, the flower needs to be processed special means Against ticks (acaracides).
  2. Triats eat both leaflets and buds. When they appear, the flowers are cut off, and the bush is processed by the act.
  3. On the violet can settle the shields, get rid of which is quite difficult. They can be found on the back of the leaves, where they leave behind the sticky fluid. The plant needs to be treated with Agrarhin.
  4. The bush struck by nonmetods begins to rot. In this case, the plant is completely destroyed.

Diseases of violek

Rooming, care and reproduction of which you have already studied, resistant to diseases. But some diseases are affected by some diseases: more arrogant varietal plants:

  1. Puffy dew is the most common disease of violets. White raid on the leaves is a sign muced dew. You can get rid of it with a bentlan or foundazola.
  2. Gray rot on the stems and flower leaves forms gray spots. When they are detected, patients of the plant are cut off, and the bush itself is treated with fungicide. It is recommended to replace the soil that cannot be used more.
  3. Phytoofluorosis - a disease in which brown spots are formed on the foliage, and the roots begin to rot. The diseased plant and soil are destroyed. The pot is sterilized.
  4. Rust appears on leaves in the form of orange spots. To get rid of it, 1% solution of copper sulfate is used.
  5. Furazion leads to rotting foliage and stem. There is a disease due to the overaffect of moisture. The affected bush is treated with fungicide.

Possible difficulties in growing violets

Beginner flower flowers are most often interested in issues related to the yellowed leaves, lack of flowering and spottedness of leaves.

If the violet does not bloom

The reasons for this may be:

  • pests;
  • insufficiently wet air;
  • moistening soil;
  • an overabundance of nitrogen feeding (for flowering, phosphoric and potash fertilizers are needed);
  • short day;
  • lack of light;
  • too dense substrate;
  • very large capacity (until the plant fill the pot with its roots, there will be no bloom).

Spots on the leaves

Spots appear in the following cases:

  • with damage to the cochetic diseases or pests;
  • dry spots are formed from direct sunlight;
  • spots along the edge of leaves indicate the depletion of the substrate and the lack of potassium in it.

If leaves started shrust

Possible reasons:

Knowing all the rules for the care of violets, and observing them, you can grow beautifully and long flowering bushes different varieties. Especially since they grow and multiply violets simply.

The violet took a worthy place not only on the windowsill. There is a club of lovers of these plants that are bred a fabulous beauty of hybrid specimens, arrange exhibitions and share their experience in the care of violet at home. The species series is represented by thousands of varieties registered and still in breeding, many well-known, but not in the registry. Often it is hybrids that have come by random selection.

Varieties of violets

Violets or Satpolia are a socket of leaves without a central stem, with a large number of small flowers with petals of simple and bizarre forms. Color petals color, diverse leaves. The shape of the socket from simple to strongly terry. Patterned lace plants are decorative not only on the windowsill. They create compositions on kitchen apron, racks. Subject to care, the plant will decorate the most modest housing.

Violets and associated beliefs and folk signs

When cultivating violets at home it is believed that these plants strengthen the material state of the inhabitants and their health.

The violets attribute the property of the antsois from the home. They also create a field of good luck in the house and soothe unbalanced people. If the violet died, it is believed that she took the owner's disease. And if someone from the household is sick, then the violet cares, separating the torment of man.

Such signs make care of the plant settled in the house in the house, since the blooming violet will indicate a healthy family.

The color of the inflorescence is also important:

  • purple flowers are an indicator of love and mutual understanding;
  • blue flowers are gracious in a creative atmosphere;
  • reds are warned by excessive mercantility;
  • white color contributes harmony, removes negative and suffering;
  • pink flower on a lonely man window creates a pair.

A gentle flower requires a caring attitude towards himself, not only poke into the ground with a finger, but stop, talk, lovingly touch the leaf. The unloved flower will swell and die from the absence of a simple morning greeting. Rid flower OT negative energy You can, turning time from time to the kashpo with the other side of the light.

Violet landing and care at home

If you have decisled to start a violet, then your preferences should be taken into account. The flower loves bright lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The violet loves a wet soil, but without water stagnation, does not like excessive humidity of air and does not tolerate the spraying of the sheet plate. It is possible to clean it only under the shower, but it follows after rare procedures dry plant, without water droplets on the leaves. Water for watering should always be warm and rescued. Convenient and favorable for the root system is considered moderate through the pallet.

Drafts from the window the violet does not like as well as warm air From the carrier, fan. She does not endure the lack of love and calm in the house and inattentive attitude towards himself. If the desire to start the violet only strengthened, then we are preparing for the reception of a new family member.

Requirements for soil

Caring for indoor violets begins with the preparation of the correct substrate and the plant capacity. An acidic composition is taken for landing, including peat, dried moss-sphagnum, leafy ground sand and charcoal.

Moreover, moss and coal should not be more than 10% of the total composition of the main ingredients:

  • - 3 volume;
  • sheet land - 5 volumes;
  • sand large river - 1 part.

Experts advise add perlite and vermiculite to perto peat, which contribute to the holding of moisture in a light ground. Poor composition requires the addition of power in the growth process. Once a year, a solution of humate in winter, in spring and autumn make mineral subcords Special liquid fertilizer for sensipoly. Condition, prevent the stubble, the soil should always remain here.

Capacity and timing of transplantation

The cultivation of violets at home does not have trifles. In order for the land of the earth, it should be sufficient for the development of roots, but without excesses. So, for an adult plant, a cup is quite a cup with a height and a diameter of 10 cm, while the lower part of its half must consist of drainage filling.

While the root system does not fill the pot from the ground, the plant will not bloom. For dilution, the first dishes can be a diameter of 6 cm. Drainage Everywhere should be quite large. Replanted the plant once every three years, and it is not necessary to change the pot capacity, you can change only the ground, carefully cleaned the roots as possible.

Breeding and change of violet

Landing and care for violet at home begins with obtaining young Plant. Reproduction can be guided by:

  • leaves;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • rooting of flowers.

The simplest, used often by the method is rooting the leaf. Before rooting, the cut obtained leaflet should be updated, while making it diagonally a leaf by a disinfect tool and lowers a cut into the water until calluses and roots are formed.

With the length of the roots 4-7 cm, the leaf can be rooted, cover from above from excessive evaporation and wait for the appearance of the results. Appeated small rashes as they are designed to be searched into separate containers. Bloom such plants with good care in a year.

Hybrid violets, called chimeras, can be multiplied only by stepsters and flowers that transmit maternal qualities. Steying can be separated from the main socket using sewing and rooted immediately in a peat tablet.

When transplanting plants, make sure to the health of the root system. Roots in plants are white, alive and fill in a fully capacitance. When removing from the conical porridge, retain its shape. This is based on one of the methods of watering the plant for which they create an external, wigled through the filter, a pillow. For this, a well-decorated plant is arranged in a larger pot with a wet substrate in a special nest.

The revision of the root system is to remove all brown dead roots. Leave only bright live healthy roots. With this treatment, the plant can be rinsed in water, and reinforce the roots and put in the prepared pot. If the rot was eaten root, clean the plant to live tissue, pour out activated carbon and dry, and then rejected in water or in the MSh, which has bactericidal properties.

Plants feel well in summer at temperatures up to 25, in winter at 18-20. The dryness of the air should be about 50%. The plant requires year-round duration of at least 10 hours, and during periods of blossoms of local illumination with fluorescent lamps.

If irrigated through the pallet, then the extra water should be merged. Waving in a pot, you should not make leaves. In the summer, we gradually watered every day, in winter - 2 times a week. A young plant will bloom in a year, not earlier.

If the correct care is carried out, the photos of violets at home will be award.

Flower plants are usually about 2 months, while the flower decorative and lost decorativity should be pulled out.

How to grow violets at home - video

The honorable place among the bedroom plants traditionally occupies a pile ground - care for it, though it brings a lot of trouble to flower, but the award becomes a magnificent blossom. Currently, over 900 species of Senpairia or Uzambar violets, differing in the form and color of flowers, are derived from the form of flowers, in foliage and in many other features. Among such a variety, each flower can be able to choose several varieties of indoor violets to itself.

Diversity of types of Uzambar violets

But how innocence is indoor? Perhaps you had to hear a strange superstition, according to which you can't decorate the apartment with violets - men will not linger in the house, and the personal happiness will not be built. It is not surprising that many young women have a question: "Is it possible to keep at home the violet?".

In fact, in the people there is a opposite opinion - tender sensipolia help to smooth out conflicts in the family, bring love and well-being in the house. And according to Feng Shui, these room flowers are at all symbol family happiness, Looking restraint, pacify selfishness (especially contribute to mutual understanding in the violet painting family).

In addition, houseplants The violets also wonderfully moisturize the air, especially if you keep them on. Only it is not worth breeding too much sensipoly in the bedroom, otherwise problems can arise with sleep.

Video about indoor violets

The overall sign of all SENPOLIY - the leaves assembled into the root rosette. Otherwise, the types of indoor violets differ:

  • in the form of the structure of flowers (carbon, classic, fantasy, star, chimeras);
  • according to the type of petals (simple, terry and semi-marginal);
  • over the color of flowers (monophonic white, pink, blue, purple, etc., as well as flowers with inhomogeneous color);
  • in the form of leaves (rounded, oval and elongated, with zubrins around the edges and smooth);
  • in color leaves (from light green to dark);
  • by the size of the plant itself (miniatures, microminiatures, giants).

Less demanding of Care Flowers Classic Type Flowers with Five Palest Flowers

Fantasy homemade violets are considered the most capricious, on the petals of which there are specks, dashes and points of various shades. If they have incorrectly care, the fantasy pattern is simply disappeared from the petals. The complexity of novice flower flowers arise with chimera violers that have contrast strips on flower petals. In the pattern in the chimer is not preserved, therefore reproduction only by side steps or the division of the uterine bush.

Less than demanding to care. Home Flowers classic type flowers with five-point flowers, star-shaped sensipolia with flowers resembling an asterisk, and cached violets, which have a car of various color and widths along the edge of the petals.

What you need to consider buying flowers indoor violets

Many Senpolia varieties are now quite expensive, so to buy a flower should be taken seriously, having understood in advance in the most important moments. Most often, in flower shops sell commercial violets with beautiful bakery blossoms, which, after a bunch, it is easier to throw away - such indoor violets Care requires a special.

For successful cultivation And the breeding of violets is better to take leafy cuttings. First, it is not a fact that the next year in an adult plant bloom will be exactly the same as when purchasing (SENPOLIAM, variability is in general), after the lush flowering of violets at home and can lose decorativeness and relax. Secondly, from one leaf in rooting you can get a few babies and sear them in different pots. Of course, it does not apply to chimers.

Most often, in flower shops sell commercial violets with beautiful bakery blossoms

If you do not imagine how adult indoor violets will look like, the photos of selected varieties should be viewed in advance on the Internet. Just do not forget when buying, ask the seller to specify the variety of each cutting, so that you will not get confused. And ask whether the varieties of varietary color purchases are characterized by you (instead of the motley colors, one-photographic colors are obtained).

When buying a young plant, make sure that the violet home does not have specks on the leaves, signs of rotting the point of growth, the leaves are not extended (which happens from the lack of light), the socket is symmetrical. On the surface of the soil should not be plated. It is not recommended to buy SENPOLIA in too cold or hot season - appearance Plants you immediately do not determine that the roots of it are frozen or rented from the heat. Best in the spring of homemade films feel better: care is not complicated by the elimination of problems with the root system.

Leaf cuttings should be transported home in plastic containers Or boxes, to not break the lacquer. As a last resort, tie a cutting into a plastic bag. If the leaves of a young plant left during transportation, immediately remove them from the outlet.

Basic rules, how to care for homemade violets

Finally, you have a house violets appeared at home: how to care for these gentle plantsso as not to harm? First, it is advisable for a couple of weeks to place the acquired flower on quarantine into a room where there are no other plants. If you notice the slightest signs, spray the plant with a systemic fungicide "Maxim" and flush the leaflet in a cloth after 20 minutes.

When removing the lower leaves in the pot, the soil shifts, and when the trunk of Satpolia is too bare, a transplant is carried out

Immediately playing a transplant is not worth-room flower The violet can calmly grow in a small capacity, while the size of the socket does not exceed the peel diameter than three times.

Violet home care requires the following:

  • regular watering when drying the surface of the soil;
  • weekly feeding with mineral fertilizers;
  • lack of drafts;
  • additional backlight with a lack of light;
  • removing faded flowers;
  • cleansing the leaves from dust with a brush or wet sponge.

Video about the change of violets

To form a symmetrical outlet, young plants need to be rotated 45 degrees every three days. If your adult violet is growing, home care will include mandatory removal of old leaves. When the lower leaves are removed in the pot, the soil is shuffled, and when the trunk of SENPOLIA is too naked, a transplant with a blowout of a socket to the lower leaves is carried out. On average, the transplant is carried out once a year, because during this time the soil in the pot is depleted, and the plant in the pot becomes closely.

The main thing is that I should remember, buying the laid flowers of violets, - care for them must be regular, otherwise the plants simply refuse to bloom. Well, those flowers who know how to care for homemade violet, and do not forget about these gentle colorswill definitely admire the bright and lush blossom Senpolia on their windowsill.