Greek sun god. ancient greek gods

Hades - God is the ruler of the realm of the dead.

Antey- the hero of myths, a giant, the son of Poseidon and the Earth of Gaia. The earth gave her son strength, thanks to which no one could cope with him.

Apollo- the god of sunlight. The Greeks portrayed him as a beautiful young man.

Ares- god of perfidious war, son of Zeus and Hera

Asclepius- the god of medical art, the son of Apollo and the nymph Coronis

Boreas- the god of the north wind, the son of the titanides Astrea (starry sky) and Eos (morning dawn), brother of Zephyr and Nota. Depicted as a winged, long-haired, bearded, powerful deity.

Bacchus One of the names of Dionysus.

Helios (Helium ) - the god of the Sun, brother of Selena (goddess of the moon) and Eos (morning dawn). In late antiquity, he was identified with Apollo, the god of sunlight.

Hermes- the son of Zeus and Maya, one of the most ambiguous Greek gods. The patron of wanderers, crafts, trade, thieves. Possessing the gift of eloquence.

Hephaestus- the son of Zeus and Hera, the god of fire and blacksmithing. He was considered the patron saint of artisans.

Hypnos- deity of sleep, son of Nikta (Night). He was depicted as a winged youth.

Dionysus (Bacchus) - the god of viticulture and winemaking, the object of a number of cults and mysteries. He was depicted either in the form of an obese elderly man, or in the form of a young man with a wreath of grape leaves on the head.

Zagreus God of fertility, son of Zeus and Persephone.

Zeus- the supreme god, the king of gods and people.

Zephyr- god of the west wind.

Iacchus- the god of fertility.

Kronos - titan , the youngest son of Gaia and Uranus, the father of Zeus. He ruled the world of gods and people and was overthrown from the throne by Zeus ..

Mom- the son of the goddess of the Night, the god of slander.

Morpheus- one of the sons of Hypnos, the god of dreams.

Nereus- the son of Gaia and Pontus, meek sea god.

Note- the god of the south wind, depicted with a beard and wings.

Ocean - titan , son of Gaia and Uranus, brother and husband of Tethys and father of all the rivers of the world.

Olympians- the supreme gods of the younger generation of Greek gods, led by Zeus, who lived on the top of Mount Olympus.

Pan- the forest god, the son of Hermes and Dryopa, a goat-legged man with horns. He was considered the patron saint of shepherds and small livestock.

Pluto- the god of the underworld, often identified with Hades, but unlike from him, who owned not the souls of the dead, but the riches of the underworld.

Plutus- the son of Demeter, the god who gives people wealth.

Pont- one of the older Greek deities, the offspring of Gaia, the god of the sea, the father of many titans and gods.

Poseidon- one of the Olympian gods, brother of Zeus and Hades, ruling over the sea element. Poseidon was also subject to the bowels of the earth,
he commanded storms and earthquakes.

Proteus- sea deity, son of Poseidon, patron of seals. Possessed the gift of reincarnation and prophecy.

satires- goat-footed creatures, demons of fertility.

Thanatos- the personification of death, the twin brother of Hypnos.

Titans- the generation of the Greek gods, the ancestors of the Olympians.

Typhon- a hundred-headed dragon, born of Gaia or a Hero. During the battle of the Olympians and the Titans, he was defeated by Zeus and imprisoned under the volcano Etna in Sicily.

Triton- the son of Poseidon, one of the sea deities, a man with a fish tail instead of legs, holding a trident and a twisted shell - a horn.

Chaos- infinite empty space from which at the beginning of time arose ancient gods Greek religion - Nikta and Erebus.

Chthonic gods - deities of the underworld and fertility, relatives of the Olympians. These included Hades, Hecate, Hermes, Gaia, Demeter, Dionysus, and Persephone.

cyclops - giants with one eye in the middle of the forehead, children of Uranus and Gaia.

Evre (Eur) god of the southeast wind.

aeolus- lord of the winds.

Erebus- the personification of the darkness of the underworld, the son of Chaos and the brother of the Night.

Eros (Eros)- god of love, son of Aphrodite and Ares. V ancient myths- a self-arisen force that contributed to the ordering of the world. Depicted as a winged youth (in the Hellenistic era - a boy) with arrows, accompanying his mother.

Ether- deity of the sky

Goddesses of ancient Greece

Artemis- Goddess of hunting and nature.

Atropos- one of the three moira, cutting the thread of fate and cutting off human life.

Athena (Pallas, Parthenos) - the daughter of Zeus, born from his head in full combat weapons. One of the most revered Greek goddesses, the goddess of just war and wisdom, the patroness of knowledge.

Aphrodite (Kythera, Urania) - Goddess of love and beauty. She was born from the marriage of Zeus and the goddess Dione (according to another legend, she came out of the sea foam)

Hebe- daughter of Zeus and Hera, goddess of youth. Sister of Ares and Ilithyia. She served the Olympian gods at feasts.

Hecate- the goddess of darkness, night visions and sorcery, the patroness of sorcerers.

Hemera- the goddess of daylight, the personification of the day, born of Nikto and Erebus. Often identified with Eos.

Hera- the supreme Olympic goddess, sister and third wife of Zeus, daughter of Rhea and Kronos, sister of Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Poseidon. Hera was considered the patroness of marriage.

Hestia- goddess hearth and fire.

Gaia- mother earth, mother of all gods and people.

Demitra- Goddess of fertility and agriculture.

Dryads- lower deities, nymphs who lived in trees.

Diana-goddess of the hunt

Ilithyia- patron goddess of childbirth.

Irida- winged goddess, assistant to Hera, messenger of the gods.

calliope- the muse of epic poetry and science.

Kera- demonic creatures, children of the goddess Nikta, bringing misfortune and death to people.

Clio- one of the nine muses, the muse of history.

Clotho ("spinner") - one of the moira, spinning the thread of human life.

Lachesis- one of the three moira sisters, who determines the fate of each person even before birth.

Summer- Titanide, mother of Apollo and Artemis.

Mayan- a mountain nymph, the eldest of the seven pleiades - the daughters of Atlanta, the beloved of Zeus, from whom Hermes was born to her.

Melpomene- muse of tragedy.

Metis- the goddess of wisdom, the first of the three wives of Zeus, who conceived Athena from him.

Mnemosyne- mother of nine muses, goddess of memory.

moira- the goddess of fate, the daughter of Zeus and Themis.

Muses- patron goddess of the arts and sciences.

naiads- nymphs-guardians of waters.

Nemesis- the daughter of Nikta, the goddess, personifying fate and retribution, punishing people in accordance with their sins.

Nereids- fifty daughters of Nereus and the oceanides of Dorida, sea deities.

Nika- the personification of victory. Often she was depicted with a wreath, a common symbol of triumph in Greece.

nymphs- the lowest deities in the hierarchy of the Greek gods. They personified the forces of nature.

Nikta- one of the first Greek deities, the goddess - the personification of the primordial Night

Orestiades- mountain nymphs.

Ora- the goddess of the seasons, tranquility and order, the daughter of Zeus and Themis.

Peyto- the goddess of persuasion, the companion of Aphrodite, often identified with her patroness.

Persephone- daughter of Demeter and Zeus, goddess of fertility. The wife of Hades and the queen of the underworld, who knew the secrets of life and death.

polyhymnia- the muse of serious hymn poetry.

Tethys- the daughter of Gaia and Uranus, the wife of the Ocean and the mother of the Nereids and Oceanids.

Rhea- the mother of the Olympian gods.

Sirens- female demons, half-woman half-birds, capable of changing the weather at sea.

Waist- muse of comedy.

Terpsichore- Muse of dance art.

Tisiphone- one of the Erinyes.

quiet- the goddess of fate and chance among the Greeks, companion of Persephone. She was depicted as a winged woman standing on a wheel and holding a cornucopia and ship's steering wheel in her hands.

Urania- one of the nine muses, the patroness of astronomy.

Themis- Titanide, goddess of justice and law, second wife of Zeus, mother of mountains and moira.

Charites- the goddess of female beauty, the embodiment of a kind, joyful and eternally young beginning of life.

Eumenides- another hypostasis of the Erinyes, revered as goddesses of benevolence, preventing misfortunes.

Eris- daughter of Nikta, sister of Ares, goddess of discord.

Erinyes- goddesses of vengeance, creatures of the underworld, who punished injustice and crimes.

Erato- Muse of lyrical and erotic poetry.

Eos- Goddess of the dawn, sister of Helios and Selena. The Greeks called it "pink-fingered".

Euterpe- the muse of lyrical chanting. Depicted with a double flute in her hand.

Ancient Greek mythology expressed a vivid sensory perception of the surrounding reality with all its diversity and colors. Behind every phenomenon of the material world - thunderstorm, war, storm, dawn, lunar eclipse, according to the Greeks, there was an act of one or another god.


The classical Greek pantheon had 12 Olympian deities. However, the inhabitants of Olympus were not the first inhabitants of the earth and the creators of the world. According to the Theogony of the poet Hesiod, the Olympians were only the third generation of gods. At the very beginning there was only Chaos, from which eventually came:

  • Nyukta (Night),
  • Gaia (Earth),
  • Uranus (Sky),
  • Tartarus (Abyss),
  • Skotos (Darkness),
  • Erebus (Darkness).

These forces should be considered the first generation of the Greek gods. The children of Chaos entered into marriages with each other, giving birth to gods, seas, mountains, monsters and various amazing creatures - hekatoncheirs and titans. The grandchildren of Chaos are considered to be the second generation of the gods.

Uranus became the ruler of the whole world, and Gaia, the mother of all things, became his wife. Uranus was afraid and hated his numerous children-titans, therefore, immediately after their birth, he hid the babies back into the womb of Gaia. Gaia suffered greatly from the fact that she could not be born, but the youngest of the children, the titan Kronos, came to her aid. He deposed and castrated his father.

The children of Uranus and Gaia were finally able to come out of their mother's womb. Kronos married one of his sisters - the titanide Rhea and became the supreme deity. His reign became a real "golden age". However, Kronos feared for his power. Uranus predicted to him that one of the children of Kronos would do the same to him as Kronos himself did to his father. Therefore, all the children born to Rhea - Hestia, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Demeter - were swallowed by the titan. The last son - Zeus - Rhea managed to hide. Zeus grew up, freed his brothers and sisters, and then began to fight with his father. So the titans and the third generation of gods, the future Olympians, clashed in the battle. Hesiod calls these events "titanomachia" (literally "Battles of the Titans"). The struggle ended with the victory of the Olympians and the fall of the titans into the abyss of Tartarus.

Modern researchers are inclined to believe that the titanomachy was not an empty fantasy based on nothing. In fact, this episode reflected important social changes in life. Ancient Greece. The archaic chthonic deities - the titans, who were worshiped by the ancient Greek tribes, gave way to new deities who personified order, law and statehood. The tribal system and matriarchy went into the past, they are being replaced by the polis system and the patriarchal cult of epic heroes.

Olympian gods

Thanks to numerous literary works, many ancient Greek myths have survived to this day. Unlike Slavic mythology, preserved in a fragmentary and incomplete form, ancient Greek folklore was deeply and comprehensively studied. The pantheon of the ancient Greeks included hundreds of gods, however, only 12 of them played the leading role. There is no canonical list of Olympians. V different versions myths, the pantheon may include different gods.


Zeus was at the head of the ancient Greek pantheon. He and his brothers - Poseidon and Hades - cast lots to divide the world among themselves. Poseidon got the oceans and seas, Hades got the kingdom of the souls of the dead, and Zeus got the sky. Under the rule of Zeus, law and order are established throughout the earth. For the Greeks, Zeus was the personification of the Cosmos, opposing the ancient Chaos. In a narrower sense, Zeus was the god of wisdom, as well as thunder and lightning.

Zeus was very prolific. From goddesses and earthly women he had many children - gods, mythical creatures, heroes and kings.

A very interesting moment in the biography of Zeus is his struggle with the titan Prometheus. The Olympian gods destroyed the first people who lived on earth since the time of Kronos. Prometheus created new people and taught them crafts, for their sake, the titan even stole fire from Olympus. Enraged, Zeus ordered Prometheus to be chained to a rock, where an eagle flew daily, pecking at the liver of a titan. In order to take revenge on the people created by Prometheus for their self-will, Zeus sent Pandora to them - a beauty who opened a box in which diseases and various misfortunes of the human race were hidden.

Despite such a vengeful disposition, in general, Zeus is a bright and fair deity. Next to his throne are two vessels - with good and evil, depending on the actions of people, Zeus draws gifts from the vessels, sending either punishment or mercy to mortals.


The brother of Zeus - Poseidon - the lord of such a changeable element as water. Like the ocean, it can be wild and wild. Most likely, Poseidon was originally an earthly deity. This version explains why the cult animals of Poseidon were completely "land" bull and horse. Hence the epithets with which the god of the seas was endowed - “shaking the earth”, “land holder”.

In myths, Poseidon often opposes his thunder brother. For example, he supports the Achaeans in the war against Troy, on the side of which Zeus was.

Almost the entire commercial and fishing life of the Greeks depended on the sea. Therefore, rich sacrifices were regularly made to Poseidon, throwing them directly into the water.


Despite the huge number of connections with a variety of women, the closest companion of Zeus all this time was his sister and wife, Hera. Although Hera was the main female deity on Olympus, in fact she was only the third wife of Zeus. The first wife of the Thunderer was the wise oceanid Metis, whom he imprisoned in his womb, and the second was the goddess of justice Themis - the mother of the seasons and moira - the goddesses of fate.

Although the divine spouses often quarrel and cheat on each other, the union of Hera and Zeus symbolizes all monogamous marriages on earth and the relationship between a man and a woman in general.

Distinguished by a jealous and sometimes cruel disposition, Hera was still the keeper family hearth, protector of mothers and children. Greek women prayed to Hera for a message to them good husband, pregnancy or easy childbirth.

Perhaps Hera's confrontation with her husband reflects the chthonic nature of this goddess. According to one version, touching the earth, she even gives birth to a monstrous snake - Typhon. Obviously, Hera is one of the first female deities of the Peloponnesian Peninsula, an evolved and reworked image of the mother goddess.


Ares was the son of Hera and Zeus. He personified the war, and, moreover, the war was not in the form of a liberation confrontation, but a senseless bloody massacre. It is believed that Ares, who absorbed part of the chthonic rampage of his mother, is extremely treacherous and cunning. He uses his power to sow murder and discord.

In the myths, Zeus's dislike for the bloodthirsty son can be traced, however, even a just war is impossible without Ares.


The birth of Athena was very unusual. One day, Zeus began to suffer severe headaches. To alleviate the suffering of the Thunderer, the god Hephaestus strikes him on the head with an ax. From the resulting wound comes a beautiful maiden in armor and with a spear. Zeus, seeing his daughter, was very happy. The newborn goddess was named Athena. She became the main assistant to her father - the keeper of law and order and the personification of wisdom. Formally, the mother of Athena was Metis, imprisoned inside Zeus.

Since the warlike Athena embodied both the feminine and the masculine, she did not need a spouse and remained virgin. The goddess patronized warriors and heroes, but only those of them who wisely disposed of their strength. Thus, the goddess balanced the rampage of her bloodthirsty brother Ares.


Hephaestus - the patron of blacksmithing, crafts and fire - was the son of Zeus and Hera. He was born lame in both legs. Hera was unpleasant to an ugly and sick baby, so she threw him off Olympus. Hephaestus fell into the sea, where Thetis picked him up. On the seabed, Hephaestus mastered blacksmithing and began to forge wonderful things.

For the Greeks, Hephaestus, thrown from Olympus, personified, although ugly, but very smart and kind god, helping everyone who turns to him.

To teach his mother a lesson, Hephaestus forged a golden throne for her. When Hera got into it, the fetters closed on her arms and legs, which none of the gods could unchain. Despite all the persuasion, Hephaestus stubbornly did not want to go to Olympus in order to free Hera. Only Dionysus, who intoxicated Hephaestus, managed to bring the blacksmith god. After her release, Hera recognized her son and gave him Aphrodite as his wife. However, Hephaestus did not live long with a windy wife and entered into a second marriage with Charita Aglaya, the goddess of goodness and joy.

Hephaestus is the only Olympian who is constantly busy with work. He forges lightning bolts for Zeus, magic items, armor and weapons. From his mother, he, like Ares, inherited some chthonic features, however, not so destructive. The connection of Hephaestus with the underworld is emphasized by its fiery nature. However, the fire of Hephaestus is not a destructive flame, but a hearth that warms people, or a blacksmith's forge, with which many useful things can be made.


One of the daughters of Rhea and Kronos - Demeter - was the patroness of fertility and agriculture. Like many female deities who personify Mother Earth, Demeter had a direct connection with the world of the dead. After the abduction by Hades of her daughter, Persephone, with Zeus, Demeter fell into mourning. Eternal winter reigned on the earth, thousands of people died of hunger. Then Zeus demanded that Persephone spend only one third of the year with Hades, and return to her mother for two thirds.

It is believed that Demeter taught people how to farm. She also gave fertility to plants, animals and people. The Greeks believed that the mysteries dedicated to Demeter blurred the boundaries between the world of the living and the dead. Archaeological data show that in some areas of Greece, Demeter even made human sacrifices.


Aphrodite - the goddess of love and beauty - appeared on earth in a very unusual way. After the castration of Uranus, Kronos threw his father's reproductive organ into the sea. Since Uranus was very prolific, the beautiful Aphrodite emerged from the sea foam that formed in this place.

The goddess knew how to send love to people and gods, which she often used. One of the main attributes of Aphrodite was her wonderful belt, which made any woman beautiful. Because of the changeable disposition of Aphrodite, many suffered from her charms. The vengeful goddess could severely punish those who rejected her gifts or offended her in some way.

Apollo and Artemis

Apollo and Artemis are the children of the goddess Leto and Zeus. Hera was extremely angry with Summer, so she pursued her throughout the earth and for a long time did not allow her to be born. In the end, on the island of Delos, surrounded by Rhea, Themis, Amphitrite and other goddesses, Leto gave birth to two twins. Artemis was the first to be born and immediately began to help her mother in the birth of her brother.

With a bow and arrows, Artemis, surrounded by nymphs, began to wander through the forests. The virgin hunter goddess was the patroness of wild and domestic animals and all life on earth. Both young girls and pregnant women, whom she protected, turned to her for help.

Her brother became the patron of the arts and healing. Apollo brings harmony and tranquility to Olympus. This god is considered one of the main symbols of the classical period in the history of ancient Greece. He brings elements of beauty and light into everything he does, gives people the gift of foresight, teaches them to heal diseases and play music.


Unlike most of the cruel and vindictive Olympians, Zeus' older sister, Hestia, was distinguished by a peaceful and calm disposition. The Greeks revered her as the keeper of the hearth and sacred fire. Hestia adhered to chastity and refused all the gods who offered her marriage.

The cult of Hestia was very widespread in Greece. It was believed that she helps to hold sacred ceremonies and preserves peace in families.


The patron of trade, wealth, dexterity and theft - Hermes, most likely, was originally an ancient Asia Minor demon-rogue. Over time, the Greeks turned the petty trickster into one of the most powerful gods. Hermes was the son of Zeus and the nymph Maya. Like all children of Zeus, he demonstrated his amazing abilities from birth. So, on the very first day after his birth, Hermes learned to play the cithara and stole the cows of Apollo.

In myths, Hermes appears not only as a deceiver and a thief, but also as a faithful assistant. He often rescued heroes and gods from difficult situations, bringing them weapons, magical herbs, or some other necessary items. A distinctive attribute of Hermes were winged sandals and a caduceus - a rod around which two snakes twined.

Shepherds, merchants, usurers, travelers, swindlers, alchemists and fortune-tellers revered Hermes.


Hades - the ruler of the world of the dead - is not always included among the Olympian gods, since he did not live on Olympus, but in gloomy Hades. However, he was certainly a very powerful and influential deity. The Greeks were afraid of Hades and preferred not to pronounce his name out loud, replacing it with various epithets. Some researchers believe that Hades is a different hypostasis of Zeus.

Although Hades was the god of the dead, he also bestowed fertility and wealth. At the same time, he himself, as befits such a deity, did not have children, he even had to kidnap his wife, because none of the goddesses wanted to descend into the underworld.

The cult of Hades was almost not widespread. Only one temple is known, where only once a year sacrifices were made to the king of the dead.

Culture and religion in Athens have been closely intertwined since time immemorial. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are so many attractions in the country that are dedicated to the idols and gods of antiquity. There is probably nothing like it anywhere. But still, Greek mythology became the most complete reflection of the most ancient civilization. Gods and titans, kings and heroes from legends - all these are parts of the life and existence of ancient Greece.

Of course, many tribes and peoples had their own deities and idols. They personified the forces of nature, incomprehensible and frightening. ancient man. However, the ancient Greek gods were not only symbols of nature, they were considered the creators of all moral goods and the guardians of the beautiful and great powers of the ancient people.

Generations of the gods of ancient Greece

At different times, there were also different lists of one ancient author differed from another, but still it is possible to distinguish common periods.

So, in the days of the Pelasgians, when the cult of worship of the forces of nature flourished, the first generation of Greek gods appeared. It was believed that the Mist ruled the world, from which the first supreme deity appeared - Chaos, and their children - Nikta (Night), Eros (Love) and Erebus (Darkness). The land was in complete disarray.

The names of the Greek gods of the second and third generation are already known to the whole world. These are the children of Nikta and Eber: the air god Ether and the goddess of the day Hemera, Nemesis (Retribution), Ata (Lie), Mom (Stupidity), Kera (Misfortune), Erinia (Revenge), Moira (Fate), Eris (Discord). And also take the twins Thanatos (herald of Death) and Hypnos (Sleep). Children of the goddess of the earth Hera - Pontus (inner Sea), Tartarus (Abyss), Nereus (calm sea) and others. As well as the first generation of powerful and destructive titans and giants.

The Greek gods that existed among the Pelagestians were overthrown by the titans and a series of universal catastrophes, stories about which have been preserved in myths and legends. After them, a new generation appeared - the Olympians. These are the human gods of Greek mythology. Their list is huge, and in this article we will talk about the most significant and famous people.

The first supreme god of ancient Greece

Kronos or Chronov is the god and keeper of time. He was the youngest of the sons of the earth goddess Hera and the sky god Uranus. His mother loved him, cherished and indulged him in everything. However, Kronos grew up to be very ambitious and cruel. Once Hera heard a prediction that his son would be the death of Kronos. But she decided to keep it a secret.

Meanwhile, Kronos killed his father and gained supreme power. He settled on Mount Olympus, which went straight to heaven. Hence the name of the Greek gods, as the Olympians. When Kronos decided to marry, his mother told him about the prophecy. And he found a way out - he began to swallow all his born children. His poor wife Rhea was horrified, but she failed to convince her husband of the opposite. Then she hid her third son (little Zeus) from Kronos on the island of Crete under the supervision of forest nymphs. It was Zeus who became the death of Kronos. When he grew up, he went to Olympus and overthrew his father, while making him regurgitate all his brothers.

Zeus and Hera

So, the new humanoid Greek gods from Olympus became the rulers of the world. Zeus was the father of the gods. He is the gatherer of clouds and the lord of lightning, creating all living things, as well as the establisher of order and justice on earth. The Greeks considered Zeus the source of goodness and nobility. The Thunderer is the father of the goddesses Or, the rulers of time and annual changes, as well as the Muses, who give people inspiration and joy.

Zeus' wife was Hera. She was portrayed as a grumpy goddess of the atmosphere, as well as the keeper of the hearth. Hera patronized all women who remained faithful to their husbands. And also, together with her daughter Ilithia, she facilitated the process of childbirth. According to myths, Zeus was very loving, and after three hundred years married life got bored. He began to visit mortal women in a variety of guises. So, he appeared to beautiful Europe in the form of a huge bull with golden horns, and to Danae - in the form of starry rain.


Poseidon is the god of the seas and oceans. He always remained in the shadow of his more powerful brother Zeus. The Greeks believed that Poseidon was never cruel. And all the troubles and punishments that he sent to people were well-deserved.

Poseidon is the patron saint of fishermen and sailors. Always, before setting sail, people prayed first of all to him, and not to Zeus. In honor of the ruler of the seas, altars were smoked for several days. According to legend, Poseidon could be seen during a storm on the high seas. He appeared from the foam in a golden chariot harnessed by dashing horses, which his brother Hades gave him.

Poseidon's wife was the goddess of the noisy sea, Amphitrite. The symbol is a trident, which bestowed complete power over the deep sea. Poseidon had a soft, non-confrontational disposition. He always sought to avoid quarrels and conflicts, and was unconditionally devoted to Zeus, unlike Hades.

Hades and Persephone

The Greek gods of the underworld are, above all, the gloomy Hades and his wife Persephone. Hades is the god of death, the lord of the kingdom of the dead. He was feared even more than the Thunderer himself. No one could go down to the underworld without the permission of Hades, and even more so, return. According to Greek mythology, the gods of Olympus divided power among themselves. And Hades, who got the underworld, was unhappy. He harbored a grudge against Zeus.

Despite the fact that he never spoke directly and openly, there are many examples in the legends when the god of death tried in every possible way to spoil the life of his crowned brother. So, once Hades kidnapped the beautiful daughter of Zeus and the goddess of fertility Demeter Persephone. He forcibly made her his queen. Zeus had no power over the realm of the dead, and chose not to mess with his embittered brother, so he refused the frustrated Demeter's request to save her daughter. And only when the goddess of fertility in grief forgot about her duties, and drought and famine began on earth, Zeus decided to talk to Hades. They entered into an agreement according to which Persephone would spend two-thirds of the year on earth with her mother, and the rest of the time in the kingdom of the dead.

Hades was portrayed as a gloomy man sitting on a throne. On earth he traveled in a chariot harnessed by hellish horses with burning eyes. And at this time, people were afraid and prayed that he would not take them to his kingdom. Hades' favorite was the three-headed dog Cerberus, who tirelessly guarded the entrance to the world of the dead.

Athena Pallas

The beloved Greek goddess Athena was the daughter of the Thunderer Zeus. According to the myths, she was born from his head. At first it was believed that Athena was the goddess of the clear sky, who dispersed all black clouds with her spear. She was also a symbol of victorious energy. The Greeks depicted Athena as a powerful warrior with a shield and a spear. She always traveled with the goddess Nike, who personifies victory.

In ancient Greece, Athena was considered the protector of fortresses and cities. She gave people just and correct state orders. The goddess personified wisdom, calmness and a penetrating mind.

Hephaestus and Prometheus

Hephaestus is the god of fire and blacksmithing. His activity was manifested by volcanic eruptions, which frightened people very much. Initially, he was considered only the god of heavenly fire. Since on earth people lived and died in eternal cold. Hephaestus, like Zeus, and other Olympic gods was cruel to the world of people, and was not going to give them fire.

Prometheus changed everything. He was the last of the Titans to survive. He lived on Olympus and was the right hand of Zeus. Prometheus could not watch how people suffer, and, having stolen the sacred fire from the temple, he brought it to earth. For which he was punished by the Thunderer and doomed to eternal torment. But the titan was able to agree with Zeus: he granted him freedom in exchange for the secret of maintaining power. Prometheus could see the future. And in the future of Zeus, he saw his death at the hands of his son. Thanks to the titan, the father of all gods did not marry the one who could bear him a murderous son, and thus forever consolidated his power.

The Greek gods Athena, Hephaestus and Prometheus became symbols of the ancient festival of running with lit torches. Ancestor of the Olympic Games.


The Greek sun god Apollo was the son of Zeus. He was identified with Helios. According to Greek mythology, Apollo lives in the distant lands of the Hyperboreans in winter, and returns to Hellas in the spring and again pours life into withered nature. Apollo was also the god of music and singing, since, along with the revival of nature, he gave people the desire to sing and create. He was called the patron of art. Music and poetry in ancient Greece were considered the gift of Apollo.

Due to his regenerating ability, he was also considered the god of healing. According to the legends, Apollo expelled all blackness from the patient with his sunbeams. The ancient Greeks portrayed the god as a fair-haired young man with a harp in his hands.


Apollo's sister Artemis was the goddess of the moon and the hunt. It was believed that at night she wandered through the forests with her naiad companions and irrigated the earth with dew. She was also called the patroness of animals. At the same time, many legends are associated with Artemis, where she cruelly drowned sailors. People were sacrificed to appease her.

At one time, the Greeks called Artemis the patroness of brides. The girls performed rituals and brought offerings to the goddess in the hope of a strong marriage. Artemis of Ephesus even became a symbol of fertility and childbearing. The Greeks portrayed the goddess with many nipples on her chest, which symbolized her generosity as a nurse of people.

The names of the Greek gods Apollo and Artemis are closely related to Helios and Selene. Gradually brother and sister lost their physical significance. Therefore, in Greek mythology, the separate sun god Helios and the moon goddess Selene appeared. Apollo remained the patron of music and the arts, and Artemis - of hunting.


Initially, Ares was considered the god of the stormy sky. He was the son of Zeus and Hera. But among the ancient Greek poets, he received the status of the god of war. He was always portrayed as a fierce warrior armed with a sword or spear. Ares loved the noise of battle and bloodshed. Therefore, he was always at enmity with the goddess of the clear sky, Athena. She was for prudence and fair conduct of battle, he was for fierce skirmishes and countless bloodshed.

Ares is also considered the creator of the tribunal - the trial of murderers. The trial took place on a sacred hill, which was named after the god - the Areopagus.

Aphrodite and Eros

The beautiful Aphrodite was the patroness of all lovers. She is a favorite muse for all the poets, sculptors and artists of that time. The goddess was portrayed beautiful woman emerging naked from the sea foam. The soul of Aphrodite has always been full of pure and immaculate love. In the time of the Phoenicians, Aphrodite contained two principles - Ashera and Astarte. She was Ashera when she enjoyed the singing of nature and the love of the youth Adonis. And Astarte - when she was revered as the "goddess of heights" - a stern warrior who imposed a vow of chastity on her novices and guarded marital morality. The ancient Greeks combined these two principles in their goddess and created an image of ideal femininity and beauty.

Eros or Eros is the Greek god of love. He was the son of the beautiful Aphrodite, her messenger and faithful assistant. Eros connected the destinies of all lovers. He was portrayed as a small plump boy with wings.

Demeter and Dionysus

Greek gods, patrons of agriculture and winemaking. Demeter personified nature, which, under sunlight and heavy rains, ripens and bears fruit. She was portrayed as a "fair-haired" goddess, giving people a harvest, deserved by labor and sweat. It is Demeter that people owe to the science of arable farming and sowing. The goddess was also called "mother earth". Her daughter Persephone was the link between the world of the living and the realm of the dead, she belonged to both worlds.

Dionysus is the god of winemaking. As well as brotherhood and joy. Dionysus gives people inspiration and fun. He taught people how to work the vine, as well as wild and riotous songs, which then served as the basis for ancient Greek drama. God was portrayed as a young cheerful youth, his body was entwined with a vine, and in his hands was a jug of wine. Wine and vine are the main symbols of Dionysus.

The life of the ancient Greek gods on Mount Olympus seemed to people a continuous fun and a daily holiday. Myths and legends of those times are a storehouse of philosophical and cultural knowledge. Having considered the list of the gods of Ancient Greece, you can plunge into a completely different world. Mythology surprises with its uniqueness, it is important because it pushed humanity to the development and emergence of many sciences, such as mathematics, astronomy, rhetoric, and logic.

First generation

Initially, there was Mist, and Chaos arose from it. From their union came Erebus (darkness), Nikta (night), Uranus (sky), Eros (love), Gaia (earth) and Tartarus (abyss). All of them played a gigantic role in the formation of the pantheon. All other deities are related to them in one way or another.

Gaia is one of the first deities on earth, which arose along with the sky, sea and air. She is the great mother of everything on earth: heavenly gods were born from her union with her son Uranus (heaven), sea gods from Pontos (sea), giants from Tartaros (hell), and mortal beings were created from her flesh. Depicted as a fat woman, half rising from the ground. We can assume that it was she who came up with all the names of the gods of Ancient Greece, a list of which can be found below.

Uranus is one of the primeval gods of Ancient Greece. He was the original ruler of the universe. He was overthrown by his son Kronos. Born to one Gaia, was also her husband. Some sources call his father Akmon. Uranus was depicted as a bronze dome covering the world.

List of gods of Ancient Greece born by Uranus and Gaia: Oceanus, Kous, Hyperion, Crius, Thea, Rhea, Themis, Iapetus, Mnemosyne, Tethys, Kronos, Cyclopes, Brontes, Steropes.

Uranus did not feel much love for his children, more precisely, he hated them. And after their birth he imprisoned them in Tartarus. But during their rebellion he was defeated and castrated by his son Kronos.

Second generation

The Titans, born of Uranus and Gaia, were the six gods of time. The list of titans of ancient Greece includes:

Ocean - tops the list of gods of Ancient Greece, titanium. Represented big river surrounding the earth was the reservoir of all fresh water. Oceanus' wife was his sister, the titanide Tethys. Their union gave birth to rivers, streams and thousands of oceanids. They did not take part in the Titanomachy. The ocean was depicted as a horned bull with a fish tail instead of legs.

Kay (Koy/Keos) - Phoebe's brother and husband. Their union gave birth to Leto and Asteria. Depicted in the form of a celestial axis. It was around her that the clouds revolved and Helios and Selena walked across the sky. The couple were thrown by Zeus into Tartarus.

Kriy (Krios) - an ice titan that can freeze all living things. He shared the fate of his brothers and sisters, thrown into Tartarus.

Iapetus (Iapetus / Iapetus) - the most eloquent, commanded the titans during the attack on the gods. Also sent by Zeus to Tartarus.

Hyperion - lived on the island of Trinacria. He did not take part in the Titanomachy. The wife was the titinide Thea (she was thrown into Tartarus along with her brothers and sisters).

Kronos (Chronos/Kronus) is the temporary ruler of the world. He was so afraid of losing the power of the supreme god that he devoured his children so that none of them would claim the throne of the ruler. He was married to his sister Rhea. She managed to save one child and hide him from Kronos. Deposed by his only rescued heir, Zeus, and sent to Tartarus.

Closer to people

The next generation is the most famous. They are the main gods of Ancient Greece. The list of their exploits, adventures and legends with their participation is very impressive.

They not only became closer to people, descending from heaven and emerging from chaos to the top of the mountain. The gods of the third generation began to contact people more often and more willingly.

This was especially boasted by Zeus, who was very partial to earthly women. And the presence of the divine wife Hera did not bother him at all. It was from his union with a man that the familiar hero of myths, Hercules, was born.

third generation

These gods lived on Mount Olympus. From its name they got their title. There are 12 gods of Ancient Greece, the list of which is known to almost everyone. All of them performed their functions and were endowed with unique talents.

But more often they talk about fourteen gods, the first six of which were the children of Kronos and Rhea:

Zeus - the main god of Olympus, the ruler of the sky, personified power and strength. God of lightning, thunder and creator of people. The main attributes of this god were: Aegis (shield), Labrys (double-sided ax), Zeus' lightning (two-pointed pitchfork with notches) and an eagle. Distributed good and evil. Was in alliance with several women:

  • Metis - the first wife, the goddess of wisdom, was swallowed by her husband;
  • Themis - the goddess of justice, the second wife of Zeus;
  • Hera - the last wife, the goddess of marriage, was the sister of Zeus.

Poseidon is the god of rivers, floods, seas, drought, horses and earthquakes. His attributes were: a trident, a dolphin and a chariot with white-maned horses. Wife - Amphitrite.

Demeter is the mother of Persephone, the sister of Zeus and his lover. She is the goddess of fertility and patronizes farmers. Demeter's attribute is a wreath of ears of corn.

Hestia is the sister of Demeter, Zeus, Hades, Hera and Poseidon. The patroness of the sacrificial fire and the family hearth. I took a vow of chastity. The main attribute was a torch.

Hades is the ruler of the underworld of the dead. Husband of Persephone (goddess of fertility and queen of the kingdom of the dead). The attributes of Hades were a bident or a wand. Depicted with an underground monster Cerberus - a three-headed dog, who stood guard at the entrance to Tartarus.

Hera is the sister and wife of Zeus. The most powerful and wise goddess of Olympus. She was the patroness of family and marriage. A mandatory attribute of Hera is a diadem. This decoration is a symbol of the fact that she is the main one on Olympus. She obeyed (sometimes reluctantly) all the main gods of ancient Greece, the list of which she headed.

Other Olympians

Although these gods did not have such powerful parents, almost all of them were born from Zeus. Each of them was talented in their own way. And he did his job well.

Ares is the son of Hera and Zeus. God of battles, war and masculinity. He was a lover, then the husband of the goddess Aphrodite. Ares' companions were Eris (goddess of discord) and Enyo (goddess of violent war). The main attributes were: a helmet, a sword, dogs, a burning torch and a shield.

Apollo - the son of Zeus and Leto, was the twin brother of Artemis. The god of light, the leader of the muses, the god of medicine and the predictor of the future. Apollo was very loving, he had many mistresses and lovers. The attributes were: a laurel wreath, a chariot, a bow with arrows and a golden lyre.

Hermes is the son of Zeus and the Pleiades Maya or Persephone. God of trade, eloquence, dexterity, intelligence, animal husbandry and roads. Patron of athletes, merchants, artisans, shepherds, travelers, ambassadors and thieves. He is the personal messenger of Zeus and the escort of the dead to the kingdom of Hades. He taught people writing, trade and accounting. Attributes: winged sandals that allow him to fly, an invisibility helmet, a caduceus (a wand adorned with two intertwined snakes).

Hephaestus is the son of Hera and Zeus. God of blacksmithing and fire. He limped on both legs. Wives of Hephaestus - Aphrodite and Aglaya. The attributes of the god were: bellows, tongs, a chariot and a pilos.

Dionysus is the son of Zeus and the mortal woman Semele. God of vineyards and winemaking, inspiration and ecstasy. Theater patron. He was married to Ariadne. Attributes of God: a cup of wine, a wreath of vine and a chariot.

Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and the goddess Leto, the twin sister of Apollo. The young goddess is a hunter. Being the first to be born, she helped her mother give birth to Apollo. Chaste. Attributes of Artemis: doe, quiver with arrows and chariot.

Demeter is the daughter of Kronos and Rhea. Mother of Persephone (wife of Hades), sister of Zeus and his lover. Goddess of agriculture and fertility. Demeter's attribute is a wreath of ears.

Athena, the daughter of Zeus, completes our list of the gods of Ancient Greece. She was born from his head after he swallowed her mother Themis. Goddess of war, wisdom and craft. Patroness of the Greek city of Athens. Her attributes were: a shield with the image of the Gorgon Medusa, an owl, a snake and a spear.

Born in foam?

I want to talk about the next goddess separately. She is not only to this day a symbol of female beauty. In addition, the history of its origin is hidden in mystery.

There is a lot of controversy and speculation about the birth of Aphrodite. The first version: the goddess was born from the seed and blood of Uranus castrated by Kronos, which fell into the sea and formed foam. The second version: Aphrodite originated from a sea shell. The third hypothesis: she is the daughter of Dione and Zeus.

This goddess was in charge of beauty and love. Spouses: Ares and Hephaestus. Attributes: chariot, apple, rose, mirror and dove.

How they lived on the great Olympus

All the Olympic gods of Ancient Greece, the list of which you see above, had the right to live and spend all their free time from miracles on the great mountain. The relationship between them was not always rosy, but few of them dared to open hostility, knowing the power of their opponent.

Even among the great divine beings, there was no permanent peace. But everything was decided by intrigues, secret conspiracies and betrayals. It is very similar to the human world. And this is understandable, because humanity was created by the gods, so they all look like us.

Gods who do not live on Mount Olympus

Not all deities had a chance to reach such heights and climb Mount Olympus to rule the world there, feasting and having fun. Many other gods either failed to deserve such a high honor, or were modest and content with an ordinary life. If, of course, you can call the existence of a deity that way. In addition to the Olympic gods, there were other gods of Ancient Greece, a list of their names is here:

  • Hymen is the god of marriage bonds (the son of Apollo and the muse Calliope).
  • Nike is the goddess of victory (daughter of Styx and the titan Pallas).
  • Irida is the goddess of the rainbow (daughter of the sea god Tawmant and the oceanid Electra).
  • Ata is the goddess of obscuration of the mind (daughter of Zeus).
  • Apata is the mistress of lies (heiress of the goddess of night darkness Nyukta).
  • Morpheus is the god of dreams (the son of the lord of dreams Hypnos).
  • Phobos - the god of fear (a descendant of Aphrodite and Ares).
  • Deimos - the lord of horror (the son of Ares and Aphrodite).
  • Ora - the goddess of the seasons (daughters of Zeus and Themis).
  • Eol - the demigod of the winds (the heir of Poseidon and Arna).
  • Hekate is the mistress of darkness and all monsters (the result of the union of the titan Perse and Asteria).
  • Thanatos is the god of death (son of Erebus and Nyukta).
  • Erinyes - goddesses of revenge (daughters of Erebus and Nyukta).
  • Pontus is the ruler of the inland sea (heir to Ether and Gaia).
  • Moira - the goddess of fate (daughter of Zeus and Themis).

These are not all the gods of Ancient Greece, the list of which can be continued even further. But to get acquainted with the main myths and legends, it is enough to know only these actors. If you want to read more stories about each, we are sure that the ancient storytellers came up with a lot of interweaving of their destinies and details of the divine life, in which you will gradually get to know more and more new heroes.

Meaning of Greek mythology

There were also muses, nymphs, satyrs, centaurs, heroes, cyclops, giants and monsters. This whole vast world was not invented in one day. Myths and legends have been written for decades, with each retelling acquiring other details and characters that have never been seen before. All the new gods of ancient Greece appeared, the list of names of which grew from one storyteller to another.

The main goal of these stories was to teach future generations the wisdom of the elders, to tell in an understandable language about good and evil, about honor and cowardice, about loyalty and lies. And besides, such a huge pantheon made it possible to explain almost any a natural phenomenon which has not yet been scientifically substantiated.

Adonis - the deity of dying and resurrecting nature, borrowed from Phoenicia in the 5th century. BC e. At the request of Zeus, Adonis had to spend a third of the year with Aphrodiga, a third of the year with Persephone.

Hades is one of the main Greek gods, the lord of the kingdom of the dead and the entire underworld. Brother of Zeus, Poseidon and Demeter.

Amphitrite - sea goddess, wife of Poseidon, mistress of the seas.

Apollo (Phoebus) - one of the main Greek gods, son of Zeus, brother of Artemis. The deity of the sun, sunlight, enlightenment, the patron of art, personified by 9 muses, agriculture, the guardian of herds, roads, travelers, sailors, the god-warrior, the god-healer and the god-soothsayer. The most important centers of the cult of Apollo in Greece were Delphi with the famous oracle, the islet of Delos, and Didyma near Miletus.

Ares (or Ares) - the god of war, military art, the son of Zeus and Hera. One of the main Olympian deities.

Artemis - one of the main goddesses, was a member of the family of 12 Olympic deities, the patroness of forests, forest vegetation, animals, natural fertility, including childbearing, the daughter of Zeus, the twin sister of Apollo.

Asclepius - the god of healing and medical art, the son of Apollo.

Athena - one of the main goddesses of the Greek pantheon, was a member of the family of 12 Olympic gods, the patroness of wisdom, sciences, crafts, victorious war and peaceful prosperity, the main goddess of Athens and Attica. Born in an unusual way: Athena came out of the head of Zeus.

Aphrodite - one of the main goddesses of Greece, was part of the family of 12 Olympic deities, the daughter of Zeus; according to another version, she was born from sea foam, the goddess of beauty, sensual love, female fertility and love charm.

Hebe is the goddess of youth, the daughter of Zeus and Hera. On Olympus, she offered ambrosia and nectar to the gods.

Hekate is one of the goddesses of the underworld, the mistress of shadows in the underworld, the goddess of ghosts and nightmares, magic and spells. Like Artemis, she was considered the mistress of animals. Daughter of Zeus.

Hecatomb - the main sacrifice at the temples in the amount of one hundred animals or more.

Helios is one of the main Greek gods, especially during the Hellenistic era. The sun god, often identified with Apollo. Son of the titan Hyperion.

Hera is one of the main Greek goddesses, a member of the family of 12 Olympic gods, the sister and wife of Zeus, the mother of Hebe, Hephaestus and Ares, the queen on Olympus. As the female hypostasis of Zeus - the mistress of lightning and thunder, clouds and storms, another function of Hera is the patroness of marriage and conjugal love, the guardian of family foundations, the assistant to pregnant women and parents.

Hercules is a Greek hero who was awarded immortality and ranked among the host of the Olympian gods for his exploits. 12 main labors of Hercules are known: 1) strangled the Nemean lion, 2) killed the Lernean hydra, 3) caught the Erymanthian boar that devastated Arcadia, 4) captured the swift-footed Kerinean doe, 5) killed the Stymphalian monster birds with copper beaks, claws and wings, 6 ) obtained the belt of Hippolyta, the cruel queen of the warlike Amazons, 7) cleared the stables of King Augeus, 8) pacified the Cretan bull, spitting fire, 9) defeated King Diomedes, who threw foreigners to be torn apart by his cannibal mares, 10) stole the cows of the three-headed giant Geryon, 11 ) got the golden apples of the Hesperides, which were brought to him by Atlas - a giant supporting the vault of heaven. When Atlas went for apples, Hercules held the vault of heaven for him, 12) caught and brought to the sunlight the formidable guardian of the underworld - the dog Kerber. In addition, Hercules defeated the giant Antaeus, tearing him away from mother earth, which gives him strength, and strangled him in his arms. As a baby, he strangled snakes in the cradle, took part in the campaign of the Argonauts, in the Calydonian hunt, etc.

Hermes (Ermius) - a member of the Olympic family, one of the main Greek gods, was the messenger and messenger of the gods, fulfilling their will, but at the same time performing numerous functions, was the patron of heralds, youth gymnastic competitions, trade and related wealth, cunning, dexterity, deceit and theft, travel, roads and crossroads. Son of Zeus and Maia. Accompanied the souls of the dead to the kingdom of Hades.

Hestia is a member of the Olympic family, the goddess of the hearth, the sister of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades.

Hephaestus is a member of the Olympic family, the patron of fire and blacksmithing, the son of Zeus and Hera, the husband of Aphrodite.

Gaia is one of the oldest and most important goddesses of the Greek pantheon, the personification of the earth, the progenitor of the gods, titans, giants, all people.

Giants - the sons of Gaia (earth) and Uranus (sky) - divine giants, the first generation of gods, who were replaced by a new generation of Olympic gods, led by Zeus. According to myth, the giants were exterminated by the Olympian gods in a fierce battle.

Hymen is the god of marriage and marriage ceremonies, the son of Apollo.

Demeter - a member of the Olympic family, one of the main Greek goddesses, the deity of agriculture and earthly fertility, germinating grain; also revered as the patroness and organizer of the economy individual family sister of Zeus.

Demons are a special group of minor divine beings - spirits with obscure functions, they did not have any image, they were the personification of everything obscure, wonderful and fatal in the nature and life of an individual.

Dike - the deity of truth, the personification of justice, the daughter of Zeus.

Dionysus is one of the oldest and most popular gods of Ancient Greece, the personification of dying and resurrecting nature, the patron of vegetation, the productive forces of nature, viticulture and winemaking, folk festivals, poetic inspiration and theatrical art. Son of Zeus.

Zeus is the supreme god and king of the gods that make up the Olympic family. The deity of the sky, heavenly space, the lord and master of everything that happens in nature, the life of gods and people, the future and destiny are open to him. As the god of the sky, Zeus commands thunder and lightning, collects and disperses the clouds. Zeus is the father of most members of the Olympian family of gods. One of the main centers of his cult was the place of Olympia in Elis, where the Olympic Games were held in his honor.

Ilithyia is the goddess of childbearing, the daughter of Zeus and Hera.

Irida is the goddess of the rainbow. Since the rainbow connects heaven and earth, Irida was considered an intermediary between the gods and people, transmitting the will of the gods.

Kabirs - minor deities who did not have any image, patrons of land fertility, underground fire, saved from sea storms.

Kekrop - the ancient Attic deity of the earth, the son of Gaia, one of the patrons of Attica and Athens. His cult is closely connected with the cult of Athena.

Kronos (Kronos) - one of the oldest Greek deities, the son of Uranus and Gaia, one of the titans of the first generation of Greek gods. Father of Zeus, was cast down by Zeus to Tartarus.

Latona (Leto) is the divine mother of Apollo and Artemis. Her cult had no independent significance; she was revered along with her popular children.

Moira - the goddess of human destiny, the daughter of Zeus. They were depicted as old women spinning the thread of human life. Three moiras are known: Clotho begins to spin the thread, Lachesis leads the thread of human life, and Atropa cuts the thread.

Morpheus is the deity of dreams, the son of the god of sleep, Hypnos.

Muses - goddesses of poetry, arts and sciences, companions of Apollo, lived on Mount Helikon and Parnassus. There were nine muses: Clio - the muse of history, Euterpe - the muse of lyrics, Thalia - the muse of comedy, Melpomene - the muse of tragedy, Terpsichore - the muse of dancing and choral singing, Erato - the muse of erotic poetry, Polyhymnia - the muse of solemn chants and pantomime, Urania - the muse of astronomy , Calliope - senior muse, patroness of epic poetry.

Naiads are deities, patrons of waters, springs, streams and rivers, the forces of nature, favorable for people, animals and plants.

Nemesis - the goddess of just and inevitable retribution, punishing for violation established order things, punishing both for excessive happiness and for too much pride.

Nereus is an ancient sea deity, the father of Nereids, the personification of a calm sea. As a changeable sea, so Nereus could take on various images, had the gift of reincarnation.

Nereids - nymphs of the sea, daughters of Nereus. They help sailors in danger.

Nike is the daughter of Zeus, the personification of victory both in military battle and in sports.

Nymphs are semi-divine beings (since they were considered mortal), the personification of various forces and natural phenomena. Nymphs differed sea ​​waters(oceans, nereids), river waters and springs (naiads), mountains (oreads), valleys (napey), meadows (limoniads), trees (dryads), there were nymphs of separate places (dodons, nises), islands (Calypso, Kirka) . They were considered the patrons of poets, carefree, happy pastime.

The ocean is one of the oldest Greek sea deities, the son of Uranus and Gaia. He lived alone in an underwater palace and did not appear in the meetings of the gods. In classical times, its functions are transferred to Poseidon.

Olympus is the sacred mountain of the Greeks in Northern Thessaly, the permanent residence of the twelve main deities: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades (brother gods, rulers of the sky, sea and underworld), their wives and children: Hera, Demeter, Hestia, Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo , Artemis, Hephaestus and Ares. Hermes and Iris, the messengers of their will, also live here, as well as Femvda and Hebe, who serve the gods.

Omphale is a sacred stone (usually a meteorite). The most famous omphalos, kept in the temple of Apollo at Delphi, was considered the center of the world.

An oracle is a place of communication between gods and people, where you can find out the will of a deity. The most famous oracle was the oracle of Apollo in Delphi, where the prophecies of the deity were transmitted through the priestess Pythia, in Dodona the will of Zeus was manifested in the rustle of the leaves of the sacred oak, in Delos - the leaves of the sacred laurel. The transmitted will of the gods was interpreted by a special priestly board.

Horas - goddesses who were in charge of the change of seasons, order in nature, guardians of order and law in society, companions of Aphrodite. Three Horas are most famous: Evnoia (legality), Dika (justice), Eirene (peace).

Palladium - an image of an armed deity, as a rule, the oldest wooden statue, considered the guardian of the city. Such palladium had Apollo, Aphrodite, but most often Athena, from whose nickname "Pallas" this name came from.

Pan is the Arcadian god of forests and groves, the son of Hermes, one of the companions of Dionysus. The patron saint of shepherds, hunters, beekeepers and fishermen. Pan had the gift of instilling unbridled, so-called "panic" fear in people.

Panacea is a healer goddess, daughter of Asclepius.

Pegasus is a magical winged horse that delivered thunder and lightning on the orders of Zeus. In the Hellenistic era, it became a symbol of poetic inspiration.

Persephone is the daughter of Demeter, the wife of Hades, one of the main goddesses of the Greek pantheon, the mistress of the underworld, the personification of the growth of cereals and earthly fertility. Persephone symbolizes the annual dying and awakening of vegetation, the burial and rebirth of the grain sown in the ground.

Plutos is the god of wealth as one of the manifestations of agricultural labor and peaceful life.

Pompa - a solemn procession of a religious nature, associated with the offering of gifts to the temple of the main deity of the policy, for example, during the celebration of Panathenay in honor of Athena, the Eleusinian mysteries in honor of Demeter, etc.

Poseidon is one of the main Olympic gods, the brother of Zeus, the deity of sea moisture, the lord of numerous sea deities and at the same time the patron of horse breeding.

Prometheus - one of the titans, that is, the gods of the first generation from Gaia and Uranus, the patron of people and civilized life; gave fire to people and introduced them to its use, taught people to read, write, sail, learn sciences and crafts. Aroused the wrath of Zeus, who chained him to a rock in the Caucasus, where an eagle flying daily pecked out his liver.

Proteus - a sea deity subordinate to Poseidon, had the ability to take any form.

Rhadamanthus is one of the three judges of the underworld, the son of Zeus.

Rhea is the mother goddess, daughter of Uranus and Gaia, wife of Kronos, mother of Zeus and other Olympian gods-kronids.

Sabazius - originally a Phrygian deity, then merged with Dionysus.

Satyrs - minor forest deities, personifying fertility, were in the retinue of Dionysus. They were depicted as half-humans-half-goats.

Selene - the goddess of the moon, the wife of Helios, often identified with Artemis.

Sarapis is one of the most important gods of Hellenistic Egypt and the peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean, a syncretic deity that combines the functions of the ancient Egyptian gods Osiris, Isis, Apis and the Greek gods Apollo, Hades, Asclepius.

Silenus - a demon, the son of Hermes, the educator of Dionysus, was depicted as a thick, wine-skin, constantly drunk, cheerful, bald old man.

Sirens are half birds, half women. With their magical voice, they lured sailors to the rocks, and then devoured them.

The Sphinx is a monster depicted as a winged lion with the head of a woman. The monster lived near Thebes and killed pugniks who could not guess his riddles.

Titans - gods of the first generation, children of Uranus and Gaia, they are often identified with giants. The giant titans were defeated by the next generation of the Olympic gods and cast down to Tartarus, in other myths they moved to the islands of the blessed.

Typhon is an evil deity, depicted as a monster with a hundred snake heads, spewing flames, the son of Gaia and Tartarus, born after the victory of the Olympians over the titans.

Tyche is the goddess of fate and chance, her cult gained particular popularity in the Hellenistic era.

Triton is a minor sea deity, the son of Poseidon.

Uranus - the original supreme deity, the personification of the primary masculine, was considered the god of Heaven, which connected with the primary feminine principle, the goddess Gaia (earth). Titans, giants and other deities were born from this marriage.

Phaeton - the lowest solar deity, the son of Helios.

Phoenix - a mythical character, depicted as a bird (an eagle with golden feathers), which, having reached old age (at 500, 1461, 7006 years), burned itself and was reborn from the ashes young and renewed.

Themis is the goddess of law, legality, established order and predictions. Depicted with a cornucopia, scales in her hands and a bandage over her eyes.

Chaos is the primary uncertainty that exists before the creation of the world. The first creatures of Chaos were the deities Gaia, Tartarus, Eros (love), Erebus (darkness), Night.

Charites - deities of fertility, beauty, joy, the personification of flowering femininity, the daughter of Zeus.

Charon is the deity of the underworld, the carrier of the souls of the dead across the river of the underworld kingdom of Acheron.

Chimera - a monster with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, the tail of a dragon.

Elysiums (Champs Elysees) - fields of the blessed, part afterlife where the chosen ones of the gods live. According to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, people get into Elysia not so much for a righteous life, but by the grace of the gods.

Eris is the goddess of discord, sister and companion of the god of war Ares, daughter of the Night, mother of disasters, quarrels and hunger.

Erinnia - three goddesses of vengeance living in Hades (Tisifone, Allekto and Megaera). They punish for perjury, violation of the customs of hospitality, murder. A man pursued by erinnias loses his mind.

Eros - one of the primary Greek gods, the offspring of Chaos, personified the elemental connecting principle in nature, later the deity of love, the son of Aphrodite and Ares.

Ether is a deity personifying the upper radiant layer of air, where the king of the gods Zeus usually resided.